A Natural Remedy for Gallstones That Works Every Time!

by Jhon
(Lima, Perรบ)

Want to get rid of those gallstones in a hurry and avoid the need for surgery? Here's 5 of the most effective home remedies for dissolving gallstones you'll ever come across...


Good afternoon. I would like to know if there's any natural or home remedies for removing/passing gallstones that work within 24 hours? I'm in a lot of discomfort and need these things gone.
Thank you very much.


Hi Jhon, and thank you for your question regarding a natural way to dissolve/flush out gallstones.

Firstly, gallstones are thickened deposits that are basically made up of hardened cholesterol. These "stones" form in the gallbladder and range in size from a grain of sand to the size of a golf ball. In some cases they can be even bigger! Poor lifestyle choices and bad eating habits (especially too many unhealthy fats, fried foods, etc) are a major cause of gallstones. Obesity, diabetes, liver disease and pregnancy are other risk factors. Most people who have gallstones don't even know they have them until the pain and accompanying symptoms hit. Symptoms of gallstones include; sudden and severe onset of pain, particularly around the right side of the abdomen, back pain, bloating, indigestion, nausea or vomiting, and clay-colored feces.

Thankfully, there are a few tried and tested remedies and home treatments that work extremely well for breaking down and removing gallstones quickly. It's a good idea to try them all out to see which one works best for you.

Here they are in our order of importance...

Home Remedy for Gallstones #1... Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Apple Juice: This is the best (and easiest) remedy for dissolving gallstones. The malic acid in the apples helps to soften gallstones while the vinegar in the ACV stops the liver from making cholesterol (which is what causes gallstones to form in the gallbladder). Mix 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice (add some water if need be) and drink down. Do this three times daily on an empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before a meal and continue until all gallstones are gone. And if you want to keep your gallbladder healthy and keep gallstones away for good then it's simple, just continue to take this concoction twice a day every day for the rest of your life!

Now, you need to make sure the apple juice you use is 100% apple juice and the ACV is raw organic apple cider vinegar that still contains the crucial "mother"
apple (extremely important). Bragg's ACV is definitely the best on the market if you can get it... Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

Natural Remedy for Gallstones #2... Lemon Juice: Lemons also stop your liver from producing cholesterol, plus they contain a substance called pectin, which binds to gallstones and helps to flush them from the body. Pectin also helps to lessen the pain associated with gallstones.

Drink a full glass of water with the juice of four freshly squeezed lemons twice daily. Adding 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda to the mix brings even faster relief due to its strong alkalizing properties. Do this for one week or until your gallstones are dissolved. In addition, it's also a good idea to drink the equivalent of 8-10 glasses of filtered water with a dash of lemon juice (or a slice of fresh lemon added) every day to prevent further gallstones from occurring.

Natural Treatment for Gallstones #3... Beetroot, Carrot, Celery, Ginger and Cucumber Juice: A great mix for preventing and treating gallstones. All of these juices are great for detoxifying and cleansing the gallbladder, liver and colon, along with purifying the blood. Get yourself a Nutribullet (or something similar) and mix up 1/2 beetroot, 1 celery stick, 1 medium sized carrot, 1/4 cucumber and 2 good sized slices of peeled ginger. Drink first thing in the morning for a powerful cleanse and detox.

Natural Cure for Gallstones #4... Milk Thistle: The milk thistle herb is not only terrific for eliminating gallstones quickly, it's also great for eliminating the pain and inflammation as well. Milk thistle taken every day, will also help to prevent gallstones from reoccurring as it stimulates bile production. It's an extremely healthy herb that you definitely should be having every day for overall good health and longevity!

Home Remedy for Gallstones #5... Flaxseed's: This is another super remedy for gallstones that goes to work very quickly. Simply add a couple of cinnamon sticks and three teaspoons of flaxseed's to two cups of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Cover the pot after and let it stand for around 15 minutes before drinking. Add some honey to taste and enjoy!

Finally, make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains and lay off the processed foods, fried foods and junk foods.

So get going and give these remedies a try Jhon. You'll be delighted with the results!

