Best Way to Take Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes...


I have 20% OLE. In your herpes cure article it says to take the largest dose recommended on the bottle. So how many capsules should I take to flush this out? They are 750 mg's. Thank You


Hello, and thank you for your question regarding the olive leaf extract for herpes.

Now with the OLE it's important to first understand that you cannot overdose on it. It's very safe to use and will not harm you at all. For OLE to get rid of the herpes simplex virus it must be taken in a high enough dosage and it must be taken long term. This is crucial.

If you have OLE containing 20% Oleuropein at 750 mg's then taking two capsules daily for 2-3 weeks, then increasing to four to six capsules daily after that for the next 12 months would be wise (remember, it can take 12 full months to completely rid your body of the virus). Starting with two capsules for the first two to three weeks then increasing to four to six after this should help prevent herxheimers reaction (for a refresher on this please read our herpes article again... Natural Herpes Cure).

In addition, try and use the OLE as a topical treatment on your sores and blisters as well (this is also talked about and recommended in our article). This helps to get rid of the virus quicker and prevent further outbreaks.

Finally, don't forget about the other recommendations we suggest such as the oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT and lysine, along with following the "foods to avoid, foods to eat" diet plan and staying calm tips. These are also extremely important.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach/Specialist).

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Please Read This First Before Asking a Question About Our Natural Herpes Cure Protocol.

Comments for Best Way to Take Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes...

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Oct 14, 2015
Best Cure for Herpes
by: Anonymous

After doing the olive leaf extract for a year. Can I go for a blood test? And am I going to get a negative result?
Thank you

Oct 14, 2015
by: Troy

Whether you get a negative result after taking the OLE for a year depends entirely on the strength and quality of the olive leaf extract you buy. We can't stress this enough. This is the reason why we recommend Olivus OLE, because it's very high strength, laboratory tested and a very reputable brand. If you go with a brand such as this and you take it consistently every day without missing, then yes, you should test negative. There are no guarantees however. But we are yet to receive any feedback from clients telling us they've used the Olivus OLE and have still tested positive for the herpes virus after. Not one! On the contrary, we've received plenty of emails informing us that after taking the OLE for even just 6 months, and then getting retested, their results came back negative. That speaks in itself.

Once again though, do not purchase a cheap or low quality olive leaf extract supplement. It wont work. Here's the super strength Olivus OLE we recommend you use. If this product is sold out (demand is extremely high for this particular olive leaf extract) then this brand is also highly reputable and very high strength... Real European OLE Super Strength 25% Oleuropean. You cannot go wrong taking either the Olivus or Real European OLE. For the Olivus OliveLeafMAX capsules, work up to 4-6 or more capsules per day and for the Real European OLE, work up to 3-4 or more capsules a day.

In addition to this, don't forget to follow our full protocol. Here it is if you haven't already viewed it... Natural Herpes Cure. And remember, a clean eating, raw food diet is crucal to the success of this protocol. You must allow your body to detox. In addition, healthy "clean" foods enhance the effectiveness of the supplements you'll be taking significantly. If you eat refined and processed foods and junk foods, the supplements simply wont work and you'll just be wasting your money (and time).

Finally, make sure the only test you get is an IgG test or Western blot. All other tests are not accurate and are a waste of time. You can also test yourself using the grapefruit/orange juice test. Have a read of this recent Q&A article for more information on this... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Feb 02, 2016
Will Test Results Come Back Positive After Being Off the Olive Leaf Extract?
by: Anonymous

After taking the olive leaf extract for a year and let say you do stop taking it, after being off of it for 6 months, if you get retested for the virus will it still come up negative?

Feb 03, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

If you stopped taking the OLE after a year and then got retested 6 months later would the test still come back negative? It shouldn't, however, in all honesty we haven't heard from anyone doing this. Most people continue on a maintenance dose of the OLE just for insurance (they are probably too scared to stop taking it just in case).

As always though, the final choice is yours.

Hope this helps.

May 04, 2016
Combination of OLE & Oregano Oil
by: Edward L

Hello Troy, I have read from various sources claiming the use of Oregano Oil to eradicate the Herpes virus, along with a long term clean eating diet. From your experience, is it safe to use both Oregano Oil & Olive Leaf Extract as a combination to combat this stubborn virus? What's your take on Oregano Oil?

Thank you so much for your time.


May 04, 2016
Reply for Edward
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Edward. Oregano oil is essential for the eradication of the herpes simplex virus. When it's combined with olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, BHT and lysine, along with an organic raw food diet, it becomes a very powerful treatment. It does take time to work though, especially if you've had the virus in your system for a number of years. That's why we recommend a full 12 months to get rid of the virus. This also gives your antibodies plenty of time to go back down. You can read our full article and protocol here... Natural Herpes Cure.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Edward!

May 11, 2016
What is the minimum time you can take this to cure herpes?
by: Anonymous

Hi there, I took OLE 66mg per 15ml serving for 1 month to cure herpes. Is this enough? If not what' is the minimum time it can be take to definitely kill herpes?

May 11, 2016
by: Troy

No this is no where near long enough. You need to read our full article on curing herpes for a full understanding of what's involved. OLE is only one part of the protocol... Natural Herpes Cure.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

May 22, 2016
Recommended Highest Dose P/Day of OLE?
by: Edward

Hello Troy, I am in the midst of planning my first purchase to eradicate the herpes virus. However, I'd like to what is the highest recommended dosage P/Day as I could not find the info at Olivus that I should be taking over the course of 6 months before going on the maintenance dose?

Moreover, is Olive Leaf Extract safe for those with weakened kidney function on a long term basis?

Thanks so much for your time.


May 22, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Edward. The recommended amounts for the OLE are listed on the side of the bottle, but here they are anyway... The recommended maintenance dose for the super strength OLE (OliveLeafMAX) is two capsules per day. The highest recommended dose is 4-6 capsules per day, which is taken for the first 6-9 months. However, if you have weakened kidney function then start on two capsules per day and stick with this for 4-6 weeks before moving up to four capsules a day for the 6-9 month required period. OLE is perfectly fine for long term use, but in the beginning the "die off" effect (herxheimers reaction) can put extra stress on the liver and kidneys, so this is why it's better to start off with the lowest dosage and build up. You can read more about this here... Cautions for OLE.

Hope this helps Edward.

All the best to you.

May 25, 2016
Olive Leaf and Oregano Oil
by: Mo24

So would you recommend the combination of olive leaf extract and oregano oil as a treatment? Or is the OLE alone enough for a cure?

May 25, 2016
Reply for Mo24
by: Troy (Admin)

You actually need the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT and lysine in combination to really hit the virus hard. Don't forget the other tips as well, especially following a raw food diet... Natural Herpes Cure.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

May 31, 2016
Is This Fake?
by: Anonymous

You write of having a cure for herpes and that the medical profession got it wrong yet at the bottom of your site it clearly states... "This website is for general knowledge purposes only. The information provided is NOT intended to prevent, diagnose or treat any health condition nor is it implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice."

Wow. Which is it? Either there is a cure and this site is intended to prevent and treat herpes, or it's not.

May 31, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

We are required by law and the FDA to put that statement in. You have to decide for yourself if you're going to believe the medical profession (who have a vested interest in keeping you sick and reliant on their orthodox methods) or you believe that the body can heal itself and rid itself of unwanted pathogens when given the right food and nutrients.

The choice is yours.

All the best.

Jun 09, 2016
Taking 66mg in 15ml doses
by: Barnabus

I have been advised to take a daily dose of 15ml (oil form, not tablet) of OLE with 66mg of Oleuropein for 6 months to a year to cure herpes. Can you advise if this is enough?

Jun 10, 2016
Reply for Barnabus
by: Troy (Admin)

No Barnabus, this is nowhere near enough. You need at least 250 mg's of PURE oleuropein each day. Please take the time to read our full article on treating herpes for more information on this. Also remember, olive leaf extract is only one part of the herpes protocol... Natural Herpes Cure.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Jun 11, 2016
Where to buy olive leaf extract?
by: Emmanuel

I am in Ghana and have the herpes virus and want this Olivus OLE. Pls, I want to know how to order and get it to Ghana?

Jun 12, 2016
Reply for Emmanuel
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Emmanuel. Olivus deliver to anywhere in the world. Go to their web page here... Olivus Inc and use the "contact us" link at the top of the page and email them to find what it will cost to deliver to Guana. They usually reply within 24 hours.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Jun 14, 2016
Taking OLE supplement. Is it safe while pregnant?
by: Anonymous

Is it safe to take this supplement to get rid of herpes while pregnant? I'm currently 7 wks pregnant and just found out I'm carrying the virus through a blood test. Never had an outbreak though. I don't want to wait for the virus to strike so I would like to start taking the supplement while it's still inactive. Any advice?

Jun 16, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

If you are pregnant then you'll need to check with your health care practitioner first before taking olive leaf extract. You should also have a read of this article as well for more information... Olive Leaf Extract - FAQ's and Safety.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Jul 27, 2016
Outbreak while taking Olivus MAX
by: Anonymous

Hello, I purchased the Olivis MAX and have been taking 4 a day for about a month. However, recently I have had another outbreak. Is this a normal reaction? Should I expect more outbreaks for a couple more months? Or should I continue to up the dosage to keep symptoms at bay until the virus is completely eradicated?

-Thank You!

Jul 27, 2016
by: Troy

It's not uncommon to still get outbreaks in the beginning. These will lessen over time. Four to six capsules per day is what you need so sick with this if you can. And don't forget to combine the OLE with the other recommendations as well. The BHT in particular is excellent for stopping viral outbreaks.

All the best to you.

Jul 28, 2016
by: Edward

Hello Troy. Do u think Olive Leaf Extract & Oregano Oil work just as well in eradicating the virus without Colloidal Silver? I am aware these 3 are the recommended protocol but I am trying to minimise exposure to too many types of health supplements & also due to financial constraint.

Thanks so much for your time.

Jul 29, 2016
Reply for Edward
by: Troy

All 3 are certainly the ideal Edward, however, if you were to only use the OLE and oregano oil, at least make sure these are the highest quality you can find. And following a raw food diet is extremely crucial to the success of this protocol so make sure you adhere to this 100%.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Aug 23, 2016
Lead in Olive Leaf Extract?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

You write in one of your first answers that in order to test negative you need to detox your body completely of all heavy metals. What strikes me is the lead contained in the Olivus olive leaf extract (have not looked for it in their other products) which is tested for up to 3 ppm - this is over the limit in California. That should cause some concern, don´t you agree? California-Prop-65 Law.

Aug 24, 2016
by: Troy

The California Prop 65 law does nothing except create mass confusion (why are they the only state that has this law?) The reason Olivus and other supplement companies say their products contain lead is because ALL supplements, natural foods, herbs, etc, contain trace amounts of lead (organic lead, mind you, not the heavy metal form). They are all required by California law to put this statement in. 3 ppm is a minuscule amount anyway. There's actually a push to try and get this ridiculous law changed...

"The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is considering a petition to repeal or amend the safe harbor level for lead. This would be a great help for natural product manufacturers and marketers since lead is in all natural products and the required warning creates more fear and confusion than good. Lets hope this amendment passes."

Remember that the lead contained in natural foods and supplements is ORGANIC, not heavy metal lead. The two are completely different. Our body's actually need trace amounts of organic lead (along with other organic trace minerals such as nickel, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, etc) to function. Organic trace minerals are 100% safe and actually help in the detoxification process. So once again, organic trace minerals are NOT heavy metals! Don't confuse the two. Hopefully the California Prop law gets amended very soon.

There is no cause for concern.

Sep 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

I've been taking olive leaf MAX, the one you recommend, for a year (two a day). I became pregnant and stopped taking them then when my ob gave me the okay I started taking one a day. I just upped my dose because I'm close to my due date and I had an outbreak. Is this normal? Does this mean it's working? I've only had one OB until now.

Sep 02, 2016
Increased Outbreaks
by: Tiffany

Hi Troy,

After reading this page regarding the OLE, I went ahead and purchased it. Previously I have been using Acyclovir over the years. I haven't had a cold sore in almost 2 years and very seldom get genital lesions. I started the OLE 2 weeks ago at a higher dose and was fine but suddenly I have been having OB's now back to back. One lesion or cold sore clears then another appears. Could the OLE have "awakened" the virus and be "driving" it out? I stopped my antiviral meds as I could tell they were just suppressing the virus. I am also on an alkaline diet along with taking OLE and L-Lysine. I just want to know could my body be going through what is called a healing crisis? I also became ill a few days ago (cough, sore throat, runny nose). It's like my body is going haywire.

Sep 05, 2016
Reply for Tiffany
by: Troy

Hi Tiffany. Having increased breakouts after starting on the OLE (and oregano oil, colloidal silver, etc) is very common. When your body is detoxing, heavy metals, toxins AND viruses that are residing in your body are being driven out. Unfortunately, this can result in the phenomenon known as herxheimers reaction... Olive Leaf Side Effects - A Temporary Worsening of Symptoms. When you are infected with the herpes virus, this will also cause more breakouts (a temporary worsening of symptoms) as the virus is being eradicated. My good mate James from Destroy Diseases says... "As time goes on, the outbreaks will become less and less aggressive and last only a few days. This is a general rule of thumb and everybody is different. This will occur until the body is completely detoxed and the virus has been destroyed". (

The best course of action would be to back off on your current dosage and slowly build it back up again over a period of several weeks. There is no rush with this. Try and also incorporate the oregano oil, colloidal silver and BHT into your plan too if you can... Natural Herpes Cure Protocol.

Stay on the alkaline diet, and remember, organic raw foods are the key!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Sep 06, 2016
by: Troy

It's important to remember that the olive leaf extract is not a silver bullet. Taking it on it's own and not following a raw food/clean eating diet will not work. Artificial chemicals and pesticides contained in regular supermarket fruits and vegetables, along with processed foods, interfere with the effectiveness of the OLE, as well as other detoxing foods such as the oregano oil and colloidal silver. If you took the OLE for a year and now after going back on it, are getting outbreaks then the virus was only suppressed, not destroyed. The full protocol is needed to completely eradicate the virus... Natural Herpes Cure Protocol. However, it can be difficult to follow this exact regimen when pregnant. Although there is no harm in taking the OLE when your pregnant, I would recommend you begin the full protocol properly after you give birth (and things are back to normal) to destroy the virus for good.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Nov 12, 2016
by: Anonymous

I've been reading all the reviews about what works to cure herpes. I've been taking olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and lysine together. Are you saying that if I don't eat right or eat raw foods that it won't work?

Nov 18, 2016
by: Troy

You should review our herpes protocol in full once again. The oregano oil and BHT should be used in conjunction with the OLE, lysine and colloidal silver. Yes, following a primarily raw, plant based diet is crucial to the success of this protocol. There are no shortcuts... Natural Herpes Cure.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you.

Nov 20, 2016
High dosage OLE
by: Anonymous

I found an olive leaf supplement at GNC that's 1000mg with 97.5mg OLE. I haven't seen anywhere else that it comes in such a high dosage. Is this right? Would it be OK to take it?

Nov 21, 2016
by: Troy

The most important ingredient in olive leaf extract for destroying any virus or pathogen, and what you need to concentrate on is a substance called Oleuropein. The GNC brand of olive leaf extract only contains a dismal 10% or 97.5 mg's of Oleuropein. You need at least 25% or 250 mg's of pure oleuropein (see our "natural herpes cure" article for more information on this). That's why we recommend the OlivusMax olive leaf extract... OlivusMAX capsules. This contains a solid 25% Oleuropein PER CAPSULE (50% per serve). It's the strongest and most absorbable OLE available anywhere in the world. We advise you don't bother with the GNC brand. It's not strong enough, and when you do the maths, it still costs around the same price as the Olivus OLE anyway?

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 26, 2016
Need Guidance
by: Struggling

Hello. I have HSV2. I have been taking the Olivus Oliveleaf MAX 25% for 7 weeks, 6 pills a day (usually all at one time in the morning on an empty stomach). I still have been getting outbreaks since starting the pills. I've had three since I started. They are significantly less intense (4 days in length) and don't require anything topical for them to go away. However, they are actually more frequent now. I was having maybe one outbreak a month (outbreaks would usually be one or two small blisters). I'm unsure of how I should be taking the pills, if I'm taking them properly, and if I'm taking too many. Is what I'm experiencing with the more frequent outbreaks likely viral shedding? I know I can be cured of herpes if I take the olive leaf consistently for up to a year. Is it too soon to expect a stop in outbreaks?

