Best Natural Remedies for Endometrial Lining Thickening...

by Robin
(San Diego, Ca. USA)


I have had seriously heavy bleeding intermittently for 5-6 years. Had to be fused twice and given intravenous iron on a separate occasion.

Diagnosed with this issue in Jan 2012 the attending physician recommended an immediate hysterectomy and used the scare tactic of it being potentially cancerous. I rejected his offer and informed him that I needed time to research for myself. However, back then I had medical insurance, now I don't.

So, I've been supplementing with selenium, zinc, copper, folate, B-12 (methylcobalamin), vit C-D-E, magnesium chloride, nascent iodine, minerals, some amino acids, ph adjusting (baking soda), blackstrap molasses (iron builder) and various healthy oils. I'm also having virgin coconut oil, hemp seed, frankincense (non-inflammatory properties) and black seed oil. Some of these supplements have been used inter-changeably and others taken daily. Since bleeding occurs at any given time, I am cognizant of my amounts and frequency of my oil usage. Recently a gynecologist suggested a hysterectomy or d&c.

I cannot allow this to fester into a disease. Is there any pertinent info that could be of assistance for me about this condition. Thanks for your time. A.Robin


Hi Robin, and thank you for your question(s)/information on your particular health problem.

Firstly, the one supplement that you definitely should be taking is organic apple cider vinegar. ACV works amazingly well for excessive bleeding, as well as for virtually all female gynecological problems. The number one thing it does is balance out hormone levels, particularly estrogen. This is crucial for any woman suffering from endometrial hyperplasia (endometrial lining thickening) because once your estrogen levels are normalized, healing begins straight away. So ACV should certainly be your number one "go to" remedy. Just make sure you take the right type of apple cider vinegar (such as this
) and for it to be effective, you MUST take it every day without fail and you MUST stay on it indefinitely. (Do not stop ever!) A tablespoon mixed in a glass of warm filtered water is the required dosage. Take this concoction 3 times daily, 20 minutes before each main meal (on an empty stomach).

Black strap molasses is also extremely good for endometrial hyperplasia. You said you were already using black strap molasses, but once again, it must be taken all the time for it to be effective (and it works even better when it's combined with the ACV). Make sure the black strap molasses is organic and unsulphured too (very important). Here's some good ones if you're interested... organic unsulphured black strap molasses. The dosage for black strap molasses is one teaspoon 3 times daily mixed in with your apple cider vinegar.

In addition to these, cayenne pepper is terrific for increasing blood flow, which in turn actually helps to stop irregular and excessive bleeding. Cayenne pepper also helps to repair the lining of the uterus, which is important for anyone suffering from endometrial hyperplasia. The best way to take cayenne is to mix a teaspoon in a glass of warm filtered water and chug it down. Have another glass of warm water ready to drink down and take the heat out of your mouth. It's not a fancy way to have it, but it works.

For more information on these natural remedies, have a read of this article from our friends at EarthClinic and the Q&A's generated from women who've used them. There's some great responses... Heavy Gynecological Bleeding Home Remedies.

Hope this helps you out Robin.

Good luck and all the best to you.

Best regards,

Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)

Comments for Best Natural Remedies for Endometrial Lining Thickening...

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Aug 16, 2017
Uterus lining
by: Inna

I was just Diagnosed with thickening lining of my Uterus. I am 55 and didn't have my period for about 2 years, also on hormonal therapy. Started spotting a little. After Ultrasound need to do more tests for uterus wall thickening. Very nervous.

Aug 16, 2017
Reply to Inna
by: Troy

You can start on the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses straight away Inna. There is absolutely no harm whatsoever doing this and you'll start seeing (and feeling) positive results within a few weeks.

Hope it helps.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 24, 2017
Thick lining uterus
by: Ann

This information is very helpful. I am a believer. Went to my Dr today and she said that from my ultra sound she can't see my lining because of fibroids and thickening. Will get started with this asap.

Sep 14, 2017
TTC with Thick Uterine Lining
by: Mia

I have had 2 chemical pregnancies in the last 4 months, ultrasound showed thickened uterine lining. Dr believes this is what is causing the chemical pregnancies. Will taking the ACV and Blackstrap Molasses help with reducing the lining to allow implantation. And if successful with pregnancy, can I continue to take the ACV and Blackstrap Mollasses?

Sep 15, 2017
Reply to Mia
by: Troy

The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses definitely do help with reducing lining thickening. And what's really good about these remedies is both can (and should) be taken long term and right throughout a pregnancy causing no adverse effects (only positive effects). So the answer to your question Mia is an emphatic "yes".

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Oct 06, 2017
Can you combine these ingredients?
by: Jm

Any reason why one couldn't combine the ACV, Black Strap Molasses and Cayenne pepper together in warm water and drink all at once?

Oct 11, 2017
by: Troy

Yes you can definitely combine them all together and drink this concoction in one hit. Don't forget, the cayenne pepper can be a little warm!

All the best!

Nov 03, 2017
Uterus lining thickening
by: Karen

Hi, is it possible to reduce this thickening using ACV and Black strap molasses even after menopause when your periods have stopped almost? How do they shed the lining down?
Thanks for your time.

Nov 06, 2017
Reply to Karen
by: Troy

Yes, definitely Karen. In fact, the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses will both help with your menopause symptoms too...

Home Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats.

Menopause Remedies.

The ACV and molasses are both alkalizing and contain the essential nutrients your body needs to heal itself and balance out hormones. This powerful combination of alkalinity and essential nutrients is what shrinks the thickened lining.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!!

Dec 02, 2017
Endometrial thickness
by: Padma

I just went into menopause this February. I experienced light bleeding from July. Ultrasound shows the endometrium thickness and no other issues. I am still having light bleeding. GYN suggesting D&C. I would like to give some period of time to my body to heel itself before I go with any surgical option. I am diabetic too. Will the ACV alone work for me? Please advise.

Dec 04, 2017
Uterine line 17mm and multiple gall stone 11mm
by: Seema

My mother is on warfrin and last year they found abnormalities around uterus and cystic changes. They wanted her to go in for a biopsy. Mum could not handle the pain and quit. She began to feel a sharp pain on her lower back. As mum was not willing to get checked, I started her on black seed oil, turmeric tablets, ACV and manuka honey. It shrunk from 21mm to 14mm. Then she began to eat sweets non stop and her uterus lining increased to 17mm. No bleeding, no pain except for her lower back. After reading your tips I now give her black seed oil, manuka, molasses, cayenne pepper tablet x 1, turmeric tablet x 1, ACV and rose water syrup for a pleasant taste. Her pain has gone. I give her this morning and night. How long should I continue until I get her to have an ultra scan to see if uterine lining has shrunk?

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to Padma
by: Troy

The ACV should definitely be combined with the unsulphured black strap molasses for best results. The cayenne pepper is also extremely beneficial and is not expensive. We recommend you use all three. :)

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to Seema
by: Troy

You will need anywhere from 3-6 months, preferably 6 months, which is enough time for the supplements to really do their job. Unfortunately, eating sweets (refined sugars) is one of the worst things you can do. Try and keep your mom off these completely. They are extremely bad and wont help her at all.

