Using natural remedies to treat your cystic acne, along with other proven home remedies, really are your best (and safest) way to rid yourself of this nasty problem. And here's some of the essential do's and don'ts that you must follow if you want to be acne free forever!
Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)
Updated March 9, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links
Home Remedies for Acne Tip #1... Don’t eat refined and processed foods or junk food:
If you suffer from cystic acne some of the so called “experts”
may try to convince you that your condition is hereditary (which has never been
proven) and that diet has nothing to do with it.
Well, both of those presumptions are totally false!
Diet has everything to do with both cystic acne and normal acne. Remember the Canadian Eskimos? They don’t get acne eating food from the
land. Only when they start eating the man-made garbage that we actually call
“food” do they get acne (and other health problems such as cancer and heart
disease too).
So you must eliminate all refined and processed foods and junk food from your diet if you really want to treat your cystic acne successfully (along with taking the supplements we discussed in our first article too of course!). Sorry to be the party pooper here, but there’s no easy way around this one.
Home Remedies for Acne Tip #2... Don’t consume sugar or any processed dairy products: (Yes I know, these are refined and processed foods also but it’s important that they be elaborated on further).
Sugar destroys the friendly bacteria in the digestive system. This is exactly what you don’t want to happen if you have cystic acne - so be sure to avoid all sugar products.
Homogenized and pasteurized milk is horrible gunk that sticks to the lining of the stomach and colon. The digestive system cannot function properly in this toxic state and vital nutrients cannot be readily absorbed.
The result is digestive system failure!
So you must eliminate all processed milk, cheeses, dairy based yogurts and creams from your diet.
Home Remedies for Acne Tip #3... Don’t consume margarine and hydrogenated oils:
Margarine and hydrogenated oils are nasty man-made products that contain harmful trans fatty acids and free radicals. Once in the body, these fats turn rancid and eventually show up on the skin as age spots and liver spots. They can also exacerbate oily skin problems such as acne.
Home Remedies for Acne Tip #4... Do eat more organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts:
If you’re a teenager with cystic acne then you probably aren’t going to want to hear this one. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and fermented foods - along with natural cereals, seeds and nuts every day may not be high on your list of food choices, but they definitely need to be.
Nothing beats natural foods that are free of pesticides and chemicals (and not genetically modified). If you can, try and eat these foods as much as possible each day rather than processed foods or takeaway foods. If you do, you'll not only see a positive change in your cystic acne, you'll feel a thousand times healthier and be a thousand times happier!
Home Remedies for Acne Tip #5... Do drink plenty of water and don’t drink carbonated drinks or soft drinks:
I know water is boring and soft drinks taste way better, however, water is one of the most powerful cleansers and detoxifiers there is. Soft drinks, on the other hand, are full of pimple loving sugar... and they rot your bones and teeth too!
If you want to get rid of your cystic acne then you need to start drinking at least two litres of filtered water every day. This practice will improve your digestive system, cleanse and detox your body and significantly improve your skins look and feel.
Home Remedies for Acne Tip #6... Do light, moderate exercise:
Exercise is not only good for you, it makes you sweat, and sweating helps to clean out the toxins and debris from the skin. It also helps your skin to “breathe” naturally. Find at least 30 minutes a day to get huffy and puffy and watch your skin begin to look and feel healthier within a few short weeks!
You’ve probably already heard about the most common topical treatments for cystic acne such as toothpaste, baking soda with sea salt, lemon juice, potato juice, and tea tree oil. These will also help tremendously with your cystic acne, but the one thing to keep in mind when it comes to your skin is this… only ever use natural products.
And we mean completely natural.
If you can’t eat it then don’t put it on your skin!
By far the best topical remedies for cystic acne and skin revitalises are pure aloe vera juice and raw organic apple cider vinegar (with the “mother”). It's also a good idea to drink these every day too for extra internal benefit and goodness.
Washing and cleansing your face everyday with ACV and aloe vera juice works astonishingly well and helps improve your skins "texture and feel" better than anything else. In fact, in regards to drinking the apple cider vinegar (I must digress slightly here), many acne sufferers absolutely swear by this remedy. And I do agree, it really is an incredibly powerful treatment (my daughter used ACV both internally and externally to completely cure her cystic acne in 6 weeks). The main problem, however, is that most people can't handle the taste of the liquid. If this is you then simply opt for the ACV capsules (such as these) instead. These pills are much easier to take and still provide the same positive effect.
Lastly, make sure you resist the temptation to prick or squeeze your pimples or cysts. Unfortunately, you'll only make your condition worse and risk giving yourself permanent scaring by doing this. In addition, try not to let stress enter your life if you possibly can. Stress not only kills, it also worsens problems such as cystic acne.
So use some of these powerful home remedies for your cystic acne and watch it disappear forever. But remember once again… you must be committed and diligent in your efforts, be patient (Rome wasn’t built in a day) and, of course, be positive!
Note: If you haven't already read our first "natural remedies for cystic acne" article then you need to click on the link below as this information is extremely important. If you have, then be sure to have a read of our "Best Home Remedies for Acne & Pimples" main article here for more handy tips and tricks.
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