Nov 28, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Initially you can get more frequent outbreaks as the virus sheds a goes on what we like to call "a rampage at your expense". These will lessen over time. The amount of Olivus OLE you are taking is high, which would account for the more frequent outbreaks. Two capsules in the morning and two capsules at night would probably be enough. Always try and break up the dosage. Taking them all at once could also be what's causing your frequent outbreaks. In addition, remember that the OLE is only one part of the protocol. The oregano oil, colloidal silver and BHT all combined work exceptionally well together. The BHT is excellent for stopping any outbreaks. You should definitely be taking this. Don't forget also that what you eat every day is crucial. Plenty of raw foods. It would be a good idea to have a read of our Natural Herpes Cure article once again for a refresher.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

Dec 01, 2016
Herpes cure
by: Anonymous

Ok, so I was just told last week I have genital herpes and have no idea who gave it to me. I'm having an outbreak and they gave me meds. So what is the dosage for the OLE and does this really work to get rid of the virus. I don't want to wreck my body or damage it anymore. I'm a single mom that needs to stay healthy. I'm highly traumatized by this news and feel like no one will ever want me. Please help.

Dec 02, 2016
by: Troy

Unfortunately, what you are feeling is what 99.9% of people who first get diagnosed with the herpes virus feel. This support group may be helpful for you... Herpes Support Group.

You definitely CAN beat the virus and destroy it, but I'm not going to lie to you, you are going to need to put in some hard work and be committed to a specific diet and supplementation plan. Have a read of our full article on curing the herpes virus. Everything, including dosages, etc, can be found there.

Hope it helps.

Good luck and all the best to you. :)

Dec 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with the herpes virus a couple of months ago. I've never had an outbreak but sometimes I used to have a lot of itching down there. I read up on herpes and I have the symptoms. I've been taking olive leaf extract, BHT, lysine and colloidal silver together for 2 months now. I also watch carefully what I'm eating. I know it says that it takes 12 months for the virus to be gone but I was wondering when should I go and get retested to make sure it's working.
When I visited the doctor and took the test the doctor told me I had the virus in my butt not my vagina. How is that possible? Plus, I used to have sexual intercourse in my butt and didn't lubricate and I development soreness. I ask the doctor to look at it and she said it was herpes. It went away and was better after 2 to 4 days though? I didn't take the acyclovir meds they gave me. I went back a couple of days later and they took blood work. They told me it shows I have the herpes virus and if I don't have any outbreaks then don't worry or don't take any meds. But if I do then come back for meds and counselling and stuff. I never received any results in writing in the mail about that test?

Dec 06, 2016
by: Troy

Firstly, yes, you can get the symptoms of herpes in and around your anus. What you need to do, however, is make sure that you had the correct herpes test done. ONLY the IgG test or Western blot test is accurate. These are the only tests you should consider. Ask your doctor to see the test results and ask what test was done. This is your right as a patient. You may want to consider being retested by an independent lab such as Labcorp or STD Check... Have a read of this recent Q&A we did on herpes testing so you have a full understanding on the different tests available, along with where you need to go from here... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here. It would be wise to wait at least 6 months before getting retested, at least. However, you may not have been tested correctly in the first place so this may make it difficult to review against your current IgG test (if that's what you had done). Read the article above and click on all the relevant links and be sure to read those articles in full as well, along with this one... Herpes Testing - American Sexual Health Association.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Dec 07, 2016
Herpes Test
by: Anonymous

The doctor only did a swab test on my butt and did an HIV test, and some other test to check for herpes. Everything came back negative except the herpes test and I didn't receive any written letter about that test at all. I got a letter about the HIV test but that's all. But I will wait after 6 months and get tested again.

Dec 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

Wanted to know do you have to do all #12 cures with the OLE and raw food diet or do you choose one of them?

Dec 12, 2016
Herpes treatment
by: Anonymous

In your Question & Answers section you recommend colloidal silver, Lysine, oil of oregano, BHT and a raw plant based diet. I gather that the above should be taken for 12 months before one can see positive results (cure)? What is BHT though? Where can one purchase oregano oil (the best mark) and should it be in capsules or 250ml qty. bottle?
Thank you for your response.

Dec 12, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

The OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver and BHT are 100% essential to the success of this protocol. The raw food diet (detox) is of course mandatory. We also recommend lots of onions and garlic, along with a green food such as chlorella to detox and remove heavy metals from the body. The other recommendations are considered optional. :)

Dec 12, 2016
by: Troy

Just make sure the test you get done is the IgG test.

Dec 12, 2016
by: Troy

Yes, a full 12 months will be required. Technically, you could rid yourself of the virus earlier, and you usually do, however, it takes AT LEAST 9-12 months for IgG antibodies to dissipate... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

The oregano oil must be liquid. You need to use it on the base of the spine as well as internally (see our Natural Herpes Cure article for more information). This is a reputable brand... Super 100. Oregano Oil.

This is what BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) looks like... BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene). St John's Wort and coconut oil need to be taken with the BHT also as these enhance its effectiveness.

Dec 12, 2016
by: Anonymous

Ok, I'll take all above items of meds at the same time, but u also said about taking St John's Wart. Is that another med to take with the above items or is that in the BHT?

Dec 13, 2016
by: Troy

St John's Wort is a herb, and no it's not in the BHT. You need to purchase it separately and make sure that what you buy contains at least 0.3% standardized hypericin extract or it wont be effective. Read our Natural Herpes Cure article for more information on this.

All the best. :)

Dec 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

Ok, I been taking olive leaf extract, BHT, and colloidal silver, along with lysine. I just found out about taking Oregano oil. The taste is very nasty. I used to have symptoms like headaches and diarrhea but I don't have it any more. How do I know if all these herbs are still working? I've also been having a lot of discharge as well as going to the bathroom a lot for number #1's. Is this normal?

Dec 18, 2016
Herpes & HPV
by: Edward

Hello Troy,

Is Olive Leaf Extract + Oregano Oil effective in eliminating other Herpes family viruses, such as Human herpes virus 3 to 6? And I mean killing these viruses for good.

And how bout HPV?

Thanks for your time

Edward Lim

Dec 19, 2016
Should I stop antivirals
by: Antivirals

Should I stop antivirals when doing the protocol? I'm currently taking 500mg of Valtrex daily. I contracted herpes about 10 months ago. I am in a relationship with someone who doesn't have herpes, so I'm a bit apprehensive about stopping anti virals. However, I want to get the full benefits of the supplements.

Dec 22, 2016
Reply to Antivirals
by: Troy

You can still take your meds while on this protocol and it will still work. Just try and slowly wean yourself from them over the first 6 months so that for the last 6 months your body is totally free of all chemicals. If you take the BHT as directed the outbreaks will cease after 6-8 weeks anyway. It's incredibly effective for this.

All the best!

Dec 22, 2016
Reply to Edward
by: Troy

This protocol will destroy ALL herpes viruses as well as HPV Edward. Try not to concentrate on just the OLE and oregano oil. Even though these are incredibly powerful, the colloidal silver and BHT, along with following a clean eating, raw food diet, are just as important.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 22, 2016
Reply to Anonymous
by: Troy

Your body is likely still detoxing. Just back off on the dosages and then slowly build back up again. With the oregano oil, make sure you're using it correctly internally and externally. Read our herpes article and the section on the oregano oil again to make sure you are using it to the fullest amount (orally AND externally on the base of the spine).

All the best.

Dec 26, 2016
by: Anonymous

I just discovered oregano oil in capsule form that I can I take instead of the oil. The taste of oil makes me vomit. I've been having a lot of itching on my public area, just the hair part. Is that an outbreak? Also, do you still get outbreaks while taking all these herbs?

Dec 27, 2016
by: Troy

With the oregano oil capsules, the carvacrol content (the active ingredient that destroys the virus) must be at least 75% for them to work. I'm not sure if the capsules go that high? You will still need the 100% oregano oil though to apply externally on the base of the spine with the coconut oil. You can and usually do still get outbreaks while on this protocol, however, the BHT will stop the outbreaks, hence why it's so important. :)

Jan 05, 2017
On the regimen
by: Anonymous


I have been on the full regimen of olive leaf extract (4 pills a day - 2 in the morning 2 at night), 5 teaspoons of Colloidal Silver a day, St. Johns Wort, BHT, Coconut Oil and Oregano Oil (under the tongue, in water and at the base of my spine). I used the links on this site as a guide as to where to get the items so that I was getting the correct dosage and potency. I have been on this regimen since December 1, and prior to that, I was taking Olive Leaf alone since the beginning of October. I am currently experiencing an outbreak. Although it is small and very bearable (two small blisters that haven't opened), I am surprised that I am having an outbreak. Even though its only been a month, I thought the BHT would prevent the outbreaks and the other items would start to work on the virus itself. Is there something that I am missing in this treatment? Are my expectations off? Please advise. Thank you for your commitment to helping us souls.

Jan 05, 2017
by: Troy

You are missing nothing (I'm assuming your diet is as per our #11 recommendation also). It's very common to still get outbreaks, even up to 6 months into this program. The outbreaks will lessen over time and the BHT and St Johns wort will help with this, but it usually takes between 6-8 weeks, sometimes up to 8 weeks, for the BHT to really kick in. Outbreaks aren't necessarily a bad thing. Remember, the virus does not want to go easily and will usually make a last ditch effort (or two) to save itself. Outbreaks are basically the virus coming out of hiding. Once and only when it's exposed can it be destroyed. Patients is needed on this. Stay the course and you'll be rewarded.

All the best to you!

Jan 05, 2017
Cold sore treatment?
by: Anonymous

I read many of the comments and most people only ask the question about genital herpes. Based on my understanding, the same treatment is used for cold sores? Do you consider obtaining faster results because it's HSV1? Based on other comments, taking BHT will help with outbreaks, since many folks have experienced outbreaks while on the regimen. For how long should you do the raw food diet? Do you suggest doing a cleanser before starting the regimen (juicing cleanser)? Is clean eating a good option?

Thank you

Jan 06, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, this protocol is for BOTH HSV1 & HSV2. Doing a "cleansing" before starting the protocol is a very good idea, especially if you're current diet or eating habits are not good. Clean eating and a raw food diet go hand in hand and are crucial to the success of this regimen. Theoretically, you should be able to rid the body of HSV1 easier and quicker than HSV2, however, it all comes down to how committed you are to sticking to the program. Following the regimen for 12 months and retesting after 12 months gives your IgG antibodies plenty of time to go down, and gives your body plenty of time to rid itself of the virus, which is why we recommend the 12 months.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 06, 2017
by: Anonymous

If you don't eat a raw diet then will taking all of these herbs and supplements be worthless? Also, what is considered a raw food diet.

Jan 08, 2017
How to use the products?
by: Anonymous

I purchased all the products recommend. Can you please provide clarification on how to use each product...
Colloidal silver, how to use and how many times per day.
Oregano oil, for the lower spine, under the tongue with coconut oil. To drink the oregano oil dissolve it in 4 OZ of water?
Olive leaf is 2 x per day in the morning?
In a comment you mention not to take Olive Leaf Extract, St John's wort and BHT together. Can you explain why?
Thank you

Jan 10, 2017
Too Much Olive Leaf Extract?
by: Anonymous

I have been taking olive leaf extract for five months at six 700mg tablets twice a day, sometimes 3 times a day and up to 18 tablets a day. Is this to much? I don't really have any big outbreaks but when I do it's a little itchy for about a week. Is this too much to be taking?

Jan 10, 2017
Colloidal silver - is it safe to take for more than 1 month ?
by: Anonymous

I read several articles indicating that colloidal silver should not be consumed for more than a month? However the protocol suggests 12 months. Can you please clarify the dosage and how to use the product?

Thank you

Jan 11, 2017
Reply About Colloidal Silver
by: Troy

When it comes to colloidal silver, it's VERY important that you use the correct type. True silver or silver hydrosol are the ones you want. In fact, you could take silver hydrosol 7 times a day for 70 years and you would still fall below the EPA's RfD for silver. It's extremely safe!! That's why we recommend the Sovereign Silver brand (silver hydrosol). The dosage of one teaspoon mixed in a glass of filtered water daily for 3 months, followed by one teaspoon twice daily for 9 months is fine. Like I said, just make sure you use the correct type of colloidal silver.

Hope this helps. :)

Jan 11, 2017
Reply About Too Much Olive Leaf Extract
by: Troy

There is no set amount or limit to how much OLE you can take. Listening to your body is the best gauge. If you aren't suffering any herxheimer reactions and you feel okay then this is fine. I would recommend, however, that you also consider the oregano oil, colloidal silver and BHT, along with the OLE, rather than just taking the olive leaf extract on it's own. You will get even better results.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Jan 11, 2017
by: Troy

If you eat junk food or refined and processed foods while on this protocol then, yes, the herbs and supplements wont be anywhere near as effective. "Clean eating" or raw food eating is crucial to the success of this protocol. You want your body to detoxify. This article explains more about raw food dieting and how to go about it... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It.

Jan 11, 2017
by: Troy

For the colloidal silver it's one teaspoon of CS mixed in a glass of filtered water. This is taken 5 times per day (total of 10 teaspoons per day). Do this for 3 months then drop down to one teaspoon of CS in water twice per day (total of 2 teaspoons per day) for the next 9 months.

The oregano oil is taken EXACTLY as what's listed in this article under the "Steps on How to use the Oregano Oil" section... Steps on How to use the Oregano Oil.

The olive leaf extract is taken at two capsules per day, one in the morning and one in the evening. This can be increased to two capsules in the morning and two at night after 3 months for even better results (not mandatory though).

The BHT and St Johns wort MUST be taken together (along with coconut oil) for full absorbability of the BHT. The OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver should all be taken at different times to each other if possible because the body can only absorb so much at a time. Taking them all together will be less effective than if you take them at separate intervals throughout the day. Of course, this is not practical for everyone so just do the best that you can.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Jan 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

I didn't know. I've been taking all of the herbs at the same time. So would they still work if I've been taking them at the same time? But the two herbs you describe I should take together but all the others try to take them at different times? I have thyroid disease. Is it OK to take all these herbs with that. I'm not on any medication because it's under control. Another question... with the 4 to 5 herbs that are mentioned, are these the only recommended herbs to take? I also mix up and drink a lot of mint, sage, rosemary, Bay leaves and parsley. Are these all good for cleaning and detoxing. Also, lime, lemon and cucumber, orange and a lot of others. Is this part of a raw diet along with lots of unprocessed foods?

Jan 11, 2017
by: Troy

It will be fine, just start taking them at different times from now on, except for the BHT and St Johns wort of course. Everything else you are doing is good. You understand what's required and that's alot of the battle - knowing what's needed. None of the herbs affect thyroid disease. Some will actually help with this. You should also consider increasing your iodine intake by eating or supplementing with kelp and/or seaweed. :)

Jan 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

I just found out I have herpes, not even a month ago, and I'm going to start doing this to cure my herpes. So the things I need are oil of oregano and olive leaf extract. Do I need to take the other ones since I found out I only just got infected? Could it clear up before 9-12 months? And with the diet, could I just do fruits like make a fruit shake and in the mornings, eat scrambled eggs or something like this?

Jan 11, 2017
by: Troy

The fact that you've only recently been infected does work in your favor, and you may be able to rid yourself of the virus within 6 months, however, there are no shortcuts to this. You will still need the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver and BHT, along with following a clean eating regimen. You could try just the OLE and oregano oil and it might be enough, but then again it might not. As we constantly say also... clean eating and raw foods are crucial to the success of this protocol. You must detoxify your body... 10 Foods That Detox the Body.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 12, 2017
by: Anonymous

Does eating raw garlic help to cure herpes. If so, how much should I eat daily?

Jan 17, 2017
by: Troy

Garlic, along with onions, are an important treatment and cure for herpes because of their powerful anti-viral properties. Read our "natural Herpes Cure" article for more information on these. :)

Jan 17, 2017
by: Anonymous

I recently just bought a brand of OLE that says "Standardized to 40% oleuropein" and it states it has 90mg Oleuropein per serving. On the back of the bottle under supplemental facts, it reads "Olive Leaf Extract (standardized 40% oleuropein): 266mg" so does that mean it's 40% at 90mg or 40% at 266mg and how many pills should I be taking per day?

