A Natural Remedy for Epstein Barr Virus That Works!

by Vincent


I have had chronic Epstein Barr flare-ups for over 2 years. What can I do naturally to help ease this? Thank You.


Hi Vincent, and thank you for your question regarding natural ways to ease your Epstein Barr virus (EBV) symptoms.

Firstly, for those who don't know. Epstein Barr is part of the herpes virus family. The virus is carried in the salivary glands and is spread by kissing (hence its common nickname "the kissing disease") or by sharing drinks and utensils. It causes chronic fatigue and has also been associated with lymphoma and multiple sclerosis.

There are 3 primary treatments and remedies for the Epstein Barr virus that work very powerfully... olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and oregano oil.

All three of these surround the virus and create a type of "force field" so it is unable to continue to feed, grow and replicate. This in turn "starves" the virus and kills it (yes it can be killed). We recommend you have a read of our "natural herpes cure" article, which explains all three remedies in detail, along with the best places to obtain these supplements from for maximum potency. Here's the link... Potent Natural Cure for Herpes.

Essiac tea has also been found to be a very effective remedy and treatment for the Epstein Barr virus. Certain components in essiac tea are able to kill viruses and cancer cells in the blood stream. Its use on AIDS patients is also being considered. You can buy it in tincture, capsule or liquid form. All of these work well. For dosages and recommendations, follow the directions on the back of the container. Here's some good brands if you're interested... Essiac Tea.

BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) is another potent viral killer that you may want to consider. This substance is regularly used as a food preservative but its real power lies in its ability to destroy lipid coated viruses, which is what the herpes family of viruses, including Epstein Barr, is. You can easily buy it in supplemental form (this is one of
the best brands on the market
) and will need to start off slowly with the dosage and increase over a period of about a week so your body can get used to it. Begin with 250 mg's per day for the first two days then increase to 500 mg's on the third day (for another two days), then 750 mg's for two days then up to 1000 mg's. If no adverse reactions are felt, stay on the 1000 mg dose for a period of 12 months. BHT must also be taken with fats so have a tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil at the same time, along with the herb St. Johns Wort, which also enhances the absorption of BHT.

You can read more about the potent effects of BHT here if you're interested... BHT and the Silent Epidemic... Herpes.

Monolaurin is yet another very powerful treatment and cure for Epstein Barr. In fact, chances are you may have even read about it already. Monolaurin is the latest "buzz" treatment for lipid membrane viruses including the herpes virus, flu, measles and EBV. Monolaurin is believed to inactivate lipid-coated viruses (including EBV), causing the permanent disintegration of their particles - meaning, they will not return or replicate. Here's what monolaurin looks like... Monolaurin Supplement.

Finally, there are a few more things you should be doing to help your immune system and body to build-up and repair itself...

1) Cut out all sweets and refined sugars. Sugar lowers your immune system.

2) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

3) Limit caffeine, switch from coffee to healthy Matcha green tea.

4) No alcohol.

5) Take L-lysine (see our natural herpes cure article for more information on this).

6) Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil every day (coconut oil is a strong anti-viral food).

7) Consume organic apple cider vinegar containing the "mother" apple (ACV is also a very powerful anti-viral food).

8) Get enough rest.

So hopefully these tips and remedies help you out Vincent.

Good luck to you and all the best!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Comments for A Natural Remedy for Epstein Barr Virus That Works!

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Feb 17, 2016
by: Vincent

Thanks for your response. I am having a difficult time keeping this thing in check and already do some of the things you recommend. Doctor's don't seem to understand how debilitating this virus can be.

Feb 17, 2016
by: Troy

Unfortunately, they don't Vincent. Just remember, using multiple remedies and taking a holistic approach is the best way to successfully treat this nasty problem. Best of luck.

Sep 24, 2016
Heart Palpitations
by: Christine

I'm hoping that combining these natural remedies will bring my husband some relief, and sleep. He was diagnosed in Oct 2014 with EBV. He has been suffering from heart palpitations since and gets very little sleep, which is bad if you have this virus. He has worn a halter monitor and been to a cardiologist. Apparently all is fine. He's on lots of different vitamins and supplements, but this one symptom is still present. I fear for what the future health ramifications will be should he not get enough rest and put this virus to bed, for good.

Sep 30, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Christine. A magnesium deficiency is the #1 cause of an irregular heart beat (heart palpitations) and insomnia. But what's most important is that you MUST supplement with the right type of magnesium. Magnesium has now been almost completely leached from our food soils so supplementation is crucial.

A transdermal magnesium oil spray is the best option. The magnesium is absorbed directly into the bloodstream via the skin... Magnesium Oil Spray.

Magnesium Citrate is the next best option... Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate.

You should take the time to have a read of this article by Magnesium expert, Dr Marcus Sircus, for more information on this... Magnesium – the Ultimate Heart Medicine.

Hope this helps you and your husband Christine.

All the best to you.

Sep 30, 2016
by: Vincent

I have developed High Blood pressure with the EBV. I don't get any sleep either due to continuous hypnotic jerks that have developed. I don't get much rest and am fatigued a lot. So my prayers are with your husband. This virus sucks

Oct 02, 2016
Attacking the Virus With Your Recomendations
by: Camilla


My Partner and I both have the EB virus.
Do you recommend the Colloidal Silver, Oregano Oil and Olive Leaf Extract for this or is it not strong enough as EBV is a different strain of the herpes virus (I know there are over 50 different types)??

