Here's the most potent (and best) natural treatment for shingles yet discovered, along with other home remedies for shingles nerve pain that are a sure-fire way to get rid of this awful health problem & it's accompanying symptoms... for good!
Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)
Updated March 9, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links
Shingles is part of the herpes family (herpes zoster) and is basically a secondary outbreak of the chickenpox virus. It can lay dormant in the body for many years before finally breaking out and unleashing its horrible, painful blisters and itchy rash over the body. You normally get shingles from contracting the chickenpox virus, but believe it or not, the most popular way is actually from the chickenpox vaccination!
Amazing isn’t it?
The whole purpose of the vaccination is to supposedly stop you from contracting chickenpox, yet it has the opposite effect. And the problem is, those who get the vaccination strain of shingles end up with a much worse outbreak than those who just get an outbreak from the virus alone! You also need to be aware that if you do have shingles, you can pass the chickenpox virus onto someone who hasn’t had it. This of course, includes children and newborn babies. 2
If you visit your doctor about treatment options for shingles, he or she will usually prescribe the anti-viral drug Acyclovir or painkillers or harmful pharmaceutical creams. The worst and most shocking of all prescriptions, however, is antidepressants. This treatment is pure craziness! Antidepressants cause all sorts of problems including severe mood swings and suicidal thoughts. You'll find there are actually some websites out there openly advocating natural remedies for shingles, yet they're also recommending you use these treatments as well (how are drugs even "natural"?). The problem is all pharmaceuticals come with unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects. They also lower your immune system and immune response, which is something you definitely don’t want when you have the herpes zoster virus (this just causes more outbreaks). In this instance, the cons far outweigh the pros and we strongly suggest you don’t go near any of these "conventional" treatments!
If you've spoken to your doctor already about shingles or you’ve done some of your own research, you'll probably be under the impression that the herpes zoster virus isn’t actually curable, it’s only “treatable” and “manageable”. What’s more, you would have probably been told or read that once you have shingles, you have it for the rest of your life and there’s nothing you can do to get rid of it.
Well, this is pure baloney!
You can get rid of shingles, and we're going to prove it to you in a minute with some solid evidence to back this up. Now even though we're about to reveal the most powerful natural treatment for shingles yet discovered, in truth, you need to use more than one remedy if you want to rid yourself of this virus for good (attack it from different angles). But the good news is all of these remedies are easy to get a hold of and are easy to incorporate in your daily life.
So forget about what you’ve been told or read so far about shingles. Here’s the all-time best natural treatment for shingles, along with other home remedies that give amazing results…
Olive leaf extract is our number one recommendation for destroying the herpes zoster virus (for destroying all forms of the herpes virus in fact) and here’s why...
Back in 1969, the Upjohn pharmaceutical company (now Pfizer) became very interested in olive leaf extract and began doing a lot of research and laboratory studies into its therapeutic benefits. They employed a talented doctor by the name of Harold Renis, who became their head researcher. What Dr Renis discovered about olive leaf extract was amazing. He found that OLE had the potential to eradicate virtually every harmful virus, bacteria and protozoa on the face of the earth. In fact, he and his staff tested olive leaf against 3000 pathogens and it killed every one at an astounding rate! For shingles sufferers, the best news is that all forms of the herpes virus, including the herpes zoster virus, were easily eradicated with olive leaf extract. 8
Olive leaf extract contains a very powerful substance called Oleuropein, and this is what actually destroys the virus. It puts an unbreakable and impenetrable “force field” around the virus so it cannot move from cell to cell and continue to grow and replicate.
Here’s the 3 main benefits of olive leaf extract for treating, and ultimately getting rid of shingles, according to the Olivus website…
• Interferes with critical amino acid production which is essential for viruses to grow and replicate. Has been shown to kill oral and genital herpes virus and herpes zoster virus (shingles/chicken pox).
• Has the ability to contain viral infection and/or spread by inactivating viruses or by preventing virus shedding, budding, or assembly at the cell membrane.