Hope this helps you Seema.

All the best!

Dec 23, 2017
Cayenne pepper
by: Bernadette

Hello Troy, I too have been diagnosed with a thick endometrial lining and doctors have suggested a d&c. I was wondering how often should the cayenne pepper be taken with water? Also, do you have suggestions for naturally healing PCOS, cysts on the ovaries and getting rid of a polyp on the uterus? My doctor told me that the polp is causing the lining to be thick and giving me irregular menses. Thank you for your time.

Dec 29, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Bernadette. The cayenne pepper should be taken twice daily if possible, first thing in the morning and last thing at night are the best times. In regards to treating PCOS, have a read of this recent Q&A for more information on this... Miracle Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Hope it helps.

All the best! :)

Dec 29, 2017
Endometrial Thickness with chronic spotting
by: Anonymous

I was originally diagnosed with hair line cysts in both ovaries in my early 40's. Then at age 43 I had a polyp removed. I had an endometrial biopsy come back neg at that time too. Fast forward 13 years later now I am age 56:

Can ACV, blackstrap molasses and cayenne pepper help me after light bleeding on/off for the last 3 years. My new MD wants to do a D&C, but I prefer natural remedies due to history of cardiac surgery. I would have to get pre-op clearance anyway.

Is it ever too late to start this natural treatment? When should you draw the line? If thickening does decrease along with the signs... Maybe I can still consider declining the surgery? Or opt for the hysterectomy instead. Thanks for any advice and a response ASAP!

Jan 02, 2018
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I can't give you medical advice or advise you on what you should do. What I will say though is that's it's NEVER too late to begin using the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses combo, along with the cayenne pepper. This powerful combo not only works for endometrial lining thickening, it also works a treat for uterine fibriods, cysts, polyps and PCOS...

A Miracle Home Remedy for Fibroids That Works Every Time.

Miracle Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

There are no negatives associated with using the ACV, molasses, cayenne pepper combo - only positives - so you have nothing to fear.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jan 03, 2018
Endometrial thickening
by: Anonymous

I had an ultrasound which showed I have significant uterine wall thickening. My doctor recommended doing a hysteroscopy because of the potential of a polyp and also a d&c. I also had a biopsy done which came back negative. I have been doing the ACV with blackstrap molasses along with cayenne pepper capsules for a month now. I am curious as to how soon this will show improvement in the thickening? Is there any way to know if it is working or do I need to have another ultrasound? How long do you recommend I wait before scheduling my next ultrasound?
Thank you. I appreciate any advice.

Jan 09, 2018
by: Troy

An ultrasound is still the best and most effective way to check. If you find yourself feeling better in general and your monthly cycles are improving or normal, this is a good indicator. Give the regimen enough time to really work though. An ultrasound at around 6 months will give you a very good indication.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 25, 2018
Sip ACV water through straw to save teeth
by: Anonymous

Just a suggestion for everyone... sip the vinegar water through a straw to avoid acid erosion to your tooth enamel.

Jan 29, 2018
Question for Seema
by: Jess

Dear Seema, can you recommend the brands and doses you used for your Mum? I'm having exactly the same issues with very thick lining due to hormonal imbalance.

Thank you.

Feb 07, 2018
Along with progesterone treatment?
by: Simra

Hi, can or do these natural remedies work along with the progesterone therapy I am taking to stop my excess bleeding?

Feb 07, 2018
Reply to Simra
by: Troy

The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses are perfectly safe to take with any form of medication and do not cause any harmful side effects. :)

Feb 10, 2018
Endometrial hyperplasia
by: Sarai

I have endometrial hyperplasia and don’t have periods due to too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. Or something like that? Can I still take the ACV and the molasses and cayenne pepper. Have you heard of coconut oil pulling?

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to Sarai
by: Troy

Yes, the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses combo, along with the cayenne pepper, will still help as these help to balance out your hormones. Oil pulling is also very powerful and can easily be incorporated into your daily regimen. The best time to do oil pulling is first thing in the morning before you have anything to eat or drink.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Sarai! :)

Feb 15, 2018
by: Didi'

Hi Troy,
Thanks for all the information. I am vegan and am always looking for organic natural remedies. My wife and I are trying to have a child via IVF. The doctor said I have a thick lining about 10 mm. So I wanted to know the dosages to mix the ACV, molasses, & cayenne pepper.

Thank you so much 😊

Feb 16, 2018
Reply to Didi
by: Troy

All of the specific dosages, along with how to take the ACV, unsulphured black strap molasses and cayenne are listed above. Remember to also take them on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before food for best results.

Good luck and all the best to you Didi!

Feb 16, 2018
Intermittent fasting
by: Anonymous

Thank you for this information. I practice intermittent fasting each day. I only eat one meal a day, at dinner. I drink black coffee and water until dinner. My question, will this regimen be beneficial since I can only do it once a day? Should I open my eating window with it, and then do it again when I close my eating window? I eat from 4-8 pm so it would be 4 hours later each day when I take the second dose. I am 39 with endometrial hyperplasia and a uterine polyp.

Feb 19, 2018
by: Troy

It should be okay. No one has ever asked this before and to be honest, I'm not 100% certain. You can only try it and see how it goes. One thing I would recommend is that you get rid of the coffee - it's not good. Substitute this for organic green tea or matcha green tea instead. Even black tea is still a much better option than coffee.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Feb 19, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have been taking the ACV and blackstrap molasses for a couple months now. I am curious though, if I take a cayenne supplement, 450mg, what would the suggested dosing be? I was not able to do the cayenne pepper mixed in water and thought this would be another way to take it.
Thank you for your help.

Feb 19, 2018
by: Troy

The cayenne pepper capsules are certainly a good option if you struggle with the heat and taste of the cayenne pepper powder. You really cannot overdose on cayenne as such so it doesn't matter how much you have. However, the recommended dose, particularly for the capsules, is between 1000 and 2000 mg's per day taken in divided doses and on an empty stomach.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 26, 2018
by: Cynthia

Thank you for this valuable information.
It's a blessing.

Mar 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your response. I have a question regarding the cayenne pepper supplements. I have been taking them twice a day, morning and night. Do you recommend dividing them up even more frequently throughout the day?
Thank you again!

Mar 06, 2018
by: Troy

Yes, definitely. The more you can break up the dosage throughout the day the better and more effective they will be. :)

Mar 09, 2018
Endometrial hyperplasia
by: Anonymous

Is is good to take evening primrose oil with the ACV, Cayenne and molasses? What will it do? I am looking for all the natural things I can do to slow down the flow. I have to stay on birth control in my 40's or I will bleed everyday very heavily. The doctor wanted to give me an IUD to thin the walls out. I am so stressed out over having a heavy flow. If I miss one dose the pills take a week to make it stop again. Please help with any information that will help. I dont want to take these pills anymore'. They have mile long possible side effects.