Also, I am able to get the Silver in Australia but not the other products? Can you please recommend similar products that I am able to get in Australia?

I have found this one.. www.oregano-oil.com.au

And this one... www.fountainofbeing.com.au/oil-of-oregano

For the oregano oil.. I imagine the first is the best because it costs the most!

Thanks :)


Oct 02, 2016
Vincent ... Lyme Disease???
by: Megan

Vincent, it sounds like maybe you have Lyme disease? I was getting those hypnotic jerks too. Many people with Lyme disease have active EBV, HH6, etc.
Lyme disease is an ugly illness.
Join some FB Lyme disease groups to learn more about this disorder. Oh and I haven't slept in years either. Four to be exact.

Oct 03, 2016
by: Vincent

I have been tested 3 times over the last 2 years for Lyme and it always comes back negative. I know the tests could be wrong and the symptoms do seem to coincide, but what do you do for Lyme's that you don't do with EBV treatment?

Oct 03, 2016
Reply to Camilla
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Camilla. Firstly, the OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil (along with the BHT) are DEFINITELY powerful enough to destroy the EB virus. It makes little difference what strain of the herpes virus it is, these four supplements will bring the virus out of hiding and destroy it. Just make sure you use all of them exactly as we've directed in our article.... Natural Herpes Cure. You may go through a bit of a rough patch to begin with (detoxing and Herxheimers reaction) but once you get over this you will begin to feel better than you've felt in a very long time. Now, with the oregano oil suppliers you've listed, the first one is the definite choice. Their "super strength" oregano oil looks extremely good and authentic. The OLE you can still get from Olivus. They deliver to Australia. Just remember to include the BHT in your protocol (you'll need to purchase BHT from a U.S. supplier such as Amazon or Life Extension) and follow a strict "clean eating" regimen with lots of raw organic foods so you get the most out of these supplements.

Good luck and all the best to you Camilla!

Oct 07, 2016
Thanks so much
by: Camilla

Thanks so much Troy

We'll get into it!

Oct 08, 2016
Olive Leaf Extract
by: Camilla


Thank you so much for your response.

Could you please advise me in regards to the following so I can complete my purchases? Would be greatly appreciated..

I tried to order from Olivus but the shipping box would not let me enter my address and kept reverting me back to America. So I found this one. What do you think?.. http://www.herbosophy.com.au/olive-leaf-x40-40-oleuropein/ It's got 40% oleuropein..

I cannot find BHT on the Life Extension Website, the only one I can find is...
(With any ST JOHNS WORT?)

Is this OK?

Thanks so much


Oct 09, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Camilla. This page explains the shipping details for the Olivus OLE... Shipping and Returns, however, the olive leaf extract brand you've found is perfectly okay as well. Just start off with one capsule a day for the first 1-2 weeks then increase to two per day.

The Life Enhancement BHT is also perfect. Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw were actually the first people to discover the awesome power of BHT for destroying viral infections and even wrote a best-selling book on the subject.

Any type of St John's Wort is okay as long as it contains at least 0.3% standardized hypericin extract (it should tell you on the bottle).

Hope this helps you Camilla.

All the best!

Feb 10, 2017
Essiac tea for high viral load?
by: Michelle

Hello, My boyfriend has been diagnosed with the rare form of EBV... chronic active EBV with T-cell lymphoproliferation. His situation is different because he doesn't feel sick. His viral titer's are in the millions. Will Essaic tea help lower his viral count? Thanks.

Feb 15, 2017
by: Troy

Essiac tea is excellent for reducing the viral load of any infection, including all forms of EBV. But to get the most out of it and to destroy the infection completely, he should combine it with the OLE, colloidal silver, oregano oil and BHT. This combination is incredibly powerful and works a treat.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

Mar 22, 2017
Candida, parasites, bacteria
by: Mona

Thank you so much for sharing this information. Will this remedy be effective in removing candida, parasites or other bacteria as well? Some of the autoimmune diseases, or maybe all of them, seem to have the same things in common like environmental toxicity, viruses, candida, parasites and bacteria. If not, do you have another protocol for removing these? I am interested in a natural protocol for lupus as well. Thank you again.

Mar 23, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Mona. The olive leaf extract, oregano oil & colloidal silver will most definitely get rid of candida, bacteria & any other parasites that may be residing in your body.

Probiotics (lots & lots of probiotics) are also critically important for treating & curing candida... Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection That Works a Treat!.

Building up the immune system is also vital for treating & curing any autoimmune disease... Take Your Health to a Whole New Level With These Powerful Immune Boosting Tips!.

We also have a recent Q&A on lupus remedies that may be of interest to you... Top 7 Natural Remedies for Lupus.

Hope this helps you Mona.

All the best to you!

Mar 27, 2017
Thank you, Troy
by: Mona

Thank you again for providing so much information. God bless you abundantly as you continue to help others.

