How Do You Cure Lichen Sclerosus Naturally? Here's How...

by Patricia
(Winnetka, CA, USA)


I have lichen sclerosus in the genital area that I cannot cure. I've literally tried everything. The only thing that helps a bit is rubbing a steroid cream on it for 2 weeks and then switch to another steroid cream for an additional 2 weeks. The problem is it just comes straight back. My question is how do I cure it? I've tried ACV, castor oil and tea tree oil. Thank you.


Hi Patricia, and thank you for your question regarding a natural cure/relief remedies for lichen sclerosus.

Firstly, for those who don't know, lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that mostly affects the genital and perianal areas but can sometimes appear on the upper body, breasts, and upper arms.

Small white spots appear on the skin that are typically shiny and smooth. Later on, the spots grow into larger plaques and the skin on the plaques becomes thin and crinkled. Bright red or purple bruises are also common and the skin can eventually become scarred. If the disease is a mild form, there may be no symptoms.

The most common form of medical treatment for lichen sclerosus is steroid creams. These provide limited relief and are not good long term.

Fortunately, there are some excellent natural remedies for this condition that not only help to relieve the itchiness, but actually help to cure it. In fact, the first natural cure we are about to discuss, is to our knowledge, the fastest-acting remedy yet discovered for lichen sclerosus. And it doesn't just treat the symptoms either, it also treats the underlying cause so it gets rid of it for good!

So here's the top 5 in order of importance...

#1. Borax: This is the pick of the bunch. The main causes of lichen sclerosus are serious bacterial and fungal infections, along with a poor functioning liver (according to ancient Chinese medicine). An imbalance of sex hormones is also a major cause (hence why many women suffer from this during menopause and even leading up to menopause). Borax is an extremely potent bacterial and fungal killer. It also helps to detoxify the liver and remove heavy metals such as mercury and fluoride from the body. In addition, it balances hormones in both males and females, which is why it's a popular home remedy for treating menopause and hot flashes.

So to cure your lichen sclerosus and give yourself some welcome relief from the itchiness, here's what you do...

Firstly, for relief, simply add a tablespoon of borax powder and a tablespoon of baking soda to a nice warm bath and soak yourself in it for at least 20 minutes.

To cure your lichen sclerosus you take the borax internally (don't worry, it's actually safe when taken as directed). Add 1/8th of a teaspoon of borax powder and 1/8th of a teaspoon of Himalayan pink rock salt powder to one liter of clean (warm) filtered water. Drink this solution in small amounts throughout the day (eg, 50 ml's taken twenty times throughout the day = 1 liter). You can also mix each dose with extra water to dilute if you find it too strong. This one liter solution should be all gone by the time you go to bed. Continue to do this 6 days a week for a two week period before dropping back to the permanent "maintenance" dose (to keep your lichen sclerosus away for good!)

For your maintenance dose, mix up 5 grams (roughly one teaspoon) of borax and 5 grams of Himalayan pink rock salt in one liter of filtered water. THIS NOW BECOMES YOUR CONCENTRATED SOLUTION. Store in your pantry for safe keeping. Take 5-10 ml's of this concentrated solution in a glass of filtered water once to twice daily indefinitely (yes, for the rest of your life!) So for clarification, this concentrated solution (maintenance solution) should last you anywhere between 50 & 100 days if you're taking it correctly.

Also keep in mind that depending on your current level of health or any pre-existing health problems you may have, a mild to severe detoxing reaction or worsening of symptoms may be experienced when consuming the 1 liter solution (the one you have for the first two weeks). If this does happen to you then simply halve the dosages (1/16th of a teaspoon instead of 1/8th). The concentrated "maintenance" solution should not cause a problem though. If you have any doubts or concerns, consult with your health care professional first.

For everything you need to know about the borax remedy, make sure you take
the time to read this article in full... The Borax Conspiracy and pay particular attention to the "Fungi and Fluoride" and "What and How Much to Use" sections. In addition, you can read more about the amazing health benefits of consuming borax daily in this terrific article... Borax Cures and Health Benefits.

To purchase borax, simply go out and buy some from your local supermarket, or preferably, purchase a high grade borax powder such as this one. Just make sure the borax you buy is at least 99% pure borax (sodium borate) and doesn't contain any added ingredients or scents.

NOTE: Borax (boron) works synergistically with zinc, magnesium and vitamin D so you MUST keep your levels of these three key nutrients up whilst taking borax/boron. This is extremely important. Magnesium citrate is the highest absorbing form of magnesium available so be sure to take this (400-1000 mg's per day) in combination with your borax, along with a chelated zinc supplement (50 mg's a day) and vitamin D3 at 5000 IU's per day. According to world renowned health expert, Dr Carolyn Dean (Stunning Dr Carolyn Dean Interview), magnesium and vitamin D are vital for preventing and treating various Ob/Gyn problems, including classic LS symptoms such as vaginal itching and inflammation. Magnesium is also crucial for balancing female/male hormones, detoxing the liver, and ridding the body of bacterial and fungal infections - everything LS sufferers require. So definitely make sure you're getting enough of these essential nutrients every day!

#2. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): I know you mentioned that you tried the ACV already Patricia, but there are a couple of important things you do need to follow with this one.

Firstly, the ACV must be organic and it MUST still contain the "mother" apple (it will say this on the bottle). All other apple cider vinegars are processed and will not work anywhere near as well.

Secondly, you must take it internally, not just use it externally. ACV is a powerful viral, bacterial and fungal killer so be sure to have 30 ml's of the liquid in a glass of warm filtered water twice daily, along with applying some to the affected area twice daily with water at a 50/50 ratio. Here's some of the brands you should be looking at using... Best Brands Apple Cider Vinegar.

#3. Lavender Oil: Lavender essential oil is terrific for stopping the itching and burning from lichen sclerosus, and it works in just a few short minutes. This is only an external remedy though but it can be good to have on hand. You can buy lavender essential oils from most health food stores or essential oil shops.

#4. Castor Oil: I know you said you tried this one as well but here's how to get the most out of the castor oil and make it far more effective...

Combine 4 tablespoons of organic cold pressed castor oil with 2-3 drops of lavender oil and 1-2 drops of lemongrass oil and store in a jar. This mixture becomes like a paste that sticks nicely to the skin. This remedy not only gives powerful relief for the burning and itching, it helps to heal the skin and any lesions quite rapidly as well.

#5. Candida Diet: Most people who suffer from lichen sclerosus also regularly suffer from thrush or yeast infections. The two are closely connected so following the candida diet is a good idea. Cut out all refined sugars, yeast containing foods, processed dairy, artificial sweeteners, and even wheat and gluten if possible. Be sure to also take a good quality probiotic supplement to build up the beneficial bacteria in the gut and vagina, along with culturing some of your own foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt and kombucha for extra daily probiotics... Cultures for Health - How to Make Your Own Probiotic Rich Foods.

As the great Hippocrates once said... "All Disease Begins in the Gut" so these recommendations will go a long way to not only curing your lichen sclerosus, but any other health problems or ailments you may be suffering from as well!

And finally, according to ancient Chinese medicine, a poor functioning liver is a major cause of lichen sclerosus, so taking a good quality herbal liver cleanser, along with lots of turmeric, black pepper and coconut oil to cleanse and detoxify your liver is also a good idea and will make a world of difference.

So hopefully these tips help you out Patricia.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach)

Comments for How Do You Cure Lichen Sclerosus Naturally? Here's How...

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May 10, 2016
Lichen Sclerosus Remedies
by: Anonymous

Thank you so very much for your posts. I have been diagnosed with this horrific disorder and will firstly try the apple cider vinegar remedy. I am praying this works for me.
I have scanned every website and am delighted (understatement) that I now have more hope of resolving this disorder.
I gave an appointment with my gyn next week and I am certainly not holding much hope with regard to this. I don't believe any western Dr's are interested in looking at alternative options for women/men/children suffering with this affliction.
Thank you. I will post any improvements with regard to this treatment.

May 10, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

You're very welcome. Just be sure to use as many of the recommendations as possible for best results (holistic approach).

All the best to you!

May 27, 2016
Relief for Sex?
by: Ashley

Hi, I thought I had been dealing with a yeast infection or BV but my symptoms match LS to the T. My husband and I were wondering how to have real uninterrupted painless sex without the discomfort afterwards. Is there anything I can do before sex to make it actually pleasurable, the way it was meant to be? Thanks in advance :)

May 30, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Ashley. Unfortunately, the only REAL way to fix the discomfort during and after sex is to fully cure your lichen sclerosis. This does take a little bit of time to do though, so you will need to be patient. Be sure to follow our 5 recommendations to-the-letter, and if you stick with them, we guarantee you'll be extremely delighted with the results.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Jun 02, 2016
5 Year Old with LS
by: Jme

My daughter was diagnosed when she was 3. We have been down a long road. It is terrible because I do not know what she goes through day to day. We started with steroid creams, but have now turned to only natural healing (changed diet, emuaid, baking soda baths). The LS has cleared up in the vaginal area, with rare itching. I believe we are in a good place, except for 1 issue. She has anal bleeding with bowel movement. She is on a laxative (Miralax), if even one day is missed she has bleeding & pain in the anal area. My doctor has told me this is unrelated to the no help there. Any suggestions?

Jun 03, 2016
Reply for Jme
by: Troy (Admin)

Probiotics are CRUCIAL for a healthy bowel and healthy bowel movements, so a children's probiotic supplement would be very worthwhile... Childrens Probiotics.

A green food would also be extremely good as this is an excellent food source for the probiotics (which enhances their effectiveness). Green foods also contain natural plant fibers, which help to gently clean and soothe the bowel. You can now buy children's green foods as well... Kidz Superfood. They taste great too so there shouldn't be any problem getting your daughter to take it.

In addition to these, have a read of our Natural Treatments for Constipation article for some more tips. Miralax is not good and it actually destroys the good bacteria in the bowel (which is something you don't want). It also creates laziness in the bowel.

If your daughter has anal bleeding and all your doctor has done is given her a laxative, then personally, I would be seeking a second opinion. There is no harm in doing this. Anal bleeding is not normal. And don't forget, you don't necessarily have to see a medical doctor either. You can visit a qualified naturopathic physician if you want.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Jun 07, 2016
LS for 5 year old
by: Jme

She has been on a probiotic for at least a year if not more. Am I correct in thinking the anal bleeding is caused form the LS? And how can I find a naturopathic physician? Thank you for the previous post. I feel lost in helping my daughter.

Jun 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

This is the first I've seen that the cause of LS is bacterial or fungal infections. Will you please provide your source for this? It will be helpful. Thank you!

Jun 10, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Wikipedia states "Both bacterial as well as viral pathogens have been implicated in the etiology of LS. A disease that is similar to LS, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Viral involvement of HPV[15] and hepatitis C[16] are also suspected. A link with Lyme Disease is shown by the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi in LSA biopsy tissue.[17]". You can view the full article here... Lichen Sclerosus (LS).

Jun 10, 2016
Reply for Jme
by: Troy (Admin)

The easiest way to find a naturopathic physician in your local area is to Google "naturopaths in Oregon" (for example). A list of qualified and certified practitioners in your area will come up.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the very best to you Jme.

Jun 14, 2016
I thought it was menopause?
by: Debby

I'm 62 years old, went thru menopause at 51. I thought all the symptoms I was having were related to that, even the excessive itching, loss of elasticity, dryness, and now much discomfort when trying to have intercourse. It wasn't until I developed a rash on my stomach that my dermatologist told me it was LS. Then I realized I wasn't just dealing with ordinary menopause symptoms. I have not had intercourse since last October, and when I did it wasn't pleasant. I am going to try your remedies, but some of the things I've read indicate it is an autoimmune disorder. You are saying it is bacterial and fungal in nature, right? Please clarify. Thank you.

Jun 16, 2016
Reply for Debby
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Debby. Bacterial and viral infections have been implicated in the development of Lichen Sclerosis. The theory that LS is an auto-immune disorder could also be correct, although now one knows for sure just yet. Either way, the remedies we suggest will still treat this problem, regardless of whether it's viral or bacterial in nature or an auto-immune response. LS can also be misdiagnosed and confused with yeast infections so don't forget to look into this as well.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Jun 24, 2016
Lichen Sclerosus Relief
by: Anonymous

You may want to consider soaking in a tub with some instant ocean. Or a sitz bath with warm water and the instant ocean. If you don't want to purchase this then you can use Epsom salts instead. Instant Ocean can be purchased at a pet store in the aquarium supplies. I buy my Instant Ocean from Amazon. It works wonders and works very quickly to restore the vulvar tissues.

Also, emuaid works well as a topical treatment to the area. I apply it after I shower in the morning.

I hope these suggestions help. They have made a big difference to me. Sex doesn't seem to be as painful.

Jun 29, 2016
Life Long Battle with Lichen Sclerosus
by: Anonymous

I am so grateful to have found this post & will be trying all of the suggestions in an attempt to cure my Lichen Sclerosus. I have had a life long battle with this condition & have had the most horrific 'orthodox' treatments done... with no relief. This all started for me in 1977 at the age of 12yrs when I had my appendix out. As I recovered from the surgery the itching started (prior to this I was a very sickly baby & child, having been on antibiotics most of my life up until 1975 for constantly infected tonsils that were always too infected to remove). Initially as a very shy teenager I never told my mother. After living with this condition for 4 years at the age of 16yrs it started to get very severe so I told my mom. I was taken to a GP who diagnosed thrush & I was given creams to deal with it. The thrush creams did give some relief. When the condition failed to clear up I was referred to a gynecologist, who also proceeded to treat me for thrush, however she prescribed cortisone (steriod) creams in conjunction with the thrush creams. When this didn't clear it up she decided I needed a D & C (Dilation & curettage) for what reason is beyond my comprehension. At the same time she decided she needed to cauterize the gland at the base of my cervix that excretes mucous (as the moisture encourages the thrush). This went on for years, with no relief. At the age of 26yrs I fell pregnant with my first child. The gynecologist also treated me for thrush with steriod creams during my pregnancy. I had to change gynecologists and my new gyne didn't like the look of the so called "thrush" and scheduled me for a biopsy after the birth of my baby. The results... lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. He also treated me with various steriod creams.

In 1990 I moved cities and had to change gyne's. I was referred to the 'best' gyne in the country. The treatment included being lasered from back to front (one can only imagine the pain of a 5mm burn on your most sensitive parts - and the sting of urine on this open wound). As it healed the condition reappeared. Since this didn't work he then proceeded to advise me that he needed to cut deeper and would have to surgically remove certain portions of the infected skin... never fully informing me what he was about to do. I had a total vulvectomy performed on me without my consent - I cannot describe the trauma I have endured since this has been done to me. I then found a plastic surgeon who was willing to perform extensive plastic surgery. The disease always returns because it is not being treated at the source. I have over the past 23yrs tried various remedies & understand that this is all coming from my gut, but have not managed to find the right combination to heal it... so with a spring in my step & joy in my heart for a full healing... I'm trying the recommendations. Will keep posting on my progress. Always contemplate the light :D

Jul 03, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Oh my goodness! What a horrific time you have endured. My heart truly goes out to you.

Please do keep us informed of your progress. Just remember, it's going to take a while (12 to 18 months) to get your gut (and your body) back up to 100% health, so you are going to need to be patient.

But you can do it!

Stick to the recommendations listed and have a read of our yeast infection article as well, for good measure... Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection.

Good luck and all the best to you.

Jul 06, 2016
Borax Dosage Query?
by: Anonymous

I have started on the Borax this morning - can you please advise what the 'maintenance' dose is after the initial 2 weeks please ? thank you

Jul 06, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

The maintenance dose or "standard dose" requirements can be found in this article under the "what and how much to use" section... The Borax Conspiracy - How the Arthritis Cure has been Stopped. You may also follow the directions listed under the "for treating candida" section too if you wish.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Jul 08, 2016
Tea tree oil
by: Anonymous

Do you know if tea tree oil is beneficial?

Jul 09, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

We don't recommend tea tree oil as it can irritate and actually make this condition worse. Better to go with something like lavender oil or even Emu oil, which has also been found to be very soothing.

Jul 09, 2016
Tea Tree Oil
by: Anonymous

I wish I had of waited instead of using the tea tree oil. It really did burn. I hope it calms down soon.

Jul 12, 2016
by: Troy

Try the lavender, lemongrass and castor oil mix (#4) to help relieve the burning caused from the tea tree oil. :)

Jul 13, 2016
Lichen Sclerosus Remedies
by: Anonymous

Thanks for writing this article. Thanks to everyone who also commented on this article too! The top 5 suggestions you listed have been a huge help. I wanted to share that I have had LS for a couple of years. I have been able to control it with a steroid cream and for the most part it has controlled to where I can function but the cream had stopped working this past week and I found myself in great pain to where I thought I would have to go to the hospital due to the pain and discomfort. I also could not get into my doctor for 20 days so that is when I decided to go to the web to seek help. Your article with the list of 5 things to do have been a lifesaver. I did not do number one because my husband said no way but I did do numbers 2, 3 and 4. I have not done 5 but I plan on doing it. So this past Saturday I went to the health food store and purchased the lemongrass oil, castor oil, probiotic and vinegar with the mother. I already had lavender oil. I found that the castor, lemongrass and lavender oil worked well for the weekend but I just did not think I could carry that in my purse when I had to go to work. So I went to work thinking I could get through the day without using it but the pain was too much so at my break I went to a health food store to see if I could find something to get me through the day. I did and I wanted to share what I have been doing for the past 5 days as I am almost symptom free. First, I did start drinking the vinegar and water two times a day, once in the morning and once at bedtime. Then I mixed the castor, lemongrass and lavender oil. I used this at home and I applied it first thing in the morning and then anytime I went to the bathroom and then at bedtime. Then I purchased Raw Probiotics Vaginal Care 50 Billion which I take two at bedtime. These next items I purchased you are going to think that I am crazy because I found them in the baby section and are mainly used for babies bottoms. I purchased from a health food store a product called Bosom Balm for healing and then I also purchased Angel Baby Bottom Balm to help with some chaffing I was also having. I keep those in my purse with a small package of wipes and I use them throughout the day while I am away from home. Then when I get home I go back to the castor oil mixture for the evening. I also started taking plant enzymes with my meals. Five days ago I could not sit, stand or lay without great pain. I was in tears and not sure I could take the pain anymore. As I said in the beginning I thought I was headed for the hospital but now I am almost symptom free. I still have two areas that are healing from tears but I do believe they will heal if I continue to do this routine every day. I thought the only way to treat it was with steroids. I want everyone to know that this is the first time since I was diagnosed with LS that I have had relief without using a steroid cream. I have had a lot of steroids in my life and a year ago my eye doctor asked me if I have had a lot of steroids and I said yes why? He said you have cataracts in both eyes and they are in the eye where we see it show up on patients who have heavy use of steroids. I am only 50 and have had cataract surgery in both eyes due to the over use of steroids. I will not go back to steroids now that I have found this routine. I was not happy that I was in such pain this past Saturday but I am thankful it happened to force me to look for natural alternatives to help with my LS. Thanks so much for taking the time to write the article and for all who have shared it. This really gave me the courage to try these new treatments and now I want to encourage others who may be worried about trying something new. I say to you, just do it! You will not be sorry.

Jul 16, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

You're welcome. Glad you've finally found relief! And thank you for taking the time to share your positive story with other fellow sufferers.

All the best to you!

Jul 20, 2016
Cures I Use
by: Anonymous

What I find works best is bathing in a baking soda bath everyday and using Vaseline. Also using organic coconut oil works as well.

Jul 21, 2016
Please help me
by: catly

I ask you to help me I read all the comments. I have the same disease (Lichen sclerosus). Several years ago the itching disappeared, but the place is still inflamed. Treatments did not work as well as spots on my stomach and my face -lichen planus - it's tough... the spots began to spread to other parts of my body. I want to explain me the proposed stages of natural therapy and how substance use borax in therapy.... I hope that you will help me.
I apologize for my style of language because I do not mastered English dramatically.

Jul 21, 2016
Need Clarification Please?
by: GP

Just been diagnosed with lichen sclerosus and had never even heard of such a thing. It's overwhelming! Your article is very hopeful. I have a question though. On the five things to help get rid of it, do you do all 5 every day or change off day by day? And also how many times a day on each treatment? I have gotten items to do all but the borax so far. Honestly, I had Borax in my hands in the laundry section at the store, but then read the warning to not ingest and call a Dr. immediately if so. That sort of scared me off and I'm wondering if I had the right thing.

Jul 22, 2016
Reply for Catly
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Catly. Everything you need to know about dosages for the remedies listed above are contained in each paragraph. You may need to read through each one several times (and even bookmark the article) so you can refer to it again when you need to. In regards to the borax treatment, this article tells you everything you need to know about what and how to use borax... The Borax Conspiracy. I would suggest you also read through this several times and bookmark it as well for further reference. This website on the candida diet is also very useful...

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Jul 22, 2016
Reply for GP
by: Troy

Hi GP. Firstly, yes you definitely need to do all 5 each day AND you must continue with them indefinitely to keep your lichen sclerosus away. In regards to the borax (boron), my wife and I have been taking borax (as per the recommendations in the "Borax Conspiracy" article) for over 5 years now and feel amazing for it! Borax doesn't just treat problems such as lichen sclerosus and candida, it treats a whole array of health problems too. As long as the borax you buy is 99% sodium borate or 99% minimum borax powder (make sure it doesn't contain any added extras), you'll be fine. This is one of the best and highest quality borax powders on the market if you're interested... Borax - All Natural Sodium Borate. Here's what they say about borax... "Borax is not a soap or detergent, but rather a salt of boron. Borax is a non-synthetic chemical and is mined directly from the deserts of California and Turkey as a mineral salt. Also known as sodium tetraborate, Borax is 99% pure while being safe to use for various household and personal applications".

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jul 22, 2016
Boron in pill form?
by: Debby

I worked at GNC for 17 1/2 years, and we sold boron in pill form. Is this a satisfactory substitute for taking borax? If not, please explain. Thanks!

Jul 27, 2016
Reply for Debby
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Debby. Boron pills are certainly a good source of this crucial trace mineral, no doubt about it, however, borax is not only high in boron, it's also alkaline and a very powerful fungicide and heavy metal remover. Because yeast fungus and heavy metal toxicity are closely linked to lichen sclerosis, borax is much more effective for treating this condition than regular boron tablets.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Jul 29, 2016
Glad I Found You!
by: Lisa

Uugh!! Ive suffered from psoriasis my whole life. Now I'm told I have LS... I'm going to try all of these things at the same time because I am in complete and utter discomfort and pain. Thank you for this information!

Jul 29, 2016
by: Troy

You're welcome Lisa. Hope they help!

Jul 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hi... I have taken the borax internally, and am now resuming this regime. Took about 1/4 tsp daily in water for approximately 2 months. I believe this is what finally sealed the deal on my battle with a systemic fungal overgrowth. Of course, I also did the diet, other herbs, oils, supplements, etc. Since then, I've discovered I have LS. What I use to control the itching completely and quickly is a $3 tube of Derman anti fungal cream. It seemed to diminish the white patches I had as well. Though, this has been stubborn, so I'm just today beginning the borax again. Will start up on the acv when I get to the store for another bottle. Thanks for all the tips!

Jul 29, 2016
Another Question
by: GP

Me again with another question. Is it ok to mix the borax in the apple cider vinegar water every morning and night or do I need to keep them separate? And if so, do they need to be spread out over a certain period of time? Thanks!

Jul 30, 2016
by: Troy

You're welcome. And thanks for sharing your experience. All the best!

Jul 30, 2016
Reply for GP
by: Troy

It's better to keep the borax and ACV separate if possible, even if you only space the dosages out by 10-20 minutes. You'll find they give better results when taken apart rather than together. :)

Jul 31, 2016
PRP Therapy for LS?
by: Anonymous

I have had Lichen Sclerosus for 40 years and needless to say it is pretty advanced. Now that I have reached menopause the symptoms have increased. I have been on a steroid cream for this entire time. Do you have any thoughts on PRP (plasma rich protein injections?)
Thanks for your input and natural method recommendations. I am going to be implementing these measures.

Aug 01, 2016
Thank you!
by: Melissa-has-hope

Hi everyone,

I unfortunately was diagnosed with lichens sclerosis at 17 years old. The doctor kept telling me she's only had one other patient she's ever seen at my age with this disease (usually young children or after menopause women). Even though I read a ton of stories online of way worse cases than I had, I was very depressed for a while. The doctor gave me steroid cream and now at 22, all I feel it did was make it worse. The skin is thin and rips and I already see the skin fusing together. You can only imagine how I feel at 22 years old with this condition happening to me. I've always been into holistic approaches and I can't believe I never looked into healing myself with those methods until now! I am so ecstatic to have found this page and can't wait to try these methods. Thank you so much for giving me hope!

Aug 02, 2016
Life Long Battle with Lichen Sclerosus II
by: EME

Thank you for all the suggestions. I don't seem to have a yeast infection - as I had been taking Diatomaceous Earth prior to this and my saliva test is normal. I started the Borax in the beginning of July - first with one dose (1/4 tsp) every second day for a week, then increased it to one dose everyday for a week and then two doses a day having a 2 day break every 5 days. I started the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) 2 days before the Borax, but can only manage one dose per day. Within a week the itching had subsided quite considerably and has become a lot more manageable, but I am battling to use the Caster Oil and Lavender/Lemon Grass as the emulsion stays very runny and seems almost pointless applying.
My only concern is I am not sure that the Borax Powder I am purchasing is 100% pure, there is no ingredient list on the box, I have contacted the supplier and they advised that they purchase Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate in bulk and repackage it, they have requested an assay report from the supplier and will forward that to me, but it could take weeks.
When I started taking the Borax regularly I developed a dreadful headache for about 2 weeks (which I know is a side effect of detoxing) I also developed a dreadful runny nose - just clear mucous pouring from my nose, however, since my last 2 day break over the weekend this seems to have stopped.
I seem to have also developed a skin reaction on my chest and back (large bumps almost like pimples or mosquito bites). Not sure if this is a fall out from the regime.
I have subsequently cut back on the dose to 1/4 tsp once a day.
Unfortunately, I do have a whole lot of other health issues that complicate this. I have Microcytic anaemia, Low Blood Pressure (low enough to warrant a medic alert disc), a diaphragm hernia, hyper acidity and acid reflux due to the valve at the top of my esophagus being gone. I have no gall bladder.
Please can you let me know if I should discontinue the Borax until I am sure this is pure.
Many thanks

Aug 03, 2016
by: Anonymous

Thank you for this protocol. I am so grateful. Please look into Hirudotherapy as I have just joined a group who are having great success with this. It is very different but LS is something you want to eliminate as quickly as possible before too much damage is done.

Aug 05, 2016
Life Long Battle with Lichen Sclerosus III
by: EME

Good morning Troy,
Further to my previous comment, it turns out I am allergic to the ACV. I didn't think it was that as I have used ACV previously but not for such an extended period. I ended up with an extensive rash on my inner thighs, upper arms, back of my knees and limited on my chest and back, but with itching everywhere including my scalp. After 2 sleepless nights I figured it out and stopped the ACV on Thursday. I am using the Borax and BS in a bath which is alleviating the intense itching. Unfortunately, it has also set my LS off again, which is disappointing, but I know it will settle down within the next few days as the ACV is cleared from my system. I am continuing with the Borax. As my arthritis has disappeared (happy dance). As soon as the rash has disappeared I will post on the protocol I have been following.

Aug 07, 2016
How to measure 1/8th teaspoon of borax?
by: Anila

I am thankful to you for writing these wonderful articles.
I have been diagnosed with a yeast infection and have gone through many cures in these last 4 months and it seems that it still lurks in my system. I noticed I am getting it on my tongue too lately. The worst part is I have cramps-like pain/discomfort after sex for 2-3 days, till the next time.
I'm starting to have doubts on even having LS. There are some areas on my vulva that look whitish. It is not a strong white like I see in pictures for LS, but still they are there and they've been there for a while now. I am thinking of starting the borax cure, but I am finding it hard to measure the 1/8th of a teaspoon. I was imaging this size like a grain of rice. Am I right? on the other hand this amount sounds too little.
Also, another question I have is can LS be the reason for the discomfort I have inside my vagina? (not vulva). So can LS develop inside the vagina walls too or is the yeast infection the primary cause ?
I am giving up on doctors. Thank you so very much again !!

Aug 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

Has anyone ever had a negative biopsy, but your doctor still says you have LS?

Also, I suspect he might have been right. It's been 2 years since my biopsy, which was excruciating, and 3 years since my sixth baby was born and my clitoral hood is still slowly disappearing. Has anyone had any luck in stopping the adhesion's or reversing them.

I still get a yellow, sticky, non-smelling discharge, but my natural practitioner did help me get on a probiotic called Mega Sporebiotic and some good vitamins. That has completely stopped the itching and burning. But, again, the adhesion's are very slowly closing my clitoral hood and labia minor is almost completely gone.

Has anyone had reconstructive surgery of the vulva, successfully? I'm only 36 and want more babies. Please help if you can.

Aug 09, 2016
by: Lexi

I have been battling terrible symptoms for 13 months now. No doctor could help me. I have even travelled to different states and finally today I got diagnosed with LS. From one herbalist to another, I want to say thank you and tell you how grateful I am to have found your article. Keep healing.

Aug 11, 2016
Reply to Lexi
by: Troy (Admin)

You're very welcome Lexi. All the best to you!

Aug 11, 2016
Reply for Anila
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Anila. Firstly, 1/8 th of a teaspoon is exactly half of a 1/4 teaspoon, so if you have a 1/4 teaspoon measurement just go with half of that (1/8 th of a teaspoon is roughly half a gram).

In regards to LS developing inside the vaginal wall, according to (about lichen sclerosis) it is a skin condition only and cannot extent into the vagina. Candida and yeast infections would be the likely cause of internal discomfort.

Remember also, lots of probiotics are crucial Anila, whether you have lichen sclerosis or yeast infections (or both). Research is showing that LS may be an auto-immune problem as well as a gut problem and probiotics are vital for remedying both of these.

Best of luck.

Aug 11, 2016
Reply to EME
by: Troy

Firstly, glad your arthritis has improved (the borax is great for this). I'm always suspicious and weary if there's no ingredients listed on the container so if you can find another brand that contains pure sodium borate (Pure Sodium Borate) or 99% borax powder, that would probably be a better option.

In regards to the ACV, you could take either oregano oil (P73 oregano oil) or olive leaf extract instead if you're allergic to the apple cider vinegar. Both of these are also powerful bacterial, viral and fungal killers, and they boost the immune system tremendously.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Aug 11, 2016
Reply to Melissa
by: Troy

You're welcome Melissa - hope it helps.

All the best to you.

Aug 11, 2016
Reply About PRP Therapy
by: Troy (Admin)

One study showed that women with LS were helped with PRP therapy so it may be beneficial... Surgical Approach to Lichen Sclerosus. Not sure how much it would cost though? Could be rather expensive as your health insurance probably wouldn't cover it.

Aug 11, 2016
Zinc oxide powder for LS
by: Anonymous

I've only recently been diagnosed, although I suspect I may have had it longer. I am on a steroid cream and it seems to be managing the symptoms. I'm going to try the ACV and essentials oils, etc, as recommended on this site.

Has anyone heard of the healing properties of non nano zinc oxide powder as a balm? I have the powder but not sure what to do with it. E.g. Use it as a powder to the area or mix with water or oil to make a paste. There has been some success by others using this powder.

Would welcome any advice.

Aug 15, 2016
by: Heart Broken

I believe I have this. I have not been diagnosed and wonder if I should just self treat with this remedy or go to the Gyno. I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism for 2 years and take a natural supplement. Should I stop taking that while doing this treatment, maybe this will help with my thyroid?

Aug 16, 2016
Reply to Heart Broken
by: Troy

There is no harm in following this protocol, nor are there any detrimental effects, so it definitely wont hurt. In regards to your hypothyroidism, have a read of our article on this subject here... Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism. Supplements such as liquid iodine, brewers yeast, vitamin D and coconut oil can all be taken safely along with the recommendations listed above.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Aug 17, 2016
Home Remedies for LS
by: Anonymous

I am interested in trying some home natural remedies for this. I have had this condition for well over 6 years and have been seen by a gyno specialist who only gave me steroid creams. I'm sick of steroid creams. I know it is a life long condition too but its very stressful, especially when you cannot sleep because of it. I am going to try some of the home remedies mentioned here.

Aug 18, 2016
Advice Please?
by: Anonymous

Hi. My daughter is 6 years old and has been diagnosed with LS. I just found this site and it is very interesting and is giving me hope that she will feel better soon with these natural remedies.
For intake of the Borax and vinegar, how do I give these to her? She is too small to take those. I will definitely get the oils soon. Which is the best probiotics for a 6 year old?
Thank you so much for helping people who have been suffering.

Aug 18, 2016
by: Troy

For the borax, you need to make up your concentrated solution first. Here's what you do... Dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water. This is your concentrated solution. The standard dose for adults is 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml's) of this concentrate daily so for children the dosage is halved (1/2-1 teaspoon). Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. For maintenance, children can continue on this indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily. Borax does not taste bad when mixed with liquids so kids will usually have it with no arguments. Take the time to read this article in full first though before doing anything, especially the "what and how much to use" section... The Borax Conspiracy.

With the ACV, this can be a little more difficult to get into kids. You will need to be inventive of what to mix it with so they will have it without kicking and screaming. A good ACV and cranberry concoction for kids can be found in this article... 9 Nutritional Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Kids. The standard daily dose for children is 2 teaspoons of ACV taken 1-2 times per day. And don't forget, the apple cider vinegar MUST be organic and still contain the "mother" apple.

Finally, if you're looking for a quality children's probiotic, this is the top selling one on the market and is very good... PRO-Kids: Children's Probiotics.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Aug 26, 2016
by: Tinky's mommy

I am so grateful to come across this site. I too typed in my daughters symptoms and LS came up. After a year of uti's, bacterial infections, yeast infections, etc, I eventually found this site. I started my daughter on probiotics. My question is I have not read anything about the urgent need to go to the rest room or constipation. She has been to a urologist and her bladder is fine. Just yesterday she did four urine tests and each one was negative for bacterial infections, uti, etc. I have been on this roller coaster ride for a year. The itching seems to subside when drinking probotics but the vaginal pain is unbearable, especially when she urinates. What is a natural way for the constipation and for the pain. I live in Louisiana and no one has ever heard of this. She has a gynocologist appointment on Monday. Praying for concrete answers.