• Has the ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop the symptoms of herpes by shutting down viral replication in male & female herpes and mild herpes simplex, zoster, type 1 and type 2. (Olivus)
23 years after Dr Renis’s discovery, the French came across the remarkable viral killer known as olive leaf extract. After exhaustive research French biologists… “Found that all of the herpes viruses were inhibited, killed, or cured by extracts from olive leaf”.
The final report they presented to the world was highly detailed. In fact, their findings were backed up by the citing of 28 references on the anti-viral qualities of Oleuropein. So this wasn’t some rinky-dink study. It was very in-depth and well documented. 3
Every herpes expert will agree that when the immune system becomes weak or impaired (stress is the #1 cause) this is the prime time when an outbreak will occur. The reason for this is simple… if your immune system is weak, it doesn’t have the firepower to fight off the virus (or any virus for that matter). In addition, if your immune response is low and you have other problems or infections going on in your body, your immune system will be busy fighting these and have nothing left to give to fight off the zoster virus.
Think of it this way… Your immune system is much like your bank account. There’s only so much to go around (spend) depending on what your balance is at the time. If your balance is low then there’s not going to much there to spend, but if you’ve got loads of cash in your account then you can spend whatever you like and not have to worry!
So your immune system is your bank account, so to speak. You must keep it topped up to the maximum level if you want to fight off all viruses, infection and disease. The beauty of olive leaf extract is it’s one of the best immune builders in existence. And once you get your immune system up to the “full” level, no virus, including the shingles virus, will be able to touch you!
Olive leaf extract comes in various potencies, from standard to super strength. We recommend you avoid the regular strengths altogether, and instead, go for the super strength varieties. To use OLE successfully for shingles, you need the most potent formula available and the standard varieties just aren’t strong enough to do the job. You must make sure the brand you buy has a PURE Oleuropein content of 25% or more (250 mg’s of pure oleuropein). If it contains added dry olive leaf powder then this is a bonus. For this reason, we recommend Olivus Olive Leaf MAX to our clients. It's the strongest olive leaf extract you'll find anywhere in the world and works extremely well for shingles (and all of the herpes viruses). You can view their product here if you're interested... Olivus Olive Leaf MAX capsules.
Note: Due to the popularity and high demand for the Olivus OLE MAX capsules (professional grade), this supplier does run out of stock quite regularly. Because of this we have had to look for another product that is as good as what they are supplying. We found two...
Island Nutrition Super Strength OLE
PHS Professional Grade Olive Leaf Extract
These olive leaf extracts are extremely high quality and very high potency (40% oleuropein). You cannot go wrong taking either the Island Nutrition or PHS to treat and get rid of your shingles if the Olivus brand is unavailable.
Now when it
comes to how much OLE you need to take, we suggest you go with the highest recommended amount listed on the bottle, which is usually anywhere between 3-6 capsules per day. Olive leaf extract is not toxic or harmful to the body in any
way so you can safely do this.
So take (at minimum) the highest dosage listed by the manufacturer in divided amounts throughout the day for the first 6 months, then drop back to the recommended maintenance dose after this. You must also take OLE on an empty stomach at least 20 minutes before food for maximum effect. If you find that it makes you feel a bit queezy in the stomach to begin with then start off with the lowest recommended dose on the bottle and slowly build up to the highest amount within the first week or two. Olive leaf extract can cause a phenomenon known as Herxheimers reaction (detoxing reaction) so you should be aware of this... About Herxheimers Reaction and What to Expect.
And in regards to how long you should take olive leaf extract for, our recommendation is… for good! Olive leaf extract is a potent “cure all” medicine and immune booster, so for this reason it’s a good idea to continue to take OLE indefinitely for overall good health. Of course, this would be a personal decision, but one we would highly recommend.
Extra Note: Olive leaf extract is also an excellent topical treatment for shingle lesions. Be sure to purchase some in tincture or powdered form (mix with a slight amount of oregano oil) and rub this directly onto any sores or blisters for some quick and welcome relief!