Apr 08, 2017
Other OLE Reputable Brands?
by: Hayley

Hi Troy,

Thank you very much for the valuable info.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 7 years ago at the age of 22 and have recently been diagnosed with pcos and insulin resistance. I'm convinced they are all connected and most recently have concluded the underlying culprit is Epstein Barr after digging for relief for years.
Since Olivus is usually out of stock, are there any other reputable brands that you recommend? It seems like the supplement industry is full of knock offs and sometimes it's hard to distinguish what is genuine quality.

Apr 10, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Hayley. Unfortunately, the supplement industry isn't as tightly regulated as what it should be, so yes, you do need to be careful of your supplier. Olivus will be back in stock in 2 days according to their website. If you cannot wait then the Healths Harmony brand is another good quality OLE... Olive Leaf Extract (NON-GMO) Super Strength.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

May 06, 2017
Thank you
by: Stacey

I just ordered all the items you listed. I have battled chronic EBV for 3 years now. It just gets worse, so I am willing to try anything. Is there any side effects from using OLE or oregano oil? Is it safe to use all of the listed herbs/supplements long term?
Thank you for helping and commenting. Tons of doctor visits and I have gotten nowhere...
Thank you

May 07, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Stacey. All of these foods and supplements can be safely taken long term at their recommended "maintenance" dosages (listed on the side of the container), with the exception of the oregano oil, L-lysine and colloidal silver. It's recommended that these three are taken for 6-12 months before having a rest. After a 4-6 month period you could then go back on them again. The maintenance dose for the BHT is 250 mg's per day, which you can safely continue to take for as long as you like (the rest of your life in fact).

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

May 09, 2017
Chronic Ebv
by: Kim

Hi. Does this work for chronic ebv. I have had a multitude of symptoms and tested positive for ebv back in October. I was sick from July and now experiencing what seems like neurological symptoms, twitching, muscle tightness, foot burning. I think I have got on top of the fatigue with a very clean diet and supplements but I'm still getting different symptoms and insomnia and I have lost too much weight.
Thanks Kim.

May 17, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

This protocol definitely works for chronic EBV Kim. Clean eating is certainly a good start, but you must kill the virus to be truly cured and free from this awful parasite for good. That's what the olive leaf extract, oregano oil and colloidal silver do. The BHT and essiac tea also play an important role in containing and starving the virus so it cannot continue to grow and replicate. Follow the recommendations listed above and you'll be truly amazed by the results and how much better you feel.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Jul 09, 2017
Good bacteria damage with olive leaf & oregano oil?
by: Anonymous

Thanks for all your good information. I've heard that it may be a problem taking oregano oil and leaf extract for more than a few days in a row because it wipes out your own good intestinal flora, as well as the viruses you're fighting. Is this true? And if it is, what type of probiotic do you recommend and how much?

Jul 10, 2017
by: Troy

Taking OLE and oregano oil will not "wipe out" your good gut bacteria, however, they can certainly lower the supply. So taking a good quality probiotic supplement is a good idea. Dr Tobias makes the best probiotic supplement in my opinion (follow the directions on the bottle for daily amounts). Also try and culture and ferment your own probiotic rich foods (sauerkraut, kefir, etc) for an extra supply. This handy website shows you how... Cultures for Health.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 03, 2017
10 year old daughter has mono/EBV
by: Becky

Hi! I'm curious if my daughter can take the colloidal silver, olive leaf extract, and Oregano oil? If so is this all taken orally and what dosage? Thank you! She has been very sick for 2 weeks.

Aug 09, 2017
EBV issues since 2009
by: Lisa

Thank you for this information! I have suffered with this illness since 2009. No doctor could ever find out what was wrong with me. After 8 years and more blood work at a new clinic, they said the only thing they could find was EBV. They said it should not be causing my problems. I beg to differ. I had all the symptoms of Mono, off and on for years. This virus is horrific and has kept me from a good quality of life! I have purchased the 3 products that you said would kill the virus. Should I get the other 2 items as well? I can't wait to be well and start living again.

Thank you!


Aug 11, 2017
Reply to Becky
by: Troy

Yes, children can take all three orally, at a lower dosage than adults of course. Start off with 1/4 of an adult dose to begin with for the first week or two. If this is okay then you can increase up to half the adult amount. The oregano oil must be the food grade oil and not the external grade. Because of the taste, the hardest part may be getting your daughter to take these.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Becky! :)

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to Lisa
by: Troy

Hi Lisa. Yes it's definitely worth getting the BHT, St John's Wort and Essiac tea. You want to give yourself the best chance possible of beating this virus - and these foods and supplements will help tremendously to do this as well. Don't forget to eat healthy too!

All the best to you!

Aug 15, 2017
by: Irene S

Thank you for the combo cures listed. I got reactivated in June after an upper respiratory infection with high readings - in current and past EBV with all three levels actually. After checking the internet I found a formula for vitamin D3, mega C, elderberry, B12 and echinacea. After one month I re-tested and my levels went down a third, but are still high. I found your cure and will try it but am concerned about the probiotics...
When do I take the raw probiotic to counter the olive leaf extract? Is it ok with it or after? I feel for everyone who has this because it's zapping the life out of me.

