A Natural Remedy for Dry Eyes That Works A Treat!

by Laura
(Santa Clara, CA)

Want to successfully treat and cure those dry eyes quickly and permanently? Here's a simple home remedy you definitely must consider...


I've been suffering from dry eyes for maybe 10 years now (I'm in my 50's). My eyes are fine during the day. Sometimes, when I wake up, I have a horrible, unbelievable pain in one eye. It's high up in the eye, not a result of having my eye open.

I've seen a couple of eye doctors and both said it was dry eye. Eye drops are no help at all. They are after-the-fact and don't prevent it even if I use them right before bed.

I take EFA's. I've tried hot packs over the eyes and castor oil on my eyelids. I recently started a supplement of bilberry & eyebright. This seems to have lessened the severity of the attacks but not ended them. Any suggestions and home remedies would be much appreciated.


Hi Laura, and thank you for your question regarding natural treatments for dry eyes.

The best natural remedy for treating dry eyes is definitely castor oil. But there are a couple of things about this remedy you need to adhere to for it to be effective. Firstly, test this remedy out to begin with by placing a small amount of castor oil on the lower eye lids with a Q-tip then closing your eyes for 20-30 seconds to allow it to seep in. Do this for a week right before bedtime. If no adverse reactions occur and your eyes are feeling moistened then move up to placing two drops of castor oil in the corner of each eye before going to bed.

You must make sure the castor oil you use is ONLY high grade pharmaceutical USP castor oil or organic cold pressed castor oil. These are the only types of castor oil that should be used. Here's one of the best brands on the market, however, you can also get USP or A-grade castor oil from most pharmacies, homeopathic or health food stores.

Castor oil helps with just about any eye problem, including glaucoma and cataracts. And don't be scared off by this remedy either. As long as you use high grade castor oil, you'll be fine. I suggest you take the time to read about people who have been helped by this powerful treatment here... Remedy for Dry Eyes. It's worth it!

Hope this helps you Laura.

All the best,


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Comments for A Natural Remedy for Dry Eyes That Works A Treat!

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Aug 28, 2016
Wet Macular Degeneration
by: Anonymous

Can this oil help with wet macular degeneration?

Aug 30, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

You can try either organic castor oil or fresh coconut water for wet macular degeneration... Natural Remedy for Cataracts, Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration. With the castor oil, transfer a small amount to the lower eye lids with a q-tip (don't put directly into eyes) then close your eyes for 20-30 seconds. Do this at night before going to bed. With the coconut water, I recommend you click on the link above and read the article in full for more information on this, along with purchasing Dr Bruce Fife's ground-breaking book on how to heal eye disorders naturally... Stop Vision Loss Now. It's highly informative and worth the read.

Recent Australian and Italian studies also found the humble saffron spice to be valuable in reversing all forms of macular degeneration. You can read the article here for more information on this... Saffron Cures Macular Degeneration.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you.

Nov 16, 2016
Castor oil for dry eyes
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy, I had laser eye surgery done around 2 years ago and have been suffering with dry eyes ever since. Would you still recommend the castor oil for me? Also, do you know any other brands that would ship to the UK? Thanks in advance.

Nov 18, 2016
by: Troy

The castor oil would still be useful, however, you could also look at using coconut water (straight from a fresh coconut). I did an interview with renowned coconut oil expert, Dr Bruce Fife, a couple of years ago... Interview With Dr Bruce Fife and he spoke about the benefits of coconut water for eye health. It would also be a good idea to purchase his informative book on this subject as well... Stop Vision Loss Now.

Not exactly sure where you can buy castor oil from in the UK though. Maybe start with Amazon over there... Amazon.co.uk.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Dec 01, 2016
Castor oil in UK
by: Anonymous

Hello, would this castor oil be okay to use?.. Pukka Organic Castor Oil.

Dec 02, 2016
by: Troy

The Pukka brand of castor oil doesn't say if it's hexane free. When you buy your castor oil it must be pure organic, cold pressed, and hexane free. Look into the Foxbrim brand - 100% pure organic castor oil. Start off by placing a small amount of castor oil on the lower eye lids with a Q-tip then close your eyes for around 20 seconds. Do this before bedtime for a week. If no adverse reactions occur and your eyes are moistened then you could move up to the 2 drops in each eye before bedtime, or simply stay with the Q-tip remedy. Don't disregard the fresh coconut water either. It works extremely well.

