Scientist Says Monsanto’s Roundup Weed Killer Is Completely Safe to Drink, Until TV Host Offers Him A Glass…

by Anonymous

Here's an amusing story I think everyone will enjoy. A scientist (Dr Patrick Moore) who insists he has no financial ties to corruption giant Monsanto says their Roundup weed killer is perfectly safe to drink. The funny part is he was being interviewed on-air when he made the claim but quickly changed his tune when the interviewer offered him a glass!

The interviewer kept pressing him to drink some until the good doctor finally cracked the poops and walked out of the interview!

The International Agency for Research on Cancer recently came out and named Roundup as a probable carcinogen. Of course, Monsanto said it was a load of rubbish and their product was perfectly safe. Dr Moore also says it's safe too but he's been called a Monsanto lobbyist before, and of course, he always denies it.

For those of you who don't know, Monsanto is also the company who produces and got approval for the toxic artificial sweetener Aspartame. They also want to be able to mass produce GMO foods (they are the largest producers of genetically engineered seeds in the world) and are very much against making the labelling of GMO foods mandatory. This company is shameful and deceitful. Profits, not human lives are all that matter to them.

A Nielsen poll last year found Monsanto 3rd on the list of worst high-profile companies out of a total of 60. And of course there’s been the “March Against Monsanto” rallies all around the world, which have seen massive crowds of people all rallying against this purely immoral and unethical company!

Anyways, the interview is quite funny and worth watching...

Pro Monsanto Scientist Insists Weed Killer is Entirely Safe to Drink... Then TV Host Offers Him a Glass

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Boycott Monsanto
by: Troy

Yes you are 100% correct Anonymous. Monsanto is one of the most corrupt companies in the world. And there's only one way to bring down a powerful company such as this... through people power!

If everyone boycotts and stops using Monsanto's toxic chemicals and products they will be forced to change (or go broke). That's the only way it's going to work. History has shown that people power always wins in the end.

I wonder what everyone else thinks about this?

Here's another interesting article about Monsanto... Monsanto Employee Admits an Entire Department Exists to "Discredit" Scientists.

Round Up Should Be Banned!
by: Anonymous

There's talk of having Roundup banned permanently because of it's safety aspect. Monsanto still insists that it's perfectly safe. But these are the same money hungry people who came out and said Agent Orange was safe! How many of our soldiers fighting in the Vietnam war died from this awful stuff. Monsanto were the manufactures of Agent Orange so of course they kept peddling the "it's safe" campaign until the proof of this deadly chemical could no longer be ignored.

If Roundups so safe then Monsanto's corporate executives should drink it just to prove their point! Fat chance of that happening though. This article makes some strong points about this toxic herbicide...

Will Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Soon Be Banned?

Hillary Clinton Has Ties to Monsanto
by: Chuck

What a disgrace. Hillary Clinton has now been exposed for pushing GMO's and accepting big money from corruption giant Monsanto. They've even given her a name; "Bride of Frankenfood"!

What a joke.

Sorry to inform all of you Democrat supporters, but her ties to Monsanto run very deep. If you don't believe me, have a read of this... Hillary Clinton pushes GMO agenda... hires Monsanto lobbyist... takes huge dollars from Monsanto.

Godless Bastards
by: Anonymous

Godless bunch of bastards, burn in hell everyone who makes a nickel off these @#*holes!

Huge March Against Monsanto Rallies World-Wide a Smashing Success!
by: Troy

Sunday May 24th was a massive day. The March Against Monsanto Rallies happened across 38 countries and 428 cities in one of the largest world-wide protests ever staged. The fact is people are just plain fed up with this criminal company polluting our world and polluting us! The sad part is the "sold out" mainstream media barely covered the story. Please take the time to read this powerful article and share it as much as you can. Like I said before, people power is the only way we're going to force this evil company to change its corrupt ways... March Against Monsanto explodes globally... World citizens stage massive protests across 38 countries, 428 cities... mainstream media pretends it never happened

Wrong About GMO's
by: Paulo Sato

I have been reading about GMO's for a long time. I believe there´s a lot of confusion in reading the results from scientits, doctors, and so on in regards to GMO's. The herbicide, ROUND-UP = GLIFOSATO (N-(fosfonometil) glicina C3H8NO5P), used in the majority of GMO crops, kills bacteria in the soil, as well as killing the bacteria in our stomach, which is essential for our health. There´s trillions of bacteria in our stomach, and billions of different species. In any lab test, the remaining quantity of Glifosato will not show up in food, or if it does, only a very tiny trace. It´s enough to cause many health problems though.
Glifosato is a systemic herbicide, which means it goes into the "blood stream" of the plants - any plant. Monsanto GMO seed plant has a huge resistance to Glifosato, so growers tend to use the recommended dosage, since it makes a beautiful and productive field.
Grains were a staple food for humans for centuries. Suddenly, all the best doctors in the world started to blame grains - wheat, corn, soybeans - and believed them to be the villains of our ill-health. And the majority of cultivators are Monsanto breeding's, which are used with their herbicide. If other herbicides are used, such as Paraquat, it will do no good as well, since it also kills the bacteria in the soil, or the life of the soil, but at least it's not a systemic herbicide.
I believe that herbicides are the real villain of our food chain, and billions of people are attacking GMO's wrongly.
Thank you - Paulo Sato

Wrong About GMO's
by: Troy

While we always like and encourage different opinions and points of view here at life-saving-naturalcures-and-naturalremedies, I have to say, I don't agree with you on this one Paulo. I do agree that pesticides such as Roundup aren't helping and are definitely decimating our food chain. But in regards to GMO's, when you look at the genetic make-up of a plant, it's absolutely perfect. No scientist would disagree with this. It's like the genetic make-up of our own bodies. Absolutely perfect! When you start tampering with this genetic code, this perfection, there is going to be repercussions. There has too be! Trying to alter the genetic make-up, the genetic code, of a plant is trying to play God in my opinion. Nature is perfect, man is not. GMO's are going to go down in history as one of man's biggest mistakes and catastrophes! Every time man thinks he's better and smarter than nature (or our creator) he stuffs things up and makes it worse. This will be no different.

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