Aug 16, 2017
Reply to Irene
by: Troy

Hi Irene. There is no reason whatsoever to be concerned about taking/consuming probiotics. These microscopic creatures are actually essential to our survival! You can never overdose on these beneficial bacteria either (in fact, the more you consume the better), nor do you need to take/have them at a specific time. So you can take your probiotic supplement at any time, along with eating probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, natural yogurt, etc.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 18, 2017
by: Aly

I have ebv and have one bad patch of psoriasis, with two more happening. I'm sure they are correlated. I don't want the psoriasis getting worse. Ideally I'd like them to go and healing from ebv will help that to happen. Are the supplements you recommend safe for nursing? I'm nursing an 11 month old and won't be finished for another two years. Please advise if these supplements are safe for nursing or if I will need to wait until he's weaned.

Aug 21, 2017
Reply to Ali
by: Troy

Even though these supplements are safe, it would be wise to wait in your case. Your body will be detoxing, which can cause a phenomena called herxheimer's reaction (detoxing effect). This could affect the taste/quality of your breast milk. :)

Aug 24, 2017
by: Anonymous

I am allergic I think to olive leaf and have been taking Red-Gen (red marine algae) instead, combined with lysine. Have you heard of this? I have EBV, HH6 and coxsackie viruses. I recently had a horrible cold/cough and it seems to have badly flared things up. I'm trying to pick a few of the products u suggested to bring my levels back down. Are the a few of them you would recommend to start right away? I don't think I can afford them all at once. 😩 I also get hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C Iv's once in a while. are these helpful? Thank you for all this information! So good.

Aug 27, 2017
by: Troy

If you're allergic to the OLE then at least take the colloidal silver and oregano oil if you can. The BHT is also a potent antioxidant that will help to build up your immunity, along with the essiac tea. Even something as simple and as cheap as the organic apple cider vinegar will work wonders. Building up your immune system is crucial, especially if you've been knocked down with a cold or flue virus. The red marine algae is terrific and definitely worth keeping in your diet/supplement regimen. The IV's are also a good idea too.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 31, 2017
by: Michelle

This will kill EBV? Has anyone had success with this protocol? I am hoping the answer is yes. Please let me know. Thank you!!

Oct 30, 2017
How long to notice it's working?
by: Dan Panzarella

Hi there, I am excited about the possibility of ridding my body of EBV. Every time I exercise, I get swollen glands and really tired, foggy head. This has being going on since grad school and only let up when I lived in another country and had a lot less stress. How long do these natural treatments take to work?

Nov 02, 2017
Reply to Dan
by: Troy

Hi Dan. You'll start seeing improvement within the first 4-6 weeks, however, it will take a full 6 months or more to fully cure yourself and be recovered 100%. Be aware also that you can suffer from a detoxing or "die off" effect (also known as herxheimers reaction) for the first few weeks, so you should be prepared for this. You can read more about herxheimers reaction here... Die Off Effect and What to Expect.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 15, 2017
I’ve had EBV for 20 years
by: Tanya

I was diagnosed with EBV while in the military 20 years ago & then diagnosed with CFS by a civilian Dr a couple of years later. My fatigue & symptoms have been up & down for years but since I had my kids 10 & 12 years ago it seems that my symptoms have compounded. Now I have candida among other things. My question is... will this protocol kill the EBV that’s been in my system & wreaking havoc on my body & system for over 20 years? I’m at my wits end & tired of being sick & tired all the time!

Nov 22, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Tanya. Yes, this will definitely get rid of the EBV that's in your body, along with all of the other pathogens and parasites that you will most certainly have residing inside you at the moment. The reason you have CFS is because your body is so bogged down with your pathogen overload, it cannot function properly. I can speak personally about this, having suffered from severe chronic fatigue myself many years ago. Once I did a full body detox (similar to what's listed above), I was finally cured. But the detoxing phase was rough so you need to be prepared for it. The old adage of "feeling worse before feeling better" definitely applies here. Eat lots of detoxing herbs and spices such as cilantro, turmeric, garlic, cayenne pepper and cinnamon to help the process - no refined or processed foods. Also have read of this fantastic book and look to incorporate the HP protocol (chapter 4) into your daily routine as well... The One Minute Cure book.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Dec 07, 2017
by: Mandy

Hi!I have never been diagnosed with EPV but I have been diagnosed with CFS as well. Is it ok to do this protocol still?

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to Mandy
by: Troy

Absolutely! This protocol will help with your CFS as well. :)

Dec 22, 2017
by: Vanessa

Dear Troy,

Shall all the strategies be done at the same time (OLE, colloidal silver, oregano oil and BHT)? As I work full-time, I am afraid of the strong detox reactions. With a smaller dose, is the detox effect less drastic? Also in terms of diet, a clean diet is difficult to apply 100% due to business trips. Is a 'best effort' approach helpful or insufficient?

