A Natural Remedy for Peyronie's Disease That Works!

by Roy
(Pensacola, Florida)


Are there any natural remedies for the plaque build-up in the penis shaft known as Peyronie's Disease?


Hi Roy, and thanks for your question regarding natural remedies for peyronie's disease.

For those who don't know, Peyronie’s disease (also known as curvature of the penis) is the abnormal bending of the penis during an erection. This occurs due to the formation of fibrous tissue under the skin. Peyronie's disease is relatively uncommon and usually affects men over the age of 40. It causes acute pain and the shortening of the penis during intercourse. Conventional treatments include medications, radiation and surgery (radiation causes cancer and surgery causes erectile dysfunction). None of these options are any good. On the other hand, certain natural remedies and supplements can definitely help.

Here's 3 of the best...

#1. Castor Oil: Castor oil is a terrific natural remedy for Peyronie's disease. When applied topically to the penis, particularly the plaque spots and scar tissue, it helps to dissolve and soften the hard tissue. It definitely works well and works for all sufferers. Of course, some guys receive more benefit than others but the improvement will be noticeable regardless. You do need to be patient with this remedy though as it can take up to 12 weeks to completely straighten the penis. You will start to see improvement within 2-3 weeks though.

Just make sure you purchase a high quality castor oil and not a cheap
brand. Rub and massage a small amount of the oil onto the affected area then lightly apply a cotton bandage to keep the heat and pressure on overnight. Make sure you do this before bedtime every night for best results. Here's a few brands of castor oil you should look at using... High Quality Castor Oil.

You can also read more about this cure here... Castor Oil for Peyronie's Disease.

#2. Acetyl-L-Carnitine: A study published in the July 2001 edition of the journal "BJU International," showed that carnitine supplements are safer and more effective for treating Peyronie's disease than tamoxifen, the most common drug used to treat this condition. You can easily buy acetyl-l carnitine from most health food stores or online. For dosages, follow the directions on the bottle.

#3. Gotu Kola: According to Tufts Medical Center, the gotu kola herb can help reduce the problems associated with the formation of fibrous tissues under the skin and therefore may be helpful in the treatment of curvature of the penis. You can buy gotu kola in capsule, tincture and ointment form. Once again for dosages, be sure to follow the directions on the container.

So hopefully these remedies help you out Roy. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying them so be sure to give'em a fair go!

Good luck and all the best to you.


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)

Comments for A Natural Remedy for Peyronie's Disease That Works!

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Jul 29, 2016
A Unique Cure for Peyronie's Disease That Worked for Me
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with Peyronie's disease in June 2016. My Urologist said it probably started a few months previous after attempting sex without a firm erection, and I injured my penis.
I had solid lumps buried on the top of my penis, and what felt like two hardened worms going from the base of the shaft to almost the head. I also had very painful incomplete erections.
After he told me there weren't any cures, I presumed he meant medically or from the FDA. I researched this disease for a couple weeks and didn't find anything concrete, except for some people who were helped with ultrasound.
Not having such a machine, I thought I would try something similar, my Sonic toothbrush. OK, weird I know.
I placed my thumb underneath my penis, and with my fingers, pulled the penis down and around the thumb, forcing the lumps to the surface as best as possible.
Then I set the vibrations on the toothbrush to the highest setting, and with the flat end, (opposite side of the brushes) I firmly pressed the vibrating flat side onto the lumps and massaged them and the rest of my penis for about 5 minutes. I noticed almost immediate relief. After a couple days, I did the same thing, and a day or so later the same thing. The lumps are gone now, and have no evidence of ever having Peyronie's.
I did put some Castor oil on the hardened "worms" and they softened up too.
This is such an embarrassing and debilitating disease, I hope this is the cure for everyone, along with using Castor oil.

Good luck!

Jul 30, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Great tip. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully this manages to help lots of other guy's suffering from this condition.

All the best to you!

Sep 28, 2016
by: Anonymous

I understand people's curvature are all different and it takes different amounts of time to cure, but however long it takes, in the end will castor oil 100% work to treat my plaque curvature?

Sep 30, 2016
by: Troy

You should read this article for more information on the castor oil remedy... Castor Oil for Peyronie's Disease.

Dec 04, 2016
My Cure
by: Anonymous

About three years ago I felt lumps in my penis, which was a little frightening. I didn't know what the lumps were. It eventually got worse. The 45 degree bend, the indentation, the painful erection, and worst of all, the shortening. I did some research then found the name - Peyronie's disease. I researched a cure but nothing much. I looked into natural cures and came upon castor oil and tried it - massaging my penis everyday with the oil. It worked! My penis is almost back to normal. Castor oil absolutely works.

Dec 05, 2016
What Sonic Toothbrush?
by: Anonymous

Hi Anonymous. What specific model Sonic Toothbrush were you using. There are so many. I want to make sure I am using the same one that gave you such great results. Thank you!

Dec 10, 2016
Peyronie's Disease
by: Anonymous

I have had this disease for 2 years now. I have no plaque nor feel any pain when having an erection, but my penis has an almost 60% upward bend. How can I locate the plaque in order to treat it using some of the natural methods suggested? Can anyone please help me.

Dec 10, 2016
Castor Oil
by: Anonymous

I have been using Castor Oil for just over a week now. It does seem to be working.

Dec 13, 2016
by: Troy

You don't need to locate the plaque. Simply use the castor oil remedy and massage the whole penis well every day. Remember, it can take a good 12 weeks for it to really work so be patient. The gotu cola and Acetyl-L-Carnitine are both taken orally.

Best of luck. :)

Dec 13, 2016
Castor oil
by: Anonymous

Hi all,
Massaging castor oil on my penis to cure peyronie's disease is causing a reaction on my testicles skin.I am developing dead skin that dries up and then peels off. Is this a cause for concern?

Dec 14, 2016
by: Troy

The oil shouldn't go on your testicle skin. Also, make sure you're using a good quality organic castor oil and not one of the cheap brands. You get what you pay for.

All the best. :)

Dec 14, 2016
Toothbrush Type?
by: Legacy

Hello anonymous,
Can you tell me what type of tooth brush you used to rub. Does it have to be a lazer type for it to work?

Jan 27, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the advice! I do have a question? Are you suggesting to do all three of these at the same time? Or just pick one? And with the pills, are they better taken in the morning or evening?

Feb 01, 2017
by: Troy

It's definitely best to use all three. That way you'll get the best results. With the Acetyl-L-Carnitine you take 1000 mg's daily (500 in the morning and 500 at night) and with the Gotu Kola it's around 900 mg's each day (450 in the morning and 450 in the evening).

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 18, 2017
Castor oil
by: Mark

Just read this thread today. I went straight out and bought some castor oil. No problem getting it from health food shop '(pharmacies dont seem to stock it). Enjoyed applying it!! Hoping for a result. Keep you posted. Although my partner likes the new bend I have I don't. It's uncomfortable and I want to be as I was. Fingers crossed.

Feb 20, 2017
Reply to Mark
by: Troy (Admin)

Just remember, it can take up to 12 weeks before you see real noticeable results.

Good luck!

Feb 21, 2017
Peyronie's better overnight!
by: Spoonman

So, my title says it all. This may be a bit long but I think it may be helpful to some. I know reading through some of the comments below helped me alleviate quite a bit of the pain (especially the sonic toothbrush and castor oil) that was present the first week.

My peyronie's seems to have been self-inflicted doing the jelqing (penis enlarging) exercise. I over did it and the symptoms were literally immediate. Overnight I got this chord-like string popping up along the middle of my shaft (on top) - from the base of the shaft all the way up to the glands. I could also feel the hardening (plaque) on the area on top of the shaft just below the glands, with small lumps (the lumps are now almost gone) present on the sides of the shaft, also just below the glands. After this point, erections were a NO GO! The throbbing/burning/cutting pain just below the glands when semi-erect were ridiculous. After 4-5 days still not knowing what this was I assumed I got a thrombosed vein. So I tried to force erections to see what was happening. It was painful and that is when I noticed the curvature (my penis bending upwards) right where I could feel the hardening underneath the skin. My penis is normally straight. This was unmistakable. So I ended up with a case of Peyronie's, which literally happened overnight!

I was a bit stressed at first but being a pretty relaxed guy I accepted the facts and started looking for ways to get rid of it. I'm still not there yet but it seems things are improving and it's only been 14 days (6 days of remedies). I have read that acute and chronic phases could last anywhere between 6-18 months. This I think has A LOT to do with each individual, their immune system and how they treat their bodies. I personally am very active. I don't drink, smoke or eat garbage food. I train 4-6 times a week. I've always been like this and am lucky to have a strong immune system. Needless to say, I believe having a healthy body, and mind for that matter, makes recovery happen much faster, as is with my case where my body was repairing the damage within a few days.

Today it's been 14 days and I can actually get a full-on erection. I tried it today and did so without any serious pain. At this point it's obvious that the bending is where the hardening (plaque) is, though the chord-like string is pulling my penis backwards still. Together they do make my penis look banana-shaped. So, in 6 days of treating this, this is what has helped me so far?

1. I am not stressing about it and am going about my daily life as normal. I am not touching to feel if there is a change every few hours and I am trying to let my body take care of the healing process. As I said, having a healthy lifestyle means faster recovery times!

2. I bought Castor oil and have been applying it pretty much along my entire shaft. I rub the oil in, then I lightly soak 2 cotton pads with castor oil and place them on top of my shaft, which is already rubbed in with Castor oil. Then I take a piece of plastic foil large enough to put around my penis twice (not the glands) to keep the pads and oil in place and avoid getting oil on my boxers. This last piece is something I came up with myself. I bought a pack of "hot spot pads" which are small squares that get warm. They get warm when taken out of the plastic bag and last for 5-6 hours. Just before going to bed, I place one of these on the outside of my boxers and then put a second pair of boxers on to keep the pad in place nicely on top of my penile shaft (it would be too warm to put straight on the skin!) This also keeps slight pressure on the whole area.

3. I've tried the Sonic toothbrush technique suggested below twice. I actually tried it today properly for the first time. I did 7-8 minutes and I could definitely feel the difference for the better. Will continue doing this too.

I'll come back in a few weeks and update this. See how things go.

Feb 23, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

Thanks for taking the time to share your story and remedies with us Spoonman. Yes, the jelqing exercises are a dangerous exercise. We definitely advise against anyone doing them (The Dangers of Jelqing Exercises). Fortunately, it seems you will come out of this okay. Give these remedies at least 12 weeks and you'll see even better results!

All the best to you Spoonman!

Mar 09, 2017
Hopefully this works
by: Anonymous

Hey guys, thanks for all the great tips. I have been dealing with this for a long time now and tried everything out there, even being a guinea pig and getting an injection directly into my penis every week for 7 weeks. That did nothing as well. I had a solid 8" penis and have lost almost 2.5" due to my peyronie's. Very depressing. I ordered a good organic castor oil off Amazon. Looking forward to starting this.

Mar 11, 2017
Hope this works for me
by: Anonymous

I've had peyronie's for as far as I can remember. Didn't know I had it until I found out something was wrong with my penis. I'm 14. Will this protocol work for me?

Mar 13, 2017
by: Troy

There's absolutely no reason why this protocol shouldn't work for you. Just be sure to follow it to-the-letter and be patient! It does take time to work, especially if you've suffered from peyronie's for a long period of time.

Good luck and all the best. :)

Mar 15, 2017
Castor oil treatment?
by: Dave

1st let me say that when flaccid, I have a very small penis. So it would be very difficult to wrap my penis with anything that would stay in place over night. In your experience, has anyone ever injected small amounts of castor oil into the urethra and worked it into the penis from the inside? Is this method feasible and what if any precautions would one need to take. I realize you would want to take care not to introduce any bacteria into the urethra, but applying the oil from the inside would seem to me to be a very effective way to apply it... your thoughts?

Mar 16, 2017
by: Troy

Never heard of anyone doing this Dave and we wouldn't recommend it anyway. Too many things could go wrong and the oil would probably burn like crazy. The thing is, the oil still reaches the hardened worms and plaque when rubbed/massaged in. You don't have to wrap the penis afterwards either. Just rubbing the castor oil on will be enough. It will still be effective and will still reach the spots it needs to to promote healing.

Hope this helps.

