Here's how a techno dummy managed to build a profitable website from home and quit his day job (and how you can too!)...
For those of you who don’t know me, my name's Troy Sawyer and I’m the owner of this website (and the cute little fella next to me is my grandson Dominic).
I definitely consider myself to be just an “Average Joe”. I have no special talents, and 18 months ago I was totally
miserable, working in a highly stressful and low-paying job that I hated. But
today things are very different. Instead of having to travel two hours each day
to work and back, I get to work (if you can call it that) from the comfort of
my own home doing what I absolutely love! It’s been an amazing transformation
for me and I’d like to share my story with you. Not to boast. But to let you know
that you too can live the dream lifestyle I’m so privileged to be living today.
This really is one of those “if I can do it so can you” stories…
My story begins 12 years ago when my wife and I decided to start our own “traditional” business working in property settlements. We were able to scrape (and I literally mean “scrape”) together enough money to kick it off and with the real estate boom just getting under way, we managed to stay afloat and eventually do quite well financially.
But it was a lot of hard work!
There were long hours and a lot of stress to go with it. If something goes wrong with a property transaction (which happens frequently), the settlement agent is the first one to cop the abuse! Then you have staffing problems (it’s amazing how many people take sickies or don’t even bother to show up for work), renting problems, clients not paying their bills, and a whole host of other challenges you have to deal with on a daily basis.
They say that something like 80% of people would like to own their own business and be their own boss. Well, I can tell you now that if they knew how it really was being your own boss in a normal business they wouldn’t want to!
It definitely isn't all it’s cracked up to be, let me tell you.
But we managed to stick it out for five years before calling it quits. My wife just said to me one morning “I can’t do this anymore, the stress is going to kill me", so we sold up and walked away.
We both decided to take a break for a while afterward but when you don’t have an income coming in, the money starts to go real fast! So I needed to go out and get myself a j.o.b (just over broke) to pay the bills. I’m actually a diesel mechanic by trade and even though I loath working on trucks, we needed money so I took a job in a commercial workshop. I figured I’d only be there for six months at the most anyway before I found something better.
Well, six months turned into six years!
I was made workshop foreman so I decided to stick around in the job. But of course, with more responsibility comes more stress. I found myself back where I was when we were running our own business. But like many people, I’d gotten myself in a rut and decided to just stay there (it was “comfortable”) rather than take a risk and go out and find something better (maybe).
If you’ve already read our “about us” page you’ll know that I’ve been involved in the health and fitness industry for a very long time now (over 30 years to be exact). After using natural and home remedies to recover from a severe form of chronic fatigue syndrome 18 years ago (as well as a couple of other health problems) I began to focus solely on natural medicine and natural cures from that point on. I felt that this was my true “calling” and I’ve continued to study it obsessively ever since.
When things really started to change for me though was one night about 2 years ago when I was surfing the web (not looking for anything in particular) and I happened to stumble across a company called SBI. SBI stands for Solo Build It and they help you turn any hobby, passion or skill that you have into a viable online business. You probably don't even realize (like I did) that virtually any topic can make money with a website. The more I read about SBI, the more I started to think that maybe I could start my own website on natural health and natural remedies. But the problem was, I was completely computer illiterate! I knew nothing about computers. I knew how to use the mouse and keyboard (the one finger at a time typing method) and that was about it.
So straight away the doubts started to creep in. I seriously wondered how someone like myself, with my terrible computer skills and knowledge, could ever build a website, let alone a successful website. The other major problem I had (well, the biggest problem really) was that I had absolutely no writing skills! There was no way I could write articles and information as good as what I'd read on other websites... no way in the world. But I really needn't have worried. SBI gives you everything you need to write strong content and build a high ranking and profitable site. Of course, this website was built with SBI and now I can honestly say… if I can do it anyone can!!
Boy is that the absolute truth (just ask my kids, they're still shocked and amazed).
What's great about this is you don’t need any programming skills or web design knowledge, no business experience or writing skills, or even any product to sell. All you need is a brain and some motivation! SBI has all the tools you need and they take you by the hand and teach you step-by-step on how to use everything. They even provide you with two terrific (and free) E-books on how to write great content for your website. Of course, this is one of the biggest reasons why people are afraid to start their own website in the first place (like I said, this was my biggest hurdle so these books were definitely my saviours!).
Solo Build It really have thought of everything. They'll help you to find the perfect topic for your site, build it, get traffic to it (very important), and then teach you how to make money with it (Google adsense, along with Amazon and eBay's affiliate programs are a few of the most popular ways). Actually, there are hundreds of different ways to make money with a website. You can create your own egoods to sell, sell other people's products for a commission, get paid for leads and referrals, join affiliate programs, the list is endless. And of course, SBI show you how to do all of this. They even convert your website and pages into a user friendly mobile version (mobile use is literally exploding at the moment). You can also use Solo Build It with Wordpress if you have it already so you don't even have to start a new site if you don’t want to.