In test tube studies (invitro), oregano oil has been found to eradicate the herpes virus - including herpes zoster. This oil (the high quality oil) contains some very powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Two phytochemicals in oregano oil, carvacol and thymol, are amongst some of the most potent microbial killers yet discovered. This is why oregano oil is so effective against HSV1 and HSV2, along with diseases such as cancer (oregano oil destroys the microbes that cause cancer cells to grow and multiply). Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, oregano oil is also beneficial for helping relieve the awful nerve pain associated with shingles. 1
As with the olive leaf extract, for the oregano oil to work effectively, you must make sure you purchase the right type of oil and use it correctly. This is crucial as you will not benefit from the oregano oil and it will not destroy the virus unless you do. ONLY ever purchase the "super strength" 100% Mediterranean oregano oil. None of the others will work!
This is the brand we recommend to our clients... Zane Hellas Super Strength Oregano Oil. This oregano oil is not only very reasonably priced, it contains some of the highest levels of carvacol and thymol we've come across so far. In fact, the verified carvacrol content is up around 92%, which is astonishingly high and is one of the main reasons why this oregano oil works so well for shingles.
To get the most benefit out of the oregano oil, be sure to follow these four steps to-the-letter…
First off, mix up a small batch of oregano oil and virgin coconut oil to apply externally to the base of the spine. This mixture should be strong enough so you feel a tingling sensation but not a burning sensation when applied. 3-4 drops of oregano oil added to a teaspoon of coconut oil is about the ratio you need. Once you have your mix, apply this to the bottom portion of the spine, from the tailbone to the top of the buttocks area (roughly 2-3 inch area). Leave on for as long as possible.
Secondly, add 4-5 drops of oregano oil to an 8 oz (minimum) glass of filtered water and drink down. Do this twice daily on an empty stomach.
Thirdly, mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with roughly one teaspoon of virgin coconut oil. Take this oil and hold under the tongue for 10-15 minutes. Make sure you dilute the oregano oil enough with coconut oil or it may burn the bottom of your mouth. Again, you should only feel a slight tingling, not a burning sensation. Be sure to repeat this twice daily if possible.
Finally, make sure you take one day off a week from the oregano oil to give your body a chance to rest. The oregano oil is a strong detoxifier so taking a break once a week will allow your body to recuperate and recharge.
In addition, make sure you take the time to go through this list and follow all of the instructions and tips so you get the most out of this powerful shingles treatment...
Colloidal silver works in a somewhat similar fashion as olive leaf extract. The positively charged ions bind to the protein structure surrounding the virus so it cannot continue to multiply unrestrained. And if the particles contained in the colloidal silver are small enough (ideally less than 6 nanometers), they penetrate the virus and attach themselves to the genetic substance contained within it. This further prevents the shingles virus from being able to grow and replicate - meaning the infection is quickly contained and quarantined. 4
The truth is, by combining colloidal silver with the olive leaf extract, oregano oil and BHT (see next treatment), you actually have one of the most powerful shingles destroyer combo's known to man! (Or woman). In fact, you’ll be hard pressed to find a more potent and effective treatment for the shingles virus anywhere. If you do we'd be interested to know.
According to Homeopath and colloidal silver expert, Dr Robert Scott Bell, to get your daily dose of colloidal silver, you must take a supplement that contains silver with at least 10 parts per million (particles at 6 nanometers or less). We know of only one colloidal silver brand on the market that not only fits this criteria, but goes even further to deliver the most powerful colloidal silver supplement you’ll ever come across (particles at 0.8 nanometers). It’s called Sovereign Silver. You can check it out here… Sovereign Silver Purest Colloids.
For dosages, take one teaspoon of colloidal silver (placed and held under the tongue for 30 seconds then swallowed) 5 times a day for 3 months. After this, take one teaspoon three times daily for a further 3 months. You can also apply colloidal silver topically on any lesions for extra fast healing and relief.