All the best.:)

Mar 21, 2017
Over night plaque attack
by: Anonymous

Today is March 21 2017. Very painful erections. Have the castor oil now. What a thick mess that is. Research has me focused on the Sonic toothbrush. I'm getting one today. I hope I can find the one with the most sonic action. I got a penis pump 3 months ago. That seemed to get things flowing and big... but I was concerned it would do more harm than good so I stopped. My penis was in great shape, this condition hit my literally over night. Like everyone else, I'm freaking out about this. Researched enough to know there is no established medical industry solution so I haven't gone to a doctor for the condition. Back to the sonic toothbrush - it seems the most plausible way to break up the plaque in a controlled way that won't damage the penis. I haven't really used the caster oil daily, just such a mess but I guess I need to start that regimen. I wish the medical industry would just tell us a simple way to do treat this problem. Is the sonic toothbrush a type of massager for your face? Anyway, just my reply to this blog. As I said before, all my research points to something more like the sonic toothbrush because while soaking your penis or taking vitamin E internally just doesn't seem like a direct action that you can take and get some kind of result in a day or two .

Mar 22, 2017
by: Troy

The castor oil method shouldn't be messy (read Spoonman's post above - Feb 21st - for his method). The Sonic toothbrush that you should be looking to buy is one of these varieties... Sonic Toothbrushes. It can take anywhere from 3-6 months to fully reverse this condition using the castor oil & toothbrush method so you will need to be patient.

Best of luck! :)

Mar 23, 2017
Got the sonic brush
by: Anonymous

Here's what I did yesterday. I got a Sonic Diamond Clean. It has five "speeds". And yup I vibrated the little rascal for about 20 minutes on the top and spent most of the time over the hardest deposit. I went to a full erection and believe it or not I had slightly less pain with a full erection. I finished the treatment with castor oil. Wrapped him up in a face towel and went to bed. Woke up this morning and felt no negative affect from the session. Midday today I did a lil stretching with castor oil, just to get the blood flowing. I really think this Sonic treatment has some merit. I'll report early next week and tell you if it was just beginners luck or if there's some serious improvement. Stay tuned, there's a glimmer of hope here with this protocol.

Apr 02, 2017
Castor oil
by: Anonymous

Hi, a few month ago I noticed that my penis was a bit more curved than usual, so I went on the internet to do some research about curved penis's and I've learned about peyronies disease. I don't know if it's just me but lately I noticed that it was getting more curved, so from what u guys have advised, I don't know if it's peyronie disease or normal curvature of penis? But anyway, I don't wanna have a bent penis, and what I'm seeing now it's clearly not normal curvature of the penis when erect. So I wanna start using the castor oil method to see if I can get it back straight, but can u guys tell me exactly what sort of castor oil? I'm seeing so many sorts. Is there one specific for peyronie disease or can I buy any type. Can u please tell me and let me know how I have to use it?
Thanks. Hope someone replies.

Apr 06, 2017
by: Troy

Any type of castor oil will work, however, the 100% pure cold pressed (and hexane free) castor oil is the best and safest to use. It costs a bit more but it's worth it and you'll see results quicker. Foxbrim is one of the top brands if you can get it... Foxbrim Organic Castor Oil.

In regards to how you use it, it's all listed in the article above.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Apr 06, 2017
I'll try this
by: Anonymous

Okay, so I have had Peyronie's for a few years now, no terrible pain, but definitely discomfort. I have noticed though that I have the discomfort more often now and it seems to radiate all through my penis, even into the Perineum area. I have read about alot of guys with this symptom. Apparently the two don't go together but I doubt that because everything in the body is connected. Anyways, I plan on trying the Castor oil because I had a foot wart once and I spent thousands of dollars at doctors offices only to have it cured by simple Apple cider vinegar. It took like two months, but the wart did fall off. If I had the patience for that I will definitely try this.

Apr 08, 2017
Castor oil
by: Anonymous

Hello, I was wondering how am I supposed to locate the plaque on my penis to massage it? And how long do I need to massage to see any improvement? I've been using the castor oil for almost one week now and I'm not seeing any improvement. Maybe I'm not massaging correctly or maybe it's too early to see improvement?

Apr 10, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

Firstly, make sure you are using a good quality castor oil and not a cheap brand. Follow the recommendation exactly for using the castor oil so you get the most out of it. With the Sonic toothbrush, anywhere from five to twenty minutes seems to be the time frame. If you can't locate the plaque or worms, then just massage on the bent side. This is where the plaque will be. Have a read of the "A Unique Cure for Peyronie's Disease That Worked for Me" comment above (July 29. 2016) for more information. Remember, it can take up to 12 weeks to really see significant improvement so you'll need to be patient (and diligent in your efforts).

Best of luck!

Apr 16, 2017
Castor oil worked for me
by: DS

I tried the castor oil and got great results from the very first use. I was surprised to see just how fast it worked. It's been almost two weeks now and mine is almost gone, thanks to you.

Apr 20, 2017
by: Troy

Glad it worked for you DS. All the best!

May 10, 2017
Severe curvature
by: Anonymous

Hi, I've had PD for years and until this day I'd lost hope due to the research I've done on the net. I have a severe curvature which I thought was not possible to treat. I just bought zinc and castor oil cream which I got from a pharmacy. I don't know if it's going to help and I'm also taking vitamin E. I live in Africa and due to circumstances I can't afford a quality castor oil and it's really hard to find.

May 12, 2017
by: Bo

Hi, would a vibrator work the same as the toothbrush? The knot I have is only at the base of my shaft and when I get hard it looks like a hourglass and flops side to side. Sex is very painful, so much I don't even want to try anymore. I pray we all find a cure!


May 17, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

Not sure if the cream will work to be honest. You can only try it and see. Pure organic castor oil is really what you need. Surely you can buy organic castor oil in Africa? Try Googling "buy organic castor oil in Africa" and see what comes up. I know you can order it from South Africa and maybe get it shipped to where you live? The same goes for purchasing the Sonic toothbrush. Just a thought? :)

May 17, 2017
Reply to Bo
by: Troy

Could certainly work. Try it and see. It's the vibration that massages and loosens the knots. Don't forget to use the organic castor oil as well. :)

May 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have just been diagnosed with Peyronie's disease yesterday. I have the wasting type (hourglass) with no hardness. If anything the penis is floppy at the end and has a narrowing below the head of the penis. Is this method of castor oil, Acety L Carnitine and Gotu Kola (natural products from the health store), as well as the sonic toothbrush appropriate for my type of problem? The Urologist suggested that the only cure was surgery. Thanks for any advice.

May 31, 2017
by: Troy

Not sure to be honest Craig. The only way to find out would be to try it. If it doesn't work then you could always consider the surgery? Just keep in mind that it can take at least 3 months in some instances before you start to see good results. :)

Jun 23, 2017
Going to try the organic oil treatment
by: Roy

I will start the caster oil treatment today. I will need to get some better oil. Had some caster oil and used this for trying to get some hair to grow back but would be best to get the good stuff for this to actually work right? Thank you for the suggestions. Is it necessary to have a little heat to make it work better? I could add a little bit of cayenne pepper to the caster oil. I am referring may be a pinch to a full bottle. Maybe just a few flakes on each application. Bottom line, is the heat really necessary? Does it speed up the process? Thanks. Roy

Jun 24, 2017
by: Troy

It's crucial that you use a good quality castor oil Roy. Foxbrim is an excellent one if you can get it (check Amazon or Ebay). You don't need to mix cayenne pepper with the castor oil. Only use the oil on its own and massage in well, particularly where the "worms and knots" are. Try and incorporate the Sonic toothbrush in your daily protocol as well. It works extremely well, especially when combined with the castor oil. :)

Jun 29, 2017
Tooth brush
by: Nick

Will a normal oral b electric ($40) tooth brush work, or do you need the $200 "super" sonic one?

Jun 29, 2017
by: Troy

Unsure Nick? We haven't heard from anyone who's tried using a normal electric toothbrush. :)

Jun 30, 2017
Castor oil
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am curious as to how well castor oil works? I have minor symptoms but want to prevent anymore damage. Will this prevent further damage and help loosen up the scar tissue? Also, is there any side effects of the oil?

Jul 04, 2017
by: Troy

100% pure cold pressed organic castor oil is completely safe and comes with no side effects whatsoever. You will only help your condition with this not make it worse. :)

Jul 07, 2017
Long time peyronies
by: Anonymous

I have a downward curved banana type penis. It happened due to circumcision (uneven skin). I can feel the knot/lump in the middle of the shaft, but I can't locate it exactly. I have an Oral B electric toothbrush. Will this work? Will the castor oil work for me (I've had this since I can remember)? Has anyone recovered from a long time of suffering?

Jul 10, 2017
by: Troy

From our feedback, an Oral B toothbrush doesn't work. You need the Sonic brush. The only way to find out if the Sonic brush and castor oil will work for you is to try them. There is absolutely no harm whatsoever so be sure to give them a decent go (at least 3 months). :)

Jul 15, 2017
Peyronie's for 7 years
by: Anonymous

I am going to to make an appointment with a urologist to see if anything is calcified. Do you think castor oil would work with calcified plaques?

Jul 16, 2017
by: Troy

From all reports, yes. Castor oil seems to help improve peyronie's regardless of the initial cause. :)

Jul 26, 2017
Electronic Pulse massager for PD
by: Chris

I just found out from my Urologist that my bent/curved penis is peyronie's. The urologist gave me Vitamin E-400 with Selenium. I searched the net to see if this would treat or cure my PD but I found that there are more PD sufferers being cured by Castor Oil and the Sonic Toothbrush method. I have an Oral B electric toothbrush but not sure if it is sonic. I also have a battery operated Electronic Pulse Massage device. Can I use this and then apply the castor oil? The EPM device has sticky pads that needs to stick to my penis where the electric pulses is coming from then transmitted deep into the skin.
I'd like to ask if anyone have tried this or if this is safe to use on my penis. I'll start with the minimum setting.

Jul 26, 2017
Will try the Castor oil
by: Charles

I stumbled on this site by searching Peyronies. I went to my GP in Jan 2016 and he said that I have Peyronies. I asked my GP what is Peyronies. He didn't really know and Googled it there and then. Soooooo GP's do not know everything? He referred me to a Urologist who said I should live with it provided that my erections are not painful.(They are not). So I have lived with this for more than 19 months. I have started the castor oil, cold Pressed as advised, on 24/07/2017. I am applying twice a day, am and pm. Crossing my fingers.

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to Chris
by: Troy

Up to you but I wouldn't recommend the electronic pulse massager myself Chris. Stay with the tried and true sonic toothbrush method. :)

Aug 03, 2017
Castor Oil
by: Darren

I just got my castor oil and ready to try it now. I will keep everyone posted on my progress.

Aug 30, 2017
Peyronie's treatment
by: Anonymous

For over two years I have had Peyronie's. No Dr would give me any positive input or advice on how to treat this nagging problem. About a month ago I started using the protocol of treatment options from the Peyronie's institute found online. My individual situation was a result of medications and how they interacted together. I am certain that my condition was caused by the combination of Toprol and Finasteride, both medications known to contribute and cause peyronie's. I am currently using DMSO, Castor oil, and recently, vitamin E oil as a topical treatment. Upon examination by my physician the plaques have softened and are gradually going away. I am currently using enzymes, B vitamins, Q10, vitamin E, vitamin C, and a host of other vitamins and natural things to work from the inside. I will try the sonic toothbrush and let you know how that works out. Hopefully within two months everything should be back to normal. I have been living with this condition for over 2 1/2 years.

Aug 31, 2017
Castor oil daily
by: Brody

Have been reading about the success with the castor oil so we are trying it. My wife rubs it on daily onto my curved area and we are also doing the sonic care toothbrush thing. Will let you all know if it works. I also take vitamin D3000 pills daily. Even though my curve is a slight dent on the right side of the shaft, we have noticed loss of length and a not-so-hard erection so hopefully this will cure it in time. Thanks to Troy for opening this discussion page and to all that have left there feedback. Hopefully we can all get fixed.

Sep 06, 2017
Sonic toothbrush - erect or flaccid?
by: Marco

Hello everyone. Thanks for sharing your experiences here.

Would anybody be so kind to let me know whether it's better to use the sonic toothbrush when erect or when flaccid. Has anybody tried both and compared the effects?

Many thanks and wish you plenty of success.

