Best Home Remedies for Weight Loss and Obesity...

If you want to successfully lose weight and lose it quickly (and keep it off), there are 31 essential tips and home remedies you definitely must consider adopting. Here they are in order of importance...  

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated March 9, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links  

Best home remedies for weight loss obesity

Weight gain is something that usually creeps up on you very slowly. You first start to notice your pants becoming a little tighter around the waist, or your shirt becoming a bit “snug” around the belly area. But you’ll usually just dismiss this and the next time you go to buy clothes, you'll find that you need to move up a size. This can go on for months and even years (consistently putting on weight and slowly moving up in clothes sizes) before you get to a point where you say, enough is enough. Because you’re here looking for natural ways to lose weight, I’m guessing you’re at that point (which is a good thing too by the way).

When it comes to weight loss, this undertaking seems to make many people cringe just at the very thought! But losing weight isn’t actually that complicated. All you have to do is burn off more calories than you take in. So there you go. That’s all you need to know… end of story!

Okay, I know it’s not as simple as that. There are other factors that govern how you lose weight, but the equation is correct. The problem is you have to get your metabolism to speed up sufficiently to be able to burn enough calories to lose the weight or you're destined to live off salad and veggies for the rest of your life! The way it works is you need to expend more energy (calories) than what you take in. When you do this, your body will draw on its own stored fat deposits and use this for energy rather than food. This in turn causes your fat cells to shrink. 

Kick Starting and Speeding Up Your Metabolism is the Key to Weight Loss Success…

So there are basically two ways to speed up your metabolism. The first way is through eating a specific diet that allows your metabolism to increase naturally. Weight loss companies such as Sureslim, Cohen’s, Light and Easy, and even Jenny Craig use this type of program with great success. The problem is they are expensive and super strict, but they do work.

The other way is through a combination of moderate exercise and healthy eating. I tend to favour this one. After being involved in the health and fitness industry for almost 30 years, I can tell you that trying to lose weight by healthy eating alone is extremely tough. You have to be very disciplined, and most people aren’t. With the combination of exercise and healthy eating, you’ll still lose weight consistently every week, but you can also allow yourself a treat every now and then and get away with it. Of course, you still have to be disciplined to exercise and eat well, but you get that little bit of extra freedom.

And the exercise you do doesn’t have to be like what you see on the Biggest Loser. Sure, these people lose ridiculous amounts of weight, but they exercise for 4-6 hours a day, put themselves through unimaginable pain, and almost kill themselves in the process! A brisk walk, cycling, using the cross trainer or spending some time in the gym is usually enough. Just make sure you get “huffy and puffy” for forty five minutes to an hour, 5-6 days a week.

And as far as “eating for weight loss” goes the high protein, low carb diet (except low GI fruits and vegetables) still works the best. In fact, a recent study conducted at the University of Illinois confirmed that eating a protein-rich diet, in conjunction with moderate exercise, is far more effective at reducing body fat than just eating a low calorie diet alone. 1

Top 31 Proven Weight Loss Remedies to Lose Weight Fast (and Keep it off)… 

So along with doing some regular exercise, here’s our top 31 home remedies for weight loss in order of importance. And remember, these tips and tricks are not only designed to help you lose weight quickly, they’re designed to help you keep it off for good! For these to work though, you’re going to need to stick with them until they become habit, no matter how weird some of them may sound…

Home Remedies for Weight Loss #1: Drink Filtered Water…

There’s an old saying in the weight loss industry… “The more you drink the more you shrink”. Water is your most important friend as far as losing weight and keeping it off. It acts as an appetite suppressant by keeping your stomach full and also helps your body to metabolize and break down stored fat by helping the kidney’s flush out waste. Make sure you drink iced water though (at least 2 litres a day) and not room temperature water. Your body will burn between 60 and 100 calories alone just heating up the water to body temperature. And very often hunger pangs are actually thirst pangs so drinking lots of water will also help to stop overeating. In addition, adding a slice of lemon will not only make the water taste good, you also get the added benefit of the lemon cleansing and detoxing your liver (see #11 home remedy for weight loss), which helps to speed up the fat burning process even more. 

