One of the first natural remedies for gout you must adhere to is maintaining your bodies correct pH level. Unless you do this properly, you will be stuck with gouty arthritis forever!
Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)
Updated February 13, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links
If you’ve ever had a swimming pool you’ll know that in order to make it last as long as possible (and help keep the water clean), you must maintain its correct pH balance. If you don’t then eventually you’ll end up swimming in a dirty rotten pool.
Well, the human body also has a pH level. And maintaining its correct level is without a doubt the most crucial thing you need to do, not just because it's one of the most powerful ways to keep your gout away, but because it's also vital for your overall health and longevity!
If you don’t know anything about pH readings then this is how it works…
pH runs on a scale from 0-14 with 7 being the neutral level (right in the middle). Any reading below 7 is acidic and anything above 7 is alkaline. Our bodies must be kept alkaline at all times (7.35-7.45 to be exact) for perfect health. And what’s significant in regards to treating gout and gouty arthritis is these two conditions simply cannot occur in an alkaline environment.
It’s virtually impossible!
But gout and arthritis will definitely occur and flourish very nicely in an acidic environment. In fact, the main culprit of gout, a build up of uric acid, actually thrives when the body is acidic (probably because it's also an acid). But even worse than this is killer diseases such as cancer also grow and thrive in an acidic environment.
So to test your pH level all you need to do is purchase some test strips, either online or from your local health food store, and follow the instructions. These strips are very simple to use and really are worth their weight in gold.
If you're suffering from a bout of gout right now then one of the quickest ways to alkalize your body is with a combination of raw organic apple cider vinegar (like this) and baking soda. Take two to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) with 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda three times daily, 20-30 minutes before each meal. This is a sure fire way to get rid of your gout symptoms, usually within a day or two. (If you find having them on an empty stomach gives you diarrhea, then as a last resort, take them straight after your meal).
For some people though, the ACV liquid is simply too hard to drink. If you find that you really can't handle the taste (and it makes you want to throw up) then it's fine to take the tablets or capsules instead.
To keep your pH level above 7 (and say good riddance to your gout for good) it's vital that you continue to have a tablespoon of ACV 2-3 times a day every day. We’ve seen bizarre recommendations on other web sites telling people to only take ACV for short periods (such as a month on and month off) because it may harm you.
What a load of rubbish!
Apple cider vinegar is simply fermented apple juice. There's nothing harmful about apples!
The truth is, ACV is one of nature’s best all round healers, and as such, you'll find this amazing miracle food listed for just about every natural treatment and home remedy listed on this website. In fact, well known health crusader, Paul C. Bragg, always recommended ACV be taken every day for overall good health and longevity (this guy lived well into his nineties and his book “Apple Cider Vinegar - Miracle Health System” has sold over 10 million copies, so he should know what he’s talking about).
In addition, continuing to take a small amount of baking soda (1/8th of a teaspoon) every second or third day with the ACV is also a good idea as the baking soda helps to prevent your body from using up and wasting its own internal bi carbonates... thus giving you loads more energy to boot!
The amazing health benefits of cereal grasses have been known and well documented for thousands of years. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, regularly used “grasses” to heal the sick and dying. Not only do they contain powerful anti-cancer chemicals and antioxidants, the blood builder chlorophyll, and the essential nutrients our bodies so desperately need every day, they also alkalize the body!
So to treat, heal and keep your gout and gouty arthritis away for good, taking a quality cereal grass supplement every day (wheat grass, barley grass or "super greens" powder) is also a must. Just make sure the product you buy is not only "organic", but grown in mineral rich soils as well (very important). Start with one teaspoon daily taken on an empty stomach, then move up to 3 or more teaspoons each day after the first 7-10 days.
And as with all of the gout recommendations listed here, cereal grasses should be consumed every day without fail for the rest of your life!
If you’ve never read the revolutionary book "The Calcium Factor" by Robert Barefoot and Dr Carl Reich, then I strongly recommend you do. You'll then understand why we humans get totally preventable diseases such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, lupus, gout, etc, and how we can prevent them. (You can also read our exclusive interview with Bob Barefoot in our "Expert Interviews" section here).
In the book, Bob and Dr Reich talk a lot about our pH level and what diseases are caused by the body being in an acidic state and why. They also talk about the easiest ways to kill off acid in the body and help keep it oxygenated (alkaline). Their number one recommendation is supplementing with calcium!
Remember this… Calcium quickly kills acid in the body and keeps our cells alkaline. As Bob says, “Calcium is to Acid Like Water is to Fire”.
For gout sufferers, acid is absolutely your worst enemy and calcium is your best friend!
To get your daily supply of calcium, never rely solely on your foods to give you the amount you need. Unfortunately, there's no longer enough calcium in our soils anymore (here's the proof) so you must supplement. Best sources of absorbable calcium are coral calcium supplements (this is the best), or calcium lactate, malate or aspartate supplements. And just remember, you also need magnesium, boron and vitamin D to help with calcium absorption.
MSN biological sulphur is not only crucial for maintaining a positive pH level and reducing acidity in the body, it's also vital for reducing the pain and inflammation associated with gout and gouty arthritis. The amazing health benefits of MSM are just way too long to list here, but suffice to say if you suffer from gout or arthritis and you want to be free of these, you should be looking to supplement with this essential element every day as well. Daily doses are normally 1/2 teaspoon to 1 1/2 teaspoons twice a day, and up to 6 teaspoons daily. You can easily purchase MSM online from places such as Amazon or Ebay. If not, your local health food store will be able to help you out.
Then we have Borax, which is another very powerful treatment for gout and gouty arthritis. Borax contains the crucial mineral boron (remember, you need boron for calcium absorption). Now, contrary to popular (and false) belief, Borax is not actually poisonous to humans (except at ridiculously high doses of course). In fact, normal table salt is 50-100% more toxic than Borax!
For everything you need to know about this amazing gout and arthritis treatment, click on the link here and take the time to read this article... The Borax Conspiracy - How the Arthritis Cure Has Been Stopped!
Green tea really is a nutritional marvel! If you're not drinking green tea every day then you're missing out on one of nature’s most powerful all-round healers. Not only does it contain some of the strongest antioxidants yet discovered, green tea also helps the body stay alkalized.
The beauty of green tea is the more cups you drink the better the health benefits. Personally, I have the equivalent of at least twelve tea bags a day and feel terrific for it. At 50 years of age, I’ve also never suffered from any health problems including gout, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or kidney stones (even though according to the family history theory I’m a prime candidate!).
The only down side to green tea is the taste. However, a couple of teaspoons of organic honey, or mint or lemon juice, will make it pleasant and drinkable. Or, you can buy one of the many green tea blends instead. If you find you really can’t handle the taste though, take green tea supplements instead.
Note: For more powerful home remedies and treatments for gout and gouty arthritis, be sure to click on the link below...
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Feb 12, 25 08:39 PM
Jan 29, 25 11:00 AM
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