Jan 17, 2017
Cooking Impaired
by: Anonymous

I find that the hardest part of this regime would be the raw food diet. Do I need to eat only raw foods or can replacing more meals with raw foods be sufficient?

Jan 19, 2017
by: Troy

You can still eat lean chicken, fish and red meat, just not too much. Eggs are good so eat lots of organic eggs as well. At the end of the day, just do the best that you can, but definitely stay away from ALL refined and processed foods and junk foods. :)

Jan 20, 2017
Dosage Reply
by: Troy

If it's 90 mg's of Oleuropein per serve and each "serve" is one capsule then it would be 4-6 capsules per day.

Jan 21, 2017
Herpes Cure
by: Anonymous

I notice in some of your comments about colloidal silver you say to take it with water. I've just been putting it under my tongue for 30 seconds and then swallowing it. I don't use water. Does this still work? I've also been taking OLE, BHT, St. Johns Wort, vitamins C & E, garlic capsules and lysine. I eat raw garlic as well and add lots of onions to my food. I use a fruit infuser bottle and add my fruit to this plus mint, basil, rosemary, sage, thyme and parsley. Am I missing something or is there anything else I need to add?

Jan 24, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

Taking the colloidal silver under the tongue is perfectly fine if you can handle the taste. It will actually get into your system quicker doing it this way. In regards to anything else you need to have, you didn't mention the oregano oil? This is one of the most crucial parts to this protocol. Rubbing the oil on the base of the spine (ganglia nerve), along with having it orally is extremely important for ridding the body of the virus. Have a read of our article again, particularly the paragraph on the oregano oil. In addition, cilantro (coriander) is a very powerful viral killer so try and add this to your infuser bottle as well if you can.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 24, 2017
I want to get rid of the herpes virus
by: Shelly

Hi, I have had the herpes virus for over 2 years now, and I'm tired of having it. I'm tired of feeling dirty and disgusting. I keep reading that taking Extra Strength Olive leaf extract will kill the herpes virus. Is this really true? If so, please let me know because I want to get rid of this virus and have a normal life again. I'm sick and tired of having outbreaks and tired of taking prescribed medications.
Thank you for your help.

Jan 25, 2017
by: Troy

The olive leaf extract most certainly does destroy the herpes simplex virus Shelley. But what you need to keep in mind is that to destroy this virus, you need to hit it with everything you've got! That's why we suggest you combine the OLE with oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT, etc, and follow a clean eating, raw food diet so the body can detoxify (cleanse) itself of all pathogens, which of course includes the herpes simplex virus. Have a read of our "natural herpes cure" article in full for more information on this... Natural Herpes Cure.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

Jan 26, 2017
New to taking OLE
by: Anonymous

I started taking olive leaf extract on Monday and had a genital outbreak on Wednesday. Is this the "die off effect"? I take 2500mg twice a day and use coconut oil.

Jan 26, 2017
by: Troy

Continuing to get outbreaks in the beginning is very common as the virus is drawn out and exposed. These will decrease over time and become less severe. Don't forget to use the oregano oil, colloidal silver and BHT with St. John's wort as well. The BHT in particular will help stop the outbreaks after around 8-12 weeks. :)

Jan 31, 2017
More frequent outbreaks
by: Anonymous

I started the olive leaf at the recommended dosage and my outbreaks have been constant for the last 2 weeks. Is this the "die off" effect?

Jan 31, 2017
Oregano Oil
by: Anonymous

Do you need the capsules or the actual oil? I wanted to check before buying it.

Feb 01, 2017
by: Troy

The oregano oil must be the liquid (Pure Mediterranean Oregano Oil ) so you can combine it with coconut oil to rub on the base of the spine. :)

Feb 01, 2017
by: Troy

It's common (almost a given really) that you'll get more frequent outbreaks when first starting on this protocol as the virus is drawn out. These will gradually lessen over time. The BHT is particularly good for stopping the outbreaks, but it can take about 6-8 weeks to really kick in. :)

Feb 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

So I have started this and it's been about 2 weeks of constant outbreaks. The current one is not bad at all, almost not noticeable. I would like to think that this is a good thing and the regimen is working. Am I correct in thinking this? I know more frequent outbreaks will happen in the beginning but how long should I expect them to continue like this?

Feb 04, 2017
Please Explain?
by: Anonymous

So in what form are you supposed to take the other supplements and what dosage? For example, the oregano oil and the colloidal silver?

Feb 04, 2017
Oregano Oil
by: Anonymous

With the oregano oil, I really don't know how to use it. It says you can drink it or hold it under your tongue for 30 seconds. Can you do either one? Which one should I do? I've been holding it under my tongue for a minute. It also says to do it twice a day but that you don't have to do it everyday. Should I do it under my tongue rather than rub it on the base of my spine?

Feb 06, 2017
Low Positve
by: Anonymous

I am on the full regimen as listed on this website (olive leaf, colloidal silver, coconut oil, St. johns wort, bht, clean foods (raw isnt always easy to maintain). I've been doing this for 2 months now. I have had 2 very small outbreaks since starting. For both it was one very manageable tiny blister. In December 2016 I did an HSV Type 2-Specific Ab, IgG test, and of course tested positive (2.24). I unfortunately dont have any numbers from my initial positive test in 2015. I wanted to know if this "low positive" number indicates that the virus is getting "beaten back" and that things are moving in the right direction. Do the numbers have any relevance at all to the extent to which the virus is "in your body"? Thank you

Feb 07, 2017
Oregano oil for how long?
by: Anonymous

Hello. I have read everything, but how to use the oregano oil is still confusing. I have referred to the page but it doesn't say how long to do it, just how to? I read one part where it says to do it for a few days then take a day off. And I have read before in other articles that you shouldn't use oregano oil for long periods of time. All the other supplements along with the clean eating you say to do it for a year but it really is unclear how long to do the oregano oil. Please help to clear that up. Thanks. Also, can I use my Young Living Oregano oil that I already have or do you recommend the other two that you mentioned in the article.

Feb 08, 2017
Olive Leaf Extract for HPV
by: Anonymous

Can olive leaf extract get rid of HPV also?

Feb 10, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have a question. I have thyroid issues and you stated to take seafood and Kelp. I read up and it says that kelp makes thyroid issues worse and it can also lead to hyperthyroidism. I've been taking it for 3 days.

Feb 12, 2017
Oregano oil under tongue
by: Anonymous

So I got my oregano oil and it burned when under the tongue but not when applied to the spine. At first I thought it was because I used too much coconut oil so I tried using less and still didn't feel anything. Am I doing something wrong?

Feb 13, 2017
What about after the 12 months??
by: Kristine

My boyfriend and I have gone over the "protocol" and our only concern is all of these natural healing supplements/oils/etc, and the initial amount we would be putting into our bodies would be a shock to our systems. We read about herxheimers reaction and understand the potential of that happening. Our next concern is after the treatment (12 months) does the body's immune system become dependent upon these treatments? If we complete the treatment, are there any negative reactions that the body will have without these supplements? Basically, we're just worried that the body will be so used to this protocol that coming off of it will create an immune system issue? Thank you.

Feb 16, 2017
BHT usage?
by: Anonymous

Hi. I just read on the Earth Clinic website that you should not take BHT while taking colloidal silver. I am confused? Are there side effects?

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to "Outbreaks" Comment
by: Troy

Yes you will usually get outbreaks in the beginning as the virus is exposed and dragged out of the nervous system. What you will find, however, (and what you are already finding by the sounds of it) is that the outbreaks will become less severe over time and will eventually stop altogether. The time frame for all outbreaks to stop is impossible to predict though. It depends on a lot of different factors (how long you've had the virus, infection rate, etc). Don't see your outbreaks as a bad thing. If you read Heather's story, she endured lots of outbreaks before finally testing negative for the HSV2 virus... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2).

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to "Please Explain"
by: Troy

Everything you need to know is listed and outlined in our "Natural Herpes Cure" article... Natural Herpes Cure. With the oregano oil, click on the "Steps on How to Use the Oregano Oil" link for all the in's and out's. :)

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil" Comment
by: Troy

There are 3 crucial steps that you MUST do with the oregano oil. You must add 3-4 drops to a full glass of water and drink once to twice a day. You must combine 3-4 drops of oregano oil with a slight amount of organic virgin coconut oil and rub this on the base of the spine morning and night (without fail). You must dilute 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a slight amount of organic virgin coconut oil and hold this under your tongue for at least 10 minutes. Do this twice daily.

Here's a complete outline of the daily oregano oil protocol...

First: Take several drops of this oil in water, usually 6-8oz of liquid. You need to do this once or twice per day. The less liquid, the stronger the solution will taste. You must use at least 4oz of liquid, or it may have more of a slight burning sensation on your lips.

Next: Rub the oregano oil diluted with some virgin coconut oil on the bottom portion of the spine. Cover about 2 to 4 inches, starting from the very bottom part of the spine right near the top of the buttocks area. Try not to over-dilute the oregano oil or it will not work. A slight tingling sensation may be felt and this means it's diluted properly. Normally, just a small amount of coconut oil will be needed with around 3 drops of oregano oil. It should never burn the skin, only tingle a slight amount. Since the virus lives in the lower part of the spine this is a very significant part of the process! This should be done once in the morning and once at night for best results. This may need to be done for many consecutive months to "ensure" best results. If an outbreak occurs, which can happen when the body is fighting back this is especially necessary to do.

Finally: Dilute 2 or 3 drops of the pure oregano oil with organic virgin coconut oil and hold this under your tongue for at least 10 minutes. Be careful to make sure you dilute this enough so it has only a slight tingling feeling, otherwise you might temporarily burn the bottom of your mouth. This should be performed at least once per day. If an outbreak has occurred, this should be done several times per day.

Hope this helps you out.

All the best!

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to "Low Positive" Comment
by: Troy

Yes the numbers most definitely do have relevance to the extent of the virus in the body. A low score means that your antibody count is low so your viral count (load) would also be low. If you had a high score (12 or above for instance) your antibodies would be high so your viral load would also be high (your body produces lots of antibodies to fight the virus). Just remember, igG antibodies take quite a while to go down. This is why we recommend you wait at least 12 months before getting retested. You must do this so that you give your igG antibodies plenty of time to go back down.

You're definitely heading in the right direction though so keep going!

All the best. :)

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil for How Long" Comment
by: Troy

The oregano oil must be used for the 12 month period also. There is no harm taking oregano oil for this period of time as long as you use it correctly (see "reply to oregano oil" comment above for more info). You can also use it every day if you choose. Doing this will produce faster results, but can also produce more breakouts in the beginning. You have to weigh up your tolerance level and what you can put up with in regards to this. Taking a day off here and there from the oregano oil can help to lessen any breakouts, but it also slows down your results too. The Young living oregano oil you have is an essential oil? This cannot be taken internally! Go with the ones we recommend as these are safe for both internal and external use.

Hope this helps. :)

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to "Olive Leaf Extract for HPV"
by: Troy

Olive leaf extract combined with oregano oil, colloidal silver and BHT will destroy ANY virus or foreign pathogen, including HPV. :)

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to "Thyroid" Comment
by: Troy

Kelp doesn't actually make thyroid problems worse, it makes them better. The natural iodine contained in kelp helps to balance out your thyroid hormones. However, if you are concerned with this simply go with chlorella or spirulina instead (which are better alternatives anyway). The only seafood you should be eating is a small amount of fish. :)

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil Under the Tongue" comment
by: Troy

If the oregano oil is burning when you put it under your tongue you need to dilute it with more coconut oil not less. Start off with a dilution rate that you can easily handle and then slowly lessen the amount of coconut oil over a period of several weeks until you reach your threshold, then stick with this.

Hope this helps. :)

Feb 17, 2017
Reply to Kristine
by: Troy

Hi Kristine. Good question. When you complete the 12 months, although you drop most of the supplements listed, you do continue to take the olive leaf extract (as per our recommendation). The reason you do this is to keep your immune system strong. You should also continue to take a green food such as chlorella or spirulina for this reason also, along with continuing to eat healthy (lots of herbs, raw foods, etc). While you can certainly relax your diet and eating habits after the 12 months, you should continue to eat well so your immune system doesn't become compromised. This of course has no relevance to a re-occurrence of the herpes virus as this will be gone from your body, so there's no need to be concerned about this. As far as placing too much strain on your body in the beginning from following this protocol? You really have nothing to worry about. The human body is incredibly resilient and adaptable. You actually place MUCH MORE strain on your body when you eat refined and processed foods (including junk food) and when you consume alcohol. Yes you will likely experience herxheimer's reaction to some degree. If you do, simply back off on the dosages and then slowly build them back up over a period of several weeks.

After your 12 months is up, you will find yourself to be so much healthier and have more energy than you've ever had in your life! It's worth the initial pain and effort.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Feb 17, 2017
Reply to "BHT Usage" Comment
by: Troy

As long as you take the BHT and colloidal silver at different times of the day to each another, you'll be fine. No one has yet to report any adverse effects from the BHT and colloidal silver combo, even when they have been taken together. Just make sure you only use the silver hydrosol colloidal silver. :)

Feb 17, 2017
Knowing if it's working?
by: Anonymous

I've been taking all the above ingredients and want to know how I know if it's working. I haven't had any herxheimers reactions. When I first started I had some herxheimers reaction but not any more. I even upped my dose on all the ingredients I'm taking. I've been taking them for 2 months now. I haven't had any outbreaks?

Feb 18, 2017
Raw Diet
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. One question, does your raw food diet include diary or chicken liver?

Feb 19, 2017
Grapefruit and Oranges Herpes Test
by: John R

If you eat an organic grapefruit and an organic (hand) orange every morning at the same time for four days in a row, and an orange and grapefruit here and there for one week and there are no outbreaks, is this to say you are virus free?

Thanks in advance.

Feb 21, 2017
Reply to "Raw Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Chicken liver is fine and only a small amount of raw dairy if you can get it. Definitely NO processed dairy though... Raw Food Diet. :)

Feb 21, 2017
Reply to John R
by: Troy

Although this is a positive sign that the virus may be gone John, it can't be relied upon as a bonafide test. Only a type specific igG or Western blot test will tell you for sure. :)

Feb 21, 2017
Reply to "Knowing if it's Working" Comment
by: Troy

Not everyone gets breakouts when ridding themselves of the virus, it depends on what you're viral load (count) is to begin with. Just be aware that you may still get them so be ready. Some people have gotten a breakout 4-6 months after starting this protocol as the virus has one last ditch effort to try and survive. The cleansing process is different for everyone. If you're quite healthy to begin with or young you may not suffer any adverse detoxing effects :)

Feb 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

I've written to you before about the outbreaks I'm getting. First they were in there usual spots, however, now after about a month I got an outbreak on my lower butt cheek and when that started to clear I developed another. I have only one other time had an OB there. Am I doing something wrong or is this just the virus leaving my body? The first outbreak on the butt was less severe than the new one that popped up after that one started to clear.

Feb 23, 2017
by: Troy

Getting outbreaks while ridding the body of the virus is extremely common. Read through the comments on this page, along with Heather's story (How I Cured Myself of Herpes HSV2), and you'll see that most people go through this. The outbreaks WILL lessen over time. Eventually, they will be gone for good - just be patient. Don't see outbreaks as bad thing. The virus has come out of hiding and is trying to survive. Keep going and don't give in. You'll eventually be rewarded for your perseverance.

All the best. :)

Feb 23, 2017
Making Progress...
by: Anonymous

I have no questions this time, just a statement. I started the full protocol on December 1st, and in order to set a benchmark of where my body was, I retested to get my viral load - it was 2.24. I did have two minor outbreaks from December to February while on the protocol, but they were smaller each time and only lasted about 3-4 days. Three weeks ago I woke up and my body felt "different". I could feel a shift. I knew my body was rallying back! I retested on February 21st and my viral load was 1.3. I am making progress with the virus and I am inspired to tell everyone not to give up! Make the sacrifice, follow the protocol as best as possible. It will be worth it in the end. I haven't beat it yet, but I am making progress. Keep going... keep pushing!! I don't know you personally Troy... but thank you, thank you, thank you! This website and your commitment to offering support, insight and encouragement is deeply and truly appreciated, more than you could ever know.

