With Troy Sawyer
Dr Bernie Siegel is considered a legend in the health and wellness circles. His first book “Love, Medicine and Miracles” is an absolute classic and remained on the New York Times Best Seller list for 6 years straight (1988-1994). His 12 books have sold over 1.5 million copies so far and all are ranked 4-5 stars by consumer reviews and ratings on Amazon.
In 2011, Bernie was honoured by the Watkins Review of London, England, as one of the Top 20 Spiritually Influential Living People on the Planet and Mind Body Spirit magazine ranked him #25 on their 1212 “Spiritual 100” list. Today, at 82 years young, he has more energy, drive and passion (and compassion) than anyone I’ve met. I consider myself extremely privileged and honoured in being able to spend time with Bernie. It was an enthralling interview, one that I definitely wont forget. But enough from me, click on the video below to start watching. I guarantee, you won’t be disappointed…
Folks, we invite you to check out Bernie’s terrific website berniesiegelmd.com and if you’d like more information on any of Bernie’s books, CD’s and DVD’s, go to wisdomoftheages.biz or www.amazon.com. If you enjoyed this interview then please take the time to share it with others. We very much appreciate it.
In closing, I’d like to leave you with a couple of my favourite Bernie Siegel quotes. I think they sum up beautifully how we should all live our lives while we are healthy and still have the opportunity to do so…
"Most of us never stop to consider our blessings; rather, we spend the day only thinking about our problems. But since you have to be alive to have problems, be grateful for the opportunity to have them".
"What I try to get physically healthy people to understand is
that they're going to die someday. There is no way out. And dying isn't
failure, but not living is, so make use of your time. Don't keeping waiting".
Thanks for watching and all the best.
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Mar 13, 25 11:00 AM
Mar 06, 25 11:00 AM
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