Aug 29, 2016
At Wits End
by: Another Patricia

I am currently using Emuaid and Lavender oil, but it is not improving. Steroids just made it worse - more sore patches. I am at my wits end now. Borax is not available anymore it seems. So it's back to the doctor this week, I think.

Aug 30, 2016
It's Working
by: Gregoor

Currently using Castor oil 4 tablespoons
lavender oil 2 drops
lemongrass oil 2 drops.

I'm 70+ and had this problem for 35 years. Had an operation in 2007 and it was all good. Now it's back again. Found this solution and it's working!


Aug 30, 2016
Thank You!
by: Lozza D

Firstly, I'd like to say a massive thank you for making this post. I was diagnosed with LS 6 months ago, after years of being told I had thrush. The steroid cream I was given has been doing nothing and made it worse and even more sore. Around 4 weeks ago I started to follow your instructions and for the first time in years saw vast improvements. I was wondering if it was safe to go back to taking the borax daily? Having done the initial two weeks, I seem to have had little improvement in the following two weeks? Do you know how long it normally takes to clear up completely? I've read elsewhere that LS is linked to a vitamin D deficiency. Do you think there is any benefit in taking a vitamin D supplement?

Once again, Thank you. The improvement I have had so far has made life so much better :)

Aug 30, 2016
by: Anonymous

So I have the LSA as well. I've been reading your article and hope it works. My question is where can you buy Borax? I have been to my health food store, and two drugstores. I do have a box of 20 Mule Team Borax, but this is not the same thing is it?? Needing relief fast!

Aug 31, 2016
Reply About Borax Remedy
by: Troy

Any type of Borax can actually be used as long as it's 99% pure borax (it should say this on the side of the container) and doesn't contain any added fabric softeners, scents, etc. However, some Borax brands can contain chemicals and are packaged in China. We suggest you check the listing and packaging details on the side, and if so, avoid these.

Borax is a natural substance that's mined from out of the ground (usually sodium borate). The problem though is most people wont use ordinary Borax powder because of the poison warnings listed on the container. These warnings must be put there by law, however, you would need to consume a ridiculous amount of Borax to go anywhere close to poisoning yourself. Just remember, borax has very low toxicity (ordinary table salt is actually 50-100% more toxic than Borax so you should be more worried about poisoning yourself with this!) If you are worried about purchasing Borax from the cleaning isle of your supermarket, then the safest brand (and the one we actually recommend) is Prescribed for Life's sodium borate. This brand is technical grade pure sodium borate and is perfectly safe for human consumption. This is what it looks like... Borax - All Natural Sodium Borate.

Don't forget also that magnesium works synergistically with boron (Borax) so make sure you keep your magnesium levels up.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 31, 2016
Reply for Lozza D
by: Troy

Hi Lozza D. Glad you're finally getting some relief. Going back to the Borax shouldn't be a problem, just start off on a very low dose and slowly increase the amount over a period of several weeks or even months. There's no rush with this.

With the vitamin D, a daily supplement would definitely help. In all honesty, there isn't a single disease or health problem that can't be helped with extra vitamin D supplementation, and this includes LS. It's one of the most crucial nutrients for our bodies. You will need to take between 4000-8000 IU's of vitamin D per day (according to vitamin D expert, Dr Cedric Garland) for best results... 8000 IUs of Vitamin D Daily Necessary to Raise Blood Levels of "Miracle" Nutrient.

As far as how long it takes for LS to clear up? This is different for everybody and is usually dependant on how long you've had it for, as well as any other health problems, along with what your current state of health is like. Usually you will need anywhere between 6 to 12 months if you follow the recommendations correctly.

Hope this helps you further.

All the best!

Aug 31, 2016
Reply to "Another Patricia"
by: Troy

Have you tried the other remedies Patricia? Borax can be bought online.

Aug 31, 2016
Reply for Tinky's Mommy
by: Troy

Firstly, for constipation relief, you could look at using any one (or more) of these home remedies... Natural Treatments for Constipation.

For the pain, especially the painful urination, vitamin D has been shown to help tremendously with this. Young children should have around 2000 IU's of vitamin D per day and teenagers around 5000 IU's. Do not follow the RDA for vitamin D dosages. It's out of date and way too low. A liquid vitamin D supplement is the easiest way to get it into kids... Liquid Vitamin D Drops. D-Mannose (in supplement form) is also highly effective for bladder problems so you could look at this as well.

Be sure to keep her on the probiotics (cultured foods too if possible) and a healthy eating plan. And don't forget about the almighty apple cider vinegar. ACV works a treat for LS, constipation and urinary problems!

Finally, keep in mind that infections don't always show up on urinary tests. These aren't 100% accurate, so there still may be an infection somewhere.

Best of luck with your daughters gynocologist appointment.

Sep 02, 2016
White Skin
by: Karen

Does the white skin disappear once the symptoms have been treated? Or is this a sign that it's flaring up again?

Sep 05, 2016
How to take the borax?
by: Debby

I have purchased the borax on line, and find it hard to dissolve in just water. Would it be alright to put it in my morning coffee? Or would that cancel the effectiveness? I know it's very alkaline, and that's a good thing, and I don't want to do anything to negate that. Thanks!

Sep 06, 2016
Reply for Debby
by: Troy

No, wouldn't recommend adding the borax to your morning coffee Debby. Instead, add it to or mix it up in some warm water. It will easily dissolve in this. Also, try and avoid coffee if you can, it's not good for gut health. Matcha green tea is a much healthier alternative. And it tastes great too!

All the best.

Sep 06, 2016
Reply to Karen
by: Troy

The white skin or white spots can take up to 12 months to fully disappear. The adage that "things can sometimes get worse before they get better" is certainly true with LS, so yes, on the odd occasion there can be minor flare ups. Of course, everybody is different and it depends on what stage or how bad you have the problem as too how quickly your body heals. If you follow the recommendations listed to-the-letter, your skin should be back to normal (completely) within a year.

Hope this helps. :)

Sep 06, 2016
by: Debby

What is it about coffee that's bad for your gut? I drink half caff in the morning with coconut oil instead of creamer. Generally no more than two cups. Would it make a difference if it were organic? I find my coffee helps keep me regular. Also, Can I put the borax in the tea you mentioned? Thanks.

Sep 07, 2016
Reply to Debby
by: Troy

Hi Debby. Have a read of this article on the detrimental effects of coffee from our friends at Global Healing... Does Coffee Harm Your Gut? To fix your LS, you must get your digestive system in tip top condition. Unfortunately, coffee doesn't help with this.

Yes you can put the Borax in with the Matcha green tea, although I'm not sure how it would taste. Just make sure it dissolves completely in the water.

Hope this helps. :)

Sep 08, 2016
by: Isabel

I have had LS for 20 years, but I was diagnosed only 3 years ago. I went to several Gynecologists and none of them could tell me what I had. It wasn't until I went to a vulva appointment that I was diagnosed with LS. This doctor prescribed a steroid cream and it did get better for 3 months. But after this the symptoms returned. Finally, I discovered your information, which I appreciate so much.

I have 2 questions:

Is the ACV taken twice a day at 30 ml, for a total of 60ml, or is it 30 ml in total, so 15 ml each time?

The borax is for 2 weeks, and after this I must reduce the dosage? Should it be taken for how long?

Thank you so much.

Sep 09, 2016
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Hi Isabel. With the apple cider vinegar, it's a total of 60 ml per day. So take 30 ml first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and then take another 30 ml at night, preferably just before bedtime. Make sure you mix the ACV (must be organic with the "mother" of course) in a glass of warm filtered water. You can also add a teaspoon of organic natural honey or Manuka honey for taste too if you like.

With the Borax, you mix 1/8 th of a teaspoon in a glass of warm water and drink. Do this twice daily, morning and night. After two weeks you drop down to the maintenance dose, which you continue on indefinitely (yes, for the rest of your life!) The maintenance dose, along with all the details on how to use the borax remedy is contained in this article under the "What and How Much to Use" section... The Borax Conspiracy.

Hope this helps you Isabel.

All the best!

Sep 09, 2016
Borax Question?
by: Anonymous

Can you use the 100 mile borax brand that is in the laundry section? (I might have that name wrong. lol).

Sep 12, 2016
by: Troy

I think you might mean the 20 Mule Team borax? And yes, you can most certainly use this brand. 20 Mule Team borax is comprized of 99.5% borax (the remaining 5% is trace minerals) so it's exactly what you need.

Sep 13, 2016
Re: The boron connection
by: Leslie

Wow. Great article on borax. I had no idea. Going to give it a try as I think I see a definite boron deficiency connection to a lot of my health issues and also in my family as well.

Sep 13, 2016
Castor oil and now trying Borax
by: Heather

Thank you for this forum. I have been using a very small amount of steroid to keep my LS under control and also alternating with Crisco and/or coconut oil. Yesterday I began the castor oil/lavender/lemongrass treatment and so far so good. I plan to start the borax treatment tonight. I have eliminated all grains and dairy from my diet, along with coffee and reduced sugar greatly. I do not mind sticking to this diet if it will keep my LS under control, but I'm wondering if the borax and the castor oil will actually "cure" it or just put it in remission? Will I need to continue the AI diet I'm on? Just curious if you know. I read that a bacterial borrelia could be associated with this problem. I wonder if this is why the borax works for some?

Sep 19, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Heather. Firstly, yes, the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria has been instigated in the development of LS (this particular bacteria is what causes Lyme Disease as well). Walter Last says that Borax kills the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria and cures Lyme disease so this could certainly be another reason why it works for LS. Now, you said you are using coconut oil and Crisco oil as well? Ahhhhh! Don't use Crisco oil!! That stuff is toxic and dangerous so throw it straight in the bin. Only use raw organic virgin coconut oil. As far as sticking to the diet? This would be recommended. Healthy "clean eating" is paramount - not just for preventing and treating diseases such as LS - but for your overall health and longevity!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Sep 21, 2016
Help for lichen sclerosus
by: Anonymous

The thing that works best for me for my lichens is
bathing in 1 cup of baking soda every night for 20-30 minutes and putting on Vaseline afterwards.

Sep 22, 2016
What is Good for the Tears??
by: Jill

Hi, I plan on trying the borax. Is it best to drink it and also put it in your bath water? The trouble I have is the tears. I use an estrogen cream and aquafor on the tears but as soon as one heals I get another one. What works best to heal the tears??

Sep 23, 2016
by: Troy

Yes, the Borax is best drank AND used in your bath Jill. This will accelerate the healing and help with the tears. Also, try the castor, lavender and lemon grass oil mix as well. Just be sure to test it on a small area first, to be sure. Organic virgin coconut oil and Manuka honey used externally are both excellent for healing sores, lesions and tears also.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Sep 24, 2016
Castor oil without lemongrass oil
by: Anonymous

If I cannot get lemongrass oil (I am in Nepal) but just use castor oil and lavender oil will it still be effective for LS. I do get flare ups but am not usually in pain. I have been on a steroid cream occasionally, and Dr tells me my clitoral hood is getting covered. Sex is, of course, painful. I was surprised to read how much pain others are in and wondering why I am not in pain. Just itching. Thanks for your help.

Sep 25, 2016
Lichen sclerosus natural remedies
by: Sophie

Thank you SO much for this site and all the great recommendations, which I checked because my doctor wants me to use steroids for my LS condition. I prefer natural remedies but have two questions:

1. How much borax do I need to put in my bath?

2. Did I understand correctly that I need to use the 5 different remedies EACH DAY? Or do I try one at a time for a few days?

Thank you in advance. Sophie

Sep 26, 2016
Natural treatment for LS
by: Anonymous

I've had terrific success in treating LS symptoms using Lisepten... Lisepten - Lichen relief Salve.

I can't rave enough about it and love the fact that it's all natural.

Sep 28, 2016
5 suggested things to do?
by: Cathy

Firstly, I ordered the Borax you suggested in the link and it is not powder. It is granular. It does not dissolve in water no matter how long I mix it. So what do you suggest? Today I mixed 1/8 tsp in yogurt and ate it.
Secondly, I clicked on the amazon link on your site for apple cider vinegar capsules and the ones that came up do not have the "mother" apple. So what I ordered is not right I guess.
I haven't tried the lavender oil alone to stop the burn but I bought the castor oil, lavender oil and lemongrass oil and mixed together and only tried it once because it made the burning worse. I am on Clobetasol ointment.
My only problem is severe burning and my doctor doesn't get back to me on what I should do.
After being hopeful with your suggestions I am now at a loss. Now what?
Thank you for your response.

Sep 28, 2016
When to take vinegar and borax
by: Judy

You advise drinking both vinegar and borax. Since one is acidic and the other alkaline and you drink both twice a day when do you suggest drinking each. It seems confusing.
Thank you

Sep 29, 2016
Reply for Judy
by: Troy

You can either take both together or separate Judy. Yes one is alkaline and one is acidic (although once ACV enters the body it then produces alkalinity) but they still go together, much the same as apple cider vinegar and baking soda do. Best practice is to have one then 20 minutes later have the other one.

Hope this helps. :)

Sep 29, 2016
by: Troy

Yes you can just use castor oil and lavender oil. These two still work terrific together. Just make sure the castor oil is organic and cold pressed.

All the best.

Sep 29, 2016
Reply to Sophie
by: Troy

Hi Sophie. Firstly, you add a tablespoon of borax and a tablespoon of baking soda to your bath (you can add more if you want, there is no harm). Secondly, you combine the borax, ACV and candida diet and adopt these into your daily lifestyle and eating program. The lavender, lemongrass and castor oil are more for relief, so you only use these when required.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Sep 30, 2016
Reply to Cathy
by: Troy

Hi Cathy. Firstly, with the borax. If you have the granules then simply mix them in warm to hot filtered water. This way, they will dissolve. Once it cools enough then drink down.
Secondly, with the ACV capsules, it's true that these do not contain the mother apple. The liquid is better, however, the capsules will still work so all is not lost. Once you finish with the capsules, switching over to the liquid ACV would be a good idea though.
Now with the lavender, lemongrass and castor oil, just make sure that the brands you purchase are all natural with no added ingredients. The lavender oil wont burn (it's regularly used as a topical treatment for skin burns) nor will the castor oil as long as it's good quality organic cold pressed castor oil. The lemongrass oil, however, has been known to sting slightly in people who are sensitive to it. You can always drop the lemongrass oil and just combine the lavender and castor oil. This will still work well. Don't forget, you can also use the ACV liquid (50/50 ratio mix with water) as well as the borax/baking soda bath for relief too.

Hope this helps. :)

Sep 30, 2016
Soap for Dry Skin?
by: Isabel

Hi Troy
I don't know what to use to wash myself because I start to use a soap and after a while my skin becomes drier and drier. I really need a moisturizing soap but I have tried so many.
Can you help?
Thank you so much.

Sep 30, 2016
ACV Tablets?
by: Anonymous

Wondering if the acv tablets are just as effective as the acv in the bottle? If so which brands?

Thanks so much for all of this info. I've had LS since I was 18 and am now 35 and the steroid creams don't seem to help. Hopefully your suggestions can help me!

Oct 03, 2016
by: Troy

The ACV liquid is definitely the better option over the capsules, and you can't go past the worlds biggest seller... Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar. It works a treat and tastes the best out of all the ACV's (not so strong in acidity). :)

Oct 03, 2016
Reply for Isabel
by: Troy

Maybe look at making your own natural body wash Isabel... Homemade Body Wash Recipe. This one looks like it would be a much better alternative to commercial moisturizing soaps. :)

Oct 05, 2016
Borax for Lichen Sclerosus
by: Louise

My second day on the borax remedy for lichen sclerosus. I also have had a rash that appears on my face - been ongoing for years, burning red skin blotches. Well second day of using the borax remedy this rash flared up and I am hoping it is part of some kind of detox my body is going through. The lichen sclerosus has been horrific and I am really hoping this will eradicate it. Thank you for your generous information.

Oct 05, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Louise. Just back off on the borax dosage by half then slowly start to build it back up over a period of several weeks to avoid any detoxing reactions. Make sure you utilize the other remedies as well (holistic approach) rather than just using the borax on it's own. This is crucial.

All the best. :)

Oct 06, 2016
by: Samantha

Hi, if you apply the borax topically will it help to fuse the labia? Thanks

Oct 08, 2016
by: Julie

Thank you so much for putting up this site and sharing the information. I have had LS for over 20 years and have gotten horrible treatments through Western medications. I was once told I was a walking time bomb and that they did not know what to do with me. They sent me to a cancer treatment center, which was a teaching school. There would be 8 to 10 students in there while I was being examined. So embarrassing - created very low self worth. (Tears of sorrow are flowing as I write this). The LS did go into remission for several years. I now have a horrible outbreak and I am so glad to have these treatments that I can do in a loving manner to heal myself. I started everything today except the borax, I just placed and order for it. I will keep you posted! Abundant Blessings!

Oct 09, 2016
Too Many Herbal Antibiotics?
by: RebelGirl

Hello, last summer I was diagnosed with SIBO-small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. I am treating it with herbal antibiotics. There is a pharmaceutical antibiotic for it ... Rifaximin ....but it costs $1300+ for a single 2 week course and it will take several courses to knock out the SIBO, so that is why I am taking the herbals. They are supposed to be as effective anyway. The herbals I have been taking are Allicin (garlic), neem, peppermint oil, oil of oregano, Lauricidin (from coconut oil), goldenseal and berberine. I rotate them around so I am not taking all of these at once. That's a lot of pills! I have not been diagnosed with LS, but the symptoms I have been experiencing since late last summer sure fit. I am wondering if my antibiotic usage has in any way brought this on, or was it just a coincidence that my symptoms started soon after I started these herbal antibiotics? I have read that you said you must get your digestion in order to heal the LS. Well, I have SIBO (getting better) and I have diagnosed leaky gut...not sure if that is fixed or not as I need to retake an expensive test to determine my progress there. I have tried discontinuing the herbals for a couple weeks to see if the symptoms alleviate, but not sure if that helps. As for my diet, I am already pretty much gluten free...have been for about four years now....and with the SIBO diet I am (for the most part) low-ish carb. So hard to stay on these elimination diets for a long time. A girl just has to have some chocolate :-) I also have recently started a good probiotic ..Prescript I was told not to take them early on in my SIBO treatment because there was fear that they would just be feeding my SIBO instead. Also, fermented foods have been off the table with the SIBO diagnosis.

I have read that LS could be an autoimmune disorder, and it is my understanding that you cannot have an autoimmune disorder without having a leaky gut which I have. So, my leaky gut combined with my gut dysbiosis could be the source of my probable LS...???

Any insight or advice would be much appreciated.

Oct 10, 2016
Reply to Samantha
by: Troy (Admin)

Don't know to be honest Samantha. You can try it by making a borax paste and applying. Organic coconut oil is very good for vaginal fissures so this may also be helpful (applied externally).

Oct 10, 2016
Reply to Julie
by: Troy

Sounds like you've been through hell Julie. Hope these tips and remedies help you.

All the best.

Oct 10, 2016
Reply to Rebel Girl
by: Troy

Hello Rebel Girl. In regards to your SIBO, the very first thing you should do is have a read of this informative article by Dr Josh Axe... Do You Have SIBO Symptoms? Here is ALL You Need to Know. It covers everything you you need to know on how to fix this problem.

With the antibiotics, they can actually make this condition worse long term so be careful. And in regards to the probiotics and fermented foods, you actually need MORE of these not less to successfully treat this disorder and the accompanying symptoms. Once again, Dr Axe covers both of these topics in full in his article above.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you.

Oct 11, 2016
Life Long Battle with Lichen Sclerosus IV
by: EME

An update on my progress.... after the massive hives breakout I have struggled to get it under control. It seems like it was a reaction to the Borax and not the ACV. After two months of stopping the protocol and substituting the ACV with oregano oil, I decided to introduce the Borax again (the LS has gone mad and my Arthritis is back). I started with 1/16th of a teaspoon in a glass of water, within 24 hours I had a massive headache and my nose was pouring. I took a second dose the next day and the hives flared up again. The question of course is am I taking too strong a dose? Was thinking that I need to perhaps start with diluting 1/8th of a teaspoon into 1 lt of water and start with taking 2 tablespoons of the dilute into a glass of water?

Oct 12, 2016
Reply to EME
by: Troy

Yes, you are better off reducing your borax dosage even more. Diluting 1/8th of a teaspoon in a liter of water and having two tablespoons of this daily should be fine. You can then slowly build it up again over several months or more. There's no rush. Just remember to have your borax after a main meal and combine it with some magnesium citrate. In addition, if the ACV was in fact okay for you, you may want to consider slowly reintroducing this again too?

Oct 13, 2016
Need Help
by: Anonymous

I started this protocol and I feel terrible! My stomach aches, I'm having hot flashes and a headache for a week. I have celiac and hashimotos along with lichens. I eat clean and very limiting. What is happening?

Oct 13, 2016
Biopsy for LS
by: Charlene

I have had the symptoms of LS for a while. The Dr wants to confirm this with a biopsy. I started with the baths and oil paste for about a week now and this has worked wonderfully! I have to stop for a week with the baths because I have stitches. I'm still drinking the mothers apple cider vinegar and the Borax. My results come back Friday the 21st and I am scared but also hopeful. So thankful this site is helping people!

Oct 14, 2016
Green tea
by: Isabel

Hi Troy.
I want to drink the green tea you recommend for the skin. I just found it in powder form. Can I use this?
Thank you

Oct 14, 2016
Relief and possible cure of Lichen Planus
by: Janie Martin

I have lichen Planus. I found the most relief from a salt water spray twice a day followed by Purple (brand name) Emu oil. Also Olive leaf oil extract is a powerful fungicide. I am a hypnotist who knows the power of the mind so try hypnosis as well. And do not buy anything that contains citric acid. They put it in almost everything! (Nobody is sitting around squeezing lemon juice in products). This stuff is phoney and made in a lab from the mold of rotting onions, etc. I found it even in one of my herbal teas! They use it as a preservative. Keep the acid level down in the body. Edgar Cayce recommended Atomide in pure water as a douche followed by a douche of Glyco-Thymoline. The first douche is acidic in nature and the second one is alkaline. But yes, a change in diet to plain pure food and no soda pop!!
Janie Martin

Oct 17, 2016
Reply for "Need Help"
by: Troy

You are suffering from Herxheimer's reaction (die-off effect). This phenomenon is not uncommon... About Herxheimer's Reaction and the Die-Off Effect. Drop all of your dosages by half. If this doesn't help then drop them by half again. Once you get past this die-off effect (yes you do eventually get past it) then slowly start to increase the amounts again. In addition, have a read of this informative article on Hashimoto's remedies... Natural Remedies for Hashimoto’s Disease - Dr Axe.

Hope this helps. :)

Oct 17, 2016
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Powdered green tea is perfectly fine to have Isabel. Try and go with Matcha green tea if you can. This is even more potent than normal regular green tea. :)

Oct 17, 2016
LS and Interstitial Cystitis
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with LS last year but I also have IC (Interstitial Cystitis). I'm not sure if any of your recommended treatments will cause an IC flare-up - which is so very painful. Can you please give any advice as to what is suitable to use and what is not?

Oct 17, 2016
by: Jackie

Hi, thank you for this site!
I would like to know how much magnesium citrate to take.

Oct 19, 2016
More Confused?
by: Janie Martin

Ok, so I read the Borax Conspiracy but got confused by the time I got to the end as to whether to take it or not. Even before I heard about all this and not really knowing anything about boron, my guides were telling me I needed boron. So now I take it at 3 mg's per day from Calcium Borogluconate. I had already been taking magnesium and I never take Calcium pills. Instead I did start taking really pure Gelatin powder and starting drinking some bone broth and a paste called Calicos recommended by the Edgar Cayce readings. This is considered a better source of calcium rather than tablets. And his readings were from the 1930's and 40's.

Am I alright by just taking the Boron capsules instead of the Borax? I was taking one a day, but from time to time I take one in the morning and one at night.
Thank you,

Oct 19, 2016
Reply to Jackie
by: Troy

Hi Jackie. It depends on how many milligrams is in each capsule/dosage. Somewhere between 300 and 400 mg's a day is the usual recommended amount. If you follow the recommendations listed on the bottle you can't go wrong.

All the best. :)

Oct 19, 2016
Reply About Interstitial Cystitis
by: Troy

These remedies actually help with interstitial cystitis. You should start off slowly and with low dosages to be sure, but what you'll find is a gradual improvement in your IC symptoms as well as your LS symptoms. You might like to have a read of this informative post on IC remedies as well.. Interstitial Cystitis Remedies.

All the best.

Oct 21, 2016
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

Boron tablets are not as effective as the borax because apart from containing boron, borax is also a powerful fungicide and pathogen killer. Boron on its own is not. As long as the recommendations for consuming borax are followed correctly, there is no harm. At the end of the day though, the final choice is always yours Janie.

All the best. :)

P.S. The gelatin and bone broth are both excellent choices too by the way!

Oct 21, 2016
Got the Borax
by: Janie

Thanks Troy.
I got the sack of Borax that was recommended on this site today. And thanks for the comment on Bone Broth and Gelatin.

Oct 21, 2016
Finding castor oil?
by: Tasha

Do you recommend this brand? It's the only one I can find in the store. I want to try this today. It is cold pressed but not organic. Will it work the same?.. Home Health Castor Oil, Cold Pressed and Cold Processed, 32-Ounce.

Oct 21, 2016
Test results
by: Charlene

I got my results from my Dr and yes it is Lichen Sclerosus. I'm on the steroid cream for two weeks!
I started back up on my vinegar and borax sit baths. How long do I continue sit baths?
Is it ok to still drink the 2 tbsp vinegar and 1/8 teaspoon borax twice a day in two separate glasses 20 min apart ? Do I do this for rest of my life?
Troy, thank you for helping all of us and answering all our questions! Trying to do the candida diet!

Thank you so much!

Oct 22, 2016
Cancer Urgent
by: Isabel

I want to help a person that has cancer. He is dying. How can he drink the protocol mix? I hope that it's not too late. Many thanks for your teachings.

Oct 23, 2016
A bit confused?
by: Clover

I am still a bit confused as to the exact procedure for the borax. I have taken one eighth teaspoon in a glass of water twice a day. I have been having what seem to be like insect bites on my body. They are very itchy and have appeared at the same time I have used the borax. Should I be using the borax in litre of water and be taking teaspoons or tablespoons? Should I drink the whole bottle per day? Thank you.

Oct 23, 2016
Confused on dosages of vinegar and borax
by: Charlene

I really need some help understanding the two drinks! For two weeks I drank the vinegar and I'm still drinking two tbsp of the mother vinegar in 1 cup of warm water. As far as the borax goes I over looked the pink rock salt. So I was just taking 1/8th teaspoon of borax in a glass of warm water 20 min after my vinegar. Do I need to start over with the borax and pink rock salt? Or do I now start the maintenance dose with a liter bottle of water! I don't quite understand.
There is so much on the internet about LS and your site is the only one that makes sense. I just want to get better.

Thank you Troy!

Oct 24, 2016
Reply for Tasha
by: Troy

Yes, this brand of castor oil can be used. As always, be sure to test the castor oil, lavender and lemongrass oil mix first on a small area, just to be sure you don't suffer any unwanted reactions.

All the best. :)

Oct 24, 2016
Reply to Clover
by: Troy

Taking 1/8th of a teaspoon of borax twice daily is too much. This is the reason you are breaking out with what sounds like hives. What you need to do is mix 1/8th of a teaspoon of borax and 1/8th of a teaspoon of Himalayan pink rock salt (Chrystal salt) in one liter of filtered water. You then drink this liter over the course of the day. Do this for two weeks only before dropping down the the maintenance dose. For the maintenance dose, you mix up 5-6 grams of borax and 5 grams of Himalayan pink rock salt in one liter of filtered water. The difference however is this now becomes your concentrated solution. You do not drink this liter in one go (all in one day), what you do is ONLY take 5-10 ml's of this concentrated solution (mixed in a glass of filtered water for absorbability) once to twice daily. You continue to do this permanently. So for example, if you take 20 ml's of this one liter concentrated solution each day, it should last you for a total of 50 days before you need to make up another batch.

Hope this helps to clarify.

All the best to you. :)

Oct 24, 2016
Thank God for the last post!
by: Janie

I am so glad to read the answer to Clover about the borax dosage. I knew it was to be 1/8th teaspoon of Borax to 1 Liter (4-8 oz. glasses). But I did not know it was supposed to have the Himmalayan salt in it and drank over the course of the day! I didn't understand the maintenance dose measure descriptions or measure terms either.

This is why I wrote I was confused at the end of the article about the Borax Conspiracy. I went back and read about the 1/8th in a liter of water and that was what I was going to do, but I was going to down a couple of glasses in the morning and a couple of glasses later in the day. I have to take so many other glasses of water for the Gelatin I am drinking. I am overwhelmed with all the water I have to remember to take!

Oct 24, 2016
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Hi Isabel. Everything is outlined in the article here... Stunning Natural Cancer Cure. If he struggles to have the herbs and supplements then mixing them in a smoothie (using a Nutribullet or blender) is an option... 20 Super-Healthy Smoothie Recipes.

Good luck and all the best to you and your friend. :)

Oct 24, 2016
Reply to Charlene
by: Troy

Hi Charlene. No you don't need to start again with the borax. Simply make up your concentrated solution with the borax and Chrystal salt and take 5-10 ml's of this concentrated solution every day for maintenance. Have a read of my reply to Clover for clarification on the maintenance dose, how to make it, and how to take it. This does seem to be creating a lot of confusion. Hopefully, this will help to clarify.

Yes, definitely continue to take the ACV, along with following the candida diet. 20 minutes apart with the ACV and borax is perfect. In regards to the sit baths. Use them for as long as you feel you need to. There is no set time frame.

Hope this helps you Charlene.

All the best!

Oct 29, 2016
My Own Cure That Works!
by: Anonymous

I am a long time LS sufferer. The steroid creams have done nothing for me. I also developed jock itch from Bootcamp classes due to sweat. I was researching natural cures and came across a recommendation for a tea tree oil soap. It's called Nubian Heritage Tea Tree Lemongrass Soap With Orange Peel. I tried it and not only did it cure the jock itch, but I have also been symptom free of LS for 7 months!! I used 2 bars and then stopped. Not a single itch since. I buy mine at a local health food store, but you can also purchase it online from Amazon.

Oct 30, 2016
About the Derman anti-fungal cream?
by: Janie

Anonymous in July said she used Derman anti fungal cream. Is this safe to use on the vulva area? It is for athletes foot.

Nov 01, 2016
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

Not sure Janie. If you try it, be sure to use with caution and test it first on a small area to make sure it doesn't burn.

Nov 02, 2016
Maybe not?
by: Janie

I think I am reluctant to use the anti-fungal cream meant for feet. If something is safe enough for the mouth it would be safe enough for the vaginal area, but I don't think I will risk it.

I seem to be making progress since I started using self suggestion.

Nov 02, 2016
by: GMLC

I have been diagnosed with LS for 9 years, but had it for many more before that. I tried the internal borax and it helped the first few days then the LS itch got worse. Now I am trying the castor oil/essential oil salve. It helped right away and for the first time in 10 years I slept through the night without scratching to the point of bleeding. Now, 4 days into it I have the worst skin condition I have ever had. Is this a normal reaction? Since it did not happen immediately I do not think it is an allergic reaction. Do I stop, continue, try something else? Help!

Nov 04, 2016
Reply to GMLC
by: Troy

Hi GMLC. Firstly, are you using the borax and pink rock salt EXACTLY as per the recommendation listed? Is the borax you're using pure with no additives? If so, back off the dosage by half and even more if need be then slowly build it back up over a period of weeks. Also make sure you're taking the borax with magnesium citrate. With the salve, once again make sure the products you have are good quality. Some people can have a reaction to the lemongrass oil so drop this from the mixture if need be, or try this relieving soap instead, which is safe and doesn't cause a reaction... Nubian Heritage Soap.

Also remember that these are only two of the recommendations. The ACV, probiotics and candida diet are just as important.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.

Nov 04, 2016
by: Janie

If I had of taken the apple cider vinegar I would be in big trouble. Any soda pop, citrus of any kind and tomato or sauce brings on the worst reaction to my bladder and my genitals. Not everyone has this problem, but something to look at. These things cause little crystal like deposits that line my bladder.

As I mentioned before, people need to watch out for that phoney citric acid that they put in 90% of all products. This is made in a lab from the mold of rotting onions! If it contains real lemon juice it will say so on the label, but if it just says citric acid then it's made in a lab. Citric acid is a preservative that is cheaper for companies to use.

Nov 04, 2016
I'm going to start this today!
by: Cindy

I have had LS for at least 2 years and it has been very bad. I'm itchy and raw internally. I believe I probably have candida as well as LS... guessing from the comments that LS is only on the external skin. I was just Googling whether to try Epsom salt baths and found you. I'm heading to town now to buy all these things to start today. I feel like a burden is being lifted off my shoulders. I will let everyone know how it goes! Thank you so much.

Nov 05, 2016
by: ADC

Firstly, thank you for the wonderful information you have provided and keeping up with this site to combat LS. I have just started working on the five suggestions you recommend but think I might be doing it all wrong. I take my magnesium citrate first thing in the morning when I take medication for another issue. I then make up my borax/salt solution to take internally, and take this throughout the day by mixing my solution into different glasses of water. Is this ok or do I need to keep it in the original litre of water and take it like that? I have problems taking the ACV liquid with the mother. There is no way I can swallow it. In previous replies you state that only the liquid with mother should be taken as anything else is a waste of time, but then on another reply you say the tablets with mother would be ok but slower to work. I would appreciate some help here. I'm so glad to have found this site. Many thanks and good luck to everyone using these suggestions.
ADC xxx

Nov 07, 2016
How I cured myself
by: Jill

It amazes me what we will do to "cure" this terrible disorder. I have had VLS for about 5 years now. Steroid pain meds and creams were all prescribed and the last cream was $300 - and it didn't even cure me, but it did take the edge of the itch. Then my insurance company decide not to pay for it so I couldn't afford it anymore. Like everyone, I researched and researched to try and find help. So this might sound strange but I found that the essential oil of oregano mixed with coconut oil (into a salve) immediately helped the itching and helped the pain as well. I started out with 5 drops of oregano oil to 2 tsp's of coconut oil. Oregano oil is a hot oil and MUST be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil. I eventually upped the mixture to 25 drops of oregano oil to 2 tsp's of coconut oil and applied everyday for 3 months. I no longer have any symptoms at all! This also helped with vaginal dryness and the vagina went back to looking normal! I now just apply the salve when I feel I might be getting a flare up. Also, if your salve is too runny, put it in the fridge for an hour and it will harden up. Hope this helps along with the other things suggested here. LS is horrible and it can be very hard to handle the pain - and the itching can literally make you go insane!