Sep 07, 2017
18 months on
by: Tony

I've had PD now for around 18 months, starting as a small plaque formation and gradually growing over time and forming an hour glass shape when erect. It's also angled at about 30 degrees, making it difficult to have intercourse. On occasion I have shooting pains which are uncomfortable rather than painful. I've tried the tooth brush method with castor oil which eased it but didn't produce any shrinkage. Recently I've started using bio oil which is generally used to remove scars and stretch marks after pregnancy. It has stopped the pain completely and the plaque seems much softer and decreasing in size. I'm hoping I've found a solution to this very annoying problem. I will update my progress in a couple of months. Thank you every one for sharing your stories.

Sep 10, 2017
Looking for advice?
by: Me P

I was diagnosed with PD a little over a year ago after unnecessary insertion of catheter for a uti and difficulty urinating at my local ER. The insertion of the catheter was very painful and I was in pain for the whole time I had it in (10 days). After they removed the catheter I was still in pain, which only intensified in the next week, so for the next 4-5 months I was in extreme pain and was barely able to sleep a few hours a night. There was also a dent towards the top of the shaft on the left side when I tried to get an erection, which was incredibly painful.
Now after a year the pain has gradually subsided and I don't have pain every day, but there's a narrowing at the bottom of the shaft on both sides. I usually get pain after sex or masturbation and it lasts for a day or two. It is only on the left side and sometimes it shoots all the way down my leg on the left side.
I forgot to mention that I can't find any plaque buildup (even though the doctor who did my ultrasound said there is some). The penis is slightly bent to the left but I can live with that.
The main problem for me is the narrowing at the bottom of the shaft and the pain that occurs sometimes.
Will the castor oil and the above mentioned supplements help with the narrowing?
Any kind of feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to Marco
by: Troy

Have a read of the July 29th, 2016 comment Marco and follow his advice.

All the best!

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to Tony
by: Troy (Admin)

Nice one Tony. Yes, be sure to update us on your progress. Hopefully it works!

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to Me P
by: Troy

Difficult to say to be honest. But the great thing is the Gotu Kola and the acetyl-l carnitine, along with the castor oil and toothbrush method, are all perfectly safe and will not do you any harm. So why not give them a go for at least 3-4 months and see what results you get!

All the best!

Sep 22, 2017
by: Ander

Hello, I am 19 years old and have had this for 2 years. It is not very bent but is shorter than before. I started the toothbrush and castor oil treatment 2 days ago. Hope it fixes things up.

Sep 25, 2017
Ultrasonic jewellery cleaner?
by: Jon

My wife has an ultrasonic jewellery cleaner. I would imagine that would work like the toothbrush. It has 42000 vibrations versus an ultrasonic toothbrush at 33000. It might be difficult to use but it would save me $200 by not getting the toothbrush! Thoughts?

Sep 26, 2017
Thank You Troy and Commenters
by: Karl Hungus


You're a good man for offering such a valuable service. I'm going to try the Foxbrim castor oil, the oral supplements, and the Sonic toothbrush.

Blessings to you and best of luck to all!


Sep 27, 2017
Reply to Karl
by: Troy

You're welcome Karl. Hope it helps!

All the best. :)

Sep 27, 2017
Reply to Jon
by: Troy

Not sure if it would work the same to be honest Jon. You can only try it and see how it goes. :)

Sep 27, 2017
by: Anonymous

So I have done this for a week but I have some rashes on the top of my shaft below the head. I think it is from the castor oil. I use Foxbrim castor oil. Is it ok for this rash to happen? I'm a bit worried.

Sep 27, 2017
Safety of Acetyl-L Carnitine
by: Simon T.

Dear, Troy:

Have you any thoughts on the safety of Acetyl-L Carnitine? I'm referring to those who, aside from Peyronie's, don't have any other health concerns.

When searching for information about Acetyl-L Carnitine, not surprisingly, I found plenty of information that would likely cause people to avoid it.

I write "not surprisingly," because you know better than I about how everything seems to be good AND bad for us today. One day, butter is good, the next day, it's bad. Eggs are good, eggs are bad. Grains, legumes, lectins, phytates, saturated fats, PUFAs, and on and on.

There certainly does seem to be some contraindications with Acetyl-L Carnitine, for certain disease conditions and medications, but what about everyone else?

Thank you,


Oct 02, 2017
Reply to "Rash" Comment
by: Troy

Foxbrim is a quality brand so this should be fine. Make sure you only use the castor oil on the worms and hardened areas. Also make sure you wash your hands before applying the castor oil. Any bacteria, etc, on your hands can cause a rash/infection. :)

Oct 02, 2017
Reply to Simon
by: Troy

I don't know of anyone who has suffered any side effects or problems from taking Acetyl-L Carnitine. I've even used it myself many times (and long term) for fat burning with no problems whatsoever. As usual, the scare campaign for Acetyl-L Carnitine comes primarily from medical websites. As long as you stick to the recommended dosages for this amino acid, you'll be fine. :)

Oct 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,
Ive been doing this brush and castor oil remedy every night before bed for around 3-4 weeks, but I haven't seen much if any change when erect. Should I still continue with it? Do you think it could take more time to work? Thanks for your reply!

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to James
by: Troy

It can take up to 12 weeks, even longer in some cases (depending on the severity) for the healing to occur, so yes, definitely continue with it James. Be patient, it will be worth it.

All the best!

Oct 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

I would find it encouraging to continue with this if I heard more success stories. Although claims are made that this technique is effective I've seen only two reports of actual observable progress. I would love to hear of other success stories. I've been using the castor oil and toothbrush method for two months with absolutely no straightening.

I ask that other sufferers chime in with reports of progress. I guess I need encouragement to continue.

Oct 20, 2017
Do I need sonic toothbrush
by: Rob

Hi, I have started with the castor oil. But I have concerns with the tooth brush. I have a large plaque which has been there for years. Could I form more plaque if I press a sonic brush into the penis? Since the plaque has been there since I was a kid will castor or penetrate through the skin to get rid of it? It would be amazing.

Oct 21, 2017
Sonic Toothbrush?
by: Chris

Hi Troy, I have been doing this method for seven weeks. Unfortunately, no results. But I think my injury is more severe than most, so I’m being patient. I figured I could be using the wrong Sonic toothbrush though? I take both supplements and use the Foxbrim Organic Castor Oil. I said I would start leaving the castor oil on for longer periods. I use the Sonic toothbrush to massage the plaque area for twenty minutes. I’m just not sure if it has enough speed or strong enough vibrations. They have some that are more expensive. This is just a regular Philips Sonicare Essence my brother had. But then I read where some are up to $200. I’ve had this injury for over a year now. I kinda just realized there’s nothing I can do but be patient and try some safe healing methods. I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t bother me. Lol. It does really depress me. Life could be worse though. It’s all good. Thank you for your time and input. Have a good day.

Oct 24, 2017
Reply to Rob
by: Troy

Can't say for sure on both questions Rob. Unfortunately, Peyronie's comes in many different forms and levels of severity. What works for one person doesn't always necessarily work for another. The only thing you can do is try them both. We've never heard from anyone who has said that either method made their Peyronie's worse... not one. :)

Oct 24, 2017
Reply to Chris
by: Troy

The toothbrush you have should be okay. When using the castor oil, massage into the worms then leave on. Make sure you don't get any oil on/into unwanted areas as it can burn. Have a read of the July 29th, 2016 comment, "A Unique Cure for Peyronie's Disease That Worked for Me" for more information on how to use the Sonic toothbrush.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 27, 2017
by: James

I've been doing this for quite a while now - 2 months I think? The curvature has gotten slightly better and my penis definitely has gotten smoother when erect and is not like a curved rock anymore. Hope it keeps improving. Thanks again!!

Nov 12, 2017
by: Ash

I've been using the castor oil for about 9 months now and there has been some good improvement during that time, but I'm definitely not Peyronies free. I've had this for 5 years though, so it was almost certainly calcified with a big long scar.

Over the months the scarring has become more jelly like so I'll keep going. I've had far more success with cheap natural things like the castor oil and ginger, than any of the established treatments.

I have a Philips Sonicare brush, but I would be very reluctant to try this, because the scarring has always reacted badly to handling in my case.

Nov 14, 2017
Reply to Ash
by: Troy

If what you're doing is working Ash then stick with it. Because you've had Peyronie's for quite a while, it will obviously take longer to heal. But you're definitely on the right track.

All the best!

Nov 21, 2017
Black seed oil
by: Green

I've heard black seed oil (cold pressed) is another great oil to use. I'm actually on my second week with that along with castor oil and so far I'm starting to see some improvements. I've had peyronie's now for 3 years.

Nov 22, 2017
by: Troy

Haven't heard from anyone who's used the black seed oil with the castor oil, but hey, if it's working then keep using it!

All the best. :)

Nov 28, 2017
Thanks for the hope.
by: TWK

Thanks to everyone for their input, it has given me some hope. This problem is absolutely horrible. Between it, and my wife's menopause issues, we have not had sex in almost 2 years.
I think we have her issues pretty much solved, but I have such a severe bend (close to 40 degrees left and up) that intercourse is pretty much impossible. Definitely going to try the castor oil method. It figures that the answer would be good old simple natural stuff. Here's hoping anyway. The sonic idea makes sense too. I have said so many times that it's just crazy that we don't have a cure... its plaque and scar tissue! They can get plaque out of arteries and can remove kidney stones, so it doesn't seem that complicated to me!
I have to admit that I have been tempted to try out my antique Violet Ray!

Thanks again guys.

Nov 30, 2017
by: Troy

Not sure what a violet ray is but hopefully the castor oil and Sonic toothbrush method help you.

Goo luck and all the best!

Dec 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

I’ve had this now since last January and went to the urologist. He gave me pentoxifyllne 400 mg to take 3 times a day and use a pro extender device. Well, the meds don't seem to be working so I got some organic castor oil and have been applying this. I’m see results but as far as the tooth brush method, how would I work that? Brush the area where the peyronies is or the opposite side? I also stretch my penis the opposite side for 40 seconds so I’m hoping it works.

Dec 08, 2017
by: Troy

With the Sonic toothbrush method, follow the advice from the July 29, 2016 post titled "A Unique Cure for Peyronie's Disease That Worked for Me".

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 09, 2017
Castor oil?
by: Anonymous

Dear gentleman,
I am worried because I was travelling and I took 2 bottles of castor oil with me: 1 unopened and another already opened and I kept them in a bag for 3 days at 28°C as I had no fridge. I noticed the smell from the opened bottle has changed. Do you think they are still effective or should I simply throw them both away? Many thanks.

Dec 20, 2017
by: Troy

Castor oil is extremely sensitive to heat and light, meaning the bottle must stay cool and out of direct sunlight. Unfortunately, you will need to throw these bottles away and purchase new ones. Sorry. :)

Dec 22, 2017
New process for Peyronie's
by: Mr. Bent

Hello everybody. I recently came across a new method that's supposed to be the real deal in curing or at least helping return our friend to a degree of normal. It's a shock wave treatment called Gains Wave. There's not a lot of Dr's that are on top of this procedure. I'm on the west coast and there are two Dr's out here that are performing this procedure. I have spoken to one and got some info. He tells me that he's working with several men and is having positive results. But this procedure is so new that there hasn't been enough of a track record to reveal exactly what to expect. Any one else heard of this? I spent a good deal of phone time with this Dr. Maybe this is an answer to Peyronie's?

Dec 24, 2017
Getting better
by: Jim

I am thankful that I found this site. Have had peyronie's for 1 1/2 yrs. Went to a urologist who prescribed blood thinners. After reading the side effects, etc, from these I was determined to try the natural approach. Started trying different vitamins, ironically most are in the post listed here. Best results have been the castor oil and sonic brush. Pain free now. I had loss in length but am thankful to be able to have good sex again. I have used the castor oil and brush for 2 weeks.

Dec 27, 2017
Crazy perfection castor oil
by: Z

Castor oil really works. I have very hard plaque and now at day 34 of the castor oil, it's starting to break into peaces and soften. I prefer not to cover the affected area as anything like bounty or cotton will absorb the oil instead of keeping it there. My only concern is if some of the oil could come into contact with the head of penis during the night. I'm wondering if the castor oil is safe.
By the way, I'm using it also on my face for acne rosacea. After years of using topical chemical creams I don't need them anymore.
Castor oil is magic.

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to Z
by: Troy

Castor oil is safe, that's one of the good things about it. Even if it did happen to penetrate inside the head of the penis, it wouldn't do any harm (it may initially sting a little though). Although you certainly don't want to allow it to go into your sensitive part, if it does you'll be fine.

