Top 8 Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins and Spider Veins...

by Bob
(Ashland, KY)

Want to get rid of those unsightly looking varicose veins and spider veins in a hurry and for good? Here's 8 of the best natural cures and home remedies you definitely should consider...


What can I do about my awful looking varicose veins? Are there any natural or home treatments that can help with the removal or shrinking of these? I cannot afford to pay for expensive laser surgery or other medical procedures to have them removed.


Hello Bob, and thank you for your question regarding the removal of varicose veins and spider veins. The good news is there definitely are some terrific natural remedies and treatments that will not only help to reduce the size and look of your varicose veins and spider veins, they will eventually make them disappear completely. It can take a good 12-18 months for this to occur, but if you're consistent with the application of these remedies, it will happen!

So here's the top 8 home remedies for varicose veins and spider veins in order of importance...

Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins #1... Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Apple cider vinegar is a powerful cleansing agent. It not only removes the toxins and chemicals which cause varicose veins, it also increases blood flow and circulation (another major cause of varicose veins and spider veins). ACV is best taken internally as well as used externally.

For internal benefit, mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm, filtered water and stir well. Drink this concoction twice daily for AT LEAST one to two months before expecting to see positive results.

For external relief, apply some undiluted ACV on the skin over the top of the varicose veins and gently massage. Do this twice daily, once before going to bed and first thing in the morning. Continue with this treatment for 2-3 months to help reduce the size of your varicose veins.

Now when it comes to purchasing your ACV, make sure you ONLY purchase organic apple cider vinegar that still contains the "mother" apple. This is crucial for it to work successfully. Bragg organic ACV is the best (and most reasonably priced) on the market.

Home Remedy for Varicose Veins #2... Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper is considered a wonder treatment for both varicose veins and spider veins. It's rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which are essential for the health and strength of vein and capillary walls. Cayenne pepper also increases blood circulation better than anything else to quickly ease the pain and inflammation of congested and swollen veins and capillaries.

The best and fastest acting way to take cayenne pepper is to thoroughly mix one teaspoon in 3/4 of a cup of hot water (hot enough that you can still drink) and scull it down. Do this 2-3 times daily for best results.

Natural Treatment for Varicose Veins #3... Horse Chestnut Seeds: This is a favored remedy for varicose veins traditionally used by herbalists. Horse chestnut seeds have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties which help to reduce the appearance of varicose veins. They also have a compound called aescin, which improves elastic strength of veins and stops the release of certain enzymes which are known to damage capillary walls. Horse chestnut seeds make an excellent tonic for increasing blood circulation as well.

You can easily purchase horse chestnut supplements online or from your local health food store. Dosage is around 300 mg's taken twice daily. You can also use
the horse chestnut cream directly on varicose veins and spider veins for extra benefit and relief.

Note: Horse chestnut is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers.

Natural Cure for Varicose Veins #4... Ginger, Turmeric, and Garlic Cloves: All of these herbs are excellent for reducing inflammation in veins and blood vessels and improving circulation. They also contain some potent antioxidants that remove harmful toxins from veins, blood vessels and arteries.

The best way to get the most out of these herbs is to make your own turmeric milk tea (its easy) and drink twice daily. Here's how to do it... Turmeric Tea Recipe. In addition, be sure to use these herbs in your cooking as much as possible as well!

Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins #5... Copper: The elastic fibers of arteries, veins and capillaries, along with other connective tissue, need copper for tensile strength. One of the most common signs of weak connective tissue is in fact varicose veins.

So making sure you receive enough copper every day is vital. Unfortunately, there is no longer enough copper in our foods today (it's been completely leached from our soils) so supplementation is necessary. Colloidal copper is considered the most absorbable. Once again, most well stocked health food stores will have it or you can purchase it online.

Home Remedy for Varicose Veins #6... Vitamin E: Vitamin E improves the health of veins and capillaries, along with increasing circulation by keeping blood platelets from sticking together and adhering to the blood vessel walls. If you suffer from calf cramping due to narrowed or hardened arteries and veins, this can be helped with the addition of some vitamin E. Almonds, swiss chard, spinach, mustard greens, kale, avocados, broccoli, parsley, olives, along with raw seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds are all rich in vitamin E.

Natural Treatment for Varicose Veins #7... Witch Hazel: Witch hazel is a powerful astringent (shrinking agent) which helps to contract swollen blood vessels and veins. This makes it a perfect topical remedy for varicose veins and spider veins. It also strengthens blood vessels and reduces pain and inflammation.