Best regards

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to Vanessa
by: Troy

Hi Vanessa. Yes, the OLE, colloidal silver, oregano oil and BHT should all be taken at the same time (but preferably at different times/separate throughout the day). To avoid any detoxing (herxheimers) reaction, start off on low dosages and slowly increase over a period of several weeks. Also, following a healthy diet and eating as best as you can is still sufficient and will still work.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 06, 2018
by: J

I was wondering if you had any insight regarding Neem oil/leaf oil in conjunction with the other remedies listed. I know that it's a powerful anti parasitic, fungal, and viral destroyer. I currently use it as a bug deterrent and contraceptive. The virus has shacked up in my liver for quite some time leaving me with leaky gut and chronically inflamed abdomen. Would using Neem further help the cause to rid the virus? This page has been extremely informative and I thank you for all of your insight and time.

Jan 09, 2018
Reply to J
by: Troy

Yes, Neem oil is excellent and would compliment the recommendations above nicely - so go ahead and use it/continue to use it. Hope it helps!

All the best to you!

Feb 09, 2018
by: Carolann

Every time I have my blood tested I’m told nothing about my EBV levels but I know it’s because they don’t know how to treat me.

I’m really suffering. Do you think this protocol will work for me... I am a breast cancer survivor but I have so much other stuff going on that I cannot enjoy my survivorship. Fatigue/severe granuloma annulare, horrible and severe pain, especially in my joints. Please please please give me your thoughts!

Feb 12, 2018
Epstine barr or not?
by: Anonymous

I understand 90 something percent of people have the virus in them but when you go through trauma of any kind then the virus starts attacking your system. Is this correct? I have the virus in my system and I am horribly fatigued and have lots of pain in my back. Sometimes my tests show its active in my bloodstream and other times they show it isn't. One Dr says it has to be active to cause fatigue and symptoms and another says no it doesn't need to be active. Each time I try to take monolaurin, I start getting bad flu symptoms. Is this the die off or what? I can't stand what I am going through and don't know which products to take or if this is Epstein barr or not. I have had numerous blood tests and all is normal. No lyme disease or anything.

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to Carolann
by: Troy

I believe it would definitely help you Carolann. When you have a chronic build-up of pathogens in your body (which it sounds like you have), chronic fatigue and constant pain, particularly in the joints, are two of the first and most obvious signals. The OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil are remarkably effective at destroying all harmful pathogens within the body. The essiac tea would also be good for you as it's a potent anti-cancer food, as well as a strong viral killer. Just remember to also take a good quality probiotic supplement every day and eat plenty of probiotic rich foods to help build up your good gut bacteria... How to Easily Make Your Own Probiotic Rich Foods at Home.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Carolann!

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to "Epstein Barr or Not" Comment
by: Troy

The virus definitely doesn't need to be "active" to cause you grief, so the second doctor is correct. If you take monolaurin and it causes flu like symptoms then yes, this is herxheimers. Start off with a small amount then gradually increase over a period of several weeks to lessen the die off effects. To get rid of the virus (and/or other pathogens that are likely in your body) you need to detox. That's the only way you will get rid of these harmful protoza's and get yourself healthy again. The OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil are exceptional at destroying all foreign pathogens in the body, no matter what they are. Follow the protocol above, but remember, start off slowly to avoid excessive detoxing reactions.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 15, 2018
Time frame?
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

Would you please be able to advise on the approximate time frame that the virus starves itself off when taking a capful of colloidal silver, olive leaf and oregano capsules daily?

I do each twice a day. Am looking forward to a future blood test with no positive antibodies. Just didn't know when I should get that done.

Thank you

Feb 16, 2018
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

It can take anywhere between 3 and 6 months Kay. I would do the 6 months to be sure (and give yourself a thorough cleanse) then get tested again. Try and drink the essiac tea also as this is very effective and is terrific for your overall health and well being as well.

All the best! :)

Feb 16, 2018
Time frame.. Follow up question
by: Kay

Oh thank you Troy! One more question I promise. I've since looked back and noticed your recommendation of also taking BHT. Since I don't have this can I still eradicate EBV? Although it could take a little longer? Thank you again.

Feb 19, 2018
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

The OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver combo is very powerful. You can certainly still eradicate the virus with just these. Don't forget about the 8 tips at the bottom of the article as well (along with the essiac tea of course) to help build up your immune system.

All the best to you Kay! :)

Mar 15, 2018
Epstein Barr Virus information
by: Danielle

Good article. I've not tried some of these remedies yet but I would like to incorporate them into my regimen.
My reason for commenting is to bring to everyone's attention the fact that there are more strains of EBV than conventional medicine realizes and there are ways to put it back into dormancy. I read it comes out of dormancy when we have trauma's in our life.
There is a book by Anthony William called "Secrets behind Chronic & Mystery illness and how to finally heal". To say the least, it is AMAZING!. It battles EBV with things such as fruits & veggies, and herbs such as licorice and cats claw. I can attest personally to the power of these for eventually putting EBV back into dormancy (especially the herbs) and stopping the symptoms. Be aware that there are also foods that fuel the virus and increase the symptoms. Some of these foods are dairy and pork. Get the book. I promise you wont regret it! There is so much more to be known about EBV.