All the best. :)

Dec 06, 2016
It works!!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much. I have been using the Foxbrim castor oil you suggested and it really works, although I still wake up with cloudy eyes, but it clears up quite quickly and my eyes don't get as dry as they used to throughout the day. I've also noticed that my night time vision has improved, maybe due to the added moisture. If I want to try the coconut water could I use UFC refresh (coconut water drink)? Thanks for all you do!!

Dec 06, 2016
by: Troy

Glad the castor oil is helping, and yes it will improve your night vision, and your overall vision in fact. The only downside to the oil is that you can still wake up with cloudy eyes. Unfortunately, this is one of the payoffs. It will lessen over time though. With the coconut water, it absolutely MUST be fresh water from a fresh coconut. Do not use any coconut water drinks, or anything that doesn't come from a fresh coconut. They will not work and could make your eyes worse.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 04, 2017
Has anyone had any side effects from this dry eye remedy?
by: Anonymous

I had my yearly eye exam today... and before I left, I mentioned to my Dr. about all the reviews I had read on the Internet, regarding the treatment of dry eyes with organic castor oil.

His advice to me was to be cautious with putting castor oil in my eyes because our eyelids already produce some type of oil (I don't remember the medical term he used).

But, he said because of the natural oil that is already in our eyelids, using castor oil could possibly clog up the pores in our eyelids, thus causing an infection.

So having said all that, my question is... has anyone with dry eyes had any severe side effects from this treatment? All the reviews I've read have been mainly positive, but nothing always work perfectly. All answers to my question will be helpful and greatly appreciated.

Ms Skeptical.

Jan 04, 2017
by: Troy

Castor oil definitely works, but you do need to be careful and ONLY use a good quality, pure, hexane free, organic, cold pressed castor oil. Some people have suffered side effects from this remedy, mainly because THEY USED THE WRONG TYPE OF OIL... Castor Oil for Dry Eyes.

Mar 02, 2017
Castor oil for dry eye syndrome works!
by: Angela

Hi, I tried castor oil (after finding this thread) for my diagnosed treatment of dry eye syndrome. I used a q-tip and applied the oil to the inside of my bottom eye lid, upper lid and lashes. After less than 1 week my dry eye symptoms pretty much vanished! No more blurred vision or "dry mouth" at night.

I also tried doing the same for my staffordshire terrier as he has sensitive eyes from running in wild grasses. After 2 applications in a single day I noticed less goop coming out of his eyes and the redness lessened!

Mar 02, 2017
by: Troy

Nice one Angela. Glad it worked for you and your furry little friend! :)

Mar 09, 2017
Far sightedness
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I'm 42 and started wearing reading glasses (1.25). When things are too close they become blurry. Is there anything that I can take that can stop this and help in regaining the strength I've lost?

Thank you

Mar 14, 2017
by: Troy

Vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids all play a big role in eye health. The humble saffron spice is also very good for the health of your eyes. In addition to these, certain exercises can be extremely beneficial and will help to strengthen the eye muscles.

These two video's give some excellent tips & eye exercises that you can use to strengthen your eyes so you can do away with your reading glasses...

How to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally.

How To Improve Eyesight Without Glasses.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Mar 19, 2017
Cataract Question
by: DC

Can you use the castor oil drops after you have had cataract surgery? My eyes are dry and I'm hoping it will improve my overall eye health? Thanks so much.

Mar 19, 2017
Severe dry eyes
by: Nisa

I had lasik 7 months ago and 2 months ago my dry eyes worsened. The pain and blurred vision have led to anxiety and depression. I have coconut trees in my yard. Can u tell me how to use the water for my eyes please and for how long?

Mar 20, 2017
Reply to DC
by: Troy

Yes, but you would need to wait 6 months after the surgery before using the castor oil. Also, don't use it with any pharmaceutical eye drops, etc - only use it on it's own. And of course, make sure you purchase a high quality oil (such as this one).

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 20, 2017
Reply to Nisa
by: Troy

Everything you need to know is contained in this article Nisa... Natural Remedy for Cataracts.

Hope it helps! :)

Apr 15, 2017
Organic vs. All Natural
by: Jenna

In your reply to DC you give a link to a Castor Oil. Of course, I was intrigued to see what castor oil you would recommend so I clicked on the link. The castor oil, though Hexane Free, only makes claim to being all natural and not organic. Obviously, you offer it as an acceptable choice, however, it raises some concern for me. Please reply to this if you would.

