How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2)...

by Heather

A personal story and testimonial of how one woman got rid of her herpes (HSV2) permanently using natural medicine and tested negative with the reliable Western blot herpes test...

My boyfriend had just picked me up from the airport, and after two weeks being gone he seemed upset, almost angry at me, wanting to argue about everything that came up. I finally just asked him to take me home, and he left. I figured he had some things he was working through, so I just gave him his space. A few days later he came by my place and we spent the next two days "making up", then he was off to take care of his kids.

Two days later I started having a burning sensation in my vaginal area. I thought it was a yeast infection, I started Monistat right away but things only seemed to be getting worse. White spots. Nerve pain. And I was so swollen I couldn't even sit down. I had no idea what was going on, but something was very wrong, so I scheduled an appointment with the Women's Clinic Gynecologist.

By the time I got in to see her, I was in so much pain I was in tears. She said she hadn't seen something like this before but took some swabs and blood to run tests. Then the waiting game began. Somehow I remained calm. I had never had something like this before but figured whatever it was, my body would work through it and it would be gone.

A few days later while driving to work, I received the call. The nurse who called with the results wasn't overly friendly and just blatantly stated, "Your results came back positive for herpes. I'm sorry." I went into a state of confusion and asked her questions I can't even remember. What I do remember is that she grew more and more agitated and quickly got off the line. I turned around and drove home, then immediately called my boyfriend in frantic tears. "How could this happen? I don't understand how this happened! Did you sleep with someone else? What do I do?! How could this happen?" I felt like I kept saying the same words over and over because he seemed unable to offer any words of comfort. Then he too got off the line quickly, saying he needed to go pick up his kids and he would check on me later. I said, "I've never once asked you to put your kids aside for me, but I really need you right now. I don't know what to do, I just don't know what to do!" He hung up and I fell apart even more.

Lost. Trapped. Suddenly I felt trapped inside this infection that I had always been taught to fear. In one single moment I felt like my life was over. I called my aunt and cried frantically until I literally couldn't breathe. No words can calm the sudden psychological prison I felt I had just entered into. I felt as though if my heart didn't fall out of my chest first, I would suffocate from the inside. That's the best way I can describe how isolating a feeling it is to find this sort of news out.

I called my best friend and without hesitation she told her boss she had an emergency and drove an hour to me. By the time she got to me she was soaking wet with sweat and she just hugged me, and cried with me. She let me know that she was with me. She joked around to make me laugh, even though I always ended up crying again. She also helped me devise a plan to pack up my things and move into her home until I could figure out what I was going to do. Then she headed back home, and I was alone again... alone with my fears, alone with what was. I cried until there just weren't anymore tears. I couldn't eat and barely slept. I didn't leave my apartment. I just laid in bed for three days feeling numb, betrayed and so very violated by the man I trusted.

Finally, I picked up my phone and started Googling every phrase about herpes I could think of to gain some insight as to what I was dealing with. One thing that stopped me dead in my tracks was discovering that the herpes virus can lay dormant in a person's system for years before they ever get their first breakout. This shocked me and flipped my mind completely. What if I had gotten this from a previous relationship and I'm the one who gave it to my partner? What if he had gotten it from a previous relationship and didn't know it and now I'm making him feel awful for something he was totally unaware of? For the first time since finding out, my emotions calmed way down. I went into search mode, but everything I read made it sound like herpes was a life sentence once you had it. Blogs, medical sites, YouTube videos, everyone was just announcing their acceptance of this STD.

My mother raised us with a belief that the body has a way of healing itself if you give it what it needs. So I
kept searching. Eventually, I found a place to live with wonderful roommates and low enough rent so that I could begin gathering up the herbs I needed to start this raw food diet I had been learning about. Throughout my daily research I had come across both James Destroy Disease YouTube videos along with Troy's website... I then started to create my plan with the 5 Step Foundation of Dr. Schulze ( in mind, which is...

Everyone needs to flood their body with good nutrition.

Blockage is the root of all disease. Get the waste out!

Build a strong and powerful immune system!

Cleanse and detoxify all of your elimination organs!

Focus on your body's specific needs. (Herpes Cure protocol).

"Your body has the ability to heal itself completely of any disease." - Dr. Richard Schulze.

Dr. Schulze is also one who believes in the body's healing capabilities. His book, "THERE ARE NO INCURABLE DISEASES" is a 30 day intensive cleanse and detox program for anyone who's been told by their doctor that their disease is "incurable" (yes, this includes herpes, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson's Disease, you name it!) I didn't go so far as to complete the program but it was the runner up. I mainly just focused on making the 5 steps the guiding light and molded it into what Troy and James were teaching.

I regularly purchased Dr. Schultze's Intestinal #1 Formula, and wish I would have known what his Intestinal #2 formula actually did (look him up on YouTube, he explains it) because I definately would have purchased that one too. The Intestinal #1 helps to clean out your pipes. (Blockage is the root of all disease - get the waste out!) The Intestinal #2 you start once your bowels are working really well, it binds to the debris. It has clay which sucks up fecal matter that's been stuck in there for years. Fruit pectin draws out the heavy metals. This is a huge deal, because the herpes parasite hides behind heavy metals at the base of your spine, and the point of taking the organic Mediterranean oregano oil is so it can get past the heavy metals and chip away at the lipid coating of the cells that herpes has wrapped itself within. (I may not have that totally right, but that's how I understood it.) Once you chip away at that outside coating of the cell, the oregano oil can get to the herpes virus and kill it, but this all takes time. So patience is the key!

Here's some other things I did to flush the heavy metals out...

*LL's Magnetic Clay Detox Bath: This stuff was amazing! Along with pulling out the heavy metals, it also calmed my anxiety and depression and helped me to focus better at work. I also slept better.

*Detox Foot Pads by Global Healing Center: These pads pull the heavy metals out through your feet (reflexology points) while you sleep.

Going completely RAW was something I struggled with and tried to take short cuts on. I contacted Troy about 6 months in telling him I was still getting infections and that I was pretty much raw except for "organic corn chips" and a couple other things I thought were staples. I remember him telling me "Raw foods are one of the hidden secrets to the success of this protocol - so CUT OUT THE CORN CHIPS!" Of course he didn't capitalize it like that, but I understood it like that. I wrote it on the front of the notebook I took with me everywhere, along with the plan outline and must do's of my herpes protocol.
So the bottom line, stick to raw. Preferably organic. I know it's crazy expensive. I did non-organic in the beginning and then veered into organic. I felt really ungrounded until I added a lot of avocados (homemade guacamole) and raw organic peanut butter with banana's. Troy said soft boiled eggs were ok too (mine were more medium boiled). Breakfast was ALWAYS the antioxidant shake (James makes these on his YouTube channel... James Destroy Diseases). Lunch was a salad and an antioxidant shake. Dinner was either a shake and seaweed snacks or a shake, 2 medium boiled eggs with raw or steamed hummus and seaweed snacks.


#1: 3-4 drops oregano oil in water, followed with 1-2 tbsp cold pressed organic coconut oil (AM & PM) AND 1-2 drops with coconut oil rubbed on the lower spine (watch James's video).

*Tip: If I felt an infection coming on, I would increase to 6 drops of oregano oil, AM & PM, along with putting coconut oil and 1-2 drops of oregano oil on a Q-tip and applying it to the infected area. But WOW this hurt to tears so don't forget to add a good amount of coconut oil.

#2: 2 capsules Olivus olive leaf MAX (AM & PM).

#3: 5 drops of Sovereign Silver colloidal silver (up to 5 x's a day).

#4: Antioxidant Shake (breakfast, lunch, and evening). Here's what was in it...

*Pomegranate Powder (Navitas Naturals)
*Maqui Powder 1 tsp
*Camu Powder 1/4-1/2 tsp
*Acai Powder 1 tsp
*Chlorella Powder 1/2 tsp
*Matcha Green Tea 2 tsp
*Maca Powder 1 heaping tsp
*Wheat Grass Powder 1 scoop

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How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2) Continued...

The point is to flush your system with these nutrients. If you don't like the way it tastes, then chug it! Just get these nutrients into your system. I couldn't afford all of these at first, so I researched to see what each one did and which were specific to directly having an impact on herpes. Google and read up on Maqui, Camu Camu and Pomegranate powders, they have a direct impact against HSV2. Pomegranate powder actually prevents herpes 1 & 2 from replicating.

Add lots of cilantro to your shake with chlorella as these help your body flush out the heavy metals. Also, if you can join a gym that has a sauna, this will help alot as well. Reading through this site, I came across Dr Garry Gordon, who is all about freeing the body of heavy metals. In one of his interviews (Dr Garry Gordon Interview) he says he uses the sauna every single day. It makes a huge difference because in pulling out those toxins you feel calmer (and keeping a low stress level is super important). You can then think much clearer and you sleep way better as well.

One last thing to mention is organic grape fruit juice. After a couple of months, I started drinking it every day. Herpes HATES grapefruit juice, but the point was to draw it out once I could feel the infection coming on less and less. So draw it out, and when you get an infection - drop the whole arsenal on it and increase the olive leaf extract, oregano oil and colloidal silver! This is what I did, but doing this did make me cranky. My boss got on me a couple of times about being too sharp with customers. I became highly irritable, so just be aware of this.

#5: Morning Tea; Usually a banana with peanut butter and a "Calm" drink (by Natural Vitality). Boosts your magnesium levels to literally chill you the **** out! I took this along with doing breathing exercises. There's also a coffee replacement drink if you need something that tastes similar but has NO caffeine and NO acidity called Dandy Blend. It's an instant herbal beverage that gets your dandelion dose into you for the day. 5 drops of colloidal silver in water.

#6: Lunch; Big salmon or shrimp salad & antioxidant shake. 5 droppers of colloidal silver.

#7: Afternoon Tea; Seaweed snack & fruit. Calm drink. 5 drops of colloidal silver

#8: Dinner; Antioxidant shake. 2 medium boiled eggs. Raw hummus and seaweed.

#9: Before Bed; 3-4 drops oregano oil in water, followed with 1-2 tbsp cold pressed organic coconut oil (don't forget to put it on your lower spine too). 2 capsules Olivus olive leaf MAX. 5 drops of colloidal silver.

Tip: If you have trouble sleeping due to anxiety or stress, I took Kavinace Ultra PM by NeuroScience to help calm me down. Stress and lack of sleep will obviously take a toll on your immune system, and while you're body's going through all of this healing, don't make it harder on your system by letting the stress or lack of sleep burden your immune system any more than it needs to. Heaven knows you've been through enough already. Your body can and will heal if you give it the right environment to do what you're asking it to do.


I know, right! But hear me out. Now, I'm not sure how much this actually helped, but I wanted to do everything I felt guided to do. I came across the website where this guy tells the story of his deep depression due to heavy metal toxicity. Doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong and so he took matters into his own hands and what resulted was a complete night and day turnaround. He said he felt... "a very hard to describe feeling of unusual, unexplainable wellness, bliss, peacefulness, contentment, joy and unusual calmness" after detoxing. Just goes to show how heavy a role toxins play not only in our body but our brains too!
On his website he actually tells you exactly how to make your own suppositories. I figured, since that area is closer to the lower spine (where herpes is hiding) than the mouth, then maybe it could benefit by getting the virus-killing agents in through the "back door".

He explains (in Detox - Part 2): "And what is more powerful than delivering nutrients and medicines through the skin is delivering them through the inner skin of our colon. That's when they can bypass the digestive system and have a much higher chance of getting absorbed directly into the bloodstream".

It's not pleasant, but then none of this experience that I was going through was. I didn't use the suppositories more than a few times a month. Just another consideration. And speaking of absorption through the skin, I found this out about coconut oil for herpes...

"Coconut oil's lauric acid is proven to have antiviral effects. The body converts it to monolaurin, which destroys the coating around lipid-enclosed viruses. Specifically, it has been shown to disintegrate the herpes simplex virus in invitro testing." Again, I'm not sure how big a role this played, but after reading this I started slathering coconut oil all over my body every night.

Body Products...

Since we're on the subject of detoxing, you may want to consider swapping out some of your body products, at least while your body is summoning up all of it's power to get you back to full wellness. Deodorants tend to have aluminium, so throw the Wal-Mart brand and either don't use any or get aluminium-free. Your standard tube of toothpaste has fluoride which is toxic. Chemicals are also in shampoo's and body soaps. Try to really watch out for what you're exposing your body to during this time.

Negativity and People Who Pull You Down...

When I was going through struggle after struggle, the end goal that was constantly in my mind was to be free of this virus. I remember reading a blog online from people going on and on about having herpes and how there are no cures and there is no hope. One guy finally said, "Look, the people who have already been cured aren't gonna be on any of these sites because it's not their problem anymore!" That actually gave me motivation to keep digging. I felt inside like it had to be true. And I now know that it is.

The day before I started the Raw Food diet, I went out to have a big juicy burger with a friend of mine. I asked him if he believed that the body could heal itself, if it were given the right nutrients. I told him how there's been story after story of people healing their bodies of things doctors never imagined they could by going on a raw food diet. He for some reason became adamant that it was all completely bogus. Sometimes people take away any hope, but then leave you with no solution and then they're off on their merry way. I felt even more heavy hearted by the time I left, and decided that I was going to have to really be precise and intentional with who was going to be in my inner circle. No one was going to go through this for me. No one understood what I was feeling. The intense isolation is enough to make you really want to give up, but don't give up. Isolate your world to the point where you feel in control of your healing process and keep all negativity out or it will drain you of the strength and momentum you've gathered to take this head-on.

Honestly, this was not a short process. I started and stopped the raw food diet multiple times. I did a few months, not that serious about going totally raw, then tried three months fully raw but without the supplements. One day I came across a post from a guy in the comments section of one of James's videos who said he went raw but wasn't all that committed until he saw another persons post saying that they had tested negative from following the raw food protocol. He got serious about it and in six months he tested negative. I guess a lot of people heal and once they're in the clear they don't look back .. but I gained massive hope from the few people who posted in the comments that they did actually test negative. And even though I wasn't totally clear on how to fit all these random pieces of the protocol together, I just put one foot in front of the other. I contacted Troy on multiple occasions and was surprised at how genuine his responses always were. He always gave strong suggestions and was good at redirecting me if I was steering in the wrong direction.

Here's a list of his NO-NO's...

No alcohol.
No chocolate.
No refined sugars.
No processed food.
No tap water. (Reverse osmosis is good.)
No caffeine (impairs the healing process). The one exception to this is Matcha Green Tea, because the healing benefits outweigh any negatives.

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How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2) Part 3...

Some Things That Helped...

It helped to condense my plan into a notebook with a simplified version and then a more detailed version. I also put a calendar up on the wall with the "Start Date: XXX" and "End Date: XXX " and also "Test Date #1: XXX, Test Date #2: XXX, Test Date #3: XXX". You cross out daily the days you've completed so you can constantly track your progress - marking along the way which days you had an infection and how bad it was. This way you can accurately monitor the progress you're making.

In the evening, as I was falling asleep, I turned on Louise Hay's audio (YouTube) "40 min's everyday to change your life forever - guided meditation" where she talks you through releasing any resentment you've been holding onto for others and forgiveness and love for yourself. Sometimes we're not even aware of things we've been holding onto in our subconscious. I always felt lighter in the morning. I really believe this helped put my mind at ease and set me up for a calmer day. In the mornings I listened to Abraham Hicks ("Stop doubting, start believing" is a great one). It helped set my mind up to stay in a positive mind-set and really "feel forward" as she calls it (where you feel the result of what you want, but in the present).

The Final Results...

From start to finish of my "serious" go at this (my 3rd time was a charm!) I was on the raw food protocol for about seven months (this was fully raw along with taking all of the recommended supplements daily). I scheduled my first igG test and then waited two days for the results: Negative!! Then I waited another two weeks and did the igG test again: Negative!!

Now just to back up a little... after I had initially done the three months raw, I went and got tested and the nurse gave me my results which can back negative. I was stoked! I told my girlfriends and we celebrated and boy was I happy! I went into the office to pick up the results and as it turned out she had misread them to me (newbie). I was still positive. My heart dropped and I was shattered all over again. So, this time I was not going to get my hopes up if there was ANY margin for error with these last igG tests. I contacted Troy and asked him how I could be sure that these weren't false negative's (I had read that there can be false positive blood tests).

He's so great! Here's what he said: "The igG test is basically #2 on the accuracy test. The Western Blot is #1. It's highly unlikely that the two igG tests would both come back as false negatives... Highly unlikely! igG tests can sometimes throw back false positives but rarely false negatives (and especially not two false negatives from tests done apart from each other)".

He said the igG is a very accurate test, but if I wanted 100% certainty and peace of mind, that I could consider taking the Western blot test (the gold standard of herpes testing). It's not usually an easy test to get and it's not cheap, but this whole experience hasn't come cheap - not mentally, physically, emotionally or financially. Paying for peace of mind is not money wasted, in my book. So I called the University of Washington and requested they send me a kit, which they do at no charge. And they're all super nice and very knowledgeable! I had called the doctor's office to make sure my doc would be willing to do the test before I went in. When she called me back she said, "You tested positive a year ago, what kind of results are you expecting?" We all know, and have heard it a million times, that doctors will tell you herpes is incurable and you've gotta take meds forever and ever and blah blah blah. Well, forget everything they've ever said to you about it, because they really have NO CLUE! She filled out the paperwork and drew the blood. They had to spin it, and then I took the vial and overnighted it to the University of Washington, where it took two weeks for me to get the results. They came back negative!!!

I wish I had the perfect words to make you feel better, as you're likely also going through what I went through. I found that no one really knew what to say to me, and it wasn't their fault either. They just didn't understand... and how could they? You really have to come to the understanding that this is something you have to go through and face on your own. It's not something you were meant to have for life. The body can heal. I looked into things like Ayahuasca (which I never tried, just researched), and Ormus (white gold) which is supposedly known to heal the body of ailments doctors have no cure for. I just didn't find one that I felt a noticeable difference with. So you could also dig deeper into these, if you feel so inclined.

"Wellness is the natural state of my body" (Louise Hay). Say this like a mantra, and believe it when you say it. I'm hoping my story helps some of you. I hope it helps to lift your spirit, knowing that people are actually being cured by doing this Raw Food and supplement protocol that Troy and James have rolled out to us. They are huge blessings from God. I'm baffled at how they have so fully compiled this information and so freely laid it out to everyone without charging a dime. You just don't see that nowadays, and it's a very big deal. My heart is just so full of gratitude to them, and to God for leading me to them, along with every other piece of the puzzle that got me to the end of the tunnel.

Please hang in there.

Sending you a big hug and lots of love,


Important Note: Please Click on This Link and Read Before Posting a Question Below...

Please Read First Before Asking a Question About This Post or Our Natural Herpes Cure Protocol.

Comments for How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2) Part 3...

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Feb 02, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

A really terrific story Heather, and so much detail on the specifics and what you used to cure yourself of HSV2. I'd been keeping an eye on your progress and it was really good to see you achieve the result you wanted. You worked hard and did everything you could to rid yourself of the virus so you deserve it. Congratulations!

After taking the Western blot test (which is 100% accurate), no one, not even the most hardened skeptic, can doubt your result. Your story will help and inspire lots of other herpes sufferers out there who may be thinking that there's no way out or no cure for this awful virus - so thank you for taking the time to share it with us.

Congratulations to you once again. :)

Feb 17, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I read that HSV-1 lies dormant in the trigeminal ganglion. Should I be rubbing oregano oil on that area and not the spine? Also, is this protocol only effective when you have an outbreak or can it be done and kill the virus when it is dormant?

Feb 19, 2017
by: Troy

Yes it's true that HSV1 lies dormant in the trigeminal ganglion, however, there is no need to rub the oregano oil on this particular area. You still apply the oregano oil (with some coconut oil of course) to the base of the spine as it travels up from this area to the trigeminal ganglion. This is the safest and most effective way to apply the oil.

Also, this protocol destroys the virus regardless if you're having a breakout or not. If the virus is currently dormant, using the oregano oil, olive leaf extract, etc, will bring the virus out of it's dormant state (which is needed to destroy it). This will usually cause an outbreak (or multiple outbreaks) so you should be ready for this. Outbreaks aren't necessarily a bad thing when you're trying to kill the virus - remember they WILL lessen over time until eventually you get them no more.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Feb 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thank you for answering my previous question on a Sunday night. Why is coconut oil necessary? I have been rubbing just the oregano oil. Something else has been bugging me too. You seem to know a lot so I will ask.... back in January 2016 is when I got a lesion. The doctor gave me a bacterial cream called Fucidin and it worked overnight, clearing it up. Then again in August 2016 I had another lesion and my family doctor gave me a cream called Clindoxyl for acne. Once again it cleared it up with 48 hours. I am the one who pushed to get tested for herpes and he finally agreed so I went for the blood test (not sure which one) in November 2016. It took 9 weeks (doesn't that seem long?) to get the results, which came back positive for HSV1. My doctor was hesitant because I have been with the same partner since mid 2009 and there has been no cheating on either side. I started the oregano oil North American Herb Super Strength P73 orally and externally about a month ago and started the Olivus super strength capsules on February 1st and Lysine as well. It seems odd to me that acne creams help. Have you ever known of a test to be wrong? I'm think of getting retested.

Feb 20, 2017
by: Troy

Firstly, the coconut oil is combined with the oregano oil so it doesn't burn. The oregano oil you are using is not strong enough, which is why you are able to apply it undiluted. This is the oregano oil you should be using... ZANE HELLAS Wild Pure Greek Essential Oil of Oregano.

As far as a herpes test being wrong? It happens all the time! You must make sure you get the right test done (igG type specific) or Western blot. Have a read of this recent Q&A we did on herpes testing for a full understanding... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

My advice... get retested by a reputable lab such as Labcorp if you want to know for sure.

All the best!

Feb 21, 2017
Want to be Cured
by: Anonymous

How can I cure myself from this??? Where can I find these products so I can start? I've been suffering since April 2015. What is the raw food diet? I really want to end this disease.

Feb 21, 2017
by: Troy

Everything is explained in full in our article... Natural Herpes Cure. Be sure to click on the relevant links for more information as well. :)

Feb 27, 2017
Oregano oil
by: Shota

Dear Troy,

You mentioned "Zane Hellas Wild Pure Greek Essential Oil of Oregano" (this is the one I purchased) - James destroy diseases mentions NEW AGE Oregano oil. Which is the one we must use? Is there any big differences between these two apart from the cost? Thank you in advance.

Feb 28, 2017
Thanks for sharing
by: Anonymous

I read your story and I want to thank you immensely for caring enough to take the time to share your story. You are truly inspiring Heather!! I am soooo happy for you!! I do have a question? You listed the powder antioxidants in your shake but what else goes in there? Fruit or greens and what kind and how much? I watched James's video but it didn't really say, unless I watched the wrong one.
Thanks for your help, you are an inspiration and I hope to be able to overcome this obstacle too by following in your footsteps and with positive thinking.
Thanks a million.

Feb 28, 2017
by: Troy

Both oregano oils work EQUALLY as well and both have a minimum carvacrol content of 70%. The price is the only differing factor.

Best regards. :)

Feb 28, 2017
by: Troy

The antioxidant shake Heather is referring to is this one... Help Fight Disease With a Powerful Combo of Antioxidant Powders. She also lists the ingredients above under the "Daily Protocol Routine" section. The other things she says to add are cilantro & chlorella (for your heavy metal detox). You could also add some organic coconut oil, beets, garlic & kale too for an extra potent mix if you want. :)

Mar 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

I want to know if I can eat whole wheat pasta and bread while on this regimen? Basically trying to get a idea of what's ok.

Mar 05, 2017
by: David

Was diagnosed with Genital Herpes at the beginning of 2015. First few outbreaks were harsh. Suffered 4 outbreaks during 2015. Started taking lysine at the beginning of 2016 (1 capsule daily), since then had only 3 relatively minor outbreaks during 2016.
This FEB started using OLE and Oregano oil as recommended here, along side with the lysine, vitamin C, Echinacea, apple cider vinegar, zinc and trying to maintain a healthy eating routine (mostly raw foods).
Have not added yet the BHT + St. Johns wort (still a little hesitant about immediate effects and long term effects - can you elaborate a bit about possible harm using these?)

I'm outbreak free since November. Have not experienced any outbreak since I started using OLE + Oregano oil - as others seem to experience. Does that mean that it's not 'working' properly on me? Any other ways in tricking the virus to come out of its hiding and meet these substances? I guess the lysine itself did a great job so far during 2016.
And conclusions from your point of view?
(Still have here and there tingling feeling down there but that's about it).

Mar 08, 2017
Reply to "Carbs" comment
by: Troy

Follow the recommendations listed in this article... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It. It tells you everything you need to know. :)

Mar 08, 2017
Reply to David
by: Troy

Hi David. There's nothing to worry about with the BHT and St Johns wort as long as you follow the recommendations and build up the dosage slowly. Just don't consume alcohol while on the BHT (which you shouldn't be doing anyway). I recommend adding these - they work extremely well. The fact that you aren't experiencing breakouts is a good thing. It's neither here nor there if you get breakouts or not. Because you were already taking the lysine, etc, beforehand probably has a lot to do with this. If you want to bring the virus out, do what Heather did (drink grapefruit juice). This will do it. Then when it does come out hit it with everything you've got (OLE, oregano oil, etc).

You're on the right track so stick with it.

All the best!

Mar 08, 2017
Just OLE oregano oil and colloidal silver?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, so I just read this success story and I'm so happy. I did have a question though? Throughout the story she only mentions OLE, Oregano oil and colloidal silver out of all of the supplements. Are these enough to cure it like she did or did she miss out some of the stuff like the BHT and the lysine etc.. thanks!

Mar 08, 2017
James Destroy Diseases
by: Anonymous

Is this the same person?

Mar 09, 2017
Metal implants?
by: Anonymous

I have 12 screws and two rods drilled into my spine, starting mid lumbar and ending mid thoracic. Will these metal implants impede on my supplement regime? I bought the foot pads Heather mentioned as well. My regimen is: 6 silver, 6 Olive Leaf, 4 BHT with 4 st John's wort, 3 lysine, 2 VIT C, vegetarian diet, steam and sauna at least 4 times a week. I also exercise a lot.

Mar 09, 2017
by: Justin

Hello Troy

I'm a bit confused regarding the dosage Heather mentioned above so could you please help :-)

She mentions:
1. 3-4 drops of oregano oil (AM & PM)
2. 2 Capsules of OLE MAX (AM & PM)

Does (AM & PM) mean 2 times a day? In other words should we take 3-4 drops Oregano oil & 2 Capsules of OLE 2 (two) times a day - so a total of 4 capsules per day?

Thank you in advance.

Mar 13, 2017
Reply to "Just OLE oregano oil and colloidal silver" comment
by: Troy

Technically, yes, the OLE, oregano oil & colloidal silver are enough, however, we would still strongly recommend the BHT. It works extremely well and stops the outbreaks (something Heather struggled with). Heather did include a few other things to her protocol but the basic premise is still the same... detox, detox, detox! This is what destroys the virus.

All the best! :)

Mar 13, 2017
Reply to "James Destroy Diseases" comment
by: Troy

No. Two completely different people (different surnames). :)

Mar 13, 2017
Reply to Justin
by: Troy

Yes that's exactly right Justin. A total of 6-8 drops of oregano oil and 4 capsules of the Olivus olive leaf MAX capsules per day. :)

Mar 13, 2017
Reply to "Metal implants" comment
by: Troy

Wouldn't think that the metal implants you have would impede on anything to do with this protocol. In regards to exercising, just be sure not to overdo it. Exercise is only good for you up to a point. If you go too hard too often you can actually lower your immune system rather than build it up. :)

Mar 13, 2017
Herb Pharm Brand
by: Anonymous


What is your opinion on the Herb Pharm brand, and using supplements in tincture form?

Mar 14, 2017
by: Troy

Herb Pharm is a very good brand that's been around for a long time. Tinctures are good when used in combination with the liquid/capsules - olive leaf extract tinctures used with the capsules for example. :)

Mar 14, 2017
Oregano oil dosage
by: Anonymous

Hi there,
Thanks so much for all the info, this has been the best thread I've found!
I've been following Heather's regime and am wanting to confirm whether the 3-4 drops of oregano oil with water (AM & PM) are diluted drops? Currently I can only just manage one drop of pure oregano oil in water as it's extremely strong.
Many thanks

Mar 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy. I was diagnosed a couple of days ago... devastated depressed and felt like life was over. Doctor gave me a prescription (I didn't get it) and said I was stuck with this for life. Before I saw this site I found another & started their protocol yesterday... has me eating real/organic food for 10 days, then 13 days of OLE, Lysine, Vitamin C and a bunch of B's for 13 days and claims this will eliminate the virus... is that possible?

Mar 14, 2017
Not going raw?
by: Anonymous

Can the protocol still work if you don't go raw but go organic and eat natural foods combined with the OLE, colloidal silver, oregano oil and BHT?

Mar 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

What would be a more beneficial cleanse/detox before starting this protocol. A blood cleanse, parasite cleanse or colon cleanse? Want to give myself the best chance. Thanks

Mar 15, 2017
Reply to "Oregano oil dosage" comment
by: Troy

The 3-4 drops of oregano oil should be placed in 8 oz of clean filtered water. If this is still too strong, go up to 10 oz's, but 8 should be fine. The oregano oil is strong stuff (if you have the right type, which it sounds like you do) so it must be diluted.

Here's the exact protocol for the oregano oil according to James from DestroyDiseases...

Steps on How to use the Oregano Oil:

First: You must take several drops of this oil in water, usually 6-8oz of liquid. You need to do this once or twice per day. The less liquid, the stronger the solution will taste. The less liquid, the stronger it will be. You must use at least 4oz of liquid, or, it may have more of a slight burning sensation on your lips. Applying some virgin coconut oil can relieve that sensation.

Next: You need to rub the oregano oil diluted with some virgin coconut oil on the bottom portion of the spine. Cover about 2 to 4 inches starting from the very bottom part of the spine right near the top of the butt area. Try not to over-dilute the oregano oil or it will not work. A slight tingling sensation may be felt and this means it is diluted properly! Normally, just a small amount of coconut oil will be needed with around 3 drops of oregano oil. It should never burn the skin, only tingle a slight amount. Since the virus lives in the lower part of the spine this is a very significant part of the process that should be made. This should be done once in the morning and once at night for best results. This may need to be done for many consecutive months to "ensure" best results. If an outbreak occurs, which can happen when the body is fighting back this is especially necessary to do.

Finally: You need to dilute 2 or 3 drops of the pure oregano oil with the gold label virgin coconut oil and hold this under your tongue for at least 10 minutes. Be careful to make sure you dilute this enough, so it has only a slight tingling feeling; otherwise you might temporarily burn the bottom of your mouth. This should be performed at least once per day. If an outbreak has occurred, this should be done several times per day. If that happens, just use plain coconut oil (no oregano oil for this) should fix this problem by holding the oil under your tongue for several minutes. Repeating this step by holding the coconut oil under your tongue several more times may be necessary.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 15, 2017
Reply to "Help" comment
by: Troy

A total of 33 days to rid your body of the virus? Highly unlikely in my opinion. What they suggest is not bad (similar to what we recommend by the looks of it), I just don't believe you can detox/bring out the virus and destroy it in 30 days. Possible maybe? But not likely. Even Dr Sebi (a man I greatly respect) says it can take up to 12 months to completely eliminate the herpes virus from the human body. :)

Mar 15, 2017
Reply to "Not going raw" comment
by: Troy

If you read the article we recommend on raw food eating, you'll find that this is made up of eating organic natural foods ( exactly what you are saying), so yes, it can. The OLE, colloidal silver, oregano oil & BHT (with St John's Wort & coconut oil) are also strong enough to destroy the virus on their own. Detoxing & internal cleansing is the key to ridding the body of any virus or foreign pathogen. :)

Mar 15, 2017
Reply to "Detox/cleanse" comment
by: Troy

All three if you want to give yourself the best chance possible. A parasite & colon cleanse are especially important. Remember, this protocol does all of these so a cleanse beforehand is not necessarily needed. Better to get straight on the program now so your body starts cleansing & detoxing right away. :)

Mar 15, 2017
Best combo
by: Anonymous

When doing the protocol, if I take the OLE in the morning with water can I take the BHT/St John's Wort with coconut oil right after, or do I have to wait?

Mar 15, 2017
Food & supplements
by: Anonymous

I will be starting this protocol as soon as I get the items listed. Can I still eat other organic things other than fruit and veggies... meat, chicken, fish etc? Also, can I take a multi vitamin and extra vit C and some B's? Are protein shakes or vitamin packs from GNC ok to take?
thank u

Mar 15, 2017
by: Troy

Firstly, yes you can still eat organic chicken, lean red meat, fish, etc. Read the "Raw Food Diet: Benefits & How to Go About it" article for more information on what you need to be eating. A multi-vitamin is also a good idea, along with extra vitamin C (your should be taking at least 5000 mg's day - see #5 cure) and B vitamins. However, the protein shakes/bodybuilding supplements are no good (none of them). They contain too many additives & unnatural/man-altered ingredients, many of which you can't even pronounce (read the labels and you'll see what I mean). Sorry. The protein shakes have to go. :)

Mar 16, 2017
Reply to "Best combo" comment
by: Troy

It's better to wait rather than taking them straight after one another. Have the OLE and then take the BHT just before you eat. You only need to have the BHT 10 minutes before food. :)

Mar 16, 2017
Olivus OLE
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, the Olivus max is not available for another 10 days, however the regular one is available. Would it be better to wait? Also, I am just starting this protocol, should I have the oregano oil, colloidal silver and bht/st johns wort in a day or two? I have just started with the change in diet... should I wait until my body detoxes a bit with my change in diet or should I get right into the 3 items I have now and start the process and then work the OLE in when I can get it. Thanks so much

Mar 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

With multi vitamins, I noticed they have many metals in them... zinc magnesium etc. If I am trying to get the heavy metals out is it ok to take them or is there a difference between these metals and "heavy metals"? Your replies are appreciated much more than you could know. Thank you

Mar 16, 2017
Tribulus and Cissus Quadrangularis
by: Anonymous

I'm very glad to have found this website.
What is your take on the herbs Tribulus Terrestris and Cissus Quadrangularis?

For suppression of outbreaks, these two (each on its own) were the only supplements that actually helped me. And I have tried many. They would even allow me to drink coffee and alcohol on a regular basis. Before I found them I had outbreaks almost every month and the itchy tingling feeling was there constantly. But whenever I stop these supplements or when I switch from one to the other, I get outbreaks again.

Do you think these herbs can be combined with your protocol? Is there any incompatibility or can they replace other supplements that you suggest?

Mar 17, 2017
Question about BHT, lysine & vitamin C
by: Anonymous

I noticed that Heather did not use the BHT, Lysine or vitamin C as you recommend and still got the results she desired. Was hers just a special case or are those things definitely needed?

Mar 17, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,

Is it possible to do a mix of organic and non organic? Organic food is almost out of reach price wise. I understand a little about both. What are cons of non organic? Can pesticides be washed off?

Mar 19, 2017
Reply to "Olivus OLE" comment
by: Troy

Wait for the Olivus OLE MAX. The standard ones aren't strong enough. When you get them, take two per day, one morning and one at night, for 3 weeks then increase to 4 per day (as per their website recommendation for treating viruses). Rather than waiting, you should start on the diet/eating regimen AND start taking what supplements you have straight away. Then add the OLE once you get it. Get your body detoxing now! Don't forget about the lysine, zinc and vitamin C too. These work extremely well & in synergy with the other supplements, along with helping your body detox much faster.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 19, 2017
Reply to "Vitamins" comment
by: Troy

Getting your vitamins & minerals from plant based forms will always be better than from synthetic forms. The minerals contained in many multi-vitamin & mineral supplements are metallic minerals, so yes, these should be avoided. Chelated minerals are okay though.

Mar 19, 2017
Reply to "Tribulus & Cissus Quadrangularis" comment
by: Troy

Yes, these herbs can certainly be used as part of this protocol. Tribulus & cissus quadrangularis are both excellent antivirals, anti-inflammatories and immune boosters. Remember, it's all about detoxing the body. You don't have to follow our protocol exactly. You can do what Heather did and combine different protocols to come up with your own. If you've used something and it's helped you, our motto is you should continue to take it! :)

Mar 20, 2017
Reply to "BHT, lysine & vitamin C" comment
by: Troy

While it's true that Heather did not use these 3 nutrients/supplements, we still strongly recommend that you do. Once again, getting rid of the herpes virus is all about detoxification. BHT, lysine and vitamin C are all extremely powerful antioxidants - some of the most powerful yet discovered in fact. You want to give yourself the best chance possible of beating this virus. These 3 are an essential part of this in our opinion. :)

Mar 20, 2017
Reply to "Organic" comment
by: Troy

Yes, organic produce is much more expensive than non-organic. At the end of the day you just have to do the best you can do and go with what you can afford. Washing your produce in ACV and hydrogen peroxide can help... DIY Natural Fruit & Veggie Wash. Although this is still not as good as eating organically grown, it's better than nothing. :)

Mar 20, 2017
BHT help
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,
Not sure if my question got through before but I read BHT should not be taken with colloidal silver and it will nix the effects. I also read that taking oregano oil for long extended periods can cause kidney damage. Can you help with this question?

Mar 20, 2017
Least amount of time?
by: Anonymous

Hey, if I done this protocol exactly to the letter, adding all the supplements, herbs and recommendations, as well as following a raw vegan diet, when could be the earliest I could cure/test negative? 4 months maybe?

Mar 21, 2017
by: Troy

As long as the BHT is taken at a different time to the colloidal silver, both will still be effective. In regards to the oregano oil, Dr Joseph Mercola say's that oregano oil is perfectly safe as long as it's diluted with water or a carrier oil. Children and pregnant women are advised not to take it.

Mar 21, 2017
by: Troy

6 months maybe? The problem is your IgG antibodies are slow to go back down (read this article for a full understanding on herpes testing), which is why 12 months is the usual time frame. This gives your antibodies enough time to peak and then retreat.

Mar 21, 2017
How long approx?
by: Jc

How long should we wait minimum between taking supplements? And is there any in particular we should keep well spread out?

Mar 22, 2017
by: Troy

Waiting between one to two hours before taking each supplement is the minimum time frame (except for the ones that need to be taken together such as the BHT & St John's Wort of course). The BHT and colloidal silver should especially be kept well apart for effectiveness. :)

Mar 23, 2017
Colloidal silver
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,

A question on the colloidal silver. I appreciate all the questions and answers here, hope you don't mind me asking. With the silver, I have read that it could turn skin silver? Also, can you explain how this protocol is able to get to the virus when it's dormant? Or is the protocol to beef up the immune system while waiting for the virus to come out to the skin? What if the virus does not come out for 6, 8 or 10 months or longer? How does the substances being taken get to the virus in the nerves?

Mar 24, 2017
by: Troy

Firstly, colloidal silver will not make you turn blue! Please stop believing the BS about this. The silver particles would have to be large particles for this to happen and you would need to take a massive amount. Silver hydrosol (Sovereign Silver) is extremely small particle size and cannot turn you blue... no matter how much you take! The whole "turning blue" farce was started from this fraudulent article about the "Papa Smurf" blue man... The Blue Man Fraud. Don't buy into it.

In regards to how this protocol attacks the virus, this is a whole article in itself, but in a nutshell...

You are bringing out the virus via detoxing the body (detoxing the cells) AND also building up the immune system. So it's a 2 pronged approach. If the virus is dormant, you'll usually get a breakout (or multiple breakouts) when you begin this. That's actually a good thing. The virus can be destroyed once it's exposed. The herpes virus also attaches itself to heavy metals, which is why the detoxing process is so crucial. Getting antioxidants, nutrients and viral destroying chemicals into the cell where the virus has attached itself is crucial to destroying it. That's what the foods & supplements recommended do. They contain all of the antioxidants, nutrients and chemicals needed for this. James's article is also helpful for more information on this... DestroyDiseases.

Mar 24, 2017
Ionic/hydrosol or true silver
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy

I've been doing as much research as possible. Another question on the colloidal silver... Should I be using the ionic silver which is listed as Hydrosol (Sovereign Silver) or a true silver?

I am confused on this, can you help?

Mar 27, 2017
by: Troy

You can use either silver hydrosol OR pure silver. Both are equally as good. Dr Joseph Mercola recommends pure silver while Dr Robert Scott Bell recommends Sovereign Silver (hydrosol). You can go wrong with either one. :)

Mar 29, 2017
Just Curious?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, I've been following the diet pretty closely for almost two months now and I have a few questions. Due to my busy lifestyle I've been mixing the colloidal silver and the oregano oil together in the mornings and nights, because finding a bathroom during my commute to work can prove to be quite difficult. Is that ok? Do the two cancel each other out? My second question, is it alright to consume beans, legumes and chick peas? I appreciate your help and look forward to your response.

Mar 30, 2017
by: Anonymous

Please help... no where does it state how long to use the oregano oil. How many months? For back and under tongue?
Also, I have read about dsmo being used with the oil on the back to draw it in... thoughts?

Apr 05, 2017
Reply to "Just Curious" Comment
by: Troy

If this is the only way you can take the oregano oil & colloidal silver then yes continue with it (better to have them both together than not at all). You just have to do the best that you can. Having both together will still work fine. :)

Apr 05, 2017
by: Troy

The oregano oil should be used for the full 12 months - both internally & externally. You can take a few days off every couple of months if you want to give your body a break. Yes, the DMSO can be good for helping to get the oregano oil in and can certainly be added. :)

Apr 05, 2017
Olive Leaf and Lysine Can't be Taken Together?
by: Anonymous

I read that Lysine and Olive Leaf cannot be taken together? Is this true? I'm confused because I have read that both should be taken on an empty stomach?

Olive Leaf - how long after the BHT can I take it? For the first month I take Olive Leaf 2x per day and then after this take 4x per day?
To complete the protocol the dosage should remain 4x per day or 2?

Apr 05, 2017
by: Troy

Yes the lysine & olive leaf should be taken at separate times. This can be 20 minutes to half an hour apart - that will still suffice. Basically, the more you can break up the times when you take your supplements the better. Having them all at once, for instance, wont be as effective compared to spreading them out throughout the day. Remember, your body can only absorb so much at a time! With the OLE dosage, after the first month of 2 capsules per day, you increase to 4 per day and stay on this amount for the next 11 months. As far as taking the supplements on an empty stomach, even an hour after eating will still be okay. If you can wait 2-3 hours even better. Don't over think all of this. Keep it simple. You cannot be "perfect" when it comes to taking your supplements. Just do the best that you can. They will still work!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

Apr 06, 2017
Please Help
by: Dreadful

I just found out two days ago that I tested positive for HSV2 and I have been researching like a mad woman on ways to help with it (I initially thought it was a yeast infection and UTI since I am prone to them often). I plan to follow what I have read here but I am currently experiencing my first outbreak. I can barely move without being brought to tears from the pain and urinating and can hardly stay seated to do it. I have cried like a baby just from peeing! I am a very pain tolerant person, I've had four kids naturally but THIS is another worldly pain. Especially since I'm having trouble peeing in the first place. Is there something that I can do asap just to alleviate some of the pain while I wait for my products to come in?

Thank You

Apr 07, 2017
by: Troy

If you have some honey in your pantry you can use this straight away (see #8 cure) or apple cider vinegar if you happen to have some of this. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used and is fast acting (#10 cure) and can be easily bought from just about anywhere. Also, eating onions, especially lots of garlic, will help tremendously.

Hope you manage to find some relief.

All the best to you. :)

Apr 07, 2017
Starches Help
by: Anonymous

Is eating beans, lentils, quinoa, sweet potato and pumpkin alright while doing this diet?

Apr 08, 2017
Dsmo help
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, first I hope that woman gets better soon. I will add dsmo soon to the spine... I have seen several posts on blogs that it has worked and a negative pcr test after 3 months. I am putting 3 drops on my spine morning and night. I have the 70% dsmo liquid. How much should I add on top of the oregano oil and how often? I want to try this but did read one post from someone who said that he may have damaged the sheathing around his nerve. Maybe he used too much of one or both or poor quality dsmo? Can you please advise me as best you can how to add the dsmo with the oregano oil to the lower spine. Thank u

Apr 09, 2017
Oregano Oil Softgels & Colloidal Silver
by: Justin

Dear Troy,

1. Could you please tell us the best way to take colloidal silver? Heather diluted it in water - is it still strong when done in this way? Can I just drop 5-6 drops under the tongue or should I dilute.

2. The oregano oil burned my throat twice. Can I use Oregano Oil Softgels by ZANE HELLAS, which has the same Carvacrol content (86%) and each softgel has 107.5 mg of Carvacrol per serving? If I can use these instead of oregano oil then please tell me how many softgels should I consume per day.

3. Can I eat bread of any kind?

Thank you in advance and god bless you.

Apr 10, 2017
by: Anonymous

Troy, is the pcr/dna test accurate and if so how accurate. I saw a post on a blog which provides much hope... a girl posted she used the oregano oil and 3 months after she tested negative with the pcr test but was still positive with the antibody test. I fully understand that the antibodies could stay in the body for a lengthy time, especially without detoxing as she did not in fact do this and said she ate everything under the sun. Is a pcr/dna test accurate enough? Or is the Western blot test the only fully accurate test? They are not the same test are they?

Apr 10, 2017
Reply to "Starches Help" Comment
by: Troy

All of these are perfectly fine. :)

Apr 11, 2017
Reply to "DMSO Help" Comment
by: Troy

My advice would be to start off with a small amount of the 70% solution (3-4 drops of the liquid) to begin with and if this is okay then slowly increase the amount. I would still use it with coconut oil (small amount) as well.

Hope this helps. :)

Apr 11, 2017
Reply to Justin
by: Troy

The colloidal silver is best taken under the tongue (more rapid absorption) but either way is still fine. With the oregano oil, you can certainly take the Zane Hellas capsules instead of the oregano liquid in water, but you will still need to do the oregano oil and coconut oil mix under the tongue (dilute 2 or 3 drops of the pure oregano oil with organic virgin coconut oil and hold this under your tongue for at least 10 minutes). The dosage for the Zane Hellas capsules is one per day with food. As far as eating bread, no wheat breads should be eaten. Here's some better alternatives (sourdough, ezekiel, lettuce, & sweet potatoes are the top picks)... 10 Healthy Ways to Replace Conventional Wheat Bread.

Hope this helps you Justin.

All the best!

Apr 11, 2017
Reply To "Pcr/dna Test" Comment
by: Troy

No the PCR and Western blot are two completely different tests. The Western blot is the gold standard of herpes testing by a country mile. However, the PCR test can still be valuable to a point, because, like you said, IgG antibodies take a long time to go down, and in actual fact, they never go down to zero (this is why a result below 100 is considered a negative result). Once an antibody has been produced and is in your system, the "remnants" of it will always be there for your body's "future reference". That's just how it is (doesn't mean the virus is still alive or active or even still in the body of course). If someone were to test negative for a PCR test AND an IgG test then this would be highly accurate in my opinion. The Western blot test is similar to an IgG test in that it should be done after the 12 months, whereas with the PCR test, you can have it done at any time (a minimum of 6 months would be the best option). Don't rely on a PCR test on it's own though. Even the CDC isn't a big fan of this test. Like I said, taken with an IgG test it can prove to be valuable, especially for your own piece of mind. If you can get the Western blot done though, go with this.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 11, 2017
Oregano oil and spine
by: Anonymous


I have been putting the oregano oil on my lower spine now for a few weeks. I use my finger to put on 3 drops and then some coconut oil on after, however, I am starting to get a rash. Before I was putting 3 drops on a q tip with some coconut oil but it seemed like the q tip was soaking all of the oregano oil and as much was getting on my back. I know this is a must with this protocol but if the rash gets too bad it will prevent me from being able to do this. Apply it in a different way? Apply to the left and then the right of the spine for a while? Any suggestions or just tough it out and keep putting it on the irritated skin?

Apr 11, 2017
Western blot
by: Anonymous

Regarding the western blot test... how would I be able to get this after the 12 months. I see Heather used the Universtiy of Washington and her doctor? There is no way my doctor will do that, in fact, he got mad at me and told me to stop wasting my time online looking for a cure, that there isn't one and that I was making a big deal out of it. That was easy for him to say. I was so upset when I left, you cannot imagine. Do you know much about it, whether I can have it done on my own or would I have to drive/fly there and would they test me there at the university?

Apr 11, 2017
dsmo/oregano oil
by: Anonymous

Thank you for you answer about the dsmo. From my research essential oils will pass through the skin and into the body? I understand that dsmo can do this easily and trying a slow dose to start is the way to go. Have you any info or opinion if using the oregano oil solo or with dsmo could possibly do any damage to the sheathing on the nerve? I have only seen one out of many many posts on blogs of this. I, like everyone here, desperately seek a cure but of course don't want any more problems. It's sad to see so many people on the blogs suffering and as I do more research I am certain that the FDA/drug companies/AMA are not interested in cures but treatments. There's a good video on youtube with 60 minutes from 30, yes 30 years ago, about dsmo and how big pharma/FDA dismisses anything that competes with FDA drugs. Very very sad.

Apr 11, 2017
Morning Routine
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, I'm an avid believer in eating a hearty breakfast in the morning. Now that I've begun this regimen I've cut out the eggs and bacon and waffles, basically all the heavy foods that seem to keep me full for long periods of time. I've heard that oatmeal is great for energy and keeps you full longer. I've also heard that oats have heavy metals in them. I'd appreciate some clarification on this matter, it might seem trivial but it would make a big difference in the way I start my day!

Apr 12, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy. I have been reading good things on monolaurin and would like to add this in to the mix. Do you have any thoughts either way? Also I have asked many questions here that you have answered...I appreciate it. I like everyone here am desperate and hopeful. Thank u

Apr 14, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil & Spine" Comment
by: Troy

You can't keep putting the oil on straight if you are developing a rash. The rash will only get worse. Pre-mix the oregano oil and the coconut oil BEFORE applying. Also do what you suggested, apply the oil to slightly different areas. Also apply some natural aloe vera or gel afterwards once the oil has worn off to moisturize.

Hope this helps. :)

Apr 14, 2017
Reply To "Western blot" Comment
by: Troy

You're doctor sounds like a piece of work. You might consider finding a new one if you want to get the Western blot test done. He needs to approve the test. This article and relevant link explains it further... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here. :)

Apr 14, 2017
Reply to "DMSO/oregano oil" Comment
by: Troy

Is this the video you're referring to?.. DMSO - Dr Jacob on 60 Minutes.
It's a crime against humanity how the FDA is keeping this amazing substance from the general public (DMSO is actually a natural wood fiber chemical not a "drug" as referred to by the medical profession). Oregano oil doesn't damage the nerve myelin sheath, and neither does DMSO! I recommend you get a hold of this book by Dr Morton Walker... DMSO: The New Healing Power. It's a great read and tells you exactly how to use DMSO to get the most out of it.

Hope it helps. :)

Apr 14, 2017
Reply to "Morning Routine" comment
by: Troy

Oatmeal is a great way to start your day, however, you do need to be careful what you buy. Firstly, it MUST be certified organic. Secondly, make sure that the oats haven't been cross contaminated, meaning, they haven't been mixed with wheat, etc, during processing (this happens a lot). So be sure to check your supply source carefully.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 14, 2017
Reply to "Monolaurin" Comment
by: Troy

Monolaurin is a powerful antimicrobial agent. It's contained in rich amounts in coconut oil so you should already be getting some, however, there's nothing wrong with taking it in concentrated form either. It's not harmful to the body in any way.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Apr 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, yes the 60 minutes episode with Mike Wallace was the one I meant....hope you watched it. Also yes my doctor is a heartless jerk and I will be swapping, even though he has been my doctor for 14 years. Maybe it's not a big deal to him but to me it is. I am in my late 40s and my dream is to get married one day soon. I did call the university of Washington and I need a requisition from "a doctor" so when I am 7 or 8 months in I will go see a holistic doctor. Hopefully he or she can help. I will worry about it then. I like all here am very depressed but I will commit to this for a year. I see so many things online... real cures that the FDA has snuffed out. It is terrible. So oats are ok? I found this trail type with oats, honey, quinoa and chia seeds, non gmo? Also, can I drink milk from a dairy farm. We have a local one where cows are fed naturally. They do not have raw milk because of bacteria but I can get it pasteurized and not homogenised. Is this something I can drink?

Apr 17, 2017
by: Troy

Firstly, make sure the oat mix you're looking at is organic. Secondly, definitely DO NOT drink pasteurized milk! This is toxic gunk that sticks to the lining of the gut. If you can't get milk straight from a cow then do not drink it. Go for organic coconut milk or almond milk instead (try and make your own).

All the best. :)

Apr 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, I have been looking at charts on lysine /arginine rates on foods and it seems even most fruits have more arginine. I have been taking everything except lysine. Do you think this is good or bad?

Apr 20, 2017
by: Troy

Being able to get the high amounts of lysine that you need solely from your diet is virtually impossible. You really need to be supplementing with the lysine (and vitamin C & zinc), along with avoiding the excessively high arginine foods as best you can.

Hope this helps. :)

Apr 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have been easing into this diet for the past month but needed some clarification on foods I can eat/not eat. Are bananas and organic oats okay to eat? Also with mainly eating raw can you afford to have a few cooked items a week like salmon, prawns, lentils or sweet potato and still get rid of hsv2?

Apr 22, 2017
Please help
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,

The last two times I have had a bowel movement, which is every other day, and is normal for me I am getting some minor bleeding. Any thoughts? I am taking the silver, oil under the tongue and also internally once or twice per day, monolaurin, bht and many supplements. Could it be the oil or possibly the bht? I have been taking the oil a month now. Could this cause that? Been on the bht about a week and I understand this thins the blood. It has happened twice. I have had this happen before but it is usually in November when it is very dry here, just before the start of winter. Please give me some insight.

Apr 23, 2017
Boiled eggs
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
Just to be clear, we can have boiled eggs on this protocol correct?
Thank you

Apr 23, 2017
Two Questions
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, I have two questions. First, can I take the bht all in one dose as I am up to the max. It is very difficult to space everything out through the day as I am upward of 25-30 pills a day? Second, before I knew I had this horrible virus I felt great. Like most Americans I ate average foods, some good some bad, coffee daily, was a social drinker, but since I have started this protocol at the end of March I have constant fatigue and my body feels like mush. Do you have any insight? I have not been sleeping well either.

Thank u

Apr 23, 2017
General Question
by: Justin

Dear Troy,

Currently I'm taking Oregano oil, Colloidal Silver, OLE, Vitamin C, L-Lysine and the antioxidant shakes. I purchased Natural Bees Propolis & Turmeric Curcumin by Kay Nutrition. Can I use these two too as well or am I taking too much? Or instead should I take the BHT with St. Johns Wort? I read on the Earth Clinic web page that BHT should not be taken with colloidal silver, is that right ?

If you'll tell me to take BHT with St. John's wort can or should I take Natural Bees propolis & Turmeric curcumin? Also, the oregano oil should be taken on an empty stomach right?

Thank you in advance :)

Apr 24, 2017
Reply to "Foods" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, all of these foods can be eaten with the exception of prawns. Try not to eat shell fish at all. They contain too many contaminates (heavy metals, etc). Protein from lean organic chicken, lean red meat (grass fed) and fish (especially wild caught salmon) is perfectly fine. :)

Apr 24, 2017
Reply to "Please Help" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, I'm not a doctor. Any matters pertaining to your health should be first checked out by a licensed medical doctor (I'm required by law to put this in). You should also read our disclaimer for information. Remember, these thoughts are purely my own "generalized" thoughts. If you've suffered from this problem before then it's likely caused from something other than what you've been doing for the last month or so. Never heard of these supplements causing any such problems. The most common cause of anal bleeding is hemorrhoids. I'm not sure why the dry weather would cause such a problem? Most likely this is just coincidental. Are you taking in plenty of probiotics? Good gut bacteria are crucial for a healthy colon, along with fiber. I recommend you get this problem checked out, just to be sure. Also have a read of this article... Causes of Rectal Bleeding.

All the best. :)

Apr 24, 2017
Reply to "Boiled Eggs" comment
by: Troy

Yes, boiled eggs (soft boiled) are perfectly fine. Only eat healthy organic eggs though not caged eggs. :)

Apr 24, 2017
Reply to "Two Questions" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, no, do not take the BHT all in one hit. The dosage must be broken up throughout the day. Unfortunately, this is how it has to be. As far as the fatigue, this is one of the unwanted side effects of Herxheimers reaction (detoxing effect). It does eventually go, however, the first month or so can be a bit rough. Once you come out it though, you'll feel better than you've felt in your life! If it's a real major issue then back off on all your dosages and then slowly start to build them back up again over a period of several weeks. Doing this helps with the effects of Herxheimers reaction. :)

Apr 24, 2017
Reply to Justin
by: Troy

Hi Justin. The curcumin extract & propolis can certainly be added to your regimen. These are both excellent supplements and contain powerful anti-viral nutrients and chemicals. They can also be taken with, and inclusive of the BHT. Doing this is definitely not too much. It's really no different to eating foods that are high in turmeric, along with eating pure honeycomb and royal jelly. Yes, the BHT and colloidal silver should be taken at separate times from each other during the day, and yes, the oregano oil is taken on an empty stomach. :)

Apr 24, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, on the protocol it doesn't say how long the oregano oil, lysine, vitamin c and zinc should be taken for? Can you please specify?

Apr 25, 2017
Probiotic food
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Wanted to ask you if I drank goat milk kefir for probiotic benefits along with goat milk yogurt would that be ok? I know they have natural sugar in them and wasn't sure if you recommend them for generating good bacteria.

Apr 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy.
Can you please tell me if talking Stevia or Truvia is okay to take with herbal teas? And also do I combine Vitamin C with Lysine or do I have to take them separate? What is the dosage
For the lysine? Thanks.

Apr 27, 2017
Bringing out the virus
by: Anonymous

Troy, I see Heather talks about drawing the virus out to help kill it while there is an out break. I read in one of the comments you said the protocol will still work if it's dormant? My question is is it more potent or effective to do damage to the virus during an outbreak or is it the same if it's dormant? I myself don't know how to bring it out. For me I think it's stress and my second OB I think was from not sleeping for 3 weeks after I found out. I guess my question is that once I get past my second month of the protocol should I try to draw it out with grapefruit juice? And why does grape juice do that? If you could give me some insight I'd be grateful. I have to say I have been struggling with depression from this but I will continue with great hope. I am sure I speak for many with this terrible virus on that I feel my life is over but I want to be one of the people writing here as soon as possible that my tests came back negative.

Apr 27, 2017
Reply to "Dosages" Comment
by: Troy

They are all taken for 12 months. :)

Apr 27, 2017
Reply to "Probiotic Food" Comment
by: Troy

Goats milk is perfectly fine, but it must be unpasterized & unhomogenized. So basically, straight from the goat! This many not be easy to get, however, if you can then by all means use it. It's extremely healthy. :)

Apr 28, 2017
Reply to "Bringing Out the Virus " Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, you must stop stressing and worrying. This is absolutely no good and is not going to help your cause. Relax, have faith and continue to live your days as you would if you were free of the virus. Easier said than done I know but this is CRUCIAL to your healing and ridding your body of this pathogen. I can't stress enough (pardon the pun) the importance of this. In regards to drawing the virus out by drinking grapefruit juice and/or orange juice (then hitting it with everything you've got as per Heather's post), this is certainly a handy strategy. How these juices actually do this I don't know. Here's what James says about this...

There has been some controversy over getting tested to see if the virus is still in your system. The medical tests for herpes currently only test for antibodies in the blood. This means that even if the virus has been eliminated or inactive, the test will more than likely still give a positive outcome when you first attempt this test. This does not mean the virus is still active in the body.
In order to test negative, you must completely detox the body. All heavy metals need to be released. Everybody has heavy metals, it can come in many forms. Lead and mercury are just some of the toxins, hence heavy metals. After pure oregano oil has been used for several months and no more outbreaks have been present, only then is the virus presumed to be inactive. Once the blood has been fully cleaned and detoxified, a negative test result should be possible!! This will take several more months after the virus has been presumed to be killed, showing no symptoms or outbreaks.
Drinking grapefruit juice or freshly squeezed orange juice is a good way to test and see if the virus is still active in the body. These fruits should be eaten or juiced several times per week while detoxing. These fruits will cause outbreaks in most cases, only until the virus has been completely killed. As time goes on, the outbreaks will become less and less aggressive and last only a few days. This is a general rule of thumb but everybody is different until the body is completely detoxed and the virus has been destroyed!

Have a read of our article on depression remedies too for some helpful hints... Best Home Remedies for Depression and get a hold of the book "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne (author of the secret)... The Secret Scrolls. I guarantee that if you follow her program to the letter, you'll never suffer from depression again.

In regards to the BHT. Try and take the capsules in divided amounts throughout the day if you possibly can. This is important. Better to take the colloidal silver less (and in larger amounts) and take the BHT 4 times throughout the day (250 mg capsules) rather than taking the BHT in 500 mg dosages.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 28, 2017
Reply to "Stevia/Truvia" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, 100% Stevia is perfectly okay to have (must be PURE Stevia), however, avoid Truvia like the plague! It's total rubbish. Yes, taking the lysine, zinc and vitamin C together is best for absorbability. All of the dosages are listed in our Natural Herpes Cure article. :)

Apr 28, 2017
by: Anonymous

I just wanted to say thanks for answering my questions as I have asked many. You are right although I am depressed from this I will have faith and continue. I will re-adjust my schedule to take the bht in 4 doses and try to take the silver at least 90 minutes from the silver. Is that enough time? Also Troy I will say WHEN I eliminate this from my body I want to come to thank u personally. I am hopeful I will get to do that. I will have many more questions and I thank u in advance for your replies. I appreciate it.

Apr 28, 2017
Lighter side
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, can I please please have one beer? Been on the protocol 6 weeks now and not one coffee or beer. I know it's a loaded question but I just want to feel normal again when I go out with my buddy as I do every Friday. Would one or even a half of a beer cause any big problems?
Also, can I use pea protein or some kind of plant based protein after exercise? I am not a big guy, medium build about 5 10, and was 175 lbs but now I'm down to 160. I can barely lift weights and I still feel very weak. I know pea protein has arginine so what else can I use to get my strength back?
Thank u

May 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi! I was wondering, once you are done with the 12 months, what remedies should you keep taking for maintenance purposes? And is it possible to go back partially to a not so restricted diet?
Thank you!

May 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, I was able to re arrange my dosing to take the bht 4 times throughout the day around the silver. I take all the items listed plus monolaurin also. I however am still tired all the time and have some muscle/body aches. I read on one blog a person said it could be from bht? Could it be from this or just the protocol as a whole. I am on my 6th week and am trying to stay positive and continue, but I have lost a lot of weight from my new diet and am tired all the time... trying to do one day, one week, one month at a time.

May 04, 2017
Reply to "Thanks" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, you're welcome. I do what I can to help. 90 minutes between the BHT and colloidal silver dosage is perfect. And in regards to taking magnesium citrate, this is a highly absorbable and safe form of magnesium. It's not a heavy metal form, so yes definitely continue to take this. Magnesium is a crucial nutrient that's certainly lacking from our modern day diets.

May 04, 2017
Reply to "Lighter Side" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, I always say that if you're really craving something badly then have it. If you want a beer then have a beer. If you want some chocolate then have some chocolate. Just go for the healthiest choices you can find. Depriving yourself can actually be worse (psychologically) than having what you're craving. In regards to pea protein, it is quite high in arginine, but the arginine to lysine ration is actually quite good. You could go for a green protein food such as this one... PureGreen Protein which has an even better lysine to arginine ratio. Now if you're still losing weight then you need to eat more! Eat 6-8 small to medium sized meals a day if you can. Like I said before, losing weight like you are is not good so eat eat eat!!

The hydrogen peroxide is also very good. Try and fit it in if you can. Follow the protocol listed in this book... The One Minute Cure.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

May 04, 2017
Reply to "Maintenance" Comment
by: Troy

Once the 12 months is up you can certainly relax a little. Of course you still would want to eat healthy and not go back to your old ways (if they were bad) but you can most certainly enjoy some treats every now and then - a beer or glass of wine, etc. As far as the supplements are concerned, the only ones I would recommend you continue with are the olive leaf extract, vitamin C, probiotics, and a green food such as wheat grass or chlorella. These will continue to keep you healthy and keep your immune system strong. I've been taking these supplements for over 20 years myself and have never gotten sick once in this time... not once! I highly recommend you do the same at the end of this.

All the best! :)

May 04, 2017
Reply to "Tired" Comment
by: Troy

Hard to say if it's from the BHT or the protocol as a whole. The only way to find out is to drop, or at very least, lower the dosage of the BHT. Try reducing it to 500 mg's a day. Also start to eat more. You shouldn't be losing weight, not unless you are overweight. A slight amount of weight loss is to be expected when you start eating a raw food diet, but don't allow yourself to lose too much. 6-8 small to medium sized meals is what you should be having. Eating more should help address your lack of energy problem too. :)

May 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the thorough answer to "Maintenance". A couple more questions:

I was reading very carefully the indications and in regards to the L-Lysine. You say not to take the L-Lysine for long periods of time. Are you saying not to take it after the 12 month period or to take it ONLY when there are physical symptoms of the virus (lesions)?

I have had gastritis on and off for a few years. Will any of these remedies induce stomach problems?

Thank you again

May 05, 2017
Dandy Blend
by: Anonymous

I was going to purchase the dandy blend coffee substitute and use stevia but I have researched stevia and found that it affects fertility and hormones. I would rather not use this now so could you please recommend anything else I could use as a sweetener in a hot drink?

May 07, 2017
Reply to "Dandy Blend" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, the Dandy Blend coffee substitute is a great alternative. Rather than using Stevia, I recommend 100% natural organic coconut sugar. It's the best in my opinion. :)

May 07, 2017
Reply to "L-lysine" Comment
by: Troy

The best way to take the lysine is to have it for the first 6 months and then only again if you get another breakout(s). Because this protocol entails a strong detox, you may suffer from herxheimers reaction in the beginning. This can cause gastrointestinal upsets. Start on the supplements slowly and gradually increase the amounts over a period of several weeks to lessen the effects. Be sure to drink plenty of clean filtered water and take in lots of probiotics (good gut bacteria) as well. :)

May 08, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, I just wanted to see if what I've been doing now is ok or if anything should be changed. I'm on week 7. Taking oregano oil under tongue and in water and on back twice per day. Using dsmo at night but am nervous. BHT with St John's Wort, olive leaf and monolaurin. As for others, I take a swig of acv twice per day. My diet I have an herbal tea with lemon and a banana in the am. Usually for lunch two eggs maybe an apple. Dinner is wild salmon/chicken with broccoli and spinach. I alternate in onions, sweet potatoes, also carrots and sauerkraut. Lots of water during the day. I always have water with wheat grass powder at dinner and other times during day. I try to mix in cilantro when I can and some avocados. All of it is organic except the sauerkraut. I do have one beer every Friday with my friend just to feel normal. Does this sound ok as I don't want to get 6 or 7 months in to find out I should have done or not done things? Is the idea to just try to keep junk out? Will the supplements do most of the detoxing or should there be more focus on my diet. Thanks.

May 10, 2017
Ozone Therapy
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,

I am two months into this. I've actually been to a holistic doctor who is interested in helping (of course there is a cost) but I wanted to get one involved so when it comes time for testing I will have some help. My normal doctor will likely not ok any tests as he set in his ways. Your protocol seems the most honest online which I appreciate. I think "James" is helpful but there are some things that are misleading, such as the guy who had a negative test after 3 weeks using his oregano oil. From my understanding it takes several weeks for antibodies to be detectable so this is why that person got a negative test because it was very near the start? Please give me your opinion on ozone therapy if you have one. There is this guy on YouTube that promotes ozone with his "clearwood" to cure viral diseases. The treatment is super expensive, 14k here in the U.S. and 22k in Malaysia. I just wanted to know if you or anyone on here knows anything about it. As you likely know myself and everyone on here are desperate and very much want to cure ourselves and although I have faith in what you have listed, I still want to keep looking at other options. I would give up everything that I have worked so hard for decades to be free of this... but I also don't want to be scammed. Do you have any knowledge of ozone and clearwood?

May 17, 2017
Reply to "Progress" Comment
by: Troy

You don't mention the colloidal silver, lysine and vitamin C? These are important also for detoxing and building up the immune system. Lysine and Vitamin C are especially important. 10,000 mg's of vitamin C is needed each day. In addition, don't disregard the hydrogen peroxide. This can be used permanently taken either internally or used via the hydrogen peroxide inhalation method without causing harm. Chlorella is also good to combine with wheat grass for removing heavy metals. Finally, don't forget LOTS of onions and garlic too. What you are doing otherwise is good. :)

May 17, 2017
Reply to "Ozone Therapy" Comment
by: Troy

I haven't heard from anyone who has used this ozone therapy technique to cure their herpes so I can't really comment on it. What I will say is that 14,000 U.S. dollars for this treatment is absolutely ludicrous in my opinion. Ozone therapy is essentially about "oxygenating" the body. That's what it's designed to do. You can get the same results by taking wheat grass & chlorella (to cleanse the blood and remove heavy metals) and hydrogen peroxide (which oxygenates the body). This is why we recommend the hydrogen peroxide (HP) in our protocol. What's more, it costs you peanuts and you can (and should) take it every day without suffering any harmful effects. Read our post on HP (# 10 cure) in our herpes cure article and follow the recommended protocol for using hydrogen peroxide listed in this excellent book... The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

May 17, 2017
Follow up
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thank you thank you for answering again. I forgot to say I am taking colloidal silver 5x per day (mesosilver a true silver with 20 ppm and a .065 size). I had asked sometime ago if this was ok compared to hydrosol silver. Absolutely has been a part of my day. I am also taking the vitamin c usually 10 000 but sometimes it is 8 or so. I have not been taking much lysine though but if you suggest strongly I will. I have added chlorella tablets as well. I am proud of myself that I have not had a spec of junk food via, pizza, chocolate, Doritos, packaged food, etc, however I am still very weak all the time. When and will this ever pass? As for the ozone I agree with you, but as I mentioned and I speak for all out there, we are desperate and those who don't have this have no idea the emotional, mental and psychological effect it has on you, not to mention the physical effect. I can add in the H2O2 but can you let me/us know if it will react with any of the supplements in a negative way as I see it must be taken on an empty stomach. Also, to be clear is it 35% drops that go into 8oz of water or 3%? As from my read from the one minute cure it shows 35%. Again it means alot that you replied. I am mentally and emotionally worn and I've only done two months. Just an fyi, a holistic doctor took my blood and wants me to do more tests to check my gut, thyroid etc... turns out my thyroid is a bit low. I was online reading about how to increase it and stopped at cvs today and asked the pharmacist. He told me only medication can help and got annoyed with me when I asked again.

May 17, 2017
General Questions
by: Justin

Dear Troy, I have another couple of questions if you don't mind...

Can I go to seaside and get a suntan? I want to get the most out of oregano oil, so do I take the drops in the morning and afternoon under the tongue and in the evening in capsule form? Is this too much? (Oregano brand is Zane Hellas). Also, should I get James's oregano oil? Is it worth it? I don't mind spending money for a quality product? How many mg of Zinc should I take with the Vit C and L-lysine per day?

From first symptom of an outbreak I do get outbreaks in my genital area every two weeks ( usually after sex with a condom which causes skin irritation). But now the blisters are smaller than in the beginning, it's just keeps coming every two weeks. Is this normal? Will it stop? Can I smoke marijuana, sometimes?

Thank you in advance Troy.

May 18, 2017
Oregano Oil
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I am trying to purchase the oil from new age but the payment method is proving difficult as I'm not in the US. Can you recommend another site please? Also, are Naked bars okay to eat as the ingredients are all raw?

May 18, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil" Comment
by: Troy

Try this link for Zane Hellas oil of oregano... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil. As for the Naked bars, yes they contain natural ingredients but they are freshly natural, if you know what I mean. You can still eat them, however, but just go easy on them. Remember, fresh is always best. :)

May 19, 2017
Reply to "Follow Up" Comment
by: Troy

If you're already taking the lysine and experiencing no breakouts then leave as is. With the hydrogen peroxide (HP), it doesn't interact with anything else since it's only water and oxygen. You need the 35% grade, and yes, it's mixed and taken as per what's recommend in the One Minute Cure book. In regards to everything you're taking, just be aware that if you do combine some of the supplements/foods, apart from the obvious ones that need to be kept separate, this is still okay. Remember, you still need to live and have a life!

In regards to your thyroid being low, this may explain why you're lacking energy. Get your doctor to test your iodine levels. If they're low then Lugol's liquid iodine can correct this (yes I know, another thing to take). You should have a read of this article by Dr Marcus Sircus for more info on this... Iodine Supplements, Dosages and why you Need it.

Everything else you're doing is spot on.

All the best!

May 19, 2017
Reply to Justin
by: Troy

Getting a suntan is good for you since it raises your vitamin D levels, so yes, this is perfectly fine. You can also take the liquid oregano oil twice a day AND the capsules as well for an extra boost. As far as buying the New Age oregano oil? This would be a personal choice. I will say that James's oil is extremely potent! You could always try it and compare the difference. The zinc (chelated zinc) is taken at a minimum dosage of 50 mg's a day with food. Smoking cannabis is not recommend as it can induce viral replication (and unless the cannabis is 100% organic, it will contain harmful chemicals) so I recommend you don't do it. Will the blisters ever stop? Yes, eventually. The reality is every one has different reactions and suffers through different "side effects". Some people suffer no outbreaks or adverse reactions while others suffer terribly. Unfortunately, you just have to weather the storm until the sun shines.

Hope this helps you out Justin.

All the best!

May 19, 2017
Combinations to avoid & vitamin C
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I have seen mentioned that some foods and supplements shouldn't be combined. I take the oil and most of the powders James suggested. Which things should I not have together? Also, When you say to take vitamin C, what type is this? Thanks. :)

May 22, 2017
Beans and lentils
by: Anonymous

Is it ok to consume beans and lentils while on this detox. I am a small woman and have already lost a lot of weight. What are your recommendations? Is it okay to consume rice and nuts as well?

May 22, 2017
Bentonite Clay
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,
I came across a blog and while reading saw that a clay known as bentonite could be a very good heavy metal detoxifier and is also suggested by Dr Axe. There are lots of minerals and other metals in it as well although I don't think heavy metals. Do you have an opinion on this? Thanks

May 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

Troy, I read online that taking EDTA along with the monolaurin I'm taking will be helpful. I guess EDTA is another thing that will remove heavy metals. Not sure why it would make monolaurin work better. Thoughts? I'm taking so much stuff now though.

May 24, 2017
Reply to "Combination to avoid and vitamin C"comment
by: Troy

When it comes to taking your supplements, just try and break them up as much as you can throughout the day. There is no "right or wrong way" to take them as such. Basically, the colloidal silver is the main one that should be taken on its own at all times. And the BHT and St John's Wort MUST be taken together for absorption. The lysine, vitamin C and zinc should be taken with food for full assimilation. In regards to the vitamin C, a slow release vitamin C supplement combined with ascorbic acid is best. Remember, you need 10,000 mg's a day.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

May 24, 2017
Reply to "Beans and Nuts" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, beans and lentils, along with brown rice, are perfectly okay to eat. No nuts though as they are high in arginine. Don't allow yourself to go hungry. You shouldn't be losing a lot of weight unless you are overweight. Follow the recommendations listed in this raw food diet article... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It. :)

May 24, 2017
Reply to "Bentonite Clay" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, bentonite clay is an excellent supplement. In fact, this is somewhat similar to what Heather used with great success (she used magnetic clay but I prefer bentonite clay). The minerals in bentonite clay are not heavy metals, they are organic so it's perfectly safe. Bentonite clay can be used externally (in baths, etc) as well as taken orally. This article is helpful and worth a read... Edible Clay Benefits. :)

May 24, 2017
Reply to "EDTA"
by: Troy

While EDTA can be a helpful chelator (heavy metal remover), it does also remove some of the essential minerals from your body as well. I prefer a good chlorella or wheat grass supplement instead. These are excellent detoxifiers and heavy metal removers but come with no negatives. They are a much safer option in my opinion. In regards to taking normal zinc supplements, most are comprized of a cheap form of zinc (zinc gluconate) which is poorly absorbed by the body. You need chelated zinc or at the very least zinc picolinate. If you're going to take creatine make sure you drink lots of water as it causes human muscle to draw water from the rest of the body. :)

May 24, 2017
Empty stomach
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, I'm a bit confused. You say to spread out the supplements as much as possible throughout the day but most, if not all the supplements need to be taken on an empty stomach. How is it possible to do this? Also what is the most important supplement to take first thing in the morning? Thanks

May 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, a few questions... I know you said to not bother or worry about getting an IgG test for at least 6 to 8 months but I had blood work done yesterday to have several things checked and the doctor asked me if I wanted to check my IgG levels to see where my count is. I would imagine this is ok. I would do this and then check it after another 6 months or so. Is this ok? I am two months complete now. Also, when Heather was going through the protocol she was trying to induce break outs for the purpose to see if the virus was gone/dead or to try and kill off the virus at the surface. I was talking with a naturopath (of course I showed her your site) and she thought it would be best to try not to induce break outs by using 3000+mg lysine per day as you listed so that the virus "army" would not expand and make more of itself. My question is, is the virus easier to kill off some/half/majority when it's at the surface during a break out or is it here nor there? Am I over thinking and should I be worried about not getting break outs?
Thank you

May 25, 2017
Supplement Schedule
by: Anonymous

Which of these supplements should not be taken together, and which ones are OK to take together:

Oregano Oil
Olive leaf
Colloidal Silver
Vitamin C
Manuka Honey
BHT & St John's Wort

May 26, 2017
Reply to "Empty Stomach" Comment
by: Troy

Even if you only take supplements 10-15 minutes apart, this is still okay. Just do the best you can. It doesn't have to be perfect. The lysine, zinc and vitamin C should be taken with food. The best supplement to take first thing in the morning would be the olive leaf extract. :)

May 26, 2017
Reply to "Supplement Schedule" Comment
by: Troy

The BHT & St John's Wort must be taken together. The the lysine, zinc & vitamin C should also be taken at the same time if possible (with food). With all of the others, try & take them on their own if you can. Even 15 minutes apart is okay. :)

May 26, 2017
Reply to "Skin" Comment
by: Troy

There's no point in getting your IgG antibodies checked after only 2 months. Depending on when you were infected they could still be rising not falling (this doesn't mean the virus is not being destroyed). Read this article for more information... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here. In regards to bringing out the virus, I'm not actually a fan of this. I agree with your naturopath. Only use the oranges and grapefruit test after about 8-9 months to gauge where you're at. You are overthinking things. :)

May 26, 2017
by: Shota

Dear Troy, I'm currently taking 3000 mg of lysine a day. In recent comments it was said that it can induce the herpes virus? So how much of it should we use per day? How much vit D iu should be taken daily? I take 10000 iu. Also, can we eat regular vanilla ice cream? :) Thank you.

May 26, 2017
by: Eric

Troy, thank you for all your help and knowledge. I continue to follow the protocol and plan. I have been using detox foot pads as well but heard they are a scam and water activates the "toxic brown color" in them. Any knowledge there? Also, can we apply them to our lower spine/would that be beneficial? I am going on a guided camping trip and the only water they will provide is cheap bottled water- any suggestions how to increase the PH or get get decent water source during those 4 days? Can I put something into the bottled water? (I usually drink FIJI)

Thanks again! Eric

May 26, 2017
Reply to Shota
by: Troy

Lysine doesn't induce breakouts it helps to prevent them. 300 mg's a day (along with zinc & vitamin C) is perfect. 10 000 mg's of vitamin D a day is awesome and a very good dose. As for eating vanilla ice cream? No, don't eat this, it's not good. Opt for some high probiotic natural yogurt instead.

Hope this helps. :)

May 26, 2017
Reply to Eric
by: Troy

Hi Eric. I'm not a fan of the detox foot pads myself. Not sure if they really work that well. You're better off taking chlorella, wheatgrass, vitamin C, drinking lemon water, juicing, etc, to give your body a powerful detox. To increase the pH in your water, you can buy pH drops. Add a few drops to your drinking water for a handy pH boost. You can also add some fresh lemon to your water as well. Lemon juice makes the water alkaline once it enters the body.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 28, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I noticed reading through the forum on the main page you said not to use regular steel spoon while taking the colloidal silver. I wish I knew this before as I have been taking it 5x a day for two months. Also I wanted to know if I can have one decaf coffee per week as I went from being a coffee drinker to tea which I really dislike. Thank you and I wish u a good holiday weekend.

May 29, 2017
by: Pierce

Great story. Do you think this will work for EBV and CMV, which are types of herpes viruses?

May 31, 2017
Reply to "Silver" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, we did forget to mention before about not using metal spoons with the colloidal silver. This was our mistake and we sincerely apologize. You can up the colloidal silver to what you were taking at the beginning (5x per day for the next 3 months). There is no harm at all in doing this. In regards to the chlorella and cilantro, follow the recommendations for the chlorella as listed on the side of the container. Take the highest recommended amount (on an empty stomach of course). With the cilantro, have some with the chlorella and on it's own as well (in a smoothie, use it your cooking/foods, etc). You can definitely never have too much cilantro! Both of these are excellent detoxifiers and heavy metal removers. Taking your probiotic supplement with your chlorella is the best idea as the good bacteria feed off the chlorella, making it even more beneficial. I would also recommend you read the book "The Secret" as well as Rhonda's follow up books if you haven't already. The mind plays a very big role in the health and healing of the human body. Don't underestimate it. These books are also very good for helping ones emotional state too. Here's their website if you're Also look into the Teachings of Abraham by Jerry and Esther Hicks (Google & YouTube). Their teachings might sound a bit "new agey", but they work unbelievably well.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

May 31, 2017
Reply to Pierce
by: Troy

Yes, this works for ANY type of virus, including the entire family of Herpesviridae (which includes CMV & EVB strains). :)

May 31, 2017
Herpes type 2
by: Anonymous

I'm amazed by your story and I'm so happy for you. You are amazing for trying and not giving up hope. I refuse to believe that there is no cure for herpes. I'm currently taking the oregano oil but I was researching the other day and I read about monolaurin and Bio-Fibrin, that they can cure herpes. Do you know anything about these?

May 31, 2017
by: Troy

The monolaurin works well, which is why we recommend organic coconut oil (coconut oil contains monolaurin in its natural state). Do not take the monolaurin supplements as these aren't as effective as the oil. My good mate and coconut oil expert, Dr Bruce Fife, has this to say about it...Which is better for fighting infections, coconut oil or monolaurin? In regards to the Bio-Fibrin, not sure? Don't know of anyone who's had positive results from taking it. :)

Jun 01, 2017
Green stuff
by: CJ

Dear Troy, I see chlorella and cilantro are important. I have been taking chlorella in small pellets, two in the morning and 3 before I eat and I have cilantro in it's herb form. I usually eat 4-6 of the stems with leaves at dinner. Is this ok? Enough? Or do you suggest either to be taken different ways or in different forms such as powder or liquid. I read some where to rub cilantro in liquid on ankles and wrists... I am ingesting something every hour of the day, a bit overwhelming but I am hopeful it will all pay off. I also added my name so to speak as I've asked many questions since March and I felt you have been so kind to reply to most, I appreciate it. I will say again, I am hopeful like everyone this will work and one day I will be able to shake your hand and say thank you.

Jun 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, is a beer once in a while okay to drink or should this be fully avoided for best results? Thanks.

Jun 01, 2017
Reply to "Beer" Comment
by: Troy

Every once in a while? Probably okay. Like I've said before, you still have to live. The ideal beer is homemade brew free of preservatives. :)

Jun 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have seen organic rye bread which is made up of wholemeal rye, rye flour, water, sourdough, salt and golden linseed. I am wondering if this bread is okay or if there is any alternative you could recommend or whether all bread is just a no no?

Jun 02, 2017
Reply to "Bread" Comment
by: Troy

No not all breads are a no no. Rye, sourdough, etc are okay in small amounts (rye does contain a form of gluten). The real problem is the additives (salt, preservatives, etc) that they contain. If you can make your own bread that's the ideal. Have a read of the reply to Justin above (April 11th) for more information on this. :)

Jun 02, 2017
Reply to CJ
by: Troy

You're welcome CJ. With the chlorella, it depends on what strength you have as to how much you should be taking. Go with the highest recommended amount listed on the bottle. With the cilantro, you can certainly have more if you wish (in any form you like). You can never overdose on this herb or the chlorella for that matter, only underdose. Just do the best you can in regards to how much. As far as touching your face and transferring the virus to there, it can happen. Usually it's the other way around though (HSV1 being transferred to genitals) but it can happen with HSV2, although this is quite rare. Do you definitely have HSV2 and not HSV1? Your test was a TYPE SPECIFIC IgG test right? Regardless of what's happened, the virus will be going anyway. In regards to your brother eating from your fork and getting infected? The chances of this happening are virtually zero in my opinion. This would be like winning the lottery for this to happen, so stop worrying. Get those books I suggested (I can't speak highly enough about them) and look up The Teachings of Abraham, Dr Wayne Dyer (my mentor) and Louise Hay on YouTube. Heather even mentions these. In regards to there being no posts before February? Heather's story (this article) was only published back at the start of February.

Hope this all helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 02, 2017
White blood cells/oils
by: Ted

Hey Troy,
Thank you for everything. A few questions. I have always been low on white blood cells and obviously with HSV2 they are going to continue to be low. Is it still beatable with a low white blood cell count? I understand this affects my immune system but curious to see what you think. Also, I see there is a lot of canola oil/palm oil as additives in hummus, seeds and other foods. Can I consume a little canola and palm oil from time to time since its in some healthy non-GMO foods I like?

Jun 05, 2017
Technical Question
by: Cj

Dear Troy, long question. I like others here are putting faith, tears (lots of them and I am a man) time, money, great effort, but most of all hope into this protocol. I am a firm believer in natural cures and repairs. When I was a kid, 13 or so, I had warts on my hands. I was devastated and every day made fun of. I had them froze off and they came back again but more. I did this several times then my mom found a book and it said to put cod liver oil on them several times per day. Would you know it after 2 months the warts slowly started to vanish until they were all gone. As a kid in minor high I felt like I had my life back. Here I am a middle aged man and devastated beyond what any person who doesn't have this could understand, very depressed, but I have hope in you and your instructions, but I wanted to ask how this works? From my understanding the virus hijacks cells and puts it's dna "instruction " info so that the cell rather than replicating making new healthy cells will make millions more virus cells that our immune system cannot detect in the infected host cell (not sure why from my reading). So by getting these supplements in and heavy metals out are we killing off these infected cells? I read a lot and some say the immune system won't attack nerve cells, which I think is non sense. From what I've read the immune system will attack any cell that is sick, damaged or infected? Sorry for the long post. I am not questioning you in a negative light, I just want to understand a bit how this works as there is so much stuff online that shows I am stuck with this for life. I want to be that kid again that knew he didn't have to live with warts on his hands for life. Thank you so much

Jun 07, 2017
Am I on the right track
by: Dave

First and foremost, thanx for the valuable information you share and provide here for those who really rely on a few encouraging words while suffering with this condition.

I've been following this protocol since February, and almost fully (except the colloidal silver) since the beginning of March (along with a strict detox diet).

I have not had an outbreak since last Nov. (I've been exactly 6 months free).
During most of this period of time, I've experienced a few itching and tingling sensations down there, every once in a while but I did not end up with an outbreak.
I have consumed a lot of grapefruit juice and fresh grapefruit and other foods known to 'induce' outbreaks - but nothing really happened. It actually seemed like I was on the right track.

Last week I got my first outbreak since I started this protocol, and as mentioned - the first in 6 months. Can't say I was not disappointed. It even seems like this one is harsher than the last one 6 months ago.

All effects and possible outcomes of beginning this protocol (Herxheimers Reaction, outbreaks, etc) have seemed to have somewhat of a delay on my body.

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong?
How can one be really sure that all these supplements that are taken on a daily basis for weeks and months do have any kind of positive effect in dealing with this virus? Does this mean that my body is only now starting to fight the virus? Or maybe, the virus is actually the one who's 'fighting' this unique 'treatment'?

It has been written that outbreaks become scarce and especially of shorter length and intensity as time goes on. Once again, can't stop wondering if this is the case with me, just living my life between one outbreak to another, or is there a certain period of time when this protocol should show any stable physical (and optimistic) conditions.

Would appreciate your thoughts and comments.

Thank you

Jun 09, 2017
Reply to Ted
by: Troy

Hi Ted. This protocol will actually help to build up your white blood cell count, which is a good thing of course. Make sure you take a green food supplement such as chlorella or wheat grass as these are excellent for building up the blood and white blood cells. Plenty of probiotics too for immune health. Try and avoid canola oil and palm oil if you can (just do your best) - canola oil more so than palm oil. Canola oil goes rancid very easily. :)

Jun 09, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Firstly, in regards to the herpes virus, how it replicates and how it gets destroyed, I recommend you search (Google, YouTube, etc) and read everything you can on Dr Sebi (Alfredo Bowman). This guy doesn't have a medical degree yet he understands more about the human body and how to cure diseases than 99.9% of doctors. He's a man I greatly admire and respect (even though he has since passed away). With the ozone therapy, if you can fit it in it would be a good idea. Ozone therapy is great for turbo-boosting the immune system. With the tingling around your mouth/nose, apply some of the 70% DMSO cream with added aloe vera (if you can get it). We've had lots of positive feedback about this cream and people say it's excellent for reducing breakouts and stopping that awful tingling sensation. In regards to taking medication for depression, etc, I simply cannot advise you on this. Sorry. Only you can make that decision.

All the best! :)

Jun 09, 2017
Reply to Dave
by: Troy

Hi Dave. Unfortunately, outbreaks can and will usually occur. Remember, Heather was still getting outbreaks up to 8 months in. It doesn't mean anything, nor does it mean you're doing anything wrong. Realistically, you've been on this for around 3-3 1/2 months, which is not long. Go with the DMSO cream (see our #10 topical remedies update) when you get an outbreak and even combine it with the oregano oil topical use on the base of the spine. People are having tremendous success with this, which is why we've now included it. If you do happen to get an outbreak, it's a good idea to hit it hard (take extra OLE, etc) to jump on it quickly. As far as knowing 100% if the supplements, diet, etc, are working? There is no way, that's the honest truth. It would be good if there was an easy way to test but there just isn't. Look up Dr Sebi on YouTube and Google also and listen to what he has to say about eradicating the herpes virus. He's the only one who speaks any sense on this.

Hope this helps you Dave.

Keep going and all the best. :)

Jun 10, 2017
Dried fruit
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, is there a limit to how much dried organic fruit like dates or raisins you can eat? The same question for organic cacao powder? I hope the answer is no. lol.

Jun 10, 2017
Dandy Blend
by: Anonymous

I recently bought some dandy blend and I enjoy a few cups a day. Are there restrictions on how much u can drink of this? Thanks

Jun 10, 2017
Medication follow up
by: Cj

Dear Troy, thanks for replying on a weekend. I asked about depression medication meaning would such a substance cause negative effects on the supplements? I likely won't take anyway as I have never taken any such meds. Also, please correct me, I thought I read Heather was after 7 months tested negative for 2 igg tests and Western blot? (Regarding your answer to Dave about her break out 8 months in). I might be mistaken? Was she lagging around for a few months prior to the 7 months it took her to succeed? So the process for her was longer in total? I do appreciate you, your site and the info you give. Thank you. I wish you a good day.

Jun 10, 2017
by: Hopeful

I'm currently taking lysine, zinc, eat pretty healthy and take apple cider daily but I'm still getting breakouts weekly, unless I take my medication. I'd really like to combine all the other options but my partner and I would like to start trying for a baby next month. My question is would there be any benefit to starting the program for a month even just to try and reduce my viral load? I have to come off my medication if I get pregnant, which will mean constant outbreaks and a higher risk that I will accidentally pass this on to my uninfected partner. Is there anything you could recommend?

Thank you.

Jun 11, 2017
Additional supplements
by: Dave

Tnx Troy, once again for your above elaborated answer. Coming across a few articles, I was wondering, how do Rhodiola Rosea Extract and Astragalus Extract supplements meet and go together (or not) with this protocol, and if so, what and when is the best way to combine them with the rest of the supplements already being taken. Is there any long term risk/damage for the liver/kidney's due to the undertake of all these supplements (besides the necessity to spread them out for best absorption and results)?

Also, I actually have not consulted my personal physician yet about this protocol (as mainstream doctors, him included, do not tend to believe in natural remedies, etc) and especially about getting tested soon. A simple IgG test is no problem, though I don't really know how well he is going to react and cooperate with my requests to be tested frequently in the next few months and, especially for a PCR test and a Western Blot as well. I do not live in the States but am a U.S. citizen and travel there pretty often. Are there any public/private clinics in the states (NY/LA areas) that run these tests for foreign in-comers (U.S. Citizen though not a resident) without a local physician's reference, who want them done, and are willing to pay for it (do you have an estimated cost?)


Jun 11, 2017
Reply to "Dried Fruit" Comment
by: Troy

The problem with dried fruit is it usually contains sulphates, which you don't want. If you can get it sulphate free then this is okay (remember, fresh is always better though). Raw organic cacao powder is fine as this comes without any additives. :)

Jun 11, 2017
Reply to "Dandy Blend" Comment
by: Troy

Dandy blend is perfectly fine. No problems with this coffee substitute. :)

Jun 11, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

The depression medication can and probably would interfere with what you're doing (I don't want to say for sure because I'm not a/your doctor and it's really not my place to comment on this), more so in my opinion because of the chemicals/chemical structure of the medication. Try the Kavinace Ultra PM by NeuroScience or Natural Calm (if you haven't already) that Heather talks about. I take Natural Calm myself and it really works. In regards to Heather, she actually had several goes at this so it was somewhere around the 7-8th month mark that she was still getting breakouts. By the time she finished (including her "stop start" attempts), it was over 12 months.

All the best!

Jun 11, 2017
Reply to "Pregnancy" Comment
by: Troy

A month would not be long enough to do a whole lot in all honesty. However, you can still take the OLE when trying to conceive and even when pregnant. If you get pregnant then reduce the dose down to a "maintenance" dose. You could do the hydrogen peroxide treatment listed in the One Minute Cure book right now (see #10 remedy) and the DMSO cream applied topically to any sores/lesions (also listed under #10). Vitamin C and chlorella/wheat grass can also be taken safely at the recommended doses to build up your immunity and remove heavy metals. Following a raw food diet is also 100% healthy, along with consuming lots of probiotics. Although these would probably not be enough to destroy the virus, they would help to keep it under control until such a time as you could commit fully to the protocol.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jun 11, 2017
Reply to Dave
by: Troy

Rhodiola Rosea Extract and Astragalus Extract can and do fit in with what you're already doing. They don't interact with anything and can be taken at anytime or in combination with any additional supplements/herbs, etc. In regards to causing any damage to your body from taking all the supplements and following a raw food (detox diet), there is no harm whatsoever. In fact, you're going to be the healthiest you've ever been in your life when you get through with this! Every part of your body and every organ of your body will be functioning at it's peek because they'll be 100% cleaned, repaired and regenerated. Nothing in this protocol is unnatural... nothing. Consider the person who consumes pharmaceuticals, alcohol, refined/processed man made disaster foods, and so forth. This is a person who is damaging their body and their internal organs, probably irreparably. You're actually doing your body a favor Dave.

In regards to testing, I'm really not sure where you can go to be honest? There are online facilities such as Labcorp and stdcheck which are apparently very good.

Hope this helps you Dave.

Best regards. :)

Jun 13, 2017
2 quick questions
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I have 2 quick questions, hope u don't mind.

1. In the one minute cure book it says to work your way up to 25 drops and stay on it for 1-3 weeks then go down to 25 drops 2x a day for up to 6 months for serious health conditions. Why are u recommending going up to 25 drops and back down to a maintenance of 3?

2. With the oregano oil on the spine, should I use coconut oil or dmso? Which do u recommend the most? And how much should be used to the 3-4 drops oregano oil?

As always thank you.

Jun 13, 2017
Epsom Salt
by: Chris

Hey Troy,
I am on my feet a lot and like to take Epsom salt foot baths and full body baths. Is this okay or is magnesium sulphate a no-no? Thanks

Jun 14, 2017
Raw food diet and weight loss
by: Anonymous

Troy, I am so worried about the raw food diet because I have a slim curvy figure, thicker lower body, but I am still small at the same time, it's been two weeks that I have almost entirely cut out pasta and rice and starchy foods and I have gotten a lot slimmer... I am worried that I will loose even more weight during the next few months as I try to rid this virus.. (hpv1). I am also very active because I am a dancer. So I get a lot of workouts in. I wanted to know what can I really eat just so I can maintain some of the weight and not become too skinny... I don't eat any meat but am planning on eating a little bit of salmon... I eat full avocados..... but it's hard to finish one whole one and two boiled eggs (breakfast), I have to force myself. Also, would it be contradicting to eat too much fat on the raw diet? Because the herpes virus also hides underneath lipids right? (Not sure) is mashed potatoes ok if I use vegan earth balance butter and Himalayan salt with some pepper and garlic? What about sweet potatoes? Is it ok to have a plate of pasta every few weeks or maybe once a month?

Jun 14, 2017
Reply to "2 Quick Questions" Comment
by: Troy

You can certainly stay on the 25 drops of HP twice daily for 6 months if you want, or the maintenance dose of 3 drops 3 times daily, or between 5 and 15 drops per day. There is no set amount or "right" way as such. Set your maintenance dose to how you're feeling. The hydrogen peroxide is primarily about creating alkalinity in the body. If you're taking a wheat grass or chlorella supplement (which hopefully you are) this will also produce alkalinity in the body so you can take less HP. Like I said, there is no perfect amount or way as such. With the DMSO and coconut oil, the most effective way is to use the oregano oil and DMSO combo on the base of the spine 3 days per week (Mon, Wed, Friday for instance) and the coconut oil and oregano oil for the other days. Somewhere around 1/2-1/4 teaspoon of DMSO and even less for the coconut oil is roughly what you need. :)

Jun 14, 2017
Reply to Chris
by: Troy

Magnesium is an EXTREMELY crucial nutrient. Epsom salt baths and magnesium sulphate/chloride are highly beneficial and great detoxifiers. Go nuts and use these as much as you can. :)

Jun 14, 2017
Reply to "Raw Food Diet and Weight Loss" Comment
by: Troy

Losing too much weight can be a problem when following a raw food diet. Pasta every few weeks or once a month is probably okay, just keep it to a little. In regards to potatoes? No, not normal potatoes. Have sweet potatoes instead as these are a much better alternative. With fats, as long as they are good fats (omega-3, MCT's from coconut oil, etc) these are fine. You need fats and fats from coconut oil for instance will help give you energy and maintain your body weight.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 15, 2017
Earliest possible time?
by: Anonymous

Troy, if I started this protocol in its exact form to the letter with ole, oregano oil, colloidal silver, bht, lysine, vitamin c, zinc, hydrogen peroxide, probiotics, herbs and a raw vegan diet and follow all the other possible recommendations, how early could I be cured? I'm desperate.

Jun 17, 2017
by: Troy

There's no set time, minimum time or "golden rule". The time frame is different for everybody. The maximum is 12 months, which is why we say to follow the protocol for this amount of time to give yourself the absolute best possible chance. :)

Jun 19, 2017
by: Nicole

Some questions before I begin the protocol:

1. Are there any spices or dressings I can make/use to make my food taste better?

2. How can I consume enough calories on a raw food diet so as to not lose too much weight? I'm already a bit skinny.

3. To consume oregano oil, can I place a few drops in my juices/smoothies, or does it have to be with water?

4. Can I steam my vegetables lightly (e.g. carrots, zucchini, etc) and I can eat baked sweet potatoes?

5. Can I take detox baths that include hydrogen peroxide, Epsom salts and baking soda? Or just one at a time?

Jun 19, 2017
Reply to Nicole
by: Troy

Any herbs and spices can be used to add flavor to your food, they're all good. The best "dressing" to use on salads, etc, is raw, organic apple cider vinegar. Read the Dr Axe article for everything you need to know on following a raw food diet. Eat extra free range chicken, eggs and fish to keep your calories up if need be. The oregano oil must be taken in water, under the tongue and used topically for best results. Yes, it's okay to lightly steam your vegetables and yes, sweet potatoes are okay/good to eat. If you do take detox baths (which are definitely a great idea) it's better to use just one mix at a time (eg, Epsom salt). So if you use the HP one day, go with the Epsom salts the next day and so forth.

Hope this helps you Nicole.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jun 20, 2017
Where do I start?
by: Anonymous

Troy, so I finally received these products to begin my process of curing my HSV1. Sovereign silver, BHT and St. John's worth, OLE, oregano oil, chlorella tablets, purified water, and all of the berry antioxidant powders that James destroys diseases recommends for his herpes cure. I have been drinking the entire weekend and eating whatever I want so I can enjoy it before I start this process. But now that I have the products, I don't know where to begin... do I use the products right away or is there a protocol I should do before I start incorporating these products? Meaning, I know that certain organs need to be detoxed in order to cure diseases. So should I buy a good colon cleanse and maybe go on a juice cleanse for a few days or a week before I start using the products? I just need instructions on where to begin!

Jun 23, 2017
Silver drops
by: Flint

Hi, do you need 5 full droppers or just 5 drops of the colloidal silver?

Thank you for everything.

Jun 23, 2017
Silver and dmso
by: Cj

Dear Troy, first I wish to apologize if I have asked too many questions. I am sorry as I work alone and live alone. You can't imagine the isolation and being able to ask you things and get answers is comforting. Anyway, I just wanted to know your thoughts on applying colloidal silver to the lower back and dmso use? Thank you

Jun 24, 2017
Reply to "Where do I Start" Comment
by: Troy

I would recommend going on a detox and colon cleanse for the first week then start on the supplements. If you've had a big weekend or what I like to call a "last supper binge" (don't worry, lots of people do this) then give your body a week of "cleansing" first then get into it 100%. You'll also give your body a good "boot" by doing this. :)

Jun 24, 2017
Reply to "Silver Drops" Comment
by: Troy

You need 5 ml's per serving (placed under the tongue). How many eye droppers you need to make up this amount will depend on the eye dropper you have as they come in all different sizes. :)

Jun 24, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hi Cj. Oregano oil mixed with and combined with DMSO seems to work really well. Many people are reporting excellent results from using this combo on the base of the spine 3 times per week (eg, Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and the oregano oil and coconut oil combo for the remaining days. Buy the 70% DMSO cream with aloe vera if you can get it. The pre-mixed cream with the aloe vera helps to stop your skin drying out. Better to go with this rather than using the colloidal silver.

Hope this helps. :)

Jun 25, 2017
Where to begin
by: Stacey

I have an important question. I have HSV1 and have been learning how to reverse it with raw diet detox through James cures diseases and this blog. I'm eating greens and berries and have purchased all of the above supplements listed, along with all of the berry powders and wheat grass, Chlorella, apple cider vinegar, charcoal, Epsom salt, etc. So where do I begin before incorporating the supplements for killing the virus? Do I need to do a strict juice detox and colon cleanse? Which comes first? Basically I want to know how do I prepare my body to cleanse itself before I use the ole and oregano oil colloidal silver BHT & SJW.

Jun 26, 2017
Peanut Butter/Nuts
by: Pete

Hey Troy,
Heather indicated she felt better (internally and externally) when she added peanut butter to her raw diet. I am wondering if we can eat peanut butter in reasonable doses as peanuts have the highest arginine content of all whole foods, apparently?


Jun 27, 2017
Migraines and valtrex
by: Anonymous

I have started this detox for a couple of weeks now. I am about 110lbs and slightly muscular since I workout daily. I do not eat dairy, cut out caffeine, and have been home cooked healthy meals. I don't think it is practical for me to eat completely raw so I baught a juicer. I have been drinking a smoothie made with the juice each day, 6 drops of oregano in a capsule, 2-3 drops under the tongue with coconut oil for 10 minutes, oregano on the spine twice a day, one of the BHT with ST johns wort before breakfast, attempt 2 OLE in the morning and one at night and lysine and maca. I also have been still taking valtrex daily. Is this something I should discontinue? I've been having migraine everyday now for about 3 weeks. Am I taking too much supplements? Please help. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Jun 28, 2017
by: Winter

I have quite a few questions:

1. Will taking the hydrogen peroxide kill the the effects of a probiotic? I am currently taking glutamine once a day which I mix with matcha powder and my vitamins. (I see now I need to spread out my doses so will make that change). I also had real bad herxheimers! I could hardly get up or stand up straight! So I slowed down my dosages now working my way back up. I'm on week 4.)

2. Will a diet with salt negate the effects of colloidal silver? My Dr of natural medicine mentioned this. She also said 3% peroxide from the store was more stable. 85 drops a day 3 times a day. To me this seems the equivalent and another way of taking the 35% just in a lower strength with more drops.

3. Sometimes I take tramadol and ambien. Not often. For pain, and I travel a lot. It's very limited. The ambien is a few times a year and the tramadol is for menstrual pain. I hope this does not introduce heavy metals into the body.

4. I have an autoimmune disease. I am supposed to take plaquanil and methotrexate for it. I don't take the plaquanil at all. With the methotrexate, does this suppress the immune system? I have not taken it for about 4 weeks but when I stay off of it too long in the past I can't stay awake and the quality of my life goes down and it gets hard to work. I also have Epstein Barr, which a Dr I saw felt contributed to my autoimmune condition.

