Natural Treatment For Prostate Cancer... Vitamin D Delivers the Goods!

Vitamin D is one the most remarkable natural treatments for prostate cancer discovered so far. Find out why you need plenty of the "sunshine vitamin" each day if you want to beat this disease... 

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated January 20, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links  

Mark my words, within the next few years you're going to see overwhelming and undeniable evidence presented to the world on vitamin D’s absolute power in preventing and treating cancer (there already is "overwhelming proof", but I’m actually talking about the cancer industry and medical profession presenting it. And that isn’t going to come easily!).

Vitamin D is one of the best natural prostate remedies in existence. There's been so much research done on this vitamin in regards to preventing and treating cancer that to publish it all would simply take up too much room (I’m not kidding). Instead, I’ll give you just a few to wet your appetite…

Researchers Confirm the Extraordinary Benefits of Vitamin D for Preventing and Treating Prostate Cancer...

In one study, Jonathan Waxman and his colleges from Imperial College in London discovered that when they gave vitamin D supplements to their male subjects (who already had prostate cancer), virtually all of them experienced a sizeable reduction in their severity levels.

Waxman stated… “It’s very interesting – there has been no significant trial of vitamin D. This is a treatment which is unlikely to have significant toxicity and is a welcome addition to the therapeutic options for patients with prostate cancer”.1

And in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, January 20, 2005, it was reported that men with optimum levels of vitamin D in their blood were half as likely to get prostate cancer compared to men with low levels.

Further studies by two prominent researchers, Hanchette and Schwartz on prostate cancer deaths in relation to sunlight confirmed that males who received more sunlight were far less likely to develop prostate cancer and die than those who avoided the sun.2

Other research by RJ Skowronski and his colleagues, along with studies by GJ Miller, found that many prostate cancer cells actually have vitamin D receptors. So this vitamin can not only stop the growth of these mutated cells, it can also destroy them!

In addition to this, certain male sex hormones are thought to contribute to prostate cancer. Vitamin D is believed to inhibit the action of the androgen receptor that produces these hormones.

Your Body Must Have High Amounts of Vitamin D...

Cancer expert, Chris Woollams, from CANCERactive says…

"Everybody with cancer should certainly include vitamin D in their integrative treatment package if they want to increase their personal odds of beating the disease."3

Remember Japanese men?

They have one of the lowest rates of prostate cancer deaths in the world. Not just because they receive plenty of selenium, but because they eat plenty of cold water fatty fish (cold water fatty fish is naturally high in vitamin D and omega- 3’s).

Best Sources of Vitamin D...

So what are some of the best sources for getting your vitamin D? Well, the sun is number one (it’s completely free and is there every day for us to use). You will also need to take a high potency vitamin D3 supplement, along with fish oil or cod liver oil as well to get the required dosage.

World renowned cancer authority and vitamin D expert, Dr Cedric Garland, says we need to take at least 10,000 IU's (international units) of vitamin D per day to effectively treat cancer, so you will need to make sure you do this... 8,000 IU's of Vitamin D Daily Necessary to Raise Levels of "Miracle" Anti-Cancer Nutrient.

…For more research findings and proof of vitamin D as a bona fide treatment and cure for prostate cancer, we recommend you click on the link here and read this informative article... Vitamin D Fights Prostate Cancer.

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