Mar 12, 2018
Treatment and IUD
by: Lisa

Thank you so much for your comments. I am 51 and have endometrial hyperplasia. Until February 2017, my periods were completely regular with a moderate flow, although PMS was an issue. I was given a Mirena IUD to help with the constant/heavy bleeding in July 2017. I am still constantly bleeding, but not as badly as before. Now I feel that I have about 3 great days a month. I wonder how effective the ACV, molasses and cayenne will be WITH the IUD? I also have daughters who struggle with PMS and ovarian cysts. I imagine this challenge may also be subdued with the above remedy? I look forward to your reply, Troy. Thank you.

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to "Endometrial hyperplasia" Comment
by: Troy

Evening primrose oil is terrific and helps balance out those hormones. It works particularly well for menopausal symptoms. There is no harm combining it with the ACV, BSM and cayenne pepper either. If you're looking to get off those birth control pills, I would recommend finding a reputable naturopath in your area and working with them. They will be able to help you.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 16, 2018
Reply to Lisa
by: Troy

Hi Lisa. The ACV, BSM and cayenne pepper (along with following a healthy diet plan of course) are incredibly effective for treating endometrial hyperplasia. They also work a treat for shrinking ovarian cysts and fibroids. You would, however, need to speak with your doctor first about taking these supplements while on the Mirena. Unfortunately, I cant give you medical advice. Hope you understand.

Good luck and all the best to you Lisa!

Mar 18, 2018
Endometrial Hyperplasia After Menopause
by: Belle

It’s exactly 10 years after menopause that I am having spot bleeding. I am 61 years old now. I went to my doctor and was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia. She wants me to have a D&C. I want to do it the natural way. You advise ACV, unsulphured blackstrap molasses and cayenne pepper. How much do you take of each and when? What foods should I avoid to have a healthy diet? What foods should I eat more of to help so the thickening will go back to normal? Will Essential oils help? Which ones? Thank you.

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to Belle
by: Troy

Hi Belle. The exact recommendations on how to have the ACV, black strap molasses and cayenne pepper are all listed in the article above. For the foods you should be eating and avoiding? Low inflammation inducing foods should be eaten as much as possible while inflammation producing foods should be avoided.

Inflammation reducing foods include...

-green vegetables (along with fresh vegetable juices)
-cruciferous vegetables
-fresh fruits, particularly berries
-lots of herbs and spices
-pasture-raised/grass-fed/wild-caught fish
-healthy fats, including olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds and coconut oil
-probiotic rich foods, including yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso, pickles and kefir

Inflammation producing foods include...

-refined sugar, oils and carbohydrates
-conventional dairy products

Frankincense essential oil is the best for treating and relieving the symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia.

Hope this helps you Belle.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 19, 2018
Thick uterine lining with prolong period
by: Anonymous

Hi. I am 52. I am experiencing spotting between my period and prolonged period. My period is still very accurate. I have seen my gynae and done many scans (my last scan was done on 21/2/18), lab tests and biopsy. My uterine lining is 12mm and I have 2 fibroids. Gynae wanted to start me on hormone pills (norethisterone 5mg - 2 tablets a day) since she concluded that my condition was due to hormonal imbalance after going through all the tests. She has scheduled to see me again in 2 months time (16/5/18) to do a scan again and pap-smear. However, I am reluctant to start with the hormone pills since it comes with so many side effects. I chanced upon your post and was wondering if the combination of ACV, unsulphured black molasses and cayenne pepper will help my situation, given the fact that I am on the journey of perimenopause and also experiencing hormonal imbalance. If yes, kindly advice when I should go for the scan in order to see the results of taking the ACV, molasses as well as the cayenne pepper. I am very prone to sore throats. Can I still take the cayenne pepper? Or would it be effective enough if I just take the ACV and black molasses? Thank you so much.

Mar 20, 2018
by: Troy

The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses are exceptional at balancing both male and female hormones. They not only help with endometrial lining thickening, they also help to shrink fibriods... Miracle Home Remedy for Fibroids. It will take a good 4-6 months for the ACV and BSM to really kick in and start to work, so you will need to be a little patient. There is no harm having the cayenne pepper either. It's a powerful immune booster so it actually helps with sore throats and other viral infections.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 21, 2018
Thank you
by: Lisa

Thank you so much for this website and for your quick responses. It has become my favorite 'go to' place and I am eager to experiment and learn as I go. I am doing good with my ACV and BSM (adding cayenne to the concoction is over the top at the moment) in addition to B vitamin supplements . Up to this point I am experiencing a 2 week stretch with no bleeding. THANK YOU!

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to Lisa
by: Troy

You're very welcome Lisa, glad it's helping.

All the best to you!

Mar 27, 2018
ACV and BSM pills
by: Anonymous

Can I take acv and black strap molasses in pill form? I just can't stomach the taste of them.

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to "ACV and BSM Pills" Comment
by: Troy

Certainly. If this is the best way for you to have them then by all means go with the capsules. :)

Mar 30, 2018
by: Anonymous

What is the ACV? I've been reading all the comments and I can't find the meaning of it?

Apr 02, 2018
Endometrial lining thickening and weight loss
by: MJ

Attempting to loose weight right and considering the apple cider vinegar and molasses but wondering about the calorie intake with the molasses? Would you still take a teaspoon three times a day if trying to lower your calories to lose weight at the same time?

Thanks for the great article.

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to ACV Comment
by: Troy

ACV stands for apple cider vinegar. You can easily buy it online or from your local health food store. Make sure the brand you buy is organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the "mother" apple (it will say this on the bottle). Bragg ACV is definitely the best brand if you can get it. :)

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to MJ
by: Troy

The unsulphured black strap molasses is quite high in natural sugars, so of course, this can affect weight loss. The best option is to start on the teaspoon 3 times daily, but if you find you aren't losing weight then drop it down to twice daily. Regular daily exercise can also help to offset the possible weight loss effects of the BSM.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 05, 2018
Is this Ok?
by: Anonymous

Hi, I also have Endometrium thickening & my Doctor advice me to have a hysterectomy but I got scared and decided i would rather cure it the natural way. So I did some research and found your column and got interested in the ACV, Black molasses & Cayenne pepper. At first I tried drinking all of them for 2 days but I threw up from the cayenne pepper. I'm still drinking them up to now for 2 weeks but without the cayenne... Is this Ok??

Apr 05, 2018
Endometrial hyperplasia cure
by: Anonymous

I read that Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses could possibly reverse endometrial hyperplasia. If so how long would it take to start working and would there be any signs to know other than having an ultrasound? Would the pill form work as well as the liquid?