All the best to you,


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach/Specialist)

Comments for A Natural Remedy for Gallstones That Works Every Time!

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Oct 30, 2016
Side Effects?
by: Anonymous

I am concerned that taking what's recommended here on an empty stomach might cause ulcers or some kind of damage to the stomach. Please advise if taking the mixture after food would also do the job.

Nov 02, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

None of these recommendations will cause ANY type of damage to the stomach, or internally as a whole, for that matter. They are all completely safe and will in actual fact help to heal your digestive system and help it to work better. However, if you are concerned then taking them after food would still be okay. Maybe do this for the first month and then switch to having them before food after this period.

Hope this helps.

Best of luck. :)

Dec 06, 2016
Large gallstones
by: Sandy

I've been told I have a really large gallstone along with other smaller ones. I'm worried that if it gets dislodged from the gallbladder that it may become stuck in the intestines if I use some of these suggestions for riding oneself of the stones. What do you think?

Dec 06, 2016
by: Troy

The apple cider vinegar with the mother and apple juice, along with the lemon juice, will break down the gallstone(s) so this wont happen. The beetroot, celery, carrot, ginger and cucumber drink will also help to safely break down and dissolve any gallstones. Be sure to use all 5 remedies in combination with each other (all together) for best results.

Good luck and all the best to you Sandy!

Jun 02, 2017
Apple Cider Vinegar on it's own?
by: Tania

Hi Troy,
Can the apple cider vinegar just be taken with water and/or lemon juice? So without the apple juice? I'm pre-diabetic and want to avoid sugar.

Jun 09, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, you sure can Tania. ACV and lemon juice still work very well. :)

Jul 08, 2017
Big gallstone
by: Anonymous

Hi, will these work if gallstone is 1.5 cm big, along with small ones & inflammation is present?

Jul 08, 2017
Gallstone attack
by: Melissa

Hi Troy, I'm having a gallstone at the minute. Can I drink apple cider vinegar with water? I don't have apple juice or lemon juice.

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to "Big Gallstone" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, these will still work, however, it will take longer for the big gallstone to shrink so you will need to be patient.

All the best! :)

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Melissa
by: Troy

Yes, get the ACV into you as soon as you can! Make sure you continue to drink it and add the lemon juice/apple juice once you do have some. :)

Jul 12, 2017
Milk Thistle
by: Heidi

I have a Milk Thistle tincture. Will this work too instead of the capsules or tea? I also have Holy Basil Tea for liver detox. Can I add this as well? I just cant have surgery. I have had abdominal muscles cut out and have a large mesh covering my abdomen. There's no way they can operate safely. They are trying to tell me there is no way to clear my gallstones, only by surgery and I'm telling them they're wrong. I have an ultrasound coming up and I would love to get them cleared before I have it and prove to them it can be done. I really hate doctors and their constant push for surgery.

Jul 14, 2017
by: Troy

The milk thistle tincture is perfectly fine Heidi. Adding the holy basil tea is also a good idea and will compliment the milk thistle nicely. Don't forget to utilize the other remedies listed too, particularly the ACV and apple juice (along with the beetroot, carrot, celery, ginger and cucumber juice).

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Aug 09, 2017
Gallstones treatment started
by: Chris

Thank you so much for your information! I have 3mm stones, 3 in total. I started this full natural treatment 2 days ago, my question is: how will I know when my gallstones are gone? dissolved? Only thru another ultrasound?

Aug 11, 2017
by: Troy

Yes Chris, an ultrasound is still the best way to find out if and when your gallstones have shrunk. :)

Aug 19, 2017
Saw palmetto and gallstones
by: Anonymous

Do you have any comments or advice about saw palmetto causing more gallstones? Or is it safe to take? Thanks!