Natural Weight Loss Remedy #2: Green Tea…

Green tea is a potent thermogenic (fat burner). Studies show that drinking green tea alone can burn an easy 80 calories a day. The powerful antioxidants in green tea, particularly Matcha green tea, help speed up the body’s metabolism and burn fat for energy. The fantastic health building properties of green tea also make it extremely beneficial. The minimum amount is 3-5 cups a day but the beauty of Matcha green tea is the more you drink the better the results and the better it is for you!  2

Home Remedies for Losing Weight #3: Chilli’s and Mustard…

If you like your spicy food then you’re in luck. Chilli’s and mustard are also strong thermogenics and have a long history in helping with weight loss. They’ll easily boost your calorie burning capacity by 10% for up to 2 hours after eating. The reason? They contain a substance called capsaicin, which speeds up the body’s metabolism dramatically! Keep in mind that red chillies, particularly cayenne pepper, are the best fat burners of them all. Along with adding them to your food, mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in half a glass of warm water. Scull down then drink another glass of cold water (be sure to have it at the ready) to cool down your mouth. Do this 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach, especially one hour before your daily exercise. It works an absolute treat for weight loss!

Note: If you find you really can’t handle the heat from the cayenne pepper, you can easily purchase this spice in capsule form. They work just as well.

Natural Weight Loss Remedies #4: Supplement With Liquid Colloidal Minerals…

One of the most common causes of weight gain in people today is a condition called Pica or cribbing (or more commonly known as binge eating). When the body is deficient in minerals, it will crave food to try and get the nutrients it needs. Because refined and processed foods and snack foods contain no minerals and a lot of empty calories, when people eat these foods to try and satisfy their cravings, all they do is create more cravings, and of course, gain weight in the process. The snack food industry actually has a name for Pica and cribbing… they call it the munchies! Supplementing with liquid colloidal minerals will make these cravings go away naturally in around 6-9 months. 4

Home Remedies for Weight Loss #5: Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)…

Evening primrose oil contains the essential fatty acids which are known to help dissolve body fat and assist in the removal of hard fats. Gamma-linolenic acid (found in EPO) increases the activity of brown fat metabolism (the main fat) so the body naturally burns this fat for energy rather than storing any excess calories as fatty tissue. In a study on essential fatty acids and obesity, overweight people were given supplemental EPO every day as part of their diet. After four weeks tests showed a substantial increase in brown fat metabolism in all subjects, and as a result, these people all lost significant amounts of weight. The standard dose for evening primrose oil is 6000 mg’s+ per day taken in divided doses. 5 

Natural Remedies for Weight Loss #6: Eat Fiber…

Fibre can absorb up to 10 times its own weight. The good thing about fiber is it not only makes you feel full so you eat less, it also absorbs fat as well. The down side to fibre is it can also absorb the good fats (essential fatty acids) and vitamins and minerals so be sure to have your nutritional supplements at times when you aren’t consuming any fiber.

Home Remedies to Lose Weight #7: Take Calcium Supplements…

Calcium helps encourage the release of fat from fat cells as well as reducing the amount of fat the body absorbs. Best sources are a good quality coral calcium supplement or chelated calcium with added vitamin D and magnesium. Whatever you do though, do not consume dairy foods for calcium. This type of calcium is difficult for the body to digest and processed dairy foods will actually have the opposite effect and make you put on weight, not lose it. 

Natural Weight Loss Remedy #8: Detox…

You’ve probably already seen or heard about most of the Detox diets doing the rounds at the moment. There’s definitely quite a few of them. The reason detox diets work is they flush out and cleanse the body, particularly eliminatory organs such as the liver and kidneys. This then allows these organs to work at maximum efficiency and so you naturally shed weight (fat) quicker. Excellent Detox foods include; cereal grasses, lemons, grapefruits (these also contain an enzyme which accelerates fat loss), cucumber, mint, cherries, strawberries, grapes, prunes, apricots and cranberries. Do yourself a favor and invest in a Nutribullet or Nutri Ninja. These appliances are terrific for making your own detox and weight loss drinks and smoothies (and so easy to use). 