Feb 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I'm a big fan of yours!! Thank you for helping us. I have a small suggestion... have you thought of maybe making an instagram and possibly going live? It would be a great way to ask you more direct questions and for everyone to interact and help each other. Or maybe a YouTube channel? Thanks.

Feb 27, 2017
Reply to "Making Progress" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, you're very welcome anonymous. I get a huge buzz from helping people, especially helping people to rid themselves of this despicable virus. I know how truly devastating it can be when someone tests positive. In fact, the other week I received an email from a gentleman who asked if this protocol was the real deal because he "had no intention of living with this virus" and if he couldn't find a cure he intended on "doing himself in" (his exact words). I haven't heard from him since but I'm praying that he hasn't given up. It's things like that that make me realize how important this is.

In regards to yourself, you are definitely well along the way. The shift that you spoke about is what everyone will get to if they continue to follow the protocol for long enough. Unfortunately, and sadly, many give up beforehand. The detoxing phase can be a bitch, no doubt about it, but once you get through it you will definitely feel it and definitely know it. This is what's happened to you.

Keep it up anonymous, you're doing well!

All the best to you. :)

Feb 27, 2017
Reply to "Suggestion" Comment...
by: Troy

We do have a YouTube channel... and yes what you are suggesting would certainly be a good idea. The problem is I'm so flat out at the moment that I just wouldn't be able to fit it all in. I'm not writing it off though. Maybe a bit further down the track. Thanks for your suggestion.

All the best! :)

Feb 28, 2017
Statistics for peace of mind?
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy.
After spending hours and hours going through your website and all the things you have recommended in the herpes protocol, I have come to the conclusion you are genuine and you really do want to help. I definitely believe this is my cure. You are an angel, seriously. However I would just like to ask you a question that I really hope you can answer... of the people that have followed this protocol exactly, how it's set up and the fact that you need to follow it for a period of 12 months, have there been any people who have still tested positive? Please continue your great work. May God guide you and give you happiness

Mar 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

I just wanted to clear something up about the BHT. How much am I supposed to take a day? Do I take more the first week and then drop down the dosage? If I take the pill followed by coconut oil orally will that help it get into my system faster?

Mar 02, 2017
3 Questions?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I have 3 questions. Hope you don't mind...
1. How do you feel about adding probiotics to this protocol. I have heard they're necessary for the body to function effectively.
2. Apart from chocolate and all types of nuts, is there anything else at all we should completely avoid (vegan). I saw something about oranges and grapefruit?
3. Is coconut milk a good alternative to normal cows milk for this protocol?


Mar 03, 2017
Reply to "Statistics for peace of mind"
by: Troy

Thank you for your kind words. Don't know if I would consider myself an angel though. lol.

Now, in answer to your question, to date we have not had anyone come to us and say that after following this protocol for 12 months they still tested positive for herpes. Will this always be the case? I doubt it. The reason why is because there are so many different variables and fundamentals that control the success of this protocol. For instance... how long you've had the virus for, how healthy you are to begin with, the quality of the supplements you take, how well you follow the protocol & if you stick to the raw food eating regimen (the hardest part), and so on.

We've had people say they tested negative after 12 months and admitted they were slack and didn't even stick to the protocol all the time, while others followed it to-the-letter (such as Heather) and tested negative also. While I certainly do not recommend that anyone scrimps or tries to cut corners with this protocol (you want to give yourself the best possible chance of it working, especially if you're going to invest the kind of money that you are going to need to invest), even if you don't get it 100% right, it will still work!

A long answer to a short question I know, but no, to date no one has come forward and said they still tested positive after the 12 months.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 03, 2017
Reply to "BHT" Comment
by: Troy

With the BHT, you take 250 mg's a day for 3-4 days, then increase this amount to 500 mg's for another 3-4 days. After this you increase again to 750 mg's for 3-4 days, then finally up your dosage again to 1000 mg's per day (the maximum amount). You stay on 1000 mg's a day for 6 months. Once this 6 months is up you drop down to 500 mg's a day for another 6 months. So technically you actually take the BHT for a period of 12 months and 9-12 days in total. Also, you MUST take the organic coconut oil WITH the BHT for absorption, along with the St. John's Wort. All three must be taken at the same time to get the BHT into your system.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Mar 03, 2017
Herpes & BHT
by: Anonymous

I didn't know you're supposed to take coconut oil with BHT. I was just taking coconut oil with the oil of oregano. By taking it this way I'm still getting it but maybe not the required amount?

Mar 03, 2017
Reply to "3 Questions" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, probiotics are crucial for a healthy digestive system (without these your gut/body wont absorb the nutrients it needs) so including a good quality probiotic supplement is a good idea. In the raw food diet plan link that we provide in our article (Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It) Dr Axe lists eating lots of cultured veggies (sauerkraut, kimchi, natural yogurt, etc) for a healthy supply of probiotics as well. So make sure you get plenty of these into you. Here's a good website on how to culture your own foods too if you're interested... Cultures for Health.

Secondly, raw natural chocolate (cacao) is okay to eat and is actually good for you. Eat this instead of normal chocolate as a snack. Yes, oranges and grapefruits should be avoided in the beginning because they bring the virus out and cause breakouts. However, after 6 months you should start eating these to see if a breakout occurs. This is a good way to see where you're at. You can also do what Heather did (How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2)) and purposely drink grapefruit juice to bring the virus out then hit it with everything you've got. Here's what she said...

One last thing to mention is organic grape fruit juice. After a couple of months, I started drinking it every day. Herpes HATES grapefruit juice, but the point was to draw it out once I could feel the infection coming on less and less. So draw it out, and when you get an infection - drop the whole arsenal on it and increase the olive leaf extract, oregano oil and colloidal silver! This is what I did, but doing this did make me cranky. My boss got on me a couple of times about being too sharp with customers. I became highly irritable, so just be aware of this.

While I don't necessarily recommend this (the side effects aren't pretty), it can be an option.

Thirdly, organic coconut milk is an excellent alternative to cow's milk. Try and make your own if you can... How To Make Coconut Milk at Home.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 03, 2017
by: Troy

BHT is fat soluble so it needs to be taken with coconut oil (it's in our article). Don't stress though, just start taking the coconut oil with the BHT (and with the oregano oil too of course) from this point on and you'll be fine. :)

Mar 03, 2017
Probiotic and Snacks
by: Tommy

Hi, I saw in a comment above about probiotics. Can you give me a good supplement I can use that's available in the UK? Much appreciated. Also, apart from dark chocolate and obviously fruits, whats a good idea for snacks? Thanks.

Mar 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

How long does it take for the BHT to get in your system to prevent the OB's.

Mar 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have been taking the OLE, Oregano oil, BHT and colloidal silver. Do you recommend Lauricidin with this protocol?

Mar 08, 2017
Reply to "Lauricidin" comment
by: Troy

Lauricidin (Monolaurin) is a naturally occurring lipid fat that comes from coconut oil. We recommend you take organic coconut oil (especially with your BHT) in our protocol. You can also take monolaurin in supplement form as well if you think you need more.

So the short answer is yes, but you can easily get it from your organic coconut oil. 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil taken throughout the day should suffice. :)

Mar 08, 2017
Reply to "BHT" comment
by: Troy

It can take up to 12 weeks, sometimes longer, for the BHT to really get into your system. Once it does though, it works like a charm. :)

Mar 08, 2017
Reply to Tommy
by: Troy

Hi Tommy. These probiotics are excellent quality & reasonably priced... Bio-Cultures Complex. You can take up to two of these per day (one with breakfast one with dinner). Other snacks that you can eat include... natural (unprocessed) yogurt, cacao snacks, cultured veggies (like sauerkraut or kimchi), watermelon and cantaloupe, coconut kefir/raw and organic regular kefir, along with sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 08, 2017
Coconut Oil
by: Anonymous

You have mention taking coconut oil with the BHT. I'm currently taking coconut oil with the oregano oil, but how do I take it with the BHT? Do I take a spoon a day. What kind do I get? I'm using extra virgin organic coconut oil with the oregano oil.

Mar 08, 2017
by: Pablo

Hey Troy. I'm kind of confused on the diet side of things. Am I allowed to cook foods or should everything be raw? What should I be eating apart from vegetables and fruits? I get really hungry and I'm already very skinny so I'm quite worried.

Mar 08, 2017
by: Anonymous

With the lysine, do I take it from the start or only when I get an outbreak? And what are the dosages? Thanks

Mar 08, 2017
Reoccurring outbreak
by: John

Hello Troy. I have been on a strict regimen of taking 6 olive leaf extract pills (the ones you recommended), 2 times a day every 12 hours with oregano oil, colloidal silver, lysine, drinking lots of water, no alcohol, eating healthy. I have been doing this for about 2 and 1/2 months and have been getting reoccurring outbreaks back to back, one after another. Before doing this I had one outbreak. Mine have always been minor I don't feel them. The only way I know they are there is by seeing them. How long will these outbreaks last?

Mar 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,
Thanks for all of your help and encouragement. I am following the protocol as much as I can. I have read about H202. Do you recommend taking this?

Mar 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

I've heard a raw vegan (alkaline) diet is the best for healing and overall well being. I would really like to try it out but a year is a very long time and my diet at the moment is terrible. I eat everything I shouldn't be eating. I'm concerned because I get really hungry and I think I wont get full enough eating just raw fruits and veggies. I have also heard a raw vegan diet could be quite expensive. I'm willing to do anything and everything to make this protocol work quicker/more efficiently. Whats your opinion on becoming raw vegan for this protocol?

Mar 10, 2017
Olive oil instead of coconut oil
by: CW


I don't use coconut oil internally
because it causes my enemas not to work. I would like to know if the coconut oil can be substituted with olive oil when taking the BHT internally?

Thank you

Mar 11, 2017
#5 Remedy?
by: Anonymous

Is number 5 of the protocol a must or optional? If it's necessary, should this be taken for the whole 12 months as well?

Mar 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
I'm ready and have all of the protocol waiting for me to start. My only concern is the BHT. Can you please explain more about BHT and the mixed reviews on this supplement. I've seen really great things written about it and then really terrifying things written about it.

Lastly, how effective do you feel the protocol would be without the BHT and St. John's wort?

Thank you very much for your time.

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to "Coconut Oil" comment
by: Troy

The coconut oil you take with the BHT is the same oil that you use with the oregano oil (extra virgin). A tablespoon with the BHT & St John's Wort is perfect.

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to Pablo
by: Troy

Hi Pablo. This article covers everything you need to know about raw food eating in an easy to understand way... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It. Be sure to go through it a few times, and even bookmark it, so you can refer to it whenever you need to. Some cooked foods are certainly okay to eat. Not everything has to be raw. Animal products (lean red meat, chicken, organic eggs & fish) can be eaten (and should be cooked of course), just eat these in moderation. You can eat fish more than red meat and chicken. Don't allow yourself to go hungry though. This is not good, especially if you're already skinny. Snack on raw yogurt, fruit, avocados, cacao, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, ezekiel & sourdough breads (not too much of these breads though). Eat more fish if you need to, such as wild caught salmon, along with lots of organic pasture raised eggs, to fill yourself up more. :)

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to "Lysine" comment
by: Troy

The lysine should be taken from the beginning, but only for the first 6 months. Continue to take the vitamin C & zinc though. You will still get enough lysine from the wheatgrass after the 6 month period is up. The dosage recommendations are all listed in our article.

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to John
by: Troy

Difficult to say in all honesty John. I would firstly recommend that you break up the times when you have the OLE. If you're taking 6 per day then try and take only one at a time, 6 times throughout the day if you can. The more you can break up the dosages the better. Secondly, the BHT is extremely good for stopping the outbreaks, however, it can take a good 6-8 weeks to really kick in. Olive leaf extract in tincture form is also very good for treating the outbreaks externally and helping to clear them up quickly. You can also take one of the OLE capsules, break it open in a bowel & add a small amount of water, then use this paste to apply to your lesions. It works a treat. 3% grade hydrogen peroxide applied directly to any lesions with a cotton swab also works extremely well too. Make sure you also take vitamin C with the lysine as well if you aren't already doing so. And eat plenty of onions and garlic too as these help to prevent outbreaks and help speed up the recovery process. The outbreaks will definitely lessen over time. You've woken up the virus and it's not happy. The herpes virus (or any virus for that matter) will do everything it can to survive. It needs the host (you) for its survival so unfortunately you're bearing the brunt of its wrath. Hang in there.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you John.

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to "H2O2" comment
by: Troy

Yes, the hydrogen peroxide inhalation method works very well for any type of virus, including the herpes simplex virus. This is how it should be done... Bill Munro Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method.

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to "Diet" comment
by: Troy

A completely vegan diet is not necessary and is not actually the best way to go. Yes, an alkaline diet is important, but you will still get this from following a raw food diet (there is a difference). This article explains it in full... Raw Food Diet. Also, taking supplements such as a wheatgrass powder every day will alkalize the body. A raw vegan diet is very limiting and tough to follow. :)

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to CW
by: Troy

Yes, olive oil can be used instead of coconut oil if need be. Just make sure it's extra virgin and comes in a dark bottle (only purchase from health food stores not supermarkets). Fish oil or krill oil are actually better alternatives to olive oil. :)

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to "#5 Remedy" comment
by: Troy

The lysine/vitamin C/zinc is optional, however, we strongly recommend you take these. They make a big difference. The lysine is only taken for the first 6 months, but you continue with the vit C & zinc for the full 12 months. Wheatgrass is also recommended for extra lysine (see #11 remedy). All the dosage recommendations are listed in the protocol. :)

Mar 14, 2017
Reply to "BHT" comment
by: Troy

The "terrifying" comments about BHT that you refer to usually come from the medical profession - the very people who don't want you have this terrific supplement. I've only found positive comments from herpes sufferers who've used BHT. I recommend you get a hold of a book by Steven Fowkes called Wipe Out Herpes With BHT... Wipe Out Herpes With BHT. It tells you what BHT can really do. Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaws book is also highly informative on the benefits of BHT (these guy's were the original people to discover the benefits of BHT)... Life Extension - A Practical Scientific Approach.



This protocol can still probably work without the BHT, but you would be missing out on the benefits of something very worthwhile. It's your choice though. I always say that if you aren't comfortable using something then don't.

Hope this helps

All the best. :)

Mar 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, I am struggling. I'm trying to change my diet and I take the supplements that I'm supposed to take. I have been doing this since January. And while my outbreaks seem smaller and clear up faster, they are more frequent - sometimes almost back to back. Is there anything else that I can do to help with this?

Mar 15, 2017
Oregano oil
by: San

Where can I find the strongest and purest oregano oil besides the ones suggested in the protocol?

Mar 15, 2017
Reply to San
by: Troy

This is still the best & most reasonably priced oregano oil you'll find anywhere... Zane Hella's Pure Oregano Oil. If you can't get this then you need to find an oregano oil that's 100% pure (no other added "carrier" oils, etc) and has a carvacrol content of at least 75% - up to 85-90% is perfect.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Mar 15, 2017
Reply to "struggling" comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, regular outbreaks can be one of the "side effects" for the first few months of this protocol. Start taking the hydrogen peroxide internally & using it externally on any lesions as soon as they show up (see #10 cure of protocol - topical remedies - for more information on this). The hydrogen peroxide will make a big difference & lessen the breakouts.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 18, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy. I have recently heard through another hsv2 victim about the pcr dna test and how it's very accurate in telling if the herpes virus dna is still in ones system. Whats your opinion on this?

Mar 18, 2017
Oregano oil capsules?
by: Anonymous

Hi, I was looking at the brands u have recommended on the protocol and I came across this. What's your opinion on taking this? Is it worth adding? Zane Hellas Oregano Oil Softgels.