Apr 06, 2018
Reply to "Is this Okay" Comment
by: Troy

Just taking the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses is still an effective strategy, but it does work better with the cayenne. In regards to the cayenne pepper, this should not be taken at the same time as the ACV and BSM (only the ACV & BSM are taken together). If you have the cayenne pepper a couple of hours after your ACV/BSM you may find this to be okay. If not, you can always opt for the cayenne pepper capsules instead.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Apr 06, 2018
Reply to "Endometrial hyperplasia cure" Comment
by: Troy

It can take a good 6-9 months for the ACV and BSM to really begin to work (this is not a quick fix but more of a long term treatment/cure) so you will need to be patient. An ultrasound is the only effective way to know for sure if it's working. The ACV and black strap molasses pills can certainly be taken in place of the liquids, although these do work out to be much more expensive. :)

Apr 12, 2018
Possible polyp
by: Anonymous

I have been doing the ACV, BSM, and cayenne since January. My periods have improved greatly, however, I still am having very light spotting a few days after my period ends and it lasts for a week or so. I only notice the spotting after I urinate. I originally had 2 ultrasounds, one in November and the other a couple months later. My doctor originally thought there was a possible polyp but it wasn't confirmed. Will this combo of ACV, BSM and cayenne eventually help if this spotting is caused from a polyp? My lining was thickened but after the second ultrasound it showed it was returning to normal thickness.
Thank you

Apr 16, 2018
by: Kim

Going to try the suggested natural remedies. Have had this happen twice, the heavy bleed which was really bad, happened once in October 2017, then again in April 2018. Got an appointment to see a specialist in May. What do I say if they want to do medical procedures? I don't want to go down that path, been fine all my life, never had pain, not into menopause, although this could be the start I guess. I'm 51.


Apr 17, 2018
Reply to "Possible polyp" Comment
by: Troy

The ACV, unsulphured black strap molasses and cayenne pepper combo works a treat for shrinking endometrial polyps. This could certainly be causing the spotting. Remember, it can take a good 6 months for the full effects and benefits of the ACV, BSM and cayenne to be felt. It does take time for the lining to heal, hormones to re-balance, and polyps to shrink (think about how long it took for these to grow and become out of balance), so a little patients will be needed. Of course, if you have any concerns you should visit your health care professional.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 18, 2018
Reply to Kim
by: Troy

Sorry Kim, by law we cannot tell you what you should do or give you medical advice. Hope you understand.

Best of luck! :)

Apr 26, 2018
HBP & Baking Soda
by: Aini

I would like to try ACV, molasses and cayenne as recommended by you because my uterus lining has become thicker, although I did have a D&C recently. My question is could I also at the same time consume baking soda to reduce my HBP?

Thank you.

Apr 26, 2018
Reply to Aini
by: Troy

Baking soda combined with ACV works very well for lowering blood pressure. Baking soda should not be taken for long periods of time though or your body can become too alkaline. Have a read of this article and stick with the recommendation for taking the baking soda to lower HBP (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off cycle)... Best Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally & Quickly.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 26, 2018
Cayenne Pepper
by: DJ

I knew I would not be able to drink a mixer of water and cayenne pepper so I opted for the capsules. I took 2 500mg capsules. About 4 hours after I had taken them I had severe stomach pains with some diarrhea. I broke out in a sweat and was completely drenched. I almost pasted out. Finally, about 30 minutes later I got to feeling better but still had somewhat of a stomach ache. I know the purpose of taking cayenne pepper is to shrink polyps but is there something else that works as well?

Apr 27, 2018
Reply to DJ
by: Troy

You do need to be careful with the cayenne pepper if you haven't had it before. Mixing the powder with warm water prevents any upset stomachs or adverse reactions, which is why warm water, not cold water, should always be used. If you're going to take the capsules, always have them with a full glass of warm water. One capsule to begin with would have probably been enough. Cayenne taken after a meal also helps. With that said, if you're not comfortable with the cayenne pepper, leave it out. The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses with still work wonders. Don't forget to eat healthy too DJ. Lots of raw foods... Benefits of a Raw Food Diet.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 29, 2018
Bulky uterus
by: Anonymous

I have been doing the ACV, BSM, and cayenne since December. I am feeling overall better. My ultrasound showed great improvement. I wrote earlier about spotting a week after period. I went back and looked at my ultrasound results which the doctors said my uterus appeared bulky and they couldn't rule out a polyp/fibroid.
I have read a few articles on estrogen dominance and how using a natural progesterone cream can help regulate periods/hormone levels. However, this month my period started 3 days earlier than expected. Would that be from the cream? I'm not sure.
Thank you

May 03, 2018
by: Troy

Possibly. Whenever you start using/introducing something new, it can upset the balance in the beginning (feeling worse before feeling better effect). Make sure your natural progesterone cream is a good one and is biodentical. :)

May 05, 2018
Low testosterone and thickening?
by: Anonymous

My hormones all test normal but my testosterone is very low... 18. I am about to go on the bioidentical hormone pellets for testosterone. Is it possible that the low testosterone could be causing this issue?

Could the ACV and blackstrap molasses be put in a smoothie? I already use some of the molasses in my smoothies. I was on Contessa female tonic for about 9 weeks, but I'm done with that now.

I am 57 and not yet in menopause. I was cycle free for about 8 months then had a cycle 2 months ago. I cannot lose weight no matter what I do, all my muscles hurt all the time, I am fatigued and weak, and can handle very little exertion. I am hot all the time, but sometimes I get so hot I feel as though I'm going to ignite. I also have not slept well for 9 years. At this time, I am sleeping in increments of 1 to 1 1/2 hours and occasionally longer. If I ever sleep 3 or 4 hours in a row it is cause for celebration, but it happens only rarely. Could low testosterone be affecting all these areas?

Will the ACV and blackstrap help raise my testosterone levels? I don't think I can drink Cayenne, but I can take pills. Would it be best for me to do all three?

May 08, 2018
by: Troy

ACV with the mother and organic unsulphured black strap molasses are exceptional at balancing out ALL bodily hormones, so yes, they can definitely help. Make sure the ACV is raw, organic and contains the "mother" apple and the black strap molasses is organic unsulphured (very important). The cayenne will also help and can be taken in capsule form. If you aren't used to having hot peppers then be sure to begin slowly... one capsule a day and then slowly increase up to 3 per day. You will be amazed at just how many ailments and health problems these three supplements will help with.

Good luck and all the best to you!

May 08, 2018
Bleeding after 12 years of regular periods.
by: Anonymous

I am 61 yrs old. Mine is a similar complaint... bleeding. After the whole abdomen scan everything was normal but my thickened uterus is 14mm. Advised to have D&C but after reading your home remedies deciding to try these. I have a fibroid on the uterus but Doc says D&C first then removal of the fibroid. Will your remedy of ACV, BSM and Cayenne Pepper do the miracle? Now I have only slight dashes of bleeding so can I take them right away. It's a teaspoon of each in filtered water isn't it? Thank you so much. God bless you for this service.

May 11, 2018
by: Troy

The ACV, unsulphured black strap molasses and cayenne can be taken at any time. They are all perfectly safe. With the ACV, make sure you get the raw organic ACV with the "mother". The BSM must be organic and unsulphured. The dosage is a tablespoon of ACV and one teaspoon of the BSM taken 3 times daily on an empty stomach. With the cayenne pepper, begin slowly if you aren't used to having hot peppers. Either the capsules or the powder can be taken.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

May 14, 2018
The pill
by: Anonymous

Hi, I just want to make sure this is ok to take while on the pill. Also, is it ok if the water is cooler? When the water cools off I find it more palatable.