A scientific paper published in the journal Science back in the 1980’s revealed the common food preservative BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene) could prevent, treat and even destroy all forms of the herpes virus, including herpes zoster. In fact, this supplement works so astonishingly well that most herpes suffers report NO BREAKOUTS at all whilst taking BHT. And if you happen to have a breakout right now and start taking some BHT, it will be gone within a matter of days (3 days usually) and you won’t have to worry about any recurrences. 5
Physicist and herpes researcher, Gary Wade, said this in his article titled “Fighting Lipid Coated Viruses Such as Herpes Viruses With BHT”…
“An excellent example of a very effective anti-viral drug that is safe for the great majority of people, cheap, and has good side effects, which also has been approved by the FDA for use as a preservative throughout the American industrial food industry is butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Honest competent researchers have known for many years now that BHT drastically reduces the ability / probability of a lipid coated virus infecting its target cells. Since roughly half of the serious virus diseases are associated with or caused by lipid-coated viruses, this is a rather important finding. For example, in the great majority of people, all of the herpes family of viruses can be suppressed by a daily dose of 500 to 1,000 mg of BHT.”6
And researcher Ed Sharp said this in one of his articles…
“Inspired by early scientific reports on the antiviral activity of BHT, a number of people suffering from herpes began to experiment on themselves. As described in several books published a few years later, the BHT experimenters discovered that a daily dose of 250 to 1000 mg resulted in rapid recovery from herpes eruptions with no recurrences.”5
To get the
most out of BHT for shingles, you must combine it with the St John’s Wort herb. St John's Wort contains a substance called hypericin, which significantly enhances the effectiveness of
the BHT. BHT is also fat soluble so it needs to be taken with a
healthy fat such as coconut oil.
You can purchase BHT in either capsule, powdered or granule form. We recommend the capsules…. BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) Capsules. You’ll find they’re much easier to take and you know the exact amount you’re consuming each time. The important thing with taking BHT for the first time is that you begin with a low dose and then slowly increase the amount, so your body can get used to it. So start with 250 mg’s a day and stay with this amount for 3-4 days, then increase to 500 mg’s a day. Once again, stick with this amount for 3-4 days before increasing to 750 mg’s. After another 3-4 days increase again to the maximum recommended dose of 1000 mg’s a day. Stay on this for 6 months before dropping back to 500 mg’s a day for another 6 months. You can then continue to take 250 mg’s of BHT daily for as long as you wish.
The St John’s Wort needs to contain at least 0.3% standardized hypericin extract for it to work… St John's Wort Hypericin Capsules. St John’s Wort should be taken at a daily dose in the vicinity of 900 to 1500 mg’s in divided amounts. And of course, make sure you always take the St John’s Wort together with the BHT and organic virgin coconut oil (½ tablespoon) for maximum absorption and benefit.
Note: It’s recommended that you do not consume alcohol whilst taking BHT as the two don’t mix. BHT can also thin the blood (if you haven’t taken it before), which is why you should follow our directions and build up the dose slowly. This blood thinning is not detrimental or harmful to your health though and usually only occurs for the first couple of days while your body is getting used to it. Of course, if you’re currently taking any blood thinning medications, have liver problems, or blood clotting disorders such as hemophilia, you should check with your health care professional first before taking BHT. St John’s Wort is also not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers.
The amino acid L-lysine is a potent remedy for shingles that's been repeatedly shown in studies to relieve, and even completely alleviate the symptoms of the herpes virus. Here’s the results of one particular study…
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study followed 52 participants with a history of herpes flare-ups. While receiving 3g of L-lysine per day for 6 months, the treatment group experienced an average of 2.4 fewer herpes flare-ups than the placebo group - a huge difference! The lysine group's flare-ups were also significantly less severe and healed much faster. 7
Vitamin C and zinc have also been found to be extremely beneficial in keeping all forms of the herpes virus away. And they have the added benefit of giving the immune system a powerful boost, which of course, helps shingles sufferers even more. You need to take high doses of these three nutrients for them to be effective so supplementation will be necessary. 1000 milligrams of lysine three times daily is required to get the virus under control, along with a minimum of 5000 milligrams of two-staged time release vitamin C a day and chelated or colloidal zinc. Once the virus is under control, cease taking the lysine as long term use at high doses can actually weaken the immune system. Instead, eat lysine rich foods such as free range eggs, fish, and organic fruits and vegetables, along with taking a wheat grass or barley grass supplement every day (wheat grass is naturally rich in L-lysine).
