What are the Best Natural Remedies for Endometriosis?


I have endometriosis and I want to know how to prevent and treat this problem with natural or home remedies? Can you help?


Thank you for your question regarding natural remedies and treatments for endometriosis.

The orthodox medical profession have no idea what causes this condition, nor do they have any idea how to treat it effectively (drugs and surgery are essentially useless). Ancient Chinese medicine says endometriosis is primarily caused by a poor functioning liver and hormonal imbalances. Considering this traditional form of medicine has been around and used successfully for thousands of years, I'm going to go with what these guy's say. In fact, a study titled "Chinese Herbal Medicine For Endometriosis", performed at Southampton University, found that Chinese herbal medicine is actually far more effective for treating endometriosis than mainstream treatments. And they come with no horrible side effects either!

So here's some of the best natural way's to fix hormonal imbalances and cleanse and regenerate the liver (thankfully, the liver is one organ that can easily regenerate)...

Home Remedy for Endometriosis #1... Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Apple cider vinegar is a powerful "cure all" health tonic. It's extremely beneficial for endometriosis sufferers because it helps to balance out hormone levels (especially in women) and helps to cleanse and detox the liver. Just make sure the apple cider vinegar you buy is organic and still contains the "mother" apple. Do not buy the cheap, filtered varieties.

Natural Remedy for Endometriosis #2... Boron: This is one of the most important and crucial nutrients for balancing out hormone levels, especially sex hormones. Boron is also one nutrient that's severely lacking (almost non existent really) from our modern day diets. You can either take liquid ionic boron or use naturally sourced Borax.

Have a read of this article for more information on the effective uses of Borax and why you should consider using it... The borax Conspiracy.

Natural Treatment for Endometriosis #3... Magnesium: Magnesium and boron go together like a horse and cart. One
without the other is nowhere near as effective for treating the symptoms of endometriosis as both together. Magnesium guru, Dr Carolyn Dean, says that a magnesium deficiency in women is the main cause of virtually all Ob/Gyn problems, including menstrual cramping, excessive bleeding, vaginitis, and endometriosis. Because magnesium is 100% crucial for maintaining normal hormone levels, this makes sense. Magnesium is also a powerful liver cleanser and detoxifier.

Best sources for your magnesium are either a transdermal magnesium spray (such as this) sprayed on the skin, or magnesium taken orally in the form of magnesium citrate (the most absorbable). The spray is sprayed directly on the skin once daily and the magnesium citrate is taken at a dosage of 200 mg's per day.

Natural Cure for Endometriosis #4... Maca Root: Another terrific food for balancing out hormones. This herb is primarily used for treating menopause and menopausal symptoms, but it also works exceptionally well for endometriosis and the accompanying symptoms.

Home Remedy for Endometriosis #5... Milk Thistle: The milk thistle herb is the ultimate liver cleanser. Nothing else comes close to the cleansing and detoxing abilities of this plant for the liver. In fact, most, if not all, liver cleansing supplements contain milk thistle.

Natural Remedy for Endometriosis #6... Selenium: Cow farmer's have been giving selenium to their stocks for years to prevent and treat endometriosis. The reason why? It works! And it also works for humans too. The best source of selenium by far is brewers yeast, which also provides a myriad of other health benefits such as strengthening the immune system and increasing energy levels. In addition, brewers yeast is rich in magnesium, B group vitamins, chromium, iron and zinc (everything all endometriosis sufferers need!)

For more "Do's and Don'ts" to treat your endometriosis successfully, I recommend you have a read of this informative article as well... Curing Endometriosis Through Natural Methods

Hope this helps you.

Good luck and all the best!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Comments for What are the Best Natural Remedies for Endometriosis?

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Jan 12, 2017
Maca Root Powder Dosage?
by: Sannyasin

Hi Troy! Read a few topics and discussions on here - all I can say is that I bow to you for all your knowledge, sharing it with the world, and responding to everyone with such courtesy and sense of duty. An immense Thank You for that!

Also, I have a question about how to use Maca root powder for fibroids and endometriosis. I have three microscopic fibroids and my endometrium is thicker than normal, but I didn't do further testing after the ultrasound. I was hoping to just get a head start on the whole thing. How exactly do you use maca root powder and for how long?

Thanking you in advance!

Jan 17, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Sannyasin. Thank you very much for your kind words. I really do appreciate it.

With the maca, you take between 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day. It doesn't taste bad either (I use it myself) so that helps also. Just remember too, maca is only one of the treatments/remedies. Try and utilize as many as you can for best results. And don't forget, diet is VERY important so make sure you eat healthy!

All the best! :)

Jan 29, 2017
Thank you!
by: Sannyasin

Thanks so much, Troy! I've read all your recommendations - and not just on endometriosis and fibroids. And I do drink organic ACV with lemon, honey, a pinch of cayenne and warm water every morning. My diet has been very clean for over a year now and I intend to keep it that way. I follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle and am a dedicated Ashtangi, so hopefully, I will be able to reverse the damage done throughout the years some day! Will update if there are any changes. Warmest wishes to you all!

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