Natural Remedy for Rosacea That Works Every Time!

by Paula Carpenter
(Gunnison, Colorado)


I recently got diagnosed with Rosacea. A shock given the fact that I just completed a successful treatment for skin cancer. I was prescribed oral antibiotics which I refused to take. I immediately went on-line to find out more about natural treatments and found your web site.

The information you give is very helpful!

I tried the Oleuropein or Olive Leaf Extract. And I tried Ionized minerals (they MUST be ionized to be effective right?). My skin cleared up to normal within 10 days. I have been taking the OLE for a month now with no signs of Rosacea! I have been trying to "trigger" myself into a breakout by sweating heavily in a sauna and steam room, by exercising hard and pushing myself to exhaustion, by eating hot chillies that make my eyes water, by sitting in the sun all day (with sunscreen of course) and by enduring a stressful home life.

None of this has caused a breakout!

So now my question is: If I quit taking the Olive Leaf Extract will the Rosacea come back or do I really even have Rosacea?


Hi Paula, and thanks for your question regarding rosacea.

Firstly, I have to say that I haven't actually heard of anyone trying to purposely trigger a flare up of their health problem or their symptoms before! This is a first for me, but with that said, you definitely managed to prove that you can successfully treat rosacea naturally and without medications (which are worse anyway).

I believe you did have rosacea but the reason you were able to get rid of it quickly probably comes down to these few things...

#1. You caught it early and treated it early:

Any disease, health problem or ailment is easier to treat successfully when caught early and treated early. You definitely gave yourself the best possible chance of beating
your rosacea by doing this.

#2. By trying to "trigger" your rosacea you actually helped to keep it away:

Here's the irony, buy eating lots of hot chillies (along with taking the OLE) you were giving your immune system a powerful boost. Boosting your immunity is crucial for successfully treating rosacea (yes I know, this is contrary to the popular and completely false belief that auto-immune diseases are the result of "over-stimulation" of the immune system and therefore your immunity should be lowered rather than increased).

You also got out in the sun and gave yourself lots of natural vitamin D, which is extremely good for the skin and for rosacea (if done carefully) and is also very good for the immune system (just make sure the sunscreen you use is natural sunscreen with no chemicals though).

In addition, exercising and sweating in a sauna helps to remove toxins from the body, which is a good thing. You were also replenishing your body with ionized minerals which is crucial.

So you were actually helping to not trigger a flare-up rather than triggering one by doing what you did! But this is a good thing right?

Now in regards to stopping with the olive leaf extract. Yes it may cause a flare-up but it may not. The only way to find out (if you really want to find out) is by stopping with it. Personally, I wouldn't. If it's working then I would say stick with it. After 8-12 months you could probably stop and only use the OLE every 3-4 months as a 6 week detox and "clean out" treatment. Many people (myself included) take OLE permanently. There is no harm in doing this, only big benefits! But it all boils down to personal choice really.

So I hope this helps you Paula.

Good luck to you and all the best,


Troy (Admin)

Comments for Natural Remedy for Rosacea That Works Every Time!

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Apr 17, 2016
Dosage Amount
by: Eric

Would you mind sharing how much of the OLE you took/take to rid yourself of the rosacea? Thank you!

Apr 17, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Eric. It depends on the strength of the olive leaf extract. We advise you go with the super strength varieties and avoid the normal strengths. These just aren't strong enough. For dosages, simply take the highest amount listed on the bottle. Stick with this and you can't go wrong. You can read more on the olive leaf extract and dosage amounts for rosacea here... Best Natural Remedies for Rosacea.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

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