Glad the castor oils helping.

All the best! :)

Dec 29, 2017
Cold Pressed Oil?
by: Anonymous

I've read someone used heat pads along with the oil. If the castor oil is cold pressed why is there a need for the heat? Had PD for about 3-4 months. Not a horrible case yet but still looking to rectify it. Looking at oils online now.

Jan 02, 2018
by: Troy

Heat pads can be quite effective for PD. Someone above mentions using them. Just make sure you use the heat pad at a separate time to when you apply/leave on the castor oil. Heating the castor oil destroys much of it's beneficial effects, so you definitely don't want to do this.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 02, 2018
by: Bent

Hello, I'm a high school student and since I was in elementary before I could achieve an erection I used to do this weird motion with my penis and it would feel really good. At the time I didn't know I was sexually pleasuring myself. My penis wouldn't get erect, it would stay flaccid but I would constantly rub it and eventually I would get an orgasm. I think doing this is what caused the Peyronies but I'm not sure because this has been with me for so long. For the past week, I've been using castor oil every night and my penis looks the same. It is a downward curve, I was wondering if it is too late. Sometimes when I get an erection it hurts and sometimes it doesn't. Now my masturbation is basically the head because it makes masturbation hard. It's really weird but I just really want to get rid of this without telling my parents, friends, girlfriend or anyone. But if I go to a urologist my mom would know. It's not budging, maybe I'm not applying it properly. I use 2 Q-tips of castor oil from Walgreens and apply the castor oil using the tip of the Q-tip once then I wrap my penis with a bandage. I hope I can get a response as well as some advice. Please and thank you.

Jan 05, 2018
Best method
by: Dee

I've been looking at threads like these and I wonder just how effective the oil and brush method is. I've been dealing with this since I bent my member back during sex by accident a couple of months ago. At first the erections still came but have gotten more difficult to obtain as time has gone on. I was diagnosed with peyronie's 2 days ago and don't know if it's mental but I no longer can get erect. I got the oil and a brush last night, but what's the right method for each? So many questions and I need advice terribly.

Jan 08, 2018
No real obvious nodules?
by: Alan

I noticed a slight bend to just the end, going out. No pain at all and everything else seems ok. Have lost an inch in length though. It started overnight without notice!! I think it may have been caused by pressure damage to the end of my penis. I've read about the focused sonic brush helping on 'hard spots'; I think I have two very small ones at the front (outward facing side) just below the head. Not sure if they were ever there before, never really paid much attention but now I think they are related to my problem. One feels like a small BB but nothing visible. Any thoughts? It seems the urologist wants to take a wait and see approach. I don't want to as it isn't any better.

Jan 08, 2018
by: Alan

One last question; the pictures on one web site show PD having a 50 degree bend up for severe or 30 degree bend for moderate. Mine is the opposite as it is a bend down but only the very end, last inch (head). Is this still PD?

Jan 09, 2018
Reply to Bent
by: Troy (Admin)

It's NEVER too late to fix, or at the very least, greatly improve your peyronie's. Make sure the castor oil you are using is organic cold pressed castor oil, preferably hexane free as well (like these) and make sure it comes in a dark bottle to keep out light (very important). Do not use the cheaper castor oils. Make sure you use enough castor oil and massage it in well. Try and spend 10-15 minutes gently massaging the oil in, particularly on any worms or lumps. Be careful not to get any in the eye (glans area). Wrap with a bandage afterwards. Make sure you definitely do this before bed (the best time). Also look to use the Sonic toothbrush method in conjunction with the castor oil (see July 29th 2016 comment above for more info).

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Jan 09, 2018
Reply to Dee
by: Troy

Follow the exact advice listed in the comments above submitted on July 29th, 2016. Look for the title "A Unique Cure for Peyronie's Disease That Worked for Me".

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 09, 2018
Reply to Alan
by: Troy

Not sure Alan. What does your urologist say? If it is PD, then jumping on it quickly to fix the problem is the best course of action. The longer you leave it the harder it can be to correct. The castor oil cannot hurt you (as long as you don't get any in the eye) so give it a go. You have nothing to lose. Just make sure you purchase a good quality cold pressed organic castor oil. :)

Jan 09, 2018
Can only see the bend when erect
by: Anonymous

In my case it was sudden, I went to the bathroom to pee one morning with an erection and suddenly noticed a severe bend to the right, almost 75 degrees. I have not been sexually active so I don’t know if there is pain or not when having intercourse, but I don’t feel pain when it's erect which, is usually when I get up in the morning. I am in my 60's so I thought it was just old age until I read about young people having this problem too. I was in shock. I see a narrowing near the base as if a 1 inch band is wrapped together around the penis and the bend starts from there. Also, the right side of the base looks larger than the left side. There is no visible bend when it's not erect so how and where do I apply the castor oil when not erect when no plaque effect or narrowing is visible and the penis looks normal?

Jan 12, 2018
Important Question
by: Jase

Hello Everyone, I've been following this chat for quite some time now but I haven’t really started the oil and toothbrush yet. I’ve bought all the materials but I’m just a little scared to do anything. I'm 17 Years old and I have a curve to the left. But my question is how does the curve relate to the plaque? As in like if I have plaque on the outer right side of my penis, should I curve to the left? I’ve been reading extensively and it seems the opposite should be true, you should curve towards the side your plaque is on. But for me that’s not the case. Anyways I just wanted to ask if anyone curves opposite to the side the plague is on. Thanks!!!

Jan 12, 2018
Reply to "Can only see the bend when erect" Comment
by: Troy

You have to apply the castor oil when erect. Gently massage in for 10-15 minutes. :)

Jan 12, 2018
by: Dee

Why would it matter if you're erect when applying the oil? Just wondering.

Jan 16, 2018
Damned if I do, damned if I don't?
by: Dave

Have been dealing with this for 4 years. Been afraid to do anything about it in case I worsen the conditions. Now my fear is that I am reacting too late and that the scar tissue is permanent. I am also wondering, are we sure that the toothbrush can't cause any damage to the nerve or to the tissue causing more plaque? What if I can't feel any distinctive lumps? Also interested in hearing about more people's results with this, failure or success.

Jan 16, 2018
Hope for us all
by: Wonky willy

I recently bought a bathmate penis pump as I read they could POSSIBLY help people who suffer with Peyronie’s. I’ve been using the pump for nearly 2 weeks along with the castor oil, sonic toothbrush & some supplements. I’ve had peyronie’s for nearly 5 year & have been to hospital several times. They have offered me the Nesbit procedure operation where they cut a wedge from the opposite side of the plaque to straighten the penis, but this means I would lose 1 inch from my penis & I’ve already lost over 2 inches so this would be even more devastating. My penis also bottle necked due to the plaque. I’ll keep everyone posted with my changes.

Jan 16, 2018
Jelqing... what a fail!
by: T

Like my title says, penis enlarging exercises are a fail lol.. saw the curve within 12 hours (literally) of doing these. Will order the good castor oil tomorrow. Interestingly though, I've always had a slight curve upwards - nothing dramatic - but I'm now wondering if I've actually had this for longer than I thought? Big thanks to everyone for their input here!!!

Jan 18, 2018
Does Castor Oil Work For Rotation?
by: Jonas

My penis does not have a bend in the shaft causing it to diverge out at an angle. Instead, it rotates from the very base of the shaft at about 30-40 degrees. Imagine 0 degrees being straight so that the pelvis lines up with the head. The rotation means the head is about 40 degrees off the pelvis.

Does castor oil work for this too? Is this too caused by a plaque? Any thoughts or experiences?

Jan 21, 2018
Casor oil is a Winner
by: Old Dave

I have read just about every reply on this subject and have to agree the best method of fixing Peyronies is by simply massaging your penis with Organic Castor Oil. I did it for about a half an hour a day for several weeks and it certainly helps. I do think it's best to massage the penis about twice a week after it straightens out. I stopped and the curve started to come back. I am now massaging my penis every day again and it is pretty close to being back to normal. I might add that castor oil does make your penis thicker, but not longer. Also, am I the only person that admits that he got Peyronies from vigorous masturbation? Yup, sure did.

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Dee
by: Troy

Easier to apply and massage in. Doesn't HAVE to be erect, although you'll probably find it happens anyway. :)

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Jonas
by: Troy

Not sure to be honest Jonas. The castor is completely safe so there's no harm in trying it for your particular problem. Can't hurt?

Jan 24, 2018
To Old Dave
by: Dented Dong

Hi Old Dave:

I thought mine might have also been related to vigorous masturbation, however, if that was the cause, it should have started around age 12! I had a wall of posters back in the 70's of Lynda Carter, Farrah Fawcett, Loni Anderson, Cheryl Tiegs, etc.

Good luck to us all!
Dented Dong.

P.S. This is funny. Below this box I'm typing, there is a word I have to type to verify I'm a human. The word is "shrank." How ironic.

Jan 24, 2018
Trying this
by: Anonymous

Hey guys. So I just got the Foxbrim castor oil. I went to a urologist n he believes I may have peyronies disease. I have a bent erection. My case seems unusual. I don't remember injuring my penis but I have what feels like a bend and indent at the very base. I read from one of the comments the castor oil should not go on the testicle skin because their skin got flaky or something but I'm not sure I can reach the area with the issue without working into the testicles. I'm just gonna massage the whole penis til I get a better answer. Also, as far as the bandage, what exactly constitutes a cotton bandage and how do you wrap it n keep it in place in more detail? Is it like a gauze? Thanks for the help.

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to "Trying This" Comment
by: Troy

You wrap the penis with some surgical gauze first then wrap with a bandage. Just remember, not too tight.

All the best!

Jan 28, 2018
Takes a long time - don’t give up
by: Anonymous

I’ve been using castor oil since August and taking Acetyl-L-Carnitine plus a host of vitamins for almost as long. My curvature is improving and the scars are softening. My Peyronie's is the result of medication. It could have happened from sex by not being completely erect, however, I think finesteride in my prostate meds caused it. I am taking a different med now. Also possible interaction with other meds could be responsible. The caster oil will increase thickness. I was pretty long before this happened so I can live with a little length reduction temporarily. Another thing that is important is using sex aids such as girth rings to keep your penis straight to prevent re-injury. If I have to go a year using castor oil I’ll definitely do it.

Jan 30, 2018
by: Me

It really does give me great joy to have stumbled on this wonderful forum, which, unlike most, is bang up to date. It gives me hope and though I don't want anyone I know to find out I suffer from peyronies', reading these postings make me realize that I'm not alone...
I've had peyronie's for about 18 months now. While urinating in a friends garden, we were both a bit drunk and he thought it would be funny grabbing my penis and dragging me around the garden by it. After 8 or 9 months the pain more or less went, but I am left with a penis at least 2 inches shorter, and when erect is the shape of an Allen key. With hard string like formations along the length of it and lumps all over, medically my options seemed to be nothing or surgery (Google the "glove" procedure). So I will begin tomorrow with the castor oil and toothbrush protocol and post updates as and when.

Peace and healing to all on this wonderful thread of blessed positivity!

Jan 31, 2018
by: Anonymous

Guy's, research DMSO. It's natural and helps with inflammation and body wound healing.

It saved my life!


Jan 31, 2018
Stiffy happens?
by: Anonymous

Hey, I've been dealing with this for three months and am finally gonna try the toothbrush method. My question is when I use it it causes an erection. Is it ok to use the toothbrush when you have a semi or full erection?

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to "Stiffy Happens" Comment
by: Troy

Perfectly okay. This is what happens pretty much most of the time. :)

Feb 05, 2018
How to use the brush?
by: John Pierre

Hi, this thread is a great resource. I was wondering if you bend your penis on the toothbrush in the direction of the curve or against it?

I don't seem to have scar tissue but the curve is substantial.


Feb 08, 2018
Simple & works after 5 days
by: Julian French

To get rid of peyronie's try this remedy...

Blend this
1 bud of garlic
1 piece of ginger 25gm
25gm turmeric powder
25gm honey
50ml of apple cyder vinegar
1 red capsicum
25gm cumin powder
10gm himalyan pink salt
10 Epsom salt

It works.