May 18, 2018
by: Troy

The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses do not interfere with the pill. Having the ACV in cool water is perfectly fine also. :)

May 22, 2018
Heavy period
by: Anonymous

Hello, please tell if taking the blackstrap molasses will cause too much clotting with heavy periods?

May 22, 2018
by: Troy

The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses reduce clotting (over time) and actually normalize periods by balancing out female hormones. Just remember, you need to take the ACV with the "mother" and unsulphured black strap molasses together to get the full benefits.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

May 26, 2018
Cayenne pepper
by: Anonymous

I've been doing the 3 remedies for several months now. I do notice a great improvement with my cycles. I notice though that when I'm on my period, if I take the cayenne pepper capsules 3/day spread out, my period is light, however, if I forget to take a dose, or wait too long in the day, my period gets heavy. I'm wondering, is it bad that my period lightens so much on the cayenne? I guess I don't know... I want to make sure that I am having "all" of my period and my lining is continuing to shrink each month as it should.
Thank you.

May 30, 2018
Reply to " Cayenne Pepper" Comment
by: Troy

Cayenne pepper strengthens the structure of capillaries in both veins and arteries, which in turn helps provide good circulation, dilation and constriction of blood vessels. This does reduce excessive blood flow through the uterine lining, but it also greatly improves endometrial lining quality. This is a good thing and is exactly what you want to happen. Having a lighter period due to the consumption of cayenne pepper is perfectly fine, and actually healthy. You're on the right track.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 01, 2018
by: Hope

How do I know if I am getting the right dosage with the ACV capsules?

Jun 07, 2018
Liquids v Pills
by: Anonymous

Do the pills work as well as the liquid?

There are suggestions on this page of a good brand of the ACV and BSM in the liquid form. Do you also know of good brands in the pill form?

Jun 08, 2018
Reply to Hope
by: Troy

For dosage recommendations for the ACV capsules, simply follow the directions listed on the container. Keep in mind Hope that you can't actually "overdose" on apple cider vinegar so be sure to take at least the highest recommended amount. :)

Jun 08, 2018
Reply to "Liquids v Pills" Comment
by: Troy

The liquid ACV does work slightly better than the capsules, however, if you struggle with drinking the liquid then the capsules will still do the job. Find an organic or USDA certified ACV brand (such as these) and take the highest recommended amount listed on the bottle.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jun 19, 2018
Cayenne Pepper
by: LL

Hi, I have been taking the ACV and BSM but could not take the cayenne pepper. I bought the pills instead. I looked at the ingredients and it contains cayenne pepper, ginger, and glucomannan. Is this ok to take? Thank you.

Jun 20, 2018
Reply to LL
by: Troy

The cayenne pepper capsules are perfectly fine to take. The added ginger is also an extra benefit.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jun 20, 2018
by: Meen

Hi, I have been drinking the ACV + BSM 3X per day for 2 months and I can see my period has improved. Thank you. I have a question. I have hypertension. Can I take baking soda + ACV + BSM 2x a day instead of taking only baking soda and warm water? So I will take BS + ACV + BSM for two weeks and then stop the baking soda for 2 weeks. After that, start again taking baking soda + ACV + BSM for two weeks and so on.

Jun 22, 2018
by: Jessie

I have a kidney stone. I know ACV is ok with kidney stones but I read that BSM and cayenne pepper should be avoided with kidney stones? What other remedies can I do for thickening of the uterus? I'm 49 and my periods stopped in 2014

Jun 24, 2018
Reply to Meen
by: Troy

Baking soda combined with apple cider vinegar actually helps to lower blood pressure, so this is a good thing. The two on two off cycle is definitely what you need to do. Only go with 1/8th of a teaspoon of the baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon at the most. This will still work very well. You can read more about ACV and baking soda for lowering hypertension here... Natural Remedy for High Blood Pressure.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 24, 2018
Reply to Jessie
by: Troy

Not sure where you got your information from Jessie (I'm thinking a medical website?) but unsulphured black strap molasses and cayenne pepper actually help dissolve kidney stones and regenerate the kidneys. There is nothing bad or detrimental about either of these. Kidney stones are caused from a lack of calcium, magnesium, and the trace mineral boron so you need to make sure you're getting these three key nutrients every day. Don't forget also, no refined or processed foods, or soft drinks, if you have kidney stones. Lots of clean filtered water though! There is no harm having the apple cider vinegar, BSM and cayenne. You can read more about kidney stone causes and cures here if you're interested... 10 Home Remedies for Kidney Stones That Work!.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 01, 2018
Cayenne Pepper
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am taking the ACV and BSM and have started taking cayenne pepper pills. I have been taking the BSM and ACV together in water, then eating breakfast, then taking the cayenne pills. Is this ok? Or is it better to first take the cayenne pills then the BSM and ACV, then eating?

Does it really matter?
Thanks so much

Jul 04, 2018
by: Troy

What you're doing is perfectly fine. The ACV and black strap molasses MUST be taken together on an empty stomach (before food). The cayenne pepper can be taken at any time - before, during or after food. :)

Jul 05, 2018
Do I have to take ferrous sulfate
by: Carmi (Phils.)

I want to try the ACV, black strap molasses and cayenne because I don't want to have another d&c surgery. I've been spotting from June 6th, 2018 and sometimes have heavy flow with whole blood. But after my obgyne gave me tranexamic I just have spotting until now. I am worried because this medicine is good for only 5 days. If I am going to have heavy blood flow again will the ACV, black strap molasses and cayenne help control the heavy flow? Do I have to take ferrous sulfate so that my hemoglobin will not drop? Thank you very much. God bless.

Jul 05, 2018
Reply to Carmi
by: Troy

The organic apple cider vinegar, unsulphured black strap molasses and cayenne pepper are all excellent for balancing out hormones and returning menstrual flow to normal. If you're going to take extra iron (which is a good idea if you have heavy periods) then ferrous sulphate is not what you want. This form of iron is low grade and is poorly absorbed by the body. Find a liquid iron supplement, or even better, start taking a good quality wheat grass powder... Best Wheatgrass Powders. Wheat grass is not only rich in highly absorbable iron, it's rich in chlorophyll, which is an exceptional blood builder. Of course, if you're taking any medication, check with your doctor first.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 05, 2018
What brand of Cayenne?
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,
I am 49 and will turn 50 next month. I had d&c surgery 2 years ago because of endometrial polyps. My endometrium is thickened again after surgery last March 5, 2018 (2nd d&c). In addition, I have cysts in my left ovary and 2 myoma but my obgyne said they don't need surgery because they are not growing and are small. I don't want to have another d&c surgery. I want to take a chance taking the ACV, BSM and cayenne. Is it ok to take cayenne powder in any brand just 2x a day? Thank you.
God bless always.

Jul 06, 2018
Had an D&C done, what can I do next?
by: Mari

I had a D&C Done, same issue, too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. The Dr gave me meds to take to balance this. Is it still ok to take the meds plus the ACV, Black Strap Molasses and Cayenne Pepper?