Mar 19, 2017
Sebborheic dermatitis
by: Anonymous

Hello, I have sebborheic dermatitis on my neck, scalp, belly and lower back. Would this protocol have any positive effects on it? Also, is it okay to still apply oregano oil to my lower back even though it is extremly itchy? Thanks

Mar 20, 2017
Reply to "Oregano Oil Capsules" comment
by: Troy

If you're taking the oregano oil as per directed (base of spine, under tongue & with water), this is enough. No more oregano oil is needed. Better to invest your money into purchasing the other supplements. :)

Mar 20, 2017
Reply to "PCR DNA" Test
by: Troy

This seems to be becoming the standard test for herpes more and more, although the CDC doesn't actually recommend it for herpes testing. The IGg test is still highly accurate. The Western blot is the gold standard of course. The PCR (NAAT) test must to be done when there is an outbreak (similar to viral culture test), which is something I'm not a fan of. Personally, I think the good old fashioned blood test (antibody test) is still the best & most accurate, but that's just my opinion. :)

Mar 20, 2017
Reply to "Sebborheic dermatitis" comment
by: Troy

This protocol will most certainly help your sebborheic dermatitis due to the detoxification. The oregano oil is rubbed on the base of the spine. This is only a small area. If this area is itchy and you have a rash then be careful the oregano oil doesn't make it worse. Be sure to test it out first diluted with the coconut oil.

Mar 20, 2017
Genuine question
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy, I asked you a question and for some reason you chose not to accept it. I'm quite confused as I wasn't being rude or spamming etc. My question was simply why don't you reveal the emails of the people who have been cured using this protocol? Not because I don't trust you or think you're not genuine but because it will help many of us correct little mistakes we are making and give us personal tips/advice. If privacy is the issue you could simply remove their name and any personal info. Please answer this.

Mar 21, 2017
by: Troy

This question was asked recently on a Facebook post. Here's the answer I gave...

QUESTION: Anyone cured their herpes yet? Bueller? Changed my diet, on a regime of Olive Leaf, $100 Oregano oil, Silver, BHT, St John's, Zinc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, and Lysine. Going on 2 months. Where are the testimonies? Success stories? Is this a scam...? Where are the profuse thank yous this site should be getting by the boat-loads? Answer the tough questions here, guys.

ANSWER: Even though people have told us they've tested negative, or even had a re-test half way through doing this protocol & their IgG levels have dropped (meaning it's working), to date, Heather is the only person who has provided us with absolute proof of her negative test. Sure, we could easily make up a bunch of bogus testimonials to make it all look good (like many do), but we will not do this... ever! If you see a post on this website from someone who says they've tested negative for herpes, you can be sure it will be a 100% acurate account with proof provided. Our good mate James at Destroydiseases is the same. He has verified proof of negative tests on his YouTube channel for everyone to see... James Destroy Diseases. James is genuine, as are we.

So why don't we have "profuse thank you's by the boat loads"? This protocol has only been available in it's complete form & package for just over 12 months, which is why we are now just starting to see the positive accounts coming through. The other reason is because, unfortunately, only a very small amount of people actually follow the protocol through to the end (and follow it properly, but that's a whole different subject). This is unfortunate, but a fact of life when it comes to people following through & finishing anything in life (remember, only 1 out of 3 people actually graduate from University).

Remember this also Dom, everything we offer here is free. Free! We could have easily "packaged" this information up and flogged it off as a book (eg, for $47 like you pay for the herpessecret book, which is essentially the same protocol as what we suggest), or made this into a "program" and charged $400 (like the 30 day program, which DOESN'T include supplements either by the way), but instead, we are offering it here to everyone for nothing. You get to read through this protocol FIRST, then decide if you want to follow it, without spending a penny! James also gives away lots of free advice as well.

Is this a scam? A scam is when you give up your hard earned money for something and receive nothing in return. You can judge for yourself whether you think this is a scam or not.

All the best to you.

Heather is the only person at this stage who has given a full account of what she did and how she did it and she is the only person to show us her Western blot test verifying her negative result. No other emails have been kept as these people did not provide "proof" of their negative test and did not share any of their accounts, tips, protocol, etc. Hopefully, we will soon have others who are willing to do this.

Hope this helps. :)

Mar 21, 2017
Colloidal silver change?
by: Anonymous

Hey, so I check out all the comments and stuff weekly or so and saw that you have changed the way to take the colloidal silver? Why is this? Want to make sure I follow it exactly how you put it. Thanks

Mar 21, 2017
by: Daniel

Dear Troy,
I've been on your protocol for 2 months, but not completely (using OLE and oregano oil). I've noticed a slight rise in my antibody levels. I accept that the virus is weakening up. As per my doctor, I have chronic hsv. I am not following his suppressive therapy, but some of your advice's instead. My question is, what are the minimum quantities of oleuropein per day needed and which one of the ingredients suggested do you believe makes the hsv uncomfortable, making it leave the cell?

Mar 22, 2017
by: Troy

We changed the way the colloidal silver is taken (held under the tongue for 30 seconds then swallowed rather than in a glass of water) because this is what Sovereign Silver recommend & it seems that most people are using this brand of colloidal silver. There is no great difference between the two methods except under the tongue gets into the bloodstream quicker.

Mar 22, 2017
Reply to Daniel
by: Troy

Hi Daniel. Firstly, I'll be 100% honest with you, just taking some olive leaf extract & oregano oil (I'm not sure what else you are doing in regards to your diet, etc) is not going to be enough to kill the virus. The herpes simplex virus is a tough & relentless virus. To destroy it, you need to hit it with everything you've got! If you've got chronic HSV, this becomes even more important. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to getting rid of this pathogen. In regards to the % of oleuropein you need every day... there is no "perfect" amount and every OLE supplement company out there use different quality olive leaves, etc, so any batch you buy will be different from the last. With the Olivus Olive Leaf MAX capsules the dosage is between 4-6 capsules per day for viral infections.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Mar 25, 2017
Hydrogen peroxide
by: Jc

I would like to order some 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide but I'm in the UK and apparently its banned by the government. Any advice?

Mar 27, 2017
H2o2 therapy
by: Anonymous

Troy, I am following your protocol as best as I can. I have started H2o2 therapy and I am wondering if I can take it with the BHT and other supplements. How much H2o2 do you recommend? Some say work your way up to 25 drops 3 times a day. I just wonder how it will affect me with the BHT and Olive leaf extract and colloidal silver. Can you help me?

Mar 27, 2017
Reply to hydrogen peroxide comment
by: Troy

You can still purchase the 12% solution (must be food grade) so you would need 3 parts hydrogen peroxide to 11 parts water to make up the required solution instead of the 1 & 11 parts with the 35%. :)

Mar 27, 2017
Reply to H2O2 therapy comment
by: Troy

Yes you can work up to 25 drops 3 times per day (H2O2 Therapy & Benefits - Dr David Williams), however, with what you're already taking, and the fact that you should stay on the HP for the 12 months, stick with the recommendations on our page. Food grade hydrogen peroxide is completely safe to take long term so there's no need to worry. If you can have it separate from your other supplements then this would be the preferred option.

Apr 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

Got a couple questions. Do the herbs OLE, St. Johns wort, bht, lysine & oil of oregano make you lose weight and make your TSH lower? I have thyroid issues and went to the doctor. My thyroid is stable but my TSH is lower and I'm losing a lot of weight. Also should u take the above items if u are pregnant?

Apr 05, 2017
by: Troy

Yes these herbs can speed up your metabolism. If you are suffering with thyroid problems then you should work in conjunction with a naturopath (which we always recommend everyone do anyway). They will be able to help you first hand. Losing an excessive amount of weight is not good. These supplements should also not be used by pregnant women. It should state this on any supplement you purchase.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

Apr 08, 2017
Great work
by: Anonymous

God bless everyone that work for your Website and your family, thank you for all the information here. I've got HSV2 and have been going crazy with no help from the medical field. All the hospital and doctors I've been to suck. I've been online for the last month and none is as good as yours. I've learned so much from all the links you shared with people like myself. You've given me hope and eased my mind and heart. Thank you again very very much!!!! May god give all of you what you want and wish for. Thank you for sharing all of this information and being real human beings, not just humans. I have hope now and am at ease.
Peace and love to all.

Apr 09, 2017
Oral question
by: Anonymous

I was wondering what would happen if I was to get oral from a girl while not having an outbreak, just oral and nothing else. Could she get hsv2 also? Or is this unlikely to happen. Thank you.

Apr 11, 2017
by: Troy

Technically, yes, although the chances are low unless the virus is shedding. You shouldn't risk it though. It's not fair on the other person. Tell them you have the virus and if they still want to perform oral sex then that would be their choice. Think about what you've been through so far since finding out you've been infected. You don't want someone else to go through this. Get rid of the virus first then have all the oral sex you want!

All the best to you! :)

Apr 11, 2017
Reply to Anonymous
by: Troy

You're very welcome. :)

Apr 11, 2017
Add to diet
by: Anonymous

I just recently found out last week I have herpes. Would Just taking OLE, BHT, colloidal silver, and oregano oil be enough? I'm a vegetarian so is there anything you'd suggest I'd really need to add to my diet? Thank you for all that you do, you give me hope and I know I can do this, constancy is key.

Apr 11, 2017
Decreasing Numbers but Another Outbreak
by: Anonymous

I have a question. I updated you previously, I tested in December with 2.24 IgG count. I retested in mid February with a 1.3 IgG count and tested again mid March with a .99 IgG count. The numbers seem to definitely show that I am beating the virus. I am fully on the protocol, with the exception of a solid diet regimen (I have been since December 1, 2016). I have just experienced an outbreak, April 8 (post .99 Igg count test results). It is small, not particularly uncomfortable, but I am aware of it. I am not treating it topically as there doesn't seem to be a need to do so. My last outbreak was February 1. I wanted to know if this was "normal", to experience an outbreak so far into the protocol, taking into consideration that I recently re-tested with numbers in neither the positive nor negative test result range. Thank you for your help.

Apr 13, 2017
Hydrogen peroxide?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, would you recommend the use of the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide along with the protocol itself (OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT, lysine, vitamin C) to make it more effective, or would it be best to leave it out and just follow the above?

Also, if I wanted to follow the hydrogen peroxide protocol as stated in the one minute cure book, which supplements from the protocol should I stick with and which should I avoid?

Thank you so much.

Apr 13, 2017
Protocol for life?
by: Anonymous

Say you are cured from this, and your test results come back negative. Would you need to continue this protocol for life or once it's gone it's gone?

Apr 14, 2017
Reply to "Add to Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, technically, you can get rid of the virus by just taking the OLE, BHT, colloidal silver and oregano oil. I would also throw the lysine in if you can too though. Your diet & detoxing is the key to the success of this protocol. Still follow the recommendations listed in the Raw Food Diet article (#10), but obviously excluding the meats and other foods that you don't eat (I don't know what kind of vegan you are?) Try not to get hungry either. Substitute meats for these foods to keep you full... 10 Vegetables You Can Substitute for Meat.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 14, 2017
Reply to "Decreasing Numbers but Another Outbreak" Comment
by: Troy

Yes you can definitely still get outbreaks. They should be less severe every time though. This is a strong clue that the virus is losing it's grip. The fact that your test showed you are basically "neutral" for the virus shows you are close to being rid of it. How long have you been on the protocol for? If you've only been following the diet part of it since December then your results are exceptionally good. Outbreaks are not a bad thing. like I said, they should be less severe now. If you read Heather's story, she was still getting REGULAR outbreaks 6 months in.

Hope this helps.

Keep going, and all the best!

Apr 14, 2017
Reply to "Hydrogen Peroxide" Comment
by: Troy

The hydrogen peroxide treatment is definitely worth adding to this regimen. You can and should still take the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT, lysine & vitamin C, along with following a raw food diet. Be sure to follow the recommendations listed in the book to-the-letter. Hydrogen peroxide is safe when diluted correctly. NEVER take it without first diluting & only ever use food grade HP. In addition to this, always take your HP separate and at different times to your other supplements, particularly the colloidal silver.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 14, 2017
Reply to "Protocol for Life" Comment
by: Troy

Once the virus is gone it's gone. Hopefully though after the 12 months is up you still continue to eat healthy and exercise moderately. This protocol is not just about getting rid of the herpes virus, it's about you developing a new "healthier" mindset that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life. The only supplement we recommend you do continue to take is the olive leaf extract. You want to keep your immune system strong and healthy and the OLE is the best food/supplement for this. :)

Apr 14, 2017
Please consider?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I have asked you many questions and you have answered most of them. I am forever grateful for everything you do for us. I understand you must be very busy in running your website and helping others but as you can also understand, most of us here are lonely, depressed, angry, suicidal, desperate, etc. So I was hoping you would consider making a chat group or some sort of network for everyone following this protocol to interact and support each other. It will not only help us but also take some weight of your shoulders. Please consider it and tell me what you think. God bless you.

Apr 16, 2017
Question I Haven't Seen Yet
by: MJM

I have a question I have yet to see on this site and also another question.

1) Let's say you and your partner both have herpes and one is doing the protocol and the other one isn't. Thus, one is getting cured while the other one still has the virus. If you continue to have relations with the person who has the virus does this set you back? If you are cured and have relations with the infected person can you get infected again? OR ONCE YOU ARE CURED YOU CAN'T GET IT AGAIN DUE TO ANTIBODIES OR OTHER THINGS? I think it's an important question which I haven't seen anyone ask yet?

2) Let's say you were doing the protocol for 4 to 5 months, but stopped because you ran out of the supplements, were short on money, and/or you just got lazy. A month or two pass by and you decide to get back on the protocol. Will it be as if you were starting from step 1 or could you just jump in and continue on month 6?

***Thank you for all your work. You aren't making any money or fame from all of this. I just hope more and more people get cured and we start reading and listening to cure stories!!!

Apr 19, 2017
Gerson Therapy
by: Anonymous

Do you believe I can follow the gerson therapy as far as the diet goes, As well as taking the OLE, Sovereign silver, BHT, and oregano oil will work? I'm having a hard time switching up my diet.

Apr 20, 2017
Reply to " Please Consider" Comment
by: Troy

Yes I agree, it would be a great idea and I will be looking at doing this. At the moment I physically just cannot find the time. I'm already working a ridiculous amount of hours and the wife is ready to divorce me! (Joking of course). I will be looking into this further at some point and will let everyone know once it's up and running. Hope you can be a little patient with this. :)

Apr 20, 2017
Reply to " Gerson Therapy" Comment
by: Troy

Yes you can certainly follow the Gerson therapy protocol in conjunction with this one. The Gerson protocol is a vegan type diet which still fits with what you're needing to do to rid yourself of the herpes virus, which is detoxing the body. :)

Apr 20, 2017
Reply to MJM
by: Troy

Hi MJM. Firstly, if you are on this protocol but continue to have unprotected sex with an infected partner then there is a probable chance that you could be re-infected. Of course, this would halt your progress. I'm not 100% sure to be honest though, but the risk is certainly there. Could you get re-infected after being fully cured of the virus? I would say so (sorry, I don't have all the answers on these), although the infection would have to be less severe than the first time due to your stronger immunity and low heavy metal count. I definitely wouldn't risk it though. You don't want to put yourself through a tough 12 months (and yes it is tough) only to get re-infected again.

In regards to the second question. You would need to start back at the beginning if you had a break. Quite simply, all of your initial hard work would be undone. I wouldn't recommend doing this.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Apr 22, 2017
OLive Leaf - not in stock
by: Anonymous


I wanted to ask about the Olive Leaf pills. I was faithfully taking them as part of the protocol (along with the other items). Olivus however has been out of stock for almost 2+ months now and will not be in stock until maybe the beginning of May. I have searched and found another brand with 25% Oleuropein. The details are below:

(Real European Olive Leaf Extract Super-Strength 25% Oleuropein -- 500 mg, 90 capsules, plus Hydroxytyrosol Complex. Professional-Strength by Island Nutrition®)

Real European Olive Leaf Extract Super-Strength 25% Oleuropein.

I have been taking this brand since I've been unable to get any of the Olivus Olive Leaf Maxx. Is this product comparable to the recommended brand? Is there another brand that I should/could use since the one you recommend is unavailable?

Thank you!

Apr 24, 2017
by: Troy

This brand of Olive Leaf Extract is excellent quality. Yes, it is frustrating that Olivus keep running out. We have actually now included the Real European OLE Super-Strength brand in our recommendations for this protocol. Many people have been purchasing other brands of OLE due to Olivus continuously selling out, but these brands aren't strong enough. However, you definitely can't go wrong with Real European. Take 3 of these capsules daily.

Hope this helps!