Feb 08, 2018
No sonic toothbrush?
by: Captain Kirk

Do I really need a sonic toothbrush, or will the vibrations from the handle of a razor work? I used the razor handle once already, by holding it length wise along the top of my penis, since I don't know where the plaque is located, but I don't want to be wasting my time with the vibrating razor if I should be using the Sonic toothbrush. Thanks for all the advice. I also got some castor oil and started applying it at night, before going to bed. Should I apply the oil more than once a day?

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to John Pierre
by: Troy

Have a read of the July 29th 2016 comment "A Unique Cure for Peyronie's Disease That Worked for Me" John Pierre for more information on how to best use the Sonic toohbrush method. :)

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to Captain Kirk
by: Troy

Haven't heard of anyone using a razor instead of the toothbrush so can't answer that one. The castor oil can be applied morning and night, but night time (before bed) is definitely the most important. :)

Feb 09, 2018
Remedy in 5 days?
by: Anonymous

Hi Julian French,
I would like to try your remedy of various items. Unfortunately, you didn't explain how to apply it. Do you drink it or you rub it on your manhood?

Feb 15, 2018
Response To Julian French
by: Carl Spackler

Interesting recipe/remedy you proposed. Are people supposed to apply it topically or drink it? I'm not sure I would want to put any mixture containing garlic, ginger, and capsicum anywhere near my pecker.


Feb 15, 2018
Recipe again
by: Julian French

Conversion to make drink easier to make...

Blend this
2 clove of garlic
1 piece of ginger 1.5 inch
2 tablespoons turmeric powder
3 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar organic with the mother
1 red capsicum
1 red onion (forgot to mention this before)
2 tablespoons cumin powder
2 teaspoons Himalyan pink salt
2 tablespoons Epsom salt

The combination of these ingredients feed all your cells and enable them to fight off any disease or ailment in the body, along with keeping you fighting fit and feeling fabulous. You take 3 tablespoons a day. Keep it in the fridge. The first couple of days expect to feel tired and you will also be very thirsty. 😊

Feb 19, 2018
Will try
by: JHolmes

Very interesting!
I am 40 years old now, peyronie's diagnosed about 8 years ago. Plague area is large, sometimes painful. Tomorrow I'll buy the oil and sonic toothbrush. I absolutely will start this 3 months project. Thank you Troy and all.

Feb 19, 2018
Hope it works
by: TA

I'm 70 and just noticed a small lump on the top left of my shaft about 3/8 wide x 1/2 long. I'm still sexually active and this is depressing. When I noticed this lump my erection seemed to be shorter and not last as long. I have read all the comments on here and started the castor oil, sonic tooth brush, vitamin E and will ask my general practitioner if its ok to take Acetyl-L-Carnitine. I also have an appointment with my urologist to see what he says. I'm not a fan of medications and hope the natural way works. Will re post after 12 weeks, maybe sooner if remedy works. Good luck to everyone.

Feb 22, 2018
Curved penis
by: John Pierre

Thanks for the info, I don't really know if I have Peyronie's or just a curved penis by nature. It feels generally hard all over when I have an erection, no particular areas that feel harder or lumpy. I'm going to try the castor oil and supplement it with vitamin D oil, as I can't afford a sonic toothbrush right now unfortunately.

Feb 23, 2018
Sonic Toothbrush
by: LC

I've had this problem for a couple of months now and I have been trying the castor oil for 10 days. I have not noticed any improvements yet so I went out and bought the Sonic Tooth brush. Will try tonight to see what happens.

Mar 01, 2018
Solid advice
by: Tony

I feel like I've always leaned to the left side a little bit, but a month ago I think I noticed what seemed like a little curve that has slowly been getting more predominant. Going to try out these methods and I also have an appointment to see a urologist in a few weeks. I'm pretty nervous guys, not gonna lie. I'm 25 and don't remember ever physically injuring my penis at all. Thanks for all the advice everyone puts in, it's good to not feel alone.

Mar 07, 2018
Went to see urologist
by: TA

I went to see my urologist a week after starting the castor oil and sonic toothbrush. Dr confirmed a small lump and said it was Peyronie's. He told me that none of the medications work that well, only a 10% success rate. He said use vitamin E topically and castor oil. He also said over time it would correct itself. I asked if I could have intercourse while using the vitamin E and castor oil and he said it would be ok, just don't overdo it. I'm at the beginning of my third week of the castor oil, vitamin E and sonic brush and I think the plaque has slightly reduced. Hope this helps others.

Mar 08, 2018
Husbands PD
by: Anonymous

Hubby is supposed to get injections in a few weeks. So concerned. Should we hold off on the procedure? He did injections 6 years ago but they did not work. Now, his new doctor said that there is a new medication that has only been out for 18 months. I am very worried. Should we hold off? Would a regular vibrator work? Or would one of those Gillette power razors work? I would much rather use a natural method than watch him go through the pain of injections. Thanks for any help you can give!

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to "Husbands PD" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, we cant give you specific advice. Would it hurt to give the natural treatments a go first though? The injections will always be there? As far as using a vibrator or power razor? Not sure? Try them, and be sure to use them in conjunction with the castor oil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Gotu Kola.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 12, 2018
by: Anonymous

About two years ago I over extended during intercourse and hit my penis head on my wife’s pelvis. I felt terrific pain but no swelling or any immediate physical change, but continued to feel pain in bed. As time went on I started to notice a small lump at my base so I decided to see my primary doctor. He suggested that I go see a urologist who is considered the best in our area and in my opinion he’s been a huge waste of money. He diagnosed Peyronie’s and told me to wait it out. I’ve seen him three times now and all he says is to "wait and see". I now have a 3/4" ring around my base that looks like a game timer, as well I've lost 1.25" in erect length. About 4 months ago I read this post and started using a high quality castor oil, using the sonic tooth brush, and taking higher doses of vitamin E as a daily routine. So far it just seems to be getting worse, but I’m not giving up. It would certainly be more manageable if it wasn’t for the loss in length.

We all need to keep our "heads up" and get through this.

Mar 12, 2018
Smoking and Peyronie's desease
by: Anonymous

Has anybody heard anything about a link between smoking and the cause or aggravation of symptoms?

Mar 21, 2018
How to apply castor oil?
by: banana shape

I would really like to know the proper way of applying the castor oil. Been doing it for a month, morning and evening (twice a day). It's kind of a thin film just on top that I use. My question is, am I applying the right amount. Usually I apply like less than a teaspoon. Please advise the right amount. I'm getting the brush too.

Mar 23, 2018
I'm a short term sufferer, but this article and ones like it have honestly made me feel brand new!
by: Jody

Hey Troy. I can’t thank you enough for putting this out there! I’ve only had PD for 5 months now and I’ve never felt so clueless about anything before, but what really scared me was that my GP (I’m in South Africa) knew as much as me and gave me this horrified look when he touched the thick worm that started to form - what seemed like overnight. Over the next 4 months it got progressively worse and my erections were incredibly painful. Over the last week the angle of the bend got to almost 30 degrees and the pain was absolutely intolerable. I finally came across the Peyronie's diagnosis and realised I had this. This page and another has saved me from even considering going to a urologist. In the first article I read they were exploring massaging your PD away and using gentle stretching exercises while flaccid, which made total sense cause it’s fibrous tissue, so stretching it should help break up the plaque. When the worm on the top of the shaft started to become very prevalent and was painful to touch, I dare not stretch my penis at all for fear of making it worse, and this I now know was also my downfall. I came across this article as well the other on the same night of researching and started to gently stretch my penis as far as I could while flaccid, only for a few minutes or so, and continuing this thought the day whenever I could. Instantly this helped and that day I got the castor oil, vitamin D and I managed to find a sweet deal on a Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Sonic toothbrush. This toothbrush is perfect for the task as it has a flat metal base so you can really put it flat on the worm and apply a bit of pressure. After the stretching and that first application of castor oil I got hard and for the first time in months it didn’t hurt or have that bell shape - and it was a little bit straighter and fuller. The stretching really helped and I know it probably won’t have the same effect for everyone as some of you guys have had this for years (so I guess the calcified tissue will be thicker), but with the castor oil every night along with the toothbrush I’ve straightened it a bit over the past two weeks, and the worm feels less solid. So I feel Hopeful. Sorry this has been so long, I’m just really happy to find this forum. Thank you again Troy.

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to banana shape
by: Troy

Don't scrimp on the castor oil. Apply enough so that it massages in well, but not too much that it's dripping all over the place. Sounds like what you're using is pretty close to the mark. :)

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to Jody
by: Troy

You're welcome Jody. Glad it's helping.

All the best to you!

Mar 27, 2018
by: Big Ron

I think most guys get this while sitting on the toilet doing number twos, especially heavy guys. We bend our penis and it gets smashed into the seat. I feel 97% secure that this was the reason why I got PD. The castor oil is working great for me and I enjoy the extra massages my member gets, but yes, its definitely working. I rub my whole penis with it.
Thanks for helping me.
Feels good to know that I'm not alone.

Mar 29, 2018
Getting Started
by: Anonymous

Found a couple of lumps in my penis shaft about 7 months ago. At the start I had no pain or curvature. Went to see my GP and she sent me in for an ultra sound. The results showed a thickening of the tissue. She said to give it another few months and go back for another an ultra sound. After a few months I now have a slight downward curve and severe pain when I have an erection. Thanks to this post I have started a treatment of 600 IU of vitamin E and daily applications of castor oil and the Sonic Toothbrush massage.
I will keep you posted.

Thanks again!

Mar 31, 2018
Sonic toothbrush and massage?
by: z

Not to burst anybody's bubble but I have concerns about using the sonic toothbrush and/or massaging the penis. Seams I have PD from masturbating to excess. In fact, the plaque is where my thumb presses the shaft and another toward the head where my index finger presses. Every time I "enjoy myself", it seems like the plaque gets bigger, so my question and concern is about the use of the toothbrush and massage.. will this help or make it worse?

I am thinking of just applying castor oil and let it rest on the area. This should be all that's needed.

What do you guys think?

Thank you everybody.

Apr 05, 2018
by: Anonymous

Do some research and type in Gainswave treatment for peyronie's. This is the up and coming treatment.

Apr 07, 2018
Where does the plaque go?
by: His Beloved

I am so grateful to have found this page. Husband is scheduled for shots, which besides being painful, is not covered by insurance. So I bought the cold pressed castor oil and the two bottles of vitamins as suggested, and believe it or not, he is actually taking them. After a week he said he felt a slight "twinge" while peeing and was wondering is this might be the plaque leaving? I figured the castor oil would just soften it up and the scar tissue would go away.

Any thoughts?

Apr 11, 2018
Congenital Curvature
by: Bala

Dear Troy,

I'm 42 years of age. Mine is downward curvature from my teenage years, but I don't have any pain during intercourse or erection. The firmness of erection is not hard enough. I don't know about lacking of firmness because of this curvature. Anyway, this curvature is so annoying to me. Can you say the castor oil will help for curing congenital curvature also? Shall I apply it for my problem? Please, I need help.

Apr 11, 2018
My experience.
by: Chris

Hi Guys. Same story this side. Urologist, no cure, etc. I'm lucky not having any pain. Curvature for me is manageable. The lump is however rather large. Since seeing this forum I started the castor oil massage and vibrator. The vibrator is one used for muscle aches and pains and runs at mains frequency. I've been at it for a month now, and while I'm not seeing much of an improvement, things are not getting worse. I do the massage and vibrating mornings and evenings and somehow the lump seems narrower in the morning. I'll check in again to report on progress or lack thereof.

Apr 12, 2018
Questions answered
by: Anonymous

So, fairly certain I have peyronies or some kind of injury. I did have a natural curvature beforehand but since the suspected injury it's bending more and constant pain and exacerbated pain upon erections. I also has this hard flaccid thing going on. There are no palpable plaques but something has noticeably happened. I also suffer from chronic pelvic pain which is making this difficult.

I was wondering what the best way to do this is. Do I apply the castor oil then massage and wrap it in a bandage before bed?

Sorry if this has already been explained, I'm cognitively impaired and want to get this right before attempting. Does the castor oil have to be cooled down to get the temperature right prior to applying to the penis?

In regards to the sonic toothbrush, if I'm to implement this at some stage after using the castor oil, do you do it concurrently with the castor oil? Or separately throughout the day?

There are a lot of positive posts that give me hope with this. Any correspondence or advice would be much appreciated.