Jul 07, 2018
Stomach issues with ACV
by: Sali

I have tried the ACV and blackstrap molasses for thick uterine lining in the past and found great improvement in my period. However, unfortunately the ACV has adversely affected my stomach and I am fearful that I have developed an ulcer. My period issues have returned (prolonged spotting between periods) and I really want to do something about it. I am fearful that I have polyps. What can I do to avoid the adverse effects of the ACV?


Jul 11, 2018
Is it ok to take 1 cayenne per day?
by: Xarmi

Hello Troy,
I started taking ACV and BSM but only 1 cayenne pepper capsule (puritan 450mg) at night. Will that be ok? Thank you very much and bless you.

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to "What Brand of Cayenne" Comment
by: Troy

Having the cayenne pepper powder twice a day is perfectly fine, however, don't just go with any brand. You want a good quality organic cayenne pepper, not the standard varieties. Simply Organic and Starwest Botanicals are two reputable brands... Best Cayenne Pepper.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to Mari
by: Troy

None of these interfere with any medications (they're all completely natural), however, we are obliged to tell you to still check with your health care professional first. :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to Sali
by: Troy

Were you using the ACV liquid or capsules Sali? If it was the liquid then maybe try the capsules... ACV Capsules. Or, try having your apple cider vinegar after/with food to begin with rather than on an empty stomach. Remember also, probiotics and a stomach healing food such as wheatgrass are crucial for a healthy gut. Have a read of this recent Q&A we did on stomach ulcer remedies for some extra tips to help you... 7 Ways to Cure a Stomach Ulcer Quickly & Permanently at Home.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to Xarmi
by: Troy

One cayenne pepper capsule per day to begin with is fine, however, I would recommend that as your body gets more and more used to the cayenne, you up your dosage. Try and get up to 3 a day if you can. :)

Jul 17, 2018
Estrogen levels
by: Anonymous

Hi, is there anything else in addition to the ACV, BSM, and cayenne that I can do to balance my estrogen levels?
Thank you!

Jul 21, 2018
by: Troy

Yes, focus on your diet and eating habits. This is extremely crucial. Have a read of this terrific article by Dr Mark Hyman for more information on this... How to Naturally Balance Female Hormones.

All the best!

Jul 31, 2018
Flax seeds
by: Anonymous

thanks for responding. I have read conflicting information on flax seed. Does it increase estrogen levels? I like to add it to my protein shake but I have been worried what it's effects are on my hormones.
Thanks so much!

Aug 02, 2018
by: Troy

Many people, including well-meaning doctors, think that because flaxseeds are high in lignans, they increase estrogen levels. This is simply not true. Here's a recent quote on this from an article in Livestrong...

Although phytoestrogens — such as lignans — are structurally similar to the estrogen made by the body, eating more flax does not appear to increase blood levels of this hormone. In fact, a review of available human research, published in the May 2014 issue of "Integrative Cancer Therapies," concluded that flaxseed consumption in women either had no impact, or caused a decrease in blood levels of estrogen. Additionally, one of these trials showed that 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily reduced levels in the women who were overweight, but did not significantly decrease estrogen levels in normal weight postmenopausal women. (1)

Of course, you don't want to go overboard with flaxseed, but adding some to your morning smoothie is perfectly fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 09, 2018
Uterus Lining Thickness
by: Julie

I am 52 and have been told my uterus lining is to thick. I have been taking the ACV and Black Strap Molasses 4 times a day for 3 months and am supposed to go in for a sono check on September 5th. How do I know this is working? Is there a discharge associated with this? I am very nervous as they wanted to do a D & C last time and my holistic doctor has been going another route with me.

Thank you for your time.

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to Julie
by: Troy

Unfortunately, the only real way to know if the lining is shrinking is with an ultrasound. By the time you have your ultrasound, it will be 4 months on the ACV and BSM so the lining should have started to come down. Don't forget about your diet as well. Eating lots of whole foods and avoiding processed foods and refined sugars is crucial. Also look to drink green tea or Matcha green tea as this is rich in EGCG antioxidants. EGCG's help remove toxins from the body, which will benefit you as well.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Julie! :)

Sep 22, 2018
Endometrial Lining Thickening
by: SD

Hi, I am a 39 year old unmarried girl. My periods were regular until June 2018, then they became delayed. No heavy bleeding but prolonged period for 10 days. Had an ultrasound and came to know that I have an endometrial lining thickening of 19MM. I am on medication (Regestrone) until today. Throughout the course of this pill I observed spotting. My doctor wants to see me after I stop my pills. If my periods aren't back to normal then she will do other tests and try other medications. However, I don't want to rely on pills. How can I reduce the thickness naturally and I get back into a normal cycle? Please help.

Sep 24, 2018
Reply to SD
by: Troy

The ACV, unsulphured back strap molasses and cayenne pepper are the three key supplements that you need to start taking. There is no harm whatsoever consuming these supplements, even when taking medications. Don't forget also to follow a clean healthy diet. Look into the ketogenic diet, which is known to give outstanding results for many women with gynecological and period problems.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 09, 2018
Intermittent fasting
by: Anonymous

What are your thoughts on fasting? I have endometrial lining thickening and I’m am doing fasting for 18 hours a day and have a hard time fitting in 3 doses of the ACV and BSM. Is this still ok? What about taking these once or twice in my eating window? Will that still help? Have you ever heard of fasting helping with this?
Thank you!

Nov 11, 2018
by: Troy

Intermittent fasting is very good, so most definitely continue with this (and yes, it also helps with Endometrial Lining Thickening). Having the ACV and black strap molasses only once or twice daily during your "eating window" is perfectly fine also. You should do well following this regimen.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Nov 12, 2018
by: Anonymous

I’ve noticed this period I’ve had more blood clots and lower back pain. Is that possibly because I have only been taking 1 dose a day or none at all? Is it beneficial to take 2 doses of ACV BSM at one time?
Thank you!

Nov 12, 2018
by: Troy

The one thing about the ACV/black strap molasses is you absolutely MUST have them every day for these to be effective, so yes, this is more than likely the reason. If you could have them twice a day every day at separate times, this would be the ideal. If not, a double dose at the one time is definitely the next best option.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Nov 13, 2018
Fasting and ACV
by: Anonymous

I’m wondering if I am only able to do the ACV/BSM once during my eating window, would it be beneficial for my thickened uterine wall to still do the ACV and cayenne 2 times to get 3 doses in? I would only do the BSM once. I’ve read that ACV does not break a fast.
Thank you

Nov 13, 2018
by: Troy

Yes, this would be perfectly fine. If the ACV doesn't break your fast then you could also have it more often too if you like. You can NEVER overdose on apple cider vinegar. In fact, the more you have the better.

All the best!

Nov 14, 2018
Fasting and ACV
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your response. That helps knowing that still doing the ACV and cayenne will help regulate my hormones and help with the thickness. I will make sure to do the mixture with BSM once a day as well.
I appreciate your help!

Nov 17, 2018
Very thick uterine lining
by: Swapna

My ultrasound showed 1.19 cm thick uterine lining. Does ACV and BSM work at this stage? I have an appointment for endometriosis biopsy for Nov 29, 2018. Please let me know as I am trying to conceive too.