Take a look at the Video Tour here to get an idea of how it all works (or take the Quick Tour if you're in a hurry).
And have a look at this… Here’s lots of successful SBI websites built by normal people just like you and me. All of these sites are in the top 1% of “most successful sites" on the web. You can also see there’s a wide variety of topics that people have turned into profitable websites (some you wouldn’t believe were even possible). And you can get some more ideas from what other people are doing by having a look at these success stories.
I'm not going to lie to you or sugarcoat this. In the beginning there is a decent amount of work and effort involved. But keep in mind that when you‘re writing about something you enjoy or you're passionate about, it never feels like work! And of course, you can do it in your spare time to begin with and at your own pace.
The best thing about Solo Build It (apart from its ridiculously cheap price) is it's totally risk free to try. SBI has a full money back guarantee. They're happy for you to try it out first to see if you like it. And if you don’t you still get to keep your registered domain name regardless. What could be fairer than that?
When my kids first found out that I was planning to build a website they had a good laugh. “Dad, you know nothing about the internet or how to build a website” they said.
Well, today they’re my biggest fans!
They tell all their friends how their dad built a website and quit his day job. So that’s been an unexpected bonus. It’s important to me that my kids know it’s okay to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. And if you fail or it doesn't work out that’s perfectly okay. I always say that it's better to have a go at something than be a spectator on the sidelines.
So how does working from home really compare to working in a job or running your own conventional business?
Well to me… there is no comparison!
That’s the honest truth.
There’s no stress. There’s no boss on your back all the time. There’s no bad tempered customers to deal with (with a website, everything can be automated so you don’t actually have to deal with people directly). And you earn money 24/7, even while you’re sleeping.
Tell me of a better business than that!
For me personally, working from home has given me control of my time as well as our finances. If my wife and I want to go on a holiday or go away for a few days we go. I don’t have to book holidays in advance (and we go during the week instead of the weekend so it’s cheaper and quieter). The photo on the right is us enjoying a recent holiday in Bali.
When I worked a job I loved my weekends, until Sunday night came around. Then I’d start to feel depressed because I knew I had 5 days of work coming up. I would always wake up Monday wishing it was Friday. But when I started this website after only 6 months I was able to drop down to working just three days a week, which then gave me two extra days to work on building content. Then eight months ago I was able to quit work completely and do this full time. Now, instead of feeling depressed on a Sunday night I’m excited because I literally can’t wait to get up Monday morning and start working on my website!
I also have more time to spend in the gym now (my second love), helping people with their fitness and weight loss goals (I'm also planning to start a fitness and weight loss website in the near future so keep an eye out for that one). It’s funny, I now have people in the gym coming up and asking me what I do for a living because I’m there so much and at all different times of the day.
Another big benefit of building a website is if something unexpected comes up and you need to step away from it for a period of time then you can (there’s an “auto-pilot” function you can use).
Recently, my grandmother suffered a stroke and with no other family here to care for her I was able to spend time with her and help out. She needed to go into an aged care home so I was able to spend the time going around looking at the different homes to find the best one (as well as taking care of all the legalities and paperwork that go with it). So it was really nice knowing that I could be there for Nan every day when she really needed someone. If I was working a job or had a traditional business I wouldn’t have been able to do this.
I really hope it doesn’t sound like I’m bragging about what I've managed to do because I’m definitely not. I just want you to know how amazingly good it is having your own website and being able to work from home. The internet is really only getting started. Just think about cell phones for example. Five years ago people only really used them to call or text people, now nearly 80% of cell phone use is made up of surfing the net. The internet is definitely the way of the future and fortunes will be made (are being made) every single day! And the great thing is there’s still plenty of room for you. Remember, most Solo Build It sites rank in the top 1% of websites on the net, so if you follow their advice and do what they tell you to do, you’ll eventually outrank 99% of all websites!
So I sincerely hope you give this serious consideration. Like I said, there’s still plenty of room for you and the success rate with Solo Build It is extremely high (as long as you put in the work of course).
Is this a get rich quick scheme?
Definitely not!
It does require your time (especially your spare time in the beginning) and it does require consistent effort. But the rewards are huge!!!
So get out there and give it a go. What have you got to lose? Nothing ventured nothing gained I always say! The worst thing you could do is pass it up and then look back in years to come thinking those horrible "shoulda coulda woulda" thoughts. Regret is a horrible thing. I recommend you get started now while the internet is still in its infant stage. It really doesn’t get much better than this!
Good luck, and go for it!
P.S. Building an SBI website will make an amazing difference to the quality of your life. And you risk nothing. Their free trial offer will likely end soon so don’t miss out. You can check it out here.
Mar 13, 25 11:00 AM
Mar 06, 25 11:00 AM
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