Nov 08, 2016
by: Angel

My 10yr old daughter has also been dealing with LS. With your recommendations to cure LS, would I need to change any of the quantities of the dosages because of her age? Thank you

Nov 10, 2016
Reply to Angel
by: Troy

Hi Angel. Yes, you definitely need to adjust the dosages because of your daughters age. With the borax and pink rock salt, start her straight off on the "maintenance dose" and mixture (using the pre-made concentrated solution). So she would take 5-10 ml's of this solution every day indefinitely. With the magnesium, you halve the adult dosage and with the ACV, around 15 ml's per day would be sufficient. The probiotics don't matter because we can never have too many of these so give her lots! The candida diet would be followed exactly the same also.

Hope this helps Angel.

All the best!

Nov 11, 2016
Reply to Jill
by: Troy

Thanks for taking the time to share your remedy with us Jill. It makes sense that oregano oil and coconut oil would help with lichen sclerosis as these both contain some powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.

So be sure to give this one a go ladies!

Nov 11, 2016
Reply to Cindy
by: Troy

You're welcome Cindy. Just remember to follow all of the recommendations to the letter so you get the most out of them and read all of the comments for extra tips.

All the best!

Nov 11, 2016
Reply to ADC
by: Troy

Firstly, you're most welcome ADC. Now, with the borax/pink salt and magnesium, what you're doing is perfectly fine so don't stress. With the ACV, it can definitely be a bit of an acquired taste. The ACV capsules don't actually contain the "mother", however, they are still effective - so if you can't handle the liquid, go with these. The capsules are certainly better than no ACV!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

Nov 12, 2016
Happy to have found this blog
by: Brigitte

Good afternoon, I was diagnosed one year ago with LS. At first, I didn't know what to do or took it seriously. I had no clue it was going to stick with me forever. When I saw it was progressing I questioned my doctor and never knew something like this even existed. Although I have no pain and almost no itching... it's more the physical appearance that I see that's changing slowly. I just went out and bought all the products that you cited and will do the work religiously. I'm from Québec Canada and have felt quite alone with my condition. Thanks for all the sharing you do... mentally it's helping a lot to see I'm not alone with this disease. Thankyou. Brigitte

Nov 12, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have had LS for many years and have been using a cortisone cream when I need it. Four years ago I was travelling in Cuba and living with local people. I did notice that the symptoms of LS were gone, so I thought about what was different in my diet. I realised that when I was consuming yogurts and creamy cheeses, I did not have the inconvenience of LS. If I indulge in unhealthy foods the problem is back the very next day. Am I the only one with this solution?

Nov 13, 2016
by: Cindy

Are there any alternatives to Borax? This EWG article concerns me.

Nov 13, 2016
PRP therapy for LS
by: Beverly

I am 65 years old and have had LS for over 20 years. It was treated as a yeast infection until I was finally referred to an OBGYN about 5 years ago. She did a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis of LS. My LS was so advanced that my clitoris was fused over and my urethra was almost fused over to the point that my urine was voided into my vagina. I absolutely dreaded going to the bathroom as the urine would spray and flow onto all of my open sores. Disgusted with this as well as my chronic open sores and constant itch, bleeding and pain, I went online and found that there was a very small study that had been done using PRP to treat LS. I contacted Dr Runnels office and was referred to Dr Posey in Mandeville Louisiana. That was late August this year and I am so glad I took that step. Pain reduction is 90%, urinating normally, and I have not bled since. The cost is around $1700 but there may be a trial available for free if you qualify. Best to contact her and ask about that. I know I will require more treatments but the relief is worth it to me. I will also now start to incorporate the protocol that I just learned about on this forum.

Nov 15, 2016
Question for Jill
by: Anonymous

Jill please share what strength oregano oil you used.

Nov 18, 2016
Lavender burns
by: JJM

I applied the lavender to the area for the first time with a cotton swab and it burned and made me more itchy. Was I suppose to dilute the oil with water? I don't have the castor oil yet but was wondering if the lavender doesn't work for me, could I try applying just the castor oil?

Thank you!

Nov 19, 2016
Reply to Cindy
by: Troy

No there are no alternatives to borax Cindy. That article is a complete load of rubbish though! Whoever wrote it has absolutely no understanding about borax. They actually label borax a "pesticide", which is laughable. Borax (sodium borate) is actually a naturally occurring mineral that's mined from the ground and is made up of sodium and boron - both of which are essential minerals too by the way. Round up is a pesticide (made by corrupt Monsanto), not borax! My wife and I have been taking borax for nearly 8 years now and feel amazing for it. If it really was a poison, we would both be dead by now. At the end of the day though you have to make your own choice. But don't fall prey to the lies and misinformation about borax. At least read the real truth on the benefits of borax therapy... The Borax Conspiracy.

Of course, you need to make sure the borax you buy contains no added fragrances or softeners. That's why we recommend this brand, which is 100% trustworthy... All Natural Sodium Borate.

Hope this helps you Cindy.

All the best! :)

Nov 19, 2016
Reply to Brigitte
by: Troy

I think most sufferers of LS are quite shocked and surprized at just how many other people out there are suffering from this problem Brigitte, so you're not alone. Glad you found us.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Nov 19, 2016
Reply for JJM
by: Troy

Lavender oil doesn't normally burn, however, if you apply it directly without diluting it, it can. That's why you combine it with one tablespoon of castor oil and only 2-3 drops of lavender oil. You could also try Jill's remedy (listed in the comments below) if don't find relief from this particular remedy. Here's a snippet...

So this might sound strange but I found that the essential oil of oregano mixed with coconut oil (into a salve) immediately helped the itching and helped the pain as well. I started out with 5 drops of oregano oil to 2 tsp's of coconut oil. Oregano oil is a hot oil and MUST be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil. I eventually upped the mixture to 25 drops of oregano oil to 2 tsp's of coconut oil and applied everyday for 3 months. I no longer have any symptoms at all!

Hope it helps!

Nov 21, 2016
by: Patty H.

This info has been so helpful. Thanks. My question is I've had Rheumatoid arthritis since I was 4yrs old. I've now been on Enbrel for 11 years. Got LS after my third son and it's got worse since menopause in the last 6 months. I'm doing the suggestions and starting on the maintenance dose for the borax. Do you have any knowledge if I should continue to take Enbrel and if there would be any issues or difficulties in healing my LS. I would like to stop Enbrel if possible. I am taking 50mg injection 2xmonthly (not the weekly recommendation ). I use Homeopathics also. Thank you for your time. Peace.

Nov 21, 2016
14 weeks pregnant
by: Traci

Hi. I have been dealing with what I thought was a yeast infection for close to 5 months now, trying various home remedies, over the counters, but nothing helping with the constant itching. I'm finally thinking maybe it's not a yeast infection and might LS instead. I have dark flaky spots on my chest as well as itchiness on my bottom and thinking these are related in some fungus way. I'm wondering if all of these remedies are safe to do when I am in my 2nd trimester?

Nov 22, 2016
Reply to Traci
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Traci. All of the recommendations listed are safe to take when pregnant, however, the one you need to be careful with is the borax. While borax is safe for pregnant women in low dosages, with higher amounts it could potentially cause problems. If you were to take the borax, start straight on the maintenance dose, not the two week dose. So you mix 5-6 grams of borax and 5 grams of Himalayan pink rock salt in one liter of filtered water for your concentrated solution. Take 5-10 ml's of this concentrated solution in a glass of filtered water once daily. Make sure you take magnesium citrate with the borax as well.

Like I said, all of the other recommendations are perfectly safe for pregnant women.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Nov 22, 2016
Reply to Patty
by: Troy

Everyday Health says this about Enbrel... Enbrel can affect the way your body's immune system fights infections. People who take Enbrel are at an increased risk of developing serious infections including viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.

Unfortunately, it's not a nice drug, however, it's interactions and side effects list suggests that it wouldn't interact or pose any harm when combined with any of the recommendations listed for LS. Of course, check with your doctor first to be sure. As far as quitting the drug? You would need to make that decision in conjunction with a health care professional.

Keep in mind also that because Enbrel causes bacterial, viral and fungal infections, it may be possible that you have a combination of yeast infections AND LS.

Hope this helps you Patty.

All the best.

Nov 22, 2016
Reply to Beverly
by: Troy

Thanks for sharing your story Beverly. Anyone interested in PRP therapy can read more about it here... Cell Therapy and PRP.

Nov 22, 2016
Borax, is it safe?
by: Anonymous

I am suffering from LS. Bad thing. I'm interested in trying a new way to get better or even cured. I was a bit confused when I read that borax can be used orally? Is it really safe??

Nov 22, 2016
Reply to anonymous
by: Jill

Hello, there is no strength listed on the bottle. I brought my oil of oregano from Whole Foods in there essential oils section. I now use 30 drops to 2tsp of coconut oil. Remember, oil of oregano should never be put directly on the skin. Hope this helps.

Nov 23, 2016
Reply to Anonymous
by: Troy

You can read more about borax and how safe it is, along with plenty of testimonials from people just like you who have used (and are still using) borax for their health problems, from our friends at Earth Clinic. Here's the links...

Borax Cures and Health Benefits.

Is Borax Dangerous?

Nov 23, 2016
by: Janie

I found homeopathic pellets of Borax. Should I include these too?

Nov 23, 2016
by: Troy

Homeopathic Borax pellets work out to be expensive and many are laced with hidden sugars. Do not bother with them Janie. Use the sodium borate powder instead.

Nov 23, 2016
by: Janie

Ok but sometimes my liter water with the 1/8 teaspoon of Borax and H. salt tastes like dead fish water. I am using clean water and it does not always taste like that but when it does it leaves an awful after taste and makes me feel sick. I am using the Borax recommended on your site and sure I got the right stuff.

Nov 23, 2016
by: Troy

If that's the case then just add more water, either to the one liter you make up or to each dose that you take (eg, 100 ml's added to a glass of water 10 times throughout the day). In fact, drink as much water as you can - it detoxes and flushes out all the nasties.

Dead fish water? Nice description! lol.

All the best to you Janie!

Nov 23, 2016
Help on dosage please
by: Ann Frisque

Hi people, so I did the two weeks with the 1 liter bottle using 1/8 tsp of borax and Himalayan pink salt, then switched to the maintenance dose and my blood sugars have rocketed. Am I still detoxing and this is one of the effects or is there an issue with my dose. I am taking 2 tsp in 8oz water twice a day. I am 300lbs with lots of health issues. On the 1 liter dose my blood sugars were averaging 114 for the 7 days, the highest test was 138. The past week on the maintenance dose they have consistently been around 170. Any advice would be appreciated.

Nov 24, 2016
Reply to Ann
by: Troy

Hi Ann. The maintenance dose recommendation reads... "For your maintenance dose, mix up 5-6 grams of borax and 5 grams of Himalayan pink rock salt in one liter of filtered water. THIS NOW BECOMES YOUR CONCENTRATED SOLUTION. Store in your pantry for safe keeping. Take 5-10 ml's of this concentrated solution in a glass of filtered water once to twice daily."

5-10 ml's of this concentrated solution is only a small amount. Make sure you have the maintenance dose correct. It sounds like you are taking too much. You can read more about borax here... Borax Cures and Health Benefits.

In addition, magnesium citrate must be taken with boron (borax) as they balance each other out. This is crucial. Ceylon cinnamon is also highly effective for reducing blood sugar levels and keeping them at normal levels... Natural Diabetes Treatment.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Nov 27, 2016
Can you clarify please?
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your suggestions. I just wanted to clarify if you are suppose to pick one of these 5 methods like the apple cider or use all 5 at once. Can you use the apple cider vinegar and the borax at the same time? Thanks

Nov 29, 2016
by: Troy

You should definitely use all 5 remedies together for best results (holistic approach). Using only one or two wont be anywhere near as effective.

All the best!

Nov 29, 2016
Maintenance dose
by: Ann Frisque

I believe you said the maintenance dose is 5-10mls twice a day of the concentrate, is that not the 2 teaspoons (10mls) twice a day that I mentioned or are my baking skills shot? Do you think this is too much? Do you think this is the reason for my blood sugars being so high. Like I said I am 300lbs and have multiple health issues - hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, high blood calcium, severely low vit D, menopausal, non alcoholic liver disease, high cholesterol, LS, keratoconus and the list goes on. I use steroid drops for my eyes from the 4 corneal transplants I have had, and take a multivitamin and of course vit D supplements. Would appreciate any help, would I be better doing the 1 lt bottle instead of the twice daily or would that be too much, like I said I am only having blood sugar issues, my LS appears to be better and the lavender/lemongrass/castor oil mix is terrific!

Nov 29, 2016
Maintenance dose
by: Ann Frisque

Oh and just to clarify Troy, I have been doing all 5 steps, just so there is no confusion. I actually take magnesium citrate three times a day, also cayenne, cinnamon, garlic, potassium, vit D, B12 and turmeric. ACV twice a day 2 tablespoons each in 8oz water and 2 tsp of borax concentrate mix twice a day in 8oz water.

Nov 29, 2016
Reply to Ann
by: Troy

With the borax, the dosage you're taking is fine so stick with this. It may take longer to take effect but this is safer (less side effects) for someone with multiple health problems than if you were to go with the initial 2 week concentrated dose. By the way, I'm the one who got confused. 5-10 ml's of the concentrated dose each day is correct. Everything else you are doing is excellent. You could also take Lugol's liquid iodine as well, which helps a lot with hypothyroidism - in fact with all of the health problems you have. If you go with the 7% solution, it's two vertical drops in a glass of filtered water once daily. With the 5% solution it's 3 drops per day. Don't forget about organic coconut oil as well. This is a powerful diabetes treatment. 3 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil per day is the minimum requirement. The cinnamon powder is 3-4 teaspoons each day to normalize blood sugar levels. You can have a read of our Natural Diabetes Treatment article for more information on these. And of course, lots of vitamin D to get those levels back up!

But you're on the right track Ann, so keep it up.

All the best to you!

Dec 05, 2016
Jill - oregano oil
by: Dee

Hi Jill. I have had LS for a while I suspect but only officially diagnosed last June. Early signs are good for me after using the oregano oil for just over a week or so, so thanks for sharing. Stung a bit at first but I'm used to it now and am upping the dose each time. Can you tell me how many times a day to use it? For example, every time after going to the loo? Also, did it manage to get rid of any scarring/atrophy caused by the steroid cream?
Cheers, Dee.

Dec 06, 2016
Hoping to Heal
by: Cindy

Ok, so today is the end of week 2 of taking the Borax/salt. I have also been doing the ACV, taking Magnesium, Vitamin D, Black Cohosh, and cutting down on coffee. Tomorrow I will be totally off coffee. I have cut down the gluten, etc, but am in between jobs and just cannot afford to eat healthier until work starts again. I haven't noticed any improvement yet but am hopeful. My symptoms are not just the skin but internal is raw and has been like that for a year and a half. I'm guessing it is Candida but have not been diagnosed with that. I had such a horrible experience with my medical doctor when she did the biopsy that I refuse to go back. I've tried other healing... some energy healing, Bach flower remedies, and was starting to do Susan Weed's herbal remedies until I started reading this. It's all confusing and makes me want to cry but I'm hopeful that soon I will have some positive results. Good luck everyone.

Dec 06, 2016
Great Resource!
by: LBJR

I am in the process of being diagnosed. My obgyn thinks that's what it is so I had a punch biopsy in 3 spots last week. I am healing with stitches now but will be doing the borax and baking soda in my bath once the stitches are dissolved. I am on a steroid cream of course which is not doing much in my worst area. I had initially treated it as a yeast infection when it first started 18 months ago, which helped for a few days only to flare up again. I wanted to add that I generally eat low carbs except the last few months as I had several out of country trips. When I was eating a low amount of carbs, most of my lesions healed and almost no itching. This made a lot of sense to me after reading about candida as a low carb diet has no wheat or sugar.

The hood of my clitoris is already changing though not covered and one side of my labia is gone (absorbed). I had an issue 10+ years ago and my gyn prescribed an estrogen cream. It did help a bit and the symptoms went away, if I remember correctly.

I have this page bookmarked for future reference for when I begin the treatments mentioned here after the holidays, along with my low carb way of eating!

Dec 06, 2016
Reply to Cindy
by: Troy

Depending on how long you've had LS for, and if you currently have any other underlying health problems, will determine how long it takes for your body to heal. Follow the candida diet as best you can, take a good quality probiotic supplement, and start culturing and fermenting your own foods. You're on the right track Cindy so stick with it.

All the best. :)

Dec 08, 2016
Borax brand
by: LBJR


I found borax by 20 mule team. It says 99% pure on the box and the ingredient is sodium tetraborate. Is this the right stuff? That's all it lists for ingredients so no added scents.

Dec 13, 2016
by: Troy

20 Mule Team sodium tetraborate is the most common form of borax used. It's perfectly fine. :)

Dec 13, 2016
Lichen Schlerosis
by: Sophie

I have followed your page religiously and just want to add my experience. I did not want to use steroids (as prescribed by my gyn) so I followed his advice on using Cortisone 10 and then Premarin.... they did absolutely nothing! So I have been following your borax plus baking soda baths and sitz baths. These seem to help. The one thing I find helpful is applying castor oil or coconut oil before going to bed. But it is definitely not cured, just more comfortable. I'm passing this on for what it's worth to others who have this miserable condition!! Thanks to you all.

Dec 15, 2016
Borax in coffee or lemon water?
by: Debby

Troy, I asked you previously about putting the borax in my morning coffee. You told me that coffee was not good for my gut bacteria. Is that because of the caffeine? Would decaf be acceptable? I've tried the Matcha tea, but I'm not a fan. Sometimes I drink warm water with lemon, would that be good to put the borax in? I would appreciate any other suggestions you might have. Thanks!

Dec 16, 2016
Trying your tips for LS
by: CJ

I am afraid of using pink Himalayan rock salt since I'm on the heart health diet. Will borax alone be okay? Does Borax have sodium content?

Dec 17, 2016
by: Cindy

Ok I've done the two weeks, and about a week or longer on the maintenance using the borax, magnesium, castor oil/lemongrass and taking ACV and not doing the diet, yet. All of a sudden the itching is driving me crazy and my breath is worse. Is this part of the process? I've had this for at least two years, probably a lot longer. I have not been able to have sex for a year and a half. Inflamed internally, skin fusing together. I've been soaking in borax and baking soda once a day. I have quit coffee, but the last couple days I've had more sugar than normal. I don't find instant relief using oil or ACV. Feels fine but still the itch. Gawd. Thanks for your help.

Dec 18, 2016
Reply to Isabel. RE: How to wash
by: Stephanie

Hello Isabel. I don't know if you're still checking the site regularly, but I hope you see this if you are.

RE: The best thing to wash your feminine areas with, the best answer is actually to just use pure, warm or lukewarm water and your fingers.

This may seem odd or even "gross" initially, but that's just cultural conditioning. The vagina is actually self-cleaning and very delicate, making it easy to irritate the tissues or disrupt its pH. There is even a natural, protective fatty layer present on healthy vulvar tissue and this is not something you want to wash off! This is especially important for those suffering with VLS as this fatty layer is most likely already compromised by your condition anyway.

Please try out the recommendation. Simply making sure you wash regularly will ensure you are adequately clean down there. I do not have LS, as far as I know, but did recently go through a spell of terrible dryness & itching that was beginning to raise my suspicions. I changed my hygiene routine as well as changing over to all undyed cotton panties through the day and bare at night, plus added a bit of coconut oil until the issues resolved. So far, so good.

My mother does have LS, & that's actually how I came across this site. The above techniques & remedies were actually a recommendation from her. :)

Healing & blessings to you all, & THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE REMEDIES, TROY! I will pass them along to my Mom as she is having a rebound after her steroid cream. She is currently in remission right now, but has not yet stopped the cream... I am trying to be proactive in finding other possible solutions for her. Thanks again!!

Dec 18, 2016
How much magnesium citrate?
by: Anonymous

I tried the castor oil and essential oils and it didn't work for me. My LS I believe is hormone fueled. I'm 49 and it started getting worse about a year ago. I'm going to try the borax cure... but how much magnesium citrate do you take in combination with the borax. That was the only info left out.

Dec 21, 2016
by: jonidays

Hi there, 16 yrs ago I cut down on diary products to ease my Asthma and it helped me! Now I finally have been diagnosed with LS. I am definitely going to do this Borax treatment. Should I up my dairy intake again as I have bad inflammation on the inner vagina during an after intercourse?

Dec 22, 2016
Reply to Jonidays
by: Troy

Processed dairy is very bad for you, especially your gut, so continue to stay away from it. Use alternatives such as home-made almond milk, coconut milk, etc, instead.

Dec 22, 2016
by: Troy

With the magnesium citrate dosage. Simply follow the directions listed on the bottle and you can't go wrong. :)

Dec 22, 2016
Reply to Debby
by: Troy

Hi Debby. It's not so much the caffeine. Coffee is acidic to the gut. Acid kills your good gut bacteria and damages the gut lining. Adding the borax to your warm lemon water would be a good alternative. :)

Dec 22, 2016
Reply for CJ
by: Troy

Borax (sodium borate) does have sodium. You would need to check with your health care practitioner first. :)

Dec 22, 2016
Reply to Cindy
by: Troy

Your bad breath is your body detoxing, which is normal. Be sure to stay away from sugar and start following the candida diet A.S.A.P. For the itching, try using Jill's formula below. Seems to work very well.

All the best to you Cindy.

Dec 23, 2016
Emu oil for immediate relief
by: Janie

Well I got the most immediate relief from using an external Bidet and spraying water on the genitals with Himalayan pink salt and then patting dry. I also apply Purple (brand name) Emu oil twice a day and always get relief. I have started making my own suppositories to insert at night using the Emu Oil. If you go to the Purple Emu oil website (Purple Emu Oil for LS) there's testimonials from people who've managed to improve from this problem using the Emu oil. I even use it on my face and it's wonderful.

I know the vagina is self cleaning, but it's okay to use herbal medicine as well. I bought Olive Leaf powder and douche with that occasionally because it's a fungus killer. I think the silver gel is great also. And of course, I use the Borax and Magnesium. But if I dare touch sugar or citric acid or tomato sauce, everything flares up and gets worse!! Diet is essential!!

Dec 23, 2016
Fusing from LS
by: GP

Just wondering if these remedies will stop or reverse the fusing from LS? They have helped tremendously with the itching and burning but the fusing seems to be getting worse. I have many of what I can best describe as what feels like tight bands in areas from the front to the back of my genital area up to the crack of my bottom. Labia is all fused and clitoral hood has disappeared. It seems as though I can almost feel it fusing with a crawling sensation. Does anyone else have this?

Dec 23, 2016
How to wash
by: Isabel

Reply to Stephanie...
Hi Stephanie, thank you so much for your tip. I'm going to try it but in the anal area. I'm thinking of using a soap of coconut oil called Dr. Organic. Has anybody tried it? Troy what do you think about it?

Dec 23, 2016
Reply to Dee
by: Jill

Hi Dee, I was using it about 3 times a day or whenever the itch was driving me crazy. Night time seemed the best. It did help with the scaring - I was back to normal after 4 months. Make sure you're mixing the oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil. This will take the sting away. Good luck.

Dec 27, 2016
Lichen Sclerosus
by: Marg

An acupuncturist recently advised me to use a Mongolian buckthorn oil capsule inserted into the vagina every 3rd day and a 1/2 teaspoon probiotic in coconut oil every second day. Has anyone else heard of this remedy? I've begun but it's early days yet and I'm not sure what to do on the days they fall together. The acupuncturist is away for 2 months.

Dec 27, 2016
Reply to Marg
by: Troy

The probiotic and coconut oil would probably be the better choice when they fall on the same day Marg. Or maybe try out one and then the other to see which gives the best results. :)

Dec 27, 2016
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

The Dr Organic coconut oil soap seems like it would be okay. After all, coconut oil is a very powerful cleanser, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory.

Hope it helps Isabel. :)

Dec 29, 2016
Reply to Jill
by: Dee

Thanks Jill. My gyno said that it looks as though my LS is clearing up already so thanks for sharing. I am up to 10 drops of oregano to 2tsps of coconut oil and it seems to be burning though. I think it's perhaps because I am using 100% pure organic oregano oil which may stronger than the one you use. I think I'll try a bit more coconut oil.

Warmest wishes.

Dec 30, 2016
Lichen Planus
by: Janie

My condition is Vulva Lichen Planus. I don't know the difference between this and LS. I am not aware of any fusing. I do know that Lichen Planus is a fungus which is surrounded by an Algae that eats itself. They live in nature and are dependent on each other. Fungus has no Chlorophyll but Algae does. LP has the white streaks and looks like cancer, but they cannot tell unless a biopsy is done.

Jan 01, 2017
Oregano Oil & Bentonite Clay
by: Cindy

Hello there, I bought the oregano oil and mixed 5 drops into the 2 tsp of coconut oil and it has soothed my itching, so thank-you!! It didn't sting at all so I'm going to add a bit more for tomorrow. I was talking to someone I met about Candida and she gave me a bottle of Bentonite to take internally. I've starting researching, and now another site says try Terra Silk, another clay product, and the lady says it 'cured' her LS. Wondering if it's ok to add this to my regime while using the Borax too? Bentonite or Terra Silk? Which is better? Thanks, Cindy

Jan 03, 2017
Reply to Cindy
by: Troy

Either the bentonite clay or terra silk (terramin) are perfectly fine to add to your regimen. The terramin is technically a form of bentonite but is higher in calcium and lower in sodium compared to the standard bentonite clay. The terramin would be the preferred option if you had to pick one but both are good. :)

Jan 03, 2017
White Patches
by: Ann Frisque

Ok, I have been following the 5 steps for the past 2 months. The itching is under control but I would like to know if it is normal for the white patches to get worse? Is it being drawn out and this is normal or is this not working for me?

Jan 03, 2017
Borax and Bloodpressure
by: Anonymous

I have been taking 1/8th teaspoon of borax in water for about six days now. My blood pressure is higher than ever (am taking meds). Could the borax be raising my blood pressure?

Jan 04, 2017
Reply to Anonymous
by: Troy

Borax does contain sodium so yes it is possible. However, it rarely does raise blood pressure beyond normal levels as long as you are taking it with magnesium citrate (which actually lowers blood pressure). If you are taking blood pressure medications then you should check with your health care professional before continuing. If you did decide to use the borax again, start off with a much lower dosage (1/16th of a teaspoon) or go straight to the maintenance dose. And make sure you combine it with a minimum of 400mg's of magnesium citrate daily. :)

Jan 04, 2017
Reply to Ann
by: Troy

The old adage of "things can get worse before they get better" certainly applies when it comes to many natural remedies and treatments. An initial worsening of symptoms is actually fairly common. Repair and regeneration takes time. You should see a definite reversal and improvement after 6 months though, however, it can take a full year (and more in some cases) for complete healing and reversal of LS.

Hope this helps you Ann. :)

Jan 04, 2017
Magnesium Citrate.
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your reply - Re: blood pressure rising and borax. In what form do I take magnesium citrate? This is the first time I've seen it mentioned to add to the borax.

Jan 04, 2017
Everything starts with your gut!
by: Anonymous

I have recently discovered that by fixing your gut bacteria, you can fix or relieve the symptoms of many diseases. I am talking here about the ultimate probiotic - FMT (fecal microbiota transplant)... The Power of Probiotics and Fecal Transplant - Dr. Julian Whitaker.

I have an underactive thyroid and lichen sclerosus. I have undergone FMT treatment and have had amazing results.

Basically, they clean out your gut and then restore only the good bacteria to your gut. Think of it like weeding & feeding.

My brain fog has disappeared, my thyroid symptoms have drastically improved, and my lichen sclerosus has gone!

It's worth taking a look and doing some research if you suffer with any auto-immune diseases as FMT seems to work really well for these.

Jan 04, 2017
by: Troy

Magnesium citrate is best taken in capsule form at a daily dose of between 400 & 1000 mg's. It doesn't need to be mixed with the borax though and is best taken with food. Remember to halve the borax dosage, or preferably, go straight to the maintenance protocol and continue to take the magnesium indefinitely. :)

Jan 04, 2017
Terra silk
by: Janie

I ordered this terra silk today. Besides taking internally can I douche with that because I have Lichen Planus, which is more difficult to get rid of as it is in my vagina as well as the vulva.

Jan 05, 2017
by: Troy

No, only apply topically (as a thin plaster) and use as a soap. Douching is not recommended. :)

Jan 05, 2017
Terra silk
by: Janie

Ok troy but that does not go up into my vagina. My condition, unlike the other Lichen, is also in my vagina. Now this is a different clay than just the Bentonite. So this can be drunk and those who drink it on the Amazon comments say drinking it really takes care of many such problems. The gal on your site who just commented is how I learned of this terra silk and she wrote to drink it. Of course I will do the Borax and other things. I do douche with the Olive leaf powder which is recommended to do because it is a powerful fungus and algae killer. My LP is described as a fungus surrounded by algae that eats itself. If it were only on my vulva that would be great but my LP is vagina and vulva.

I do have a cold scalar Laser and 3 probes to attach for LED RED light, violet light and infrared. After I showed it to my doctor he was very impressed and suggested I might use that LED RED light probe. I have not done that yet.

Jan 05, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Janie. Sorry, I didn't add that you should be drinking the terra silk as well. I know your condition is slightly different as such so hopefully it helps you.

All the best!

Jan 05, 2017
Bentonite Clay
by: Janie

Hi Troy: yes, I already sent for the terra silk today. I had a thought wondering why you should not douche with it? Does it cake up and harden in the vagina? Then I wondered since I make and freeze vaginal suppositories of Emu oil, would it be a bad idea to mix in just a little terra silk with the emu oil suppository? It will be liquefied and trapped in the oil and when the suppository melts a little of the clay it might only stay in the vagina long enough to kill the fungus or algae.
What do you think?

Jan 05, 2017
by: Andrew

Hi Troy, you say to take magnesium with the borax treatment. Is it required only for the initial two week period, or do you have to keep taking it during the maintenance period (i.e. forever)?

Thanks Andrew

Jan 05, 2017
by: Andrew

How important is the filtered water with the borax and ACV? Can it be ordinary water from home?

Jan 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

I am already taking 250 mg magnesium oxide. Is this OK instead of the citrate?

Jan 06, 2017
Buy Borax in the UK
by: Clark

Hi, my name is Clark. I am a 30 year old man with LS in a sensitive area. I live in the U.K. and can't seem to get Borax here? Any suggestions or alternatives? Thank you for your help!

Jan 10, 2017
Stubborn lichen sclerosus
by: Nicole

I have followed your treatment strictly for the past 2 weeks, but unfortunately the burning is still there, maybe less but still there. Should I continue that treatment for another week or 2 or try something else? I am desperate here. I have tried so many things, nothing works.

Jan 11, 2017
Reply for Nicole
by: Troy

Try Jill's remedy Nicole ("How I Cured Myself" - November 7th 2016 post). Scroll through the comments and you will find it. Seems to be helping a lot of women. :)

Jan 11, 2017
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

It sounds like it could work Janie, but I don't know for sure. There's only one way to find out. :)

Jan 11, 2017
Reply to Clark
by: Troy

Because of the ridiculous new laws in the EU regarding borax, you can only buy it online and you may need a business account. Try this website Clark... Intra Laboratories.

Jan 11, 2017
Reply About Magnesium
by: Troy

Unfortunately, magnesium oxide is very poorly absorbed by the body. Magnesium citrate is highly absorbable and much better. :)

Jan 11, 2017
Reply to Andrew
by: Troy

Hi Andrew. Tap water is laced with chemicals and harmful fluoride. You should never drink it... ever!

With the magnesium, it should be taken indefinitely (for the rest of your life). It's such a critical nutrient - probably even the most important nutrient. :)

Jan 11, 2017
by: Janie

Just a comment about the issue of Magnesium.
Dr. Norm Shealy has proven through blood tests that magnesium is most effective when topically applied. He has made this available in gel or spray. I have used this topically for years now and I've noticed a real difference between any form of magnesium taken orally and that applied topically. In my own opinion, topical application is far better. I rub it into the soles of my feet before bedtime. Again this is only my opinion and my belief in Dr. Norm Shealy's research.

Jan 11, 2017
by: Troy

Yes you are right Janie. I've been using a transdermal magnesium oil spray for the past 8 years. The thing I've found is most women hate using this spray as it can be uncomfortable and can dry the skin out - which is why we recommend the citrate. If you don't mind the spray then you should definitely use it. Dr Marcus Sircus is also an advocate of the mag oil spray... Benefits of Magnesium Oil and How to Use it.

Jan 12, 2017
Buying Borax in the UK
by: Jonidays

Hi Clark, I live in the UK too and buy my Borax on Ebay. Try this link... 20 Mule Team Borax.

Good luck!

Jan 17, 2017
Got Kola Cure
by: Anonymous

I have had Lichen Sclerosis for the past couple of years (I am only 40 but I have had vitiligo in my vulvar area since I was 4). I went to a Dermatologist who gave me Clobetasol ointment, which worked for a couple of months but after that made the itching and the general condition of my skin worse. I had scar tissue over my clitoris and the skin had become so thin that I had lesions almost every day. When I saw that the Clobetasol was doing more harm than good I stopped using it and decided to look for some natural remedies. I did some research and came across Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica), which is a herb used extensively in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. It hasn't been used specifically for LS but is used generally for chronic skin conditions and has been useful for psoriasis. I have used Gotu Kola (in liquid form) for several months now (I apply it 3-4 times to the affected area and drink a dropper full). My scarring is completely gone and my skin has plumped up (no more skin lesions!) and the color is looking much healthier (no greying whiteness). It still itches now and then but nothing like what it used to. In case it's helpful to anyone else, I am setting down here my full regime: (i) apply Gotu Kola as listed above (ii) wash with apple cider vinegar and water twice daily (iii) use lavender oil and castor oil (mixed together) a few days before my period when the itching gets worse (iv) use neosporin (anti itch and anti scarring) when I get a skin lesion (v) eat lots of different colored fruits and vegetables. Good Luck!

Jan 20, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

Thanks for sharing!

Jan 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

As mentioned before, I'm a guy with Lichen Sclerosus and the treatments I've been using from this post have been great! Haven't got the Borax yet but in the morning I wash with ceraphil and I drink my ACV, along with mixing 1 tbls of ACV to 2 tbls water and apply this to the area with some cotton wool and leave on. I also make a green leaf smoothie with turmeric, ginger, manuka honey, coconut oil, cinnamon and MSM. At night I use the castor oil/ lavender/lemongrass oil mixed as suggested and leave it on overnight. That's really already worked wonders. I don't know whether this is just preventing it though or actually getting rid of the problem? I have started to get a possible fungal infection between 2 of my toes, don't know if it's connected. Now I need to work on my diet by cutting out sugar and processed white flour/wheat. I'm a sucker for bread. Haven't had to use any steroid creams (for now!) and don't want to. Thanks for your help!!

Jan 20, 2017
Pediatric Help
by: Christy Myatt

I have a 3 1/2 year old who has this. We have stopped all artificial, processed and gluten foods, along with milk. What else would you recommend - mainly the ingested ones? I do not want to hurt her liver or kidneys!! Thank you!

Jan 24, 2017
Reply to Christy
by: Troy

Along with what you're already doing, giving your child a good quality (child's) probiotic supplement every day is vital. You could also use a liver cleanser, but this would need to be done under the guidance of a naturopathic physician. In fact, visiting a naturopath for general guidance for your child's condition would be a good idea in my opinion.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Christy. :)

Jan 24, 2017
Reply to Anonymous
by: Troy

You're welcome. Start on the borax and magnesium and you'll notice even more of a difference. You can also use the borax topically to treat your foot fungal infection, plus taking the borax orally will kill the fungus (all bad internal fungi for that matter) from the inside out. Try and stay away from that bread though! Bread is definitely not good.

All the best!

Jan 24, 2017
Using Borax Topically
by: Janie

Troy I did not know you could apply Borax topically. Please, how to apply?

Jan 24, 2017
by: Troy

All you do is mix some borax with water, just enough to make a paste, then apply this directly to the affected area. It's great for killing fungal infections such as athletes foot and nail fungus.

Hope this helps!

All the best Janie. :)

Jan 24, 2017
Borax for the vulva area?
by: Janie

Thanks Troy. I hope you mean it's Ok to apply it to the Vulva in the genital area?

Jan 24, 2017
Borax and Epsom salts
by: Jonidays

After using a steroid cream (2mths) for LS I have Genital Herpes. 1st time for me! Decided not to take tablets DR prescribed and successfully healed it myself. I mixed a tablespoon of Epsom salts and half a teaspoon of pure Borax in a medium sized cup. I then soaked the solution with a small cotton wool pad, the ones you use to remove make-up, and applied it to the area as if it were a sanitary towel for 8 hours, then a fresh pad again the same for another 8 hours. It stung a tiny bit but the blisters had not burst and to be honest, I never felt them burst with this method!! Day 6 and it is healed. A little tip though... when going out make sure you remove the pad. Your underwear may be wet but the salts still work on the affected area.

Jan 24, 2017
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

Yes, you can use the paste or you can douche with 1 tablespoon of borax in a cup (8oz) of warm water every day, or even fill an empty capsule with borax and insert directly into the vagina. This can be done 2-3 times per day. Before bed is particularly beneficial. :)

Jan 24, 2017
by: Janie

Troy this is wonderful!! I did not know I could do it this way with a douche and insert into the vagina!! Because I do not have LS I have Vulva LP, which means for me it's in the vagina and Vulva.

I will do the douche but instead of the capsule I will put Borax in the Purple (brand) Emu oil and make suppositories. I have a reusable silicon mold to put the Borax infused Emu oil combination in and freeze those, then I can take them out and with a plunger, insert into the vagina.

A gal at the health food store told me she used a capsule filled with something else and inserted this into her vagina, but it didn't dissolve and didn't work. But making a frozen suppository makes more sense.
So thanks so much!!!
Janie Martin

Jan 26, 2017
I need help also
by: Kim

I am very excited to use your protocol and get off the Clobetasol gel that I am using for my LS.

I am on my 3rd day of using your protocol and have all the classic signs of detoxing; headaches, chills, fever, sweating and now I am vomiting.
I read about the Herxheimer's Reaction and the die-off effect. I decided to get off of the protocol for a day or two then try again and build up slowly. The only item on your list that I did not use is the Himalayan pink rock salt. What does that do for you and how important is it to use?

Jan 26, 2017
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

You're welcome Janie. Hope it helps! :)

Jan 27, 2017
Reply to Kim
by: Troy

Hi Kim. Firstly, if you find the die-off detoxing effect too much then stopping and re-starting by building up slowly is a smart move - so what you've decided to do is good. The Himalayan pink rock salt contains over 84 trace minerals and elements that your body needs. This also helps to alkalize the body (positive pH) so the healing can begin. It really is extremely important.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 29, 2017
My 17 year old daughter
by: Anonymous

My 17 year old daughter has been diagnosed with this and its getting increasingly worse. She is always panicking as now she doesn't want to go to college as she is a performer and they wear tight clothing. We have tried the creams from the doctor but they aren't working. Its starting to spread even more. Will these remedies stop the bleeding and cuts everywhere and the white spots? We are worried it's going to progress to something worse.

Jan 29, 2017
by: Janie

Troy I just found this about Cumin as an anti-fungal...

Skin Disorders: Almost all of us know that vitamin-E is good for the skin. It keeps the skin young and glowing. This vitamin is also present in abundance in cumin. The essential oils present in this have disinfectant and anti fungal properties. This prevents any microbial and fungal infection from affecting the skin.


Feb 01, 2017
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

Nice. Thanks for sharing Janie!

Feb 01, 2017
Reply to Anonymous
by: Troy

These remedies will definitely help. To what degree, we can't make that call. It depends on how well she follows the recommendations (especially the candida diet/probiotics/cleansing the liver). Getting her body healthy again should be her #1 priority. Do this and everything else will naturally fall into place.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

Feb 02, 2017
Found a treatment that works for me!
by: Nicole

After reading all the comments here, I tried several of them, but these did not work for me. Then I tried the solution 1/2 saline and 1/2 hydrogen peroxide. I sprayed the vaginal area 3 to 4 times a day and my symptoms are basically gone! It has been 3 weeks now, and I'm so grateful to the person who shared this. Thank you!

Feb 03, 2017
by: D.B.

I am going to be blatantly honest.... I will soon be 63 years old. I went thru menopause 12 years ago. I do not know how long I've actually been dealing with LS, but it, combined with menopausal issues, have made intercourse virtually impossible for me. Needless to say, it's been a real strain on my marriage of nearly 40 years. I'm asking this question of all who participate on this site..... is there anything that will help regain elasticity in the vaginal area besides HRT? I am praying for some hope here. I would be so grateful for any and all suggestions. Thanks.

Feb 04, 2017
All 5 steps at once?
by: Sibyl

HI, I'm seriously thinking about using these steps to try to cure my lichen sclerosus (been using the steroid cream for over a year now) and I'm very frustrated. I wonder about doing all 5 steps at once - especially the borax/salt, ACV, and liver detox. Sounds like a lot for your body all at once. Can you send more guidance?

Feb 04, 2017
My first natural treatment
by: Isabel

Hi Troy,
In 2001 I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease. This is a benign condition, but when I'm very stressed one or more cysts increase in size and the area becomes red, hot and painful.
Since that time I've had these symptoms 4 times. The first 3 times I took an anti-inflammatory, but it didn't work and I had to have a cyst aspiration (biopsy).
One year ago the symptoms appeared for the 4th time and I thought "here I go again, another biopsy". But I remembered to search the internet for a natural anti-inflammatory and found ginger.
So, I made a ginger tea with the root (not herb) from a biological culture. Every night I boiled 1 liter of water and when it started to boil, turned off the gas and put in a piece of sliced, unpeeled ginger (1-5 inches) and left to infuse for about 20 minutes. I started to drink it every day, the first cup on an empty stomach (not cold, warmed 20 seconds in MW). During the day I continued to drink the tea. I did this for 21 days but on the 3rd day I already felt a little less discomfort, until it eventually became normal. I know this may happen again but now I know what works for me.
I hope this can help someone.
I'm so grateful for this website because I also have LS. Thank you to all that share their stories.
From Portugal, a big hug for everyone!

Feb 10, 2017
by: Kristine

I've been suffering for 15 years with LS and since having my children it seems to have gotten worse. Oddly enough, during pregnancy all the itching and pain seemed to go away and it's only after a few months that it's returned. Im only in my 30's. I had to take an antibiotic for tonsillitis and am suffering severely now. I went out and got almost all the items suggested and will get the rest tomorrow. Looking back, I used to take a probiotic daily and didn't put two and two together about it being so helpful for my LS. Now I can see that it's something I must start taking again. I'm sooo thankful I found this site. Reading all the comments had me in tears of happiness and sadness. Having suffered for so long and to finally find relief is overwhelming. Thanks again. I will update once I start the 5 step process.

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to D.B.
by: Troy

You may find this article helpful D.B... Natural Cures for Vaginal Dryness. Taking cayenne pepper is also very good for increasing blood flow to the genitals. :)

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Sibyl
by: Troy

Adopting and using all 5 remedies at once is perfectly fine Sibyl. If you're worried, just start off slow and gradually build up with the dosages and amounts over a period of several weeks. This strategy helps to prevent the body from detoxing too quickly (a phenomenon known as herxheimers reaction).

Hope this helps!

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Nice one Isabel. Thanks for sharing your remedy! :)

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Kristine
by: Troy

It sounds like you may have a combination of chronic yeast infections and LS. So yes, taking a good quality probiotic supplement and eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, pickles, misso, natto, tempeh, yogurt and kombucha is extremely important.

Good luck and all the best to you Kristine!

Feb 15, 2017
Update 1 week in
by: Clark

Hi all, just a quick update. I've been following the protocol:

1 x cup of water with 2tbls of ACV and 1tsp of food grade Baking Soda in the morning and at night

1 x litre of water with 1/8th tsp Borax powder drunk slowly throughout the day till finish for 5 days with 2 days off

1 x wash with Borax daily

1 x apply ACV 50/50 with water daily

I also apply the castor oil mix now and again.

My LS has subsided dramatically and the skin has become pink and softer. No itching.

I had minor headaches and some flu like symptoms after the 3rd day.

I'm now on my 2nd off day and have developed a cold, blocked nose and flu-like symptoms but nothing abnormal or too painful. Thought it might be because of the toxins releasing or that I just picked it up off of someone and my immune system was already busy trying to flush out the toxins, so was weak??

Tomorrow I start the Borax again for another 5 days. I was thinking of upping the dose to 1/4 tsp. I read in the Borax Conspiracy that this is doable?? What do you think?

After that I will go on the maintenance dose. Do I go to the higher dose every few months? Or just stay in the maintenance dose?

Thanks for the help. So far for me it's been working well. The swelling and soreness has gone down.


Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Clark
by: Troy

Glad to see it's helping you Clark. You're doing everything right so that has a lot to do with it of course. Just make sure you take magnesium with the borax - you didn't mention that? As far as upping the dosage of borax, that would be fine. Personally, I follow the maintenance dose for 3 months then up the amount by 3 times for another 3 months and so forth. I've been doing this for 8 years now and feel amazing for it. The "flue like" symptoms you experienced are not uncommon and can occur when the body is detoxing (herxheimers reaction). Ginger is very good for recovery and reducing these symptoms quickly if you're interested.

All the best to you Clark!

Mar 04, 2017
Can we apply any of these internally?
by: Adnan

My little one who's only one year old has this problem and he cries while peeing and has painful erections. Docs have asked us to just dilate him with catheters for a longer period of time, which is obviously not helping. Many surgeries were done for this but no improvement seen. My question is, is it OK to use any of these mentioned remedies inside his meatus with the help of the catheter to improve his condition? I hope there is no harm in doing this? Please confirm so that I can start doing this right away.


Mar 04, 2017
Using clobetasol with this regimen?
by: Cher

I have been prescribed the once daily use of Clobetasol for 14 days, then 3 times per week, at which point I am at now. Have been using the natural apple vinegar and the borax/pink salt drinks, and doing the soda/borax soaks. Is it okay to use this in conjunction with the Clobetasol? I am using the lavender/castor oil mixture on the in between days, and am hoping that at my return visit to my gyn doc, the lichen sclerosus will have diminished. Your thoughts?

Mar 08, 2017
Reply to Cher
by: Troy

Hi Cher. The internal remedies are fine to use in conjunction with the Clobetasol, however, with the external remedies (lavender/castor oil) we are not sure (the baking soda/borax soak is perfectly fine though). They should be okay, but you should still check with your health care professional first, just in case. Once you cease using the Clobetasol, using the external remedies will not be a problem. Also, take a look at Jill's external remedy as well (November 7th 2016 comment). It's worth a try too.

Hope this helps. :)

Mar 08, 2017
Reply to Adnan
by: Troy

Sorry Adnan, just don't know if this can or should be done according to what you've described with your son. Our recommendation is to take him to a qualified naturopath. They will be able to help you more specifically.

All the best. :)

Mar 08, 2017
How do I find a Naturopath?
by: Adnan

I live in Kuwait. Where do I find a Naturopath? My origion is Pakistan. Does anyone know someone either in Kuwait or Pakistan with whom I can consult about my son?

Mar 10, 2017
How do you get this stuff down?
by: Anonymous

I did the 1/8 tsp of both the borax and pink salt, but I am gagging and feeling sick to my stomach. What can you add to the water mixture to help get it down. I've only gotten 2 drinks down and truly it is making me sick.

Mar 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, thank you for this site!

Is ingesting borax internally safe when breastfeeding?

Mar 11, 2017
Thank you!
by: Arian

I've done the borax/salt solution and apple cider vinegar for 3 weeks now, and already I am much better. The first 4-5 days were kinda hard though, during the detoxing period. I was having headaches and feeling dizzy.
Everything is good now.

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to Adnan
by: Troy

It doesn't look like there are any naturopaths listed in Kuwait Adnan. There are some in Pakistan though. This guide may be helpful... Naturopathic Doctors in Pakistan.

Mar 14, 2017
by: Troy

With the borax/pink salt mixture, you can either add more water to dilute it and/or add less of the borax and crystal salt. So instead of 1/8th of a teaspoon of each, drop it down to 1/10th of a teaspoon. Adding more water is the best option. The more water you add to the mixture the better it tastes. :)

Mar 14, 2017
by: Troy

Borax is simply the trace mineral boron (as sodium borate). It's extremely safe in the right amounts. If you're pregnant or breast feeding simply go straight onto the maintenance dose. Don't forget your magnesium as well.

All the best. :)

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to Arian
by: Troy

Yes that first week can certainly be a bit rough, but it's worth it once you get past it. Glad it's helping! :)

Mar 14, 2017
Recent Personal Experience
by: NTKT

My wife was diagnosed with LS a little over a year ago at the age of 27. Her first symptoms were severe itching and pain in her genital region. As with many sufferers, this caused trouble with daily life at home & work and much trouble sleeping. After months of various visits to several different OBGYN's, dermatologists, naturopaths, alternative med docs, etc, and through a combination of the Clobetasol steroid cream, lifestyle changes (i.e., wearing lose fitting clothes, periodically moisturizing throughout the day with essential oils, etc) we had success with her LS symptoms subsiding, allowing a return to "normality". She was able to sleep, to occasionally wear tighter pants, and enjoy love making with no pain. A month ago the symptoms came back with a vengeance and she was in more discomfort than ever. The OBGYN gave us another prescription for Clobetasol as well as one for Hydroxyzine to help with the severe itching. In addition, we also started various "natural home remedies" including daily probiotics, essiac tea cleanse, supplementing with magnesium and turmeric, taking manuka honey, soaking in warm baths of borax & baking soda, eliminating gluten and refined sugars from her diet, etc. Yesterday, during her follow up visit, her OBGYN said that her LS is worse than it was 4 weeks ago. Clobetasol does not seem to be working for her. The OBGYN is recommending testosterone ointment, which we have huge reservations about. We are desperate for something that truly works. Our hope is that it is early enough on in the disease to treat her and manage it for our lifetime until a cure is found. We are considering the internal borax protocol and have read the posts about it but are having trouble finding real testimonials regarding positive affect on the condition... Can anyone of you out there please report their recent personal experiences?

Mar 16, 2017
Reply to NTKT
by: Janie

She should have immediate relief with Purple (Brand name) Emu oil. Look on their website and read the testimonials. Theirs is pure with nothing else in it - it works for relief!! Now here is something to consider: I got rid of mine also, but the minute I eat or drink certain things it comes back with a vengeance!!! For me it is anything with citric acid or tomato or any kind of pop that I might use in a drink or alcohol. It may be something else for her. Also sugar with me will make it come back. So the tie in with food or drink is part of the problem. Eat only pure whole foods, fruits and vegetables, and some fish. In about 4 or 5 days of careful eating and drinking there should be relief.

And this condition is a fungus surrounded by Algae. So any fungicide such as Olive leaf powder for a douche or tincture by mouth, or other things will kill the fungus, but again, I am convinced certain kinds of food and drink make it worse. Of course the Borax helps too.
Also, I took the advice of an earlier post about using Gota Kola. I bought the Brand name Honeycomb Industries which is non-alcohol. It is very expensive. I mix it with the Emu Oil. Gota Kola restores healthy skin tissue! I have LP so I inject the two into my vagina before bedtime so it can be working all night long.

Mar 16, 2017
Reply to Janie
by: NTKT

Thank you Janie for your response. I think you are right regarding sugars... We eat very healthy and the LS went away for a year or so. We will try to monitor and see if there is a link to acidic foods. This disease is so difficult to grapple with and hard to understand given that it went away but then came back with no real changes that we can tie the flare up back to. Have you tried taking the borax orally or just eternal application?

Mar 20, 2017
by: Janie

I did take the Borax mostly through drink but then Troy told me I could also do it externally. But I did stop for a while as I spoke with a medical intuitive who said to spray with a mixture of baking soda and food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. So I used an external bidet that can be purchased on Amazon with a blue bulb to fill with purified water, Baking soda, salt and food grade hydrogen peroxide. And I wet down the whole area 3 times a day.

The interesting thing is I forgot that years ago I had frightful black blisters in the back of my throat. I did not know what to do but through my own guidance after having had this for 2 months, I began to gargle with food grade HP twice a day, with salt water in between, and it was all gone in 3 days. I realize now it was a form of fungus. Just recently I noticed below my eyebrow a sort of skin tag growth that doubled in size from the original I have had for 2 years. So I took a Q-tip soaked in HP and kept putting it on through out, and in 3 days it killed whatever it was and just fell off!
Good luck

Mar 20, 2017
Instant cure
by: Anonymous

After my GYN diagnosed my LS, and prescribed a steroid crème, which I never picked up, I read all the comments here, and decided to take Vitamin Shoppe's "Triple Strength Turmeric" (900 mg) as an anti-inflammatory. (I also prayed to Jesus and the saints for healing.) I felt better right away. When I checked the affected area some hours later, it was a totally natural color. The thickened ridge of white sclerotic skin that had been there for months was gone. Just in case my LS was caused by bacteria (and I had just gotten rid of the symptoms, but not the infection) I still mixed 2 drops of lavender oil with half teaspoon of coconut oil and applied that after every bathroom use. These are the items I had on hand, and they seemed to work very well. Caution: only take 900mg of Turmeric at bedtime, because it's anti-histamine effect is sleep-inducing.

Mar 21, 2017
Starting Borax Protocol... Feel Nausea!
by: NTKT

Starting Borax Protocol today... I am doing it with my wife to support her. We did the 1/8th teaspoon of both Borax and Pink Salt in 1L of water and both felt nausea and achy after the first couple of hours. Is this normal part of the "detox"? We will likely have to dilute further tomorrow to continue. Also, any suggestions here on a high concentrated Borax administered externally to the sensitive areas? Other forums have discussed this as a successful alternative to Clobetasol. Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Mar 23, 2017
by: Troy

Taking borax & Himalayan crystal salt can, and usually does, produce a strong detoxing (Herxheimer's reaction) effect if your body is chronically deficient in boron. Dropping to half the amount, or even down to one quarter of the amount, will usually fix this. You can then slowly begin to increase the amount again over a period of several weeks. Just make sure the borax you have is good quality & make sure you always take magnesium with borax (boron) as these two minerals work synergistically with each other. To use the borax externally, either add it to a bath with some baking soda (see above), or if this is not effective enough, make a solution with less water - even a paste mixture will work applied topically. :)

Mar 23, 2017
Reversing closing of clitoral hood
by: BB

Has anyone had any luck reversing the closing of the clitoral hood other than by operation? Mine is slowly covering my clitoris and starting to cause pain. I am using the oil of oregano combination and the castor oil, along with spraying with colloidal silver. My blood pressure is high so reluctant to go back on the borax but will try the very diluted version. Thanks for any help. I am 69.

Mar 23, 2017
Reply to BB
by: Janie

Dear BB. On an earlier post a woman talked about using Gotu Kola tincture and I did research on that and it looks like it might be the repair you need. I get mine from Honeycomb company and it is alcohol free. It is expensive but worth it. So Gotu kola will make new skin tissue and I know that a dropper full orally really helped with taking away scaly dermatitis from my ears and other places that had been troublesome. Also use the Emu oil, the Purple (brand name) of Emu oil.

Mar 23, 2017
Reply to Troy
by: NTKT

Thank you for the reply. Today is day 3 of the Borax protocol. We cut the dosage to 1/16th teaspoon per 1L water as well as 1/16th teaspoon of the pink salt. We are taking our Magnesium. This dosage is definitely better for us starting out. Can you, or anyone else who has done the protocol, describe what you experienced over the course of the two week period? How long did Herxheimer's effect last for you?? When should my wife start to notice if the treatment is working for her??? So far we haven't experienced anything miraculous.

Mar 24, 2017
by: Troy

Herxheimer's reaction is different for everybody. Some people have a mild reaction while for others it can be severe. I never experienced anything (I've been on the borax for 9 years now). As far as you not experiencing anything "miraculous" - after only 3 days you wont. It can take a good 12 weeks or more to really kick in. Remember, this is a long term, rest-of-your-life treatment/remedy. It's not like a prescription where you take it for a few weeks and that's it. Also remember, the borax remedy is only one part. The apple cider vinegar, candida diet and liver cleansing are equally important.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 24, 2017
by: Cindy

I'm going to be listening to a radio show about cellphones and radiation (will be on marketplace tonight at 8pm in Canada) and I'm wondering if my LS could be from holding my iPad on my lap. My symptoms really worsened after having my iPad over the last five years. Something to consider anyway? Everything is energy, maybe this is just another part of the puzzle in re-alignment in general for our health?

Mar 26, 2017
by: Terra

Would it be ok to mix the ACV with the borax solution to apply externally?

Mar 26, 2017
by: WRS

Hello! Thanks so much for this article. I can't believe children have this as well. How sad I feel for them, it makes me want to cry. I've started drinking Total Living Green Drink and it has probiotics in it and has lots of benefits. Could you let me know if I should still do the borax and other stuff as well because I don't want to do over kill. I do take two tablespoons of virgin organic coconut oil everyday as well.

Mar 27, 2017
Can I do it again?
by: Clark

Hi Troy,

As mentioned previously I did the 2 weeks of Borax internally with Magnesium with pretty amazing results.

I'm on the 3rd week of the maintenance dose and I've been having a flare up again on the same area. Skin is getting sore and dry and the blotchyness is coming back. I've also had flare ups in between my toes.

I take the maintenance dose twice a day and ACV with baking soda in the morning. I've been cleaning the area with a saturated Borax and water solution (mix in a glass till it doesn't mix anymore) and that helps but can dry out the area a lot. I put on some coconut and oregano oil mix to soothe it.

My question is, can I do the 2 week borax 1/4 tsp in 1 litre cleanse again soon? Or is it not recommended?

Thank you for your help!!


Mar 28, 2017
Reply to Terra
by: Troy

Yes, ACV and borax go very well together, much like apple cider vinegar and baking soda. :)

Mar 28, 2017
Reply to WRS
by: Troy

Following the recommendations listed above AND continuing with the green drink will be a very powerful (and completely safe) combination. We recommend you utilize all of them for best results. The more you use (and combine) the better. There is no such thing as overkill, only underkill!

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 28, 2017
Reply to Cindy
by: Troy

Does make sense Cindy. More and more evidence is now coming out about the dangers and adverse effects of WiFi devices and mobile phones. :)

Mar 28, 2017
Reply to Clark
by: Troy

Yes you can certainly do the 2 week phase again, just wait until after 4 weeks of being on the maintenance dose. Many people do this (repeat the 2 week phase) for other health problems and it helps a lot. Don't forget about the candida diet (and lots of probiotics) along with cleansing that liver too!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Clark!

Mar 28, 2017
Using the Borax
by: Tasha

I use the borax externally and apply it 2x a day. I fill a bottle with distilled water and add the borax. I keep adding the borax to the water until it stops dissolving. (I found that if I added a lot to make a paste it burns). I apply it with a cotton pad and found it better to dab and press firmly instead of rubbing. I had intense itching but after a couple of days the itching was better. After a week no itching. If I miss a couple of doses the itching comes back. I also have mild shrinkage of my inner labia so I hold the borax soaked pads in that area longer. Others on forums say they soak a cloth in the borax water solution and hold on the affected area for 20 minutes or so. I also moisturize with a coconut oil, tea tree and lavender mixture morning and night and whenever I feel dry or sticky. The key to the moisturizing is to rub it in for a couple of minutes. I massage into my labia and pull the folds down to separate and prevent fusing. I also do the same to the skin over my clit, gently push it back to prevent fusing. I've seen definite improvement in my labia getting the definition back. I also have less white plaques. I did take a few months to see results.

Mar 28, 2017
Reply to Troy
by: NTKT

We've fought through what seems to be the worse of the "Herxheimer's Reaction" after the first week of the Borax ingestion and her LS does seem to be improving! We are following the other recommendations as well (ACV, liver cleanse, Candida diet, etc.). We understand this will be a continuous and lifelong battle. Will report back again after week 2 of Borax ingestion protocol.

Mar 30, 2017
Helping my daughter
by: Isabel

Hi Troy.
My daughter had candida 4 years ago. She had treatment and the vaginal analysis is negative but when she has sex fissures/cracks and wounds appear. Can she use avocado oil, gotu kola or other?
Thank you so much.

Apr 02, 2017
by: Iman

Thanks for your useful information.

Apr 02, 2017
Is LS from Tick Bite
by: DET

Hi, I was officially diagnosed for LS by biopsy 6 years ago. Had yeast infections nonstop for a couple years while breastfeeding my children, starting 13 years ago, but couldn't take anything to stop it because of breastfeeding. Are you saying LS is from a Tick Bite? I want to start your protocol ASAP. Going to put an order in on Amazon today. However, I'm curious what you mean by the fungal and bacterial reasons for it? I've read articles that not all cases are from bacterial or fungal but maybe oxalates. Have you heard of this? Also heard another theory that LS could be from toxins in your body. Please help, this is so depressing and I need help and answers. Thank you! Grateful I found your website.

Apr 03, 2017
Castor oil
by: Anonymous

Do you use the black castor oil?

Apr 06, 2017
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Hi Isabel. Lots of probiotics & essential fatty acids are needed to keep the vagina (and vaginal skin) healthy so make sure she gets plenty of these. Taking a good quality probiotic supplement, fermenting her own foods... How to Culture Your Own Foods, and taking a high EFA supplement such as krill oil are all crucial. Gotu kola is also excellent for cleansing the body of pathogens, along with treating various skin problems including Lichens, so yes, go with this too. For a topical remedy, try the Emu oil that Janie recommends in her posts above. She swears by it.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you & your daughter!

Apr 06, 2017
Reply to "Black Castor Oil" Comment
by: Troy

You can use either organic cold pressed castor oil OR Jamaican black castor oil. Both work equally as well for skin conditions such as LS. :)

Apr 06, 2017
Reply to DET
by: Troy

No, LS is not caused by a tick bite. Bacterial and fungal infections include yeast fungus overload and a build up of toxic bad bacteria in the gut and vagina. Other foreign pathogens, heavy metals (especially fluoride) and damaging free radicals all contribute as well. A poor functioning liver is also another major cause (your liver is where most of the toxins accumulate). Never heard of oxalates causing LS, only kidney stones, but I wouldn't rule it out either. I believe there are many potential causes of LS, rather than just one or two.

Hope this helps you DET.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Apr 06, 2017
Cold sores and raw feeling tongue
by: Kim

Hi Troy,

I have been following the maintenance regime for 3 months. The pain and itching is gone, thank God!
I still have open sores in the vagina area, though much better than before I started using your protocol.

New problem; Starting last week my tongue has become very sensitive and raw feeling. Two days ago, I developed a large cold sore and the outer part of my lips are cracked and swollen.

Could it be an allergic reaction to the ACV? I stopped using the vinegar when I started having these problems. I hate to stop using it and I am not sure that the vinegar is the problem. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone else had this problem?

Troy, you have helped so many of us clear up our issues with LS. Thank you so much for your web site!!

Apr 06, 2017
by: Sophie

Thanks to the wonderful advice on this site, I am happy to say that my LS has been either in remission or cured (I hope). I haven't had it for over a month now and here's the advice I followed.

1 tbsp of Borax and one of baking soda in my daily bath.

A couple of Sitz baths with same amounts of borax and baking soda - soak for 10 to 20 minutes. Then apply castor oil liberally to the affected site.

A big gulp of (Mother) Braggs Apple cider vinegar.

NO STEROID CREAMS. I have heard they can affect your vision and I have just been diagnosed, not only with cataracts, but also atrial fibrillation.

I hate to say it but I would rather have the LS than the AFib which is sending me up the wall with the anxiety it's causing me.

Anyway, Good Luck to all.

Apr 06, 2017
Olive Leaf Spray for Relief
by: Janie

I was directed by my inner guidance to apply Barlean's Olive leaf with peppermint for my Vulva LP. I had some in a bottle that I used as a throat spray. So I have been applying that to the vulva area and deep inside. Wow, what awesome results!! Olive leaf is a powerful anti-fungal! I had used the powder for a douche but it's not near as effective as the spray. So I've now sent for a 16 oz bottle from Vitacost. It's the one that contains peppermint, which is really soothing and cooling. I still sometimes use the Emu oil as well.

Apr 06, 2017
Reply to Kim
by: Troy

Hi Kim. Firstly, your very welcome. Glad you're seeing improvement. Now, in regards to your other problems, the ACV has nothing to do with these. It will actually help so you should get back on it ASAP. A raw, sore tongue & cracked outer lips is caused by a viral infection and/or fungal & bacteria such as staph. Cold sores are the result of the herpes virus (HSV1 not HSV2). So basically, your immune system is still very low. Are you getting enough probiotics? This is crucial. Probiotics have a high turnover rate so you MUST keep replenishing your supply every day. Taking a good quality probiotic supplement, along with fermenting your own foods (How to Culture Your Own Foods for Health) is extremely important. Olive leaf extract (OLE) is also very good for building up the immune system and destroying bacterial and viral infections. You can read more about OLE and other immune boosting foods in this newsletter article... Take Your Health to a Whole New Level With These Powerful Immune Boosting Tips. Our article on herpes also has some very good info on olive leaf extract as well.

Hope this helps you out Kim.

All the best to you!

Apr 06, 2017
Reply to Sophie
by: Troy

Hi Sophie. Glad you're also seeing improvement from your LS symptoms. In regards to your Atrial Fibrillation, this problem is caused by the deficiency of three key minerals... calcium, magnesium and selenium. If you start taking a good quality coral calcium supplement (such as this one) you'll see your symptoms start to improve then disappear within 4-6 months. A terrific supplement called Natural Calm Magnesium Anti-Stress drink is also very good. You can find this online or get it from any good health food store.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Apr 07, 2017
Side Effects
by: DET

Hi, I just started the protocol 2 days ago and am actually feeling better. Has anyone noticed diarrhea as a side effect from the borax?? Another side effect is that my urine kind of burns at times. I've noticed my thighs look smoother - that's a plus, so I Googled it and read that borax can help with cellulite. Has anyone noticed this as well?


Apr 08, 2017
Atrial Fib
by: Sophie

Thanks, Troy. I will ask my doctor if I can take what you recommend with the warfarin blood thinner... wouldn't that be great. Any magical recipes to reverse cataracts?

Apr 09, 2017
Lichen Sclerosus during pregnancy
by: Starrbright

Hi... I am 10 weeks pregnant and have started having all of the symptoms associated with LS. I know all treatments listed in your article are homeopathic, but are they safe during pregnancy? I'm terrified I will have to endure the rest of my pregnancy with this pain. Please help!!

Apr 09, 2017
L.S hurts!
by: Pat

Thankyou for this info. I have had this for a couple of years, was misdiagnosed as having vaginitis. 5 months ago a gyn correctly diagnosed me. For making a salve from coconut oil and essential oil, use the hardened coconut oil, it melts real fast. You can dip 1/2 tablespoon in a metal spoon and just hold it in your palm till it melts, or do 1 teaspoon at a time. Put your essential oil in a glass container first and then add the coconut oil, mix it up and let it get hard again, viola! There is your salve (don't ever use plastic with essential oils).
I have been researching LS and found out about oxalates.... it is in the foods we eat and is very bad for us with this and other conditions. I am going on the diet for low oxalates as soon as I get the food list written down. I've gotten rid of most of the foods in my pantry - wheat, anything with flour in it. I am going to follow this protocol too because I want this condition gone! I am 77 and don't want to spend my last years being this miserable!

Apr 09, 2017
Newly diagnosed
by: Kay

Hi Troy. I have recently been diagnosed with LS. Could you advise which pro-biotic is best used in your directions please.

Many thanks

Apr 10, 2017
by: Terra

Hi, I've been following your protocol for lichens sclerosis for 2 weeks and for the first time in over 5 years (5 years of wasted time, money & products) I'm actually seeing results. I think I'm about 80% cured but still have some lichens left. I'm still on the diet of only a few proteins, safe grains like quinoa & buckwheat, but mostly green veggies, as well as the maintenance dose of borax & salt. (I've lost over 5 lbs too!)
My question is, since I still have some symptoms, will the maintenance dose be enough? Or should I go back to the higher dose until I'm completely cured?

Apr 10, 2017
Reply to DET
by: Troy

Diarrhea is a common side effect of the borax and Himalayan crystal salt remedy, as is burning and smelly urine. This is only in the beginning though when the dosage is higher and your body is detoxing. You wont get this on the maintenance dose. To fix this, either reduce the amount (dosage) of borax and pink rock salt or drink your mixture after food. And yes, borax (boron) and magnesium both give you smoother looking skin and reduce cellulite due to the balancing of hormones... 15 Proven Home Remedies for Cellulite. :)

Apr 10, 2017
Reply to Sophie
by: Troy

Have a read of this Q&A for cataract remedies Sophie... Best Natural Remedy for Cataracts.