Mar 16, 2018
St. Johns Wort and Bipolar
by: Michaela

Hi Troy. Thank you for the information you have provided on this site. You should know that you are saving a lot of lives out there. May the light and love of the Almighty Creator be with you always.
I have a question for you. I am about to purchase everything ypu have listed above. However, I cant take the St.Johns Wort because I have bipolar 2. I have read that it can induce mania. Is the BHT going to work on its on without it? EBV is wreaking havoc on my health to the point where I thought it was a serious kidney ailment. I went for a scan and nothing was showing. However, I was told I had ketones in my urine. My thyroids were out of whack too, swelling everyday even when I haven't drank or eaten anything cold. The doctors don't know what to do or tell me anymore. Thats when "by mistake" (thank God) I found the book "Medical Medium". My search finally led me here. Thank you for taking time to help humanity. Love and light always.

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Michaela
by: Troy

Hi Michaela. Thank you for your kind words. The BHT will still work without the St John's Wort. It may take a little while longer to get into your system and work but it will still give you results. Just make sure you purchase a high quality BHT supplement.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 29, 2018
Oregano oil
by: Michelle

Hi, you stated that it's important to put the oregano oil under your tongue. Is this done with water or without water? Or is the added water for your spine only? I seriously don't know if I can put it under my tongue, but I can do everything else that is required. Is that step absolutely necessary? If so, can I buy capsules, put the oregano oil in a capsule and take it like that? Thank you!!

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Michelle
by: Troy

Hi Michelle. With the oregano oil, there are two parts to it's use....

First: Take several drops of the oil in water, usually around 6-8oz of liquid. You need to do this once or twice per day. The less liquid, the stronger the solution will taste. The less liquid, the stronger it will be. You must use at least 4oz of liquid, or, it may have more of a slight burning sensation on your lips. Applying some virgin coconut oil can relieve that sensation.

Next: Dilute 2 or 3 drops of the pure oregano oil with organic virgin coconut oil and hold this under your tongue for at least 10 minutes. Be careful to make sure you dilute this enough so it has only a slight tingling feeling; otherwise you might temporarily burn the bottom of your mouth. This should be performed at least once per day.

If you aren't comfortable using the oregano oil in this way then, yes, you can take the capsules instead. Be sure to go with a high strength oregano oil brand such as this one if you do... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil Softgels.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jul 28, 2018
EBV Treatment
by: Dr Frank

I have tried, off and on, RIFE + Ozone therapy weekly with Olive leaf extract and multivitamins. My daughters PCR viral load was at 6000 and actually got worse in 1 month, going up to 6020. I feel a combination of Valacyclovir + Spironolactone + herbs are also needed, along with the Bob Beck protocol. After doing this I will post her load again. She is feeling very energetic. Many Doctors DO understand very well what is going on but are warned to "shut up" if they want to keep their license. They have to stay within the accepted FDA norm and go along with "other colleges" or it's good bye Nurse for them.

Jul 30, 2018
Breast feeding?
by: Anonymous

Hi there, I'm looking to incorporate some of these things but I am 11 weeks post partum and breast feeding. Is this all safe for my baby?

Jul 30, 2018
by: Troy

Certain supplements and foods can come out in breast milk. If you're breast feeding then it would be best to wait until you no longer are. In the meantime, you could still drink the essiac tea and take the monolaurin supplement as these have no detrimental effects.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 23, 2018
EPV may be my issue!
by: Patrick

Hi everyone. I am so happy to have found this thread!

I am 49 and I have been suffering for years from what appears to be a good portion of the EPV symptoms and never had a logical explanation as to why these pains, headaches and body aches, fatigue, chronic heartburn, fogginess, digestive issues/candida, severe back and neck pain, crepitus in my knees and achy joints - and I don't play sports! I was t-boned by an SUV 3 years ago and I now have a herniated disk too in my L5. But within the last 5 weeks holy hell has broken loose and the pain levels have increased, especially my low back pain near my sacrum which constantly radiates to my hips and sends a shooting sharp pain to my right testicle. If I sit it hurts, when I stand up it is excruciating! Its chronic and has been relentless for weeks. Like it kicked into gear! My right hand has become weak and I have pain on the underside of my right foot too. Odd!

My younger sister, I just learned is now experiencing a lot of these same things and we are eating pretty healthy, not overweight, trying every supplement, doing detox foot baths, trying CBD/Hemp drops, getting chiropractic adjustments with decompression, stem, ultra sound and stretching plus taking endless pain relievers - and no relief! My sister's blood test shows its dormant but it still hurts her!

Does this sound like chronic EPV and do you think these 4 to 5 supplements will help diminish this horrible way to live? It effects my motivation, my work/income and social life drastically. I'm so tired at this point. My last physical showed nothing but a small lack of vitamin D.

I pray it does work and I pray everyone gets relief! We've just bought the Medical Medium book to learn more. We think our parents and siblings have it too.

Thank you so very much for your insight!!

Sep 04, 2018
Reply to Patrick
by: Troy

Hi Patrick. Either sounds like EBV or chronic fatigue, both of which are very similar. In either case, these supplements will definitely help. You need to destroy the pathogen that's causing your symptoms. That's what this protocol will effectively do.