This amazing substance is used both as an internal and external (topical) remedy. Hydrogen peroxide should definitely be your first topical remedy of choice if you have a shingles outbreak right now. HP is also a strong internal parasite cleanser and internal “oxygenator” (pH booster). Because the herpes zoster virus is a parasite, and you also need to boost your pH level (alkalize the body) to destroy the virus, hydrogen peroxide is definitely a worthy (and dirt cheap) addition to your daily treatment protocol. If you currently have any painful blisters simply dilute some 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (such as this one) with distilled water (1 part HP to 11 parts water to make a 3% solution) and apply this directly to any sores or blisters with a cotton ball. Do this 3-4 times a day and watch those lesions heal and disappear faster than you’ve ever seen before! Be aware that the hydrogen peroxide will often bubble when you first apply it - this is normal so don't be put off by it. Make sure you use the 35% grade and dilute as directed above so it doesn’t burn when you apply it to your blisters.
For internal use, add 3 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to 8 oz of filtered water and drink down. Do this three times daily every day for a minimum period of 12 months. Or instead, you can use the famous Bill Munro hydrogen peroxide inhalation method using the 3% grade HP… Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method by Bill Munro. In addition to this, mix a capful of 35% hydrogen peroxide with distilled water at a ratio of 1 part HP to 11 parts water (becomes 3% solution) and gargle this every day after cleaning your teeth. Be sure to spit out afterwards and do not swallow any of the mixture (it will be full of toxins and bacteria). Bacteria and parasites live and breed in the mouth. Doing the HP gargle every day will destroy these unwanted pathogens, along with removing toxins and heavy metals from the mouth. This in turn enhances the assimilation and effectiveness of the food and supplements you’ll be consuming. You can read more about the benefits of hydrogen peroxide for treating all forms of the herpes family of viruses in this excellent book… The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases.
Certain herbs are terrific remedies and healers for shingles that should definitely be included in your diet regimen. Astragalus, Cat’s claw, garlic, galangal, lapacho and pansy are all anti-viral in nature and will help immensely with the symptoms. Reishi mushrooms, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and black pepper are also anti-viral and really give the immune system a powerful boost. Then there’s cayenne pepper, cilantro, licorice and thyme, four herbs that have actually been found to fight all forms of the herpes virus.
So be sure to supplement with these and use them in your cooking as much as possible!
Manuka honey is one of the little known and unsung remedies for the herpes zoster virus. It’s a potent anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-infection food that goes to work very quickly. In fact, it’s anti-microbial and wound healing benefits are unsurpassed and a recent clinical trial actually found that it can destroy over 250 strains of harmful bacteria. And three separate studies were also able to prove that natural honey and propolis (another bee product) are more effective at treating the herpes virus than the most common pharmaceutical treatment, Zovirax.
You can read about these studies in full here… Honey as a Herpes Treatment.
So there are
two ways to effectively use honey as a shingles treatment. Firstly, as an
external remedy...
When an outbreak occurs you simply smear the honey with a little bit of coconut oil over any lesions or sores and leave on for as long as possible (you can do this without harm even if the wounds are open and weeping). The honey and coconut oil work very well to relieve the awful itching as well.
The second way is the easiest...
You simply eat it! Honey is not only anti-viral, it also contains nitric oxide metabolites. New research has found that increasing nitric oxide levels in bodily fluids may help retard and even prevent viral replication. This of course is excellent news for shingles sufferers.
Just remember, Manuka honey is the most effective of all honeys so make sure you use this if you can. Raw natural honey is the next best option. Whatever you do though, do not use processed honey (what you find in your local supermarket) as this will actually make your shingles much worse. For best results, 1-2 tablespoons of Manuka honey should be consumed daily.