5. I am doing the full protocol. I started a raw foods diet a couple months before I even knew about this cure. So thankfully my detox started before the pills.

I am taking about 6 chlorella a day and 1 wheatgrass pill.
1000mg of lysine 2-3 times a day
Silver about 2/3 times a day
Oregano oil 1/2 times a day
6000mg or so of vitamin c (I was taking 10000 but it messed with my stomach. Asorbic acid tastes like bile to me so I'm sticking with the vitamin C exclusively)
500-1000 mg of BHT
Up to 2 pills of ole. Had to back off because of insane detox reaction. But I'm up from 1 pill a day.
50mg chelated zinc
1 spoonful of coconut oil
1 spoonful of Manuka honey
1 tablespoon of glutamine
2 table spoons of matcha tea
Peroxide 2 times a day/ working up to 3 times a day. Following protocol of increasing drops up to 25. And gonna stay on the 25 for 3 weeks before going to maintenance.
I am adding protein powder metagenics immune boasting and gut healing powder.
Selenium drops
I'm gonna start the magnesium drops but boy is it nasty!

6. Is the ole the main culprit of herxemers? I don't know so I cut everything down and working back up to max doses on everything. But do I just need to cut down on the ole?

7. I am currently 4 weeks in and having the most itching I ever had. I never had itching just the occasional breakout. I assume the protocol is working!

8. Can I take chlorella and cilanto drops for heavy metal removal? It's hard to get enough cilantro on a daily basis in my food.

Thank you for the encouragement and information!

And some suggestions for painful urination during a out break... use a water bottle and spay down there as you go so it dilutes the acid of the urine and you have no pain!

I made a mix in a bowl I keep in the fridge of
Apple cider vinegar
Coconut water
Manuka honey (be generous)
I will add fresh ginger juice the next time around.

I found this is an easy way to get a ton of the ingredients quickly a couple times a day. I just stir it and scoop some out of the bowl and into a cup twice a day. I slowed down on this due to the herximers because I wasn't sure what was causing it. The key is to add a lot of honey and cinnamon while still adding a lot of cider. And it tastes quite good!

Lastly, thank you for the meditation suggestions. Strangely having this disease didn't get me down but lots of uncontrolable personal problems have made it impossible to stay happy. This is a god send to have all your suggestions and I can't wait to start the suggested meditation and positive thought readings, video and audios. Thank you for answering every question in this forum!

Sorry this was so long. But I have read every question here and everyone's questions have helped me refine this process!

Jun 29, 2017
Reply to Stacey
by: Troy

You don't exclusively need to do a juice detox and colon cleanse before starting on the supplements. It can help, yes, but it's not mandatory. If you do decide to do a cleanse first then 7-10 days would be enough. In regards to your IgG test results, it depends on how long you've had the virus as to what your IgG antibody levels will be. You should read this article for more information on herpes testing... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here. If you've only recently acquired the virus I would recommend waiting 6 months for an IgG retest to give your antibodies plenty of time to peak/subside.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 29, 2017
Reply to Pete
by: Troy

I don't actually recommend peanuts (neither does James), or any nuts really. I know Heather ate peanut butter, but you definitely want to avoid arginine as much as you can and get plenty of lysine instead. Most foods contain some arginine but peanuts contain lots. Unless you want to test yourself for the virus towards the end of the 12 months (along with eating oranges and grapefruits to bring out the virus) I would give peanut butter a miss. :)

Jun 29, 2017
Reply to "Migraines and Valtrex" Comment
by: Troy

Many people still take Valtrex when beginning on this protocol and then gradually wean themselves (reduce the dosage) slowly over a period of 3-4 months. The headaches are caused from herxheimers reaction due to your detoxing. If you've never detoxed or eaten only raw foods then usually (as a rule) you will suffer more than someone who eats/has been eating more healthily. The headaches will go over time. Drink as much water as you possibly can every day to help yourself get over this. :)

Jun 29, 2017
Reply to Winter
by: Troy

As long as you continue to keep your probiotic intake up with a good quality supplement and eating lots of probiotic rich foods the hydrogen peroxide will not hamper or affect any of this. With salt, ONLY eat Himalayan pink rock salt (crystal salt). This form of salt is extremely good for you and wont cause any ill effects in regards to the colloidal silver. You can use either the 3% grade or 35% grade HP. Both still work. Your Dr is overthinking this one a bit. In regards to your medications, sorry, we cannot comment or advise on these. You would need to talk with your health care practitioner. Yes, OLE is usually the main culprit and cause of herxheimers, however, a detox in general can still cause significant reactions. Build up the OLE to the maximum amount as soon as you feel better. The OLE is crucial. Take/eat as much cilantro and chlorella as you can - you can never have too much of these. They are both extremely powerful detoxifiers and heavy metal removers! What you are doing and the protocol you are following is perfect and right on the money. You've obviously done your homework.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 29, 2017
Can I kill HSV1 if it remains dormant?
by: Anonymous

Troy, Stacey again. Thank u for your reply!!
I have another question. I have never had an outbreak at all, I believe I was infected about 6-10 months ago. Will this protocol work if I never bring out the virus to get an outbreak? My goal is to get rid of this within 4 months, instead of one year. I know I sound impatient, but I don't think I can go longer than this time detoxing without truly suffering a lot. I have lived a pretty healthy lifestyle before this point (vegan, then vegetarian). I have done heavy metal detoxes in the past, I have been drinking purified water for the past half a year, so I don't think my body would take very long to heal. I have been praying extremely desperately and meditating towards my healing. I have also seen in James's YouTube channel that a lot the people who came forward about their results coming back negative took them about 4-6 months. If I don't get the virus to come out (break out with a sore) and it remains dormant, would this protocol still kill my HSV1?

Jun 30, 2017
by: Troy

You definitely don't need to bring the virus out to kill it. I know that this is something that Heather did but I'm not actually a fan of it. You can certainly get rid of the virus in 4 months (even quicker according to Dr Sebi). The reason we stress 12 months is this gives your body more than enough time to detox and cleanse.

Good luck and all the best to you Stacey!

Jun 30, 2017
by: Anonymous

How important is the BHT? It makes me feel terrible and increased my anxiety. I also wanted to know if smoking Canabis would prevent this detox/ridding the body of the disease?

Jun 30, 2017
by: Cj

Dear Troy, first I want to wish you a super holiday weekend... I have one question and two comments. I've had the h202 now for a week. I have not used it yet. I am very nervous as I think anything that makes one vomit, causes nausea, etc, can't be good. Is this a must to do? Comment regarding Stacy, I'm not down playing hsv 1 but she should feel lucky. Anyone with hsv 2 would trade in a heart beat as I do not think one human on earth would reject or not want to be with someone because of it. In fact, most people don't even know cold sores are herpes. I do of course and hope she is successful in ridding herself as like all of us the emotional and mental stress is horrible - beyond words. Also, you are correct that bringing the virus out is not productive. I was able to communicate with a scientist from Duke university who explained the virus only sends one infected neuron to cause an outbreak while there is always a reserve in the nerve of about 10 thousand infected cells. If the entire virus came out it could be eradicated according to them. Of course they have been trying for decades... The outbreak at the skin replicates millions but the immune system takes care of it. With Troy's guidance and knowledge we can all have some hope and I thought adding comments here also could help, especially with some of the scams out there. I am 100 days into this and at times I want to quit... constantly taking something from 6 am until bed time, not one spec or anything I used to eat before, skinny as a pole but I will continue. Thank you

Jul 01, 2017
Colidal silver
by: Stacey

Thanks again for your reply, I greatly appreciate it. I feel so much better knowing I can cure this in a little less time. I started using the OLE today and the oregano oil under my tongue and lower back, on top of using the antioxidant powders and chlorella tablets and wheat grass everyday for the past week.

I want to begin using the Colloidal silver and the BHT & SJW. I read online that colloidal silver shouldn't be taken more than 14 days in a row... is this true? If so, how often should I take a break from using it?

Another question, I have been eating raw all week with juices smoothies, fruits and vegetable bowls, lentils, pumpkin seeds, etc. Today I had a homemade chilled oatmeal that's made with oats, organic soy milk and fruits. Is this ok to have? Or should I avoid oatmeal because it's technically a processed food. It's a very small amount that I eat (10 oz cup)

Once again I really appreciate your responses. I know a lot of people have so many questions all the time and a lot of them are repetitive. I appreciate that you take the time to respond to everybody.

Jul 01, 2017
by: Justin

Hey Troy,

Thanks for all the support and continuous feedback! Quick questions regarding protein; is 100% raw grass-fed whey protein a quality option? No additives, preservatives, sweeteners, emulsifiers, etc. Is hemp protein okay? Also, what is an optimal amount of protein intake that wont interfere with the protocol?
Also, I've heard collagen interferes with this process because gelatin is high in arginine?

Jul 01, 2017
Days away
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, this may be helpful for all... I take a cooler every where I go - my kit as I call it. I have all the supplements in it so I don't miss a dose. I have not taken time off from work in a long time and of course the expense of doing this has hit the budget a bit. Working Sat and Sundays now to pay for everything. Anyway, if I/others wanted to take a weekend off or even a week from this would that mess things up too much? I could easily bring the supplements and get in most doses but eating organic would be impossible, I think, or should I just wait until I get through the months I have left. Sorry for the silly question but I feel like a prisoner to this virus. Thank you

Jul 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, I have been consuming cilantro. I try to find organic but is not always possible. Is eating non organic ok and also would cilantro pills be an option as it would be easier although I really don't wish to take more pills. I don't mind the taste of cilantro at all but again it's not always available and sometimes not organic. There is also a write up on pub med about viral infections and bacteria using heavy metals to hide.

Jul 04, 2017
Help, I'm a rookie!
by: Anonymous

I just found out I got herpes yesterday. I was upset but not devastated as I've always believed that anything is curable, although part of me feels like I'm not excepting this at all. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or if I'm in denial. All I know is I want nothing more than to cure this and that this has to be my focus. I know this is going to be the biggest challenge in my life but I intend to give it everything I've got. I have been addicted to sugar so I know the process will most likely be painful and difficult, but not impossible. I have a couple questions. First, while I am detoxing and having outbreaks, is it ok to take my antibiotics from the doctor, or are these just going to suppress it? Are there natural fast solutions for the blisters and the burning pains during the process - I don't know how I am going to work with constant outbreaks. I'm a security guard and this first outbreak has been hell. Also, is there a book I can purchase with a day to day guide or what to take and eat?

Just want to say thank you for sharing this. I was getting worried as I was reading there was no way out of this and I didn't want to believe it. This article brought me so much hope peace and courage.

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to "Cannabis" Comment
by: Troy

The BHT is important. Go back on the lowest dosage and slowly build up to the maximum over a period of 4-6 weeks. Make sure you have it with St John's Wort as well and a small amount of coconut oil. Smoking cannabis can "possibly" induce herpes breakouts according to a few small studies, although the jury is still out on this one. The cannabis would at least need to be organic and chemical free if you were to use it. :)

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

The hydrogen peroxide shouldn't make feel sick or nauseous. If you have any concerns simply go on the maintenance dose listed in the One Minute Cure book and stay on this. You will still benefit tremendously from this. Also, use the food grade HP rather than the common hydrogen peroxide (35% grade) found in Walmart, etc. :)

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to Stacey
by: Troy

As long as you take the correct type of colloidal silver there is absolutely no harm whatsoever. Here's what Sovereign Silver (the brand we recommend) have to say about taking their colloidal silver... "BE SAFE: Our tiny particle size yields greater surface area, making our 10 ppm product more effective than competing brands of much higher ppm. Taken 7 times a day for 70 years, Sovereign Silver still falls below the EPA's RfD for silver". That's how safe it is! With the oats, go for the organic raw oats. These are perfectly fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to Justin
by: Troy

Grass fed whey protein or hemp protein are both perfectly fine. Don't be overly concerned by having too much protein. Protein helps to keep your body weight up, which is important when you're eating primarily raw foods. Yes, gelatin is high in arginine. Just do your best when it comes to consuming arginine. It's in most foods so eliminating it completely is virtually impossible. :)

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to "Days Away" Comment
by: Troy

Taking a break will definitely set you back. Unfortunately, sticking it out to-the-letter for a full 12 months is what's required. After this period is up, you can then relax. :)

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to "Cilantro" Comment
by: Troy

If the cilantro isn't organic, this is still fine. Better to have non-organic cilantro than nothing at all. The pills are an excellent option too if you can get them. Make sure you eat/take lots of cilantro, along with chlorella and wheat grass. Removing heavy metals from the body is definitely one of the most crucial parts to ridding oneself of this virus (or any virus for that matter). :)

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to "Help, I'm a Rookie" Comment
by: Troy

Hello rookie. You are right about one thing you said, this is definitely going to be one of the biggest challenges of your life. Don't underestimate the challenge you are about to undertake. It will test you like never before. With that said, the rewards of following through and giving it 100% are enormous. There's a lot to take in here. What I recommend is you have a read of Winters question (June 28th). The protocol they list is pretty much spot on (no, sorry, we don't have a book either). The DMSO (#10 remedy) is excellent for reducing and relieving herpes outbreaks. Most people continue to use/take their medication in the beginning too. Gradually, you will need to wean yourself from it though.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jul 05, 2017
Vitamin C
by: Cj

Dear Troy, keep wanting to ask... I have been taking 10k vitamin C per day. 3 in the am 3 at lunch 3 at dinner and one at bed time. I have only taken pill form not ascorbic acid powder.
is this ok? They are basically the same? To ease Stacy's mind I am about a 100 days into this taking colloidal silver (messo silver ) brand 20 parts per million 5x a day and no issues and no I have not turned blue. Only a protein silver has the chance to turn you blue or if you make your own and make mistakes. The only issue I have had after 100 days is sometimes loose bowels with the vitamin C. I will start the H2o2 end of week. My biggest issue now is depression, stress and anxiety which I am trying everything possible except medication to deal with it.

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

The pill form of vitamin C is okay. You do need to be mindful of vitamin C causing diarrhea in some cases. It can most certainly do this. Taking a probiotic supplement is crucial along with eating probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, and so forth. Try and make your own if you can rather than buy the pre-made varieties. This handy website shows you how... Cultures for Health.

Hope this helps. :)

Jul 17, 2017
by: Anonymous Me

Hi, I have had HSV2 for 4 years now. I am currently going vegan and freaked out because most foods I can eat are said to trigger outbreaks. I came across this site while searching info and I just cannot believe it. I am overjoyed for the possibility to be free of this. I have already started ordering the recommended products. My question really is about diet and if a strict raw diet is really necessary... and also as far as giving up coffee, is that for life? I'm a very big coffee drinker and the thought of giving it up makes me want to cry but I am willing to give it a shot in hopes of being free of HSV2. But to never have a cup again....Ahhhhhhhhhh. So would it be no coffee forever? I appreciate your time and response and really appreciate all the info on this site you have provided. Its like a light at the end of the tunnel.

Jul 17, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, do you think amalgam fillings in the mouth could be a problem for heavy metal content continuing? I have two I think but having them removed may be even worse with the gas the comes from it and the particles. Any thoughts? I hate to spend another 8 months on top of the 4 I have completed only to find out this was an issue. I am still sticking with this and seeing it through. It has been tough, in fact the toughest thing of my life other than finding out I had hsv.

Jul 18, 2017
Hey Troy!
by: Lilly

I have a couple quick questions. During the process of getting rid of your herpes are you able to smoke cannabis? Also even after you've got your test results back as negative do you or should you keep the raw food diet and detox routine as part of your daily life for the rest of your life?

Jul 18, 2017
Help with Diet
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,
I'm writing to ask you if eating cooked corn is ok (if it is organic)? My aunt grows it in her garden. Also, I wanted to ask if eating more fruits than vegetables on the raw diet is ok. I am overseas and find a lot of fresh natural organic fruits such as berries, watermelon, fruit smoothies, grapes, etc. I try to get my greens from oregano as seasoning and parsley with my cucumber and tomato salads, but I am unable to find kale here and things like that (I'm in Greece). I also wanted to ask how often is it ok to eat salmon? I tried reaching out to James and he has said that avoiding animal products is better, even salmon and eggs (which confused me because he has recommended them before in some videos) but maybe that was not for people with hsv. I see Heather ate shrimp or salmon as part of her diet but not sure if it was an every day thing. I just want to keep my weight on.

Jul 19, 2017
Processed foods
by: Anonymous

In regards to the process foods, would organic processed still break this rule? I have been experimenting with new recipes. For the most part I do not consume processed foods besides organic spaghetti sauce, organic canned tomatoes, chickpea pasta, and organic taco shells. I figured that these things should be in moderation along with making sure I get a lot of raw fruits and vegetables in. I just want to know how strict the guidelines are. A couple of "go to" substitutes for my recipes are sweet potato toast with organic eggs over easy (figured it would be more comparable to a soft boiled eggs) and cauliflower rice for rice and gravy.

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to Anonymous Me
by: Troy

Following a raw food, primarily plant based diet is crucial to the success of this protocol. Your body must detox completely and rid itself of all heavy metals. That's what a raw food diet combined with the food/supplements will do. In regards to quitting coffee for life? No you don't have to. While eliminating coffee completely for the next 12 months is vital (and switching to green tea/Matcha), you can eventually begin to drink coffee again if you so choose. I would recommend quitting coffee for good and staying with green tea though. Coffee makes the body acidic (which is not a good thing) and leaches minerals from the bones. Most coffee's are also heavily contaminated with chemicals and pesticides. A coffee here and there as a "treat" would probably still be okay (after the 12 months of course).

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

While there's certainly evidence that amalgam fillings cause a leaching of heavy metals, particularly mercury, into the body, I don't think having these is a game breaker. It's like going outside and being subjected to pollution (car fumes, etc). While these are not good, as long as your're eating/taking/consuming detoxing foods (chlorella, cilantro, etc) your body will continuously filter out and rid itself of these toxins. To me, it's the same with things such as amalgam fillings. While having them removed would certainly be the best option for your overall/long term health, leaving them in is not going to be detrimental to the success of this protocol in my opinion.

All the best to you Cj. :)

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to Lilly
by: Troy

The smoking cannabis question is actually a popular one. There is some evidence that smoking cannabis can induce breakouts in herpes sufferers, yet using the RSO (Rick Simpson oil) protocol can actually help. If you did decide to use the RSO oil (see our two Rick Simpson interviews for more information on this) then the cannabis would definitely need to be completely organic and chemical/pesticide free (most aren't unfortunately). As far as continuing with the raw food diet for the rest of your life? We recommend you do this just for your overall good health. You would not need to be as "strict" though. We also recommend you still take your green food (chlorella/wheat grass), probiotics and OLE as well to keep your immune system strong and healthy. What you decide to do would be your choice at the end of the day though.

All the best to you Lilly! :)

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to "Processed Foods" Comment
by: Troy

At the end of the day, "fresh is always best", however, organic "processed" (mildly processed) foods can still be eaten. Just keep them to a minimum. All of what you have suggested would be fine. :)

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to "Help With Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Non GMO corn from your aunts garden is perfectly fine. I don't believe that you can ever eat too much fresh fruit so don't be concerned about this either. Salmon is definitely okay to eat, just be careful where you get it from. It's the contamination of salmon that's the problem (which is why James no longer recommends it) not the actual salmon itself. Fillets of Wild Alaskan salmon are a good option. Steer clear of farmed salmon. Eggs are also good so eat lots of them (pesticide free, of course). Don't forget to consume plenty of cilantro/coriander as well.

All the best!

Jul 22, 2017
Best Zinc, Lysine & Vit C supplement?
by: Anonymous

Can you provide a link for the best Lysine, Zinc, and Vitamin C. I can't afford to start the organic eating but I would like to start something. Thank you in advance.

Jul 24, 2017
Am I On The Path To Being Cured?
by: Jean

Hello Troy! I have read Heather's story, all the comments, the replies, and watched James Destroys Diseases Videos. Very inspiring! As everywhere/one else says there no cure. Well, I was diagnosed with HSV2 in May 2017 with symptoms in 2016, which I thought was from my electric shaver. Please let me know if what I am doing will cure, not suppress the virus. I started at the end of June. Here is what I'm doing...
I am now a vegan & eat raw foods. Occasionally I will have organic blue, yellow, & vegetable tortilla chips, organic sweet potato chips, boom chicka boom sweet & salty popcorn and Dave's Killer Bread Powerseed with almond butter (no sugar added in butter). I eat mainly organic fruits/veggies (sometimes I'll get conventional, like lemons, limes, frozen fruits), with beans, quinoa, and some Brazil nuts from time to time. I do drink Deer Park water (low pH) as its really expensive to drink Essentia & Fiji water (high pH) the way I do deer park. Will the deer park water affect my way to being cured?
In the Morning: 4 Zella Oil of Oregano drops in 4-5oz water....antioxidant shakes with Navita powders exactly like Heather's amounts. 3 drops Zella Oil of Oregano on the spine. 2 capsules of Island Olive Leaf (as mentioned on this site for an alternative to Olivius). 1Tbsp of Coconut Oil. I was using colloidal silver but I can't afford that anymore, so I use the coconut oil.
Afternoon: 2 drops Zella Oil of Oregano in coconut oil under tongue for 10mins. 1tbps coconut oil. Antioxidant shake with navita powders.
Evening: 4 drops of Zella Oil of Oregano in 4-5oz water, 3 Zella Oil of Oregano drops on spine, antioxidant shake, 1 capsule Island Olive Leaf, & 1 tbsp coconut oil (if my stomach doesn't feel funny from the coconut oil). I don't take the BHT, St John's Wort, DMSO, etc because I can't afford it and I want to stick as close to nature as possible. With all my meals I add cilantro. Doing all of this, will I be cured? Looking forward to your reply and thank you so much!
*I am using Toms of Maine Fluoride free toothpaste but Old Spice deodorant*

Jul 25, 2017
Have I missed anything?
by: Natasha

Hi Troy. Firstly, thank you for taking the time to help all of us! I just wanted to run my schedule by you to double-check that it's OK (been on it 2 weeks now). Also this might be helpful to others, as I've researched thoroughly and combined your advice with James Destroy Diseases and also Dr Richard Schultz. This is my method :

- Olivus OLE (4 caps/ day on empty stomach)
- Oregano Oil (3x/day, in water, under tongue, on spine, as per James Destroy Diseases)
- Colloidal Silver (5mls under tongue, 5x/day, taken apart from BHT and on empty stomach)
- BHT, St John's Wort (>0.3% Hypericin), Coconut Oil, Fast Release Vitamin C (2x/day, 10 mins before food)
- Lysine, Slow Release Vitamin C, Zinc (chelated) (2x/day, after food)
> Total 10,000mg Vitamin C, Total 3000mg Lysine
- H2O2 as per One Minute Cure (3x/day)
- Astragalus, Rhodiola, Tribulus capsules
- Drink Super Powders in water (approx. 1/2 tsp Maca, Lucuma, Camu, Matcha, Pomegranate, Acai, Maqui, 3x/day)
- Drink Super Greens in water (approx. 1/2 tsp Spirulina, Chlorella, Cilantro Seed, 2x/day)
- Power shot of ACV, Manuka Honey, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Turmeric and warm water (1x/day)
- Eat only organic, raw, fruits and veg (and juices/blasts)
- Drink only Fiji water
- Use all organic personal care products and household cleaners
- Sauna (every day)
- Detox Foot Pads (every night)
- Oil Pulling (coconut oil, every day)
- Suppositories, used a few times per week (home-made with garlic, coconut oil, oregano, etc.)
- I also started by doing the 30 day "Incurables" Detox by Dr Schulze (liver, kidneys, gallbladder, intestines, including castor oil packs, enemas, skin brushing and hot/cold treatment, etc.)

I think that's about it! Just wanted reassurance, as it's a big investment moving forward and need to confirm that what I'm doing should hit the nail on the head, so to speak :) Thank you for your time Troy!

Jul 25, 2017
Sesame Oil
by: Anonymous

I've just discovered Sesame Oil as a dressing on salads. It is amazing! Is this something you can still eat whilst doing an HSV detox? Also what about those Seaweed Snacks (organic seaweed, organic sunflower oil, salt)? Thanks so much!

Jul 26, 2017
by: Cj

Dear Troy, what are your thoughts on chaparral? I have read it is a good blood cleaner and has an effect on hsv but have seen it may cause liver damage. Do you suggest using this herb at the half way point of a year or at any point?

Jul 27, 2017
by: Anonymous

I read that fish is acidic and a no-no. Also peanut butter?
Can I cook my kale and steam broccoli and still have it be effective?

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to "Best Zinc, Lysine, Vit C Supplement" Comment
by: Troy

If you're on a super tight budget then this is a good "all in one" supplement for all three... Vitamin C Complex with L-Lysine, Bioflavonoids, Zinc. Be aware though that you will still need extra vitamin C so an ascorbic acid powder (which is reasonable cost) would also be a wise choice. :)

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to Jean
by: Troy

Hi Jean. Remember, this protocol/list/recommendations is a guide. You take/use as much of the recommendations as is financially viable for you. Yes, this is not a cheap protocol. I would strongly recommend you include the colloidal silver if you possibly can. I really does work extremely well when combined with the OLE and oregano oil. Remember, detoxing and the removing of heavy metals is the key so lots of cilantro, and chlorella if you can. In regards to the water you drink, filtered water is the best. I never recommend bottled water, you don't know what you're getting and many companies have been busted for supplying crap water... Bottled Water Scam- Dr Mercola. The fluoride free toothpaste is okay but get rid of the Old Spice! This stuff is full of chemicals such as aluminium and is an antiperspirant, which means it stops your body from releasing toxins from out under the arm pits (which is crucial). Use good old fashioned baking soda powder instead. It works a treat for body odor and is safe. I would still recommend you consider the BHT and DMSO/hydrogen peroxide as well.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. What you're doing is perfect except for a couple of things. Get rid of the Fiji water and go with a good quality water filter instead. It will actually save you money in the long run over the Fiji water, which has been found to be yet another bottled water scam... What You Didn't Know About Fiji Water. Also try and eat plenty of probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, miso, yogurt, etc, too if you can. It's best to make your own... Cultures for Health.

Apart from these, you've definitely nailed it!

All the best to you. :)

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to "Sesame Oil" Comment
by: Troy

Sesame oil is fine as long as it's organic and comes in dark bottles. The natural Seaweed snacks are also okay as a "treat", however, do not rely on them for your nutrition. Remember, fresh is always best. :)

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to "Fish" Comment
by: Troy

A common myth is that "all fish is acidic". No they are not. While there are some that you should avoid, others are perfectly safe and healthy to eat. Have a read of this article for the best ones... 11 Best Types of Fish to Eat. Peanut butter is best avoided if you can as peanuts can (sometimes) initiate breakouts. This is not always the case though so you can always use it if you like and see if it has any negative effects on you. Steaming your vegetables is perfectly fine, just don't overcook them. :)

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

I don't believe there is any need to take chaparral, and you do need to be somewhat cautious of this herb (although, as long as you followed the recommended dosages you would be fine). You still need a certain amount of protein, hence why grass fed chicken and wild caught salmon should be eaten (only in small amounts of course). An IgG reading of 4.0 is not actually that high. Some people have had a reading of 12.0 and over, so yes, you can certainly get this down to below 0.9 (negative reading) in the next 8 months. The dryness from the oregano oil is likely a rash, not the virus "spreading". Use the DMSO with aloe vera to moisturize. A "treat" meal once a week is also okay and a great mental release (like I always say, you still have to live). Just don't go overboard though. :)

Jul 28, 2017
Thank you
by: Cj

Dear Troy, you don't have to reply this, it's more of a thank you. I was more at ease when you said a 4.0 was not that high. That was the end of May, which would bring me to the 6 month point. The end of November is when I am fairly sure I got this so hopefully the level did not keep climbing. I will stay away from the chaparral for now. Also, I am up to 10 drops with the h2o2 and no issues yet. I do however take it at 6 am, 1130 am and 330 pm to work around my food. If you think I should re adjust the times let me know but otherwise again I just wanted to say thank you for replying to me and others. No matter my outcome after the 8 months I have left I wanted to let you know I appreciate all the replies. Thanks and have a good weekend.

Jul 31, 2017
My routine
by: Stacy

Dear Troy, I'd like to post an update.

I have been on the detox for 30 days now.
My diet consists of mostly fruits like apples, a lot of watermelon, peaches, plums, grapes, a daily salad with cucumber, tomato, parsley Himalayan salt (which I just added one week ago) and coriander (also just added one week ago). I eat cooked lentils (soup) and drink freshly squeezed orange juice, carrot juice, pomegranate juice, and mix lemon with orange as well. Also, when I eat out I eat cooked mushrooms with no salt or salad with no oil or salt. I have my antioxidant shake once a day with broken cell wall chlorella tablets and wheatgrass powder. I also put hemp seeds and chia seeds in a cup of water and drink it once a day. I take zinc & lysine supplements every day with fruit and snack on pumpkin seeds or goji berries. I have not experienced any negative effects other than a lot of weight loss (I was thick now I am skinny/petite, lost a lot of weight in my lower body and arms and feel thinner). My skin has broken out but I usually do have minor break outs (not herpes; pimples). I have never experienced a herpes break out but I tested positive for hsv1. My bowel movements are insane at the moment (4-5 times a day some times). These last few days I have been fatigued, hungry, no matter how much fruit I try to eat since that is all I can eat mostly.

As far as the protocol I am taking 2 OLE in morning and at night along with the oregano oil on my spine, in water, and under the tongue with coconut oil for 10 mins.

I was using colloidal silver the first two weeks 5x a day but I left it back in the US (I'm overseas and can not find it here). I will continue to use it when I get back in 3 weeks.

Is there anything I am missing or why do I feel fatigued/malnourished? I just desperately wish I could eat the food my family is eating daily while we are on this vacation. It has been emotionally and physically draining. If you have any advice, please help.

I contacted James and asked him if the antioxidant shakes should be taken more than once a day and he told me once a day should be fine.

Aug 01, 2017
Type 2 permanent herpes cure
by: Anonymous

I am curious to know if any of this is even real? Its hard to know what to believe on the internet these days. Like others, I contracted type 2 herpes from an EX girlfriend. I used to get several outbreaks a year. I never got much of the symptoms - the flue type symptoms usually but no itching at all except maybe a little when healing. I'd just see the ugly blisters and they would go away in 3 to 7 days. It has been a long time since I have had an outbreak. Honestly, I can't remember my last outbreak, but even though I haven't had a visible outbreak I worry I still have the virus and can give it to other women. I want to kill this thing for good and really want to now if there is any truth to this at all?

Aug 02, 2017
Cold Pressed Organic Coconut Oil?
by: Anonymous

When you say cold pressed organic coconut oil, I'm confused as to what that means.

Aug 02, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

You're very welcome Cj. The times you are taking the h2o2 are perfect in my opinion. They are spaced out nicely. You're doing extremely well and have passed the worst of it (detoxing phase), so be sure to keep that at the forefront of your mind. You're on the downhill slide.

All the best!

Aug 02, 2017
No outbreaks while detoxing?
by: Steve

I've been on the detox since May 5. This was after having an outbreak on April 16. I took the IgG test on June 13 and was positive and high (7.00). However, I have not had any outbreaks while on the detox and taking the oil of oregano. Is it possible to kill the virus without having outbreaks, or is having outbreaks part of the cure? And when should I take the test again?

Aug 02, 2017
Reply to Stacy
by: Troy

What you are doing is good Stacy. If you could include the colloidal silver again and start on the BHT that would definitely be handy. I also recommend adding wild caught salmon to your diet for protein (I know James doesn't agree with this but I believe you need enough protein so you don't lose an excessive amount of weight). Yes the diet/eating is tough, no doubt about it - particularly when you're on holidays or during the festive season. You have to keep your mind focused on why you're doing it and the end result. Reading positive books is extremely important in my view. Look into Louise Hay and Dr Wayne Dyer. Also read "How the Secret Changed My Life"... The Secret - Official Website. It's a "must read" in my opinion.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 02, 2017
Reply to Steve
by: Troy

You do not need to be having/getting outbreaks for the virus to be destroyed. I would caution you in thinking that you may not get any more breakouts in the future though. This can, and is usually the case, and can occur even up to 8 months into the protocol. Every persons body reacts differently to a detox. Some people experience mild symptoms/side effects while others experience horrendous side effects/reactions. A re-test is recommended after a full 12 months of the protocol. Sometimes it's even better to wait a little longer if your count is high or you've only recently been infected. This gives your IgG antibodies enough time to go back down as they are very slow to retract... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Steve!

Aug 02, 2017
Reply to "Type 2 Permanent Herpes Cure" Comment
by: Troy

You are definitely right about one thing, the internet is littered with scams and fraudulent activity, so it is hard to know what is genuine and what is bogus. I'm not here to try and convince you of the authenticity of this protocol, you have to/must make up your own mind. I always say to people though, if the information you read is given freely and comes at no cost (no money required upfront for books, downloads, etc) then at least you have the option of considering it first before outlaying any of your hard earn't money. Nothing about the protocol we list is hidden. Every ounce of information is given in full and without cost. :)

Aug 02, 2017
Reply to "Cold Pressed Organic Coconut Oil" Comment
by: Troy

This is what we mean by organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil... Coconut Oil, Organic Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed. :)

Aug 02, 2017
Important Questions. Please help!
by: Nicole

After doing some research, I’ve found some other supplements that are supposed to boost your immune system and/or be antivirals. Are the added supplements okay? Do I have to worry about any combination of these supplements with the ones you’ve recommended? Are there any specific brands you recommend, or added ingredients I should be weary of? I don't want to take TOO much and damage my body, but I want to give myself the BEST chance of beating HSV.
-omega three fatty acids
-flax seeds and chia seeds
-garlic extract
-astralagus supreme
-calendula (Dr. Axe says this can relax muscles
during menstruation)
-cat’s claw
-Vitamin A and D
-pomegranate Powder
-Magnesium Citrate
-Vitamin E (taken orally and used topically)

What are your thoughts on Diatomaceous Earth (food grade)?

Is it okay if I apply the oregano oil and coconut oil on my back and then place a bandage over it to mask the strong scent? I would leave the bandage on until I re-apply in the evening.

Is midol okay or will the caffeine inhibit the benefits of this protocol? What are some other natural ways to treat menstrual discomfort (abdominal cramps, lower back pain, etc.)?
Is my use of regular store-bought deodorant, toothpaste, etc., really detrimental? I live in South Texas where we are averaging 106 degrees on a GOOD day.

I love infused water (i.e. cucumber and lemon water, etc.). Can I take the oregano oil in this or does it have to be plain Jane water?

I understand that tomatoes should be eaten rarely. Is this true?

As far as the diet goes, I can’t afford anything too extravagant. Are eggs, yogurt, shrimp and fish from my local Sprouts store, and fruits and veggies from Wal-Mart okay? I know coconut water is good for me, I like the brands Zico and Goya; are these okay?

Can I make salad dressings using apple cider vinegar, olive oil, spices, sesame seed oil, honey, teriyaki sauce, etc?

Can I add vanilla extract to my juices/smoothies? Or vanilla beans?

I read that peppermint tea and lemon balm tea are good for inhibiting the herpes virus. Can I drink these? Can I throw a peppermint tea bag into my iced-infused water?

Aug 03, 2017
Reply to Nicole
by: Troy

Hi Nicole. Firstly, remember that this protocol is a guide. To get rid of the virus you must detox the body of all chemicals and heavy metals and significantly boost the immune system. That's what a raw food diet and supplements such as the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT, and so forth will do and help with. Everything you have mentioned including and adding to your protocol is perfectly okay. None will hurt (and none will damage your body, on the contrary they will make it healthier and much stronger). The Diatomaceous Earth is particularly good too. Placing a bandage over the oregano oil/coconut oil is fine also - just make sure it doesn't soak into the bandage or the benefits will be lessened. Tomatoes are high in lycopene antioxidants so you should eat these (yes, they are acidic but will not harm/affect your pH level that much). Taking the oregano oil in infused water is okay too. Try and use good old fashioned baking soda as a deodorant, teeth whitener, etc, instead of store bought items. It works a treat. The caffeine could be a problem in all honesty. These natural remedies may help you... Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps. Anything natural (herbs, spices, etc) can be added to salads/used as dressings. Vanilla beans are better to use than vanilla extract. Peppermint tea and lemon balm would also be good inclusions.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. It has been a while since I checked this website and these blogs. I'm quite surprised to know that no one else has been cured till now apart from Heather. This protocol has been out for quite a while and from what I can see many people are following it. I'm in no way doubting this at all since I believe in it 100% and I know you are genuine, but I would like to know why no one else has been cured yet? Did Heather follow a different protocol perhaps? Thank you for always answering my questions.

Aug 03, 2017
by: Cj

Hi Troy, again thanks for replying... you are right, the detoxing side affects are gone. I am up to 16 drops of h2o2, not problems yet (crossing fingers). I will just keep taking the supplements and eating the foods suggested with my one beer a week and my dinner out which is usually fish or chicken with veggies anyway. I have not had a pizza, pasta or any junk. I do feel pretty good other than the fact I've lost 25lbs. Still exercise with weights in my basement as I have since high school but I can't do the amounts I was doing before... hopefully next year I can. I will read the questions others post to stay up to date on anything. Shouldn't have a question for a bit. I was bummed seeing that guy had a 7.0 igg reading. I am hoping that mine from back in late May/early June of 4.0 was peaking but I don't know as I have not tested again. As I said, I am fairly sure I have had this since the end of November and I'm positive that was the first out break. Thanks again... until the next question.

Aug 04, 2017
Which oregano oil?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy & Heather,

Thank you so much for sharing Heather. I was in tears as I read your story because you definitely understand. Troy you said you use another oregano oil and not the one from James destroys disease. Heather which one did you use exactly?

Aug 04, 2017
Importance of filtered water
by: Sky

It's only been a week since I've found out my partner has HSV2. Finally got him to make an appointment to get checked out; came back positive. I haven't been tested but went through all the symptoms, lucky me. We've only been together three months so I've obviously recently been infected, and it was absolutely miserable. Within days I started the protocol (he's even joining in). I've started everything, literally everything; what a pretty penny that was. Well, I started everything besides one thing; filtered water. I never drink tap water, but still purchase gallons of Gerber Water. No one ever recommends a decently priced filter and what to look for when purchasing. Any suggestions would be great. My Moms getting a Kangen 8 Water ionizer and is very happy to bring water over, but I really want something reliable in my own home that wont cost me a few grand. Again, thanks for the help.

Aug 05, 2017
"Heather" Does Not Exist
by: Rick

No picture, no verifiable stats, nothing... Clearly Troy himself wrote the story about "Heather". You see the links he's pushing people? They're called affiliate links. Troy gets a commission on every sale. And I highly doubt he'll even let this comment stand. Because that would ruin your racket here, wouldn't it Troy? There is no Heather is there? How do you feel about exploiting people for money?

Aug 06, 2017
BHT & others.
by: Shota

Dear Troy,

Again thank you so much for everything, I've some questions please. I'm taking all the supplements including BHT+St.John's Wort.

1. Sometimes we have weddings or some essential parties once a month, so can I drink home made red and white wine - an organic one as I take BHT 4 times a day? I know that we shouldn't drink alcohol but how dangerous is it to drink abut 1-2 liters of wine a month with the BHT. Should I stop taking BHT before I drink, if so how many days before?

2. The antioxidant shake from James - should we take before we eat or after?

3. I used DMSO when I felt an outbreak was coming and no blister appeared, but then my homeopath doctor told me to let it happen because it comes out from the body and you must not block it otherwise it goes back. So it should come out and do the phases and heal itself. What do you think about this ?

4. Can we drink our supplements with water diluted with hydrogen peroxide?

Thank you very much in advance, and wish you all the best. :)

Aug 06, 2017
5 months in
by: Jay

I was diagnosed in January 2015. I never had an outbreak in my life. I was just having bad flu like symptoms. I was devastated when I got my results. I found out about James Destroy Disease in March of 2015 but wasn't in a place to attempt what he was teaching. Finally I started the raw diet with shakes and the oregano oil in March of 2017. When I tested in November 2016 before starting my bloodwork came back hsv1 12.5 and hsv2 7.6. When I tested again in July of 2017 my levels were hsv1 1.5 and hsv2 3.4. I'm currently on month 5 of the detox and I'm feeling pretty tired... family deaths, back and hip surgery's, pending work, school and family drama has taken its toll. But I'm gonna keep going until I get that negative result.

Aug 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

Troy thank you for all your help and Information! I've been doing the Oregano oil morning and night. Ole Max morning and night as well as BHT 3x's a day. I am also doing the colloidal silver 2x's a day. I've been following a clean eating diet - raw food, berries, melons, etc. My question is if I have possible MS is this going to make it harder for me to be cured or eliminate this from my body? Also, can you eat the non GMO corn chips? I also read that you should do DMSO is that right? I'm 3 months into this and want to make sure I get it right. My igg was 5.0 and I also have CMV and Epstein Barr virus. I want to rid my body of all of this. I appreciate your help. Thank you!

Aug 10, 2017
Reply to "Cured" Comment
by: Troy

No, no-one else has come forward to say they have been cured. The unfortunate reality is only about 2% of people who start on this will stick to it to-the-letter and see it through. If you follow James at Destroy Diseases on YouTube you'll see that this is the case with his protocol also. Most people commenting and posting here have not completed the whole 12 months. We said we would always be truthful in posting REAL success stories, not made up ones or ones from people using an "anonymous" name (which many so-called "herpes cure" articles/protocols post). So when someone genuinely comes forward with proof that they are now negative, we will certainly share their story (if they are willing). :)

Aug 10, 2017
Reply to "Which Oregano Oil" Comment
by: Troy

You can use either James's oregano oil or the Zane Hellas brand (which Heather used). :)

Aug 10, 2017
Reply to Sky
by: Troy

Kangen water is certainly one of the best options Sky, however, if you're tight on funds then a Soma Pitcher is a good option. Just Google for more info. :)

Aug 10, 2017
Reply to Rick
by: Troy

Hi Rick. Mate, I'm not going to get into an argument with you over the authenticity of Heather's story. If you think I sat down and wrote out an in-depth story like this then you're delusional. In truth, Heather didn't even want to put her name to her story in the beginning, I had to convince her to do so. I actually wanted her to put her last name and provide the copy of her Western Blot test results that she sent me for everyone to see but she was dead against this. She, like every other herpes sufferer, was afraid of the backlash and the stigma that's attached to this STD and was afraid of being judged. Her parents didn't even know (and probably still don't know) that she even had the herpes virus. As far as the affiliate links? Yes we may receive a commission on some purchases, but we've made this perfectly clear and open to everyone in this link, which we ask everyone to read before posting a comment... Please Read Before Posting a Question About Our Natural Herpes Cure Protocol. We have hid nothing. People are also free to purchase the supplements/foods they need from any source they like. They do not have to use the ones we recommend.

Have a nice day.

Aug 10, 2017
by: Anonymous

I contracted HVS2 in June 2017. My emotions are up and down about it. I hate the fact everyone says "it will be okay" when they're not going through it. Every time I feel anything "down there" I think its an outbreak so I hurry up and put oregano oil on it. Having outbreaks is normal during this process right? Even though I've only had one so far. Anyway, I've been taking olive leaf, oregano oil and colloidal silver. I recently just got the BHT. For food I usually eat shrimp salads, tuna with spinach, baked fish, yogurt with blueberries, bananas, raspberries and strawberries. I drink detox tea with organic honey because I can't really afford the other stuff. I was drinking kale, kiwi and cilantro smoothies until my blender broke. Also, I eat "Willy's Mexicana Grill" a lot. I get a veggie plate with brown rice, beans, lettuce, olives, guacamole and cilantro. Sweet potatoes are my sides majority of the time. I still eat chicken from time to time and organic veggie pizza. I just want to know if I'm doing okay so far. If you could reply it would be appreciated.

Aug 10, 2017
Reply to "Emotional" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, it is still common to get breakouts and you should brace yourself for more as this can be a regular occurrence, particularly in the beginning. Try and add a green food such as chlorella to your regimen and if you can get back on your smoothies that would also be highly beneficial. As far as eating food from "Willy's Mexicana Grill", I don't know enough about their food quality to really comment on this. Remember though, food is always best when it's sourced yourself and made yourself rather than bought from a restaurant. The H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) treatment is also a worthy addition and is very cheap. Have a read of the One Minute Cure book (see the link in our article) and follow the protocol recommended.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 10, 2017
Reply to Shota
by: Troy

Alcohol consumption should definitely be kept to a minimum when on the BHT. You also don't want to stop taking the BHT as you will lose the benefits. A drink here and there is okay though. James's detox drink is best taken on an empty stomach, so before/in between meals. What your homeopath is saying does have some truth to it, however, with the DMSO all your doing is lending a helping hand to your body to help speed up the healing of your sores/lesions. Remember, the virus is destroyed from the inside. The HP is best taken on its own if you can.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to Jay
by: Troy

Yes, it's certainly not easy sticking to the protocol/detoxing regimen when you have a lot going on in your life. It's takes sheer guts and determination to continue when it seems everything is going against you. You are definitely showing these attributes Jay, no doubt about it. Be sure to come back and share your story when you do get that negative test result!

Good luck and all the best! :)

Aug 11, 2017
by: I can do this

Hi Troy, the information on this thread has been tremendously informative. I am getting prepared to start the raw diet with all other supplements provided here. I am currently in a relationship and I would like to know if I should be taking acyclovir too as a suppressive therapy so virus transmission to my partner will be less? Does taking acyclovir have any effect on detoxing and the immunity building process? Please let me know. Thank you.

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to "Advise" Comment
by: Troy

If you do happen to have MS, this will have no bearing at all for you curing yourself of hsv. In fact, because this protocol boosts your immune system so much, it will actually help with your MS/symptoms. You can read more about preventing and treating MS in this article... A Powerful MS Cure Every Sufferer Needs to Know About. Corn chips, even if they are non GMO are best avoided or kept to a minimum. Fresh natural foods always trump processed foods. The DMSO, along with the H2O2, is extremely effective so yes, try and add these if you can as well. Don't forget that detoxing is the key, so lots of detoxing foods (cilantro, etc) along with green foods such as chlorella and wheat grass.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to "Acyclovir" Comment
by: Troy

Many people still take the Acyclovir in the beginning as insurance or because they're basically too afraid to drop it. At some point though this medication does need to be dropped as it's not natural and the ingredients can interfere with the detoxing process. I cannot advise you on what to do though. This must be your decision.

Best regards. :)

Aug 11, 2017
by: I can do this

Hi Troy, thanks for the quick reply. I appreciate it. I have hypothyroidism and take levothyroxine. Does any of the above said supplements for herpes interfere with this medication? Thanks.

Aug 11, 2017
by: Cj

Dear Troy, I wanted to wait a while to ask or comment. Hope Jay reads this as I am also 5 months in... this protocol is very hard mentally and physically and sometimes I also want to quit but I will not, I will finish. It is some what torture, always taking something from 6 am until bed time so there is never a break and it is always on my mind, never mind the cost for supplements and organic food and the diet. That brings me to the Heather scam remark. It hurts me and of course it doesn't help to think Troy would scam us. I was scammed the first few days I found out I had this so I have been cautious, but have to take a chance. There are many scams out there and if this protocol was a scam it would be inhumane, having people suffer even more than having the disease itself. I myself am spending hundreds a month on supplements and food and have spent thousands in 5 months. It is horrible to think all the time, money, effort, mental and physical stress and pain would be for a scam, but I do not think Troy or this protocol is. He would have to be a sick human being. As I stated before, if this works and come March when I am complete I will gladly post my results and my first and last name. I hope I am able to do this. Although I don't like to see negative comments like that, I appreciate they are posted.

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

As I've said a few times before, a scam is where you pay out your hard earned money up front for something (book, course, etc) and receive nothing of value in return. What we list in our article is available completely free of charge. Everyone has the option of perusing it first before deciding if they'll follow it. Nothing is hidden here... nothing. I've seen one "herpes cure" protocol that costs over $700 just for the so-called "secrets". The supplements and diet costs are on top of this.
It would have been very easy for me to simply delete Rick's comment (which he expected me to do) and ban him, but I didn't. A little scepticism is not necessarily a bad thing. This is all I will be saying about Rick's comment.

All the best Cj. :)

Aug 12, 2017
by: Cj

Hi Troy, I just wanted to be clear, I do not think for a moment you are a scammer or I would not have started this protocol. I did get scammed for 70 for that ridiculous hsv eraser that claims a 21 day cure. Ricks comment was a bit deflating especially as I have put so much effort into this... in fact the most effort of anything in my life. As I have said before, I will see this to the end no matter what and as always I appreciate your replies. The fact that you do reply is incredible as I cannot get James from YouTube to reply and others want to charge to ask questions. Thank you again and I hope you did not misunderstand my comment. I absolutely never thought this was a scam. I just don't need others putting doubt in my head but I appreciate that you posted Ricks comment anyway. Have a good weekend.

Aug 13, 2017
I can feel the results
by: Anonymous

I have been only doing this protocol for about 3 months. It is extremely hard and does require a lot of dedication. I would consider myself to be a healthy individual before I started this journey so I might be seeing results faster than others. I can feel the virus changing in my body. I've also been able to completely get off of valtrex, which I was taking daily for suppressive therapy. I was also able to stop another medication I was taking for anxiety. This alone is a win for me, being able to change to natural remedies and get off those medications. Those who do not believe simply do not want to do the work that this protocol entails in my opinion. It might take me longer than 6 months to completely rid my body of the virus but I honestly feel it is working. The virus does not feel as strong as it use to be. Good luck to everyone who is doing this because it is not easy by any means!

Aug 13, 2017
Lysine and zinc
by: Venus

Hi Troy,
I have been reading Heather's story, which is very inspiring. However, I see that she did not take zinc, lysine, vit c and bht supplements during her regimen. How essential is it to take these? Also, she used LL's magnetic detox bath. Is that to be used once a week or more frequently. I would really appreciate your help.

Aug 13, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hi Cj. No I didn't misinterpret your comment, nor did I take any offence to it. I understood what you were trying to say. You're a good person. Stay focused and keep doing what you're doing. You're definitely on the right path.

All the best to you!

Aug 13, 2017
Reply to "I Can Do This"
by: Troy

Not to my knowledge, however, I'm not a licensed medical doctor. You would definitely need to check with a/your health care professional on this first before preceding. :)

Aug 14, 2017
Reply to Venus
by: Troy

The vitamin C, zinc, lysine and BHT are all powerful detoxifiers. They also boost the immune system significantly. Detoxifying the body and increasing your immunity are the crux to ridding yourself of the herpes virus. While it's true that Heather didn't use these, she used other/similar supplements instead. I would recommend you include these but the choice is always yours. The LLC magnetic clay baths should be taken 1-2 times a week for best results.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Venus!

Aug 19, 2017
Trying Like Everyone Else
by: Chelsea

I was diagnosed with HSV2 in June... I contracted it in April from the guy I've been dating since February. My first outbreak was absolutely horrrrrrible - I went to the emergency room. He went to get (blood) tested after I got my positive result & sure enough, he was positive. He is asymptomatic & never even had a cold sore, so he says. My health has always been so important to me so the burden of having this and it being deemed incurable is truly mentally, physically, & spiritually taxing. However, I too believe that our bodies are beautifully designed to heal themselves but faith without work is dead. So I've been searching like crazy & have mostly been taking information from James Destroy Diseases on Youtube. I haven't told a soul & I'm still dating the guy from whom I contracted it from but I have no desire to have sex w/him because he doesn't seem too concerned about curing himself, even though he eats rather healthy & says he's incorporated oregano into lots of his food - he's just not all that interested in doing a complete regimen with me. I guess there's no urgency since he doesn't have to deal with the symptoms. I have had outbreaks every week since my initial outbreak (talk about feeling defeated) but they have been much more milder, only lasting about 3-5 days. And I hadn't had an outbreak in the past week *knock on wood* but I have the tingling in my feet & legs & buttocks. So far I've been putting Oregano oil that's diluted with Extra Virgin Olive oil on my spine. I try to do it twice a day but sometimes fail to apply it at night. I did initially do the drops in the 8oz of water in the morning but I slacked off. I'm going to start back on it in the a.m. I don't eat pork or much red meats (cant remember the last time I had beef) but I love fish (I get wild caught Salmon & Swai & Cod) and it's such a relief to know that I can incorporate this back into my diet. I've been transitioning into the raw food diet - mostly eating salads at lunch &/or cooked veggies from the cafe at work. I finally cut out breads which is really hard for me - I became dependent on a raisin & cinnamon bagel for breakfast since learning I could no longer have eggs or any animal products. I've been drinking alkaline water, pH 8.8, from my local Sprouts store. I also had been having a Garden of Life Raw Organic Shake & Meal Replacement w/o Stevia - it's NON GMO VERIFIED & stamped USDA Organic & raw, vegan, gluten free, dairy free & soy free w/live probiotics & Enzymes & no added sugar. But I stopped drinking it last week after seeing a video in which James says all (protein powders) are bad. Is this particular product bad? I loooove veggies but do I love them all raw -not so much & I know that cooked veggies lose most of their nutrients. So it would be of convenience & benefit to incorporate it back into my diet as it provided me w/20g of protein & lots of the nutrients I need. (I am considering getting a dehydrator & veggie spiralizer). Be that as it may I've been making smoothies/juices w/Kale, celery, spinach, almond milk, a banana, strawberries, blue berries, ground flax & chia seeds and sometimes a cube of avocado I've frozen. It actually tastes better than the Garden of Life organic shake mix. But buying fresh & organic produce so often is not really within my budget. I put cilantro & parsley & lemon in my 64 oz water bottle in the mornings & drink that throughout the day at work. I also take a daily multivitamin & 2 echinacea capsules in the a.m. I was taking 500 mg of Lysine in the a.m too but I hadn't this week since reading that it's not healthy to take everyday for long periods of time. Since last week I've accumulated hives on my fingers and feet -it itches sooo bad. Could this be a detox reaction? My skin is also breaking out really bad on my back, chest, upper arms & a little in the center of my forehead. I figure that's just toxins coming out of the largest organ of the body?? I also have lots of flatulence & more frequent bowel movements (I have never pooped 3 times in a day, lol).

Anyway, I'm going to incorporate the antioxidant shake & BHT & St.Johns Wort into my regimen. I have Sovereign Colloidal Silver & will start using that too. I am determined to heal my body!!

Last thing, I read that we should avoid starchy foods since they turn into sugar which feeds viruses/parasites but you give the okay for brown rice & sweet potatoes? Can you clarify/advise of your reasoning?

Aug 19, 2017
by: Angie

Troy thank you for all your help and Information! I've been doing the Oregano oil morning and night - Ole Max morning and night as well as BHT 3x's a day. I am also doing the colloidal silver 2x's a day. I've been doing clean eating, raw food berries, melons, etc. Also what about sweet potatoes, are they okay? And organic potatoes? What about organic sweet corn? I also read that you should do DMSO - is that right? What about MSM? I'm 3 months into this and want to make sure I get it right. My igg was 5.0. I want to rid my body of all of this I appreciate your help. Thank you!

Aug 21, 2017
Reply to Chelsea
by: Troy

The reason James says all protein powders/meal replacements are bad is because fresh is always best. This will always be the case Chelsea. However, you must also do what works for you and what is practical for you. I see no problem with the meal replacement you mention - it contains lots of healthy and essential ingredients. With starchy foods such as sweet potatoes and brown rice, we only advocate a "small" amount of these, which is not enough to cause any problems. Just make sure that you commit to taking your supplements every day without fail and following a raw food, primarily plant based diet every day without fail. This is extremely crucial as missing days/missing taking your supplements will definitely impact on you having a successful outcome after your 12 month period is up.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Chelsea!

Aug 21, 2017
Reply to Angie
by: Troy

Do not eat normal potatoes as they are high in resistant starch (which is difficult for the gut to digest). A SMALL amount of sweet potatoes is okay as these have less resistant starch - just be sure you don't eat too much. Organic sweet corn? Same again, not too much. Read the Dr Axe raw food diet article for more information on what you should and should not be eating... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It. It provides a great outline.

All the best!

Aug 25, 2017
Herpes test result?
by: C

Hi Troy. I really need your help. So I just got tested. I initially had sex with a female last August and shortly after she informed me that she had an outbreak and got tested on the lesion, along with a blood test, and the doctor told her it was genital herpes. Ever since then I just assumed I had it until recently when I read this whole article and really understood everything in depth. Last week I went to the doctor and told him my situation and requested an IgG blood test. He accepted but also ordered an IgM blood test even though I told him I wouldn't need one. The results came back and on the IgG level it was 0.5 and the IgM was a 2.49 - both are negative results. Does this confirm 100% that I'm negative or is there any reason at all I should doubt this and opt for a retest?? I want to be very sure before I move forward in my life and put this behind me. Oh and by the way, I'm currently living in South America so the Western blot test isn't an option. Please give me your advice. I really trust you over any doctor out there. Thank you.

Aug 25, 2017
H2O2 Drops
by: Cj

Dear Troy. 5 months in and I feel good, just a lot thinner and have less strength. Have been on the h2o2 for several weeks. Went up to the 25 drops and now working back down... now at 14. No issues other than got the HP on my lip and finger a few times not diluted and they turned white for few hours. Do you suggest to continue on the drops for the remaining 7 months I have left and if so how many drops. Kind of a pain because it has to be very regimental around food. I have seen on a site (Grow Youthful) a blog of people writing that some, not all, got a negative IgG result after doing the one minute cure. Do you suggest I just wait until my time is up to get tested again. Thanks. Enjoy the weekend!

Aug 25, 2017
What do you think?
by: Ana Sharps

I'm not sure if you've heard of Dr Joel Wallach or Dr Peter Glidden, but I heard their Youngevity product is remarkable. I'm thinking of going on a gluten free diet and using colloidal silver and Oregano oil to beat this. What do you think?

Aug 26, 2017
Reply to C
by: Troy

Hi Camilo. If it's been almost 12 months since you were/thought you were infected and this is your IgG antibody count/result then it's very likely that you were either not infected in the first place or what you have been doing/the protocol you have been following has killed the virus. Because you jumped on it straight away and hit it hard this is likely what has happened. IgG test results are rarely wrong. They can be out a little but a 0.5 IgG number is about as perfect as you can get or wish for. You can take the test again in a few months time just to be sure or you can actually opt for the Western blot test done by the University of Washington. Speak to your doctor about having the Western blot test done and have a read of this article... Getting the Western Blot Test Done. You can still get the Western blot test done even if you don't live in the U.S. Your doctor has to agree to this though, which is the hard part. Personally, I think you'll find that you no longer have the virus, however, a re-test can definitely be a good thing for your own piece of mind.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 26, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Staying on the maintenance dose/low dose recommended in the One Minute Cure book would definitely be worth it. It's a pain, yes, but the effort will be worth it big time in the end. Try and hold out until your 12 months is up before a re-test. If you can't hold out for that long at least wait until the 8-9 month mark for an IgG test and then another after your 12 months is done.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 26, 2017
Reply to Ana
by: Troy

I'm a big fan of Dr Joel Wallach, no matter what the naysayers have to say about him. Listening to his "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" tape 25 years ago is what started me on my own health quest and recovery from a debilitating ailment. His Youngevity products are top rate. You can't go wrong with them.

Good luck and all the best to you Ana! :)

Aug 26, 2017
Garnet Yams?
by: Skye

Hi Troy. I read some of your messages in regards to sweet potatoes, but what about organic garnet yams? I've been eating about one a day along with a very clean raw diet, and honestly its been the one thing helping me get through the diet with my sanity. lol. I will say that I've been putting them in the microwave because it cooks a lot faster. Would the oven be considered healthier? Also, is one a day too much? I also now rarely eat the organic cage free eggs I bought, but is scrambling them instead of boiling them a big deal? I make sure to use cold pressed Greek extra virgin organic olive oil, but stopped doing so when I saw Heather mention boiled eggs being better? I just much prefer scrambled. Advice greatly appreciated.

Aug 26, 2017
Reply to Skye
by: Troy

Garnet yams are a type of sweet potato (they are not actually a yam). These are perfectly fine to eat. Try and oven bake or slightly roast them instead of microwaving them though. Scrambled eggs are also perfectly fine to eat, just don't add pasteurized cows milk to the mix. :)

Aug 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I was 7 weeks into the protocol and one day I binged. The binge has went on for about almost two weeks now. And when I say binged I mean horribly... eating everything in sight every day in high amounts. Chocolates, ice cream, pizza, desserts, cheese, alcohol and a little weed, ALOT OF THESE foods. I'm clogged up and can barely use the bathroom lately. I'm planning to start fresh on Friday or Monday. Did this binge un-do any of the work I did in 7 weeks? I was tested for a low case of hsv1 (igg 1.12) and I was following the regimen for 7 weeks straight perfectly. It was hard and torturous especially being summertime. I am planning to get tested soon just in case those 7 weeks of work killed the little bit of the virus I believe I have. Is this a possibility? Or should I not even bother? My question is that, and my question is also, did I completely undo those 7 weeks of work with this binge? Or can I pick up where I left off and continue? I feel like I need an intense detox boost right now and unload all of this.

Aug 29, 2017
What to do if you are a broke college student?
by: Anonymous

Sorry to bother you Troy but what protocols and diet should I follow if money is low. I know you probably answered this but the guidelines are very confusing for me, especially what to take and what not to eat? Any suggestions?

Aug 30, 2017
Reply to "Binged" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, you wouldn't have done yourself any favors. That's the reality. You can still get re-tested if you want to see where you're at at the moment but it would be important to still get back on the detox/protocol as soon as possible. Go back to doing what you were doing for the first 7 weeks would be my recommendation. What's done is done, no use beating yourself up over it.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 31, 2017
Reply to "What to do if you are a broke college student" Comment
by: Troy

Start on the OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver. The BHT too if you can afford it. Follow the raw food diet eating plan and recommendations listed in the Dr Axe article. Eat plenty of detoxing foods such as cilantro, onions, garlic, turmeric and other herbs and spices listed in this article... Top 13 Cleansing Spices to Add Into Your Diet. Remember, detoxing and removing heavy metals from the body is the key to getting rid of the herpes virus.

All the best! :)

Aug 31, 2017
Another broke college student question
by: Anonymous

I honestly wasn't going to reveal this but I'm also a student athlete and sad to say I cant lose too much weight at this point in my life. So how will I be able to go about this particular diet so I can maintain my weight. Any suggestions? Can I eat fish or chicken?

Sep 03, 2017
Pain in the Liver
by: Edward

Hello Troy, I have been taking Olivus 25% oleuropein since early June this year. While I have seen some improvements, I did however still feel the effects from it, namely pain in the joints/muscles, and lately pain in my upper right abdomen - I think around my liver area. Started off at 4 doses/day down to 1 now. I am aware my body is very toxic judging from years of alcohol abuse, adrenal issues and stress brought about from work/herpes, etc... Do you think the liver pain is normal or should I discontinue the OLE momentarily? Thanks

Sep 04, 2017
by: Troy

Yes you can (and should) eat fish and chicken. Your body needs protein! Just remember to eat free range chicken if possible and wild caught fish such as salmon or tuna. Read through the Q&A's listed above or from this thread for more information on this... Best Way to Take Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes. :)

Sep 04, 2017
Reply to Edward
by: Troy

Olive leaf extract actually helps to support liver function, along with flushing out the toxins. This flushing however, combined with the die-off effect, can certainly cause the liver to become sore, along with other side effects such as painful/aching muscles. Stay with a light dose and then slowly increase of a period of several weeks if no adverse reactions are felt. Don't forget about the raw food diet and other supplements also, particularly a good probiotic supplement and a green detox food such as chlorella - plenty of cilantro as well. If your symptoms do persist, see your doctor (we are required by law to put this in).

All the best to you Edward!

Sep 06, 2017
Prescription medication?
by: Anonymous

I have been on this plan since June. I feel a lot of improvement with the virus weakening. However, I was recently in a bad motor vehicle accident so now I have several prescription medications I am taking... baclofen, lyrica, norflex, and cbd oils for pain. At this point I'm just trying my best but I wanted to see if these prescription medications would be affecting my progress?

Sep 06, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, thank you for sharing your story with us and giving us hope. I have some questions to ask please.

I have totally changed my diet and got all the supplements you recommend and are following your protocol.

However... I am struggling a lot to eat totally raw, no meat is not a problem but I am a professional athlete and still eating some cooked potatoes and a little roast veggies daily. Is this a big no no??

And my second question is since I have started this regime my outbreaks have gone from 1 every 5 months to 1 every 3 weeks. Does that mean its working or could I be doing something wrong?

Many thanks. A reply would be so helpful.

Sep 06, 2017
by: Cj

Dear Troy, still going strong. Another week will mark 6 months on this protocol. I have been doing well and have only missed a day or two the whole time, just for a break. Still on mostly raw and organic and still thin. Everyone asks me what's wrong. Never really know what to say and I hate lying. I have to say that I will be glad when it's over. I am still taking everything daily suggested here except some of the herbs and honey. It's become a routine for my daily life.

Just an FYI to the athlete losing weight... there is no way around it. I used to be a stocky 180lbs with some muscle tone and I am down 30lbs. I still exercise in my basement with weights but not much muscle left either.

Anyway Troy, I happen to find a farm stand that sells raw milk (not pasteurized or homogenized) from grass fed cows. Had some, it was great... actually the best thing I have tasted in 6 months. Can I drink this once a week? I would like it daily but it's costly. I want you to know I'm still going strong on this protocol and will finish the 12 months. I am still hopeful.

Thanks Troy.

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to "Prescription Medication" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately by law, when it come to prescription medications, and because you're currently on prescription meds and under the care of a doctor for your pain/condition, I cannot comment on this. Hope you understand. The only thing I would say is that the CBD (which is a natural substance) is perfectly fine and will not affect your progress since it contains no THC (THC may affect herpes breakouts according to some reports, although no substantiated evidence has ever been presented on this).

All the best to you. :)

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to "Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Eating some roast veggies every day is perfectly fine. With the potatoes, try and go with sweet potatoes if you can as these are lower in resistant starch (resistant starch is difficult for the gut to digest). You definitely need some carbs (and protein of course). With the increase in breakouts, this is normal. If you read the other comments you'll see that this happens to almost everyone. The virus is being drawn out, so unfortunately, breakouts can and usually do increase, quite dramatically in some cases. These will eventually slow down though and then go altogether. You just have to weather the storm. Apply some of the DMSO aloe vera cream on any lesions for extra fast healing and relief.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

You're doing great Cj, well done to you. Raw milk is okay to drink, no problems there. Just don't go overboard with it of course. Once or twice a week though is perfectly fine.

All the best!

Sep 12, 2017
Negative Herpes Test
by: Troy

Hi all. In case you missed it, we've had another person come forward with a recent negative IgG test. You can read Jessica's story here... How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes by Jessica.

Best regards!

Sep 14, 2017
Herpes 1 and 2
by: MK

Hi Troy, recently I was diagnosed with herpes 1 and 2 via an igg test. A week ago I started on the diet as you described, GO GREEN and RAW FOOD ONLY. Plus the coconut oil and oregano oil applied under the tongue and applied at the end of my spine. So far its been 2 weeks. With this treatment I've had no outbreaks at all. Is this considered good? And I am still going to continue for the next 6 months on the same diet. Please tell me if the virus doesn't appear is this good or bad? Is what I'm doing working or not? Thank you so much.

Sep 15, 2017
Reply to MK
by: Troy

Keep in mind that two weeks is not very long. Your body will still be detoxing. While not having any breakouts can be a good sign, you should still brace yourself for possible outbreaks in the future. Try and add the OLE (especially this) and colloidal silver as well, at the very least. A green food such as chlorella and plenty of detoxing and heavy metal removing foods such as cilantro are also crucial.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Sep 15, 2017
Jessica's story
by: Anonymous

Thank you Troy for sharing Jessica's story. Keep up the good work!!

Sep 21, 2017
by: Cj

Dear Troy, I have now completed 6 months. Must say it's been very difficult. Anyway, over the weekend I had what may have been a break out - a small red spot the size of an easer. It was gone in 24 hours. Usually I get a blister or two which lasts for 7 to 10 days. My last breakout was mid June (knock on wood), again not sure if this red spot was a BO but I have to assume it was as I never got random red spots before this " issue" started. If it was, would this be considered good news that it lasted only 24 hrs and was just a red spot? Also, I am considering taking chaparral for a couple of months but am nervous as I have read mixed reviews about liver damage and it causing hepatitis? I will get tested in December, which will make 9 months, and if I am still positive I was also considering ozone for the final months to deliver a knock out blow. I am still doing the H2o2 maintenance now. I wonder if it would be worth going up to the 25 drops again and back down? Thank you

Sep 25, 2017
Reply to CJ
by: Troy

The red spot you had could of been a breakout, I'm not sure to be honest. It could of been something else entirely too. Regardless, the fact that it went within 24 hours is a powerful sign that your immune system is strong and definitely on top of things. This is exactly what you want. The chaparral herb is a terrific herb. It contains some extremely potent antioxidants. The smear campaign against chaparral was (as usual) started by the medical mafia. They know it works and for this reason don't want you to have it! There has never been one ounce of proof that chaparral causes any harmful reactions to the human body. Don't buy into these lies. I recommend you take it if you want to (be sure to follow the directions on the container for dosage amounts of course). In regards to the h2o2, you can safely keep your maintenance dose anywhere between 5-15 drops daily (see chapter four of the One-Minute Cure book), so you could go up to 15 drops and see how you feel on this. If you feel okay then you could stay on this amount.

Hope this helps.

All the best Cj!

Sep 25, 2017
Heather diet
by: Pili

On the diet by Heather she doesn't speak about BHT, lysine, vitamin C or zinc? She said she used oregano oil (AM&PM) but I didn't see it back on her description at #5 or #6. She mentioned it only on #9 before going to bed, the same for OLE. I get so confused. I'm trying to write down a typical day with everything I should take and when. I mostly camp so the quantity of stuff I can carry is reduced.
Can you help me to see it more clearly and make it easier? I've never been on a diet in my life as I already don't drink coffee, rarely alcohol, no fast food, I love fruit and vegetables, I don't eat fish. I live in nature most of the time. I don't think I'm intoxicated with heavy metals that much. How can I know?
I never get sick, my outbreaks (HSV2) are not that bad. I had my first one in June 2017. Since then I've been devastated as they are coming back every 2 or 3 weeks. I don't take any medicine. I just put on some herbal cream and wait a few days before it's gone.
I just want my life back.

Sep 25, 2017
Other supplements?
by: Anonymous

Is it okay to take apple cider vinegar during all of this and a multi vitamin? Also, is the olive leaf pills a must? I've only just started the treatment and any helpful tips would be much appreciated!!

Sep 26, 2017
Reply to Pili
by: Troy

Yes it's true that Heather didn't take the BHT or vitamin C and zinc (she did take lysine though but forgot to add it to her story), however, you should still consider adding these to your daily regimen. The reason? Getting rid of this virus is all about two things... detoxing the body and removing the heavy metals (yes you will still have heavy metals in your body. Have you been around pollution or car fumes ever in your life?) The fact that you already eat well and live well does go in your favor. Just remember that food alone is not enough though. You need immune boosting and detoxing supplements such as OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, vitamin C, zinc, lysine, BHT and a good quality green food supplement such as chlorella. Have a read of all of the above comments, questions and answers for more insights, especially Natasha's comment on July 25th 2017. Also have a read of Jessica's story too... How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Pili!

Sep 26, 2017
Reply to "Other Supplements" Comment
by: Troy

ACV is perfectly fine to take and is actually included in the protocol (#9). The olive leaf extract is 100% CRUCIAL to the success of this protocol. Without it you'll be wasting your time so make sure you get on it (along with the oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT, lysine, vitamin C, chlorella and zinc). Remember, lots and lots of cilantro also. You don't need to take a multi vitamin. Go with the supplements listed above instead. These are much more beneficial.

All the best!

Sep 26, 2017
Non-Organic? Frozen?
by: Anonymous

Just a quick question- I can't always get organic everything (e.g. cilantro and berries, etc). Is it better to have tonnes of non-organic cilantro/berries etc., or just a little bit of the organic stuff? Like, is it still doing me a little bit of good, or is it actually hindering the process?

And are frozen organic berries ok? Or does freezing kill them?

Thanks so much Troy. You're a star!

Sep 27, 2017
by: Troy

Good question. In my opinion, it's better to eat/consume tons of non-organic herbs, berries, etc, rather than just eating a small amount of organic produce. Obviously a large amount of organic would be the ideal, but you will still benefit if you don't have access to organic (or can't afford it). Just do the best you can. Your body will still detox. The OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, H2O2 and BHT will help with this as well. Snap frozen berries are okay too if you can't find fresh ones (or it's the wrong time of season).

Hope this helps!

Sep 27, 2017
Silver by IV
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I too am thankful for all the information you have on this site. I was diagnosed in 2012 and recently found a doctor who provides silver treatments by IV with the objective of killing the herpes virus in me. It is a 2-hour a day regime (Mon-Fri) and I am supposed to do this for 9 weeks. What are your thoughts about this regime? I would really appreciate any insight you may be able to offer. Last question, when I was originally diagnosed in 2012, my IgG level was at 6. When I received my results from this doctor a few weeks ago, it was at 4.12. Is it normal for the level to fluctuate?

Sep 29, 2017
Thank you
by: Anonymous

I’m 2 months in and I’ve been following the protocol closely. I feel much better than before. I had a reading of 1.9. I tested negative for the blood test but positive for the swab test. They were able to catch it early - I jumped right on protocol 2 days after I found out. I just wanted say thank you Troy for giving us hope!!

Sep 29, 2017
Daily schedule
by: Dave

Hello Troy, would you be kind enough to provide a full daily schedule of what needs to be taken / consumed on daily basis. I am looking for a full schedule including ingredients / food / pills and more. I do not know how long I have had HSV-2 for. I was always under the impression that the small spots in my crotch area were sweat pimples. Never did I think this might be HSV-2. I had this scratching feeling for years. Even my doctor was treating me for prostatic but never knew it was hsv2. After finally digging online I discovered my symptoms were similar to herpes. I decided to test myself last week and results were positive. I would appreciate if you can give all of us in need a daily schedule to help us fully understand what needs to be consumed with what. Thank you.

Oct 01, 2017
by: Cj

Dear Troy, I do not watch too much of James destroy disease on you tube because he never replies to me, however, I watch on occasion to see if there is something new, such as milk thistle which he pushes. But he says lysine is a joke and that it contains heavy metals. I am still taking it at around 500 to 1000 mgs a day, not 3000. Any advice or comments on if it contains heavy metals? Seems difficult to think it would.
Thank you.

Oct 02, 2017
Reply to Dave
by: Troy

Hi Dave. This is somewhat impossible because each person has access to different supplements, foods, etc. The basics are the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT, St John's Wort, lysine, vitamin C, zinc, a green food supplement such as chlorella or wheatgrass, and H2O2. Of course a raw food diet, eating lots of cilantro, turmeric, garlic, onions, probiotic rich foods and so forth is also paramount. Have a read of Natasha's comment back on July 25th 2017. Apart from the Fiji water (I recommend you drink your own filtered water instead), this is pretty much spot on with what is required. Remember, there is no EXACT way as such. Detoxing the body and removing all heavy metals is what will rid your body of the virus.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 02, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Some lysine supplements can contain heavy metals, which is why you should always go with a good quality brand. As far as lysine being a joke for treating herpes, I don't agree with James on this one. Research using lysine to combat herpes dates back as far as 1957. It's been proven to work in so many studies that I'm surprized there is even a debate on it's effectiveness. 500-1000 mg's a day at your stage of the protocol is perfect. I do agree with James on the effectiveness of the milk thistle herb though. It's a powerful detoxifier, especially for the liver.

All the best! :)

Oct 02, 2017
Reply to "Silver by IV" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, colloidal silver can be given intravenously. Theoretically, this would be more effective as the silver is injected straight into the bloodstream, thereby bypassing the liver. I don't know a whole lot about this form of therapy to be honest and haven't heard from anyone who has used it. If you do decide to go ahead with it, my advice would be to make sure your doctor is 100% experienced in this form of treatment. As far as your IgG levels fluctuating? In a 5 year time period between testing, this can happen as antibody levels rise and fall.

Good luck and all the best to you. :)

Oct 02, 2017
Tested negative!
by: Stacy

Hi Troy, this is Stacy from a few months ago. I wanted to come back here and share my story. I started this detox at the beginning of June and I continued it religiously until mid August. I ended up going on a binge (anonymous "binge" comment was from me) and that binge dragged on for a month. I told myself all that hard work was gone and I had to start this detox all over again. I only had HSV type one so something told me to take the test again, just in case those two and a half months of detox did do anything good for me (because I really didn't want to start this all over again). Anyways, I went to my doctor who was not the one who initially told me I was positive back in March. I went to my other doctor and asked for a blood test that tested for everything, including HSV 1&2. She called me the other day and I was negative!!!! I almost didn't believe it!! It took me about a week to gather my thoughts. I am so happy and I finally found the time and the focus to come back on this blog and share this. I didn't want to right away because I remember religiously reading every comment on the blog and asking new questions all the time. It got exhausting. But I want anybody reading this to know that if you stick to it you will get the results. What I did was use all of the berry powders James suggested (minus the extremely expensive ones). I had at least 8-9 of them out of the whole 11. Wheatgrass every day and chlorella tablets everyday. Clean water with no heavy metals. Toothpaste and deodorant with no fluoride or aluminium. I ate mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, whole or as smoothies and juices. I put coriander and parsley in many of my salads. The only cooked food I had was lightly sautéed greens, boiled eggs and lentil soup. I put hemp seeds and chia seeds in my lentil soup for protein and healthy fats. I ate salmon maybe once a week, just because I was getting so skinny. I took oregano oil under the tongue for ten minutes with coconut oil every morning and night, along with putting it on my lower spine. And once a day I drank a few drops of it with water. I took zinc and lysine but not so consistently and I also wasn't too consistent with the colloidal silver because I didn't always have it on me when I was on vacation. To be honest, this detox was the hardest thing I have done in my life. I prayed every single day and night for God to help with this detox and make it a speedy one. I felt tortured at family events when I couldn't eat what I wanted to eat. I am thankful that it didn't take me as long as it usually does. They say 4-6 months or even 6-12 months. Being that mine was type one and I was already a pretty clean eater before all of this might have gone in my favor. I just wanted to put this out there because I know how all of you feel. I've been there and it was hell for me to deal with and made me very antisocial and paranoid (to share objects, to date, etc). Remember... THIS TOO SHALL PASS!! Just do it and know that it will be over! I would suggest you get tested maybe every 2-3 months just to know where you're at. Because you just never know. I doubted getting myself re-tested after three months but I did anyways and I'm glad I did. If you do get re-tested and it's still positive, don't give up, just keep going until your result is NEGATIVE!

Oct 05, 2017
Alternative brands of OLE?
by: Nicole

The brand of OLE you recommend is great but is a bit expensive. I found some other brands that I'd like your opinion on:

HerbalFactors with 15% Oleuropein.
Other Ingredients: Gelatin capsule (gelatin, purified water), rice powder, magnesium stearate (vegetable grade).

Gaia Herbs; Oleuropein percentage not labeled. Other Ingredients: Vegeatble glycerin , capsule (vegetable cellulose).

Nature's Way Olive leaf Standardized: 12% Oleuropein. Other Ingredients: Gelatin (capsule), magnesium stearate, millet.

Also, I'll will stomach the taste of Oregano Oil if I have to, but oh my goodness it is awful. I experimented a little and I took apart some apple cider vinegar capsules and filled them with Zane Hellas Oregano Oil, making it easier to get it in my system. Is this okay?

Thanks for all your help and support Troy.

Oct 06, 2017
Reply to Stacy
by: Troy

Thanks for sharing your story Stacy. I think the fact that you were already fairly healthy to begin with, and the fact that you had HSV1, did work in your favor as far as your short time frame was concerned. You made a really important point at the end of your story which I love. You said... "THIS TOO SHALL PASS!! Just do it and know that it will be over! I would suggest you get tested maybe every 2-3 months just to know where you're at. Because you just never know. I doubted getting myself re-tested after three months but I did anyways and I'm glad I did. If you do get re-tested and it's still positive, don't give up, just keep going until your result is NEGATIVE!"

That's the crux to following this whole protocol... "Just keep going until your result is NEGATIVE!"

Congratulations and thank you once again for sharing your story.

Best regards!

Oct 06, 2017
Reply to Nicole
by: Troy

Hi Nicole. The problem with the 3 OLE brands you list, they are simply not strong enough. You would need to take at least 6-9 capsules of these a day (except for the second one which doesn't list it's oleuropein content, so I would stay completely away from this brand). If you do the maths, you'll find that these would end up costing you more in the long run. That's even assuming they ARE strong enough. The Olivus OLE and Real European OLE work - there's no question. They might cost more, but there's a reason. Their potency is the highest you'll find. Of course, it's your choice at the end of the day though. In regards to the oregano oil, you can buy the Zane Hellas in capsule form, which is much easier to take orally... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil Softgels.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 07, 2017
Olive oil
by: Anonymous

I use olive oil to mix with the oregano oil. Why coconut oil and not olive oil? Olive oil is proven to fight herpes too.

Oct 08, 2017
Oregano Oil - Zane Hellas Softgels
by: Anonymous

If I buy the Zane Hellas Softgels, how much would I have to take a day? I can't stomach the oil either. It's really strong.

Oct 08, 2017
Oregano Oil Consumption
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I noticed you mentioned to Nicole that taking the oregano oil orally in capsule form is easier. I'm having a really tough time drinking it in water as well, but I have it in oil form so I can apply it topically on the base of my spine. I'm a traveller so it's hard for me to carry both forms. What's another oral way I can take the oregano oil that's easier to go down? I want to make sure I'm taking the proper dosage. Just wondering if holding it under my tongue with coconut oil is enough.

Also, I will be living in Vietnam and I'm wondering if you happen to know of any Asian exotic fruits or vegetables that have amazing health benefits so I can take advantage of this. Thanks :)

Oct 09, 2017
Supplement brand options
by: Anonymous

I have been taking Nusa Pure olive leaf extract. 750 mg and 20% oleuropein. I see that the other brands that you recommend are 500 mg and 25% oleuropein. Is the Nusa Pure strong enough or should I switch to one of the brands you have recommended? Thank you!!

Oct 10, 2017
Oregano Oil Australia
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I've just begun to gather all the required ingredients to start the regime after researching for one month. The only issue I am having is locating Oregano Oil in Australia that is 100% (no added extra virgin olive oil). Both products recommended by your page do not ship to Australia. Do you have any other recommendations?

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to "Olive Oil" Comment
by: Troy

Either olive oil or coconut oil can be used. I agree with James on this one though, coconut oil is the better carrier oil. :)

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to "Zane Hella's Softgels" Comment
by: Troy

The recommended dose for these is one capsule a day. Make sure you still mix the oregano oil with coconut oil and apply/hold under the tongue, along with applying to the base of the spine. :)

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil Consumption" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, you need to do a combination of holding the oregano oil mixed with coconut oil under the tongue for 10 minutes AND taking it orally. If you struggle having it with water then try with a fruit juice. In regards to living in Vietnam, most fruits have excellent health benefits. It's where they are grown that makes the difference. The tropics produce more nutritionally beneficial fruits and vegetables that's for sure. I recommend you eat them all, especially mangoes, avocados, pineapples, coconuts, papaya, guava, lemons, limes, and berries. :)

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to "Supplement Brand Options" Comment
by: Troy

The Nusa Pure OLE is fine and a good brand. You will still need to work up to taking 4-6 capsules a day of these to get the most out of them. :)

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil Australia" Comment
by: Troy

I know that people down in Oz have used this particular oregano oil with great success... Wild Oil of Oregano. It's 100% pure with no additives so is ideal. :)

Oct 13, 2017
by: Anonymous

Dear sir, I have been following this regime for many months now and I have never posted here or asked a question, however, I have read every question many many times. I see that you have been accused here several times of being a scammer and you are taking advantage of people to line your pockets. I was a believer in you, thought you were someone who cared. I am 6'2", was 220lbs prior to starting this, now I'm 160 and look sick. Have been through hell doing this protocol and having the virus is mentally and emotionally draining, not to mention the physical crap. I have lost my significant other because of it and I am angry. I question you and here is why... In the "Jessica" story "she" used words like "rubbish" and "down the track" just as you do on the home page of the herpes article. At the very end you write that you believe with your method it can be eliminated from the body. Most people do not use those types of words, so it leads me to strongly believe you did write the Heather and Jessica stories... YES OR NO?? Many of us suffering doing this protocol and the money we've spent, if we knew for sure that you or anyone was scamming us I would want to tear your head off. If not and you are honest I would want to shake your hand and tell you how you saved my life. Which one is it? Unlikely this will get posted.

Oct 15, 2017
Fully raw??
by: Jade

Hi Troy, I’m so very thankful for this website. Lots of useful information and Heather's story has given me hope. I have a couple of questions. I’ve had genital herpes for about 3 years now. I’ve tried going 100% raw in order to detox this out of my body and I almost withered away. Before going raw I was 130 lbs. After a month, I dropped to 115 and everyone thought I was sick. I really want to get this virus out of my body and I plan on cutting out junk food and animal products (with the exception of eggs and cheese). The plan is to still eat cooked, gluten free foods, and have 2 green smoothies a day. Is this a good plan to rid myself of this virus? I don’t feel like I can sustain myself on a 100% raw food diet. Last time I went 100% raw, I lost a lot of weight and was always tired. Your advice would be great, thanks!

Oct 17, 2017
Hydrogen Peroxide
by: Nicole

I noticed in skimming over Heather's testimony, she did not mention using hydrogen peroxide. Do you believe she would have gotten rid of the disease quicker if she used it daily?

Oct 18, 2017
Is it okay to eat fish and eggs?
by: Steve


I'm juicing organic fruits & vegetables, but I read that BHT needs Vitamin B12. I love Tilapia and I found out that Costco actually farms them in a clean environment. This fish has plenty of B12. Is it okay to eat Tilapia, some eggs, and juicing organic fruits & vegetables along with doing everything else?

How long did it take again for you on your third try before you found out that you got rid of it? Congratulations by the way! I'm so happy for you. Now it needs to be my turn and everyone else who has this horrible virus... screw Big Pharma.

Oct 18, 2017
Caught early on...?
by: Circadian

Troy, thank you for your excellent work so far and the hope that you've given everyone. I recently found that I had contracted HSV2.
When I did the blood test, the IgG test was negative (it said index = 0.55 while it would require an index >= 1.1 to be considered positive) but unfortunately the PCR swab test (done on the same day) came positive for HSV2.
Does that mean it is a recent infection?
Also, if that is the case, would that mean that I could get rid of it faster?

All the best.

Oct 18, 2017
9 months strong
by: Anonymous

First off, thank you for all the support. Coming back here and seeing your commitment to this page has really given me a lot of hope. My questions is regarding the oregano oil and OLE. I've been going for nine months and I'm throwing everything I've got at this virus. This means I've upped my dosages to two 9 drops servings of Zane Hellas oregano oil and 5 OLE capsules 3 times a day. Should I break these doses up a bit more? Or can I even up the dose? And I'm still taking 5 Teaspoons of colloidal silver. Should I drop it to 3 or keep it as is? Thanks again for all your support. I hope to be writing to you in the year with successful results!

Oct 19, 2017
Some basic information
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, I have been keeping up to date on peoples questions, story's, answers, etc. I to am actually starting to follow this program. I was diagnosed with hsv1 approx 14 months ago and only experienced one breakout. 6 months later I went for a test again and came back not detected for hsv1 from the blood test that was done. The person who did the test said to me that I killed the virus. I was over the moon. I then went on a holiday over seas and due to lack of sleep and a very nervous flyer, on the way home I noticed a single small ulcer. I was so confused that I went back to the Dr and they did a swab test and it came back as hsv1. Now most Dr's in OZ will tell you not to do a blood test because they are inaccurate. So anyway, my main question was does this protocol actually completely cure you from this virus so you never have to worry about it coming back ever again no matter what you eat/drink, or any of your prior triggers to this? Or does this just suppress the virus and leave it still in your system? So for example, if sunburn was a trigger for a breakout does that mean if after you test negative to this virus you will be able to live as you did before you had it? I really appreciate all your information and hope to hear back from you soon. Thanks Troy.

Oct 20, 2017
Protocol during the day
by: Pili

Hello Troy,
Thanks again for your time. I read the different comments several times before starting and yesterday I started the protocol. I'm a little lost though. This list is according to what I remember but I'm not sure so can you tell me if I've made a mistake.

- I understand the BHT has to be taken gradually, this is the listing for after day 12...
- BHT and Silver have to be taken well apart, I took them 1 hour apart, is this ok?
- OLE and Lysine well apart too, 50 mins, is this enough?
- Vitamins have to be taken with food, right?

Thank you so much again for all this help. Here's my regimen...

1 Tsp Colloidale Silver, 30s under tongue
1 capsule 500mg OLE
4 drops Oregano oil in 5oz water + 1/2 Tsp coco oil
4 drops oregano oil in coco oil apply on base of spine
250mg BHT + 500 mg St John’s wort + 1/4 Tsp coco oil
Breakfast + 1000mg Lysine + 30mg Zinc + 2250mg Ascorbic acid
1 Tsp Sovereign Silver, 30s under tongue
1 capsule 500mg OLE
500mg BHT + 500 mg St John’s wort + 1/4 Tsp coco oil
Lunch + 2000mg Vitamin C two-stage + 1000mg B12
1 Tsp Sovereign Silver, 30s under tongue
1 Tsp Sovereign Silver, 30s under tongue
Lunch 2 + 2000mg Vitamin C two-stage
1 Tsp Sovereign Silver, 30s under tongue
1 capsule 500mg OLE
4 drops Oregano oil in 5oz water + 1/2 Tsp coco oil
4 drops oregano oil in coco oil apply on base of spine
250mg BHT + 500 mg St John’s wort + 1/4 Tsp coco oil
Dinner + 2250mg Ascorbic acid + 1000mg Vitamin C two-stage

TOTAL per Day
1500mg OLE
5 Tsp 25ml Sovereign Silver
8 drops oregano internal + 8 drops oregano external
1000 mg BHT + 1500mg St John's wort
1000 mg Lysine + 30mg zinc + 9500mg Vitamin C

Oct 20, 2017
Reply to "Angry/Concerned/Sick" Comment
by: Troy

Hello anonymous. I'm not going to get into "justifications" with you over the authenticity of Heather and Jessica's stories. If you believe I wrote them then so be it. Unfortunately, I have no way of proving without doubt that both of their stories are genuine. Neither women would allow their test results to be posted and neither even wanted to give out their first name, so that does make it hard. As far as myself and Jessica using some of the same words, I mean, come on, you can't be serious? And you say that I've "been accused several times of being a scammer"? It's only been once in fact, and that was from Rick (August 5th, 2017). Rick never bothered to reply to my comment after though, even though he ticked the box to be notified when his question was posted and answered - he would have seen it come up.

In regards to the amount of weight you have lost, 60 pounds is a lot - too much in fact. That's why we recommend you still eat protein from chicken, fish, etc, so you don't drop an excessive amount of weight. James recommends you don't eat these but the problem is, if you cut them out totally you do lose too much weight. I don't agree with him on this one. If you feel sick then something is wrong. You don't say exactly how long you've been on the protocol (or give a full outline of what you're doing) but if it's up around the 9 month mark then you should be feeling healthy and full of energy, not feeling sick. List the full protocol that you are doing (every bit of it) and the foods you are eating, along with how long you have been following it for and I will help you. In addition, have you had a re-test to see where you're at? What is your current viral load? I recommend you get re-tested now so you can see how far you've actually come.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.

Oct 20, 2017
Reply to Jade
by: Troy

Yes, this would be a good plan Jade. Going COMPLETELY raw is not a good idea in my opinion. This is one thing that James and I don't agree on. He's all for a completely raw diet but I believe that you lose too much weight doing this (which you and others are finding out is the case). Eat free range chicken, wild caught salmon, etc, (cooked of course) to keep your body weight up. You will still get rid of the virus doing this.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 22, 2017
Using the Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment on it's Own?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, Thank you for your guidance to all of us. I have a question, do you know of cases that have been successful in healing from HSV2 only by following the 25 day protocol with 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide?
Thanks for your reply.

Oct 22, 2017
35% Food Grade HP is the Answer!!!
by: Anonymous

Hi all, hope this comment is posted. I was following the protocol listed on this website from July but what has really worked for me is the 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. I am also in ozone therapy, and thank God it's working. I have read lots of articles and some ozone clinics statements where they claim to be successful with ozone therapy, which is basically the same as the 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide method.

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to "Using the Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment on it's Own" Comment
by: Troy

I haven't heard of anyone getting rid of the virus with the HP treatment alone. To get rid of the virus you need to hit it with everything you've got. While the hydrogen peroxide method outlined in the One Minute Cure book is extremely powerful (and one I definitely recommend you do), a multi pronged, holistic approach is what will work. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. :)

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Nicole
by: Troy

I do believe she would have yes. Remember though, this is not a race. Everyone is different and everyone has different foods, supplements, etc, at their disposal. Heather did other things that helped her which we don't list, so at the end of the day, it all balances out. But if you have access to HP, I definitely recommend you use it. :)

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Steve
by: Troy

Hi Steve. Be careful with the Tilapia. I'm with Dr Axe, it's not really the best option... Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon. To get your B12, go with a good quality chlorella or wheat grass powder. These are a much better alternative and help to remove the heavy metals as well. Organic eggs and juiced fruits & vegetables are good so knock yourself out consuming these.

All the best! :)

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Circadian
by: Troy

Yes, more than likely you've recently been infected. Expect your IgG antibody level to rise over the next 3 months or more - that's how long it will take for it to come out fully. The question you ask is a common one. If you have been recently infected then, yes, it is easier to get rid of the virus. Jump on it now, hit it with all you've got, and it will be a thing of the past.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to "9 Months Strong" Comment
by: Troy

You are doing well. The dosages you're taking are good. I would leave them as is, however, if you can break up the servings throughout the day that would be even better. For instance, taking 3 OLE capsules 5 times a day is better than having 5 capsules 3 times per day.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to "Some Basic Information" Comment
by: Troy

This protocol is not a band-aid fix. Once you get rid of the virus you get rid of it for good... period! Hopefully, though, you learn something from following this protocol and continue to treat your body well afterwards. Yes, you can go back to eating and drinking whatever you like and "living as you did before the virus", even if these were unhealthy, but if you did do this then you would have learned nothing. This protocol isn't just about getting rid of the herpes virus (even though that's all you care about at this point, which is of course, understandable), it's about you learning to look after your body and take care of it properly so you get to live to be an old man or woman! Once you get to the end and get that negative test, I think you will see the bigger picture - most people do.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Pili
by: Troy

What you are doing is so close to the mark. The only thing I would recommend you add is the hydrogen peroxide method as listed in the One Minute Cure book (chapter 4)... The One-Minute Cure. Apart from this, you've nailed it!

All the best to you Pili! :)

Oct 23, 2017
Inconveniently Timed Family Holiday
by: Natasha

Hi Troy, it's Natasha again (I submitted an extensive post on July 25th). I wasn't able to continue my regime for some unavoidable reasons that would take too long to go into. I am recommencing with 100% commitment beginning of February 2018 and can go full on until end of October (so a full 9 months). I will get retested (for HSV2) at the end. I am hoping it will have been long enough because in November, I have a family overseas 2 week holiday where I will not be able to do the full regime. My question is... if I have a 2 week break where I do my best (no alcohol, some supplements, bottled water and try to eat as good as I can), can I just go back into the full regime when I return, to complete the next 3 months to get me to 12? My main worry is diet because my extended family don't know I'm on this detox and I will have to eat out at a lot of restaurants whilst on holiday. I can order the freshest thing on the menu but it won't be 100% as per protocol. Can the 12 months continue through this holiday, or will I pretty much be starting from zero when I return? I know there is no black and white answer but I would appreciate your thoughts! Thank you sincerely Troy for all you do for everyone :)

Oct 23, 2017
OLE 40% Oleuropein
by: Pili

Hi Troy,
Thanks for your previous answers. I found these on the internet... OLE with 40% oleuropein What do you think about them?

Also, with the BHT and St John's Wort, does it matter that I've taken 250mg but with 500mg of St John's Wort? Or should it be the same mg's for both?

Oct 24, 2017
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. Yes you can do this. After 9 months (if you do everything right commitment wise) you will be very close. You may even be free of the virus by this time (I cant say for certain though of course). Just do the best you can when you go on your holiday. Eat as best you can, but be sure to continue with as many of the supplements as you can. Things like the OLE, colloidal silver, oregano oil and so forth are easy - you can easily take them with you. Once you get back, finish your 3 months - even get re-tested when you get back to see where you're at, see what your IgG level is? That's what I would suggest. Oh, and don't forget to enjoy your holiday. No use going on a holiday if you don't enjoy it!

All the best to you Natasha. :)

Oct 24, 2017
Reply to Pili
by: Troy

I've been asked about this particular OLE supplement before. It's a good brand, so yes, stay with it. With the BHT and St John's Wort, have a read of our article again on how you should be taking the BHT and SJW. It explains exactly how to take them both.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 24, 2017
Having a Day Off for Hockey Game?
by: CJ

Dear Troy, I will complete 7 months in a few days. A couple questions... We are headed toward winter and here in the north east most of the farm stands have closed up. Must have bought a million blueberries from my local farm stand along with vegetables... all pesticide free. The food markets don't have too much to offer in regards to organic during the winter. Will it be ok to continue the diet on mostly non organic fruits and vegetables? Also, I want to ask if I can take a day off or at least a night off from the protocol to go to a hockey game, have several beers and some garbage food? I have been as strict with the routine as anyone and have stuck with it now for months. Also an FYI to others... I have been taking the H2O2 for about 4 maybe 5 months with no issues. I will get tested again in December, which will make 9 months and I will consider ozone for a grand finale if I am still positive at this time. We had chatted about chaparral not long ago and I will start that soon and report back for others if it's good or bad. This has been extremely difficult but I will continue. Once in a while I cheat with the food but 99% of the time it's the diet laid out and organic - two jobs to pay for the food and supplements. Thank u. Hope u are well.

Oct 25, 2017
Need a little help...
by: Dc

Hi Troy,
I was diagnosed with HSV2 in the beginning of September. I think this was around the time I contracted it since I had been messing around with a girl for a few weeks, and driving home after the last time I saw her I got itching and tingling in my genital area. Got a few lesions and went to get tested. It came back positive (1.58). I had a pretty bad outbreak about a week later. About a week after that I started taking the OLE. Soon after I added oregano oil drops in olive oil under my tongue and on my tailbone twice a day. I am also taking selenium, zinc, lysine, Vitamin D, Sodium Ascorbate vitamin C and H2O2. I immediately quit smoking and stopped drinking. Do you think I got to this in time to speed up curing it? Also, I am having trouble with the raw vegan diet. I have been a bodybuilder for 20 years and my body is not adjusting well to this way of eating. Can you recommend any foods I can add to increase my calories and protein as I am losing weight and feeling sick and hungry most of the time. Thanks for any help you can give.

Oct 25, 2017
Hopeful from Asia
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I've been following all the discussions for the last few weeks and started the protocol this week. As with others who have actively posted, I am extremely grateful for your guidance on a natural cure for HSV1&2.

I would like to clarify if there is any difference in efficiency whether colloidal silver is taken sublingually and then spitted out, or must it be swallowed?

Is it ok to eat organic packaged food (eg. cashew carrot ginger biscuits in a carton) or pre-made packaged soups with no preservatives, etc? Just thinking about quick ready food to stock up in case I come home late and am too tired to cook/prepare my special meals.

Which brands and dosage would you recommend for chlorella and probiotic tablets please?

Finally, is it ok to use organic yogurt to make Heather's antioxidant shakes?

Also to clarify, wheat and gluten are bad right? Can you share why?

Thank you!

Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for your response!
by: Jade

Thanks so much Troy for your response. I’m sure it gets a bit overwhelming for you responding to everyone. For a lot of us, this detox is our last hope at a normal life again. I just want you to know that your time and knowlegdge is greatly appreciated!

Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I am getting closer
by: Brooke

I'm 30 years old, about 5’1", now currently weighing around 105 lbs after doing this protocol for about 4 1/2 - 5 months. I’ve had herpes type 2 for about 9 years. I worked out daily prior to this and ate similarly healthy. I now only workout a couple times a week including yoga due to recently being in a car accident. My daily protocol is...

6am and 7:30pm; fractionated coconut oil under my tongue with 3 drops of oregano oil and oregano on my spine and normal breakout spot.
7am and afternoon 5pm; I take 5ml of apple cider vinegar mixed in water with a dash of cayenne along with 4 drops of oregano oil in a capsule and 2 olive leaf extract (nusa pure).
Antioxidants in a smoothly breakfast with organic juice, banana, frozen fruit, about a heaping teaspoon of wheat grass powder, chlorella, açaí berry, pomegranate, and camu camu power.
Collidal silver 4 droppers 3-5 times daily
Around 9 I take lysine, C, zinc, Maca, b-12
11:30; coconut oil with BHt and St. John’s wort. (I get that I should probably try to increase this but I have found the BHT makes me feel weird. I originally started by opening the capsule and only taking half).
12:30; C, B-12, and lysine
3:30; C and lysine

My Diet consists of minimally processed organic food. I try to incorporate raw fruits and vegetables throughout my day or at least one salad. I am also eating organic taco shells, organic brown rice, lentil or chickpeas pasta, and organic eggs. I do allow myself cheat meals about once or twice a week. I also drink Tito’s and water about 2 double shots every other week and smoke pot almost daily using a dry herb vape. I just tested myself for the first time since starting this protocol and the results of my IgG were 6.60.

Troy, please advise me on my progress or any additional things I should be doing or not doing. Thank you so much for your help and advice. I believe I am getting closer and will do this!

Oct 26, 2017
Sharing my personal experience erradicating G-Herpes
by: Anonymous

Hi, I 'd like to share my experience for eradicating the virus from my body;
First, I followed this protocol including: OLE Olivus MAX + Oregano Oil + Vitamin C 2 stage + Colloidal Silver + raw food diet + pomegranate and acai powder. From July through to now I have avoided eating foods containing higher amounts of arginine than lysine, so my food has been salads with coriander, tortilla (corn), avocados, kale, broccoli, beetroot, carrots, cauliflower, green leafy veg with lemon and any other additional vegetables I could get. I ate fruits such as green grapes, natural orange juice and pineapples because I started to feel weak. I bought iron and calcium citrate for my bones because I started to lose weight. I ate salmon protein and organic whey protein becuase these are rich in lysine. I had been doing this through to September, then I realized that the virus was contained and the itching had stopped, as long as I stopped eating foods that contain arginine. Then I started the Hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade protocol and since I knew my body was being detoxed from July, I started with 20 drops in an 8 oz glass of water. I stooped taking the other pills because I felt there were too many pills in my stomach. I continued with the HP 35% grade (it has to be diluted to make it 3% so you can drink it) and started ozone therapy by injections in my back to eradicate the virus from where it hides. And believe me, I am experiencing a great improvement. My viral load has greatly diminished and I almost don't feel the awful itching down there anymore. My body feels more oxygenated and I know I am eradicating it. I am exercising in the mornings to improve my body oxygenation and continue to eat my salads. Make sure you include lots of coriander with lemon as I read that it was used in the past to fight smallpox. You will feel your virus symptoms disappear much quicker if you do this, along with using the ozone H2O2 therapy. Make sure you stop drinking alcohol, eating junk food, having coffee, or eating anything containing sugar or foods containing arginine. I stopped eating eggs because of their arginine level. In regards to the intake of the HP 35% and ozone therapy, it definitely works. I receive ozone every two days and it is said that the more oxygenated your body is, the easier your body will eliminate the virus.
May The Lord Jesus bless you all!

Oct 26, 2017
Reply to CJ
by: Troy

Hi Cj. Firstly, having non-organic fruits and vegetables is fine. It's definitely hard when winter hits - there's not as much available as in the summer months. Like I always say, just do the best you can. In regards to having a rest day? I can't tell you what to do. What I will say is that I wouldn't do it - not have a FULL day off anyway. You're so close Cj. If it were me I would still take my supplements for that day (as best I could, even if I took many/most of them together before I went and again when I returned - better than not having them at all) and have a few beers and a couple of "treats" while at the game, but without going overboard. Like I said, you're so close to finishing this! I know it's hard, and I get that. Keep your eye on the finish line.

Hope this helps.

All the best, and enjoy the game! :)

Oct 26, 2017
IgG test fluctuation
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
So I been following this protocol and I’ve had this virus for 12 years. Anyway, before starting this protocol and at one clinic my IgG was 3.52. I went pretty hard with this protocol and got tested again at a different lab and my IgG reading went up to 4.82. My question is should my IgG level fluctuate like this? Or is it suppose to be decreasing as time goes by? James did mention that you should always test at the same clinic. Do you think I should retest at the first clinic?

Thank you

Oct 27, 2017
Reply to DC
by: Troy

Hi DC. This is a common question. Yes, jumping on the protocol early to destroy the virus is good and can certainly quicken the process, BUT, and I really want to emphasize the "but" because one of the problems I see with people who have only recently been infected is many are still looking for the easy option or quick route. Not saying this is you, but you have to have the mindset that it takes what it takes (6 months, 8 months, 12 months... doesn't matter) and you MUST be willing to give it your all - there can be no back door for this (it's locked shut and you've thrown away the key). With that said, you're on the right track. Get on the colloidal silver and BHT if you can as well - these two are exceptionally good and exceptionally powerful. With the diet, it's not a raw vegan diet you should be following, it's a raw food diet. There is a difference... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It. Eat wild caught salmon and free range chicken for protein. Also find a good quality "natural" non GMO pea protein powder. Yes, they contain arginine, but not excessively high amounts, and they also contain lysine, which helps to offset the arginine (plus you're already taking lysine as well which helps even more).