Aug 21, 2017
by: Troy

Saw Palmetto does not cause gallstones. The only reason you would take saw palmetto is for shrinking an enlarged prostate (and it works extremely well for this). If you are suffering from both of these conditions you have nothing to fear by taking this herb. Just remember that saw palmetto does thin the blood so if you're currently taking any blood thinning medications, be sure to check with your doctor first. :)

Aug 22, 2017
Gallstones/Saw Palmetto
by: Chris

Thank you Troy, the reason of taking Saw Palmetto is because I'm a woman with Estrogen Dominance symptoms and I read its good to manage this. But because I have gallstones and I read it is not good for people with liver problems is why I asked. Thanks! :)

Aug 25, 2017
Questionable Doctors
by: DSM

Heidi, you're so right about these doctor's. The only remedy they know is surgery because it's more money for them. They need to keep you coming. What I have learned from the research I've done is surgery doesn't eliminate the problem, it creates more. They say aww don't worry, you don't need that organ, you can live without it. If that was the case it wouldn't be there in the first place. Anyway, I'm going to try these remedies so when I go for my CT scan the doctors will see that there are other ways. Good luck Heidi. Let's do this, cause I don't want the surgery either!

Aug 27, 2017
Reply to Chris
by: Troy

Yes, saw palmetto is good for treating estrogen dominance in women. It has never been proven to cause liver damage or gallstones either. This is nothing but a pure false theory. Don't buy into it. :)

Aug 28, 2017
by: Chris

Thank you Troy, I'll keep that in mind! How about calcium and collagen supplements? Do they help on the gallstones formation? I stopped all my supplements when I found out about my gallstones.

Aug 29, 2017
Have gallstone and Barrett's esophagus
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I have tried acv 2 times and I have Barrett's esophagus. Could you tell me if acv is safe to use with Barrett's esophagus? I did drink it straight without apple juice and it seemed to burn. Thank you.

Aug 31, 2017
Reply to Chris
by: Troy

Collagen is perfectly fine. With calcium, just be mindful of the type of calcium you take. Coral calcium is the best and safest if you can get it. Try and use the "Barefoot Coral Calcium Complete" brand for the extra strength and vitamin D content. :)

Aug 31, 2017
Reply to "Barrett's Esophagus" Comment
by: Troy

Try and drink the ACV with water rather than straight so it doesn't burn. Failing this, go with the ACV capsules instead as these do not burn.

All the best!

Oct 27, 2017
Substitute for lemon juice?
by: Sia

Hi! My mom is allergic to lemons. After drinking lemon juice she started having cough problems. Please suggest an alternative to the lemon juice. Her diet is normal, she drinks plenty of water daily and is very active.

Nov 03, 2017
by: Troy

Go with the apple cider vinegar and apple juice instead Sia (along with the other remedies listed). This combo works extremely well.

All the best!

Nov 25, 2017
Limes in place of lemons?
by: Debbie

Is it possible to use limes instead of lemons?

Nov 30, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, there's virtually no difference (nutritionally) between lemons and limes. :)

Jan 07, 2018
Gallstone remedies when pregnant
by: Rabia

Can I take the AVC and apple juice while pregnant? Are they okay?

Jan 12, 2018
by: Troy

Yes, they are both perfectly safe to take while pregnant. :)

Jan 12, 2018
by: Ali

Hi, I want to ask that if a person also has a history of kidney stones, can he safely use these natural remedies for gallstones? Because it is thought that vitamin C plays a role in the formation of kidney stones and persistent use of citric remedies for a long time (as for dissolving a big gallstone) could trigger the formation of kidney stones, especially if a person is also on calcium supplements for his low bone density.
Thanks in advance.

Jan 16, 2018
by: Sbs

Hi, I have multiple gallstones varying in size (3-5mm). I am taking a homeopathic medicine. Can I take apple cider vinegar along with this?

Jan 19, 2018
by: Anonymous

I was told I needed surgery, I have extreme pain and swelling. What is the quickest method. I DO NOT want surgery, I am terrified.

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Ali
by: Troy

You need to take a high amount of vitamin C in supplemental form for this to (possibly) cause kidney stones. This wont happen from taking ACV and some lemon juice. In fact, ACV, baking soda and lemon juice actually help to prevent kidney stones by raising your body's pH level. Vitamin D (along with calcium and magnesium) also help prevent kidney stones. Have a read of our two articles on preventing and treating kidney stones for more information on this... Best Natural Cures & Home Remedies for Kidney Stones. Bottom line... the remedies above will all help with your gallstone AND preventing kidney stones.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Ali!