Apr 20, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Jenna. According to the supplier, their castor oil is "naturally sourced" from pesticide free sources so is technically organic (but not certified). This is why they don't put organic on the bottle. Yes, a certified organic stamp would be better, however, this oil is definitely a safe choice. We've received feedback from numerous people who have used it and all say it works extremely well.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Apr 23, 2017
by: Jenna

That certainly helps, Troy.
Please indulge one more question. How do you feel about castor oil that's certified organic, cold pressed, and hexane free, however, not USP or therapeutic grade? The brand I speak of is Heritage Store. I am at least acquainted with this one. Seems I cannot get it all in one bottle.
I appreciate your thoughts.

Apr 24, 2017
by: Troy

The Heritage Store brand of castor oil is perfectly fine Jenna and is actually very good. Therapeutic grade or USP grade is quite misleading as no oils are actually "graded". An organic, cold pressed and hexane free oil is more than sufficient.

Hope this helps!

May 01, 2017
Choosing a Castor Oil
by: Anonymous

Thanks, Troy. I am good now.

Jun 20, 2017
Black Jamaican castor oil
by: Anonymous

Is black Jamaican castor oil safe to put in the eyes?

Jun 24, 2017
by: Troy

Normal castor oil works better than black Jamaican castor oil as the seeds are raw and haven't been roasted. Make sure you only use the organic cold pressed oil. :)

Jun 29, 2017
Cold pressed versus expeller pressed
by: Dot

What is the difference between the two? I bought an organic hexane free, etc, etc, but it is expeller pressed. Can I use it in my eyes? What is the difference? I called the manufacture but they seem to feel that their way was just as good as cold pressed?

Jun 29, 2017
by: Troy

Cold pressed oil is the best if you can get it Dot. Expeller pressed oil can get hot during the extraction process (which is what you don't want as this destroys valuable nutrients). Sorry, but we recommend the cold pressed hexane free oil over the expeller pressed. :)

Jul 27, 2017
Dry eyes
by: Greg

I have been using castor oil for 10 nights now to fight my dry eyes. I noticed from the 2nd day that the burning and foreign body sensations are gone. I'm still left with night vision problems such as halos and glare. I also take lutein and bilberry supplements daily. Hopefully this combination will help me combat my dry eye symptoms that strangely reoccurred again after my LASIK surgery, which was done 5 years ago. Back then my dry eyes lasted 6 months and I had to use artificial tears.

Jul 29, 2017
Dry eyes
by: Greg

Just wanted to ask something? I noticed minimum vision loss since my dry eyes reappeared. Do you think that castor oil might help with improving my eyesight?

Aug 03, 2017
Reply to Greg
by: Troy

Castor oil is great for improving vision and the health of the eyes Greg. In fact, even Dr Carolyn Dean recommends it... The Eyes Have It.

Best regards! :)

Oct 07, 2017
Dry eyes with plugs
by: Anonymous

Hi, I guess my comment is a bit late and I wonder if anyone will see my question... but anyways, I’ve had dry eyes ever since my LASEK surgery 10 months ago. Both eyes have been way too dry so I got plugs inserted - two per each eye, so four plugs in total - and still my eyes are very dry. That’s why I am eager to try out this castor oil treatment as I happen to have castor oil at home, but the thing is, since I have blocked all the passages of my eyes with plugs, I’ m worried that putting castor oil in my eyes might cause adverse effects since it will stay in my eyes much longer than it would if my eyes had not been blocked with plugs. If anyone could advise me on this I would be so grateful.
Thanks :)

Oct 12, 2017
by: Troy

Can't say for sure what would happen if you used the castor oil to be honest. You can only try it (before bedtime of course) and see. Don't use the castor oil you have at home though. Make sure you only use a high grade oil such as the one we recommend above or the Foxbrim brand.

These natural eye drops for dry eyes also work very well and are endorsed by world-renowned doctor and naturopath, Dr Carolyn Dean... Similasan Dry Eye Relief Eye Drops.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 13, 2017
Castor oil
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I've sometimes been using this treatment right before I go to sleep by putting one to two drops in each eye (Foxbrim brand). When I first started using it my eyes felt moister and my vision felt better throughout the day, even though they sometimes still felt sticky and kind of glued together. Anyway, recently about 2 weeks ago my eyes started to get extremely dry again, mostly as the day wears on and I've been using the same drops. Could it be because I've been using the same bottle for more than a year? Or is it something different? Which supplement would be best to keep them nice and moist and stop them from hurting and feeling tired?
Thank you so much.