Hope it helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Oct 09, 2018
Dosing / Timing Question
by: Viktoria

Thank you for your very thorough & useful post. I am trying to combat the EBV virus and as your post directed me to the other page about the Herpes Virus, I read the recommended protocol.
While all the dosages are listed, I couldn't find any information on tying all the elements together. In other words, my question is what can be taken together and what has to be taken alone out of the first 4 supplements you recommend? I.e. one might need to be taken far away from the others because one cancels out the other, etc... while others are fine to take together at the same time, etc...
Could you please help me with that? Again, I am only talking about the first 4 supplements: OLE, Colloidal Silver, Oregano Oil and BHT...

Oct 22, 2018
Reply to Viktoria
by: Troy

Good question actually. Yes it is important when and how you take the supplements recommended. All four should be taken on an empty stomach and taken apart from each other for best results. The only ones which are taken together are the BHT and ST John's Wort (the SJW helps with the assimilation of BHT). So the idea is to take them at different intervals throughout the day (on an empty stomach of course). Even if you take, say, your OLE then wait 20 minutes, then have your colloidal silver or oregano oil, this is still okay. Just give each one roughly 20-30 minutes to get into your system before taking the next one.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Viktoria! :)

Oct 26, 2018
What about Probiotics?
by: Viktoria

Hello Troy!

First of all, I would like to say thank you so much for responding to my previous question. It is much appreciated!
I wanted to reach out to you again because I am not sure if I just have a cleansing reaction and it came in the form of a yeast infection or perhaps everything that I am taking together are so powerful that they in fact eradicate the good bacteria too and hence the yeast. So with taking OLE, Oil of Oregano, Colloidal Silver and BHT should we also take some probiotics as well? Or do all of the above supplements actually only kill the bad viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc, and leave the good? And if the answer is yes and indeed we should also supplement with probiotics, do you have any recommendation as to which brand, dosage and timing of taking it?
Thanks again!

Nov 06, 2018
Reply to Viktoria
by: Troy

Hi Viktoria. It's definitely a good idea to take a good quality probiotic supplement as some of the good bacteria can be destroyed along with the bad. I also recommend you begin culturing and fermenting your own probiotic rich foods (sauerkraut, kefir, etc) for an extra supply. Remember, you can NEVER have too many probiotics... ever! An excellent brand (probiotic supplement) is most certainly Dr Tobia's Deep Immune Probiotics. This is the best on the market in my opinion. For dosage recommendations, simply follow the directions listed on the side of the bottle. In addition, here's a handy website on how to culture and ferment your own foods... Cultures for Health.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 09, 2020
by: Anonymous

My husband found this website for me. I am incredibly grateful as I felt as though I was going to die just a couple of weeks ago. I immediately began taking the OLE and feel like I have a new lease on life. I can feel my body beginning to regulate. I am wondering if OLE alone is enough or if I should also be incorporating the Colloidal Silver and Oil of Oregano.
Thank you,

Oct 07, 2020
Reply to Natalie
by: Troy

Hi Natalie, glad you're feeling better. If the OLE is working then simply stick with this at the dosage you're having. You can take OLE safely every day for the rest of your life if you want to - there is no harm whatsoever. I would recommend adding the essiac tea, a good quality probiotic supplement (to help build back up your healthy good gut bacteria supply), and of course, lots of healthy fresh fruits, vegetables and seeds.

All the best to you! 😊

Oct 28, 2020
Where is the actual protocol?
by: Lynn

I'm reading comments listing different things like OLE, Oil of Oregano, etc, but the article above doesn't mention any type of protocol. So where did these people find that information for EBV?

Thank you.

Nov 18, 2020
Reply to Lynn
by: Troy

You can find the exact protocol for OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver in this article Lynn... Natural Herpes Treatment.

Hope this helps.

All the best! 😊

Nov 19, 2020
Reply to Troy
by: Lynn


Feb 10, 2021
by: Karen

I've had EBV on and off for many years. Just had a relapse yet again and this time the symptoms are low blood pressure, ie orthostatic hypotension and really bad palpitations in head, neck and chest. Headaches and slight dizziness. Also I’m so thirsty. My energy is good after taking ribose.
I am taking Monolaurin and drinking lemon balm tea. Taking magnesium and multi vitamin.
Can anyone recommend what else can I take to get rid of palpitations that doesn't lower my blood pressure any further?

Mar 15, 2021
Reply to Karen
by: Troy

Have a read of this recent Q&A we did on Arrhythmia remedies... 5 Powerful Natural Remedies for Cardiac Arrhythmia. Also, make sure the magnesium you're taking is a good quality, highly absorbable magnesium. :)

Jul 05, 2021
EBV question
by: Peggy

I’ve suffered for years with EBV, not knowing that’s what I have until recently when I came across Anthony William’s books. My question is can I take Oregano Oil caps, Olive Leaf Extract, and Monolaurin together? I take a ton of supps but am thrilled to know there are specifics that actually kill the virus.

Thanks so much for all the information you provide. It is greatly needed and appreciated by those of us who suffer so terribly!

With appreciation,


Jul 15, 2021
Reply to Peggy
by: Troy

Hi Peggy. Yes you can certainly take all of these supplements together, however, taking them at different times of the day (separate from each other) will yield the best results. It's not always easy I know but if you can break the dosages up and take them at different times throughout the day you will be rid of EBV in no time. This method works like a charm.

Good luck!