Home Remedies for Weight Loss #9: Drink Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)…

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful weight loss remedy. It helps to break down fat in the body, particularly brown fat (the one you want to get rid of) and also normalizes blood sugar and insulin levels. In addition, a compound in ACV known as acetic acid interferes with the body’s ability to digest starch, which means less is broken down and stored as body fat. The best way to take apple cider vinegar for weight loss is one tablespoon mixed in a glass of warm filtered water and drank 10 minutes before a main meal. Do this 3 times daily for best results. Just make sure you only use organic raw, unfiltered ACV containing the “mother” apple (such as these ones). And if you find you can’t stomach the liquid ACV, you can substitute it for the apple cider vinegar capsules, which work equally as well.

Natural Weight Loss Remedies #10: Milk Thistle…

If you haven’t read the hugely successful weight loss book “The Liver Cleansing Diet” by Dr Sandra Cabot, I highly recommend you do. Dr Cabot’s theory is that a poor functioning liver (“fatty liver”) is the main cause of people gaining weight, as well as not being able to lose weight. She’s definitely right on the money with this one. Research has shown that a sluggish liver can slow weight loss by at least 30%. I’ve already mentioned how important detoxification is for weight loss, and detoxifying the body’s biggest eliminatory and fat burning organ (the liver) is the most important of them all! And that’s where the potent milk thistle herb comes in. This herb is a super impressive liver detoxifier, cleanser and repairer. In fact, it’s one of the standard ingredients listed in most natural liver tonics. You can easily buy it in capsule form from most good health food stores or online from places such as For dosage amounts, follow the directions on the bottle.    

Home Remedies to Reduce Weight #11: Lemon and Black Pepper…

Lemon black pepper weight loss remedy

Lemon juice is an old folk remedy for weight loss that grandma would have used. It helps with liver detoxification and fat metabolism. Black pepper contains a compound called piperine, which helps reduce fat levels in the blood. Black pepper also enhances the effectiveness of the lemon juice as well. Simply mix the juice of half a fresh lemon in a glass of filtered water. Add a few sprinkles of black pepper (4-6 turns of your pepper grinder) into the mix and drink 3 times daily.

Natural Weight Loss Remedy #12: Ginseng…

Ginseng is a strong stimulant herb that’s been proven to help speed up the body’s metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels. It also gives a potent energy boost (which is great for exercising) and increases mental alertness significantly. Of all the natural “performance enhancers” out there, ginseng is by far the best. You can buy Korean red ginseng (the best form) from most health food suppliers or online. Just be aware that when it comes to purchasing ginseng, the cheaper brands aren’t always the best (many use cheap, low quality ginseng). If you’re interested, this is the highest quality ginseng supplement we’ve managed to come across so far and works incredibly well… Auragin: Authentic Korean Red Ginseng.   

Home Remedy for Weight Loss: #13: No “Bad Fats” Or Aspartame…

Fat is only good for you when it comes from natural food sources, not man-made or altered foods. Dozens of studies have now proven that unnatural fats from margarine, shortening and hydrogenated vegetable oils (this also includes the dangerous vegetable oils sold in clear bottles in supermarkets) can more than double the risk of heart attack in both men and women, along with causing infertility, sterility, breast cancer and prostate cancer. The reason these oils are so toxic and dangerous is they contain extremely high levels of trans fatty acids and free radicals. And as far as weight loss goes, these foods will do nothing but clog up your body (anti detox) and actually make you gain weight instead of lose it!

Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal or artificial sweetener 951) is just as toxic and bad for you. Plenty of studies have now been able to confirm that this chemical can cause horrible brain disorders such as seizures, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, depression, memory loss and anxiety attacks. In fact, nearly 80% of the 6,500 complaints received by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in 1990 involved aspartame. The interesting thing about aspartame is it’s found in most diet products (over 6000 to be exact) yet it actually makes you crave carbohydrates and put on fat, not lose it. Of course, this is the very thing you don’t want to happen when you’re trying to lose weight! 6

So before you buy any diet products, check the label first. If it contains aspartame, avoid it like the plague! 

Natural Weight Loss Remedies #14: Coconut Oil…

Coconut oil is a nutritional marvel. There’s virtually no health problem this amazing food can’t help with – and weight loss is certainly one of them! In studies, coconut oil has been shown to significantly boost metabolism and reduce appetite and food cravings. The MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides) in coconut oil also help the body burn calories by using up fat for energy. Of course, we now know that cutting good fats out of the diet will actually make you gain weight rather than lose it, so you must still receive a daily supply of healthy fats if you want to lose weight. And coconut oil, along with evening primrose oil, are two of the best sources.