Apr 24, 2017
Empty or full stomach?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, should all the supplements from 1-5 be taken on a empty stomach? Is there any I should take on a full stomach? How long should I wait before eating? Thank you

Apr 25, 2017
by: Troy

All supplements should be taken on an empty stomach if possible. But this only needs to be 10-15 minutes before food. Even in between meals is still okay, just not straight after eating. :)

Apr 26, 2017
Is it working?
by: Anonymous

I recently got this virus about 2 months ago. I've been on this protocol solid ever since I found out. I completely changed the way I eat, taking all the supplements you've recommended (OLE, Oregano oil, sovereign silver, Lysine, etc). I make sure I'm adding a ton of garlic and onion to my food, and I'm exercising about 4 times a week, but I haven't had a single outbreak? How do I know if it's working? Should I get retested to see if the numbers are going down or is there something else I can do to make sure it's working?

Apr 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. Been following the protocol for 3.5 months now. I've had back to back outbreaks and the tingling and itching doesn't go away, nor is it becoming less aggressive. Few weeks back I added the hydrogen peroxide protocol as well. Finished the third week on 25 drops with no improvement. Actually now I get cold sores around my nose as well. I'm just in the middle of one now which doesn't want to go away. My diet is just raw vegetables, boiled potatoes and some meats, mostly fish. It's not always organic as it is crazy expensive but I try to. I take BHT plus as I couldn't get the one from your website, so not sure if it's as effective. My question is what else can I do to stop the itching and the spreading of the cold sores on my face. I am waiting for my DMSO cream but not sure if it will help. Very stressed and depressed. I've tried so many things... even put garlic on and burnt my face. Much appreciate your answer.

Apr 28, 2017
Reply to "Is It Working" Comment
by: Troy

Because you were only recently infected and then jumped straight onto this protocol, this could have a lot to do with you not getting any outbreaks. The protocol is working for sure. Yes, you can get retested if it helps to put your mind at ease (IgG test), however, IgG antibodies are slow to retract so you may want to wait a little longer before doing this... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here. Or do what Heather did and drink orange and grapefruit juice to try and bring the virus out... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2) (be sure to read the comments about this at the bottom of the post as well). Make sure you've been on the protocol for AT LEAST 3 months before attempting to do this though. :)

Apr 28, 2017
Reply to "Help" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, the BHT you are taking (Life Enhancement) is perfectly fine. Are you taking it exactly as per our recommendation? Are you also taking the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, Lysine, zinc and vitamin C (you didn't mention these?), along with the recommendations listed in #11 of the protocol? These are all crucial. Natural honey or a propolis ointment can be very effective for treating the lesions and sores. Diluted organic apple cider vinegar or a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide applied directly to any sores can also help. Straight colloidal silver can even be applied as well. If any of these fail to help, go with the DMSO 70% solution (see our home remedies for cold sores article for more information on this... Best Home Remedies for Cold Sores & Fever Blisters).

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Apr 29, 2017
Buy BHT in UK?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, the bht you recommend doesn't ship to the UK and I cant seem to find it anywere else. Any idea where to look or advice for me?

May 04, 2017
by: Troy

You can purchase BHT from Amazon over there in the UK... BHT butylated hydroxytoluene. :)

May 04, 2017
Why I'm still positive?
by: Anonymous

I just got done with this protocol. I did everything right and still testing positive. Why?

May 05, 2017
by: Troy

If you've still tested positive then your body did not detox properly. You need to take an honest look at what you did and ask yourself some honest questions so you can work out why. Did you follow a raw food diet to-the-letter for the full 12 months, never cheating or falling off the wagon? Did you take all of the supplements and take them correctly (divided dosages, applied topically in the right way, etc) for the full 12 months. Were the supplements you bought high quality or cheaper brands? The answers to these questions will reveal the reason. You don't have to share them here of course, but you do need to answer them honestly to yourself in your own time. :)

May 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

I also just started taking Green On The Go. It's a detoxifier and has 52 different herbs in it. Will this help also in getting rid of the virus? Can I add this to the protocol?

May 06, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, most definitely. Anything that helps your body to detox and remove heavy metals is going to benefit you. Green On The Go is a terrific supplement. :)

May 09, 2017
Upcoming Surgery
by: Anonymous

Troy, I have been following the protocol for a little more than 3 months. I contracted HSV2 in November 2016. I feel like it is really helping as pro dome symptoms are getting less and less. I have to have outpatient surgery for a hernia in early June. Do you think I can continue on all the supplements throughout the pre and post surgery? I have been working so hard and I don't want a set back.

May 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I have a few questions. I have never had an outbreak or any symptoms. I contacted the virus about 7 years ago from my now husband. If a person is asymptomatic, will this protocol cause them to start having outbreaks?
Will starting the protocol cause the virus to immediately shed or will it suppress a potential oncoming shed?

I'm not sure I can stick to the entire protocol and I understand what that means. If I can do the olive leaf and oregano oil how quickly does the olive leaf and oregano oil suppress the virus, day 1 or a week later?

Thank you for answering all our questions.

May 17, 2017
Reply to "Upcoming Surgery" Comment
by: Troy

You should still be able to continue with what you're doing pre and post surgery. I would still recommend you check with your doctor just to be sure. In fact, you will probably need to let them know what you're taking on your pre-op declaration form anyway. Obviously you wont be able to take anything when you're fasting for the anasthetic, but this should be okay. Worst case scenario is it may set you back a couple of weeks. I wouldn't worry too much about this though. If you need the operation then it has to be done. Just get straight back on the wagon afterwards.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best with your surgery. :)

May 17, 2017
Reply to "Asymptomatic" Comment
by: Troy

If you're asymptomatic, the olive leaf extract and oregano oil (and detoxing in general) will likely cause outbreaks in the beginning so you should be aware and ready for this. This doesn't happen in all cases but it can and usually does happen. What the detoxing does is it wakes up the virus, which is why shedding usually occurs. Over time the outbreaks will lessen and then diminish altogether. The OLE and oregano oil don't suppress the virus initially, they suppress it over time. This can range anywhere from 3-6 months, possibly even longer. The BHT and St John's Wort are very good at suppressing the virus quickly, which is why we recommend these. :)

May 17, 2017
Is it working?
by: Anonymous

I've been taking all the herbs that is mentioned to help destroy the herpes virus. But when I take the oil of oregano orally it makes me itchy. I looked it up and it says that it's an allergic reaction and to stop taking it. If I stop taking it will it slow down the process or do you suggest taking it a different way? Do I also put it on my spine right away after I take it orally?

May 17, 2017
Recently diagnosed, just started
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I was recently diagnosed with hsv2 the first week of April. I've definitely had this for less than 6 months since I was tested in October for hsv and came up negative. Anyways, my first outbreak was very mild. Just one bump on the left of my labia. Since then I have yet to have an outbreak, maybe a few symptoms but not visible outbreak without daily medicine. A few questions-

I bought 750 MG olive leaf extract, oregano oil, 1000 mg vitamin C and St. John's wort. I plan to take all of these once a day then the oregano oil twice on my spine morning and night and in my water daily. I am also putting tea tree oil in my body wash. Are these amounts enough since my OB was very mild? Do I need to take this as long since I wasn't having any outbreaks to begin with/they were mild? Will taking these cause me to OB? When should I get retested?


May 18, 2017
Reply to "Is It Working" Comment
by: Troy

If the oregano oil is making you itchy then try backing off the dosage by half or even more. Once you find your body's tolerance level, stay with this for a month or two then slowly start to increase the amount until you get to the maximum recommended dosage. Once your immune system builds the allergic reaction will go. You don't need to put it on the base of the spine at the same time as you take it orally either. Better to do this at a separate time as the results are better. :)

May 18, 2017
Reply to "Recently diagnosed, just started" Comment
by: Troy

The fact that you've only recently been infected (by the looks of things) does work in your favor, however, you don't want to short cut this. The BHT and colloidal silver should also be included, along with a green food such as chlorella (and lots of cilantro) to remove the heavy metals from your body (the virus attaches itself to these metals). The hydrogen peroxide is also extremely effective. Read the One Minute Cure book and follow the hydrogen peroxide protocol listed in there... The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases. Make sure that ALL of the supplements that you purchase are of the highest quality and potency as well. Do not go for any of the cheap brands. And of course, don't forget to follow a raw food diet and eat lots of garlic and onions!

As far as when to get tested again? Wait a full year. Your IgG antibodies will still be increasing so there's no point in getting tested until they've had time to peak and then go back down. You should read this article for more information on herpes testing... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

Good luck and all the best to you!

May 22, 2017
by: Daniel

Hi Troy,
I am from a small country in Eastern Europe. Since I found your site, I am so happy and I do believe that is all true. The most difficult part is the detoxing, for sure for everybody. I have been using ole, oregano oil and colloidal silver for three months. With the detoxing, not strictly, but chlorella in tablets at about 4 grams per day (the concern here is the iron content) and Draineur Detox concentrate from Sante Verde for two months. My antibodies reached their peak of 66 (below 20 is negative as per Elisa) and 30 days ago were 45. My concern is that I am a seamen and need to set sail soon, but it is almost impossible to follow a healthy diet for the next 4 months while at sea, other to rely on capsules such as the chlorella for example. Please advise. What can do while on the ship?

May 24, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Daniel. Firstly, the Sante Verte Draineur supplement that you're taking is excellent, so make sure you continue with this (along with the other supplements of course). With the chlorella, yes it's high in iron but it's an organic form of iron. This form is perfectly safe and you cannot receive any toxicity from it so don't be concerned. In regards to going to sea and still eating healthy? Just do the best you can, that's all you can do. If you can take some healthy snacks with you (natural snack bars, etc) that might help - fruit too if you can. Like I said, just do the best you can. Keep taking your supplements no matter what though. This is crucial.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 27, 2017
BHT Prep Prior To Protocol
by: Henry

Troy, I have never been tested for HSV, but I have noticed that since college, I get a cold sore about once every year for the past three years.

I am wondering if doing a detox/colon cleanse prior to the protocol in succession of the beginning of my raw diet, proceeded by a regiment of BHT & St. Johns Wort for two months prior to starting OLE/Oregano Oil/Silver Hydrosol Colloidal Silver Protocol, if the BHT would enable me to eradicate the virus at the start of the protocol without having outbreaks.

I work in the healthcare profession and cold sores are often embarrassing for me. I was wondering if the detox/colon cleanse might cause the HSV to begin shedding prematurely to the start of the protocol, causing an outbreak? Also, would using BHT too early be less effective than starting the protocol in it's entirety? It would be nice to be able to use the protocol without big disgusting outbreaks so frequently near the start, like some people have claimed; however, would it be best to allow the virus to cause multiple small outbreaks so that your body can identify and eliminate the HSV easier?

May 31, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Henry. I see what you're theory is and why you're looking to go about it this way. Look, I think it would be beneficial. Taking the BHT, etc, straight away and doing a detox/colon cleanse first should (in theory) help lessen or stop/cure your cold sores and breakouts much more quickly. That's what the BHT is very good at doing. If you do happen to get a cold sore a 50/50 solution of DMSO and water applied several times a day works wonders. Just remember also, there is no right or wrong way as such with this protocol. Listen to your gut and go with what feels right. A regular detox/colon cleanse is always a worthwhile practice.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jun 02, 2017
Which order is best
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I wanted to ask your opinion on how I should come into the protocol for best results. Would taking hydrogen peroxide as specified in the one minute cure (up to 25 drops and back down) be a good move to do and THEN add the full protocol... ole, oregano, colloidal silver, etc. Or should everything be taken at the same time from the start of the protocol.

I'm so confused on how I'm going to fit everything in my daily schedule. I know what exactly to take and dosages but fitting everything into one day is really stressing me out. Any tips or advice? (Would like to do ole, oregano, colloidal silver, bht, lysine, vitamin c, hydrogen peroxide, probiotics).

Sorry for the long message and thank you so much for your time!

Jun 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

I was looking up some other remedy I can use to cure herpes and found out fulvic and humic are two good detoxes to take and they boost your immune system. Can I use these also as part 0f what
I'm already taking? I'm also taking green on the go every day. Should I continue take it with fulvic n humic or is that two much?

Jun 10, 2017
Reply to "Help" Comment
by: Troy

Fulvic & humic are good, along with your green food. All of these can be taken safely with our recommendations. It's definitely not too much. :)

Jun 10, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, doing the HP protocol first along with following a raw food diet from day one is a great way to start off. Make sure you continue on the maintenance dose for the HP throughout the 12 months though. In regards to fitting everything in, just do your best. There is no "exact" way or best way.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 14, 2017
Dose of Olivius OLE?
by: SJ

Is initial dosing of Olivus OLE for genital herpes one capsule twice daily or two capsules at one time?

Jun 14, 2017
by: Troy

The initial dosage is one capsule taken morning and night (on an empty stomach) so as to prevent herxheimer's reaction. After 2 weeks you should increase to 6 capsules per day taken in divided amounts (eg, 2 capsules first thing in the morning, 2 before lunch and 2 before bed). Stay on this dosage for at least 6 months (preferably 9 months) before dropping down to 4 capsules a day until you've been on them for at least 12 months. Don't forget about our other recommendations listed in our Natural Herpes Cure protocol. Be sure to follow these so you get the most out of the olive leaf extract. :)

Jun 17, 2017
Is it okay....
by: Johnson

I've been taking Oregano oil, Colloidal Silver, and Apple Cider Vinegar in orange juice as a cure for HSV2 which I got diagnosed with three months ago. Is it okay to put them in orange juice/grape juice as opposed to putting them under the tongue?

Jun 18, 2017
by: Troy

No, you must take all of these EXACTLY as recommended or you wont get the desired results. Read through the protocol again and follow the recommendations listed to-the-letter. :)

Jun 28, 2017
Thank you.
by: Anonymous


Thank you for this amazing website. I am still trying to figure out why you would do all of this yet not charge us anything, you must be an angel.

I haven't tested positive on an IgG test yet and following you protocol maybe I never will. I had a very mild initial outbreak and tested negative 4 weeks post exposure. I am hoping I caught it early enough that the eradication process is quicker. I have started the OLE, Oregano oil, colloidal silver and will add the BHT as soon as it's delivered. I have also started the raw diet.

My question is I am looking for a "treat" I could have once a week or so. I found a product called the "Perfect Bar" and was wondering what your thoughts were? In particular the Peanut Butter Coconut one. I keep reading conflicting information on peanut butter and respect your opinion so I wanted to reach out.

Thanks again for all you do and I promise to help back up your protocol with proof if I do end up testing positive in the next few weeks as I know I can beat this.

Jun 29, 2017
by: Troy

Thank you for your positive comments. Don't know about being an angel, my wife says I'm the devil in disguise sometimes! lol. With the Perfect Bars you mention, these seem perfectly fine (pardon the pun). I would still avoid the peanut butter varieties as peanuts are high in arginine and you definitely want to avoid this amino acid. If you like chocolate then carob or cacao are also healthy "treat" alternatives that you can have.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 01, 2017
Take them both or no ?
by: Anonymous

While taking Olivus OliveLeafMax capsules, should you stop taking your Acyclovir?

Jul 05, 2017
by: Troy

Most people continue to take their medication in the beginning and slowly wean themselves from it over a period of 6-8 weeks. :)

Jul 07, 2017
Sovereign Silver Side Effects
by: N.J

I'm not sure if I'm posting this question in the right place, so please forgive me if I'm not. What are the side effects of Sovereign Silver bio-active silver hydrosol consumption? I have read that it can cause silver to be deposited into your organs and can cause blueish skin discoloration. Is it safe to consume?


Jul 09, 2017
Is this normal?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I've written to you before and it's been a while since I've needed to ask a question. I have been outbreak free for almost a month. And then out of no where I got a small out break but it was less than normal and not as uncomfortable. I fully understand that this is normal. However after that small outbreak another one appeared and before this one healed another is forming. Is this normal? I know the virus has to get itself out of the body and during the process it's normal to get outbreaks, but I don't understand how I can go one full month and then out of no where get these back to back outbreaks?