Hope this helps you DC.

All the best!

Oct 27, 2017
Reply to "Hopeful From Asia" Comment
by: Troy

The colloidal silver should be held under the tongue first for at least 30 seconds then swallowed. Spitting it out afterwards would waste it's benefits. Don't eat organic packaged foods, they are rubbish and will not benefit you. Make your food/dinner earlier on in the day if you have to and keep it in the fridge. Although this is not as good as fresh made, it's still a much better alternative than packaged foods (even if they're labelled "organic"). For probiotics, I like Dr Tobias. If you can't get this one, go for the one with the highest CFU's (colony forming units) that you can find. With the chlorella, make sure it's organic broken cell wall chlorella with CGF (chlorella growth factor). I like the Potent Organics brand but it's not easy to find. Organic yogurt is okay as long as it's not made from processed cows milk (pasteurized/homogenized). Yes, wheat (gluten) should be avoided if possible. It can cause the body's immune system to attack both the gluten (in the gut) AND the gut wall. This is not what you want to happen. Most people have some type of allergy (in varying degrees) to gluten so it's best to give it a miss to be on the safe side.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 27, 2017
Reply to Brooke
by: Troy

Hi Brooke. Firstly, with the OLE, you should be taking 4 a day of these (two in the morning and two at night on their own on an empty stomach is best). The H2O2 should also be included (as per the One Minute Cure book protocol). With the BHT, if you slowly increase the dosage over a period of several weeks you'll find it much easier. Make sure you're eating lots of cilantro too (as much as you can fit in). In regards to having a cheat meal... one (small) meal a week is plenty. Anything more and you're undoing your work. With the Vodka and pot, I have to be honest, they should go (I'm only making recommendations here remember, you're free to do as you choose). Most marijuana contains chemicals/pesticides and can actually induce breakouts. Remember, you have to get your body to detox and rid itself of heavy metals - that's the only way you're going to destroy this virus. It's hard but you need to get rid of anything that's going to hamper your progress. Your reading is still quite high (I don't know what it was before you started) so you've still got a little ways to go. But you're on the right track and that's what matters. All you need to do is tweak what you're doing.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Brooke!

Oct 27, 2017
Reply to "IgG Test Fluctuation" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, you should definitely stick with the same testing facility if you can. Your IgG level should start going down over time (not up). You don't say how long you've been on the protocol for or how strict you've been so it's hard to make an honest assessment of your progress. I never recommend a re-test until at least 8 months into the protocol though. By this time, you know exactly where you're at.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 28, 2017
Follow up
by: Cj

Dear Troy, just wanted to follow up... I did go to the hockey game (only thing fun I have done in 6 months). I did take all my supplements up to about 4pm then took a break. I did cheat a bit having 2 beers a slice of pizza and a turkey sub but right back to it the next day. Yes it is a routine now but it's hard to say if it's getting easier or more difficult... depends on the day I guess. I really want to put my 25lbs back on and look like I did before and enjoy all those things. I have one cheat meal a week which is usually haddock and veggies from a local eatery and one beer. Other than that I eat the same detoxing foods daily and yes headed into the winter now so organic food is less available and even more expensive. I will keep this up... the only question I had was I am now 7 months complete, still taking BHT 1000 mg per day (with st johns). Should I drop to 500 or continue at 1000? I am still taking everything else on schedule... Ole, Oregano oil, bht, silver, h2o2... everything listed on the home page. Thanks, the game was good and was a needed break.

Oct 31, 2017
by: Jay

This article inspired me to hit my disease harder. I really appreciate the feedback, a very collective article. A question I have, and I know everyone is different, but what the heck are we supposed to eat... do we go vegan, go pescatarian, take lysine, don't take lysine? This is going to be a big journey but I am ready for it.

Nov 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

I'm so grateful to have found this post. I just started my protocol 2 days ago. It took me a while to get started and to order everything (still expecting the superfood powders), but I'm so glad I'm finally here. I've probably read this post along with the cure protocol link a thousand times to get it right. I look forward to being free of herpes. It's kinda of strange to say I'm thankful to you and for contracting this thing, but it has strengthened my faith and my love for God. You are awesome.

Nov 02, 2017
Some more information
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy. Thank you for replying to my last question. I have some other quick questions if I may.

First of all, as other people have said on this site, when someone who was positive goes to negative then what does their Dr say? For e.g, Heather, after she did that test her Dr would have contacted someone and said "hey this woman just cured her hsv?", Or do they just go ok what Ever? I went to my Dr yesterday and told her what I'm going to do to cure my self and she laughed at me. She said you can do this for your own peace of mind but in 6,8 or 12 months when you retest you will still be positive. So anyway my question is with all your heart, if this is done the way you say to do it will I be able to re test and throw it in her face? She said to me if you come back negative in 6 months or a year I'll be making some phone calls!
Anyways, what other choices do other hsv suffers have at the end of the day? People are following this protocol with no real solid evidence at all. Only your word and some other words from other people. The only thing Troy is that people are already mentally scared from having this virus, let alone being led to change their life style so drastically. That also is so mentally tough to deal with and to stick to this diet. I've been detoxing for 3 months and now about to start the rest of the supplements such as the oregano oil, Olive leaf, etc. Deep down I don't feel like there is any truth to this protocol, but at the same time it's the only thing that gives me any hope of killing this thing and keeps me going. Anyway Troy, at the same time I thank you for all your information and hope and the end of all this I can meet you and shake your hand. :)

Nov 02, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Glad you enjoyed the game and welcomed break. With the BHT, you definitely can reduce it down to 500 mg's a day. You're on the downhill slope now so this will be fine.

All the best!

Nov 03, 2017
Reply to Jay
by: Troy

When it comes to your diet, it's a raw food diet you should be following (read the "Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to do it" article for more information). If you want to go vegan or are already vegan, this is fine too. Make sure you don't eat refined and processed foods, and you eat LOTS of detoxing foods (herbs, spices, green foods, etc). In regards to lysine, I always recommend it. It's been proven over and over again to help treat herpes so why wouldn't you take it? I know James is not a fan of it but I am.

Hope this helps you Jay.

All the best!

Nov 03, 2017
Reply to "Some More Information" Comment
by: Troy

Yes you are right, we don't have any "absolute" proof that this works (in medical terms), nor can we prove outright that Heather, Jessica and Stacy are real people (I've been repeatedly accused of fabricating their stories). But I'm through explaining myself. I always say to people that if you have any doubts (as you say you do) then don't do this. I never try and force anyone to follow this. The reason Heather's doctor didn't shout from the rooftops that there is in fact a cure for herpes is because the medical profession will NEVER believe or approve of alternative therapies. For instance, when someone who's terminally ill from cancer recovers using alternative therapies (baking soda/molasses protocol, B17, calcium therapy, hydrogen peroxide, etc) do their doctors go telling everyone in the country that a cure for cancer has been found? Of course they don't. Why? Because they don't believe in ANY type of cure unless it's a "drug". Instead, they just put you down as a "special case". If you test positive for herpes then follow an "alternative" protocol and test negative 12 months down the track, all your doctor will say is that there must have been an "irregularity" with your first results, or some rubbish along those lines. I really hope you do follow this protocol and see it through and give it all you've got - not so you can throw it in your doctors face, but so you can free from this virus. That's all that matters.

The choice is yours of course. I wish you well with whatever course of action you choose to take.

All the best! :)

Nov 03, 2017
Feeling sick
by: Anonymous

Is it normal to vomit after taking the 2 x OLE tablets in the morning? The last two mornings since starting the regime I’ve vomited approximately 20 mins after taking the OLE?

Nov 03, 2017
Organic Coriander
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have purchased all the supplements and such and have embarked on a raw food diet. I have many fruits and vegetables, namely antioxidants, chlorella and many other raw fruit powders for my smoothies. One thing I cannot get hold of is organic coriander. Would it be worth having non-organic or would it be better to have none? Is there a substitute for this... it seems very important. Please help.

Thank you so much.

Nov 03, 2017
Looking for answers?
by: Anonymous

I am a 22 year old single female from Canada that has just been infected with HSV-2. I have only ever been in sexual relations with 3 men. I was practicing abstinence for the longest time after an engagement when I made a promise to God I would never do it again, unless I was married. I broke this promise after making the most stupid decision of my life, giving up my body to a man I thought I could trust. A man I used as a void to help ease the pain from my ex. Little did I know, what I was getting myself into was far more painful than anything else I could have ever imagined. I tried to find comfort and healing in a man, rather than God, and here I am. You play with fire, you get burned. I know this now, and it is the biggest lesson I have learned thus far. Now me, as well as everyone reading this thread, is probably going through the exact same wave of emotions I am. Completely and utterly mortified, left with an unlimited amount of questions, facing mixed emotions, thoughts of no longer existing, anger, self doubt, embarrassment, the list is infinite... being a firm believer that there is a cure for everything, and the body can fight off all infections and diseases, I have not, and will not stop researching everything I possibly can to kill this virus and get it out of my system. I am going to gather everything I need and start this 12 month journey as soon as possible, and with the grace of God pray from the very depths of my soul I can rid myself from this terrible disease. Now having absolutely no intentions on being sexually active again until I believe I have found the one, this has taken such a huge toll on me. I can't help but question whether or not I will be able to have unprotected sex years from now with the one I love without putting them at risk. As well as question whether or not I will still have to inform him I once had it... I'm a wreck in every which way. Really hoping you can answer my questions.

Thank you and God bless.

Nov 04, 2017
Some basic information
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. Yes I do agree with you on those points about Dr's not taking anything into regards that are possible cures and may take money away from big pharma. And yes it is up to people to make up there own minds whether they feel it's all legit or not. But sometimes when people are desperate they will do anything.

Anyways, one other thing if I may that somewhat confuses me is with Stacy's story. She says she had HSV1 but she also says she has never had a break out. So in saying that, if a person does a blood test, there is no way of showing exactly where the virus is unless you have symptoms and a swab test is taken, and unless the test shows HSV2 then most likely its genital. Something like 80% of the world's population have HSV1 cold sores. So my question is, why would she go through all this effort and hard work to try and kill the virus if it's most likely she just had the cold sore virus on her lip and maybe never even had a breakout? I'm sorry to continue to ask questions but I really hope you can help me understand some things for my own peace of mind. Thanks Troy for all your reply's. :)

Nov 04, 2017
Some more basic information
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, sorry again for being a pest. Either way I am going to pursue this protocol because it's all I've got to go off and truth be told, you do sound genuine. And yes, what else do I have to loose and what do you really have to gain from this. So hopefully my last questions are below and I'm off to do this. This is what I'm doing so far... 

#1. I'm putting 3 x drops mixed with cold pressed organic olive oil in capsuals and having twice a day on an empty stomach. Am/pm. Is that correct?

#2. I'm also taking OLE 5000 MG containing 100 gm's oleuropein which I think is = 20%. 2 x a day for now until I get used to them.

#3. I'm applying 3 x a day mixing 3 x drops with olive oil on spine and 3 x a day under the tongue for 10 min at a time.

#4. I'm eating everything organic, mainly spinach and cauliflower as well as 1 x banana a day. I'm also smashing everyday at least 2 x bunch of coriander in salads with all organic apple cider, parsley, onion and lettuce.

I'm drinking at least 3L a day of filtered water (fluoride free).

Doing shake once a day as per below.
 . Organic coconut water
 . Spirilina
 . Wheat grass
 . Matcha tea
 . Organic natural vitamin c powder
 . Probiotic powder
 . Fresh organic coriander
 . Parsley Fresh

I'm also washing all my food in filtered water.

Sauna 4 x a week as well as walking for half hour to an hour.

I only just bought the colloidal silver at 10ppm but not sure how to take it and when to take it. Can I add it to water or my shake?

One other thing, I'm eating grass fed meat 3 x a week the size if my palm and I'm eating bacon only in the morning. Should it be nitro free?  As well as wild caught barramundi and some trevally that I catch my self.

I thank you for everything and I'm sorry about the massive message, but I've been wanting to ask there questions for a long time. :) Thank you Troy.

Nov 05, 2017
Comment/question on the scam accuser
by: Cj

Dear Troy, you know and others also that I have asked many questions. In fact, many of my early questions were anonymous (kind of still are with just a first name). It is of course not helpful that others are saying this is a scam or will never work. I myself was very skeptical and still have some doubt but what I do have is some hope also and have actually put trust in a perfect stranger. Although negative, it is helpful that you post the negative comments and address them. I am into my eighth month and not one day has been easy. The effort, the discipline, the control, and this change of life style for this protocol is very hard. The expense is in the thousands with the food so I have been working 2 jobs 7 days a week since March. I have not been perfect but as close as a person can get doing this. Anyway, I am hopeful it will work but I have two questions... can I have a decaf coffee once a week or once in a while or does it still have caffeine? And if I do not get a negative reading end of term does this mean I still have it and let's say I do still have it (which I won't) will the symptoms return once I stop taking everything? Also, as I said when this works I will be glad to post my test results, name and would like to thank you in person.

Nov 06, 2017
Reply to "Feeling Sick" Comment
by: Troy

No you should not be vomiting. Drop down to one capsule at a time and stay with this for a week or two, then increase again. Take your time beginning this, it's not a race. :)

Nov 06, 2017
Let's get together!
by: Circadian

Hello again Troy,

After our last correspondence I have already started detoxing, moving slowly into a raw vegan diet (mostly fruits), and then I will start using the suggested herbs.

Also, I have a favor to ask you. In this fight I have felt very alone most of the time. On most of the discussion boards I find online people are accepting that it is incurable and this really hurts my confidence in fighting this.

On the comments section of your pages I have found many people who actually believe in the cure, and are actively fighting this. This is very important for me. Many times I found myself wanting to talk to them, ask them how they did this or that, get some positive feedback and encouragement. You can't imagine how much this would mean to me, and I believe they would feel the same.

So I wanted to suggest to you to open a Slack channel (or on any other chat board) where anyone who wants can join and talk with each other. It's anonymous and safe. It's very easy and would take only a couple of minutes to open a Slack channel, but if you don't want to spend the time I can do this for you.

I believe allowing us fighters to talk with each other would give us a huge motivational boost!

What do you think? Please say yes!!!
All the best!

Nov 06, 2017
Update and Question
by: Dc

Hi Troy,

Thanks for your previous advice. I have switched from raw vegan to raw food and that has helped me stay on track. I added in the colloidal silver at the beginning of last week. The rest of the protocol remains the same. I have to admit life happens. Had a few beers and a shot at a Halloween party but did not drink as much as I normally would on a night out. Some cigarettes have also slipped by. Quitting is hard but the number of cigarettes I have smoked is very limited. I had another test done last week. My initial results were 1.53 (not 1.58 as I said previously). The test from last week came back at 1.28. I was surprised at how far the number has dropped. Is this drop normal at this point? I have only been on the protocol for about a month. I expected a high number. Does this seem like I am on the right track? I don’t know much about how this virus works with the test numbers. Any advice is appreciated.

Nov 07, 2017
Reply to "Organic Coriander" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, coriander (cilantro) is extremely important! If you can't get organic then go with non-organic, this will still be okay and is definitely better than nothing. Be sure to eat as much as you can physically put into your body to remove the heavy metals. Don't forget your other green food such as wheat grass powder or chlorella to detox and remove those heavy metals as well.

All the best!

Nov 08, 2017
Reply to "Looking for Answers" Comment
by: Troy

I've answered a lot of questions in this thread so far, but I have to say, this is the first post that bought a tear to my eye. I feel your pain, as I'm sure everyone else who read your post does as well. What can I say... this virus sucks, no doubt about it. I'd hate to even speculate how many lives it has destroyed over the years. The silver lining is that it CAN be destroyed and eradicated from the body. I absolutely know this to be true and believe it 100% to my core. That's why I sit here and answer people's questions. Continue to do your own research, and when you're ready to start, if you decide to follow this protocol, or even a variation hereof, I'll be here to help and answer your questions. You asked if you will ever be able have unprotected sex with the man you love, even after you test negative? Why wouldn't you be able to? A negative test is a negative test. Granted, you do have a big hill to climb to get there and will need to put in some hard work and dedication to reach your goal, but you can certainly do it.

Keep your chin up and stop beating yourself up over this. The fact that you've only recently been infected does work in your favor, so there's your first positive. Get a hold of the books "The Power" and "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne and start following the principles outlined in those books. They will change your life.

Good luck and all the best to you. :)

Nov 08, 2017
Reply to "Some Basic Information" Comment
by: Troy

I can't say for sure what was behind Stacy's thinking. Everybody's different. Maybe after testing positive she just decided she didn't want to be stuck with this virus for the rest of her life? :)

Nov 08, 2017
Reply to "Some More Basic Information" Comment
by: Troy

Everything you are doing is good. You will need to up the OLE to 4 capsules a day once you get used to them though. With the colloidal silver, take one teaspoon (5 ml's) and hold under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. Do this 5 times a day for the first 3 months. After this, take one teaspoon twice daily for the next 9 months. Also make sure you don't use a metal teaspoon when measuring out your dosage - the metals in the spoon react negatively with the silver particles. Use a BPA free plastic spoon or measuring cup instead. The bacon should definitely be nitrate free and not smoked. If you cant get 100% pure bacon (with no additives), don't eat it. I would also recommend the BHT too if you can, even if you start it further down the track. It really does work extremely well. Also, don't forget about the HP protocol... The One Minute Cure. It's dirt cheap to implement and also works extremely well.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 08, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hi Cj. Firstly, even decaf coffee is not good. It's not the caffeine so much , it's the fact that coffee is acidic to the body and you want to keep your body alkaline. I recommend you drink green tea instead. Even black tea is a better alternative. In regards to your test, even if it were still positive, it doesn't mean you still have the virus. The virus can actually be long gone but your antibody count will still be there and may still even be over the limit. IgG antibodies are slow to go down, which is why a test after 12 months is still the best option. This gives your antibodies enough time to recede.

Keep up the great work.

All the best to you Cj!

Nov 08, 2017
Reply to Circadian
by: Troy

Yes, I do agree that something like this would be extremely beneficial. The problem for me is that I physically do not have the time to set it up and monitor it (I'm guessing that someone has to monitor who can use it, comments, etc). I'm already working too many hours as it is. You are welcome to set up a Slack channel (never heard of this before myself) and I will definitely promote it through these pages. Like I said, I think it's a great idea.

All the best!

Nov 08, 2017
Reply to DC
by: Troy

IgG test results can fluctuate to a degree but yours definitely seems like it's on the way down. If your IgG antibodies have already peaked then yes, that number can drop fairly quickly. I recommend you don't keep getting tested though. Stick with your plan and if you really must go for another test, at least wait a further 8 months. By this time, you will know exactly what your status/count is.

Keep going. You're heading in the right direction.

All the best!

Nov 08, 2017
Food grade hydrogen peroxide
by: B

I️ just added food grade hydrogen peroxide to my protocol. I️ am now up to 8 drops 3 times a day in 6-8 oz of water. Is it supposed to make you itch? Does that mean it’s working? I️ also wanted to know if eating organic maple syrup was ok? I️ recently discovered a pancake recipe with banana and eggs.

Nov 08, 2017
Help on testing
by: Anonymous

Hi, when I was diagnosed my number was 9.0 and it’s currently 5.4. Does this mean the virus is going away? I found this page and the only supplement I’ve been taking is oil of oregano.

Nov 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

Out of all the comments I’ve read no one asked about intimacy. I’m HSV1 positive. My question is can I kiss my new significant other while on this protocol if I don’t have an OB? I know that you can still shed the virus without having an outbreak but if I’m taking everything listed will it lessen my chances of passing it? He recently tested negative for both HV1 and HSV2.

Nov 12, 2017
I cant seem to Figure this thing out? Please help
by: Greg

I have been on the protocol for 3 months and I am getting discouraged. I have been completely vegan, doing raw vegan for a month now. I take my oregano oil internally, I also put it on my back. I'm currently taking 4,000 mg of Vitamin C, black seed oil, 5,000 IU's Vitamin D3, 4 pills of the Olivus Olive leaf extract, as well as Bladderwrack and sea moss. I also juice one cup of cilantro a day. When I first started the process I wouldn't have any outbreaks, now every 6 days I'm having an outbreak to my face and genital area. It clears up after close to a week and then it comes back. I don't understand what I'm an doing wrong. Can you please help me???!!!!!

Nov 12, 2017
Husband and wife
by: Anonymous

Hello, my husband and I plan on trying this and I was wondering if having unprotected sex with each other could effect our final results? We both are HSV2 positive so if one of us follows this more than the other, will that effect how well this works for us. Meaning, if I follow this more than he does and it is working for me, will having unprotected sex with him be counterproductive? I hope this question makes sense.

Nov 13, 2017
Reply to B
by: Troy

Yes, the HP can make you itchy, along with causing other detoxing (herxheimers) side effects. Read chapter 4 of the One Minute Cure book for a more detailed explanation of possible side effects and reactions. In regards to maple syrup, no you should avoid this food (even if it's classed as organic) as it's much too high in sugar. :)

Nov 13, 2017
Reply to "Help on Testing" Comment
by: Troy

I'm assuming that these readings are IgG readings? Yes, the drop in antibody levels means your viral load is being reduced. In short, you are slowly ridding your body of the virus. Apply some of the other recommended remedies/diet protocols and you'll get rid of the virus even quicker. :)

Nov 13, 2017
Reply to "Smooching" Comment
by: Troy

While it will certainly lessen your chances of passing the virus on, there are no guarantees of course. You would both need to weigh up the pro's and possible (albeit, slim) con's. :)

Nov 13, 2017
Reply to Greg
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence Greg. It doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. Get started on the BHT - it's terrific for reducing/preventing those breakouts. Also, don't forget about the colloidal silver and chlorella to remove those heavy metals. The HP method should also be incorporated. Make sure you read this book and follow the protocol listed in chapter 4...The One Minute Cure.

Hope this helps you Greg.

All the best!

Nov 14, 2017
Reply to "Husband and Wife" Comment
by: Troy

Yes your question makes sense. To be honest, I'm not sure (never been asked this one before). I wouldn't think so. Once your immune system is fully charged and strong, the chances of being re-infected are slim. There no guarantees of course. That slim chance is always there. :)

Nov 15, 2017
Protein source and medication query
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have the hsv2 virus and am desperate to try and cure it. I have read through the diet and regime and have looked at the Dos and Don'ts, but I was just wondering if it's okay to eat chicken for example as a protein source and protein shakes, even if it has to be a certain type of protein shake, as I'm into fitness and I'm struggling to see where I could get a sufficient amount of protein when undergoing this raw food diet? If not are you able to recommend any good protein sources that won't inhibit this protocol but allow me to maintain/increase my current fitness level? Apart from anything else I really can't afford to lose too much weight, hence I hope to be able to continue my active lifestyle and increase/maintain muscle mass rather than decrease. Also, I sometimes have to take ferrous sulphate (iron tablets) as my iron levels get low every now again, would this be a problem and inhibit the curing process?

Many thanks

Nov 15, 2017
by: Rhonda

Hello all. Many thanks to Troy for this site and hello to my fellow virus fighters! I keep reading how important cilantro is but I don't like cilantro. I really, *really* don't like it (except in very small amounts in salsa.) Will cilantro capsules be as effective? I'm already taking spirulina and chlorella tablets. Does cilantro have an additional benefit or is it essentially the same? Thanks!

Nov 16, 2017
High Frequency Wand
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for answering my husband and wife question. I wanted to ask another. Some time ago I purchased a high frequency "lift wand". It actually really does zap pimples, kills bacteria, opens pores, etc. So the other day while I was using it, I wondered what it might do for HSV....? I know that it’s a virus and not a bacteria, but do you think it may benefit "zapping" the virus if used on the spine? I decided to Google this and low and behold I found a couple people that had the same thought, that tried it and it seemed to work. Here’s what it’s used for:

Rejuvenate dull, tired, dry skin. Improves appearance of scars, blemishes, and wrinkles.
Exclusive Nose Electrode to reduce pores and breakouts. Increases blood circulation and oxidizes the skin. Increases collagen production. Prevents acne breakouts.

Beauticians and estaticians use this product for skin issues. It’s called a "high frequency lift wand". If you have some time, maybe take a look at it and tell me if you think it could be effective to add to this regemine?

Nov 17, 2017
FG hydrogen peroxide
by: B

I added this to my protocol recently. I have also read a good bit of the One Minute Cure like you suggested when I asked about itching as a side effect. I’m having problems finding the exact part that would describe the side effects associated. I am really tiny, currently weighing 104 lbs and slowing dropping. I am just concerned that I might not need to go all the way to 25 drops due to my size. I’ve also been slowly increasing, doing the suggested drop increases every couple of days. Is this okay? I am currently at 11 drops 3 times a day. Please advise me on your thoughts on this! Thank you!

Nov 18, 2017
by: Clayton

Troy, I have read all your testing info throughout your site and just want to ask... Can I just skip all the IGG/IGM testing and go straight to the Western blot test to see if I've eradicated the virus? It's been 11 months now since contracting and I just want to get tested again. I have stuck to the protocol and haven't had an outbreak since my initial one which ended in March (2017). I figured why mess around with less reliable tests anyways? Thanks!!

Nov 19, 2017
Empty Stomach ?
by: Lynn

Hello again!

So I'm creating my protocol based on all the info you've been so generous to give us in the comment threads in both testimonials. My question is that OLE, Oregano, AND colloidal silver have to be taken on an empty stomach right? So that is going to be so hard to do since we have to do these more than once, and the silver 5X a day. How can we ensure their effectiveness and eat and have our smoothies? I have yet to read the One Minute Cure all the way so I don't know the instructions yet, and I'm hoping I can have this also and it doesn't interfere with the others.

Also, I do not have bad outbreaks at all. If I have anything it is very small and not often, so I don't have to worry about controlling them - does this mean I still have to take 3000 mg of Lysine?

So far I have this schedule, just a rough estimate. Somewhere in here I'll add the one-min-cure. Please let me know if I have this right or if I need to switch it around...

9 am- 2 OLE Empty stomach
10 am - Oregano oil under tongue and on spine
11 am - Colloidal silver (I read it has to be 2 hours apart?)
12 pm- Lysine and Vitamin C/Zinc with Food
2pm- Colloidal silver
4 pm - Lysine and Vitamin C/Zinc with smoothies with the antioxidant powders and chlorella)
6 pm- Colloidal Silver
8 pm -Lysine and Vitamin C/Zinc with Food
9 pm- colloidal silver (not on empty stomach?)
10 pm - Oil of Oregano
12 am- 2 OLE Empty Stomach

You are amazing and we all love you!
My Dherbs detox cleanse is coming to a close. I am feeling quite fatigued and not so energized like I thought but I'm praying it's just my body still detoxing after 20 days.


Nov 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi. How long did this whole process take for you? Which oregano oil do you recommend? What is "LL's Magnetic Clay Detox Bath"?
Thanks for Sharing!

Nov 21, 2017
Let's Heal Together
by: Emotional

I would like to extend a huge hug to Heather. And to Troy. You two are the ONLY way I have been able to cope with my recent diagnosis. God bless you both! I will start my detox journey next week. I know how utterly devastated, scared, alone and sad some of you feel. I am crippled by this news. If by chance any kind souls want to connect via email for emotional support during this detox/diet, please email me at Even if we connect anonymously via email, it is my hope that emotional support might help us heal faster and give us strength.

Once again, Heather, you are my hero. I cannot thank you enough for your inspiration. I think about you every day, and I read your post EVERY day. I cling to your post for my sanity. I really do! Troy, thank you from the deepest part of my heart for this website and your dedication to helping us.

Anyone who is struggling with this emotionally, I know how you feel. You are not alone. I desperately crave positivity and love and support, so please email me if you are in the same boat. Peace and love to all!

Nov 21, 2017
Reply to "Protein Source and Medication" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, a small to medium amount of organic chicken, along with wild caught salmon can be eaten to keep protein intake up. If you want to use a protein supplement then pea protein is the best. Just make sure it's natural and doesn't have extra additives (there is more information about this in the Q&A's above). With the iron, ferrous sulfate in tablet form is a heavy metal iron and shouldn't be taken by anyone! (You definitely don't want to be taking this while trying to detox). Go with a liquid colloidal form of iron such as this one... TJ Clark Liquid Iron if you need to take one. Remember too that chlorella and wheat grass are rich in natural (safely absorbable) iron so you may not even need to take extra iron if you're having one of these supplements (which you should be to help remove the heavy metals).

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 21, 2017
Reply to Rhonda
by: Troy

Hi Rhonda. While spirulina and chlorella are both potent heavy metal removers and detoxifiers (and it's good that you're taking both of these), cilantro is extremely powerful also. You can NEVER have too much of all of these. In fact, the more you can have the more you detox your body and the better the results. Yes, you can certainly take the cilantro capsules if you want. Or maybe even try mixing your cilantro in a smoothie or something similar to hide the taste? You may need to chug it down but if it helps it will be worth it.

All the best!

Nov 21, 2017
Reply to "High Frequency Wand" Comment
by: Troy

I've never heard of anyone using this. That doesn't mean it wont help. Give it a try. It can't hurt! :)

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to B
by: Troy

If you think you've gone high enough with the HP for your size and weight then you should stay with this. Unfortunately, I can't advise you on exactly what you should do. Follow your instincts on this. This article has some some good info on possible reactions with the HP, including skin interuptions... Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy. :)

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to Clayton
by: Troy

Sure you can do this if you have easy access to the Western blot test.

All the best!

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to Lyn
by: Troy

You have your protocol down pat. You certainly don't need to take the lysine - I would encourage you to stick with the vitamin C and zinc though to build up your immune system. when it comes to taking your supplements and eating, you just have to do the best you can. Yes the HP should be taken on an empty stomach if possible, but of course, this is not always practical. Like I said Lyn, just do the best you can. You will still benefit. Don't forget also to eat plenty of cilantro and probiotic rich foods. This website has some handy recipes if you're interested... Cultures for Health.

All the best!

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to "Emotional"
by: Troy

You're very welcome. I was reluctant to post your email address as I'm concerned you may start receiving spam emails. Hopefully you don't and only receive contacts from other genuine people who want to connect.

All the best! :)

Nov 22, 2017
Skin care
by: Lynn

Hello, thank you for all of your help!!! I'm hitting this head on and am committed to this all the way through and look forward to sharing my testimony! Can I use facial products with parabens? I use Retin A for acne and I discontinued the use once I started the protocol but my skin is not doing well, even thought I'm eating healthier than ever.

Nov 22, 2017
Medication and alcohol
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thank you very much for your response to my question on medication and protein source, it was very helpful and reassuring. Sorry to ask yet more questions but something I forgot to mention is that I take lamotrigine to control my epilepsy, would this be an issue? Another thing I wanted to ask is, is it possible to consume any wine during this 12 month period? And if so how much? Its not a problem if it's not possible, I only ask as I have read the instructions and noticed that it says no alcohol, but I've also read through and heard some other comments, etc, including a question on this page and got the impression that it may be possible to consume a very small amount of alcohol over this 12 month period. But I wasn't sure whether to believe it or not. I specify wine as that's the only alcohol I drink.

Many thanks

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to Lynn
by: Troy

Hi Lynn. Funnily enough, Retin A contains BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene). This is its main ingredient. Of course, we recommend BHT for treating and curing your herpes. What's funny though is the medical profession claim that BHT is not safe, yet, because it's in a PHARMACEUTICAL cream, it's okay! BHT is a super powerful antioxidant, which is why it works so well for skin conditions such as acne (and for destroying the herpes virus). Anyway, yes, this cream is perfectly fine to use.

All the best! :)

Nov 22, 2017
3 year detox
by: James

I have scanned and read a lot of the posts here. I read up on James destroy disease on YouTube 3 years ago and I have ate nothing or drank nothing but what he said to drink and eat and have been completely raw for 3 years.... greens, spinach, kale, gojiberries, watermelon, etc. No one on earth eats better than me yet I have not been able to stop the outbreaks. I have had one a month for the past 6 months and I am 3 years into this. I have lost 40lbs. I'm not giving up but I can't figure out why I can't stop the outbreaks. I only eat greens and fruits. I have no energy at all and I am hungry all the time. Anyway, if anyone has any pointers I would appreciate it. And I am seeing a lot on conflicts compared to what jamesdestroysdeseases says, like peroxide and eating meat. James says never eat meat. And colloidal silver... is this not a heavy metal? Why would you put metal into your body when you want metals out? Anyway, I typed this out fast but I don't know what to think about some of the things I have read, however, I have been completely unsuccessful at even stopping the outbreaks and I have been into this for over 3 years - a completely raw food detoxification diet. If anyone has any pointers please reply. I just found this site. Thanks... James

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to "Medication and Alcohol" Comment
by: Troy

I cannot comment on your medication. Sorry. You would need to speak with your doctor in regards to interactions, side effects, etc, with this drug. In regards to alcohol, we don't recommend it, at least for the first 4-6 months anyway. After this a glass every now and then (preferably red wine with NO preservatives) would be okay. :)

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to James
by: Troy

Hi James. I'm going to straight up front and honest with you. What you've been doing is clearly not working. That's a fact. You don't need 3 years to get rid of this thing. While you're on the right track with some things, I believe you're way off track with others. Yes, a raw food diet is important, but on its own is not enough. You MUST give your body and immune system a helping hand. This means you must take supplements. Trying to eradicate the herpes virus through diet alone is like trying to fight a raging house fire with your garden hose. Yes, it will help, but it certainly wont be enough to put the fire out. I'm assuming that if you're following James's recommendations you're at least on the oregano oil and olive leaf extract (and Matcha green tea?) With the colloidal silver, this is not actually a heavy metal - not at all (read this rebuttal for the full facts). Silver is a transition metal not a heavy metal. Colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver brand) is a powerful treatment for herpes. You should look into it more. BHT and lysine, along with high doses of vitamin C and zinc, stop breakouts (yes I know, James doesn't agree with these either). The hydrogen peroxide protocol listed in the One Minute Cure book is also extremely powerful - it works unbelievably well in fact! Are you taking chlorella or wheat grass powder to help remove the heavy metals? And in regards to your diet, if you don't eat any meat then you lose too much weight - this is a fact and it's not a good thing. We only advocate a moderate amount of organic chicken and wild caught salmon, but this is enough to keep your weight up. You're body needs protein, don't forget this. I believe the main reason you're hungry all the time and have no energy is because you're body is protein deficient. "Not consuming enough protein during the day can be a primary reason for fatigue"

My advice to you James is to continue doing what you're doing, but look to include some of what we recommend... Natural Herpes Cure. Like I said, after 3 years you should be completely free from this virus.

Hope this helps you James.

All the best to you!

Nov 23, 2017
Wild game and other organic grass fed meats
by: B

I’m not sure where I missed this memo on only chicken and salmon... I wanted to get your opinion on organic ground turkey, organic ground beef, grass fed beef, fish caught out of the Gulf of Mexico, catfish, duck, and deer. I live in the south and my dad likes to hunt and fish. It is more affordable for me to eat the deer meat and other wild game my father has given me. Thank you for your opinion and time! You truly are a special person to help others so selflessly!

Nov 23, 2017
Thank you
by: CJ

Dear Troy. Still going strong after 8 months completed. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I am still taking all supplements and on the diet, although I will cheat today to eat with my family. I thank you for your help and answering my questions and the questions of others. I am still hopeful. Thanks again.

Nov 23, 2017
Mortified but moving on
by: Anonymous

I am in the best relationship I've ever had. I had a cut and went to the doctors (yep, found out I have hsv2... have never had an outbreak just cuts on my V after waxing). Wanted to die at that moment and even more so when I had to tell my boyfriend with whom I own a house with. So I Googled up a storm and found this wonderful page. I had already started on zinc, B6 and vitamin C the week before and have now added the lysine a few days back - and today olive leaf extract because I now just feel itchy for most likely no reason. I am determined and know I will be hsv2 free in a couple of months. I believe this will work. Thank you.

Nov 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hello, I’ve looked through the whole page and I can’t seem to find the article for the raw food diet (what’s ok to eat and what’s not ok) and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind replying in the comment with a link to it please? I even read the "read before you post" thing and didn’t see it. I just want to know if it’s okay to steam some vegetables, meats, and use spices. I feel like some things you have to heat up or cook, like sweet potatoes so I’m just wondering how to go about that. I think eating raw food should still be enjoyable otherwise it might get a bit depressing (but I know nothing that’s worth it is easy). Also if I omit the colloidal silver but use some of the other heavy metal detox, is it possible to clear in the time frame listed above (approximately 6 months?) Thanks in advance!

Nov 23, 2017
Oregano Oil Burning
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
Hope you're well and thank you for your help. I have recently started to take 4 drops of oregano oil in about 5oz of water twice a day. I understand that this is a sign of the power of the remedy, however, I find it very distasteful and difficult to drink as well as it burning my lips, throat and tongue. It's bearable but rather difficult. Does this mean my mixture is too strong or does everyone deal with this? At times I squeeze a bit of organic lemon into it to make it easier to drink. Does this dilute the power or is it ok?

Many thanks.

Nov 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hello, I have a question to ask. I was given an IgG test back in Feb 2017 and my test results came back positive for HSV 1 and a low positive for HSV 2 (1.9 to be exact). I have never had an outbreak and I was very sick the day I took the test. My doctor was very uncaring and said I don’t even need medication. After everything I have read it seems the test may have been a false reading. I was thinking of having a re-test in the next few months. Can you give me your opinion if I should?

Nov 26, 2017
Thank you
by: Erin

I have no words to give you the thanks you deserve for posting this. You have not only given hope to people suffering from this illness but a way forward. I have been vegan now for two months following the unexpected diagnosis and will be going completing raw soon. I would really love and appreciate it if you outlined a simpler step by step process. Did you apply the oregano oil inside at all or just on outside areas? Did you ever apply colloidal silver directly to the area, I have heard that helps as well?
Thank you and happy holidays

Nov 28, 2017
Reply to "B"
by: Troy

To get rid of the virus, one of the key things you need to pay attention to is your acid/alkaline base (pH level). Some foods are acid forming and some foods are alkaline. The tricky part is finding the right ratio. While you want to be eating primarily alkaline foods, you do actually need a small amount of acid forming foods. The ration is two parts alkaline to one part acid, however, when trying to destroy the herpes virus, the acidic foods should be less. With that said, meat (red meat, chicken, fish, etc) are acidic but without a little bit of meat you will end up looking like a skeleton after your 12 months is up. Fish and chicken are less acidic than red meat (red meat is one of the highest), which is why we say to eat a small amount of these. Game meat is less acidic that red (cow) meat so this would be okay. Just remember, only a small amount! Have a read of this excellent article on acid/alkaline foods for a more thorough explanation... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 28, 2017
Reply to CJ
by: Troy

You're welcome Cj. Hope you had a good thanksgiving. Nice to be able to relax for once. :)

Nov 28, 2017
Reply to "mortified but moving on comment"
by: Troy

Don't forget to try and incorporate as many of the recommendations as you can so you get the most out of the protocol, including the hydrogen peroxide treatment... Hydrogen Peroxide - The One Minute Cure.

All the best!

Nov 28, 2017
Reply to "Link" comment
by: Troy

Here's the link to the raw food diet article... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It.You should also have a read of this article... Acid/Alkaline Foods List as you want to be eating mostly alkaline foods (remember, only eat a small amount of meat). The colloidal silver is very powerful. I would recommend you re-consider using it. In regards to Himalayan pink rock salt, this form of "salt" does not contain heavy metals. The minerals it contains are in a free form, highly absorbable form. Pink rock salt is also alkalzing to the body. This is the best type of salt to use in your cooking and to season your meats.

Hope this helps.

Best regards! :)

Nov 28, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil Burning" Comment
by: Troy

If it's burning either add more water or continue to add the lemon juice if this helps. Lemon juice is alkaline and a potent detoxifier so there's no harm in adding it to your drink. :)

Nov 28, 2017
Reply to "Re-testing" Comment
by: Troy

I would order a re-test. False positives do occur. There is no harm in getting another test done. If your current doctor won't do it, find someone who will. :)

Nov 28, 2017
Reply to Erin
by: Troy

For all the steps on how to apply the oregano oil and colloidal silver, be sure to have a thorough read of our main article Erin... Natural Herpes Cure. It tells you everything you need to know.

All the best!

Nov 28, 2017
by: Anonymous

Can you do this while pregnant?

Nov 28, 2017
3 year detox
by: James

Troy, thank you I agree totally!! Over 3 years on a raw food diet is not doing the job. I have not been taking olive leaf or colloidal silver. I have been drinking the antioxidant fruit powders that James stresses. James actually E-mailed me back today and stresses that you detox on berries, etc. After over three years and still getting outbreaks I am taking your advice and I have ordered everything you have mentioned here on this board... food grade h2o2, BHT, everything I have read on this site. I have been taking the chlorella and spirulina tablets. No one on planet earth has ever detoxed better than me and it has not done the job... just as you have said. Thank you, I will definitely post my results in time... I feel my detox is at its best. When I add the herpes killers I feel success is just around the corner!!! Good luck to all. I wish everyone the best!!!! Thank you Troy!!! James

Nov 29, 2017
Herbal cleanse
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Firstly, thank you for all your help. Secondly, I have been on the regimen for just short of a month and I intend to carry out a herbal body parasite and heavy metal cleanse. Should I continue to take the supplements during the duration? Each one is 10 days, with a week break in between each one.

Many thanks.

Nov 29, 2017
Disk o gram
by: Anonymous

I am scheduled to have a disk o gram done later next month. This procedure is to determine if I would need surgery. My plan would be to hold off on the surgery for at least a year if this test comes back positive. I have been on this protocol for about 5 1/2-6 months. Is there any supplements I should cut back on prior to having this done? I will be on the downward slope of the food grade hydrogen peroxide at the time of the procedure with 8 drops 3x a day. I understand BHT and St. John’s wort are blood thinners and plan to not take these the day before (if it should be longer please let me know). I believe iodine will be injected into my disk to see if it leaks out. Do you know what the effects of iodine going directly in my spine will have on the detox? I have tried to do my own research but have been unsuccessful with finding answers.

Thank you!

Nov 29, 2017
Jamba Juice
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
First, you're amazing! I know that you recommend a raw diet, which I intend to follow. Can I have smoothies from Jamba Juice minus the sherbet? Or shall I stick to making my own smoothies? Thank you so much!

Nov 29, 2017
I AM CURED!!!!!!!
by: Eric

First and foremost, let this post be a letter of inspiration to everyone reading it. I literally have lived on this website for the past year. I would say at least 20-30 of the above questions posted are me under random alias names (I always had fun making them up). But, I am Eric. That is my real name. I now test negative for HSV2, which I contracted 10 months ago. All of my CBC test results are normal now too. My white blood cells, monocytes, hemoglobin and others were all very low and red flagged when I was initially tested, but are now back to healthy and strong again. :) Also, as additional inspiration to all you doubters, I will not be silent and hide behind a veil. I am going to do multiple things to offer support, insight and guidance to people in this fight against herpes. My face, my full name, my past, my healing journey will ALL be fully exposed because frankly all I care about is helping people realize there is a 'cure'. Or more importantly, I want people to stop doubting what Troy and others have shed light on. I will also be publishing a book I have written over my journey (its actually a full autobiography that culminates with the final chapter being about me beating herpes - I've had a ridiculous life and no joke, curing herpes is probably the least interesting chapter, haha). My herpes healing journey took me around the world, and I spent at least $100,000 ensuring I got rid of it. You will not/do not need to expect to do that, but there are things I did that are not listed on this page that I know expedited my healing process. I will share all of that. Most importantly, I did follow everything Heather and Troy list on this page here. Thank you to both of them for offering this. I honestly do not know if I would have had as much faith that I could cure myself without the information they have provided. And without that faith, I would have gone down a very dark path that probably wouldn't have ended well. So trust yourself, trust the information, and have faith that you can heal yourself. I promise, you can! So much more to come... and thank you again Troy and Heather!!!

Nov 30, 2017
Not sure?
by: Cj

Dear Troy, I am somewhat stressed out, feeling down. I am not sure if I'm correct but I think I had a BO, just a tiny spot, could even be nothing as it's so small I need a magnifying lense to see it. If it is and after doing this for 8 months would it even be possible to get a negative reading at 12 months?... meaning, even if the virus was not gone and then after 9 months it was does that leave enough time for the IgG level to drop to negative? I was planning to get tested at the end of December to see where my level is at and if I've made progress. I would be extremely down if the level was the same or higher than before. My first test was back in June, which was 4.0 and at that time I am fairly sure it had been around the 6 month mark since I believe I was infected at the end of November last year. I have been on the protocol since mid March. If this was/is a BO should I be hitting the panic button? I have put so much effort, time, money and sacrifice into this.
Thank you for your insight.

Nov 30, 2017
It's me again
by: Lyn

Can I eat Brazil nuts?? It's the only thing that sustains me? Just a handful per day?

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to "Pregnancy" Comment
by: Troy

I don't recommend doing this protocol while pregnant. Wait until you've had your baby and are in a good position/frame of mind to hit this hard. :)

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to James
by: Troy

You're very welcome James. I believe you're very close too because you're 100% committed, and that's the biggest battle for most people. Just keep in mind that the OLE can stir up the virus and actually cause more breakouts in the beginning (not always) - just want you to be prepared. The BHT and the hydrogen peroxide protocol will help to tame them down though so these are a bonus. Any questions or help you need you can post here.

All the best James!

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to "Herbal Cleanse" Comment
by: Troy

Hard to say without knowing what the herbal cleanse is. You can still stay on the supplements, just take a lower dosage of each while you're doing the cleanse. :)

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to "Disc O Gram" Comment
by: Troy

I would drop the BHT and St John's wort a week before your surgery, just to be on the safe side (although I think they would be fine to continue to take, it's better to err on the side of caution). The week off will still be okay. There isn't anything else that I can see that would cause a problem. In regards to the iodine, I don't really know to be honest. It would depend on what type of iodine they use. But if you need the surgery/disk o gram then it has to be done. Just continue to detox hard afterwards.

Hope this helps, and best of luck with the disk o gram. :)

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to "Jamba Juice" Comment
by: Troy

No, much better to make your own. None of their produce is organic. Only look to these if you're desperate and have no other options. :)

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to Eric
by: Troy

Congratulations to you Eric (or Bob, or whatever other names you came up with, lol). I'll be very interested in reading your story when it comes out. I know you are planning a consultancy/support group and website for herpes sufferers (which is a fantastic idea too by the way) and we will help you any way we can. You are going to help a lot of desperate people. Congrats once again.

All the best!

Dec 01, 2017
Natural anti inflammatory
by: Anonymous

What is your opinion on Meriva made by Thorne? My doctor recommended this as a natural anti inflammatory. Thank you for much for your help and time!

Dec 01, 2017
Advice Please?
by: Anonymous

This is an amazing story! I am a 24 year old female and was just diagnosed with HSV2 two days ago and I am absolutely devastated. I'm a firm believer in defeating disease by living a healthy life. I just feel so overwhelmed by all the research that I've been doing that I don't even know where to begin. And I don't know if I'd be able to afford all of the things needed.

I was looking at what's in the shake and all of the powder seems like it would add up really quickly money-wise. How often did you have to re-stock on this kind of stuff? From what it looks like you probably went through it quickly.

And if you don't mind me asking, about how much did this regimen cost you monthly? I am willing to do anything to get rid of this stupid virus. Any advice on anything about where to begin or anything else would be so greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Dec 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thank you for all your help. I am having my first episode of genital herpes and it's very painful. I was infected 2 weeks ago but the symptoms started one week ago. As my doctor recommend to me I am going to take the antiviral for 7 days but I really believe in this cure so I decided to start today. For the moment I have been able to find the oil leaf, lysine, selenium, vit c and colloidal silver. I am also taking acv with hot water and raw honey morning and night. Planning to find online the origano oil and dmso cream.

Is it ok to start even if I am still taking the antiviral medication?

I have been researching and there are two herbs that apparently work very well for herpes; hypericum mysorense and hypericum hookerianum. Can I add these to the regime?

Thank you so much.

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hi Cj. Do not hit the panic button, there's no need to. Firstly, it may not be a lesion. Secondly, even if it is it doesn't matter. Remember, Heather was still getting breakouts at the 8 month mark. Hers were quite severe in fact. Sometimes what happens is the body has one last final clean out. This can cause all sorts of reactions, including flu like symptoms, skin rashes, you name it. Just stick with what you're doing and have faith. Get that test done at the end of the month to see where you're at - I think you might be pleasantly surprized. Keep that body alkalized and continue to eat lots of alkaline foods... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List. Also, read Eric's post above. He just got a negative test and is over the moon. This is going to be you soon. Believe it!

Have a great weekend Cj, and no more stressing!

All the best. :)

Dec 02, 2017
Follow up on BO
by: Cj

Dear Troy, thank you for your reply and lifting me up... I was ready to quit as it was definitely a BO but tiny. It was so tiny I had to use a magnifier but there was no doubt. Very very small blisters, only a few. As I said, needed a magnifier but as I am sure others know I know my skin down there very well. It started on the Wednesday and here it is Saturday and under the magnifier I can see they are just about gone. I am disappointed and feel somewhat deflated, however, it was so small and pretty much gone in just a few days - maybe that's a good sign? I was hoping my test in a few weeks would show negative, that would be unlikely now but perhaps my number is down. I would be very bummed if it was higher than what it was back in June at 4.0. If you think I should skip it for a while please give me your thoughts. I will continue the process until the end. It was, beyond words, to read Eric's post. I hope he sticks with us to help us get to the finish line and win. As I said before, if I can win and rid myself I will gladly share my results and my name here for all to see. Still hopeful. Thanks again.

Dec 02, 2017
When to take Lysine?
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

I would appreciate some clarification on when to take Lysine. All the bottles from the manufacturers state "take on empty stomach" whilst your posts state "lysine, zinc and vitamin c should be taken with food". I'm a little confused because first I started with your advice (I haven't added zinc to my protocol yet but hope to soon), then I switched to taking Lysine on empty stomach an hour apart from the other supplements. It would be a lot easier to take with vitamin C and food, but did you state so because it had to do with the combination of lysine, vitamin C and zinc for absorbability? I just want to understand the difference so that I can take it in the right way, either with food or without food. Thank you so much!

Dec 02, 2017
Eric's results
by: Anonymous

Eric where can we find your information on what you did? $100,000, I wish I had that kind of money. I'm sure I've spend thousands but not hundreds of thousands. We are desperate to get rid of this just as you did. Please help along with Troy. I'm at a very dark point. I've had it for over 10 years... unfaithful spouse. Now that I'm single I cry every night and hate my life. At times I even wonder what the point is anymore. I don't mean to be depressing but I'm so ready to get rid of this virus. Please help. I'm so grateful for you and Troy. I pray I can get an answer before I am done done. Thank you

Dec 04, 2017
Exercise & Portions
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thank you for your response and taking the time to answer questions as always. I wanted to ask how much meat and complex carbs are okay to consume per week and day? I know you said to eat these in moderation but I want to rely on eating chicken and fish for most of my protein since I need a hundred grams per day due to my tall stature. I wanted to eat eggs, but those are considered acidic and I don’t know if you can eat those every day, multiple times a day, due to cholesterol levels. I don’t want to become too skinny much like the rest of the people on here. I also know that complex carbs are important. I researched if fruits have complex carbs but they are just simple sugars. I also read the acidity/alkalinity list and it said that exercising creates acidity, primarily lactic acid. But I always thought exercising was good to boost your immune system? I was hoping to work out everyday to increase my chances of clearing the virus. I suppose I’m not sure what the amount in grams of complex carbs or proteins should be per day. Thanks again for your time.

Dec 04, 2017
Update and Question
by: dc

Hi Troy,

Thanks for all your advice. I am still using the same protocol and doing raw food with some flounder and organic chicken. I have also been eating a lot of salads with hard boiled eggs (about 5 eggs a night) on the nights I do not eat meat. I had another test done last week. My initial results were 1.53, the next test which I took on Nov 3 was 1.28. The test last week was 1.09. Should I be eating the hard boiled eggs?

Dec 05, 2017
Aussie brands
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,

I'm living in Australia. Was diagnosed this year. Well, apparently I had it and the doctors didn't tell me or treat me until now (yeah I don't trust docs anymore because they didn't tell me and focused on other problems with no hint whatsoever that something else was lurking).

What Australian OLE brands would you recommend? Would extra strength Comvita OLE work?

Also, would the fusion brand work as well? Apparently a plant named andrographis also works for the immune system. Please help I'm desperate to get rid of it!

Dec 06, 2017
Concerns & questions
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Sorry for the multiple questions. I just started the oregano oil today and will be purchasing chlorella and the olive leaf extract before the year ends. Trying to gradually add on supplements. The Lysine that I have is 500 mg, so I hope that is ok. That is the only one I could find in bulk. I take it twice a day and will switch to three times a day in two weeks. I have a dilemma, however. I am in professional school that requires me to work and interact with people physically and the smell of the oregano oil is very strong and is seeping through my clothes. I tried to spray perfume over my clothes but that doesn’t mask it for long. I’m not sure what to do since I want to get the best results but I also don’t want to be self conscious around my classmates, who notice everything. I don’t want to sound ungrateful but this is a genuine concern, among others (like the taste of the oregano oil water). Is it possible for me to do the spine regimen at night and increase the number of drops so that I can shower in the morning? Or what do you suggest, if you don’t mind me asking. I’m just very afraid to do this wrong and not get the results that I want; especially since what I’m using will only include the oregano oil, Lysine, vitamin C, olive ole max, grapefruit juice, and detox shakes (with chlorella and pomegranate powder). Thank you again.

PS- how is it possible to consume 10,000 mg of vitamin c if the highest dose is 1000mg. That means you would have to take it ten times a day. Maybe I am misunderstanding.

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to "Natural Anti-inflammatory" Comment
by: Troy

This product is essentially turmeric. Turmeric is a powerful detoxifier as well as an anti-inflammatory. Nothing wrong with taking this supplement. :)

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to Lyn
by: Troy

Nuts can cause breakouts because of their high arginine content - including Brazil nuts. I would recommend you go easy on them. :)

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to "Advice Please" Comment
by: Troy

So much of the cost depends on where you buy your food and supplements from. If you're savvy, you can save a lot of money. With that said, this protocol is not cheap - that's the truth. I don't know exactly how much Heather spent all up but I would imagine it was a lot. :)

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to "Help" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, you can still begin if you're taking anti-viral medication - many people do. The two herbs you ask about are very good. They're not always easy to get a hold of though so if you can get them then yes, you can certainly add these to your daily regimen. Don't forget about the hydrogen peroxide treatment too.

All the best!

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

I would still do the test at the end of the month to see where you're at - for your confidence more than anything. Like I said, I think you'll be surprized by your result. You have to hang in there. You're at 8 months. Think about how your body was 8 months ago and what you were experiencing with this virus then compared to now. If you don't test negative at this stage, I would think you would at least be very close.

All the best Cj! :)

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

You can take lysine either with or without food. However, the reason you should take it with food is because, yes, combined with the vitamin C and zinc, you do get better absorbability with all 3 nutrients. Plus, taken with food is alot easier on the stomach, particularly if you get a bit of reflux.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to "Eric's Results" Comment
by: Troy

I've been in touch with Eric. He has a few personal things he needs to sort out first, then he's going to hit this full force. He's determined to help as many people as he can with support and with getting rid of this virus. We'll be working with him and helping any way we can. You will need to be a little patient. Eric's planning on sharing everything, including who he is and what he did to get that negative result. Anonymous, hang in there. You can get through this, you really can - one day at a time. I'm not a councillor, and I'm not going to try and pretend to be one, but you can see from the many comments here that there are lots of people out there that are in the same predicament as you. Stay with the protocol, and I'll be sure to update this page as soon as Eric is ready to go.

Take care my friend.

Best regards. :)

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to "Exercise & Portions" Comment
by: Troy

Yes exercise produces lactic acid, but it also oxygenates the body, which is a good thing. Exercising 7 days a week is too much though. You must give your body a rest. Remember, exercise is good up to a point. 5 days a week is plenty. In regards to protein... chicken, fish and eggs are acidic, which is why we say only a small amount. Putting an exact figure for this is difficult though, impossible really. With complex carbs it's the same, not too much. Remember, your diet should be primarily plant based. You will lose a certain amount of weight, there's no way around this. Take a good quality pea protein powder (with no additives) for extra protein if need be.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to dc
by: Troy

5 hard boiled eggs a night is too much. Maybe drop it down a bit, say 2 or 3 at most. :)

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to "Aussie Brands" Comment
by: Troy

This is the strongest Australian brand of olive leaf extract I've seen... Safe Olive Leaf Extract Super. It's a liquid version, and probably tastes awful, but 70 mg's of oleuropein per 5 ml's is super strong! 10 ml's a day of this would be perfect. With the andrographis plant, yes this does boost the immune system, but, as far as I know it's only been found to be helpful for HSV1. You would be better off putting your money towards the other supplements in my opinion. You'll get more out of them.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to "Concerns and Questions" Comment
by: Troy

With the oregano oil, I would suggest that you use it on your spine at night, maybe as soon as you get home and then again before bed. On the weekends or your days off you should be able to do it morning and night. (Doing it only at night will still be okay). You list grapefruit juice as one of the things you're having? Hopefully you mean grapefruit seed extract and not grapefruit juice. You want to avoid grapefruit juice (grapefruit seed extract, however, is a potent treatment for herpes). With the vitamin C, yes it's definitely 10,000 mg's a day, which is why you need ascorbic acid powder (vitamin C) to make up this amount... Ascorbic Acid.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 08, 2017
19.40 Igg results
by: Chantel

Hi Troy,
I just recently got tested for hsv2 and tested positive. I started having symptoms in 2014 but thought it was a really bad yeast infection. My Igg levels are really high (19.40) and I’m wondering when I start the protocol if I should do it longer than 12 months. I just want to be sure I get the virus out.

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to Chantel
by: Troy

19.40 is quite high, yes. Once you get retested at the 12 month mark you'll know for sure if you need to continue for longer. You may need to, you may not. Give the next 12 months all you've got - that's all that matters for the time being. Your IgG levels have peaked for sure so the only way for them to go from now on is down.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Chantel!

Dec 08, 2017
Questions answered please?
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

I wanna ask you some questions please. My IgG blood test has now come back negative after following your protocol. So now that I am free of this virus, can I eat chocolates and nuts? Am i now able to eat everything and go back to a normal life? And I wanna ask you about intercourse. If I have tingling without any sores, just tingling, is it possible to infect the other person?

Thanks a lot Troy.

Dec 09, 2017
Salmon and Shrimp
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

If heavy metal toxicity comes from fish, is it best to avoid fish? Heather ate salmon daily in a salad for lunch. Im sure her fish was wild, but with the toxicity of our oceans these days, is wild fish even "clean" anymore? I'm scared to eat seafood 7 days a week because of this. If I completely avoid fish and just eat 2 soft boiled eggs a day, would that be enough protein for the day?

Also, are there any specific vegetables that we should avoid? Or are all vegetables ok to eat?

Thank you again for your kindness and patience!!!

Dec 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Dr Sebi recommends avoiding avocados. I was hoping to eat one or two per day for the healthy fats and to keep my weight up. What are your thoughts on avocados?

Many thanks!

Dec 09, 2017
Looking for answers (HELP!!!)
by: Anon

Hello, I had an IgG level for hsv2 of 1.90 and a hsv1 level of 6.99. I did the 35% food grade HP and followed a raw food diet for a month then got retested. I was then negative for hsv2, however, my hsv1 was still positive at 2.35 - that was my decrease within a month. I tested negative for hsv2 at two different clinics and was still having outbreaks. I am starting to think I didn't fully cleanse my body, or what could be the case? I am lost, please help.

Dec 09, 2017
Final push
by: CJ

Dear Troy, you don't have to reply to this. I thank you for your reply after my small BO, I was very discouraged and wanted to quit but your reply has made me more determined. I am doing everything I am supposed to - all supplements including chaparal per instructions on the bottle. I eat cilantro and coconut oil daily. Cannot wait until I do not have to anymore. I have started taking the OO under the tongue 3x per day and 6 tablets per day, however, I have to skip a week roughly with the oil on the back of my spine. I usually put a dab on the handle of a spoon of coconut oil and 3 drops OO, then a few minutes later I smear a light film of DMSO. It typically stings for a few minutes and then is fine - the next day a little dry skin and that's all. This time I tried to put the oil only onto a dab of DMSO and smeared it on, not realizing the stinging was actually burning. Got burnt real bad, looks like a blow torch has been on my lower back so I hope skipping a week or so won't be an issue. Not sure if I did something wrong but for me coconut oil mixed with OO before DMSO is the way to go. Again thank you. My test is December 20. I will let you know the results as I get them and I hope Eric does stick around.

Dec 10, 2017
Hemp/Quinoa milk, Flaxseed, Soy nut butter?
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

Thanks so much for clarifying my question on lysine. I'm now 6 weeks into the protocol, so still slow, steady and early. It's a little scary getting full outbreaks as I was previously on Valtrex antiviral suppressive therapy so it never got to the lesion stage. Since starting this protocol, I've had bi weekly outbreaks but I understand it's part of the detox process so will persevere.

You also answered my question on dairy milk substitutes and ranked coconut milk, soy milk followed by (if can't be avoided), almond milk. I was wondering if hemp milk and quinoa milk are also good choices?

Regarding seeds, which ones are safe to consume? I bought some flax seed to add to my organic oats. I also bought soy nut butter as a substitute for almond butter but not sure which is a better/healthier choice?

Thank you so much, you are a life saver and a God send to all of us!

Dec 10, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have a small outbreak of three to four small bumps that just sting a little bit sometimes and they’re located at the base of my vulva, a little before my anus. It seems fluid filled and sticky. I haven’t gotten tested yet but this seems to be a pretfy clear indicator that I have HSV-2 and probably HSV-1. I’m hoping that since this seems like a small outbreak that's not too bad that my HSV concentration isn’t too high and that I’ll be able to combat this in hopefully less than 8 months. I want to know when I’ll be able to have unprotected sex without the fear of passing it on to my partner. I really don’t want to tell him because we are very new to dating. I’d like to just beat this ASAP. Also, I’m a little confused as to what is effective to take to deal with this since my biggest concern is having HSV-2. I’m a pretty straightforward gal and I can handle eating like one thing a day and taking a lot of medication. If anything, I would like to see if I can have a cheat day once a week? My favorite food is pho so that’s what I’d be eating. If you could just please tell me exactly what you want me to do daily to get rid of this as soon as possible, I’ll do exactly that.

Dec 10, 2017
Herbs question
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I wrote you a week ago but I can not find my comment, maybe it wasn't published.

I just got HSV2 and thankfully I found your blog. I started all the protocol that worked for Heather but I would like to add these herbs that apparently attack the virus herpes: HYPERICUM MYSORENSE AND HYPERICUM HOOKERIANUM what do you think? Can I add them to the regimen?

Thank you very much for your help!

Dec 10, 2017
Will it ever stop?
by: Anonymous

Do you have to continue the regimen once you're cured? I remember you said it would be helpful to at least keep taking the OLE, but what about everything else? The diet, the supplements, etc...? Thanks for your help! For the first time in months I feel hopeful,

Dec 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, Troy!

Is it possible to just use the supplements as a way of curing and NOT do the raw diet? I am already practically vegan, but I do eat processed foods. Will this make it so I can never be cured? Or am I still able to achieve a cure without the raw diet? Or will it eventually be cured but just take longer? Thank you in advance!

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to "Questions Answered Please" Comment
by: Troy

Hi Anonymous. Was the IgG test you got a type specific test? Meaning, was it just for HSV2? If it was then I would recommend you get tested for both HSV1 & 2, to be sure. With the "tingling", this can still happen. I know Jessica had this right up to the very end, then it vanished and she's never had it again (Jessica tested negative right after). How long have you actually been on the protocol for? In regards to "going back to eating what you like", you can certainly do this, however, hopefully you've learned at bit about health and nutrition since being on this protocol. While enjoying a "treat" every now and then is certainly okay, eating healthy should now be a habit for you and (hopefully) ingrained in your brain. I also recommend continuing with a green food supplement (chlorella or wheat grass powder), along with probiotics, fish/krill oil and the OLE just for overall health. These are what I take every day (and have been doing so for the last 20 years) and people are amazed at how I can work exceedingly long hours, go to the gym and exercise 5-6 times a week, and still have loads of energy to boot! (I'm about to turn the big "50" too by the way). Like I said, hopefully you've learned something and want to continue on the healthy road you've been on - albeit on a less strict regimen of course. I agree though that once you get that negative test, it's definitely time to live a little!

Hope this helps you out.

All the best!

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to "Salmon and Shrimp" Comment
by: Troy

You do need to be very careful when it comes to eating fish. Wild caught salmon is okay, just check your sources carefully. Eating eggs instead is okay. In regards to which vegetables to eat and not eat (all foods in fact), follow the guidelines outlined in this article and try to eat mostly the alkaline foods in the first list... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List - What to Eat and What to Not Eat. :)

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to "Avocados"Comment
by: Troy

Nothing wrong with avocados. Dr Sebi has now included avocados in his alkaline diet list (this list does get changed/updated from time to time)... Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide. :)

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to Anon
by: Troy

You tested negative for HSV2 (after being positive) and had an IgG drop of 4.64 for HSV1 after only one month? Man, you should be jumping for joy!! Most HSV sufferers would kill for a result like that! The reason you're probably still getting outbreaks is because of the HSV1 that's still in your system (but on the way out obviously). Continue with what you're doing but add the BHT & St John's Wort, which are both excellent for reducing outbreaks, and even use the DMSO topically on any lesions for extra fast healing and relief. It's only a matter of time before the outbreaks are gone and you test negative for HSV1.

All the best!

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Yes, I missed adding quinoa and hemp milk to the list. Both are very good. In regards to seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, hemp and chia seeds are all okay. Nut butter ( I do prefer almond butter) is also fine as long as you're only using a small amount. :)

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to "HSV-2" Comment
by: Troy

I recommend you get tested first so you know EXACTLY what you're dealing with and up against, rather than simply guessing. Once you do this (and once your tests reveal exactly what you have/are dealing with), you can then start to look at a plan of action.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to "Herbs Question" Comment
by: Troy

See December 8th "reply to help comment". :)

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to "Will it Ever Stop" Comment
by: Troy

No you don't have to continue with everything after. I do answer this question in more detail in the reply above titled "Questions Answered Please". It's worth the read. :)

Dec 13, 2017
Reply to "DIET" Comment
by: Troy

Your body can't and will not detox if you're eating processed foods. You need BOTH the diet and the supplements. You can't short cut the process. :)

Dec 13, 2017
Strange symptoms appearing!
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

It's me again. This week has been especially tough on the protocol. A couple of strange observations I would like your opinion and advice on please. I'm shy of two months into the protocol and at the beginning, the skin below the base of my spine started to dry up and crack slightly, probably from the burning of the oregano oil. However, I persisted and never missed my 2x/day application.

1) This week however, I noticed a cluster of small bumps (maybe 6-7 red dots) at that base of my spine that look like they could be a rash but they're not itchy nor do they burn or hurt. They're just there. No tingling, no pain either. And about 4 inches above the base is also a couple of red dots (again no pain, itch or burn).

2) I persisted with the oregano oil application ignoring these symptoms, but it's been five days. Additionally, on my mouth, I noticed that my upper lips seemed a little dry, burnt and peeled. I applied lip balm, and once that healed when the skin flaked off, a small similar red/burnt looking patch appeared on the left corner of my upper lips on my mouth. It's been a few days and that's now starting to peel too. I may have burnt my lips drinking the oregano oil with water but why is this happening now when it used to burn my lips in the first few weeks of the protocol but there were no visible symptoms until now two months in? Could this be oral sores? But I don't see any blisters.

I haven't tested for HSV1 or HSV2 but I know I have genital herpes because of an outbreak 3 years ago and I was on valtrex until I found your website. All the lesions have been appearing on my bum and thereabouts. Could I have spread it from below to above?

3) And finally, this is really strange. After dinner two days ago, I felt some pain below my tongue in the soft tissue area of my sublingual glands. When I checked in the mirror, I saw open sores! I almost died! I was so freaked out and almost cried. I wasn't sure if it was canker sores or oral sores and have been researching on difference between both. I still continued with the protocol despite the pain of oregano/coconut oil under the tongue, etc. Basically, despite all the strange symptoms of above, I haven't stopped the protocol. It's now day 3 of the "canker" sores but could this be HSV1?

I'm so afraid because all this is happening this week and so far I've managed to hide HSV2 since it's under my clothing but I'm afraid if it's HSV1 that it will be visible when I'm back at work.

By the way, I'm on OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, Vit C, Lysine, and Zinc. I really can't fit in anything else without losing focus so I'm hoping this will get me through like Heather and Jessica.

Is my body reacting to oregano oil, is that possible? Or are these symptoms of the virus being drawn out? I'm feeling so scared and almost in tears right now. Please help. Thank you so much Troy.

Dec 13, 2017
Raw food diet
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have been following the protocol for just over a month but have slipped up a couple times. I have have smoked pot 3 times and derailed from the diet a few times also. I am getting back on track but I am having doubts about whether what I am doing is enough.

I am currently undergoing a parasite, full body and heavy metal cleanse. I take the oregano oil & OLE as instructed. I take the colloidal silver only twice a day as I am unsure as to whether my brand is the real deal... they claim 14ppm, though I am unsure of the nm size... Silver-Tec-Premium-Quality-Colloidal-Silver.

My diet consists of organic food unless stated otherwise:

Breakfast: Smoothie containing pomegranate, lemon, banana, oats, chlorella powder, acai powder & pomegranate powder.
OR porridge oats & fruit. Only my pomegranate is unfortunately inorganic as I cannot find any organic but I opted for it because of its healing properties. I've also heard that thick skinned fruits have little pesticide/insecticide content? Would it be best to cut these out?

Lunch: Chickpea soup/ kidney bean curry & cilantro heavy salad. Again only my cilantro is inorganic as I cannot find any organic.

Dinner: Chickpea soup/quinoa/ kidney bean curry & cilantro heavy salad/steamed kale. Again only my cilantro is inorganic as I cannot find any organic.

Salad contents: Cucumber, tomato, avocado, onion, garlic, cilantro, cos lettuce, sometimes: kidney beans & lentils.

I also drink matcha green tea.

My fear is that in avoiding inorganic produce, I have limited my diet and so am not getting the necessary nutrients.

Lastly, I previously had a swab test. Would it be worth getting a blood test to find out my starting antibody count or should I simply proceed and be tested in the future?

Many thanks & kind regards.

Dec 15, 2017
My experience with Hydrogen Peroxide - it works!
by: Anonymous


I just wanted to share with everyone that I have been following this protocol for the past 2 months. I was diagnosed with HSV-2 about one year ago and have been suffering from constant outbreaks since then (at least 1-3 OB per month). Since starting the protocol (OLE, oil of oregano, vitamin C, colloidal silver, antioxidant shakes, chlorella, and plant based diet... these are the supplements that I am most comfortable with taking), my outbreaks increased in frequency and occured back to back. Having frequent outbreaks is not easy but I continue to push through with following the protocol.

I have been on the fence about adding food grade HP to my protocol for several weeks now. When I read Troy's comment about HP working for someone who was having recurrent outbreaks, I decided to give it a try (after doing my own thorough research). I have been on the HP protocol for 6 days and I have already experienced its effectiveness. When I started using the HP, I was recovering from an outbreak and so I expected that another outbreak would soon come. About 2 days later I started having symptoms of itchiness where my outbreaks usually occur. I applied diluted HP on the area and continued with my protocol. The next morning, I expected that the outbreak would have progressed to its full state but to my surprise the outbreak had resolved... in less than 24 hours! I still had some mild itching here and there but no where near the discomfort of having painful sores. I haven't had outbreak relief in such a short period of time since adding the HP and I have tried everything from ACV, essential oils, manuka honey, etc (which are all good products). I think the combination of drinking the HP and applying it to the outbreak was really effective. If I had not added HP to my regimen, I know for a fact that it would've taken at least 5 days for the outbreak to resolve. I am happy that I've added the HP and plan to take it as directed for the total duration of this protocol.

I wanted to provide this testimonial for anyone who is on the fence about adding HP to their protocol. I can only speak of my experience and how my body has reacted to it thus far... which has been positive.

I look forward to that negative test in 10 months. Please everyone, although it sucks to have herpes, don't forget to live your life and do the things that make you happy!!!!

I hope this was helpful!

Dec 16, 2017
by: Jessy

Hello Troy!

Today is my 4th day into this process and I’m very excited about this new journey. In the morning the first thing I take is warm water appropriately 6-8oz with 2 spoons of organic apple cider vinegar and a spoon full of honey. Then I take supplements such as 2 lysine, 3 vitamin C, 2 Olivus OLE, mega B vitamin, followed by colloidal silver under the tongue. 10 mins after I make my antioxidant shake (all ingredients Heather listed). Then I take 6-8 oz of filtered water with 3 drops of oregano oil. I also rub the oil on my back with the coconut oil. Is this ok to start in the morning? Plus per day I'm taking 3 lysine, 5 vitamin C, 4 Olivus OLE, 2 times the step with the oregano oil and 5x with the Colloidal silver. Please let me know if I’m doing everything as I should be. Thanks

Dec 19, 2017
Sodium and seaweed snacks
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

My raw diet provides very little sodium, not nearly enough of the daily requirement. Low sodium causes leg cramps, (which I'm starting to experience).

1) What are some good ways to get sodium into this diet?

2) Is organic packaged sauerkraut an ok way to get sodium?

3) Are organic seaweed snacks from the brand "SeaWeed Snax" ok to eat on a daily basis? This has both iodine and sodium. I noticed Heather had seaweed twice a day.

Thank you so much for your help.

Dec 20, 2017
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Firstly, you should drop the oregano oil on the base of the spine to every second or even third day and apply a moisturizer until it heals. The skin can dry out if you're not careful. In regards to under your tongue, once again, give the oregano oil a break until the sores heal. I would strongly recommend you take chlorella or wheat grass powder and a probiotic and look at using the hydrogen peroxide protocol to get your body alkaline (along with following these tips... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List) - these will help with a lot of your problems. Are you doing the detox drinks like Heather and Jessica as well?

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Dec 21, 2017
Reply to "Raw Food Diet" Comment
by: Troy

The colloidal silver you list looks okay. I must admit, I'm fond of Sovereign Silvers colloidal silver. It just works so well and you can take high doses of it safely. You can buy it on Amazons UK site also. I notice you aren't doing the hydrogen peroxide protocol. You really should include this, and it's so cheap to implement. With the non-organic produce, this is fine. Just do the best you can with what you have access to. It will still work. I would recommend you get an IgG test if you can to see what your count is. This would be handy for own sake. You don't need to of course and can wait until you finish the protocol.

Hope this helps.

Stay with it.

All the best! :)

Dec 21, 2017
Reply to "My experience with Hydrogen Peroxide - it works!" Comment
by: Troy

Glad the HP is helping. Hope everyone who reads this decides to take your advice. The hydrogen peroxide is just so important and works extremely well. And it's so cheap! Your other advice at the end is also very fitting. Yes, even though you have herpes, you must still get on with your life and enjoy it. Especially now that you know you don't have to be stuck with this virus forever!

Thanks for your post.

All the best!

Dec 21, 2017
Reply to Jesse
by: Troy

Hi Jesse. What you're doing is good, just keep the olive leaf extract and colloidal silver separate from the others when you take these - so completely on their own. Also look to include the hydrogen peroxide protocol as outlined in the One Minute Cure book. You really need this - it's very powerful. Don't forget to eat lots of alkaline foods too from this list... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List.

All the best! :)

Dec 21, 2017
Reply to "Sodium and Seaweed Snacks" Comment
by: Troy

These snacks are okay if need be, just don't go overboard with them. Sauerkraut is good for you too but make your own rather than buy the packaged varieties (it's easy to make - all you need is cabbage and Himalayan pink rock salt). For extra sodium, add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of filtered water and drink. Baking soda is high in sodium, and it alkalizes the body (like HP does), which is a good thing and will help you also. Now, low sodium is a cause of leg cramps but it's not actually the main cause, a magnesium and potassium deficiency is. Get extra magnesium into you (magnesium citrate), along with organic ACV for the potassium. The ACV will also help with the eradication of the virus.

Canned pink or red Alaskan salmon is also okay. Read this article first before you buy any canned fish though... 4 Canned Fish You Should Avoid At All Costs.

All the best!

Dec 22, 2017
Coconut Oil & Oregano
by: Bummed Out Gal

Hey Troy & Everyone!

I'm 10 days into this change of lifestyle and raw food/supplement plan, after a suspicion that I was infected just over a month ago with HSV-2. Too soon for the IgG test to be reliable so I will test at the 3 month mark to be certain, though my physical symptoms are all text book HSV-2.

QUESTION: After letting the coconut oil & oregano oil sit under my tongue for 10 min, am I supposed to swallow it or spit it out?

I've done coconut oil pulling where you swish it around for 10 min then spit it out, so just wanted to be sure!

Thanks & Merry Xmas!

Dec 22, 2017
Info for you
by: Cj

Hi Troy, after finding out my IgG level this morning and being distraught all day, I thought when and if you reply you may be able to help. Sorry to write twice in a day but so discouraged after 9 months on this... the time, effort, money has been overwhelming. I don't want to quit but I am having a hard time now seeing the finish line. Is it possible the reading was wrong? It is the same testing facility from my June test. I wanted to list what I have been doing since March, maybe I've done something wrong ?

6am. 5 drops peroxide
630am. Olive leaf and silver nader under tongue
7am. Shot of ACV
730am. Oregano oil in water and on back of spine. Organic tea with lemon
8am. BHT, 2 tablespoons coconut oil
830am. Banana and chapparal
9am. Apple and 3000mg vit C. Shot of ACV
930am. OO under tongue
10am. Milk thistle. 2 teaspoons coconut oil
11am. Peroxide
12pm. Fruit salad/apple, banana 3000 vit c
130pm. 5 pills spirulina
230pm. Milk thistle, 2 teaspoons coconut oil
330pm. Peroxide
5pm. Oregano oil in water
530pm. Olive leaf
6pm. 4 or 5 chlorella tablets
630pm. A good chunk of cilantro
7pm. Dinner - Kale or spinach, onions, tomatoes carrots, cucumbers, ACV, 2 eggs, probiotic, zinc, one lysine. Glass of water with wheat grass powder
730pm. 3000 mg's vit c
8pm. BHT, 2 tablespoons coconut oil
9pm. OO under tongue
10pm. Silver under tongue, OO oil on back with DMSO,, magnesium citrate, vit d3
Water only except one beer a week

I have been doing this since mid March, the silver and BHT I dropped to twice per day according to protocol, also doing OO under tongue and olive leaf 3x per day for a month. Most of food is 80% organic (winter time). I eat chicken and salmon organic 2x per month. Eat out once per week, baked haddock with salad and mixed vegetables and one beer. That has been my routine for 9 months. You don't have to post. I just wanted to pass on so maybe you could help me. I am sorry to ask... I just don't know what to do and how others have such low numbers and are getting negative results. Thank you Troy.

Dec 23, 2017
About diet
by: Rabi Sharma

Very inspiring story and I'm very happy you are sharing your experience. Can I eat rice, chapati and fish? also, can I apply oregano oil and coconut oil on my genital area?

Dec 27, 2017
Reply to Bummed Out Gal
by: Troy

No, you must swallow the oregano oil and coconut oil mix after holding it under your tongue. This is different to oil pulling. :)

Dec 27, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hi Cj. Sorry for the late reply, took a bit of a break over Christmas. Ok, lets start with your test result. Firstly, the small breakout you had a few weeks ago could certainly up your IgG count. In fact, this was highly likely the reason why this occurred. The problem with any test that tests for viral antibodies (your bodies immune reaction) rather than direct detection of the virus (which there isn't a test for herpes) is that if you happen to get a breakout, even a minor breakout (which also happens frequently as the virus makes one last ditch effort to survive), your antibody count will go through the roof. Your immune response goes to work and hits the infection with all its got, which is why your antibody level rises. Remember, and I keep saying this a lot, Heather, and Jessica as well, continued to get outbreaks even up to the 8 month mark. Would their antibody count have been high when they got these breakouts? You bet! Any type of infection in the body increases the antibody count. That's how the human body works. The good news is even though your antibody count rises dramatically, it also falls very quickly as well.

Nothing has changed for you Cj. You are still on track. 3-4 months (the time you have left) is still more than enough. Think about the breakouts you were getting around this time last year compared to the one you just had. I'm willing to bet there's a big difference. Yes, it's hard to keep going when you feel things aren't going your way, but like I said, nothing has changed for you. You will still get that negative result - I know it in my heart.

With what you're currently doing/your protocol, make sure you take St John's Wort with your BHT for absorbability - that's really important. If you're taking the Olivus OLE (hopefully you are), you should still be up around 4-6 capsules daily. Remember, plenty of alkaline foods too, particularly cilantro (eat as much as you can stomach), along with your chlorella and sprirulina, and H2O2 of course.

Stay the course Cj and keep the faith. 2018 is going to be your year.

All the best to you!

Dec 27, 2017
Reply to Rabi
by: Troy

Wild caught salmon is okay to eat. A small amount of rice is also okay. No chapati though. It's made from wheat, a hybrid grain that you must avoid. The oregano and coconut oil is only used externally on the base of the spine, not the genitals. Use a 3% dilution/solution of hydrogen peroxide (make sure it's this amount or it can burn) on any breakouts or lesions on or around the genitals. :)

Dec 27, 2017
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday. I have posted questions two or three times now and for whatever reason they have not been approved. I was hoping that in the season of giving, you would have uploaded my comments/questions and provided some clarification. I know you recognize my IP address and perhaps you are upset about the last question I asked about organic grapefruit juice. My intentions were not to discredit you, but rather to understand. As a medical student, it’s in my nature to ask multiple questions. After all, what kind of doctor would I become if I wasn’t inquisitive. I was hoping that once I beat this virus, I could really change the field of Medicine, especially in the US. I know now that I only have God to help me in this journey, since you no longer wish to answer me despite finding the time to answer others. I know you are busy, but it saddens me when my messages are blatantly ignored, especially since they were not at all disrespectful. Nonetheless, I hope you have a wonderful new year and may God bless you.

Dec 27, 2017
I will
by: Cj

Troy, thank you for your reply. I was very discouraged, depressed after so much effort, struggle, time, money etc. What you say makes sense... yes my small BO was at the end of November start of December and my test was on the 15th. My ozone Dr said the same thing, that my immune system was in high gear. I have been taking the St. John's wort too, just forgot to list it and I eat half plate of cilantro almost every night. I have not veered the course even after hearing my test result, although I did eat some things at Christmas I shouldn't have; roast beef, potatoes and two tools and ice cream. It was so good but I felt bad after and went right back to the diet. I knew you would reply as always and I appreciate it as always. I will continue until the end of March and re test then. I was thinking about going back up to 75 drops per day of the h2o2. Not sure if this would be helpful? It almost seems like every 10 weeks I have one small BO but back in September it was just a red spot but it was gone in 12 hours, so hopefully this last one a few weeks ago might be the last. Thanks again and hope you had a good holiday. I will keep watching the questions in support of others on here.

Dec 28, 2017
by: Jessica

Hi Troy,
First let me say thank goodness for you and people like you who educate for free and are dedicated to bettering people's lives. I was just recently infected with hsv-2. I immediately showed symptoms of an outbreak, and received my diagnosis the morning of 12/26. I have been devastated since. I couldn't eat, sleep, think of anything other than the fact that I now have this gross invader in my body that can do whatever it wants to me whenever it wants. The past 2 days I have decided to use the strength I know that I have and focus on beating this, rather than dwelling in the sadness of having contracted it. Coming across this story, this page, has helped my morale more than I could even begin to describe. I have always known how amazing the human body is, it loves us and wants to be good to us, we just need to give it the right tools to do so. I am healing of my first outbreak, finishing up about 6 more Valtrex pills then switching to taking 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil per day, as well as a Monolaurin supplement. I have to still watch your recommended videos, as well as do a lot more research regarding a raw food diet and develop a solid plan before embarking on this journey, as I want to do it the right way and absolutely rid my body of this virus. Now for just a couple questions....

Concerning your knowledge of hsv, the fact that I was exposed, showed symptoms so quickly, and had what appears to be a fairly mild first outbreak that is already going away, do you think that this may mean I have a fairly mild strain of the virus and will hopefully be easy to beat?

Are there any other success stories of following this protocol that I could read while starting it? Heather lays out her story so perfectly, I would love to read anymore like it. It provides a lot of motivation and keeps my mind in the right place, which I believe will be critical during this fight.

I know this is an odd request, but I would really like to know if there is anyone else that is planning to soon begin this protocol to cure themselves of the virus. I would find it exceptionally helpful to have a 'buddy' so to speak. I have not told anyone of my diagnosis other than my mother. It would be nice to have someone else on my side going through this journey. Would you be able to connect me with someone? Or perhaps someone here sees this and feels the same.

Sorry for the long post, again thank you so much for doing what you do and I cannot wait to hear from you.

All the best,

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to "Thank you" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, because of the huge number of questions that now get posted every week (and these are continuing to grow at a rapid rate), I simply cannot get to everyone so I have to cull what comes in. The other problem I have is that I spend much of my time essentially answering the same questions. I'm only one person. If you have a genuine question about the protocol that hasn't already been asked I will answer it. I don't remember what your questions were to be honest.

All the best to you. :)

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

There would be no harm in upping the H2O2 again. This might actually be good and give your immune system that one last final kick that it needs. Like I said, you're still on course.

All the best Cj!

Dec 29, 2017
PH testing strips
by: Anonymous

Should we use urine PH testing strips to see how alkaline our body is? I recently picked up some from a health food store and I’m not sure how accurate they actually are. According to this I’m probably still not consuming enough fruits and vegetables.

Dec 29, 2017
Antibodies IgG Test
by: Hope

Hi Troy,

Thank you very much for your time and help.

I just got tested and my IgG for Herpes 2 came out positive 36,20 (says negative under 20, indeterminate between 20-25 and positive more than 25). I guess my levels are not so high but I contracted the virus a month and a half ago so maybe they are still increasing...

I am a bit confused because I also tested positive (IgG) results for Epstein Barr, Varicella... Infections I had as a child, the antibodies of those virus are still very high 25 years later... The doctor told me the antibodies last forever in the body, so how is it possible to test negative for herpes on an IgG test after this protocol? Is the absence of OB's the only way to know you killed the virus? Nobody seems to have a clear explanation for this.

Looking forward for your answer.

Dec 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

Would this protocol be effective against HPV as well? There seems to be quite a bit of overlap in the natural remedies recommended for HPV and HSV. Researching oregano oil is what actually brought me to this site.

Thanks in advance.

Jan 02, 2018
Reply to Jessica
by: Troy

Hi Jessica. You are going through what virtually every person who first finds out they have herpes goes through. Thankfully, you wont be stuck with it for the rest of your life (as per the crazy medical belief). As far as knowing how badly you have been infected and how quickly you can cure this (this is one of the most frequently asked questions too by the way), it's impossible to say. And unfortunately, there is no real way to tell. Even an IgG test wont give the answer as your antibodies take months to peak. I recommend you focus on what you need to do to beat this rather than how long it will take. Do everything right and you will absolutely 100% beat this. You can also read Jessica's story on how she got that negative test here... How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes by Jessica (New Zealand). Eric also recently tested negative (see his post above) and he's planning to help in big way this year once he resettles (he lost everything in the hurricane last year). Eric is planning to start a support group for herpes sufferers as well, which will be terrific. We will let you know as soon as he has it up and running.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Jessica! :)

Jan 02, 2018
Reply to "pH Testing Strips"Comment
by: Troy

Yes, knowing what your pH level is every day is crucial. If it's low then consume more green foods such as wheat grass or chlorella (the best), follow the hydrogen peroxide protocol, and even add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water every third day and drink to increase your pH if need be. I use the saliva testing strips myself. Just remember, first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything is the optimum time to test your pH. :)

Jan 02, 2018
Reply to "HPV" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, this protocol works for eradicating both HPV and Epstein Barr. :)

Jan 02, 2018
Reply to Hope
by: Troy

I've brushed on this briefly in other Q&A's. Yes the antibodies remain in your body forever (for your immune systems future reference), however, your IgG levels will still drop to below 1.0 (negative reading). As I said, a small (minute) amount of antibodies will remain for future reference but the virus, including epstein barr, will be dead and buried. Have a read of this Q&A for more info on herpes testing... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

Jan 02, 2018
by: Hope

Thanks for your answer.

I am trying to eat all raw and I would like to know if Hemp protein is ok to eat and if I can add it to my green powder juice that already contains wheat grass, chlorella, spirulina and barley grass.

Jan 06, 2018
Tired body
by: T

Hey Troy

Thanks for responding to my comment on the OLE brands in Australia. I have been taking a lot of OLE (tincture and tablets) and have started taking Oregano oil (internally). I have also started taking some chlorophyll pills which I have heard helps.

Lately though my body just seems to be a bit tired and I've heard this is the body's way of recovering. I have been drinking a lot of water and am trying to get into eating more fruits and vegetables and salads etc, but I want to know if there is a way I can be a bit more active?


Jan 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, would you recommend adding MMS to the Herpes protocol as well. I have read many testimonials of it working for others online, however, none of them say they tested negative... they just say "I don't have outbreaks anymore!"

Jan 07, 2018
Bottled water and holidays
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I currently have the hsv2 virus and am planning to start this diet and regime in about a months time. I read that one should not drink tap water and should drink filtered water instead, but I was wondering if bottled spring water is okay? If not can I use tap water and buy a filter? Also over the summer period I'll be going on 2 separate holidays but they're back to back so I'll be away for a total of 4 weeks in a row. I fully intend to stick with the olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, oregano oil, etc, routine, and eat fruits, etc, however I expect that I won't be able to fully follow the strict diet required for this process. I won't be consuming any alcohol though. I mention this as I'm eager to find out how much of a set back this 4 week period will be? And also to see how much of an extension I should add on to the time I spend on this diet/protocol as a result of this 4 week period.
Look forward to hearing your response.
Many thanks.

Jan 07, 2018
When you test negative after protocol
by: Valentina

When your IgG levels fall below 1.0 after this protocol - can you still infect someone else with HSV? Or can you go on living your life without EVER worrying about transmitting this virus? Thank you.

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to Hope
by: Troy

Hemp protein and hemp seeds are extremely good for you so by all means include them when you can. :)

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to T
by: Troy

You're suffering from herxheimers reaction (detoxing effects). Unfortunately, this can go on for a while, particularly if you weren't healthy to begin with or weren't already following a healthy lifestyle. I recommend a probiotic supplement and eating plenty of probiotic rich foods. Get your gut healthy, which will also help to filter and remove the toxins in your body. Start on the hydrogen peroxide protocol from the The One Minute Cure book. This will also make a big difference.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to MMS Comment
by: Troy

MMS can easily be incorporated into this protocol. While I haven't personally heard from anyone who has used MMS, there seems to be plenty of people lauding its effects on their herpes. Just make sure you follow Jim Humbles protocol to-the-letter... The Jim Humble MMS Protocols and don't use the hydrogen peroxide with the MMS protocol, only use one of these at a time. You will also need to drop the colloidal silver while taking the MMS as this can interfere with its absorption.

All the best!

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to "Bottled Water and Holidays" Comment
by: Troy

Do not drink bottled water. The only safe water to drink is water that you've filtered yourself (then you know it's healthy). Have a read of this article on the best water filtration systems by Dr Mercola... The Most Dangerous Types of Water You Can Drink. Even though it's a bit of a sales type page, it still contains some handy info. In regards to going on holidays, just do the best you can while you're away. It may add an extra month to your time frame (it may not though - impossible to say or predict). Just get back fully to what you were doing when you left as soon as you return and you'll be fine.

All the best! :)

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to Valentina
by: Troy

Once your IgG level is below 1.0 you no longer have the virus, so you cannot infect another person - it's impossible. This is one of the most difficult things for herpes sufferers to accept, primarily because of the medical belief (and subsequent propaganda and brain washing of patients) that once you have the herpes virus you have it for life. Do not fall for this. :)

Jan 08, 2018
MSM & other supplements
by: Lynn

Hello Troy!

Is it okay to take Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). This is an organic sulphur compound in powder or tablet form, as well as a multi vitamin from wholefoods. I also found a wholefoods plant based iron supplements ( I take iron for anemia)? You're so awesome & Happy New Year!!!

Jan 08, 2018
by: Alexa

Hi Troy. Did Heather detox first... and then begin this protocol? Or did she detox during it? Does detoxing throughout this 12 months process detox all the supplements out?

Jan 08, 2018
Green Smoothie Cleanse
by: Anonymous

Hello, can I do the Green Smoothie Cleanse as a way to detox my body, as well as, use the Oregano Oil, OLE, Colloidal Silver, BHT, Vitamin C, L-Lysine, St. Worts, and Elderberry? Will I still get rid of the virus?

Jan 08, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
Thank you very much for your response to my question on bottled water and holidays. Regarding the water, I read the article in the link you sent but I live in university halls so I'm not allowed to install an under sink filtration system for example so I'm just wondering if a jug system with filter cartridges would be sufficient?
Many thanks.

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to "Water" Comment
by: Troy

A water jug filtration, although not perfect, is still better than nothing. Just go with a good brand such as Brita. :)

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to Alexa
by: Troy

Heather detoxed (did a gut/colon cleanse) before she started. Doing a colon cleanse during this protocol is not recommended as, yes, you will basically be throwing (pooping) your supplements down the drain. If you've started on the protocol already, don't worry about a cleanse, continue on. If you haven't started and want to do a cleanse/detox before commencing then by all means do this. Remember, it's best to start taking your supplements (OLE, oregano oil, etc) AFTER you finish your cleanse (most are a 21 day cleanse).

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jan 08, 2018
Water Pitcher
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I am one month into the protocol. So far so good.

I just read your response about water. I have bottled spring water. Would it be ok to filter my bottled spring water in a water filter pitcher?

Just want to also caution others to make sure their wheat grass powder comes from a source that does heavy metal testing to ensure it has no lead contamination and that their matcha green tea powder comes from clean regions in Japan instead of China (which may have heavy metals). I made both of these mistakes at first, so I'm just trying to help others. :)

Also just want to wish you a Happy New Year. Thank you so much for all you do.

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to Lynn
by: Troy

MSM is a terrific supplement. I take it myself (and have been for years) to help with sore joints - so by all means include it in your daily regimen. A plant based iron supplement is also a good choice but I'm not big on synthetic multivitamin supplements to be honest. Better to get your nutrients from natural plant sources such as chlorella, wheat grass, or plant based colloidal minerals.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Lynn, and happy new year too! :)

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to "Water Pitcher" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, this would actually be a good idea. And yes, you do need to be very careful and check where your wheatgrass and matcha (or any supplements for that matter) come from. Chlorella and spirulina should also be tested, so check your sources carefully with these as well. It's unfortunate that supplement companies can still get away with selling rubbish. They can get their supply from China (which is cheap and nasty) then package it up and sell for a big profit.

Thanks for the reminder and heads up. :)

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to "Green Smoothie Cleanse" Comment
by: Troy

Difficult to say (and predict). You need to give yourself every chance possible of beating this virus. I would at the VERY LEAST also include chlorella and the hydrogen peroxide. :)

Jan 09, 2018
Myrrh for herpes
by: Anonymous

Can I add Myrrh capsules to my diet as I’ve heard good things about this for herpes?

Jan 09, 2018
12 months
by: Matt


First off, thank you for everything. I'm now entering the 12 month mark and I'm definitely still having symptoms. A single blister every other month or so, with a slight tingling from day to day... although this has lessened as time goes on. When I first began the protocol, I made a few mistakes as far as diet goes; drinking black tea, eating raw nuts, using a collagen supplement. Also, over the past year, I've partook in alcohol about 5 times in excess. With that said, I've literally been clean eating 365 of those days and have missed the protocol for about 10 of those days.

If possible to assess, how far do you imagine this has set my progress back? And how much further until I should get an IgG test? Just to reassure you, I am not detoured in the slightest and am going to see this out until the end.

Thanks again.

Jan 11, 2018
Supplement question?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I'm not having outbreaks. Can I skip the lysine and still cure myself? Is lysine's only function to manage outbreaks?

Also, has anyone been able to test negative on your protocol without taking colloidal silver? I have an unfavorable reaction to it.

Thank you in advance!

Jan 11, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I can see that this protocol overwhelms a lot of people, not just me. Its an amazing protocol, and of course hard work and dedication is required. What is your biggest tip you would give someone who is doubting they can fit this protocol into their daily routine and change their way of life?

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to "Myrrh for Herpes" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, myrrh works well. Try and go with the resin extract if you can as this is the strongest. :)

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

Hi Matt. Very difficult to say how far your progress has been set back, or even if it has been set back. I recommend you still go for an IgG test (make sure you ask for a "type specific" IgG test) after 12 months to see where your at and what your viral count/load is. This way you'll know for sure. You've got the right attitude too. Sticking it out until you get that negative result is definitely what you need to do. It's only a matter of time!

All the best! :)

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to "Supplement Question" Comment
by: Troy

If you're not getting breakouts then, yes, you can skip the lysine if you want. Don't skip the vitamin C and zinc though, you need these to build up your immune system. If the colloidal silver is causing problems then either go low on the dosage and slowly build it up or leave it out for the time being and try it again further down the track. If your immune response is significantly low or you have a high level of pathogens/toxins in your body then this would likely be what's causing the problem, not the colloidal silver as such. Starting off on even five or ten ml's a day would be okay. Maybe try this amount first and see how your body reacts?

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to "Tip" Comment
by: Troy

We as humans are creatures of habit. No one likes it when their boat is rocked. When you haven't done something before ever in your daily life and then, all of a sudden, you have to make drastic changes, it's hard... only until it's not. By that I mean, once this becomes a habit for you and ingrained in your brain, it will become easy (or at least easier). I've been taking lots of supplements, herbs , spices, you name it, for over 20 years now. When I go out, even to a barbecue or a friends place, I take the supplements I need with me. A friend of mine who competes in fitness competitions (he recently won the INBA world title) takes his Eskie with him wherever he goes with all his prep foods and supplements - it's nothing for him. My point is, you get used to it. Remember too, it's not forever. 12 months goes by very quickly.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jan 12, 2018
How to know if the diet is working?
by: Anonymous

Once you start this diet how do you know it is working? The first tests you were doing, were you doing them on your own? Can I buy my own swabs and send them in to see if it is working without going back to my doctor 3 or 4 times and looking like a crazy person getting her to keep checking me for herpes?

I just got diagnosed with herpes the other day after only having sex for the first time and I am feeling really defeated right now, but this article has given me a lot of hope. I really hope this is true.

Jan 12, 2018
by: Mackenzie

Hey Troy I did this protocol for about three months but gave up and recently found I was pregnant and was just told I was negative of the virus! I was shocked. My husband and I agreed though that I should follow this protocol for the rest of my pregnancy and after. I wanted to see what your thoughts were on sweet potatoes... baked in the oven. Is that okay to eat?

Jan 13, 2018
lesions and scars
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Is it okay to eat the plant-based Beyond Burger patty as a substitute for a hot meal from time to time? It's made of 100% pea protein and is dairy/gluten/GMO free.

Also, when I have an outbreak, is it better to administer coconut oil/oregano oil on the blisters or manuka honey? Finally, what's the best way to heal from the scars after the lesions have crusted over? Would you recommend Vitamin E, coconut oil and/or aloe vera gel? Thank you always.

Jan 13, 2018
by: Hope

Hi again Troy.

My blood tests shows that after 1 month on the protocol now I have an imbalance of zinc and copper, I am too high in Zinc and too low in copper. My doctor told me I have to stop the zinc supplement because can be dangerous for my health.

Can I continue with the protocol without the zinc? Maybe stop for a couple of months and start taking it again?

Also what is your opinion on Cell Food oxygen drops: contains "Aerobic" proteins, 17 amino acids, 34 enzymes, 78 major and trace elements, deuterons, electrolytes, and dissolved oxygen.

Thank you!

Jan 14, 2018
Body products
by: Anonymous

Heather mentioned not to use certain body products, such as, deodorant with aluminum, certain lotions, soap, shampoos and conditioners... is Dove soap good to use during the detox process? Also, what brands of natural deodorant, body lotion or oil, and shampoo and conditioner would you recommend to use?

Jan 14, 2018
Dr Sebi
by: Anonymous

Do I have to follow Dr. Sebi's diet to be successful or can I be successful just following a plant based diet? I’m torn.

Jan 15, 2018
Tongue bumps
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I read here in the comments that someone was getting red painful bumps under their tongue. I am getting the exact same symptom. This is probably from holding the oregano oil under the tongue with coconut oil. I'm also experiencing tooth sensitivity.

I notice Heather did not hold the oil under her tongue. She only mentions drinking it. She also drank the colloidal silver in water without holding it under her tongue.

Can I skip the "under the tongue" part of the protocol? These sores/bumps are painful and they are multiplying even though I've been properly diluting the oregano oil.

Jan 17, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I've been reading about the powders one can add to shakes such as pomegranate and chlorella etc, but I was also wondering if it's okay to take pomegranate super strength antioxidant pills? The one I was looking at is simply supplements super strength pomegranate.

Many thanks.

Jan 18, 2018
Western Blot and Elsia test
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

I was wondering if you know where we can get access to the Western blot and the Elisa test which I heard were the best tests to take to determine if the virus is fully eradicated. I spoke to a doctor and he mentioned that the IgG test only measures antibodies in the system, not so much the viral load.

Jan 19, 2018
Hopeful and desperate
by: Alexa

I am a 21 year old DESPERATE girl who is more hopeful about this protocol and Troy than anything in my life. Sure, I've had my doubts (mostly just self doubting my potential and my discipline) but I need a buddy to talk to about this who could answer questions for me and I can answer questions for them instead of stalking this page and bothering Troy like a feen! Ha ha, with all the research I've done the past month, and the amount of times I've already posted and have gotten perfect responses from Troy, I think I am ready to embark on this journey. It would be much easier to do this with someone with the same goal as me. If anyone, not just Jessica would love to be my friend throughout this (hopefully this message gets approved) my email is The 0 is a zero. I am willing to be a support system just as much as I am desperate for one. Troy, thank you thank you thank you for the hope you've given all of us. Everyone on this page did the same thing I did when I found this protocol, took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief. I've always been a holistic gal... especially with the Lupus I mentioned to you on the other thread. At just 21, my health has been compromised in so many horrible ways, but blood is pumping through my veins, my heart is beating... there's not much more I can ask for other than this protocol you've blessed us with Troy. This is going to be amazing. Everyone who's commented and shared their journey, like CJ and Eric... thank you a million times over. I wish my best to everyone on this thread and can only hope some of you reach out to me and make this a change we can embark on together.

Jan 19, 2018
by: Cj

Dear Troy. Hope you are well. The last week or two I have had an erratic but regular tingle down below, almost like when you get a chill tingle on a cold day or even a warm day. Don't know if this is good or bad but never had it before. Also wanted to ask how to take baking soda. Morning or night with food or without. I can't find anything solid online. I am heading into my final 2 months of this, doing everything I am supposed to including 6 olive leaf and oregano oil under the tongue 3x per day and 50-60 drops of peroxide with all the others I am supposed to. If you have any advice or suggestions I would appreciate them. After reading Matts post I am worried. I also have only missed 2 days while on this, drank once in excess and maybe had some food I shouldn't a couple times. Still hopeful and trying to keep the faith. I will hit it as hard as possible. I was considering ozone for 8 weeks but I'm not quite ready for that. Thank you

Jan 21, 2018
HSV1- genital
by: Overwhelmed

I was diagnosed with HSV1-genital a little over two years ago now. All feels like a blur as I went into hiding and tried to forget the miserable pain mentally & emotionally. Physically I’ve had only about 3 breakouts. (I use the Valtrex they give me ONLY when having one).

My initial breakout my OBGYN said was one of the worst she’s seen. Ugh. She said I had come in contact with the virus within a week. Seeing as my ex was my partner for two years, I was living with him and raising his son... I was completely loyal to him. Never cheated... found evidence he was though. Was tested & told I had HSV-1 genital which is so hard to clarify how to fix it because there is information for type 1 & 2 but not a lot of info on HSV1- gen. Help please!

Anyways... will this process you’re talking about work for me too? So confused & don’t know what to believe anymore. Wasted thousands of dollars on holistic Dr's appointments and they say there's no healing. I believe there is! I just don’t know how to find the right one for me. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! I do lead a relatively healthy lifestyle currently... Fluoride free toothpaste, organic & free of all unhealthy additives, shampoo, conditioner, body lotions, face care. I take Standard process vitamins and young living oils. Eat as clean as I can.

P.S. I've also have had Ulcerative Colitis for the past 6 years. Now sure if this cleanse will help or hurt. The colitis is no joke and I’m really hesitant on doing cleanses. I just got out of a TWO month flare up.

Again. Ty for any answers your have.

Jan 21, 2018
Detox bath and foot pads
by: Junior

Do you use the detox and foot pads throughout the whole process or just in the beginning?