Here’s a snippet of what renowned coconut oil expert, Dr Bruce Fife, had to say about this when I interviewed him recently…

Adding fat’s from coconut oil into your diet can be the key to your weight loss success. Low-fat dieting actually causes weight gain and is one of the reasons for our current obesity epidemic. You can lose weight on these diets temporarily, but in the long run you end up gaining all your weight back, and then some. In fact, studies show that 95 percent of those people who go on low-fat diets eventually regain all their weight. That’s a 95 percent failure rate! My coconut ketogenic book explains all this in much more detail. 

Here’s the full interview here if you’re interested… Stunning Interview With Coconut Oil Expert Dr Bruce Fife

So to get your supply of coconut oil, take anywhere between 2-3 tablespoons of organic virgin coconut oil every day with or without food. And don’t be afraid of having too much. You can’t overdose on this wonder food so go nuts with it!    

Home Remedies for Weight Loss #15: Kelp and Iodine…

You may have already read that a poor functioning thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) is one of the main causes of weight gain and one of the main causes not being able to lose weight. This is 100% correct. When you have an underactive thyroid, your metabolism slows dramatically. This is the reason why you still gain weight even if you don’t eat much. A low thyroid also causes severe fatigue and low energy levels. Of course, this makes it virtually impossible to exercise for weight loss and so a vicious cycle develops. You have a slow (probably non-existent) metabolism as well as no energy for exercising so the weight just continues to pile on. Thankfully though, this is relatively easy to fix. By taking in enough liquid iodine and/or kelp, you can easily stimulate and boost your thyroid gland so it begins working correctly and at peak condition once again. When this happens, you’ll literally start to see the fat on your body melt away before your eyes!

For more info on hypothyroidism and the benefits of iodine and kelp for weight loss, make sure you take the time to read our informative article on this here… 10 Powerful Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism.

Natural Remedies for Weight Loss #16: Eat Quality Protein…

Protein helps to convert loose fat into muscle, which is vital for weight loss and toning. Protein is also a great weight control aid as it not only satisfies the palette, it helps keep you fuller for longer. In addition, protein helps stop unwanted insulin and blood sugar level spikes in the body which occur when you consume certain carbohydrates (some carbs can in fact raise your insulin levels quite dramatically and cause sugar cravings and energy loss). So it’s always a good idea to eat some quality protein with a carbohydrate meal. Good protein choices include: Chicken and turkey (without skin and not fried), lean red meat (grilled not fried), lamb, pork, prawns, scallops, fish, eggs, low fat cottage cheese, haloumi, natural yogurt, nuts, seeds, and whey. 

Home Remedies to Lose Weight #17: Only Eat a Small Amount Of Carbohydrates…

You do need some carbohydrates as these help to fight the dreaded hunger pangs. Only ever eat natural carbs “from the earth” though, not anything that’s been refined or processed. Best sources include low glycemic (low insulin and blood sugar releasing) fruits such as strawberries, apricots, oranges, nectarines, pears and watermelon, and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, celery and lettuce. Only eat a small amount of whole grains and beans (kidney beans, etc) too. And remember once again, not too many carbs!

You can read more about the importance of low glycemic index (GI) foods and what it all means here…

Natural Weight Loss Remedy #18: Avoid Sugar… 

Sugar really is enemy number one for weight loss. If you consume high sugary foods and drinks you haven’t got a hope in hell of losing weight. Sugar spikes your body’s insulin and blood sugar levels like nothing else, and once this occurs the energy (calories) from the foods you eat then gets deposited into your fat cells. In addition to this, processed sugars contain lots of empty calories, which also get stored as body fat. And worst of all, refined sugars don’t fill you up as easily as natural foods and they’re also highly addictive so you naturally eat more!

Of all the sugars, refined and processed sugars are definitely the worst. So all processed foods must be cut from your diet completely if you want to lose weight. Natural sugars (from fruits and vegetables) are certainly okay, however, we do recommend you stay with the low sugar varieties mentioned above to avoid any unnecessary insulin and blood sugar spikes.