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to NJ
by: Troy

Sovereign Silver (silver hydrosol) CANNOT cause organ damage or make your skin turn blue! Anyone who claims that it does is lying and has no idea as to the different forms of colloidal silver and the safety aspect of each one. While certain forms of colloidal silver (normally the ones that come from home-made machines) can cause your skin to turn blue and can possibly damage organs (this has never actually been proven though), silver hydrosol can be taken 7 times a day for 70 years and will still fall below the EPA's RfD for silver intake. It's perfectly safe to take. :)

Jul 10, 2017
by: Troy

This is a normal process. Your immune system is fighting the virus and the virus is fighting back with whatever it has left. Healing rarely occurs in a "normal" pattern anyway - it can be spasmodic, and at times can seem as if it's all over the place. Stay the course. The outbreaks will become less severe but they can still most definitely occur. Apply the 70% DMSO with aloe vera to any lesions for extra fast healing and relief. It works amazingly well. :)

Jul 12, 2017
Follow up
by: Anonymous


Thank you for your thoughts on the "Perfect bars". Since they are all nut based I will pass for now and go with your suggestion of cacao.

I have a few follow up questions if you don't mind. I am taking the maximum on all supplements except BHT at this point (6 OLE a day, Oregano oil, colloidal silver, and Lysine) and following a raw diet (not a stitch of processed foods, sugar, or caffeine).

- Thoughts on Braggs Vinagerette for my daily salad? If you say cut it out it's gone tomorrow). I am serious about following thru with whatever it takes.

- I found a raw cheese not heated more than 102 degrees. Is this ok to have or will it interfere too much.

- Since I have started the protocol prior to even testing positive will my numbers still have to "peak" before receding? Following this to a T do you think it's reasonable to be able to test at 4 months?

Thanks again for your thoughts, kindness, and encouragement.

Jul 14, 2017
Urine Therapy
by: Anonymous

Drink your own urine to destroy this virus.

Jul 16, 2017
by: Troy

Try to add a green food supplement such as wheat grass or chlorella (along with eating lots of cilantro) to help remove heavy metals from your body also (this is crucial). The Braggs vinegerette is perfectly fine to use. A small amount of the raw cheese each day would also be fine. In regards to testing, after 4 months your IgG antibodies wouldn't have peaked so testing would not be beneficial after this small period of time in my opinion. That's why we always tell people to wait 12 months. It's a pain having to wait this long, yes, but unfortunately, you have to give your IgG antibodies enough time to peak then go back down. It's a slow process... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 17, 2017
by: C

Hello. I would like to join swimming classes twice a week as a form of exercise/hobby. Would this in any way interfere with this protocol or have any negative effect?? Thank you.

Jul 19, 2017
Olive leaf
by: Anonymous

Thank you for this absolutely wonderful read.
My question is... What is the difference between oleuropein and olea europaea in the olive leaf extract? I bought a bottle and per 2 capsules it shows 900mg (Each two capsules contain 1494 mg dry herb equivalent). I've been taking 6 a day, but not sure if this is enough.

Thank you so much for your amazing article. :)

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to C
by: Troy

Exercise, particularly swimming, is good for you and will help to boost your immune system and remove toxins, so go for it. :)

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to "Olive Leaf" Comment
by: Troy

Olea europaea is the scientific name given to the olive tree, which produces a powerful substance called oleuropein in its leaves. It's the oleuropein content that you want and need to be concerned about. You want it as high as possible. If you are taking 6 a day and this is not causing any adverse effects (herxheimers reaction) then you can increase the amount. You cannot overdose on OLE the same as you can't overdose on olives or eating olive leaves (if you found them tasty. They taste disgusting though).

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 29, 2017
Can't find BHT anywhere?
by: Anonymous

I have been having an issue with the BHT. No places are shipping to me? I found one spot that would ship on Ebay, but when it got to the border they sent it back.

I have been eating raw for almost 6 months now. And I mean 'raw'. I do not cook probably 95% of any of my food (except potatoes and yams). I eat copious amounts of kale, chard, carrots, cucumbers, onions, garlic, and basically anything I can get my hands on at the farmers market. All local, all organic. And when I mean copious I mean COPIOUS. A lot. That's all I eat. No bread. No pasta. No cookies or crackers. And absolutely, no sugar, unless in fruits or berries. I am eating the most cilantro I have ever eaten in my life.
And as destroydiseases says, I only blend it for max 20 secs in my bullet.
I am doing all the recommended oil of oregano protocol. All the colloidal silver protocol. All the olive leaf protocol. All the vitamin C, lysine, Chia seed, hemp heart, chlorella, manuka honey - basically everything, and I mean everything in your article to-the-letter... except for the bht.
Did I mention I am so going to knock this virus out of my body? Cause I am! lol. People are thinking I've gone nuts with what I have done to my daily life and diet, etc. And there are some days where yes, I have gone just a bit mad... but I know, just know it will be sooooo worth it.
But my question is. Is it going to slow me down if I don't have this one part of it? The bht. They simply won't ship to me. Thank you again for this inspiring website. Someone posted earlier that you are a angel, and I'm convinced you are. Seriously, this page has answered all my prayers. I am so done being controlled by this horrible disease that has ruined every memorable part of my life. I am done hiding in my house. I was not born here on this planet to hide in my house and not show my face! It just simply cannot and will not rule my life anymore.
I want to be free of this.
I will be free of this.
Thank you Troy, you are truly a earth angel for providing this amazing info.

Aug 03, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Anonymous. Leaving the BHT out will not be detrimental - it's only one part of the protocol (Heather didn't take the BHT and still got rid of the virus). If you are doing everything else then you are on track. The hydrogen peroxide protocol on page 74 of this book can easily take the place of the BHT... The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases.

Thanks for your kind words too.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I know most people ask questions in regards to the protocol but this is in regards to my diagnosis or lack there of.

On May 21st I had unprotected oral/vaginal sex with someone of unknown HSV status. About 14 days later I came down with flu like symptoms such as achy, tired, sore throat, and tingling for several days on my lady bits. I've never developed true genital lesions and my OBGYN said to stop shaving and paying such close attention to my lady bits. I did get tiny white dots on the soft part of the palate and have had what looks like a redness to my throat. I was tested with IgG at four weeks for HSV 1 and 2 and it came negative. I immediately started the protocol full force with the raw diet, greens algae, supplements and such. I just went back last week and retested at 11 weeks and 5 days with the IgG again for HSV 1 and 2. To my surprise it came back negative.

Do you think the protocol could be preventing the antibodies from developing? What do you think my chances are of being truly positive and not triggering yet, or like my OBGN said, am I feeling guilty and creating these symptoms?

Thanks for your thoughts as always!

Aug 16, 2017
Die-Off Symptoms
by: Anonymous

I've been using the OLE, oil of oregano and other products such as the bht and I don't have any die off symptoms. So how do I know these are working? I take 3 to 4 pills of bht and OLE 3 times a day at different times, along with rubbing the oil of oregano on my back n spine. I don't feel a tingle at all. I use it with only a little coconut oil and rub it on two to three time a day. The smell is horrible though.

Aug 16, 2017
Reply to "Confused" Comment
by: Troy

If you truly want to know if you have contracted HSV1 or HSV2, or if the protocol has destroyed the virus already, or if your OBGYN is in fact right, a Western blot test is the one sure way to find out. This article explains and provides a link on how to go about getting one done... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, and Where to go From Here.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 16, 2017
Reply to "Die-Off Symptoms" Comment
by: Troy

You don't necessarily have to suffer from Herxheimer's reaction to know if the supplements/diet is working. If you were relatively healthy to begin with your die-off symptoms can be, and usually are, less severe than an unhealthy person. The supplements are most definitely working. And yes, we agree, the oregano oil doesn't smell the best but it works! :)

Sep 02, 2017
Swanson brand OLE?
by: Anonymous

Is the brand SWANSON superstrength 20% oleuropein good quality? It doesn't say where the plant comes from on their website. Thoughts on this?


Sep 04, 2017
Testing after completing?
by: Anonymous

I have been reading so much just to be more knowledgeable about this virus. I have been following your steps and it's definitely working. My question is after this year is said and done and it's time to get tested, will the antibodies of the virus still remain in my system and still give me a positive result?

Sep 04, 2017
Reply to "Swanson Brand OLE" Comment
by: Troy

Swanson is a quality brand. We still recommend Olivus and/or Real European OLE because of the positive feedback we've received about these brands, however, if you can't get a hold of either of these then Swanson would be the next best option. 4-6 capsules daily will be required for best results. :)

Sep 04, 2017
Reply to " Testing After Completing" Question
by: Troy

There will always be a small amount of antibodies that remain in your system, that's just how the body works. If you ever had chickenpox as a child then there will be antibodies in your immune system for that. That's why an IgG NEGATIVE test is considered below 0.9, to allow for this. But remember, the virus will be completely gone from your body. Dead! The small amount of antibodies remain just in case you get reinfected so your immune system can distinguish what disease/infection you've contracted and how it needs to deal with it.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Sep 11, 2017
igG going down but not fast enough
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed in January 2017 with HSV1 with a viral load of 3.1 IgG. In February I started taking Olive Leaf (Olivus 6 a day), Colloidal Silver under the tongue and the Oregano Oil (Zane Hellas) diluted in a little bit of water. At the end of April I reduced the Colloidal Silver and Oregano Oil due to not feeling well, itchiness and rashes on my legs and neck. Started increasing the dosage back up in June. I got retested 2 weeks ago and I am down to 2.1 IgG. Even HSV2 went down to 0.1 from 0.2. My doctor has agreed that I can go back and get retested in 9 months or so, although he doesn't believe I can get rid of this. So the next time I get tested I need to make sure I am negative or else he won't give me the paper to get tested again after that. Should my IgG have gone down more during that 6 month period or is this normal? Will it keep going down or do we reach a plateau? What else can I do?

Sep 12, 2017
by: Troy

IgG antibodies are slow to go down so yes, this is normal. What else can you do? Keep detoxing! Plenty of detoxing herbs and spices and green foods, along with the required supplements. Have a read of Jessica's recent success and follow some of her tips... How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes by Jessica.

Stick with it and stay the course is my recommendation.

All the best!

Sep 16, 2017
by: Vinci

Hi Troy,
I currently have Ramsay Hunt Syndrome due to Shingles. I have been taking Lysine, Vit C, Zine and Elderberry for 4 months. So far the virus has been suppressed well.
I want to know whether I should wait until I got facial movement back before using the OLE? I'm just worried that the die off phenomenon may drag out the virus and make my facial paralysis recovery halt, as I still have zero movements.


Sep 17, 2017
Olive leaf extract for HPV
by: John

I would like to know if this routine that you recommend for those with herpes will also work for those with HPV. Trying to get rid of some warts on my hands and am curious if the olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, oregano oil, and vitamin C will do the trick.

Sep 19, 2017
Reply to Vinci
by: Troy

The OLE can be taken at any time and will not hurt - it's actually a safe supplement. Just start off on a low dosage then slowly build up over a period of 6-8 weeks so you avoid any of the unwanted die-off effects. :)

Sep 19, 2017
Reply to John
by: Troy

Absolutely John. These remedies/combo work a treat on HPV as well. :)

Oct 07, 2017
Question about raw food diet?
by: Anonymous

I was just diagnosed with herpes a little over a week ago and came across this site. I immediately purchased the things that I needed such as the oregano oil, chlorella, L-lysine (1000mg 3x's/day), colloidal silver, and OLE (although I purchased the 20% so I have been taking 4/day and will increase to 6 next month). I'm planning on purchasing the BHT as well sometime this week. I have been incorporating raw foods in my diet as smoothies and juices everyday 2-3x's/day. However, I am still eating other things such as pasta (with organic chicken and added vegetables). I eat raw fruits and vegetables everyday but eventually I will begin to lose weight since salmon or cod (which I've also been eating) will not give me the calories I need to consume everyday and stay at the current weight I am. Will not eating raw fruits and vegetables all day everyday affect the process of eradicating the virus greatly? I know it will to some degree but I don't want to wipe out all of the other things I am having because I'm occasionally eating things that are not part of the diet.

Oct 11, 2017
Supplement dosage and times
by: Anonymous

Hello, thanks for your good work and support to people with this infection. I have been taking OLE (Olivus olive leaf max), Oregano oil by Zane Hellas (capsules and essential oil for the spine and sublingual applications). I'm also taking NOW lysine, St John's wort, wholesale nutrition BHT, Bronson vit C powder, zinc tabs, Sovereign silver (2x daily due to work commitments). I also take wheatgrass, reload multivitamins and monolaurin. I have a few questions:

1. Can I take OLE and Oregano oil at the same time before taking the BHT & SJW?

2 I still get OB's, albeit minor now (2 days from start to end) regularly 2 months in and a constant itching that started since the 2nd month of the protocol. Any suggestions on any changes to dosages or supplements?

3. Can I take garlic extract powder instead of/in addition to raw garlic?

Thanks in advance.


Oct 12, 2017
Reply to "Question About Raw Food Diet" Comment
by: Troy

The only thing you should go easy on is the pasta - not too much of this. With the raw food diet, you just do the best you can. It will still work even if it's not perfect. Don't miss taking your supplements though, that's the most important. I would also recommend a green food supplement such as chlorella or wheat grass powder. The hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatment listed in The One Minute Cure book is also very effective and cheap to incorporate.

Hope this helps.

Best regards!

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to "Supplement Dosage and Times" Comment
by: Troy

When it comes to taking your supplements, it's always better to take them separate from each other if you can (except for the BHT and St John's Wort which should be taken together). That way you get the most out of them. However, this is not always practical (because of work, etc), so just do the best you can. Having garlic extract powder in addition to eating fresh garlic is great. You can NEVER have too much garlic! As far as getting outbreaks, this will still occur and can continue for up to 8-9 months in extreme cases. Unfortunately, you just have to grin and bear them. Use the DMSO with aloe vera cream or colloidal silver on any lesions to speed up recovery time and stop the itch.

Don't forget about the raw food diet too, especially lots of cilantro. You didn't mention this. Everything else you are doing is good.

All the best!

Nov 01, 2017
Epstein barr
by: Anonymous

Hello, just curious to know if you recommend the same type of protocol for someone who has the Epstein Barr virus and experiences severe fatigue and brain fog. Do you recommend the same supplements?

Nov 03, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, have a read of this Q&A for more information... A Natural Remedy for Epstein Barr Virus That Works.

All the best!

Nov 30, 2017
Can you Drink water from Stainless Steel Bottles?
by: Blossom

Thank you so much from everyone and me, having HSV. I would like to ask a question about water bottles/drinking water. I'm taking Colloidal Silver using a glass tube under the tongue for 30 sec and then swallowing it. But I use a stainless steel glass or stainless steel water bottle to drink water? Does this have any negative effect or impact? Is it okay to use stainless steel glasses and bottles?

i was particularly concerned about metal utensils used or increase any metals in the body? will this steel increase any metal in the body? how would body get this metal for virus to help grow or hide?

Dec 01, 2017
by: Troy

The best way to drink/store water is definitely with glass. Stainless steel is the second best option, however, it's critical that you ONLY use a high quality stainless steel water bottle. Never go with any of the cheaper varieties. If you stick with this, you'll be fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 30, 2017
Just got diagnosed
by: Anonymous

I just got diagnosed with genital herpes after having a rather painful first outbreak the last week before Christmas. I've just ordered a bottle of OLE, the medication I took for the outbreak is so expensive I can't afford it on my income. I wound up buying the 500mg 20% type of OLE. So I need to take it for a year even considering that this was my first outbreak?

Jan 02, 2018
by: Troy

Yes. Remember though that the olive leaf extract is only one part of what you need to do. Don't forget to review the protocol in full... Natural Herpes Cure.

All the best! :)

Jan 04, 2018
After a year of taking
by: John

I have have been taking just olive leaf extract for a little over a year and when I 1st started taking it I would get outbreaks back to back all the time. I questioned to myself if it was even worth it, because before I started taking olive leaf extract I had like 2 outbreaks ever. But now I don't get any outbreaks. I did have a few a little while ago but they were so small you couldn't even see them barely. So does the OLE cure it? I'm not sure but you can tell it does slowly put the virus down.

Jan 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy - I'm a huge fan of your site and all your hard work.

Just a question on alcohol during the protocol. I don't drink often, however just wondering if a few vodka lime and sodas once and a while would be detrimental to the protocol? Is there another type of a alcohol that would be better?