Apr 14, 2018
Anyone who is fully cured ?
by: Anonymous

Hi all, I have also been a patient of PD and have started using this treatment for a few weeks now. I have five lumps and two worms on either side of my penis. Seeing a bit of improvement and can see a light at the end of the tunnel. While going through these threads though, I have not found anyone who has said they have been fully cured. Is there anyone who can say that their lumps or worms have gone or been cured? Thanks all for sharing your experiences and I will keep you posted about my progress over time.

Apr 18, 2018
Reply to His Beloved
by: Troy

The "twinge" when peeing is something else, most likely the cleansing effect (detoxing) caused by the carnitine and gotu kola. This is actually not a bad thing. The scare tissue will simply dissolve into the bloodstream and is not connected to the urethra. :)

Apr 18, 2018
Reply to Bala
by: Troy

Can't say for sure if it will help you. There are no guarantee's of course. All you can do is try it. There is absolutely no harm in applying the castor oil (as long as you don't get any in the urethra, then it could sting a bit), nor is there any harm in taking the carnitine and gotu kola.

Hope these help you.

Good luck and all the best!

Apr 18, 2018
Reply to "Questions Answered" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, you apply and massage the castor oil in then wrap the penis lightly with a bandage before bed. Try and apply the castor oil in the morning too if you can. If you don't care about the castor oil getting on your underwear, there's no need to wrap with a bandage. The castor oil doesn't need to be cooled down or heated before use either - room temperature is fine. In addition, the Sonic toothbrush massage and castor oil massage should be done at separate times during the day for best results.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Apr 25, 2018
Safe to have sex while treatment ?
by: Anonymous

Hi, Is it safe to engage in sex while going through this treatment? I felt pain in one of my scars after having coitus. Bit worried whether this pain will deteriorate my situation, which is already very complicated. Many thanks in advance for your answers.

Apr 27, 2018
by: Troy

You would need to be careful. The last thing you would want to do is make your condition worse. Remember, the lumps and worms (scare tissue) needs time to heal. :)

May 02, 2018
by: Anonymous

You guys should try Acetyl-L-Carnitine. It helped in my case - pain disappeared in 3 days and bending improved from 45 degrees to 10 degrees.
2000 mg's per day is recommended.

May 21, 2018
Fingers crossed
by: Raj

Hi Troy,
Many thanks for initiating and providing a solution that seems to have worked for many folks. I observed a small bend in Feb 2018 and it got worse by May to 40 degrees.

I visited a Urologist 2 days back and she confirmed there is small lump and siad it was peyronie's. She said nothing about treatment for this though and she didn't even encourage me to use castor oil, gotu kola or Vit-E tablets. She simply said just wait till the bend stabilizes and decide at that time if injections or surgery is needed. I was fully devastated! Actually, I saw your site 4 weeks back and started massaging with Castor oil for 3 minutes and then taking a bath. I didn't see improvement, but then I realized I am not doing it right.

Now I've decided to follow properly. I started yesterday (May 20th) massaging penis for 5 min or so then take some castor oil soaked cotton and wrap it with a gauze before bed. Am planning to do the sonic toothbrush weekly (twice). I am taking multivitamin tablets (which has Vit-E 30 IU per day). I will update monthly on my progress. Hope it works this time!
Question: I am using Expeller-Pressed and Hexane-Free castor oil (Brand 'Now Solutions'). It didn't mention about cold pressed & costs 6$ for 16fl oz. Should I buy a cold pressed one?

May 21, 2018
by: Anonymous

I hope it goes well for all you guys. I’m going to get these pills and the best castor oil I can find. Will let you know the results.

May 23, 2018
Reply to Raj
by: Troy

Hi Raj. Firstly, with the Sonic toothbrush, use it daily not a couple of times a week. Read the article post "A Unique Cure for Peyronie's Disease That Worked for Me" (July 29th, 2016) above for what you need to do. In regards to the castor oil, you get what you pay for. Cheap castor oil is no good. Find a cold pressed (organic) castor oil brand that comes in a dark bottle. This is much more effective. Don't forget to apply it daily too of course.

Good luck and all the best!

Jun 04, 2018
Valley Types Scar/Dent
by: Anonymous

I've got a sonic toothbrush, but I wanted to ask if I can apply the same technique on the penis dent. I have a long valley type dent on the lower left side of my penis which goes from base to the tip and it is more visible when the penis is flaccid. Is the sonic toothbrush massage safe for a scar/dent on the penis as well?

Jun 08, 2018
by: Troy

Don't know to be honest. The sonic toothbrush method is perfectly safe as long as you're gentle. You can only try it and see how it goes (combined with the castor oil of course).

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Jun 08, 2018
by: Mr.Bent

Just wanted to ask if any of you have seen the commercials on TV for peyronie's? First time I've seen commercials regarding this problem. The site that's advertizing is for the X injections. At least this problem is now being addressed by main stream medicine.

Jul 14, 2018
Double Wammie!
by: Gary

Hi, I've read all of the posts here. I too somehow got this nasty curve in my penis. I will try the castor oil, seems to be the favorite. But has anyone experienced where they can't climax? Well I have. What better way to not feel like a man! Please help!!!!!

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to Gary
by: Troy (Admin)

Maybe consider either or both of these herbal formulas Gary?... Orgasm Disorder Herbal Remedy For Men.

Jul 30, 2018
Hard penis frenular scaring
by: Dalton

Some 6 years back I had Peyronie's disease. It hurt badly when having sex. I had a frenular operation, but was not told much before and after the treatment. I ended up with a hard plague scar which again hurts when having sex. My penis is still bending down but it's the hard scaring that is the big problem. I cannot have this operation again, but would love for the hard scar to go away. If anyone has any ideas could they please let me know?

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to Dalton
by: Troy

Have you tried the castor oil and Sonic toothbrush treatments? These would be the best methods in my opinion to help soften up the hard scarring. At least give them a go - can't hurt? :)

Aug 08, 2018
Peyronie's Treatment
by: Anonymous

This study and treatment for peyronie's looks interesting... Potassium para-aminobenzoate for the treatment of Peyronie's disease.

Sep 03, 2018
Heat and Coconut oil?
by: Anonymous

I've been looking at other Peyronie's forums and there are people that have been able to reduce their symptoms through the use of heat and a VED (penis pump). Have any of you heard of this? Also, I've read about some people using organic coconut oil and massaging that into their "member". I've used organic coconut oil myself and have noticed some improvements. I've also started using castor oil a month ago as well.

Also, it would be cool if others would give their updates on their condition once in a while.

Sep 04, 2018
by: Troy

Haven't heard of anyone using heat and a penis pump for Peyronie's, but if it helps then it would be worth considering. Organic virgin coconut oil is somewhat similar to castor oil in its actions and beneficial effects, which is why you've benefited from using it. Be sure to continue applying it every day along with the castor oil. The two together should help soften the "worms" even more.

All the best to you!

Sep 04, 2018
Peyronies and Vitamin E
by: CH

I visited an urologist and he told me to use vitamin E oil and massage it over the scar tissue area twice a day, along with taking 450 mg's of vitamin E orally. So far I’ve been seeing some improvements. He told me the penis device doesn’t work well - only 27-30% - but the vitamin E is definitely working for me.

Sep 10, 2018
Natural cure for peyronie's
by: Anonymous

Hey all -- I am 28 and I got Peyronie's from some rough sex. Painful erections and orgasms and a curvature in my penis. I took a full bottle of vitamin E, acetyl-l carnitine, bromelain, and serrapeptase, along with rubbing castor oil on my member for a period of about 6 months. I also did my own traction by pulling out my flaccid penis and stretching it whenever I could. And it worked. I recommend this treatment! Good luck fellas!

Nov 04, 2018
My experience
by: El-kwido

Hi all,

About 1.5 years ago I (35y) was diagnosed with PD. It started out with a little lump at the bottom off my shaft and over the past 18 months or so it developed into a larger plaque, which at first made a dent and progressed to a complete hourglass narrowing, various lumps and the hard worm like hardness. Softer erections (not sure if purely mental or not), loss off sensitivity and shortening all followed along this horrendous path. The urologist I went to in the beginning also said just to wait it out as he said it wouldn't get worse. Unfortunately, it progressed over the next 18 months to the current situation. Yesterday I stumbled upon this post as I once again saw the PD progress and had this agonising pain and feeling after masturbating. All my soft tissue felt really hard. With a mindset of "what do I have to lose", I went shopping for castor oil and a Philips Sonicare toothbrush. I only found a combo of castor, olive and almond so I decided to have a go with these. After a first 10 min session (with a lot of scepticism), I must say that the result was remarkable. Not only did all the tissue, plaque, lumps and rings felt softer, after a few hours I gained spontaneous erections, which is something that has almost never happened since the first stages of the PD. That same night for the first time in months I gained a very strong erection and was able to have sex with my GF with almost no discomfort. That same night I woke up regularly with a hard erections, which I don't recall having for a long time, especially after having sex that same evening or night. I really hope I have stumbled onto something that maybe does not necessarily cure PD, but at least stops the progress and helps with the pain and discomfort. I'll keep posting further progress updates guys!

Nov 06, 2018
Reply to El-kwido
by: Troy (Admin)

Heaps of guy's have found amazing relief (and permanent relief) from what you're doing, so I think you'll find that things are only going to continue to look up (pardon the pun) from here for you.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Nov 12, 2018
PD and Dupuytren's Contracture.
by: JD

It is called Vikings Disease. I have had knots in both hands for years (Dupuytren's Contracture). This summer I came down with Peyronie's disease. It was hard to keep an erection. I finally made it to the urologist last week. He put me on Viagra and told me I should get a pump and use it twice a day. Both have worked great but I kept on looking for different ways to speed up the process. I found a site that sold all the different oral and topical applications, including the ultra sound machine. Close to $400 to get started. I went out and bought the castor oil today for both my hands and penis. I plan to pick up a tooth brush tomorrow. Right from the start I had a great attitude. I joke with my wife about my bent dick all the time. We have made the best of it but look forward to it getting back to normal. No matter what, the Viagra and pump are great!

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to JD
by: Troy

Yes, the castor oil works great for both Peyronie's AND Dupuytren’s contracture. You can read more on remedies/home treatments for Dupuytren's Contracture and Ledderhose Disease in our recent Q&A on this here... Natural Remedies for Dupuytren's Contracture and Ledderhose Disease.

Hope it helps.

Good luck and all the best to you JD! :)

Jan 23, 2019
Penile injection for penis doppler ultrasound to identify peyronies
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I have a slight curve in my penis towards the left side which is even prominent when my penis is in a flaccid state. I have seen a men’s health specialist and he couldn't find any plaque in my penis. He asked me to get a peline doppler ultrasound, which requires penile injection for an erection. Has anyone tried this before? Is it safe? I am confused because I'm guessing it can make the condition worse and form scar tissue at the site of the injection? Please guide me.

Jan 29, 2019
by: Troy

I haven't heard from any guys who've had this test done so it's difficult to say. Even though it's a relatively "routine" test, there's always the chance of complications. You would need to weigh these up first before deciding on what to do. Here's some more information on this procedure... Penile doppler test: Procedure, risks and advantages.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Jun 16, 2019
Sonic brush
by: Anonymous

With the sonic brush, how often should you use it? How long for each session? Use it in one spot or move it around? Would it irritate the area?
Thanks for any info.

Jun 16, 2019
by: Troy

Have a read of the comment from July 29, 2016 for further clarification on the Sonic toothbrush method. The idea is to use it to soften up the worms or scarred tissue. Think of it like having a massage done by a masseuse when you injure or strain a muscle... similar scenario. Around 10 minutes, 2-3 times a day is the ideal time frame for using the toothbrush method.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Jul 04, 2019
One question
by: Faraz

I have one simple question but before that, let me tell you that I have found some success with ultrasound and Castor oil. But the nodule is pretty much still there. I have also tried the toothbrush technique and I can testify that it has its benifits. I want to ask, when using the toothbrush, do you have to use any lubricant like gel or oil or just use it directly on the dry plaque? Because I experienced some tissue irritation when I used the toothbrush on dry penile skin. Any advice?

Jul 05, 2019
Reply to Faraz
by: Troy

If the toothbrush is causing an irritation then yes, it's a good idea to use a little lubricant. And the best lubricant? Castor oil!

Hope this helps. :)

Jul 08, 2019
Acetyl L Carnitine
by: Faraz

Has anyone used Acetyl L Carnitine? And has it been beneficial? Is there anything else I should take in addition to Acetyl L Carnitine? I'm thinking about adding Coq10. I have heard about Gotu Kola. But not sure about it because I've read it can affect your liver. Any advice please?