Some of the refined sugars and sugar containing foods you need to look out for and avoid include; dextrose, brown sugar, cane crystals, cane sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, crystal dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose sweetener, fruit juice concentrates, high-fructose corn syrup, liquid fructose, malt syrup, maple syrup, molasses, pancake syrup, raw sugar, sugar syrup and white sugar.   

Home Remedies for Weight Loss #19: Honey and Cinnamon… 

Cinnamon honey weight loss remedy

Yes honey contains sugar (natural sugar), but it also helps promote fat metabolism and fat burning. Cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels and insulin levels and stops you from overeating (and is especially good for overweight people who are also diabetics). Used together, these two foods are a powerful weight loss combo. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of organic Ceylon cinnamon powder in a cup of boiled water. Leave to steep for 15-20 minutes then add 1 teaspoon of local or Manuka honey (do not use processed honey). Drink this concoction twice daily on an empty stomach.

Home Remedies To Reduce Weight #20: Eat Regularly… 

Eating less but eating more often is a sure-fire way to lose weight. Five to six small meals per day are far better than the traditional three big meals. It’s a lot easier for your body to digest and burn up small meals than big meals, and the added bonus is you never feel hungry. Just be sure to reduce your portion sizes and only eat until you feel slightly full but satisfied. Don’t eat until you feel as bloated as a pregnant goldfish! And never skip meals either. Your body will go into starvation mode straight away and start storing all of the calories you eat from that point on (not a good thing). This is the theory and basis behind the hugely successful book “French Women Don’t get Fat”.  

Natural Weight Loss Remedies #21: Eat Slowly…

Just about everyone eats too fast (myself included). The problem is it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register that the stomach is full, but the average meal only takes about 10 minutes to eat! This causes us to eat far more than we should (have you ever gulped down a meal and then said to yourself after “I ate too much”?). By eating slowly you can actually stop yourself from eating at least 100 calories every day, which is a significant amount. 

Home Remedies for Weight Loss #22: Use a Small Plate to Eat Off…

A reasonable size meal can still look small on a big dinner plate. Most of us eat too much simply because we use large dinner plates and so we feel we have to fill them up. By going with a small plate you’re actually “tricking” your mind into thinking that you’re eating a decent size meal, which of course will also spare you 100’s of calories a day. 

Natural Remedies for Weight Loss #23: Only Eat Off a Plate…

Eating from bowls, shared dishes or straight from the container (chip packets, etc) hides exactly how much you’re eating and is a definite no no. Only ever eat from a plate - no exceptions! If you do get a food craving then take a small amount of the craved item and put it on a small plate. Put the rest away. Sit at the table and slowly eat the food without distraction, staying totally focused on chewing and swallowing. Often this is enough to satisfy the urge. 

Home Remedies to Lose Weight #24: Sit At The Table To Eat…

100’s of calories are consumed sitting on the lounge watching TV. Every time you go to the pantry and grab some chips or biscuits, etc, and then sit back on the lounge, you’re setting yourself up for a weight gain disaster! Eating at the table does two things - first, it gets you in the habit of only eating when you’re supposed to. And second, it allows you to keep track of exactly how much you’re eating. So be sure to eat every bite at the table from now on!

Natural Weight Loss Remedy #25: When You Eat, Focus All Of Your Attention On Eating…

Do not watch TV or read a book or talk on the phone or drive while eating. When you eat, completely focus on your food and allow no distractions. Chew your food completely and concentrate only on the sensation of the taste. The result will be perfect digestion and assimilation (and the food actually tastes so much better!)

Home Remedies for Weight Loss #26: Eat Healthier Desserts and Treats…

Sweet cravings are the ones that most people struggle with. Vow only to eat Paleo sweets (the best) or low fat and low sugary treats such as home-made yoghurt, low fat/sugar ice cream, Vitari, and low fat or carob chocolate (make sure they don’t contain aspartame or any hidden sugars). Yes, these foods can be more expensive, but the amount of calories saved will be well worth it when you step on the scales and you’ve reached your weight loss goal!

For some great Paleo sweets recipes, make sure you take the time to check out this great website…  

Natural Weight Loss Remedies #27: Keep an Eating Diary….

