Liver Hemangioma and Low Blood Pressure Remedies...
by KC
(Pretoria, South Africa)
Hi Troy,
I am a 55 year old female, underweight (52kgs and 1,73m tall) I have had a lot of niggling health issues in the past couple of years. I've suffered from herpes outbreaks for about 30 years. I have tried the Olive Leaf Extract with lots of success but want to ask you if taking OLE can lower my blood pressure? I already have low BP (90/58) so I think the OLE makes it worse? I also suffer from regular migraines (very debilitating) and have been diagnosed a few years ago with a liver hemangioma, which I think is the reason I often get these nauseous migraines.
Do you have any solutions? I would be very grateful.
KC Bester
South Africa
Hi KC, and thank you for your question.
Firstly, the olive leaf extract can lower your blood pressure a bit. To counteract this (because you definitely want to keep taking the OLE) there are a few things you can do...
#1. Start taking cayenne pepper (powder or capsules): Cayenne pepper opens up and dilates blood vessels and arteries and is extremely good for the heart. This amazing spice helps to naturally regulate normal blood pressure. 1/2 to 1 teaspoon taken twice daily is recommended.
#2. Drink almond milk: Almond milk is an old folk home remedy for low blood pressure
that works a treat. Just be sure to make your own fresh almond milk (there are plenty of recipes on how to do this listed on the internet) rather than buying pre-make almond milk which is nothing but nutritional rubbish.
#3. Drink green tea: Not only is green tea good for your liver (detox) it also helps to stabilize blood pressure. Drink at least 2-3 cups of strong green tea per day.
#4. Lemon juice, carrot juice, beetroot juice, ginger, turmeric and cinnamon: All of these are excellent liver detoxifiers and help with low blood pressure. Use them in your cooking as much as you can, along with adding them to smoothies and teas. Our "migraine reliever" drink is also terrific for cleansing the liver and relieving migraine headaches so be sure to give this a go as well. Here's the link...
Home Remedy for Migraine.
Finally, for your liver, get yourself a good liver tonic that contains the healing herbs milk thistle and borotutu bark. Oregano oil is also reportedly very effective for treating liver hemangioma. And of course, don't forget to eat lots of fruits and vegetables (organic if possible) and avoid all refined and processed foods and junk foods.
Hope this helps you a bit KC.
Good luck and all the best to you.
Troy (Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach).