Forced Vaccinations for California (SB277)...

by Anonymous

This new law of mandatory vaccinations for the state of California is very close to being implemented. And that's scary! Whether you are for vaccinations or against them really is irrelevant in this case. What we are talking about here is a socialistic and controlled government, pure and simple. It's obvious that these knuckle heads in congress are being influenced and controlled by the big pharmaceutical companies, who stand to make a lot of money from this law.

So what ever happened to our free and democratic America. I'm saddened to watch our once great country go down the toilet. NO ONE has the right to force vaccinations on myself or my children! Is this America we're living in or China? Although I think Mike Adams from Natural News does rant and rave a bit, I believe he's got it right in this article. I suggest everyone read it; Gov. Brown to declare war on children... no child safe. It will be interesting to see what happens. If this bill passes, it will be just the beginning and you can expect to see other states follow suit. From this, it will then start to flow into other countries. Australia is already looking into it.

I don't live in California, but if I did, I'd be considering my options. Hawaii sounds pretty good to me!

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Forced Vaccinations are Unconstitutional
by: Troy

Very passionate post! Personally, I don't agree with vaccinations. I never had them as a kid and I'm still here (healthier than ever!). I'm still yet to see one authentic (non pharmaceutically funded) double blind, placebo controlled study that proves vaccines even work. How can injecting our kids with high doses of mercury, formaldehyde, aluminium, MSG, aborted fetas and monkey kidney cells be healthy? Is this high tech medicine or high tech poisoning. Anyway, I for one hope this California law gets dumped.

by: Sana

It is delightful to read this post and I get many useful points. Please keep posting on such excellent topics.

Forced vaccinations
by: Anonymous

Not only California but now our government is trying to force vaccinations on it's citizens. Everyone needs to read the Nuremberg code when the Nazi trials took place.

by: Troy

Yes, this is now happening on a world wide scale. Scary stuff. People need to stand up and fight against this. Nothing should ever be forced on it's citizens that has the potential to harm.

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