By keeping an eating diary you can keep track of exactly how much you’re consuming. Most people have no idea just how much “extra” food goes into their mouths every day. You must write down every single bit of food and drink that you have every day. Even if you pick a crumb up off the floor and put it in your mouth, write it down! You’ll be shocked to see just how much extra food you consume each day.

Home Remedies to Reduce Weight #28: Never Shop Hungry…

This is one of the biggest blunders of all people trying to lose weight. When you shop on an empty stomach those treats all look irresistible, but when you shop on a full stomach the cravings simply aren’t there as much. In addition to this, do not buy any foods that you know you may struggle with as far as cravings go. If you struggle with chips, for instance, don’t have packets sitting in the pantry. Every time you go to the pantry you’re going to see them and that’s not going to help your cause at all. And don’t use excuses such as “they’re for the kids” or “they were on special” or whatever. Just don’t have them in the house - period! You can’t eat what ain’t there! 

Natural Weight Loss Remedy #29: Put Up Photos…

Photos on your fridge and pantry of yourself as you would like to look and as you look right now can be highly motivating when you go to reach for that tub of ice-cream or Snickers bar. And get then blown up as big as you can. I know they don’t look attractive and can be a bit embarrassing when people drop over, but the added motivation you’ll get will make it very worthwhile! 

Home Remedies for Weight Loss #30: Don’t Bother With Fad Weight Loss Products or Diets… 

As sure as the sun rises every day, there’s always going to be the “latest and greatest” weight loss product or weight loss diet on the market. At the moment the most popular weight loss products are Garcinia Cambogia and Green Coffee Bean Extract. But they must work right because even Dr Oz says they’re great! Well, I’m always weary when someone’s out there promoting a health or weight loss product and they have financial ties to that product (such as the case with Dr Oz). And the thing is, these products aren’t cheap either!

Then when you look at the current weight loss diets going around, it’s the replacement shake programs that are the big winners and money spinners. And even though these do work initially, they teach you nothing about proper eating, along with the fact that you can’t stay on them forever (and some of the ingredients in the shakes aren’t healthy either). The real life evidence shows that when most people come off these shakes, they put the weight straight back on, and then some!  

Look, at the end of the day there is no silver bullet for losing weight. The verified studies and real life proof concerning these weight loss aids just aren’t there. So you have to be smart enough and strong enough to look past their clever marketing schemes (such as the very powerful “before and after” photos) and see them for what they really are… a cash cow for the company who’s marketing and distributing them. So my suggestion is save your money and make the effort to lose the weight the right way by making new long term lifestyle choices. So that way, you won’t just get down to your goal weight, you’ll get to stay there for good! 7 

Natural Weight Loss Remedies #31: Your Motive and Ultimate Goal…

Quick weight loss remedies

There is one last secret to losing weight that you absolutely must have, and without it, you’re doomed to failure. What is it? MOTIVATION of course!

Without a strong enough reason to lose the weight you’ll fall over at the first hurdle that comes your way. And believe me, there’s going to be plenty of hurdles! For instance, ever notice when you decide to go on a weight loss program a friend will invite you over for coffee and dish you up a nice serving of chocolate cake? It’s going to happen, and you have to be strong enough and serious enough to say “no thanks”.

How many people will go and lose weight for a wedding, or a life threatening health problem? How many parents decide to lose weight when they realize they can no longer keep up with their kids? Or what about when someone suffers a heart attack. That’s definitely a great wake up call to lose the weight (assuming you survive the heart attack of course). The bottom line here is this… when your reason is big enough, you can accomplish anything!

In addition to this, don’t underestimate the awesome power of the mind for losing weight. You must focus on “thin thoughts” if you want to become thin. Visualize yourself as the size you want to be right now. Vow to only ever see yourself as thin from this point on, not overweight. “If you’ve been there in the mind you’ll go there in the body” say’s mind power and visualisation expert, Dr Denis Waitley, and it’s true. Get yourself a copy of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and read the weight loss chapter over and over till you can practically recite it!

Oh and one last thing. Don’t forget to make “losing weight” fun. It really doesn’t have to be this drudgery. It can be fun exercising and eating healthy (yes it really can!) It’s up to you whether you want to make it that way or not.

Good luck and all the best to you! 

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