How to Get Rid of Intestinal Worms and Parasites Naturally...

by Leila


Hi. I have been suffering with pinworms for about 3 years which I cannot seem to get rid of. I have tried over the counter meds such as vermox (mbendazole), daily cleaning of my home, and followed all of the hygiene guidances to clear them.

I have tried numerous natural methods such as Diatomaeous Earth, wormwood, blackwalnut, cloves tinctures, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, grape seed extract and garlic.

Nothing seems to work, and even though I have had some relief, it has not cleared the worms. I would be grateful if you have some further advice on changing my diet or other herbs to take to help eliminate this problem.

Kind regards,



Hi Leila, and thank you for your question regarding natural ways to get rid of intestinal worms.

What you are taking at the moment will certainly help, however, the absolute best way to get rid of intestinal worms and parasites is with olive leaf extract (OLE). Nothing else comes close to this amazing food. There are a few things you must adhere to though for it to work properly...

#1. You must buy high strength or super strength OLE. The cheaper and weaker versions will not work. The one we recommend to our clients comes from the Olivus company. Their Olive Leaf Max capsules are one of the highest potencies in the world and they work exceptionally well. You can check them out here... These guy's deliver world wide, but if you do decide to
purchase the OLE locally, just make sure it has an Oleuropein content of 25% or more (300mg's of pure oleuropein).

#2. Watch out for Herxheimers reaction. Herxheimers reaction is basically a short-term (from a few days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it's not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms such as headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea and other symptoms. This is fairly common with people who first start taking OLE. The way to limit the symptoms is to start off slow (taking a small amount) and then gradually build up to the maximum dosage over a period of weeks. If you went with the Olivus Max then you would take one capsule daily for the first one to two weeks then increase to two capsules daily after that.

#3. You must take them for long enough! For a full and thorough parasite cleanse, olive leaf extract is best taken for a full six months. After the six months is up, you can then just keep them handy and maybe do a six week parasite cleanse once every four to five months so they don't recolonise and take up residence again (which they will eventually do).

In addition to the OLE, pumpkin seeds are also great for removing internal parasites from the body so be sure to eat plenty of these every day.

So I hope this helps you Leila.

Good luck to you and all the best!


Troy (Admin)

Comments for How to Get Rid of Intestinal Worms and Parasites Naturally...

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Sep 10, 2015
by: Leila

Thank you so much for your advice. I shall definitely be purchasing the olive leaf extract.

I have not tried this yet. I will also continue the treatment for 6 months.

Thank you again


Sep 16, 2015
by: Troy

You're very welcome Leila. all the best!

May 18, 2016
by: Allison

Our family also has pinworms. What dosage would you suggest for a 14 month old, 7yr old, 5yr old and two adults? Thank you!

May 18, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Allison. This is a difficult question because olive leaf extract comes in so many different strengths and varieties. If you were to go with the Olivus OliveLeafMAX capsules... Olivus Olive Leaf Extract then it's 2 capsules per day for adults as a starter dosage then 4-6 capsules a day for removing parasites. Don't forget too to stay on the OLE for a full 6 month period. With kids, there is no real set dosage. As a general rule it's normally about half of an adult dose, however, for a 14 month old it would be half again. Children find it hard to swallow capsules so an OLE liquid is a much better option. Here's Olivus's liquid olive leaf extract which has been made especially for kids. It tastes great and the kids will have no problem taking it (for dosages simply follow the directions on the bottle)... Fresh Olive Leaf Extract 4.5 oz (non-alcoholic). It's a very popular product though and unfortunately they regularly sell out. If they do you can always go on their waiting list.

Hope this helps you out Allison.

All the best to you!

May 23, 2016
by: Allison

Thank you! For how long would you suggest taking the olive leaf extract to kill the pinworms?

May 23, 2016
by: Troy

OLE can completely kill all pinworms in the body in as little as a week. However, we suggest a 3-6 month cycle simply because if you have pinworms you will also have lots of other parasites residing inside of you. The other benefit of olive leaf extract is it builds up the immune system nice and strong, so if you or any family member regularly gets sick then the OLE will fix this problem as well. It can take a good 6 months to get your immunity back up to its peak level.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.