Jan 21, 2018
Breast Implants and Silver Fillings
by: Anonymous


I have silicone breast implants and silver fillings in my mouth. I have read that silicone is made from toxic chemicals and heavy metals like platinum and that silver fillings are 50% mercury. Since the herpes virus hides behind heavy metals in the body, I am wondering if my implants and fillings will hinder or even erase my chance at being able to get rid of the herpes virus. If so, I am going to have both extracted for the detox to work. Please help!

Jan 21, 2018
Hair Peroxide?
by: Natasha

Hi Troy. I am about to go full-on into the protocol (had a bit of a false start in July last year). Normally I have my hair bleached entirely platinum white blonde and it's just occurred to me that this may be bad in terms of putting chemicals onto my skin. I'm trying to limit toxins in every way possible. Or is it OK because it's peroxide (similar to H2O2???) Don't know if this is wishful thinking. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

Jan 21, 2018
Reply to "How to know if the diet is working?" Comment
by: Troy

Once you test positive for the virus there is no benefit whatsoever by continually testing yourself. If you've only been recently infected then your IgG count will continue to go up for at least the next 3-4 months, that's just how it works. Stick to the protocol and don't even look to get tested again until at least the 8 month mark. Have a read of this Q&A for more information on herpes testing... .

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to Mackenzie
by: Troy

Baked sweet potatoes (with no oil) are perfectly fine Mackenzie. Just remember to keep your calories up if you're going to follow this while pregnant and even look to take a good quality prenatal supplement so you and bub get the added nutrients you both need.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to "Lesions and Scars" Comment
by: Troy

Beyond Burger patties are processed rubbish, to be quite frank. Do not eat these. Make your own patties or something similar. Remember, no refined or processed foods only raw natural foods. Hydrogen peroxide is actually the best for helping to heal herpes lesions. Applying either aloe vera or a natural vitamin E cream after for the scars is very good. :)

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to Hope
by: Troy

Yes, you can stop with the zinc if you wish, however, one month of taking a zinc supplement would not cause an imbalance (if you're taking zinc chelate or colloidal zinc then this would be impossible as the body uses what it needs and safely discards the rest)). Simply take some colloidal copper to get your copper levels back up (your low copper level is actually causing the imbalance, not the zinc supplement). Cell food oxygen drops are also very good. I definitely recommend this if you can get it.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to "body Products" Comment
by: Troy

Do not use Dove soap, it's not natural. Have a read of this article for some handy tips on what natural body products to use... Your Guide to the Best Natural Body Care Products. :)

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to "Dr Sebi" Comment
by: Troy

Following a primarily raw plant based diet is all you need to do. Use Dr Sebi's diet as a guide, along with what's listed in the acid/alkaline food list article. :)

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to "Tongue Bumps" Comment
by: Troy

Give it a rest until the sores under your tongue heal then try again. The colloidal silver under the tongue shouldn't cause any adverse effects. The reason you hold these under the tongue first before swallowing (sublingual) is for enhanced absorbability... Sublingual administration. :)

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to "Pomegranate" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, these pills are fine and will give you even more of the enhanced benefits that pomegranates provide. :)

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to "Western Blot and Elsea Test" Comment
by: Troy

This Q&A article tells you how to go about getting the Western blot test... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here. :)

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to Alexa
by: Troy

Hi Alexa. I'm not particularly fond of publishing people's email addresses here. I've published yours but I would caution you to be weary of who you make contact with (if you do). Fraudsters and scammers stalk these types of threads looking for desperate people they can rip off. I delete and ban anywhere from 50 to 100 of these scammers posts every week (on here and on Facebook). Unfortunately, they simply use different IP addresses and bogus accounts and continue to spam. I'm really hoping that Eric will have his group page for herpes sufferers up and running soon. Then you will be able to make contact with other sufferers/people following this or similar protocols in a safe and secure environment.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hi Cj. Not sure about the "tingle" you speak of or what it may be to be honest. With the baking soda, you take it on an empty stomach 10 minutes before food 3 days per week. Only half a teaspoon or less or you could end up with diarrhea. Test your pH level first. If you're using the HP and taking a green food such as chlorella or wheat grass powder, your pH may already be high enough. In regards to the ozone therapy, it's definitely worth considering if you can. A guy (Zman) recently commented on the ozone therapy and how he's successfully using it in our "Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia" comments section. It's worth the read. Here's the link... 4 Powerful Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

Hope it helps.

All the best to you Cj!

Jan 22, 2018
Testing and olive leaf capsules
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy

I'm from the UK and am trying to get hold of some olive leaf capsules. I found the olivus olive leaf max capsules that you mentioned but it keeps saying they don't ship to the UK. I've been trying to find an alternative but a lot of them are 20%. I've seen a couple of 25% capsules but I'm not sure if any of these capsules are effective and don't have all the additives, etc. I'm wondering if you could help me? Or recommend an alternative? The second thing I wanted to mention is that I've been reading the article you listed on reliable and unreliable tests. Seeing as I'm in the UK I won't be able to get the Western blot test so I wanted to see if the IgG blood test would be my best bet? I know the article mentions that it's not totally reliable but I'm not sure what other tests would be available.

Thank you.

Jan 22, 2018
3% or 12% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
by: Hopeful from Asia

Dear Troy, it's been impossible for me to get any company to ship the 35% Food Grade HP to my city. However, I did find a website, Bobby's Healthy Shop, based in the UK that sells 3% and 12% Food Grade HP. I understand that HP needs to be 3% to apply topically when we get an outbreak at any stage. However I'm less clear on how to ingest this internally. In reference to the dilution table in The One Minute Cure, is that based on 35% food grade HP? Do I need to dilute it further if I buy the 3% HP? If so, do I follow the table? I'm just confused whether the table is for 35% or 3% HP. Thank you for clarifying. I'm finally adding HP to my protocol. It's been impossible before because no one shipped to my city.

Jan 22, 2018
Healing buddies
by: Lynn

Hello Troy,

Thank you for all of your support and the time you spend to answer so many questions! You are truly AMAZING! I know you're hesitant to post email addresses but please consider posting mine: It is wonderful reading the comments and I know I'm not alone in this but it would be nice to converse directly with others so that we can support and encourage one another. Thank you in advance!

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to Overwhelmed
by: Troy

It doesn't matter whether you have HSV2, HSV1, HSV1 genital, shingles, or any of the other strains of herpes viruses, the process is still EXACTLY the same. Detox and cleanse and remove all heavy metals, that's the basics. So nothing changes for you. You still follow the protocol the same as everyone else. Because you're suffering from ulcerative colitis, I would recommend you first start by reading this handy article... Ulcerative Colitis Diet: Foods, Supplements & Natural Remedies that Heal. The big two recommendations for reversing UC are lots and lots of probiotics (supplemental form and making/consuming your own probiotic rich foods), along with lots of high grade organic turmeric (with black pepper and organic virgin coconut oil for absorption). By the time you finish this protocol you will actually be cured of your ulcerative colitis as well as your HSV1 - it will get rid of both. Ulcerative colitis is made worse when you have a virus such as the herpes virus in your body. Did your UC become worse when you contracted HSV1? This is usually the case.

Start off slow with this protocol and you'll be fine. Remember, it's not a race.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to junior
by: Troy

You can use them as often as you like. The most effective way is to use them for a few weeks, then have a rest for a week or so, then begin again, and so forth. :)

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to "Breast Implants and Silver Fillings" Comment
by: Troy

I have to be honest with you about this. Breast implants are toxic, particularly silicone implants. The evidence is clear on this one unfortunately. Amalgam fillings are also not good. Whether you have them removed or not would be a personal choice of course due to the cost, time, etc. :)

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

HP on it's own is okay. Professional hair dyes add ammonia and other chemicals, which are not good. You could do it yourself if you're careful, which would be the best option. This article is quite helpful... How to Dye Your Hair With Hydrogen Peroxide.

Good luck!

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to "Testing and olive leaf capsules" Comment
by: Troy

Olivus definitely ship to the UK. When you check out (go to pay for your order) it comes up with what country you would like to ship to. Put in United Kingdom, your city/town, and zip code and it will calculate the cost... OliveLeafMAX Capsules . In regards to testing, the IgG test is still the best option if the Western blot can't be done. Just make sure you ask for a type specific IgG test. This is important.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

The 12% HP would be okay to use, you just need to triple the amount to get the correct dosage. For instance, if you look at the chart on page 74 of the book, on day one you take 3 drops of the 35% HP diluted in 6-8 ounces of distilled water 3 times per day. So if you have the 12% grade you would need 9 drops of this to make up (roughly) the same amount. So you would take 9 drops of the 12% HP diluted in 6-8 ounces of distilled water 3 times for the day. At the maximum dosage (day 23) you would need 75 drops in water taken 3 times per day.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jan 23, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I felt that adding chlorella to my smoothies ruined the taste a little so I started making a "chlorella tea" which I am in love with. Does the heat eradicate the benefits? If so, do you know any alternative way I can take it?

Thanks. :)

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to "Chlorella" Comment
by: Troy

Heating the chlorella destroys the nutrients and live enzymes so do not do this. Try either a cold type of tea, or do what my wife does, mix it in a small amount of water and chug it down!

Sorry, no real easy way. :)

Jan 23, 2018
Metal fillings
by: Becky

So does metal fillings stop the herpes protocol from working?

Jan 23, 2018
by: Matt

Hey Troy,

I've been taking 5000mg of absorbic acid at once.
Is this too much? Also, I've been taking the BHT, St. John wort and Vitamin C about 10 minutes before each meal. Is this the right way to go about it? Thank you.

Jan 24, 2018
Colloidal silver?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I'm confused about the colloidal silver dosage. Heather says she used 5 drops 5 times/day, a total of 25 drops. This is half a tablespoon or less a day. Is that correct or maybe she wanted to say 50 drops 5 times/day?

How many drops should I take every day or ml? I bought the colloidal silver you recommended on the protocol.(Sovereign Silver 10 PPM)

Thanks a lot!

Jan 24, 2018
Looking for hope
by: Anonymous

I’ve been doing this protocol since June of 2017. I slowly added the supplements and changed my diet to meet the protocol’s restrictions. I tested in October and was 6.6. After this, I added the food grade hydrogen peroxide which I’ve done twice now with going to 20 drops (I decided not to go to 25 drops since I only weigh 105lbs). I just received my current test results from two days ago and I’m so heart broken that the antibodies have gone up to a 6.95. Please give me some kind of hope to continue. Thank you for your time!

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to Becky
by: Troy

No. Your body will detox. It's like comparing living in the city with living out in the wilderness. The air is much cleaner out in the wilderness than what it is in the city (no vehicle fumes, pollution, etc) so technically your body would cleanse better if you lived amongst nature. However, it will still cleanse and detox if you live in the city, it can just take longer. Having amalgam fillings is similar to this analogy. If you choose to get them removed great. If you don't, don't be overly concerned. Your body will still detox. :)

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

Taking these 10 minutes before a meal is fine Matt, however, try not to take so much of the ascorbic acid in one hit. If you can break it down a bit more throughout the day that would be more beneficial. :)

Jan 25, 2018
Bone broth and protein
by: Matt

How detrimental is eating 100 grams of animal protein coming from the highest quality source? 100%, pasture raised, wild caught, etc.

Also, I'm a huge fan of bone broth because of the enormous amount of health benefits. But I've heard the collagen and gelatin fuel herpes. Where do you stand on this?

Thank you very much Troy.

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to "Colloidal Silver" Comment
by: Troy

With the colloidal silver you take one teaspoon (5 ml's) and hold under the tongue for 30 seconds then swallow. Do this 5 times a day for 3 months, then after this, take one teaspoon twice daily for a further 9 months. Also remember to never use a metal teaspoon when measuring out your dosage.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to "Looking for hope" Comment
by: Troy

I've answered similar questions to this many times. I'm not sure why you would get retested after only 3 months. There is no benefit to doing this. All it does is hurt your progress. Why? Because your antibodies take a long time to peak AND take a long time to go back down. This is how it works. Are you getting any breakouts? How do you feel physically (health wise). These are the indicators you need to focus on, not your antibody count. If you want to test and see where your at, do what James recommends, drink grapefruit or orange juice...

"Drinking grapefruit juice or freshly squeezed orange juice is a good way to test and see if the virus is still active in the body. These fruits should be eaten or juiced several times per week while detoxing. These fruits will cause outbreaks in most cases, only until the virus has been completely killed. As time goes on, the outbreaks will become less and less aggressive and last only a few days. This is a general rule of thumb but everybody is different until the body is completely detoxed and the virus has been destroyed".

Stay the course and don't get retested for at least another 6 months. Like I said, there's no benefit.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

I really don't see a problem if you're eating moderate amounts of high quality animal protein Matt. 100 grams is negligible in my opinion. With the bone broth, I'm also a big fan of this. Yes, it's a bit high in arginine, but like Dr Beverly Meyer says, once your immune system is strong you are better able to handle any reactions (if there are any) to arginine if you have herpes. Try it and see. If you find it causes breakouts then drop it, if not, consume in moderation. :)

Jan 25, 2018
Getting Tested
by: Dave

Hey Troy.
Well, just reached the 10 month mark following this protocol, while using pretty much most of the supplements mentioned and recommended. Had only two relatively mild OB's during this period of time.
Must say that I have 'tried my best' to challenge the virus by eating/consuming plenty of grapefruits/grapefruit juice to check its existence, but it had it's own mind and broke out when it felt like it - regardless of any proximity to the grapefruit I was consuming.
I must say that I still experience this tingling sensation down there - which clearly indicates its existence - can't say it's not frustrating and very disappointing. So, I ask, what now? How does one continue from here?

I have not taken the test yet, but considering doing it soon anyway, think it's about time. If it comes back positive, what then? How do I continue with this protocol? Do I level up the amounts and dosages once again to the max? How healthy is it to the body to continue consuming the BHT, Colloidal Silver, Zinc, H2O2, etc?

Regarding the test, (I actually never got tested before but was diagnosed visually for having genital Herpes - not knowing if it's type 1 or 2). At this point, after having this virus for 3 years now, and going through this protocol for almost a year, what is the best test recommended to take from the following for the most reliable and informative results, considering the Western Blot is not an option for me...
1. 'Herpes Type Specific Immunoblot Test by ELISA/IFA.
2. Herpes Type 1 and Type 2 Tests.
3. Herpes Simples Virus, Type 1 and 2 DNA , REAL-TIME PCR.


Jan 26, 2018
Looking for more hope
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your response. I feel great to be honest. I do feel like I am killing the virus. I don’t get the painful tingling sensation I used to get in the spot where my breakouts occur.
I did a bad breakout after the first time I tested in October. I did have a couple of outpatient procedures done since I was in a car accident. I had cortisone injections and they did another test with iodine. I looked up the molecular structure of cortisone and noticed there is oxygen in it so I thought this might have helped kill the virus. Any thoughts on this?
A couple weeks before I retested I did notice that when I climaxed I would have an internal serve of pain. I didn’t think much of it at the time since I didn’t have any other symptoms of having a breakout. I didn’t have any blisters or swollen glands. Now I’m thinking it must have been the virus that was causing this. This internal pain went away two days after I retested.

Jan 28, 2018
Recent diagnosis
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I was recently diagnosed with HSV earlier this month. They were not able to type it as my blood results came back negative so they said it was a recent infection. I already started with the oregano oil under the tongue and lower back. Other items I am using are chlorella pills, silver, and most of the powders for the shake (pomegranate, Maqui, camu, wheatgrass) and I am also beginning my raw food diet tomorrow. Due to this being a recent infection, how long would it take me to potentially get rid of the virus? Will everything that I have now get rid of it? Do I need to get OLE? I go back for another blood test to "type" the virus at the end of June and I'm praying for negative results.

Jan 29, 2018
Olive leaf max
by: Anonymous

Hi, I've been on the Olivus website to order the capsules but it says it's going to cost me $100 in total as I live in England. So I'm just wondering if there is a cheaper alternative? I assumed not but I wanted to check as this is going to be a real stretch. But absolutely no worries if not.

Many thanks.

Jan 30, 2018
Tail end of protocol
by: Cj

Hi Troy, trying to keep the questions at a minimum for my last couple of months but as always, thank you. If I embark on ozone therapy, from an ozone Dr not a home machine, I assume this is the "Cadillac" of doing hydrogen peroxide, but will the ozone interfere in any way with this protocol that I have put so much into. After my 12 months is up I really don't know if I could continue as I am leaving my job of 25 years to start my own business, so finances will be an issue and so will stress. Trying to keep stress and depression in check but very hard. Also wanted to add I was able to connect with a couple of the people here that posted emails... truly great people and we do our best to encourage and help each other. Thank u for that also.

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Dave
by: Troy

Hi Dave. You continue exactly as you are doing. Nothing changes. A person put up a post recently saying that as they've continued on this protocol, they've been regularly getting tested for the virus (not something I recommend, but up to them) and they've watched their IgG levels gradually come down on each test. She made an interesting comment... she said all you need to do is keep doing what you're doing until you get that negative test! It really is as simple as that. If it takes longer than 12 months, or shorter, it doesn't matter in the scheme of things. 12 months is a ball park figure. It will take longer for some people (especially those who've been infected for a long period) and shorter for others. Unfortunately, that's how it is. I always say that it's not a race. Of course everyone would like the virus gone as quickly as possible, but even if you had to continue for another 6 months, or even 12 months (just using this as an example), if it meant you were free from the virus for the rest of your life would it be worth it? I recommend you focus on building up your immune system to the absolute maximum. Hit the supplements and detoxing foods hard for the next 3 months. Get your daily intake of OLE up to 6 capsules a day (if you aren't already). Make sure the oregano oil is used topically on the base of the spine, orally under the tongue and taken with water. Consume lots of immune boosting herbs and spices, chlorella, cilantro, etc, everything you can get your hands on. Redo the HP protocol exactly as what's outlined in the One Minute Cure book. The herpes virus is stubborn. You need to hit it with all you've got to destroy it.

In regards to testing, the ELISA type specific is what you want according to herpes expert Dr Jen Gunter, so go with this if you can get it. It's a pity you didn't get an initial test done back at the beginning so you could compare. At least your current test will tell you exactly where you're at.

Stick with it Dave.

All the best to you!

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to "Looking for more hope" Comment
by: Troy

Cortisone sucks valuable minerals from the body so I wouldn't recommend opting for the injections too often. Other than this, sounds like you're on the right track.

All the best!

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to "Recent Diagnosis" Comment
by: Troy

You absolutely need the olive leaf extract. This is the most important (if you had to pick one). Work up to taking 6 of the OLE capsules a day. With your test, it's unlikely that you will test negative in June as your antibodies wont have gone back down by then. Don't be alarmed, this is how it works. Even if the virus is completely gone from your body by then your antibody count will still be high. Have a read of this article for more information on this... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

All the best!

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to "Olive Leaf Max" Comment
by: Troy

You could go with this brand of olive leaf... Seventh Wave Olive Leaf Extract. It's extremely potent and comes from the UK. Work up to taking 6 capsules a day.

All the best!

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hey, great that you were able to connect with some of the other people. With the ozone therapy, I believe it will help even more and wont interfere with what you're already doing/been doing. Also, even if once your 12 months is up all you do is continue to eat healthy and take a few supplements to keep your body healthy and immunity up (ie, OLE, chlorella/wheat grass, probiotics) this will be enough. Remember, it's about staying healthy too so you grow to be an old man! lol.

Great you're starting your own business too. Hope it works out.

All the best to you Cj! :)

Feb 01, 2018
by: Cj

Hi Troy, I wanted to lay off the questions for a bit to give others a chance. I am extremely discouraged but you may have answered what i was seeking with Dave. Last night and this morning I noticed a small red spot indicative of a break out, not positive but fairly sure. I would guess it's because I never had random spots show up before I was infected. I am extremely discouraged... I have just finished my tenth month. I have had a lot of stress with this, my job and personal life, beyond normal, and I hate to admit as a grown man I cry often. I know you're not Dr Phil but I am grateful to you. I really would like to be done with this by the end of March, which would mark 12 months, but if this is a BO then that may be a pipe dream. I, like many, are putting faith in you. If 12 months is not enough do you suggest longer? It seems like clock work every 8-10 weeks and as I mentioned I have tingling on a regular basis. I'm not sure how to get my stress levels down, my mind does not stop running. I know you are very busy with questions on your site but this is one I would really like help with. Getting a BO this late in the protocol, does that mean I have failed. I have worked so hard, spent so much and sacrificed. Thanks Troy

Feb 01, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thank you Troy. I just ordered a bottle of the Olivus OLE Max today and should receive it by Monday. I wanted to check with you to see how my regime looks. I am currently on Day 3.

All of my supplements are taken at least 10-15 minutes apart and I will add the OLE capsules in there once I receive them.

Morning (all between 6:30am and 11:30am): 1.Oregano oil/Coconut oil under tongue and lower back along with 4 drops in about 4-6oz filtered water.
2. Silver
3.Drink a warm cup of ACV with a teaspoon of raw honey.
4. Vitamin C 5. Antioxidant shake (with majority of the same powders as Heather used) with cilantro and hemp protein and banana shake with chia seeds afterwards
6. Silver
7. I'm planning to add a cup of Match green tea some mornings as well.

Afternoon (between 12pm and 5pm):
1. Chlorella tablets on empty stomach (highest dose recommended on package is 6 which I take) 2. Vitamin C
3. Silver
4. Spinach and kale salad with cherry tomatoes and 2 caps full of ACV/sometimes another veggie (sweet potato and carrots are what I've been doing so far. Trying to see what else I can add)
5. For a snack in mid afternoon I eat an apple/banana with organic peanut butter.

Evening (usually between 7pm and 10:30pm):
1. Vitamin C
2. Silver
3. Cup of warm ACV and raw honey
4. Antioxidant shake and hemp protein and banana shake with chia seeds (I may include a vegetable as mentioned above)
5. Silver
6. Oregano oil/Coconut oil under tongue and on lower back as well as 4 drops of oregano oil in 4-6oz of water

I drink at least a gallon of filtered water with lemon throughout the day.

This diet has been extremely hard, but it is also only day 3. I'm adjusting. I've been also trying to train myself mentally by listening to motivational speeches, mostly Les Brown and Abraham Hicks. These help me to stay focused and positive.

One last thing, I will be going out of town one weekend this month. I plan to continue to my regime. I was wondering, though, would I be okay to eat out at a vegetarian or vegan restaurant or should I just stick to my own food? If I had, say, one bowl of ice cream or a candy bar, would that set me back? I don't think that I will do this but I thought I'd ask just in case I lose control.

Feb 02, 2018
So encouraging
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with HSV-2 last July. At first I was in denial as to having the virus because I didn’t have any outbreaks so I thought the test was false. I recently had an outbreak in November that lasted about 3 days. When I sat and looked back I remembered that I had all the same symptoms that I had for a "yeast infection" back in February of 2017. So I probably had contracted the virus then. About a week ago I had another breakout but it was no blisters or open sores, it just hurt extremely bad! I really want to try this but I’m not sure how to start. If there’s anything you can tell me to lead me in the right direction to actually start it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Feb 03, 2018
35% Hydrogen peroxide illegal in UK without licence?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I hope this message finds you well. I was considering starting the hydrogen peroxide treatment only to read that the buying of 35% is now illegal in the UK without a license? The maximum legal percentage to buy this is 12%. I couldn't find a similar strength of amazon or anything either... am I searching for the right thing?

Here is where I read about the law:

I take OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, chlorella and eat as the protocol requires also. I also intend to do regular heavy metal cleanses containing Bentonite Clay, Cilantro,Activated Carcoal, Bayberry, Chlorella, Spirulina, Moringa,Cascara Sagrada, Dandelion Root, Burdock root and Diatomaceous Earth. Will this work if I am unable to get the hydrogen peroxide?

Many thanks.

Feb 03, 2018
Daily Breakdown
by: Nami

Hi Troy, all,

I've decided to finally post a comment here after having read through the main article, Heather's story, Jessica's story, and all of the comments and replies on each. It has definitely helped me knowing that I am not going through this all alone.

I also I just want to say that Troy, you are an absolute all-star and I've scarcely come across anybody so kind, helpful and altruistic in my entire life. When I get this nasty thing out of my system, I, like CJ am going to come and thank you in person.

Just like everybody else here I'm sure, I go through periods of great hope as well as periods of great despair and misery. Sometimes I feel totally optimistic, but I still breakdown crying several times a day. The only thing I know for certain is that healing from HSV is going to be a journey and we have to just keep pushing through. Time is going to pass regardless of whether we decide to apply maximum effort to eradicate this thing — so we might as well go for it!

Posted below is my daily schedule (beginning around the time I wake up) for those perhaps looking for some structure. Troy, if you see anything that looks wonky please let me know so I can eliminate it!

10:00 AM: Oregano oil on spine (3 drops diluted in coconut oil)
10:15 AM: H2O2 therapy (# of drops varies according to 1-Minute Cure)
10:30 AM: Oregano oil in water, 3 drops
10:40 AM: Matcha / coconut milk drink
10:45: AM: Vitamin D + coconut oil (1 cap, 5000 iu)
11:00 AM: Olive Leaf Max (2 caps, 1000mg)
11:15: AM:BHT (1 cap, 250 mg) + St. John’s Wort (1 cap, 300 mg) + small amount of coconut oil
11:30 AM: Morning smoothie -> frozen berries, spinach, parsley, coriander, 2 opened monolaurin capsules (1200 mg), 1 tsp of acai, pomegranate, camu camu, moringa, maqui, and maca powders, 1 tbsp of chia seeds, 1 tbsp of ground flax seeds + (with smoothie) 2-Stage Release Vitamin C (1 cap, 1000 mg), Zinc (1 cap, 30 mg), L-Lysine (2 caps, 1000 mg), Echinacea (1 cap, 200 mg)
11:45 AM: Chlorophyll water (extra concentrated, 15 drops in water)
12:00 PM: Chlorella (3 tabs)
12:15 PM: Lecithin (1 cap, 1200 mg)
12:30 PM: ACV + water
12:45 PM: Colloidal silver under tongue for 30 sec (1 tsp)
1:00 PM: Oregano oil under tongue + coconut oil (10 min)
1:15: PM: H2O2 therapy
1:30 PM: Olive Leaf Max (2 caps)
1:45 PM: Chlorella (3 tabs)
2:00 PM: Lecithin (1 cap)
2:15 PM: BHT + St. John’s Wort + Coconut oil
2:30 PM: Lunch -> Salad with leafy greens and chopped veggies + raw garlic + chickpeas or black beans or sardines + L-Lysine (2 caps)
2:45 PM: Oregano oil in water
3:00 PM: Oregano oil under tongue
3:15 PM: Liver Cleanse (Thorne brand, 1 cap)
3:30 PM: Fish oil (2 caps)
3:45 PM: Chlorella (3 tabs)
4:00 PM: H2O2 therapy
4:15 PM: ACV water
4:30 PM: Colloidal Silver (1 tsp)
4:45 PM: Olive Leaf Max (2 caps)
5:00 PM: Chlorella (3 tabs)
5:15 PM: Liver Cleanse (1 cap)
5:45 PM: Seriously.. Just relax lol
6:00 PM: BHT + St. John’s Wort + coconut oil (2 caps of each)
6:15 PM: Dinner -> Salad, or baked sweet potato / beets, or roasted vegetables + L-Lysine (2 caps)
6:30 PM: Lecithin (2 caps)
6:45 PM: Oregano oil in water (3 drops)
7:00 PM: Oregano oil under tongue
7:15 PM: Chlorophyll water
7:30 PM: Colloidal silver under tongue
7:45 PM: Probiotic (1 cap)
8:00 PM: chill
8:15 PM: the
8:30 PM: heck
8:45 PM: out
9:00 PM: it’s going to be okay
9:15 PM: :) <3
9:30 PM: Oregano oil on spine

Here are some of the treatments I use topically: DMSO gel, tea tree oil, Melissa (lemon balm), oregano oil. I stopped using hydrogen peroxide topically as I read it can actually weaken the skin quite a bit and slow the regeneration process; if you do decide to use it, use it sparingly.

Additional info: The brands for all the products I use are the ones recommended by Troy in the main article or the ones recommended by James Destroy Disease on YouTube. The products are indeed very expensive (total cost), but it's either that or suppressive therapy / meds for the rest of my life — not interested. If you're on a budget, go for the most key components of this protocol that Troy mentions many times throughout the comments section. Most of the other supplements I purchased where specific brands weren’t indicated are from Thorne Laboratories (they have an excellent reputation for producing high-quality supplements).

The oregano oil I use is the Zane Hellas brand (inexpensive, incredible quality, slow shipping). I have a backup bottle in the mail which I suspect will only arrive once my current bottle is almost done. I purchased my colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver) in a huge 950ml bottle from Amazon that was expensive but will hopefully last a while. The OLE capsules from Olivus are also pretty expensive and I was charged an additional $25 in duties when they arrived (I live in Canada). I had a bit of trouble finding a good quality food grade 35% H2O2, but I finally ordered my bottle from Upaya Naturals. I’m still not certain how I feel about ingesting the stuff, though; it leaves a strange taste in the mouth and I’m honestly a bit scared of it but I’m going to keep it going for now…

Finally, I added lecithin capsules (non-GMO) and monolaurin because I’ve read about their wonderful ability to suppress / kill the herpes virus. I’ve also added a liver cleanse supplement (Thorne) to my protocol to help my body rid itself of harmful substances and be prepared to absorb the good stuff.

I sincerely hope this helps somebody out there and just know that you aren’t alone. We will kill this thing and emerge as better and stronger human beings!

Feb 03, 2018
Dates and Supplements
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy!

Are organic medjool dates ok to eat? They have 26g of sugar for 2 dates, but they are an easy way to get more calories, which I desperately need.

Also, is 1000mg vitamin C supplement still needed if we are eating camu camu powder (which provides 708 mg of vitamin c in one teaspoon)?

Did Jessica take vitamin C and zinc? I really wish Jessica had explained what supplements she took per day and how much of them. It makes a huge difference for someone like me whose body can't handle taking all the supplements. She mentioned she was tiny, and so am I. I wish I knew exactly what she took and how much of it. Do you happen to know?

Feb 03, 2018
Going into this 100%
by: Natasha

Hi Troy- it's Natasha again (July 25 and January 21). I have now started my Dr Schulze 30 Day Detox (1 month of juice only and lots of other intense routines). I am on my 13th day and going strong (have been following it to the letter). My intention is to detox from all the heavy metals and toxins that the herpes virus hides behind and then start the protocol that I outlined on July 25th (based on you, Heather and James Destroy Diseases and a few other sources on the net), which I hope will kill the virus once it has been exposed. I will do this for the rest of the year probably.

I just went through this page again, using my search bar to avoid asking you to repeat answers so I hope I won't ask questions you've already had...

1) Seafood: I understand that we can eat fish (wild caught). I want to go to a seafood restaurant every week or so and order a piece of fish and ask them to cook it with no sauce and no oil. If there is left over oil from the last cook still on the grill, will this be detrimental? (I'm guessing most places use cheap oils that I'm not supposed to eat). I would bring my own organic salad with me. Or could I treat myself and eat a regular non organic salad?

I accept that we shouldn't eat shellfish (prawns, mussels, scallops, crabs, lobster). Are oysters included in this? (I'm pretty sure they are, I guess I'm just hoping for a miracle.) What about octopus? Basically, I guess I'm asking if it is literally just fish that we can eat, or if there are ANY other seafood's.

2) Steaming and BBQing: I read that it is OK to steam our veg (lightly). What are your thoughts on lightly BBQing? I know cooking food in any way is not as good as eating it raw, but is it DETRACTING from our success or just not adding to it?

3) Tattoos and Laser: Can I get my eyebrows tattooed on or will the ink be a toxin? Also, can I have laser hair removal during this process (like, are there any toxins from the laser?)

4) Olives: Can I eat organic jarred olives? (The ones sitting on the shelf at my organic shop, not the fridge).

5)Salt: Is Himalayan pink rock salt OK to eat? (some detoxes warn about all salts)

6)Non-organic: Of course organic is better but if I am at a restaurant or a friend's house for dinner, will it be detrimental to eat non-organic fruit and veg every now and then? I know it's hard to say but would it really set me back that much? I'm really trying to do everything spot on but hoping there may be a little leeway (sometimes I get too strict with myself).

Thanks so much Troy. :)

Feb 04, 2018
by: Anonymous

I would like to start this protocol once I’m done breastfeeding. I’m afraid that if I start this heavy detoxing when I’m still breastfeeding a lot will go into my milk. I couldn’t find anything on this topic so I thought I’d put it out there.

Could you please advice?

Thank you!

Feb 04, 2018
IgG Test
by: dc

Hi Troy,

I have posted in the past and you have been very helpful. I contracted HSV2 in August. I have been on protocol and diet since September. I have been testing monthly with the IgG test. My scores have been (in order): 153, 128, 109 and 122. My most recent test was negative <.91. I still have OB symptoms but no new ones. Is it possible for me to be negative while my skin is still healing from past outbreaks?

Feb 04, 2018
Oregano Oil & Matcha
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have a question, is ok to take the oregano oil mixed with matcha green tea and coconut oil? I also take it under the tongue but I do not like the taste when diluted with water.

Thanks for your help!

Feb 05, 2018
Oregano oil and capsules?
by: Anonymous

Is there a chance of toxicity from the thymol in the oregano oil? And if you can’t do the under the tongue could you do the capsules? Maybe make them yourself but what would the ratio of oregano oil be in each and how many a day?

Feb 05, 2018
by: Alexa

Hi everybody and Troy!

I'm just wondering, the antioxidant shake... is it blended in a Ninja...or is it just water with mixed in powders and that's all? Can I made this into a smoothie with the antioxidant powders or would they lose their effectiveness mixed in with the fruits?

Feb 06, 2018
Chocolate Fein
by: Anonymous

Good morning Troy. I hope you are well. So, I really love chocolate and, of course, I know that sugar is a big no no of this process. My friend was telling me about cacao. Is this okay to use? I found this recipe for mousse that includes banana, avocado, and cacao. It also has options to add vanilla extract and maple syrup or coconut sugar. I just really want to bring variety into this diet and make it more fun. Is this possible?

Feb 06, 2018
Reply to "Chocolate Fein" Comment
by: Troy

Raw organic cacao is good for you so absolutely no problems there. Avoid the maple syrup though and not too much of the coconut sugar (it's definitely a much better option than refined sugar of course) - use just enough to sweeten. The recipe you mention is actually identical to the one my wife uses to make her own home made mouse. It's healthy and boy does it taste good! :)

Feb 06, 2018
Timing of Supplements?
by: Anonymous

First of all I’d like to say thank you. I was diagnosed earlier this month and felt overwhelmed (understatement) and quite frankly, felt like there was no hope. These articles have given me hope and I am thankful that God sent them my way.

My question is how to time all of the supplements. I’ve been adding them one at a time to get used to taking them. Currently I am taking the OLE and OO and waiting for the colloidal silver to arrive. I just received the HP and now I'm unsure of how to fit it into my regimen since it must be taken at least 1 hour before meals or 3 hours after. I usually take the OLE and OO in the morning as soon as I wake up and again right before I go to bed... about 15-20 minutes apart from each other. Ideally it would be nice to add the HP around the same time but I’m concerned it would interact with those supplements. I take the lysine between breakfast and lunch and the chlorella/probiotic about 10 minutes before lunch. I’m just not sure how to add it all in since everything has to be on an empty stomach.

Thank you for your input and for your time. There are many blogs where there is never a response to questions. I appreciate that you take the time to answer them all.

Feb 06, 2018
Reply to "Timing of Supplements" Comment
by: Troy

The hydrogen peroxide wont interact with the other supplements. When it comes to taking all of the supplements on an empty stomach and apart from each other, just do the best you can. Even 10 minutes apart is okay if that's all the time you have.

All the best to you! :)

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to Alexa
by: Troy

You can use a blender, however, a Nutri Ninja or Nutribullet is the best. And yes, you can mix the powders in your smoothie as well. :)

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

You definitely haven't failed Cj. I still recommend you do what I suggested before. After your 12 months is up, continue to take the OLE, wheat grass/chlorella, and a few of the other supplements for your overall health, even continue to apply the oregano oil a few times a week, along with still eating healthy (but just not as rigorous as what you're doing now). I have to be honest with you, your biggest hurdle is your thoughts. Unfortunately, stress can undo much of the work you've put in. With that said, think about your stress level right now and the breakouts you've been getting (if in fact they are breakouts) and compare this to before you started. When your stress levels were high (before you started this protocol) and you got a breakout, how bad were your breakouts back then compared to now? This will give you a good indication of how far you've come and the progress you've made. If you can reduce your stress levels, that would be terrific for your healing. I know it's not easy, but I believe this is the final piece of the puzzle for you. Stay the course Cj. You're actually much closer to being free from this virus than you think. I would also like to recommend a book to you... "Conversations With God" by Neal Donald Walsch. You'll either think it's a load of cods wallop or you'll get some life changing information from it. It helped me tremendously when I was going through a difficult time in my life. Hope it helps you.

All the best to you CJ! :)

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to "Regimen" Comment
by: Troy

What you're doing looks good. When you get your OLE, make sure you work up to 6 capsules a day. Give yourself several weeks to do this so you don't get hit with herxheimers. I would also recommend you include the HP as outlined in the One Minute Cure book. Listening to Les Brown and the Teachings of Abraham is excellent. I listen to these myself. In regards to eating out at vegan restaurants? If you have to then do so. It's always better to cook and eat your own food though. This way you know exactly whats in it. As a treat, go with something healthy like 100% natural ice cream/sorbet or natural crushed fruit icy poles if you happen to "lose control", rather than candy or commercial ice-cream.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to "So Encouraging" Comment
by: Troy

If you're finding it all a bit overwhelming, don't despair. Start off slowly if need be. Read the Dr Axe raw food diet article and begin there. With the supplements, begin on the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver and hydrogen peroxide. Once you get into the swing of taking these, consider adding more like wheat grass/chlorella, probiotics and the BHT. You can take your time with this. There's no need to rush. Make small changes to your diet every day. Once you get used to taking your supplements and eating correctly, it will all become second nature.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to "35% Hydrogen peroxide illegal in UK without licence" Comment
by: Troy

The 12% food grade HP is still fine to use. Read the January 23rd 2018 comment above to "Hopeful From Asia" about this. All you need do is triple the amounts listed in the One Minute Cure book. :)

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to Nami
by: Troy

Hi Nami. Firstly, thank you for taking the time to share your full protocol with everyone AND your excellent accompanying thoughts. Tremendous! I have to say, you've absolutely hit the nail 100% on the head! Your daily outline/protocol is right on the money. There's nothing else you need to do except go through the required time frame needed to eradicate the virus. Don't be scared of the hydrogen peroxide either. As long as it's food grade, it's perfectly fine to take. The medical profession and big pharma constantly poo poo hydrogen peroxide because they can't patent it (the medical profession actually use HP but don't tell you this). Some people continue to take HP for years, just for the health benefits. This article by hydrogen peroxide expert Dr David Williams is the best I've managed to find so far on the powerful benefits of HP... Hydrogen Peroxide: Curse or Cure? - Dr David Williams. It's definitely worth the read.

I also forgot to mention (to everyone), make sure that when you purchase your chlorella, the manufacturer isn't getting their supply in from China. Unfortunately, there are some who are. You don't want chlorella or spirulina that's been imported from China.

Thanks again for sharing your regimen and thoughts Nami.

All the best to you! :)

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to "Dates and Supplements" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, dates are high in sugar. That's the negative. However, I would rather see someone eat a dozen dates if they have to, to keep their calories up, than say, eat a chunk of full fat cheese or drink a glass of milk (both of which you should avoid). So go ahead and eat them. Tahini, quinoa, raisins, organic peanut butter (in small quantity), chia seeds and Greek yogurt are also healthy AND high in calories. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly what amounts and dosages Jessica used and took during her protocol. Sorry. :)

All the best to you!

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to "Breastfeeding" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, waiting until you've finished breastfeeding is a good idea. Some of the foods and supplements can definitely alter the taste of breast milk. :)

Feb 07, 2018
Want to get rid of Herpes
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

Thank you so much for helping and giving us information to get rid of this virus permanently.
I got my first genital OB at the end of Jan and my doc told me it was Herpes. She can't tell which type and can't give me much more info either. Living in Germany and having genital herpes is like a death sentence here. I was so depressed as I am a single mom and wish to have a partner someday, but I don't want to transfer this virus to anyone. That is why I want to be cured. I am starting the raw food detox (second day today) and want to ask:
1. It is ok to eat raw chili, onion and tomatoes?
2. I read that kimchi is good for the gut and is great for me as I make and eat kimchi a lot. We did use a bit flour and fish sauce to make the kimchi, is it still ok?
3. I can only find colloidal silver (not sovereign silver), is this still ok?
4. Planning to do the raw food detox for 30 days and then will add the supplements after my 30 day detox finishes. I will then add some salmon/chicken/sweet potatoes/eggs for lunch perhaps couple days/week (how many days in a week can I eat these? And it is ok if chicken and sweet potatoes not organic? Can't really find organic here). I want to add this to my diet as I am quite skinny (103 lbs / 160cm).
Looking forward to your reply and thank you in advance for your help!

Feb 07, 2018
by: Matt

Hey Troy,

Is 100% grassfed, raw dairy a viable option in moderation? Butter, keffir and cheese all seem to be beneficial for me at times, with no adverse reactions. Thanks!

Also, Lysine with food or on an empty stomach?

Also, I've been taking BHT for about 10 months at 1000mg a day. Is it a health concern to remain at this dosage until I destroy the virus?

Feb 08, 2018
Reply to "Want to Get Rid of Herpes" Comment
by: Troy

Raw chillies, onions and tomatoes are extremely good for you and can be eaten whenever you want. Kimchi is also extremely good for you, in fact all probiotic rich foods. Living in Germany, sauerkraut would be popular wouldn't it? With the colloidal silver, you can buy Sovereign Silver in Germany from Amazon... Sovereign Silver. You don't list the brand that you purchased so i can't say if it's good or not. with the foods you talk about, chicken, sweet potatoes, etc, these can be eaten every day, or every second day. Just not too much. If you're already quite lean then look to eat more high calorie healthy foods. Have a read of the Q&A above titled "Dates and supplements".

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 08, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. Firstly, I can only give you recommendations, the rest is up to you. Some of the questions you asked you've pretty much answered yourself. With seafood, it's wild caught fish only. Going to a restaurant and having grilled fish (and their salad) is okay every now and then though. You still have to live. Steaming is fine but barbecuing, not really. On a hotplate yes, but not over a grill. With a grill the fat drips onto the flame and creates a toxic gas that goes into the meat. Avoid this at all costs. The ink from tattoo's is toxic yes, and laser removal? Not much better. Olives are good for you, no problems there, and so is Himalayan pink rock salt (I regularly recommend this because of the high amount of absorbable trace minerals). In regards to organic vs non-organic. If you can get organic then great, if not, non organic will still suffice. Just do the best that you can. You're on the right track Natasha so stick with it.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Feb 08, 2018
Reply to dc
by: Troy

Yes. Strangely enough, symptoms can still occur if your antibodies drop rapidly, but they should be mild and definitely be dissipating. If you get a fresh outbreak then I would say your last test may have been a false positive. Given the fact that your levels have been consistently dropping, however, it's unlikely that it was. Continue to stick with what you're doing (protocol) and monitor your symptoms over the next few months. Try the grapefruit and orange juice technique (drinking/consuming lots of these) and see what happens. :)

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to "Oregano Oil & Matcha" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, perfectly fine to have the oregano oil mixed with both coconut oil and matcha green tea. If this is what it takes to get it into you then do it!

All the best! :)

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to "Oregano Oil and Capsules" Comment
by: Troy

The thymol is too low to be toxic (you do need a small amount of thymol remember). You can buy the Zane Hellas oregano oil in soft gel capsule form if you're struggling with the taste. Take one capsule daily. I would recommend you still try and do the under the tongue method along with taking the capsules if you can. Try halving the liquid OO dosage or consider adding more coconut oil?

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

If you can get dairy foods that are raw and unpasteurized then by all means have them. The lysine should be taken on an empty stomach. With the BHT, people have taken up around 1000 mg's a day for years on end with no adverse effects or problems. However, you could probably back off the dosage a bit now, back down to around 500-750 mg's a day.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Matt!

Feb 09, 2018
Following Protocol if Not Sure You Have Herpes?
by: Lily

Hey Troy,
Is it okay if I follow this protocol if I just suspect that I have herpes? I'm from Africa and herpes testing is not taken seriously or even done here.

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to Lily
by: Troy

You can usually have a fairly good idea if you have the virus or not just by your symptoms... Common Symptoms of Genital Herpes. If you really want to test it, start eating and drinking lots of grapefruit and orange juice, along with eating chcoclate and see what, or if any, symptoms to get. You can most definitely follow this protocol regardless.

All the best to you Lily! :)

Feb 10, 2018
Organic meat?
by: Anonymous

Hi, I'm doing the antioxidants, oregano oil, and OLE. The meat I eat is organic chicken and eggs. How often can I eat meat? Is one serving per day too much? Also, I eat cilantro and 3-4 apples a day to keep my colon clean.

Feb 11, 2018
Oven-roasting, chicken wings, pan-frying, oils, sashimi, sunscreen
by: Natasha

Hi Troy. Thank you for your responses as always. I am about to come off the Dr Schulze 30 day juice detox and start eating again. Please may I ask:

- I know I can eat raw and steamed organic veggies. Can I lightly pan fry them? Or could I bake them in the oven? Like, oven-roasted veggies?

- With my organic chicken, can I eat the skin? How about the wings? It would be AMAZING if I could still have wings! (no sauce of course)

- Can I pan fry my fish and bake it in the oven (not in aluminium foil)?

- I know we can have coconut and sesame oils. Which of the following are OK to have? Olive oil, almond oil, peanut oil, apricot kernel oil, sunflower oil (all organic).

- I plan to eat a lot of wild caught fish as sashimi. Is it OK to have raw? And in relation to this, can I have wasabi? Is there anything similar to soy sauce I could have?

- I've read a lot about how toxic sunscreen is. What is your opinion on organic natural sunscreen?

Phew! That's it! Gosh thank you so much Troy for always answering all our questions. You are an angel and your karma bank must be overflowing by now! :)

Feb 11, 2018
Tattoos & Shakes
by: Er

Hello, Troy.

I've gotten minor tattoos in recent years. Would the toxins of tattoos harm or impede the process of this protocol?

Also, can I make a shake in advance: can I refrigerate my shake to drink it 1 or 2 days later? Would refrigeration diminish the quality of the antioxidants, greens, fruits, etc? And, can I use almond milk, coconut milk, or coconut water as a liquid base?

Thank you very much.

Feb 11, 2018
Oregano oil under tongue
by: Anonymous

Hi, I can't figure out how much coconut oil is needed to be mixed for 3 drops of oregano oil under my tongue to prevent burning. Do you know the rough ratio?

Feb 14, 2018
Reply to "Organic Meat" Comment
by: Troy

Eating organic chicken once a day, around 100 grams (4 oz), is about what you should be having. Try and incorporate wild caught salmon into your diet also
as you can eat more of this (approx 150-200 grams per day). Remember, not too much meat. You want just enough to keep your protein intake up so you don't drop an excessive amount of weight. :)

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. Firstly, oven roasted veggies are the best, however, lightly pan frying in no oil or a little coconut oil is okay (make sure your pan is good quality and safe... Safest Cookware Options). With the oils, the ONLY safe oil is organic coconut oil. All the other oils you mention go rancid are are easily affected (degraded) by heat, light and air so do not use them. With the chicken, no skin or wings, too much saturated fat. Fish can be pan fried (lightly) in a little coconut oil or oven roasted (the best option). Raw fish is okay also. Not sure about wasabi alternatives. Shrimp is best avoided. Shell fish are scavengers and carry a high toxic load. Natural peanut butter is fine. Just not too much of course as it can (sometimes) induce breakouts due to its arginine content. In regards to sunscreens, I don't like any of them personally and never use them myself (along with sunglasses which prevent the sun from stimulating the glands behind the eyes and producing vitamin D). Of course, a natural sunscreen (totally natural) is the best option if you're going to use one. Here's how to easily make your own... Easy Recipe Homemade Sunscreen.

Hope this helps you Natasha.

All the best!

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to Er
by: Troy

Tattoo ink is toxic, yes, but no use worrying about what is already done. Your body will still detox. Making a shake in advance is no good. It needs to be fresh so the live enzymes, nutrients, etc, are still active. Organic coconut water or coconut milk are your best options as a base for your shake/smoothie.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to "Oregano Oil Under Tongue" Comment
by: Troy

Everybody is different. Some people can handle more oregano oil and less coconut oil, yet other people can't tolerate even a small amount. Skin sensitivity and how healthy your mucous membranes are has a lot to do with it. Bottom line... you have to experiment with different dosages/saturations to find the right mix for you and what your mouth can handle. :)

Feb 15, 2018
Olive leaf extract 20%
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,
Thanks so much for answering my previous questions. It means a lot to me. I have bought the supplements that I need to start the protocol and really believe I will be cured soon, that was until I got a letter from customs. My package of OliveLeafMax is being held by them so I went there and they said that they need to check if it is allowed to enter Germany. The officer was not so friendly and said that it surely will be destroyed and I will never get it. I have tried to look for it in Germany but the highest oleuropein in olive leaf that I found is just 20%. Will this still work? I am really depressed as I lose a lot of money (bought some bottles to save shipping and so that I can start the protocol without any problem). Please let me know if the 20% oleuropein is still ok? Thanks so much Troy!

Feb 15, 2018
Saturated fat
by: Matt

Hey Troy,

So I've just read above that you wanted someone to remove the chicken skin because of excessive saturated fat? Does Saturated fat inhibit the detox? I've been using coconut oil to cook vegetables at times and MCT oil in my matcha from time to time. Is this creating more problems than it's solving? Thank you!

Feb 15, 2018
Clarification on meat protein
by: Anonymous

I understand that we should only have 4 oz of chicken a day. Can you also have the 4-8oz of salmon that same day or is it one or the other? Can you please clarify? Just curious if I could eat chicken for lunch and salmon for dinner or if this is too much meat protein for one day. Thank you for your help!

Feb 15, 2018
Depression Medication
by: Mary

Hey Troy,
I am starting this regimen and I was very excited to find this website. In the comments I saw it may be a problem if one takes medication. I am on Antidepressant Medication and now I am worried that all this may not help me because I take this Medication. I can not go off my Meds in fear I may spiral down, so I am wondering if I do as much as I can with as many of the steps you said to incorporate, can I still get rid of the virus?

Feb 15, 2018
Dehydrated food
by: Anonymous


I know fresh is best but I have my own food dehydrator. Can I dehydrate organic foods while on the raw diet?

Feb 16, 2018
Olive leaf extract 20%
by: Troy

Wow. Why they would stop olive leaf extract from entering the country is a mystery? You can buy OLE in Germany... Olive Leaf Extract, it's not illegal, so why is it not allowed into the country? I would continue to chase this up with customs. Don't give in to them so easily (try and talk with someone else besides the "unfriendly" officer). In regards to the 20% OLE, this will still work, you will just need to make sure you take enough. Work up to taking at least 6 capsules a day in divided amounts. Remember too, the OLE is only one part of the protocol.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Feb 16, 2018
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

Different type of saturated fat Matt. The saturated fat in coconut oil, along with MCT oil, are extremely good for you. You're doing nothing wrong. :)

Feb 16, 2018
Reply to "Clarification on Meat Protein" Comment
by: Troy

No, it's only one of these for the day. So if you have chicken for lunch, for instance, have a vegan salad for dinner.

Hope this clarifies it for you.

All the best!

Feb 16, 2018
Reply to Mary
by: Troy

Yes, I believe you still can Mary. Follow the protocol as best you can. It will still work. :)

Feb 16, 2018
Reply to "Dehydrated Food" Comment
by: Troy

A small amount, and as long as you do it yourself, would be fine. But like you said, fresh is still always best. :)

Feb 17, 2018
Need to Clarify a Few Things...
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

Hope you’re well. I’m four months into my protocol and still getting outbreaks, but in the last two months have been able to somewhat resolve them with the DMSO cream - thank you for the suggestion.

OO: My skin rash from the oregano oil on the spine continues to be a problem, so I’m only applying about one inch right above the tailbone as all other areas have rashes that are taking a long time to heal. Will the application on this small area still work? I’m also applying it on the right and left sides of this limited area.

CS: Regarding colloidal silver, you mentioned 5 teaspoons for 3 months before reducing to 2 teaspoons. Should I continue with 5 teaspoons if I’m still having once a month outbreaks, only reducing when I’m outbreak free? Not sure about the 3 month rule.

LYSINE: Lastly, when I wrote a few months back you recommended taking it with Vitamin C and Zinc on a full stomach for better absorption, but I saw a recent reply above to take lysine on an empty stomach. Which is more effective for maximum effect please?

Thank you so much always for all your time, support and caring.

Feb 18, 2018
by: Teresa

Hi Troy,

First I’d like to thank you for all the work you do! I’m having difficulty creating a schedule for all these supplements. I’ve made a schedule and would like to see what you think. When I’m at work I can’t easily take the supplements as far apart as I’d like. Here goes!

Wake up: 2 capsules of olive leaf extract on empty stomach, and 4 drops Zane oregano oil in 4oz of water, then 4 drops oregano oil and coconut oil under tongue for 10 minutes. And 4 drops of oregano oil and coconut oil on spine.
-20 min later 5ml colloidal silver, - then an hour later the 500mg BHT, 600 mg St. John’s wort, 1000mg lysine, 25 mg zinc and 2000mg time release vitamin C

AM snack: 5ml colloidal silver

Lunch: 2 capsules of olive oil extract,
-10 minutes later 1000mg lysine and 1000mg time release vitamin C, 5ml colloidal silver.

PM snack: 5ml of collidal silver

Before bed: 2 capsules olive leaf extract
- 10 minutes later 4 drops Zane oregano oil in 4oz of water, 4 drops oregano oil and coconut oil under tongue for 10 minutes. And 4 drops of oregano oil and coconut oil on spine.
-20 min later 5ml colloidal silver,
- then an hour later the 500mg BHT, 600mg St. John’s wort, 1000mg lysine, 25 mg zinc and 2000mg time release vitamin C

I’m going to also be following the raw food diet (with tons of cilantro) as well as using the shakes that Heather and Jessica recommended with the spirulina/chlorella. Lastly, what kind of filtered water should I be drinking?

Thank you so much!! I can’t wait to get started and write my own testimonial!!

Feb 19, 2018
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Applying the oregano oil near the site will still be okay, better than not applying it at all. If those rashes are taking a long time to heal then your immune system is still low. Focus on building up your immunity and eating lots of immune boosting foods including cilantro (by the bucket loads!)... Top 10 Foods To Boost Your Immune System. The colloidal silver can be left at one teaspoon taken five times a day for as long as you like (as long as you're using the Sovereign Silver which is safe). Make sure you're getting plenty of probiotics when taking colloidal silver also. With the lysine, zinc and vitamin C, these are all best taken on an empty stomach, however, if they make your stomach feel queezy or generally don't agree with you then taken after food can help to alleviate this problem.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 19, 2018
Reply to Teresa
by: Troy

Looks good Teresa. Make sure you include the hydrogen peroxide protocol as outlined in the One Minute Cure book. It really is crucial. Make sure you also check your source for the chlorella/spirulina carefully. Don't buy any that comes in from China - it's contaminated. The best filtered water is definitely your own from a good quality home filtration system... Best Drinking Water Filters. Don't drink bottled water.

Hope this helps you Teresa.

All the best!

Feb 19, 2018
Olive Leaf vs. Olive Leaf Extract
by: Anonymous

Is it important to use Olive Extract rather than Olive Leaf? Should the dosages be the same if I use the Olive Leaf. At the moment I'm using Olive Leaf by Nature's Way. Is this product still ok to use in order to treat herpes?

What about perfume/cologne, makeup and hair vax? Can I still use them on my body while I'm on this Herpes protocol? Is it a big no no or is it some ingredient I should be aware of and try to avoid?


Feb 19, 2018
Process with infected partner?
by: Mia

Hello Troy,

I am about to start the process but I have one decisive question. My partner is also infected and I doubt he would have the motivation to follow the process. Is it a waste of time for me to do it? Can I can get ''reinfected'' or will my immune system be strong enough to kill the virus right away? I have had the virus for 5 years now. In the beginning I would have an outbreak now and then, but recently my immune system seems weak and I have had much more outbreaks than what I am used to. At times, I have had sexual contact with him when he was starting an outbreak (and we didn't know yet) and I never got symptoms after the contact. It always starts with a burning or tingling inside me. Thanks for your help.

Feb 19, 2018
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I feel so greatful to have come across this website. The vast amount of information on here is quite overwhelming.

In regards to the main supplements you talk about, are you able to provide links to what products you recommend please?

Being from the UK, I was thinking to get most of the products from Holland and Barrett, but I know you can’t get everything from there.

Sorry if this has been answered before, I just want to ensure I get the right things.

I see the main things discussed here are:

Oregano oil
Colloidal silver
Hyrdogen peroxide
Vitamin C

I know it’s a lot to ask but if you are able to provide a trusted link for those that would be massively appreciated and anything you think I’ve missed. I’m happy to buy from Amazon or other sources also.

I really do believe this can be reversed. I was told I had herpes 1 and 2 when I was 18. 28 now but have luckily only had minimal outbreaks! Any advice and info would be much appreciated. Thanks again.

Feb 19, 2018
by: Ashley

Hello, hope all is well. I have hives on my face from hsv1. I will be starting the raw diet soon and getting the products I need but until I can get these, do you have any suggestions for getting rid of these viral hives. They itch and they're so ugly on my face.

Feb 20, 2018
Filtered water
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy

I'm planning to start this protocol next month and have everything I need and have thoroughly ready the information provided. One thing I just wanted to clear up is that I was planning to drink the matcha green tea and seeing as we're not allowed to drink tap water I wondered if one has to boil filtered water in a pan as I wasn't sure if the limescale in a kettle would actually end up making the filtered water toxic? I know it may seem like a daft question but I really don't know what to do as I was planning to just use a kettle with filtered water but this suddenly occurred to me.

Look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks

Feb 20, 2018
Protocol questions
by: Teresa

Hi Troy,

It’s Teresa again. Thanks so much for answering my previous post. I have a few more questions if that’s okay.

If I use the first five remedies, will that give me a good enough chance of fighting this thing? I plan on adding more of the suggested cures eventually, but want to make sure what I have so far is good.

Should I be switching my hygiene products as well? (deodorant, toothpaste, etc)

Can I use local raw honey instead of Manuka honey?

I have a Propur water filtration system, will this suffice?

Thanks again!

Feb 21, 2018
Lots of Questions
by: Natasha

Hi Troy. Today is my last day on Dr Schulze's 30 day intensive detox (OMG yay!). I carried it out to the letter! I've now thoroughly cleaned every millimeter of my insides and am ready to commence the next 12 months upon your advice. I aim to be one of the people who writes in and says, "Troy!!! I tested negative!" :)

I have just finished re-reading this entire thread and also Jess' article, to reduce the likelihood that I ask a question that's already been asked. I know your time is precious! Please feel free to take your time in answering as I know I have already asked a few questions on this site and I do want to give other people a go too! I am grateful for any time you can give me :) OK here goes:

Can I eat:
1- Homemade, organic soups and stews?
2- My own organic pickled vegetables?
3- Popcorn (made in coconut oil and seasoned with Pink Himalayan Rock Salt?
4- Fried eggs?
5- Spelt or other wheat-substitute grains? (if so, which ones are best?)
6- Noodles made of edamame, mung bean, chickpea, black bean, or brown rice?
7- Organic canned beans (can literally contains only organic beans and water)
8- Organic canned tomatoes (contains organic tomatoes and organic tomato juice)
9- Organic coconut yoghurt (contains organic coconut milk, organic tapioca starch, live vegan cultures)
10- Organic coconut ice cream alternative (contains organic coconut milk, organic coconut nectar, organic coconut water, chicory root, organic tapioca, organic guar gum)
11- "Kitz" crackers (contains only sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, pepitas- all organic)
12- Canned or jarred anchovies, salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, etc. (wild-caught, in cold-pressed olive oil)
13- Pickled herring (in a jar, rolled over a pickle)
14- Cashew in place of diary (e.g. cashew parmesan)
15- Nutritional yeast?
16- Soy sauce?
17- Tamari?
18- Dried beans and other legumes?
19- Hummus (organic, store bought vs made by me)
20- Wild rice
21- Wild caught smoked salmon (North-east Pacific salmon, sea salt, natural wood smoke)- can't believe they've started selling this at my local shop!
22- My own dehydrated fruits, veg, bread and crackers (in a dehydrator?)

OK that's it! Again, I do know this is a lot of questions. I would be so grateful if you could answer them when time permits. Thank you so very much Troy! You really are the BEST! :)

Feb 21, 2018
Swanson oregano oil
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, please what are your thoughts on Swanson oregano oil. Will it be effective against the herpes virus even though it has already been diluted with olive oil. It's the only oregano oil I could find.

Feb 23, 2018
by: Nami

Hello Troy,

Nami here; thank you so much for your wonderful reply to my last post!

I've been following the protocol closely, but I am a very stressed person -- today, I am experiencing my very first full-on outbreak.

Now, I wrote to you a few weeks ago in detail about all of the steps I am taking to kill this virus. I left one thing out: my significant other. As I haven't had an outbreak up until this point, the virus hasn't been so much impeding as annoying. I fear the outbreaks will really get in the way of our sexual relationship. Moreover, the risk of transmission is higher for those who get outbreaks and his health is my responsibility to protect.

I do NOT want to be on medication for the rest of my life, not a chance. And if my partner loves me he may decide to be patient and wait this process out with me. Worst case scenario (and totally fair, I think) he decides he wants to be as safe as possible and use condoms, suppressive therapy, etc. My question for you is, is there ANY way I could still get rid of this terrible virus by following the protocol and taking daily suppressive therapy medication simultaneously? I would check with my doctor for any interactions.

This is so not ideal; if I were single I would be on a raw food diet all the way and following the all-natural protocol. But it's about more than just me right now.

So, just to be extra clear, if it is in any way possible to cure myself with this protocol + meds, I will be continuing to do as I have been, while also taking daily suppressive therapy. Any tips or advice would be amazing. I am feeling rather desperate at this moment.

Thank you in advance, Troy.

Feb 23, 2018
Worst OB in month 4
by: Hopeful from Asia

Dear Troy,

Thank you for clarifying the VitC/Lysine/Zinc combo to be taken on an empty stomach. I have been taking them with food for four months.

I was seeing some progress in month 3 when my weekly OBs seemed to have stopped. I was OB free for a whole month and was delighted by my progress. However, in month 4, it started again but I was able to resolve the OB with the topical DMSO cream. Only a week after that OB, I was shocked to find an even bigger and more aggressive OB on my left butt cheek! So far, all my OBs have been on my right butt cheek. I've never had any OB on the left side of my lower body. I don't know why this happened.

Troy, am I doing something wrong? Please help me reason through this so I can stick through my 12 months. I thought the OBs would become more infrequent and less severe with time, and was encouraged by the progress only to experience the worse OB ever.

I've been doing everything in the protocol (except BHT and Hydrogen Peroxide - because Amazon and other suppliers don't ship to my city and I was in the US for a week and was ready to bring back 2 gallons of 35% FG HP but just my luck, FedEx failed to deliver. So disappointing as it's my one US trip this year and I brought an extra large suitcase to bring 2 gallons home!). If you have any ideas of any suppliers to ship to Asia, please let me know.

I'm also eating fresh cilantro by the bowlful every morning, taking my antioxidant freshly blended fruit juices with garlic and ginger every morning, and taking 6-9g of chlorella daily.

Am also taking 3000g of lysine, 8000g of Vit C, 60g of Zinc, 4 OLE capsules and oregano oil under the tongue, in water and on my spine, and 5x colloidal silver daily. Am also taking B complex and magnesium citrate daily.

Thank you Troy!

Feb 24, 2018
Body lotion
by: Sam


I know we are suppose to avoid heavy metals at all cost and most lotions have some level of metals. I found one on amazon that is derived from plants and essential oils.

Do you mind telling me if it’s safe to use this lotion during this protocol. I get dry skin and am not sure.

Thank you

Feb 24, 2018
Ozone with protocol
by: Island Goddess

Hi Troy,
I wrote before, hopefully this time I get an answer. Thanks for all you do by the way.

I have been following the protocol and now I have been doing ozone rectal insuflafion and I wanted to know if I should stop the protocol as I will be doing ozone therapy for 7 straight weeks. Is it ok to do both together, or should I do ozone then after I finish get back on the protocol? I am also on a raw food, very alkaline diet.

Feb 25, 2018
Advise please
by: Cj

Dear Troy, hope you are well. I really need advice and help. I am going into month 12. Was hoping to write with good news but no. My last BO although tiny was at the end of January. I have had a regular tingle daily for weeks now and a new BO today, which makes this one a month from the last and it is worse than many of the previous. Can you please advise what can I do, I am losing hope. A friend of mine who is 54 has had it his whole life and has not had a BO in 5 or 6 years. Before I was worried what or how I would tell someone if I met them, now I’m more scared I will have regular symptoms. Please if you can give me any advice I would be grateful.

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to "Olive Leaf vs. Olive Leaf Extract" Comment
by: Troy

Olive leaf extract is much stronger than plain olive leaf powder. This is definitely the type of OL you should be taking. The brand you mention doesn't even list the oleuropein content in their product? In regards to perfumes, colognes, etc, all of these contain hazardous chemicals and these chemicals go into the body (bloodstream) through the pores of the skin when you apply them, which is definitely not a good thing. Try and keep these to a bare minimum if you can or only use 100% all natural products.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 26, 2018
Urgent Question About Chinese Products!
by: Natasha

Oh dear! I have just read your comment about Chinese green powders being contaminated! Is it BOTH Spirulina and Chlorella, or just one of these? I recently spent $200 buying both of these in bulk :(

Upon checking all my supplements, I also found that my Pomegranate powder hails from China! Is this also a problem, or less so because of Pomegranate's thick skin?

Before answering, you should know that I didn't buy these direct from some dodgy company in China - I ordered them through a reputable Australian herbal company (Austral Herbs) and they are all "Australian Certified Organic" (with the logo). Do you think Austral has done their research and made sure they are OK? Or should I throw them all out?

Please help!

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to Mia
by: Troy

This is quite a common question Mia. It's always possible for a person to be reinfected. If you were to follow the protocol and your partner didn't then yes, this can be (possibly) detrimental for you if you continue to have unprotected sex. I can't say for sure though. You would need to seriously consider your options beforehand if you were to undertake this. It's not easy and the cost is high.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Mia. :)

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to "Thank you" Comment
by: Troy

You can buy most of the items in the UK from either Amazon or eBay. Read our main herpes article again. We provide many of the links there. A good OLE supplement over there in the UK is Seventh Wave Olive Leaf Extract (see Feb 1st comment above). Life Enhancement BHT can also be bought off Amazon or eBay, along with Zane Hellas oregano oil and Sovereign silver colloidal silver. I think the highest grade hydrogen peroxide you can get there is 12%. Not sure though? If this is the case then simply triple the measurement amount as listed in the One Minute cure book. All of the others you should have no problem getting.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to Ashley
by: Troy

Try either the hydrogen peroxide diluted down to a 3% solution or the Myrrh essential oil (see our #10 cure in main article). Either of these should help. Of course, be sure to test a small area first just to make sure it doesn't burn or make your hives worse.

Hope this helps. :)

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to "Filtered Water" Comment
by: Troy

Boiling filtered water in a stainless steel pot is definitely the best option. Using a kettle is fine though if that's all you have available. :)

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to Teresa
by: Troy

The first 5 remedies would suffice to begin with, yes. I would also consider adding the H2O2. It's dirt cheap and very effective. Following the diet/raw food protocol is of course extremely crucial. Local honey is fine in place of manuka honey. With personal care products, yes, you should only use natural products. Baking soda, for instance, can be used as a deodorant and toothpaste/teeth cleaner. The water filtration system you mention looks good. You should have no problems there.

All the best to you Teresa! :)

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. Firstly, organic cold pressed sesame oil in dark bottles is fine on salads, no problems there. Home made organic soups and stews, yes. Home made organic picked vegetables, etc, definitely yes. No fried foods though. Soft boiled eggs or poached eggs preferably. Spelt, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, brown rice, amaranth and kaniwa are some of the best wheat substitutes. The bottom line and the only thing you really need to remember with all of this is that fresh is always best. If it comes out of a tin or bottle then it's not fresh. Only use these as a last resort. Dried fruits, vegetables and legumes are okay (done in a home dryer), but again, only as a treat or if you aren't able to have them fresh.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to "Swanson oregano oil" Comment
by: Troy

If it's diluted/pre mixed with any type of carrier oil then it will not be strong enough. Try to get the Zane Hellas oregano oil or one that contains at least 80% carvacrol content. :)

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Nami
by: Troy

The honest answer Nami is I don't know for sure. Many people do continue to take their suppresive meds in the beginning and slowly wean themselves from them over the first 3 months or so. My advice would be if you have any doubts, continue to take your meds. Stress is one of the worst things you can put on your body (and immune system) and will hinder your progress like nothing else. If the meds help keep you at ease then this is a good thing in my opinion. Continue on as you have been doing and try to keep that stress under control as best you can!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Check your stress levels and how they've been lately, that would be the first thing I would suggest. Stress must be kept to a bare minimum. It's a pity you can't get the HP. The BHT would also be very handy as this is excellent at helping to suppress and stop outbreaks (along with getting rid of the virus). I don't know what part of Asia you're from but surely you could get some form of hydrogen peroxide? Even if it's the 3% solution, you can still use this to make up the 35% solution. You didn't mention if you're taking a green food such as chlorella or wheat grass powder. This would help in removing the heavy metals. Other than these, I don't see you doing anything wrong. Remember, breakouts can continue to occur and don't always lessen over time. They will eventually stop though. Treat them straight away and continue on. I do understand that it's not always easy to continue when it seems you're constantly hitting a brick wall.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Sam
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this lotion still contains unwanted ingredients and is not natural. Organic coconut oil is the best and safest skin moisturizer you can get. :)

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Island Goddess
by: Troy

There is no harm in combining the protocol with ozone therapy. If you're going through a doctor and they are using vitamin C, B vitamins, and so forth as part of the treatment then you do not need to take any of these in supplemental form while receiving the ozone treatment as you'll already be getting enough.

Hope this helps.

Good luck! :)

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Have you been doing anything different Cj? What have your stress levels been like. Is your diet and routine still the same? These are the first things I would look at. Normally by this time the outbreaks should have stopped. Like I keep saying though, everyone is different. I know for you, stress is a major factor in your life. This is probably your nemesis in all honesty. If you could get that down that would be extremely beneficial. Stress lowers your immune system terribly, which then inhibits the effectiveness of the foods and supplements you're taking. Something seems to have changed for you and I think from memory it started back in around December. If you can pinpoint what that was then you can look to fix it.

Don't give up hope Cj. You can still get that negative result.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Now that you have them I would still use these Natasha. When you go to re-order though, check your supplier carefully. This article has some useful information for Australian residents in regards to this problem... Tips before you buy Spirulina.

And this article is handy for everyone... Cleanest sources for chlorella revealed: Natural News.

Feb 27, 2018
Protocol and Cacao and Greens
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! Hope all has been well. It has been 23 days since I started the protocol and so far I feel good and no outbreaks since my initial one in early January. I have been taking silver, OLE, Vitamin C, oregano oil on lower back and under tongue. I am working on getting HP into my day soon. My diet has mostly consisted of the antioxidant shake, a cup of matcha green tea, a cup of ACV and raw honey, hemp protein smoothie with banana and chia seeds, spinach salad with tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, garlic, carrots and ACV dressing. I have also began spiralizing zucchini and squash and making a raw red pepper and tomato soup. I drink about 2 liters of filtered water with lemon everyday. I have been having pieces of chocolate here and there. My first week in I ate shrimp Alfredo from a restaurant. I am going out of town this weekend and to be honest I planned to eat the same pasta dish as I mentioned. Would my sporadic indulgence of pasta and a piece of chocolate here and there hinder my progress at all?

I was also looking at this cacao and greens powder I saw at Vitamin Shoppe and wanted to know if I could use this in a smoothie. The ingredients consist of:
*organic protein blend (pea protein, pumpkin seed protein, sunflower protein, golden flax protein, and hemp protein)

*Superfood blend (cacao, goji, pomegranate, maca, camu camu)

* Greens blend (wheatgrass, kale, spinach, spirulina)

* Inulin (agave)

*acercla cherry extract

*guar gum

*Monk fruit



*probiotic/enzyme blend

With many of the ingredients in this being the same ingredients I typically use now in my antioxidant shake, would it be okay to use what I use now or in addition to fresh veggies and fruits as a smoothie?

It has been really hard staying on this protocol. I know that I can do it and I know my end goal. I am doing the best I can.

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to "Protocol and Cacao and Greens" Comment
by: Troy

Eating out every now and then (but still choosing a healthy option) is okay. Go with natural chocolate, carob or cacao if you are going to eat chocolate or something similar. The powder you mention also looks fine and could be added to your smoothies. Everything else you're doing is good.

All the best to you!

Feb 27, 2018
4 Questions
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I was reading the previous comments about hygiene products. I work in healthcare so when I’m at work I use a lot of hand sanitizers and harsh hand soaps. I’ll use natural organic products at home. Is this okay? I wouldn’t want this to hinder my progress.

Also, I can’t always find coconut milk or coconut water in tetra packs. Can I purchase the ones in a can?

Is it okay to consume nutritional yeast?

I only have a Brita filter at home. Can I use this? I’m not in a position to purchase an expensive filtration system right now.

Thank you for all the work you do. Many of us would be lost without you.

Feb 27, 2018
Follow up
by: Cj

Dear Troy, as always thank for you reply. I know that having a BO going into my 12th month is not great. My routine has not changed, still taking all the supplements except BHT which I ran out of last Thursday. BO started Sunday morning with a red spot and then two very small blisters. I loaded up on lysine and put some DMSO on it a couple times and luckily here on Tuesday evening it is all but gone, so I am thankful for that. Other than that I take everything I am supposed to as listed and the diet I am still doing well with. I do have my one meal out per week but it is always healthy, baked haddock with veggies, but all week I eat the same thing. Fruit/banana in the am, more fruit at lunch/apple/melon/water melon and for dinner usually Kale salad with tomatoes, acv, onions, cucumber with a couple of boiled eggs. Only here and there do I have organic chicken or salmon. I am proud of myself and the few people that know told me they could never have lasted as long as I have. Yes, the stress is above average... I am sure everyone on here has high stress because taking all these things and the diet is always on your mind. I hate to admit but yes, I cried Friday so hard I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head, not just from this issue but from other things that have been under wraps for a while, but after finding out I had this virus a year ago it sort of broke the camel's back. So yes the stress could be it. I consider myself to be one of the people on this site that has stuck the protocol I would say 95-98%. I will do my best to get the stress down, not sure how but I really want to be successful here and if possible help others. I will NOT disappear like others have because I know how much having this can truly ruin your life. For those that don't they have no idea. I am open to all ideas to get the stress down other than drugs. Thank you as always.

Feb 28, 2018
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,

I would like do some regular cleanses whilst on the protocol. I am stuck between choosing to do a 3 part cleanse to include a full body cleanse, followed by a parasite, and then a heavy metal detox approx every 3 months. Each one is 10 days and you take 7 days between if you are to do more than one. With that, the full thing is quite intense with strict diet requirements also.

Alternatively, given the relationship between herpes and heavy metals, I wonder if only the heavy metal cleanse will suffice - this would only be 10 days.

The full body cleanse consists of: Black Walnut Hulls, Peppermint Leaf, Yellowdock Root, Yarrow Flowers, Dandelion Root, Hyssop, Red Clover, Clove, Comfrey, Nettle Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Saw Palmetto, Cilantro, Parsley Leaf, Grape Root, Chickweed Leaf, Horseradish Root, Butternut Bark, Cascara Sagrada, Red Raspberry Leaf, Rhubarb Root, Mullein Leaf, Pumpkin Seed, Goldenseal Root, St Johns Wort, Juniper Berry & Queen of the Meadow Leaf.

The parasite: Wormwood Leaf, Black Walnut Hulls, Clove Buds, Uva Ursi, Motherwort Leaf, Pumpkin Seeds, Papaya Seeds White Oak Bark, Wood Betony Leaf, Cilantro, Thyme & Spirulina.

The heavy metal: Bentonite Clay, Cilantro, Activated Carcoal, Bayberry, Chlorella, Spirulina, Moringa, Cascara Sagrada, Dandelion Root, Burdock root and Diatomaceous Earth.

Thank you :)

Feb 28, 2018
DMSO healing crisis?
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

I posted last week on Feb 23 "Worst OB in month 4" above to which you kindly replied. However, I don't think stress is my trigger as I'm generally calm person and have been mindful not to let stress affect me since starting this protocol 4 months ago.

I'm wondering if this super aggressive OB out of nowhere could be a healing crisis from having used DMSO?

A month ago, I started used DMSO with great results whereby two OBs resolved before getting to the blister stage. I was very pleased with the progress. However, the virus may be fighting back hard this third time and jumped from the right side of my body to the left where I've never had an outbreak before.

I was reading somewhere that although DMSO could resolve outbreaks initially, sufferers could end up getting bigger and worse outbreaks. Below was my finding:

"The herpes virus in your nerves are like a marble on a string. The marble can travel anywhere that the string goes and that's it, your nerves are the string. When you use DMSO you are increasing the oxygen content in your nervous system. Since viruses cannot exist in a sufficiently oxygenated environment, large amounts will "run away" and travel along its only route, the nerve pathway, until it reaches the surface of the skin. Herpes on the skin's surface = outbreak. It's important at this stage not to stop, because there is a lot of virus on the skin and if the oxygen content in the body were to decrease by stopping the DMSO, the virus has a chance to replicate and go back into your nerves in larger numbers than before. Remember to treat your spinal column too. Top of spine for oral and base of spine for genital. You will notice a dramatic decrease in your symptoms if you stick it out, and possibly a complete elimination of symptoms."

Troy, can you confirm if this is true? I'm now unsure if I should use the DMSO cream to prevent an outbreak when I feel the tingling, and if it does get as severe as it has, do I stop? It's gotten so bad that all the vesicles have burst and that's never happened to me either. I'm afraid of contamination and how to keep the open wound clean.

Can and should I continue to apply DMSO on open wounds? Please kindly advise. For the moment, I'm using colloidal silver to treat it. I don't know what else to do :(

Mar 01, 2018
Oregano Oil with Coconut oil
by: Anonymous

I need more clarification on the oregano oil (2-3 drops with coconut oil) under the tongue for 10 minutes. Do we swallow or spit it out after?

Thanks in advance.

Mar 01, 2018
More questions...
by: Teresa

Hi Troy,
Thanks for answering my previous post, at times I’m having difficulty not overthinking this whole process, such as worrying what hygiene products to use or my supplement schedule.

I’ve ordered the H2O2, I’m unsure how to incorporate it into my regime. Can I take it in the morning, on an empty stomach before the OLE, then at night around 8:30/9pm and then once more before bed? I’m just unsure how to bring it to work. Can it be premixed with the distilled water? And does the H2O2 have to be kept in the fridge at all times?

Also can I drink organic green tea?

And if I take vitamin C and have Camu Camu powder, which from what I understand has a lot of vitamin C, do I need to take the ascorbic acid also?

Thanks again!

Mar 01, 2018
18 y/o hopeful male
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I am delighted to have found this page. Words cannot express my gratitude and appreciation. I have so many questions. Firstly, I got my first OB back in October, it lasted till December. I was cleared up for about 2 days then I got another OB that lasted for about a month. My OB's are VERY aggressive and NEVER seem to go away fully, and as soon as it goes away another pops up, sometimes before the previous one is even done. So, basically my penis has been lesion ridden since October, without any relief. I finally got tested ( blood test) and it came back positive for HSV1. Since my OB are genital I'm assuming its genital herpes type 1. I am in constant pain and envy those who get breaks in-between OB's. I haven't had a break. I honestly can't even remember what it was like to have a non infected penis... It never clears. I basically cry myself to sleep every night. I am the valedictorian of my graduating class and participate in many clubs and activities, but I haven't been able to participate lately. This year I had to give up track because of my OB's, I could barely walk let alone run. I have only been with one person my entire life, a one night, irrational party mistake. And it wasn't even intercourse, just oral. I feel like I have been stripped of my entire life. I am so afraid of going to college. Princeton is also very academically challenging and I haven't been able to focus during school at all. Sitting is painful, walking is painful. I am in constant pain. I'm sorry for rambling, but I would like to know where I can get all the materials? Thank you. Also, why do I get so many OB's and why do they last for months?

Mar 02, 2018
Trying to gain weight
by: Anonymous

It's been 7 months now that I've had the hsv2 virus from my previous partner. I've posted on here before but don't remember what name I used. From day 1 I've been doing absolutely everything besides the hydrogen peroxide therapy. It's been a pretty penny and I've only had 3 breakouts included the initial one. I was eating 100% organic but I could not stand the weight loss. For that reason I did start incorporating organic foods high in calories and want to know what you think. The organic Alexia fries really help me pack in the calories I need to not wither away. I also eat oysters soaked in extra virgin olive oil from the health food store. I also incorporated explore cuisine organic black bean spaghetti. I also started taking Vega all in one natural flavored shake to pack in more protein and calories. It's a really clean protein shake with a lot of herpes fighting powders. I rarely ever have cheat days where I eat out or anything so I figured these things would be okay, but want to double check since I will eat a pack of the fries baked in one sitting. It gives me over 400 calories though. Ingredients are organic potatoes, organic vegetable oil, contains one or more if the following: canola, sunflower and Safflower. Not sure if the other ingredients are a deal breaker but I've gotten so desperate to gain weight that I eat this almost everyday with my fruits and veggies of course. I don't eat the salmon or chicken but if it's better to get the calories from those I can easily switch over. Thanks

Mar 02, 2018
Petroleum jelly
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

If we use petroleum jelly as a skin moisturizer is this harmful from the heavy metals stand point? I am not sure if we can use it in this protocol.

Mar 02, 2018
HSV1 and scars
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I was recently (January) diagnosed with HSV1, but I also have outbreaks in my upper body (neck, chest, arm and wrist) and two outbreaks in my thigh, along with my mouth. Although my outbreaks are usually just one red blister, is this normal for HSV1? I read that if you have herpes outbreaks in your thigh or lower body area, it is HSV2. Subsequently, after my diagnosis I confronted the girl I was seeing and she came clean and told me that she had HSV1. I was so angry. She made it sound like it was normal to have HSV1 by giving me stats that 50% of Americans have it. Anyway, I stopped seeing her and blamed myself for not being careful.

For some reason, my herpes scars won't go away even though the blisters are gone. They just become a darker spot in my skin. Any thoughts on how I can get rid of them. Every time I have an outbreak, it adds a permanent spot to my skin. Please help!

I have been doing this detox diet for about two weeks, but not 100% raw yet as I eat boiled vegetables, mainly broccoli. Is this okay? Lastly, since I have HSV1, do I still need to apply oregano oil to my lower spine? or just the temples on both sides and the back of my neck? Thank you in advance for your response.

Mar 02, 2018
Dried superfood berries?
by: Natasha

Hi Troy! Thanks so much for answering my previous questions 😊 I know dried fruit should be eaten in moderation only but how about dried superfood berries? E.g. Organic goji berries, blueberries, inca berries, cranberries. Surely it's good to get as much of those as possible(?) Thanks for your time 😊

Mar 03, 2018
Is raw milk allowed to drink daily?
by: Helen

Hello Troy,
it's me, the girl from Germany (customs gave back my olive leaf extract! Yuhuuu!)
I have one question, I know that we can drink raw milk and I make yogurt from raw milk at home. Can I eat this every day? Is it good or should I limit this just for once in a while? Yogurt is a probiotic but it is dairy so I am a little bit worried if I am allowed to have it every day (would be great if I could, I love yogurt). I eat sauerkraut as well. Thank you so much for your help Troy. I feel soooo much better after I found this website and your answers.

Best regards from Germany, Helen.

Mar 03, 2018
What if a raw diet is not an option?
by: Anonymous

I was told I have HSV-2 many years ago, even though I do not believe I have ever had a break out. Any breakouts my Dr has looked at have been ingrown hairs, something to do with scar tissue and lectin sclerosis related. I am really excited about your protocol, however, I also have a really weak digestive system that does not take to raw foods at all. In fact, my Dr told me to avoid raw vegetables as the fiber is further damaging my intestinal tract. I understand that raw food is an extremely important part of the protocol but what if I just cannot do it? My stomach is already making me miserable. I am both gluten and casein intolerant and have eliminated those foods. I cannot imagine what all that fiber would do. Is there anything you can suggest or am I forced to choose between fixing the herpes or fixing my digestive tract?

Mar 04, 2018
Please help
by: Anonymous

The skin where my initial outbreak was (completely healed by now and no signs of another outbreak like that since) has been numb since I first got infected with this virus (end of October). Can you please provide insight on why this may be? My guess is nerve damage, but a second opinion would really help ease my mind. Thank you so much.

Mar 05, 2018
Oatmeal and hummus
by: Sam

Hi Troy,

What are you thoughts on oatmeal in the morning? I eat it from time to time with a little brown sugar and raisins. Would you consider this bad?

Also, I saw that Costco carries organic hummus and looking at the ingredients it was mainly chickpeas and a couple of other organic ingredients. Would you say it’s ok if we eat hummus? I know Dr Axe's healing food list includes hummus.

Mar 05, 2018
Reply to "4 Comments" Question
by: Troy

If you only have access to chemically based hand cleaners at work then these will have to suffice. Remember, when it comes to limiting the amount of chemicals that you come into contact with, just do the best that you can. With coconut water or coconut milk, making it yourself is definitely the best option. If not, the tetra packs or organic coconut milk or water in cartons is okay. Avoid the coconut milk that comes in cans though as this is toxic... How to Choose the Best (and Least Processed) Coconut Milk. Nutritional brewers yeast is also okay to have, no problems there. Using a Brita water filter is definitely better than nothing. If this is all that you can afford then at least make sure you replace the filter often and clean out the container/jug so you keep the water clean.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

You are going to make it Cj, I have no doubt about that. You have tenacity and staying power. It may take longer than what you want to get there but you most definitely will. You know what needs to be done, and the way you treated your recent OB is proof of that. You've learn't so much, and yes, you should be EXTREMELY proud of yourself. Most people never get this far. Keep going my friend.

All the best!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to "Cleanses" Comment
by: Troy

Doing a cleanse before starting this protocol is the best way to go about it in my opinion. If you could do all 3 then begin on the protocol you would be miles ahead (your body would be nicely primed). Even if you only did the full body cleanse followed by the heavy metal cleanse you would still benefit tremendously.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

This is true in regards to herpes and using DMSO. When using the DMSO either apply the cream or use a spray. DMSO works, but you do need to be careful with it. The fact that you have open wounds from the DMSO is a concern. You should definitely stop with it and do not use it again until your skin is fully healed (never apply DMSO to open wounds). Continue to use the colloidal silver instead. Make sure that the DMSO solution you're using is diluted enough too. Once your skin is healed you could consider using the DMSO again.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to "Oregano Oil with Coconut Oil" Comment
by: Troy

After you hold the oregano oil and coconut oil under your tongue you swallow it. Actually, you'll find that after 10 minutes the solution will have mixed with your saliva and most of it will be gone anyway. Remember too, the oregano oil/coconut oil combo and the oregano oil mixed in water combo are two separate things that both must be done...

"First: You must take several drops of this oil in water, usually 6-8oz of liquid. You need to do this twice per day. The less liquid, the stronger the solution will taste. The less liquid, the stronger it will be. You must use at least 4oz of liquid, or,it may have more of a slight burning sensation on your lips. Applying some virgin coconut oil can relieve that sensation.

Next: You need to rub the oregano oil diluted with some virgin coconut oil on the bottom portion of the spine. Cover about 2 to 4 inches starting from the very bottom part of the spine right near the top of the butt-ox. Try not to over-dilute the oregano oil or it will not work. A slight tingling sensation may be felt; this means it is diluted properly. Normally, just a small amount of coconut oil will be needed with around 3 drops of oregano oil. It should never burn the skin, only tingle a slight amount. Since the virus lives in the lower part of the spine this is a very significant part of the process that should be made. This should be done once in the morning and once at night for best results. This may need to be made for many months to ensure best results. If an outbreak occurs, which can happen when the body is fighting back this is especially necessary to do.

Finally: You need to dilute 2 or 3 drops of the pure oregano oil with the gold label virgin coconut oil and hold this under your tongue for at least 10 minutes. Be careful to make sure you dilute this enough, so it has only a slight tingling feeling; otherwise you might temporarily burn the bottom of your mouth. This should be performed at least once per day. If an outbreak has occurred, this should be done several times per day. If that happens, just use plain coconut oil (no oregano oil for this) should fix this problem by holding the oil under your tongue for several minutes. Repeating this step by holding the coconut oil under your tongue several more times may be necessary."

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to Teresa
by: Troy

Hi Teresa. Everything you need to know on exactly how to take the H2O2 is in chapter 4 of the One Minute Cure book. The hydrogen peroxide must be consumed 3 times a day on an empty stomach as outlined on the table on page 74. In regards to green tea, drink as much of it as you like (organic of course), it's extremely good for you. Even if you have the camu camu, you'll still need the ascorbic acid. Vitamin C needs to be consumed in high doses, up around 10,000 mg's a day if possible.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to "18 y/o hopeful male"
by: Troy

This virus is a bastard, no doubt about it. Everybody is different when it comes to outbreaks. You are obviously at the top end of the scale when it comes to OB's. I really feel for you. All of the supplements listed can be purchased from either Amazon or off eBay. The Olivus olive leaf extract can be bought directly from the supplier... Olivus Olive Leaf MAX. Because you are already getting heavy outbreaks, I believe that once you begin this protocol, and after you get over the initial detoxing phase, you will finally get some welcome relief.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to "Trying to gain weight" Comment
by: Troy

What you're having is okay except for the fries. These are no good at all. If you want fries then cut up some sweet potato and bake them with no oil. The chicken and wild caught salmon are also good for keeping your calorie intake up. Around 100 grams of chicken per day and 200 grams of wild caught salmon each day can be eaten. Try and incorporate the H2O2 protocol into your daily regimen too if you can. It will be worth it.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to "Petroleum Jelly" Comment
by: Troy

Petroleum jelly is a derivative of oil refining. It's not natural and we don't recommend you use it. Go with organic virgin coconut oil instead. :)

Mar 06, 2018
Antiviral meds
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy - can you stay on valtrex with this regime?

Mar 06, 2018
Strange symptoms 5 weeks in!
by: Miss C

Hi Troy, I had a break from this over Xmas but back on track now from 1st Feb. Only taking OLE x 6 per day thus far and antioxidant smoothie and ACV x 3 per day, raw food. Starting HP, BHT, etc, tomoz but wanted to say I have been getting an intermittent funny nerve sensation in my left groin area. And I keep getting raw and itchy down below, and this is without any spots which I would normally get! I am confused, could the OLE be having such an affect alone, can herpes symptoms not always involve the spots but a raw itchy feeling!

I cannot believe how patient you are, I realise you are very busy responding to everyone!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to "HSV1 and scars" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, never pick at your sores as this will cause scaring. Use the DMSO on any BO's as soon as they begin to appear. The DMSO is terrific for speeding up the healing process, which means smaller/fewer sores and less scaring. Your skin color and complexion can also have a bearing on whether it scars easily or not. You will find though that over time your scars will fade, especially once your body starts to become healthier and begins receiving the healing nutrients and antioxidants it desperately needs. Try and go full raw or as close to full raw as you can as soon as possible (obviously chicken and fish should be cooked). You need to get your body detoxing and removing those heavy metals. In regards to the oregano oil, I would still apply it to the base of the spine as well as the top of the spine (neck) and temples, particularly as you're getting breakouts in the lower part of your body. Try and combine the oregano oil with the DMSO and coconut oil. Be careful though. The mixture should tingle on your skin but not burn your skin. A few people have already been caught out mixing up too stronger solution and as a result, burning themselves.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Organic dried super berries are perfectly fine Natasha - no problems there. :)

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to Helen
by: Troy

There is no problem having yogurt made from raw cows milk every day. Just not too much of course (with the sauerkraut though, eat as much as you want!) Remember, when it comes to probiotics, the more you have the better. You can NEVER overdose on these healthy little critters, but you can have too much dairy so be sure to consume it in moderation.

Good luck and all the best to you Helen!

Mar 07, 2018
Reply to "What if a raw diet is not an option?" Comment
by: Troy

This protocol simply wont work without the diet. Raw foods are crucial to its success.

The obvious question I have to ask is if you don't eat any raw foods then what do you eat? Cooked foods and any refined or processed foods actually irritate and cause harm to the lining of the digestive tract. Research done on mice found that a lack of fiber in the diet actually causes harmful gut bacteria to eat away at the gut lining, particularly the lining of the colon... Your gut bacteria may begin to eat your intestines without this key nutrient. Not sure how your doctor came up with the assumption that fiber is damaging your intestinal tract? Is your doctor an expert in nutrition and nutritional therapy and gut healing? Doesn't sound like it with what you've said. I would recommend you go and see a naturopath who specializes in gut healing and gut health - only my opinion of course. If your digestive system is weak then you need to strengthen it and heal the lining of the gut. Organic wheat grass powder, probiotics, aloe vera, turmeric and pancreatic enzymes are just some of the supplements that can help. Of course, you would need to start off slow with very low dosages and slowly build up the amounts over a period of several weeks and even months.

Remember, these are only my opinions. You need to do what you think is right for you. Like I said though, a second opinion from a naturopathic physician wouldn't hurt.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Mar 07, 2018
Reply to "Please Help" Comment
by: Troy

Could be nerve damage. Taking a quality magnesium supplement such as Natural Calm... Natural Vitality Natural Calm will help, along with applying some DMSO topically to the affected area. Be sure to see your doctor to get a confirmed diagnosis.

All the best to you!

Mar 07, 2018
Reply to Sam
by: Troy

A liberal amount of both organic oatmeal and organic hummus is certainly okay. Get rid of the sugar though. Brown sugar should be avoided the same as white sugar. If you really need that sweetener, go with a little organic coconut sugar instead. :)

Mar 07, 2018
Reply to "Antiviral meds" Comment
by: Troy

Yes you can. Many people stay on them in the beginning and slowly wean themselves during the first 3 months or so. :)

Mar 07, 2018
Reply to Miss C
by: Troy

Herpes symptoms can change, they don't always stay the same, especially when you start taking supplements such as the OLE, which draw it out. Nerve sensations, along with tingling sensations are not uncommon, even if you've never had them before. 6 of the OLE capsules per day is also perfect.

All the best to you Miss C!

Mar 08, 2018
Leg pain
by: Anonymous


I've been doing this protocal since 1/1 2018. Started with my detox and the raw food 1/1 but started using the oregano oil 18/1. 31/1 I also started with the OLE and 20/2 I started with the colloidal silver. I've been following this protocol 100% when it comes to going raw and with most of the products (still waiting for some products to come) and I've been suffering some outbreaks during these months, but now it seems to be ok.

I used to have leg pain, which I know is a consequence of having genital herpes. I've had the leg pain ever since I got infected back in late 2016. However, the leg pain seems to be gone and I have no feeling of pain in my leg. So could this be an indication that the virus is on its way out of my body?

Kind regards

Mar 08, 2018
Viral Shedding?
by: Er

Hello, Troy.

How easy is it pass the virus? I know it is transmitted via skin-to-skin contact. Now, is this only with a visibly infected area? I am aware of 'viral shedding' but my knowledge and the information I've come across are both limited -- perhaps you could say more.

The knuckle area of both my hands (and only my hands) have a recurring, itching, rash-like dryness to them -- exactly like eczema -- where the skin develops minor tears and scabs. I know viral shedding to be invisible, but could this be the virus?

How easy would it be to pass the virus along to another? This is something I would not want to occur. For example, I absolutely avoid coming into contact with my little niece, and avoid feeding her with my fingers, and touching her face, etc -- if I don't need to, and only if I know my hands have been previously washed.

Thank you very much.

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to "Leg Pain" Comment
by: Troy

Possibly, particularly if the leg pain was nerve pain or nerve related. Continue to monitor it but it seems you're definitely heading in the right direction. Keep it up.

All the best! :)

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Er
by: Troy

It's very rare that the virus is transmitted through hand (hard skin) contact. Not impossible, but rare. Mostly it's through sexual contact (the sexual organ skin is not protected). If you have active sores and you touch them then touch another person (without washing your hands first) then yes, you can theoretically pass the virus on to them. Continue to practice good hygiene as you've been doing and you'll be okay.

All the best!

Mar 09, 2018
Diet & ozone therapy
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

How important is the raw food diet with this protocol? I also am looking into rectal or intravenous ozone therapy. One doctor recommended 10-20 sessions of rectal ozone to eradicate the virus and getting retested. What are your thoughts on eradicating the HSV2 virus with ozone therapy?

Mar 09, 2018
by: Nami

Hello again Troy and everyone,

In order to help get through this process, I've been roving endless HSV forums online, but I am not finding them helpful or soothing at all -- mainly because everybody on these forums believe that there is no cure for HSV and that the only way forward is suppressive therapy and grinning and bearing it.

I was thinking, since everybody here is on the same path and believes in a natural cure -- perhaps we could set up a forum or community where we could talk to and support one another on this journey? It could even be affiliated with this site in some official capacity.

I am truly in need of support and when I read things people say online about HSV and how it will plague you forever I get SO down and just want to give up. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.



Mar 10, 2018
HP, Chlorella, Cilantro
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

Thank you for the continuous and tireless support you provide here. I'm slowly recovering from my worst outbreak on my left bum which turned into an open wound when the blisters got stuck to my clothing and ripped off.

I had to go to the clinic to get it dressed three days in a row. It was so scary and now I'm afraid I may scar there. I'm trying to be brave through this in the hopes that I'm actually winning this fight not losing it. As I mentioned, I'm in my fourth month following this protocol.

I had to stop my protocol for 7 days because the doctor put me on antibiotics. He was worried I might have a secondary infection from how bad it looked.

1) Just to check, is it okay to continue taking colloidal silver, OLE, oregano oil and lysine when on antibiotics?

2) I mentioned previously that I cannot get 35% FG HP here where I live. I found an alternative on iHerb: Oxylife, Stabilized Oxygen, With Colloidal Silver and Aloe Vera. The label states 1 ounce is equivalent to oxygen of 25 drops of 35% Food Grade HP. Can I use this in place of the HP protocol? It's my only hope at this point in terms of adding something to my protocol that could help with the vicious outbreaks.

3) As for detoxing, is it okay to blend cilantro into my antioxidant smoothies or does that reduce its ability to remove neutrotoxins and heavy metals? I've been blending for four months and want to check if I'm doing the right thing

4) Chlorella - how much should I take daily? I'm currently taking 3g in powder form in my antioxidant shake and 3g before lunch, and another 3g before dinner. Total of 9g daily. Is this enough or do I need to take more?

Thank you for all your kindness and encouragement Troy!

Mar 11, 2018
Olive Oil
by: Mary

Hi Troy,
You may have mentioned this before but is Extra Virgin Olive Oil Ok to use to cook or to put on salad?

Mar 11, 2018
No IgG test showing antibodies in Australia?
by: Natasha

Hi Troy!

This is more just for your information and also reaching out to any Aussies who may have had more luck than me...

I have been to NUMEROUS Doctors over the past few months, begging to get a blood test done which will show my IgG levels (i.e. the one which shows the exact numbers of antibodies in your blood). Every Doctor has said this test doesn't exist and every time the test comes back it just says flat-out, "Positive HSV2".

I am just starting my protocol and wanted to know my baseline, so that when I get retested in 6-9 months, I can see if my numbers are coming down.

I also went to Canada over Christmas and managed to get a test done there too (through Lifelabs)- but despite having a long conversation with the Doctor and specifically requesting the IgG test which will show my levels, the test came back and just said the same thing- "Positive HSV2"- Grrrrr! I know that already!

My question is, have any Australians on this site had any luck getting their results with their actual levels? If so, what did you ask for exactly and which Doctor did you see?

Thanks Troy. I'm not sure if this is the kind of message you would put up on your site because I'm not actually asking you anything lol. :)

Hope you're having a nice day!

Mar 11, 2018
Konjac Noodles
by: Natasha

Just a super quick one- I found these Konjac Noodles at my organic shop recently. Just organic konjac flour, purified water and citric acid. Would these be OK? :)

Mar 12, 2018
by: Cj

Dear Troy, sorry to ask for help again but feeling very discouraged. Having another BO and it's been less than two weeks since the last. I have always gone 8 to 10 weeks then it went down to 4 now 2. Please tell me what I may have done wrong or what I can do. I can't live having a BO every two weeks. Nothing has changed with the routine and working on the stress as best as possible. Any help would be appreciated.

Mar 14, 2018
Support Website/Chat Group
by: Anonymous

I have found it very helpful to have support through this possess. I have connected with one of the people who had posted their email address a couple of months ago. I've been looking at different website features that allow anonymous chat and I have built a couple simple websites before. So, I just wanted to check with you before I invested my time in building another one that you would share the domain to allow us to support each other through this process. Thank you for all of your time and efforts! It is greatly appreciated!

Mar 15, 2018
BHT & St Johns Wort
by: Anonymous

I'm considering taking BHT but is it completely useless to use the BHT without taking St Johns Wort? Unfortunately, they can't send St Johns Wort to my country.


Mar 15, 2018
Just got retested
by: Sarah

I been on the protocol since December. For hsv2 I originally tested 1.0, and I re-tested and now I am at 0.93. For hsv1 I originally tested at 46.1, but now I am 51.0. I am not sure why my load went up for hsv1. I been on the raw food diet, and following all instructions to a tea. It’s a little bit discouraging that I went up for hsv1. Any reason/explanation as to why this happened? Will it go back down? Thanks Troy. I really hope to get an answer. Thanks again.

Mar 15, 2018
by: Chas

Just wondering if the Vega brand protein is ok to use on the program...

I also see a lot of comments about losing too much weight. I agree that there should only be significant weight loss if you led a terribly unhealthy lifestyle and diet, but given the recommended diet I see no reason most people shouldn't be able to get the required calories in. Filling the blender like James does a few times a day will get you close. Throw in some seeds, chicken, and fish, and you're there. I'll be beginning the program shortly and perhaps this outlook will change, but I'm optimistic I can continue with weight lifting and maintain the diet and my weight.

If at the end I get the all clear I'll be more than happy to share my picture, full name, and test results.

Mar 15, 2018
BHT Crystals
by: Danielle

Hi Troy. First of all I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to you, Heather, Jessica, Stacy, Ryan, CJ, and everybody else for sharing in this forum. I've learned so much valuable information and been so motivated by everything I've read here so far. And I need motivation to keep going because healing is hard work... but once I am healed I know it will be well worth all the effort.

About the BHT... I was apprehensive about it at first because it isn't natural, but the more I read about it the more comfortable I am with adding it to my healing regimen. However, the supplements I'm finding have gelatin or silicon dioxide. For religious reasons I don't trust gelatin since it could come from pork, and due to other health concerns I'm not sure about silicon dioxide. Do you have any thoughts on using crystals instead, maybe dissolving some in juice or elderberry/St. John's Wort tea?

Also, I've been taking neem as it is a blood cleanser and I've read that it has anti-viral properties. I figured that as a blood cleanser it's good for keeping the lymph system moving. If you have any thoughts on that I'd love to hear them. I'm already taking oregano oil, but only in coconut or olive oil because taking it in water burns my throat for the whole day. I'm also taking olive leaf, st. john's wort, health force liver rescue (which has milk thistle and dandelion), pomegranate, elderberry (liquid) colloidal silver, chlorella or blue-green algae (liquid), and cilantro extract (in glycerin and water, no alcohol). I was taking a B-complex but ran out and need to get more. I'm planning to add vitamin C, zinc, lysine, astragalus, and reishi mushrooms. It'll be an interesting challenge spacing out all my supplements with these new additions, so if you have any thoughts on grouping and/or best time of the day to take them, I'd love to hear that too. Thank you!

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to "Diet & ozone therapy" Comment
by: Troy

The raw food diet is everything when it comes to eradicating the herpes virus. Raw foods, along with the specific herbs and supplements, are what detox and remove the heavy metals. :)

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to "Support Website/Chat Group" Comment
by: Troy

Absolutely. You get the website/chat group up and running and I'll share the link through this page and our other pages.

All the best!

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to Nami
by: Troy

Nami, see my reply to "Support Website/Chat Group" Comment. Hopefully, it will be up and running soon. :)

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Your sores/infection sound nasty. Continue to build up your immune system. An infection means your immunity is still low. The supplements should all be fine to continue to take. The main one you would need to stop would be the St John's Wort, but I don't think you're taking this? Of course, you would still need to discuss continuing/using these supplements with the antibiotics with your doctor. Unfortunately, I cant give you medical advice. The Oxylife supplement you mention actually looks very good. If you can get this then I would definitely use it. Adding the cilantro to your smoothies is perfect, no problems there. Try and add turmeric and other immune boosting herbs also. With the chlorella, aim for around 4 grams 3 times a day (on an empty stomach). Make sure your chlorella is organic and broken cell wall if possible too.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to Mary
by: Troy

Organic (must be organic) extra virgin olive oil on your salads is fine. Be careful cooking with it though. It can go rancid and become toxic when heated. Better to use organic coconut oil for cooking as this oil is unaffected by heat. :)

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

When you get your results back from an IgG (ask for type specific) HSV test it should say something like this...