All the best. :)

Aug 30, 2021
High EBV antibodies, negative EBV DNA
by: David

This site is loaded with great information. I'm so thankful I came across it.

I'm totally confused as I have had high EBV IgG, IgM, and EBNA titers for at least two years, but every EBVDNA test(PCR) I've had done has been negative. There have been 7 negatives over time, and doctors tell me that means I do not have EBV.

I have Lyme Disease and candida. But I have had no swollen lymph nodes, no enlarged liver or spleen, and mono tests are always negative. Most everyday, however, I feel very tired at 3:00 pm and get a very low grade fever every once in a while from 3:00 pm until about 6:00 pm.

So the are the EBVDNA tests reliable indicators? Thanks.

Aug 31, 2021
Reply to David
by: Troy

Hi David. I don't believe the PCR tests are that accurate as it depends on what the cycle threshold is set to. Honestly, you can have every test under the sun but if you're fatigued it's usually due to a high level of pathogens, toxins and heavy metals accumulated in the body. Flush (chelate and kill) these and you'll clear up most of your health issues, including Lyme disease. I recommend the herpes protocol with the inclusion of the Essiac tea along with lots of probiotic rich foods. This cleanse will do wonders.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Sep 07, 2021
Cistus icanus
by: Anonymous

I had bad ebv at uni and now have MS, which I think is related. Been doing a bit of the protocol as well as taking high vitamin d for the last few months. So far only feeling a little bit better. I was recommended the Essiac Tea for the virus. Anyone had any luck with it? Apparently it helps leaky gut too.

Jun 26, 2022
Ebv in my very young children
by: Anonymous

My young children ages 4 and 2 both tested positive for ebv. What are the exact doses for the OLE for them? And for adults. How often do we take this for? How long before cure- is this for life? Thank you am so happy I came across this website.

Jun 27, 2022
by: Troy

With the dosage for the olive leaf extract? It depends on what strength you buy. Unfortunately, OLE comes in many different potencies. We recommend you try and find the highest possible. Olivus brand is one of the best... Olivus Olive Leaf Extract Super Strength. Follow their recommendations for dosages listed for both adults and kids. Don't forget about the other remedies as well to give yourself (or your kids) the best chance of treating this virus. And yes, EBV can be killed. It does not have to remain in the body for life.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Aug 08, 2022
Two Virus' in My Blood
by: Anonymous

Will Monolaurin and the other supplements kill EBV if I have two virus' in my blood? (Parvo B-19 & EBV). My EBV antibodies are 600 last time I had them checked.

Aug 10, 2022
by: Troy

Yes they will. You could have 20 viruses in your body and they will get rid of them. It can, however, take a little longer to rid yourself of multiple viruses so don't focus so much on the time factor, focus on sticking with the protocol to-the-letter and you'll be fine.

Good luck and all the best. 😊

Aug 16, 2022
by: Jessica

Hello Troy,
I’m so glad I found this page. Just a question,
so I was diagnosed with mono in Dec of 2020 and I've been fighting with it back to back. It’s left me thinking I'll never live a normal life again.
Will it ever go away using these products? Like, I'm so tired and I cry so much about it. It ruins you. Swollen glands are my number one thing right now as well high WBC and doctors just say my body is having trouble fighting infections. It hurts so much. please help.

Kindly Jessica.

Oct 04, 2022
by: Troy

Yes, this protocol can absolutely get rid of EBV for good, but it's a process. Number one is building up the bodies immune system, along with reducing viral load and ultimately destroying the virus. Don't forget, the supplements are only one part. Eat healthy foods, particularly immune boosting foods, and drink lots of clean filtered water to flush those toxins out.

You can do this!

Good luck and all the best. 😊

Mar 12, 2023
Complex conditions
by: Anonymous

I have mast cell activation syndrome and cannot have most preservatives and additives. Can I do the olive leaf extract, oil of oregano and colloidal silver-along with L-Lysine - not BHT, and kill this EBV?

Mar 14, 2023
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I cannot advise you on what to do (by law). What I will say is people with MCAS need to focus on their gut and getting this up to par. So plenty of probiotics and other gut healing foods are needed. Also foods that block histamine production... Antihistamine Foods List to Reduce Inflammatory Symptoms. The OLE and colloidal silver also help with cleansing and reducing inflammation (and getting rid of EBV too of course). High dose vitamin C reduces histamine production as well. :)

Mar 30, 2024
On going EBV issues
by: Anonymous

A blood test showed I have had EBS, that was probably 20 years ago. Could I still be having issues due to having had EBV? I have VLS, hypothyroidism, joint pain, microscopic blood in my urine at times and a occasional rash that no one can explain. This past year I had covid, RSV, shingles and another virus (the last virus could not be determined).

Apr 13, 2024
by: Troy

Yes, this could definitely be the case. Virtually all of the health problems you have are likely due to the fact that you have retroviruses and unwanted pathogens/parasites in your body. You would most certainly need to a thorough detox and cleanse. Follow the recommendations listed above and in the herpes cure protocol, particularly taking the olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and oregano oil. Also be aware of possible Herxheimers reaction. I suggest taking it slow, so starting off on low dosages and slowly building up.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

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