Sep 01, 2016
Pinworms - Additional Recommendations
by: Kate

It is not uncommon to find that pinworm sufferers are also NAIL BITERS. So make sure you curb this habit! Also with babies, be sure to routinely run all the toys they chew on through the dishwasher.
Pinworms can & DO cause appendicitis too.
Some lesser known indications that you may have pinworms include: itching around the anus, "sour stomach", grinding teeth at night while sleeping and circles under the eyes (this can be an indication of other problems too).

Sep 06, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Some good advice and handy info listed there Kate.

Thanks for sharing!

Oct 20, 2016
by: Reg

Hi Troy,

Do you know if it is safe to give OLE to pets like dogs and cats who are infested with worms?


Oct 21, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Reg. Olive leaf extract is perfectly safe for dogs and cats... Olive Leaf for Dogs, Cats, Horses and Other Animals. And it works a treat too!

In addition to this, try adding some ground up pumpkin seeds and minced garlic to their food 3-4 times a week as well.

All the best!

Jan 01, 2017
Cats and OLE and Garlic
by: Anonymous

I give my cat OLE every day now. It was the only thing that got rid of ear mites that continually kept coming back. I do want to give a word of extreme caution about giving garlic to cats. ...DO NOT DO IT! Garlic can be given to dogs but cats lack a liver enzyme to rid certain things from their bodies. Too much can be lethal to a cat.

Jan 03, 2017
by: Troy

Giving garlic to cats is definitely one of those "debatable subjects". A small amount given to your cat 2-3 times a week is okay. Holistic veterinarian, Dr Pollen, helps to clarify the argument in this post... Is Garlic Safe for Cats and Dogs? :)

Jan 24, 2017
For babies?
by: Judy

Hi! This seems very exciting. We have been battling with this for years! Can I give it to my 1 yr old baby? My children are ages 7, 5, 4, 2 and 1. What is your dosage recommendations for each of them?


Jan 26, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Judy. For a one year old you would need to consult with a health care professional. We always advise a naturopathic physician. In regards to your other children, have a read of this FAQ article. You will find all of the details there...Frequently asked questions about Olive Leaf dosage, child use and benefits..

All the best!

May 24, 2017
Parasites in the blood
by: Tarnia

Will the olive leaf extract rid parasites from my blood system and if so what is the dosage for my husband, myself and a 4 year old and 15 month old.

May 24, 2017
by: Troy

Olive leaf extract removes parasites and other unwanted pathogens from EVERY part of your body - the blood especially. For the recommended dosages of the OLE for both adults and children, have read of the reply above to Alison on May 18th 2016.

All the best to you Tarnia!

Sep 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
When you reference unwanted pathogens, what does that exactly mean? Does it include viruses and unfriendly bacteria?

Sep 27, 2017
by: Troy

"Unwanted pathogens" include all viruses, fungi, bacteria, worms and parasites. The olive leaf extract destroys all of these harmful pathogens whist leaving the healthy organisms (good gut bacteria, etc) alone. It really is a nutritional marvel! :)

Nov 24, 2017
Can I take OLE while breastfeeding?
by: Maya

I need to get rid of these worms! I'm still breastfeeding. Is OLE recommended?

Nov 30, 2017
by: Troy

Olive leaf extract is perfectly safe to take while breastfeeding Maya. :)

Mar 26, 2018
This also works...
by: Randey Blissveld

I'm planning to do a huge detox in a few months. The things I've already noticed is how the parasites begin to die off when I avoid certain foods and eat more raw plant based foods. I actually expelled a little worm today. I'm not even taking supplements yet but drink cayenne and ginger tea every day. Intermittent fasting also helps. :)

Apr 16, 2018
Treating head lice
by: Tina

Does this work for head lice, and how many capsules a day, and for how long?

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to Tina
by: Troy

No, this doesn't work for head lice Tina, this only works for internal parasites. Maybe have a read of this handy article from our friends at Earth Clinic... Natural Remedies for Lice.

Hope it helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 11, 2018
by: Anonymous

What about Hulda Clarks zapper?

Jun 14, 2018
by: Troy

Yes, Hulda Clarks zapper is another excellent tool for getting rid of parasites. From all reports, this device works very well. I did a bit of a post on this in our herpes protocol section... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2).

Certainly worth giving a go! :)

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