Hope it helps! :)

Apr 11, 2017
Reply to Starrbright
by: Troy

If you are pregnant then you would need to check with your health care professional first before following this protocol (we must recommend that you do this to cover ourselves legally). With that said, going straight to the maintenance dose for the borax and Himalayan crystal salt and skipping the two week loading phase would be a good idea (to avoid herxheimer's reaction). The magnesium is perfectly safe to take while pregnant, as is the ACV and following the candida diet (#5 remedy).

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you. :)

Apr 11, 2017
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

Hi Kate. I'm a big fan of Dr Tobias probiotic supplement... Optimum Probiotics: Deep Immune System Support. It's the top of the mill as far as probiotics go. :)

Apr 11, 2017
Reply to Terra
by: Troy

No, you should stay on the maintenance dose for the time being. If after 6 weeks you feel you need another round then by all means, go back on the two week cycle again. Just remember to keep your magnesium supplementation at optimum levels at all times for the synergistic effect it has with the boron and other trace minerals contained in the pink rock salt. I can't overemphasize the importance of this.

All the best!

Apr 12, 2017
by: NTKT

Hi all... I wanted to provide you with an update: The borax protocol seems to have really worked well and during her follow up appointment at the OBGYN the doc sees no signs of LS! She has also stopped using Clobetasol altogether. However, she is still battling itchiness and some painful discomfort. OBGYN confirmed it to be a yeast infection! Her thoughts were the infection was due possibly to my wife stopping BC and her body trying to "regulate" its pH. While it is good news about the LS re-missing, it is strange that she is experiencing a yeast infection granted the use of borax and diet geared towards eliminating candida? A visit to a Chinese medicine practitioner (who also specializes in women's health) yesterday was very positive as she was much more sensitive than western medicine doctors regarding her symptoms. Her take was that her LS diagnosis may be incorrect altogether! The immediate goal is to get rid of the yeast infection, which we are doing through a combination of western and Chinese med approaches - Fluconazole and herbal remedies. Any thoughts on association, or lack thereof, between LS and yeast infections?

Apr 14, 2017
by: Troy

There is a strong link (symptoms and so forth) between yeast infections and LS, which is why many women get misdiagnosed. To get rid of a chronic yeast infection you need LOTS & LOTS of probiotics and beneficial bacteria. Probiotics have a high turnover rate, meaning, they don't survive for very long so you MUST continue to replenish the supply every single day. Along with what you're wife is already doing, get her to start culturing and fermenting her own food and drinks for an extra supply. Here's a good website on how to go about this... Cultures for Health.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 20, 2017
by: DET

I just completed the two week protocol. I wish I could do it another week. Can I do the higher dose of borax for one more week? I followed everything except at times in the 2 weeks I cheated on the candida diet (difficult to do everyday especially if invited somewhere). Do I continue the ACV on the maintenance? Also, why is there a maintenance dose? Once your body gets rid of fungus, bacteria etc... why would the LS come back? Do I continue on the candida diet all the time as well? Thank you so much for all your help. This is the first time I feel my body is finally attacking this stuff because of this wonderful protocol.

Apr 20, 2017
by: Troy

Hi DET. Firstly, yes you can do the initial two week phase of the borax/rock salt for another week if you choose. There is no harm if you aren't suffering any detoxing reactions. Yes, you still need to continue following the candida diet and continue with all maintenance doses also. In fact you need to do this (as best you can) for the rest of your life. Remember this... there's a constant struggle going on in your body between the good and bad bacteria. Viruses and other pathogens are constantly invading our bodies too. That's just the way it is for all of us. If you don't continue with the maintenance doses and with the candida diet, eventually these harmful organisms will begin to take over again. In addition to this, you must keep your boron (borax), magnesium, potassium, calcium and other trace mineral levels up for hormonal balance and for your general good health. That's what the borax/pink rock salt, magnesium citrate, probiotics and apple cider vinegar will continue to do.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 20, 2017
by: Polly

Wow, thank you for the information. I am being driven mad by LS and as you would expect have been given nothing but steroid creams. I have been using a home made cream with coconut and shea butter, but I am definitely going to try this. As for the auto-immune link, I have hashimoto's and pernicious anaemia. But I have also had candida problems for years and I have Gilbert syndrome as well.

Apr 20, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Polly. This protocol will help with your other health problems as well. You might like to consider taking some broken cell wall chlorella (Broken Cell Wall Chlorella) as well. This amazing superfood builds up your red blood cells and is rich in vitamin B12 (which you need for pernicious anemia) and also contains high amounts of the trace mineral selenium (which you need to treat Hashimoto's). You can read more about the powerful health benefits of chlorella here... 7 Proven Chlorella Benefits.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 21, 2017
by: Terra

As I said before I have done everything and I am still only about 85% better, even after 4 weeks of the candida diet & all of the above recommendations. What can I do? Am I missing something? Is there hope of achieving 100% normal?

Apr 23, 2017
by: Isabel

Hi Troy,
My daughter wants to do the treatment for candida but she has 2 problems: she's underweight and protein S deficiency (she had a clot a few months ago and is still taking twice daily Daflon 500 mg).
Can she take the ACV and the baking soda?
I could only find preborato of sodium. I think this is not sodium borate. Am I wrong? And is the baking soda the same as borax/boron?
Thank you

Apr 24, 2017
Reply to Terra
by: Troy

It can take 9-12 months to fully recover. The fact that you are about 85% better after only 4 or so weeks of following the candida diet, supplements, etc, is extremely good! You need to be patient. This is not a quick fix. You must give your body time to recover, mend the damage that's been done, and regenerate. To use the borax topically, mix with water until it becomes a paste, then apply. You could also try Jill's remedy (November 7th, 2016 post). Many of the ladies have had good results with this topical remedy.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Apr 24, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Isabel. Firstly, because of her health problems, I recommend your daughter works in conjunction with a natural health care specialist such as a naturopath. Unfortunately, I cannot advise you specifically on what she should do. Now, baking soda and sodium borate (borax) are two completely different things. It's sodium borate you need for boron, not baking soda. The apple cider vinegar is safe for everyone to take. All it is is fermented apple juice (in a round about way) so there is no harm.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you and your daughter. :)

Apr 24, 2017
by: Polly

Thanks Troy. I have a raw supergreen blend at hand with chlorella and six other superfoods in which I will start taking again each day. My borax powder arrived today so will get onto to it asap. About the magnesium, do I mix them together or just take daily alongside the borax solution. I went to the link you suggested about borax. Brain fog? I don't remember if it said about mixing the borax with magnesium. Wow, I have a whole counter full of stuff to take. I want to come off my steroid inhaler for my asthma too! Thanks again for you help. :)

Apr 24, 2017
Staying hopeful & patient
by: Terra

Troy, thank you for this blog/website. If it weren't for you & all the blogs here I don't know what I'd do to survive this! I'm trying to stay hopeful & patient!

Apr 24, 2017
Relief for the stomach aches & headaches
by: Terra

I was reading thru the other blogs posted above and found several comments about headaches & stomach aches while taking the concentrated borax. One thing that has greatly helped me with these is to make about a half of a cup of organic herbal ginger tea with filtered water (let it steep until cooled). I add this to the 1 liter concentrated dose of borax & water. If my stomach is really bad I open the tea bag & add some of the dried ginger also. Organic peppermint tea also helps for stomach issues and is very calming for headaches as well. Another option for headaches is to apply peppermint essential oil to your temples & neck. This works also. The only draw back is that you smell like you just chewed a whole pack of peppermint gum. :)
Hope this helps others.

Apr 25, 2017
by: DET

Hi Troy,

Ok so I ordered Dr. Tobias probiotic and I've had bad diarrhea. I also had diarrhea from the borax but now it's worse the past two days since I've just started the probiotics. I also noticed a little vaginal yeast infection. Is this more die-off symptoms? I asked if I could do the Borax loading phase for another week (3 weeks total) and you said yes, however, today I'll be going on the maintenance. LS is still lingering, some white spots are changing to pink but still have a few white spots. I know you've said it can take a while to completely heal. I've read about food grade hydrogen peroxide and saline. Do you know if that will speed things up with healing the LS white spots. By the way, I'm doing lavender and oregano oil mixed with castor oil too.

Thanks so much

Apr 27, 2017
Reply to Polly
by: Troy

Hi Polly. No you don't have to take the magnesium and borax at the same time. Anytime throughout the day is fine to have your magnesium. :)

Apr 27, 2017
Reply to Terra
by: Troy

You're very welcome. Yes, patients is an essential ingredient to any form of healing modality. :)

Apr 27, 2017
Reply to DET
by: Troy

Hi DET. Firstly, if going back on the borax 3 week loading phase is causing diarrhea then dropping down to the maintenance dose is a good idea. Obviously, this was too much for your body at this time. You will still do well on the maintenance dose. With the probiotics, take them with food (as directed) to avoid any problems such as diarrhea. Once your body gets used to these and gets on top of your bad bacteria/good bacteria imbalance, you'll be fine and yeast infections will be a thing of the past. Don't forget to start culturing your own foods for extra probiotics. Remember also to drink plenty of fluids if you have diarrhea, and even make use of some of these remedies if need be... Best Home Remedies for Diarrhea.

In addition, hydrogen peroxide is extremely good for destroying bacterial, viral and fungal infections, along with reducing inflammation, so it could very well help with LS symptoms. It's perfectly safe to use (3% food grade of course) so why not give it a try?

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Apr 28, 2017
LS Remedy for Men
by: Paolo

Hi, I am a 45 year old man. I have been diagnosed with LS in the glands this past year. Steroid creams have had no effect. Does this treatment apply for men too?
Thanks a lot.

May 01, 2017
Urethral LS
by: Michelle

I just had a cystoscopy today and LS was discovered in my urethra. Do the steps still apply? Borax, diet etc?

May 03, 2017
Reply to Paolo
by: Troy

Yes, this protocol applies to both men and women. If you read the comments you'll see that some guy's have already been using it successfully. :)

May 03, 2017
Reply to Michelle
by: Troy

Yes, the protocol is still exactly the same Michelle. Be sure to utilize all the steps along with the tips listed in the comments section so you get the most out of it.

Good luck and all the best!

May 04, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone, I was wondering has anyone here tried the homeopathic remedy Borax to combat LS and thrush? Also, how much borax do you recommend to go in the bath? I know the answer is here somewhere but I cannot find it. Thanks!

May 04, 2017
by: Troy

You add one teaspoon of borax, even two if you like, along with a tablespoon of baking soda to a medium sized bath and soak yourself in it for at least 20 minutes. :)

May 05, 2017
Healing baths :)
by: Polly

Thank you very much!

May 05, 2017
Thank you!
by: Anonymous

I found this information to be sooooo helpful! I am looking for a natural way to cure my Lichen Sclerosus. These sound like great routes!

May 08, 2017
by: Jonidays

I started with the potent steroid (clob) for my LS and applied it for 5 months. It helped to get rid of my genital white patches but caused lots of other health problems. I am now 7 weeks into a new regime of a low steroid maintenance once a week and a sitz bath of borax and Epsom salts. I use Perrins Nutra cream every morning to keep me moisturised. I also use coconut oil as a lube for sex and wash with a solution of borax after sex. My LS is now controlled. Now I want to start the regime you so kindly have advised to use. My question is will it be ok to do the 5 steps along with taking a capsule of olive leaf extract, omega 3 oils, probiotics, tumeric, black pepper and coconut oil?

May 08, 2017
Hydrogen peroxide
by: DET

I bought 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Should I dilute it with saline or just use it as is? Maybe Nicole or Janie can help as they both have stated they used hydrogen peroxide too. Or Troy do you know? Thanks, Please help!

May 11, 2017
Lichen Sclerosus Past Sufferer
by: Binks

It's interesting to read all of the comments and requests for cures of this nasty disease. I found my solution from a site 2 years ago where a lady wrote that zinc had cured her LS. I had been trying all sorts of remedies after realizing that the steroids prescribed by my specialist just weren't working, but in fact added to the problem. Emu oil only relieved my symptoms for a while. But after buying and taking zinc tablets and applying zinc ointment the results were amazing and I'm so grateful for the results. The ointment gives immediate relief but I have no need of it anymore. I continue taking the tablets with my daily vitamin and mineral supplements.

May 16, 2017
by: Sheree

Troy, THANK YOU is not enough! This has given me such hope and healing. I still have some symptoms but it's only been a couple of months and the relief has been a God-send. I have a question on the borax/pink sea salt. Is it ok to STAY on the initial dose or say half of the initial dose rather than go to the maintenance dose. I have no side effects (never did) and I love the way I feel. Thank you so much.

May 17, 2017
Bathing and Drinking
by: Anne

Hi, I was just wondering if you can soak a concentrated solution of borax and water and leave it on the area for a period of time, and also drink the solution or is this too much? I am not sure if borax is absorbed through the skin or if I need to drink it? I tried drinking it for two days and I had severe pains in my sides like cramps, however, I was also taking a berberine and grapefruit seed formula so it may have been too much? Can you please advise me on what to do? Also, how much magnesium do you think if you are just applying to the skin, if any? I just wanted to start slowly again but want to make sure it is effective still. I am off the b&g formula a few days now so was going to wait until it is fully out of my system before I begin.

Thank you again.

May 17, 2017
Baking soda burned
by: Percy

After reading about the remedies, I tried baking soda. It burned very badly for at leat 10 minutes on my vulva. I used about an 8th of a teaspoon. Is this normal?

May 17, 2017
Reply to Jonidays
by: Troy

Yes, you can certainly take the food and supplements you list along with following the above 5 steps. In fact, these extra supplements will actually enhance the effectiveness of the borax, magnesium and ACV. Don't forget to take a good liver herbal cleanser as well, and of course, culture your own foods for extra probiotics!

All the best. :)

May 18, 2017
Reply to DET
by: Troy

The 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide can be used safely without dilution. You should still test it on a small area first just to be sure. :)

May 18, 2017
Reply to Sheree
by: Troy

Hi Sheree. Firstly, you're most welcome. Glad you're getting some welcome relief. Yes you can certainly stay on the loading dose for as long as you want. If you were to do this, take it for 5 days (say Monday to Friday) and then rest for 2 days (Saturday and Sunday). This method works very well. Or, do like you said, halve the amount and continue to take it every day (which is actually what my wife and I do). Remember also to keep your zinc and magnesium levels up. This is crucial for the borax and pink crystal salt to continue to work.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 18, 2017
Reply to Anne
by: Troy

Hi Anne. You should definitely be applying the borax topically AND having it internally for best results. Magnesium, zinc, and many other essential trace minerals are crucial for the absorption of borax (boron) which is why the pink rock salt and magnesium/zinc supplementation is vital. If you experienced side effects when taking the borax/pink rock salt mixture before then simply halve the amount and try that, or even halve the amount again if need be. Then over a period of several weeks gradually build up the dosage to the full amount and stay on this for two weeks (with one day of rest remember) before dropping to the maintenance dose. The berberine and grapefruit seed can still be taken with this protocol. Just go with a low dosage. What you experienced was more likely herxheimers reaction or "Die-Off" symptoms rather than a reaction to the grapefruit seed... Candida Die-Off: Symptoms And Treatment. Herxheimer's reaction is normal and nothing to be put off by. Just start off slow and on a low dosage and you'll be fine.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Anne!

May 18, 2017
Reply to Percy
by: Troy

No, it shouldn't burn. How did you apply it? We recommend a tablespoon of borax and a tablespoon of baking soda in good sized bath and soaking in this for 20-30 minutes.

May 18, 2017
Bathing and Drinking
by: Anne

Thank you for your reply. I just have another question, if I start on 1/16th dose every day, do I need to take a days break or do I just keep working up to the 1/8th?

Also how much magnesium would you suggest and how much zinc, I am already taking an adrenal supplement as I have anxiety. I have been following the diet, berberine and grapefruit, probiotics vitamin D and liver support for 7 months now and I still have this problem. I was told that my system is now clean, but why is the LS still here? Do you think it was not strong enough or not long enough or not applied externally? I just feel confused as I have put in so much effort and had no results, that is why I want to try the borax.

Thank you

May 18, 2017
On Borax
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your input on LS. I've been suffering from it for years. I have been on your Borax recommendation for over a week now and have not seen any improvement. I even doubled the dosage to 1/4 tsp hoping that would help. But it's only gotten worse. Do you have any suggestions?

May 18, 2017
How much Zinc to take daily?
by: Cyndee

I have been diagnosed with LS after suffering for a couple of years and countless doctors. I praying this remedy works because it is getting worse. However you failed to mention how much Chelated Zinc to take.

May 19, 2017
Reply to Anne
by: Troy

Even if you drop the dosage for the borax, it's still a good idea to take one day off a week to ease your body into it and prevent any herxheimers reaction. When you get to the maintenance dose, however, there is no need to take a break. Magnesium citrate should be taken at a minimum of 400 mg's per day. This would be a good dose as the adrenal supplement you're taking probably contains some magnesium as well. The chelated zinc needs to be around 50 mg's a day. Be sure to also take both with food. To successfully treat and cure lichens you need both internal AND external remedies so yes, be sure to combine the two.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

May 19, 2017
Reply to "On Borax" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, you need to be patient. This isn't a quick fix. Although you can expect to see major improvement in the next 3-4 months, it can and will take a good 12 months to fully reverse your lichens. Unfortunately, you aren't going to see much improvement after just one week or so. Don't forget also, the borax is only one part to this protocol. Make sure you're taking, magnesium, zinc, acv, etc, and following the candida diet as best you can.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 19, 2017
Reply to Cyndee
by: Troy

Hi Cyndee. Yes, we did fail to mention this. You need to take around 50 mg's a day of chelated zinc with food. :)

May 20, 2017
Daughter 8 years old
by: Stanislava

Hi, my daughter was diagnosed with LS. She hasn't started any treatment yet. We need to go to another doctor. I read your article and recommendations. Do you think borax is suitable for children? What to do?
Thank you.

May 23, 2017
What About Restoration of Skin Color?
by: Anonymous

I have read your article and will definitely put to use the information that you have provided. I have had this horrible skin condition for a few years and the only thing thing my doctor prescribes is the steroid ointment to sooth the itching and burning. However, I am dark complexioned and my vaginal and perennial area are discolored as though I have vitiligo. Will the borax and ACV help to restore the pigment in my skin?

May 23, 2017
Reply to Stanislava
by: Troy

Borax can be taken by children at a low dose. This would be 5 ml's a day of the concentrated solution (maintenance dose). Magnesium and zinc can both be safely taken at a child's dosage as well. Probiotics are especially important for young ones who have LS or candida/fungal problems. :)

May 23, 2017
by: Troy

Over time the ACV and borax (combined with the other recommendations of course) will restore skin pigment color. Hydrogen peroxide used as an external (topical) remedy is also excellent for restoring skin color. Use the 3% grade HP and apply (douche) the affected area 2-3 times daily using a 50/50 solution or even straight from the bottle. You can read more about how to effectively use hydrogen peroxide in our yeast infection cures article... A Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection That Works Every Time.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 24, 2017
Penile Lichen Sclerosus
by: Pat

Hi Troy. First of all, you're doing an amazing job with your contributions to all LS sufferers. I have LS on the tip of my penis (the meatus), although mild it is stubborn and has not been reacting to the LS protocol you have outlined. Like most people, I've tried the usual treatments, i.e. corticosteroids, ointments, eliminating sugar (I'm vegan and super health conscious normally), ACV, etc. Nothing seems to have an affect on the inflamed skin or itching. My question is, how long will it take for me to know that your protocol is working? I mean, I've tried your protocol for over 2 weeks religiously yet there is absolutely no sign of improvement. Could you advise of any particular modifications to your protocol that would help in my case?

Many thanks!

May 24, 2017
Open wounds
by: Isabel

Hi Troy
Can I apply topically ACV (diluted 50/50) or an essential oil (oregano, frankincense) mixed with coconut oil in vaginal open wounds?
Thank you.

May 24, 2017
Clear of it.
by: Patty L

I was taking clobetasol which is a very powerful steroid. I was having to take it twice a day 3 times a week to keep the soreness away. So I went to a dermatologist and she told me that the soreness was from moisture in the area. I was badly broken out, the sides of my legs and groin, and she thought this was the cause of me being sore. I am a bit overweight and so I thought she could be right. She gave me a prescription for Alacortin A, I took it 3 times a day for 3 weeks and I used cornstarch in the groin and side of my legs and anywhere else that got sweaty. Alacortin A is also a steroid, not as strong as clobetasol, easier to apply, absorbs fast, no mess. I take a magnesium complex, citrate blend and a probiotic for the vagina (50 billion). I quit bread and sugar, cant say I eat a lot of greens. Now here's the good news... I haven't had any breakouts since I stopped taking Alacortin A. I can even wear underwear now!

May 26, 2017
Reply to Pat
by: Troy

Hi Pat. Have a read of my comment to this question on May 19th 2017. Remember, this protocol isn't a quick fix, it's a long term solution. Maybe try some of the other external remedies listed in the comments above as well (eg, Jill's remedy posted on November 16th 2016). Some of these might be effective for you.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Pat! :)

May 26, 2017
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Not sure to be honest Isabel. You would need to be very careful what you apply to open wounds. Honey, aloe vera, or tea tree oil (be sure to test first) may be your best options. :)

May 30, 2017
Helping Momma
by: Brenda

I've found my elderly momma has LS and has had it for years. So happy to have found you! She's been in horrible pain since moving in with us, just raw! I've been trying to help with giving her better food options due to her diabetes and kidney problems. Starting the morning off with lemon water, using sugar alternatives and trying to eliminate gluten. Clearly, it appears we now need to eliminate dairy too. Two questions - 1) is the lemon water contributing to the rawness she is experiencing? 2) would the Trace Mineral Ionic Boron 6 mg be the same as Borax?

Thank you.

May 30, 2017
Try turmeric capsules, it got rid of mine!
by: Anonymous

I suffered with LS for 8 years and since taking turmeric capsules for inflammation, not only has it improved the inflammation dramatically, it also got rid of my LS - which for me is amazing. I know it was the turmeric because I stopped it for a short while because my inflammation was so much better but then my LS returned, so I went straight back on the turmeric!

May 31, 2017
Reply to Brenda
by: Troy

Yes, the lemon juice could be contributing to the rawness. Lemon juice is a detoxifier, which is why it can make your pee quite smelly and irritate the genitals when you go to the toilet (as it flushes the body of toxins). Go with the ACV instead. In regards to taking the ionic boron liquid instead of the borax? You'll see much better results combining the borax with the pink crystal salt. Don't forget about the other recommendations also. Our article on natural treatments for diabetes might be handy for your mom as well... Natural Diabetes Treatments.

Good luck and all the best to you and your Momma Brenda!

Jun 02, 2017
Correct Diagnosis via Biopsy
by: Jan

I have lived for 2.5 months with an incorrect diagnosis of LS and, first, want to say how much I have appreciated this site and other discussion threads I have found. It is a lonely place to be when you are out there with nothing but your tube of Clobetasol. The first GYN I saw diagnosed by visual diagnosis only, i.e., recessed labia minora. He said, "You have LS and could get vulvar cancer." Because he did not seem to know a definitive Clob regimen, I saw a second GYN. He did not question the first doctor's diagnosis and did not recommend a biopsy. When I found myself not feeling much better with Clob, I saw a third GYN. Without even examining me, he recommended a vulvar biopsy. On examination, he said I do not have plaques or other classic skin changes. The biopsy came back positive for inflammation but negative for LS. I am writing here because I want all women to know that they should request a biopsy. I am an educated health care professional, good at self-advocating, but I took the word of a GYN because of his definitiveness of visual diagnosis. I will conclude by saying I appreciate all of the feedback on this site, have bought many remedies, and will continue treating my inflammation. However, LS is not a diagnosis to casually make, and a biopsy is needed.

Jun 04, 2017
Can labia not be agglutenated?
by: Anonymous

I just found your site and am going to try everything you recommend. What is most difficult for me is my labia are completely attached so that my clitoris is completely covered down to the vaginal introitus. It's even affecting my urine flow. In addition, the vulvar skin is so fragile that it cracks like dry earth if I'm constipated. I've been working on curing my fecal motility problem, too.

So is there hope for curing the atrophy and agglutination? I have no been able to make love since 1994.

Jun 06, 2017
I shall try these out.......
by: Anonymous

I am one of the few unfortunate (and rare) people who had LS as a child. I have been given a totally ineffective cream for it, so I shall make all haste to give these a try. Thanks in advance!

Jun 06, 2017
Daughter with LS
by: Anonymous

My almost 10 year old daughter was diagnosed 1.5 years ago due to white hourglass skin and one area of a blister. We used clobetasol over the course of probably a year and it resolved. This was before I even knew there were any chances of natural cures since the pediatric dermatologist at Seattle children's told me none of them worked. I just don't feel right having to continue to use the steroid cream! We are a natural living family... our 4 kids aren't vaccinated, have never needed antibiotics, etc. I am hopeful but overwhelmed with all of the responses on here. I don't know about giving her borax internally after reading all of the detox symptoms people have experienced. She takes a probiotic daily, we eat a fairly healthy and organic diet. She doesn't have any symptoms either... no itching/burning... just white-ish patches. This makes me not want to treat it at all but I don't want any scarring or fusion to happen. There seem to be many different options of things to try, but with my daughter it is hard to constantly be "looking at" and putting stuff on her private area. She is getting to the age where she really wants more privacy! I feel so bad for her and want to help. Anyone else with daughters who have cured it naturally? Troy (admin) any cases of prepubescent daughters who have been naturally healed? I just feel at a loss. Oh, our ND isn't much help either as she referred us to the Children's hospital and said definitely use the clobetasol so she doesn't have any problems as a sexually active adult.

Jun 10, 2017
Reply to "Can labia not be agglutenated" Comment
by: Troy

To be honest, I'm not sure. It depends how far it's gone. Surgery may be one option? These remedies will definitely help you though, but by how much I cannot say. :)

Jun 10, 2017
Reply to "Daughter with LS" Comment
by: Troy

If you're worried about giving your daughter any of the internal remedies then my advice is don't. Just be aware though that the ACV, liver cleanser and candida diet (including probiotics) are not harmful to a child or adolescent in any way. I recommend you give her lots and lots of probiotics (you can NEVER give her too many of these). Using a topical remedy such as the hydrogen peroxide external remedy (May 23rd comment above) can help to restore pigment color.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Jun 10, 2017
Clear of my LS
by: Patty L

I posted in May of 2017 and told you about Alacortin A. It has been over 2 months now and I haven't had one breakout! I am still using corn starch to keep dry as I live in a very hot climate so sweating is always there. I still take Magnesium and probiotics for the vagina and a liver cleanser about 1 week a month.
I just wanted to update this. If I have anymore problems I will let you know. I don't take the vinegar or borax treatments, could not get any of that regime going, the vinegar is horrible tasting. I hope I stay well and I hope all you sufferers of LS find a solution to your problem.

Jun 10, 2017
Re: When vaginal lips stick together
by: Anonymous

I had surgery to separate my labia, and they just grew back together again. I'm hoping one of your readers will be able to offer me some advice.

Thanks for all you do!!

Jun 12, 2017
by: Troy

Can anyone help with the above comment??

Jun 12, 2017
Daughter with LS
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, Thanks for your response. She does take probiotics regularly. I tried the hydrogen peroxide/saline and it stung her really bad ... I thought I diluted it plenty but now she doesn't want me to use it again. I am currently applying the castor oil/lavender/lemongrass along with some angel baby bottom balm. I am not sure I can get her to take the ACV. What liver cleanser would you recommend for a child? I'll look into the candida diet too. Thank you. If anyone has any other advice about this with a child please let me know.

Jun 13, 2017
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Hi, first off, thank you for creating this page. I was diagnosed with LS nearly two years ago and it has been driving me bonkers ever since. I have tried steroid creams with no positive results. In fact, I think they made things worse. I'm excited to give your 5 natural remedies a go! You have given me some hope back. I'll let you know how I go.

Jun 14, 2017
Reply to "Daughter With LS" Comment
by: Troy

Dr Tobia makes a really good liver cleanser formula, or BioScience Nutrition, which is another good one. Both are very similar and work extremely well. For children/adolescence, give them half the adult dosage. You can find these on Amazon or Ebay or get them from your local health food store. :)

Jun 20, 2017
LIving with LS and intercourse
by: Anonymous

I have been receiving treatment 3years for LS (Clobetasol 2x a week on Mondays, and Progesterone 2x a day for the rest of the week plus a vagifem wand 2x a week and Cetaphil (moisturizing cream) because it feels nice). My labia had shrivelled and the treatment wasn't really working then the Dr stopped the progesterone and changed to testosterone 2x daily for 6 months. My labia has swollen and is a lot pinker and my clitoris has grown (different, but not really sensitive anymore). My husband and I have not had sex for 4 years (and I feel bad) so we tried finally last week. It hurt a lot. I didn't tell him and I bled, and now I think I have a urinary bladder infection. I have incredible pressure (pulling down) in my genital area.

I am concerned for my husband if he gets any of the residue internal Clobetasol / testosterone creams on him? My Dr has told me all is well now and to just keep trying to have intercourse as it will rebuild my blood supply. Will it get easier? I am sore, and want to pee all the time now. He said I should stop the testosterone cream now but will I shrivel up again and will the white plaque inside my labia regrow (it is still there but smaller)? He is a specialist and told me today I no longer need to see him (3yrs) and I am good to return to my physician's care when needed but I feel kind of lost with lots of questions. Can you answer any of my questions?
Any feedback would be appreciated.

Jun 24, 2017
by: Troy

I would highly recommend that you find yourself a good naturopath, preferably one that comes recommended. You have a lot going on and in my opinion would benefit from the help and advice of a qualified natural health (not medical) professional who can work with you in person and on a one on one basis.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you. :)

Jul 03, 2017
Storing Castor oil mixture
by: Belinda

Hi there, can we store the castor oil mixture in the fridge? I have a zinc and castor oil cream as well where I add 2 drops lavender and 2 drops lemon grass oil to this little 50ml bottle. Would that be enough or should I add less oil drops. I want to use it for in between at work. I am about to try out your remedies, been battling with this for 14 years and now this year the menopause has started and it seems worse. I have had enough of it, wish I never had it.

Jul 05, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, castor oil can be mixed/stored in the fridge. The mixture you mention sounds okay. Just remember to test it first on a small area to be sure. You don't want it to burn. :)

Jul 08, 2017
by: Charlotte

Hi, I'm in the UK and struggling to find borax?

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Charlotte
by: Troy

Have a read of the comment back on January 12th 2017 by Jonidays. There's a link to an Ebay site where you can purchase borax in the UK. :)

Jul 11, 2017
by: Dee the bee

I have read your article and am buying some Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar today and have ordered the Borax powder. I'm not sure if these will work but I am willing to try anything. Can I take both or is that a little extreme? I have had LS for 2 years now and am concerned about its long term damage and lack of a cure from a doctors point of view. I am scared to try the borax but I have watched the video and will give it a go. I also see that you can buy Boron supplements. Although expensive, would these have a similar effect as drinking the borax solution?
Thanks for your advice!

Jul 14, 2017
by: Troy

For best results, you should combine and use all of the remedies listed above Dee. The Himalayan pink rock salt, magnesium, candidia diet/probiotics and liver cleanser are extremely important as well. You can take the boron tablets instead of the borax, however, they don't work as well. As long as you follow the borax remedy to-the-letter and use the 99.9% grade, you'll be fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 14, 2017
Continue with Borax?
by: Julie

Hi Troy! I cannot thank you enough for all this information. I have been drinking the borax and putting on the castor oil for two weeks. How long does it usually take to start to see some relief? I have had Lichen for about twenty years. I never understood what it was until two years ago. I have had five shots of PRP. They helped at first but now nothing. Obviously this will take a while, but since I'm still having such severe issues should I keep going with the heavier dose of borax or move on to the maintenance dose? Thank you!

Jul 14, 2017
If Janie is still reading this blog?
by: Renee

Janie, where can I purchase a "reusable silicon mold" to put the Borax infused Emu oil combination in and freeze?

Jul 16, 2017
Reply to Julie
by: Troy

It's still better to go on the maintenance dose for the borax/pink rock salt after your two weeks is up. Don't forget about the other remedies/combinations too Julie. Building up your immune system is vital. How long it takes for the healing to occur differs from person to person. Some get relief in a matter of weeks while with others it can take months (up to 12 months, sometimes longer for full healing to occur).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jul 28, 2017
How to space out the protocol?
by: Teri

Hello, and thank you for your site. I have LS for several years but only told a year ago what I had. After diagnosis, I did the Clob ointment for two months before everything settled down. Have been on over the counter ointment for a year. All was well until two weeks ago. Glad to have found your site. I ordered everything and so far the essential oils and castor oil have arrived. I have the ACV as well. Waiting on the Borax and Himalayan rock Salt. My question is, as a daily routine there seems to be so much to do and take. Are we to space all this out? I understand sipping the water all day, but the supplements - when to take, with food? With the oils, is there a how often we're suppose to be using these? I apologize for all the beginners questions. Thank you.

Aug 03, 2017
Reply to Teri
by: Troy

Hi Teri. No question is a silly question. With the supplements, they should all be taken on an empty stomach and spaced out throughout the day if possible. It doesn't need to be exact though. As long as you remember to take them every day - this is the most important thing as missing a day will set you back. Of course, the borax/ pink rock salt water must be spread out throughout the day. With the oils, applying them in the morning and then again in the evening is the most effective. Take a borax or Epsom salt bath first then apply.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 08, 2017
by: Isabel

Hi Troy,

I found an ointment that claims to treat LS.
It's EMUAID by Speer Laboratories.
Do you know if this helps with LS, eczema and other skin conditions?
Thank you

Aug 08, 2017
by: Panacea

Gratitude x a million! I am contemplating doing the borax protocol for another intensive period. I have completed 3 weeks with the rest day in-between. A lot of improvement but I feel another 2 weeks will get me back to non LS symptoms. Am I right?

I am an ovarian cancer survivor, cleared for the last 12 months. The LS symptoms only started to abate by the end of the 2nd week, hence the 3rd week on the Borax protocol. I suspected heavy metal overload because of the chemo. Can I safely continue to take the concentrate for another 2 weeks?