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Sbs
by: Troy

ACV is perfectly safe to take with any type of medicine or remedy. Apple cider vinegar is simply fermented apples. There's nothing bad about apples.

All the best! :)

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to "Help" Comment
by: Troy

The quickest method is to follow all 5 of the recommendations listed above to-the-letter and never missing a day.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jan 31, 2018
I dont want sujrgery
by: Barbara

After having an ultra sound I was diagnosed with 1 small gallstone. I was ok with this until a surgeon told me I needed my gall bladder out. I've only had 1 attack and feel ok except for the occasional soreness. These natural ways to help blast my gallstone out I am going to start on next week. Can I just try one remedy instead of all 5? Also, I would like to know how I will know if the stone is being blasted or if it's gone? I don't think my doctor will let me have another ultra sound as I went to her for a second opinion about what the surgeon said and she agreed that surgery is the only option. Hope to hear a reply soon.

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Barbara
by: Troy

You can certainly just use one of the remedies listed above if you like, however, to really "blast" (as you like to call it) your gallstone you should consider utilizing all 5 to give yourself the best chance possible of removing it. If the stone breaks down enough, you may not even be aware that you've passed it. If you want to check, the way to do it is not pretty. You have to sift through your feces. This article explains the details... How to Know If You Pass a Gallstone.

Hope this helps you Barbara.

All the best to you!

Feb 18, 2018
Gallstones problem
by: Whitney

Thank you for your tips Troy. I have been told I have three gallstones, the biggest is 1 1/2 inch. From the ultrasound, they could not see my gallbladder well because it has got smaller compared to when it was checked a year ago. My biggest problem is eating. Even though I avoid fat, and have plenty of fruit and veg, when I eat food does not pass through my system, it stays there until I have very severe pain and am constipated. The doctor has given me lots of different laxatives but none of them work, they only make things worse. Magnesium works but I have been told I cannot use it as my heart is beating out of rhythm in the lower chamber. They think it's because of my gallbladder because other than this, it is healthy. I am now dependent on needing to take some kind of laxative because my system will not work on its own anymore. And I need to wait something like 4 weeks before I can see a specialist. In the meantime, I need to get by and be able to eat as I am so hungry but scared to eat anymore. Anything you can suggest will be much appreciated. I have just started taking the apple cider vinegar and apple juice today and it has helped me with the pain so far. Thank you.

Feb 18, 2018
Gallstone Attack Relief
by: Anonymous

I had a gallstone attack 2 years ago. The hospital wanted to take out my gallbladder, I wouldn't let them. I have had a couple of episodes since then. Apple cider vinegar absolutely works for me! I didn't have apple juice so I mixed it with water. I was pain free in 15 minutes.

Feb 19, 2018
Reply to Whitney
by: Troy

Laxatives are not a good option unfortunately, and create laziness in the bowel. Have a read of our article on natural constipation remedies for some handy tips on controlling and ultimately fixing this problem... 10 Home Remedies for Constipation That Give Fast Relief. Lots and lots of probiotics are crucial for a healthy digestive system and for curing constipation problems (#7 cure in our article), so definitely make sure you're getting enough of these. Also be sure to read through our #10 cure (Diet) for some handy tips on the best foods to eat to help alleviate your constipation. I'm not sure why you can't take magnesium if you have arrhythmia? Magnesium is actually crucial for heart health and for treating and curing cardiac arrhythmia... 5 Powerful Natural Remedies for Cardiac Arrhythmia. The trace mineral selenium and iodine are also crucial for treating this problem as well.

So hopefully these tips help you out Whitney.

All the best!

Mar 26, 2018
Helping one another
by: Anonymous

I intend to continue to do all that you recommend for gallstones. Wondering if adding celery extract in the form of caps would also benefit in the pulverisation of the stones. ACV + apple juice is a powerful remedy. Thanks for all the advice, hints & recommendations.

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to "Helping One Another" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, celery seeds are great for preventing and dissolving both gallstones and kidney stones. The extract is even more potent of course. You definitely can't go wrong taking this.