To use this remedy, simply soak a wash cloth in some witch hazel and then place and leave on the affected area for 20 minutes. Do this twice daily. Or alternatively, fill a bath with warm water and add 15-20 drops of witch hazel. Soak your legs for at least 20 minutes before washing them in some clean water and patting dry. Do this once a day for best results.

Natural Cure for Varicose Veins #8... Butcher's Broom: This herb is a great anti-inflammatory and astringent. It's regularly used for treating varicose veins because it helps to relieve the pain and discomfort as well as shrinking the size of varicose and spider veins.

You can also find butcher's broom supplements in most health food stores or online. The usual dosage is around 100 mg's taken 3 times daily. And the great thing about butcher's broom supplements is they contain extra added nutrients that also help with treating varicose and spider veins.

Some extra things you can do to help treat your varicose veins include...

1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Elevate your legs.
3. Wear support stockings.
4. Exercise gently or go for short walks.
5. Consider a weight loss programme if you need to.

So hopefully these remedies and recommendations help you out Bob.

Good luck to you and all the best!


Troy (Admin)

Comments for Top 8 Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins and Spider Veins...

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Jan 25, 2017
Varicose Veins Disappearing!
by: Margaret

I've been faithfully following these recommendations for about 6 months now and all I can say is wow, what a difference! Not only are my varicose veins and small spider veins becoming less visible, my circulation is so much better and my edema, which I suffered from badly during the summer months, has gone! And my blood pressure has also gone down, which is an added bonus. My doctor actually asked me what I was doing differently and when I told him he said "just keep doing what you're doing"! I intend to for sure.

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful advice and remedies you have on this website. Keep up the great work!

Warm regards

Jan 25, 2017
by: Troy

You're very welcome Margaret. Glad it's all helping!

All the best to you!

Oct 13, 2017
Which one should I try?
by: Brandy

Do you recommend using all of these steps at once?

Oct 24, 2017
Reply to Brandy
by: Troy

Yes, the idea is to use all 8 remedies/recommendations so you get the best possible results. To get rid of varicose veins and spider veins, you must take a holistic approach (multiple remedies). This is the only way you will be able to get rid of them permanently (apart from having laser surgery of course).

Hope this helps you Brandy.

All the best!

Feb 18, 2018
Colloidal Copper
by: Amy

Hi Troy,
How much copper do you recommend having and how are you supposed to take it?

Feb 19, 2018
by: Troy

Hi Amy. Colloidal copper comes in liquid form and is best taken on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before food. Because colloidal copper comes in different potencies and PPM's (parts per million) amounts, simply read and follow the directions listed on the bottle for exact dosages.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

May 22, 2018
ACV didnt work for me
by: Danny

Thank you so much for writing this post! My wife recently developed varicose veins after giving birth to our two sons. She is currently very insecure seeing these veins. We tried the ACV method but yielded no results. I am thinking of getting her some essential oil, but wanted to find out if anyone has tried this method? I read an article on another blog saying Cyprus essential oil is the best. Anyone have any experience with this?

May 23, 2018
Reply to Danny
by: Troy

Cyprus essential oil is another handy treatment for varicose veins that your wife can definitely try. It reportedly helps increase circulation and helps support the circulatory system in general. The recommended directions are 5-6 drops of cypress essential oil rubbed on any varicose veins and/or spider veins twice daily for at least 6-8 weeks.

Hope it helps.

All the best to you Danny!

Sep 14, 2018
Superficial Venous Insufficiency
by: Jessica

Thank you for this post!

Will these remedies help strengthen leaky valves in veins (superficial venous insufficiency) or will they only help with spider veins/varicose veins due to poor circulation? I had sclerotherapy a couple of years ago for some small spider veins which completely backfired and left me in a horrific amount of pain. Since then, I have developed varicose veins and painful telangiectatic matting (clusters of spider veins) all over my legs. I have seen multiple Doctors and Specialists who cannot seem to help me. I am really struggling as I am only 25 years old and in constant agony ever since I had sclerotherapy (would not recommend to anyone).

I am definitely willing to give these a go!

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to Jessica
by: Troy

Hi Jessica. Superficial venous insufficiency occurs when there is decreased blood flow from the leg veins to the heart. Inflammation is the main cause of this problem. What these 8 natural remedies and supplements do is firstly, reduce inflammation in the body, and secondly, get the blood flowing through the veins. This is exactly what you want, so yes, this regimen will definitely help. Don't forget to eat healthy too so you get the most out of this protocol. Consider looking into following the ketogenic diet, which is terrific for reducing inflammation in the body.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

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