Thanking you is just not enough! Blessings on you and yours.... From my lips to the Powers that Prevails' ears 💝💝💝💝

Aug 10, 2017
Thank you
by: Louise

I have read this entire thread of emails. Lots of much needed and helpful information. I suggest if your new to this site to read everything above as this gives one a clearer picture of where to start. I'd like to hear from someone who is three months in, following all the 5 steps that Troy has suggested. I'm also recently diagnosed with the dreadful LS. I'm yet to start all 5 steps, but getting ready too. I'm finding the apple cider vinegar has already made a difference. Anyone else had a biopsy? Just wondering how long it takes to heal? Thank you Troy! God bless!

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Yes, others have posted about EMUAID and used it with great success. Hope it helps! :)

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to Panacea
by: Troy

Yes, you can certainly do the borax/pink salt loading regimen for another two weeks. Just keep an eye on your bowel movements as you may experience slight diarrhea. This only happens very occasionally though so you should be fine.

All the best!

Aug 11, 2017
LS Allergies
by: Sitting again

I have discovered that using cheap toilet paper will cause a major flare up for me, even causing welts. I now use water after urination and fragrance free baby wipes for BMs. It's been very helpful. I also use fragrance free laundry detergent. I am now going to try some of the detoxing remedies. Hoping to rid myself of this awful LS. Praying we all get cured.

Aug 13, 2017
by: Erma

I have had this for two years. It has been a living hell. After trying every thing I could think of nothing seemed to work. Then I remembered my mother saying there is nothing that aspirin can't cure. So I dissolved two aspirin in a few drops of distilled water and dabbed it onto my lady parts. I did this for two days. My bottom got a little raw from the aspirin so I put a little Vaseline on it to relieve the pain. The next day the lichen sclerosus started healing up and I now have relief after all this time. This is what I did. I hope it helps others.

Aug 15, 2017
Silcone molds
by: Janie

Dear Renee:

Sorry, I have not been on this blog for a while. Yes I am pretty sure the reusable molds are still available. I got mine from Ebay.

Aug 18, 2017
Borax in Water Only?
by: V Lynn

Hi, I've just started drinking the liter of borax and pink salt in water along with the other recommended protocol for my diagnosed LS. I am wondering if the borax and pink salt must be in plain purified water? I am also drinking 2 cups of an herbal infusion each day (rotating oatstraw, stinging nettle and red clover). Is it ok to mix the herbal infusion into the borax solution? I put my 2 cups infusion into the liter bottle and then fill it up the rest of the way with water, then add the borax and salt. It sure tastes better, but don't know if it makes a difference in the beneficial effects of the borax.
This is the best site on LS I have found so far. Thank you so much!!

Aug 19, 2017
Hopefully on my way to curing LS
by: Sharon

I've had LS for about 5 yrs and it went quite bad: itching, cuts, sores, white colour all over. Six weeks ago, after reading plenty of comments in many different sites, I decided on three things to do as an initial treatment. Since I've always eaten healthily and pretty much in accordance with advice in comments, I didn't think it was necessary to change my diet. So what I do is, first, lubricate the infected area with coconut oil after every time I use the toilet. I use plenty of oil before I go to bed also. Second, I'm very careful not to let any soap or shampoo get into the area, only water. Third, I stopped using toilet paper. Instead I wash the area with water and dry with a cotton towel. And so far I've experienced great results. No cuts, no sores, much less itching, and I think the white area has shrunken! I hope you find this helpful and will try to remember to update my progress as I go along this path.

Aug 21, 2017
Reply to V Lynn
by: Troy

It's better to keep the two separate if you can - you will receive more benefit from both by doing this. We do understand that the borax/pink salt mix doesn't taste the best though so if this is the only way you can have it then better to do it this way than not have it at all.

All the best!

Aug 22, 2017
Twenty doses of borax
by: Susan

Thank you for this website and all the helpful information. I started with the maintenance dose of borax and gradually increased it up to 1/16 tsp a day. I take it in four doses throughout the day with three meals and a snack because I have to take it with food or it gives me diarrhea. I want to take the full 1/8 tsp of borax a day now, but it will be hard to take twenty small doses throughout the day with food. (I'll have to eat twenty meals/snacks a day.) Is it important to take it in twenty small doses, or can I take it in four larger doses?
Also, I'm planning to take oil of oregano instead of ACV. I have the drops, and the bottle says one drop contains 54 mg of oregano oil, and to take 1 to 3 drops a day in oil or a beverage. How many drops a day should I take and for how long?

Aug 27, 2017
Reply to Susan
by: Troy

Hi Susan. You don't have to take the borax/pink rock salt mix 20 times throughout the day. This is only an example. Four times a day with food would still be fine if that's all you can do. The best way to take the borax is to just sip on it throughout the day, but yes, this can be difficult. Just do the best you can and you'll be fine. With the oregano oil, start off on one drop a day for a week then two for the following week. Increase to three drops after this. The oregano oil can be taken for 4-6 months without any problems.

All the best!

Aug 27, 2017
To Troy
by: Vlado

Hello, I have been diagnosed with lichen sclerosus and bought all the stuff that you listed! Expect the liver cleanser and the probiotics soon. Should I get these 2 items first and then start with it or can I start without them? Also, I have been diagnosed with the HPV std. Is there something I could cleanse my blood with to get rid of it. Thank you in advance.

Aug 31, 2017
Reply to Vlado
by: Troy

Better to wait until you have all of them before starting Vlado. Have read of this article and the available links for ridding yourself of HPV (even though it's an article on EBV/Herpes, it's the same treatment... A Natural Remedy for Epstein Barr Virus That Works!.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Sep 03, 2017
How long to go on Zinc and magnesium?
by: Anila

Hi Troy. Thank you again for this awesome site you are managing and contributing tremendously to. I read here all the time. It is valuable for the fact that people report on their concerns and/or improvements and it's enormously beneficial to us all.
Personally, I was just confirmed of my doubts that I had LS by my biopsy results, which I got two days ago. I started on the maintenance dose of Borax. I want to be on a break from work when using the 2 week one, which will be around Christmas.
My question is for how long can I continue using Zinc and Magnesium? Indefinitely? Also, I found out that 1 tsp of Borax is 9 grams. So I used a bit over 1/2 tsp for preparing the maintenance dose. The same amount of pink salt as well.
Externally, I am having two little baths during the day (borax+baking soda) and a rinse of hydrogen peroxide 3% after the bath. Lastly, I apply an olive oil + tea tree oil mix, which always feels nice. I will get back with my results later when I notice some difference.

Sep 05, 2017
Reply to Anila
by: Troy

Hi Anila. The zinc and magnesium should definitely be taken indefinitely. Because these minerals are no longer in our food crops, supplementation is especially crucial now. The extra bit of borax and pink rock salt is also fine.

All the best to you!

Sep 07, 2017
Borax rash?
by: Anonymous

I want to thank you for your article. I have been using borax and ACV with great success. I am no longer using clobetasol, after having used it two or three times a week for 4 years. That was way to much and for too long. I also made the mistake of using it on my inner thighs at the advice of my NP. So I had to see a dermatologist who treated me for a yeast infection caused by the clobetasol. So now my only problem is the rashes on my arms, face and back. I'm wondering if it could be caused by the borax? Thanks for your help to so many people.

Sep 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, I was diagnosed with this condition in 2012. I have the condition under control and no longer experience itching, just white patches and painful intercourse. I don't have any white patches now and never had yeast or hormone imbalances. My only issue is scarring at the base of the vagina and painful sex with tearing. Is there anything I can do for the painful intercourse. The pain seems to be in my cervix as well... I am desperate for help. I seem to be in remission except for the above.

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to "Help" Comment
by: Troy

A natural lubricant such as organic coconut oil can be very useful, and at the same time, also helps to treat the symptoms of LS. This article lists some handy remedies for dyspareunia... Painful Intercourse In Females – Natural Treatment.

Hope it helps.

Best regards.

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to "Borax Rash" Comment
by: Troy

It is possible that the rash is being caused from the borax (boron) or even the ACV. It could also be caused from the clobetasol/discontinued use of the clobetasol after using it for so long. I would see how you go for the next few months, giving your body enough time to get over the use (and dependency) of the clobetasol. Don't forget to take plenty of magnesium with the borax too and a good herbal liver cleanser.

All the best to you! :)

Sep 18, 2017
Goin for it!
by: Wave

Hi Troy, I have read your cure suggestions for LS and am eager to try them. At first I was reticent to take Borax internally---but I got the food safe version you recommended and the Himalayan salt as well and I am just going to go for it. So much of what you cover in your brief, but thorough explanation/definition of the possible causes of Lichen Sclerosus made perfect sense to me. I was fine one day and then with my menopausal period suddenly I had lesions and white spots and fusion so quickly I couldn't believe it! It is really scary. Luckily, my Gyno Doc knew what it was. Referring to the medical model she put me on estrogen cream and cortisone cream---with zero results. I did have a very bad case of Lyme's disease that went untreated for a while before I received antibiotics. SO... since I feel there have been no traditional medical solutions addressing an actual cure I am going to do everything you suggest except cut out some carbs in my diet. I exercise and need some healthy carbs that contain wheat. But the rest of my diet is protein and veggie oriented. I have been vegan and also gave up carbs for a while and was very fatigued. I seem to do better with a little fish, veggies and beans and some grainy breads and grains. I started drinking my solution today and am really hoping to be able to post some great feedback here soon. I hope the fusion repairs itself... it is horrible to have your labia fuse... just so depressing; lol. But, I am a glass half full type of person and feel that this yeast and liver issue and Lyme issue would need to be addressed and maybe the extreme physical change leads me to a cure. Thank you for this information and your positive suggestion. Peace,

Sep 19, 2017
by: Troy

You're very welcome Wave. Hope it helps.

All the best to you! :)

Sep 22, 2017
Gotu Kola
by: Anonymous

I am in Canada and just got diagnosed with LS. To the person who used Gotu Kola, was it a cream, oil or pills? I am trying to find where to buy it and in what form. Thank you.

Sep 29, 2017
Epsom salt baths
by: Anonymous

I have several autoimmune conditions including lichen sclerosis. I was diagnosed about 20 years ago through biopsy of the tissues. Over the years I suffered using steroidal topical treatments such as clobatisol propiniate, which did help with the itching but did nothing for the other symptoms. I began having Epsom salt baths for joint issues associated with psoriatic arthritis (with little psoriasis, non plaque, only occasionally on scalp). Now, the good news! By bathing every other night with Epsom salts my lichens has been totally asymptomatic for at least a year now. Coincidence? Maybe not. Worth a try though. And it causes no harm!

Oct 04, 2017
I May Have Red Skin Syndrome
by: Withdrawing

I have been following this article/thread for some months now and so very much appreciate the collective wisdom here. Thank you all!

I suspect I have had LS since childhood. 20+ years ago, my former MD diagnosed me with excema and prescribed Clobetasol. A few months ago, my new MD diagnosed LS and again I was told to use Clobetasol. Fast forward... I used the Clobetasol gel a month ago and got a SEVERE allergic reaction to it. My LS flared up worse than ever and SPREAD throughout my outside genital area. It was then that I decided to STOP using the cortisone product.

Two weeks ago ...
I began to use the Borax treatment both in sitz bath and orally (1 TS of the concentrate in a glass of water 2X per day).

Initially, I was experiencing tremendous relief with the sitz baths. Still do. However, now I am dealing with what I believe might be Red Skin Syndrome. The skin on my genital area including pubic bone and upper inner thighs and buttocks are now a deep red colour and the itching and burning is outrageous.

I am wondering if I am experiencing withdrawl symptoms from discontinuing the use of the Clobetasol? There is no use returning to using this cortisone cream as it is no longer effective. My question is... Do you think it is wise for me to continue the Borax sitz baths and the Borax oral treatment?

I did try the castor oil, essential lemon and lavender salve... and got a horrible reaction from it... same with Coconut oil.

Gosh! What a horrible condition!

Thank you for any recommendations you can offer.

Oct 07, 2017
Topical application
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy and thank you so much for this article.
I have bought the Borax and since I don't have a bathtub, I was wondering what would be the ideal quantity of Borax to dissolve into 1 litre of water in order to apply locally with a cotton pad?

Also, I read that Borax can raise oestrogen levels. As a young woman, I was wondering whether that may cause some side effects like body hair growth or pain during menstrual cycles?

Oct 11, 2017
Reply to "Withdrawing"
by: Troy

It is definitely possible that your body is having withdrawal symptoms from the Clobetasol. This does usually pass in time. If the borax baths help, you should continue with them. Try a little baking soda too. As a topical remedy, try Jill's remedy which was posted back on November 7th 2016. Nubian Heritage Soap Bars have also been effective treatments for many LS sufferers... Nubian Heritage Soap Bar With Lemongrass and Tea Tree. With the borax for internal use, make sure you follow the recommendations exactly. It seems you aren't taking enough. Don't forget also that you must take magnesium with the borax (boron) as well.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 11, 2017
Reply to "Topical Application" Comment
by: Troy

1-2 tablespoons of borax can be mixed with 1 liter of water and used as an external wash. You can also mix the borax with a slight amount of water to form a paste and apply this for extra benefit and relief. Borax (pure borax) is 99.9% sodium borate, which is a completely natural substance mined from the ground - so there is no harm. In regards to borax (boron) raising estrogen levels, this is somewhat misleading. While boron can raise estrogen levels if they're low, it will NOT raise them above what they should be (like anabolic steroids do). Boron will normalize your estrogen levels, nothing more. It certainly wont make your face grow hair or interrupt your menstrual cycle that's for sure. On the contrary, it will actually help you to have more regular and normal periods minus the PMS! You have nothing to worry about there.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 11, 2017
Reply to "Withdrawing" - red skin syndrome
by: Isabel

A year ago my LS became so aggressive that my genital area was "on fire" - red and very painful. One day, I read here a comment about zinc oxide and I thought, why not? I searched for an ointment with the highest amount of zinc oxide (I could only find one with 40%). I found a product called Nutraisdin ZN40 Repairing Ointment - it´s an ointment for diapers rash. I put it on twice a day, before bed and in the morning... and it worked!
Maybe in other countries you can find something like this or better. Hope it helps.

Oct 12, 2017
What Works for Me...
by: Anonymous

I shower each morning with a very light soap, which I'm careful not to rub too hard with. I rinse in as cold of water as I can stand for my front and back. I don't dry myself with a towel so I can let my skin calm naturally. Then I use witch hazel with some paper towel. Yes it burns, but once it cools it is well worth the burn. At first I used a zinc antibiotic ointment daily and nightly. Now I only use the zinc at night if I do the apple cider vinegar suppository because the vinegar burns my vagina down there on the outside. So the zinc ointment provides a nice barrier and prevents the burn. The witch hazel and the ointment has helped clear up my rash drastically. However, I also have changed my diet completely. I have been doing a bacterial viral and fungal detox in an effort to not only heal outside but inside as well. I also use L lysine Vitex and maca powder daily to help with the hormonal issues. I recommend also finding ways to de-stress as stress surely contributes to LS. I can now comfortably wear pants and go through the whole day without wanting to give up. This is one of the worst things I've ever dealt with in my life, yet one of the best because it has forced me to take better care of myself and find ways to love myself more deeply. I never want to see a doctor again as the cause of my LS was due to repeated doses of antibiotics. Stay strong ladies and thank you so much for this post. Together we will get through this. Google has become my best friend.

Oct 14, 2017
Borax doesn't dilute
by: Anonymous

I was about to start drinking the borax solution today, but my borax doesn't seem to dissolve well in water, it stays at the bottom of the bottle. I even tried to boil the water and stir it, but it doesn't change anything. Is that normal? It is 99.9% pure.

Oct 14, 2017
Manuka honey and emu oil?
by: Meg N

I have had this complaint 30+ years since menopause, was upper arms/armpits and genital & anal area/back of legs, now it's mainly the back legs/anal area. My skin is open like sores as I scratch it. It's sometimes looks infected but can also stream with bright red blood. I am 87 with age related health challenges. Can emu oil and/or Manuka honey help me? My Dermatologist said I was the worse case he had ever seen. It is really uncomfortable and bringing me down. All suggestions to soothe and remove my LS are greatly appreciated.
Thanks Meg

Oct 20, 2017
How Long for the Borax & Salt Cure?
by: Kim in Massachusetts

I started the cure about a week ago. I made the mistake of not getting the Prescribed for Life Borax till day 4. Anyway, this brand is much better quality and I can tell it is excellent for this process.

Anyway, this treatment sounds like approximately 2 weeks then you move onto the maintenance dose. Should the LS, including itch and burn, be gone after two weeks or will it take longer? Note: I also am taking chelated magnesium and zinc plus doing DeTox tea, along with following a modified Candida diet.

Hoping for the best. Have had LS for 2 years. A very depressing disease.

Thank you. - Kim

Oct 24, 2017
Lichens sclerosus cure
by: Anonymous

I have been able to keep my lichen sclerosus under control by taking 2 capsules of oregano oil daily in the morning before breakfast. I use the "Nature’s answer" oil of oregano 150 mg. After just 7 days of taking these the itch started to go away. To control the itch symptoms I use a mixture of 0.5 oz coconut oil, 0.5 castor oil, 11 drops of essential tea tree oil, 5 drops of mint oil, and 30 drops of oregano oil. All are organic essential oils.
This treatment has really worked for me. Everything is completely natural.

Oct 24, 2017
Reply to "Borax Doesn't Dilute" Comment
by: Troy

Yes this is quite common, especially when using the pure 99% grade (which is the best). What you need to do is first add it to your water and shake, then leave for a few minutes. Then come back and shake again later a few more times. It does eventually dissolve. Yes, it's a bit of a painful process, but it's worth it. Don't use hot water though. Lukewarm water is fine and does help with the dissolving.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 24, 2017
Reply to Meg
by: Troy

Both Manuka honey and Emu oil work fantastically well for virtually all skin conditions, including LS. Both are safe to use too and don't irritate the skin. Emu oil is especially good. Make sure you only buy the 100% pure grade oil though. Use it topically every day for best results. You can (and should) also take emu oil internally for extra benefit and relief.

Hope it helps.

All the best to you Meg!

Oct 24, 2017
Reply to Kim
by: Troy

Hi Kim. It's going to take longer than two weeks to really kick in and start benefiting you so you will need to be patient. Give it at least 6 months (or more) for the FULL effects to be felt. Everything else you're doing is good. If the itching and burning is really bad then look to use a good natural external treatment. There are plenty listed in the comments below, or you could try our recommendation.

Hope this helps!

Oct 24, 2017
Rationale for Himalayan pink rock salt?
by: Withdrawing

I may have missed this in my reading of your article... please tell me what is the rationale for adding the 5 grams of Himalayan pink rock salt to the borax mixture? I am doing the 1/8 tsp of borax mixed in one litre of water for a daily regimen along with the 50mg of Zinc and the magnesium. Thanks for your help!

Oct 26, 2017
Responding to Isabel
by: Withdrawing

Thanks for your recommendation; I did try a similar product (an ointment for diaper rash with zinc oxide) ... the result for me was horrible burning and itching. It's amazing how one product will work wonders for one person and not for another! I wish it did work for me.

Oct 26, 2017
Oregano oil
by: Anonymous

I tried the Oregano oil, and it burned the skin like crazy. And I don't even have a breakout at this time. I don't know why you would advise this. I had to use soap and water to remove it. That was a waste of money.

Oct 26, 2017
I have tried a lot of this
by: Trish

Hi, I also have lichen schlerosis and when I read this article I was filled with hope. I have done the borax drink and that didn't seem to work. Also, I have taken the cider vinegar. I have found that diet helps and I have given up alcohol, tea, coffee, dairy and red meats. I also diffuse essential oils. I am going to try the castor oil with lemon grass but recently had to resort to a steroid cream as I had a bad flare up due to having to take antibiotics as I had a urine infection. I did take probiotics during this time. This makes me realise the natural way is the only way. If anyone has anything else please do let me know as I have to cure this dreadful thing and if possible help others who have it. It is a terrible thing to live with and makes you feel totally useless. Please help if you have any other answers.
Many thanks

Nov 02, 2017
Reply to "Rationale for Himalayan Pink Rock Salt" Comment
by: Troy

Himalayan pink crystal salt contains 84 essential minerals and trace elements in a highly absorbable form. All of these not help with the proper absorption and utilization of boron (Borax), they are also essential for normal bodily functioning. Bottom line... they will help with the treatment of your LS, along with any other health problems you may be currently suffering from.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 02, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil" Comment
by: Troy

Did you dilute the oregano oil first as per Jill's recommendation (November 7th 2016 comment)? Others here have also recommended oregano oil, but always combined with other ingredients (October 24th 2017 "lichen sclerosis cure" comment). Oregano oil should never ever be applied undiluted. :)

Nov 02, 2017
Reply to Trish
by: Troy

Hi Trish. With the borax/pink rock salt and ACV, you said you "tried" them? So are you not taking them anymore? The borax/rock salt and the apple cider vinegar MUST be taken indefinitely (yes, for the rest of your life!) They aren't like a prescription (take the course and you're done). If you are still taking them, how long has it been? Remember, you will need a full 12 months to treat this condition fully and repair the damage. LS and it's accompanying symptoms take many years to grow and exacerbate, so naturally it's going to take a while for the reverse to happen.

Hope this helps.

Best regards!

Nov 17, 2017
#4 essential oil topical
by: Anonymous

I have not been able to get the essential oil mixture to become a 'paste' like consistency. It is still a very runny oil. Any ideas on how to make it more solid and thus less messy?

Nov 20, 2017
Sty Remedy
by: Isabel

Hi Troy,
I put this question here because I published it in another place on the site but I didn't receive an answer... A friend has had a sty for several weeks in the upper eyelid. She used a warm compress and antibiotic but they didn't work. Is it safe to apply frankincense oil mixed with jojoba oil and in what ratio?
Thank you

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to Essentail Oil comment
by: Troy

Try adding some organic coconut oil to the mix to harden it up. Coconut oil is a potent antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent as well so it should help with the discomfort. :)

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

I don't recommend using frankincense or essential oils in the eyes. Have a read of this recent Q&A on stye remedies for some handy tips Isabel... Guaranteed Way to Get Rid of an Eye Stye Fast at Home!.

All the best. :)

Nov 22, 2017
Good News!
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy and LS Folks,
I am happy to report that my LS symptoms, even the labial fusing, are starting to correct themselves after a short while of intensive changes (about three months). I am using emu oil topically (which is "cooling and calming"). I take oil of oregano capsules by Standard Process internally (three capsules a night before bed when parasites are most active), along with 1 capsule of Mushroom Stamets by Host Defense (for their anti-inflammatory properties), Garden of Life probiotics, Dr Tobias's 21 day Liver cleanse capsule, extra strength Magnesium Citrate by BRI Nutrition, mykind Organics (brand name) B-Complex, Nusa Pure Candida support and HPN Niagen (which works on the mitochondrial level). I consumed the food grade borax and the Himalayan pink salt dissolved in filtered water concentrated concoction for two weeks and now take the maintenance dose, as per Troy's advise. I take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with the mother without diluting it (I like the taste but you may want to dilute it with water) and I bathe in a bath three times a week with: one tablespoon borax, one tablespoon sea salt, and one tablespoon of baking soda for forty-five minutes. For my diet I eliminated alcohol, sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners, meat, dairy and oils, other than olive oil. I also incorporated into my diet larger amounts of dark berries, pomegranate, apple seeds, seaweed, dark leafy vegetables, fresh ginger, mushrooms, garlic and onions.
I also get acupuncture once a week, walk an hour each day (at least), and practice yoga three nights a week. I feel great and my labia is "unfusing." My white spots are also diminishing and I don't feel the irritation any more. Some of these life style changes were things that my soul was yearning to start doing but I kept putting them off. Perhaps the LS was a gateway into the garden for me! I thought I would share my progress in the hope that other sufferers stick with this and find healing. Peace, Wave

Nov 23, 2017
by: Troy

Great to hear that you're on the mend and feeling better. Thanks for taking the time to share your tips and protocol with us.

All the best! :)

Nov 23, 2017
Remission of LS and now A-fib
by: bb

Hi Troy, thanks for all the great advice. My LS is in remission now, thank goodness, and I hope it stays that way. Was diagnosed with a-fib and put on Eliquis ($400 per month!!) but came off it after getting blinding headaches. I notice you recommended to Sophie that she take the magnesium-calm drink and I'm about to order it. Do I continue with magnesium and calcium supplements while taking this? I'm not on blood thinners, no way - I refuse to take them. Any more suggestions please?

Nov 26, 2017
Extra genital LS
by: Nautilus

Hello everyone, thanks for this site! I was diagnosed with LS a month ago, probably had a very mild case for years. I have no lesions in my genitals, I had a few larger plaques before I started a treatment prescribed by my dermatologist. It consisted of clobetasol and a 4 week course of antibiotics (chlaritromycin). Since I started this regimen, my lesions got totally out of control, it flared up, now I have them all over my body. Only my chest and face are clear. I have large patches of red skin with small rashes, bigger, angry red patches too, that are starting to scar. I am desperate and in distress, although my doctor says it's a healing crisis. I will try the regimen suggested. I wonder if anyone has been completely healed of extra genital LS using these methods? Please give me some hope! Thanks!

Nov 30, 2017
Reply to bb
by: Troy

You need LOTS of magnesium, especially if you're suffering from A-fib. This is the most crucial nutrient for the heart muscle, bar none! It will take probably about a year to get your levels back up to where they should be. Too much magnesium taken orally can have a laxative effect, however, so if you're going to take the Natural Calm (which is good) then drop the other calcium/magnesium supplements, and instead, go with a transdermal magnesium spray (skin spray). This is what magnesium experts Dr Carolyn Dean and Dr Marcus Sircus recommend... Transdermal Magnesium Therapy -
Dr Marcus Sircus
. Also take brewers yeast (mixed in a smoothie, etc) as this is rich in selenium and selenium is also extremely important for a healthy heart. Co-Q10 and krill oil are also effective. In addition, look to follow an anti-inflammatory diet - inflammation is another major cause of heart problems such as A-fib. This recent Q&A I did has some additional information on A-fib home remedies as well... Best Remedy for Occasional A-Fib Heart Palpitations.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you bb!

Nov 30, 2017
by: Isabel

Hi Troy, I want to fight an infection with an essential oil taken orally, frankincense or myrrh, but I can´t find it in my country. Can you recommend a reliable brand from Amazon or a company in Europe? I need a 100% pure organic natural essential oil.
Thank you

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Hi Isabel. If you cant find a good oil on Amazon then maybe try eBay, or your local health food store. Many essential oils aren't 100% pure (and organic) so you do need to be careful. I'm not sure what's actually available in your area so I couldn't recommend a brand to you. Just do your homework first, that's my best advice.

All the best!

Dec 01, 2017
by: Dorotha

I had this for over 5 yrs before they could even identify it. I have had it so severe in my private part that I wanted to die. I could not even take a shower or bath at times because it stings so much from the open sores. I am going to try these remedies and do a weekly post to keep you updated. Thank you

Dec 11, 2017
Anhydrous Sodium Borate
by: Deanna

Hi, the Borax I got is called Anhydrous pure Sodium Borate. I am assuming this is the right stuff? I am so thankful I found your blog about LS!!!!

Dec 20, 2017
Reply to Deanna
by: Troy

Yes, sodium borate is what you want. The anhydrous simply means that it contains no water crystallisation. Here's what Walter Last says about borax...

"Borax is a naturally occurring mineral commonly mined from dried salt lakes, and is the source of other manufactured boron compounds. The main deposits are in California and Turkey. Chemical names are sodium tetraborate decahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate, or simply sodium borate. This means it contains four atoms of boron as its central feature combined with two sodium atoms and ten molecules (or sometimes less) of crystallisation water - decahydrate means 10 water molecules, pentahydrate 5, and anhydrate or anhydrous borax means no crystallisation water; chemically it is all the same."

Good luck and all the best to you Deanna!

Dec 22, 2017
by: Jennifer

Good Morning,

I have been diagnosed with LS and actually I am having some anxiety regarding this. I am going to try the ACV treatment but frankly taking the Borax kind of scares me a little. My doctor has prescribed me a steroid and from what I have read this thins the skin as well, so I'm not sure why he prescribed this since LS causes thinning skin as well. I also already take several different herbs (nerve balance, liver balance, gaba plus, cranberry pills and calcium, magnesium citrate). Is this too much because I was going to add a pumpkin seed oil tablet as well. Please give me some feedback to help calm my nerves and let me know if I'm taking too many herbal supplements? Thanks for any comments or information you can provide.

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to Jennifer
by: Troy

Hi Jennifer. Firstly, I believe that you can never take too many herbs or supplements. Many people are worried that they might "overdose" (which is virtually impossible) on herbs and supplements, but most think nothing of taking prescription drugs (which kill over 100,000 people each year), drinking alcohol most nights or eating refined and processed foods that definitely aren't fit for human consumption. Not saying this is you, just stating the facts. Herbs and supplements are safe. The death rate from these each year is around zero percent. The only thing you need to watch out for is the contradictory effects of supplements when taking prescription medications. This not the herbs or supplements at fault of course, it's the prescription drugs. In regards to the borax, I recommend you reconsider. Borax is sodium borate, a 100% natural mineral that comes from out of the ground. There's nothing unsafe about it. The only reason people are scared off by it is because it's used as an ant killer (it's toxic to ants in high dosages) and it's used as a washing agent. My wife and I have been taking borax every day for over 8 years now and feel amazing for it.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Jennifer! :)

Jan 05, 2018
Question about ACV
by: Judy

Hi. I was diagnosed with lichen sclerosus about 3-4 years ago. I went to a dermatologist who prescribed a cream. The symptoms went away very quickly. I did use the cream, but I also cleaned up my cleaners (household and personal soaps and shampoos and laundry). She was amazed at how quickly my symptoms disappeared. I was also very pleased. Well, the symptoms reappeared this past December 2017, first with just a lot of white coloring, then with burning and a blister. I am still using the cream, but I am also trying all five of your suggestions. It’s only been a week, but I can see an improvement. I thought that I had figured this out when my symptoms went away so quickly when cleaning out my cleaning products. I was extremely frustrated. I thought that I was doing everything right. I eat healthy, exercise, etc. Anyway, my question is; is the 30 ML's of apple cider vinegar morning and night a lifetime thing?
Thank you very much for your help.

Jan 09, 2018
Reply to Judy
by: Troy

Yes, taking the ACV is a lifetime thing. Remember, apple cider vinegar is not just an exceptional remedy for lichen sclerosus, it's one of natures best "cure all" remedies and health elixers. Health crusader and author Paul Bragg (founder of Bragg ACV and other health products), consumed apple cider vinegar every day for virtually all of his life and he lived well into his nineties. So why wouldn't you too!

Good luck and all the best to you Judy! :)

Jan 09, 2018
I am cured
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your article. I took your advice and followed it to the letter and now I am symptom free. I can now have sex again. I am so grateful. The most important thing you suggest is the borax.

Jan 09, 2018
THANKS! & Vitamin D
by: Nancy

OH, Troy! So many thanks for sharing these 5 protocols to implement for the rest of my life! I'm now 72 and just got diagnosed today... but I self-diagnosed last month and instantly went searching the web (I hadn't found this site yet). I found a young woman who shared how vitamin D (probably D3) really helped her. Now THAT was something I could do before my doctor visit. WOW! Just want you all to know that my distress started to abate within a couple of days... then also another person on a different forum mentioned acupuncture. I hadn't been to an Acupuncturist in 20 years... but WOW for the second time. Those have both been helpful and hopeful but going to the gynecologist today was a bit depressing... She had never heard of vitamin D for this issue and kept mentioning the chronic nature and progressiveness, etc... with a smile even. I suppose she thought she was commiserating with me... nope. Anyway, Troy how refreshing to come home and start looking again for more help on this. Thanks. I plan on starting everything... I have no intention of letting this dang issue take over.
Blessings, Nancy
Hendersonville North Carolina.

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to "I Am Cured" Comment
by: Troy

You're very welcome. Yes, the borax is the most important part to this remedy. The problem is, most people don't follow through and continue to take it. They don't give it enough time to really go to work and cure their LS.

Glad it helped you!

All the best. :)

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to Nancy
by: Troy

You're very welcome Nancy. Don't listen to your gynecologist either. You CAN cure your LS!

All the best to you. :)

Jan 15, 2018
Pink Himalayan Salt
by: Jennifer

Hi Troy,

Just another question, I see you say to use pink Himalayan salt powder. Is it ok to use the coarse grind? This is what I have on hand and I've just measured approximately 1/8 tsp of this with the approximate 1/8 tsp of the borax. I don't have an 1/8 tsp measure so I just halved the 1/4 tsp. I want to make sure that this is ok for the best mixture or does it need to be accurate.

Jan 20, 2018
Borax in Spain?
by: Anonymous guy

Hi, before I found this place I was already taking ACV, castor oil + lavender + lemongrass, and an organic diet, processed food free and sugar free, even reducing animal food because I read somewhere that people cured themselves from this disease with a vegan diet. But since I've found this thread I want to try the borax remedy but I can't find it in Spain. Any of you guys knows some place that send it overseas???

After a year of having LS (at least doctors told me it was LS) I'm having serious itchiness in areas surrounding my genital zone.

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Jennifer
by: Troy

The coarse grind is perfectly fine to use Jennifer. It's essentially all the same salt. Your measurement is also okay. It doesn't need to be "exact" to the mark - as long as it's close.

All the best to you! :)

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Anonymous Guy
by: Troy

You can't buy borax in the EU as they have banned it. You may be able to get it from the UK though.

Jan 23, 2018
To Isabel - About the Stye
by: Janie

To Isabel about your stye. Go to Edgar Cayce in search for stye relief. I remember it cured mine and I believe it was to scrape off or shave off very close to the underside of the potato skin and put the shavings of the potato in a little piece of gauze and apply to the eye lid. This draws out the stye. Be sure to do this several times.
Janie Martin

Jan 23, 2018
Use Hz Frequencies
by: Janie

I am into energy medicine. We are all energetic beings and so healing with frequencies is a big deal and more than I can write here. So I want to share this with you. Go to this link on YouTube and you can hear the frequencies to listen to and see if it helps you with your particular problem:

Candida; Fungus, mold (Isochronic Tones 414 Hz) Pure Series.

Lichen Planus is a fungus surrounded by Algae which eats itself. So it also helps to use Fungus destroying tinctures.

