Top 10 Natural Remedies for Pain and Inflammation...

by Sandra Metzler
(Manchester, Connecticut, USA)

Want to treat and cure that awful pain and inflammation naturally without having to rely on harmful pharmaceutical medications? Here's 10 stunning home remedies that reduce pain and inflammation naturally in the body and come with no adverse side effects...


Can you please post some information on chronic pain and inflammation along with some natural ways to reduce or even cure this awful problem.

Thank you so much.


Hi Sandra, and thank you for your question regarding inflammation and some of the best natural and home remedies that you can use to treat it with.

Firstly, understand that inflammation is the body's way of protecting itself. When a part of the body becomes inflamed, the immune system is trying to remove damaged cells, pathogens or irritants so it can start the healing process. The benefit of using natural remedies, specifically foods, means that you can speed up this healing process by helping the immune system along.

Here's the top 10 ways to do this...

Home Remedy for Pain & Inflammation #1... Turmeric: One of the best anti-inflammatory herbs you'll find. Turmeric calms inflammation very quickly, mainly due to the strong antioxidant activity of curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric. Dr Russell Blaylock recommends emptying the contents of 1-2 turmeric extract capsules onto a spoon and adding some olive oil before consuming. Also eat 8-10 black bell peppers with the turmeric as this increases the bio availability by a huge 2000%!

Natural Remedy for Pain & Inflammation #2... Cloves: In a recent study, cloves were ranked #1 out of the top 24 best herbs and spices for reducing pain and inflammation within the body (and it's considered the #1 home remedy for a toothache as well). They are easy to get and easy to take. Crush up one clove on a dessert spoon. Add some olive oil and take twice daily. Or alternatively, you can purchase clove oil and use this instead.

Natural Treatment for Pain & Inflammation #3... Ginger: Ginger was ranked second in the above study. It contains some very powerful anti-inflammatory chemicals that have been repeatedly proven to reduce pain and inflammation for virtually any health problem. Grate up some fresh ginger and make yourself a cup of hot ginger tea. Drink 2-3 times daily for best results.

Natural Cure for Pain & Inflammation #4... Rosemary: This herb contains chemicals that are known to fight cancer and reduce arthritis pain and inflammation. The great thing about rosemary is its very easy to grow in your own garden (you literally can't kill this stuff). Use it in your cooking as much as possible and even add some to your ginger tea for an extra potent mix.

Home Remedy for Pain &
Inflammation #5... Cinnamon and Cayenne Pepper: Both of these spices are incredibly powerful anti-inflammatory, pain relieving foods. The best way to have these is to combine them with turmeric and ginger and make your own golden milk tea. It tastes great and really helps to reduce inflammation. Here's how to easily make your own... Wellnessmama Golden Tea Recipe.

Natural Remedy for Pain & Inflammation #6... Bromelain: This potent enzyme is found in abundance in pineapples. It's been proven in studies to reduce pain and inflammation, although researchers still aren't actually clear as to how. Nevertheless, it works extremely well so be sure to eat plenty of pineapples, or for a more potent mix, you can take bromelain in supplement form.

Natural Treatment for Pain & Inflammation #7... Omega-3 Fats: Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly from fish oil or krill oil, are well known for their anti-inflammatory benefits. In fact, a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology back in 2012, confirmed that supplementing with krill oil effectively reduces inflammation and oxidative stress within the body by a big amount.

Natural Cure for Pain & Inflammation #8... Matcha Tea: Matcha tea is like a souped-up version of your standard green tea. It has up to 17 times the antioxidants of wild blueberries and 7 times more than dark chocolate. Antioxidants are crucial for reducing the effects of chronic pain and inflammation. Be sure to drink 2-3 cups of Matcha green tea each day for best results.

Home Remedy for Pain & Inflammation #9... Shiitake and Reishi Mushrooms: Shiitake mushrooms contain a compound called Ergothioneine, which inhibits oxidative stress and helps to reduce inflammation. Laboratory tests have found that bioactive compounds contained in reishi mushrooms have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties. And both of these mushrooms boost the immune system tremendously! So be sure to use them in your cooking as much as possible, or take in supplement form.

Natural Remedy for Pain & Inflammation #10... Cultured Foods: Cultured foods such as kefir, natto, kimchee, miso, tempeh, pickles, sauerkraut, olives, buttermilk, natural yogurt, and other fermented foods, will help to replenish the supply of good gut bacteria. This is essential for reducing inflammation as brand new research has just now linked poor gut health with chronic inflammation within the body. In fact, many researchers are declaring that this is actually the #1 cause!

So start fermenting and culturing your own foods and take a good quality probiotic supplement. You'll be pleasantly surprized at just how much of a difference this will make in regards to decreasing inflammation and making you feel much healthier.

So I hope these inflammation reducing tips and remedies manage to help you out Sandra.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Admin)

Comments for Top 10 Natural Remedies for Pain and Inflammation...

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Apr 12, 2018
Muscle inflammation
by: Anonymous

My shoulder gets loose and tired, not painful, and when this happens I can't even pick up 2.2kg weight. I'm a 34 year old lady. I went to see a doctor and he told me I have muscle inflammation. Any good remedy you can suggest for this?

Apr 18, 2018
by: Troy

If you find the above remedies don't give you enough relief, try some of these external (topical) remedies... Best Topical Creams & Relief Remedies for Arthritis & Inflammation. The Penetrex cream (#3) is particularly effective.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

May 08, 2018
Found Relief
by: Jeff

I have found relief from knee pain with the "little yellow pill" from LifeVantage. Contains natural ingredients that work at the cellular level. It's called Protandim. Check it out.

Feb 14, 2020
Muscle pain?
by: Andre

Would these help with a muscle sprain or strain?

Feb 27, 2020
Reply to Andre
by: Troy

Yes, absolutely. A sprain produces inflammation and swelling so anti-inflammatory remedies will definitely help with the healing and recovery. Make sure you're also taking supplemental magnesium as this mineral is a crucial nutrient for tendon and ligament health. 😊

Click here to add your own comments

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