All the best! :)

Apr 24, 2018
Gallstone size
by: Anonymous

Do these remedies work regardless of the size of the Gallstones? I have two gallstones and the biggest one is 1.4cm. Would any of these remedies help shrink them to pass out of the gall bladder?

Apr 26, 2018
Hello Troy
by: Lynn

I am enjoying reading your posts... thank you. My question is why do we need too use all of these remedies together? I was told I have "lots" of gallstones so can't I just use only the ACV? Also, I am currently using the "Stone breaker" and havee been using it now religiously for 2 months but no results as of yet. Any input on that?
Thank you.

Apr 27, 2018
Reply to "Gallstone Size" Comment
by: Troy

Regardless of the size of the gallstone(s), these remedies will help shrink them. Naturally, the bigger the gallstone the longer it will take for it to shrink.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 27, 2018
Reply to Lynn
by: Troy

Hi Lynn. Yes, you may be able to break up and remove your gallstones just from taking the ACV. The reason we recommend multiple remedies is so you hit your gallstones from different angles (holistic type approach). Sometimes one remedy will not work, but different combinations can be incredibly effective. In regards to the chanca piedra, make sure you're taking the highest recommended dose listed on the bottle and taking it as per the recommendations. Chanca piedra is safe to take so there's no harm in taking the highest recommended amount.

Hope this helps you Lynn

All the best to you!

May 07, 2018
Did this work for anyone?
by: Anonymous

I would love feed back on who tried this and what and if it worked or if you ended up having the surgery in the end?

May 07, 2018
Gold Coin Grass Herb?
by: SonHyv

What do you think about taking Gold Coin Grass to dissolve gallstones? Is it safe & effective?

May 08, 2018
Does ACV cause decrease in bone density and tooth enamel erosion?
by: MN

Hello Troy,
You advise to take 2 tablespoons full 2-3 times a day, which works out to almost 1/3rd of a cup of ACV a day.
I read that it's not advisable to take more than 2 TBSP per day as it causes bone density issues and erosion leeching. Please let me know your thoughts?

May 11, 2018
Reply to SonHyv
by: Troy

Gold Coin Grass (Desmodium Styracifolium) has been used in Chinese medicine for 100's of years to help remove kidney stones and gallstones. From all reports, it works very well. Just remember though, Gold Coin Grass only breaks up the gallstone. It's advisable that you also combine olive oil and lemon juice daily with this herb to help flush out the broken up/crushed pieces of gallstone from the body.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 11, 2018
Reply to MN
by: Troy

While it's true that too much ACV can cause tooth enamel problems (drinking it through a straw does solve this problem), as far as interrupting bone density, that's never been proven. On the contrary, raw organic ACV with the "mother" is rich in calcium, magnesium, boron and potassium, all the minerals your body needs for healthy bones. As far as dosages go, you can take up to 4 tablespoons a day with no problems, even higher if you want. Remember, ACV is just fermented apple juice (totally natural). There's no restrictions placed on how many apples you can eat in a day (it would be ludicrous if there was) so placing a limit on how much ACV you can have in a day is also ludicrous in my opinion. Remember also, you only take the highest amount until your gallstone is dissolved - it's not a long term thing. And in regards to the acidity? Once apple cider vinegar enters the body it changes from acidic to alkaline (which is also a good thing). I recommend you have a read of this article from our friends at Healthy and Natural World for more information on this... How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should You Drink?.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

May 23, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hello, I have just been diagnosed with gallstones. I am already taking ACV capsules. Are these as effective as the liquid? I am going to try these other remedies as well and just want to be sure I am doing all that I can to get rid of these and avoid surgery.

May 30, 2018
by: Troy

The ACV capsules still work. I would recommend you also drink PLENTY of lemon water (#2). Combined with the ACV, lemon water is terrific for helping to break down a gallstone. In addition, you may want to look at performing a gallbladder flush. Have a read of this article from our friends at Earth Clinic on how to go about this... Gallbladder Flush Recipes and Treatment.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jun 13, 2018
No gallbladder
by: Anonymous

Hey there, I don't have a gallbladder but still get gallstones stuck in the bile duct. Will all these help me as well? Sorry if you've already answered this question. :)

Jun 14, 2018
Large gallstone
by: Anonymous

Hi, I've just found out I have a 3cm gallstone, non calcium type. What should I do to break it down without causing it to flush and get stuck. Can these remedies be taken with the meds I've been prescribed?