Jan 24, 2018
Reply to Troy
by: Anonymous guy

Thanks Troy, while I find something in eBay and wait until it arrives (that might take a while) I found this on amazon... Sodium tetraborate in pills, 0,325gr per pill.
I guess it would be the same taking this along with a little bit of pink rock salt right?

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to Anonymous Guy
by: Troy

Yes, these pills will suffice and are actually quite good. :)

Jan 25, 2018
To Janie - About the stye
by: Isabel

Hi Janie. Doctor said it's not a stye but a chalazion (cyst). I think the information is useful the same though. Thank you so much for sharing and for your concern.

Jan 25, 2018
My Lichens
by: Anonymous

I have been reading posts from 2016. There was talk of using a suppository of coconut oil and oregano oil. Is this still a good plan, obviously used at night.

Jan 31, 2018
Borax is scalding my tongue
by: Seville

I have tried this protocol and in three short days I am seeing a lot of improvement. The problem is that I do not tolerate borax (I do in my stomach, but not in my mouth) since it is scalding my tongue. I am barely using a very small pinch, like less than 1/8 of a teaspoon. I add this to a 16 oz water bottle and only drink 8 oz per day. Any advise on this?

Feb 01, 2018
Re vitamin D3
by: Paul

Great article! Just want to check the amount of Vitamin D3 is 5000 UI's a day. That's a high amount. Thanks, Paul.

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to "My Lichens" Comment
by: Troy

If you've tried some of the external/topical treatments and found they haven't helped enough then yes, this protocol can certainly be given a try. Make sure you mix/combine the right amounts. You don't want the oregano oil burning. :)

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Seville
by: Troy

Never heard of this happening to anyone to be honest Seville. Very strange indeed? Could you try drinking it through a straw? This may solve the problem?

Hope it helps.

All the best!

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Paul
by: Troy

Yes it's definitely 5000 international units of vitamin D per day Paul. 5000 IU's is not actually that high according the latest research (which has caused the RDA of vitamin D we need each day to be upped). The recommend amount of vitamin D per day according to vitamin D expert, Dr Cedric Garland, is a minimum of 5000 UI's and up to 10,000 IU's. In fact, you can even buy vitamin D3 in 10,000 IU capsules now because of this!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Paul!

Feb 01, 2018
A wild fire brewing
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, I followed your treatment for lichen schlerosis. Very grateful for your kind information. I followed it carefully. At the end of the second week, I had a full flare up of an extreme rash around my perineal area, with little pockets of abscess, and then a rash from my upper legs to my shoulders. I thought it might be the 'fire before the healing' and now I think I eliminated the natural flora for my intestine, maybe? I have stopped the next step and got on some probiotics, organic keifer, along with no sugar or gluten. Do you have any other suggestions or thoughts?
Thank you, friend~

Feb 02, 2018
Drinking the 4 cups with borax and salt
by: Nina

Hi, can you tell me, when drinking the 4 cups of filtered water with the borax and sea salt (the first 2 weeks) do I really have to drink it so slowly? I am not sure how to approach finishing the amount without going too fast or too slow.
Any recommendations? Thank you so much for the article. I am praying it all works for me. I am doing every thing that was listed.

Feb 07, 2018
by: Deborah

By the way, skin includes internal skin, aka mucous membrane. One of the people who posted indicated she has been diagnosed with LS in the vaginal canal. I suspect I have that problem as well. Skin is not only on the outside. Thank you for the work you are doing!

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to "A Wild Fire Brewing" Comment
by: Troy

Probiotics and healthy vaginal flora are so so crucial. In fact, most ladies, and most doctors, grossy underestimate the importance of these essential little critters. Along with taking a good quality probiotic supplement and eating lots of probiotic rich foods (How to Make your Own Probiotic Rich Foods at Home), it's also important to build up the vaginal flora using external viginal treaments. Applying yogurt, or inserting a probiotic pill into the vagina are two options. In fact, a recent Italian study found that women with chronic yeast infections who placed a probiotic pill directly in the vagina (once a night for 7 nights, then every 3 nights for 3 weeks, then once a week) saw their yeast infection rates drop by 87%.

In addition to this, have a read of the two comments posted above back on October 11th and October 12th titled "What Works for Me" and "Reply to Withdrawing - red skin syndrome". Both of these have some handy tips, including using ACV and zinc.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to Nina
by: Troy

Don't be too overly concerned with how long it takes you to drink the solution Nina. As long as you finish it by days end that's fine. There is no "right" or "wrong" way as such.

All the best!

Feb 09, 2018
Borax not scalding my tongue anymore
by: Seville

Hello again,
I wrote a couple of days ago because I was concerned about the Borax scalding my tongue. I want to report that when this happened I was using the 20 Mules brand, but decided to order the brand that you recommend and take this instead. Since then I am not longer experiencing that problem. This Borax is practically tasteless and causes no reaction in my mouth. I am following the protocol as instructed and EVERYTHING is working! (One extra step that I added was to apply Iodine tincture to the affected area first thing in the morning and before I go to sleep). All of this combined has completely stopped the itching and discomfort. My gratitude to you for all the advice you have shared. I pray this protocol will help others as much as it has helped me.

Feb 13, 2018
Nearly cured 😄
by: Mira

I have followed your 5 suggestions and after 30 years of suffering with LS within 2 weeks my symptoms are disappearing. The ACV and borax really work. Thank you so much Troy, you have changed my life. God bless you. Keep up the good work.

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to Seville
by: Troy

Thanks for your reply Seville. Unfortunately, some borax brands aren't 100% natural and contain minute amounts of added (not listed on the container) ingredients. This is why we recommend the 99% sodium borate, which is a natural mineral complex composed of sodium, boron, oxygen, and water. Completely safe to take internally.

Glad it's helping too.

All the best to you Seville! :)

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to Mira
by: Troy

You're very welcome Mira. Glad it's all helping.

All the best to you! :)

Feb 19, 2018
Question about topical treatment?
by: Anonymous

I have ordered all the ingredients and am anxious to start the steps. I have had LS for about 10 years and with a topical prescription, along with coconut oil, have kept it at bay. But I'm excited to either get rid of LS or keep it more under control. My question is... do I stop the topical treatment all together?? I am nervous to do that, as the few times I have tried, I've ended up with a terrible flare up. The topical I use is Betamethasone Dipropionate. Thank you. I pray this works for me!

Feb 22, 2018
Advice please
by: maymay

I have been using this borax treatment with excellent results. Pain and itch free. It's like I never had it. However, my doctor wants me to stop using borax for 2 months (says it's a cleaning agent) and wants me to go and see a gyno for a biopsy. I feel things might deteriorate in that time and become problematic once more. Has anyone been in this situation? I'd like some advice please.

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to "Question about topical treatment" Comment
by: Troy

If the topical treatment you're using is working then stick with it. You can still follow the above protocol and continue with what you're doing. There is no harm.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to maymay
by: Troy

You doctor knows very little about borax. Borax is sodium borate, a natural mineral that comes out of the ground. It's completely natural and is not a "cleaning agent". If you're receiving positive results from it why would she want you to stop taking it? Very strange? You have to decide for yourself of course on what you should do, but yes, if you go off it then your symptoms may flare up again. :)

Feb 27, 2018
Discovered My Trigger
by: Janie

After much back and forth with this condition I have discovered again that I can go on just fine and not even need the topical Emu, Manuka honey and Aloe treatment, or anything, but when I start using any tomato product (in this case it was Ketchup) it flares up big time. Not even the topical or other treatments work. For me it is anything that is too acidic that is the trigger. If I get heartburn that is a tip off to not have tomato products and go for those other little tiny bottles of probiotics or other sources instead.

Once when I was well and forgot to check labels, it was the phoney Citric Acid (a preservative made in the lab from the black mold of rotting onions.) that caused the problem. So if citric acid comes from lemons the label will say "from lemon extract". If it is the phoney stuff it will say "citric acid". Sometimes the label will show both.

I get the same setback if I do Keifer, or peanut butter or any lemon, lime, or oranges. When I am careful, and don't introduce certain foods, it will go away. So I think we should not rule out dietary allergies in our treatment plan.

Mar 03, 2018
Extra genital lichen sclerosus
by: Anonymous

I have done your Borax treatment and am in the maintenance phase. I think it may be helping with the vaginal area, but how do you treat lichen patches on your body outside the vaginal area? I have several and more seem to be coming! I am using a topical from my doctor but would like a real treatment that stops it from spreading and continuing.

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

Yes, very true Janie. Allergies, and in particular, preservatives hidden in processed foods can definitely trigger health problems. The fact that you found your trigger is significant for you.

Hopefully your story helps others. Thanks for sharing. :)

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to "Extra genital lichen sclerosus" Comment
by: Troy

Try combining some organic coconut oil with baking soda and make into a paste. Apply this to your patches twice daily. Alternatively, organic castor oil applied straight from the bottle also helps.

All the best!

Mar 08, 2018
Stay committed to a lifestyle change - it works
by: Laura

Janie. I find your allergy information very interesting, especially about the citric acid. Once I discovered I had lichens I immediately went on a 10 day cleanse, eliminating all yeasts, sugars, dairy and wheat. This included no alcohol. I drank apple cider vinegar each morning, along with taking a daily probiotic. I also took one magnesium tablet daily with oxide. I worked with the coconut oil, oil of oregano, and castor oil, etc. Everything cleared up, not gone but in control within a very short period. So that says a lot about what we’re putting into our bodies. I’ve recently discovered that mold spores on mushrooms make me very ill, so now I avoid mushrooms completely. Which brings me to the citric acid when artificially produced (whipped up in a lab ). It actually comes from black mold. It’s in wine and beer, and thousands of foods. Even chicken stock.

I’m exploring this more as I write this. Best rule of thumb... avoid all preservatives! Our bodies do not like them. Read your labels and try to prepare your food fresh. I can’t wait to get the garden planted once the snow leaves and spring arrives. I have the borax, ordered it in, but have not had to use it yet.

There is hope for all of you struggling with lichens, you just need to find what works for you and stay dedicated. As Troy has said, it’s a life style change. Your body will thank you and you’ll feel great!!
Be strong.

Mar 08, 2018
About baking soda
by: Janie

When using baking soda use the kind without aluminium. I did not realize until a few months ago that baking soda contained aluminium!! I found out accidentally on Amazon and so I sent for a bag of it without aluminium.

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

It's only baking powder that contains aluminium Janie. Pure 100% baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is free of aluminium, regardless of the brand... Does Baking Soda Contain Aluminium? Clever marketing tactics and scare campaigns by baking soda manufactures (such as Bob's Best) have caused this confusion. :)

Mar 08, 2018
Baking soda
by: Janie

Wow thanks Troy. I did not know about Bob's Mill doing that. Mine was from a company, Kaufmann farms, and says Arm and Hammer Baking soda aluminium-free. I bought it on Amazon. I guess I should have checked my other boxes of Arm and Hammer.

Funny, but I and all my friends did a taste test and this one I got does taste better than the one in a box. $9 was a bit steep though!

Mar 09, 2018
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

I agree. Some baking soda brands definitely taste better than others. As much as I'm against the marketing ploys of Bob's Red Mill, I do think their baking soda tastes the best. It is pricey though. Haven't tried the brand you speak of.

All the best to you Janie!

Mar 09, 2018
To Laura
by: Janie

Hi Laura: I'm glad that you got something out of what I said. Good for you that you can handle Apple Cider Vinegar because I cannot handle that in any form, it hurts my bladder.
Speaking of everything having Citric acid in, so many products do. I once had a flair up and my spiritual guides said "check the tea bags you bought". Well, I looked at the box of healthy natural tea I bought (a known brand) and it said "Citric Acid". I was so angry, I wrote them and told them about it being lab made and that we can't even trust the tea we buy! Well they wrote me back and said they discovered the truth of it also and had taken it out!

Troy, in regards to the baking soda, I think maybe it is the way it's milled. Anyway, I got 3.04 lbs of baking soda for $9.

Mar 09, 2018
Apple Cider Vinegar
by: Anonymous

Janie- I know what you mean about the Apple cider vinegar. It upset my stomach when I first started to take it but now it doesn’t bother me. I cut back a bit and now I can tolerate more.

It’s so hard to find good quality food items that are not filled with things that upset our bodies. I’ve been having to make my own tea mixtures from herbs in the garden. Gotta love our spiritual guides, I have one as well.

Be well.

Mar 14, 2018
by: Cat

First, thank you for your help with LS. It's not the sort of thing I talk about to friends, so nice to have a place to share. My question is I'm having trouble finishing the liter of borax and salt each day. Any harm in dissolving it in a smaller amount of water? The aloe, ACV and coconut oil have been good, but the mixture of castor oil and lavender seem to burn. It didn't make a paste as you mentioned, perhaps I didn't do correctly. Thank you!

Mar 20, 2018
LS makes sense
by: Anonymous

I finally got diagnosed with LS after years of gynecological misdiagnosis AND misdiagnosis by my GP. I had experienced terrible itching for years but was told, at various times that it was either an external yeast infection, in diagnosable herpes (in that the skin looked like it was healing from an outbreak but the test showed no herpes antibodies) and always I was told to come back when I had blisters (never happened) or that there was nothing wrong.

I had the following symptoms:

Vulva itching
Perenium bleeding during sex
Vulva skin peeling
Pain where skin had cracked (during urination)
Very light skin color around the vulva and anus

I have always gotten hives, almost daily. I’m allergic to most skincare products and can only wear cotton underpants. I’m blonde with light eyes and have never gone out in the sun much because I burn or itch easily and because my father has skin cancer. I’m really careful.

When my partner finally expressed concern about the papery wrinkles on bleached skin on my breast (which had been developing for at least 7 years) I asked my GP (for a second time because the first time she told me it was nothing) what was happening to my skin. She examined it for the second time and was alarmed.

She sent me to a dermatologist and a biopsy revealed what I should have been told long ago - that I’ve had lichen sclerosis symptoms for over 15 years and that it is spreading.

I’m looking forward to treatment, though I wonder whether this diagnosis means I am further along in menopause than I thought. Hope not because I’m 38 and trying to have a baby.

If anyone has any thoughts about midlife symptoms and the implications, I would be so grateful to hear them.

Thank you.

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Cat
by: Troy

If you're finding the borax/pink rock salt mixture difficult to take then by all means, add more water or mix it with more water - this is perfectly fine to do. In regards to the topical remedy, if you find it burns then maybe try Jill's remedy instead (November 7th 2016 comment above). Many women have said this works really well.

All the best to you Cat!

Mar 21, 2018
by: Judy

Hi. I’ve been doing the maintenance routine for about 2 1/2 months and everything has been fine. Now I have a small irritated area that has shown up. I have been very good at keeping up the routine. What should I do now?

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to Judy
by: Troy

Maybe try the organic coconut oil and oregano oil topical remedy Judy. Both oregano oil and coconut oil are powerful healers and anti-inflammatories...

"I found that the essential oil of oregano mixed with coconut oil (into a salve) immediately helped the itching and helped the pain as well. I started out with 5 drops of oregano oil to 2 tsp's of coconut oil. Oregano oil is a hot oil and MUST be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil. I eventually upped the mixture to 25 drops of oregano oil to 2 tsp's of coconut oil and applied everyday for 3 months. I no longer have any symptoms at all! This also helped with vaginal dryness and the vagina went back to looking normal! I now just apply the salve when I feel I might be getting a flare up. Also, if your salve is too runny, put it in the fridge for an hour and it will harden up".

Hope it helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 28, 2018
Sitting sideways
by: Newbie

Hello Troy: I just found out that I have LS... one white patch on outside with one tear. Inside I have vaginal dryness, thinning of the walls and very uncomfortable feeling when sitting down. I literally have to sit sideways... and it feels like broken glass when having sex. Can I just insert coconut oil with a syringe at bedtime for the swelling and blades of glass feeling and also apply it on top for moisture to clear up the tear? I've heard that alot of people just do this with great results. I just want something easy to do everyday that will work just the same. I will drink the ACV twice a day as well. Thank you in advance for any help given. If I can get away with just doing this it would mean alot... lol

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Newbie
by: Troy

You can certainly use coconut oil for this. Coconut oil is perfectly safe for internal and external use and causes no harmful effects. Just make sure it's organic cold pressed coconut oil though.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 31, 2018
Byron supplements
by: Susanna

I wonder if boron supplements would have any effect on my newly diagnosed LS. I might be misdiagnosed, having vulvar atrophy instead due to post menopause. I’m 56. My only symptom is shrinking vulvar and thinning of labia minor and clitoris. Some fusing too. But no itching, tearing and no more pain at intercourse as I take the hormone replacement Vagifem. I was prescribed dermovat which I never liked and used this only for a couple of weeks because of the side effects. Now I’m planning to try the borax protocol and ACV. Have you any news whether this would help with unfusing? Any experience from using boron supplements? Thanks a lot.

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to Susanna
by: Troy

Boron supplements can be used in place of the borax if you are uncomfortable with it's use or don't have access to food grade borax. The minimum dosage for boron supplements is 3 mg's a day. Don't forget that magnesium, vitamin D and zinc must also be taken with boron as they all work in synergy with each other. The ACV will help also of course. Don't forget about the candida diet/probiotics, along with cleansing the liver as well. As far as whether these will help with unfusing? They will, but to what extent I cant say for sure. Organic cold pressed (hexane free) castor oil is reportedly effective for helping with this problem though - applied topically several times throughout the day.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Susanna!

Apr 13, 2018
by: Jennifer

I stopped drinking the borax solution and the ACV because I got sick and had to take antibiotics, which stated not to take vitamin or mineral supplements with the drug unless it was 2 hours before or 6 hours after (ciprofloxin). So I just stopped everything. Do I need to restart the process over again because it seems like my symptoms are starting to come back or can I just start drinking the maintenance dose again. Thanks!

Apr 18, 2018
Reply to Jennifer
by: Troy

Going back on the maintenance dose should be enough. Or, what you could do is go on the loading phase for 5 days THEN go on the maintenance dose. This would give your body the necessary "kick start" it needs again.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Jennifer!

Apr 19, 2018
Larger dose?
by: Gerry

Thank you so much for your information! I have just started on the regime but am wondering if the borax solution has to be taken in such small doses. I have tasted worse tap water and could easily drink a cup of solution at a time. Is there a maximum? Also, I'm finding the ACV makes me feel ill drinking it with the warm water. Is it possible to take it as a shot with room temp water to wash down?

Apr 21, 2018
Completely cured
by: Anonymous

Hi all - I had been suffering from LS since 2015 but I can say I am completely cured now with no signs at all whatsoever. I really empathize with those who have it, it’s very frustrating and painful. Couple of things that have to be taken care of are...

1. Check your thyroid levels. There is a very high chance of hypothyroidism.
2. Check your diet. Try and stick to home made foods.
3. Vitamin D3 levels.

In my case I did a couple of things...

1. I moved from California to a more warmer place in India. Got enough sunlight for close to 4 months.
2. Dieted completely on a home made food diet.
3. Iodine tincture. A very painful but an effective solution. Applied iodine tincture in the affected area and it pains like hell if the skin is really affected. I applied it to a piece of cotton and left it in for one full day. The affected area peaked off completely. There were white and brown patches. And the skin was open wounded for close to 2 days. Very difficult to pee. (Re-apply iodine tincture after the open wounded gets healed, any left over infection gets cleared).
4. Apply pure extra virgin coconut oil to the affected area.

That’s it.

Apr 24, 2018
EBV and LS
by: Shanna

Hey Troy,
I am currently taking Monolaurin to treat my Epstein-Barr virus/mononucleosis. What I fear may be Lichen Sclerosis flared up after I took an antibiotic for my Mono symptoms before I realized it was actually EBV. I assumed it to just be a yeast infection brought on by the antibiotics, but now I’m wondering if all of this isn’t connected. I wonder if the EBV has compromised by immune system, allowing candida to take over and possibly LS in conjunction with the yeast as I know they can be a vicious cycle together. I find it uncanny that it all happened about the same time. I wanted to hear your thoughts on this, also whether you think taking Monolaurin for the virus and potential candida could possibly reverse the LS as well? I have ordered the Borax you recommended, as well as a high grade Manuka honey to use topically. I am also using Zane Hellas brand oregano oil with coconut oil topically and currently taking Dr. Tobias’ probiotics. I think if this is LS, I have caught it in the early stages. I want to get all of this mess out of my system as quickly and efficiently as possible. Also, would the Borax solution be beneficial to killing the EBV? Thank you so very much!

Apr 27, 2018
Reply to Gerry
by: Troy

The 1/8th of a teaspoon of both the borax and pink rock salt is quite strong Gerry. You could up it a bit more if you want but there's no real need. The maintenance dose can certainly be higher if you wish though. I take double the amount (sometimes more) of the recommended maintenance dose listed in this article and have been doing so for the last 5 years. I also take EXTRA magnesium though, which is crucial. In regards to the ACV shots... no problem. There's no right or wrong way to have the ACV, as long as you get it into you!

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 27, 2018
Reply to Shanna
by: Troy

There's a definite connection there in my opinion. EBV can decimate the immune system. Candida can, and will, do the same. You need probiotics to keep your gut healthy (70% of your immune system is actually located in your gut). Probiotics are also essential for vaginal health. The fact that you've started on a probiotic supplement is good. Also look to start culturing your own foods for an extra supply (this website has some handy recipes). In regards to treating your EBV and building up your immune system, have a read of this Q&A we did on getting rid of the EB virus... A Natural Remedy for Epstein Barr Virus That Works. The monolaurin will help with your LS and the borax regimen will also help with your EBV. Borax is a powerful antiviral, anti-fungal and antiseptic agent.

Hope this helps you.

All the best Shanna!

Apr 28, 2018
Morphea and LS
by: Anonymous

I have had a diagnosis of Morphea (Scleroderma) added to my LS. Will this protocol help? What about borax in a solution to rub on the lesions?

May 03, 2018
Reply to Morphea and LS Comment
by: Troy

I believe it will. Your diet is crucial if you're suffering from Scleroderma. No refined or processed foods and definitely no gluten. Cleansing the liver and consuming lots of probiotics is crucial as well, which is exactly what this protocol entails (candida diet). Have a read of this post for more information on the gluten/morphea connection... Natural Remedies for Morphea.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

May 04, 2018
ACV is Working
by: Anonymous

I've had LS for over 30 years now. It took 10 years for Doctors and dermatologist to diagnose me. I was given Diprosalic ointment to control the severe itching, that's the only symptoms I had until I started menopause 3 years ago. The symptoms got worse though. When I scratched, even the slightest, the skin split as if it's been sliced with a blade and my clitoris got covered white. I now have it opening of virginal canal. But at least I have realised that certain foods trigger the symptoms. For me it's all sour food. Tomatoes, lemon, yogurt, anything with Citric Acid. One of the worst culprits is vinegar. When I avoided these foods the itching was so much better. So when I read Troy's 5 suggestions I got excited and started all of them except the ACV, which I thought would kill me. But then I got brave and tried it... 2 tablespoons in warm water. I was amazed. My itching completely stopped. I've continued on every day for the last 3 months. Now I have started to eat probiotic yogurts, but still can't eat tomatoes. I'm continuing with all 5 suggestions and hopefully it goes away. Will update of any changes. Thank you Troy.


May 06, 2018
Cured of Lichens!
by: Terra

Its been over a year since I changed my life & marriage. I followed everything that I found on this page to finally get rid of my lichens, which I have suffered with for more than 5 years. But I have to say that the final & very important phase of this process has been finding the right Dr to get my hormones balanced. This is critical to keeping lichens away! I am still on the diet & I still follow all of the suggestions listed. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for this information & for all of the advice & comments!

May 07, 2018
by: Judy

Hi. I think I read something about this recently, but I can’t find it now. I really dislike drinking the apple cider vinegar. Are the capsules just as good to take? I haven’t tried them, but I’m thinking, it has to be better than the liquid.

May 11, 2018
Reply to "ACV is Working" Comment
by: Troy

You're very welcome. You don't need to eat tomatoes if they don't agree with you. The one thing I would recommend though is MORE probiotics. You need lots of these healthy little critters! A good quality probiotic supplement and fermenting your own "probiotic rich" foods is crucial. Go to the Cultures for Health website (Cultures for Health) or search online for tips on how to make your own probiotic rich foods.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 11, 2018
Reply to Terra
by: Troy

Well done to you. Yes, we often overlook the importance of hormonal balance when it comes to ANY disease or health problem. Bio-identical hormones work extremely well for this, as does supplementing with hormone balancing supplements such as boron, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, ACV, maca and EFA's from flaxseeds.

Congrats to you once again.

All the best!

May 11, 2018
Reply to Judy
by: Troy

The ACV capsules are fine to take Judy if you can't stomach the liquid. Definitely much better than taking no ACV at all! :)

Jun 19, 2018
Lichen Sclerosus Cure
by: Alice

I have suffered with genital itching for a number of years. I kept buying and using Canesten because one doctor (without investigating) gave me prescriptions for this cream. Initially it worked but then stopped so I bought numerous other creams which didn't working. Eventually a female doctor examined me and diagnosed lichen sclerosis (never even heard of this before) and prescribed a steroid cream. Relief!! However, I wasn't happy with using this as I know it can make the tissue subject to thinning. It did seem like the Lichen Sclerosis cleared up, however, it started up again recently and was worse than before. Now along with the itch the tissue on my genitals is sore, raw, and urinating is so painful. A male doctor recently prescribed a cream in pessary form. Yes, it helped but the itch came back and I've now decided I don't want to keep using these creams. I did a bit of online research and discovered Lavender Oil is good for irritation. I bought some and seriously, immediately I had relief from the itch. I then found this site and have bought the ACV and just started using it today. I bought Bi-carb but have decided not to use as I have high BP and take a number of pills for this. So I will try the ACV along with Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil. We can't buy Borax in the UK because of European ruling. Also, I meditate each day so I have started to base my meditation on healing all the cells in my body and restoration them to full function. I have Fibromyalgia and Hyperparathyrodism, so these conditions could be triggering this. I feel extremely sad for young children who suffer with this but I pray that healing will come to them.
Thank you for the advise on this site.
Am hoping for and believing in a full recovery.

Jul 03, 2018
by: Chelle

Hi Troy, I have had LS for 3 years now and discovered this page about 4 months ago. I have been following your protocols, doing the Borax, taking Magnesium, Vit D3, Zinc and probiotics daily as well as taking the ACV. Initially I had wonderful results, within a month virtually all my symptoms were gone, although the white lesions remained. However, this past 2 weeks all my symptoms have returned with a vengeance and I'm at my wits end with itching and discomfort. Can you give me any advice please? I'm so disappointed in my relapse after finally finding (I thought) was a solution to this horrible affliction.

Jul 04, 2018
Reply to Chelle
by: Troy

Hi Chelle. What I recommend is that you have a think about what's changed in your life. Something has changed. It could be your diet, what you drank/been drinking, it could even be something like your stress levels, but there's a reason. What is your diet like? No sugar, processed foods, etc? I recommend that you have a read of this article on acid/alkaline foods... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List. Getting your body alkaline, and most importantly, keeping it alkaline, is crucial to keeping this affliction away. Try and eat more alkaline foods and restrict the amount of acid foods. Wheat grass and chlorella are also very good for alkalizing the body so maybe consider taking a wheat grass or chlorella powdered supplement. Do this and I think you'll find your symptoms disappear again quite quickly.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 05, 2018
Flare up
by: Trish

Hi, I have been using a lot of your remedies but mostly found that now that I don't get my hair coloured and I use all natural body products, toothpaste, etc, I have been fine, for months in fact! Not completely cured but no itching or sore skin at least. I went away with my husband and we got very intimate and that night/early morning I had a massive flare up! The only way I can describe it is that I felt the fluid coming out of me was completely toxic and was causing me these problems. How can I find out what caused this and if this is the case? Can I somehow get my fluid tested? Any help would be gratefully appreciated as this terrible condition has completely zapped my confidence again. Thank you.

Jul 06, 2018
Reply to Trish
by: Troy

Hi Trish. Firstly, you say that the fluid coming out felt toxic? That's likely because it was. If you have a high amount of toxins and heavy metals in your body then they will be released and come out of the body via any means possible. Of course, sweating is one of the common ways that toxins are released, but ANY bodily fluid expulsion can also release toxins with it. I recommend you get your toxicity levels tested by a reputable naturopath. They have a few methods of testing that are very reliable and accurate. Also, if you had a flair up then you need to find what caused this... what was the trigger. Has your diet changed, are you consuming alcohol (which makes a big difference), are your stress levels up, etc? This will help to give you a clue. Also, are you consuming enough probiotics? Probiotics are so so crucial. Not enough probiotics in your body causes the bad bacteria to take over (candida fungus). These nasty little creatures release toxic candida buds into the blood stream and fluid system, which over time basically poisons your body. Make sure you're taking a really good quality probiotic supplement (like Dr Tobias), along with culturing and fermenting your own foods (sauerkraut, kefir, pickles, yogurt, etc). This is very important. Your body needs LOTS of probiotics every day (the more the merrier) as their lifespan is short. Basically, they don't live very long. Also look to start detoxing your body with a good quality wheat grass powdered supplement. Wheat grass is incredibly rich in powerful antioxidants. I would also recommend you have a read of my reply to Chelle above. Consuming more alkaline foods and cutting back on acidic foods will help a great deal as well.

Hope this helps you Trish.

All the best to you!

Jul 16, 2018
Reply to Trish
by: Dee

I think our husbands can re-infect us with fresh symptoms. We can be doing fine then boom, after intimate relations w/hubby & all hell breaks loose again. After all, they can be candida prone as well, but not have the same symptoms. Especially if they are not being as careful with diet as we are. Maybe give this some consideration?

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to Dee
by: Troy

Yes, a very good and valid point Dee. Thanks for sharing. :)

Sep 02, 2018
My LS Cure
by: Isabel

Hi Troy and everyone in the group.

I found this website in 2016 and I wrote my first comment in September of that year. I followed 3 things out of the 5 and tried essential oils topically. They helped a lot but didn't solve the problem. I couldn't find borax in my country and I couldn't stand the ACV. I also had another problem related to LS that made it hard to wash that area, because it became so inflamed. I read here a comment about zinc oxide and this really worked for me! I followed Stephanie advice (comment on 18/12/2016) and started using only water in vulva area and coconut oil soap/Dr. Organic in anal area and the redness and inflammation disappeared.

So, almost 1 year later after beginning to use an ointment with 40% zinc oxide I don't need it anymore because I'm symptoms free. I know that we are all different and unfortunately what worked for me may not work for others.

First of all, I want to thank you Troy for this wonderful website and for always answering my questions/doubts about LS and other health problems. And thank you Stephanie and also the person who gave the tip on using the zinc oxide.

I want to do a blog in Portuguese to help others and share my experience about LS. I hope with all my heart that all of you find your cure!

Sep 10, 2018
4 year old with LS
by: Jill

Thanks for this info and sorry if this was already answered, but should I give the same amounts of borax, etc, in your original treatment to a 4 year old child? My daughter has been suffering from this for quite a while. I've been using coconut oil with lavender oil and it soothes temporarily.

Sep 12, 2018
Pink Himalayan Rock Salt
by: Anonymous

Can you just take the borax by itself internally? What is the pink Himalayan rock salt for? Usually you want to watch your salt intake. Thanks.

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to Isabel
by: Troy

Hi Isabel. Firstly, apologies for the late reply. So glad you managed to find something that worked for you... that's what this article/blog is for. I think starting your own blog and sharing your own experiences is a great idea. You never know who may benefit from your story and teachings. Let us know when you have it up and running and we'll be sure to share the link.

All the best to you! :)

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to Jill
by: Troy

Hi Jill. A child needs much less than an adult. A good practice is to start with 1/4 of an adult dosage. This is usually enough. Don't forget that magnesium needs to be taken with the borax/pink rock salt, and don't be afraid to try some of the other recommendations as well, including some of the ones posted by other visitors in the comments above. There's some excellent topical remedies listed.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to "Pink Himalayan Rock Salt" Comment
by: Troy

Pink rock salt (crystal salt) contains over 84 essential minerals and trace elements in a highly absorbable form. These minerals are 100% crucial for the body to heal itself. Pink rock salt is actually very good for you and doesn't raise your blood pressure (it actually helps to lower it). Of course, like anything, you don't want to have too much of it. An 8th of a teaspoon daily is not too much though. Try and cut out all processed foods that have added commercial salt (which is bad for you) as much as you can and you'll be fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Sep 25, 2018
Borax is the cure
by: Wave

Hi all, hello Troy,

I just want to address what seems to me to be a knee-jerk reaction to the idea of ingesting food grade borax. I get it... at first when I read these posts I was scared to take borax... but it is the cure. I only saw changes to my LS when I started ingesting the borax and sea salt remedy.

So you can say,"I'm just going to do this or that", but unfortunately, I do not think you will see any significant changes if you are not also ingesting the borax and sea salt solution.

In my experience, the borax is the essential cure. The other suggestions are helpful and may contribute to the overall changes in appearance and sensation... but not for me. Only the borax works. It supports the liver, balances hormones, kills parasites, etc. My feeling is it addresses my Lyme symptoms on many levels.

Hopefully, all of you who seem determined to not take the number one suggestion on this forum and, in my very real experience, the cure... the BORAX... will realize the gift you have been handed on this forum and finally start to thwart the level of LS symptoms in your body asap. There are no medical model cures at this point. The borax is not a total cure, it is something you will have to ingest the remainder of your life to abate this insidious autoimmune disease .

Thank you, Troy, for the the ONLY valid treatment option! Peace, Wave.

Sep 25, 2018
Emotional aspect
by: Janie

As a Hypnotist and Natural healer, I feel we often forget the emotions and attitudes that play a part in any physical conditions and so we focus all our attention on outward physical cures. I have seen conditions eliminated almost overnight when finding the mental and emotional reasons that diseases are manifested in the first place.

I suggest people look into this. My own TMJ after 3 weeks of suffering and no solid foods led me to a hypnotist and that one session led to the total removal that very day. While in trance my wise inner mind said this outward manifestation was symbolic of a feeling of "Being off track".

Your biology is your biography. If there is resentment that festers into soreness you have to ask yourself what is my anger and where is it stored? Of course, I am not saying this is 100% true for everyone or every situation and whether it is past life if that is true or not. I am just saying be willing to look into these things. My own doctor is so impressed with what I have taught him that he has taken up Hypnosis in regards to helping his patients by asking a person in trance what the cause is. Your wise inner mind and inner physician will give you the answer.

Sep 27, 2018
Reply to Wave
by: Troy

You're very welcome Wave. Yes, the borax/pink rock salt remedy is definitely the unsung hero for treating LS. You hit the nail right on the head. I would also like to add that eating healthy and following a primarily raw, plant based diet is crucial as well.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and experience.

