A Sure-Fire Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally at Home Fast!

by Jolene
(Indianapolis )

Want to kill those awful bed bugs & their eggs quickly & permanently without the need for harmful chemicals or pesticides? Here's a completely natural (& fast-acting) home remedy you definitely must consider...


Hi, I contacted you recently asking if you had any natural treatments for bed bug bites. I want to firstly say a massive thank you! Your tips and remedies helped so much. I'm wondering if you have any treatments (natural of course) that I can use to get rid of the bed bugs in my home. I'm embarrassed to admit that they have taken over my house. I've found them in our bed, the kids beds and on the couch (I'm a clean freak and keep a spick and span house so I'm at a loss as to how they've gotten in and bred). I definitely don't want to have to get a pesticide company in. Please help.


Having bed bugs in your home is nothing to be ashamed of. Statistics show that 99% of pest control companies treat multiple homes or buildings infested with bed bugs every year. Fleas, cockroaches and bed bugs are the three most common insects professional pest control companies spray for inside the home.

Even if you keep a meticulously clean home, you can still end up with a bed bug infestation. A common fallacy is that the older or dirtier your home the more susceptible you are to bed bugs. This is simply not the case. While a cluttered home can be an easy breading ground for bed bugs, a dirty home is actually not. If you recently bought some second hand furniture, rugs, or stayed in a hotel/motel (even if it looked clean), this may be where the bed bugs have come from. They can easily stick to furniture or clothing and love to hide in suitcases.

The problem with bed bugs is they are incredibly tough and resilient insects. They can survive for up to 18 months without food and lay around 5 eggs a day (and it only takes around 5 weeks before these eggs mature and then start laying). And these nasty little critters can actually consume up to 7 times their own body weight in human blood! (1) Thankfully though, getting rid of bed bugs, and getting rid of them permanently, is easy when using this simple "tried and tested" natural remedy and chemical free homemade treatment.

Here it is...

Best Home Remedy for Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Fast... Cinnamon Oil/Witch Hazel Spray:

This amazing surface spray works a treat and kills bed bugs, and their eggs, instantly! And it doesn't stain fabrics, furniture or carpets either. Simply add 1 ounce of cinnamon oil (like these) and 8 ounces of witch hazel to a gallon of water. Fill a spray bottle with this solution and spray on, around and under all bedding and mattresses. Also spray skirting boards, base boards, walls, rugs and carpets, along with furniture such as sofas, couches/lounges, inside linen cupboards and inside dressers.
If you live in an apartment, spray outside your door and on any common walls. Repeat this process every 4-5 days for the first few weeks then drop down to a monthly spraying or use only when needed. (2) Also be sure to spray any luggage if you've recently been travelling.

Make sure you always shake the mixture well before and during each application as the oil will rise to the top if you don't. A light misting spray/application is all that's needed - you don't need to soak everything. You can also add a quarter cup of this mixture to the rinse wash cycle of your clothes. It instantly kills any bed bugs that are on your clothes and makes them smell nice too. Remember this, washing your clothes with laundry powder does not guarantee that you'll kill all of the bed bugs so be sure to add some of the cinnamon oil/witch hazel mix.

How it Works...

It's the scent/aroma of the oil that actually does the damage by penetrating and poisoning the exoskeleton system of the bed bug. This occurs on contact, which is why the mixture kills these rodents so fast. Cinnamon oil also gets rid of ants and cockroaches and helps keep spiders away. It's perfectly safe for your pets though, so no need to worry about harming them.

In addition to using the spray, you can also take cinnamon capsules, cinnamon powder, or eat cinnamon sticks (Ceylon cinnamon not cassia cinnamon) if you want to prevent bed bugs from biting you. Cinnamon is a natural bed bug repellent and it works extremely well when taken internally (the same as vitamin B12 supplements repel mosquitoes).

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Treatment #2... Vacuuming:

Yes, this is of course a logical (and important) thing to do once you've sprayed and killed the bed bugs and their eggs. After you've been using the cinnamon/witch hazel spray, you definitely want to make sure you suck up and remove all dead bugs and eggs for hygiene and health purposes. Bed bugs will literally be everywhere, so you’ll need to vacuum all chairs, sofas, lounges and other soft furnishings, carpets, rugs, bed seams, bed frames and joints, mattresses, and even your curtains. Once you've done this you will have removed the bulk, if not all, the bed bugs and their eggs from your home. You may need to do another "spring clean" vacuum in a few weeks time though if you have a particularly bad infestation and need to continue with the spray. (3)

So hopefully these tips help you out Jolene and get rid of those nasty bed bugs for good.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)

NOTE: If you're looking to soothe and get rid of those horrible bed bug bites quickly and effectively, you might like to have a read of our informative Q&A on this subject. You can check it out here...
7 Awesome Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites Fast.

Comments for A Sure-Fire Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally at Home Fast!

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Jun 25, 2019
Diatomaceous Earth Works
by: Renee

I've used the diatomaceous earth (DE) powder before for killing bed bugs and it works brilliantly. All you do is sprinkle your mattress and carpet with it and leave for a few hours (the whole day is best). Later, go over these with a good vacuum and suck up all the DE. The bed bugs will be dead too and you'll vacuum them up as well.

Hope this helps you good folks out there. Nothing worse than getting munched to death by these horrid little creatures while you're trying to sleep!

Best wishes,

Jun 25, 2019
by: Troy

Nice one Renee. Yes, diatomaceous earth also works a treat for getting rid of bed bugs. And it's great for keeping your digestion healthy as well! (Food grade of course).

Thanks for the tip.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 01, 2022
The Spray Works!
by: Helen

The cinnamon and witch hazel spray works fantastically. Had a MAJOR bed bug outbreak in one of the kids beds and this stuff did the job beautifully. Thanks for the tip!

Dec 29, 2023
Cinnamon for bed bugs
by: Anonymous

I'm going to try taking cinnamon to keep bed bugs from biting our family... and I'm making the spray, although, I've read online that cinnamon only deters them for a while, but the need for a blood meal overrides that. I will try and repost.

Jan 23, 2024
by: Troy

Make sure you mix it with witch hazel as per our recommendation. I think you'll find it works a treat. Let us know! 😊

Click here to add your own comments

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