Jul 18, 2019
Reply to Faraz
by: Troy

Expert author Dr Mark Hyman recommends Acetyl L Carnitine for peyronie's. In regards to gotu kola? It's absolutely fine to take unless you have liver disease, and even then, it has never conclusively been found to affect the liver in a negative way. :)

Sep 08, 2019
My second bout with PD.
by: Dave

I'm a 55 y/o bisexual male who did do a lot of masturbating and acknowledge it could be causal.

First time around with PD I developed a hard left curve with hourglassing. I always had a slight left curve. A girlfriend named him Ben Sleft. I had difficulty maintaining an erection and orgasms were painful and brief. My urologist aimed for surgery by dismissing alternative methods first. I was still recovering from a sternum reconstruction surgery(open heart) and 8 months prior a first open heart surgery, a radical pericardectomy to fix constrictive pericarditis. The cardiothoracic team at OHSU determined my exposure to depleted uranium in Desert Storm as the most likely cause for my heart bag(pericardium) developing plaques so bad the bag(membrane) was filling with fluid and squeezing my heart bad enough to interrupt the oxygen exchange between heart and lungs. My organs, including my brain were shutting down and it presented as a heart attack. I was 50.

I later learned that the pericardium and the membranes in the penis are very similar and often when a guy's penis is mangled, say in a car wreck, the surgeons will harvest pericardium tissue to rebuild the mangled penis. This had me suspecting the cause of the sudden PD was directly related to the cause of my constrictive pericarditis.

The rapid onset of both PD and CP was 21 years after exposure to an unprecedented amount of toxic shit in the air during Desert Storm. About the right amount of time for tiny radiation particles to begin causing serious damage internally. I had been eating extremely clean and organic for years so I believe I if the depleted uranium in my body is the cause that it was delayed a bit longer than the norm of 17 to 18 years after exposure.

This time around with Peyronie's I am certainly never going to let a urologist talk me into another surgery. I think the maiming I got as a result was a combination of factors including my own slowed down healing from two traumatic open heart surgeries and that the surgery was done during the acute phase and the plaques were not done developing.

I have been doing everything I know how to do and have learned to make myself healthy, to detox my body and to prevent further "over the top" nerve pain reactions to normal everyday pains. I'm convinced that another major issue with me of having ridiculous reactions to nerve pain are due to exposure to airborne nerve agents while in desert storm. My nerve pain processing center is malfunctioning. Just one example is being on the table to receive a transforaminal epidural steroid shot in the back a the site of a small bulge with a tear in it at my L4-5. My body reacted as if I was being electrocuted to death. The doctor who was in the room for the shot was the only medical professional who actually believed me and didn't accuse me of pill seaking. He transferred out of that clinic a month later into private practice. Imagine my horror at my situation and the feeling of being completely alone with a very real condition that was causing me terrible pain. Eventually I became only more determined to solve the puzzle and get my body clean of toxins and address what an MRI back when all this started showed. Anomalies in my brain but not consistent with MS which was my question and purpose for the MRIs. The neurologist had no answer for me as to what those anomalies were and since she didn't believe me when I was having an electric shock reaction to her nerve conduction tests, she dismissed me as another pill seeker.

Back to the Peyronies second time around. The worm is just like before and in the same place. I have been using the cheap castor oil from the Dollar General and stretching and massaging the whole worm and it's nodules for 4 days and can already feel results. Flaccid size is almost double, it feels like the plaques are softening, the hourglassing is already lessened and orgasms are great again with actual ejaculations instead of dribbling. I have also been using "Man1 man oil" on the whole penis for about 3 weeks. It has some of the ingredients being discussed in this forum. I've also been using a 70% DMSO/ 30% ALoe cream once a day. I've been taking double dose vit E, Blue Ice Fermented Skate liver oil, L-Lysine, L-Arginine, D3 with vit K, and a few other things for male health.

Since discovering this forum and reading through at least 20 sites on this subject I've ordered Acetyl L-Carnitine, PABA, Gotu Kola supplements and cream and tea, Organic cold pressed castor oil, Sonicool Sonic Electric Toothbrush 48000 Vibrations, Vitamin E oil, Designs for Health N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine - 900 Milligrams NAC Supplement, Serrapeptase and a Ginseng Complex.

I will update you all and won't just walk away all healed up. I want to thank each of you for your invaluable input.

Sep 09, 2019
Question for those who have benefitted
by: LP

I am starting the various treatments suggested on this forum and hope to see improvement as described by others.
If there is improvement should I expect that this will become a lifetime ritual to keep the results?
Interesting ... my word below is crisis.

Sep 18, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hey I’ve seen that peyronies is most known for affecting men 40+ but I’m 18 , I don’t really feel any lumps that I know of but I can see where the bending starts.
I’ll definitely try the sonic toothbrush thing and the oil.
Thanks for the help, I didn’t really want to go to the doctor about this especially knowing that they don’t offer a cure.

Oct 01, 2019
by: Troy (Admin)

The Sonic toothbrush method combined with the castor oil works like a charm. Be sure to let us know how you get on.

All the best! 😊

Jul 03, 2020
Question to the group
by: Dave S

Hi all,
I am a 46 year old who has had Peyronies as far back as I can remember. What's weird is, I don't seem to have any visible "worms" or pain during an erection. Everything works fine, but the bend definitely shortens my penis and is not something women seem to like. One of the doctors that I have seen told me that it could be related to other conditions that are just genetic (I have planter fibromatosis in my feet and Dupuytrens in my hand). Has any anyone else on the site had any similar experience, and if so has the castor oil worked? I have been trying for a few weeks and have not seen any changes. My doctor recommended the surgery or injections, but both have side effects that don't seem worth the risk.

Also, was just curious about this worm thing again. Are they obviously visible? Could the scar tissue be far below the surface so that it's hard to find? Trying to gather all the information that I can. Thanks all!


Nov 20, 2020
Sonic Toothbrush
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, is this Sonic Toothbrush a good one for breaking the penile plaque?... Electric Toothbrush for Adults - Fairywill PRO P11 Rechargeable Sonic Whitening Electronic Toothbrush, Red Dot Award 2020, Ultra Powerful with up to 62,000 VPC Motor, 8 Heads.

Nov 23, 2020
by: Troy

No sure to be honest? Remember, you get what you pay for. Cheap made in China products in most cases don't last very long. 😊

Feb 10, 2021
Day one
by: Big Swollen

Starting your method today. It's been a while since you last posted. Any new updates you want to add for the year 2021 that might be helpful?

Feb 21, 2021
Castor Oil Saved Me!
by: Anonymous

A little bit about me, I'm 21 years old and have had peyronies for well over a year. Mine was not severe or painful as I had no curve or bend, but I did have a very irritating hourglass shape when my penis was flacid or semi-erect. Basically it was a very tight band around the middle of the shaft that would go away when fully erect. Although not severe, it did prevent me from getting erections easily and was very embarrasing to have.

At first, I didn't think much of it, I had believed that it was caused by me smoking too much, because everytime I would take a break from smoking, it would get slightly better, so I just kept putting it off and dealing with it. After many months of seeing it get worse and worse, I decided to quit smoking at the begining of this year and hopefully wait for it to go away completely.

I waited and waited, weeks went by, a month, but nothing happened, it got worse if anything. Every time I'd go for a run, the band in the middle would get tighter and tighter, even if I was out in the cold, it would get tighter. I was at a point where it would get so tight in the middle that my penis just looked like it was about to break into two pieces.

I started getting worried, and started researching what this Hourglass shape could be, and everywhere I would read, it would say Peyronies and that it was uncurable unless you get surgery or other harsh treatments that could also reduce your erect size.

I then found this page, and decided to give the castor oil a try. I have been putting castor oil on every morning and every night as well as massaging my penis with my shower head on full pressure all around my shaft (to be a sort of vibration to break up and plaques).

After JUST 10 DAYS, my penis seems completely back to normal, I have no hourglass shape, my penis feels better and can get erections MUCH easier, and it even feels better and bigger than before I started getting peyronies symptoms. I even went for a run in the cold, which in the past would make it much worse, and my penis was completely fine.

This treatment has honestly given me back my confidence and even more as my penis has NEVER felt better.

I am going to continue applying it for at least 12 weeks though to make sure it is fully repaired.

Thank you very much for sharing this! Really a life saver.

Jul 09, 2021
by: F


Thank you Troy and everyone for sharing this! Gives me hope.

I have two questions regarding the toothbrush and castor oil:

1) With the Sonic are we referring to a "normal" sonic toothbrush (only physical vibration) or to Ultrasonic toothbrushes, i.e. is ultrasound needed?

2) Should castor oil be kept in cold or is room temperature fine as long as it is hidden from the sun light?

Jul 15, 2021
Reply to F
by: Troy

Just the "normal" Sonic toothbrush is all that's needed. With the castor oil, don't refrigerate. Just keep in a cool place (such as pantry), and yes, away from light.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Oct 06, 2021
Castor oil
by: Hour Glass

I am trying the castor oil thing and started it 2 times a day on Oct 5th. Will let you know what happens. My tool still gets erect and has no pain, it's just lost length and has an hour glass shape. Went to my urologist and he said there is nothing to do but wait it out. I don't want to wait as I have had this condition for over 3 years. I rather enjoyed my penis at full length, it was over 8 inches fully erect. My wife likes it either way but I like it at full size. I am also taking some natural pills... d3, vit c and a few more.

Oct 19, 2021
Try The Phoenix for Peyronie's
by: Jon

Wanted to pass along a new device for ED but also treating Peyronie's with acoustic sound waves called The Phoenix by Launch Medical. It seems to be similar to Gainswave that's done in a clinic, but this one can be used at home.

Jan 23, 2022
by: Bri.

I have been dealing with this condition for a little over a year now. It started with lumps, then ED, then I started getting erections again but the curve and pain took hold. I tried the Gotu Kola and found it just seemed to dehydrate me but The Acetyl L Carnitine has been working quite well when taken regularly. The curve is still there but my erections actually seem to be the strongest they have ever been. I still haven’t found an easy way to regularly apply the castor oil. I’m hoping it helps to ease the curve. All in all I just wanted to express my gratitude for this website and for everyone who contributes!

The following website has some interesting info on the effectiveness of Acetyl L Carnitine... Oral therapy for Peyronie’s disease.

Thank you all again!

Mar 12, 2022
Another Great Option Other Than Toothbrush
by: Anonymous

I just ran across this device in my searching for some remedies for this disease. Check out the reviews, a guy used this for Peroni’s and he couldn’t be happier. I just ordered it. Will let you know how it goes.


Apr 13, 2022
Castor oil
by: Anonymous

After being told by my Doctor that there was no cure for Peyronie's disease, I searched online and found this site. The recommendation worked for me!

May 10, 2022
Need this to work
by: Anonymous

I'm hopeful! This site gives me hope. I've had it for nearly 4 1/2 years with a slight upward curve/bend. I'm taking a Vit-E pill each day too. It's not painful at all but the loss of length is awful! So we'll see how the oil goes. I just bought some that was highly recommended.

I'll reply back in a few months. I have been to my Urologist also. My case is not severe. I have a Sonic Toothbrush too which I never thought of using it the way described here. I might try that in the morning and the oil at night.

Jun 24, 2022
Oil works!
by: Anonymous

Little update. My last post was the one on May 10 and now it's 24th June. The Castor Oil is working! I bought Foxbrim off Amazon.

I also use the Sonic Toothbrush that I've always had. I use the oil before bed and let it work its way in to the scar tissue area after I massage it in a little (usually about an inch or so straight back of the head) as that's where my doc said the scar tissue is located.

The curve has gone down somewhat and the hourglass shape (which always I hated), that seems to be filling out also. Overall my penis seems to be more fuller and little longer. I'm really happy about this so I'm hopeful another 4 to 8 weeks and it might be right again. We'll see.

Jul 22, 2022
Journey Begins
by: Just another Man

Hey everyone. At first I read the comments here and was gonna try the remedies quietly on my own but from what I see there are not many that actually share their progress and keep you guys posted, so I've decided to do that. For some of you peyronies may have just happened to you but for me, I know it was due to my Constant Masturbation habit. The bend must have happened 4-6 years ago and I have no pain, but I do have a hard cord on the top left of my shaft causing it to bend left about 45 degrees and also up a bit. I'm going to start with rubbing in castor oil every night before bed and taking 1500mgs of Acetyl L-Carnitine daily. As for the sonic toothbrush method I've decided to hold off for a bit since I personally think it wont do much to the plague when the plague is so hard. So once I see a bit of improvement in the bend I will know the plague is soft and add in the toothbrush method. I will be back in a few weeks to let you know of my progress.