Nov 19, 2018
Reply to Swapna
by: Troy

Makes no difference Swapna - the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses will still work regardless. The only down side is it will take longer. It's not a race though. Stick with the ACV and BSM (along with the other recommendations) and you will see good results.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Dec 04, 2018
Simple hyperplasia and a polyp
by: Anonymous

Is there any home remedy for simple hyperplasia caused by a polyp.

Dec 05, 2018
by: Troy

Absolutely. The remedy above! ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses (and cayenne) are excellent for shrinking polyps and helping with endometrial hyperplasia. Also have a read of our Q&A on fibroid remedies for more information on this... A Miracle Home Remedy for Fibroids That Works Every Time.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Dec 06, 2018
Seed cycling?
by: Anonymous

Can I do seed cycling together with the ACV and BSM.

Dec 07, 2018
by: Troy

Definitely! Seed cycling works a treat when done in conjunction with the apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses. :)

Dec 28, 2018
Endometriosis, simple hyperplasia, polyps
by: Anonymous

I have all of these. Does ACV and BSM help for all these problems. Also, I am trying to conceive. Can I use ACV and BSM while pregnant?

Dec 31, 2018
by: Troy

The great thing about raw apple cider vinegar and pure unsulphured black strap molasses is they are both perfectly safe to have, even when pregnant or trying to conceive. In fact, they both help to supply the growing fetus with essential nutrients, especially folate, magnesium and B group vitamins. ACV and BSM also help with endometriosis, simple hyperplasia and shrinking polyps, so you definitely cant go wrong with these two foods.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 07, 2019
Endometrium thickened
by: Ramya

Hi, my mom is 65 yrs, menopause stage and has light vaginal bleed. After scan, endometrium thickness is 10mm and 1 fibroid. Doctors advised biopsy but she is very scared of it. I wanted to try this remedy - ACV and molasses for her, but she has gastric problems. Is ACV ok to take when she has gastric problems?

Jan 09, 2019
ACV tablets with mother
by: Anonymous

I found organic ACV tablets with the mother. I have a hard time getting 3 doses of ACV in in a day. Would these work also? These are a couple of brands I found on Amazon... High Strength Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules with Mother or Guazu 100% Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules with The Mother. Any thoughts? What would be the recommend dosage?
Thank you!

Jan 10, 2019
Reply to Ramya
by: Troy

Apple cider vinegar and unsulphured black strap molasses are both very safe and actually help with digestion problems. However, I recommend you speak with your moms doctor about this first, just to be sure. I don't know your moms medical history and cannot advise you specifically on what to do.

All the best to you!

Jan 10, 2019
Reply to "ACV tablets with mother" comment
by: Troy

The ACV capsules are perfectly fine and work also. For dosage recommendations, take the highest recommended amount listed on the side of the bottle.

All the best!

Jan 14, 2019
by: Anonymous

If I start taking ACV and cayenne tablets, do you have a recommendation for a different way to take the BSM? Is there a supplement?
Thank you!

Jan 18, 2019
by: Troy

You can buy the unsulphured black strap molasses in powdered form... Blackstrap Molasses Powder. Add it to your beverages or buy the empty gelatin or vegan capsules and fill them with the BSM. :)

Jan 21, 2019
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the ideas and options for taking the ACV tablets and BSM powder. Can you help me with how much of each so that I make sure I am taking your recommended 3 doses? The ACV with mother tablets that I have are 1500 mg tablets. Would you recommend taking them throughout the day? Also, I looked at the unsulphured BSM powder but I’m not sure the recommended dose to get in my 3 for the day.
Thanks so much for your help!

Jan 22, 2019
Reply to "Fasting" Comment
by: Troy

With the unsulphured black strap molasses powder, taking roughly two teaspoons will give you the same amount as one teaspoon of the liquid. With the ACV capsules, take two per day. Both of these must be taken on an empty stomach. If you can divide the dosages throughout the day then this is better. For instance, 1 ACV capsule and 2 1/2 - 3 teaspoons of the BSM powder first thing in the morning then again before bed would be ideal.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

May 02, 2019
Complex Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia
by: Anonymous

Good afternoon, I was diagnosed with complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia and my uterus is 25mm. I’m 39 and no kids. I refused to have a hysterectomy because we really want to try to have at least one child... I told my oncologist I was taking ACV + BSM + simple organic cayenne peppers and he said to stop the BSM because sugar helps multiply cancerous cells. I’m also taking canyon ragweed as this is supposed to help clean the Uterus. Have you heard about it?

May 02, 2019
by: Troy

Your doctor is correct, sugar does feed cancer cells, and black strap molasses is quite high in sugar. It's worth listening to your doctor on this. You could still take the ACV and cayenne pepper with no problems. In addition, Vitex (Chasteberry) is also extremely effective (and safe) for treating and reversing adenomyosis. Here's what it looks like if you're interested... Vitex Chasteberry. Finally, have read of this article and consider following the cancer prevention formula... Stunning Natural Cancer Treatment Worth Considering. It's extremely effective.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Aug 06, 2019
Uterine Thickening
by: Anonymous

Last November I had a D&C due to the lining was at 26mm. I also had 4 polys removed. I had been taking ACV AND BSM for about 6 months prior but I was too afraid to wait any longer because of the polys. All the biopsies were negative even from the D&C.
In July of this year I had another ultrasound. The first thing the OB/GYN said after I had the ultrasound was she was sending me to a specialist because the lining was thick again. When she said that I thought, but you are a specialist? So she did another biopsy. She also apologized for ruining my day having to telling me that it was cancer but that was her job. She said she would call me in two days with the results. Never heard from the Doctor again. Then a week later the nurse called me and said all test were negative but the lining was at 13mm. The Nurse said the OB/GYN wants to me to go to an Oncologist because the ultra sound looked abnormal and the Oncologist might want to do a D&C. I asked the nurse how was it possible for the lining to be at 13mm in 6 months since the D&C. She said it shouldn't. I thought it took years for the lining to build up to 13mm. So my question is, does the lining build up that fast after a D&C which was only performed 6 months ago?
I'm 67 years old and haven't had a period in over 10 years and I don't want to have to have another D&C. Would just the ACV reduce the lining?

Aug 09, 2019
Reply to "Uterine Thickening" Comment
by: Troy

Usually it takes quite a while for the lining to grow/thicken up. 13 mil growth in 6 months doesn't seem right? The ACV can certainly help. Take with the BSM, it's definitely more effective. Remember, both MUST be taken consistently every day without fail. Also, pay close attention to what you eat. No refined or processed foods or man-made foods. Only fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. In addition to this, take a good quality probiotic supplement and start fermenting your own food and drinks. Kefir milk, kefir water, sauerkraut, kombucha, etc, are all extremely good for you. Get your gut healthy and you'll find much/most of your health problems will go away very quickly.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Sep 20, 2019
Endometrial thickness
by: Anonymous

Hi! I am 39 years old. I’ve done my ultrasound and its found that I had endometrial thickness 15.0mm. I've been suffering for 3 months with spotting on and off. One of my ovaries and cervix had a tiny cyst. I want to know how to use the ACV and blackstrap molasses? Do I need to mix them in water? Please let me know . Thank you and Godbless.