In Range: (blank)

Out of Range: >5.00H

Referene Range: (blank)

Value and Interpretation:

<0.90 Negative

0.90-1.10 Equilvocal

>1.10 Positive

Tell your doctor you want these results. :)

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Konjac Noodles aren't a raw food Natasha. Only use if you're desperate or you've run out of options. :)

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hi Cj. I'm going to recommend something a bit radical. Stop taking all of your supplements for the next 5 days... all of them. Continue to follow the diet though. After 5 days go back on them. Your body may have grown accustomed to what you're doing. So yes, you'll basically be giving it the shock treatment.

Let me know how you go.

All the best! :)

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to "BHT & St Johns Wort" Comment
by: Troy

It would still work, definitely. The St Johns Wort just makes it work better. St Johns Wort contains a substance called hypericin - a strong antiviral nutrient. :)

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to Sarah
by: Troy

So you're now negative for HSV2 but positive HSV1? There's nothing unusual about your HSV1 count going up. It will fluctuate. Your antibodies may not have even peaked yet. Don't get tested until another 6 months time. Getting tested after 3 months has no benefits. It takes time for your antibodies to go down, 6 months or more in most cases. Have a read of this article for a more thorough explanation... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Sarah!

Mar 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I've been doing this protocol for 1 year and two months now. I commented last time back in April, on a different website though. Been taking all supplements + Hp protocol and stayed on the maintenance twice a day, 25 drops for over six months. I had an initial infection and back to back outbreaks for two months. Second outbreak occurred after 5 months from the initial infection for a month. Third outbreak at the mark of 1 year of treatment, lasted two weeks. Still doing the treatment except I stopped the HP. Planning to restart next month. My diet is...

Morning: banana/seaweed or quinoa flakes with peanut butter

Lunch: salad with lots of cilantro/tomato/red onion/carrots/avocado/cabbage a bit of boiled pumpkin or wild black rice with vegetables and cilantro.

Dinner: salad with cilantro/tomato/one big red onion and lots of garlic.

If I feel hungry, which I usually do I add a bit of quinoa organic pasta or I eat two slices of kamut/rye bread. I've stopped eating meat. Before I had a beer here and there, now I've stopped that too. Please let me know if my diet is ok. I do my own juice as well. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Re to Cj - do not give up and stop stressing. I've been reading all these websites every day and try to stay positive.

Re to Natasha - no in Australia there isn't a test to tell you the antibody count, the result will be either positive or negative. Yes this does make it difficult to know where you are at.

Thank you Troy for all your support.

Mar 16, 2018
Virgin coconut oil
by: Anonymous

In order to keep my calories up during this detox is it okay to eat like 50g (450 kcal) virgin coconut oil a day? If I can do this, at what level is it ok?

Mar 16, 2018
Chlorella and Vit C
by: Hopeful from Asia

HI Troy,

Thank you so much for your last reply. I will order the Oxylife supplement and hope this will help reduce my outbreaks and severity over time.

I have a question about Chlorella and Vit C. I have been so busy these last few weeks that I completely forgot they cannot be taken close to each other and in fact, I have been taking about 3000mg Vit C about 30 minutes after 4g of Chlorella and then another 3000mg Vit C about an hour later. I've been doing this almost daily the last few weeks and am really worried if I have totally reversed all my detox.

Also, my stomach has been so uncomfortable from doing this protocol and I constantly feel bloated and gassy. Not sure what I can do differently?

Finally, how safe are soy products, soy milk, tofu, and soy nut butter? I read somewhere that soy causes herpes outbreaks and am now concerned as I use all the above as a substitute.

Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement Troy! You're the best!

Mar 17, 2018
by: Cj

Dear Troy. I cannot say thank you enough for replying, it means a lot. I wish it were for a different reason. Here it is Saturday afternoon, St Pats day, and no sooner than the last problem another has started. Had a BO at the end of February, small blister then last Sunday two red spots. Didn't break the skin. Are almost gone now. I will take your advice and skip 5 days... very very depressed. As I mentioned a few weeks ago I have tingling everyday which I have to guess is related. Have been the ideal student. Have not missed a day with supplements and have been loyal to the diet for long time. Anyway thank u again for replying. I am grateful.

Mar 17, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. First of all I realized I never thanked you for all that you do and for answering my many questions (especially about food). You really are amazing for helping us all and for free. I am very grateful for you.

So, I had some thoughts that I wanted to run by you. I tested positive for HSV in early January via a culture. My blood test came back negative which would mean the infection is new. I am going back in June to get retested to see what type it is. However, things just do not add up right for me. I was in a relationship for 9 years with someone and never had an outbreak of any kind. He an I broke up in August 2017 and last had sex in June 2017 and we have not spoken since our break up. I began seeing someone else in September and we had sex multiple times between then and January before I was diagnosed. When I told him he went and got tested and his results were negative. He went for a second time a few weeks later and they came back negative again. I figured I did not contract the disease from my ex because had I did the antibodies would have been present to detect a type since it has been over 6 months since we had sex. And if my new partner tested negative, then how is it possible that I have this? I thought today that maybe it could have been a mild case of shingles as I did have chicken pox when I was younger. Could this be possible? I understand that these are two totally different types of herpes, but could it be possible that the culture picked up the zoster virus opposed to HSV?

I have been becoming more in tune with my intuition and my spirit keeps telling me that I do not have HSV. I know what science says, but I believe that my spirit and the universe are telling me something way different. To me, anything is possible. I am still following the protocol, but I wanted to know your thoughts.

I am sorry that this was a bit long winded, but I wanted you to know the whole back story as I think it matters.

Mar 18, 2018
Support site is up and running!
by: Anonymous

Hey everyone! I just wanted to reach out to y’all to share the site I created that has an anonymous chat as well as a recipe blog. I hope that this brings all of us closer together as we try to tackle this life changing journey. I look forward to chatting with y’all!

Mar 18, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hello, what are your thoughts on using Zeolite to detox the body? Is there a specific brand or form that would be most effective (purest)? Thanks!

Mar 18, 2018
Reply to "Help" Comment
by: Troy

I don't see too much a problem with your diet, except for the peanut butter - you don't want to be eating this. I know Heather did but the high arginine content can cause breakouts. With your supplements, just make sure they're all top quality - no cheap versions. This is crucial to your success. Make sure you're also taking a good quality wheat grass or chlorella supplement to speed up the detoxing and removal of those heavy metals.

The fact that you're sticking with it is terrific. It takes courage to continue with something when it seems everything is going against you. I don't know what your exact regimen has been for the last 12 months, but all that matters is what you do from today on wards. Stay positive, stay committed and you'll make it. I don't doubt this.

All the best to you!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to "Virgin Coconut Oil" Comment
by: Troy

You can eat/consume as much organic virgin coconut oil each day as you want - there is no limit. Just be aware that too much coconut oil can sometimes give you diarrhea so gradually build up to a maximum amount that you're comfortable with (and your stomachs comfortable with). :)

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Taking the vitamin C and chlorella half an hour apart, then having the vitamin C again an hour later is probably why your stomach is not feeling that great. Try and break these up more throughout the day if you can, both with the times you have them and the dosages. This will help alot with your gas and bloating problems. Soy products should also be avoided. Not only can they induce breakouts, they are not good for your gut either. You haven't done any harm to your detoxing by having these in any case so don't be concerned. Just find suitable substitutes, such as coconut and rice milk, and go with these from now on. This article is a handy read... Why Soy Milk is Not Healthy – Drink These Healthy Alternatives Instead.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 19, 2018
St John's Wort Overdose?
by: Natasha

H Troy, just a quick one- The brand of St John's Wort I am using is Solaray and the strength per tablet is 900mg. I know I am supposed to take the SJW with the BHT. I take the BHT twice per day, so this means I am actually taking 1800mg of SJW per day! My question is, can I overdose? Am I better off taking the SJW just once per day? The tablets are REALLY hard to cut in half (I've tried and it's like they're made of stone lol). As always, thank you so very much :)

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to Chas
by: Troy

The protein powder you mention is fine Chas, no problems there. This should definitely help keep your calorie intake up. You make some really good points too. If you've been eating unhealthy (eating alot of refined and processed foods, take-away foods, etc) and begin on this protocol/eating regimen then yes, you are going to drop weight quite quickly. This is not bad thing of course, as long as you don't end up all skin and bone. As long as you keep your daily calories at a decent amount, however, this wont occur.

Good luck and all the best to you Chas!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to Danielle
by: Troy

Hi Danielle. Nothing wrong with taking the BHT in either crystallised or powdered form. Just make sure you've got some good scales and measure the amount out as per our instructions. Neem is very good also. I would recommend you continue taking it. Yes, trying to take everything on an empty stomach throughout the day can definitely be a challenge. Like I always say, just do the best that you can. If you have to take some together to get them into you for the day then better to do this than not have them at all. The main ones I suggest that you try and keep separate if you can are the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver and BHT. Even if you only wait 20-30 minutes in between, this is still okay.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Danielle!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Let me know how you get on Cj. Someone has also suggested ahcc, an extract that comes predominantly from shitake mushrooms. It may help boost your body's immune response. Worth looking into at the least... AHCC a Powerful Aid in Fighting Viruses and Infections.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Cj!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to "Possibilities" Comment
by: Troy

First off, culture swabs/tests are not always accurate. Did you get a TYPE SPECIFIC IgG test done? This is the only test that matters for you. I would get one done ASAP if you haven't already. You can have the virus but your partner can still test negative, meaning, you may not have necessarily passed it onto him (if you do indeed have it). like I said, get that type specific IgG test done, then you'll know exactly what you're up against and what's going on.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to "Zeolite" Comment
by: Troy

Zeolite is a powerful detoxifier. Others have asked about it before and I'm all for using it. Try and go with the 100% liquid or powdered forms.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Cutting the tablets in half and taking half at a time with the BHT is definitely the best option (you can buy pill splitters... Best Pill Splitters). If not, just take one 900 mg tablet with one of your BHT capsules, preferably the one you have in the morning. Don't take more than 900 mg's of the St John's Wort per day. There's no need to.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Natasha!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to "Support site is up and running!" Comment
by: Troy

Cool. Looks really good (and it's a secured site as well). I like the fact that you can post recipes and other important info as well. I encourage everyone to check it out and begin using it.

Mar 19, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I just reread your response. Yes, the blood tests that I did in January were type specific and both came back negative, which is why my doctor wants to see me at the end of June to get more blood work done to see if it can be typed. They said it would be best to come in at the end of June as this gives time to build the antibodies. So do you suggest I try to go sooner than June?

Mar 19, 2018
by: Cj

Dear Troy and the anonymous comment. Thank you for your support. Just an FYI. Again end of Feb reg BO with a red spot, which turned to a minute blister. And the the weekend before last 2 small red spots that are still slightly there but never a blister under magnifier. And then another few days ago, which is now gone. I have to assume these are Bo's but almost thought maybe it was a swollen vein. Is it possible h2o2 could cause vein issues of such. Thank you for sending the link. I may also start back up on the chaparral, which I took for about a month. I will take a few days off as you suggested. Feels very strange not taking something all day long. Not giving up yet. I just got another bottle of OO in the mail and will order one more bottle of olive leaf. I am not ready to give up and I appreciate your replies and support and others on here. It has got me this far. I will check back in soon. Thanks

Mar 19, 2018
Antioxidant shake??
by: Anonymous


What liquid do you use to make the antioxidant shake? And should one use ice?

Mar 19, 2018
by: Anonymous

Is an organic cereal like granola okay? I eat tons raw and tons of organic pineapple to keep my digestion regular and to keep my gut healthy. I'm never constipated even when I eat granola as a snack. Is this okay or will it mess up the process somehow?

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to "Correction" comment
by: Troy

What your doctor is saying is correct. It takes 5-6 months for the antibodies to peak. At least they have an understanding of herpes testing (it's amazing how many doctors don't). Follow your doctors advice. A retest in June and you'll know for sure if you have the virus or not. :)

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

H2O2 actually helps with swollen veins, spider veins and circulation problems, so no, I don't believe this has caused any problems. I know I'm stating the obvious, but make sure they are definitely BO's and not something else (rash, pimples, sores, etc). Go back on the chaparral too. I think you'll find that helps. Myrrh is another really good herb too.

Keep hanging in there.

All the best Cj!

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to "Antioxidant shake" comment
by: Troy

Organic coconut water is definitely the best liquid to add to your smoothie or shake. Coconut milk, filtered water, rice milk, watermelon water, aloe water, hemp milk or a small amount of almond milk (not too much due to arginine content) are some of the other options. Adding ice is perfectly fine as well. Just make sure your iced water is filtered. :)

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to "Cereals" Comment
by: Troy

These are both fine to eat. Remember though, everything in moderation. Don't go overboard with them. :)

Mar 20, 2018
Antioxidant shake again
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the tip on what to add to the shake. I am assuming it doesn't matter how much you "water down" the shake (as far as the thickness), as long as you have all the powders, ingredients, etc.

My next question is, so there are certain meats, fish, that are ok when doing the raw diet. What meat(s) are fine, as I see Heather mentioned salmon and shrimp? How would you cook/prepare meats like salmon, shrimp, etc, in order to still be safe when eating them?

Thank you in advance.

Mar 22, 2018
Cheat days?
by: Amanda

Hi Troy,

First of all, thank you for this website and giving hope to people like me.

Second of all, my question is... I am going to two weddings this year. If I am not able to follow my routine protocol, will three days or so of eating and drinking completely ruin the months I've already put in?

Please let me know.

Thanks again for everything!

Mar 22, 2018
20yrs old. Scared... but hopeful.
by: Gem

I started this detox maybe a month ago and just started using the Oregano oil (3 drops under tongue and on back) a few days ago. I’m buying the OLE tomorrow along with a few of the essential powders until I can get all the others.

Being in college I did find it kind of hard to have other raw options besides salads at first but I’m now finding other things that are good for me. I’m buying the ole tomorrow and the other powders. I was just diagnosed with this last month and almost immediately began my detox when my outbreak ended. I was diagnosed with HSV1 on my general area and was very depressed during my outbreak. Now I’m trying my best to build confidence and the positivity I need to continue this. I was reading through the comments and found that you said it may be possible to get rid of HSV1 easier than HSV2, which is honestly a bit of relief for me, although it may sound selfish. I’m sorry. But I’m too young to live with this for the rest of my life and I want to be rid of it.

Also, I currently suffer from allergies and severe sinus issues as well as a bit of asthma and take an inhaler for it twice a day called Advair. Is this something that is hurting my body more than healing it? What about allergy medications? The inhaler is something I’ve been taking for years before finding out I had herpes and I feel as though my body may be used to it. 

Like I said, I just recently found out about this and I truly want to be rid of it as soon as possible (I know you’ve stated before that it takes about 6 months to a year, which I’m fine with.) Is it possible to be rid of the disease sooner when going through the regimen immediately after diagnosis?

And I am quite thin already and have noticed my weight go down after my first few weeks of eating raw. I’ve been eating seasoned pumpkin seeds and chickpeas in my salad to get some protein and add a little bit of weight. Is this alright? Am I on the right track? I don’t juice as much as I did at first. Should I keep going with that even more once I get the powders?

Mar 23, 2018
Oregano oil
by: Anonymous

Is it really important use the oregano oil in the following chronological order:
1. Oregano oil in water
2. Oregano oil in cold pressed organic coconut oil under the tongue
3. Oregano oil in cold pressed organic coconut oil on the lower spine

Thank you

Mar 24, 2018
HP therapy plus Ozone treated Water
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I have started the hydrogen peroxide treatment as outlined in the One Minute Cure. I read great reviews on Amazon for the ozone water treatment device, which I have ordered. Will it be safe to do the HP protocol along with drinking the ozone treated water? Love the the good info on your site!

Mar 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have just recently been diagnosed with HSV2 and it's devastating news to receive. I am so thankful for your testimony Heather and I too believe in the power of natural healing of the body. I thank God for the journey I was already on, which was becoming vegan and eating clean. Unfortunately I contracted this disease but I am hopeful and consider this an addition to my journey. A new chapter in my book of life's experiences. I too will share my story! Thank you for sharing yours... You are my hero. 😊

Mar 25, 2018
Reply to "Antioxidant shake again" comment
by: Troy

No, it doesn't matter how liquefied your shake is. Add as much water or coconut milk/water as you need to get the consistency you want. In regards to meats, wild caught salmon and organic chicken are the two meats you can eat. I know Heather ate shrimp but I'm not really a fan of this meat as shrimp are scavengers, so you can also have toxins hidden in their flesh. Consume either 100 grams of organic chicken or up to 200 grams of wild caught salmon (just cooked enough so it's not raw in the middle) per day if you need to include meat in your diet.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 25, 2018
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

It may have a detrimental effect, I cant say for sure and it depends on what you do. If you eat and drink yourself into oblivion then it's going to effect your progress much more than if you only indulge a little. In regards to canned wild caught salmon, fresh fish is always better (snap frozen wild caught salmon is okay). Canned wild caught salmon (low sodium) can certainly be eaten, but this should be your second choice.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to Gem
by: Troy

Hi Gem. Don't focus on how quickly you can get rid of the virus, it will hinder your progress. Focus on what needs to be done each day. It takes as long as it takes. While it's true that HSV1 can be eradicated quicker (in some cases) than HSV2, I don't like to tell people this because it can lure them into a false sense of security and cause them to not be as committed as a HSV2 sufferer. You are going to need to be very committed to this. Following this protocol will test you like never before so be ready for it. As far as the medications you are using, by law I cannot comment on these. Sorry. You need to check with your health care practitioner. Eating pumpkin seeds and chick peas for protein is perfect, no problems there. Juicing/consuming smoothies is extremely important as well, so yes, definitely continue with these until the end. Remember, detoxing and removing those heavy metals is crucial.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to "Oregano Oil" Comment
by: Troy

They don't need to be done in chronological order, they just need to be done each day. :)

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to "HP therapy plus Ozone treated Water" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, perfectly fine. Once get down to the maintenance dose of the HP though, you can stop taking it as the ozone water will compensate for this. After 3 months rest, repeat the HP protocol once again.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 26, 2018
Are sweet potatoes ok?
by: Vincent

Troy, Are sweet potatoes ok on this protocol?

Mar 26, 2018
Black Wild Rice
by: Natasha

Hi Troy! Thank you sincerely as always for answering my previous questions 😊 I want you to know that I always follow your advice to the letter and I'm giving this 100%. Today I'm wondering about rice. I know white rice is a no-no and brown rice is OK. What about black wild rice? It seems even better but I don't want to assume! I'd like to add it to my salads. I am just about to finish my first month (in addition to the one month I did on Dr Schultz). Have a great day Troy. 😊

Mar 26, 2018
Good Bacteria
by: Natasha

Hi Troy. I'm trying to increase the amount of good bacteria in my gut but I'm not keen on consuming dairy (even if it is raw, organic and straight from the cow).

I found some coconut yoghurt which looks like it would meet the brief. Ingredients are: organic coconut milk, org tapioca starch and live vegan cultures- that's all.

The same brand also has an ice cream alternative which contains: organic coconut milk, org coconut nectar, org coconut water, org chicory root, org tapioca starch, org guar gum.

Would both of these be OK to have?

Thanks a million!

Mar 27, 2018
by: DB


I've been eating mostly raw foods for about a month now. I've noticed some improvements, but I, like others, am losing too much weight. It seems to me the point of the raw diet is to create an alkaline environment for the body to more effectively deal with the herpes virus, as well as not ingesting harmful toxins and the junk from processed foods. That makes sense.

Here's my question: Can we eat more grain-fed beef or pork if our systems are highly alkaline already? I have the pH strips and am almost always at the highest alkaline level because of the fruits and vegetables I eat. I already eat eggs every day. Can I eat more salmon, chicken, beef, etc (clean organic of course) if I maintain a high alkalinity? Or is there another reason beef or pork could derail this process? Looking for some clarity as I try and keep my weight up. Thank you.

Mar 27, 2018
Oregano oil
by: Anonymous

Can I add the oregano oil to my shakes? It’s very painful to drink it and put it under my tongue.

Mar 28, 2018
Prebiotic Fiber
by: Danielle

Hi Troy,

Thanks for replying to my questions about BHT crystals and Neem, and for the input on what supplements to take separately. I have to drink a bit of juice after taking the oregano oil to help with the after taste and sometimes I mix in the silver with this. I'm wondering if this is doing any harm or just reducing the effectiveness of the silver and oregano oil?

Also, I'm starting to take an organic prebiotic fiber powder to help with digestion issues I've had since childhood from overprescribed antibiotics. I'm mixing it in juice, but wonder if mixing it with my ACV/manuka honey drink would change how well it works. Logically, I'm thinking that since ACV promotes growth of good gut bacteria and prebiotic fiber helps to feed these that the mix would be helpful. If you have any thoughts on that I'd love to hear them. I don't want to try this new mix if it would be the opposite of helpful. Thanks!

Mar 28, 2018
IgG results
by: Pam

Hi Troy, I got my test results today and the level of antibodies is really high, 5.75! Not surprising since that nasty POS has been living in me for 37 years. Ughhh... So, I have been faithfully doing the OLE, H2O2, and Colloidal silver for about a week. Adding in the oregano oil and ACV today. Transitioning to a raw food diet from Keto and using all the vitamin supplements as well to build up my immune system. I’m feeling really good so far! I’ll be doing a full body cleanse in mid June after I return from travelling so that will really supercharge my protocol. I know I have a long road ahead but I’m determined to eradicate this disgusting virus once and for all! I just want to say that staying in a positive mindset is absolutely critical. The power of prayer, positive healing affirmations, alternative healing therapies (I do Qigong), and mediation, in addition to your protocol I beleive will assist everyone on their journey. Thanks for all the good work you’re doing here!

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Vincent
by: Troy

Yes, sweet potatoes are fine in small/reasonable amounts. Avoid regular potatoes though. :)

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

The yogurt would be fine. Be careful with the ice cream though - only have as a treat. Remember, nothing ever beats fresh or made yourself! Don't forget about a probiotic supplement if you aren't taking one already. In regards to black rice (forbidden rice), this food is extremely healthy and good for you so absolutely no problems there.

All the best to you Natasha!

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to DB
by: Troy

It's definitely a fine line DB. You want your body to detox and maintain its alkalinity, but you don't want to drop too much weight at the same time. This is why I recommend a small amount of animal meat should be eaten - not too much however as animal meat is harder for the body to digest than plant food. Fish is the exception though. If you think you need more animal protein then up your intake a little. Slowly though, and just get it to a point where your weight stabilizes. How you cook your meat is crucial too. Don't overcook red meat as this produces harmful toxins. Red meat and pork should be cooked medium rare. Chicken of course must be cooked right through. Fish? Medium cooked is perfect.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to "Oregano Oil" Comment
by: Troy

If that's the only way you can have it then yes, do this. Better to mix it in your smoothies that not have it at all. :)

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Danielle
by: Troy

Having some juice (100% natural juice hopefully?) after the oregano oil is fine. It would be better if you can keep the oregano oil and colloidal silver separate though. Your body will absorb and use both of these much more effectively by doing it this way. Having your prebiotic powder with the ACV and honey is also okay.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Danielle!

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Pam
by: Troy

5.75 is not actually too bad a reading Pam. Some people have an antibody count over 20. That's high! Also, don't forget about having a green food such as chlorella or wheat grass powder, along with lots of cilantro of course. Good advice you give at the bottom of your post too. You'll definitely get rid of this virus. You have the right mindset.

Good luck and all the best to you Pam!

Mar 30, 2018
Tip for Others - Re: Oregano Oil
by: Natasha

I have been reading about the struggle some people are having with consuming the oregano oil. I used to have the same problem and wanted to share how I overcame it. For starters, after a while you do build a tolerance to it and it's much easier to drink. Also after reading various posts from Troy (correct me if I'm wrong Troy), I have gathered that I can add a bit of coconut oil and a squeeze of lemon to half a pint of water, with the 3 drops of oregano. This makes it WAY more palatable. Hope this helps some people as it did me!

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Adding some coconut oil and a squeeze of lemon juice is perfectly fine (the lemon juice is an excellent detoxifier and alkaline booster too). Thanks for sharing your tip Natasha!

All the best! :)

Mar 30, 2018
Daily routine
by: Vincent

Hey Troy,
I just want to make sure I have everything right. Can you please review my regimen...

-wake up 6:00 am H202 as per protocol
-7:00 am: Breakfast, usually 4-5 hardboiled eggs, yogurt with banana. Antioxidant shake and all the sups mentioned (OLE, Oregano protocol with coconut on spine, lysine, etc)
-8:00am: Banana and berries with a scoop of grass fed whey protein powder
-10:00 am: BHT and St Johns Wort
-11:00 am: Antioxidant shake and colloidal silver
-12:00 pm: Organic chicken and salad with colloidal silver
-3:00 pm: H2o2 Protocol
-4 pm: Broccoli and organic hummus with colloidal silver
-6 pm: h202 protocol
-7 pm : organic chicken with salad and sweet potato or ezekiel bread
-before bed: Protein shake with grass fed protein powder, Oregano protocol with coconut on spine etc, OLE

Let me know what you think. I just started and want to make sure I am bullet proof!
Thanks for your help!!!!!!

Mar 31, 2018
Green Superfoods
by: Pam

Hi Troy, well now I’m even more encouraged learning that my 5.75 result is not as high as I thought. I am doing a couple of superfood shakes daily with organic girl super greens, cilantro, parsley, half a banana, apple, organic green superfood blend produced locally, flaxseed oil and blackstrap molasses (good source of iron). I would also like to mention that lactobacillus acidophilus capsules taken at the first sign of an outbreak (5 capsules x 4 times daily) is very effective at halting an outbreak. They must be fresh and kept refrigerated. Take them as soon as you feel an outbreak coming on. The remainder may be kept in a freezer for about a month. Or just take them daily for gut health. I leaned about this treatment years ago in Every Woman's Book, by Dr. Paavo Aiorla. Garlic also is a natural anti-fungal/viral/bacterial food.

Mar 31, 2018
H2O2 & SJW
by: Natasha

Hey Troy! I went all the way up to 25 drops 3x per day, as per the protocol. I am a small person and this definitely felt like too much for my body. I have dropped down to 15 drops 3x per day. I will likely stay on this dose for the remainder of my time on this program. Just checking that's ok(?)

Also is taking the 900mg of St John's Wort 2x per day HARMFUL to me, or just unnecessary?

Thanks as always for your guidance!

PS I just finished my first full month (March) 😊

Apr 02, 2018
by: Anonymous

I used to have braces several years ago and now I have a lingual arch behind my teeth. My question is will this have a negative impact when I’m on this protocol? I was thinking about the heavy metals.


Apr 03, 2018
Mercury Fillings
by: Cj

Dear Troy, how are you? I am still hanging in, turned 49 last week. Wish things were a bit different. I am still doing the protocol, although I miss a dose here and there as I am pretty tired but still maintaining the diet other than my Friday beer or two and a coffee. I belong to a Facebook group called "ozone to health" and there is a woman there that has done ozone for years and seems to have some experience and knowledge with chelation. She insists that if I have amalgam fillings (I have 2) I will never be able to remove mercury from my body and that after I remove them I should wait 3 months and then chelate with a drug called dmsa and take this pill in "rounds" for up to 5 years, or test to see if I have mercury by doing these "rounds", which is taking the drug every 3 hours for 3 days on 3 days off ten times then monitoring whether there are any changes in my body. I don't know if I want to try this as I have put so many things in me for so long. It does seem to be an effective way but it is a chemical drug... looking for your insight into removing fillings safely or leave them? Do I use dmsa or keep using cilantro and chlorella? I had mentioned a regular tingle down below which is still there. Just wanted to know if anyone else has dealt with this and if it went away.

Is there an accurate way to test for heavy metals in the body? I read a couple things online... hair test, blood test and another was Andrew Corker dosing with fmsa and alas for a certain time frame so many times per day to see if the body had any reaction (good or bad) while dosing. That made no sense to me as how would one know if heavy metals were causing a reaction during this or if it was the drug? Do you know anything about the Andrew Cutler chelation for heavy metals? It would be good to know or if there is an accurate test to find out. I don't want to have my two fillings out if I do not need to but will if it will help. Your help would be appreciated as I would like to try ozone but I want the ozone to have it's full effect and not be altered by heavy metals. And WHY are dentists putting these in our mouths and WHY do they not at least inform us that they are 50% mercury? If I knew that I would have never had them.

Thank you.

Apr 03, 2018
IgG levels
by: Anonymous

I was tested 8 days after my encounter with who I think gave me herpes. My IgG level was 1.05 (equivocal). Is it possible/normal for it to be this level after that amount of time?

Apr 03, 2018
Worse before if gets better?
by: Amanda

Dear Troy,
I am in my initial stages of the protocol, and it seems like the virus is coming out of hiding more often. Is this normal or no? Does it usually get worse before it gets better?

Apr 04, 2018
Reply to Vincent
by: Troy

Hi Vincent. There's a few things I recommend you alter. Firstly, all supplements are best taken on an empty stomach. I notice you are having many of them with or after food rather than before food. Secondly, you are eating chicken twice a day. Only have 100 grams of chicken once a day. Try and alternate this with around 150 grams of wild caught salmon each day if you find you need to keep your protein intake up. 4-5 eggs a day is also too much. 2 per day is more than enough. Try and make up the difference with other filling foods if need be such as quinoa, black rice, etc. Also, don't forget about a green food such as wheat grass powder or chlorella to help remove those heavy metals. Probiotics are also important for a healthy gut (yes, yogurt is a good start but you need more). Your body wont assimilate the foods, supplements and nutrients it needs if your gut is not in top top working order. Eat plenty of probiotic rich foods... How to Make Your Own Probiotic Rich Foods. Take a probiotic supplement too if need be.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Vincent!

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Madison does say in the book that the 23 drops 3 times a day for the maximum dosage can be too much for some people. Staying on 15 drops 3 times per day should be fine. She recommends anywhere between 5 and 15 drops 3 times daily as maintenance if you have an infection or ailment/disease. In regards to the St Johns Wort, you can safely take up to 1500 mg's a day so it's up to you. If you feel it's helping then by all means continue with what you're having. I still feel that anymore than 900 mg's a day (combined with the BHT of course) doesn't provide any additional benefits.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Natasha! :)

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to "Braces" comment
by: Troy

It may do, yes. It depends what it's made from. Do oil pulling while on the protocol (and even when not on the protocol) to help remove the toxins and heavy metals. Here's what you do...

The Oil Pulling Process:
1. Take roughly one tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil in the mouth.
2. Swish the oil around the mouth and through the teeth, using all of your muscles in the face and throat.
3. Try to "swish" for twenty minutes. It may take a few times to work up to the full twenty minutes.
4. As the oil mixes with your saliva, it will become very thin. This is normal and a good sign that you are doing it correctly.
5. The oil is now full of toxins and heavy metals that you want to get out of your body. Be careful not to swallow any of the oil!
6. Spit out the used oil into the trash, garden or toilet so that it doesn’t clog up your sink over time.
7. Immediately swish the mouth with fresh water to remove any oil residue. Finish off with a good brush and tongue scrape.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to Cj
by: Troy

Hi Cj. I feel your frustration when it comes to amalgam fillings. I've got two (had them done 30 years ago) and didn't know they were harmful. Why some dentists are still using them is beyond comprehension, but money (profit) always has something to do with it. In regards to getting them removed, it's a difficult one. Of course you're better off without them - we all are - however, oil pulling can help tremendously if you decide to keep them. Some say oil pulling shouldn't be done if you have amalgam fillings but this is untrue. This holistic Dentist explains why oil pulling is beneficial if you have amalgam fillings... Is it Safe to Oil Pull With Amalgams? (My reply above also explains how to do oil pulling if you're interested). As far as testing procedures for heavy metals, these are a bit like herpes testing. There is no clear winner or perfect way. You have the urine, blood and hair analysis, along with chelation. Each has it's benefit and flaw. Personally, I don't know which is best. The chelation method you describe seems quite radical to me, but I don't know much about it either to be honest. Getting amalgam fillings removed is a personal choice. Like I said, your body is better off without them, however, I still believe your body can detox with them in. Give the oil pulling a go. I do it every day. It really helps.

All the best to you Cj!

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to "IgG Levels" Comment
by: Troy

Not normally no, but not impossible either. Did you get a type specific IgG test? Make sure it was this one so you know exactly which type you have. :)

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to Amamda
by: Troy

Yes, this is often the case Amanda. Do what Heather did and hit the virus hard when you get a breakout. Use some DMSO cream (carefully) on any lesions for extra fast healing and relief also. :)

Apr 05, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
Is there any alcohol you recommend having over others on that rare special occasion where you're with friends or loved ones? Don't plan on getting sloppy but it would be really hard for me to abstain completely for 6-12 months without my friends asking questions. I'd imagine a few vodka tonics or pure tequila lime wouldn't be that bad in small amounts.

Apr 05, 2018
Daily Routine (revised)
by: Vincent

First I want to thank you for continually responding to me. Thank you for being my light in such a dark time. I took your recommendations in and revised my daily protocol...

6:00 am- H202 Protocol
7:00 am- Morning supplements (OLE, Oregano pills along with under tongue and base of spine, probiotics)
7:30 am- Green smoothie (kale, spinach, mango, grass fed protein powder) with Multi-vitamin, B complex and lysine
8:00am- Antioxidant shake along with wheat grass and chlorella and colloidal silver
9:00 am- Banana and yogurt
10:00am- BHT + St. Johns wort
11:00am- Antioxidant shake with colloidal silver
12:00pm- Lunch: Kale salad with 2 hard boiled eggs and coconut water. Monolaurin supplement
3:00 pm- H202 Protocol
4:oo pm- Apple and dates
6:00 pm- H202 Protocol
7:00 pm- Dinner: Wild caught salmon (150 grams or less) + Quinoa/Black rice + colloidal silver
7:15 pm - 8 pm: Gym (light work just to get the blood flowing)
8:30 pm: Grass fed protein powder with Wheat grass, Chlorella and BCAAS
9:30 pm: OLE, Probiotics
10:00 Pm: Oregano oil on spine and under tongue and oregano oil pills

Let me know what you think, Thanks Troy!!!

Apr 06, 2018
Reply to "Alcohol" Comment
by: Troy

A vodka or tequila every now and then would probably be okay, although no alcohol is the best option. I understand though that you still have to live. Don't go overboard though or you will undo your hard work. Remember, 12 months is not a terribly long time in the scheme of things. Red wine with no preservatives is actually the best option of them all if you were going to have a drink. :)

Apr 06, 2018
Reply to Vincent
by: Troy

The only small change I would recommend is you take your probiotics with your wheat grass/chlorella rather than with the oregano oil and OLE. Wheat grass and chlorella are excellent pre-biotics, which means the probiotics feed of these foods. This in turn enhances their effectiveness. Apart from that, you've got it!

All the best to you Vincent. :)

Apr 07, 2018
Nuts and seeds?
by: Amanda

Hi Troy,

What do you recommend when it comes to nuts and seeds? Should they be avoided? Are there certain ones that are better than others? How about walnuts and sunflower seeds?

Thanks again for everything.

Apr 08, 2018
Very Bloated
by: Natasha

Hi Troy,

I just re-read the comments to see if you've already discussed this and it seems I am having the same problem as "Hopeful from Asia". My tummy is exceptionally bloated. Despite being really slim now (lost 10kgs), I am sporting this round little belly (I literally look pregnant lol).

I have a meticulously-timed routine that I stick to (based on reading this whole thread a thousand times). I take my vitamin C (fast and slow) at different times and I take them both separately from the Chlorella. So I don't know what the problem is. Any ideas?

Could it be something to do with not consuming enough probiotic foods? This is the only area I sometimes think I could improve on.

Thank you as always Troy, you are the reason many of us are able to go on and I hope you feel as valued and appreciated as you are! :)

Apr 09, 2018
Ezekiel Cereal
by: Anonymous

I have been on the protocol and been eating Ezekiel Cereal in the morning for some carbs/protein. Everything in the cereal is organic. I would assume this is ok?

Apr 10, 2018
Pep Talk
by: Tom

Hey Troy,
I have been on this protocol for a little less than a month now and I have been experiencing more outbreaks than ever and even though, based on previous comments, this should be expected, I have to admit it is still disappointing. I am determined to see this through, however, I was wondering why this is the case? Is it the OLE and the supplements rattling the cage sort of speak? Any words of encouragement would go a long way right now.


Apr 11, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I'm from the UK and unless I'm mistaken, publicly serviced herpes tests do not give antibody counts. I have searched for IgG hsv2 tests and the ones I've found only tell you if you've tested positive or negative. Do you know a reliable service provider to find out my progress?


Apr 11, 2018
Western Blot discussion
by: Anonymous

So I contacted the University of Washington to ask questions about their testing and such. Right away, they started telling me "first off, if you have herpes, you have herpes. There is no cure, as you probably have been reading online people saying they have been cured, after all, ITS A VIRUS we are talking about!!"

So my question is, are they just tuned in to the "Western world" of things when it comes to these things? I was a bit shocked, due to the fact that everyone was stating how helpful and nice Washington University was when they called. Lastly, Dr. Sebi was not a fan of carrots, broccoli, etc (as he stated they are "man-made" hybrid foods). Now you and Dr. James are in favor of almost all vegetables, including these in particular, if I have been understanding correctly to this point. So why would you and Dr. James have a different take on these vegetables than Dr. Sebi's? I feel whole-heartedly that you all have the best and honest interests here, so I'm not trying to disapprove one from the other, but I want to know why would you two have a different opinion from Dr Sebi on this, with you all trying to accomplish the exact same goal??

Just want clarity. Thank you.

Apr 13, 2018
by: Chas

Has anyone felt any ill effects of the H202? I’m up to 20 drops and my stomach hurts every time I take it and I’m generally not feeling well. Headache, exhausted, weak.


Apr 16, 2018
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

All seeds are okay, particularly pepitas (pumpkin seeds) as these are rich in zinc and lysine and fairly low in arginine. In regards to nuts, cashews and macadamia nuts have the highest lysine/lowest arginine ratio, whereas, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts and walnuts have the worst. :)

Apr 16, 2018
Use of the Oregano Oil
by: Jose

Hi Troy,
Do you ever skip a week or a few days without using the oregano oil? James recommends to stop using the Oregano oil for several days.

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. Probiotics are crucial for gut health and a lack of these is the #1 cause of bloating. Taking extra supplements such as colloidal silver and vitamin C (particularly ascorbic acid) means you need to be taking in extra probiotics. Make sure you're taking a good quality probiotic supplement, along with eating and drinking lots of probiotic rich cultured foods like these... Cultures for Health. Remember to drink plenty of clean filtered water throughout the day to flush out the toxins as well.

Also have a read of this article for more information on stomach bloating and ways to treat it... Bloated Stomach, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to "Ezekiel Cereal" Comment
by: Troy

The only thing I don't like about ezekiel cereals and breads is the gluten. Most people are gluten intolerant. However, if this is causing no problems for you then it should be fine. :)

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to Tom
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this is part of the process Tom. Some people experience few breakouts while others experiences some of the worst. When the virus is woken up and brought out of hiding it can literally "go on a rampage". When this happens, hit it extra hard like Heather did. Use the DMSO cream (carefully) on any lesions for extra fast healing and relief. The breakouts WILL lessen over time. Until then, you just need to stick with it and see it through. It does get better.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to "IgG" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this seems to be a problem in both the UK and Australia. IgG testing in both of these countries only gives you a "positive" or "negative" outcome. I'm not sure where you can get a test done that tells you your specific antibody count to be honest. Sorry. :)

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to "Western Blot discussion" Comment
by: Troy

While the University of Washington do a great job, they are most definitely tied to Western medicine and Western beliefs. They are a Medical school after all. I wonder what they said when Heather tested negative for the virus after first testing positive 9 or so months earlier. They probably put it down to an "abnormality" or something along those lines. That's usually their way of explaining the unexplainable (to them anyway), the same as doctors will label you a "special case" when they can't work out what's wrong with you.

In regards to Dr Sebi and his take on "man-made" hybrid foods, he is right. Carrots and seedless watermelon, for example, are cross pollinated foods. Technically, they aren't 100% natural, but are still very close. I don't advocate eating hybrid foods, but I also don't discourage it either. The reason? I'm a realist. It's very difficult, if not impossible, to eat perfectly clean produce in today's world. Even organic food still contains some chemicals (organic farmers still use diesel tractors, etc). The pollution in our air is also rampant. I would much rather see someone eat a seedless watermelon, for instance, than a tin of genetically modified corn (virtually all corn is GMO now). Hybrid fruits and vegetables still contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants too. It's a tricky one. In a perfect world, we would all be eating completely natural, non-altered foods and breathing in perfectly clean air every day. Unfortunately, we (man) have made a colossal mess of this, so we can only go with what we've got at the moment.

Good luck and all the best!

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to Chas
by: Troy

You're likely suffering from Herxheimer's Chas. Read pages 76 and 77 of the book. She explains what you should do. :)

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to Jose
by: Troy

I recommend no more than one day a week rest from the oregano oil. If your skin is drying out from using it externally then, yes, you may need longer. If you do take a rest from the OO, try and switch the days so your body doesn't get used to it. For example, if you rest on a Sunday, the following week rest on the Monday.

Good luck and all the best to you Jose! :)

Apr 17, 2018
by: Anonymous

from time to time I do enjoy sushi. However I understand that heavy metals exist in some sushi. I assume salmon here would be the best option, wild caught obviously (king salmon). Does cooking it or eating it raw make a difference? Should I just avoid sushi during my protocol all together?

By the way - thank you for all that you are doing for us!

Apr 18, 2018
Colloidal silver and oregano oil
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I've recently started this protocol and apart from the taste of the oregano making it a struggle to keep down, so far so good. However I wanted to ask if when you hold the oregano oil with coconut oil under your tongue for 10 mins whether or not you're supposed to swallow it after? Same for the colloidal silver 30 seconds under the tongue, are you supposed to swallow that?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks.

Apr 18, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

First time here and congratulations to Heather. I was told that avocados were not good to eat if you have HSV. Is this true? I read how Heather ate tons of them.

Apr 18, 2018
by: Teresa

Hi Troy,
Just wanted to check in and see if there’s any areas you think I can improve on. I’m taking h2o2 and all the required supplements except the oregano oil because it hasn’t arrived yet. I had a schedule (that I posted a few months ago) I expected to follow closely but have discovered that life happens! Sometimes I end up taking them a little late... but I space them apart appropriately and make sure I take them everyday. This is still ok right? Should I be taking 6 capsules of OLE Olivus max or 4?

I’m following the raw diet, I try to mix it up. Not eating the same things over and over to keep myself from getting discouraged or bored. I’ve gone through the posts and basically made a list of all the things I can and cannot eat. I try to eat cilantro as often as I can. Sometimes I have spelt pasta, quinoa, buckwheat, organic rye/spelt bread and oatmeal (gluten free no wheat contamination) for breakfast. I also have organic plain Greek yogurt and recently started having coconut plain yogurt. Most of my diet is organic. Every morning I have the shake with Maca, matcha, Camu Camu, pomegranate powder, local bee pollen, wheat grass, and a super green powder that contains spirulina and chlorella (both from good sources). Can I eat green olives or tahini?

I just want to make sure I’m on the right path, I’m not feeling lousy so I feel like I’m not doing it right. But everyday your words pop into my head saying "just do the best you can, and it will still work!"

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to "Sushi" comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, sushi is just way too risky. Too many heavy metals and unwanted pathogens. Don't eat it. Go for wild caught salmon instead - cooked just enough through. Tastes better in my opinion anyway (just my thoughts).

All the best! :)

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to "Colloidal silver and oregano oil" Comment
by: Troy

Yes you swallow both. Placing it under the tongue just helps with a more rapid (initial) absorption through the mucous membranes. What you've probably found with the oregano/coconut oil mix is that it mixes with your saliva and is mostly gone after your 10 minutes is up anyway. :)

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to "Avocados" Comment
by: Troy

Not sure why you were told that. Avocados are rich in lysine and healthy essential fatty acids. Nothing wrong with them. Eat as much as you like! :)

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to Teresa
by: Troy

Hi Teresa. Firstly, you don't need to be feeling lousy for it to be working. Some people react badly to detoxing and suffer with herxheimers while others hardly feel anything. What you're doing sounds good. Because you're not experiencing any adverse effects, I would up the OLE max capsules to 6 a day. This is the high end of the dosage scale but it works extremely well. Get on the oregano oil as soon as it arrives. And yes, green olives (fresh, not the ones soaked in oil) and tahini are fine to eat.

It's definitely not easy sticking to an eating and supplement plan. Life certainly does get in the way, but you're doing well. Keep it up.

All the best to you!

Apr 20, 2018
Oregano oil under tongue
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I'm wondering if our can help me. I recently started this protocol and all has been fine apart from the holding the oregano oil with coconut oil under my tongue for ten minutes. Every time I try to do it I need to be sick. I don't know what to do? Can I just swallow it without holding it under my tongue? Or can I just not worry about it at all? Would it have a massive effect on the process if I missed this step?
Hope to hear from you soon.

Many thanks

Apr 20, 2018
Feeling discouraged
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I was diagnosed with HSV1 in January 2017 with an IgG of 3.1. I started taking in March 2017 Olivus Max 6/day, Sovereign Colloidal Silver 18 drops a day under the tongue and Zane Hellas Oregano Oil 3 drops in a little bit of water 3x a day. I was retested in August 2017 and was down to 2.1 IgG and was thrilled with this. I continued taking everything every day and of course eating a healthy diet. I got retested April 7 and the results came back still at 2.1 IgG and I'm feeling discouraged. I was sure I would be negative. What else can I do? It feels like I'm so close. I was thinking about doing a detox. You suggested a brand of Chlorella & Spirulina tablets but unfortunately they do not ship to Canada. I've found these ones, can you tell me which is best...

Apr 21, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I hope this message finds you well.

I have always had some pretty well behaved skin. I have been on the protocol since November and more diligently since January. Late last year I recall breaking the protocol, eating pizza and woke up with a few forehead pimples. I returned to the protocol and it more or less healed. Early this year, I had a breakout on closed pores... more like bumps, they were neither sore nor read. I just had a bumpy forehead. Until using a face mask on some open sores, my face was sore and very rashy. I blamed it on yoghurt that I began to add to my smoothies. I cut out the yoghurt and all my skin care products to give my face a break. Again, it began to heal though I am having a hard time fading my old scars but I am also having recurrent, rash like, red bumps all over my forehead. My pimples are many and small, some tiny whiteheads. My skin is more clogged also - this is all on my forehead. I drink a lot of water and, given the protocol, eat very well. Confused as to why my skin would react to these improvements... could be a detox symptom? Any tips for scarring, clogged pores, etc?

Many thanks.

Apr 22, 2018
Beer tasting
by: Natasha

Sorry Troy- forgot to mention that my beer is preservative and sugar free and all natural. I'll even be experimenting with organic ingredients since being inspired by this program 😊

Apr 22, 2018
Symptoms in new place
by: Anonymous

Hi, I haven’t had symptoms in about 4 months and they are now in a different place to where they have been before. What does this mean?

Apr 22, 2018
Trying to stick to protocol
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy, I have been trying my best to stick to the protocol and have been following it as much as I can for the past month. Currently I am taking st john worts with BHT, L-lysine, OLE, chlorella powder and wheat grass powder, spirulina, OO (orally and applying it on my lower spine diluted with coconut oil), and pau d' arco (I've read it works to detox the blood). I space out all supplements and take everything 2x/day (some supplements such as OLE I take 2 at once). I will be incorporating the H2O2 protocol as soon as I receive it in the mail. I also try to follow an organic/raw food diet but I do not always buy organic vegetables and fruit all of the time. Is it okay to consume frozen fruit and vegetables? I've also had 2 nights where I did consume alcohol (it was a friend's birthday) and was wondering if 2 nights of drinking out of the month undo any small progress I may have made? Lastly, is it okay to consume condiments such as BBQ sauce, mustard, salsa, etc? I do eat eggs and sometimes put salsa on them or do enjoy eating organic chicken with a little BBQ sauce. It is difficult to stay away foods such as this for me. Are there any substitutes that you suggest? Thank you for your help.

Apr 22, 2018
by: Anonymous

Just want to say thank you for responding to my question. That to me shows you care about people's well-being. I see that you are taking the time to respond to everyone's questions. That is amazing in this day and age.

Apr 24, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I notice that the oregano oil (Zane Hellas) is really strong and sometimes I notice the skin at the base of my spine gets bruised because of applying oregano oil twice daily. I’m wondering what it is doing to my stomach and internal organs since I’m having 2-3 drops with 8oz of water and 2-3 drops under the tongue with coconut oil. Is it ok to skip a day or two every 10-12 days to give the body a break?

Also what is your opinion on drinking coconut water? I drink organic coconut water but it has sugar in it and wanted to know if it is ok. Is a little bit of white rice, probiotic yogurt, roasted barley/rye drink (coffee alternative) ok to have? Thank you for all your help.

Apr 25, 2018
Reply to "Oregano oil under tongue" Comment
by: Troy

Holding the oil under the tongue is certainly not easy, especially if don't like the taste of the coconut oil and oregano oil. This is actually the biggest thing that most people have problems with. Go with the oregano oil capsules instead (these will compensate for this). For the dosages of the OO capsules, check the side of the bottle (each strengths are different) and follow the directions. If you can get a hold of the Zane Hella brand of capsules, go with these. These are the strongest.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 25, 2018
Reply to "Feeling discouraged" Comment
by: Troy

You're actually much closer than what you think. Remember this about IgG testing... it only measures your body's immune response (antibody levels), not the level of the virus in your body. This is important. The virus could be gone but your antibody levels can still be elevated. With that said, an IgG level of 2 is not high. I recommend you go with a strong detox like you're suggesting - give it all you've got (give your body one final cleanse). Chlorella/spirulina (the first brand of chlorella/spirulina you mention looks the best to me), lots of cilantro, probiotic rich foods (these enhance the effectiveness of the chlorella/spirulina and vise versa), monolaurin, onions, even the Atlantic dulse if you can get it - all of these are powerful detoxifiers. Don't forget about these terrific detoxifying herbs and spices as well... Top 13 Cleansing Spices to Add Into Your Diet.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 25, 2018
I love you for sharing your story
by: Karen

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story Heather. I trusted a man with all my heart. I should have trusted him with all my health. I would tell every woman you MUST see a man's test results before engaging in sex. The key here is 'MUST'!!! If you use the right approach and if he loves you he WILL get tested. Some men are afraid little boys... if that is the case then walk away. Furthermore, some men are clueless about their health. Herpes is asymptomatic for some people. Meaning he could have one outbreak in 5 years and just dismiss it as nothing. At the same time, men have less outbreaks than women.
Ladies PLEASE make sure your man gets tested. I never want you to go through this!!! Heather, thank you for everything you have done for me.

Apr 26, 2018
Reply to "Spots" Comment
by: Troy

This is a detoxing reaction. The same thing happened to Jessica. An organic ACV, honey & baking soda cleansing mask is very good for this problem... Honey, Baking Soda & Apple Cider Vinegar Mask For Acne & Radiant Skin.

Hope it helps. :)

Apr 26, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Tasting a few natural beers wouldn't be detrimental, as long as you don't go overboard of course. Commercial beers are not good though, and contain many unwanted and toxic ingredients. I think you'll be fine Natasha. :)

Apr 26, 2018
Reply to "Symptoms in new place" comment
by: Troy

This is not unusual. It means the virus has come out and is no longer hiding. This is actually a good thing. Eventually, your tingles, etc, will go away and not return. :)

Apr 26, 2018
Reply to "Trying to stick to protocol" Comment
by: Troy

Alcohol is not good, I'm not going to lie. What's done is done though. What matters for you is from this day onward (getting back on the horse). The condiments you like must go. None of them are any good (they're processed foods). Your body will not detox properly consuming these. Remember, if it's not completely natural, don't eat it. Maybe have a read of the raw food diet article again for a refresher... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 26, 2018
Reply to "Questions" Comment
by: Troy

The oregano oil is doing nothing bad to your insides, only good things, so don't worry. Yes applying the oil topically can and usually does dry your skin out. Skipping a day or two every 10-12 days is fine. Give your body a rest if you think it needs it. But don't rest with the olive leaf extract, etc, though, just the oregano oil. Coconut water is okay but it can't have added sugar (must be completely natural remember). Same goes for everything else you ask about. With the rice though, go with black rice over brown or white. It's much healthier.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 26, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I like to put organic ketchup on my soft boiled eggs in the morning. I know typically all condiments are a no go. What are your feelings on organic ketchup, and do you think it would be detrimental to the protocol?

Thanks for your help!

Apr 27, 2018
Coffee Alternative
by: CoffeeDrinker

Hello Troy,

I found this coffee alternative named "Kaffree Roma" which is a roasted grain beverage. The only ingredients are

1. Roasted Barley
2. Roasted Malt Barley
3. Roasted Chicory, and
4. Roasted Rye

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Apr 28, 2018
Hydrogen Peroxide
by: Miss C

Hi Troy,

I started this protocol in February with a few minor slip ups, adjustments I call them, but I'm still forging forward, albeit a little overwhelmed and wondering if anything is happening with this damn virus!!! I am up to 15 drops HP in water and it is really disgusting. It is making me feel nauseous and after I gulp down the glass (in about 1 cup filtered water) I get a little head spin, feel a bit weird? Has anyone else experienced this? No one knows I am doing this and I just want to make sure it is safe, it tastes so vile though. I am not precious I assure you, and I need to take the ACV in water with OLE straight away to get the smell / taste of the HP away! I am only putting the Oregano oil on topically via DMSO straight on the lower spine and on the outbreaks... is this ok? This protocol is not for the fainthearted, but I will not stop. Also I am in Australia and there is no way to check my progress, the tests here don't give a viral load or antibody rate, just positive or negative... we discussed this before, I just feel like I am doing this blindly. Any luck with a communication portal yet? I am so keen to chat to others about this, it's so lonesome! Thanks again Troy you are the BOMB! Keep going everyone! XXX

Apr 28, 2018
Tip for others
by: Natasha

Hi Troy,

I have been thinking about this for a while but have been reluctant to post it because I'm not sure if it will come across as helpful or bossy lol. :)

I read through these posts constantly and repeatedly as if they were part of a religious transcript and it always strikes me how many people ask questions that have already been answered. I am aware that this takes up your time when you could be answering new questions or doing something else entirely.

I remember how it felt to be brand new to this and I myself had a million questions (still do!). What I found helpful and to try and limit doubling up on questions was to:
1) Read the entire thread (99% of it will be interesting and relevant to everyone)

2) Read Jessica's cure story too (How I Successfully Treated and Cured My Herpes).

And finally Number 3, which I find the most helpful of all...
3) Use the SEARCH THIS SITE BAR at the top of this page to search for a key term that you're looking for (you can usually click on the "Edit" button up top and then "Find on this page"). For example, if you type in "spine" then all the comments about putting the oil on your spine will come up. Or "coconut milk" if you want to know if we should drink coconut milk. Chances are your question has already been asked and answered. This function only occurred to me semi-recently and it saves me HEAPS of time.

I hope this idea helps people like it helps me!

Apr 29, 2018
"I Am Cured!!!"
by: I am that I am

People, forget about how long it will take and just focus on eating better and taking your supplements. All diseases can be removed from the body. Stop believing in those programmed by the medical industry. The first stage to remove any disease is to destroy your infected mind. Once you can accept the facts about healing then you are half way to success. Eating raw is no problem... stop letting other people's negative thoughts infect your mind.

This protocol is not that expensive, just sit down and budget your money and you will find ways to afford it. Never think with a defeated mindset, always ASK the creator within HOW and miracles will happen.

I have started my protocol. Once this virus is removed I will share my method on this web site. My protocol includes at least 6 of Troy's protocols. I have absolutely no doubt that I will be successful.

I have never been stressed about it because I don't believe what the medical industry says. I am kind of well known on some social media platforms and if I were to let people know my success it would have a very large impact because people respect me and know that I don't BS around. I don't know yet if I will show my face - I am debating this idea back and forth. I will at least do an Anonymous video on YouTube showing my results.

Tell yourself "I AM CURED."


Thank you Troy in advance.

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

Even if ketchup is labelled "organic", it still contains additives (white vinegar and sugar for instance). It's not fresh either (hence why it needs preservatives). A small amount would probably be okay, but I would be cautious. :)

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to "Coffee Alternative" Comment
by: Troy

No good. "Roasted" means dead and void of nutrients. You want to be consuming natural foods. Organic green tea is still in it's natural state and contains powerful detoxing compounds (catachins) so this is a much better alternative. :)

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to Miss C
by: Troy

If the HP is making you feel nauseous then don't go higher that what you're already on/taking. This is obviously enough. Try adding more water so you don't taste the HP as well. It doesn't have to limited to one cup, drink more if need be. Also, having the ACV straight after is fine but not the OLE. You must wait and take the OLE later. Also remember, no food with the HP. The chat website is up and running too.
All the best!

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Great tip Natasha! (And one that I completely overlooked). In fact, it's so good I've now updated our "Important Note: Please Click on This Link and Read Before Posting a Question Below" page to include this so new visitors will now know to do this before posting a question. Thank you for taking the time to share. Yes, if everyone did this it would definitely free up so much of my time. I don't think people realize just how many questions I get each week (over 100, sometimes up around 150, each week for this entire website and growing!).

Thanks again. All the best to you Natasha!

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to I am that I am
by: Troy

I also have no doubt that you will be successful. Your mindset is exactly as it should be. You've already overcome two of the biggest hurdles (stress and negative thoughts) so there is nothing to stop you.

Thanks for your post.

All the best to you!

Apr 30, 2018
Can you take BHT with all the rest
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! I’ve read in some articles it’s not good to mix BHT with the other methods. Is that true or can you use it in conjunction with everything else?

Apr 30, 2018
Too many supplements on empty stomach
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I notice that almost every supplement is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach (OLE, Colloidal Silver, H2O2, Oregano oil), which seems impossible. Is it ok to take any of these except H2O2 with some food in your stomach?

May 02, 2018
Karen April 25th Comment
by: Anonymous

I would like to add to Karen's comment... she said "make sure men get tested before sex". I say to men, make sure the women get tested as well... after all it was a woman who gave this to me and I don't want to see men or women go thru this.

May 03, 2018
Reply to "Can you take BHT with all the rest" Comment
by: Troy

BHT should ONLY be taken with the St John's Wort and coconut oil, nothing else. All of the other supplements are fine to have as long as you take them at different times to the BHT. :)

May 03, 2018
Reply to "Too many supplements on empty stomach" Comment
by: Troy

Taking supplements with food in your stomach isn't as effective as taking them on an empty stomach. Better to double up on some supplements if need be and take without/before food than having them after food. The only real exception to the rule is when it comes to fat soluble vitamins as these are okay to have with food (vitamins A, D, E & K). :)

May 06, 2018
A strange question...
by: K

Dear Troy,

I started the protocol in November, though I stopped and restarted in the new year. I am currently in my 5th month of the protocol and it is going well though with a couple of hiccups here and there, i.e. I might have a drink or smoke some weed 2 or 3 days a month or potentially eat out, though I do always try and go for healthier, vegan options. Although, of course, I would rather not have herpes, I have been learning a lot about myself on this journey. I enjoy the discipline, abstinence, focusing on myself, etc, and this has made some amazing positive changes in my friendships, my career, my personal goals and my fitness. In this way, I've learnt to enjoy my journey, and my occasional hiccups have become a part of that. About 3 times a month, I smoke weed and eat out (I'll choose a vegan option) and once in a blue moon I drink alcohol. Sometimes, if I've gone out, taking the supplements may be harder on these days also (maybe MAX once a month). With all this in mind, I want to know whether my hiccups are delaying a positive test or making them impossible...

If I could enjoy the journey and it takes me a year because of the few enjoyable nights in comparison to a boring, confined 8 months... this may be surprising, but I'd take the year.
But if the inconsistencies make it that much harder or make it so it'll never happen, of course I'll try harder with the discipline. I know this is a strange question, and I hope it's not seen as a cop out... I just feel as though I want my diagnosis to work around my happiness and lifestyle, not visa versa. To add, I've found that over time my hiccups are lessening in frequency anyway.

Secondly, I've never actually been tested for my antibody count. The service isn't offered in the UK and I figured it makes no difference if I still follow the protocol anyway. I know you say to delay it until 8 months? I guess I can do that but maybe I should find out how far off I am now? What do you think?
Could you please let me know if these tests look good? I called up and they do give the anti-body count in the result but it costs £100 altogether and I am only a student...


May 07, 2018
Tapioca / sprouted bread
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,
I have a question: is Tapioca starch safe to use on this protocol? And how about homemade sprouted bread (chickpeas + buckwheat)?

Thank you so much for all your help and information!

May 08, 2018
Reply to "Tapioca / sprouted bread" Comment
by: Troy

Tapioca flour/starch is an excellent alternative to conventional flour - and it's gluten free. So yes, no problems with this, as well as your homemade sprouted bread. :)

May 08, 2018
Reply to K
by: Troy

The IgG test you list looks fine. If you've never been tested then it would be a good idea to have this done, to see exactly where you're at. Of course, the cost factor definitely comes into it. In regards to your "treats", I'll be honest with you, they don't help. Cannabis contains chemicals, alcohol contains chemicals/preservatives. These aren't going to help your body detox. It's your choice at the end of the day, but if you really want to be free from this virus for the rest of your life then you need to weigh up whether 12 months of total commitment is worth the sacrifice to be herpes free forever. Only you can make this choice.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

May 09, 2018
BHT and Vitamin C
by: Matt

Hey Troy,

I've been combining the BHT and St. Johns Wort for some time now. Should I stop this? Also, is two, 500mg dosages a day too much at once? Thank you for the continued support.

May 11, 2018
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

If you're not getting outbreaks and are feeling good, lower the dosages of the BHT and St Johns Wort, rather than ceasing them altogether (take the minimum amount listed for both in our main herpes article). In regards to the 500mg's... I'm a bit confused? Are you taking about vitamin C and 10,000 mg's (5000 mg's each dose)? If so, it's important that you break up the amount throughout the day rather than try and cram it in in only two doses.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Matt!

May 11, 2018
Detoxing Questions
by: Anonymous

I've read through this thread several times and keep picking up tips. Thanks for your time in this. 3 months in and I've noticed a big difference.

On detoxing... Weight is a concern. So I do eat more chicken and clean salmon than what you've recommended. Isn't the point to rid our bodies of the heavy metals behind which the HSV hides? How is having cooked food hindering this if it does not contain metals? I've read countless pages on detox and can't seem to get a clear answer. Some foods may not HELP in a detox but they may not HINDER either, is that correct? If so, can we eat other things and still detox sufficiently, maybe just a little slower? If they are healthy organic cooked foods, do they hinder the process? Just looking for some guidance.

I saw some chips that said ingredients: potatoes, avocado oil, sea salt. Didn't buy them. But would even those be bad if they are just simple ingredients like that?


May 11, 2018
BHT and vitamin C
by: Matt

Sorry for not clarifying above, Troy.

I have been taking 2000mg of vitamin C with 500 mg of BHT and st John Wort. My question was, is it completely wrong to be taking them together? And is 500mg of BHT at once too much? Thanks again.

May 12, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I wanted to know can you take any of this with high blood pressure medication. Also what is the BHT? I haven't started anything yet. Can I start off with the parasite cleanse, colon and liver cleanse?

May 12, 2018
Fighting back!
by: JL

I Have toyed around with curing myself for a couple years now. My outbreaks have gone from one every 3-4 months to 20 days a month of some sort of tickle, twinge, shooting pain, blister, itch, intense tail bone pain from sitting, temperature hotness from inside and out, and leg tremors. I have had this infection for 4 1/2 years now and in that time I have only had maybe 5 open surface sores in total. I have had internal discomforts (burning, pain from tampon), which leads me to believe they are internal breakouts. As of this last year shaving below has become a full on trigger for all the symptoms listed above including a razor burn looking rash that does not break open like blisters. I am no longer involved in any sexual activities and have fully committed to fighting back. I have bought so many of the products listed on this site to combat this infection but have realised I just can't take them all. It's too much and I find it very unmanageable. I have decided to streamline to a few of these remedies in large doses. Oregano oil 5 drops/3x a day, 5oz colloidal silver a day, and 6 olivus max caps a day. I take many other products recommended on this site when its convenient but not routinely. I have eliminated sugar, wheat, and processed foods. I have been on this regiment for 2.5 months. I am currently suffering another outbreak. It is under the surface of the skin and feels like a hard lump. Usually the lump rises to the surface and opens into a sore. Typically it feels very deep rooted, painful, and is very large in size. There has never been more than one but it always hangs around for about 10 days. The healing skin stays a redder shade of pink with sensitivities for another 10 days. This time however, the lump is suspended under the skin and not moving to the surface. Also there are two. They are both very small and not nearly as painful as previously experienced. This is the most mild of any other physical outbreak I have ever experienced. I will continue to update my fight to take control back. I believe it can be done and I believe this is the best site to share my journey. There is hope and support here to be free of this.

May 13, 2018
Raw Diet
by: Anonymous


A raw diet is strongly recommended in these articles, but she notes that she consumed salmon, boiled eggs, and hummus. Were these foods eliminated later in the game due to lack of results? (She said she didn’t get results until she got serious and went totally raw but does not describe a totally raw diet in her protocol). Same with Troy’s article, where he recommends eating wild fish but later proclaims that a completely raw diet is the only way to go.) Would it be okay to be on a 75-80% raw diet and keep the fish/egg protein?

Thank you!

May 14, 2018
Adding to "Symptoms in new place" comment
by: Danielle

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with this experience. Over the last few months, I've noticed that if I have an OB, it's usually not close to my genital area. I never used to get symptoms on my lower buttocks/upper thighs, but that's where they mostly pop up at this point if I get one. They also hurt way less than before I started and early on in the protocol (I think I'm around the 10th month now). Before, I used to feel tingling all the time and if I had an OB I would feel it with every movement. Now I barely notice them; they're way smaller, way less painful, and go away way more quickly and easily. Like, I have to make myself remember topical remedies because they aren't always necessary to decrease the low level of discomfort.

Rarely I have days where I honestly feel like I don't know if this is going to help me reach my goal of a negative test result, but natural cleansing/detoxing seems like the best option any of us have. I mean, the medical industrial complex gives us NOTHING, so screw that because I believe that ultimately SOMETHING will work, and that something has to be natural. For me, it's definitely better than nothing and even though my symptoms aren't down to zero, I refuse to ignore the level of improvement I've seen thus far. Also, I can't believe how much clearer my mind is and sometimes I wonder if this virus causes changes in the brain that lead to depression. I mean yeah we can get depressed from having it, but with the immense improvements I've had in my mood even before starting SJW & BHT, I really think the OLE and OO has cleaned out whatever it was that kept me so down in the dumps for so long. Now, even during an "episode" I still keep hope and know and believe that I can beat this thing!

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to share this in case others are having the same experience. :)

May 15, 2018
Spelt, cleanses and pH
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

I've been sloppy and I've admitted it to myself so now I'm really going for it! Kay's not my real name but I'm going to keep it so that I can keep following up with you in a more organised fashion.

I take all the supplements, antioxidant shakes and chlorella/boabab/wheatgrass, etc. My food is raw and organic except for my cilantro unfortunately.

1) Are organic spelt spaghetti/noodles ok to eat?

2) I previously asked about a parasite, full body and heavy metal cleanse that you were very enthusiastic about. I know you say that cleanses are only necessary at the start but I understand Jessica took an array of herbs throughout her period of healing and the lady that makes the cleanses tells me to do them every 3 months at MINIMUM. So far, I've done it alongside the supplements to try and gain what I can from both. I want to step it up and do it 3 more times before the end of the year? Does this sound like a good idea?

3) My pH has not budged from around 6.5, even since I started taking ACV mixed with Bob's best twice a day. I don't really care but just wondering what your thoughts are.

Thank you!

May 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

I noticed suppositories were mentioned in the article, but not what specific ingredients she used. I’m not extremely thrilled about trying this, but will do about anything if it’s goimg to speed up the process or make it more likely that I rid my body of HSV.

May 16, 2018
More Questions
by: Alex

Hello Troy, Alex again... Hoping this comment goes through.

-What's the difference between taking the oregano oil under the tongue vs orally? Is it necessary to take it sublingually or could I just take an extra oral dose?

-Can I mix cilantro, parsley, chlorella, Diatomaceous Earth and ACV + honey in one smoothie?

-I have an OLE that is 750mg but only 20% oleuropein, would this be better than Olivus being only 500mg?

-Does lysine help kill the virus or just to stop breakouts? I haven't got a breakout on the protocol yet, just tingling.

-Whats your opinion on intermittent fasting and this protocol?

-I recently have started adding BHT also... But I'm on a budget and the SJW is pretty expensive. Can I take a low dose SJW and have it still work? (500mg)

-I take a protein powder that is all plant based about once or twice a week. Is this okay?

-Does it matter how much coconut oil I mix the oregano oil with under my tongue? I like to use quite a bit.

-Do you think adding black seed oil would help immensely or just so-so?

Thank you Troy. Much love and gratitude.

May 17, 2018
Reply to "Detoxing Questions" Comment
by: Troy

When detoxing the body you need to be giving it "live" foods. So raw foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, and to a lesser extent, seeds and (some) grains, are what you need. These are all live, aka, exactly how nature created them. Once you cook a food, you destroy the live enzymes and many/most of the nutrients. That's why raw foods are always best. With that said, eating a small amount of organic cooked chicken and salmon is okay (you cannot and should not eat these raw of course). Like I say, you only want just enough to keep your weight up, that is, to keep your protein up so you don't drop obscene levels of weight. You should still look to stay with around 100 grams of organic chicken OR 150-200 grams of wild caught salmon. It's up to you of course. I would rather see someone eat extra chicken than a packet of chips. In regards to your chips, keep in mind that if it doesn't come from nature and/or if it still isn't in its natural form (the way natural first created it) then you shouldn't eat it.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

May 17, 2018
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

You should be trying to break up the dosages of each supplement as much as you can throughout the day. Yes, this is tedious, and at times, a pain in the butt, but it needs to be done. The body can only absorb so much at a time. 500mg's of BHT at once is probably too much. If you've got the 250 mg capsules then break up the times you have them. Remember, even if you only wait 15-20 minutes before taking your next supplement/pill that's still okay.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Matt!

May 17, 2018
Re: your reply to Matt on May 17th
by: Natasha

Hi Troy,

I have been taking the max 1000mg dose of the BHT, broken up into an am & pm dose of 500mg each (2x 250mg tabs)- with the SJW, Vitamin C and coconut oil. If 500mg is too much to administer in one go, should I be taking just 1x250mg tab with the SJW, Vit C and CO (am & pm) and then the other 2x250mg tabs randomly throughout the day (without SJW, Vit C and CO)? It's just that otherwise I will be taking too much SJW if I have it with all 4 BHT tabs.

Hmmmm... As always, I'm eager to do everything correctly 😊 Thank you!!!

May 18, 2018
Reply to "cleanse" Comment
by: Troy

You would need to speak with your doctor about your HBP medication. Unfortunately, we cannot comment on this. In regards to what BHT is, have a read of our main herpes cure article on the BHT (#4 cure) and be sure to click on the relevant article links for a full understanding. And yes, a parasite/colon/liver cleanse is an excellent idea and will set you up nicely (internally) for the protocol. :)

May 18, 2018
Reply to "Raw Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Wild caught salmon and organic eggs in small/reasonable amounts are okay. You still need to keep your protein intake up sufficiently. If not, weight loss will happen too quickly, and this is the reason why. Only cook your salmon and eggs "just enough". Don't overcook them. You would be better to look at a ratio of around 85-90% raw foods and 10-15% cooked (minimal amount of course). :)

May 18, 2018
Reply to Danielle
by: Troy

Thanks for your post Danielle. You would be quite amazed at what this virus can infect. Remember, it attaches itself to heavy metals. Most people, virtually all people, have lots of heavy metals in their brain (that's one of the places they like to store and accumulate) so not only can you have the virus in your brain, you have heavy metals in your brain messing up your thought processes. With those heavy metals gone, clarity, memory recall, your emotions, and your thought processes are all significantly enhanced! Thanks again for sharing.

All the best to you!

May 18, 2018
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

Hi Kay not your real name. Okay, spelt and quinoa are both great and healthy options. With the spelt noodles/spaghetti, a small/reasonable amount is certainly okay and can make a nice change to salad all the time. There's nothing wrong with doing a detox/parasite cleanse roughly every 3 months. I don't believe that you can actually "over detox", but I do believe you can "under detox", so I agree with what this lady is saying. In regards to your pH level, I'm not sure why it's still low. Are you testing yourself first thing in the morning before you've had anything to eat or drink? Also look to drink your filtered water with a slice of lemon in it for extra alkalinity (yes, this water becomes alkaline not acidic once it enters the body).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Kay!

May 18, 2018
Reply to "Suppository" Comment
by: Troy

This article has some good information on suppositories and what some of the best ones are... Suppositories - The Detox Dudes.

May 18, 2018
Reply to Alex
by: Troy

Hi Alex. The oregano oil is most effective when taken both orally and under the tongue. This is by far the best combination. Mixing all the ingredients you list into a smoothie is fine. The OLE you have also sounds fine. Lysine is mainly to inhibit breakouts. If you're not getting any then you can likely do without it. Intermittent fasting is also a good idea but you must continue to take your supplements, particularly your green food (chlorella/wheat grass), so complete fasting (only drinking water) is not recommended. St John's Wort at 500 mg's is okay, better than not taking any. The protein powder you should be taking (if you are) should be pea protein and contain no additives or artificial sweeteners/preservatives. Although black seed oil is good, I don't think it gives you enough bang for your buck with this protocol. Better to invest your money in one of the other remedies in my opinion.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Alex. :)

May 18, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

I should clarify Natasha. If you are taking 500 mg's of the BHT twice daily, and it's agreeing with you (eg, no stomach upsets, etc) then you should continue to do so. BHT must be taken with St John's Wort and some vitamin C so it's better to make sure you have these together (with a little coconut oil of course) rather than try to break them up too much during the day/more during the day, and in turn, be having them separate from each other. What you are doing is fine. :)

May 18, 2018
Message for Everyone... PLEASE READ!
by: Troy

Hi everyone. People have been asking me if "Keeva" on the BSupportive chat website/forum is really Jessica... How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes. I can confirm that, after speaking to Jess today, it is/was definitely her. She initially went on the forum to see if she could help anyone, but after seeing the negative comments, people saying that "Jessica" does not really exist and her testimonial/story is fake, she ended up posting a bunch of pretty harsh (but well justified) comments. To say she was upset is an understatement. Here's what she said...

"Look, I'm sorry that I haven't been on this site for a while, I am pretty busy with university. Yes I am Jessica off Troys site. And no I am not a false testimonial and I find it kind of insulting that people would insinuate that. I can appreciate you are skeptical. Let me make one thing very clear, EACH PERSON IS PHYSIOLOGICALLY UNIQUE. What will work for me, will not definitely work for you. What Troy has provided on the site is a FRAMEWORK of a protocol that you can follow. Both Heather and myself put a substantial amount of research into our regimes before we began. We both also completed intensive heavy metal detoxes before we started. As stated in my story, I even had herbs that I helped select with my herbalists made for me on a regular basis, I attended hot yoga, was extremely selective with what I ate and at no point viewed this as being a process that could be rushed. Don't whinge about it, you can do it. And if you feel you aren't getting anywhere with the protocol go back to square one and review, there could be something you are missing, or something that is causing you to react. It is not fair to be frustrated with a protocol that obviously cannot be catered to your individual needs. That is why I suggested working closely with a well trusted natural healer while you completed this.

I put in the hard work, I sacrificed so much of my life to get where I am, I am only 21. I didn't whinge or bitch or cry about it, I sucked it up and I did it. Because for me there was never any other option. I was not prepared to live with this and now I don't. I did this by myself, with virtually no guidance from anyone. So unless you're coming from a positive place, and actually want to ask me some constructive questions, I would seriously reassess if doing something like this is right for you. And also, I did not cheat, not a SINGLE TIME. Not with food, or weed, or alcohol. Do not underestimate the sacrifice and the level of difficulty. You have to decide whether or not it is worth being free of the virus for the rest of your life.

I am sending all of you love, and I'm sorry if my responses were harsh, but you have got to snap out of some of these negative attitudes. You're in survival mode okay? Your body is going through a healing crisis. Work through it".

Jess is not planning to go back on this forum again, which is a shame. To be honest, I'm a bit pissed too. I'm sick of Jess's and Heather's testimonials/stories being called scams, lies and made up by me. If you don't believe their stories are true then move on, it's as simple as that. Also, both of these ladies committed 100% to getting rid of this virus. Neither one cheated, broke their diet, ate or drank something they shouldn't have or broke their supplementation regime, not once! There was no back door for them. Living with this virus wasn't an option for either of them, and as such, they did what they had to do to get rid of it. And neither cared how long it was going to take. I never once had Heather or Jess ask me how long it was going to take for them to kill the virus... it took what it took, period.

I still hear from Heather, and Jess, occasionally. They have gotten on with their lives but still keep in touch every now and then. They are both amazing women and I have the utmost respect for both of them, and quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of people bad mouthing them and calling them fakes. These ladies do not deserve this. I recommend everyone reads Jessica's comment above again. If you aren't willing to commit fully to getting rid of this virus then maybe the time is not right for you at this point in your life. Maybe you should wait until it is. People always ask me... "can I still drink alcohol" "can I still smoke cannabis" "can I still eat those processed corn chips", etc, etc? Of course, you can do whatever you like. I'm not your mom. But just remember, every negative thing you do takes you further away from your goal. Every positive thing you do brings you closer to your goal.

As always, I'm here to answer any questions (that haven't already been asked of course) and help those who genuinely want to be helped.

Best of luck to you all!

May 18, 2018
Right mindset
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. Been doing the protocol since February 2017. Did not do the test as at my one year mark I had a huge breakout. Did not miss a day of the protocol, ate as raw as I thought was enough... but obviously wasn't good enough. Been on a strict raw food diet since April, and when I say raw I mean RAW. Only salads and pumpkin/sunflower seeds. So far I haven't lost weight so all good. Saw Jessica's comments and I agree to beat this virus you really need to be committed. No beer or a glass of wine here and there... must stick with raw. I also changed a few things: go to a sauna daily and exercise a bit. I added to the protocol AHCC, humic and fulvic acid. I am going to do 20 sessions of oxygen therapy and am thinking to start the hydrogen peroxide protocol as well. What are your thoughts? It is ok to do it while I am taking the fulvic and humic acid? (Of course separate times). Many thanks for your support and to everybody else who reads my comment: Go raw and be committed or don't waste your time.

May 18, 2018
Anxiety Tips
by: Anonymous

l have been healing myself and doing the protocol for a while now. My IgG levels have been showing much improvement, however, whenever I go in to get tested again I get really bad anxiety about what the results will be. How can I deal with this? Although I know for a fact I am healing myself and I see the results, I still get this feeling. Now especially because I am so close to the finish line.

My results come back tomorrow. Of course I will share and I eventually plan on sharing my entire story to you all, showing all my mistakes, tips, and lessons learned.

May 18, 2018
by: B

Just to be clear, only one person from bsupporive was questioning the integrity of this protocol. Everyone else it seems is still on board and still trying. Even though my IgG level has increased I still feel great. I’m not having tingles or pain like I used to. The only explanation is that I have been doing something to this virus. I get that I haven’t been diligent enough and still smoke pot for pain, which is probably why I’m not seeing the IgG result I would like. Due to these factors, I think adding ozone would be beneficial. I would like to thank you and Jessica for your support and recommendations throughout this difficult process.

May 18, 2018
Raw vs Cooked
by: Kay

Hey, me again :)

I just want to confirm that I'm eating enough raw foods. I'm entirely vegan and everything is organic aside from my coriander.

Breakfast: Smoothie containing pea powder, chia seeds, acai, maqui, maca, acerola, blueberries, wheatgrass, barley grass, moringa, boabab, spirulina, chlorella, raw pure peanut butter, and coconut milk.

Lunch: Cilantro salad with tomatoes, peppers, onion, cucumber, olive oil and a squeeze of lemon and maybe ACV.

Dinner... the tricky part. I pretty much always have a cooked meal of brown rice/spelt/quinoa and a curry made from simple ingredients like chopped tomatoes (these are canned but the ingredients say nothing about additives, just 100% organic tomato and tomato juice), maybe some chopped peppers and beans (kidney, chickpea, brown lentils). OR, I might fry some vegetables in coconut oil or boil some sweet potato, make a veg soup etc. I always have a side bowl of kale with this.

Is this okay?

Thanks :)

May 19, 2018
Distilled Water
by: Daniel

Hi Troy, I am 27 and in the UK and have had this virus for the past 5 years or so. I am now completely in the mindset to get rid of it as I'm tired of thinking about just how manage it all the time. I have gathered a lot of the supplements to start. The main thing I am concerned about is a good supply of water. I have a distiller that I have used for ages. Is this kind of water ok to drink while on this protocol? I know distilled water is slightly acidic and de-mineralised but so is reverse osmosis. The whole idea of this protocol is to keep your pH level up right? Is there any way to make distilled water work on this protocol and is it ok to drink as a main source of water?

If you could help me with this I would be very grateful. Thank You.

May 20, 2018
Inconsistent pH readings
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

The Kay not my name is a good idea. I was on the BSupport but now don't want to read it given the negativity you addressed - many were bothered by the Keeva/Jessica confusion. So I guess if I make it clear that I use a fake name, hopefully people will be more open to any changes when I get to write my testimonial. :)

With regards to my pH, I started the Bob's best baking soda probably a month ago, twice a day with raw ACV. I also take the green supplements such as wheatgrass, spirulina, etc, which are alkaline right? I'm vegan and 75% raw (I've asked a question about this proportion in an earlier post and will alter it if you deem necessary).

In the mornings, my saliva reads about 6.5 consistently. In the mornings, my urine reads the same. I drink a lot of filtered water, approx 3 litres (and as per your suggestion have started adding lemon). I've been drinking this amount of water since the beginning of the year, and as expected, pee a lot. In the mornings my pee is yellow but once I'm up and drinking water it dilutes. My clear urine consistently reads an alkaline level of 8/8.5.

I'm not sure about all the inconsistencies? I've questioned whether my body uptakes water well, digests well etc given that I pee so much. My bowel movements are very good and my pee has sediment in it... so I'm not sure. Any insight?

Thanks :)

May 22, 2018
Reply to " Right Mindset" Comment
by: Troy

The fulvic and humic acid are fine and are great supplements to add. I would leave the HP until you finish your oxygen therapy though. I think you would do better if you keep these separate. Your body will be nicely "oxygenated" while doing the oxygen therapy and following up with the HP protocol afterwards will help keep your pH up. Should work well.

All the best to you!

May 22, 2018
Reply to "Anxiety Tips" Comment
by: Troy

Are you doing daily meditation? This is extremely crucial. Meditating before you go for your test will definitely help, but you need to make it a daily practice (you relax more and get more out of meditation if you do it every day). I recommend going on YouTube and searching "The Teachings of Abraham". There's lots of great guided meditations there. I use them and they definitely work (Heather talks about then too).

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

May 22, 2018
Reply to B
by: Troy

Yes you are right B. I should have clarified that. Most of the members on the BSupportive site are positive and are doing well. I still think it's a great tool and is handy for helping people connect. I hope it gets used more.

All the best!

May 22, 2018
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

What you're eating looks good to me Kay. The only thing I would probably substitute is black rice for the brown rice. Black rice is much more nutritious. Remember too, when it comes to cooking food, try to only cook it just enough. So basically, don't overcook. Of course, keeping it as raw or as close to raw is the best option. That way you know you haven't destroyed any live enzymes or nutrients. In regards to your pH level, I wouldn't be too concerned. What you're doing and what you're taking is definitely enough to keep your pH level raised.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 23, 2018
Reply to Daniel
by: Troy

Hi Daniel. Firstly, stop drinking distilled water as soon as you can. This water is definitely no good, and yes, is highly acidic. Reverse osmosis filters are so so. The one you want is either a solid block carbon filter or granular carbon filter system. A Big Berkey water filtration system is the top shelf filter if you can afford it. In regards to Fiji Water? There has been some debate on whether this water actually contains what it's supposed to. I personally don't recommend it and Dr Joseph Mercola is dead against it. And it works out to be much cheaper (in the long run) to purchase a good home filtration system rather than pay for bottled water anyway. You can read this Q&A for more information on the best filtration systems...Best Drinking Water Filters.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

May 23, 2018
Tested Again, now I’ve made some changes
by: Gia (Anxiety tips girl)

Thank you so much for the tips on anxiety. I am definitely going to take a look at the teachings of Abraham to help me with my anxiety.

Anyways, I got tested again and my IgG scores went up slightly. I am a little disappointed, however, I know that I must now look at what I was doing that might have made this happen. I have been eating a kale salad a day along with three ingredient sourdough spelt bread (spelt, water, sea salt), quinoa, Hillary’s "hemp and greens" veggie burgers (which only contain only organic ingredients: hemp seeds, coconut oil, and a variety of leafy greens), along with an antioxidant smoothie and cilantro pills that I make myself. Changes that I have made since being tested is that I now add Camu Camu powder in my drinks along with eating goji berries as a snack. I make sea weed wraps with dandelion greens, cilantro, romaine, bell peppers, cayenne, grape seed oil, sea salt, and onion powder. I am still doing the kale salads but ditched the quinoa, the sour dough spelt bread, the hemp burgers and also the packaged spring water ice that I was using for my smoothies, because I’m not quite sure if they have fluoride in them even though it is spring water (natures rock). Instead I use an ice tray and make my own ice. Do you think these changes will help?

As far as supplements I was taking the 5 ounces of colloidal silver and what James recommended for the oregano oil. I am having "die off" symptoms after taking the colloidal silver so I know it is working well to get rid of the virus in my body. I take herbal teas as well such as dandelion tea. Since this last test I have added the GAIA brand of the Olive Leaf Extract and am taking 4 pills three times a day.

Lastly I sungaze four times per week and walk barefoot on the earth. I heard this was good as well.

Anyways, I wanted to know if what I am doing is okay. Thank you! ❤️

May 24, 2018
BO after 7 months
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

I've been making good progress the last 3 months since my major OB (you might remember my posting) that sent me to the hospital. For 3 months, I had no tingling and no OB. I was very pleased, thinking I was finally on the road to recovery.

However, just yesterday, I had again the same aggressive outbreak on my right buttocks where I've been getting all my outbreaks (except for the last one which jumped to my left buttocks!)

First I noticed two small little pimples and a slight burning sensation. I thought I'd attack it with DMSO, which may have caused a reaction because the area started to get inflamed and after adding oregano oil with the DMSO, the area became really irritated. What started as 2 small pimples turned into 20 blisters!

I am feeling helpless at the moment. I no longer know what to do when I get the beginnings of an OB. Do I leave it and watch what happens? These two times I tried to pre-empt, but the situation got significantly worse than any OB's in the past. Please advise.

Thank you, and still hoping.

May 25, 2018
Matcha, Hemp Milk, Manuka Honey & Organic Peanut Butter
by: McKenzie

Hi Troy,

I just wanted to thank you for your knowledge, patience and time! And wanted to ask about a few things I’ve been incorporating into my diet.

(1) Heather mentioned eating organic peanut butter with bananas. That is one of my favorite snacks. Do you see anything wrong with eating that while on the protocol?

(2) I’ve been having matcha in the mornings with Manuka honey and a splash of hemp milk. Is that okay or harmful to this process in anyway?

(3) I’ve been eating wild caught fish, veggies and fruit, but occasionally would love to have some ground turkey?

(4) Laslty, I’ve been eating gluten free rolled oats with chia, hemp and buckwheat. Are these okay?

Thanks again, Troy, for everything!

May 27, 2018
Distilled water?
by: Deshawn

Hi Troy,

From what I understand only distilled water can be used for the HP. Can we use another type of water, or does the HP change the PH levels?

May 28, 2018
Link to support group?
by: Anonymous

What is the link to the Bsupportive website. It would be great motivation for me.

May 29, 2018
Reply to Gia
by: Troy

Hi Gia. Firstly, in regards to spring water, just because it says it's "pure" doesn't mean it is. You were wise in getting rid of the spring water for your ice. Everything else you've changed seems to be okay. You don't mention cilantro? Make sure you eat lots of cilantro, as well as take a wheat grass powder every day (2-3 teaspoons) to help remove those heavy metals. The foods you decided to get rid of were no good anyway, so this was also a good choice. The quinoa is the exception though. This food is fine and is good for you. Organic black rice is another healthy food you can also use. Are you taking any other supplements? Don't forget about the hydrogen peroxide, and if possible, the BHT.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

May 29, 2018
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

I would recommend that if you get a breakout then treat it with something a little safer and less harsher than the DMSO (you do need to be very careful when using DMSO). Colloidal silver straight from the bottle can be used. It wont burn. Or, you can buy olive leaf extract in tincture form and apply this. If not, break open a couple of OLE capsules and combine the powder with a little water, just enough to make a paste, then apply this to your OB's. OLE is also very safe to use topically.

Hope this helps.

Hang in there!

All the best. :)

May 29, 2018
by: Natasha

Hi Troy. Firstly, increasing my probiotics has helped HEAPS and my bloated little belly is gone! Thank you so much! Now I feel like a supermodel lol 😆 Also, I just went to buy some oats but I found they were either guaranteed wheat free or organic, not BOTH unfortunately. Which is most important? Thanks a million!

May 30, 2018
Reply to McKenzie
by: Troy

Hi McKenzie. The peanut butter and bananas are fine. Either buy a natural organic peanut butter, or even better, make your own (there's plenty of easy recipes online). Matcha green tea with manuka honey and hemp milk is extremely good for you so definitely no problems there. Turkey meat (organic) is also okay. Have this in place of chicken but still no more than 100 grams per day. Finally, the rolled oats? I personally aren't a big fan of them simply because most oats are contaminated/cross contaminated, even if they are supposedly organic, etc. I prefer quinoa, amaranth or buckwheat myself. However, if you're sure the oats you have are safe then by all means eat them. Not too much though, you don't want too many complex carbs in your diet. Remember, plenty of raw detoxing vegetables, fruits, herbs and seeds.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

May 30, 2018
Reply to Deshaun
by: Troy

Distilled water is best for the HP protocol as it contains no contaminants/heavy metals such as chlorine or fluoride. Distilled water is acidic but once you add the HP to it, it becomes alkaline (oxygenated), so this is perfectly fine. Only use distilled water with your HP though. Drink clean filtered water on all other occasions.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 30, 2018
Reply to "Bsupportive link" Comment
by: Troy

If you check out the March 19th 2018 comment above titled "Support Site is up and Running", you'll see the link there. :)

May 30, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. Glad your gut is better. Those little probiotics are so so crucial. With the oats, I answered a question about this just now (above). Personally, I prefer quinoa, amaranth or buckwheat. There's less risk of contamination with these and they're much healthier anyway.

All the best to you! :)

May 30, 2018
OLE or OO on outbreaks
by: Hopeful from Asia

Dear Troy,

Thank you for your reply to my inquiry on how to best handle outbreaks and prevent scarring. According to Heather, I thought applying OO with coconut oil in the area when there's early sensations and on the lesion when an outbreaks occurs is the way to go (and I've been doing this up until I decided to try DMSO which worked initially but not the last two times).

Can you clarify the difference between using an Olive Leaf Extract Tincture and OO with coconut oil when an outbreak first appears on the skin? It's usually a small red spot or two. But in my experience, these small spots quickly multiply into a cluster of 15-20 blisters.

I'm trying to manage my outbreaks and also prevent scarring, so your guidance is greatly appreciated. I also tried applying manuka honey on the area and it worked initially to resolve it, but not after several attempts with recurring outbreaks. Can you also clarify the use of manuka honey?

Thank you again.

Jun 01, 2018
Might Be Cured Already!
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy and everyone,

I don’t know for sure yet because I haven’t been tested again since I tested HSV2 positive with 5.75 index in March. I did the H202 protocol but only to 25 drops a day and then stopped without going backwards. I’m taking my vitamins and some of the protocol supplements, eating healthy and even drinking a lot of coffee still. I went on vacation in early May to Mexico and drank alcohol, three nights in a row drank way too much. Was out in the sun, but not excessively. None on that bad behavior has triggered an outbreak. Also, I quit taking Acyclovir 2 months ago. I went to Hawaii in Feb, did same thing, out in the sun, alot of alcohol and coffee and did have an outbreak then. I’m wondering if the H202 knocked the virus out already? Over 2 months, have had some stressful situations and still not so much as a tingle. I’m planning a full on colon cleanse and full body detox for June 17 after I return from another vacation where I will probably, again, have some blow it days. My detox will last for a month and I plan to consume nothing but organic grapes. Want to mention too that I used a parasite zapper once after my Mexico trip because it’s supposed to kill HSV along with other pathogens. Will use it again while on my detox. Just thought I’d mention that the lady who sold me the zapper said she did a parasite cleanse and zapped for three weeks in the 1990’s and has never again had a herpes outbreak! Oh, for those who are having trouble with the taste of the H202, I took a drop of berry flavored stevia directly on my tongue right after taking the H202 and it kills that nasty chlorinated taste in the mouth. I will get tested again after my detox and let you know. Best of luck to everyone and the mindset is very important for success! I pray to God every day to heal me. Bless.

Jun 04, 2018
Igg Test?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
So I was originally tested back on March 12th of this year and came back equivocal 1.05. The test was 8 days after possible exposure. Now I have just been tested again May 28th and came back equivocal .98. So the IgG levels have gone down? What does this mean? How likely is it that I'm not actually infected and if I am, that I received the virus prior to when I thought? How do find out and no for sure what my status is from here on out?
Kind Regards

Jun 04, 2018
Thank you!!!
by: McKenzie

Thanks for taking the time to respond Troy!!!!

Jun 05, 2018
Oregano Oil Causing Bruising?
by: E

Hello Troy.

I am in need of some clarification. Mid April I discovered a wound on my lower back (exactly where the oregano oil is applied). It was painless, and only ever itchy, and scabbed over fast. But, even now (weeks later) it is still present, and continues to scab over and itch. The skin around it has become dark - I suppose 'bruised' would be the best description. It causes no pain still.

I know you wrote that oregano oil can dry the skin. Is that what this is do you think? Perhaps I am not diluting it well enough with coconut oil?

I have yet to have a serious outbreak, i.e. lesions, etc. Could this be an outbreak?

What should I do?

Thank you.

Jun 07, 2018
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

The oregano oil with coconut oil can certainly be used, absolutely. I suggest you leave the DMSO since you haven't had a good experience with it. The OLE tincture is just a different treatment, that's all. If the oregano oil and coconut oil isn't working then try the OLE (break open a capsule and use as I described before). Sometimes one thing will work, other times something else will work. Just be careful not to dry the skin out. Manuka honey is a good moisturizer as well as an anti-viral so you can always apply some of this a few hours after you've used the OLE or oregano oil.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 07, 2018
Reply to "Might be Cured Already" Comment
by: Troy

You make an interesting point about the zapper. I've been researching these for a while now but have been apprehensive to recommend them because I haven't heard from anyone who has used one. From all reports, they are quite effective. Dr Hulda Clark is the original inventor of the zapper. Her's are quite expensive though but seem to be the best. I've also seen others for sale on eBay. Is this the type you're using? It will be interesting to see what happens with your progress over the next few months. I would also recommend doing the HP protocol once again after your detox, exactly what you did before.

Here's some more information on the zapper for anyone who's interested...

Zapper Basics - What Does it Do?.

Zapper Digital Professional.

All the best! :)

Jun 08, 2018
Reply to "Igg Test" Comment
by: Troy

It's possible that the first test was a false positive. Unfortunately, there is no "perfect" test for herpes or a way to know for sure. I would wait 3-4 months and then get re-tested. You'll have a better idea then. :)

Jun 08, 2018
Reply to E
by: Troy

Very difficult to say without seeing it. When you apply the oregano oil, does it burn badly or only mildly? If it really burns then dilute more with coconut oil. Bruised looking skin is more than likely burnt skin. Apply natural aloe vera gel or the sap from a fresh piece of aloe vera to where you apply the oil twice daily if possible. Like I said, the skin is also very susceptible to drying out from the oregano oil so be careful of this.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 08, 2018
I am terrified
by: Anonymous

Hello. Where is the perfect place to buy all these products you mention? And what is the main kind of water that is good for drinking.

Jun 08, 2018
Vitamin C
by: Natasha

Hey Troy! Hope you are well 😊
Just a quick question- which vitamin C should I be having with the BHT and SJW? Ascorbic Acid (by Thorne) or regular C (2 stage, timed release by Solaray)? Can't find the answer to this on the site. I just had a moment where I worried I was doing it wrong! You may have guessed by now, I'm kind of a perfectionist lol 😁

Jun 08, 2018
6 months of raw
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I’ve been following the protocol for 6 months now and have lost a significant amount of weight due to my raw diet. I haven’t eaten meat in a year and these last 6 months I’ve relied on bananas and avocados for my calorie intake. I’ve lost about 20 lbs and I want to continue. Is there anything else you would suggest food wise that’s in line with the protocol? Would be a great help as it’s starting to get to me physically, mentally and emotionally. Thank you!

Jun 09, 2018
Maintaining Weight
by: Anonymous

I am currently going to start my journey with the protocol at the end of this month. I am excited & very hopeful. I was wondering if there were foods you can suggest that would help maintain my current weight. I am currently 105 lbs, 5'0 & I am worried about losing too much weight.

Jun 10, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I bought my zapper off of eBay. The cost was over $100. I’ve seen cheaper ones but this one was touted to be the original Hulda Clark design. I only used it once and it did kill off some parasites as I had die off symptoms for a few weeks. You really need to use the zapper in conjunction with a good parasite cleanse protocol though.

Jun 11, 2018
Breast implants
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. Do you know if this cure would work for someone who has plastic breast implants in already? Would these prevent this treatment from working like it would for someone who doesn't have breast implants?

Jun 12, 2018
Starting again
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I started the protocol just after being infected but after 2 months I stopped the diet (I still continued with the supplements but on low doses). It was a mistake. I thought I had killed the virus because I did all the triggers and did not have any symptoms. I almost forgot about it.

Now I'm having my second OB, 6 months after the first one. It is mild in comparison with the first one but still very painful, and the sores are not in the same place as the first time.

I am starting the protocol again: I'm doing the Oregano Oil, OLE, Lysine, Vit C (I'm a small girl do you think 6000 mg will be enough?), Zinc and Selenium. I also take 3000 mg of Reishi, 2500 mg of Soy Lecithin, 1000 MG of Maitake and Shitake, Vit B-50 complex, vit D3, Krill oil and Probiotics. And I added Transfer Factor Colostrum. What do you think about Colostrum for Herpes?

I am not taking the HP and the BHT for the moment and I use the colloidal silver only topically. I want to start Ozone Therapy next week, 5 sessions (I can not afford more). After that I will start the H202 drops.

I am also taking the smoothies with coconut water and all the ingredients listed by Heather.

I have some doubts:

If I add the oregano oil with coconut oil to a hot matcha tea or hot white tea, does the oregano oil loose his properties?

Is peppermint tea ok?

It would be necessary to add a Monolaurin supplement even if I already take 5 tablespoons of coconut oil daily and 500 ml of coconut water?

My doctor told me not to take the chlorella powders if I am taking high doses of Vit C because the toxins can go into my blood again. Should I take the Vit C in the morning and the chlorella/spirulina/wheatgrass smoothie at night? Or do I not take chlorella while taking Vit C?

When I finish the Oregano Oil could I change it for the Oregano Pills from Zane Hellas. Does it smell less on the skin? People were telling me about my weird smell.

I am taking so many things that sometimes I am scared. But I do not want to live with this virus. Please tell me if all this can work even if I am missing some of the remedies.

Thank you so much for your help.

Jun 14, 2018
Reply to "I Am Terrified" Comment
by: Troy

There's nothing to be terrified about. Either Amazon or eBay are your best sources if you're looking to purchase everything in the one spot. Amazon even stock olive leaf MAX capsules... Super Strength Olive Leaf Extract, however, they charge more that what it costs if you buy it direct from the website... The Real European Spanish Olive Leaf Extract is also extremely good - which you can find on either Amazon or eBay. In regards to your drinking water, a good quality water filter is all you need. Have a read of this recent Q&A we did on the best types of water filters... Best Drinking Water Filters.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 14, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Nothing wrong with being a perfectionist Natasha - I'm exactly the same. I recommend you take the ascorbic acid with the BHT and St John's Wort as it's not a time release, so it goes straight to work and combines with these two immediately. The time release or slow release vitamin C should be taken at separate times to these (whenever you can during the day).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Natasha! :)

Jun 14, 2018
Reply to "6 Months of Raw" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, it's tough when you're eating completely raw and vegan. I would recommend you up your high calorie (but healthy) food intake as much as you can. Black rice is quite high in calories (contains healthy fats) and is also high in crucial anthocyanin antioxidants, so start having this. Also, organic coconut oil - one of the best foods ever and high in calories. Organic coconut milk is also very good. Flaxseed oil (sprinkled over salads etc), is another healthy oil that's high in calories. Quinoa is yet another high calorie, high protein food you may want to consider also.

See if some of these help.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Jun 14, 2018
Reply to "Maintaining Weight" Comment
by: Troy

Have a read of my reply above titled "6 Months of Raw". This will give you some handy ideas. Also, up to 150 grams of wild caught salmon or 100 grams of organic chicken can be eaten daily (only one of these not both). This amount of protein will help keep your weight up too. Remember, healthy detoxing smoothies (with plenty of cilantro) are crucial as well.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jun 14, 2018
Reply to "Breast Implants" Comment
by: Troy

I've been asked this question before and the honest truth is I'm not 100% sure. It's like amalgam fillings. Yes, they do have some toxicity, however, so does the air we breathe. Getting completely away from toxins is virtually impossible in today's world. I believe that if you detox the body hard by following a strict detoxing diet and supplementation plan then yes, you can offset the damage that the implants may be causing. Do you suffer from breast implant illness? This will give you a clue as to whether the implants are affecting you and leaking toxins into your body...Breast Implant Illness + 6 Other Breast Implant Dangers.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best. :)

Jun 14, 2018
Reply to "Starting Again" Comment
by: Troy

What you are doing is good. There is nothing bad in there. You have to use some of your own intuition with this, which you are doing. For instance, the amount of vitamin C you are taking is fine for your size. With the oregano oil, the capsules are only for internal use, but yes these can be used/substituted for the liquid. Taking the oregano oil internally can make you smell (the smell comes out of your pores). Unfortunately, when you rub the oregano oil on your lower spine it does smell as well. This is one of the down sides to using and taking the oregano oil. Also, don't have the oregano oil with anything hot, or put it in hot teat/hot water or else you damage it's health giving properties. In regards to the chlorella and vitamin C, there's no harm taking both as long as you have them at separate times during the day. Peppermint tea is also fine and no you probably don't need the monolaurin if you're consuming that much coconut oil.

Hope this helps you.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Jun 14, 2018
Starting again
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for your help and time!

That's too bad... since the beginning (almost 7 months) I've been using the oregano oil with hot water...

I started the raw diet again and I am feeling so much better. My main concern is that I am a heavy smoker and I am having problems with stress and trying to quit. I am reducing the cigarettes for the moment. Do you think the protocol could still work smoking 5 or 6 cigarettes a day? I know this is a lot but I used to smoke a pack and half every day, it's crazy I know.

Jun 14, 2018
Reply to "Starting Again" Comment
by: Troy

For your body to be able to fully detox you are going to need to give up the cigarettes completely, that's the reality of it. But you should give yourself a big pat on the back for cutting down on the amount you used to smoke. Quitting smoking is not easy. I've watched many friends try and do it multiple times. Start taking raw organic apple cider vinegar (30ml's twice daily), along with the herb lobelia. Both of these are terrific for reducing the cravings, particularly the lobelia... Best Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Jun 18, 2018
OB's continuing aggressively
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

It's me again and I'm having a very difficult month. After two months with no outbreaks, I've had four very aggressive back-to-back outbreaks over the last four weeks. Each are appearing in new spots, and the most recent on my labia, an area which has never had an outbreak. Usually they are on my right butt cheek with that one odd one in February on my left butt cheek.

I'm eight months into this protocol. My diet is cleaner than ever before so I don't understand why the virus is suddenly so aggressive. I thought the outbreaks are supposed to lessen with time and get milder, not more aggressive, more frequent and appearing in new spots. I'm not even stressed so I don't know why this is happening.

I do want to mention that I have been experiencing the same drying and burning symptoms as when applying OO with coconut oil on the spine. I've had to stop the topical application for several weeks to give my skin a chance to rest and heal properly. Perhaps by applying it again four weeks ago on my spine it's causing this relentless series of OBs?

But what else can I do? I've been taking Oregano Oil, OLE and Colloidal Silver religiously for eight months. I've also been detoxing with chlorella and cilantro every single day. I weened off Lysine after 6 months because I don't want my body relying on it since I've become more conscious with diet and keeping my body balanced in regards to lysine (vs arginine) and alkaline (vs acid).

I can't take H202 because nowhere ships to my city. I've researched every possible website. As mentioned a few months ago, I've been taking OxyLife which contains purified water, aloe vera, 35% FG hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver and stevia.

Thank you.