Jan 06, 2018
Need help 😢
by: Viv


I’m new here. I have a very bad outbreak of herpes. I've never taken olive leaf extract before and I just bought a bottle of Comvita olive leaf extract capsules. The label doesn’t indicate the percentage of oleuropein per mg but it says each capsule contains 65mg of oleuropein. I have no idea what this means as far as dosage. The health shop owner said they are max strength "one a day" capsules. Has anyone used this brand (Comvita) before? I would be very grateful for advice on what dosage I should take.

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to John
by: Troy

Can the OLE get rid of the virus on it's own? Not sure to be honest John. If you took it for long enough (years) I would imagine so. I take olive leaf extract every day without fail just for overall health. I never get sick. It definitely boosts your immune system to the max that's for sure. :)

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to "Alcohol" Comment
by: Troy

A few vodka and lime sodas wouldn't be that detrimental. Red wine (with no preservatives) would be the best option if you really had to pick one. :)

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to Viv
by: Troy (Admin)

You will need to work up to more than one a day. Start off with one then slowly increase over a period of several weeks until you're taking 3 a day. Stay on this for the rest of the protocol.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Viv!

Jan 20, 2018
Capsules and antibodies
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy! Thank you for all of the great information. I have a couple of questions that I hope you can answer. Will oregano oil capsules be effective and if so what kind would you recommend? I understand taking it under the tongue or by a glass of water delivers it directly to your system and would be better but my partner is having a hard time with the taste. Also after doing this regimen and ridding yourself of the virus, do the antibodies ever completely disappear from your body or will there be concern for the virus popping back up in your body if you were to stop taking all the supplements and what not after this whole process? Thank you for your time!

Jan 22, 2018
Outbreaks worse after starting treatment?
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with HSV2 in early October and began intensive treatment with oil of oregano and olive leaf extract, in addition to other supplements including coconut oil, tumeric, garlic, vitamin D, vitamin C, and ginger. I started incorporating a higher level of the oil of oregano and am now not only experiencing more frequent outbreaks (every single week) but now have the most severe outbreak I've ever had with a giant one inch sore. Does oil of oregano cause symptoms to become worse before they get better? Is this a sign that the disease is being kicked out of my body? Desperate for answers!

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to "Capsules and Antibodies" Comment
by: Troy

You can get the Zane Hellas oregano oil in capsule form which many people take (as a last resort) when they really can't handle the taste of the oil... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil Softgels. In regards to your second question, I've answered this in detail (a couple of times) in this thread... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to "Outbreaks worse after starting treatment" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this is extremely common. You have woken up the virus and are drawing it out so frequent outbreaks can and in most cases will happen. However, you can certainly minimise these outbreaks, even stop them. Start on the hydrogen peroxide protocol as outlined in the One Minute Cure book, along with using the HP topically on any lesions (dilute to around 3-5% first). Also start taking the BHT. Hydrogen peroxide and BHT are both very good at stopping, or at the very least, subduing herpes breakouts.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 23, 2018
Herpes rescue
by: Anonymous

I came across this on Amazon and wonder if it's a good option to pick up since the individual items are so expensive for treatment...

"Immune Support Formula (Herp Rescue Discreet) The #1 Solution for the Common Cold, Cold Sores, Herpes, and Shingles. L Lysine, Zinc, Vitamin C, Oregano Oil".

It has everything pretty much, perhaps not the highest content of each ingredient, but does it look like it could work?

Jan 25, 2018
by: Troy

I'm not sure to be honest. You can only give it a go and see. It does contain many of the ingredients/nutrients you need. :)

Jan 25, 2018
Supplements or no supplements?
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your reply! I'm sorry for asking questions you've already answered. I've read so many of the comments but there are a lot. I do have one last question, if you haven't already answered it. I remember seeing on one of the comments that you know about James from destroy diseases and I believe you called him a good buddy of yours, or something along those lines? So my question is, he seems to be really against supplements (especially like colloidal silver) and also certain food items like meat and you seem to have a different opinion of them. Could you elaborate on that? Like what's your opinion on his stance and why would you still recommend the supplements like colloidal silver and foods like meat, etc? I know the final decision is mine to make I just feel conflicted on which route to go especially since both sites have testimonies of people testing negative.

Feb 01, 2018
by: Troy

James and I aren't good buddies as such, but we have been in contact with each other on the odd occasion. We do have differing opinions on a few things. Yes, James believes in a complete raw food, plant based diet. I do too in fact. The problem is though when people follow this particular plan they lose alot of weight. Way too much in fact, which is not good. That's why I recommend small amounts of fish (wild caught salmon) and organic chicken. The protein in these help to keep your weight up. In regards to the other supplements? The research is there to confirm their antiviral benefits. Diet alone is not enough to kill the herpes virus. James and I do both agree on the incredible benefits of both olive leaf extract and oregano oil though, along with matcha green tea for getting rid of the herpes virus.

At the end of the day, it's all about detoxing, removing heavy metals, and boosting the immune system. If there are supplements that help with this then why wouldn't you take advantage of them in my opinion? Of course, the final choice is always yours.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Feb 02, 2018
Swanson OLE (20% oleuropein)
by: Viv

Hi Troy,

I read your reply earlier on this thread to somebody enquiring about another brand of OLE by Swanson. You can buy it on Amazon and it is significantly cheaper than the two brands recommended here. It is 750mg and is standardised to 20% oleuropein. I have been taking it (2 caps 3 times a day) for a month now. I’m also taking oregano oil 3 times a day and also BHT and St. John’s wort 3x a day. I am still having continuous outbreaks. It’s been 5 or 6 weeks now and my most recent one is by far the worst outbreak Ive ever had. Each time a sore heals another one or two appear to take their place.

My question is, do you think that maybe the OLE I’m taking is not sufficiently good? I didn’t by the super strength one. Swanson do a super strength and also a regular OLE. They both have standardised 20% oleuropein so I didn’t see the point in paying more for the "super strength" if they are the same quantity. Could this be my downfall? Thanks for your help.

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to Viv
by: Troy

You get what you pay for Viv. The OLE you're taking is not strong enough. Get the super strength. Also, start on the hydrogen peroxide as per the One Minute Cure book protocol and use the HP on any external lesions for extra fast healing and relief.

All the best to you!

Feb 09, 2018
by: Anonymous

This might be TMI, but I'm wondering about the detoxing process with the OLE. I always take it in the morning when I get up. Mine says 3 capsules, I take them all at the same time.

So because the capsule contents are green, I assume that the detox results are green as well? BTW, I'm on my 2nd bottle of 500mg 20% OLE, and I think I only had one minor outbreak early on, but nothing since.

Oh, and I have a friend who has herpes who thinks it's curable with antiviral medications and that it cannot be transmitted to a partner unless there's an active outbreak going on. Unfortunately he clearly knows nothing about STDs.

Feb 15, 2018
by: Troy

Try and take the OLE in divided doses throughout the day rather than all in one hit if you can. So for instance, 1-2 capsules first thing in the morning, 1-2 twenty minutes before lunch and 1-2 before bed. You will get even more out of the OLE by doing it this way. :)

Feb 16, 2018
Diet info
by: Anonymous

Can I still eat grilled chicken along with some cooked vegetables and then more raw vegetables? Or should I cut chicken and meat completely out? Also, are scrambled eggs okay? As long as I'm eating more raw fruits and veggies than meats and proteins. And if meats are alright, which meats can I eat? I heard wild caught salmon was okay, lean red meat, and lean chicken. Thank you for all y'all do, it's gonna be hard but I'm committed to get HSV GONE! Whatever it takes!

Feb 19, 2018
by: Troy

A small amount of animal protein each day is okay. Organic chicken at around 100 grams per day (3.5 oz) or wild caught salmon at around 200 grams a day are the best options. Have red meat only as a last resort. Remember, just enough animal protein so you don't drop excessive amounts of weight. The bulk of your diet should be raw foods, particularly fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and herbs. Eggs are also okay. In regards to scrambled eggs, it depends on what you use to make them. Processed milks of any kind (especially cows milk) are definitely out. Lightly poached eggs are the best.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 01, 2018
by: Anonymous

On 12/2/18 I found out I had HSV2, everything else was negative, right before valentines day. Great, lol. However I've always believed that the human body is amazing and can deal with anything. If you take care of the body it takes care of you. I'm not super wealthy but I've already ordered everything from 1-5 as I'm very against taking prescribed medicine from doctors. Once my products get here I will try my best to stick to it for the full 12 months, but me being me I know I'm going to test early before that. I am a black male early 20's and I am relatively healthy at 6"4 220lbs. I will be highly upset if after I follow everything and still test positive. I have no kids, not married and have lots of free time so I should be able to stick to it. I'm just posting this as an initial update. Will continue to post on here, maybe every other month or so. Hoping that this gives others peace of mind as it did for me reading this article and comments. I literally read this article for a week and half before purchasing anything. Thanks.

Mar 08, 2018
by: Troy

Yes, do keep us updated. Good luck and all the best to you! :)

May 27, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have been on this protocol since July 29th of 2017 last year. Almost done my one year... I cannot deny the changes in my body that have been happening. This entire year I have had only 3 outbreaks, and they have been very minor ones at that. I am so happy, so surprised, so overwhelmed, so sad and so mad that my physician didn't support me in this from the start. I know now that our bodies are meant to heal, and will heal given the proper tools.
The only thing is as good as I feel on this protocol and nutritional regimen, I feel scared if I were ever to stop doing it. I am going travelling in January, and I know I cannot do the protocol to the letter when I'm travelling by plane and in different countries. Plus, with my food, it is hard to eat clean and raw. But at the same time I don't want to not allow myself the beautiful gift of travel and what that does for my soul, seeing this beautiful world we live in. My question is, how can I balance my travelling, and is there something that is travel friendly that I can bring with me in case I have an outbreak triggered by foods that I am simply not used to eating?
Thank you for the love and support.

May 30, 2018
by: Troy

Firstly, don't be upset with your doctor. He's just doing and believing in what he's been brainwashed with since his university studies. That's the unfortunate truth. Now, in regards to your travelling, you definitely need to get out there and see the world. I agree wholeheartedly! Just do the best that you can with your diet and supplementation program while you're away. You'll be fine. Don't stress about it as this will not help (you know how bad stress is for you). Take what supplements you can and eat as best you can. The olive leaf extract is crucial. If you do happen to get a breakout simply cut open a couple of capsules and throw the powder into a cup. Add a little water to make a paste and then apply this to any breakouts (if you do happen to get them. You might be surprized to find that you don't get any). Try and continue to take the OLE orally as well.

Enjoy your travels!

All the best to you. :)

Jul 01, 2018
Oregano Oil Capsules
by: Anonymous

Hey, quick question. I’ve tried using the oregano oil but I cannot seem to stomach the taste. I was diagnosed with Hsv2 3 weeks ago. Is it okay to use the oregano oil capsules instead?

Jul 04, 2018
by: Troy

Yes, the oregano oil capsules are fine. Try and get the Zane Hellas soft gels... Zane Hellas Softgel Oregano Oil Capsules. These are the best and strongest. Take two of these daily, morning and night, on an empty stomach. :)

Nov 14, 2018
Are all these supplements safe for kidneys and liver
by: Hello

I have started the supplements. I am just worried that it is so much! Is this safe for your kidneys and liver? Also, which supplements are most important to take? Which supplements should be taken at separate times? Is all of this SAFE for long periods of time? Thank you :)

Nov 19, 2018
by: Troy

None of these supplements are harmful. In fact, they're just the opposite! Think about how resilient the liver and kidneys are in any case? So many people out there eat garbage food (refined and processed foods) and drink alcohol, soda drinks, etc, every day in excess for years and years, yet their liver and kidneys soldier on. Detoxing the body can have a negative impact on the eliminatory organs in the beginning until they get on top of things, but long term, you will end up healthier than you've ever been.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Dec 03, 2018
More breakouts?
by: Anonymous

I have been doing this regimen the best I can for about a month. However, I have noticed that I am having more outbreaks than ever before. It’s almost a couple this month already... where as before, it was rare. Starting to feel discouraged about the constant outbreaks.

Dec 03, 2018
by: Troy

Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. You've woken the virus up (disturbed it) and like any pathogen, it will do everything it can to survive. I recommend you read through all of the Q&A's below and the Q&A's in both Heather's article/post and Jessica's. There are lots of tips and recommendations on how to overcome the constant breakouts, or at the very least, severely lessen their effects. Remember also, the outbreaks WILL lessen over time.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Dec 15, 2018
HSV1 Transmission
by: Anonymous

Hi. I was diagnosed with hsv1 oral herpes. My doctor didn’t give me any medicine and I’ve never had an outbreak. I’m assuming I got it from sharing lip gloss or smoking with people. I’m wondering if I should still kiss or do anything with my mouth. I plan on following your recommendations.

Dec 18, 2018
by: Troy

You can only infect someone else when you have an infection (cold sore). However, it is still wise to be mindful that you may not always be aware that you have an infection or outbreak. Avoiding kissing on the lips or oral sex when you have HSV1 is probably a good idea, but in all honesty, not practical. The chances of infecting someone else by kissing them when you don't have a breakout (cold sore) is extremely slim. :)

Jan 17, 2019
Consuming collagen peptides
by: AJ

I have been following this regimen as close as possible since the beginning of November. I have changed my diet to healthier and mostly fish and raw veggies too as best I can with work. I noticed more outbreaks in the beginning of the regimen. Now, I haven’t had an outbreak since December 2nd. I was wondering if taking collagen peptides daily would be okay. I know you said to keep your arginine content low by consuming less nuts. I did read that the peptides have almost 500mg of arginine per serving. Would this be okay or should I avoid it?

Jan 18, 2019
Reply to AJ
by: Troy

Not everyone with herpes reacts negatively to arginine. Some sufferers are not affected at all. Collagen peptides are extremely beneficial for you. I would try this supplement and see how you go. You may be fine and it may actually help you even more. Just make sure the the product you buy contains pasture-raised, grass-fed collagen protein.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you AJ!

Oct 11, 2021
by: Anonymous

I have just come across this website but no one has commented since 2018. Is there any updates on anything that could help speed up killing the virus?

Oct 17, 2021
by: Troy

Hi there. There have been plenty of updates and interactions since 2018. Check out these two posts for the latest...

How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2)

How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes

Hope this helps.

All the best! 😊

Nov 08, 2021
On the pill
by: Christine

Hi, is it quicker to cure this virus doing all of the supplements and going vegan if a person has only had it for 3 months ? Does it make a difference on how long you have had the virus in your system? And can I be on the contraception pill doing this?

Nov 30, 2021
Reply to Christine
by: Troy

How long you've had the virus has a definite bearing on the time frame to eliminate it. As with most things, the sooner you can catch it the better. 3 months means you've caught it early so yes, you should be able to get rid of it quicker. Taking the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, BHT, along with following the recommendations listed in the "Foods to avoid - foods to eat" section is definitely the fastest way. As far as taking the pill? Better not too, however, it's not totally detrimental. It may just take a little longer to detox completely.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Christine! 😊

Oct 22, 2022
Sourdough bread, cacao, diet
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! Thank you for all you do! You are a remarkable human.
I am wondering about sourdough bread. I found a very clean sourdough, all organic, without preservatives. I’m wondering if a slice of this sourdough toast a day would be ok? I really enjoy it and I know you said we can have a bit if we don’t overdo it. Would one slice a day be too much. Also, if I were to make my own sourdough would a slice a day be ok??

Also, I just want to clarify, cacao is ok, dark chocolate is not?

And finally, I’ve been on the regimen for almost 4 months. However, I recently went on vacation and fell off the wagon with my diet. Nothing too bad, no caffeine, no chocolate but I did not eat raw for about a week and ate out often. I am wondering if I really set myself back? I have taken the supplements continuously throughout the four months, and aside from my vacation I’ve been pretty steadfast with my diet. I’m just interested in your thoughts on this.

Thank you again Troy! You’ve given me so much hope.

Nov 15, 2022
by: Troy

A little sourdough bread with no preservatives is perfectly fine. Cacao is also great. Eat cacao chocolate not normal "dark" chocolate though. I don't think your holiday set you back much to be honest. You still took your supplements and still ate fairly good so I think you'll be fine.

Keep up the great work! 😊

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