If you have an outbreak of shingles right now, then you need some good topical remedies to give you pain relief while the internal treatments we’ve listed go to work. Here’s some of the best…
DMSO: DMSO works astonishingly well on shingles sores and quickly relieves the awful nerve pain. You'll get almost immediate pain relief and the sores will heal much faster than if you leave them untreated. And it doesn't matter if you use the DMSO at the beginning of a shingles breakout or during a full blown attack, it will still work very quickly and very effectively. Simply purchase the 70% DMSO solution in either cream, gel or liquid form and apply a small amount to the affected area 3 times a day. Do this for a period of 3-4 days and your shingles will be gone. If you decide to go with the 99.9% pharmaceutical grade, be sure to water it down to a 70% solution first before applying. In addition to this, add a little DMSO cream to the oregano oil (3-4 drops) and coconut oil mix that you apply topically to the base of the spine. DMSO helps penetrate the oregano oil deep into the ganglia nerve to destroy the virus. Try and get the DMSO with added aloe vera if you can as this helps prevent the skin from drying out. 9
Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is a great remedy for shingles pain (especially nerve pain) and a virtual “cure all” topical treatment. Use a drop from the eye dropper that comes with the bottle and rub lightly on the infected area.
Lemon Balm: Lemon balm contains rosmarinic, caffeic and ferulic acid, the three main compounds that give this herb its stunning anti-viral properties. It also works very well on skin lesions caused from shingles. Buy the liquid drops and apply 3-4 times a day.
Aloe vera: You can never go wrong using aloe vera. The extracts from this terrific plant help with any skin problem, including shingle sores. Studies have found that aloe vera creams and gels are extremely effective at healing skin lesions caused from the herpes virus, along with helping to significantly reduce the time they take to heal.
Capsaicin cream: Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chilli peppers. It’s an effective topical treatment for shingles and relieves the pain and itchiness considerably. In one double-blind study, participants had to use either a capsaicin cream or a placebo cream for six weeks. After the term was up almost 80 percent of participants who used the capsaicin cream had much greater pain relief than the people who used the placebo cream. You can easily purchase capsaicin creams online or from your local drug store.
Colloidal oatmeal: Taking a warm, colloidal oatmeal bath is a very relaxing and soothing remedy for shingles. Just remember to dry yourself completely afterwards and throw any towels you use straight in the wash (never re-use them). To purchase colloidal oatmeal, go online or visit your local health food store.
Apple cider vinegar: ACV is another great remedy for shingles (in fact, it’s a great home remedy for just about any ailment!) It’s anti-viral in nature and helps to relieve the pain and discomfort considerably. Mix up a batch comprised of one cup of ACV to one gallon of water. Soak a wash cloth in this solution then use as a cold compress on the affected area. Also be sure to drink ACV every day for extra (internal) benefit. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of Manuka honey in a glass of warm filtered water and drink 20 minutes before each meal, three times a day.
Epsom Salt and Baking Soda Bath: This is another terrific shingles nerve pain reliever that you can’t go wrong with. Taking a bath with some Epsom salt and baking soda will definitely bring some quick relief to your annoying symptoms. And they won’t just help to relieve the pain and itching either, they also help to bring the swelling down and heal any skin lesions. Throw half a cup of baking soda and one and a half cups of Epsom salt into a warm bath (not hot) and dissolve. Relax in this for as long as you like.
Yes, you’ve probably already been told this one but it’s worth reiterating. Stress puts the immune system under immense (and unnecessary) pressure. This lowers your immune response, and in turn, allows pathogens in. So you must find ways to relax. Meditation and yoga are two excellent ways to do this. They help keep your stress and anxiety levels down so your immune system doesn’t become overwhelmed and compromised. Exercise is also a great stress reliever, as long as you don’t overdo it. 30 to 40 minutes a day of regular moderate exercise will also do wonders for your overall health and longevity, so be sure to give this a go!
Well, that ends this article on the best natural treatments and home remedies for shingles. However, there is one final piece of the puzzle that you must adhere to if you want to be free of this virus for good… You must eat properly! (Clean eating). Certain foods will be damaging to your recovery while others will help speed up the process and get you back to 100% health, so it’s imperative that you take the time to read up on these. Click on the link below to go to our “natural herpes treatment” section and read about the importance of following a raw, clean eating, plant based diet. And at the same time, this article will give you a handy refresher and different perspective on some of the natural treatments and home remedies we've just discussed.
Go to natural herpes treatment article
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