Jun 18, 2018
Starting again
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I am super confused with my blood results. When I had my first OB the first blood test results Igg and Igm were negatives. The doctor said it was because I just contracted the virus. The topical test was HSV 2 positive. 6 weeks later I did another test and my IGM was negative but my IGG was a low positive 31,0 U/ml (positive is more than 25). My Doctor told me antibodies take up to 6 months to reach the max level, as you said also in other comments. Now, six months after with a second OB I tested again and my tests are both equivocal: IGM 23,2 and IGG 23,4 (equivocal between 20 and 25). I thought the IGM were only positive the first time you get infected, not on recurrences even if you have an active lesion. Is it possible that I was cured with this protocol that I followed for 3 months, then infected again (I had a risk contact). That's why my IGM and IGG are almost positive because they are starting to increase? Another possibility is that my IGG's are now equivocal because I am erasing this virus from the beginning? But why is my IGM increasing? It is because I am having an OB and the IGM increases also on recurrences?

I would really appreciate your opinion because the doctor seemed more lost than me.

Thank you in advance!

Jun 18, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hello to everyone. I have been following this board for over a year now, but never managed to consistently follow through on the raw diet. I do take natural supplements that help me a lot and at least improve my situation. I have tried lots - some worked well, some didn't.

However, after all the journey until this point, there is a little known piece of information that I want to share. Small doses of aspirin can reduce the severity of OB's. It can even stop the OB all together. If I take it early enough and then keep taking frequent small doses, the OB stops before it really has the chance to manifest on the skin. I am so astonished with how well it works for me that I am sharing it here - although the subject of this board are natural cures. Of course, be aware of possible side effects of frequent use of aspirin.

I know this is only a temporary fix, but it made life a lot easier for me. Best wishes to you all.

Jun 19, 2018
Cell Renewal
by: I Am That I Am

There are those like "CJ" saying that "you cannot detox the HSV out of the body because it binds to the DNA and doesn’t hide behind heavy metals." I don’t know exactly how things work since I don’t have my own lab to do experiments. From what I am understanding about the elimination of this virus is that you have to change the environment in which it is able to thrive. You have to sterilize the viruses’ reproduction ability, so that it is unable to reproduce. When it tries to reproduce it is at that very moment the body’s soldiers go to work and start to seek and kill.

Maybe it is during this stage they are able to hide behind the heavy metals?

I also believe that a factor which might play into why some eliminate it in a shorter time maybe their cells were going through a renewal at that time. After all, when do our cells renew? Everyone's renewal must be set at a different time reference, maybe it runs along the same time as their birth. Anyway, I have been on the protocol for 3 months now and had an outbreak on my butt cheek. The three I have had in the past there were way worse. This time it was really bearable and went away fairly quick. I take it as a sign that my body is slowly eliminating the HSV. I am going to suffocate this thing to death. I think my only struggle is getting enough rest and sleeping before 12am since I work the grave yard shift.


• HP
• Olive leaf extract
• Oregano Oil
• BHT, St. Johnsworth, Vit-C coconut Oil
• Lysine, Vit-C
• Vitamin: D3, B12, Zinc

My diet consist of the following:

• Kale
• Dulse
• Watermelon
• Mango
• Grapes
• 1 gallon of spring water
• Cilantro
• Parsley
• Avocado
• Ginger

Sometimes I have:

*Pomegranate Powder
*Maqui Powder
*Acai Powder
*Chlorella Powder
*Wheat Grass Powder

Jun 19, 2018
Reply to "Cell Renewal" Comment
by: Troy

Explaining how the herpes virus is eradicated at the cellular level is a whole article in itself, probably a whole book! The herpes virus (and other viruses) not only hide behind heavy metals (this is a fact), the heavy metals themselves distort and damage the body's DNA. When DNA in the cell is damaged, it cannot repair, nor can the cell get rid of any foreign material or foreign pathogen. So you are actually quite correct with what you're saying. Correcting and healing the body at the cellular level is critical to removing this virus. Go on YouTube and watch some of the videos from Dr Sebi. This guy really understood the workings of the human body and how to cure disease. He believed (quite correctly) that ANY pathogen can be removed from the body, including HSV. No, it's not easy to remove this virus, but it can most definitely be done.

I love this video, which shows how the immune system actually attacks and destroys viruses and bacteria in the body... Immune Cells Attack to Eliminate Viruses and Bacteria. So worth watching. :)

Jun 19, 2018
by: Amanda

Hi Troy,

Sorry, but I have a few more questions. I have been on the protocol for a few months now, and I recently got the worst BO I’ve ever had. My question is, do you have to be breakout free for months before you can test negative? Also, I've decided to start incorporating hydrogen peroxide into my protocol. When it comes to oregano oil, colloidal silver, olive leaf extract, and hydrogen peroxide, is there any order I should take them or not take them? Do they just need to be taken 15 minutes apart? Will the hydrogen peroxide interact with any of the elements? Also, I've been taking up to 7 drops of oregano oil in water twice a day as well as 7 drops of oregano oil under my tongue twice a day. Is this too much?

Thank you so much for all of your help and everything you do.

Jun 19, 2018
Reply to hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Getting outbreaks on different parts of the body is not unusual, particularly when you stir up the virus, so be concerned about this. What I recommend you do is go back and take a look at everything you have been doing since you started to see what's changed. Something has changed. You said you stopped taking the lysine. Have the OB's started again since this? Are you taking vitamin C ans zinc for your immune system? How many olive leaf capsules are you taking a day? If you're having to rest with the oregano oil applied topically then this will have an effect also. Obviously if it's causing skin dryness then you should stop with it, but you must understand that this will have an effect. So I would do this. Go back over your protocol and dissect it to find what's changed.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 20, 2018
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

Hi Amanda. Yes, you do need to be breakout free before a negative test is possible. With the HP, I recommend you have this before anything else, so for instance, straight up in the morning as soon as you get up. The HP wont interact with any of the other supplements as long as you take it separate from them. I also recommend following the HP protocol on page 74 of the book, however, once you get down to the maintenance dose, rather than continue on this as she suggests, drop the hydrogen peroxide completely. Stay off it for 3 months then do the protocol again (46 days in total) and then drop it again. This seems to work much better than staying on the HP permanently. You can continue to repeat the 46 day plan every 3 months if you wish. With the amount of oregano oil you're taking/using, as long as you're suffering no ill effects then there's no harm in doing what you're doing.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 20, 2018
Reply to "Starting Again" Comment
by: Troy

Rather than me try and explain herpes testing and your results, I recommend you have a read of this article by herpes expert, Dr Jen Gunter... Understanding blood tests for herpes.

Be sure to take particular note of this comment she makes...

"There is no blood test that can tell you immediate exposure/recent infection. Some less than scrupulous labs and providers might tell you to get an IgM test. IgM antibodies are produced very soon after an infection. If your provider offers an IgM test, get up and leave because they do not know anything about herpes or testing. IgM tests for herpes are highly unreliable for the diagnosis of herpes virus infections and should never be ordered (the FDA doesn’t prevent companies from offering bad tests, they just doesn’t approve them)."

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 22, 2018
Smoothie King
by: Anonymous

Hello, I’ve bought all of the listed items Heather has mentioned but it’s hard for me to consume the antioxidant shake w/o vomiting. Is it safe to just drink vegan smoothies from Smoothie King? Also, is it safe to steam veggies just a little or is it best to eat them raw?

Jun 22, 2018
Determined with hope and faith
by: Anonymous

Is Tropicana Essentials, Pineapple Mango Probiotic drinks healthy enough to drink? Also, if I just use HP, OLE, Oregano Oil, Collidial Silver, Chlorella & Spirulina tablets, Elderberry gummies and syrup, and take MultiVites chewy vitamins, drink plenty of water, will this be ok? My diet will consist of: raw veggies, garlic, onions, mushrooms, cilantro, parsley, lemons, cucumbers, boiled eggs, salad, and wild salmon if I can find any. Is this enough to fight off the virus? Also, which detox brand is best to use for heavy metal detox, blood, colon, and organ cleanse?

Thanks in advance!

Jun 24, 2018
35% food grade HP
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

It's almost impossible to get 35% food grade HP online these days, at least I could not find it. Amazon has products that are 12% HP food grade, which is diluted from 35% HP with distilled water. Is this product okay? So does that mean I have to put 3 drops of this 12% HP food grade to equal to 1 drop of 35% HP grade? Also, do you know where to get the 35% HP from? If so can you share a link?

Jun 25, 2018
Reply to "35% food grade HP" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, it's become quite difficult to get the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide since the government clamped down on this. Doesn't matter though, simply use the 12% grade you suggested and triple the amount to make up the 35% (exactly as you suggested also). This will work exactly the same.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 27, 2018
Oregano Oil Capsules
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I bought the OO in capsules, brand Nature's Way. It has 80% carvacrol 50 MG each capsule. Says 1 capsule per day but to kill the virus how many capsules do you recommend?

Now I'm taking about 15 drops of oil each day.

Thanks for your help!

Jun 29, 2018
Reply to "Oregano Oil Capsules" Comment
by: Troy

You can go up to two capsules of the oregano oil gels per day. One in the morning and one at night. :)

Jun 29, 2018
Reply to "Smoothie King" comment
by: Troy

Smoothie King is no good. Make your own smoothies using a recipe that you can stomach. Add extra goodies like ginger, banana, and spices like as cinnamon, etc, to make it taste better. :)

Jun 29, 2018
Reply to "Determined with hope and faith"
by: Troy

I would try and add the lysine, vitamin C and zinc. These are important. The elderberry gummies and syrup and multivite chewies are no good. Do not take these. Gummies and syrup are not natural, not even close. The Tropicana probiotics are no good either. They're "pureed" fruits. Must be fresh remember and in it's natural state, or as close as can be. Find a natural probiotic supplement such as Dr Tobia's. Everything else you suggest looks good.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jun 30, 2018
Truck driver and detoxing
by: Anonymous

Hello, I’m a truck driver and it’s hard for me to exercise and be in a sauna daily to draw out the heavy metals in my body. Can you tell me what is the best brand to purchase for heavy metal detoxing, as well as for a colon and blood detox?
Thank you so much!!

Jun 30, 2018
Flat Tummy Tea
by: Anonymous

Can Flat Tummy Tea be used during this process to rid my body of the virus? I’m trying to lose weight also.

Jul 02, 2018
HP & Wild Caught Salmon
by: Anonymous

Do I drink the HP 35% or swish it around in my mouth, if so, for how long? I live in GA. Where can I buy wild caught salmon?

Jul 05, 2018
5 drops of colloidal silver?
by: Ali

In the part for her lunch Heather says he has an antioxidant shake and 5 drops of colloidal silver. Are the 5 drops put into the antioxidant shake or taken with water afterwards?

Jul 05, 2018
Reply to "Truck driver and detoxing" Comment
by: Troy

To get rid of heavy metals from the body, a combination of cilantro and either wheatgrass powder or chlorella are what you need. For the cilantro, either eat plenty of fresh cilantro every day or take a cilantro supplement (or both). You can buy cilantro in liquid form and this works extremely well. If you go with a wheatgrass powder, I suggest the Amazing Grass brand - it's by far one of the best. If you go with chlorella, just make sure that what you buy hasn't come in from China. In regards to a detox formula, you have a couple of options. You can go with either Dr Shultze's #1 cleansing formula (what Heather used) or Dr Tobia's colon cleanse... Best Intestinal Colon Cleansers. You cant go wrong with either of these, both are super high quality. Just remember to drink plenty of filtered water when doing any digestive cleanse. You also need to stay close to the bathroom when doing a digestive cleanse so not sure how this will be for you driving a truck all day?

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jul 05, 2018
Reply to "Flat Tummy Tea" Comment
by: Troy

There's nothing bad contained in the flat tummy tea mix so yes this is fine. Just the tea though, not the lollies. Remember also, following the raw food and alkaline diet is going to help you lose weight as well. :)

Jul 05, 2018
Reply to "HP & Wild Caught Salmon" Comment
by: Troy

You do both with the hydrogen peroxide. Follow the recommendation for HP "swishing" from our main herpes cure article, along with following the internal protocol listed in the book and our added recommendations listed under our #10 cure (hydrogen peroxide treatment). In regards to buying wild caught salmon in your area? Check some of your local fish markets or search online. You should be able to find what you're looking for this way. :)

Jul 05, 2018
Reply to Ali
by: Troy

Yes, Heather mixed her colloidal silver in with her shake. You can do this if need be, however, I think the colloidal silver works better and is absorbed better if it's kept separate. Mixed in a glass of filtered water is easy and you can't even taste the silver. :)

Jul 05, 2018
Chlorella from Mongolia?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, is ok to take chlorella from Mongolia? Thank you!

Jul 06, 2018
by: Emma

Hi Troy, Many thanks for providing this protocol and answering all of these questions. Heather and Jessica's stories have been super inspiring! My partner and I both have hsv2 and plan to start this protocol in the near future. Is there a risk of one partner reinfecting the other if we don't use condoms and our bodies are at different stages of healing?

Jul 06, 2018
After 4 weeks of treatment
by: GE

Dear Troy,
I've had the virus (HSV2) for a number of years, not sure how long. I seldom get outbreaks as I use antiviral medication as soon as I feel an outbreak is coming. I saw your article and started your treatment as per daily protocol 5 weeks ago. Last week all of a sudden I got an outbreak on my face (lips) for the first time ever. I never had it on my face before and it's pretty bad. I do all you suggest during outbreaks: 6 drops oregano oil, 4 olive leaf extract and all other supplements. It hasn't gone away for a week now. I apply silver on my outbreaks and Oregano oil, and also antiviral formula ProsurX. I still have the sores. As I understand, while on this treatment I can't take medication like Valtrex etc? Why did I get an outbreak in a new place now? What should I do? Its very discouraging and I am not sure if its because the treatment is working or the other way around. How do I get rid of these terrible blisters in my face!! At least down there nobody sees it, but my face I cant hide. Please Help!
Thank you!! GE

Jul 07, 2018
by: Natasha

Hi Troy! I am progressing really well, so I thought I'd share an update. :)

To recap- I did the complete Dr Schulze all-inclusive detox for half of January and February. Then for March, April, May and June I have been following your protocol, along with a few other things I have read up on (quite a few different natural herbs and supplements). So all up, I have been doing this for almost 6 months (although I don't know if I can really count Dr Schulze as I wasn't taking the OLE, oregano oil, silver, BHT, H2O2, etc).

I am one of the more unfortunate ones where my outbreaks have been really frequent (like every fortnight, week, or even twice a week). I have been tracking my progress on a chart (as suggested by Heather) and since starting this protocol, the frequency has been reducing more and more. Now I'm really pleased to say that I haven't had an outbreak since MAY- that's nearly one and a half months!!! That's unheard of for me! Not even my period has triggered an outbreak (TMI probably, lol).

I am so happy because this seems to be progressing pretty much like what I've read in some of the success stories on your site. Frequency of outbreaks is reducing and also the severity (like they are so tiny now that I sometimes even question if it is one or not). I must stress that I am doing this protocol 100%- no cheat days, no short cuts, just total discipline and commitment for the last 5 or 6 months. Maybe that's really paying off!

I'm not saying I think I'm cured because I know I could wake up tomorrow with an outbreak but I guess I'm just saying that I really feel like I'm on the right track and that something has definitely changed for me.

(Sorry for the long message, I'm just really excited!)

So my plan is, if I still don't have an outbreak for all of July, then I will guzzle grapefruit juice and citrus for all of August (to test it) and if still no outbreak happens, I'll get tested at the beginning of September. That would be 7 ish months (like Heather). My question is, do you think this is a reasonable plan?

Thanks so much Troy. From Natasha who is writing to you from the top of cloud 9, haha :)

Jul 08, 2018
Olive leaf extract 40%
by: Helena

Hi Troy, how are you?
I have another question. I need to re-order the olive leaf extract but trying to avoid buying from the USA due to the customs in Germany. Found one here which said 500mg with 40% oleuropein...
Is this one ok? Should I take 4 capsules a day with this?
Thanks in advance Troy!
Love, Helena.

Jul 09, 2018
by: PlzHelp

I need some help understanding what supplements I can take together and how much of each. I have been using Herp Rescue on the onset of outbreaks, which definitely helps, but I still get them more often than I would like. In brief, can I take l-lysine, vitamin c, and BHT together daily? If so, how many g/mg of each? Do you think this mixture of supplements will help, or should I eliminate one and replace it with something else? Thank you for all your support.

Jul 10, 2018
Has anyone besides the OP actually been cured?
by: Anonymous

I find this thread incredibly helpful, don't get me wrong. And I mean no disrespect, however, has anyone besides the OP actually been cured? There seem to be hundreds (if not more) following this protocol.
Thank you.

Jul 10, 2018
New Detox Symptom
by: Danielle

Hi Troy,

Lately I've been feeling a sensation that seems to be a new cleansing reaction. It's not painful or uncomfortable, just weird and I wonder if you've heard of this before. The best way I can describe it is a "cooling" tingle that feels like icy hot or peppermint oil was placed right on my nerve cells. Sometimes I feel it in places I used to get outbreaks, but I mostly feel it in my lower back/tailbone area or in my buttocks. Unlike itchy tingling or nerve pain that I used to feel, I don't get outbreaks after I feel it. At first I only felt it once or twice a week, but now sometimes it's several times a day. It doesn't last long, it's just like a quick shot of air. Could this new symptom be a good thing? (This might sound silly, but when I feel it I like to imagine the viral envelope melting away and an army of my antibodies blasting away the virus as soon as it tries to attack healthy cells and/or reproduce.)

Thank you!

Jul 10, 2018
Where to test
by: Anonymous

Hello, I am from Canada Ontario and have no idea where I can get tested to see if I have cured myself. Any suggestions?

Jul 10, 2018
Only using oregano oil?
by: AZK

Will putting oregano oil on your spine alone be enough to kill the virus? And are you supposed to drink water with oregano oil in it, or just leave it in your mouth for 10 minutes?

Jul 12, 2018
Reply to "Chlorella from Mongolia" Comment
by: Troy

No good. This is just Chinese chlorella. Chlorella from Taiwan or the good old US of A are definitely the best. Have a read of this article by Mike Adams from Natural News on their testing of chlorella supplements...Cleanest sources for chlorella revealed. If you want definite "pure" chlorella, I recommend you buy it from the Natural News store.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jul 12, 2018
Reply to Emma
by: Troy

There's always the risk Emma. How much of a risk? Probably very little. I'm not 100% sure to be honest. You guys would need to weight up the risk for yourselves. Is it worth using protection until you both complete the protocol just to be sure? It wouldn't be for that long?

Good luck and all the best to you both! :)

Jul 12, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

Hi GE. Firstly, I don't just reply to "chosen" questions and reply to some and not others (if the same question has already been asked and replied to before, however, then I will likely delete it). The reason I hadn't answered your question is I just hadn't got to it yet.

Anyway, lets move on from that and get on with answering your question. Unfortunately, when you begin taking supplements such as the OLE and following an eating plan that first draws out the virus, outbreaks, and bad outbreaks, can occur. And yes, unfortunately, than can and very often do show up on places of the body where you've never had them before. The face is one of the worst areas.

Here's what I suggest you do to limit, and even stop these outbreaks... Firstly, you must get your body alkaline, and I mean really alkaline! Regular outbreaks (bad outbreaks) are a sure sign that your body is still acidic. Green foods are crucial (wheat grass powder, chlorella, cilantro & other green leafy vegetables, etc) for creating alkalinity in the body. Also, as soon as you feel an outbreak coming on start taking 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water 2-3 times a day (on an empty stomach). Baking soda gives your body an extra shot of alkalinity. Continue with the baking soda for up to 2 weeks then you must drop it for at least 2-3 weeks to give your body a rest. And at least for the time being, cut out completely all animal protein such as chicken, beef, etc, even eggs, as these create acid in the body. Raw foods and alkaline foods are what you want... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List. Get that alkalinity up and you wont get the breakouts, that how it works. In addition, I also recommend you up the OLE to 6 capsules a day. Really start hitting the virus. Everything else you're doing seems to be okay.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. Good to hear from you again. The reason you are getting results is simple, and you even said it yourself, you're giving this protocol absolute 100% dedication. That's what's needed. When you read Heather's and Jessica's stories, and if you read Eric's post as well, you'll see that these people gave it their all. You SHOULD be on cloud 9 and be proud of yourself. This is not easy. It takes an incredible amount of guts and determination and will power. I'm really happy for you. What you are suggesting as far as testing out the virus with citrus fruits and then getting a proper viral test done is certainly okay. You'll know in yourself when you're ready.

Keep up the great work Natasha!

Best regards. :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to Helena
by: Troy

This brand of olive leaf extract is very good. The concentration is nice and high also. You will probably only need to take two of these capsules a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. You could maybe go up to 3 capsules a day further down the track but this would be the limit.

All the best to you Helena! :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to PlzHelp
by: Troy

I think it would be a good idea for you to have a read through our herpes cure article in full once more. You're missing quite a bit. Everything you need to know, dosages, etc, are all in that article as well. Also have read of my reply above to GE about getting your body alkaline. This is a definite "must".

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to "Has anyone besides the OP actually been cured" Comment
by: Troy

I have addressed this question before but I'll address it again one final time. Along with Heather, Jessica and Eric, there have been others who have tested negative but for whatever reason have chosen not to share their stories. These people have contacted us through our contact page or email but want to remain anonymous. Whether you believe this or not is up to you - makes no difference to me. If you read the comments above here and in Jessica's post you'll see there were a couple of others who tested negative as well. As far as "hundreds" of people following this protocol, I don't think so. It's not that many. The reality of this protocol is this... it's bloody hard! Most people either do not see it through or they follow it half heartedly and so they get half hearted results (and then say "it doesn't work"). I'd say the statistics for roughly 100 people beginning this protocol, only probably 5 see it through to the end. And of that how many of these people actually follow it and dedicate themselves to it 100%? You may be down to one maybe two people. These are the unfortunate facts. This is no different to University attrition rates or people not passing Uni. How many people enrol for University each year and how many actually graduate at the end? The attrition rate is phenomenal. How many people start a weight loss program then quit? How many people begin a sport then quit, or an exercise program? The list goes on. Why would this be any different?

If you decide to follow this protocol, or a variation of it, then I wish you all the best. If you decide to do something else or nothing at all then I still wish you all the best. Like I said, this protocol is hard, it's tough and you need to fully dedicate yourself to it. The timing HAS to be right for yourself or you wont see it through. Correct timing is actually one of the most crucial elements to your success.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to Danielle
by: Troy

I haven't heard of this one to be honest, but you will find your body having all different sorts of sensations when it's cleansing. What you're experiencing is a good thing in my opinion. And in regards to your visualisation... fantastic! This is exactly what you should be doing. The mind plays a big part in the success of this protocol (and in the successful treatment of any disease or sickness for that matter). Heather and myself both recommend The Teachings of Abraham as well. You can find these powerful video's on YouTube.

You're doing well Danielle.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to "Where to Test" Comment
by: Troy

Not sure to be honest. Maybe try LifeLabs or do an online search. :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to AZK
by: Troy

There are 3 things you must do with the oregano oil... use it on the base of the spine, add it to water and drink, and finally, mix it with coconut oil and hold under the tongue for 10-15 minutes. Have a read of our natural herpes cure article... Natural Herpes Cure Protocol. It's all explained there in full (#3 cure).

All the best!

Jul 13, 2018
Will follow your advice
by: GE

Dear Troy,
Thank you for your answer. I will follow your advice with the backing soda water and 6 OLE. My concern is that I have a small frame (5’9; 130 pounds). I don't want to lose any weight or I will be "gone with the wind"! If I don't eat chicken and eggs (I don't eat red meat anyway for now), can I eat sub food like tofu? Also oatmeal and coconut milk, fish? You also did not address my question regarding if its better not to use Valtrex while on protocol?
One more thing not related to main topic. Could you put a link on this page where I am commenting on your website, at the beginning of the page that would bring us to the end of the comments? As of now we have to scroll every time for a loooong time due to the huge amount of comments to see the latest posted comments at the end of the page- its so inconvenient! I am sure we all would appreciate that!

Jul 13, 2018
How Do I Kill the Virus Without Bringing it Out?
by: Anonymous

I have never had an outbreak and I am desperate to kill the virus. I’m worried because I don’t want to have an outbreak, but I am willing to do anything to kill the virus. Is there a way to prevent outbreaks but kill the virus?

Jul 13, 2018
What is the importance and purpose of removing heavy metals?
by: AK

What is the importance of removing heavy metals? And is this important in curing herpes? Also, can you still cure herpes with oregano oil, etc and still eat what you want?

Jul 14, 2018
HSV Cure Protocol and Antiviral Medicines Together
by: Unknown

Hello Troy:

Would it be a conflicted problem to do the cure protocol and still take the antiviral medicines (pills) prescribed by physicians? I simply ask because parts of the detox/cleanse process flushes out chemicals (pills are included as chemicals). I'd like to know your thoughts. I will follow these steps as I believe there's no such thing as an incurable disease.


Jul 15, 2018
Removal of other antibodies ?
by: Natalie

This may seem like an odd questions, but I’ve been following this protocol for 3 months now and I’m curious to know how this would effect other viruses. Example, in my life I’ve had chicken pox and then shingles. And I’ve had mono caused by Epstein Barr. If this protocol is successful in removing the hsv2 virus, it should also eliminate its anti bodies right? Does that mean that the virus could be contracted again in the future? And does this mean it is also removing the herpes zoster antibodies which could maybe mean I could get shingles in the future. Same goes for CMV and Epstein Barr? I’m just curious!


Jul 16, 2018
Response to Troy, Re: Has anyone besides the OP actually been cured
by: Anonymous

Hi, Troy--
Thank you for answering my question. And I want to thank you wholeheartedly for the 'tough love'. Your answer really resonated with me. I just want you to know that my original question was not at all meant to be disrespectful or unkind in any way. Please understand, I am a young(ish) single woman, coming from a place of sadness, frustration and some anger at the way society has treated and continues to treat those of us with HSV. It truly is the modern day leprosy, sad to say. I had a date last weekend and he brought up the topic (on a first date!), and he didn't know I had it of course, saying that he could 'never look at anyone the same way' knowing they had herpes and that his "health is very important to him". Yeah? Mine, too, buddy! I got up and left, and yes, by my reaction, he brilliantly deduced that I have it -- but I am still very shaken by this experience a week later. And, he's a medical professional. All the beautiful and good things I am, I now learned mattered not a bit to this man. In addition, I KNOW that if my best friend knew of my diagnosis she would never eat with me again. I'm fed up. And I'm angry. I am going to try this protocol. I've been tossing it around for months... started it... abandoned it... and I just had to ask the question I asked, out of pure frustration. I'm close to tears as I write this. I thank you for understanding, for the 'tough love' and for all of the time you've spent devoted to answering our questions about this protocol. I'm ready to devote a year of my life to this, so I can get the REST of my life back. Hugs and many thanks to you.

Jul 17, 2018
Confused but Happy
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. So I am wondering if you would be able to clear something up for me. Back in January (the 10th) I was diagnosed with HSV via culture while my blood test came back negative. I went a full 2 months of a full raw diet and regimen. Life ended up hitting me and I fell all the way off. On June 28th I went to get retested to see which type I had. Well I just got the call and both were negative. The nurse said she was going to talk with the lab to see if there was any other testing or if there was anything else they could do. But is this weird? How was my culture positive but 6 month later I'm still negative? I plan to get tested in a few months but for now I am elated with this news.

Jul 17, 2018
Raw diet
by: Anonymous

Hi, wow, I'm so inspired. I'm starting this myself. I want to know how you had salmon or shrimp on a raw food diet ?


Jul 18, 2018
Science of fasting
by: Todd

Hi Troy, I'm a long time sufferer of this nasty virus. I am curious of your take on complete fasting? There is a documentary on Netflix called the science of fasting. Have you seen this? What is your take on it? If you have not it's a very interesting watch.

Jul 20, 2018
Super Duper High IgG levels
by: Jacklyn

Hi Troy, God bless you.
I started this journey a few days ago. I got all the stuff I need. I'm very discouraged now though. I was diagnosed in February because I developed viral meningitis and found out it was from HSV2. Fast forward to now... so I got my first IgG test done to see what I'm starting at and the results said <22. (OMG!!!). I asked my Dr, could this be right and she said the lab only can test for up to 22 so it was actually maybe higher. So my question is, have you ever heard of someone testing negative who's levels were that high? If so, how long? I know you say don't worry about how long, but I just want to know if there is hope for me.

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

It would be better, yes, if you didn't use pharmaceuticals such as Valtrex when on this protocol. You want your body to detox and pharmaceuticals contain all sorts of chemicals that don't help with this process. You can still eat fish, etc, on a raw food diet, just not too much. 150 grams of wild caught salmon or 100 grams of organic chicken per day is fine. Make sure you read the article on raw food eating/raw food diet for more info on this. In regards to linking to the bottom of the page? Yes, this is an excellent idea. I will look to have this done within the next week.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to "How Do I Kill the Virus Without Bringing it Out?" Comment
by: Troy

The answer is NO. You cannot control how your body will react. If you want to get rid of the virus you may have to endure some breakouts, that's just how it is. With that said, you may not get any breakouts. Focus on what you can control. You cannot control how your body and the virus within you will respond once you begin the detox. :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to AK
by: Troy

The virus attaches itself/hides behind heavy metals, so ridding the body of these toxins is absolutely crucial. Can you take some of the supplements and eat whatever you want and still kill the virus? No. It wont work. I recommend that if you aren't willing to give this 100% right now then leave it for a time when you will be able to. If you don't, all you will end up with is a lot of frustration and no results.

All the best! :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to "Unknown"
by: Troy

Yes, pharmaceuticals contain chemicals, so leaving these pills behind is definitely best for the body to fully detox. The problem for many herpes sufferers though is pharmaceutical meds such as Vatrex, have become their security blanket. Going off of these meds can be a scary thing for many people, but unfortunately, it needs to be done at some point for the body to detox fully and completely. :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to Natalie
by: Troy

This protocol removes/kills ALL viruses and retroviruses, no matter what they are. So no, you won't suffer from shingles or EBV or any other virus that may be in your system at the moment because they will all be dead!

Hope this answers your question?

All the best to you Natalie! :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to "Response to Troy" Answer
by: Troy

Firstly, I didn't take offence to anything you said, not one bit. A healthy dose of scepticism is important. I'm sure that many others who read your post are going to nod their heads in agreement to what you said. It seems in society today, having herpes is in many ways similar to what it was like for a gay man to have AIDS back in the 80's - the way in which you get treated I mean. Such a shame about your Mr date man (shame for him that is). I always say, never judge another human being until you've walked in their shoes. You, and every other person out there who has herpes, never set out to get infected. Did you go out one night and think to yourself "hey, I think I'll get herpes tonight"? Of course not. On the positive side, at least you discovered your dates true colors from the word go and didn't end up wasting a lot of time with him.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to "Confused But Happy" Comment
by: Troy

It's possible that the culture test was wrong. By that I mean, it wasn't herpes but some other lesion/infection. Wait a few months like you are going to do then get retested (IgG). You'll know for sure then. :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to "Raw Diet" comment
by: Troy

You can eat salmon and shrimp on a raw food diet (although I don't actually recommend shrimp as these crustaceans are scavengers so their meat can be intoxicated). Have a read of the raw food diet article (the link is in a number of comment posts) for more information on this. :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to Todd
by: Troy

No I haven't watched this documentary Todd - will definitely have to though. Fasting is very powerful. Dr Sebi was a huge advocate for it. I don't agree with complete fasting myself. I think your body still needs nutrition. Fasting while still taking in liquids such as wheat grass juice or barley grass juice is definitely beneficial though. :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to Jacklyn
by: Troy

Some people have been tested and had their IgG levels come back in the 30's, even in the 50's. Remember this, a herpes test is an antibody test. It only registers the amount of antibodies in your system. It's not a "cut and dry" test. The other thing is, your tests can vary, greatly in some instances, depending on your level of health, whether you've been ill lately (which you have been with viral meningitis), if your body is run down, if your immune system has come under recent attack - lots of things. The bottom line... don't make the number the be all and end all. The fact that you had/have meningitis means your viral count is naturally going to be higher - it's a given!

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jul 22, 2018
Question follow up
by: Natalie

Hello, yes it did answer my question, but I also wanted to know if these viruses could be contracted in the future if I kill all of them. Example let’s say this protocol kills EBV... in let’s say 10 years, could I catch it again?

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to Natalie
by: Troy

Technically, yes. The chances of that happening? Very slim. What matters alot is how you continue to look after yourself (your body) after you finish this protocol. If you still continue to eat well and take basic health and immune boosting supplements such as wheat grass powder/chlorella, probiotics, olive leaf extract and fish oil, for example (I mention these because I've been supplementing with these every day for the last 20 years and have never been sick once in this time) then you will be safe. The bottom line... keep your immune system strong and you wont ever have a problem.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Natalie! :)

Jul 22, 2018
by: Anonymous

What would be the best Cilantro supplement to buy in capsule form?

Jul 22, 2018
Salad dressing
by: Anonymous

Is Ranch or Olive Garden dressing good to use on salads? If not, what would be a good salad dressing?

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to cilantro comment
by: Troy

I wouldn't go with the capsules, the liquids work far better and much quicker. HawaiiPharm make the best tincture cilantro if you can get it... Best Cilantro Tinctures. :)

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to "Salad Dressing" Comment
by: Troy

Do not use commercial salad dressings. These are full of additives and preservatives. The best salad dressing is the one you make yourself. Here's some handy (and great tasting) recipes if you need ideas... Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes. :)

Jul 22, 2018
Parasite Zapper
by: Anonymous

Where can I purchase a Parasite Zapper?

Jul 22, 2018
Is what I'm doing sufficient?
by: GE

Dear Troy,
I just want to run quickly by you all of what I'm doing so far. It's been about 2 months now. I don't think I'm doing a 100% raw diet, but I've totally excluded processed foods like breads, cereals, pasta, rice, meats, milk, sugar, coffee, etc. I drink a full glass of vegetable shakes twice per day with a full dropper of cilantro and pomegranate powder. I still eat some veggies cooked like sweet potato, okra, tomatoes, onions and garlic. I alkalize my body by drinking a glass of water with 1/2 tsp of soda twice a day and I take the following supplements each day:
-probiotics once or twice a day
- Chlorella/Spirulina 6 tables per day
-OLE 6 capsules per day
-Oregano Oil 5 drops in 4-5 oz of water twice per day
-Oreg Oil 2 drops on the spine once per day or twice per day on the weekend
-BHT - 750 mg per day
-St Johns Wort- 1000mg per day
-Vit C 10000 mg per day
-lysine- 2300 mg per day
-Silver- 1tsp 5 times per day

So far I've had only one outbreak on my face, for the first time ever, and I haven't had any outbreaks down below so far. I had a tingling sensation down there but I put some DMSO cream on it over night and during the day. No outbreaks so far.

For how long should I take 6 OLE and the high amount of BHT, Lysine and Silver? I also take Calcium/Magnesium supplement at about 1500 mg per day- can it interfere with the rest of the stuff?

Thank you very much for your support.

Jul 22, 2018
SSRI antidepressant
by: Anonymous

I have been taking 10mg of Paxil for 10 years now and I was wondering if this will affect me when I do this protocol. I have tried stopping this medication twice before in the past (before I got HSV) and ended up feeling suicidal so I had to go back on it. I am also wondering since I take this pill in the morning, if it will interact with the OLE if I take them about 10 minutes apart?

Thank you so much.

Jul 24, 2018
by: Anonymous

Greetings Sir,
I have been combining your protocol, along with Jamesdestroydiseases and Dr. Robert Morse’s protocol as well. There are a lot of similarities (which I consider a good thing), but I wanted to get your opinion for the record if you will. Dr. Morse and James both say stick to a raw living food diet, and no meats AT ALL. Now you state certain meats (in moderation) are ok and will not harm this process from eradicating the virus. Can you possibly explain this more in depth, as far as why you say it is ok or not to consume theses meats? More so, why wouldn’t the both of them just state to "consume in moderation" if it is ok, instead of saying cut them out altogether? I know I am only asking your opinion as to why it is ok, or why others say to not consume it at all, but I really appreciate you taking the time to answer this, as I just want to at least understand the mindsets of you three individuals either way.

Thank you.

Jul 26, 2018
20 years and counting...
by: Mark

I was diagnosed just over 20 years ago. I rarely, if ever get outbreaks anymore. It's uncommon for me to even get the tingle feeling anymore. I can tell you hsv2 has affected my life drastically though, as it is always in the forefront of my mind, and makes meeting women difficult (you know... the talk).

Recently, I decided I was tired of worrying about it. So I started researching, and found this. Before I begin - I have two questions I'm hoping you can answer.

Is this real and why are you doing it? This site seems to be the most comprehensive and genuine. Most seem fake. If this is fake, what you are doing is terrible - the false hope is the worst thing of all.

Hoping this is real.

Jul 28, 2018
Grapefruit Clarification
by: Natasha


I have been thinking about the grapefruit juice and I just wanted to double check the purpose of it? Heather said that when she felt the infection coming on less and less she drank grapefruit juice to draw it out and then upped her doses of everything. Am I correct in thinking that grapefruit juice somehow provokes the virus and so brings on an outbreak? And that this is good because it will draw out any remaining virus left in the body (in case there is still some in hiding, once most of it is already out)? I was wondering how grapefruit is able to do this. Surely it doesn't increase your viral load right, just aggravates what's already there? Would nuts and other stuff that bring on outbreaks do the same thing?

Well, I will have to wait to test it out as I actually had an outbreak (it's OK- I knew it was too soon to be cured). But I must say that the spot is so tiny that I had to shine a torch on it to be able to tell if it really was one. My question is, is that a sign that the virus is getting weaker? I hope the answer is yes to this because that would really be encouraging!

Thank you Troy, from Natasha who is a bit disappointed but still totally committed and 100% on track. :)

Jul 30, 2018
Weed and CBD oil
by: Amber C

Hi Troy, I have been following the protocol and would like to know if it’s ok to eat organic almond butter, almond milk, chia seeds and hemp seeds. I know nuts are not ok, but would these be ok, if not, what substitute would do you recommend? Also, is smoking vaporized marijuana (weed) ok? What about taking CBD oil? What is your take on these? Also, could you explain why I should not consume dairies such as cheese and milk?

I think if I am educated I will continue to do better on the protocol. Thanks Troy.

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to "Parasite Zapper" Comment
by: Troy

Scroll up to my June 7th 2018 comment on parasite zappers and there's a couple of links there to Dr Hulda Clarks parasite zappers. These are definitely the best. If not, try Amazon or eBay. They both stock parasite zappers. :)

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

What you're doing looks pretty good. Don't forget about the HP protocol though. Also, make sure the water you're drinking is filtered water not tap water. As far as how long to take high doses of colloidal silver, BHT and OLE? There is no set time limit. See how you're feeling and whether you're getting breakouts or not as you progress through the months ahead. There is no harm taking the doses you're having of these long term. Just make sure you're getting plenty of probiotics, both through supplementation and eating and drinking cultured foods and drinks. With the lysine, however, I recommend halving the amount after 3 months then dropping completely after 4-6 months. The calcium/magnesium supplement will have no negative effects on what you're already doing. It fact, it will actually help.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jul 30, 2018
Is HP protocol absolutely necessary?
by: GE

Dear Troy,
Thank you for the reply. I do drink water from a Berkey filter. I wonder if HP protocol is really necessary? I am reluctant to drink HP as one time I drunk 1/2 glass of HP-3% by mistake, thinking it was water and I felt very sick afterwards for the whole day. Also, Heather as I understand did not use HP in her routine. Do you think it's possible to still have success with the rest of what I'm doing without the HP? Also, water with soda has to be taken for 2 weeks then 2-3 weeks break and then again for 2 weeks with soda? Do I have to continue like this for 12 months? Another question, on that spot on my lip where I had an outbreak first time I have a little red spot left. Like a scar. Is it possible to get rid of it? Its not that terrible but still- is there a way?
Thank you for your support always!

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to "SSRI Antidepressant" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I cannot advise you on what to do. Pharmaceuticals do contain chemicals and additives that can affect the detoxing process, however, I NEVER tell people to quit any medications cold turkey and/or without consulting their physician. Make sure you speak with your doctor first before making any decisions. Some pharmaceuticals can also interact with natural supplements - St John's Wort is one example. Like I said, you will need to consult your doctor, or even better, find a reputable naturopath and work with them.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to "Clarity" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, I agree wholeheartedly with James and Dr Morse that if you can follow a completely raw food diet then go with this first and foremost. The reason I suggest some animal meat (only very small amounts) is because of the weight loss factor. Most people lose large amounts of weight while on a raw food/juicing diet. If a person is overweight then this is not a bad thing, however, if the person is already lean, or even underweight, then this can be very detrimental. A small amount of animal protein (organic chicken or wild caught salmon) can help to keep your weight at a good maintenance level. This is the only reason. Remember too, only a SMALL amount of animal protein should be consumed. No more than 100 grams of organic chicken and 150 grams of wild caught salmon per day. I also recommend to people to alternate with any animal protein if they must have have it. For instance, only eating organic chicken or wild caught salmon every second day.

Hope this helps you.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to Mark
by: Troy

Hi Mark. I've answered these questions before but I will answer them again for you. Firstly, this is definitely not fake. If it was then, yes, I would be one sick individual. I do this because I know with every single fiber of being that this virus (and any disease or sickness) can be eradicated and cured completely. Everything we need to cure ourselves is here on earth right now and was put here by our creator long before we arrived (this not a "God" talk either, just stating what I believe). I believe that nature has, and always will, provided us with the cures we need. I do believe too that man-made inventions can help. Not pharmaceuticals, but inventions such as the parasite zapper (search Rife machine and Dr Hulda Clarks parasite zapper). I do want you to understand one thing, this protocol, or anything similar to this, is not easy. In fact, it will probably be the hardest thing you've ever undertaken in your life. Will you be cured in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years? I don't know. I can't put a time frame on it and neither can anyone else. But I know one thing for sure, it's the best chance you've got of getting rid of this awful virus.

Hope this helps you Mark.

Good luck and all the best to you with whatever endeavor(s) you choose. :)

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. Firstly, smaller and less aggressive breakouts are a definite sign that the virus is weakening. Don't forget to do what Heather did. If you do get a breakout, hit it with everything you've got - twice as hard. In regards to the grapefruit juice, it seems most citrus fruits can induce breakouts, probably due to their high acid and high arginine content. And yes, nuts can also induce breakouts. Some people are prone to breakouts when they eat certain foods yet for others the same food does nothing. You need to test for yourself. Finally, no, inducing breakouts does not increase your viral load. It only draws out what's left, hence why the breakout is less severe in most cases. To be perfectly honest, I don't recommend inducing breakouts. I know Heather did it, but there really is no need. Stick to the protocol and let things happen naturally. Of course, once you get to the point where you really want to test and see if you still have the virus then by all means, try and draw it out. But wait until you get to that point first.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to Amber C
by: Troy

Hi Amber. Firstly, a small amount of nuts are okay if they don't cause breakouts. Everybody reacts differently. If almond butter and almond milk (not too much of course) are okay for you then continue with them. Home-made coconut milk and coconut butter are the best options in my opinion though. Remember too, Heather used peanut butter and it seemed to be okay for her. Chia and hemp seeds are extremely good so definitely go nuts with these (pardon the pun). Smoking cannabis is no good. Most pot is contaminated with chemicals, something you don't need. CBD oil (must be certified organic) on the other hand is very good and can actually help eradicate the virus. The reason you should avoid milk and milk products is they are processed foods (homgenized/pasteurized). If you have access to fresh milk and raw unprocessed milk products then these would be okay, but few people do unfortunately.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Amber! :)

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

If you drank 1/2 glass of 3% grade hydrogen peroxide then no wonder you felt sick. This was way too much. You certainly don't need the HP to get rid of the virus, however, stacking everything in your favor is what will give you the best and fasted results - and the HP is easy and dirt cheap to incorporate. At least read The One Minute Cure book and then make up your mind. The final decision is yours of course. The baking soda can be taken for as long as you want following the 2 on 3 off method. With the scar on your lip, pure aloe vera is the best. Keep in mind that the scar will naturally fade over time.

Good luck and all the best!

Jul 31, 2018
What test to ask for?
by: Anonymous

What test should I ask my doctor for in Ontario Canada?

Jul 31, 2018
Colloidal Silver
by: Jacklyn

Hey Troy,
So I am getting conflicting information on how much colloidal silver to take daily. Some say 5 drops a day, some say 5 teaspoons a day. Which one is it? Also, would it be wise to up the dosages on everything if you are obese? Thanks in advance and may God bless you.

Aug 01, 2018
Glad I found this thread
by: Anonymous

I just wanted to say I'm glad I found this thread and I have faith that this can be cured. I recently had a culture taken and it came back positive last week. I decided to not let this bring me down and just keep the faith. I'm just asking that everyone continues to post what works and if they have been cured in order to give everyone following the thread hope.


Stay Blessed

Aug 02, 2018
On Holiday
by: Natasha

Hi Troy!

Thanks for answering my last few questions- makes perfect sense.

I mentioned a while back that I have an inconveniently-timed family holiday this year. Well, it’s nearly that time now! I am seeking guidance on how I could keep as much of this routine going whilst in Hawaii. We are going for 2 weeks. I will detail what I’m thinking and I would really appreciate your thoughts!

As for my diet, I can’t control the restaurants we eat at (it’s a big family holiday so that would be unfair). I will order the freshest things on the menu (e.g. wild caught fish, pan fried in coconut oil and a plain salad or steamed veg, no sauces on anything) and eat lots of random fresh fruit. But I don’t think any of this will be organic unfortunately.

I will buy a Brita water bottle and filter any water I drink through that (either tap, rain, or bottled).

I am considering not taking the H2O2 with me. Perhaps a break would be good and then restart the protocol from scratch when I return? (I worked up to the 25 drops 3x per day, stayed on this for about 2 months and then dropped to a maintenance dose of 10 drops, 2x per day. Been on that for most of the year).

I will take the OLE, Colloidal Silver, Oregano, BHT, SJW, Vitamin Cs, Lysine, Zinc with me and continue as normal. I will also take a jar of coconut oil with me to eat with the BHT.

I will bring all my powders and keep taking those in water (Maca, Lucuma, Camu, Acai, Maqui, Pomegranate and Spirulina, Chlorella, Wheatgrass, Matcha).

Is there anything I’m missing or planning wrong? Thank you for your continued mentoring on this. You are so very very appreciated!!!

Aug 02, 2018
Reply to "What test to ask for" Comment
by: Troy

Ask for a type specific IgG test. Don't forget to say "type specific". :)

Aug 02, 2018
Reply to Jacklyn
by: Troy

It's 5 teaspoons of the colloidal silver per day (plastic spoon not metal spoon). In regards to dosages and being overweight? Yes, the amounts can and should be higher for an overweight person. Start off on the normal amounts though and then slowly increase over a period of several weeks so you avoid most of those nasty detoxing (Herxheimers) reactions.

All the best to you Jacklyn!

Aug 02, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Nothing for me to say Natasha. You have it completely sussed! I agree that taking a break from the HP will be good too. Just go and have a good time. Relax. This will actually help your progress (mind and body).

Have a great holiday!

Aug 04, 2018
Question About Testing?
by: Anonymous

When testing, do your results either come back negative or positive? How will I know if I’m actually cured?

Aug 05, 2018
Question for you about test
by: Anonymous

If I test 0, can that number start to grow overtime because some of the viral load is still hiding in the ganglion nerve? (I know antibodies can rise and fall) or would I be cured and able to have a normal sex life with my spouse without using protection and worry of transmitting the virus?

Also, side question. If someone has the virus, but cures themselves, do they still have to tell future partners?

The fact you are still answering these questions for people is remarkable. God bless you Troy.

Aug 05, 2018
I am doing this right?
by: Valerie

Hi Troy,
In January 2017 my IgG was 3.1. Since March 2017, I have been taking the following daily;
6 Olivus olive leaf
3 Quantum Super Lysine
6 drops 3 times a day of Sovereign Silver under the tongue
2 drops of Zane Hellas Oregano Oil in a little bit of water 3 times a day (I cannot put it on the spine, my Irish skin cannot tolerate it.)
I restested in August 2017 and was down to 2.1 IgG. I continued the protocol, determined to be negative when I retested. Nine months later, April 2018, my IgG remained at 2.1, no movement whatsoever. In late May I started adding Prairie Naturals Chlorella in tablet form at 6 a day. You had recommended Wizelephant Clorella & spirulina combo but they do not ship to Canada. I would prefer to have the combo, but it seems really hard to find a supplier. Can you recommend any? Which of these are better?... Prairienaturals or Dr Mercola.
In late June, I also added a foot detox once a week. Yesterday, I started Cilantro in liquid form. Basically, from 5am to 10pm, every hour I am taking something. I’m not sure how much Cilantro I should start off with and with everything else I am taking. Is there something that should not be taken too close to each other?

Aug 05, 2018
Personal update and H202 protocol question?
by: Hi365

Hey Troy, thanks so much for your all insight! For me, food does not seem to be an inducer, but my menstruation cycle is. Every month I get OBs around that time. I started taking BHT with St. John's Wort and still got it this month (month 4 since being diagnosed with HSV), but they were much smaller/less irritant and only lasted 3 days! I also put Oregano Oil on them and took it internally. I put oregano oil with olive oil on my lower back as well (but sometimes I forget). I am taking Vit C and lysine too. I eat relatively healthy, and I work out a lot... very good shape. Even though these supplements seem to be helping, I still get tingling very often. Especially when I am tired or thinking about this issue too much. I decided to start the H2O2 protocol to really make this horrible disease inactive and hopefully destroy it. I'm nervous about taking H2O2 while mixing/taking all the other supplements... would that have a bad effect? Also, I'm a bit confused on the H2O2 protocol. I read the One Minute Cure and from what I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong) that its a 46-day process, and then you go on the "maintenance" period in which you take 3 drops 3x a day for 3 more weeks? And then stop? And then do the whole thing again after 3 months? Can you please better outline the timeline for me. Many thanks again!

Aug 07, 2018
How long?
by: Anonymous

So I have heard that it is a 30-90 day diet. But the story said after 7 months of dieting she was cured. So what is the actual amount of time most people need to follow the diet?

Aug 08, 2018
Neutralizing and hopeful question(s)
by: Me123

Hi Troy!

So I've read through many of the comments and was wondering about some supplements you mentioned/others that are not in the protocol:

a) I would like to try baking soda water to further alkalize my body, but how often can/should I do this? Also, can I add lemon to it?

b) I read about chlorophyll drops and/or oxygen drops in water to further oxygenate your body. Would you recommend using one of these? Can they have the same effect as the h2o2 protocol?

c1) I'm definitely going to try the H2O2 therapy (waiting to receive it in the mail). I'm nervous about the reviews with the taste... I sometimes feel nausea in the morning before I drink/eat anything, so will this therapy have the same effect if I do it 1 hour after eating breakfast?

c2) Can I do both chlorophyll drops or oxygen drops with the h2o2 protocol? Or will that be an overdose of oxygen?

Sorry if these questions seem bizarre! I don't expect you to have all the answers but I really do appreciate your wisdom thus far. I'm trying to think of this disease as a blessing rather than a curse. In some ways, I realize how much I have been intoxicating my body, and the benefits of a (mostly) alkaline based diet. Maybe a worse disease was coming my way and G-d is showing me how to cure myself... who knows? Even though this disease is on my mind 24/7, I am trying so hard to have the mind power, thinking that I will destroy it... mind over matter right? Well, I think I found a comment you replied to before but couldn't find it again so sorry if this has been asked but can you restate if others (besides Heather, Jessica, and Eric) have come to you with negative results after this/variations of this protocol and who have simply decided to keep their story private?

Thank you so much Troy.

Aug 08, 2018
Reply to "Question About Testing" Comment
by: Troy

It depends on the testing procedure. Some IgG tests only give you a positive or negative result while others give you your actual viral count. Any count below .90 is considered negative so when your test comes back negative, you'll know you're below this level.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 08, 2018
Reply to "Question for you about test" Comment
by: Troy

You will never have a viral count of zero. There will always be antibodies in your system for the rest of your life. This is your body's way of remembering that particular virus for future reference (blueprint). This DOES NOT mean you still have the virus though. That's why an IgG test result below .90 is considered negative, to allow for this, as well as allow for any discrepancies. But once you are cured you are cured. The virus will be eradicated (not still hiding), but the antibodies will never be fully gone. That's just how it works. You can have a "normal" sex life, of course. As far as telling future partners? That would be a personal decision (a difficult decision). The biggest problem with most people is of course they think herpes is not curable and that they can easily "catch it", like some sort of cold or flu virus. Of course, this is not the case. My advice to you about all of this is to knuckle down and get rid of the virus first, then worry about the other details later.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Aug 08, 2018
"Hit it with everything you've got"
by: Natasha

Hey Troy- just a quick one. When you said to, "Hit it with everything you've got- twice as hard", in regards to when you get an outbreak, do you mean to increase the doses of literally EVERYTHING (Vit C, BHT, SJW, H2O2 etc) or just the Colloidal Silver, Oregano and OLE like Heather mentioned? And literally DOUBLE the dose? Sometimes I take things too literally and I don't want to overdose myself by accident, so I thought I'd check. LOL 😊

Aug 08, 2018
After testing below 0.90
by: Anonymous

So after you test below 0.90, can the antibodies still rise with a weakened immune system over time making it possible to infect your partner? Or after you get the negative test, you're cured for good? (unless being reinfected with someone that has an active virus of course).

Aug 08, 2018
Veggie Burger
by: Danielle

Hi Troy,

I was reading a post that included a question about plant-based Beyond Burgers, along with your reply about how these are trash. I looked up the ingredients and I agree; they're so processed that I wouldn't even touch these once I'm done with the protocol. I've never had that brand of burger, but once in a while I like to treat myself to a veggie burger sautéed with onions and wrapped in a lettuce or kale or collard leaf with some tomatoes and raw hemp seeds. I've been super picky about pure ingredients even before I started this protocol and the brand of burger I prefer is Don Lee Farms. It comes frozen but has all organic/non GMO ingredients: carrots, kale, onions, wheat flour, quinoa, soybean oil, almonds, spices, garlic, sea salt. In your opinion, is this a terrible set back to have as a cooked treat sometimes since it's premade and frozen? Between work and constantly shopping for fresh raw food I don't really have time to make a burger from scratch. I like to think that this is a half decent alternative to fresh homemade veggie burgers, especially since it helps keep me in a good mental place to starve off other savory food cravings like those for Jackson's Honest potato chips when they go on sale for the week. (Yeah they might be organic chips with organic coconut oil, but I know they would do the opposite of good for me.)

By the way, I haven't said it in a while but THANK YOU for always taking the time to answer our many, many questions.

Aug 09, 2018
Water Filter
by: EJ

Hi Troy,
Thank you for all your advice. You are amazing! I plan on starting the protocol next week as all of my supplements have arrived now. I've decided to not go with the HP for now, but may do consider adding it later. Wild caught salmon is hard to come by in Australia and is expensive. Is it OK to buy other wild caught fish and if so what are the runners up? Perhaps I could add an omega 3 supplement? I have just purchased the Vitel water filter ( and it filters out chlorine and reduces fluoride and increases the pH level. Do you think this will be ok? I wanted to get something where I didn't need to replace filters all the time and it holds 9 litres. It uses these magnesium beads that do not need replacing. Thanks in advance.

Aug 09, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

May I drink Kevita kombucha and Kevita probiotic drinks? Can you also recommend a good natural vitamin C supplement that I can take?

Aug 09, 2018
by: Teresa

Hi Troy,
It’s Teresa again. I’ve been on the protocol since April 2018. My history is that I had an outbreak 5 years ago and the doctor said not to worry, it doesn’t look like herpes (I was so naive). Fast forward 5 years and I have my second outbreak. I go to the doctor and get a swab which comes back positive for hsv-1. This led me on my mission to get rid of this and ultimately led me to your website. I went to go see a doctor who practices integrative medicine, he recommended ozone therapy. I’m just wondering your thoughts on this. He said he can’t guarantee a permanent cure, that 10 years from now I could have an OB, as herpes hides in the nerves and is difficult to get. I also went to see a doctor to get an hsv antibody blood test. He made me repeatedly tell him that I knew the tests would come back positive. He was very hesitant and needed to know why I wanted the test and what the point was.

I guess I’m feeling a little discouraged, I feel great. The tingling in my legs has become less and less, but it’s still there. I had a cluster of OBs right when I started the protocol and they were so tiny I couldn’t even seen them, just felt them. I haven’t had anything since June... which is what you said would happen. When I first started the protocol I was very strict, now a strong part of me is telling me I’m good now. I don’t have to worry about it.

I’m unsure what to do? Do I continue with the protocol and get tested? Should I test the virus, try to cause an OB before having my blood test (seeing as it can be hard to get one ordered) or should I bite the bullet and try ozone?

Lastly, my liver function test came back high. Would the BHT cause this? If so should I cut down to 750mg daily.

Thank you!

Aug 10, 2018
Herpes 1 & 2
by: Ivi

Hi, I've read all your protocol on how to get rid of herpes and I have concerns about the food that we should eat and how to maintain oneself in good health. You mentioned two vegetable foods that fight the virus and boost the immune system. Onions are high in arginine as well as spirulina and you said that we should eat lots of these. High amounts of arginine activates the virus.
The other concern is about the high amount of herbal medicine to fight the virus. If a person takes these with the appropriate doses and eats mostly vegetables and fruits, how can you maintain your weight? Can you please clarify. Hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Thank you

Aug 10, 2018
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Heather, just when I was losing hope and reading comments from people who said all the information from James was a scam, I found your page. THANK YOU for detailing your journey, for all the extra information as to how you formulated your daily meals as well as the essential items you used. It is a very expensive process so it is wonderful to know after everything you did you eventually received your negative result! Thank you for giving me hope!

I live in South Africa so don't have access to many things you have in the US, but am doing my best with what we have. We do have some things you don't and I'd like to incorporate these in place of the things you mention. I've placed 2 orders for organic oregano oil as I realised after reading your post last night the 2 bottles I originally ordered won't be enough if this is going to be a 12 month process. I'm awaiting delivery of both orders which should get to me in the next few months.

Thank you again for sharing your journey and encouraging us to keep going!

Blessings in abundance.

Aug 10, 2018
Pain relievers?
by: Anonymous

Are Tylenol or Aleve, or any otc pain relievers ok to take while doing this protocol?

Aug 10, 2018
Reply to "Pain Relievers" Comment
by: Troy

Only take pharmaceuticals if you have to. Remember, pain relieving medications are not natural. Keeping them to a minimum is a good idea. Obviously, if you really need pain-killers or are taking them as per your doctors request then you should check with them first. :)

Aug 10, 2018
Reply to Valerie
by: Troy

Firstly, with the oregano oil, you say you aren't using it on the base of your spine? This is one of the most crucial parts to this protocol. I would recommend you reconsider. Dilute the oregano oil down with more coconut oil if you have to. Start off with a weak solution/mix and then gradually make it stronger until you find your "sweet spot" mix. Don't forget about the oregano oil and coconut oil mix held under the tongue as well. With the Chlorella, I would go with Dr Mercola, his products are trustworthy. The other brand doesn't say where it comes from so it could be from China? With the cilantro oil, follow the directions listed on the bottle and go with the highest recommended amount. In regards to taking things too close to each other? As long as you wait 10-15 minutes you're fine. The BHT and St John's Wort are the only two that MUST be taken together.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Valerie!

Aug 10, 2018
Reply to Hi365
by: Troy

The tingling is normal and will reduce over time. Just be patient. If you can, try not to allow yourself to get overtired or stressed/worried too much as these lower your immune system (hence why you sometimes feel the tingling). It's not always easy though so just do your best. With the H2O2 protocol, yes, it's a 46 day protocol in total. You basically follow the 23 day plan (listed on page 74) and then once you get to day 24 you follow it again in reverse. From there, you can go on the maintenance dose for 3 weeks before stopping completely. After a 3 month rest period you repeat the exact same regimen again.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 10, 2018
Reply to "How Long" Comment
by: Troy

There is no set time frame (it would be impossible to even put a time frame on it?) 12 months is the rough estimate. It could take less though or it could take longer. It depends how long you've had the virus and how well you follow the protocol and detox. :)

Aug 10, 2018
Reply to ME123
by: Troy

Baking soda can certainly be taken. In fact, I've recommended this quite a few times before. 1/2 teaspoon every second day is a good idea. The oxygen and/or chlorophyll drops are also good. No problems with either of these. If you're going to be doing the H2O2 protocol, however, do not use all 3. This would be too much alkalinity. Only go with 2 at a time. For instance, the H2O2 and oxygen drops would be okay. Once you finish the H2O2, continue with the oxygen drops or chlorophyll along with the baking soda. Make sure you don't take them together either (at the same time of day). I know you said you can feel nauseous first thing in the morning, but this is one of the most optimal times to take your supplements. After meals does not work as well unfortunately. With that said, just do the best you can. Better to take your H2O2 after a meal and keep it down rather than have if before a meal and throw it back up again!

In regards to your last comment, have a read of my reply about this back on July 13th this year.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. No, just the OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver, but you can also increase the amount of chlorella or wheat grass too, which would definitely help (and you can never overdose on chlorella or wheat grass either).

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to "After testing below 0.90" Comment
by: Troy

Once you are cured you are cured. You cannot reinfect your partner, unless of course, as you said, you were to be reinfected by another partner (which you would have to be extremely unlucky to have happen). :)

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to Danielle
by: Troy

Hi Danielle. You pretty much answered your own question (which is good). These patties are fine to have as a cooked treat every once in while. And like you said, if this helps to keep you away from other "bad" foods and snacks then it's definitely a good thing. Sticking to a perfect eating plan is not easy. I would rather see someone have a bit of treat every now and then than have nothing and get to a point where they can no longer take it anymore and quit.

You're doing well Danielle.

All the best to you!

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to EJ
by: Troy

Any wild caught fish is okay really. Tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines, snapper, most are fine. What's important is where they come from. You want fish that comes from unpolluted waters. Taking an omega-3 supplement is okay too. Once again, just make sure (if it's fish oil) that it's uncontaminated and free of heavy metals (tested). In regards to the water filter you have, this is a good one. No problems there.

All the best to you EJ! :)

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to "Kombucha" Comment
by: Troy

Kombucha, kefir, yogurt - all probiotic rich food and drinks - are a definite "must". BUT they must be totally natural. The only way you can guarantee this is to make your own. The Kevita products do not contain all natural ingredients. I wouldn't recommend you drink these. Sorry, but no good. :)

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to Teresa
by: Troy

If you can get a type specific IgG test done then at least you would know for sure where you're at. Culture tests aren't always reliable unfortunately. The ozone therapy is very powerful, and it does work. If you have the opportunity to have it done then I would (only my personal opinion of course). Make sure that the person doing it really knows what they're doing and is an expert in this field though. At the end of the day Teresa, I can't tell you what you should do. Follow your gut. Remember too, if your doctor is giving you a hard time about wanting a test done then you can always go to someone else. Don't be afraid to do this and don't allow them to intimidate you. They're there to serve you, not the other way around.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 11, 2018
Not answered question
by: GE

Dear Troy,
You did not post/answer my question in my last email. I assume it's because I was questioning you regarding the author of the "One Minute Cure" book. Not sure why you think those questions are not worth answering, but just a month ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and its a devastating news for me as we live far away from each other. She had surgery last week and they removed the cancer from her breast and doctors are deciding about further treatment. Now this book claims that the pH protocol can treat this disease- I have to know your opinion, if you trust that claim, therefore, I wrote to you with my concerns. In addition to this, I of course, was thinking to add this protocol to my protocol that I am already on. If you don't want to answer me publicly, you can answer to my email. (You can see my email, right?) I am still continuing my full protocol as I was discussing with you before, 2.5 months already!
Thank you for your answer in advance.

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to Ivi
by: Troy

Hi Ivy. Yes, onions and spirulina may be higher in arginine than other foods but the pros definitely outweigh the cons in regards to these. You stand to gain much more than you stand to lose from having these. Remember also, arginine doesn't necessarily activate the virus. In some cases yes, but in many/most cases, unless you have exceedingly high amounts, it doesn't have a huge affect. Arginine is in virtually every natural food you can find as well so completely eliminating it from your diet is impossible. In regards to losing weight while on the protocol, yes it can happen, which is why I recommend a small amount of wild caught fish and organic chicken be eaten if this does occur.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

Hi GE. Had nothing to do with your question about the book. I cannot get to every single question that I receive, there's just way too many, so I do have to cull some of them. Yours was one. Please remember, this is a free service that I provide. A question here and there is okay but continued questions, well, that can become a problem as I can only answer a certain amount. Now in regards to your mom and the book (which you didn't mention in your previous question), I absolutely do believe whole heartily in the H2O2 protocol for cancer. In fact, we have a full article on this... Hydrogen Peroxide... A Potent and Effective Cancer Destroyer. I would also recommend you take a look at this natural cancer treatment... Stunning Natural Cancer Cure which has helped and benefited many cancer sufferers. Finally, go on to my good friend, Webster Kehr's, website..., and do some more research there.

I'm sure it was terribly devastating to find out your mom has cancer, but she can definitely recover 100%. Thousands of women do. Keep the faith GE.

Take care.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 11, 2018
I Believe
by: I Have Faith

Good Morning Everyone,

Troy, I would just like to start off by thanking you from the bottom of my heart for what you've created on your website. I, like so many others, went through a number of emotions when I found out that I got HSV2 from a guy I was dating who I now believe knew that he had it because up to this point, he hasn't gone to check and see if he actually has it to show me. Anyway, he doesn't deserved to be talked about anymore. When I found out I felt hurt, fear, anger, I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole the day I got those results. I found out on Friday 20th July 2018 in the morning and I spent the day reading up on everything related to this virus. Everywhere I turned they said that "there was no cure" and "once you had it you would have it for the rest of your life". That Friday was the most depressing day of my life and I started to look for YouTube videos to see if anyone was brave enough to talk about how they were handling having it. Some people said they learnt to adjust to living with it while others just seemed to accept that it would always be in their body. I went to bed that night thinking my life was pretty much over and that I would have this forever. Saturday morning I just got a thought that maybe there wasn't much info concerning a cure because treating herpes is a money making business and curing it isn't. I started looking for any info I could find about killing and curing herpes instead. That's when I found your website and James' YouTube videos. I've already asked God to forgive me for hurting him like this and I believe that I have been forgiven. I also believe and have faith that he has already started healing me. I started the protocol last week and it hasn't been easy but I know it will be worth it when I go take that test and the results show that I am negative. I have complete faith in the God that I serve who can cleanse me of all my sins and illnesses (including HSV2). I plan on using the comments section here to share my healing journey with all of you and I hope it helps someone. I've read ALL the comments and I've seen some persons say that one of the hardest parts for them is that they feel alone going through this process. If it's okay with you Troy I would really like to share a new email account I created specifically to chat with anyone who's on their healing journey and just wants someone to talk to. My email is Have a blessed day everyone.

Aug 11, 2018
Thank you for your support
by: GE

Dear Troy,
Thank you for your support and information you provided. You help a lot of people and may you be blessed in your life for that! I will give your info to my mom about the HP protocol and hopefully she can find all the ingredients needed for it in the country she lives in (Belarus). On my side in NY, I will start the protocol as well. As I understand during the 46 days of the HP protocol we cant have baking soda daily in water, correct? It's one or the other. How is the best way to incorporate the HP protocol into the existing cure protocol? I am a little bit confused on that in spite of the fact that I've read all your Q&A's on this.
Thank you so much for your help. Me and all others who are going through this treatment appreciate you so much.
Best, GE

Aug 12, 2018
Groin Glands Up and Nerve Pain
by: Natasha

Hi Troy!

I'm 5 or 6 months in now (depends on if you count the Dr Schulze detox month). You might recall that I was going really well and hadn't had an outbreak in a record amount of time and then I did finally have an outbreak (about 2 weeks ago). They were teensy-tiny and cleared up super quick.

Since then, I have been getting some symptoms that I haven't had since I was very first diagnosed! My groin glads are REALLY swollen and I have the WORST nerve pain I have had in 5 years.

My question is... is there any chance that this is a GOOD sign, like it's the last of the virus trying to hold on and make a last ditch attempt to get at me? Would an explanation like that make any sense and have you heard anything like that before?

It just seems really strange that the virus really seemed to be weakening and then, POW! It's back worse than ever! (just to be clear, I haven't had any more outbreaks, just the swelling and pain). I'm hoping there is some logic to it.

No rush to answer me (I know I've asked a few questions lately!). Thank you so much Troy. I'm really trying hard and always diligent in following your advice.

Natasha. :)

Aug 13, 2018
1 year on the protocol
by: Sky

I was infected in late July 2017. So I am at my one year of doing the protocol. I added things into my regime that weren't mentioned here that I'd love to share as well. I used to get an ob every time I came on my cycle and anytime I drank alcohol. Now I am not having any breakouts even during those times. I am going to have an IgG test done. The one thing that I want to point out is that I did have cheats. I also did continue to eat chicken because I was losing too much weight cutting out meat. Every now and then I would eat some sweets. So I am not 100% sure that I'm in the clear but I would still love to share my results because at the end of the day, that's what we're all here for. If I am in the clear I don't think I would necessarily expose my identity but that's only because I work a very public job and would rather keep my personal life to myself. I would be willing to communicate with people though. That much I would feel I owe people going through what I have.

Aug 13, 2018
IgG Result
by: Anonymous

I went in for my first IgG test since receiving a positive culture back in June. My IgG came back at 15.2. I was at the end of a small outbreak. Could this have affected my high IgG number?

Aug 14, 2018
Signs of breakout
by: Sky

So I just posted about a day or two ago that I'm at my one year anniversary. But I did have a lot of cheats. I thought maybe I was in the clear and was even going to get tested soon but yesterday I came down with what felt like the flu. Hot flashes, body aches, ear ache, headaches, runny nose, sneezing... Soon after today I started getting shooting pain down my leg and tingling along my buttocks. Bad signs I'm sure, but I'm still going to get tested and find out my levels. Just wanted to kind of give an update. Although I've been taking everything I'm supposed to the cheats are obviously getting in the way. I have a strong feeling it wont turn into a breakout though which is praise enough for using the herbs.

Aug 17, 2018
Reply to "I Have Faith"
by: Troy

You already have the right attitude and frame of mind, so you're well on your way. Hopefully other sufferers reach out to you through your email. Just be weary of who you're talking to (or think you're taking to) in your emails - stay safe.

Good luck and all the best to you. As always, I'm here to answer any questions if you need help along the way.

God bless. :)

Aug 17, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

You're very welcome GE. With the hydrogen peroxide, you follow the regimen/protocol outlined in the book. Once you get down to the maintenance dose however, you drop the HP completely. You then re-do the 46 day protocol again 3 months later. You can take the baking soda when not on the HP but not both together. This would be too much alkalinity. The HP also needs to be taken on an empty stomach, which is certainly not easy when you're already taking lots of other supplements (which need to be taken on an empty stomach as well). Just do the best that you can.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 17, 2018
Reply to Natasha
by: Troy

Hi Natasha. This is quite odd to be honest. Swollen glands usually indicate a problem with the lymphatic system. Have you been ill lately? Are you drinking LOTS of clean filtered water? This is crucial for cleansing. I would also recommend you have a read of this article on lymphatic cleansing and follow some of the tips listed there... 16 Warning Signs That You Need to Drain Your Lymphatic Fluids.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 17, 2018
Reply to "IgG Result" Comment
by: Troy

This would have definitely affected your result. Even another form of illness can affect the result. The reason? Your body is busy producing antibodies and your immune system is under pressure during this time. :)

Aug 17, 2018
Reply to Sky
by: Troy

Your test result will at least tell you where you're at Sky. Just remember, make sure you've fully recovered from any illness before you go for that test.

All the best! :)

Aug 26, 2018
MSM Works!
by: Derek

Hi Guys,
I want to spread the word about the amazing HSV suppressive effects of MSM- methylsulfonylmethane (not to be confused with MMS).

For over 4 years I have personally tried just about everything to kill or completely silence HSV2 and nothing has worked as well as MSM. I've even consumed liters of colloidal silver which, as I have discovered, on it's own cannot penetrate deep enough to kill the virus.

How I take the MSM... Build up slowly to a teaspoon in a small glass of luke warm water. Take twice daily and within a couple of weeks you shouldn't hear another peep out of the virus... not even the tiniest of outbreaks. I also mix some Vitamin C in with it as well for extra potency.

It's worth noting that after a few weeks of stopping with the MSM I had an OB. I quickly resumed taking it and hey presto, no more problems! I have since resolved to take this stuff on a permanent basis. Not only does it fully silence the virus, it's one of the best supplements you can take for your health! You will see a great improvement in your overall health and well being.

I heard about the effects of MSM for HSV when scouring the forums. I came across reviews from people saying how to take it and since they've been on it they had not had an OB for as long as 19 years. They continue to supplement with it.

I'm not entirely sure how it works but I believe it's effective due to the immuno-modulating effect it has on the body. MSM is inexpensive too. Buy it in bulk and you'll never look back.

Again, check this stuff out. For me it works a million times better than Acyclovir or anything else for that matter. You can thank me later!

Aug 27, 2018
2 part question
by: Anonymous

Hello, I’ve been on the raw for diet that you and James talk about now for 3 months. I found out I was positive for hsv 2 with an index of 22 in May. It’s August now and it has lowered to 17. Is this good considering I’ve been on the diet now for 3 months?

My second question is I haven’t had an outbreak in 3 months. I’ve tried drinking grapefruit and orange to draw it out and still no outbreaks. Does this mean the virus could be destroyed, or inactive?

Aug 28, 2018
by: Anonymous

I am currently living with HSV 2 and have been for 10 years. I am so grateful for finding this site.

I am in the process of healing myself. I recently started on a raw diet, taking oregano oil orally and topically. Additionally, I am juicing, doing 2 coffee enemas in the morning, detoxing in a sauna, taking detox baths, various cleanses for my organs, focusing on one organ each week (colon, liver and kidney). Further, I am on Renew Life Total Body Cleanse (starting with 30 day program, followed by 15 day and 14 day programs and a Candida cleanse).

My question is would it be ok to incorporate the Olive Leaf Extract, the Silver and incorporating some of the recommended powders into my current regime?

Can you have too many antioxidants, minerals, etc?

Aug 29, 2018
Life has a way of presenting itself to you when you really put in the effort
by: Lacey

Thank you for this entire page! I wasn't exactly looking for a HSV2 cure, but rather trying to link my heavy metal detox with a recent outbreak (since my diagnosis, which I've only done a standard IgG blood test). I have only ever had 2 outbreaks, once at the very beginning and once following a traumatic miscarriage. Recently, I've been following a Paleo Diet and taking a regime of supplements recommended by my Naturopath. He's helping me with a heavy metal detox and I'm going on 4 months now. I had a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions, weekly acupuncture, use an infrared sauna at least 3-4 times a week, ionic foot detox twice a month, and just recently added in nano zeolite spray. With this in particular I have noticed a significant amount of retracing and since upping my dose to 3x a day I had sciatica pain radiating down my left leg and my heels were sore. The next day I woke up with 2 lesions but there were no initial signs at all! I'm curious about your thoughts on zeolite spray (particularly ACZ and TRS, which I have used) and utilizing this in addition to the above mentioned protocol?
Since I have already been very dedicated to my heavy metal detox, it never occurred to me that HSV2 was linked in any way! Thank you for showing me a connection and giving me even more hope and dedication to my program and a belief that I too can cure myself of HSV2!!!

Sep 16, 2018
Only Because of God... I'm NEGATIVE!
by: I Have Faith

Good morning Troy,

I hope you and your wife are having a lovely time on your vacation, although, when this is posted it will be "had" a lovely time on your vacation. :) I took a HSV2 Igg antibody test and had tested positive for HSV2 on July 20th 2018 with an index of 2.95. I then began the protocol on August 8th 2018. I took a second HSV2 Igg antibody test at the same lab on September 10th 2018 and it says that I’m NEGATIVE with an index of 0.24. Can antibodies go back down this quickly while someone is on the protocol or was this a false positive? The lab tech says it was a false positive but I wanted to hear what you thought about it? I was considering taking a PCR blood test but they are SUPER expensive where I live and I'd have to take out a small loan to do that one. So I’m going to take my final HSV2 Igg test at the end of September (at the same lab). When it’s negative again does this mean I really never had HSV2? Can I then end the protocol and incorporate other foods into my diet because I've lost a lot of weight while eating only raw fruits, veggies and some salmon? Whether God kept me from getting HSV2 all together or he cured me of HSV2, I’m so thankful and relieved! Thank you Troy for all the information you so freely share. God bless you and your family immensely.

Sep 19, 2018
Licorice Root
by: Chas

Hi Troy,
Hope your vacation is going well! Just wondering if you’re aware of any instances where Licorice Root has been used in the treatment of herpes? I was doing some reading and saw there are some major benefits. Just not sure the best manufacturer or dosages. Thanks.

Sep 22, 2018
by: Anonymous

Ok I’m about a week in this detox. I been reading all the comments and one particular just threw me for a whirl wind, something that I did consider. I have saline breast implants and silicon solid butt implants. Getting them removed is definitely not an option right now. Will this detox still work? If so any recommendations?

Sep 22, 2018
Be honest Troy
by: Shane


There is no cure mate so when you get back from hols post, or maybe you are on hols with Heather 😂😂😂😂 and Santa Claus and the tooth fairy?

I was diagnosed with HSV2 2 years ago. I went though so many emotions and online fixes. Reading "Heather's inspiring" story I followed her lead and sacrificed a lot for a year. I am posting here to wake people up. There is no cure and doing all this bullshit is a waste of time. Dave destroy diseases is another online Muppet trying to lure people in. I am hoping some day a pharma company finds the answer rather than the bullshit these people are talking. I have accepted my situation, do the same and give Troy and Dave the 2 fingers ibluffers. That's my lot but I feel strongly about this and had to post because I was lured into this false sense of hope. If you go back on YouTube there is one vid where Dave destroy diseases says maybe this didn't work because I ate a slice of pizza. Ha seriously? Goodnight and take care.

Sep 23, 2018
Autoimmune Disease?
by: Anonymous

I’ve noticed blood in my stool recently. I have unusual abdominal cramps. I’m going to go see a doctor if this persists a few more days.

Do you think it’s possible that I've given myself an autoimmune disease (e. g. Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis)?

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to "2 part question" comment
by: Troy

The fact that your level is going down is of course a good thing. 22 is a higher level count so naturally it's going to take longer to reduce your load. Remember, it's not a race. It takes as long as it takes. Be patient. In regards to inducing breakouts, I don't recommend this at this stage. Once again, be patient. Follow through on the protocol and don't retest or try and induce breakouts until at least the 8 month mark. Give everything enough time to work.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to "Question" Comment
by: Troy

Of course, it's possible to have too much of anything. But when it comes to antioxidants and nutrients in their natural form (not synthetic), it's virtually impossible. The body simply takes what it needs and discards the rest - that's how it works. So there is no real harm. Start off on low dosages of each and slowly increase over the next 3 months. Use how you feel and your bodily functions as a guide to increasing each amount (if you feel okay and your eliminatory functions are working fine then slowly increase). Follow this practice and you can't go wrong.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Sep 26, 2018
Reply to Lacey
by: Troy

Hi Lacey. Zeolite sublingual spray is yet another powerful detoxifier and heavy metal remover. I've never used this myself, but from all reports, it works extremely well. You are obviously benefiting from it, which is terrific. Working in conjunction with a Naturopath is also a very good idea, and is something that we always recommend people do when possible. Well done to you.

All the best!

Sep 26, 2018
Reply to I Have Faith
by: Troy

Yes, it does sound like your first test was a false positive. Once you have your next test at the end of the month you'll know for sure. Two negative results would most certainly mean you do not have the virus. In regards to ending the protocol? If you test negative again then you could stop the protocol, however, I would still recommend you eat healthy and continue to take the necessary supplements just to keep your immune system strong and your body healthy. Only my thoughts of course.

All the best to you!

Sep 26, 2018
Reply to Chas
by: Troy

Yes, had a great vacation Chas, thank you. In regards to licorice root, studies do show that it can help treat herpes, particularly herpes outbreaks... The Effect of Aqueous Extract of Glycyrrhiza Glabra on Herpes Simplex Virus. You can easily buy it in extract form to take internally (follow dosage directions on bottle) as well as tincture form to apply directly on any lesions. If you can get a hold of it, it would certainly be a worthy addition.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Sep 26, 2018
Reply to "Implants" Comment
by: Troy

As I always say, do the best that you can with what you have. I still believe the body can detox even when everything is not perfect. A "perfect" detox is difficult in today's world (polluted air, food, etc). Focus on what you can control. Consume as many detoxing foods and supplements as you can. Follow James's basic guide... Detoxing Process. You can still get that negative result.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Sep 26, 2018
Reply to Shane
by: Troy

Hi Shane. Firstly, you're entitled to your own opinion, about me and James (not Dave) from Destroy Diseases. I could have easily just deleted your comment, but I have nothing to hide and know with every fiber of my being that herpes can be cured. If you think it's all bullshit then so be it. I'm not going to mess with you. That does mean that others such as Dr Robert Morse and Dr Sebi are frauds and bullshit artists too then? They believe and preach that the herpes virus (all viruses in fact) can be completely detoxed out of the body? Best of luck waiting for your Big Pharma cure.

P.S. Yes, had a great vacation with Heather, Santa Claus and The tooth Fairy thanks.

Sep 26, 2018
Reply to "Autoimmune Disease" Comment
by: Troy

Highly unlikely. You may simply have hemorrhoids or anal fissures (the most common causes). Of course, you should visit your doctor for a full examination to see what's going on if it persists. You can read more about this problem here... Blood in the stool (rectal bleeding) in adults.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Sep 27, 2018
by: Help

Do the eggs need to be organic? Is it safe to eat them every day? I know eggs are under the "acidic forming" group, so it’s confusing that this testimony says their ok, but under "herpes" on this website it says their acidic. I’m only on day 5 of going raw so I have a long way to go, but I’m trying to be extremely cautious of every single thing I eat. Is any type of seasoning like black pepper ok? I’ve read that sea salt is fine. This website says garlic and onion are great, so I’ve made homemade guacamole that has red onion in it. However in one of James’s videos, he says to avoid garlic and onions because they're poisonous to the body. I watched that video after I had red onion.

Sep 27, 2018
by: Anonymous

Troy, if you've had the virus for a while, is it possible for your antibodies to still shoot up once you begin this protocol?

Sep 27, 2018
by: Lily

Dear Troy

Are these ok to consume while detoxing and trying to be rid of herpes?

-Sourdough Bread
-sea salt
-black pepper
(If sourdough bread IS ok, would it make a difference if I toast it?)

Sep 28, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Glad to read that you enjoyed your holiday. I started the protocol last October, more seriously in January. I cheated regularly and gave up by July/August once it became too frequent. I'm losing a lot of faith in myself to be honest. Nevertheless, I'm still exploring options. I would like to go and see a Naturopath to work with but I am a little unsure in terms of what to ask? By law they cannot claim they can cure herpes, and I'm not sure if they will believe it can be? Can I get some advice on how to introduce myself/be clear about what I'm looking for? E.g. I've heard that we should get a our lymphatic system and kidneys checked out... is this something you can ask (I don't even really know what that means? lol).

Thank you.

Sep 28, 2018
Reply to "Help"
by: Troy

Yes, your eggs need to be organic. Even though eggs are acidic forming, one or two per day is still okay. Remember, a few acidic foods are fine (refer to the acid/alkaline food list article link in #11 of our main article). Your body needs a certain amount of quality protein also. A little black pepper (preferably with some turmeric) is okay as well. Go with Himalayan pink rock salt over sea salt. Finally, in regards to the garlic, I've said several times that I don't always agree with James. This is one of those occasions. I believe that nature has the answer (cures) to our diseases and ailments. Herbs and spices are some of the most potent cures that nature has to offer. Garlic has been used for centuries to treat and cure virtually every type of disease and pathogen known to man. This study actually contradicts what James is saying... Neuroprotective Effects of Garlic. And this study showed that garlic destroyed the herpes simplex virus within 30 minutes of applying it to a laboratory dish... Garlic Gets Rid of Herpes Overnight. Don't be put off eating garlic and onions, they're good for you!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Sep 28, 2018
Positive HSV test result to Negative HSV test result
by: I Have Faith

Hi Everyone,

This is some really important advice for anyone who has received a positive HSV test result. I was told I had HSV2 in July 2018 and began the protocol in August 2018. I went for another test at the end of August 2018 to see if my antibodies started going down and received a negative test result with an index of 0.24 for HSV2. I took 3 additional tests (IGG) in September 2018 and all were negative. The lab tech told me that he thinks he may have mixed up my result with someone else's! I was so upset but just happy that I was negative. I'd advise you guys to go get another test after getting a positive HSV test result because some of you reading this may actually be negative like I was and may have received an incorrect test result.

Sep 29, 2018
Why am I getting more outbreaks after using oil of oregano?
by: Anonymous

I started using the oil of oregano since July of 2018. Before I used to get an outbreak every 5 months, now it has been every month. Any reason why? I have been eating fruits and fish (salmon). Is this normal? Is the virus fighting back? When I put the oil on a sore it goes away in a day or two. My questions is... how do you know if it is killing or slowly destroying the herpes virus? And also, does it depend on how long you had the virus? If you've had it for years could it have multiplied a lot more?

Sep 29, 2018
Few more food questions
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for answering my previous question! Now Im wondering if Ozarka water bottle is ok to drink? It says "spring water", but I know a lot of labels can be misleading. So far I’ve been drinking Fiji water, but it can be expensive and so I feel that I’m not drinking enough. I can’t afford reverse osmosis right now, but definitely will purchase it when I’m able to. I read about drinking onion and garlic broth and I want to add it to my routine. Putting garlic and onion in a pot of water and bring the water to boil then leave it to sit with it covered, then drink the broth. Is using tap water for doing this ok? Or should I just wait on the osmosis?

I read on "going raw, and how to do it", it says that sourdough bread it ok in moderation. Is this true for curing herpes? Would I be able to toast it?

I know coconut water is fine. I’m sure brands matter though. Is Goya coconut water ok? If not which brand is the best?

Lastly, (my partner’s question) is vinegar ok to consume? We are both trying to cure ourselves of hsv2.

Sep 29, 2018
General inquiry
by: Anonymous

What do you recommmend contuninung to do once you get a negative test?

Oct 01, 2018
Reply to "Antibodies" Comment
by: Troy

In the beginning, yes, it is possible that your antibody levels will rise (the same as you will usually receive more breakouts in the beginning). In the long run, however, your antibody count will drop. As I keep saying though, it will never drop to zero. Your body will always keep a minute amount of antibodies stored for future reference. This does not mean you still have the virus. An antibody count/test is still a poor option for viral testing in my opinion, but unfortunately, it's the best we have available at the moment.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 01, 2018
Reply to Lily
by: Troy

Hi Lily. Sourdough bread is okay but make it yourself (without the preservatives). Toasted is okay too. Use Himalayan pink rock salt instead of sea salt. A small amount of black pepper is okay (not too much as it is acidic to the body). Beans are perfectly fine too. :)

Oct 01, 2018
Reply to "Naturopath" comment
by: Troy

There actually ARE naturopaths out there that believe and know the herpes virus (and HIV) can be cured, but like you say, they are very careful not to admit it for fear of losing their licence/practice (most who perform ozone therapy will tell you that you can get rid of the virus). How do you find a reputable naturopath? It's not easy. You may need to visit a few. Ordering a lymphatic check and looking into ozone therapy is a good place to start. I believe you should be up front and honest right at the start. Tell whomever you visit that you want the virus gone and if they tell you you cant get rid of it blah blah, then simply find someone else. Naturopaths are like doctors and lawyers, there are good ones and not so good ones.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Oct 02, 2018
Reply to "Why am I getting more outbreaks after using oil of oregano" comment
by: Troy

This is most certainly common. The oregano oil (and olive leaf extract) in particular force the virus to fight back in the beginning. The breakouts WILL slow down though. If you've had the virus for quite while then yes, your infection/saturation level (antibody level) will usually be higher than someone who has only recently been infected. You can find more information on these answers in the comments above, along with the comments on Jessica's article.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 02, 2018
Reply to "Few more food questions" comment
by: Troy

No bottled water is any good in my opinion. Filtered water is definitely the way to go and granular carbon and solid block carbon filters are the pick of the bunch... Best Drinking Water Filters. Never use tap water, even for boiling. Coconut water is certainly okay, but it must be 100% natural (Goya coconut water is no good as it contains sugar). H2coco Pure Coconut Water is a quality brand. Finally, apple cider vinegar is definitely a good choice (it's #9 remedy in our main herpes article) so be sure to supplement with it as much as you can.

All the best to you!

Oct 02, 2018
Reply to "General Inquiry" Question
by: Troy

I recommend continuing to eat healthy (of course), along with continuing to supplement with a good quality wheatgrass powder, probiotics and olive leaf extract to keep your body healthy and your immune system strong. :)

Oct 02, 2018
20 Years living with this
by: N.N.

Hi Troy,
I've stumbled upon this post looking for solutions after a recent OB. I've been living with a severe case since 1999. I was 19 at the time and this pathogen has wreaked havoc on my entire life and ability to have relationships. I am 39 now, and just want to be free. The first 5 years were the worst with frequent OB's. Then they mellowed out to 1-2 every year. At the 11 year mark, they started spacing out to 1 every 1-2 years. This recent OB had a 3-year gap!!! In my mid-twenties I got super health conscious and have since eaten a mostly plant-based diet that's mostly raw organic clean foods. This was not directly related to treating the virus, but just simply taking good care of myself.
I was hoping that after 3 years of dormancy the virus would never show up again, but I did something that triggered it to the surface. I have been using oregano oil for the past 7 years on my OB's topically, which seems to kill it almost instantaneously. I am a big believer in OO. I had a blood test done last week to check which strain I have (1 or 2) because I've never known. Now I'm interested to see what the levels are. I'm wondering what to expect if I have had hosted the virus for nearly 20 years, and now have infrequent OBs, but was tested 2 weeks after that last OB, which was minor, after a 3-year gap. And now I'm curious to be tested again after some time to see where the levels are again. I've started rubbing the OO on my spine and sacrum, and the areas the virus usually pops up at. Any thoughts for me? I'm also curious about one question that I read above but didn't see answered. Is it more effective to kill the virus when it has surfaced at the skin? Or will remnants still be deep within? I've noticed over the years that as I began treating my OB's topically with raw garlic then later with OO they became less and less frequent and didn't seem to pop up in the same place twice. When I first contracted it I had a severe case with lesions everywhere!! So I like to think I'm killing it off location point by location point... Do you think a surface attack is enough to kill it at the root? Or will it still be hiding deep within?

Oct 03, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I am on month 6. I thought I was doing everything well. I am on the spanish olive leaf taking up to 3500mg a day. Colloidal silver 3x a day. Chlorella/Spirulina pills twice a day. HawaiiPharm Cilantro drops 3x a day. I also have been using the oregano as instructed twice a day (the drops in water, drops under tongue, and on bottom portion of spine).

I have completed the HP therapy already once and have been off of it for about two weeks now and I am planning on going back to it.

I have slipped on my diet about 3 times since I started and ate some meat and rice. But besides that I have a lot of berries and melon, usually 3x a day. I also usually have homemade guacamole. I have recently been eating homemade tortilla from 100% organic cassava flour or from Spelt flour. I also have a boiled egg everyday.

My igg when I first started was pretty high. And last I checked, my igg went down a little. But today I am up 1.5 points, so you can see why I am feeling down. I haven't gotten sick at all. What am I doing wrong?

Oct 04, 2018
Reply to N.N
by: Troy

Finding out which type of herpes you have, along with your IgG level is a good idea. It gives you a starting point and when you retest further down the track you'll know if you're progressing or not. In regards to killing the virus. You need both internal and external treatments. Relying solely on topical treatments wont be enough (it is a very good start though). Combine both and you'll see some really good results.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 04, 2018
Reply to "Bummed" Comment
by: Troy

I recommend you stop getting tested. I know it's hard, but you should only get tested before you start and then again around the 8 month mark (at the earliest). Frequent testing doesn't serve any purpose, it only costs you extra money that you really don't need to be spending. If you're doing everything right then stick with it. The results will show in time.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 04, 2018
Need some advice
by: Nicole

Hi Troy,

My first OB Jan 2018 and I was diagnosed with HSV2. I started this journey back in February with all the supplements and routines that both Heather and Jessica were doing - I just tweaked them. However, even with eating organic and taking all my supplements and stuff every month I was still getting OB's. Not so bad as in the beginning. I did start to feel tingling sensations that I’ve never felt before and nothing happened, but then a couple weeks later an OB occurred. Do you know why this happens? I work full time and I’m a single mother with a lot on my plate so keeping stress to a minimum is hard for me but I do try my best. I recently went on vacation for a week and even though I was still taking my olive leaf, BHT and St. John’s Wort I didn’t take the lysine, silver, oil of oregano, coconut oil and h202. And I was drinking alcohol and eating kinda bad. So now I want to start all over again this time. I’m buying the Dr. Schulz cleanse #1 & 2 to detox but my question to you is how long should I detox for? And I never fully detoxed in the beginning so now I’m thinking this is the reason why I was still having OB's. Also, should I still continue taking all the supplements and stuff while on this cleanse? And what brand of DMSO should I purchase?

Oct 04, 2018
Reply to Nicole
by: Troy

Hi Nicole. If you're going to start on the Dr Schulze cleanse (detox) then you must do it exactly as they suggest, so this means only the cleanse and not the other supplements. Once you finish his program then re-introduce the other supplements again. I know it's hard but try and keep your stress levels to a minimum also. Stress is a MAJOR inhibitor to your success. Both Heather and Jess stayed relaxed, meditated, did yoga, etc. It's just so important to be relaxed. In regards to the DMSO? Try and get the cream with added aloe vera if you can as this helps to stop your skin from drying out.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Oct 05, 2018
When to Start Herbs?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I'm on a raw diet and currently detoxing with seamoss/bladderwhack and a gut cleanser. Should I start the olive leaf extract/oregano oil regime AFTER detoxing and being on the raw diet for a while (I have only been on it for a week) or is it safe to do both at the same time?

Also, whats the shortest time you have observed someone cure themselves? Just curious, I realize everyone is different and it's a process.

Oct 08, 2018
Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Antibody testing
by: Jennie

Hi, Troy-
I'm glad you are back and hope that you had a most restful vacation!
I'm at the beginning of the protocol and want to get tested so that I know my starting numbers. I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis, which I've kept under control the last two years with a gluten free diet. Will having this skew my herpes Igg blood test results? I am really hoping not. Thank you kindly.

Oct 08, 2018
Some questions about foods?
by: Richard


I enjoy your posts. Is it okay to eat these foods during the duration of the protocol...

1. Terra vegetable chips (root vegetables, non GMO w/sea salt.

2. Organic Valley Raw Sharp Cheddar Cheese.

3. Greek yogurt (nonfat).

I have been making a shake every day for months now that contains Greek yogurt, coconut milk, berries, bananas, pineapple, cilantro, spinach, kale, parsley, thyme, turmeric, black pepper, and a scoop of a superfruit powder (macu macu, acai, etc.). Does this sound like a good blend?

With the shake, I take vitamin c, lysine, zinc and some chlorella tablets.

I'm also confused about bread. In one place you said avoid wheat but in another post, you said that sourdough is okay. Isn't sourdough make of wheat also.

Oct 11, 2018
Hand sanitizer
by: Anon

I've been doing everything. Been very happy so far with all the effort I've put in with little to no cheats. The only thing I still need to switch out is my makeup - at least my foundation. I'm doing that but the one thing I can't change is my job. I'm a phlebotomist so I'm required to sanitize my hands, maybe around 40 times a day. I work 4 days a week and with all the effort wonder if something like this will hinder all my progress (when I say I'm taking and doing everything else right I mean I'm doing literally everything right; down from the soaps, body oil, pills and potions, lol). Just need some wise words as this has been putting a dampener on things.

Oct 13, 2018
Reply to "When to Start Herbs" Comment
by: Troy

Definitely wait until you've finished your detox/internal cleanse before starting on the OLE, etc. In regards to the shortest time? I think it was 3 months that someone posted.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 13, 2018
Reply to Jennie
by: Troy

Make sure you order a TYPE SPECIFIC IgG antibody test. This can reliably distinguish between HSV1 & 2 antibodies. The " Hashimoto's antibodies" in your system should not cause a problem.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 13, 2018
Reply to Richard
by: Troy

Hi Richard. The key thing to keep in mind when it comes to healthy eating is fresh is always best and make your own foods if you possibly can. Try and make your own healthy home made chips, home made Greek yogurt, etc (it's not hard). Cheese is processed dairy so it's best left out. Like I always say though, just do the best you can. I know it's not always feasible to make everything yourself from scratch. The shake you're having is good too by the way, just try and have your vitamin C, lysine, zinc and chlorella separate to your shake. You'll get more out of them by doing it this way. In regards to the bread, yes, sourdough contains wheat, but it's also rich in healthy probiotics. The hardest part is finding alternatives to "normal" bread. Sourdough (in small amounts of course) is definitely a better alternative to conventional bread. Cauliflower bread is actually the best option. My wife makes it, and surprisingly, it tastes great. You can also use cauliflower as a substitute for rice. Simply search online for recipes.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 15, 2018
Lion's Mane Mushroom
by: Danielle

Hi Troy,

I'm always trying to improve my overall health and recently "discovered" lion's mane mushroom as a supplement that is good for brain health and nerve cell regeneration. While that is my primary motivation for taking this herb, I'm curious if it may also be helpful for eradicating this virus. Western medicine's limited understanding of this virus says that it infects and hides in nerve cells after coming in through broken or compromised skin cells. My logic is this: if while removing heavy metals and boosting my immune system to deactivate the virus I also take supplements to help my body create healthy nerve and skin cells, I can create an environment where my new cells are so strong and healthy that even though the virus is in fight-back mode, it can't re-infect new healthy cells. Basically my formula is: strong cells plus a fighting immune system less heavy metals equals nowhere in my body or the virus to reproduce and thrive so it has to die and/or leave. As always, your thoughts on this supplement are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Oct 15, 2018
When to Start Herbs? Pt. 2
by: Anonymous

Oh no, I already started the OLE... and the health consultant I went to recommended I use the detox the ENTIRE six months or however long it takes.

What is the harm in starting the herbs early? Is it harmful or does it just make the herbs less effective?

Also: the person who's healing time was three months: do you know what they did differently that resulted in their shorter time?

Thank you so much Troy.

Oct 16, 2018
20 Years living with this...
by: N.N.

Hi Troy,

I wrote the first time a few days back. I received my IgG results today, but the testing doctor was not available to talk about the numbers with me, and I am having no luck finding info on Google. Can you tell me, if you know, is a 20.4 for HSV2 considered high? From the comments I've found here, most people are talking about being in the 1. something range. So I'm panicking a little. I hope to talk to my functional medicine doctor when I see her in November, but until then I would love to understand better about the number ranges. HSV1 was .11. Where can I find more information on this? Thanks.

Oct 16, 2018
Confirmation and Budget
by: D

Good evening Troy.

Just to refresh... I was diagnosed in January of this year with HSV via culture. In June I took a blood test to see which type it was but came back negative for both. I tested in mid September and it was confirmed that I have HSV2 with an index of 1.20. Needless to say I am super bummed. However, I have faith that I will cure myself of this impurity.

I began the protocol back in February after initially finding out. I was on it until about the beginning of April. I stopped because I had a lot of stressful life events occur as well as money getting tight. Currently I am working part time jobs here and there so I am not making a lot of money. Mostly enough to barely sustain a living. How can I carry out this protocol with limited income? Also, when I was doing the protocol before I lost so much weight. How can I complete this protocol while maintaining my current weight?

I really want to carry this out, but my funds make it extremely difficult at the moment.

Oct 17, 2018
Colloidal Silver Silver Hydrosol
by: Anonymous

I realize this may be a dumb question but when I click the link to the Sovereign Silver it takes me to "Silver Hydrosol". Is this the same as colloidal silver?

Oct 17, 2018
High Starting Number?
by: Jennie

I posted a little while ago that I was getting tested so I would know my starting numbers. I got the results today. HSV-1 was 0.9. HSV-2 was 14.2. I'm a little discouraged that this second number was so high. Is there any significance to it being so high? I was diagnosed ten years ago. Will it necessarily take me longer now to get a negative result? I can't take one more dating rejection because of this, I've had so many. Thank you very much for your help and guidance.

Oct 19, 2018
Reply to Anon
by: Troy

This is fine. Focus on what you can control (which is what you seem to be doing). Make the changes where you can and concentrate on getting those detoxing foods and supplements into you. :)

Oct 19, 2018
Reply to Danielle
by: Troy

Hi Danielle. Lion's Mane Mushroom is an excellent immune booster and helps promote healthy nerve cell functioning. For these reasons, it would be a worthy edition to your protocol. I personally have never taken Lion's Mane mushroom or heard from anyone who has, but I think it would be worth giving a go. Be sure to share your results with everyone too if it helps!

All the best!

Oct 22, 2018
Reply to "Colloidal Silver Silver Hydrosol" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, Silver Hydrosol is the type of colloidal silver you want. :)

Oct 23, 2018
Oregano oil under tongue
by: Anonymous

Can I take the oregano oil directly under the tongue or is it absolutely necessary to dilute it?

Oct 23, 2018
Minimizing OB's
by: Renew

Hello, Troy. Thank you so much for all the information you’ve supplied us with. I am ready to start my protocol to eliminate hsv and just have a few questions.
I am wanting to avoid having ob's, as I’ve only had a few. I was diagnosed in 2015 and maybe had 6 since then, 2 on my face. My question is, if I were to start on the immune boosting supplements, and alkaline my body first hand, and maybe a month after that start the detoxing supplements, would I avoid any ob's, being that my body would already be in an alkaline state? I do appreciate your tremendous efforts. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.

Oct 23, 2018
Swallowing Pills/Diet
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

I have been on this forum for months now trying to gain confidence and gather information on starting this diet. I absolutely hate swallowing pills. Is their any alternative to the OLE or other supplements that come in pill form? And also, if I eat salmon once a month or at all, can I season it? What do you suggest?

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to "When to Start Herbs" comment
by: Troy

No, what I'm saying is if you are beginning the detox first then save the herbs/supplements for after the detox. If you're already on them then that's fine, continue as you are doing. There is no harm - it's the cost factor more than anything. In regards to the person who tested negative after 3 months? I do not know what or even if they did anything different. Like I said, it depends how long you have had the virus for. The unfortunate fact is the longer it's been in your body and had time to grow and replicate the longer it will take to get rid of it. Remember though, it's not a race.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to N.N.
by: Troy

Yes, 20.4 is quite high, but focusing on the number does not help. It is what it is. What's important is getting that number down, ultimately to below 0.90 (negative). I recommend you have a read of this article on herpes testing... Understanding blood tests for herpes.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to D
by: Troy

My advice is wait until you have enough money coming in to do the protocol. The unfortunate fact is it is quite costly. Supplements and healthy foods are expensive to buy. In regards to maintaining your weight, this is a difficult one. You will lose a certain amount of weight when detoxing, there's no way around this. Read some of the answers I've given in this thread, as well as Jessica's thread, for ways to help keep your calorie intake up so you don't lose excessive amounts of weight.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to "Oregano oil under tongue" Comment
by: Troy

You need to dilute the OO so it doesn't burn. If you have the super strength, taking it undiluted under the tongue is not a good idea. :)

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to Jennie
by: Troy

Hi Jennie. The reality is that the longer you've had the virus the higher your count will be. In most cases it can also take longer to get rid of the virus. This is unfortunate, but I recommend you focus on getting rid of the virus - doing everything you can in this regard - and forgetting about the numbers. It's like trying to lose weight and focusing on the scales - it doesn't help you.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to Renew
by: Troy

Understandably, everyone wants to try and avoid breakouts. How your body (and the virus) will react is impossible to say. Some people get horrendous breakouts while others get none. Alkalizing your body and building up your immune system will definitely help, but ultimately, you wont know for sure until you're about a month into it.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to "Swallowing Pills/Diet" Comment
by: Troy

You can get the OLE max in powdered form... OliveLeafMAX Bulk Extract. 1-2 teaspoons a day is what you need. Wild caught salmon is okay also. Season it with natural (dried) herbs and spices and Himalayan pink rock salt. A dash of freshly squeezed lemon juice is also very good and very tasty. :)

Oct 25, 2018
Help. Need answers.
by: Anonymous

Can you please explain to me why the skin where I got my initial outbreak back in October 2017 is numb and at times painful with no symptoms in that same spot since then? The pain travels near my buttocks area too.

Oct 29, 2018
Quick question!
by: Anonymous

Hello interesting story, I’m currently dealing with Genital also, Her story is pure motivation! Quick question though, when she mentions she went to get tested after 3 months of the raw diet and got a negative but the newbie misread, was she negative all along? Or was she still positive? Sorry that part confuses me. And if I got tested with a culture, would the blood testing work?

Oct 30, 2018
Waiting for your reply
by: GE

Dear Troy!
I know you must be busy but I am so waiting for your reply to my last email. I need to know if I need to change my medication amounts or schedule.

