OMG! Over 90 Alternative Healing Doctors Now Dead!

by Jeremy
(New York, U.S.A )

What the hell is going on? Over 90 alternative healing doctors have now been found dead under mysterious circumstances, yet no one in the mainstream news seems to be taking any notice! This is a conspiracy of epic proportions (and anyone who says these are all coincidental are on some serious drugs). Someone in our government definitely needs to step in and order an immediate investigation. This whole thing is totally suspect, and I for one, am now officially scared! This article from Health Nut News tells the full story.

I also read this interesting article on Dr Bradstreet's murder. Apparently he was working with a substance called GcMAF, which has been found to successfully treat cancer "big time"! The problem is, the FDA has outlawed it (the big drug companies can't patent it and make squillions from it that's why). Everyone needs to read this brilliant article in full... INVESTIGATION: Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river, U.S. govt. agents raided his research facility to seize a breakthrough cancer treatment called GcMAF.

It's obvious, our once great country is now under attack from bureaucratic thugs who value the almighty dollar over human life. We have to stand up to these people or risk ending up the same as communist country's like China.

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by: Troy

Yes you're right Jeremy. This whole thing stinks to high heaven! Every person on the planet needs to help get this story out there. You can be certain that if a full investigation isn't done very soon, these deaths aren't going to be the last.

So spread the word people!

More Deaths...
by: Troy (Admin)

We are now up to 89 deaths just in the last 3 years that are linked to this whole so-called "conspiracy" (according to mainstream news) of holistic doctors dying under mysterious circumstances. I would agree that a few deaths probably couldn't be classed as a conspiracy theory, but 89 in 3 years? Come on? Something is definitely amiss here. Erin Elizabeth from is the one reporting first on these deaths and she's actually had death threats issued against herself! At one point it was so bad that she and her husband (well-known health advocate, Dr Joseph Mercola) had a full time security guard standing out the front of their house. Not good.

Here's her last posted article on what's been happening... #89 in Holistic Doctor Series Shot 5 Times In Front of Family (World Famous Healer).

Authorities Need to Act
by: Brendan

Makes you wonder what needs to happen for authorities to actually do something. What harm would it do to at least check it out? The problem too is that most people don't believe in conspiracy theories. They watch movies based on conspiracy theories and at the end of it say 'that was a good movie", not realizing that this type of stuff really goes on! People need to read Ty Bollinger's book "Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and the Multitude of Lying Liars That Manufactured Them" for a reality check.

Reply to Brendan
by: Troy

Ha, funny you mention Ty. I did an interview with him a few months back and he spoke briefly about his book... Awesome Interview With "The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest" Creator, Ty Bollinger. We're planning on getting together again later on this year to do a full interview about conspiracies theories and the lying liars who manufacturer them. Should be fun and highly entertaining!

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