Thank you in advance.

Jun 16, 2018
Reply to "No Gallbladder" Comment
by: Troy

None of the remedies listed above are harmful to the body in any way. In fact, they will actually help you become much healthier and help heal your insides (which is a good thing of course). Remember too, definitely no processed foods, fried foods or junk foods should be eaten if you have had your gallbladder removed. Plenty of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, herbs, seeds and nuts are what you need to be eating.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jun 16, 2018
Reply to "Large Gallstone" Comment
by: Troy

The 5 recommendations listed in this article are completely safe to take while on medications. They are all natural foods so there's nothing bad about them. In the comments you'll read about the benefits of the chanca piedra herb for breaking down gallstones. This particular herb is very effective and definitely worth considering. You can buy it online or from your local health food store. Do not consume alcohol while taking the chanca piedra though.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 16, 2018
No Gallbladder Reply
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much!!

Jul 26, 2018
by: Cheryl

Hi. I have gallstones and the doctor said I need to have my gallbladder removed. I've had these gallstones for years! I first found out when I was pregnant with my son (he's 25 now). I am wondering if it is possible to dissolve these stones now. I am having problems with digestion and fatigue all the time now. Could this be the problem? I don't want surgery again. I had an emergency c section in 09 and it took me forever to get over that! What can I do? I am also a single mom.

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to Cheryl
by: Troy

There is no harm in using the remedies listed above Cheryl - they are all natural and completely safe. Because you've had gallstones for while, it may take a little time to get rid of them, but it's certainly doable. Use all of the remedies listed above for at least 12 months and I think you'll be quite surprized at the beneficial results you get. These remedies will also help to boost your energy and get your insides working properly again.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Is there any risk to starting these remedies, then abruptly stopping them? Thank you!

Aug 11, 2018
by: Troy

No risk whatsoever, but we would highly recommend that you continue with the ACV and milk thistle, along with the juices, indefinitely for overall good health and to prevent any gallstones from developing again in the future. Up to you of course. :)

Oct 03, 2018
by: Jhona

I have a gallstone 0.37 in size. Is the ACV ok to take if you have an ulcer or low blood pressure?

Oct 04, 2018
Reply to Jhona
by: Troy

Raw organic apple cider vinegar helps to regulate blood pressure, so if it's high it will help lower it, if it's low the ACV helps your body to maintain a more normal level. So yes, it's perfectly fine in this regard. In regards to stomach ulcers? Apple cider vinegar soothes and heals the gut lining, which is a good thing if you have a stomach ulcer. You do need to be careful though that you don't take too much in the beginning. Start off slow with the ACV and build up to the recommended amount over a period of several weeks. In addition to this, have a read of this recent Q&A we did on stomach ulcer cures... 7 Ways to Cure a Stomach Ulcer Quickly & Permanently at Home.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Jhona!

Apr 08, 2019
Gallstone and fatty liver
by: Meral

My dad is in his 80's. He is bed bound, diabetic, has a gallstone, fatty liver, constipation and gastric problems. I tried giving him ACV 1/2 teaspoon and 1 glass of green apple juice everyday in the morning before breakfast. I am not sure whether his gallstone is dissolved. He still has itch on his skin but this concoction has been helpful for his constipation issues. Keeping my fingers crossed that it helps to dissolve his stone as soon as possible.

Feb 15, 2020
by: Criss P Baken

The liver produces bile. Excess bile is held in the gallbladder. I haven't ever had high cholesterol. I have had gallstones. For me, not having surgery resulted in a porcelain gallbladder which had to be removed, intestines full of gallstones, full-blown IBD. I believe there's a place for holistic medicine and a place for doctors.

May 20, 2021
My sister has pain in left side of abdomen
by: Anonymous

My sister has a pain in her leftside of her abdomen, and I suspect it is a possible gallbladder stone. Please help. Can I give her ACV and lemon only. She is also a pre diabetic. Thank you.