Thanks a lot

Nov 02, 2018
Benefits of bowel cleanse mid way through protocol
by: Jennifer

Hello Troy,
Like everyone here I’m also very grateful to have found this site. It’s really given me hope and I want to thank you.
I’ve been on the protocol for 6 months now.
Taking the recommended supplements and trying to eat as raw as possible (truly though I’m sticking more to Jessica’s diet of organic fruits and vegetables, some cooked organic meat and eggs and pastas made from rice flour and home made soups). I stopped drinking coffee and alcohol, sugar, processed wheat and dairy.
Once every two weeks I make the onion garlic water and drink that for three days. I also try to have Heather's smoothie at least 4 days a week. I also take Dr Schulze intestinal formula #2 everyday - I take it with a cup of grapefruit juice and water and often add a dropper of astralgas, black elderberry and reishi to the mix. I didn’t do all this in the beginning but have built up to it.
For months I had constant tingling and what felt like the beginnings of OBs. But it slowly got less and less much to my joy. However, this week I had the worst outbreak I’ve ever had. I’m wondering if this sounds normal and part of the detox process?
I was thinking of doing a 5 day bowel cleanse (Dr Schulze) to jump start my body into healing again. Would you recommend this?
Also below is what I’m taking. I’d be really interested to hear any recommendations you have...
3 x olive leaf capsules (twice a day)
1 x oregano oil capsule (twice a day)
6 x drops of oregano oil in coconut oil held under younger for 10 minutes. (Twice a day)
4 drops of oregano oil added to coconut oil and rubbed on base of spine every night.
1 x tablespoon (plastic) of colloidal silver (3 times a day)
2 x bht capsules taken with St. John’s wort (twice a day)
6000 milligrams of vitamin c per day.
2 x acv capsules everyday.
2 x 1000mg lysine everyday

Thanks so much for your time Troy. It’s really kind of you to answer everyone’s questions and this site has given me so much useful information.

Nov 04, 2018
by: Anonymous

I've been on the protocol for about a month, but I went to California for my b'day this weekend and cheated a little (had a slice of pizza, two pieces of sushi, some enchilada sauce/chicken and a handful of chips, and drank about two cups of gin mixed w'orange juice).

Did I completely derail my entire month of hard work?

Nov 05, 2018
Reply to "Help. Need answers" Comment
by: Troy

It's quite common to experience numbness and shooting pains in and around the area of a breakout. The shooting pains and tingling can also move to different areas of the body. Nothing you are experiencing is uncommon. :)

Nov 05, 2018
Reply to "Quick question" Comment
by: Troy

No, Heather's test was positive after 3 months but she was told it was negative, only to be told after she was in fact positive. I recommend going with an IgG (type specific) test over a culture test if you can as it's a better and more accurate option. :)

Nov 05, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

I didn't receive your question? Can you resend? :)

Nov 05, 2018
Ohh Troy :)
by: GE

Hello Troy,
You did not receive my last email with a million questions? OK, here is the thing: I am on your routine already for the 6th month. I had a bad OB only on my 2nd month, after that only tingling stuff. I am on max lever of all sups so far:
-probiotics once or twice a day
-Chlorella/Spirulina 6 tables per day
-OLE 6 capsules per day
-Oregano Oil 5 drops in 4-5 oz of water twice per day
-Oreg Oil 2 drops on the spine once per day or twice per day on the weekend
-BHT - 750 mg per day
-St Johns Wort- 1000mg per day
-Vit C 10000 mg per day
-lysine- 2300 mg per day
-Silver- 1tsp 3 times per day

Do I keep taking all those sups still or should I change the amounts or cut some out of the list? In December I want to have a test. It's not too early is it? I have to tell to my doc I need an IgG test? As of now I am using a kind of expensive probiotic- $35 for 30 days supply. Do you know a less expensive one but good one?
I hope you are doing well and hope you will receive this email as there is no controversial questions asked. :)


Nov 06, 2018
Reply to Jennifer
by: Troy

Hi Jennifer. If you read most of the comments you'll see that many people get hit with a hard breakout, usually when it seems they may have seen the last of them. Bottom line... it's not uncommon. It's quite normal for the virus to fight back. I think Heather even had this happen to her around the 8 month mark. What you are doing and taking (protocol) is good. I would question why you're having grapefruit juice though? Grapefruit juice can induce breakouts so I suggest leaving this out. You could certainly do the 5 day bowel cleanse. Just keep in mind that you will need to drop the other supplements you're currently taking for this 5 day period. This wont hurt, and in actuality, could and should help you even more.

You're doing well Jennifer.

All the best to you!

Nov 06, 2018
Reply to "Cheated" Comment
by: Troy

Well, you didn't do yourself any favors, but I wouldn't say you derailed your last month. Just get back to your protocol straight away and continue on. And don't beat yourself up over it either. None of us are perfect. :)

Nov 06, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

Hi GE. I recommend you continue with the supplements you're taking but now begin to vary the dosages. For instance, with the OLE, drop down to two caps per day for a week then go up to four, then back up to six then down to two, etc. Continue to mix them up so your body doesn't get used to them. This also helps to keep the cost down a little. If you're looking for a good quality probiotic supplement then you cant go past Dr Tobia's - best by a country mile. Don't forget also to culture your own probiotic rich foods and consume these for an extra daily supply... Cultures for Health. When you ask your doctor about a test make sure you emphasize "type specific IgG test".

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Nov 08, 2018
Antivirals and Reinfection
by: Anonymous

While on the protocol should I stop taking Valtrex Antiviral prescription for suppression? My doctor said I should take this for a year.

After cured and testing negative, is it possible to be reinfected from someone who is positive?

Nov 09, 2018
Only using oregano oil
by: AK

Hi, can I eradicate the herpes virus from my body just by applying oil to my spine, taking oregano internally, and under the tongue? And also, I heard that black seed oil cures herpes virus, is that true?

Nov 10, 2018
Wondering OO about under the tongue
by: Anonymous

Troy, I have been using Zanes oregano oil, the wild one. I put it in a capsule. When I use to put a lot of oil in a capsule I would have an outbreak almost every month (I use to have them every 5 to 6 months). Now I tested it and have been filling up the whole capsule instead of 10 drops and no out break, plus I use OLE, 2 capsules a day and selenium. How do you know if it is working? Also, I never did the oil of oregano under the tongue. Wondering, what does that do? How does it help?

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to "Antivirals and Reinfection"Comment
by: Troy

Most people continue to take their antivirals in the beginning, however, at some point you will need to drop them. This is a personal choice though. Only you can make this decision when you're feeling comfortable enough. In regards to being re-infected? Yes, the chance is always there. It's a fairly slim chance but could always happen nonetheless. :)

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to AK
by: Troy

The oregano oil on it's own wont be enough. Even though the super strength OO is extremely good, you still need the olive leaf extract and colloidal silver (at minimum), along with a good wheat grass powder or chlorella supplement to really help get rid of those heavy metals. Black seed oil is also very good as well, along with eating the seeds. :)

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to "Wondering OO about under the tongue" Comment
by: Troy

Make sure the Zane Hellas OO is the minimum 86% carvacrol variety (strongest available). Not sure what you mean by the wild one? If what you're doing with the capsules is working (no breakouts) then continue with this method - no problems there. Having the oregano oil under the tongue with coconut oil means the OO is absorbed through the sublingual glands deep under the tongue. The result is a high absorption rate, which is why we recommend a combination of under the tongue and orally (along with on the base of the spine of course).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Nov 13, 2018
BHT, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C
by: Determined

Hi Troy! I took the protocol and all the products to my Mom's health and wellness Dr to look over everything with me before I get started. She does treat with "alternative" methods but she was not on board with a CURE for herpes. So, she's just another Dr to send my negative results to! :)

She thought the protocol looked great. However, her only concerns were with the BHT (mostly because she did not know much about it outside of it being a lab made chemical/preservative) and the Ascorbic Acid (because it is also lab made/not found in nature). Should there be concern with these items? I see Heather did not use the BHT, St. John's Wort, Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C supplements.

Heather's testimony also introduced me to Dr. Schulze. I've read his book/protocol "There Are No Incurable Diseases" and I've become a fan of his. Would you recommend his Super-C Plus product instead of the Solaray product on your website? Each tablet has 1000 mg of Vitamin C as well.

Thanks so much!

Nov 13, 2018
Bad news
by: GE

Hi Troy,
I was following your last advice and went to 2 ole pills per day from 6 per day. After 5 days I got a breakout on/in the corners of my lips and today I feel an OB is coming down as well. It seems that all these remedies only suppress the virus and as soon as the amount is dropped, the breakouts begin again. I am so disappointed. There's not enough positive stories from people, telling they got cured with this method, which makes me question the situation and all I am doing. I am usually very persistent. I have been following this for the last 6 months. I am devastated and don't know what to do.

Nov 13, 2018
Dr Sebi
by: Anonymous

Is it safe to combine Dr Sebi's methods of curing herpes with this protocol? Thank you.

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to Determined
by: Troy

While you don't exclusively need the BHT and vitamin C, you will find that these help tremendously with boosting the immune system (crucial) and preventing/suppressing breakouts, particularly in the beginning when the virus is fighting back. Yes, you do need to be careful when purchasing ascorbic acid as many/most suppliers use ascorbic acid derived from corn starch, corn sugar, or rice starch. Dr Shutlze's products are first rate. His vitamin C is exceptional so no problems with using this.

All the best to you! :)

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this can and usually does happen GE. I hate to say it but you just need to grin and bear it. Varying the dosages brings the virus out, which is what you want. Yes, after 6 months it would be nice for the virus to be gone, but as I continue to say, it usually takes 12 months, even longer in some cases to get rid of the virus. Nothing has changed for you in my opinion. Continue to do what you're doing. Check your diet once again (foods you're eating not supplements) and make sure you're doing everything right there.

All the best to you!

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to "Dr Sebi" Comment
by: Troy

Absolutely. Dr Sebi's protocol is first rate. Just remember that fasting is a big part of Dr Sebi's plan so when you're fasting make sure you only have the supplement(s) he recommends.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Nov 13, 2018
If I Continue?
by: GE

Troy, if I continue after that set back, should I get back to max amounts now? 6 OLE and the rest? I had to taken Valtrex today as I cant deal with OB- it's too much stress on me. How can it be eliminated in 12 months when its still there, pretty much active after 6 months! Its damn tough to say the least.

Nov 15, 2018
by: Determined

Thanks for your reply! Glad to hear you also approve of Dr. Schulze products. I'm being realistic and I want to give myself the best shot at success so I'll be doing Dr. Schulze's 30 Day Detox (w/ raw and organic meal plan) starting in January. Then I'll start your protocol in February. 2019 is my year! :)

Another question... are you still in touch with Eric? Is he still planning to write a book about his journey that led him to a negative result?

Also... I'm just curious. Has the thought of opening up a clinic/treatment facility "whatever it may be called" that specializes in a herpes cure ever been a thought of yours or anyone else you're aware of? I know I'd be willing to pause 6, 9, 12 months of my life and pay a hefty amount to gain back my physical/sexual health for the remainder of it. Like, a place where you would stay with a meal plan, supplements, meditation, etc?

Nov 17, 2018
by: Anonymous

After you get a negative test, will eating cheese or shrimp, butter, etc, make it come back?

Nov 18, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

Yes, go back up to what you were taking before. If backing off the amounts causes you stress (from the breakouts) then this will only make matters worse. Remove the stress by going back to your original dosages. As far as eradicating the virus at 12 months? Remember, this is a guide time frame only. It may take longer, it may not. Remember also, Heather was getting breakouts at around the 8 month mark and still got that negative test.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you GE! :)

Nov 18, 2018
Reply to Determined
by: Troy

Hi determined. I heard back from Eric a few times at the beginning of the year but then nothing, so I don't know what happened to him? As far as opening up a clinic? I like the idea, however, I would be betting that the FDA or Medical board would have it shut down as soon as they heard about it. I don't know if you've realized what's been happening in the world lately but governments are now trying to control everything, particularity the internet and anyone who goes against the norm. With Google for instance, they now have a new algorithm (nicknamed "medic") which dictates what comes up in "health" searches. Do a search for "natural herpes cure", or even "home remedies for headaches" and see what comes up? Two things will happen. Firstly, virtually all results will come from medical websites (WebMD, Healthline, etc). Secondly, not a single result will show a "cure" for herpes, or a cure for any disease or health problem for that matter. The sad fact is the internet is slowly becoming policed (it's happening slowly so you don't notice). The big medical websites, who are in bed with the medical industry, Big Pharma, etc, are in control now. I recommend using Bing or Yahoo, or even better, DuckDuckGo (who don't store your data like Google and Facebook do) when doing online searches.

Wow, I got off track a bit there didn't I? Anyway, good luck to you. 2019 can definitely be your year!

All the best!

Nov 18, 2018
Reply to "Question" Comment
by: Troy

No, definitely not. Once the virus is gone it's gone. The only way it could come back is if you were to get re-infected again from an already infected partner. :)

Nov 20, 2018
Max amount of supplements
by: GE

Hi Troy,
Going back to the maximum amounts of sups I understand, but my concern is 1000 mg of BHT. I've been taking this already for 6 months. Isn't this a bad thing? It's a chemical that preserves food and should be avoided under normal circumstances? Also lysine? How much is too much and for how long?
Thank you for your support

Nov 20, 2018
by: Anonymous

what’s the difference between zeolite liquid and colloidal silver? I’ve seen a few people say they were cured with zeolite and a raw diet. Thoughts?

Nov 26, 2018
Now that you mention it...
by: Determined

I have noticed in the last month-ish that I can't Google search this website any longer. In fact, one day, I thought it was gone. I had to reference my search history to find it again.

Super messed up Google! I get that there is no 100% guarantee that the virus will be eradicated... but, it's a fighting chance that I'm willing to give my best shot at and that's MY choice. A clinic or website giving me that option (BY PROMOTING HEALTHY LIVING) shouldn't be shunned or shut down by the FDA or Medical Board. The power of money... it's sad.

But, this also fuels my fire! I've read, re-read and read again the protocol so I believe I've got it down. Should I have questions come the new year when I get started... you'll be hearing from me. Until then... Thanks, Troy! :)

Nov 28, 2018
Sick From OLE
by: Anonymous

Everytime I take three or more OLE tabs, I get nausea and even throw up??? Am I allergic or is this the reaction you speak of? When I Google it doesn’t list vomiting as a reaction?

Nov 28, 2018
Reply to "Sick From OLE" Comment
by: Troy

If your digestive system is sensitive then yes, the OLE (and other foods) can make you feel ill. Once you build up your immune system, however, you'll be fine (70% of your immune system is located in your gut). In the meantime, have your OLE straight after a meal (full stomach) until your body gets used to them. :)

Nov 28, 2018
Reply to GE
by: Troy

Dr. Ward Dean, M.D. recommends a dosage of 250 to 500 mg's per day of BHT if it's just used as an anti-oxidant, and 2000 mg per day in divided doses for acute herpes outbreaks. 1000 mg's daily is not a super high dose, however, this I think you can back off to around 500 mg's a day without any problems. The OLE is fine at the dosage you were using as well, you have nothing to worry about with this. With the lysine, around 500 mg's daily will be sufficient.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 28, 2018
Reply to Zeolite Comment
by: Troy

Zeolite contains much more than just "silver". It's rich in many of the essential minerals our bodies need. I personally don't believe you can get rid of the herpes virus just with zeolite, however, it is very effective and can definitely be a worthy edition to your protocol. If you use it, just make sure you buy the genuine "naturally occurring" zeolite and not the synthetic form. :)

Nov 28, 2018
Reply to Determined
by: Troy

You're welcome. I'll be here in the new year.

All the best to you!

Nov 28, 2018
Zeolite liquid
by: Anonymous

Thanks Troy. Would you recommend taking it along with all the other supplements or do you think it would be okay to switch out the colloidal with the zeolite?

ALSO: how do you feel about intermittent fasting?

Thanks again!

Nov 29, 2018
Reply to "Zeolite liquid" Comment
by: Troy

You can most certainly take the zeolite along with the other supplements. There is no harm whatsoever. I would still take the colloidal silver though, even if you halve the dosage. In regards to intermittent fasting? I'm a big fan of this (and actually do it myself). You can do the daily 16-hour fasts or fasting for 24 hours, twice a week. I do the daily 16 hour fast and love it. Also, here's a Dr Sebi article on the benefits of fasting (not intermittent) that's worth reading...Dr. Sebi Cured By Fasting.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Nov 29, 2018
My story & your insight
by: Grace

Hi Troy,

Let me just say, it's unbelievable that you are still replying to people's comments on here. You're truly a blessing to many. Very encouraging.

I wanted to share my experience and get your insight. Like another young lady that posted here I was practicing abstinence for over a year because I had decided to honor God with my body. After that time period an ex resurfaced in my life and I thought he was a changed man and he talked about marriage. Well I ended up breaking the covenant that I made with God and ended up contracting g-herpes from my ex. When I first was diagnosed I was devastated, but always felt in my heart that I would eventually be healed because I know that there is a cure for every single thing, no matter what the doctors say - I never fully trusted them. I'm the type of person that questions things and I do my research. During my first round of research I came across a post and a lady talked about Neem (super critical neem leaf to be exact). She mentioned that she was advised to take one a day for a month, then 2 a day for a month and on the third month go back down to 1 a day for that month. I attempted to do this and I ordered the pills and started taking them. After the first month I saw that I hadn't had any breakouts, when before I was having them very often. But the pills were making my face break out with acne. I never started taking two pills but continued to do 1 pill a day for another month. After stopping the neem I went about 2 additional months w/out any outbreaks. I had done more research during this time and learned about H202. I bought the H202 right after quitting the neem and it sat in my closet for 2 months until I felt a tingling sensation. I then started to do the H202 therapy for 3 months. I went up to 25 drops and then stayed there for about a week and then dropped down to about 15 drops 3 times a day. I was told to give my body a rest for 3 months and then pick it back up for another 3 months. Well, it's been about a month and a half and the other day I felt the tingling sensation so I put raw honey that I bought from a bee keeper on it and the sensation was gone in 2 days. I'm unsure of what my viral load is right now but the H202 really took alot and I'm dreading starting it again. Next week I plan to start with the OLE, oregano externally morning and night, and eventually colloidal silver. I'm thinking I will do 12-15 H202 once a day first thing in the morning followed by a smoothie with wheatgrass and organic cilantro, greens, etc. I'm a really healthy eater, organic meats and lots of fruits an veggies daily. What do you think about the plan that I have? I don't want to overdo it with taking a long list of supplements and I have to listen to my body. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I know I am so close to being healed, but most importantly I repented of my sin and God has forgiven me. My name is in the book of LIFE! I have my joy back now and no matter what happens, I refuse to be defeated by this. Thank you again for your love and dedication. God bless you.

Dec 02, 2018
by: Anonymous

What about the grains of cardamom, anise, caraway, fennel, clove, mustard, tamarind and nutmeg? Are all spices good for us?

Thank u so much.
With my best to all.

Dec 03, 2018
A Few Questions
by: V

Hi Troy!

So Number one: I have been on a raw food protocol for about two months. But I cheated: 12 times to be exact lol. I wont list all of them but I know it was a few sushi rolls, two slices of pizza, and some breadsticks. They were isolated events, like I had a slice of pizza but the rest of that day I was completely raw. I never just gave up the diet. How badly do you think these cheats derailed me? Is it like every time I cheat I am starting back at square one?

Number Two: I did not take your listed supplements at first. I took sea moss and bladderwack to boost my immune system and did a serious gut detox for about a month, maybe a little more. Now I've been on your supplements for about a month. Was this a beneficial or harmful idea? On one hand, now I feel like the supplements can absorb into my system even faster. On another, I'm scared I waited too long. I've had this virus for three months and have been detoxing raw fooding (with the cheats) for two. I'm scared that the one month I wasn't taking your supplements and was just detoxing/taking sea moss that the virus was replicating like crazy! Now I feel regretful and like I probably added a lot of time to my healing because maybe If I had just started the supplements immediately it would have stopped replicating sooner.

Number Three: When taking the OO and coconut oil under the tongue - the oil mixture just dissolves in my mouth and I end up having to swallow it after like 1 minute haha. I'm sure this isn't right, But I also don't see how anyone is keeping it under their tongue for ten minutes!! Is it okay to take a few drops and just a smudge and put it under my tongue? Yes it burns a bit and I still salivate a lot and it washes away but I don't know any other way that'll work for me.

I know this is a lot... and if u see it and answer I will be so grateful. What you're doing here is beautiful and so spiritual and I know you must have the biggest heart to do this. Grateful that the Universe led me to you. WHEN I cure this, I honestly would send u an e-gift card to your email or something. You deserve thank you gifts for sure.


Dec 05, 2018
Reply to Grace
by: Troy

Hi Grace. I think that rather than try one thing at a time you would be better to utilize at least 3 or 4 treatments. Doing this attacks the virus from different angles. By all means, listen to your body as well. This is very important. The OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver are the staples. Lots of green detoxing shakes/smoothies as well, along with taking a wheat grass powder or chlorella supplement to help get rid of those heavy metals. You're on the right track though, which is good. With the H2O2, you don't have to work up to the maximum dosage recommended. If you only feel comfortable going up to half the recommended amount for instance then do this. There is no set limit.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Dec 05, 2018
Reply to "Seeds" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, all herbs and spices are good. Of course, pay particular attention to cilantro and turmeric - lots of these! :)

Dec 05, 2018
Reply to V
by: Troy

You don't need to send me a gift V... happy to help :) Now in regards to your questions... you're fretting and overthinking it all too much. Forget about what you've done and focus on what you're doing/can do right now. That's all that matters. You haven't really derailed yourself. Just vow to commit and work harder from now on. The oregano oil/coconut oil dissolving under the tongue before your 10 minutes is up is quite normal. Saliva mixes with it fairly quickly so don't be too concerned. If you just use the oregano oil, be careful you don't burn the underneath of your tongue. The skin under there is thin and sensitive.

Stick with it V. You can do it!

All the best!

Dec 05, 2018
False cures, is there any hope?
by: Anonymous

I have been taking the OO and OLE and selenium, and vitamin C. I went online and just put in fake cures and saw that a particular website said that they are telling any websites to stop promoting these fake cures and it had a list of supplements. Oregano oil was one of them but it was next to Chlamydia, and it said it does not clear Chlamydia. I know Oregano oil is for herpes. I don't want to sound negative but I feel like this is hopeless. I have been on this process since July 2018. Not to mention that I burnt the sh*t under my penis using the oregano oil. Can you shed some light?

Dec 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
Am I allowed to take Adderal during this process?

Dec 07, 2018
Reply to "False cures, is there any hope?" Comment
by: Troy

I'm gathering that the website/article you're referring to is from Fake STD Cures & Remedies: A History. What else would you expect from a medical website? The writer of the article has no qualifications either, but it's been "reviewed" by a doctor so it must be legit right? What I find hilariously funny is the article is going on about "fake" natural cures yet at the bottom of the page in the Facebook comments section virtually EVERY comment posted is from a scammer who is trying to sell fake cures and snake oil treatments! "Dr Blah Blah Blah cured me of herpes and HIV with his natural herbs". These comments can easily be deleted by the webmaster and the scammers reported and banned from Facebook, yet this website doesn't even bother to monitor the comments and fake cure promises left by spammers! What a joke.

Look, if you want to believe this propaganda then that's your choice. I do agree that there are scammers out there and some products that have been marketed over the years don't work. You have to make up your own mind.

Finally, how the heck did you burn underneath your penis? The oregano oil is ONLY used topically on the base of the spine and should always be mixed with coconut oil to dilute so it doesn't burn. Always, always, always make sure you use the oregano oil as directed.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Dec 07, 2018
Reply to "Adderall" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I cannot comment or advise on your medication. You would need to speak with your doctor. Sorry. :)

Dec 07, 2018
How I burnt my penis - reply to Troy ( I'm so embarrassed)
by: I'm stupid, I know.

I saw James Destroy Diseases and he said take a q-tip with oregano oil and coconut oil and put it on a wart (herpes wart), but I used the raw OO. It made the wart go down but the repercussions were that my skin got burnt. I did it because I wanted a quick reaction to the breakout. I did it wrong huh?

Dec 07, 2018
Constant outbreaks
by: V

Hi Troy!
I’m sure you have answered this, but is having constant outbreaks since starting the regimen a sign that the virus is replicating? I posted before that I’ve had it three months and I pretty much started my protocol right after my first outbreak was wrapping up. Then got another very soon after but less severe. Each one is back to back but less and less severe every time. Is this a sign that the virus is continuing to multiply or is it a good sign? They’re not bad especially compared to the first one which was hell on earth. Now it feels like an annoying mosquito bite or something.

Dec 10, 2018
Reply to "How I burnt my penis" Comment
by: Troy

Mistakes happen. Happens to the best of us. At least you know what NOT to do again right? Dilute the oregano oil with a little coconut oil next time and the result will be different. Or, maybe next time go with the HP (diluted to 3% ratio) or colloidal silver (which can be safely applied undiluted).

All the best to you! :)

Dec 10, 2018
Reply to V
by: Troy

This is quite common unfortunately. Have a read through the comments and you'll see that this is one of the most popular questions (or complaints). The outbreaks will lessen over time, along with their aggressiveness. This is the result of the virus being woken up and basically fighting for its survival. It's not actually a bad thing, just extremely inconvenient. :)

Dec 10, 2018
Thanks :)
by: V

Thank you! Is this a pretty good sign that the virus is on its way out? They really do get less and less bad each time. Also, when I drink my oregano oil is it okay if I take in my chlorophyll water? (My liquid chlorophyll in some water) or is it bad to mix the two? It makes the taste much less horrible. lol.

Thank you again Troy.

Dec 11, 2018
Colloidal silver info
by: Anonymous

I know this may seem dense, but what exactly is the colloidal silver doing for the virus? Is it just boosting our immune system so that we can fight the virus? Is it attacking the virus directly? Is it flushing out heavy metals? And if so how. No matter how much I Google I can’t seem to find a clear answer, it’s very frustrating. Even on the sovereign silver website. And the only info I got that seemed helpful was just factious and from quack watch, which wasn’t reassuring. Please help me out!!

Dec 11, 2018
Ozone therapy
by: Jen

Hey, I’ve been following this page for quite some time and I was wondering if you had any feedback on ozone therapy?

Dec 21, 2018
Reply to V
by: Troy

It is a good sign, yes. With the oregano oil and chlorophyll, it's fine to have them together if this is the only way you can get them into you. Better do do this than not have them at all.

All the best to you!

Dec 21, 2018
Reply to "Colloidal silver info" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, forget Google. They've sold out to the medical mafia and big pharma conglomerate. Their new algorithm change means all searches performed in the health field are censored (which is why all of the "medical" websites now show up on page one of Google even for searches such as "home remedies for gas" or diarrhea or asthma, you name it). Switch to DuckDuckGo instead ( which is a far better search engine AND they don't track and store your information and everything you do on the net like Google. At the very least, use Bing. Now, in regards to your question... colloidal silver does all of the above (what you listed). The biggest thing it does is it surrounds the virus (creates a force field) so it cannot continue to grow and replicate. Rather than me explain the whole workings of colloidal silver, try searching on DuckDuckGo.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Dec 21, 2018
Reply to Jen
by: Troy

Quite a few people said they were either going to try Ozone therapy or were using it. We have yet to hear back from any of them though to find out their results. Still in waiting. :)

Dec 21, 2018
Need some advice
by: Jennifer

Hello Troy,
I’m just hitting 8 months on the protocol and I just got tested to see how I was progressing and my antibody count has risen to 20. When I was first tested it was 15.
I’m so worried about how high this is and wonder what it indicates?
I'm feeling defeated by my results and wanted your advice on what I’m doing wrong.
Every day I take the following - all the brands you recommend...
2 x capsules of oregano oil (one morning one night), plus 6 drops of oregano oil in coconut oil morning and night and on my spine at night.
3 x daily I take a tablespoon of colloidal silver.
I take 6 x capsules of olive leaf extract divided.
6000 milligrams of vitamin C.
Every morning I have a teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar and honey in hot water.
Lysine twice a day.
2 x BHT tablets with St. John’s wort (twice a day)
I often make the garlic and onion broth.
I have Heather's smoothly 3 times a week at least.
I eat mostly raw except for cooked eggs, small amounts of meat, brown rice pasta and some cooked vegetables. I have no processed wheat or dairy.
I eat a lot of fresh herbs.
I drink matcha everyday and don’t touch coffee.
I don’t drink alcohol or smoke or anything.
I’m not on any other meds but I’m starting to wonder if I should start taking suppression therapy as the outbreaks are getting worse and more frequent and I’m wondering if the suppression therapy will help get things under control?
Is there anything you can recommend because I feel a bit desperate. For the first 6 months it seemed like the tingling/outbreaks were getting less frequent and ever since I hit 6 months I’ve had 3 outbreaks. And they are the worst I’ve had since starting this.
Also, I understand that I shouldn’t get tested again until at least 12 months into the protocol but I’m also wondering how soon after you have an outbreak do you recommend getting tested? Is it like 2 months or 4 months or 6 months? Just don’t want to go through the whole testing ordeal again until it’s a safe distance from the last outbreak.
Thank you Troy. I would very much appreciate any advice you have.

Dec 22, 2018
Question Raw Fruits
by: Anonymous

So my diet mainly consists of raw fruits and vegetables. Every once in a while I have a couple of dates or so. Is it okay to have these? Or are they too high in sugar? Also, I read somewhere that arginine is needed to replicate the virus. But since I only eat fruits and vegetables I now worry I can't even eat some of those due to the arginine levels. I also read somewhere that you aren't really supposed to each avocados on this cleanse, is that true? Thank you!!

Dec 23, 2018
by: Anonymous

I see that many reccomend taking a probiotic when taking colloidal silver. I really don't want to add yet another supplement. Will I still be able to heal if I don't add a probiotic?

Dec 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

Okay, so on the herpes healing protocol page it says that OLE, Colloidal Silver and Oregano oil stop outbreaks/cut the healing time. But also on same page, and in the comments, I see that they are supposed to "wake up" the virus, thus causing outbreaks? And on websites where people are simply trying to manage, not cure, the virus they use these three things to stop outbreaks. But how is that possible if these supplements wake up the virus and cause outbreaks? Sorry, I am just very confused. It seems contradictory but I am sure there's an explanation.
Thank you!

Jan 02, 2019
Reply to Jennifer
by: Troy

Hi Jennifer. Look, to be honest, you're not doing anything major wrong. I would definitely include a wheat grass powder or chlorella supplement to help get rid of those heavy metals, along with lots of probiotics (the probiotics feed of the green food). Plenty of cilantro as well if you're not already doing so. Other than these, everything else seems to be okay. The big point I want to make here though is why I recommend NOT getting tested until the 12 month mark if possible. If you don't get a favorable result (as in your case) this causes doubt and the worst emotion of them all... stress! Stress will only set you backwards. This horrible emotion is so powerful that it can (and in lots of cases does) kill you. You must let the results go. You must let the breakouts go. If you get a breakout, rather than react with horror, react with calmness (not always easy I know). Treat the breakout topically as soon as you notice it. In addition, do what Heather did and hit the virus extra hard... with everything you've got. Going back on antivirals would be a personal choice. Unfortunately, I cannot comment or recommend what you should do in regards to this.

Hope this helps you out Jennifer.

Hang in there.

All the best to you!

Jan 03, 2019
Reply to "Question Raw Fruits" Comment
by: Troy

Not too many dates as yes, these are high in sugar. Don't overthink the whole arginine thing. You need a lot to induce breakouts, and even then, it doesn't produce this for everybody. Avocados are perfectly fine and are a great all-round health food. :)

Jan 03, 2019
Reply to "Probiotics" Comment
by: Troy

You need probiotics regardless of whether you take colloidal silver or not. These bacteria are essential for a healthy gut. Without a healthy gut, your body wont assimilate the vital nutrients, co-factors, etc, it needs - which means the supplements you're taking wont work. Taking a good quality probiotic supplement along with eating probiotic rich foods (see how to make your own here) really is a "must do". Your piercings shouldn't be a problem either.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 03, 2019
Reply to "Confused" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, the OLE, colloidal silver and OO "wake up" the virus because they essentially starve the virus. When any living organism is starved it will do what it can to find a food source to survive. This is the reason why breakouts can occur in parts of the body where a suffer has never experienced them before. At the same time, these 3 foods significantly boost the immune system, which in turn helps to eradicate the virus AND cut down the time it takes for lesions to heal. Boost your immune system and you enhance healing in the body, that's how it works. A final point... waking up the virus doesn't always result in breakouts, but you do need to be ready for them just in case. Treat any breakouts topically as soon as you see them rear their ugly head to get rid of them quickly.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 06, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy!
Hope youre doing well.
My skin was very clear before this protocol. Then one month in, my skin is breaking out like CRAZY all over my forehead, chin, cheeks, and my neck. Its unlike anything I've ever had before. Its tiny whiteheads literally everywhere and its persistent. Nothing I do helps and I've switched to African black soap and tea tree oil recently which will probably make it worse, but I didn't want to continue putting benzoyl peroxide on my face. I'm also on a very raw diet with a lot of astringent fruits. Is this just the detox or am I doing something wrong and the acne is a sign that my liver is malfunctioning? I'm scared because something like this isn't normal.
Thank you

Jan 10, 2019
Reply to "Acne" Comment
by: Troy

Everybody reacts differently to a detox. You are obviously having a worse than normal detoxing reaction. The African black soap should help. Be careful with the tea tree oil though. Use raw organic apple cider vinegar instead. Start taking a good quality probiotic supplement (poor gut health will cause skin problems) and eating fermented foods (see our #11 cure for more information). Get more green foods into you also, including a wheat grass powder or chlorella if you aren't already. Finally, stay calm. You're getting yourself all worked up, which is not helping (stress makes things worse remember). Go back through the protocol and read it again to make sure you're not leaving something crucial out.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 10, 2019
What could it be?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
I've taken two separate IgG specific tests for Hsv 1 and 2, from two credible labs, and both of my tests have come up negative (I've presumably had the virus for over a year). But the thing is, I'm still having symptoms of tingling and a small pimple/lesion here and there around the anus. My question is, how often are these test coming up inaccurate? And if not herpes, what could this be and who should I talk to that could give me a more accurate answer? Thanks for everything.

Jan 10, 2019
Reply to "What could it be?" Comment
by: Troy

The symptoms that occur with both HSV1 and HSV2 can also occur with other sexually transmitted diseases. After two type specific IgG tests for HSV1 & 2 I'd say it's probable that you don't have either. More than likely you have some other form of STD. Find a doctor who is willing to test you for ALL STD's. Once you determine what it is you have then you can go to work to get rid of it.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 15, 2019
Does Oregano Oil Kill Herpes?
by: Confused on how it works?

I'm confused and have asked this question but still have not gotten a response. I know JAMESDESTROYSDISEASES has his own thoughts, but I was following him and your site. He went on years ago to say that you have to break down heavy metals so that the OO can get in the cell and kill the herpes virus. On this site it was said the same thing. Then James makes a video saying that Oil of OREGANO does not kill the virus but helps the lymphatic system. I have seen him say on video that it kills the herpes in the test tubes. So I emailed him and he did not explain himself but sent me the video that had him saying that the Oregano oil does not kill the herpes virus, it helps detox through the lymphatic system. So to me he doesn't admit when he either needs to correct himself or is just flat out wrong and talks as he learns. To me, you have to understand that if a virus that you were told could not be cured and yet there is a way, you're going to get a lot of questions. So once again, does the Oil of Oregano kill the herpes virus? I also take Olive Leaf Extract, selenium, vitamin C, and zinc, and cilantro. I'm trying to heal myself, but I want the right guidance. I don't want somebody to say one thing and then tomorrow they change their tune and don't even admit that they were wrong. Please help and respond.

Jan 15, 2019
Lion's Mane Update and Stress Coping
by: Danielle

Hi Troy,

I don't have a question, just wanted to share my latest experiences in case it helps anyone. I've been taking lion's mane and reishi mushroom supplements and I really think they've helped with my nerves. I slacked off for a week when I didn't get a chance to make my pills and I noticed some nerve discomfort come back in my legs, so I think it's been helping because it goes away when I get back on track. (I buy the powder and fill veg caps so that I can avoid the fillers in pre-made pills, plus it's more affordable than buying pre-made pills in this case.) The discomfort wasn't bad though and didn't result in an episode until I started my cycle, and even that episode wasn't bad. I think it was the last one. I'm going to say that it was the last one because, well mind over matter right?

On that note, I wanted to share some of my thought processes that I think have helped me to not stress out. While I don't do guided meditation, I do meditate daily in some way or another. I listen to music that motivates me or gives me a sense of peace. I listen to the Bible and meditate on the scriptures. And I basically just make myself think positively no matter what. If I have an OB, I call it an episode, and this makes me feel like I'm giving the virus less power just by choosing different words. I don't even say the medical name anymore, I just call it "the virus" or "the parasite"... it probably doesn't make a difference, but to me, not naming it takes away it's power. I even talk to the virus and tell it that it's dying and it may as well just give up and leave because I'm going to fight until it's gone, and I visualize it screaming and failing at it's fight to stay (seems silly, but it helps me feel stronger). My episodes have become so few and far between lately that if I feel even a tingle, I just say "it's the last one" and ignore it, and it goes away before I can remember it's there. And no matter what, I tell myself that I'm getting better every day, today I was better than I was yesterday, and I WILL be completely healed as long as I don't give up. If I feel tired, I acknowledge it and tell myself it's okay because I'm only human. Then I remind myself that I have to keep going to the top of the mountain because if I stop I'll start sliding down and I REFUSE to do that. I've dealt with this virus for about a decade (maybe longer), and I'm in my early 30's. I've been in the healing process for about 18 months and really feel like I can see the finish line getting closer. My numbers finally started going down in the last test I took back in Sep'18, not by a lot but they're down and my symptoms are almost non-existent. I plan to get tested again in another month or two, depending on how I feel, and I think I can reasonably expect some good news and much lower numbers at this point.

Thanks for letting me share!

Jan 18, 2019
Reply to "Does Oregano Oil Kill Herpes?" Comment
by: Troy

I'm not going to get into an argument with what James is saying. To be honest, I'm not sure why he has said this. I haven't watched the video either so I can't say for sure. The truth is the oregano oil actually does both. It gets rid of the heavy metals, and similar to OLE, gets into the cell. Technically though it doesn't "kill" the virus, it helps to drive it out. I think James may have gotten mixed in the verbiage with these two video's. At the same time, the oregano oil does also stimulate (with great effect) the lymphatic system, which also helps to flush toxins, and the virus, out of the body. The lymphatic system is one of the most important aspects of the immune system actually.

Hope this helps you out.

All the best!

Jan 18, 2019
Reply to Danielle
by: Troy

Wow, such really good advice and tips there Danielle. Stress is such a strong inhibitor to getting rid of "the virus" - probably THE most powerful inhibitor. (I keep saying this constantly). Also, the mind factor is extremely important and plays a significant role in your healing and success too (I keep reiterating this as well). What you are doing IS definitely helping, absolutely 100%. I also encourage everyone to go on YouTube and search "The Teachings of Abraham" by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Their video's and guided meditations are very very powerful. You can find them on Instagram too.

Thanks for taking the time to share what you're doing and what's working for you Danielle.

All the best to you!

Jan 22, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
do you think one can still eradicate this virus if they "cheat" once a week?

Thank u :)

Jan 22, 2019
by: Troy

Remember this... with every "cheat" you do you lessen your chances of getting rid of the virus. Unfortunately, this protocol requires a tremendous amount of dedication. With that said, you may eradicate the virus by not being 100% dedicated. Some have gotten rid of it this way, but why stack the odds against you? Do everything you can to get rid of the virus for a period of 12 months or so then live the rest of your life herpes free - that's what I suggest. At the end of the day though, it's up to you of course.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 26, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, what's your opinion on fasting? And if I do fast for three days or so, can I still take the herbs from the protocol? Thanks so much :)

Jan 26, 2019
Vitamin C + antiox powders
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy!

just wondering: I saw somewhere in the comments that vitamin c interacts with the antioxidant powders. Does that mean I cant mix them with my orange juice or grapefruit juice every morning? (I don't do this to bring out the the virus I just enjoy fresh squeezed citrus).

Also: when Heather said she was 6 months in and still getting infections and eating corn chips, was this 6 months into the 7 months of raw eating + supplements that ultimately ended in her negative test results? Was that six months included in her third go at the raw food diet?

Thank you in advance.

Jan 27, 2019
Chorella and BHT question
by: Richard

I have read on 4 different websites that if you are taking Chlorella, you should not take vitamin C within 3 hours after taking it. This is challenging being that 10,000 mgs of vitamin C is required per day for the program. Should I follow this recommendation with the Chlorella? I suppose I could take the Chlorella in the morning and then not start taking the Vitamin C until 3 hours later. The problem is that now I have 10,000 mgs to fit in the day with less time. How often should I take my vitamin C throughout the day? Every hour? Every two hours? I've been taking 1000 mgs every two hours starting right when I wake up. I have the timed released tablets and ascorbic acid.

I also have another question. I have been taking the supplements as directed (OLE, Silver, OREG Oil, lysine, zinc, Vit C) for six months as well as 1000 mgs of BHT each day. However my diet hasn't been as good as I would like. It hasn't been bad but not exactly perfect. During these six months, I have completely cut out sodas, sweets, coffee, alcohol, dairy milk, and fast food. I make a healthy smoothie with greens and fruit every morning and eat salad on most days. However, I still have certain things like cheese, corn chips, non organic chicken and beef several times a week. I am now motivated to dig deep and take it to the next level. Does this mean that my six month period doesn't count? In other words, should I restart the clock again? If so should I still reduce my BHT to 500 mgs considering it has been six months or should I keep it at 1000 mgs? I don't won't to overdo the BHT.

Jan 28, 2019
Skin serum
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
Is it okay if I use Truskin naturals tea tree oil skin serum? It has natural ingredients, active ingredients are salycic acid, hyraluronic acid, vitamin c, and retinol.

Thank you!!

Jan 29, 2019
Reply to "Fasting" Comment
by: Troy

Fasting is very good. You can certainly fast for 3 days but during that time only juices/powders such as the wheat grass or chlorella should be taken (mixed in filtered water). Lemon slices in your water is also good for detoxing. :)

Jan 29, 2019
Reply to "Vitamin C + antiox powders" Comment
by: Troy

Having your vitamin C with orange juice is fine. Just keep it separate from your other supplements, including the powders. In regards to Heather, yes she had a few goes at this before she succeeded. From memory, the six months was included.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 29, 2019
Reply to Richard
by: Troy

Yes, it's best to wait at least 2 hours in between before having the chlorella or vitamin C if you can. I know this is difficult, but with the ascorbic acid you can take up to 2000 mg's at one time so it's still possible to fit it all in. In regards to the BHT, I would drop down to 500 mg's and see how that goes. A dosage at this level is perfectly safe long term. Also, no you don't need to start again. Stay with what you're doing, including your now better clean eating and you'll be fine.

All the best to you Richard!

Jan 29, 2019
Reply to "Skin serum" Comment
by: Troy

Should be fine. The only "questionable" ingredient is the salycic acid, but given it would be a very low amount it shouldn't cause a problem. :)

Jan 31, 2019
Very confused
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,

So after my third type specific igg test and second complete STD panel, I'm coming up negative on everything. With that said, there was still a correlation between unprotected sex and blisters on the tip of my Penis. I've also had consistent tingling in the anal and genital region with a lesion appearing around my anus from month to month.

Do you have any earthly idea what this could be? Is it an undetectable or uncommon STD? Or is it something completely different?

Once again, thank you for all your time and support.

Feb 02, 2019
Fruits and Kale
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, everything was (what I thought) going good. I was not getting any breakouts, well no new warts nor sores or red pimples. I would get pimples on my penis but they would not hurt or blister up and would go away (note; I never had them there before). I make a smoothie of nectarines, pears, apples, and kale. After I drank the smoothie once I had a small break out. It's the same wart that has been there but I can tell a little pimple is developing but very small. This happened right after I had my smoothie. Can you please tell me what could have caused my break out. It was all healthy. I won't lie, I had popcorn the night before. Please help, I feel like cutting this wart to kill the nerve to stop this damn virus. The wart that was there is what I call the conductor in which the herpes forms.

Feb 04, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
I saw somewhere you said that the less time you have had the virus the longer it will take to get a negative result because the viral load will be high in the beginning. But I thought that the shorter time u had it the shorter it took to get rid of it. Which is true?
Thanks in advance.

Feb 05, 2019
by: Doing My Best

Hi Troy,

I bought a monolaurin supplement, but I can't seem to find online how much I can take a day. What do you suggest? Thanks!

Feb 07, 2019
Help Needed Please
by: Anonymous

Hi, I just want to make sure I am doing this okay.

So I eat pretty well. I have lots of kale salads, lots of smoothies (just frozen fruit, spinach, and water or sometimes organic orange juice with nothing else in it). I eat veggies with smashed avocado. Sometimes I incorporate protein like organic skinless chicken. I get worried sometimes I may eat too much fruit though, like for example I have two smoothies a day? They are small though, I just make them in a Nutribullet. I also eat lots of blueberries. Usually my salad dressings are organic extra virgin olive oil and some honey or organic evoo with a little bit of balsamic vinegar. And sometimes with like one salad a day I usually do 95% raw but then will cook some cauliflower in it to make it better. Is that okay?

For my supplements:

I have the oil of wild oregano Super Strength liquid drops.
I usually do 4-6 drops in the morning and 4-6 drops at night - although I put them into a capsule so I don't have to taste it in water.

Then I do 2 olive leaf capsules at morning and night.

50mg zinc

200 mg selenium

Colloidal silver 5x a day, but could I go down to 3 maybe? I'm not sure I can afford to do 5x a day.

I take 3,000 mg of lysine.

One chlorooxygen pill day and night.

2 fermented garlic pills per day (1,600 mg)

1,000 mg fermented chlorella a day.

1-2 tsp black seed oil per day.

I also take a probiotic.

I also take 4 elderberry capsules a day.

St Johns wort which is st john wort extract 600 mg total and 300 mg organic st johns wort (that's two pills but equals those amounts)

Doing the vitamin C as stated in the protocol.

4 capsules Astragalus Supreme (astragalus root, schisandra root, ligustrum root) 2,600 mg total

I also drink a detox tea a few times a week and I always do my best to drink alkaline 88 water.

I only use pink Himalayan salt or extra virgin olive oil. I changed my shampoo and conditioner and body soap to all organic or natural (besides my facewash) but I even use organic hand soap, hand sanitizer if I need it, toothpaste, and witch hazel as toner and if I ever need it I use goats milk lotion from a market.

I try to keep my fruit intake higher so I don't lose so much weight, but does my diet sound okay? I'm not eating too much fruit am I? Sometimes I believe even if I have two bananas in a day I get scared that that's too much sugar, but I am losing a lot of weight so I try to keep higher calories with mangoes and what not - sometimes incorporating the chicken.

What do you suggest to use for salad dressings? Or to eat raw veggies with?

Sorry this message was so long, I just want to make sure I am doing okay. Please let me know what I can improve on.

Thank you so so much.

Feb 10, 2019
Testing, results and meaning
by: Anonymous

I have been ‘carrying’ this virus (hsv2) for 4 years now after been diagnosed visually by a doctor. Never actually got tested before to confirm/dispute his diagnosis. Been baring the known/common symptoms since then and had my ‘share’ of ob's here and there - mostly mild to lite.
This month I’m ‘celebrating’ two years (24 whole months) of being on the suggested protocol here, taking most of the supplements along side with eating an almost all vegan/organic diet.

I finally got tested for the first time last week. Results came out positive for hsv2 at 1.65. As mentioned, I have no reference to an initial result from two years ago, before beginning this protocol.

While I can’t really say that I feel a great change in the past two years (making me wonder if this protocol is really programmed to work), I could not help by thinking whether the result I got now is considered ‘low’ and somewhat reassuring in some way.
It’s pretty clear and obvious to me that the scale of results indicate a positive one (being exposed to the virus at some stage) above 1.10.
However, I was wondering if there is such a thing as a ‘low’ positive and what exactly this means as opposed to a higher result.

And once again, it makes me really wonder how can one actually receive a negative result? (Do all AB truly disappear from the blood?)
Furthermore, while having these AB means that there was an exposure sometime in the past. How certain is it that affecting (supposedly ‘killing’) the virus actually causes a reduction of AB to a minimum?
Hope I was clear enough with my question.

Feb 12, 2019
Test and result Clarifications
by: Dave

Hey Troy,
Thought I should clarify my previous question to you a few days ago.

As mentioned, I took my first test (ever) two weeks ago and the results came back with a low positive of 1.65.
There was an automatic supplemental test done (apparently in these low/uncertain cases) that was positive as well.

Reading throughout these forums and articles could not leave any doubt that the main goal here, besides getting well, is receiving a negative result.

But, what actually is a negative result. What does it mean?
After Viewing my results I think I do need clarification regarding the various tests out there and their meanings.

First, regarding the test I took, what does a low AB number (result) actually mean?
I do understand it is NOT a quantitative value. And how is it supposedly changeable if it indicates a previous exposure to the virus some time in life. How can this number actually decrease?

Secondly, What value should I look for (as a result) that provides a reliable reference to be followed, until I supposedly get a ‘negative’ one?

Does this (hopeful) negative result regard the AB presence (below 0.9) or the viral quantity (below 100) in the blood calculated through a DNA PCR TEST.

Therefore, I’m a pretty much confused. There are several tests out there.
What test is the most suitable and accurate of them all to be followed and regarded?

1. Herpes 1&2 IgG Immunoblot Blood Test

2. Herpes 2 IgG Abs Blood Test

3. Herpes Simplex 1&2 DNA PCR (Quant) Testing - Viral HSV 1&2, QUANTITATIVE

I did read the Understanding blood tests for herpes article several times. Could not figure out a definitive answer to my questions.


Feb 15, 2019
Cacao Question
by: Anonymous

Hi there,

I see you haven't posted in over a couple of weeks.... I hope everything is okay.. I was wondering - are cacao (not cocoa) nibs okay to eat? Ive heard they are actually good for you, but I know we aren't supposed to have chocolate, so does this count? Also, I know we shouldn't have nuts as these make the virus replicate, but are seeds 100% okay? Like sunflower or pumpkin? Everyday or not everyday? Thank you!

Feb 16, 2019
OBs continue to be severe
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

When I checked my IgG levels back in Nov (after 12 months on the protocol), my HSV2 number was fairly low at 3.2 which I thought was promising. However, I continue to get OBs every two weeks around my period. In early Feb, I caught a bad case of the flu and was sick for two weeks. For the record, I had perfect health for all of 2018 while on the protocol. Perhaps due to weather change and exhaustion as I travel extensively for work. Since falling sick, I've had an outbreak every week. Before the prior one has had time to heal, another pops up and they continue to be severe.

Troy, can you help shed some light please? I've been on the protocol for 14 months and don't know why my outbreaks are not getting less frequent or severe. I have been religious about applying OO on the spine twice a day, taking 2 OO tablets in addition to sublingual application twice a day, and 6 OLEs daily. I also take wheatgrass and chlorella. My diet is generally healthy and raw salad when I have total control over what I eat (i.e. when not travelling or meeting with clients for meals).

Thank you.

Feb 16, 2019
Oil of Oregano Does Not Work
by: Anonymous

Sorry to say but Oil of Oregano dose not work! I have been using it since September and eating right. My experience is that all it has been doing is waking up the virus, that's it! On the skin, topically it will decrease the sores and make them go away fast, but in the body it does not work. And a virus must be detoxed out the system, it cannot be killed. I guarantee that in a year or two people will start exposing that it is a waist of time - I mean people infected. You do what you want, but OO does not work and you're wasting your time. Also Google James Destroy Diseases and you will see people who have used oregano for 4 years and will tell you it does not work. Sad but I must seek other platforms to try to cure myself.

Mar 01, 2019
Breast implants
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I started this protocol and I’ve been keeping up with my supplements as well. I do have a question for you. I have breast implants. Will that hinder me in anyway while being on this protocol? Is there something I should differently? Thank you for your time and knowledge. Can’t tell you how much I appreciate you doing this.

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "Very confused" Comment
by: Troy

Did they do a culture swab test/analysis of the lesion(s)? When do you think you may have been infected? Remember, it does take time for IgG antibodies to show up/peak. I know it's not cheap but the Western blot test will tell you for sure.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "Fruits and Kale" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this is all part of the process. You are going to get breakouts/lesions on parts of your body that you've never had before. They will also show up different than other times in many cases as well. Stay with what you're doing and definitely DON'T cut, pick or try to remove the pimple or lesion. Apply some HP or other topical remedy and leave it to heal on it's own.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "Time" Comment
by: Troy

If you have been recently infected then it will take 4-6 months, sometimes longer for your antibody count to peak. This has nothing to do with the time frame for getting rid of the virus. This is where you may be getting confused. So yes, technically the less time you've had the virus the easier it is to get rid of it. This still stands. :)

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "Monolaurin" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, you cannot overdose on monolaurin. It's completely safe as long as you're not pregnant. Dosages are in the range of 3000-4000 milligrams a day taken on an empty stomach. :)

Mar 07, 2019
Reply to "Help Needed Please" Comment
by: Troy

The most obvious thing I see missing from your diet is cilantro. Try and add this to your smoothies or salads as much as you can as it's crucial for getting rid of those heavy metals. Don't forget about beetroots and especially detoxing herbs and spices such as turmeric (lots of), ginger, parsley and rosemary. Don't forget about using the oregano oil on the spine as well as taking it orally. I didn't see you mention this. Everything else looks okay.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 07, 2019
Reply to Dave
by: Troy

You could write a whole book on herpes testing Dave. If there was one "cut and dry" herpes test that told you one way or the other if you had the virus then that would we great. Unfortunately, no such test exists at this point in time. Measuring the level of antibodies is the only way possible at this stage of determining whether you have the virus and to what extent. Your antibody reading is low, which is a good thing. You may not even have the virus anymore (IgG antibodies are slow to retract), this is very possible, but your antibody count will still register. It will never go down to zero. There will always be a certain amount of antibodies in your system, which the human body uses and keeps for future reference. That's why a reading below 0.9 is considered negative - you have to allow for this plus any discrepancies. I suggest doing your own home test by eating grapefruits and drinking grapefruit juice. Even add some arginine containing foods to your diet and see what happens.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Dave!

Mar 07, 2019
Reply to "Cacao Question"
by: Troy

Raw organic cacao is extremely healthy and perfectly fine. Just make sure that any "nibs" you purchase are raw, organic and contain no additives. Seeds are also okay. Pumpkin and hemp seeds are especially good.

All the best!

Mar 07, 2019
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

The problem is your immune system is still way too low. I think from memory this has been a constant problem for you? When your immunity is compromised, outbreaks can and usually are severe. Catching the flu and being sick for two weeks is a sure sign that your immune system is not right. Up your daily dosage of wheat grass and chlorella. You didn't mention probiotics? These are 100% crucial for gut and immune health (70% of your immune system is located in your gut!). Take a good quality probiotic supplement, something like Dr Tobia's, and eat LOTS of probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, coconut kefir, etc. Also, immune boosting herbs and spices such as turmeric (very important), ginger, oregano flakes or leaves (use in cooking, etc), rosemary, cinnamon, garlic, cayenne pepper and onions. You MUST get your immune system up to it's peak level. This is what's causing the dilemma for you.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 07, 2019
Reply to "Oil of Oregano Does Not Work" Comment
by: Troy

You've only used the oregano oil for 5 Months? This is not long enough. Also, the oregano oil is only one part to this protocol. Using OO and eating well just wont cut it I'm afraid. Unfortunately, I think you've gone for the quick fix. You are right about one thing though. Technically you do detox the virus out of the body rather than kill it. That's why we stress so much the importance of detoxing and removing those heavy metals (which in turn removes the virus). I sincerely hope you find what you're looking for in your search for other platforms.

Good luck and all the best to you. :)

Mar 07, 2019
Reply to "Breast Implants" Comment
by: Troy

I've answered a few questions about breast implants in the past. If you use the search tool on this page... Herpes Cure Protocol Important Information and type in "breast implants herpes" you will find what you're looking for.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Mar 11, 2019
Breast implants
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I followed the link you provided, searched the search engine with breast implants herpes. One link came up and I've practically been reading through the comments for almost 2.5 hours. I only found one comment where you said silicone implants are toxic for you. But didn’t specify if this protocol would still work for those with implants or not. I actually have saline implants, not sure if that makes a difference. Please advise everything I need to know regarding this so I know If I should continue or if doing this protocol would be a complete waste of time. I look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you in advance.

Mar 14, 2019
by: Anonymous


Just wondering if these things are okay..

- Coconut milk
- Tahini
- Sea weed
- Sesame Seeds
- Soy sauce
- Orange Juice

Thank you!

Mar 14, 2019
Am I doing okay?
by: AJ

Hello Troy,
I have been doing the protocol for about 3 months now. I just wanted to tell you what I was doing so I could get your opinion on it. It took me some time to get on point with the diet but now I am doing well with it. Still getting some minor outbreaks about every month and a half but they aren’t bad. With my work schedule it is hard for me to take the oregano oil under the toungue and with water. It is also hard for me to take silver 5x/day. I am at work a lot and when I get home I really don’t have much time before I have to go to bed. I have been taking Zane Hellas oregano oil capsules twice a day and rubbing the oil on my lower spine at night after the shower. I rest one day a week with the oregano oil capsules. I have been taking the silver 3x a day. I have also been taking the rest of the supplements recommended at separate times (I take bht, st johns, and coconut oil capsule all together). I’ve even included elderberry, Manuka honey, and reishi mushroom capsules.I have been eating very clean, mainly raw (lots of fruits and veggies), and only lean meats and fish and soft boiled eggs. For protein I mainly eat sardines, salmon, tuna, and soft boiled eggs. I will have quinoa and sweet potatoes occasionally because I feel I am losing weight and I am already skinny. I also take green juice, a monolaurin supplement, curcumin/turmeric powder, and homemade smoothies (i will start to add more chlorella and cilantro to my green juice). I drink banana milk, pea milk, or coconut milk with the powder (I alternate). I also eat sunflower seeds and sunflower butter occasionally so I don’t go hungry. Every thing I eat is mainly organic. The only problem is I will occasionally have a beer or two very rarely. If I do, I take charcoal pills. I also drink a lot of lemon water daily and alkaline water. I also exercise moderately everyday and get plenty of sleep. Started the hydrogen peroxide protocol a week ago. Can I continue with it after the 25 days? I have always been a healthier person. Now, even more healthy after starting this. I’m just wondering if what I am doing will be successful. Sorry for such the long post!

Thank you so much for your help. You are greatly appreciated.

Mar 17, 2019
Reply to "Breast Implants" Comment
by: Troy

Saline breast implants are certainly a much better option than silicone implants for sure. Are they toxic? Only if they leak. Unfortunately, many breast implants leak at the valve (in minute amounts usually). If you're sure yours are okay then you have nothing to worry about.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 18, 2019
Reply to "Question" Comment
by: Troy

Coconut milk? Yes but must be unprocessed (do not use "light" coconut milk).
Tahini? Yes. Try and make your own though (it's easy!).
Seaweed? Yes.
Sesame seeds? Yes.
Soy sauce? Use sparingly. Only use organic/100% natural/non GMO, etc.
Orange juice? Avoid unless having freshly squeezed OJ. Even then be careful as orange juice can sometimes induce breakouts (similar to grapefruit juice). :)

Mar 18, 2019
Reply to AJ
by: Troy

What you're doing looks pretty good AJ. I would recommend you add/consider a couple of things... With the turmeric, don't forget to have it with some black pepper and a healthy fat such as coconut oil for absorption. A green food such as wheat grass powder or chorella would also be advisable to really help flush out those heavy metals. Don't forget about lots of probiotics as well. If your gut isn't working properly it wont be able to assimilate the vital nutrients your body needs. With the HP? I suggest you stop after 3 months and have a rest for 3 months then repeat the cycle. This stop/start approach seems to work the best.

You're definitely on the right track though.

All the best to you! :)

Mar 18, 2019
Thank you
by: AJ

I appreciate all of the advice and the time you take out of your day to respond to us. I have added cilantro and chlorella to my green juice each morning. I also take apple cider vinegar capsules. I just ordered the probiotics you recommended to someone previously! Thank you again.

Mar 18, 2019
Protocol with fibroids
by: RJ

Hello Troy,
Is there anything I need to eliminate from this protocol if I am working on reducing my fibroids, which is the priority for me at this moment. They seem to have grown larger as I started this protocol.
Thank you very much for your help!!

Mar 20, 2019
Tofu and tempeh
by: Kim

I am a vegan and an athlete and usually eat organic tofu and organic tempeh for protein. I also use naked pea protein powder. Will it be okay to consume these on the raw diet?
Thank you,

Mar 22, 2019
NOKA Superfood Smoothie pouches
by: Anonymous

Are NOKA Superfood Smoothie pouches good to use?

Mar 23, 2019
C60 and Black Seed Oil
by: Richard

Do you know anything about C60 or Black Seed Oil? I'm hearing good things about these two. Not necessarily about Herpes specifically but that they are strong antioxidants. If I decided to try them, do you know if they will cause problems with the other supplements on this protocol? Is taking too many different herbs a problem for the body? I don't want to stop anything on the protocol but am considering adding these two.

Mar 26, 2019
Reply to RJ
by: Troy

To get rid of fibroids you must alkalize the body (which is what you should be doing to eliminate the herpes virus as well). Everything you're doing at the moment should be helping to shrink your fibriods. Have a read of this Q&A for more tips on getting rid of fibriods... A Miracle Home Remedy for Fibroids That Works Every Time!.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you RJ!

Mar 26, 2019
Reply to Kim
by: Troy

All of these are fine Kim. No problems. :)

Mar 26, 2019
Reply to Richard
by: Troy

You've been doing your research Richard. Both of these are perfectly fine to add to your protocol. Black seed oil is a great anti-inflammatory as well, which can help with breakouts. I don't believe you can have too many herbs, only poor quality herbs. Make sure that what you purchase is organic and of good quality (no additives, fillers, etc)- this is crucial.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 26, 2019
Reply to "NOKA Superfood Smoothie pouches" Comment
by: Troy

As I always say, nothing beats fresh, as in you making your own smoothies. However, if you cannot do this due to work commitments, etc, then Noka smoothie pouches would be the next best thing. :)

Mar 26, 2019
Copper IUD
by: Anonymous

I have a copper IUD. Does that need to be removed to be successful? Also, I have HSV and HPV. Can I cure both of these in one year with this protocol?
Thank you.

Apr 02, 2019
Reply to "Copper IUD" Comment
by: Troy

I'm going to be honest with you, I'm not a fan of copper IUD's at all (just my opinion here of course). The Biggest concern is they release the heavy metal form of copper into the body. This is not good. So yes, it is difficult to detox the body with copper being "slowly released" into it. Naturally, the final choice on what you should do is always yours. If you have any concerns I recommend visiting a health professional such as a qualified naturopathic physician for more information.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 02, 2019
Feeling defeated
by: Valerie

Hi Troy,

I was diagnosed with HSV-1 in January 2017 with a level of 3.1 IgG. In March 2017 I started taking 6 Olive Leaf, 2 drops of Zane Hellas Oregano Oil in water 3 times a day, Lysine with Vitamin C and the Soverign Colloidal Silver. Went back for my bloodwork in August 2017 and I was at 2.1 IgG. Still continuing with the same supplements, I went back for my bloodwork in April 2018 and my levels had no moved, still at 2.1 IgG so I decided that I needed that extra punch considering I was low. May 2018 I started the Wizelephant chorella/spirulina, 6 tablets a day. Now 10 months later I figured enough time has passed and went for some more bloodwork, well the results came back at 7.6 IgG, I was speechless. I have a friend with a special gift of clairvoyance and she feels that the chlorella/spirulina did not mix well with the Oregano oil and my system, even though one was taken in the morning and the other at night. As of last week, I stopped taking the Chlorella/Spirulina but continuing with the rest. Seems I have set myself back quite a bit and I am very upset with myself. What else can I take (that is sold on to reverse the damage I have done by taking Chlorella and give me that extra hard punch to get back to low levels or preferably negative?
Should I add reishi mushrooms and BHT, if so which brands are the best in your opinion?
Also, after doing several Google searches, I found websites saying that certain gemstones/crystals like Lapis Lazuli and Fluorite help. Do you have an opinion on crystal healing?

Apr 06, 2019
Constant breakouts
by: Anonymous

Since I've began this protocol, I have gotten an outbreak every week or so. Does this mean the virus is replicating or trying extremely hard to not leave my system? I'm scared that it means its just multiplying in my body despite my efforts.
I've been on the protocol for 6 months now and still having outbreaks... it's very discouraging.

Thank you Troy.

Apr 06, 2019
Starting again
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

So for about five months I was completely raw plus supplements, but I gave up. Not on the supplements and not completely back on the standard American diet - still mostly raw but ate a lot of chips and cooked granola. One time even had pizza. I had just given up altogether.

But I decided to try again. I was on this period of eating not too well for about two weeks. How much time do you think I added to my healing period? Is this like starting all over? Should I anticipate getting my negative test result a year from right now as opposed to a year from my starting date of all this (October 1st)?

Thank you so much in advance.

Apr 07, 2019
IGG Tests
by: Anonymous

Hi there,

Thank you so much for your hard work and answering all of our questions. You are truly an angel. I just have a couple questions.

I think I contracted HSV2 in September, but was officially diagnosed in October with a culture - they did not perform a blood work. I was too broken and scared to get an IGG until now. I was always a clean eater and have been eating very well. It wasn't until a couple months ago or so I truly figured out this protocol to a T and have been on it, but before for those extra months I was eating very clean and doing the best I could with my knowledge at the time (ie eating clean, raising my immune system, switching out my deodorant, toothpaste, etc.) Although disappointed, my IGG I just took came back as 3.89 for HSV2. I understand that is not super high/bad considering I have read many people are almost up to 20.0 or above 10.0. A 3.89 isn't super high right? And I have read that your IGG levels can "peak". Do you think I am passed that now since it has been around 7 months since I was diagnosed and the only way to go from here is down?

I hope my question makes sense. Please let me know if you need clarification. Thank you again!

Apr 07, 2019
Question About IGG Levels
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I just wrote a question and thought of another one. I believe this may be a stupid question but I just want some clarification to keep me on track...

So the reason why your IGG levels can go higher, ie antibodies grow, is because when you are eating sugar/junk food/alcohol etc that feeds the virus. And when the virus grows, your antibodies grow, correct? So when your body is alkaline and you are not giving anything to allow the virus to grow, that is why your antibody levels go down (because the virus is slowly being killed)?

Sorry if that is a stupid question. Again, I really appreciate it. Thank you!

Apr 10, 2019
Reply to "Starting Again" Comment
by: Troy

Very difficult to say. I would count on anywhere from the next 9-12 months, but it could be longer (or shorter). Like I said, difficult to say. Forget about what has happened though (completely). What matters is what you do today. Get back on the horse and give it everything you've got. You can do this.

All the best to you! :)

Apr 14, 2019
Why Oregano Oil
by: Jacklyn

Thank you Troy for all you are doing! I have a question about the oregano oil. In my research I saw that lemon balm (melissa oil) and peppermint oil kill the enveloped hsv virus. The word used was "virucidal" instead of "antiviral". I would think that because of this, melissa and peppermint oil might be more effective than oregano, and not to mention easier to drink lol. So my question is, why does this protocol recommend oregano oil instead of oils that have proven to do the same thing, if not more?

Apr 15, 2019
Reply to Valerie
by: Troy

Hi Valerie. It's difficult to pinpoint if the chlorella was really the problem. It would have to be a cheap generic brand high in heavy metals (most these come out of China), but the brand you were taking is a quality brand, so I can't say for sure. I would recommend switching over to organic wheat grass powder instead of the chlorella and seeing how that goes. Yes, you can also take the BHT (which we highly recommend) along with reishi mushrooms. Best brands of BHT are either Wholesale Nutrition or Life Enhancement... Wholesale Nutrition BHT Caps. Be sure to follow the dosage recommendations for the BHT to get the most out of it. As long as the reishi mushrooms are organic, that will suffice. Either the capsules, powder or tinctures can be used.

I know a setback can be very disheartening but hang in there Valerie. You are still doing very well. Remember also, that test result could have been an abnormality. If you weren't experiencing regular breakouts during the time you were taking the chlorella then it could be possible that your test result was incorrect. Unfortunately, this does happen quite a bit (along with false positive results).

Hope this helps you out.

All the best to you!

Apr 15, 2019
Reply to "Constant breakouts" Comment
by: Troy

Make sure you're hitting the virus with everything you've got, particularly when an outbreak occurs (as per Heather's recommendation). In the beginning outbreaks can be frequent. Usually after 6 months they begin to slow down though. Be sure to use a topical remedy as soon as one occurs, and like I said, make sure you're hitting the virus hard. Remember, you've woken the virus up now and it does not want to leave its host (you) so you must do everything you can to detox it out.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Apr 15, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi there,

What are your favorite brands of Chlorella? Also, I bought a cilantro tincture by Herb Pharmacy that is supposed to be really good, except it comes with "certified organic cane alcohol". So would that impair the healing process? Of course I know fresh cilantro is always better but I don't have a car so sometimes I don't always have access to the store a lot. Let me know your thoughts! Thank you!

Apr 15, 2019
Starting Again
by: Anonymous

This makes me feel absolutely hopeless. How can two weeks of mildly eating off track erase 5 months of hard work? How does it even make sense?

Apr 16, 2019
Reply to "Question About IGG Levels" "IGG Tests" Comments
by: Troy

It can take anywhere between 4 months to 8 months for your IgG levels to peak so it's difficult to say if yours have peaked. They would be close. In regards to your question about diet and how it affects your antibody levels, you actually have it in a nutshell. This is basically how it works. Technically though you don't actually kill the virus (I know I even say this), it gets detoxed (flushed) out of the body.

All the best to you!

Apr 17, 2019
Reply to Jacklyn
by: Troy

Hi Jacklyn. While both lemon balm and peppermint oil are good for treating herpes lesions topically. I'm not so sure about internal use? Truth is, we've never heard from anyone who's used these internally. With that said, I would recommend you give them a try. There is no harm. I would stay with the oregano oil on the base of the spine though - it's a tried and true remedy that definitely works.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Apr 17, 2019
Reply to "Chlorella" Comment
by: Troy

If you want the absolute BEST brand of chlorella then go to the Health Ranger Store and purchase theirs... Chlorella - Health Ranger Store. In regards to the cilantro tincture you have, this is perfectly fine. Herb Pharmacy is an excellent quality brand.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 17, 2019
Reply to "Starting Again" Comment
by: Troy

I never said you've wasted your time completely. You may have only set yourself back a few weeks, or it could be a few months. I really don't know and it's impossible for me to say. The main thing is you get back on your program straight away. This is all you really need to be focusing on. What's done is done. Control what you can do right now in this very moment.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Apr 20, 2019
Feeling defeated
by: Valerie

Hi Troy,

Thank you for your previous response. It's taken me a few weeks to accept the results of 7.6 IgG but I have now decided to hit this thing harder. After doing a little research, I found the following products and would like to get your opinion on them. - can this be put on the spine ? - red marine algae seems to be quite beneficial to treat/destroy the virus.

Can the roll on be put on the spine? It seems red algae has a lot of positive comments in regards to herpes.

Thank you.

Apr 20, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Ugh, I am trying not to freak out over here because I know that can make things worse. But here is what I ate today:

I woke up and immediately had water with lemon and apple cider vinegar then for breakfast a smoothie... distilled water, a banana, mixed berries, spinach. My snack was arugula, avocado, tomatoes. In between whenever I get hungry I usually have something light like an apple or some other fruit like a pear, pineapple, mango. Then I had a big salad. I mix a ton of greens. Broccoli, brussel, arugula, kale and I had some cooked cauliflower on top (I know raw is best and I eat I would say 90-95% raw, usually with a lot of juices too, but sometimes I do add one or two cooked things in here and there to make my salads easier). Also, is mustard okay? Like sometimes if I mix mustard and olive oil for my salads.

I tested my PH and its at a 6.5... Why is it not alkaline? I feel like the only things I have had is plant based: What are some super fast ways I can raise it again? Apple cider vinegar? Do you know anything about drinking baking soda? Barley grass?

Apr 23, 2019
Reply to Valerie
by: Troy

Hi Valerie. Firstly, you have the right attitude, which is why I know you'll make it. Secondly, all 3 products you're considering are first rate. These will all help you tremendously. With the roll on, I would use it exactly as they recommend, so on ALL trigger/pressure points, including right along the spine. You should continue to use the oregano oil on the base of the spine as well (at a different time than the roll on if possible).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Apr 23, 2019
Reply to "Progress" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, a little mustard is okay if it's home-made. To get your pH higher you need to start having organic wheat grass or barley grass powder 3 times daily on an empty stomach. You should already be having one of these anyway as they are both powerful detoxifiers and heavy metal removers (see #11 treatment). Also, add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink this every second day to raise your pH level. ACV helps as well so you can up the amount you're currently having. 30 ml's 3 times per day is what you need.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 24, 2019
Coconut Aminos
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thanks for responding to my last question. Your advice definitely helps a lot. I was wondering if coconut aminos are okay? I see a lot of recipes that people use for salads. Thanks :)

Apr 24, 2019
Reply to "Coconut Aminos" Comment
by: Troy

I don't recommend coconut aminos myself, even though it is a better alternative to regular soy sauce (but does taste sweeter). A much better alternative is Bragg's liquid aminos. Much heather and certified GMO free. :)

Apr 28, 2019
by: Anonymous

It’s been seven months into this protocol + a mostly fruit based diet and my acne has only gotten worse. Is this a sign that I’m doing something wrong? It comes in severe waves. I never really had acne before. Also, I literally must wear makeup for my job. Will this impair my healing?

Apr 28, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I want to start by saying thank you for all that you have done for this community. I was diagnosed with hsv 24 months ago and ever since I have had really irritated nerves, soar heels, burning sensations, cramping all in my legs. Is this common? What can I do about this?

May 01, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have a question about raw cacao nibs. I bought the ones by Nativa, but I am a little confused on it. I see they have high levels of arginine, so would that make the virus replicate? In addition, is there caffeine in them? I know there is no sugar, but what about those other two aspects.. are they still okay to eat? If so, every day?

Also one more question, I know the diet for this is raw vegan, but should we still be limiting our fruit consumption? If so, what is the upper limit of fruit (aka natural sugar) you suggest? Or is there no limit to the amount of fruit we can have? Thank you!

May 03, 2019
Reply to "Acne" Comment
by: Troy

Eating too much fruit can cause acne. Remember, fruit contains sugars, natural sugars yes, but sugar nonetheless. Include more vegetables and grains such as quinoa, etc, in your diet and lessen the amount of fruit. You should notice your acne improve. Wearing makeup is fine also. Try and go with natural or organic makeup if you possibly can. :)

May 03, 2019
Reply to "Nerves" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this is very common. Herpes resides in the nervous system, that's where it primarily hides. With that said, it sounds like you also have a chronic magnesium deficiency. A lack of magnesium will also cause all of these problems...10 Signs of a Magnesium Deficiency - Dr Jockers. Follow the recommendations listed in this article to get your magnesium levels back up to par. Adding the OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver will also help tremendously with these problems.

All the best to you!

May 03, 2019
Quick questions
by: Anonymous

When Heather said six months in she was still having outbreaks and eating corn chips, that was a part of the timeline of her final 7 months on the protocol correct? So just to clarify: she went one month or so without an outbreak before testing negative ?

Also, what is your opinion on using Dr Morse’s herbs along with this protocol? The 14 week regimen he has — with liver, kidney, and lymph tonics as well as heavy metal and parasite cleanses.

Thank you so much :)

May 09, 2019
Reply to "Sugar" Comment
by: Troy

Cacao nibs do contain caffeine, albeit a small amount. They also contain arginine. A small amount of arginine is okay as most foods do contain some. Same goes with caffeine. Raw, organic cacao nibs are extremely healthy and can certainly be eaten, just don't go overboard with them. Only a little. :)

May 09, 2019
Reply to "Quick Questions" Comment
by: Troy

I don't really know how long Heather was on this protocol for to be honest. She had multiple goes at it and did different things before following what she wrote above. I know it was well over 12 months for her all up. In regards to Dr Morse? I've responded to a couple of questions about his formulas and protocol here... How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 13, 2019
Completed 12 months of the protocol
by: Rachel

I am at 13 months of following this protocol and plan on re-testing my IgG around June/July as I have been traveling recently.
I have had HSV2 for 15 years and HSV1 since I was a young child. Prior to starting the protocol in April 2018 I was having back to back OB for approx the last 3yrs. I had been on Valtrex suppressive treatment pretty much since my initial outbreak which in the end was not holding my condition at all.
I started out using oregano oil, olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, lysine, zinc & Vit C, then at 1 month I added in BHT/SJW/coconut oil as per the directions on this site. I have continued with all of these supplements all the way through. My outbreaks continued until June (back to back & in new places). I was really tired initially and suffered a lot of nausea. I also noticed that I seemed to be running a low grade fever a lot of the time during this period. I followed the raw food diet as well.
After researching this site I started to see comments about the zappers so I bought the Don Croft Terminator zapper and used for 30 days as recommended Sep/Oct 2018. Around the 27/28 day mark I had diarrhoea for about 3 hours, then it was done. On reflection this possibly was due to the parasite die off and being eliminated from my body. I had an IgG test late November. The scale for the test is 7-16. My result was 8.6 so I was a bit deflated. I don't know if a score less than 7 is equivalent to 0.9. If you could clarify Troy that would be greatly appreciated.
I got a massive cold sore on my top lip in December which lasted about 3 weeks. I tried applying OO, tea-tree, DMSO, lemon balm tincture, etc. I resorted back to taking valtrex which I had stopped taking when I started this protocol. I found clove oil which dried the sore out in a few days. I stopped the valtrex, it didn't work anyway, but think I was just desperate to get rid of the cold sore.
In Jan 2019 I started taking licorice & lemon balm tablets. I have also taken consistently chlorella/spirulina, coriander, tried monolaurin, but it was too much for my stomach. I also drink kefir & kombucha daily plus take a probiotic supplement. I also noted a comment about MSM on here so I started that with Camu Camu powder as it works better with Vit C. I only take half a teaspoon a day as a teaspoon gives me diarrhoea. I have also started to use the zapper again - did 30 days in April after I had mouth ulcers. I have also just started diatomaceous earth powder, start out on low doses with this also until you can tolerate it.
I have not had a HSV2 outbreak since June 2018 however my skin in that area was still tingling on & off until Dec last year. I have not had an outbreak or tingling this year, no issues after intimacy, wearing clothes, sitting for long periods, etc. I feel way better now than I did before starting this protocol, so for anyone questioning on whether to try this I would definitely say give it a go. I am in Australia & plan on sticking to this until I'm totally clear.

Hope this helps others.

May 20, 2019
Reply to Rachel
by: Troy

Hi Rachel. Firstly, thanks for taking the time to share your progress with everyone. You are doing extremely well and your progress report will help give others hope. Now in regards to your test? A score at 7 or below is a low reading. Yes, this is basically the same as the 0.9 reading. So you are in actual fact very close to a negative result. Also, I believe that the zapper has a lot to do with your near negative result. I've been researching these alot lately and the positive results people have been receiving from using zappers is extremely encouraging. The down side is of course the die off effect (as you found out). The die off effect from using a zapper can be brutal, however, the benefits of using one far outweigh this short lived inconvenience as far as I'm concerned. With that said, you have also been doing everything else to a "T", which is terrific.

You're so close Rachel. Keep it up.

All the best to you! :)

P.S. For anyone who is thinking about purchasing a zapper, I believe a Hulda Clark Zapper built to her original specifications (Hulda Clark is the original inventor) combined with the Rife (Royal Raymond Rife) technology is the most powerful. Not saying the Don Croft zapper is no good, I just don't think it has as much kick as other Zappers. Independent tests have also been able to prove this. Anyway, here's what one looks like if you're interested... Parrazapper - Dr Hulda Clark.

May 22, 2019
Oregano Oil Capsules
by: EJ

Hi Troy,

Thank you for your response to my post earlier. I'm on my way with kicking coffee to the curb by the way.

I'm also considering making protein balls with dates, coconut and cacao power as a snack. I can have in place of sweet foods. Would this be OK?

Just a question about Oregano Oil. I'm struggling with taking it in the water (under the tongue and on the back is fine though).

I am considering ordering the Zane Hellas softgel capsules. You can get the ratio of 4:1 or 7:1 in the capsules which works out to 108mg vs 65mg of carvacol diluted in olive oil. Which one would be best? I am guessing you would take these tablets twice a day (same as the OO in water)?

Thank you again for all your help.

May 22, 2019
What is the Zapper?
by: Anonymous

What is the Zapper and what does it actually do? Where and how do you use it?? Do you place it on your genitals?

May 23, 2019
Reply to EJ
by: Troy

The raw foods you mention having are perfectly fine. In regards to the Zane Hella's capsules? These are a perfect alternative. One capsule morning and night is the dosage (2 daily). :)

May 23, 2019
Reply to "Zapper" Comment
by: Troy

This page explains what the parasite zapper is and has YouTube links on it's effectiveness...

Parazapper - Dr Hulda Clark.

This page with verified studies prove the effectiveness of parasite zappers...

Dr. Robert J. Thiel publishes study about the zapper.

To find out exactly how to use a zapper, have a read of this book...

Parasite Zapping and the Zapper by David Etheredge.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

May 23, 2019
Zane Hellas Capsules
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

For the Zane Hellas capsules, since the 4:1 is stronger is that the one you recommend? I am judging off the comment above. I will be travelling a lot in the next few months so I will need capsules instead of the liquid.

May 23, 2019
Reply to "Zane Hellas Capsules" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, these are the ones you want... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil 60 Softgels. :)

Jun 01, 2019
by: Kyle

I've only been recently diagnosed and now I'm having the fatigue, sore throat, cant swallow, pain in the spine and lips, flaking all the time, tingling feeling down below and having trouble going to toilet. So do I straight away hit this with all I've got, with everything?

Jun 03, 2019
Reply to Kyle
by: Troy

Depends on your tolerance level Kyle. Hitting the virus hard is definitely the best course of action, but it will come with side effects - more of the problems you're already having usually. So it depends if you want to get them over and done with quickly or take a more conservative approach. Personally, I like to get things over and done with, but that's just me. Detoxing the body is an uncomfortable process. This is unfortunate but also unavoidable.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Jun 06, 2019
by: EnglishMan

I’m going to be honest with you Troy I’m a believer that any disease can be cured. Saying that I haven’t see anyone come out openly and say they’ve been cured. And I mean like people actually coming out on social media or somewhere where other people know who they are. This is the only thing that’s holding me back from going on this rekey. I mean you’re literally dedicating your life for 12months + to curing something that has never been cured.

Jun 08, 2019
Diet questions
by: EJ

Hi Troy,

I am still in the process of gradually adding supplements and by the end of the month I hope to be on full dosage of all supplements. So far I have had a couple of very minor outbreaks and I will take an antiviral for a day or two, apply DMSO and it clears up pretty quickly. I may still yet add Hydrogen Peroxide but at the moment it seems to overwhelming.

I am finding the diet side of things really interesting and I have taken up making batches of lentil and vegetable soup which is delicious. I add organic coconut yoghurt when I serve it and it is delicious. I also am eating lots of Kale, chickpeas, coriander, garlic and onion, all organic and my breakfast is always the green smoothy which actually looks more black when you add the acai berry powder.

I still have cravings for sweet treats. There are many organic sugar cane free, gluten and dairy free chocolates now available including PANA, Loving Earth and Blue Dinosaur Paleo bars. I avoid the ones with nuts. My question is related to whether I can eat these 1-2 times a week as a treat. The sweetener in LE and PANA is either agave nectar or coconut nectar. The Paleo bar just has dates as a sweetener. Just wondering are these OK occasionally? My other way I get a sweet hit is toasting Ezekiel bread with coconut oil and manuka honey. Is this OK?

Thank you in advance. I am enjoying this journey of healthful eating. I only wish in Australia that we could have access the the IGG antibody numbers instead of 'positive' or 'negative'.

Jun 12, 2019
Weight loss
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, hope you're doing well...

So number one: is intense weight loss absolutely necessary to heal this virus the fastest? I know some weight loss may occur but I really don't want to lose too much. I did this protocol for 7 months to no avail. I wasn't in a good place mentally. I did a two month juice fast as well and lost 40 pounds - but detox specialists told me that was the only way to truly get rid of the virus.

Number two: the last two months I "Cheated" quite a bit. And the last month I fell/fallen off the wagon completely with supplements and whatnot. I don't want to give up. I'm going to revisit it with a clear mind but my question is: is this restarting the clock completely now? Should I brace myself for another year of this because I'll be honest, it is quite miserable.
Thank you Troy.

Jun 17, 2019
Reply to EnglishMan
by: Troy

I hear you. So if people are curing themselves of this virus then why aren't they out there shouting it from the rooftops? I believe it's the social stigma attached to having herpes. If you had it but now you don't and you go and tell everyone your story they're still going to be thinking "yeah I bet they still have it... filthy disgusting person". A person who cures themselves of cancer or arthritis will have no hesitation in telling people, they're proud of it, but someone who had herpes but no longer has? Very different. You'll still be labelled and treated like a leppa (and laughed at because herpes isn't really curable, blah, blah). In fact, even when sufferers of leprosy were cured, most people still wouldn't go near them. If you read the comments above you'll see Eric's comments. He tested negative and planned to go out and do interviews, etc - basically he planned to become the poster boy for the herpes cure, but unfortunately, he copped so much crap over it he decided it wasn't worth it.

Like I said, the stigma attached to this virus is the problem. This is what I think anyway.

All the best to you EnglishMan! :)

Jun 17, 2019
Reply to EJ
by: Troy

Having these "treats" every once in a while is okay, there's nothing bad in them anyway except the sugars (yes, they're natural sugars but you still don't want too much). With the Dr Schultz cleanse, it would be fine to take a break from the other supplements, do the cleanse, then go back on them. Everything else you're doing is good.

All the best to you EJ! :)

Jun 17, 2019
Reply to "Weight Loss" Comment
by: Troy

I definitely do not believe that rapid weight loss is needed to get rid of this virus. While you will lose a certain amount of weight when detoxing/juicing, it should not be excessive or ridiculous. Be sure to eat more whole foods to help prevent this from happening. As far as how long? It's difficult to say. You may not need 12 months, you may only need 6, but to be honest, I don't have an answer for you. I know one thing though, your body would still be way cleaner than before you started! With arginine, too much can aggravate the virus, which is what induces breakouts. It doesn't affect all sufferers though. Don't be too overly concerned with arginine. Just try and limit high arginine foods as best you can and you'll be fine. As far as JamesDestroyDisease testimonials, I cannot say if they are all legitimate or not. I would only be speculating. I hope for his sake (and all herpes suffers who buy his products) that they are.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 19, 2019
Synergy pharma
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, have you ever looked into synergy pharmaceuticals? They claim to be a herpes cure and while I know that’s suspicious, it does seem they’re more legit than the others. They give you about 6 different herbs (mushrooms, lysine, amino acids) and recommend a healthy diet and 6-12 months. Would you mind looking at their site and giving your thoughts? Also, would you say a 100% raw diet is absolutely necessary? I would eat only one or two cooked vegan meals a day, but I found it’s just so difficult and causes me to lose rapid weight very quickly and makes life in general very lonely by doing the 100% raw. I realize raw is the quickest route but I’m sulking to stretch the time if I can get my life back. Doing it for 6 months and losing 40 pounds and not being able to ever even eat or grab a drink with my friends caused me to become extremely suicidal and depressed and I realized I would NEVER heal with that mindset, no matter how clean my diet is! So I was wondering if I could still heal but with some cooked healthy foods and maybe a drink here or there with friends.
Please let me know.
Thanks Troy.

Jul 05, 2019
Oregano Oil & Alum powder
by: Anonymous

I keep it cheap and simple by buying Oregano oil capsules and take a few a day while my immune system is low. But once I am in remission I stop, no need to take it every day and waste money.
During an outbreak I apply Alum Powder (pickling agent found in spice aisle) with a little water to make a paste. Hold the q-tip with the paste for as long as you can handle it (this dries the suckers right out and best to do it the moment you feel the tingle). Reapply once or twice a day. Reduces time and severity of the outbreak.

Jul 05, 2019
Reply to "Synergy Pharma" Comment
by: Troy

I haven't heard from anyone who has used Synergy Pharmacy products so it's difficult for me to comment really. Their website is very elaborate though I will say. The supplements that they recommend you can buy yourself from any pharmacy, health food store or from Amazon or Ebay. Don't know if you need to pay their exorbitant prices. In regards to a raw food diet, I do say that you can eat meat, mainly chicken and fish (150-200 grams per day), along with one or two organic eggs. Fats from organic coconut oil is also crucial as this helps to prevent excessive weight loss and gives you energy. Coconut oil also contains strong antiviral components. As far as alcohol? Be careful. Go easy on this. Finally, don't forget about using the power of your mind and breathing. I highly recommend you watch some YouTube video's from a guy called Wim Hof. This guy is a legend! Follow his advice and you'll smash this, I guarantee it. Here's his YouTube channel link... Wim Hof Method - YouTube. Make sure you watch his "Influencing the Immune System" video in particular.

Hope this helps you.

All the best! :)

Jul 07, 2019
by: Anonymous

Is it possible for this protocol to cure someone from both herpes and hpv? I was infected with both about a year and a half ago. I have been on this protocol for 8.5 months faithfully with the supplements, never missing any dose and also did the hp protocol, not as faithfully with the raw foods. I am always vegan and organic I have been for about five years. My herpes infection has made progress and I rarely get outbreaks. If I do it is extremely minor and last about three days, but I feel like I’m fighting an up hill battle and I am losing hope.
Thank you for your help.

Jul 07, 2019
by: Anonymous

Is it okay to eat homemade seitan for a protein source? It is made with vital wheat gluten. I did not ready anywhere about having it or not.

Jul 18, 2019
Reply to "HPV" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, absolutely. Get yourself a Hulda Clark approved zapper (see below) if you can. This device will kill off both viruses, along with any other pathogens that will still be hidden away and surviving in your body. A definite worthy investment if you can afford it. :)

Jul 18, 2019
Reply to "Seitan" Comment
by: Troy

We recommend you avoid wheat (gluten) because the wheat produced today is hybrid wheat, which is not good for you. :)

Jul 22, 2019
by: Kim

I am 9 months into this protocol and decided to test with grapefruit juice. I have consumed 16 oz of juice and 1 orange every day for two weeks and didn’t get a breakout. I did get some very very faint tingling and phantom itches for the first couple days and then that stopped. Did I do it correctly? Did I need to consume more in a day? I can say the only thing that has caused breakouts through the protocol is my period and when I ran a marathon which I was not actually on the protocol yet. I have consumed nuts and chocolate neither has caused a breakout. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated thank you.

Aug 08, 2019
by: Anonymous

I have read through your full protocol and I believe our bodies are capable of getting rid of the virus for good. However, I have also come across natural healing products from a company called Synergy Pharmaceuticals (in Australia) that claims to use a similar method just not as hardcore. Any chance you are familiar with them? And, if so... in your opinion do you think it is a scam? Most products it seems obvious but this one is tough to tell.

Thank you!

Aug 20, 2019
Reply to Kim
by: Troy

You did it correctly Kim. If you are still having slight tingling though then you're probably not quite there yet. It does sound like you're close though, so keep going.

All the best! :)

Aug 20, 2019
Reply to "Curious" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, I've heard of these guys. To be honest, I don't know enough about them to comment fully. What I will say is the ingredients they have in their products can be bought individually for a fraction of the cost that they're charging. I can't justify the cost myself. Seems like a massive markup. :)

Aug 23, 2019
Kidney filtering
by: Anonymous

I asked this question on James's channel but of course he didn't reply. My question is: should oregano oil and cilantro, etc, be consumed when the kidneys are not filtering? Because if kidneys aren't filtering, no waste (ie heavy metals) is being removed from the body? Be interested to hear your thoughts on that.

Also, I see you don't recommend the extreme all-fruit diet that James does. I've been sticking mostly to that with a daily salad, but I've occasionally been experiencing disturbing symptoms of blood sugar spikes... this can't be good, can it?
Also, my periods have stopped due to weight loss. I have since put the weight back on after diversifying my diet but the periods are still absent, any clues as to why? Or how to get them to come back? Thanks!

Sep 02, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I am a little confused. I know we aren't supposed to eat nuts because they can cause outbreaks, but if I only have a little handful from time to time and they don't seem to affect me in any way. Can I still eat them on this diet since they are raw? Do you only not suggest them since they can make other people break out but since I don't, they're okay? Or do they still "make the virus grow"?

Sep 07, 2019
Nightshades and legumes
by: EJ

Hi Troy,

I have been checking out Dr Gundry's info on lectins which he believes are harmful in high amounts and warns against eating nightshades, legumes and grains. He believes they are harmful to the gut lining and can lead to autoimmune disease. I am curious to know your thoughts.

By the way, I have now switched to vegan zucchini soup instead of my lentil soup and I am loving it! Ingredients are zucchini, onion, garlic, vege broth, coconut milk. Then I mash it all up once it's cooked. Is this OK?

Thank you for all your help.


Sep 12, 2019
IgG level
by: Anonymous

Hi there,

A 1.88 IGG level is really low right? How much longer do you suggest, if you had to take a guess, to get to a negative level?

Oct 01, 2019
Reply to "Kidney Filtering" Comment
by: Troy

No, you shouldn't be taking oregano oil, cilantro would be okay. But why aren't your kidneys filtering? Are you on dialysis? If this is the case then you should definitely be working in conjunction with a Naturopath. Also, too much fruit can cause insulin spikes if the fruit is high in sugar. Try and stay with the low sugar sugar type fruits. If your period has stopped then there is a definite problem with hormones. Once again, I would recommend working in conjunction with a Naturopath. Get yourself diagnosed properly. Then you can take the appropriate action to fix your problems.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Oct 01, 2019
Reply to "Nuts" Comment
by: Troy

No, nuts don't make the virus grow. If they don't cause breakouts for you then they're okay. Just don't eat peanuts as they're full of chemicals. All other nuts are okay. :)

Oct 01, 2019
Reply to Brett
by: Troy

I've answered this question many times Brett. It's all a scare campaign by the medical mafia. Taking high amounts of colloidal silver that comes from home-made machines CAN cause argyria, but even then, you would still need to take alot. However, taking Sovereign silver will not cause this. You would need to have a ridiculous amount over a very long period of time for it to cause even a smidgen of blueness. Go on their website and read up on their levels and how it works. You'll see that you have nothing to worry about. Remember also, make sure you take a good quality probiotic supplement and eat probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, etc, while taking the colloidal silver. This is important.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 01, 2019
Reply to EJ
by: Troy

Yes, he is correct. It's worth going easy on these foods if you can. Remember also, plenty of probiotics will help offset any damage and help to heal the gut lining. A good quality probiotic supplement and eating plenty of probiotic rich foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, etc) is paramount. 😊

Oct 01, 2019
Reply to "IgG Level" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, this is quite low. I don't know how long you've been on the protocol so it's difficult to suggest when to test again. I always say to people no sooner than 8 months. 12 months is still what you should aim for but 8 at the least. :)

Oct 11, 2019
Hemp Seeds
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
Although hemp seeds contain a significant level of arginine are they forgivable to consume because of other various health benefits? I like to use homemade hemp milk as the base of my smoothies and from time to time eat them as a snack. I am fully raw and this besides pumpkin seeds is the only other seed I include in my regimen. I am also doing the all raw protocol ( mostly fruits and green juices). Will this deter my progress due to the arginine levels?

Thank you!

Dec 03, 2019
12 months
by: Anonymous

I have been on this protocol for 13 months and still get monthly very minor breakouts. After the 12 months do you just continue the protocol as is until you are cured or is there changes that need to be made?

Dec 12, 2019
Reply to "Hemp Seeds" Comment
by: Troy

Hemp seeds are perfectly fine. So much goodness in these little babies! :)

Dec 12, 2019
Reply to "12 Months" Comment
by: Troy

You continue on as per what you're already doing. Remember, 12 months is only a guide, it's not set in stone. You may need longer, depending on how long you've had the virus in your system, how healthy you were to begin with, and so on. 😊

Mar 01, 2020
by: Scott

Hello Troy,

I have tried this protocol once before for a couple of months but gave up too soon since I got stressed out with not seeing the results I wanted too soon (even though I knew a 12 month commitment is required)

Anyways, I plan to start this protocol again, since I really feel I can bit this virus this time. The question I had for you is whether to skip the hydrogen peroxide protocol and stick to Oregano Oil, Olive Leaf Extract, Colloidal Silver, BHT with St John's wort and coconut oil and 80% raw with cooked eggs and chicken along with zinc ,vitamin c and Lysine.

Please let me know if this would be a good start. I think I failed to continue this protocol since I was overwhelmed with a lot of supplements and herbs so I plan to ease in to it slowly without compromising the foundational steps. Any advice around the same would be much appreciated. Again, thank you for all your help and support.

Mar 02, 2020
Probiotic Yogurt
by: Scott

Hi Troy, Is White Mountain probiotic yogurt a good choice?

Mar 03, 2020
Reply to Scott
by: Troy

This would be a great start for sure. Yes, the HP protocol can be a little full on, simply because you need to ingest it frequently. You can always add it in further down the track if you want - doing the 23 day cycle. As far as commercial yogurts go, White Mountain is definitely one of the best on the market.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Scott! 😊

Apr 02, 2020
I think that finally...just...stopped!
by: Danielle

I’ve been feeling a lot better lately, and it seems like my cleansing reactions and all symptoms of this virus have just stopped. I’ve been at this since August 2017, not always as strict on myself as I should’ve been, but never going completely off track or giving up completely on my herbs, oils, and supplements. I’ve also been dealing with this virus most or all of my adult life as far as I can guess (because I didn’t always have symptoms), and I’m now in my mid 30s, so I wasn’t too surprised that it took me more than 2.5 years on this healing journey to feel as good as I do today. And I give all credit, glory, praise for my healing to my Heavenly Father!

Honestly, I’m still in disbelief about how good I feel, I mean I literally forgot what it feels like to have no discomfort in my lady parts. During my healing journey, I began mentally noting the days that I felt good and great with few to no cleansing symptoms. Over the past month as I started to have more and more great days in a row, I started to feel like I could actually call many of those days excellent instead of just great. Until this week I was very apprehensive about allowing myself to believe that I was really improving and feeling as good as I am feeling. Even now, I’m mentally prepared for a few more tiny tingles, but nothing like before. I mean, I had nerve pain all down in my legs and feet as part of my cleansing reactions and I haven’t felt any of that in almost a month. I’m going to give it until the end of this month while I keep following the protocol so I can be sure that I’m feeling better, and then I might order a home test. Though I’m fairly confident that my immune system is strong enough to defend against COVID 19, I’ll wait until things have calmed some here in the US and in the world before I go to a testing facility for more official results.

And if I may share my thoughts about this global pandemic, I’ve always thought that at some point, the things I’ve been blessed to learn for my own healing journey would come in handy for helping others. Even though I wouldn’t have wished to have had the burden of this disease for as long as I did, I’m glad that me having it and going through this healing journey wasn’t all in vain. If there’s one thing I’ve gained that I will always find useful, it’s knowledge on how to boost an immune system. This knowledge is very valuable in general, and especially now, when there is a highly contagious airborne virus which the worldwide medical industrial complex currently has nothing to combat. Those of us who followed this protocol have done so because we refused to wait for the industry. I say, keep that fire, refuse to wait on them for a "cure" or vaccine for this new coronavirus, because as we’ve seen, the wait can have devastating results. Keep doing what you’re doing for your healing, and you’ll also be protecting yourself with that boosted immune system. In my research, I’ve found that sage is excellent for the immune system, and the essential oil kills coronaviruses, which means that a sage herbal supplement can’t hurt to add to your regiment. I’ve also found that hyssop is very good for respiratory issues and infections, as well as being a purifying/cleansing herb. I’m taking alcohol-free tinctures of both sage and hyssop (Nature’s Answer is the brand), and plan to keep those in my health maintenance routine.

Hopefully I can get the time to give details on how I tailored the protocol to work for mean in my healing journey, but in the meantime I hope that you all can find some encouragement and comfort in this latest update. And thanks again to you, Troy, for finding it in your heart to take the time to put together all of this information and answer all of our questions without asking for anything in return! This has been a huge blessing for me and I can’t thank my Heavenly Father enough for the information, resources, and healing!

Stay safe out there!

Apr 18, 2020
by: Matt

Hi Troy,

I take ADHD medication once a day which keeps me focused at work and it may even help suppress my appetite for following this diet. Is it ok to continue taking the ADHD medication during this protocol?

Will it make me more acidic? I appreciate all your help hope you are well.

Apr 20, 2020
Alkaline Diet
by: Drew


After doing some research on here and basically reading in between the lines it seems that doing a Raw food diet in conjunction with the said supplements and oils is the best combative for HSV2 for the sole purpose of creating the best environment for you body to flourish flushing out the virus ..aka maximizing and sustaining alkaline levels in the body. I have switched over to a raw vegetarian diet and I have one cooked meal a day (vegetarian breakfast burrito; soy rizo, cauliflower rice, potatoes, peppers, avacado, and a large tortilla). My question to you is if monitoring you Alkalinity is the gist of this whole process? I started buying 8.8 alkaline water and adding lemons to it, doing a whole 24 hr fast once a week, and cutting out dairy and meat. I do enjoy almond milk with the antioxidant shakes you provided the recipe to along with a plant based protein powder for after workouts. I have yet to get my IGG test to have a starting point. The more information I come across just seems like High Alkaline = a virus, disease and pathogens worst nightmare. Based on the fact that everyone is having different recovery times from this whole protocol leads me to believe that all of the steps here in the protocol and food we eat have a direct effect on raising or lowering your alkaline... and if you can sustain your alkaline level high enough for a long

Apr 20, 2020
Reply to Drew
by: Troy

Yes, Drew, you have it. Your alkalinity has EVERYTHING to do with preventing and treating viruses and disease. What you are doing is very good. Keep that alkalinity up. 👍

Apr 20, 2020
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

Any pharmaceutical will increase acidity in the body. Unfortunately, by law I cannot tell you what you should do Matt except give you the usual spiel of "speak with your doctor". Good luck my man. 😊

Apr 20, 2020
Reply to Danielle
by: Troy

Hi Danielle. Thanks for sharing your journey so far and your thoughts. I believe you are on a path to amazing health that will stay with you for the rest of your (long) life. I'm so happy that you have stuck with it. It's not always easy and the time frame is almost always longer that what we want (this goes for most things in life), but the reward is definitely worth it. You now know just how crucial your immune system is for destroying ALL pathogens, including COVID 19, herpes, you name it. Well done, and of course, keep going, especially during this challenging time. Very proud of you. 😊

Apr 26, 2020
Vitamin C and Meat/Seafood
by: SH

Hi Troy,

I recently read that more than 2000mg of vitamin c is very heavy on the body. How is 10000mg of vitamin c per day acceptable?

Also, what is the recommendation is terms of cooking chicken or salmon? Can we cook them thoroughly and can we use some mild seasoning?

Thank you for your help.

May 01, 2020
Reply to SH
by: Troy

It depends of what form of vitamin C you are taking. Remember, Dr Linus Pauling took 10,000 mg's of vitamin C every day and he lived well into his 90's (and one two Nobel Prizes of course). Ascorbic acid is the form you want, however, make sure you take it in small doses throughout the day. Do not try and take it all in one hit or you'll give yourself an upset stomach. With chicken and salmon, yes, cook them for sure, but only enough so they can be safely eaten. Using a natural dressing or seasoning is fine as well.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

May 02, 2020
by: Niki B

I have never gotten a reply from Troy so just want to make sure it works and he replies this time hopefully.

May 09, 2020
Cleanse first then your guide
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have read that detoxing and cleansing is very important for the healing process. I am thinking of buying the Anti-Viral Regime and Cleanse from D Herb then starting your guide.

What is your opinion on this?

May 14, 2020
Reply to Niki B
by: Troy

Hi Niki. What is your question? 😊

May 14, 2020
Reply to "Cleanse first then your guide" comment
by: Troy

The Dherbs cleansing pack is super good. It's not cheap but is definitely worth it in my opinion. Make sure you follow the guide as well so you get the most out of it. Once you've completed this then, yes, your body will be primed ready for the protocol.

Good luck and all the best to you!

May 14, 2020
Website Name Change
by: Troy

Hi everyone. This is just a quick message to let everyone know that we have changed our website name to Life Saving Health. We feel that this is a much shorter and "punchier" name than the old drawn out long one we had. Our new website URL is... Nothing changes for you though. All old links and articles are automatically redirected to our new URL pages.

Thanks, and have great day! 😊

May 16, 2020
I forgot to ask.. alkaline
by: Drew


I was hoping someone else asked in the thread. I remember you mentioning you can buy ph test strips to test your alkaline levels at home. My question is what do you recommend keeping your ph level at to best create an environment to ward off diseases and viruses? This seems obvious, but I would imagine you just pee in a cup to test it?

May 18, 2020
Reply to Drew
by: Troy

There are different test strips out there Drew, some require you to pee on the strip. All of them are easy to use. As far as what pH level? Above 7.25 is alkaline but go even higher than this. You can even get up to 8 and be okay. Remember also that your pH will alternate each day, each hour in fact. Plenty of high alkaline foods, particularly wheat grass powder, and low acidic foods. Follow the acid/alkaline post/chart that I provide in our main article under the diet section (#11) for more info.

Hope this helps.