Oct 01, 2019
by: Troy

Yes, you mix them both in water (clean filtered water). You can either take both of them together in the same glass of water or separate. It doesn't really matter as long as you get them into you.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

May 07, 2020
Thick Uterus Lining
by: Anonymous

I have been taking ACV and BSM for more than 2 years with positive results. Should I stop taking it now? I am 53.

May 14, 2020
by: Troy

You can (and should) continue to take both indefinitely. There is no harm. If they are helping then why stop? As an alternative, you could maybe switch from the ACV and BSM to taking a high quality wheat grass powder or chlorella. This way, you'll still continue to receive the vital nutrients and antioxidants you need, plus the green powder will help keep your body alkaline, which is crucial.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Aug 08, 2020
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst & endometrium thickening
by: Anonymous

Would you recommend the ACV along with BSM for hemorrhagic ovarian cysts and endometrial thickening? I just had a pelvic ultrasound and my doctor said I had both but wants to wait 6 months to see if cysts go away on their own. She says the thickening was a little above normal also.
Thank you for your help!

Oct 07, 2020
by: Troy

There is no harm using the ACV and BSM for both hemorrhagic ovarian cysts and endometrial thickening. You will actually be surprised at the positive results. Don't forget though, a healthy diet is crucial too.

All the best to you! 😊

Jan 03, 2021
by: Sharon

Hi there, I will try the protocol you recommend. I have a question about progesterone. Would it be beneficial to add some natural progesterone to this mix? I am 72 and an ultrasound showed a thickening of the uterine lining. I have low back pain and abdominal pain. It's so bad I have trouble walking or even standing for too long. I still push myself to stay active, but its hard. Thank you, Sharon.

Jan 03, 2021
Reply to Sharon
by: Troy

You can certainly add a natural progesterone supplement to this mix. Menopause causes a decline in progesterone so if you've been through this (or are still going through it) then a natural progesterone cream can certainly help. Go with the creams over the oral supplements as these work better. Be sure to also eat progesterone rich foods such as beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, pumpkin, spinach and nuts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Sharon! 😊

Feb 05, 2021
Complex endometrial hyperlasia
by: Anonymous

I have been diagnosed with complex endometrial hyperplasia. Fortunately, it is negative on atypia and maliglancy. I had polyps and cysts two years ago and removed polyp - pathology report was normal. Polyp came back two years later and pathology report shows thickening of the uterine lining, and unfortunately pathology report showed undesired progress. Doc said either hormone treatment and recheck in 6 months or a hysterectomy. Will the apple cider and unsulphured black strap molasses in addition to cayenne pepper remedy help reverse the situation?

Mar 15, 2021
by: Troy

It will certainly help. Remember, there is no harm in taking these supplements. In fact, they aren't even supplements, more so natural foods. ACV is just fermented apples. Cayenne pepper is a pure herb (just dried out to make the powder). And BSM comes from the sugar cane plant. Try it and let us know your results. Remember also to allow at least 3 months for this protocol to work and be sure to follow a healthy eating plan as well. :)

Sep 30, 2021
ACV works wonders!
by: Marge

ACV saved me twice. I had hyperplasia in 2016 and was bleeding for 6 months. To be honest, the meds that the doctor gave me didn't work. In 2020, my hyperplasia came back with atypia (cancerous cells). I went back to taking acv with molasses and it worked again. I took it for 4 months, but my potassium in the body became low. So my advice is take potassium supplements or eat a lot of food rich in potassium. Biopsy result came back negative for atypia. I'm already tired of taking pills that prevent thickening of my uterus. I stopped them 2 months ago. Now, I'm having pelvic pain, but no heavy bleeding. I'm tired of going to the doctor because I know that I will be given hormone pills again. I've started taking the acv again. I hope it will work again for me.

Feb 24, 2022
Need help?
by: Anonymous

I've been bleeding for 16 months, heavy clots. I've been to doctors in the past but not now due to no insurance. I have fibroids. I believe I either have endometriosis and/or polps. I was taking black strap molasses and vinegar before now, starting again because of the bleeding. I'm not sure if I should go see a doctor to make sure though?

Mar 13, 2022
Should I alternate?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Should the acv+bsm be taken twice a day by itself then cayenne and filtered water the following day twice a day by itself? Or can all three be combined?

Mar 14, 2022
Reply to "Need Help" Comment
by: Troy

If you have any doubts then we do suggest visiting your doctor. Also, don't be afraid to get a second opinion as well if you're not happy. There is no harm in doing this. Piece of mind is important.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Mar 14, 2022
Reply to "Should I Alternate" Comment
by: Troy

Most definitely take all of them every day! This will give you the absolute best results. :)

Sep 07, 2022
What does the process look like?
by: Jean

Hello Troy,

I've certainly been encouraged reading all the comments and your responses.

I am 59 years old, I believe post menopausal. I started using an HRT lotion Sept 2021 for menopause symptons. In January, the doctor adjusted the dosage and by April I started spotting. I immediately stopped using the HRT cream, however was still spotting off an on for 3 months. Went for a Papsmear 3 weeks ago and was diagnosed with endometrial lining thickening. I immediately started researching natural remedies and came across this forum. I started using the ACV, Blackstrap Molasses and Cayenne Pepper combo to restore balance to my hormones. Within 4 days I started shedding the lining, that lasted a few hours. Now 2 weeks later, I've started bleeding again. My question, what does the process look like? Is this what should be happening?

Oct 04, 2022
Reply to Jean
by: Troy

The process will certainly be up and down. Getting your hormones balanced wont go in a straight line. It's taken many years for your hormones to get out of balance and it will take months (many months sometimes) to get them right again. Don't forget about your diet as well. Eating healthy has a big impact.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 23, 2023
Endometrial hyperplasia
by: Anonymous

I have been diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia from an ultrasound but I don't experience heavy bleeding. My period has been normal, just cramping a little and discharge. So can I take all of these remedies?

Aug 28, 2023
Reply to "Endometrial hyperplasia" comment
by: Troy

Yes absolutely. These natural remedies are perfectly safe and will help your body restore it's natural balance. 😊

Sep 18, 2023
Iron in molasses?
by: Anonymous

Does a post menopausal woman need to be concerned with getting too much iron from the blackstrap molasses? Also, does she need to be concerned about low potassium levels after being on ACV for an extended period of time?

Sep 18, 2023
by: Troy

No, definitely not. The iron in blackstrap molasses is naturally made. This means the body will take what it needs and discard the rest. If you take iron tablets then this is a different story as the iron in these are not naturally produced. Also, with the ACV and potassium, you will actually have higher levels of potassium not lower as the ACV is rich in potassium (naturally produced potassium once again). Bottom line... you cannot overdose or underdose with the ACV and molasses so do not be concerned.

All the best to you! :)

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