Aug 23, 2022
Castor and Ultrasonic

Not seeing a lot of follow up, so I'll be trying this moving forward on about a 40% curve to the left and a tad upwards. Non-issue for intercourse and the wife is happy but it's just a weird mind issue for me..don't like it! Urologist did diagnose as Peyronie's disease and had me taking 3 Pentoxifylline daily but after 4 months I saw no change. He is telling me to ride it out and essentially live with it and is not recommending surgery or xiaflex shots. This actually came out of nowhere for me. One week I felt a pulsing/blood flow down there like my hand fell asleep and didn't think much of it (no pain, just a pulse) and then once more a few days later. This particular week no sex or masturbating and maybe 2 or 3 weeks later is when I noticed the curve one morning.

Anyway, have my castor oil in hand and actually found a good true sonic device for just under 150 bucks (reading a lot that it's a true sonic device and that toothbrushes are not) so that will be my tool to try. Hopefully I'll have good feedback and follow up here if truly notice any changes.

Sep 30, 2022
Peyronies for 5 years
by: Anonymous

I got peyronies when I was 14 and I never talked to anyone about it. Its also really hard to seek help in the country I live in. I get the pain when I get erect after ejaculation. If I haven't ejaculated in a day or so the pain is little or none at all but afterwards its terrible. I don't know what to do, its been one of my biggest life struggles. I will try the castor oil treatment, with high hopes of fixing the problem, but I also want to try traction if anyone here can guide me the right way to do it. Thank u.

Sep 30, 2022
Reply to Just Another Man
by: Anonymous

Hey man,
I have a really similar case to you. I've had it for 5 years and I want to take action too. Can u please let me know if u have seen any progress or found any other solution please.
From one man to another.

Oct 04, 2022
Reply to "Peyronies for 5 years comment"
by: Troy

Not sure what "traction" is? Can you elaborate?

Oct 10, 2022
Follow up and reply
by: Just Another Man

Hey people, my last comment was in July 22 2022 and I have come back to share my journey and progress and keep in mind that it was an experiment and I might of made some mistakes. My journey consists of 7 days/week experiment treatments and there’s a lot to read. After July 22nd for the next 3 weeks without masturbation at all I took 1500 MG of ACETYL-L-CARNITE from (Natural Life Labs) and massaged Castor oil from (Foxbrim Naturals) onto my shaft for about a minute and covered it with self adhesive bandage wrap (which as of now I realize might of been a mistake since the bandage wrap seems to absorb the oil rather than help the skin absorb it) and then circled 2 layers of plastic wrap over it before going to bed.

3 weeks later I bought a Philips Sonicare Expertclean 7500 Powertoothbrush for about $150 and decided it was time to add the toothbrush method to the routine by equally massaging the cord on top left of my shaft for 15 minutes every morning but this time since I read the first comment and saw that he basically bent his shaft to force the lump/cord to the surface more I realized I couldn’t do that since I always got an erection during treatment so I proceeded to masturbate before the toothbrush morning treatment everyday to be able to bend my shaft and force the cord up. A couple of days passed by and I couldn't help but do more research on peyronies and came to the realization that I should stop masturbating completely since it was the cause of peyronies in the first place and can only make it worse.

A couple days later as I was still doing my routine every day this time without masturbation at all it just didn't seem like much was happening so I did some research and something else came to mind, Traction Therapy. Two years ago I bought a traction therapy device from RESTOREX for $500(I know, quite a price to pay) and I followed the user manual and treatment provided for 2-3 months (3-6 months being the results showing timeline according to them) and I did not see any results so I stopped and saw that my scar tissue was very hard since I had the condition for years before trying it. So I thought to educate myself on ways to soften up the scar tissue first before trying it again... fast forward to Aug 2022 I thought since stretching scar tissue helps break it down and loosen it up I'm going to add that to my daily routine of using the sonic toothbrush every morning by stretching out my shaft onto the device in a straight position(not at an angle) and massaging the cord on my shaft with the backside of the head of the toothbrush equally for 15 minutes and taking 1500 MG of ACETYL-L-CARNITE and massaging castor oil before bed.

1-2 weeks later and I realized that I didn't feel anything happening beneath my first layer of skin on my shaft, no vibration or anything even on the highest vibration setting on the sonic toothbrush so I lost motivation but while keeping up the routine I did more research and reread most comments here and came across a comment that mentioned an ultrasound device by TENS PROS and read the first comment again and saw that he only tried the Supersonic toothbrush method because he didn't have an ultrasound machine. So I thought to myself why not go to the original source instead if I am able? So I dropped the Traction therapy out of my daily routine for the moment and bought myself The US Pro 2000 2nd Edition Portable Ultrasound Therapy Device for $150 and replaced the toothbrush method with it instead.

The TENS PROS ultrasound device generates not only deep vibrations that can reach the scar tissue but also heat with it as well and I now can feel like something is actually changing for the better. When it comes to the results of my journey since July 22 2022 I can honestly say that there is not a big difference in curvature and that's mainly because I have been experimenting and learning a lot rather than sticking with one way of treatment, but I do see a difference. So far I have learned that (I'm no certified specialist when I list these)...

1. Everyone’s situation is different. Your effort and treatment all depends on where your scar tissue is located, how much volume the plague has, and how long you've had it for. I've learned that people who treat peyronies during the acute phase seem to have better and faster results than the ones in the chronic phase (for myself although I can see my plague cord, it sits in a very awkward spot, its not evenly on a side, its on the top left which makes it a bit harder to stretch with traction therapy to loosen it up).

2. Castor oil, Heat, vibration, and Traction therapy all soften up or break down scar tissue or both.

While I didn't get much results since my first comment I did learn a lot and I am not giving up just yet. Since July 22 2022 even though I had my doubts I maybe missed about 2-3 treatment days. With everything I have experimented and learned I have decided to try one combination of remedies as a daily routine for the next 2-3 months and not change anything up like I did before when I was experimenting.

For the new daily routine I will combine the 3 things I know will soften up the plague by taking 1500 MG of ACETYL-L-CARNITE before bed and massaging Castor oil and wrapping the shaft with a piece of material that helps the skin absorb the oil (still trying to find the right one) before bed and using my RESTOREX traction device to bend and stretch out the scar tissue cord in the opposite way of the bend (which since my bend is about 40 degrees left and slightly up, the opposite would be down right for me), along with massaging the plague cord with the heat vibration waves the TENS PROS ultrasound device has to offer all at the same time.

Everything I just wrote is not 100% facts and is just based on my experience and thoughts and opinions. I recommend doing your own research on peyronies as-well before you try something. If there’s any mistakes in my experiment or you know something better please do let me know and reply to [Just Another Man].

I will be back to update you guys in some weeks and give more details.

Oct 12, 2022
Reply to just another man
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the update bro, I'm really struggling here.

Oct 24, 2022
Update on TENS PRO Device
by: Just Another Man

Hi everyone, although I mentioned what my new daily routine will be and said I would continue it for 2-3 months without switching it up, unfortunately I will have to drop the US Pro 2000 2nd Edition Portable Ultrasound Therapy Device out of my daily routine and here’s why. The device contains 3 modes, low, medium, high, and each mode offers a certain amount of heat and vibration. The amount of heat compared to vibration is too great, to the point where if you’re not careful you can burn yourself and create more plague. Also the head of the device is quite big and round making it hard to target and focus the heat waves on the plague cord. The TENS PRO device is the only thing I'm dropping out of my routine and will most likely replace with the toothbrush since I believe I used it wrong the first time. I'll be back in a few weeks to share my routine and results.

Jan 11, 2023
Posted back in June
by: Disappointed

I posted back in June and I've been using the castor oil from Amazon, a very good brand that was mentioned here. Sadly enough some days are better then others. I was using the electric toothbrush also for a while then the oil at night and I still have the curve upwards, that's never gonna change. I was hoping I would get some length back and as I said, some days seem better and other seem like my unit is back to square one.

Maybe i'll start using the electric toothbrush again. I use the oil every night for the past 7 months. I was hoping for better results. Good luck guys!

Mar 02, 2023
by: Anonymous

Don’t waste your time booking an appt with an Urologist. He’ll just tell you there is no cure. I mentioned DMSO and he’s never heard of it and hasn’t even heard about what good Vitamin E has on Peyronie’s. I mix up a 50/50 mix of DMSO and cold pressed hexane-free Castrol oil both from Healthy Planet health store and apply to the affected area. I’ve tried putting the oil on 1st then the DMSO but don’t know if it’s better than mixing it. I’ve taken all different kinds of supplements that forums have mentioned but non has worked for me. I’ve tried my sonic toothbrush that has the right amount of pulses and nothing. My current test again will be a 50/50 mix twice a day then before bed a massage with oil only then a wrap in gauze for sleeping.

Mar 08, 2023
Still here
by: Just Another Man

Hey People! Its been a while and things got a little complicated in my life so I put a stop to trying to cure my Peyronies disease and haven’t done any treatments since my last comment here. Like I said in the past my situation is a bit harder to treat since I have been in the chronic phase for 4-6 years now but I am still doing research from time to time on ways to actually improve in the chronic phase and gonna start a new routine in about 2 months. Will inform
You guys again. I'll be back.

May 24, 2023
by: Anonymous

First time writing anything on this. Firstly, this feed gave me answers and hope which I needed desperately, so thank you. Secondly, I’m going to try shockwave therapy. If no joy I will try PRP injections. I'll let you all know if it helps me. 🙏🇬🇧

Jun 07, 2023
Phallosan Forte
by: Just Another Man

Hey people! I'm gonna start a new routine in a bit and give you guys the specifics. I'm just waiting for something to come in first. In the meantime, in case no one brought this up yet, checkout the Phallosan Forte. It's one of the only traction devices out there that can be used for long periods of time, and also while sleeping, to treat peyronies. Keep scrolling through their site and see for yourself the reviews that some people have left on behalf of Peyronies. But remember, if you’re interested, buy and use at your own discretion.

Jun 18, 2023
Reply to just another man
by: Anonymous

Any update pls, I'm still struggling here with no clue how to fix this.

Sep 24, 2023
Penis Pump
by: Anonymous

My doctor sent me to a Urologist, said not much you can do so he handed me a brochure about a penis pump. I went online to check it out and it was over $500, so I looked on Amazon and found one for a few dollars. I apply castor oil and DMSO and use the pump. This helped to straighten my penis but it is still difficult to get a hard erection.

I have been using red light therapy on my head for my memory and got the idea of trying this on my penis. Only been 3 days now but it is definately helping.

Jul 16, 2024
Any update?
by: Anonymous

Do we have any update regarding this?
I'm considering shockwave therapy.
Anyone here can give any feedback?

Aug 01, 2024
My penis is better than it was before I injured it.
by: Anonymous

I bought a penis pump on Amazon but being a handy man I decided to make my own. The one I bought was a straight tube and my penis has always had a curve facing down when I get an erection so I put a 45 degree elbow on the tube to force it in the opposite direction. After about a month of using this my penis started to be straight when I get an erection. I was using this with castor oil on my penis. After 6 months my penis started to curve up like a normal penis. So now my penis is better than it was before I got the peyronies.

Aug 06, 2024
by: Anonymous

Shockwave definitely helped me.
I was told I only have plaques on one side via an ultrasound.
And it’s helping but you have to take medication and use a vacuum pump.
My Dr told me it’s not worth having prp injections until the plaques have been shattered.
Hope this helps someone. 🇬🇧👌👍🙏

Feb 22, 2025
by: Rowdy

Thank you for all of the helpful comments. I have used the anti inflammatory supplements, the sonic toothbrush, castor oil and the penile stretching devices. I also realized that my left bend may have been triggered by high blood pressure, then using beta blockers and having sex with a semi-erect penis causing damage. I now use cialis and even with a left bend, my penis is very hard and pleasurable. The scar tissue is less flexible than the original tissue so I think you have to use a stretching device like Restorex or a one loop extender (I have both). Just realize that this is a chronic condition and you can live with it and still enjoy a good sex life. All the best.

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