Jun 06, 2021
by: Troy

The ACV and lemon juice are perfectly fine for pre-diabetics and actually help to stabilise insulin levels and raise your pH level. I would strongly suggest though that your sister visits a doctor ASAP and gets a proper diagnosis. Don't assume what the problem is, find out for sure.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Jul 30, 2021
About vinegar and milk thistle
by: SD

Can Ume Plum Vinegar be used in place of Apple Cider Vinegar? Every time I use ACV, I get a fever blister. Also, Iโ€™ve read that milk thistle can interfere with birth control. Is this true?

Aug 09, 2021
Reply to SD
by: Troy

Ume plumb vinegar is no good unfortunately. Simply take the apple juice with lemon juice and you'll still get results. Also the beetroot, celery, carrot, ginger and cucumber juices as well. In regards to the milk thistle, it has never been found to interfere with pharmaceutical birth control, this is only a theory that has never been confirmed. Taking milk thistle at a separate time to any birth control pill would be fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Oct 13, 2022
by: Mark

Is it possible to take ACV, lemon juice, baking soda, and apple juice all together? Does this make it more effective or could these conflict in any way?

Oct 17, 2022
Reply to Mark
by: Troy

Taking them all together will lessen their beneficial effects. They could also make you quite "gassy". I wouldn't recommend it. Really is best if you can stagger them throughout the day.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best Mark! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Oct 18, 2022
Help again. Thank you.
by: Mark

Iโ€™m noticing a beneficial affect with the mixture of ACV, lemon juice, and 1/4t baking soda. Do you know this to be a good combo? With this combo what would you estimate ETA till completely cleared gallbladder?

Oct 20, 2022
by: Troy

The combo you're using is good. As to the time frame? Very difficult to say. Depends on how clean your diet is and how rigorous you are with the supplements (not missing days). Could take up to 6-9 months to fully shrink your gallstone.

Hope this helps.

Good luck! :)

Nov 23, 2022
Slow and Gentle
by: Annette

Hi, I have a few questions... #3 remedies/natural treatments for gallstones... Beetroot, Carrot, Celery, Ginger and Cucumber Juice suggest you use a Nutribullet. I am not familiar with this. Does it juice or is a juicer better?

For Natural Cure for Gallstones #4, milk thistle, there is no instructions on how to take it? How does one take this? Leaves or seeds? How much? And how often? On an empty stomach?

Overall question... I want to do this gently and over time as I have some very large gallstones and do not wish to get them stuck if they try to pass.

In Remedy #5, you mention flax seeds, would psyllium work instead?

Thank you kindly for time and greatly appreciate your page on gallstones!

Nov 23, 2022
Reply to Annette
by: Troy

Hi Annette. The Nutribullet (or Nutri Ninja) are better options than a juicer simply because they pulp all of the fruit or vegetable, so you get all the nutrients, not just what comes from the juice. The Nutri Ninja is actually a better choice in my opinion. I have one and it works amazing! (quite noisy though)... Nutri Ninja.

With the Milk Thistle, you buy it in capsule form mostly... Milk Thistle. For directions and dosages, simply follow what's listed on the bottle.

Psyllium is not the same as flax seeds and won't work as well. I recommend sticking with flax. You can purchase this in either seed or ground up form. Even the oil works well.

Finally, taking your time and doing this slowly is the best option. I love it when people take it slow. They have patience! I don't think you'll have a problem. You have the right mindset.

Good luck and all the best to you! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Apr 20, 2023
by: Anonymous

I am 65...discovered gallstones from ultrasound. I have no idea how long I have had them... I have never had an attack... I started the aj & acv 2 days ago, but only 2 tbsp once daily with apple juice. Will the stones dissolve INSIDE the gallbladder? And possibly how long will it take?

May 10, 2023
by: Troy

Yes, the gallstones "dissolve" inside the gallbladder. How long will it take? Difficult to say. This is not a quick fix. It can take up to 12 months. This is a better option than surgery though in my opinion. Don't forget about the other recommendations as well.

Good luck and all the best! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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