All the best! 😊

Jun 15, 2020
Synergy cure
by: Emily

Hi Troy! I was wondering what do you think about the synergy pharmaceuticals 6 month cure? Would you recommend it? Have you heard of it working? Thanks

Jul 17, 2020
Reply to Emily
by: Troy

Hi Emily. I haven't heard of anyone using the Synergy treatment and benefiting from it, so it's difficult to say if it actually works or not. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Of course, the only real way to find out is to try it for yourself, as long as it's cost effective (don't be ripped off). ☹

Oct 06, 2020
Colloidal Silver and BHT
by: Anonymous

How many hours should Colloidal Silver and BHT be taken apart?

Should colloidal silver be only taken on an empty stomach? There is no indication of that on the bottle.

Oct 06, 2020
by: Troy

Colloidal silver and BHT only need to be taken a minimum of 20 minutes apart. Colloidal silver should also be taken on an empty stomach for maximum effect. 😊

Oct 07, 2020
BHT and St John's Wort
by: Anonymous

Can I take BHT and St.John's wort with Ghee instead of Coconut oil?

Thank you!

Oct 10, 2020
Zapper use
by: Hanna

Hello Troy! Hope everything is well with you!:)

I've been on this protocol for quite a bit of time now. My breakouts are very mild and disappear fast but I still keep getting them every month. Could you please see my regime, maybe you have any suggestions:

All my supplements are from this site:

Silver - 1 table spoon morning and night
Olive Leaf - 3 capsules morning and night.
Oregano oil - 5 drops morning and night (I hold it few min under the tongue). I don't put it on my spine as I get a rash.
Lysine - 2000 per day
HBT - 750 mg a day.
Vitamin C - from 5000 to 10,000 a day (I usually change dosages so the body doesn't get used to it)
Chlorella capsules - max dosage per day.
Wheat grass tablets - max dosage.
Also, turmeric, propolis, and "Calm".
Also, herbal teas, twice a day green juice with lots of cilantro and fresh wheat grass.
I take baking soda (non gmo)- twice a day to keep my PH level at highest, keep checking it every day. I don't eat any processed foods, sweets, etc.
I have lots of fruits/leafy greens, avocadoes, lemon, oranges, apples, bananas, 1 organic free range egg per day, baked sweet potatoes, some salmon or tuna, small amount of non gmo chicken but very rarely.
Apple Cider - twice per day.
I added a zapper recently (AutoZap-5 & AutoZap-5 SuperZappicator). How many hours per day I would need to zap to get benefits? And when I use my super zappicator, do I have to hold it closer where HSV hides at the back of spine to get most benefits?

I apologize for so much info, but I'm just not sure what else I can do to rid myself of this virus. I try to stay positive and not lose hope cuz I know anything can be cured. Any suggestions would be appreciated so much!
Thank you lots in advance!
Stay healthy!:)

Oct 18, 2020
There is hope!
by: Becca

I just wanted to tell my story so far... I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago with hsv2. I’ve had an outbreak almost every month since then. I have other health issues so I was already familiar with Dr Sebi and Dr Morse's healing methods. I’ve tried variations of this diet and herbal cure off and on, but I admittedly have an emotional addiction to food so I haven’t succeeded so far with consistently following the diet strictly. Every time I’ve started with the oregano oil my symptoms worsened, UNTIL I added the peroxide! I’ve held off because I was wary of taking it, but it has made a huge difference! I’ve been doing it about 3 months now and haven’t had an outbreak since. I’m currently taking OLE, Oregano, rosemary, and lemon balm oils, peroxide drops, black seed oil, and the Biogetica hyperisince and homeopathic H factor. The Biogetica and peroxide were both added at the same time so it’s hard to say which one helped stop the outbreaks, but I definitely recommend them both. I eat a ton of watermelon during the day, but I’ve still been eating regular meals most nights, which I’m working on eliminating. Keep going everyone! My friend got a negative result after going raw vegan, so I know it’s possible!

Oct 25, 2020
Thank you!
by: lonlalady

Thank you for sharing this story! My friend put herself on a similar protocol after constant OBs for 16 years. She has now been OB free for 5 years and all her subsequent blood tests are negative.

On the honeycomb forum a guy had asked why there's no-one on there writing about being cured, when there's people like Heather who say they've been cured. So I posted my friend's story and they banned me for 'spreading lies!' I couldn't believe it. So now we know why no-one posts about getting healed on the forums!!

I really believe we all have the power to heal ourselves, but we just have to find the way that's right for our body/mind/soul. I have had 1 to 3 OBs a week for 6 years and have tried everything to at least reduce them, but nothing has worked yet. It's been so traumatizing, but now I'm rigidly sticking to what my friend did and she's guiding me through cleansing and healing my body (she's a trained auyruvedic, gerson, naturopath etc), so fingers crossed I'll finally find some peace from this!

Nov 19, 2020
Reply to "BHT and St John's Wort" comment
by: Troy

You can use ghee instead, however, the benefit of coconut oil is it contains potent antiviral properties, which is essential for anyone with HSV.

Nov 19, 2020
Reply to Hanna
by: Troy

Hi Hanna. Sorry for the late reply. Looking over what you're doing it seems you are actually doing everything right bar using the oregano oil on the base of the spine. If it causes a rash though then yes, you do need to be careful with this. I would also recommend you give the baking soda a rest for a week every so often and not take it constantly, but that has nothing to do with why you are still getting minor breakouts. To be honest, I think it's still a time thing. If you've had the virus for a while then generally speaking it will take more time to get rid of it. That's just how it works. I don't know how long you've had it for but I'm guessing it may be a while. I suggest you continue to hang in there Hanna. I think you're very close. In regards to the zapper? Follow the manufactures recommendations for using it. I know many herpes sufferers zap several times a day, particularly in the beginning.

Hope this helps you out a bit.

All the best to you!

Nov 19, 2020
Reply to Becca
by: Troy

Nice one Becca. Sounds like you're definitely on the right track now. And thanks for sharing your story and tips with everyone.

All the best! 😊

Nov 19, 2020
Reply to lonlalady
by: Troy

I love your outlook and "not give up" attitude. This is precisely why you WILL get rid of the virus! It's also funny how people choose to only believe what they've been conditioned to believe. The medical profession says herpes is incurable so most people accept this... blatantly and without question. Remember the four minute mile? Every runner believed you could not run a mile in under four minutes... it was impossible. Then Roger Bannister broke the four minute barrier. Then what happened? Runners believed and knew it was possible because they'd seen it done. Over the last half a century over a thousand runners have now broke the four minute barrier. A belief does not make it true, it only makes it true for the person who believes it. A bit deep I know, but I've noticed since covid that the vast majority of people believe without question what the medical profession is saying... even though they keep changing their stories. Actually banning you for spreading "lies" is quite funny though. The problem is, even if you showed them your friends negative test results they still wouldn't believe you. Conditioning is a powerful thing.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Nov 19, 2020
HSV test results
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

I’ve been following your protocol to eradicate HSV-2. I have a question regarding my test results. I recently got an HSV DNA PCR test done, which I read finds the genetic material of the herpes virus, and my test was negative for HSV 1 and 2, which is a good thing right? However, I also did antibody specific testing. The IGG HSV-1 was negative and it’s always been negative and the IGG for HSV-2 was positive at 4.48. Does having a negative HSV DNA PCR mean that I’m cured even though I still have the antibodies? Will the antibodies decrease overtime or will I have the antibodies forever? I thought having HSV IGG is protective because it means that it’ll protect me from a possible re-infection.

Also, after being cured, is some tingling sensation still possible? I’m still feeling some tingling here and there. No outbreaks though. I read that this could be neuropathic pain.

Can you provide me with your interpretation of the above matters? Thank you!

Nov 23, 2020
Taking breaks from supplements/lowering dosages
by: Hanna

Hello Troy,

Thank you so much for suggestions, they mean so much! :)

I just wanted to add I've had HSV2 since 2017 but started treating myself only in 2019, slowly adding up supplements and changing diet to cleaner. Now, I'm completely raw. I took a rest from oregano oil for a week but started again. I've also increased the dosage for Olive leave to 7 capsules a day (divided dosages). Hopefully its ok to take some breaks from supplements or lowering dosages now and then. Or do you think I shouldn't do that and keep the highest dosages?

I also made an appointment for my level of antibodies test just to see where I'm at which I've never done before.

I definitely will stick to this regime as I see it's working and hopefully will see the light soon!

Thank you a lot again!
Stay safe! :)

Nov 24, 2020
Reply to Hanna
by: Troy

It's perfectly okay to have a break every now and then, or constantly change the dosage amount (what I favor the most). The human body is very smart, it gets used to things very quickly so adjusting the dosage and/or having intermittent rests helps to keep it on its toes. 😊

Nov 24, 2020
Reply to "HSV Test Results" Comment
by: Troy

Not sure what you mean by this comment... "I thought having HSV IGG is protective because it means that it’ll protect me from a possible re-infection". Can you explain this further? Cheers.

Nov 24, 2020
HSV Test results
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

What I meant to say is that since antibodies serve as an immune response to fight off infection, if someone was cured of a viral infection and then gets exposed to the virus again, the body would respond by sending out the IGG antibodies that was formed with the initial infection. So my question is, is it possible to be cured of HSV but still have IGG antibodies ? In my case, I have a negative HSV -2 DNA PCR but positive antibodies and no outbreaks. Thank you.

Nov 24, 2020
Reply to "HSV Test Results" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, what's important to keep in mind is that your body will ALWAYS have some antibodies for any virus you have contracted. So your IGG test result will never be zero, that's impossible. Once a virus has been detected in the body and the immune system makes the necessary antibodies, it keeps that "antibody code" in its system forever... it gets filed away just in case its ever needed again. This is why a "negative" IGG test is anything below 0.90 (0.89 IV or less to be precise). You have allow for this. As I have always said, IGG antibodies are slow to rise AND slow to recede. It takes quite a while for your antibody count to go down. It's entirely possible (and in many cases probable) that a person no longer has the herpes virus but still has the antibodies. This is why herpes testing is not 100% accurate. You may not have the virus anymore but it will still take a certain amount of time, some time in many cases, for your antibody count to fall bellow 0.90. In your own case, it's highly likely that the virus is dead but the IGG test is not showing this. I suggest waiting 12 months then getting retested. It's a long wait I know, but like I said, you have to give that antibody count time to go down.

Hope this helps.

All the best! 😊

Nov 29, 2020
Words of Encouragement
by: Camilla

Hi Everyone,

Just a fellow human offering some words of encouragement. Remember that your body has a unique intricately designed immune system that is more powerful than you may think. Forgive yourself and others for all things. Holding onto grudges will only build up more pain, sorrow, anxiety, and more than likely lead to emotional eating (which is what we don't want). Continue to love yourself by feeding your body the food that promotes healing. Do not continue a perpetual cycle of binge eating so called 'comfort' food that leaves you uncomfortable in your own body. Remember that this is your only vehicle that will navigate you through life. Be patient. Picture how you will feel when you are healed and let that move you. Do not exchange peace for temporary gratification.

This is a message to myself and others on a path alike.

To hold myself accountable, find a sense of community, and further empower myself I'll be posting here daily. I hope this can also encourage others on the same path.

Nov 30, 2020
by: Andrew


I think my last comment was short and therefore misunderstood. I started the regimen you suggested almost immediately after my positive test in January. The colloidal silver I haven’t taken regularly, but will start again. I have been taking OLE, BHT/SJW, VitC, Super L-Lysine, Oregano oil and added turmeric cucumin supplement as well. I initially went completely raw, but was losing too much weight. I added back in lean red meat from a cow I had raised, some eggs that are from chickens raised by a friend and some salmon. I do have an occasional glass of wine or a beer, but have limited those drastically. I use oregano oil/coconut oil mixture on any OB’s and on my lower spine and temples daily.

I also have been making a green drink with spinach, oregano, chlorella spirulina and elderberry juice mixed with raspberries, strawberries, avocado and banana. I did take a break from the morning oregano oil/water mixture as it was quite vile, but have started it again. I am planning a test in January/February timeframe to see what my levels are. Should I ask for a western blot test? Is it more accurate or correct? Or maybe if my numbers are lower on the IGG test that will be telling?

Nov 30, 2020
Words of Encouragement (Post #2)
by: Camilla

Hi Everyone,

Today I had the best nice cream I've had in a while. It had some super ripe frozen bananas, dates, and oat milk. It was super satiating and tasty. I had a busy morning and decided to spend a portion of it doing an enema so I ended up intermittent fasting and had my first meal around 2pm which was the nice cream I just mentioned. I follow that up with about 3 cloves of garlic and a quarter gallon of green tea! There's something so comforting about tea especially when its cold. For dinner I have about half a gallon of pineapple juice in my fridge. I'll be using that as the base for my green smoothie making sure to add some powerful herbs and vitamins. Usually I add cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, wheatgrass, moringa, and sometimes ashwaganda. I can't wait to drink it. For now I'm occupied with other priorities like school work and writing up a to do list for this week. So far all of November has been successful. I had a few bumps in the road when I ate some cooked food with soy sauce, but it was always plant based (veggies + some kind of potatoes+ tofu). At most this happened 3-4 times. I always returned to eating raw and consuming my green smoothies. I've also discovered my inner chef and have made various raw vegan snacks that I really enjoy. So I'm excited about that. It gives me some assurance I have something to fall back on if I ever have some emotional spiral and try to comfort myself with food or just find myself craving foods familiar to my past. These snacks are made from dried fruits and nuts so technically I'm not cheating, but I know nuts should be minimized during the healing process. hence, why I said they are fall back snacks. Anyways that hasn't happened much in the past month. I'd say a handful of times. I've definitely grown in term of my relationship with food though. It is not necessarily how I escape my emotions anymore even boredom. I find myself rarely craving food the same way I would in the past. Back then I'd eat just for the sake of eating. Now I eat for the sake of obtaining energy for the day. I used to find my self dreaming about getting a burrito or pizza. This has come to past. I know this is due to the herbs I've been taking that eliminate parasites that elicit cravings for junk food we don't exactly need to be eating. The herbs I've been taking are garlic, diatomaceous earth, turmeric, and some blend of herbs my dad put together. I feel optimistic about getting tested at the end of December. Better yet, I am feeling more and more optimistic about each day I wake up and I believe this is a sign that I am healing! I hope you are too :)

Dec 01, 2020
Words of Encouragement (Day 3)
by: Camilla

Hi Everybody,

Last night I ended up eating a salad comprised of spinach, sweet potatoes, avocado, grapeseed oil, kamalata olives, and a pinch of himalayan pink sea salt + black pepper. Not the usual but for some reason last night I was in the mood for something hearty. I followed that with a green smoothie and sipped on some herbal tea all through the night. I made sure to take my 3 bulbs of garlic as I typically do and other herbs were consumed from the smoothie I made.
In my previous post I mentioned that I'd be adding DE, which I forgot to add this time. However, I did include other herbs + supplements like turmeric, black pepper, aloe vera, chlorella, ahswaganda, melatonin, and (greens + fruit).
Today I made nice cream again. I prepared my own oat milk to prepare as the base. I also ended up intermittent fasting again. First meal, was around 1pm and the last 'meal' was around 4-5 ish. My second meal was a really large green smoothie similar to yesterdays. I followed that with some matcha mint tea and squeezed some fresh lime juice into it. I'm honestly still really full from what I had today. Although it doesn't seem like I ate alot I had pretty large servings during both meals so I feel very satiated. I haven't taken my garlic or diatomaceous earth yet, but I will make sure to take them before I go to bed. Oddly enough, today I was tempted by flashback memories of chiptole burritos, but I did not give in. I took a nap and now I'm getting some office work done. Not going to act like this is easy every step of the way, but I will say when I keep the goal in the front of my mind the right decision almost always follows. I know that I'm going to heal and ALL of this is going to be worth it in the end.

If you are reading this I hope this has brought some light and inspiration to your day. Keep pushing for the life you deserve. You can do this.

Dec 02, 2020
Words of Encouragement (Day 4) Feeling optimistic.
by: Camilla

Hi Everyone,

Today was another successful day; particularly, because I learned how to make this delicious vegetable soup. I threw some squash, sweet potatoe, onions, carrots, garlic, leeks, and herbs together. I let them roast in the oven for 15 minutes and then let them sit on the lowest heat setting on top of the stove for about 2 hrs. I prepped a sauce for it too. The sauce was made of tomatoes, pumpkin puree, ginger, and a ton of spices. It was wonderful. My family even enjoyed it too! I must also add that I did use grapeseed oil and himalyan sea salt. I'm not too afraid of these ingredients. Despite how adamant many health gurus are against oils and salt I'm just not convinced they create a make or break dynamic in terms of healing. So I still use them in recipes when I cook. As long as I consume enough potassium to balance other electrolytes I don't see what the big deal is. As far as the rest of the day goes I started with nice cream around 2pm. I never get tired of it; especially, if I wake up with a sweet tooth. It always hits the spot and I don't have to feel guilty about it. I made sure to take garlic and diatomaceous earth with a mint + matcha tea. After getting home around 6 ish I had the soup I'd prepared throughout the day. Then I finished with a large green smoothie, very little- no fruit (Ii say this because I literally just squeezed an orange + and lime juice over a ton of frozen kale this time and I upped on the water. I always use distilled water. I made sure to include the usual herbs like turmeric black pepper cinnamon etc. Now I'm waiting for another tea I just prepared to cool down. It consist of prunella vulgaris and anise. I'll probably end up squeezing some lime juice into it and call it a night from there. May I'll have a bit more garlic, but other than that I'm pretty much all set for the day.

No outbreaks for about a month now since I've been extremely consistent. My version of persistent is eliminating gluten, processed foods, and vegan take out which is usually a vegan burrito from chipotle or a large vegan pizza. I quit these cheat meals altogether and my skin OBs have all disappeared. The skin on my hands not too long ago was abnormally dry and itchy (sometimes painful). Since I've been eating like this it has improved significantly. Today the dryness, itchiness, and discomfort are ALL gone. SO that's how I know this whole regimen is working. My digestion is also great and my quality of sleep is great as well. Idk if this is being too optimistic, but I have a feeling By the end of December I'll get some significant reduction in my IGg numbers. I can't wait!!

The last time I tested I was around 15 for HSV 2. (yes that's fifteen, very high I know). When I was initially tested 3 years ago it was 21 so that's an improvement, but I got tested months and months ago. So, who knows where I'm at now. I'm super excited and can't wait to find out.

Dec 14, 2020
by: Llak75

Hello Troy

I was wondering if we can use other oxygen supplements such as cellfood?

Dec 20, 2020
Oregano oil usage?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, really appreciate all the time you put into answering everyone’s questions and the hope you’ve instilled in all of us. Doing a great job, you're awesome. My question is is there are any adverse or negative side effects from taking oregano oil every day for 3 months. I hear that it’s recommended daily for at least 2 weeks. But seeing as though I’m going to start my RAW food journey and be taking all these supplements, I just want to make sure my system won’t have trouble with it.

Jan 03, 2021
Reply to Andrew
by: Troy

When it comes to testing, the Western Blot is at the top. However, yes, an IGG test that gives you a specific viral load number (not all of them do) would also be sufficient. You will still get a very good idea where you're at with this test. As far as you're regimen/protocol is concerned, it looks pretty good. I would maybe look at the HP protocol as well. Download the One Minute Cure book and at least have a read - it's worth it.

All the best to you Andrew!

Jan 03, 2021
Reply to Llak75
by: Troy

Yes, absolutely. Cellfood is a great supplement. :)

Jan 04, 2021
Reply to "Oregano Oil Usage" Comment
by: Troy

As with taking or consuming any detoxing food or supplement, there is always the risk of Herheimer's reaction in the beginning. Long term, oregano oil has not been shown to cause any negative effects. It would be the same if you ate 1/2 a cup of pure oregano every day (not sure how you would but just using this as an example). It would not do any harm. Oregano is a natural food and so is the oil. As always though, start off small and slowly build up the amount.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jan 04, 2021
Reply to "Oregano Oil Usage" Comment
by: Troy

As with any detoxing food or supplement, there is always the chance of you suffering from Herxheimer's reaction in the beginning. Long term, however, oregano oil has not been shown to cause any problems, only benefits. Remember, oregano oil is natural. It's no different to you eating a heap of oregano from your garden every day! The health benefits of this plant really are quite astonishing. As always though, start off with a low dosage of the oil and slowly build up.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jan 07, 2021
by: Sarah

I just wanted to share my experience on this protocol to offer some insight to others. So far I've been on a mainly vegan diet along with taking the recommended supplements. Although I did have some cheat days, I did stick to the diet pretty diligently for a long time, but it wasn't enough to completely rid myself of the virus. Now I'm thinking it was because I, like others, attempted to keep my appetite satiated by coming up with all sort of vegan recipes because I was so tired of eating raw fruits and veggies. I'm talking about things like: lentil/chickpea curry, baked sweet potato, quinoa with sautéed veggies, avocado on sourdough toast, etc.

I believe this diet really helped to keep the virus dormant because I didn't have any outbreaks and experienced few symptoms. I then decided to try the Synergy Pharmaceuticals treatment for an extra push, which also did not work, but possibly made it worse because I started experiencing more symptoms. (side note: they are no longer in business).

I'm not giving up, however. My plan now is to stick to a 95%-100% raw vegan, mainly fruit based diet along with the supplements. I'm also planning on using a nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide instead of drinking it because it made me so nauseous. I've heard IV Ozone Therapy is also very helpful, just more costly. I believe this will be the quickest path to healing.

Also, I think it's best to avoid watermelon, cucumber, coconut meat, and all nuts and seeds. They all contain compounds that turn into arginine in the body. I'm also cutting out avocados since they trigger my eczema and although it's not the same as HSV, it is still a skin condition that is similarly irritating.

Best of luck to everyone on this healing journey and many thanks to Troy for offering guidance along the way.

Jan 20, 2021
Reply to Sarah
by: Troy

Hi Sarah,

Firstly, good on you for not giving up. Your title for your post is perfect... "keep it simple". Sometimes we do overcomplicate things. Also, sometimes you have to find out what doesn't work (or doesn't agree with you) first before you can find YOUR correct protocol. As I say over and over again, everybody is different, what works for one person doesn't always necessarily work for the next person. I will say one thing... you have the right mental attitude, which is why I believe you will eventually be virus free!

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Feb 10, 2021
Finger Millet
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I wanted to reach out to see what your think about eating finger millet daily. It seems to be alkaline and can help with the daily adequate calorie intake. I'm not sure about it's arginine content so it would be great to have your input.

Also, personally I'm struggling with the raw diet but have gotten used to supplements like OLE, Oregano Oil, Colloidal Silver and BHT with St. John's wort. I have food grade H2O2 ready but I'm nervous to start since I don't want to have any adverse reactions. Please let me know if it is fully safe to try.

Many thanks for all your help.

Feb 23, 2021
Road to healing
by: Amber

Hi Troy,

First of, your'e amazing!! I have read through almost every comment and the care you have in each one is amazing, so God Bless you. I also KNOW this virus can be healed and is not forever.
I was diagnosed with HSV 2 in August 2020 and have been having outbreaks every month. I didn't start doing anything until October... I started taking 500mg lysine & vitamin c daily. Added the oregano oil in November (Telia oils one) then added the Real European OLE you recommend in December. Since January I have been on a stricter regimen and diet. I am taking OLE, Lysine, Vitamin C, Oregano Oil, Bee propolis, and Zinc (every other day). I also take a spoonful of elderberry syrup a day. lemon balm teas. and some herbal tinctures made by my herbalist with burdock, goldenseal, cayenne... etc.

I guess my questions are:

1. I've read its normal to get outbreaks while fighting this. I'm just nervous that they wont stop. I haven't gotten retested since October and my starting number was 8.78. I plan on adding the colloidal silver and and olive leaf tincture and do both the oregano drops and capsules. I just wanna know if you think I am on the right path?? Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough and want to add everything to my regimen. But am also nervous to do too much.

2. Do you think because I've only had it since August, that my chances of getting rid of it is quicker? I just came across your page and was pleased to see a lot of the stuff I was already doing.

3. I didn't start my real diet diet (not raw, but alot of vegetables and fruits, kamut, organic foods) and consistent regimen until January. But had been taking lysine (I switched to 1000mg in November) and 1000mg vitamin C daily. Do you think this has helped to decrease my viral load/keep the virus contained? Even though I was getting outbreaks every month.

4.Will only taking around 3000mg of vitamin c be okay? I am nervous about taking too much.

5. Last question, do you think that detoxes added every month will help? I am not trying to lose too much weight. But I know detoxes flushes out toxins and was wondering if like a 5-7 day one will help?

The last thing is, I've seen a lot of people test negative in my research, the only thing that discourages me is the people who say they did the natural remedies and it didn't work for them. Why do you think that is?

However, I truly know and believe this virus isn't forever, I just have to keep the course. I'm just currently overwhelmed and feeling kind of discouraged. So you're feedback means so much. Thank you and God bless you!!

Mar 14, 2021
Reply to "Finger Millet" Comment
by: Troy

Finger millet (Ragi) is a highly nutritious food. Yes, it has a high calorie intake but it is quite high in carbs as well. Eating it daily is perfectly fine, just be sure to add other foods with it. It's arginine content is negligible too, but remember, not everyone with the virus reacts negatively to arginine so be sure to test. In regards to the HP? You can only try it and see how you go. As long as you follow the HP protocol in the book, you'll be fine. HP is actually very safe (as long as you're using food grade HP of course).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Mar 15, 2021
Reply to Amber
by: Troy

Hi Amber. Firstly, I think you are on the right track. Adding things slowly is perfectly okay too. Remember, this isn't a race. To answer your questions... The only things I would look to include are the hydrogen peroxide (read the book first for an understanding as to why) and a good quality green food supplement such as wheat grass or chlorella (to help with detoxing). With the vitamin C, if you don't want to go above 3000 mg's per day then don't, although you could go up to 5000 with no problems, but the choice is yours. Stay with what you're comfortable with. Also, the quicker you can jump on eradicating the virus the better, so yes, the fact that you've only had it a short while is in your favor. Breakouts will occur as well. Sometimes this can go on relentlessly for quite while. Just try and use topical remedies as soon as one occurs. In regards to detoxes? You need to be on one constant detox, that's how your mindset should be. I recommend a green food supplement everyday rather than doing specific "detox" regimens every so often. Finally... why do some people still test positive? Because they gave up or didn't commit fully. This is no easy way around this. Getting rid of herpes is not easy, but it can be done (100%). Seeing this protocol out to the end will take all the willpower you can muster. But the reward, of course, is monumental. You believe you can do it so you're actually half way there already!

I believe you can do it also.

Stick with it Amber and you'll be writing your own "herpes free" story very soon.

Good luck and all the best you! 😊

Mar 24, 2021
Thank you and update!
by: Amber

Hi Troy,

Thank you SO much for your comment.

And yes, I know that I will be writing my herpes free testimonial! I know it.

However, I am a bit discouraged. I got my test results back (I went on March 13) and my numbers went up from the 8.78 to 12.3. I had only added the colloidal silver on the 5th of March. So maybe not enough time for it to take effect?

And I found this green food supplement with "spirulina, whatgrass, kale and moringa". Is that one okay? And I do a cilantro, parsely, watercress juice every morning since the 7th.

I am really trying not to let my numbers going up discourage me, as I read that that will happen. I also am planning on taking the chlorophyll drops and adding a red marine algae supplement, along with the monolaurin pellets and selenium.
Do you think I will be doing too much? I also am taking prunella vulgaris supplement. Along with all the other powders Heather took. So basically I added a few new things this month.

My diet is the same... chicken or fish maybe twice a week then the rest no meat and salads, fruits smoothies.

But I am hoping to still be rid of this as soon as I can as it was only August I got it. Thank you so much as always. You and your site offer me so much hope.

Apr 05, 2021
by: Johnny Nguyen

Hi Troy,

Can I eat mung beans and drink alkaline bottled water every day.

Do you think oil pulling will work to remove metal because I have two amalgam teeth? When using oil pulling I have to use coconut oil or can I still use wheatgrass powder? I have seen on youtube that said wheatgrass powder is more powerful than coconut oil. What do you think about this?


Apr 29, 2021
Reply to Amber
by: Troy

Hi Amber, sorry for the late reply... been extremely busy lately. Okay, first thing... stop getting tested. If you got tested back in around August (I'm gathering because this is when you said you got the virus) then don't get retested for at least another 9-12 months. Getting regular testing is like putting a post up on Facebook (or whatever social media) and checking it every 5 minutes to see if someone's commented. It's pointless and wont help you. The numbers will go up and down short term, but over time they will continue to go down. IGG antibodies are very slow to dissipate so you must be patient. In regards to what else you're doing and supplementing with, they are perfectly fine. You're doing good so stay with it.

All the best to you! :)

Apr 29, 2021
Reply to Johnny
by: Troy

Mung beans and alkaline water are perfectly fine as long as the water is quality water - be careful with where the water comes from. Oil pulling is definitely a good thing. I still prefer coconut oil but you can actually do both, say, coconut oil in the morning and wheatgrass pulling at night.

Hope this helps.

All the best! 😊

Jun 08, 2021
Gluten oats with gluten oats milk
by: Hanna

Hello Troy! Hope everything is well with you!

I was on salads and juices quite a bit and now added few more things to my diet: gluten free oats with gluten free oat milk. I usually have it in the morning before work.
I also added some organic/free range chicken on rare basis, mostly i keep my diet free of meat.

I also started making soups, I do my own chicken broth (organic chicken breasts) with bunch of vegetables.
Also, added gluten free brown rice noodles I add to soup (in a very small amounts).

I eat bunch of fruits every day, greens, and added recently grapefruit.
I keep my alkalinity very high, I check it every day. I add baking soda here and there to make sure my alkalinity stays at the highest point. Are these all ok to eat in moderation?

My last break out I had lasted half day and then I didn't have anything for a month and three days which gave me so much hope but then I got another break out just few days ago and it's lasted already 5 days. I'm a bit confused. Is it normal that sometimes it goes away fast and sometimes no. Maybe I ate something that I shouldn't?

Please advise, thank you so much in advance!
Look forward hearing back! :)

Jun 19, 2021
Reply to Hanna
by: Troy

What you are experiencing is not uncommon. (You don't say how long you've been on the protocol?). What you are doing is perfectly fine, don't read into it too much or look for a specific cause - it's part of the process. The other protocol you asked about is very expensive. Up to you if you want to try it. Personally, I don't think it's worth it - that's my two cents worth. Also, if you start a cleanse program you still continue doing what you're doing and continue with your supplements... nothing changes.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Hanna!

Jul 08, 2021
Over 3 years
by: Hanna

Hello, I'm on the protocol over 3 years. Not sure what else I can try. It seems like nothing is working, that's why I came across that other protocol but it's very expensive. I'm so clean with everything and have no luck. I'm starting to lose hope that it helps at all :(

Maybe change to Dr Sebi diet, no fish, no meat, no oats, just mainly vegetables/salads/fruits??

Any insights will help.

Thank you Troy for responding :))

Jul 10, 2021
Breast implants
by: Lisa

Hello Troy,

I have breast implants and amalgam fillings. Do you think I take detox baths with Epsom salt, 35%FGHP and baking soda. Will this help to get rid of the metal toxins in my body. Will this method get rid of hsv 1 when I take all the supplements or will I have to remove breast implants and amalgam teeth?

Jul 10, 2021
Oregano oil on the spine
by: Allan

Hi Troy
Thanks for all the help!
One question: I am taking the oregano oil you recommended. While drinking / putting under the tongue it burns a little bit. However when I put it with coconut oil on my spine I don’t feel that at all! It’s already a crazy situation that I mixed more than 10 drops with one spoon of coconut oil and I still don’t feel anything... any suggestions what to do?

Thanks again!!!

Jul 10, 2021
Dear, Troy,
by: Amanda

Hello Troy.
I'm three days before I start this way. I'm very well prepared.
I'm excited and nervous
Please, join this journey.
I have purchased all the products you are considering, but there is one thing missing.
I live in Asia, where Sovereign Silver is banned by Customs.
So I couldn't buy it on Amazon.
But, I found it.
15ppm colloidal silver for domestic use. how about this?
I don't have a choice.
Your sincere advice would be of great help.
And, I have a question about food.
I'm considering organic rice for my soup, is this good?
Finally, I'm going to surgery when this process is 6-7 months.
If you take the break (maybe two weeks) from this process for a week during the surgery, what will be the effect?
What plan would you use?

Thank you! you gave me a chance. good luck be with you.

Jul 12, 2021
My Journey so far.
by: Jasmine

Hello Troy my protocol

- AM-PM I rubb oregano oil on my back and lower spine and put under my Tongue

-I brush teeth with peroxide and oil pull with coconut oil every AM/PM

6am I have been on All fruit only and some veggie.
I take OLE soon as I wake up - I WILL SAY after taking this I would experience some tingle 15-30 mins after

7am I take my detox cleansing I bought from
I make teas I drink throughout the day and take 1 to 2 supplement(Herbs). am/pm

Colon Cleansing Capsules (Cascara Sagrada, Prodigiosa, Rhubard Root, Duck Flower). Herbal Teas (Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Yellow Dock, Chaparral, Mullein, Elderberry, Guaco, Eucalyptus-use as tea and/or in the bath)

I drink cilantro and watercress sometimes parsley with the drink.
(every AM)

I drink water throughout the day 2 liters to a gallon. Spring water from the natural spring in my town.

I buy all organic blackberries, raspberries, mangoes, bananas, honeydew, cantaloupe, grapes(sometimes), spinach, kale, romaine, avocado (once every other day. heard its not too good so I'm eliminating that.)

I take corella and spirilla

I ONLY eat when I'm hungry. 3 to 4 times a day

This is my DETOX PLAN FOR 30 DAYS.
WHEN I start to revitalize my body the supplements will change. I eat fruit all day and veggies.

I was taking colloidal silver but my herbalist told me to slow down on it.

My shower has a filter. I use Castile soap peppermint.

I notice that so many people eradicated this virus doing so many different things. I limit what I eat and its mind over matter for me. I'm not sure if I am doing enough or too little from all that I read. We will see.

I notice that people who eradicated hsv 1-2 really stuck to the raw diet and got the results that set them free. So I can wait to eat all the food I thought I was in love with.

I know its important to keep the stress away. So I pray every time I rethink whats going on with me. I don't want Anything in my body that doesn't serve its purpose. I am even thinking about changing up my children's diet so they can eat more alkaline.

Troy is there anything I should be adding to my regimen?

Jul 15, 2021
Reply to Hanna
by: Troy

Hi Hanna. Look, 3 years is quite a while, however, putting an exact time frame on it is very difficult. I would certainly look at Dr Sebi's protocol as well, nothing wrong with that. What supplements are you taking? Give me a list of those, along with how and when you're taking them and I can go through that with you. :)

Jul 15, 2021
Reply to Lisa
by: Troy

Hi Lisa. I've answered questions on breast implants and amalgam fillings numerous times in the comments below. I know there are quite a few comments but if you go through them you will find the answers you're looking for. The short answer, however, is no you do not need to have breast implants or amalgam fillings removed. And yes, the detox baths, along with the specific protocol recommendations listed will detox your body of all toxins and heavy metals.

Good luck and all the best to you Lisa!

Jul 16, 2021
Reply to Allan
by: Troy

I would just stick with the amount that you are currently using Allan. The tingling sensation doesn't need to be there for it to be working. Sometimes you may actually feel nothing, particularly to begin with, but later on a tingling sensation or slight burning can be felt. Like I said though, you don't need these to happen for it to be working. Trust me, the oil will be getting in!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jul 16, 2021
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

Hi Amanda. Firstly, good on you for having the courage to start. May sufferers sit on the side-line and do nothing, believing they have to live with the virus for the rest of their lives. Now, in regards to the colloidal silver... a 15ppm colloidal silver is what you want so yes, this will be fine. With the rice, this is okay as well. Try and go for black rice if you can as this is the best and most nutritious. As far as the surgery, just do the best that you can while in the hospital, that's all you can do. Yes, the surgery may set you back a little, but not too much I don't think.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Jul 16, 2021
Reply to Jasmine
by: Troy

Hi Jasmine. I think what you're doing as a detox plan is good. I would look to add more probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, coconut oil also, and onions and garlic. Even if you wait until your 30 days is up and then start adding these foods that would be fine. I'm not sure why your herbalist told you to back off on the colloidal silver though. You can take LOTS of CS without any harm (and you really need it to get rid of the herpes virus).
Apart from these I think you're on the right track Jasmine. And yes, keeping those stress levels under control is extremely important!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 09, 2021
by: Aman

Hello Troy.

I hope you're well.

I'm a little confused.

How many times a week can you recommend eating carbohydrates like organic pasta, steamed rice & seasoned soup?

I know I have to eat raw food.

I'm trying eat everything organic.
Most of the week is salads and antioxidant juices.
Can you help me get the balance right for the week?

Many thanks.!!

Aug 12, 2021
Reply to Aman
by: Troy

Carbohydrates can be eaten every day Aman, just don't overdo it and be careful which carbs you pick. For instance, pasta is best kept to a minimum, whereas black rice, quinoa and sweet potato can be eaten each day (in small amounts) if you want. Of course, you still need to eat some protein (preferably with each meal) so you don't lose too much weight. But the majority of your diet should consist of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables (use the acid/alkaline foods list link in #11 part of protocol for the best ones to choose). Bottom line... aim for minimum 80% raw foods and 20% "others".

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Aman! :)

Aug 13, 2021
by: David

Hello Troy!
I will soon be vaccinated against COVID-19.
I'm working on your protocol.
Do I need to take a break from the protocol before or after getting the vaccine?
Another question is... Is it correct to recommend distilled water for the one minute cure? I'm having a hard time finding distilled water. How about the Snugell CPAP distilled water from Amazon?
Will it be effective if I mix hp with clean water from the water purifier?
Your input is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so very much.

Aug 31, 2021
Reply to David
by: Troy

Hi David. First off, because know one knows the adverse effects (long and short term) of these covid vaccines I would definitely suggest stopping the protocol before and then waiting until at least 6 weeks after the second shot before thinking about resuming. In regards to the distilled water? I actually suggest clean filtered water over distilled so I recommend you go with this. Make sure you have a good quality water purifier. This is paramount.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Sep 07, 2021
Diet link
by: Amy

Hi Troy and Heather!

Thank you so much for being at ground zero with all of us who are seeking to heal our bodies from the "impossible".
I’ve read through this web site about 3 times or more, each time gathering what I've missed before. I’ve acquired all the supplements, plus some that I’ve been using faithfully since February. I was just reading that I’m not taking my supplements at the right time together- or apart. 😞 I’m using Cell Power to make alkaline water. I consistently have a breakout once every 2 months. It’s depressing when it happens. But this past time I tried to hit it hard with all my supplements! I’m also taking TSR (heavy metals detox) and they refer to the breakouts as retracing, and that herpes loves lead. I already have a compromised immune system with psoriasis outbreaks.
So, my struggle has been the diet. Is there a link that breaks it all down in Laymans terms that you can share? I’m good with organic raw, but I feel like I’m struggling with getting enough protein. Cutting out animal meat is fine, but I don’t feel like I’m doing enough. I think I’m over thinking and putting more stress and pressure on myself to get it all right…

Thank you again so much. You give me hope and encouragement to stay strong and positive… this isn’t for the faint of heart.

Sep 22, 2021
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

Hi Amy. Firstly, you are overthinking it a bit. What you're doing is okay. Don't be so concerned with how much protein you should be getting. Focus on primarily eating a plant based diet. You can still get enough (quality) protein from plants. It's true that herpes binds to all heavy metals, not just lead. Try and concentrate on building up your immune system... this should be priority number one. Finally, take your supplements when you can. Sometimes it's just not practical to space them out. Do the best you can. Better to take some of them together than not take them at all, remember that. Stick with it Amy. You can do this!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Oct 30, 2021
by: Anonymous


Currently, I take Methimazole medication. Will this interfere with other supplements? Can I drink alkaline Essentia bottled water every day? Is this brand good to drink?

Is ok to eat soy sauce every day?

Last question, many people here said when they have been cured they will come back to let us know but few people said that they are cured. What about others I don't see that don't come back here to ask you questions anymore?

Nov 02, 2021
Coconut Oil + Oregano Oil
by: Cila

Hi Troy!

After we hold the coconut oil + oregano oil in our mouth for 10-15 minutes, should we swallow it or spit it out?

Thank you!

Nov 02, 2021
Reply to "Medications" Comment
by: Troy

The thyroid medication you're taking should be perfectly fine. The Essentia bottled water is excellent also so no problems there. I would limit the amount of soya sauce though. There are usually lots of other ingredients, preservatives, etc, in them which you don't want. Finally, I'm not sure why less people post questions? I do know that because this protocol is so tough physically and mentally, many fall by the wayside. This is unfortunate but happens with most things in life. Regardless, I have the utmost respect for everyone who at least gives it a go. It's definitely not for the faint hearted. 😊

Nov 02, 2021
Reply to Cila
by: Troy

Best to spit out. The oil goes into the body via the glands/ducts in the mouth while you hold (especially under the tongue) but it also pulls toxins from the mouth and gums so spitting out after is preferable. :)

Nov 08, 2021
Specific protocol to follow
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I firstly want to thank you for giving me hope.
I am about to embark on this journey of healing using this strategy, but I have a few questions before starting, to make sure I’m doing it correctly.
I just was wondering if there a specific instruction Manual, or routine that I could use to make sure the changes I’m making will actually be beneficial e.g. correct dosages to take, and the products I definitely need to include?
Is there a set routine you can direct me to or a list of all the ingredients I need and dosage you can provide?

Nov 11, 2021
by: Anonymous


I have read the comment from Bummed out gal on 12/22/2017 you said coconut oil and oregano oil hold under tongue for 10 minutes then swallow but I had read another comment from Cila on 11/2/2021 you said to spit out, so I'm confused. Should we swallow or spit out?

Can I take a Sumatriptan tablet for migraine will this interfere with other supplements?

Nov 15, 2021
by: Anonymous

What happens if you've been doing this for a month and find out you're pregnant. Would the baby be harmed from all this ?

Nov 16, 2021
Keep fighting
by: Camilla

Was tested several months ago and posted about my lab numbers. Was at about 14.99 and am now at 7.99. That’s nearly half of what I started at! Started the Hydrogen Peroxide protocol mentioned in the One Minute Cure book and juice fast helped tremendously. Have been doing that for 21 days straight with the exception of raw fruit meals on the rare occasion. Before that I do not know if my numbers were already dropping, but I’m just happy they are dropping. Had a "cheat" meal yesterday of sautéed kale marinated in garlic, sea salt, and olive oil. Back on my fast as of today. Can’t wait to see where things go from here. Will keep you guys posted. Btw, I’m the post that was titled "Word of Encouragement" and under the name Camilla. Hang in there and keep fighting! Here’s a list of things I have been sticking to consistently.

Hydrogen peroxide
Colloidal Silver
Only eating when it is absolutely necessary and making sure it is only water rich fruit (not really avocados, bananas, dates) mostly mangos watermelon etc (avocado would give me gas in the beginning so I dropped them)
It’s okay to allow yourself cooked food, but it will not give you as quick results.
I’ve been taking olive leaf, iodine, vitamin d3, b12, selenium, and a few other vitamins that I can’t remember on the top of my head.

Lastly, I’ve lost sooooo much weight since doing this. I did expect that. I do plan to put it back on after all of this.

Nov 21, 2021
Igg too high?
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

I got infected with hsv1 over a year ago and My igg test was 40. This is high so do you think at this high level I will get rid of the virus in 12 months or it will take longer? I don't know how I got this high a igg test? Do you have any opinion? Thanks.

Nov 25, 2021
Reply to "Confused" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, to clarify... You should spit out the coconut oil/oregano oil held in the mouth due to the toxins that will be sucked from the gums, etc. You may swallow some of the mixture whilst holding in the mouth, which is okay. At first we were recommending swallowing the whole amount after but it's actually better not too. Of course you will still get absorption through the sublingual glands under the tongue.

Hope this helps to clarify.

All the best to you! 😊

Nov 30, 2021
Reply to "Specific protocol to follow" Comment
by: Troy

The reason there isn't one specific protocol is because it's impossible to have a "one size fits all" protocol. I suggest you start with the basics, which is the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, the BHT and hydrogen peroxide if you can get them, and of course, go through the foods to avoid - foods to eat section (#11) for what you need to do to detox. You will find that these will be enough in most cases. You may have to tweak your protocol over time to find exactly what works best for you but this should only be minor. Dosages are given in each section or follow the directions listed on the supplement container.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Nov 30, 2021
Reply to "Pregnant" Comment
by: Troy

If this did happen then it would be best to leave the protocol and revisit again after birth/breast feeding, etc, is over so you can give this 100% dedication. :)

Nov 30, 2021
Reply to "IgG Too High" Comment
by: Troy

Yes this is quite high, however, don't take it as gospel. Levels fluctuate and specific test aren't always exact. Other factors such as if you're unwell or stressed can affect the reading. Yes it may take longer than 12 months but you may also see that number drop fast so it's hard to say. Unfortunately you can't rush the process. Just stick with it and you'll be rewarded.

Hope this helps.

All the best! 😊

Dec 01, 2021
Hi Troy
by: Ciara

If I get a negative test, do I have to test again in 3 weeks like Heather? Or is one test enough?
Lastly, do I need to continue taking cs, bht, olive leaf, and lysine after a negative test
or stop right away? Thank you!

Dec 02, 2021
Reply to Ciara
by: Troy

You certainly don't need a retest 3 weeks later. 3-6 months later if you want to be sure in your own mind maybe. In regards to continuing with the supplements? I find it's a good idea, particularly with the wheat grass powder, OLE and/or colloidal silver because they're such potent cleansers. Personally, I take wheat grass powder everyday (have been for over 30 years) and drink colloidal silver every day (lots of it). I have my own CC maker so it costs me peanuts. I also go on the OLE every 3 months for just an extra cleanse.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Dec 28, 2021
Olive leaf extract
by: John

Hello Troy,

Can you recommend any brands that sell olive leaf extract with 25% Oleuropein? 20% is the maximum I can find.

Best regards.

Dec 31, 2021
More progress woohoo!!
by: Camilla

Hey guys! Just got retested about 6 weeks later and my gig levels dropped another 1.75 points.

I actually did NOT do the same regimen I did prior to my last test which was juice fasting and eating a raw fruitarian diet. After that day of eating sautéed greens and other vegetables I ended up adding large green salads with homemade guac quinoa and sometimes sweet potatoes. Juicing, making at least 2 large green smoothies, taking herbs + supplements + hydrogen peroxide 3x a day remained as part of my daily protocol. I also made sure to get quality sleep everyday and stayed consistently active walking around alot at work and going for walks was pretty much how "active" I was.

history of igg numbers…
winter 2018 - igg # was 21. (something) *can't remember on the top of my head

summer 2018 - igg # was 17. (something)

roughly a year ago 2020 - 14.99

2021 November 15 - igg# was 7.99 after radically changing things up from basically doing the absolute minimum for 2 years (which was rarely eating processed foods + eating high raw plant based + w/ cooked foods, did not take supplements seriously and just focused on staying symptom free around that time).

Next update is to come at the end of next month.
Sorry this is messy…. running late from getting off of my break at work.

Keep up the good fight!

Jan 12, 2022
Reply to John
by: Troy

The main OLE we are recommending now is the PHS professional grade OLE which contains a healthy 40% oleuropean content per 500mgs, followed by Real European OLE and Olivus (also now 40%). The links for these are provided below...

PHS Olive Leaf Extract.

Real European Olive Leaf Extract.

Olivus Olive Leaf MAX.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you John! 😊

Jan 12, 2022
Reply to Camilla
by: Troy

Well done Camilla. Keep up the great work! 👏

Jan 17, 2022
irestore grow hair system
by: Anonymous

do you think I can use the irestore laser hair system while I do this protocol? Will this laser do any harm? I want to kill this virus and want to grow my hair back at the same time, haha.

Jan 23, 2022
Never giving up!
by: Camilla

Thank you, Troy. This journey over the past 3 years has given rise to the most difficult, but transformative moments of my life. Can't wait to be on the other side where the grass is greener.

Jan 27, 2022
Reply to "irestore grow hair system" Comment
by: Troy

Well now here's a question that I've definitely never been asked? Yes, I think the laser scalp treatment would be perfectly fine to use in conjunction with this.

Good luck with the protocol and the hair growth! 😊

Feb 01, 2022
Staying Accountable and Honest
by: Camilla

Hey guys! So, just got my labs back for January. Unfortunately, my lab went up by 1.4 igg points. I’m not entirely surprised because there was one day I had a burrito bowl with rice guacamole + sofrita at Chipotle. Also I found myself eating more nuts than I consumed before. There is no excuse, but I found myself dealing with a lot of stress at work. Also in this winter sometimes all I want at the end of the day after a long day of work is a warm hearty meal. So I started cooking up some wild black rice with sweet potatoes and guacamole. I’d interchange the rice with quinoa some days. Also wasn’t doing any colonics. Juicing was still something I did, but I definitely did not consume as much as I did in previous months. Even though I may have taken two steps back that’s not going to stop me from moving forward again. I will update you guys at the end of February. Going back to what I am certain works.

Feb 09, 2022
Metal Free
by: Anonymous

I have 2 amalgam teeth in my mouth. Do you think I can use the metal-free spray (heavy metal detoxification) to remove the mercury in my mouth? Is this safe to use? If I can spray in my mouth do I have to spit it out or is ok to swallow it? I don't want to spray in my mouth to remove metals then swallow back inside my body. Just want to make sure. On the bottle it does not say swallow or spit out. Hope you have the answer.


Feb 10, 2022
Reply to "Metal Free" Comment
by: Troy

Hi. I assume you're talking about something like the TRS Detox Spray? Look, I think these sprays are certainly very good at removing heavy metals from the body. Can they remove the mercury from amalgam fillings? Not sure to be honest. I do believe you will still gain a whole lot of benefit from using a good detox spray though so it's certainly worth adding to your protocol.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Apr 13, 2022
Am I doing this right?
by: Anonymous

I have started doing this for about a week or so. I was told I needed to cleanse with the following first: Sarsaparilla,burdock root, dandelion, elderberry, mullein, chaparral,guaco,eucalyptus, sea moss, bladderwick and cilantro for 7-12 days on raw foods and vegetables. Did I have to? Also I was told no cooked foods. What else should
I be doing? I am really trying to get rid of this virus. I am having hard time with eating just fruits and raw vegetables. What about fasting as well? I was told I needed to fast and do intermittent fasting to get rid of this virus. Can you please help me?

Apr 15, 2022
HSV2 The catalyst
by: Alycia

I entered into a relationship with someone knowing that they had herpes. I did not ask any questions of it, other than how it would affect me? He told me that it was only able to be passed on if there was an active outbreak. I believed him, we never had sex on an outbreak. It ended up being an incredibly terrible relationship and I left it after a year and a half with a whole bunch of trauma to overcome. I thought my connection to this person was over. But I guess I was left with a surprise. Fast forward 9 months later... my partner of 5 months always checks me before we hook up. He told me that HSV can show up up to 2 years later - something he'd only read on google or heard from someone.. Sure enough. We were going to hook up, and what did we discover?... I went to the hospital right away for a swab, 7 days later got the results, HSV2 positive. This CRUSHED US. Tore the rug out from under us in our relationship and what we were building. He has a compromised immune system. At first I thought we could discuss daily suppressants- I'd pay anything to live my life out with this person, but reality sunk in. The risks for his health, with everything else he has to deal with was just not worth it.

Well I just was not accepting this as the end all and be all, that 'there is no cure'. I started digging into reddit, paid many visits to the health food store, did a 72 hour hard dry fast, discovered TRS/zeolites, and I just felt there had to be more. There had to be SOMETHING in the depths of google that would be what I was still actively searching for. There had to be some success stories. There just had to be. Google Algorithms only show us what they want us to see. FEAR.FEAR.FEAR. I kept digging, and digging, and finally came across this story. Today I picked up everything in the protocol, minus the BHT (they did not have it at the health food store, so it'll have to be an order, or I'll have to call around.)
I just want to thank you so much for all of the information that is shared in here. I would not have known that my Oil of Oregano was not strong enough. I will keep updating and come back with any questions that I have. I do have one in particular, and it's really bothering me, and that is on the tests. How are tests coming back negative, is it the IgG tests showing reduced antibodies (therefore presenting as a negative result) Is it the PCR blood test (which I just recently heard of is actually a thing).
I think I am going to see a naturopath to let them know what I'm doing, and ask about blood tests. My NP let me know in a subtle way that she has hsv as well. I have some hesitations about the help I am likely not going to get when I make an appt in a few months to request a blood test and let her know that I'm working on curing myself.

May 03, 2022
Reply to "Am I doing this right" comment
by: Troy

Doing a cleanse first is always a good idea, as is fasting (intermittent). I'm not sure who told you to do what you're doing? I think you're on the right track, however, but I would recommend you go through our protocol fully, along with reading the comments below for more of an understanding of what's involved. Like I said, I think you're on the right track, you just need to fine tune and add to what you're already doing.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

May 03, 2022
Reply to Alycia
by: Troy

Hi Alycia. Thanks for sharing your story. The easiest way for you to understand the tests is to have a read of this article... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

Also, Heather had her negative test via the Western blot and Jess via an IgG test.

All the best to you! :)

May 04, 2022
by: Alycia

Hello Troy!
Oh, how much has changed. How beautiful is momentum when we choose a direction and go forward with intention.

I discovered they do not offer type specific IGg testing in Canada. So I will never know a baseline for where I started with antibody count. Just going to order a WB when I feel its time.

I have gone raw vegan. And my juicer arrived 2 weeks ago. Daily juicing. I have completed my second 3 day fast. I have been following this protocol. As well as taking zeolite/TRS, chaga, spirulina, camu camu, vit C, Spirulina, Triphala, zinc, Rhodiola, omega 3's, and more. Using the sauna, Fghp bath.
I have been consuming a lot of fresh pressed OJ. The first week I did this I had two tiiiny outbreaks back to back. I had to pull out my camera phone & light to get a good look. I celebrated those outbreaks.

Heather mentions Louise Hay and Abraham Hicks. They have helped so much. I am beyond grateful to have not given up and found this story and your wealth of information on here.
Thank you for your response and for being here for everyone.

May 05, 2022
Reply to Alycia
by: Troy

You're definitely on the right path Alycia. Well done to you. I also read and listen to Louise Hay and Jerry and Esther Hicks (along with others). We all need that positive reinforcement don't we?

All the best! 😊

May 30, 2022
by: Camilla

Hey guys,

For those who may have been following my journey, I’m sorry I did not give an update in February as promised, was kind of going through an emotion roller coaster and allowed my journey to be affected along with it. Long story short, I got back on track and my numbers have continued to improve. Realizing that it’s mostly mental work and everything else will follow after. Of course making the dietary shift is difficult in its self but once you have that mastered progress is limited if there is a mental or obstacle preventing you from being consistent.

I greatly understand now more than ever no matter what is going on around me or happening to me, I have control of how I respond (including the food I chose to put into my body). Emotional eating is self sabotage disguised as comfort! Long term comfort and greater satisfaction with my health is way more rewarding. This mentality is what has been keeping my progress stable for the past two months.


Jun 01, 2022
by: Troy

Thanks for sharing Camilla. I always say that this is about 70% mental and 30% physical (diet etc). It's tough sometimes to control those negative thoughts. A couple of handy books I recommend are The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. Both are incredibly powerful. Glad you're back on track. 😊

Jun 04, 2022
Getting questions answered by Troy?
by: Anonymous

How do you get specific questions answered by Troy? I submitted questions some time ago but no response.

Jun 05, 2022
Grateful for this process and ongoing support this community provides
by: Camilla

Thank you for the book suggestions and all of the support you offer in this community Troy! Some people have no support from anyone in their lives so I know what this forum/community can mean to many. You are making a great impact for people suffering from this awful disease by helping minds awaken to the power of healing. Taking the process one day at a time.


Jun 06, 2022
Reply to "Getting questions answered by Troy?" Comment
by: Troy

As long as your question(s) haven't already been asked and answered by me before (in the comments), I will answer them. Please be sure to check through the comments first from this post AND from Jessica's post. I know there are a lot of comments to go through, however, the easiest way is to use the search bar tool located at the top of each page. Just put in the key words/sentences you're looking for. This will help you find your answer very quickly.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 14, 2022
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I just found out spirulina is apparently high in arginine.
Its been my go to and many others who have successfully cured themselves.

What do you think about this?
Personally, nuts triggered outbreaks for me prior to the protocol, grapefruit juice hasn't triggered anything aside from in the very beginning.

Does arginine really play a role or is this one of those "all bodies will react differently" scenarios?

They don't do the type specific igg tests where I'm from so I cant monitor antibody count/whether I'm feeding the virus or not.
But I do have the western blot sitting at my place waiting for me to take the test.

Jul 19, 2022
Reply to "Spirulina" Comment
by: Troy

Even though spirulina is quite high in arginine it's also very high in lysine. So there's a sort of trade off there. But as I've said many times, not everyone reacts negatively to arginine, or some people can be affected in the beginning but as their immune system strengthens they are no longer affected. This sounds like what happened to you as nuts are high in arginine. I haven't heard from anyone who's reacted negatively to either spirulina, chlorella or wheat grass yet. These foods are incredibly rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Best bet is to stay on the spirulina and see how your body reacts. The Western Blot test is definitely the best also if you can get it.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Jul 20, 2022
Your advise please
by: Sara

Thank you so much for this!
I'd like to ask for your advise please.

I'm 30 years old, has always maintained a very healthy vegetarian and pretty organic lifestyle.

A month ago, I was infected with HSV1 genital + a sore on my chin.
After very tough flu symptoms with sore throat and an eye infection, I recovered a week after with the help of Zelitrex.
Few days after finishing with the Zelitrex the tingling and itching started again.
And after a couple of days I also became very ill and weak with a sore throat, and its been 9 days like this now.

I started your suggested protocol around when I finished with the zelitrex. It has been gradual since my supplements are still on their way.

So far I've been taking vitamin c, zinc, all the oregano oil as suggested, St Johns Wort, Black hazelnut tincture, omega 3, Lecithin, multivitamin, (and B12 & Iron since I'm lacking).

A new sore appeared on my lip yesterday (possible I infected myself?)

Do you think all these breakouts are because of the antiviral fight I'm having? And that I'm feeling very sick because my body is trying to kill the virus?

Should I take a break from the oregano to get my body stronger before I go back to the fight?

I'd love to hear your intake on this,
thank you again for sharing your knowledge.


Jul 26, 2022
Coffee vs grapefruit
by: Daliah

I read people recommending to trigger the herpes and activate it - in order to destroy it.
Is this the reason for the Grapefruit juice?
Do you think drinking coffee/cacao/nuts.. can also be used as this kind of trigger?

Thank you for you response.

Jul 28, 2022
Oregano oil
by: Jess

Good morning Troy, hope you’ve been having a great week!
Questions for you:
I’ve been putting oregano oil that is a high quality on my back for awhile now and I no longer feel the slight burn as I use too. (I’m using the same amount as always 4 drops a dab of virgin coconut oil and 2 drops of DMSO). When I first started doing it I definitely could feel the burn really strongly every time I would put it on. Would that be a sign the virus is dying?

And my other question is thoughts on chia seeds and coconut milk? I would love to be able to use those in my daily routine but if they’re going to not help me and move me backwards I won’t bother adding them.

Sorry last question, I just want to be sure after this process is done and we test negative we no longer have to be on this diet and are free to eat what we want?!

God bless! Thank you Troy!!!! We going to get through this everyone!

Aug 03, 2022
Reply to Sara
by: Troy

Hi Sara. The reason you are getting sick and having viral outbreaks is your immune system is severely compromised. To put it more bluntly, it's shot to pieces. But that's okay, it can be fixed. The problem with being a vegetarian (I'm vegetarian myself) is that it's even more difficult to get the nutrients you need from your diet compared to meat eaters, even if you eat organic. Because of the farming methods used today, there's barely any nutrients left in our fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains unfortunately (even organic produce) so you absolutely MUST supplement. This includes taking immune building and detox supplements such as the olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, oregano oil, probiotics and wheat grass powder. Your first priority should be to build up your immune system. I don't advise stopping with the supplements as this will only delay your recovery. Start off with low dosages and slowly build up. It will take at least 3-6 months to build up your immune system nice and strong so you will need to be patient.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Aug 03, 2022
Reply to Daliah
by: Troy

Yes, the idea of the grapefruit juice is to try and trigger an outbreak. Don't worry about this however until your 12 months is up, there's really no point. Coffee should not be drank while on the protocol so don't use this to try and trigger an outbreak. (Green tea can be consumed every day if you still need that hot beverage).

Hope this helps. :)

Aug 03, 2022
Reply to Jess
by: Troy

If the oregano oil is not burning so much or the tingling is less then yes, this a good sign that you're well on your way. With the coconut milk and chia seeds? These are perfectly fine and recommended. Just make sure it's 100% quality coconut milk (along with coconut oil). In regards to eating what you like after. You could do this, however, hopefully you've learnt a lot about healthy eating and taking care of your body so you would continue to eat well and continue to take some of the immune building supplements (particularly the OLE and wheat grass powder). Of course, having treats and relaxing every now and then would be fine also, you still have to live 😂.

Aug 03, 2022
A Week and a Half In
by: Anonymous

Hello! I am about a week and a half into my journey.

I am taking all the recommended antioxidants in a smoothie twice a day with banana and avocado.

I am eating very clean although not raw mostly greens, fruit, fish and eggs.

I am also taking BHT w/ SJW, lysine, zinc, vitamin c, B12, Fenugreek, a liver support with Celery Seed, Ginger Root, Burdock root, Alfalfa, yellow dock, red raspberry and a few other things as well as a probiotic, Colloidal Silver, olive leaf, oregano oil under my tongue, in water, and on my lower back, and drinking immune boosting herbal teas 1-2 times a day. I ordered my food grade hydrogen peroxide after reading one minute cure and will start that in a couple days when it arrives.

I exercise and use a sauna daily.

A couple days ago I started experiencing excruciating migraines. Like very debilitating... I have felt kind of sick, hot in my head, with sinus pressure and lots of mucus. I also had a cold sore appear on my lip this morning. When I realized that I took double dose lysine today.

I don't usually have breakouts very often and not at all recently. I take very good care of my body as I am a professional athlete and havn't been doing much for a few days trying to give myself a break to let whatever this is pass.

Is this normal? Is there anything I can be doing better and is there anything I can do to relieve these symptoms if they are normal because I am having a hard time with this.

Thank you so much for all of this information, it has given me so much hope. I have done a ton of research, read almost every comment and am trying just about everything. I cannot sustain myself on a raw diet but something is definitely happening in my body. Thank you in advanced if you happen to get to this comment as I know there are a ton of people reaching out.

Aug 03, 2022
Reply to "A Week and a Half In" Comment
by: Troy

You have a classic case of Herxheimer's reaction, quite severe in fact. Herxheimer's is a good thing as long as it's not over the top. Sounds like yours is. Hitting the protocol hard from the start can do this. I recommend backing off on all the supplements. Start again with low dosages and slowly build up the amounts over several weeks or even months if need be. This will alleviate the problem. Remember, you're in this for the long haul so slow and steady in the beginning. 😊

Good luck and all the best!

Sep 09, 2022
IgG test
by: Jess

Hi Troy! Hope you’ve had a wonderful week!

I talked to my doctor and requested to have an IgG testing done. And my doctor told me that he would not give me any numbers and would just tell me if I was negative or positive for the virus. I also asked him if I could do a western blot test and he said that they don’t do that. Please help, I’m feeling very discouraged now. I’m not sure how I should go about being able to tell where my numbers are at. And at the end want to be able to know I’m free of this virus. Thanks in advance!

Sep 16, 2022
With or without food?
by: Abigail's Mom

Thank you, Troy, for your generosity and kindness to humanity in sharing this and continually supporting commenters.

I'd like to know, in a summary, which supplements are best WITH or WITHOUT food? Obviously the organo oil/water will be followed by 10 min of oregano oil/oil, so there's a break.

Could you tell me if this is correct?

Vit C
St John's Wort

colloidal silver
food grade H2O2
Vit C (because taking it so frequently!)

Notes I've compiled from your various replies:
--Wheat grass juice and Vit C are to be separate.
--Lysine and OLE 20 min apart
--Oregano oil and Colloidal silver are ok together.

I take Essiace tea first thing upon waking, and right before climbing in bed at night.

Thank you, and God bless you!

Oct 04, 2022
Reply to Jess
by: Troy

There are only some places that will give you your specific numbers when you have an IgG test done so this is not unusual. You will need to research other testing centers in your area to find one that will do a numbered test. In regards to the Western blot test, this is only done by the University of Washington. Have a read through this article on how to go about getting the Western blot... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here. 😊

Oct 04, 2022
Reply to Abigail's Mom
by: Troy

You basically have it except the Olive Leaf is taken on an empty stomach EXCEPT if you suffer severe Herxheimers then you take them with food for the first few weeks, slowly weaning yourself back to taking the OLE on an empty stomach. 😊

Oct 06, 2022
Rising IgG
by: Anonymous

Hi, I tested positive in early March and by the end of April I found out my igg numbers were 1.22. Upon being tested again last week it’s gone up significantly to 24.12. What causes igg levels to rise that fast? I wasn’t expecting it to be that large at all. I was planning on going thru my journey on ridding hsv2 and it’s gotten me down again because I should’ve stuck to the protocol and seen it through.

Oct 11, 2022
Reply to "Rising IgG" Comment
by: Troy

Your recent result is false (this does happen). IgG numbers wont rise that quick within 6 months so I wouldn't be concerned. With that said, my advice is to stop getting tested. There is no point getting tested after 6 months, you will still be positive, particularly if you weren't sticking with the protocol. As I always say... minimum 12 months before getting tested again.

I recommend having another crack at the protocol. You have nothing to lose.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Oct 21, 2022
Diet and Supplements
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, thank you for all this.
I've been following the diet for 4 months now (only more cooked than raw as my nutritionist recommended to my type) and have not been taking any of the supplements (Because I'm following my Homeopathic doctor's instruction and I'm taking her Homeopathic meds). I went to her to help me get my immune system stronger and to fight the virus.
My question is - Do you think following this detox diet but not taking the supplements is effective? Or should I save the hard work on the diet for later when I can also add the supplements?
Would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Thank you very much!

Oct 30, 2022
Soy milk and broth
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! As always thank you for all you do and giving so many hope! I have a question about organic soy milk. I’m a little burnt out on coconut milk in my matcha latte. Can I replace it with organic soy milk and have it daily? Also is bone broth or any type of meat broth ok on the regimen? I look forward to your response! Thank you so so much Troy!

Oct 31, 2022
by: Anonymous

On earth clinic I saw multiple testimonies on lecithin as a great treatment. What is your thoughts on this supplement?

Nov 01, 2022
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! I’m wondering if you are familiar with electroporation? From my understanding it’s a bioelectromagnetic therapy which allows for cells to absorb more nutrients or whatever supplements are circulating in the body during use. Do you suggest the use of such a device? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thanks so much for all your help!

Nov 07, 2022
IGG test vs. Western blot test
by: Anonymous

Hello! I’ve been raw and taking strict herbs for 9 months now. I retested recently and my IGG test levels are significantly lower than when I tested initially 9 months ago. I was informed that the IGG test only tests the antibodies and not the antigen (the actual disease.) I want to take the Western blot test but I'm scared it’ll say positive. I've been doing this for some time now and I'm not sure how to take the next steps or how to get an accurate result. I just want to know how to go forward if you have any tips.

Nov 15, 2022
Reply to "Diet and Supplements" Comment
by: Troy

Following the detox diet while using homeopathic remedies is definitely a good idea. You want to give yourself the best chance possible of beating the virus, and of course, boosting that immune system. You can always add the supplements in later after the homeopathic treatments if needed, but for now I suggest staying with what you're doing. 😊

Nov 15, 2022
Reply to "Soy milk and broth" Comment
by: Troy

Swapping the coconut milk for soy milk (natural and organic of course) is perfectly fine. With the broth? Have as much as you like! Bone broth is incredibly good for you in so many ways. I always recommend it no matter what health problem or issue you have.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Nov 15, 2022
Reply to "Lecithin" Comment
by: Troy

Love lecithin! So many wonderful health benefits from this amazing food. Have as much as you like! :)

Nov 15, 2022
Reply to "Electroporation" Comment
by: Troy

Don't know much about it to be honest. According to one research institution... "The major drawback of electroporation is substantial cell death caused by high voltage pulses and only partially successful membrane repair, requiring the use of greater quantities of cells compared to chemical transfection methods." That doesn't sound good to me. It's not something I would recommend. Maybe a few years down the track if they manage to perfect it, who knows? :)

Nov 15, 2022
Reply to "IGG test vs. Western blot test" Comment
by: Troy

If you have access to the Western blot then take it only if it feels right for you. It's the one sure way to know though. If you feel you're not ready yet then don't, wait awhile. Don't put yourself under stress because of it. Sounds like you've made fantastic progress so don't forget to see the positives in that. There's no rush in getting tested, remember that.

Hope this helps. Stay positive. 😊

Nov 20, 2022
Sourdough bread and organic beef
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! I’m wondering if I’m able to enjoy clean, organic, no preservative sourdough bread? A slice or two per day? I found a clean sourdough and I’d love to incorporate it into my diet, or even make my own.
Also, I know some have been successful eating organic beef. Although it may be acid forming, is organic beef and beef soups like organic pho (minus the rice noodles) something I can enjoy on this protocol??
Thank you so much! Have a beautiful day!

Nov 22, 2022
by: Troy

Natural sourdough bread is perfectly fine. I would try to limit it to one or two slices max. Organic beef in small amounts is also okay, just don't go overboard with it. A nice pho soup like this one would be perfect... Pho Recipe - a Gut-Friendly Vietnamese Soup. :)

Dec 23, 2022
Coconut ice cream, noodles, and cacao :)
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! I found this organic plant based coconut ice cream called Coconut Bliss. The ingredients look pretty good. I was wondering if I can indulge and still stay on track with the protocol.

The ingredients are as follows: Coconut Milk* (Water, Coconut*, Guar Gum*), Coconut Syrup*, Coconut Cream*, Vanilla Extract*, Vanilla Beans*.

Also, are sweet potato noodles ok? And if I were to take lysine first, could I have rice from time to time? Or rice noodles, brown rice??

One more question, is organic cacao ok?? I found a raw-vegan cacao ice cream recipe I’d also like to start enjoying.
I guess I miss ice cream. Lol

This is month 6 and I believe I am making progress! My first IGG was 14, second IGG 3 months into the protocol was 8, I have yet to have a 3rd test but I am definitely trending in the right direction. I recently started the hydrogen peroxide protocol so I suspect I will be pleased with my next test result in about 2 months.

Thank you for all your support! You are truly a wonderful human! Happy holidays!

Jan 29, 2023
by: Allie

Hi Troy,
I was recently diagnosed with HSV2 and, like most, am struggling with the physical and emotional aspects of this disease. I would like to thank you for providing all of this useful information. I am currently following the diet and am taking OLE, lysine, vitamin c, zinc and monolaurin… still waiting on the rest of the supplements to be delivered. In my research I've come across something called andrographis. Do you know much about this? Should this be incorporated into the protocol as well?
Thank you and God bless!!

Feb 26, 2023
Covid vaccine
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I had to get the covid vaccine 6 months ago for work. Would this affect my chances of healing at all? Do you think it’ll make it harder to get rid of hsv2 with it? I’m feeling frustrated since after getting it my outbreaks have been worse.

Mar 01, 2023
Reply to "Coconut ice cream, noodles, and cacao" comment
by: Troy

Sorry for the late reply (been on holidays 😊). Now, the coconut ice cream is perfectly fine. Sweet potato noodles are also perfectly fine (sweet potato is super good for you). With the rice, stay with black rice only. Cacao is good as well and actually listed in the protocol so no problems there.

Sounds like you're well and truly on track. Keep it up!

All the best to you! :)

Mar 01, 2023
Reply to Allie
by: Troy

Hi Allie. Andrographis paniculata is a super powerful herb. It's main benefit(s) are it's antioxidant properties and immune boosting properties. Because you want to detox AND build up your immune system to get rid of the virus, Andrograghis can definitely be a worthy addition to your protocol. Just be sure to go with the "extra strength" and take it separate to the other supplements, particularly the OLE, for maximum impact.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Mar 01, 2023
Reply to "Covid Vaccine" Comment
by: Troy

I'm not going to lie to you, the mRNA/spike protein vaccines are not good. However, the good news is you can detox (neutralize) the bad stuff. I would suggest you first look at following my good friend Ty Bollinger's detox program for the mRNA shots, then look to begin our protocol. On the plus side, Ty's detox program will also help lower your herpes viral count significantly so it's a win win. Here's the link... Advanced Healing & Recovery Protocol: How to Neutralize Damage from mRNA Shots
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Mar 08, 2023
Thoughts on luminance red HSV2 treatment
by: Jeremy

Hi Troy,

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the luminance red device for HSV2. It's an LED device that's intended to stimulate the cells as well as inhibit viral replication.

During outbreaks when I've used it I've noticed it helps the lesions heal faster. My last outbreak was anal and I've never had an outbreak in that region so I'm wondering if the virus was trying to find another "avenue."

Mar 08, 2023
Weight Loss
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, thank you so much for all you are doing. I am a nurse and I have had HSV2 for 23 years. I am now ridding myself of this awful parasite. I have been following your protocol and have been doing majority fruits. I have had continuous outbreaks, but I know it is my body ridding itself of it. This virus fights back. I have had ten pass ozone three times, EBO2 therapy twice and on and off with the food grade peroxide. My numbers were really high, but I felt they got worst after the Covid vaccine. I break out on a constant basis, but I know it is due to a clean diet and lots of water and cilantro, which all can beat this thing. I will write on here again once I am negative. I have dropped the matcha as I did get prodrome right after drinking it. I have lost so much weight. I have been having the Ezekial bread and sometimes sardines for breakfast as I am trying to gain some weight back. I also have sockeyed salmon at east twice a week. It has been a year since I last tested and I will not test again until about another four months. Things that I feel hit the virus hard as I feel it when I take it are Colloidal silver, paratrex, Bht, St. Johns Wort and cilantro in an antioxidant drink, oregano oil (on empty stomach), reishi mushrooms, just to name a few. Thankyou so much for all your doing to help people heal.

Mar 14, 2023
Reply to Jeremy
by: Troy

While the luminance red device is not cheap, it certainly seems to work, not only for herpes lesions, but many other skin problems. I have not spoken directly to anyone who has used it in all honesty to confirm but the reviews seem good. Bottom line... if it helps then certainly use it! In regards to getting a breakout in an area that you never have before, this is very common. Exactly what you're saying... you've upset the virus and it's looking for another avenue. Don't be surprized if this continues in the short term. Part of the cleansing process unfortunately. 😊

Mar 14, 2023
Reply to "Weight Loss" Comment
by: Troy

Not sure why you had a reaction to the Matcha tea? A rare occurrence. Yes, be careful about how much weight you lose. Getting some of that weight back on is certainly good. You're doing well and your mind set is great, which is actually half the battle!

All the best to you! :)

Mar 15, 2023
by: Sara

Hi Troy, I have a conflict in my understanding.
It is said that the virus can be attacked only when it is out of its dormant state, so its recommended to trigger it with things like grape juice and then attack it with all forces. On the other hand, to kill it we want to make the virus weaker by not feeding it, so we should avoid things that contain arginine, etc.
How do you see this?
Thanks a lot for your continuous great help.

Mar 20, 2023
Reply to Sara
by: Troy

Hi Sara. No you don't need to "trigger" the virus to get rid of it. The grapefruit juice can be a trigger, yes, but the reason to take it is, basically, if you want to check your progress on eliminating the virus. For instance, after 9 months or 12 months you can begin drinking grapefruit juice and see if you get any breakouts. What normally happens is once you begin detoxing and taking supplements and foods such as the OLE, cilantro, etc, the virus will "come out" anyway, particularly within the first 3-6 months. The herpes virus attaches itself to heavy metals, so once you begin eliminating these the virus usually comes out as it doesn't want to leave and so will detach itself (this is a very basic explanation) and try and find something else in the body to grab a hold of, so to speak. Bottom line... focus on your detox and don't worry about trying to draw the virus out.

Hope this helps explain it a bit better.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Mar 27, 2023
Weight Loss
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. Thankyou so much for responding. I was the person with the matcha tea prodrome. I am also a RN. I recently wanted to let you know that I have also started immunotherapy. I have just recently stopped breaking out. I have been detoxing for a while. This is more of a comment and a thankyou and to help anyone. Since I started the immunotherapy, I feel so much better. It is very expensive, but I am trying everything. I also add a teaspoonful of coconut oil to my matcha tea with hot water only and prodrome has stopped. I will start also again the HP in about a week or so. This forum is the best and I wish everyone on here great success. Also will continue with the supplements. Thanks for all your doing.
One more thing... I read that dairy stops the detox process. I wanted to drink raw goats milk but so afraid it will interrupt my process. I wanted to start drinking it to put back on some weight.

Apr 04, 2023
by: Sofia

Hello Troy!

First, thank you for helping people like me who are on or about to start the healing journey!
I came across your website in 2017, at the time I was a college student, I did not have the time or financial resources to start the program. I'm glad I saved the page, because it is hard to find it through Google nowadays. The big pharma mafia are trying to make people continue using their junk drugs I'm sure.
I have some questions...
I had surgery last year that left me with bad scars, I'm doing laser scar removal every 6 weeks. Will that affect the benefits of this protocol?
I take Armour Thyroid daily... how natural is this compared to regular thyroid medicine? And will that affect the benefits of the protocol? Thanks for your help! May God bless you.

Apr 05, 2023
Reply to "weight loss" comment
by: Troy

Raw goats milk is a terrific alternative to cows milk. As long as it's raw, there are no problems. :)

Apr 05, 2023
Reply to Sofia
by: Troy

Hi Sofia. Yes, good that you saved this page as Google has dumped it from their search results. Unfortunately, Googled sold out and sided with various Big Pharma entities long ago 😪. Now to your questions... Laser removal on your scars will have no bearing or effect on this protocol at all. The Armour Thyroid is also perfectly fine and a much better alternative to levothyroxine.

Good luck and all the best! :)

May 03, 2023
How long to use oregano oil for?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy (apologies if this was posted elsewhere)

How long should Oregano oil protocol be done for?

I know you said take one day off a week but didn’t see the total number of months to continue the coconut oil rub and ingestion for?

Also, that oregano oil is some POWERFUL stuff. It really brings symptoms to the surface which is good because I know that’s the bodies way of excreting the toxins.

Also, have you read this book:

Dr. Herbert M. Shelton Dr. Susan M. Hazard T.C. Fry

If not it’s very good!

God bless

May 07, 2023
Monk Fruit question & comments
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thank you for continuing with this site. I’ve had HSV 1 & 2 for over 30 years. Im a 62 yo woman and seldom get a breakout. Immune system is pretty good for my age. I’m gathering my arsenal to get rid of it for good. I love smoothies and wondered if pure monkfruit extract is ok to use. I’m not diabetic but have a bit of insulin resistance. Monkfruit is my go to. Much appreciated for your reply.

May 10, 2023
Reply to "How long to use oregano oil for" comment
by: Troy

You basically use the oregano oil for roughly the 12 months, taking a week off every so often. You can, however, choose to use it longer or you may not even need it for that long. Depends on your symptoms and how your body's travelling. In regards to the book? Yes very interesting. Read this a few years ago. Whatever the cause of herpes is, the bottom line is you need to detox, completely and fully. That's what's going to "cure" you. Sadly, this book makes you realise that convid was a hoax also.

If anyone is interested in reading the book, you can find a PDF version here... The Cruel Hoax Called Herpes Genitalis.

May 10, 2023
Reply to "Monk Fruit question & comments"
by: Troy

Monkfruit is definitely okay! This is the ultimate natural sweetener in my opinion. I use it all the time.

All the best to you! 😊

May 12, 2023
Made OLE paste…magic!
by: Anonymous B

Hi Troy,

As I mentioned in my recent question on monkfruit, I get breakouts so rarely. Maybe one a year or less and usually just one labial sores. Most of my items to fight this had been received, but was waiting on BHT and Zane’s oregano oil. I started taking/using what I had. I had some OO of a different brand in the house. Mixed it with coconut oil and massaged on my spine twice a day. Was weaker OO, but used more to get a bit of tingle. 4 days later, I had a fairly strong painful OB near my spine on buttocks. I mixed olive leaf extract powder from the capsules and a drop or two of purified water to make a paste to apply on the OB. Probably applied 5-6 times yesterday and 24 hours later the sores are gone! Magic!

May 15, 2023
Sick and vomiting with Ole caps
by: Julie W

Hi Troy,

HSV 1/2 positive. Just starting out the process and took two OLivus olive leaf max capsules 2 times a day on an empty stomach and felt fine along with other supplements. On the 3rd day was nauseous and vomited. Sick and nauseous for two days. Obviously I started with too high of a dose. Stoped taking it for 5 days to get my stomach to feel better. I again tried with one capsule on an empty stomach, and immediately was nauseous and vomited again and felt sick all day and into the evening.

I have suffered in the past with SIBO and don’t take probiotics as they used to make my SIBO symptoms worse. I’m thinking that I need a good probiotic since my diet is much healthier, and wondered if you could recommend one. I know I need to get my gut in better shape and rid myself of heavy metals to rid myself of herpes.

Also, should I start with half a capsule of the OLE with food and build up? Your help is truly appreciated. Thank you.

Jun 16, 2023
So Helpful
by: Anonymous

I just appreciate that this info and these comments are out here.

Jun 19, 2023
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! Thank you for everything! I have a question about collagen. I know it’s quite high in arginine, but it makes a huge difference for my joints, skin and hair. Do you think it’s ok to take on the protocol? Or do you know of any other options which are not so high in arginine? Thanks so much!

Jul 16, 2023
Hi and 6 Questions and Thank you:)
by: Anonymous A.

Hi Troy!
I just read everything for the third time.
I probably sent in about 20 questions in the past, roughly three-four months since I started this protocol, but nothing has been approved and posted. I was extremely emotional because I was infected intentionally by my ex after finally having it click to me to stop dating abusers so maybe I offended you. Hope I'm not blocked or something? I'm doing better and am happy to be healthier because of my diet. I was too isolated and testing too much and I got very stressed and negative. Guess what though? I actually discovered that I had a giant abscess in my mouth (from non-painful dental work I put off) so it is very possible the immunity boosting protocol saved my life. I started an all fruit protocol 11 months ago with similar supplements but lost too much weight. So this diet seems luxurious and full to me in comparison! I'm having the dental work (2 implants) and I also found an insurance that will remove my giant amalgam filling.

My biggest questions are:

1) are supplements w magnesium stearate in additional ingredients bad?
2) is vegetable glycine bad in additional ingredients? (is it sugar)
3) can I cure this w daily meat protein or do I have to go every other day?
4) how many fruits can I consume- as many as I want or is there a limit?
5) is colostrum good or not w this protocol (as it contains dairy)?
6)Should I do anything special to detox after the amalgam filling is out?

Thanks very much:)

Jul 19, 2023
Smoking weed
by: Anonymous

Can I smoke weed while detoxing or does that need to be cut out in order to be cured?

Jul 21, 2023
Oregano oil + coconut on outbreak
by: Brian S

Odd question.

Is a mixture of coconut oil with a few drops of Zanes Oregano oil ok to put on an outbreak? I tried, but the area burned so I took it off.

I started a fast and it caused the outbreak (again). I realized finally that each time I do a cleanse, it triggers the virus.

I read all the comments back to 2017 and bought everything in the regiment. Goal is to finally win and from what I understand I'm a step ahead by causing the outbreak. Thank you for help!

Aug 27, 2023
No Replies
by: Troy (Admin)

Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well. I would like to apologise for not responding to your questions for the past few months. I have been very busy revising and updating my book and getting it ready to be put up on Amazon (which it almost is). This unfortunately required me to step away from virtually everything else I was doing (not enough hours in the day 😩). I am, however, now back to answer questions as per normal. I apologise once again. Thank you and have a great day! 😊

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to Julie W
by: Troy

Yes, you will certainly need to build up that good gut bacteria. A quality probiotic supplement and plenty of sauerkraut, kimchi, etc, will do the trick. With the OLE, go with 1/2 to one capsule taken after food for the first 3-4 weeks then slowly increase. Eventually, you will be able to take the OLE on an empty stomach:)

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to "Collagen" comment
by: Troy

Even though collagen is quite high in arginine, it can still be okay. Some people react negatively to arginine (breakouts) whereas some people get nothing. If it doesn't affect you then I suggest you continue with it. Also, don't forget about bone broth, which is extremely good for your joints (and gut) as well. 😊

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to "smoking weed" comment
by: Troy

While I'm certainly not against cannabis use (it can be extremely beneficial for pain relief), for detoxing purposes it should be eliminated. You want to give yourself every opportunity to succeed in my view. 😊

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to Brian S
by: Troy

Oregano oil on an actual lesion is not good. This will definitely burn, which sounds like what happened. Go with a soothing paste instead (just coconut oil for instance) until the sore heals. The oregano oil/coconut oil mixture is to be applied to the base of the spine but ONLY to normal skin, meaning, no lesions or broken skin. Fasting is one of the most potent detoxes, so yes, you may get breakouts. This is not a reason to stop, however. Breakouts are part and parcel of the detoxification process unfortunately.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Brian! :)

Aug 28, 2023
Reply to Anonymous A
by: Troy

Hello Anonymous A. You've said a lot here so let me go through it one by one...

Firstly, you didn't offend me, not at all. I've heard just about every story when it comes to HSV, even worse stories than yours unfortunately. If you read my recent post above you'll see why I haven't answered your recent questions. With that said, I kindly ask you to have a read of our "before you post anything" article (link is here... Please Read Before Posting a Question About Our Natural Herpes Treatment Protocol). Please follow the guidelines listed in this article.

Now, in regards to your questions...

1. Magnesium stearate, while not totally detrimental, is still best avoided if you can, due to the fact that it is not natural.
2. Vegetable Glycerine fits into the same category as magnesium stearate.
3. Unprocessed meat is fine to eat every day, but in small amounts.
4. Do not consume too much fruit. Remember, fruit does contain sugar (yes, even though it's natural sugar). Two or three pieces or servings of low GI fruit per day (read #11 of our protocol - acid/alkaline list for more information).
5. I answered this question for you in Jessica's testimonial/article.
6. There is nothing special you need to do once your filling has been removed, however, I do recommend daily oil pulling (Oil Pulling Benefits For a Healthier Mouth).

Hope these all help.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Sep 08, 2023
by: Anonymous

Hi, this information is very helpful! Just wondering, do you eat the salmon and shrimp raw or cooked?

Sep 18, 2023
Reply to "Salmon/Shrimp" Comment
by: Troy

They should be cooked but not overcooked. Just enough through the meat. :)

Sep 27, 2023
Working out
by: Anonymous

Hi, just wanted to come on here and ask about working out. I have read in some of the comments that the sauna is a great thing but if I want to continue building muscle mass with low weight high reps would this be okay? I don't want to ruin the detox process by working out too intensely. I also tend to run a lot so is a lot of cardio bad too?

Sep 29, 2023
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I have heard that microdosing mushrooms is a good way to get your spirit back up and it improves your daily mood. Does taking mushrooms ruin the detox process?

Oct 18, 2023
Reply to "Working Out" Comment
by: Troy

Exercise is good for you and helps your body detox, as long as, like you said, you don't overdo it. What your currently doing is fine though. Just remember, extra sleep for recovery! 😊

Oct 18, 2023
Reply to "Mushrooms" Comment
by: Troy

Mushrooms are fine. In fact, chaga and reishi are potent detoxifiers. Enjoy! :)

Nov 21, 2023
5 months
by: Johnny

Hey Troy, first off I am amazed you are still answering questions this many years later! I’m sure we can all appreciate that. What are your thoughts on ozone treatment? And also, what is the most common month you have seen people test negative? Thanks!

Nov 30, 2023
Reply to Johnny
by: Troy

Hi Johnny. Ozone treatment is an excellent complimentary therapy. There have been a few people who've posted here that have used ozone therapy. I do think it helps immensely with preventing outbreaks and is certainly a complimentary treatment used along with what we recommend. Does it cure herpes on it's own though? I haven't seen any evidence. Our friends at Earth Clinic have some good articles on ozone therapy if you're interested... Is Ozone Therapy the Cure You Need?. As far as the most popular month? Never actually been asked that question before. Can't say I've ever noticed a monthly pattern. Could be any month to be honest.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Johnny! :)

Dec 05, 2023
by: Johnny

Wow it’s amazing you’re still responding to questions all these years later! That’s amazing. I’ve done a lot of ozone and most recently EBOO which was so expensive and probably the last ozone I should do but I’ve heard amazing healing stories about it. I am currently 5 months into fully raw high fruit with all the supplements, so my question wasn’t referring to a specific month, what I meant was after how many months do you typically see a negative? And is it possible for IgG to linger than to drop rapidly? I started at a 3.1 and in 3 months got it to a 2.2 then the next month stayed at a 2.2. I’ve also read it’s possible to test positive on the IgG and negative in the Western blot due to the parasite being eliminated but still having the antibodies. What is your opinion on that? Thanks !

Dec 06, 2023
Oregano oil
by: Anonymous

Hi I’ve read that oregano oil can burn your throat lining or stomach if taken orally. What is the proper way to take oregano oil orally? And should you put it in water and put the coconut oil in the same water, then drink it?

Also when you put the oregano oil under tongue, do you spit it out after?

And what colloidal silver do you recommend?

I’ve read that peanuts is high in arginine. But is organic peanut butter ok to eat?

And what bread can I eat?

Also, I have a water filter to remove parasites, bacteria and heavy metals. Is this ok to drink instead of buying expensive box alkaline water?

Dec 13, 2023
Reply to Johnny
by: Troy

Hi Johnny. With the IgG test, this is a less reliable test compared to the Western blot. The Western blot is the king of tests. The reason is the IgG can throw up false positives and show different readings sometimes. If you find it stalling or slowing down don't be concerned. You do have to allow for a certain point of error with the IgG. Some people find their IgG drops then goes up then drops, etc. That's why we say test after a year (or close to) so you strip out those ups and downs. In regards to months for negative tests? Some have after 3 months, although I suspect they had a false positive to begin with. The norm is 8-12 months but it can certainly be longer so be prepared for that. Sounds like you're definitely on the right track though. Well done.

All the best to you Johnny! 😊

Dec 13, 2023
Reply to "oregano oil" comment
by: Troy

The 4-5 drops of oregano oil taken with water is separate to the oregano oil and coconut mix held under the tongue. You don't have them both together. A 10-15 minute break between the two can be enough. You also swallow the oregano oil/coconut oil mix after you hold it under the tongue. Sovereign Silver brand is the colloidal silver we recommend. With peanuts? Yes they are high in arginine so you will need to test for yourself. Some people have no problems with peanut's but others will break out if they have any. With bread? A healthy sourdough is a good option. Just not too much when it comes to bread. A water filter is definitely your best option for good quality drinking water so yes, this is perfect. Everything you need to know is contained in our article so if you're unsure, be sure have a read through again.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Dec 14, 2023
GCMAF & all fruit diet
by: Johnny

Thanks! Two other questions , what is your opinion on GCMAF injections for curing HSV? I’ve recently seen people cure it by doing that to lower their nagalase level. Was wondering if you know anything about that, still pretty new. Also I’ve been eating a mainly all fruit diet for 5 months now, what’s your opinion on that? I’m only doing that based on naturehealsus’s guides and testimonials. Thanks!

Jan 23, 2024
Reply to Johnny
by: Troy

I don't know a whole lot about GcMAF therapy to be honest Johnny and haven't heard from anyone who has tried it. It does look interesting though. With the fruit? There is no problems with this. Fruit, vegetables, seeds and herbs are the mainstay of this program.

All the best! :)

Feb 24, 2024
Food ideas
by: Anonymous

I'm currently on day 3 of eating raw but I'm confused as to what I can have, I've currently eaten raw veg and fruit for last few days have you got any ideas on meals as I'm really struggling.
Thank you

Feb 28, 2024
Reply to "Food Ideas" Comment
by: Troy

I would recommend searching online. There are plenty of raw food websites. Just search "raw food recipes" and you'll see. Hope this helps. 😊

Apr 12, 2024
New Healing Story...
by: Troy

For those who are interested, here's a healing story we recently received from Jasmine in the Netherlands. She has some interesting insights to share from her journey. Hope it helps you on your own journey... My Healing From Genital Herpes Story.

May 01, 2024
Biogetica Hypericum mysorense and Hypericum hookerianum
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

First of all, THANK YOU so much for this information. It gives us hope to eradicate the virus. I have been on the protocol for about 3 months and took the igG test just to see what the number is. I tested at 1.12 which I was happy with.

Recently I came across Biogetica. They offer auyrvedic supplements, Hypericum mysorense and Hypericum hookerianum, that claim to eradicate HSV in 80% of the people that take it.

Have you heard of these supplements before? I'd love to hear your opinion before purchasing them, as they are expensive. Thanks again for all that you do!!

May 04, 2024
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I have not heard from anyone who has tried Biogetica so I cannot say if this company is good or not. Their products do contain excellent ingredients, I'll say that, but the cost is very high. You would certainly need to weigh up the cost value for yourself. Sorry I can't be of more help in regards to this. 😊

May 20, 2024
2 months into a different protocol
by: Kiwi

Hi, I just want to share something... There are different ways to approach healing. I choose a pretty deep one, where I'm on a 100% raw diet - through the day mostly fruit, smoothies and some dried fruit occasionally, and a big salad for dinner, with oil and 1/2 avocados daily, 10 almonds 2x a week or small amount of pine nuts + different seeds 2x week. 1x a week I do a juice fast, and the next day I have a full fruit day, than slowly adding fats back, so I can eat a full salad with oil and avocado again. I add Robert's 10 herbal tinctures, glandulars and now oregano oil.

I'm on a Robert Morse's protocol, guided by a detox specialist, but it's crazy expensive! I didn't expect it to be this expensive, but even with all your recommendations on how to approach this detox I still felt lost. I needed further guidance and a confirmation from a specialist, that had seen negative HSV2 results so that I know it's possible. So she said that HSV 1 and 2 is a tricky virus to heal and it can take up to 12 months, maybe even 1.5 or 2 years, depending on how fast your body heals, stress levels and if you follow the diet and protocol.

I'm now more than 2 months into this protocol and let me tell you, it is hard, but you get used to it quickly. What you need is good motivation and (besides money) a FIRM decision! I'm thankful that I have such a strong will power. Also, you will heal mentally, physically and emotionally on top of your herpes. What is better than reversing all of the processes and becoming your authentic self? And what's 1-2 years in comparison to a few decades of a healthy life. This will give you enormous power and strength - you will make the 'impossible' possible and this is the greatest gift of ALL.

Research, decide and stick to your decision. Discipline is key, but still be connected with your intuition, cuz she knows best!

Believe in yourself, cleanse to heal! Time flies, everything passes and this will too. Good luck to all y'all self healers. Much love. :)

Jun 03, 2024
by: Troy

Really great post there Kiwi. Thanks for sharing! 😊

Jun 27, 2024
I healed myself
by: Anonymous

Just a comment to keep you guys motivated.
I was on this website 6 years ago. I know what you are going through and I can tell you that I have completely healed myself. I've never experienced any outbreaks for 6+ years, it really works!

All the best to you.

Oct 28, 2024
A message of hope 🍀
by: Felix Auranima

Hi everyone! First and foremost thank you for this amazing website/community. I strongly believe that the only true way to heal from HSV is holistically. I have myself developed symptoms of HSV 6 years ago and went into a profound healing journey. What initially felt like a curse became the biggest blessing of my life. I am now in full symptoms remission and witnessed other people completely heal as well. I can share my experience, perspective, protocols and much more here to guide you in your healing journey. Let’s support each other, heal and grow to become the best version of ourselves! Feel free to ask me any questions you might have and I’ll do my best to help you 🙏

Dec 31, 2024
Oregano oil soft gels
by: Sandra

Hi Troy, I started this journey 2 weeks ago. I take 2 capsules of olivus olive leafMax am & pm (4 total). The zane Hellas oregano oil - 3-4 drops in 100% juice or water am & pm - 3-4 drops in a bit of coconut oil rubbed on my back am & pm (doesn’t burn, is it normal? I use a tiny bit of carrier oil) - 3-4 drops in coconut oil held under my tongue for 10 mins and the swallowed (pm only). I also take vitamin d and c at lunch time. Trying to drink a lot of organic teas such as roasted dandelion, green tea and fenugreek - I have matcha latte with oat milk occasionally is that a problem?

I cut off alcohol, junk food, sodas however I still eat seafood, chicken, brown rice and lentil based pastas as I’m very tiny and almost passed out during the first few days of doing the all raw diet. I also make and try to have at least one shake per day. It includes - wheat grass, spirulina, chlorella, matcha green tea, chia seeds, goji berries, acai powder and pomegranate powder.

*** The oregano oil in water every am & pm has made me feel sick and nauseous, I don’t like the smell so I bought the soft gels from the same brand. I did some calculations and I think I should take 4 pills am & pm (8 total per day) but the bottle says no more than 1 per day. Can you please explain how many of the Zane Hellas oregano oil soft gels I should take per day in replacement of the drops in the water? I’m still going to continue using the oil for my back and holding under the tongue.

Please help me figure the dosage out and advise me whether I am following the procedure correctly. I left out the colloidal silver intentionally as it scares me… I hope results are achievable without it.

Jan 08, 2025
Help with supplements
by: Sabrina

Hi Troy, happy new year.
I have started my detox journey a week ago and would love to get your opinion on my routine. Please guide me and provide me with feedback, that will help me be more confident in my approach.

Here’s a list of the supplements I take:
- 4 drops of Zane Hellas oregano oil mixed with a small amount of coconut oil applied on the base of spine (doesn’t burn or tingle) **AM & PM.
- 4 drops of Zane Hellas oregano oil mixed with coconut oil held under tongue for 10 mins then swallowed (used to burn, not anymore) **PM only.
- 1 Zane Hellas oregano oil soft gel after food **PM only.
- 1 Vitamin d and c capsule after lunch.
- 2 olivus olive leafMax capsules on empty stomach **AM & PM (4 total).
- 1 antioxidant shake daily consisting of fresh blue berries, fresh banana, organic coconut water, 100% pure chlorella powder (earth circle organics brand), organic matcha green tea powder (California gold superfoods brand), organic wheatgrass powder (California gold superfoods brand), organic spirulina powder (California gold superfoods brand), organic acai powder (navitas brand), organic pomegranate powder (sunfood superfoods brand), organic chia seeds (mamma chia brand).

Is the above supplement routine good? Are the organic powders I use from a good brand? I don’t use colloidal silver… it didn’t feel right with me after researching it. I used to take 2 oregano oil capsules (AM & PM) but that gave me stomach cramps which stopped as soon as I switched to 1 daily after food. The smoothie really gets my stomach working and flushes out my system I think - I always need to use the restroom immediately after I drink it.

Moreover, I spoke to a herbalist that’s based in Turkey and he said the same thing as you! He said you can detox it out of your body and it will never show up on your tests again. He recommended me this set:

I have 2 of the sets with me, the ingredients are super similar - each supplement listed on that set is a mixture. For example BHT, oregano, lemon balm, garlic/parsley extract… do you recommend I also use this as the same time? I feel scared taking so many supplements at the same time, what do you recommend? Maybe I select a few of them such as the lemon balm capsules(which has BHT, Oregano etc) and the herbal extract mixture? (I can send you the full details of what ingredient is in each supplement, they’re too long to post on here). Please give me your opinion. He also suggested the same time frame as your detox method, around 6 months.

Now onto the food part.
- No coffee, alcohol, sodas, junk food, frozen food, preserved food, red meat etc.
- my diet consists of organic chicken/shrimp/wild caught salmon with salads. I eat a lot of parsley and fresh pomegranates by making tabouleh salad. My other salads usually consist of greens (lettuce, spinach, mixed greens), onion, tomatoes, cucumbers. Sometimes cabbage, beetroot, carrots.
- I also eat organic boiled eggs (2) with guacamole and sweet potatoes. I sometimes also eat falafel as a source of protein.
- I am staying away from rice, pastas and bread but I have brown rice, chickpea/lentil pasta and clean/organic/no preservative sourdough bread available if I feel very hungry (I haven’t had the pasta yet and don’t plan to as I’m doing good and feel like it’s not necessary. I plan to use brown rice when I’m really hungry - for rare occasional use ).
- I love to have fresh lentil soup, I usually keep about 3 bowls of them in my fridge, I heat them up and have them with tons of fresh lime juice.
- I drink organic roasted dandelion tea, green tea and matcha lattes with organic/clean cashew milk.
- I eat fresh fruits consistently (watermelons, pineapples, mandarins, bananas, pomegranates, blueberries).

Does the above diet sound good? Am I doing this right? Any advice/suggestions for me?

My friend is also sending me pure honey extracted from the mountains of the Middle East for me to consume (it is known for its healing properties and called "the healing honey" back there). I am also getting sent pure black seed oil so I will incorporate that into my routine as soon as I receive them.

Troy I would appreciate gaining your insight on all the above, please guide me and boost my confidence on this routine. My igg test was at 6.05 when I first tested, it hasn’t been a year since I contracted this virus (hsv2) and I’m hoping to get rid of it very soon by being on top of it. I have a good feeling and I’m totally positive about this detox, I just know it needs persistence, consistency and a lot of patience!

Thanks!! 😊

Jan 13, 2025
Reply to Sandra
by: Troy

Hi Sandra. I would recommend you only take one capsule per day as the Zane Hellas are very concentrated. One per day will be perfectly okay. In regards to the colloidal silver, I would encourage you to reconsider. The Sovereign Silver is extremely safe. There is absolutely nothing to be worried about.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jan 13, 2025
Reply to Sabrina
by: Troy

Hi Sabrina. You have your program nailed. It's excellent. I would suggest that if you go with the supplements that already contain BHT etc, I would leave these out as you are already getting them. The organic powders are quality brands so these are good. Your diet regimen is right on. The honey and black seed oil are also good. Just keep in mind to slowly introduce the extra supplements into your routine over a period of 2-3 months. Don't try and stack too many in the beginning or you may suffer from herxheimers (detoxing effects) quite badly. Everything else is terrific, as I said. Remember to take it slow and build up slowly.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Jan 13, 2025
Kidney's not filtering
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
First of all, thank you for all that you do!!

I've been on the raw diet protocol for 7.5 months now and my kidneys are not filtering (my urine is clear). I've tried milk thistle (took it for 60 days), I am fasting every day, and eat mostly fruits, with melons and watermelons when available.

I eat a huge salad daily with lots of parsley and cilantro, plus a green smoothie with cilantro almost every day.

I still get outbreaks. Most recently it's been once every two months, but I got an outbreak within two weeks after my last one.

I am worried that if my kidneys aren't filtering, how will I get rid of the heavy metals and HSV2?

Any suggestions on how get my kidneys to filter are greatly appreciated!

Jan 13, 2025
Reply to "Kidney's not filtering" comment
by: Troy

Just because your urine is clear doesn't mean your kidney's aren't filtering. Usually, if your kidneys aren't working properly your urine will be a darker color. How much water do you drink? If you drink a lot of water then your urine will be clear. If you're worried, you should get a kidney urine test done. :)

Jan 13, 2025
Follow up Question
by: Sabrina

Thank you Troy for your response.
If I understand correctly, it’s not necessary to take those extra Turkish supplements correct? I currently am not taking any BHT. I did however get a natural herbal tea mixture that has St. John’s worth and many other good plants in it.

So the conclusion/my understanding is that:
- I’m good on my supplements and diet
- I dont require any extra supplements or the Turkish supplement set which has BHT in it
- I can introduce the honey and black seed oil later down the road

Also, I have never had a breakout (contracted this virus a little under a year ago), from my understanding this means I have a low viral load and that’s easier to detox?



Jan 29, 2025
Reply to Sabrina
by: Troy

Hi Sabrina. What I meant was if you go with the Turkish supplements then you wouldn't need to take the supplements/ingredients that are already contained in the Turkish ones such as the BHT. Everything else is correct.

All the best! :)

Feb 12, 2025
Negative Tests
by: Cris

Hey Troy,

I've been reading a lot of comments and I don't see anyone else saying that they are getting negative tests (I may have missed them if they are here, so forgive me for that if I did). Do you get people messaging you or reaching out to you other than the comments here on this website that they are eradicating HSV1 or HSV2 from their body using the supplements listed on this site? I appreciate you still replying to comments all these years later. Thanks!

Feb 19, 2025
Cheat meal
by: Sabrina

It’s been 7 weeks 3 days since I started the diet. I had a cheat day today at work and had 2 slices of pizza. Is that okay? Does this set me back? I have been eating all the right things since I started except for this exception today…

I’m kinda worried and feeling guilty now. I need your advice pls.

Feb 25, 2025
Reply to Sabrina
by: Troy

A couple of slices of pizza wont hurt you. The guilt will actually hurt you more! Forget about it and continue on. You're doing well Sabrina. 😊

Feb 25, 2025
Reply to Cris
by: Troy

Hi Cris. Yes I do get people contact me directly, however, I haven't had anyone in a little while. (I want to be honest with you here). The last testimonial was from Josephine. The reality is, people contact me all excited because they tested negative and tell me they intend on submitting a testimonial, but most I never hear from again. I guess they have good intentions but life then gets in the way.

Hope this clarifies.

All the best to you! :)

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