Please Read Before Posting a Question About Our Natural Herpes Treatment Protocol…

While we will always endeavor to try and answer your question as soon as possible, there are a few guidelines that we ask you to adhere to. Firstly, we now receive a large number of questions about various articles and natural remedies from this ENTIRE website (not just our herpes articles), and because of this, we now have to prioritize each question that comes in. If your question is not answered, it will be due to one of these two reasons…

#1. The question (or something similar) has either already been asked in this blog… Best Way to Take Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes, or these ones... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2)How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpesor your answer is already in our “Natural Herpes Treatment” article and protocol:

If you have a question or aren't sure about something in the protocol the very FIRST thing you should do is search for your answer using the custom search (Search This Site) tool below. One or two key words are all you need to put in to find what you're looking for. For instance, if you want answers on using the oregano oil then search "oregano oil herpes" and all the relevant articles and Q&A links will come up (only for this website).

In addition to this, please take the time to read through ALL of the comments and questions listed below each page, along with going back and re-reading our article and protocol several times to familiarize yourself with it. Everything you need to know is contained in these articles, as well as the relevant links that are provided. If you are on Facebook, please take the time to read all of the comments at the bottom of our “Natural Herpes Treatment” page before posting a question. You will also need to use some of your own judgement when it comes to what you need to do – we simply cannot get to everyone.

#2. You keep posting multiple questions:

Unfortunately, many people post multiple questions (even if you remain anonymous, your IP address still shows), and continue to post lots of questions, then get upset (even abuse us) if we don’t answer their question or answer it quickly. Asking a question here and there (that hasn’t already been asked of course) is fine but please don’t abuse this. Also keep in mind that this protocol is completely FREE! If you do a search for any of the other herpes cure protocols out there (and there are quite a few), you’ll notice that NONE of them are free. You either have to buy a book (ranging from $48 upwards), or pay for a personalized program (some charge $400 for a 30 day program + supplement costs), or you have to buy their specific brand of high priced supplements. We offer this protocol at no charge (we could have easily “packaged” it up as a book or personalized program and flogged it off for a major mark-up). We do not sell any supplements either. While it’s true that we are a part of Olivus and Amazons affiliate programs, you are still free to purchase what you need from any health provider - you do not need to shop through Amazon or Olivus (Olivus OLE is definitely the best on the market though, which is why we recommend it). Like we said, this IS NOT A PERSONALIZED PROGRAM, IT IS A FREELY POSTED ARTICLE. You have the benefit of perusing through it first before deciding if you are interested in following it without having to commit a dime up front! If you are looking for a personalized protocol then you are welcome to pay for the many expensive programs that are out there (and which are essentially the same anyway). We know that everyone is desperate and wants to get rid of this horrible virus, but please play fair. The reason we try and answer your questions is because we genuinely want to help. It’s certainly not for any monetary gains. Please keep the amount of questions fair and reasonable folks.  

Good luck and all the best to you in your endeavors to rid yourself of this nasty pathogen.  

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