Oct 24, 2017
by: Troy

If you've been using the same bottle for a year then it's no good. Like any oil, castor oil will eventually go rancid. Don't keep it longer than 6 months and always store in the fridge away from light. You could also try using Can C drops if you find the castor oil is no longer doing enough... Can-C Eye Drops. Many report good results using this for their dry eyes. Even better, try using the castor oil (a new bottle of course) before bedtime and the Can C drops during the day.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Dec 28, 2017
Severe Dry Eyes post LASIK
by: Chaitanya

Hi Troy,
I underwent LASIK surgery a year back and since then have issues with Dry Eyes resulting in double vision, halos/glare and redness. Do you think castor oil will help? If so would it be just for Dry Eyes or as mentioned - Double Vision/Glare issues as well.

Really appreciate your suggestions/input on this. Thanks again.

I ordered the following Castor Oil: https://goo.gl/PVP618

Dec 29, 2017
by: Troy

The castor oil you have ordered is very good quality, so no problems there. Whether it will help with your vision problems I can't say for sure and can't actually give you medical advice on this. Castor oil and fresh coconut water both help with dry eyes though. I would strongly recommend you get a hold of Dr Bruce Fifes book "Stop Vision Loss Now" (see post above). It contains many of the answers you're seeking.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Dec 29, 2017
Severe Dry Eyes post LASIK
by: Chaitanya

Thanks Troy for the suggestions.

Do you have any suggestions on Lutein and Zeaxanthin... are they helpful for Dry Eyes? I'm kinda desperate, as I've been suffering from this badly past one year.

Jan 01, 2018
Permanent Cure
by: Steph

I have been using castor oil 2x a day for 3 weeks and my symptoms have vanished. However, my eyelids are still dry and are producing oils naturally to moisten my eyes. Will the castor oil stimulate my eyelids to secrete natural oils? Do you think castor oil will permanently cure my dry eyes or will I have to use it forever?

Jan 02, 2018
Reply to Chaintanya
by: Troy

Lutein and Zeaxanthin both help tremendously with vision problems, so yes, they could definitely benefit you. Both are safe to take (buy a Lutein and Zeaxanthin combo supplement for best results) so there would be no harm in trying them. Just remember, it will take at least 10-12 weeks for these to really start to work so you will need to be patient.

All the best! :)

Jan 02, 2018
Reply to Steph
by: Troy

Don't know to be honest Steph. Most people use the castor oil daily for about 6-8 weeks then give it a rest to see how their eyes react. Give this a try. You may need to still use the castor oil every so often, or you may be fortunate and not need it again. Only time will tell.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Feb 08, 2018
Eye color
by: Anonymous

This might seem like a silly question, but does castor oil effect eye color? I would like to start using it for my dry eyes, but I don't want my eye color to change. Thanks.

Feb 09, 2018
by: Troy

No, castor oil doesn't change eye pigment. It will make your eyes healthier though! (Which is a good thing of course). :)

Feb 09, 2018
Castor Oil Recommendation
by: Anonymous

Can you please list a couple of castor oil’s that you recommend.

Feb 15, 2018
by: Troy

This is the best castor oil if you can get it... Pure USP Grade Castor Oil. Sky Organics and Foxbrim also make very good organic castor oils. :)

Feb 28, 2018
Treatment or Cure?
by: Danny

Hey, I was wondering if the Castor Oil has actually cured people from their dry eye syndrome (meaning that their eyes are back to normal and not dry anymore) and they do not have to have the Castor Oil again, or is the Castor Oil just a temporary treatment?

Mar 02, 2018
by: Kimmie T

How long will it take to help with the redness?
Right now my eyes are blood red. I am only on day 3 of the castor oil treatment, although I'm not sure if this will help at this point because my dry eyes have now been diagnosed as eczema.

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Danny
by: Troy

After using the castor oil daily for 3-4 weeks, you should only need to apply it a few times a week after this or only when necessary. So technically, no it's not a "permanent" cure for dry eyes. :)

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Kimmie T
by: Troy

If your eyes are red after the first few days then the castor oil you're using is no good. Make sure the oil you have is fresh/untainted and is USP grade cold pressed castor oil. :)

Nov 11, 2023
Castor oil
by: Anonymous

Do you need to store the castor oil in the fridge because some web sites say not to. I have two bottles of Foxbrim castor oil and I want to make sure they don’t go rancid. Expiry date is July 2024. I’m using it for dry eyes. Thank you for your time.

Nov 30, 2023
by: Troy

No there is no need to store castor oil in the fridge. The best place is somewhere cool, dark and dry such as your food pantry or inside a kitchen cupboard. 😊

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