All the best to you!

Sep 27, 2018
Reply to Janie
by: Troy

Very well said Janie. The mind and emotions play a crucial role in the onset and development of all diseases and ailments in the body. Hypnosis is a very powerful technique and I'm a huge fan of it.

Thanks for sharing!

All the best to you. :)

Oct 16, 2018
Thank you!
by: Kathie

Thank you Troy for your knowledge, this website and all of the posts. So much good information and comforting as well when dealing with such a horrendous condition. I was so desperate for some relief that I read through each post and response twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything. My LS exploded last February, leaving me scared, uncomfortable and isolated. From previous autoimmune issues, I was not going to rely on medical docs to diagnose and prescribe my condition. I did however need assistance. I visited my homeopathic doc who helped me detox my liver and put me on some anti fungal homepathics. I started your protocol and ran it by her, which she gave a big thumbs up to do. I also tried to keep my stress levels down and had some Qi Gong work done. My condition is so much better!!! You gave me hope. I still have hope that all will be well and I will continue your protocol forever! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Oct 19, 2018
LS for 18 years - wrinkled/red skin and the skin joining
by: Anonymous


Thank you so much for this forum and to everyone who has commented.

I first got symptoms when I was ten, where the skin on my vulva was very itchy and flaky. I also had Lichhen Planus on my lower back.

As well as that I have had HPV warts on the vulva area for the last three years. Doctors say that the cream for LS aggravates the warts and the cream for the warts aggravates the LS. So they just said I should wait till the warts disappear but they keep on reappearing each time I get them frozen off. Does Borax help with HPV warts too?

I tried steroid creams before I got HPV warts but it wasn't until I changed my diet that I noticed the symptoms of my LS lessened. The skin on my vulva is not itchy and flaky anymore, but it is still red and wrinkly. Also, the structure of my vagina seems to be changing and the skin around the clit seems to be joining the vulva. I wanted to know if anyone else had the same symptom? And when those people who say they are symptom free are they left with any scaring, because I was starting to think the wrinkled red skin was scaring from my LS.

I was wondering then if the suggestions given will help alleviate the wrinkly red skin and stop the skin from joining?

Thank you so much in advance. I've had LS and LP for the last 18 years and now have hope that I can finally cure my symptoms.

Oct 22, 2018
Reply to Kathie
by: Troy

You're very welcome Kathie. Glad you're finding some much needed relief. Well done to you.

All the best! :)

Oct 22, 2018
Reply to "LS for 18 years" comment
by: Troy

To control and ultimately get rid of HPV warts, there are two things you need to do. #1 is diet. What you eat is very important. Be sure to consume lots of antiviral herbs and spices such as Elderberry, Echinacea, Calendula, Garlic, Astragalus, Cat’s claw, Ginger and Licorice root. Olive leaf extract, organic apple cider vinegar and oregano oil are also extremely effective for treating warts, as is taking in plenty of probiotics. The Borax will also help. The best topical remedy to get rid of HPV warts is organic apple cider vinegar. Apply at a dilution of 50/50 ratio using a rag or wash cloth. Leave on the affected area for 10-15 minutes at a time. Do this twice daily. Be sure to test on a small area first - you don't want it to burn (you will feel a small amount of burning/uncomfortableness).

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Oct 22, 2018
by: Anonymous

Janie, thank you for sharing your thoughts on what is going on emotionally in our bodies. Our brain believes what we tell it. So many of us have been holding on to anger, grief, self hate, and negative energies for so long. At a point our bodies will break down. I believe healing has to be well rounded with inner emotional healing, letting things go, letting positivity in, along with a healthy alkaline diet, antibacterial cleansing, and other steps to undo the damage we have unintentionally created. It is necessary for our bodies to heal and be well again. Troy again, thank you for starting this site, it is extremely helpful in getting our bodies where they need to be to heal. I have LS and after following a strict diet based on your info here, a steroid, along with meditation it went away for a time. To keep it at bay/heal one has to have a strong commitment to everything mentioned above. Self motivation! We have to cut back tremendously the things we normally enjoy - our wines, coffees, sugars etc.

Kathie, all the best with figuring this out. Like you, mine is so much better. I have found a blend of coconut oil with oregano extremely beneficial and use it daily after I shower. Also the caster oil with lavender is great to protect when things flare up. I have learned that LS tends to come out more during menopause for many women.

Oct 25, 2018
Thank you Anonymous
by: Janie

Thank you Anonymous:

I might also look into LED red light and Near Infrared Cold Laser Light by Ari Whitton. I own several of these devices. And Barbara Brennan's new book, Core Light Healing as well. She is a beautiful NASA scientist who can see energy and teaches healing. Her book shows you how to remove the blockages and what they look like and where they are at.

Here is the affirmation to use several times a day.

"Every atom in my body is filled with life force to make and keep me well. Every molecule within me carries health from cell to cell. Cells and organs and glands in all my systems build for lasting strength and youth and vibrate in harmony together by the Conscious Life as a truth!"

Also, if you go and search and type in "YouTube HZ frequencies for genital recovery" and listen with headphones to the music, this is a good thing. I am into energy medicine and hypnosis.

Nov 04, 2018
by: Anonymous

Has anyone gotten their hormones tested to see if they are imbalanced, and if so, did balancing them help get rid of your LS?

Nov 06, 2018
Thanks Janie
by: Anonymous

I will look into that.

Jan 22, 2019
Steroid creams don't work
by: Anonymous

The steroid creams burn as you put them on and make you want to scratch even more - no relief at all.

Apr 05, 2019
Lyme disease / lichen sclerosus
by: Anonymous

I have chronic Lyme and was on antibiotics for 2 years to get well. I have flare ups off and on that need antibiotics here and there. Was recently diagnosed with lichen sclerosus and given Clobetasol. I used it once and I believe it caused a Lyme flare for me and was systemic - even though my Lyme doctor said it likely would be ok. You can’t take internal steroids with Lyme as it causes flare ups. So I stopped using it and now have a Lyme flare up along with the itching. I’m so depressed.

Since lichen has been connected to Lyme, if I treat the Lyme will it cure this? I know Lyme can reduce vitamin d in body also. My immune system is definitely compromised as is my gut flora, which I believe is due to the Lyme as I have Barrett’s, which is also connected to
To Bartonella that I have. I’m so upset as I have so many health issues that I don’t even know what to treat and am scared of the lichen progressing. I have white spots and itching and also recently had a cut after using soap and can’t use the steroids. Thanks for all the valuable information! I had tried Emuaid but this made it worse... using just coconut oil now.

Apr 10, 2019
Reply to "Lyme disease / lichen sclerosus" Comment
by: Troy

Healing yourself from Lyme disease will definitely help your lichen sclerosus. Along with the suggestions listed above, look into the Lyme disease cure protocol by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. Here's an article by Dr Joseph Mercola which goes into his protocol. It's worth reading... Dr. Klinghardt's Treatment of Lyme Disease.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

May 18, 2019
Seeking Optimal Health
by: Carla


So happy to have found this with so many people proclaiming their natural cures. Right up my alley! I've read thru this very long and informative post twice now.

My goal is to achieve optimal health. Although I always considered myself the picture of health, I now find low libido due to vaginal atrophy and vulvar lichen sclerosis painting a grim picture. At 57, post menopausal, 5' 6.5" tall, 123 lbs, I'm exercising daily, sleep well have lots of energy, don't have to work and live in the country with a private well. Iv'e been purging my cleaning and beauty supplies as they are used up and switching to homemade or using EWG's guidelines. Also eliminating plastics as much as possible. Since the lichen sclerosis diagnosis last summer, I have changed dietary from a lacto-ovo-pecto vegetarian to gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, corn-free, fish or seafood once a week that we or friends catch following EWG's seafood guidelines as my only meat source, no GMO's and organic as much as possible. Growing some of our food, making my own kombucha, almond and coconut milk, vegan butter, use coconut, olive and avocado oils, sea salt and roughly follow Anthony William's heavy metal detox smoothie for breakfast daily. Drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water daily with Himalayan sea salt, ReMag and ReMyte, Dr. Carolyn Dean's protocol, along with vitamins and supplements recommended by my naturopath. My naturopath did have me test 23 & Me as well as for heavy metals. I'm on the high side for arsenic cadmium and lead. I do castor oil packs 3 times a week, near infrared sauna 3 times a week, dry brushing and a Jacuzzi (chlorine/bromine free) nearly every night, along with other daily detox rituals and methylation supplements. I've never found myself to have any adverse reactions to any particular foods. Just last week I completed a 30 day anti-inflammatory diet experiment. Didn't notice any difference. Now I'm slowly, one at a time, adding back in nightshades.

I'm working on the vaginal atrophy, as the painful sex is now just uncomfortable, a slight burning sensation and tearing at the vaginal opening are my only complaints. Well, besides the libido. I've been using a little bit of Julva ( pretty regularly internally, externally as a moisturizer and make my own lube. Think I just need to have sex more often. Hard to do when it really doesn't feel that great! What are your thoughts on homemade vaginal suppositories using coconut oil and essential oils? Which would work best for this situation?

The only option my gynecologist offers is a prescription steroidal cream for the lichen sclerosis, which I don't consider an option. I generally don't do well with medications and even make my own headache remedy with essential oils. I didn't think the lichen sclerosis was the right diagnosis as the two gyno's I've seen only did a visual and I don't have the itching that so many suffer with. Just little white patches and inner labia atrophy. So I had a biopsy for confirmation. It really is, and I'd really rather not have it in my life at all. I know diet is key, hence all the changes I've made already.

Today I started the borax & Himalayan sea salt along with the ACV. I'm already taking 1/2 of a squeezed lime or lemon with some water first thing in the morning after oil pulling with coconut oil. Is it ok to do the lemon/lime as well as the ACV? Should I drop the lemon/lime routine?

Since I don't experience any external lesions, burning or pain what do I need to do externally for the white spots besides the 3% hydrogen peroxide?

Thank you for kindly sharing your knowledge and wisdom.

May 20, 2019
Reply to Carla
by: Troy

Hi Carla. You are pretty much doing everything you possibly can be doing to heal your lichen sclerosus. In regards to the suppositories? These work very well. Just make sure you follow a proper recipe like these ones... DIY Essential Oils for Your Vagina. This is crucial. With the lemon water, this is perfect fine to have throughout the day with the ACV. Both are powerful detoxifiers and alkaline boosters and actually go nicely with each other. The HP douching treatment is definitely the best external remedy for the white patches. You can read more about what other women have tried and succeeded with here as well... Lichen Sclerosus – Natural Remedies.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jun 27, 2019
Finally I have intuitively found your remedy checklist Troy!
by: Toni D. Johns

You're the best! Thank you so much Troy for your post. Have been dealing with LS/LP for decades! Have applied bits and sections over time to your remedy checklist, but without the right patterns of consistency it always comes back.

I will now move forward with the processes you describe and look forward to clearing my skin from this blotchy, itchy, and sometimes very painful sores. My liver will be very happy too!

Many kudos to you for this explicit article!

Jul 05, 2019
by: Troy

You're very welcome Toni. Hope it all helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Aug 12, 2019
Any updates??
by: Anonymous

Thank you Troy for posting this ... was recently diagnosed with LS, although it’s been over 25 years with symptoms for me. Could only use the smallest absorbency tampons and change hourly as a teenager and am strictly a pad person now.

Wondering if there are any brave souls from when this post first began, who have diligently tried these recommendations, that can give encouragement to someone just beginning the long journey toward healing. Is the 12-18 month time line for healing an average?

Oct 13, 2020
by: Allicia

This article is spot on and 100% accurate. Borax (soaking and ingesting) has saved me. Where did you originally get your borax information from in regards to LS? I have always wondered. Thanks so much.

Nov 19, 2020
Reply to Allicia
by: Troy

You're very welcome Allicia. There was an article I found back in the very beginning talking about the success women were having with borax for treating yeast infections, excessive vaginal discharge, LS and much more. We recommended this treatment to our clients way back then and the results were extremely positive. For the life of me though I have not been able to find that original article again. Borax (sodium borate) is truly an unsung remedy in my opinion.

Glad it helped you out.

All the best to you! 😊

Dec 28, 2020
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
All I read is that there is no cure, yet this article claims a cure?
What are your thoughts?
I’d love a cure. I believe that we have the ability to heal all. If it is auto immune- that too can be reversed.


Jan 03, 2021
by: Troy

The medical profession will certainly tell you there is no cure for LS, and I would agree with them if you're talking about conventional treatments. They will also tell you there is no natural cure for LS. But what training and experience do most doctors have in natural medicine? In most cases they have next to ZERO training! In fact, in 6 years of medical training they receive less than one week of training in nutrition (sad).

What I always say to clients is this... try the medical approach if you want to, then try the natural approach, then compare the results. You'll find that when it comes to LS, the natural approach wins hands down!

Hope it helps you.

All the best to you! 😊

Jan 04, 2021
Plant based
by: Laura

Hey everyone,

I’m symptom free from a bad case of Lichens now for almost 2 years from changing my diet. Mostly plant based with still some animal protein. For me it became a lifestyle change. Excellent response Troy. Blessings to you all. Getting any disease is a blessing to wake up to a much better way of living. Food is Medicine! Tapping into energy is medicine. Being balanced in all areas of your life is medicine.

Jan 04, 2021
Purple Brand Emu Oil
by: Janie

Well, after all this time I finally just use the wonderful brand of "Purple Emu oil". This is the brand name. You only need a tiny bit applied to the area and no more discomfort at all and only a little in the area before bed. My doctor is now (because of me) recommending this to his patients. Not a cure but suffering finally stopped!

Hypnosis also works for some too.

Jan 06, 2021
by: Anonymous

I have read to do the auto immune protocol diet for this condition and a low oxolate diet. But you suggest the candida diet. I’m also breast feeding. So which do you think is safer? I also don’t eat much meat but it looks like all the diets require meat consumption.

Jan 18, 2021
Reply to Janie and Laura
by: Troy

Terrific to hear ladies. Thanks again for taking the time to share your tips and stories.

All the best! 😊

Jan 19, 2021
Reply to "Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Personally, I still prefer the candida diet. To me, the AIP diet is just too constrictive. Both will work though so it really comes down to personal choice. In regards to eating meat? You can easily substitute meat for healthy vegan options. Get a good vegan cookbook. I went full vegan/plant based about a year ago and haven't looked back. You can definitely still get what you need from vegan/plant based/raw food eating. Of course, regardless of whether you eat meat or not, supplementation is still a necessity since there are no longer enough nutrients contained in the foods we eat.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Jan 27, 2021
Great except for Borax
by: Anonymous

The castor oil, lemongrass, and lavender oils (I added coconut oil) mix has worked wonders! Totally replaced steroid use. Fantastic topical results. I mixed the 1/8 tsp of Borax as directed and became very dizzy after a few gulps. I then diluted it as recommended with another half of distilled water but still feel light-headed after one gulp. Is this an adverse reaction? Is there an alternative? Again thanks so much for the topical remedies.

Feb 03, 2021
by: Anonymous

Hello. Please let me know if Borax can be taken (ingested) while I am on an immunosuppressant (Cyclosporine)?

I suffer from an autoimmune disease called lichen planus and have been prescribed cyclosporine by my dermatologist to quell chronic and acute swelling. I however feel it is doing more damage than benefit.

I did try vitamin therapy for a couple of months. It improved my skin, but the swelling increased progressively by the month with every period, to an extent that I could barely move or walk. So resorted to cyclosporine when my dermatologist prescribed it.

Kindly help.

Thank you.

Feb 10, 2021
Civic and LS
by: Caroline

I have read the thread and am so sad that this is the way of life for so many. I have just had biopsy and waiting final results but I feel sure this LS is the result. My question is: as my symptoms began following an episode of Covid in March 2020 is it likely that the antibody response to the virus has led to the LS? I am very down after GA op to retrieve 4 biopsies and suffering severe bruising as well as painful stitches. All this on top of the LS. Given steroid cream but it is not helping. Thoughts please.

Mar 15, 2021
Reply to "Great Except for Borax" Comment
by: Troy

Not sure what you mean by a gulp? The best way to drink the borax mix is by slowly sipping. Also, make sure the borax you have is good quality (food grade). Avoid the cheaper varieties that you find down the pesticide isle of the supermarket. If you still aren't comfortable with the dosage then just go straight to the maintenance dose and skip the initial 2 week loading phase (be sure to add the pink rock salt too). You will still do very well on the maintenance dose. Finally, don't use distilled water, only use clean filtered water.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Mar 15, 2021
Reply to "Immunosuppressants" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, you will need to speak with your doctor (I'm not allowed to comment on this by law). Cyclosporine is a powerful drug. Your doctor would need to assess and speak with you about any interactions, etc. Sorry. ☹

Mar 15, 2021
Reply to Caroline
by: Troy

Yes, it definitely could be from this. Sometimes an infection or virus can be the trigger. If your immune system is low an infection or virus, or any pathogen interference, will lower (decimate) immunity even more. This can open the door for other problems in the body, including problems such as LS. I recommend focusing on building up your immune system nice and strong. This should be priority number one. 😊

Mar 27, 2021
I'm crying right now I'm so happy
by: Anonymous

Hi, this is the first I've read about it being a bacterial or fungal disease. It's been close to a year if not more that I've suffered with LS. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. The pain and itching is so bad sometimes that I've resorted to numbing cream so I don't scratch it and can function daily. I'm going to try the Borax and see if it works. I am praying it takes it away. This is not what life should be... suffering everyday, not being able to enjoy life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

May 25, 2021
Now what?
by: Judy

Hi. I haven't commented in a long time. I had a check up today, and my lichen sclerosus has gotten worse. I was quite surprised. I have been "under control" since about 2015. I still use the clobetasol a few times a week. But I also take the borax every evening by mouth, and I bathe in some borax and baking soda Probably not as often as I should.
Now, I'm supposed to use the clobetasol twice a day.
Any suggestions? I'm going to start back doing the baths more often.
I was really disappointed; and I have to say it frightened me a little.

Jun 06, 2021
Reply to Judy
by: Troy

Hi Judy. I would recommend looking back at what you were doing when you had your LS under control vs now and see if you can pinpoint any other changes. Also, don't be afraid to try some of the other recommendations that I've made along with what some of the other ladies in the comments section have posted. You may find something new that really helps and works for you.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Jun 08, 2021
For Judy
by: Isabel

Sometime ago I posted here what has worked for me. My LS has been under control for some years. I started to wash myself only with tap water in the genital area and in the anal area with organic coconut soap (Dr. Organic).
When I had more itching I put an ointment with 40% of zinc oxide in the composition, that is suitable for babies diaper rashes (in my country with the brand ISDIN). Sometimes (but fortunately very few) I still put a little on at night.
I hope this helps you.
I wish you all the best!

Jun 19, 2021
All Gone
by: Janie

Well I just kept using the Emu oil and it finally went away and has stayed away for a long time now.
Janie Martin. Age 81

Jul 08, 2021
Borax Drink
by: Susan

In your prescription, you recommended mixing Add 1/8th of a teaspoon of borax powder and 1/8th of a teaspoon of Himalayan pink rock salt powder to one 4 cups of clean (warm) filtered water. Drink this solution in small amounts throughout the day. As I have read the comments, it sounds like you can choose to mix 1/8 tsp in 1 cup of water 2x day and it will be the same. Is this true? I am not used to drinking so much liquid. Also, I travel a lot to many countries and wondered how I would do the maintenance dose. Could you recommend for me when I am gone 2 weeks at a time what your recommendations would be. I am leaving for Africa in the fall. Thank you.

Jul 15, 2021
Reply to Susan
by: Troy

Hi Susan. If you mix them both in just one cup of water it might be a bit strong and may cause slight diarrhea. I would try for two cups preferably, drinking half the amount in the morning (one cup) and half in the afternoon/evening. With the maintenance dose while travelling, if you take, or buy your borax and pink rock salt when you get there, simply mix/add a small amount of each, say 1/16th of a teaspoon or less to a glass of water and drink once a day. That's all you need to do. It can be difficult to mix the exact amount when travelling so just do the best you can. You don't need to be perfect. Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Jul 15, 2021
Another real cure
by: Janie

Gentian Violet antiseptic dye can stain, but it works, and medical research says it works! I am 81.

Aug 01, 2021
LS, Yeast & BV
by: GG

Hi Troy,
Would any of your recommendations change to address a chronic yeast and BV infection contributing to lichen sclerosus symptoms? I have recently lost a lot of architecture despite receiving wonderful care and guidance by naturopathic doctors and acupuncturists.
I’ve been rotating boric acid and probiotic suppositories for a month now, after many failed protocols. The discharge is very irritating, however the castor essential oil mixture as a barrier is incredibly soothing.
I was afraid to continue with ingesting borax because of breastfeeding and breast milk being a detox pathway. I look forward to starting soon.
Functional labs revealed that I have issues with oxalates, mold, fungus, clostridia, etc. Bioresonance scans showed that I have significant calcium/mineral deposits in the urogenital tract, contributing to the discomfort and co-infections. I understand how thyroid/parathyroid dysfunction plays a role with calcium issues and am working on that. TG antibodies are consistently low.
I live in a warm climate and get plenty of sun. Would you still suggest supplementing with Vit D?
Thank you for this article, forum and guidance.
Much love and compassion to everyone here.

Aug 09, 2021
Reply to GG
by: Troy

Hi GG. I would first recommend you have a read of our two articles on yeast infection and BV remedies. The links are both below...

How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection at Home Fast

5 Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis That Work a Treat

In regards to taking vitamin D supplements? Vitamin D expert, Dr Cedric Garland, recommends a minimum of 4000IU's of vitamin D be taken per day. This has now become the new recommended dose. So yes, I definitely recommend taking a vitamin D supplement everyday, regardless of how much sun exposure you receive.

Hope this helps you out.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Aug 16, 2021
Thank you All
by: Sylvia

The Borax Bath is wonderful. I started slow with a teaspoon each (due to tearing, soreness, and open areas) and it worked. It feels so good to sit with no pain!!!!! I am now going full strength with a tablespoon each. I used tea tree oil in my salve instead of lavender. It burned, threw it out, and am now ordering lavender. Thank you all. I am drinking Borax, Bathing, Using the salve, working on my diet, and about to start on the ACV tomorrow.
I have read this string for over 5 days and did not know until now how many of us suffer from this. I have suffered from/with LS for over a decade, seen GYN and DERM yearly, each prescribed a different steroid (worked a while and then a full-blown flare). Finally, in early 2021 the diagnosis was made and confirmed with a biopsy. No more steroids for me. I am going to try and stop my suffering naturally.
I am 70 years young and have lived with shame and no sex long enough (:-)

I hope you all find relief soon!

Thanks to everyone for sharing.

Oct 20, 2021
Forces of Nature
by: Anonymous

Please try Forces of Nature for Fissures, it worked for me almost instantly. Takes away the pain and brings instant relief. Their products are amazing, especially for the skin. I am in no way related or paid to say this. I'm not sure if I'm cured but it feels like it. I get mine on Amazon for around 18.00. Worth a try. You can feel so defeated and when you find relief your mental state changes and this affects your whole body and healing.
I will also be doing the recommended soaks, apple cider vinegar, castor oil, probiotics and turmeric. Attack it from all sides and keep the faith as our minds can and do affect healing.

Nov 14, 2021
Herbal Oils healed mine
by: Lorin

I’m grateful to have come across your suggestions! It’s amazing how little info there is out there regarding LS and also the limited cures. I was feeling discouraged and a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to fully heal. It’s amazing how differently it affects each person.
I had severe inflammation and went years without a proper diagnosis. For the first time in my life, I experienced painful sex to the point I couldn’t have sex at all. :(I started a low dose of estriol used intervaginally, which helped some, but then my body started having irritation from it, so now I’ve recently started oral HRT).

I tried the castor oil with lavender, but I reacted to that with increased inflammation. I did the borax, both soaking and internally, I felt the soaking decreased the inflammation. I wasn’t consistent with the internal dosage, but plan to start that again for maintenance, given all the benefits.

I wanted to share how I finally healed my LS. I made an herbal oil blend of Echinacea (anti-inflammatory), St John’s Wort (nerve pain), Calendula (wound healer) and a smidge of Comfrey (skin healing). I noticed a difference within days! Both in reducing the inflammation and healing the small lesions I had.
Just wanted to share some additional helpful treatments and encouragement!

Nov 30, 2021
Reply to Lorin
by: Troy

Thanks for taking the time to share what worked for you Lorin. If it worked for you then there's a good chance it will work for others! 🤞

Nov 30, 2021
Forces of Nature for Fissures
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the "Forces of Nature for Fissures" recommendation above. I have been using it and find it to be wonderfully soothing.

Dec 11, 2021
3 year old with LS
by: Sneha

Hi, I'm really worried for my daughter. She has this condition. What would be the best way to cure her? Is there a way to do a liver detox for kids if possible? I'm currently putting coconut oil on her vagina and she cries a lot at night because of this and itches throughout the day too. (:

Dec 13, 2021
Reply to Sneha
by: Troy

Hi Sneha. It's a bit tricky with a 3 year year old. I would not recommend a full on liver detox for a child of this age, however, you can find liquid liver detox supplements on Amazon which can be given to kids. The dosage of course is much lower than for an adult (usually 1/4-1/8th adult dosage). I would also suggest cutting out all sugar (or as close to) from her diet and giving her a good quality children's probiotic supplement every day. In addition, look to try some of the other recommendations listed below for topical relief if the coconut oil is not helping, particularly Janie's Purple Emu Oil recommendation, or Forces of Nature.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Dec 17, 2021
by: Anonymous

Im quite sure Lichen Planus was triggered by the Covid 19 Vaccine. It originally started with Oral Lichen Planus one day after the vaccine. I just happened to have a dentist appt. the day after the vaccine. I also started Doxycycline the day I got the first vaccine. Over the summer I had a slight rash that I thought was bug bites. By Sept, with no bugs, I knew it was something different. It started to spread to my arms and a bit on my legs. My arms are the worse. They itch like crazy and look awful. I still have itchy lesions on my back as well. I feel quite depressed about this but it could certainly be worse. How long will it last? Will it ever go away? What causes it? These are the questions I ask myself.
Im doing the soaks and taking the Borax/ salt drink. Just started this so hoping to see some results. Merry Xmas everyone. I find being distracted helps the itching so have fun wth your family. friends or pets!

Dec 19, 2021
Question for Lorin's Nov-14 post
by: Steve

Hi Lorin,

The herbal oils below, were they infusions mixed each with other oils or were they 100% pure oils?

Thanks :)

"I wanted to share how I finally healed my LS. I made an herbal oil blend of Echinacea (anti-inflammatory), St John’s Wort (nerve pain), Calendula (wound healer) and a smidge of Comfrey (skin healing). I noticed a difference within days! Both in reducing the inflammation and healing the small lesions I had.
Just wanted to share some additional helpful treatments and encouragement"!

Feb 15, 2022
by: Judy

I was just diagnosed with Nummular Eczema. I have had lichen sclerosis for about 10 years. It’s under control now, thank the Lord. My question: are these two skin conditions related? Any suggestions as to how to stop the nummular eczema? Thank you so much.

Mar 14, 2022
Reply to "Question" Comment
by: Troy

In my opinion, both conditions are related as both are auto-immune disorders (according to new study) and both are inflammatory skin disorders. Because auto-immune diseases and inflammation are gut related, I would be focusing primarily on your diet (candida diet), including plenty of probiotic rich foods, ACV and boron. Getting your liver healthy is also important so a good liver tonic would be beneficial.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Judy! 😊

Apr 20, 2022
by: Melissa

I appreciate your help as I have been suffering for awhile and wasn't sure how to get better and I prefer natural treatments instead of medicine. Thank you. Not sure if it is lichens, however I have some symptoms. Appreciate your help.

May 01, 2022
Two weeks into your cure and.....
by: Anonymous

I am filled with gratitude... Where I clawed myself bloody is almost healed and no longer itchy. I am not being woken up 3 - 4 times a night with insane itchy flareups. I am able to tolerate the mild itching that is occurring most times and go back to sleep. I keep a double dose of the castor oil/lavender oil/lemongrass oil handy and apply it all day long. From the very first time I could feel the soothing healing it provided. I really thought I was going to go insane with this condition but refused to use Clobetasol (the strongest steroid cream on the planet) because I knew it wouldn't cure it. In my humble opinion, my prayers have been answered. THANK YOU for sharing your time and expertise on this subject with all of us who suffer. I will keep y'all posted about my continued progress. I am committed to following this regime to cure my Lichen Sclerosus.

May 02, 2022
by: Troy

You're very welcome. Please do keep us updated.

All the best to you! :)

May 16, 2022
A little more than a month doing the cure and....
by: Anonymous

It's becoming a lifestyle to wake up and take the maintenance dose, ACV, and nutritional's, morning and night. I keep a 16oz container of the oil mixture at home and carry a small one in my bag. I did not realize how anxious I was at bedtime (knowing I would have several flareups during the night making restful sleep impossible). Until two nights ago I was calm, so very calm knowing that I have found the cure for this horrible affliction nobody talks about... and that I was not going to be woken up by the itching, burning and pain. I am filled with even more gratitude for y'all that brought this cure to me. The only thing I haven't done is the bath and the dabbing with ACV/water mixture. I haven't had to. I keep reading about borax and it's amazing health benefits and how the pharmaceutical industry lied about it because it works so well. I love what I'm learning. Will post again. Blessings.

Aug 23, 2022
What causes symptoms to flare back up?
by: Judy P

Hi. My lichen sclerosus symptoms have not been around for almost a year now. But I have two places now that are irritated. What causes the flare ups? I do the maintenance dose of borax and salt every night. I take apple cider vinegar, and I soak in borax and baking soda once or twice a week.
I have changed a few supplements.
Any ideas?

Sep 02, 2022
by: Elena

Hi, end of May my gynecologist suspected that I have LS. She told me that there are only 3 things that can heal it, Steroids, PRP and Laser. I chose PRP and after 1st session I felt great, after 2nd in 3 weeks I started feeling burning. Went back, she looked at it and said there's no sign of LS, it looks beautiful, but still I felt something. I decided to do the 3rd PRP and after about 1 week had a stranger feeling like pulling inside of big lip. Now I started drinking Borax, ACV, washing myself, diet, etc. I wasn't bad, but on Wednesday I bought Emuaid and the first night I was ok but tonight I woke up with burning sensation for the first time in my life. Just wondering if I should continue using it? In the morning I applied coconut oil, but still I have stranger feeling down there.... also maybe I am over doing it? Keep changing oils is maybe irritating me?

Oct 04, 2022
Reply to Judy P
by: Troy

Hi Judy. Sorry for the late reply. The biggest cause is stress. Staying calm and relaxed as much as humanly possible is paramount. Also, check your diet and if it's changed at all, even slightly. Finally, make sure you're drinking plenty of clean filtered water.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Oct 04, 2022
Reply to Elena
by: Troy

Yes, be careful using too many different topical remedies. I would recommend trying Janie's Purple Emu oil remedy. We are receiving great feedback from people using this. Scroll down the comments and you'll find a couple of posts about it there.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Nov 01, 2022
Oral Lichen planus
by: Swapnil B

Hi, I have been diagnosed with oral lichen planus, symptoms are white lacy tissue, redness around it, swelling, specific round part swells even more after having spicy food.

I have done a steriodal dose of wysalon. It has reduced the condition to 80%, but reappears after I eat spicy food.

Will drinking apple cider vinegar help me or harm my condition as I have oral lichen planus.

If not apple cider vinegar, then please suggest any other natural remedy for permanent cure.

Nov 15, 2022
Reply to Swapnil
by: Troy

The ACV will not harm you in any way (ACV is basically just fermented apples). I recommend avoiding spicy foods, or experiment to see which spicy food(s) are affecting you. Have a read of some of the comments below for more ideas, there are some really good ones.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Nov 26, 2022
6 months into your cure and....
by: Anonymous Ann

'Tis the season to express gratitude.... My heart is bursting with gratitude because you people had the passion, knowledge, and took the time to help create this website and help people heal naturally... I tell anybody who will listen (or not:) about your website and the natural cures within it. My lichens sclerosus is totally under control as I religiously take the nutritional's recommended daily. Covid and the antiviral Paxlovid set me back a bit and it took about two weeks to get it under control again, however, it was a great reminder of how much healing has taken place in my body. SO GRATEFUL TO YOU ALL IT BRINGS TEARS TO MY EYES! Prayers are answered.... Blessings to you ALL!

Jan 05, 2023
by: Ana

Thank for this life saving article. I’m 6 weeks pregnant and would like to know if it is safe to drink the maintenance dose of borax and Himalayan pink rock salt? (My doctor is all about prescription medication like most doctors I believe).

Jan 31, 2023
Reply to Ana
by: Troy

Both the pink rock salt and borax (sodium borate) are completely natural. Amazingly, the Himalayan pink salt contains 74 essential minerals and trace elements! The borax is composed of boron, oxygen, hydrogen and sodium - nothing nasty in that. I can't advise you on exactly what you should do, but if it were me, I wouldn't hesitate to take these. :)

Feb 26, 2023
by: Anna

Thank you so much Troy ☺️

Apr 26, 2023
Diatomaceous earth substitute
by: Tricia

Can food grade diatomaceous earth be used as a substitute for the borax? Thanks

May 10, 2023
Reply to Tricia
by: Troy

Yes, certainly, however, I recommend you use it in conjunction with the borax rather than in place of. Up to you though. Try it first and see what results you get.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Jan 16, 2025
Borax Maintenance Dose vs Original Dose
by: Anonymous

First, many thanks for all of this info. I have 2 questions. If you don't experience any improvement in the initial 2 weeks, can you continue the original 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of water daily, or do you have to move on to maintenance dose. And second, would someone who weighs 200 plus pounds take the same dose as some say, 125lb or should they perhaps do 1/4 tsp? Thank you for any advice!!!
Also it seems castor oil is making it worse after 3 days, white patches more noticeable, is this part of the process, or should it be stopped. Again, thank you!!

Jan 28, 2025
by: Troy

No you don't have to drop down to the maintenance dose, you can continue on the higher amount no problems. And yes, a larger person would benefit more from a higher dose than a small person. Keep in mind there is some trial and error to this. Stay with the higher dose or even try increasing and see what happens? You can always drop back and/or adjust down the track. With the castor oil, if it's not helping you then go with something else. Have a read of the comments. There's some terrific topical relief treatments listed in there. 😊

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