Powerful Breast Cancer Remedy for Ulcerating Tumor...

by Yvette


Are there any natural cures for ulcerating tumors? I have stage 4 breast cancer and it has come thru the skin on my right breast and in the right axilla where they removed my lymph nodes. I have never done chemo or radiation.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Hi Yvette, and thank you for your question regarding a natural cure for an ulcerating tumor.

Firstly, the opinions expressed here are purely my own and I'm not a medical doctor (I like to put this in to keep the law on my side). With that said, there are some highly effective natural treatments for an ulcerating tumor that many sufferers swear by. Along with using the natural cures for cancer/breast cancer remedies that we list on our website (particularly this very powerful cancer cure), black salve (bloodroot) and castor oil have been found to be effective at treating skin cancers, ulcerating tumors, and even breast cancer. In fact, even Dr Andrew Weil recommends the use of black salve for treating skin diseases and cancer.

Both the black salve and castor oil should only be applied topically and at different/separate times of the day (two to three times daily). The castor oil seems to speed up the healing quite dramatically when combined with the black salve. The most important thing is that you ONLY ever buy a high quality black salve ointment (such as these), and the castor oil must be premium grade. Here's some good brands... Organic Castor Oil.

When it comes to purchasing bloodroot and castor oil, whatever you do, do not go with any of the cheap brands. They will not work and could actually do you more harm than good!

For more information on black salve for treating cancer, especially breast cancer, take the time to read this article and be sure to read about the experiences of other ladies who have successfully treated (and cured) their breast cancer/tumors using black salve... Black Salve for Cancer.

For more information about castor oil for breast cancer/growths, also have a read of this article by Dr Christina Grant... How to Use Castor Oil to Disolve Growths.

Hope this helps you Yvette.

Good luck to you and all the best,


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)

Comments for Powerful Breast Cancer Remedy for Ulcerating Tumor...

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Nov 12, 2018
Black Salve
by: Denise

I've used the black salve on different sores and infections for myself and my family for years, so when I ended up with a cancerous skin lesion/tumor on my breast, I began applying the bloodroot to it straight away. The result? Within 3 weeks it was completely gone! I ALWAYS have a tub of black salve in the house, and when we go away, I make sure I take a tube with us. Amazing stuff!!

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