Best Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Fibrosis...

by Danielle
(NSW Australia)


Hi, my beautiful dad is 73 and has just been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. He is fit and positive.

I think it has been there for a while but has gone unnoticed, until about 3mths ago when he was renovating his home. He was a smoker about 35 years ago, but I think it's from asbestos. I've been giving him cayenne pepper, ginger and bone broths, along with spirulina. Any help or ideas I would be very grateful.


Hi Danielle. Thank you for your question regarding pulmonary fibrosis.

Firstly, what you are doing for your dad is good and will certainly help him. You could also have a look at this treatment... A Natural Cancer Treatment. Even though it's designed for cancer, there is no harm in following it. It's really just an expansion on what you're already doing anyway. The beauty of this remedy is it packs a mean punch! This is what your dad needs (my opinion of course). If you can get a hold of medical marijuana or some cannabis oil then using this really is the ultimate treatment. Have a read of this article for more information on this... Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Hope this helps you and your dad Danielle.

Good luck to you and all the best,


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist).

Comments for Best Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Fibrosis...

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May 17, 2018
IPF dad
by: Denny

I am an IPF dad and husband and like most of the people that I have read about, our condition is not good or irreversible. I'm currently taking Esbriet and have been for almost a year now - a new drug. I have tried Active Stem a stem cell supplement and CBD oil for almost 3 months. The results have been good and bad days. Sitting and relaxing is the most I can do now days. Moving around causes coughing and shortage of breath. I'm on O2 24/7 with 35% lung capacity. My doctors have given me 4 years and one has gone by now leaving me with 3 years left with my family. Prayer seems like a lost cause but after trying and reading about a lot of other people, I still believe God has a purpose. I know it's tough. I'm living with this as well and I hope a cure is found soon. God bless and just live the best you can. Until then, do what you need to do to make you feel better, what ever it is! Time is not on our side.

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