Craving Junk Food Is Not Your Fault, It's Genetic!

by Liam
(Pittsburgh, USA)

What a joke. Now we can not only blame just about every disease we get on our genes, but also being a junk food addict as well!

Apparently, according to a new study, if you crave junk food it's not your fault. It's all in your genes! Talk about sinking to a whole new level. I mean, c'mon people, lets take some responsibility here. Being overweight is a choice. Some of it is psychological yes, but genetic? Give me a break.

I just returned from a holiday in a town where there is no McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, or any of the junk food outlets and you know what? I never saw one fat person the whole time I was there!

How about we stop wasting money on these stupid studies and just get rid of all the fast food outlets and remove sweets and junk food from our food isles. You can't crave something if it ain't there! This would go a long way to reducing our obesity epidemic instead of blaming something as ridiculous as genetics.

Here's the article below if you're interested...

New Study Says Craving Junk Food is in Your Genes.

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by: Troy

I've been saying for a long time that this whole genetics thing is overrated. They've even said there's a genetic link to being a bad speller, and wait for it, violent crime!

Ridiculous indeed.

And it's only going to get worse. The reason they keep coming up with these supposed genetic links is simple. It allows them to continue with their useless studies for as long as they want and get paid handsomely in the process (and it also justifies why they're wasting, I mean, spending your hard earned tax dollars and donation money).

Think about it?

Geneticism, or the study of genetics, proves nothing and has failed to help cure a single disease! This latest "craving junk food and genetics" link is just another fast.

What Next?
by: Ian

Don't be surprized if further down the track a bunch of crazy scientists are going to be telling us that social media and gaming addictions are "genetic".

Don't laugh!

It's not as far fetched as it sounds. People are always looking for someone or something else to blame for their problems or addictions. Playing the genetic card is an easy cop out.

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