A Natural Cure for Brain Stem Glioma (DIPG)...

by Glenn Gelfius
(Dahlgren, IL, USA)


Has your treatment been successful treating brain stem glioma (DIPG). Our 12 year old daughter has been diagnosed with this condition. Are you familiar with this condition and diagnosis? If so, may I call someone within your organization? Thank you. Glenn Gelfius


Hi Glenn, and thank you for your question. Firstly, let me say that I'm very sorry to hear about your daughters diagnosis. I'm sure it hasn't been an easy time for you and your family since this.

Now I'm going to be honest with you Glenn, I'm not an expert on this condition, but I do understand the seriousness of it and the limited options (medically) that can be done. Have any of our protocols been successful with this type of cancer? Not that I know of, but that doesn't mean they can't be successful. This condition is quite rare.

I obviously aren't able to give out any advice, and we aren't registered to give consultations. But there is someone who could help you. My good friend Webster Kehr from Cancertutor has some tremendous cancer treatment protocols and you can contact him or one of his colleagues directly for help. Here's his website... cancertutor.com. I would suggest having a read of the information he provides first. The only down side is there's a lot of information and it can be a bit overwhelming.

I would also suggest having a read of our most popular cancer article and protocol for more information as well... Natural Treatment for Cancer.

If there's any way that I can help you further, please don't hesitate to contact me. You can do this through our "contact us" form here... Contact Us and I will then email you directly (disregard the "please note" part in your case).

I hope some of this helps you Glenn.

Take care and all the best to you and your daughter.

Best regards,

Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach).

Comments for A Natural Cure for Brain Stem Glioma (DIPG)...

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Jun 25, 2016
Brain Stem Glioma and Stress?
by: Ahmed

Is brain stem glioma related to anxiety???

Jun 30, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Not sure to be honest Ahmed. However, anxiety and stress is never a good thing, especially when it comes to your health. Be sure to have a read of our informative article on natural ways to relieve stress and anxiety... Home Remedies for Anxiety.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Oct 02, 2016
Banerji Protocol for Brain Cancer
by: Lucy

Dr. Prasanta Banerji has produced excellent results with a homeopathic protocol for brain cancer. His clinic is in India, but you need not travel there. You can contact his clinic about your specific case and they will reply. The protocol is Ruta 6c and Calc phos 3x, one dose, twice daily.
They treat 1,000 patients a day at their clinic for all medical conditions, but are well known and highly regarded for their brain cancer protocol. I have not personally tried this protocol, but have tried some of their other protocols with amazing results. I encourage you to consider homeopathy. It takes time and patience, but is economical and much efficient. Best of luck to you!

Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homoeopathic Research Foundation.

Dec 02, 2016
Go With Eastern Medicine
by: Lisa Cross

My advice is to go and see Dr. Kent Young on Wentworth in Chicago's China town. Get the imbalance restored to harmony to eliminate the disease before the laws of nature take over. Everyone gets a window. Western medicine does not hold enough knowledge to cure anything and every day they seem to break their mantra/sworn oath of "first do no harm." I do not understand how Western medicine uses, say, chemotherapy or radiation and says that this is an accepted means of "health" care. To destroy disease in order to hope you are strong enough to make a comeback makes no sense to me. It actually strikes me as like building a fire in your lounge room in order to keep warm, but burning your house down in the process! Just look at the statistics right across the board. Western medicine is great for managing one's downhill demise - pills that wreck the liver, etc. It offers little for promoting life and restoring health. Centuries old knowledge has plenty to offer to sustain and renew life. Take your loved one to see Dr. Young. Leave your preconceived ideas at home. Do as he suggests. Use the tea combos he tailors or take the concentrated herbal pills and watch the results. The way back to health takes time. It doesn't happen overnight. The best gift of life is knowledge in my opinion. Dr. Young holds it. Best wishes to you and your daughter.

May 28, 2017
Daughter Diagnosed with DIPG
by: Alex

Dear Glen, and everybody,

My daughter, close to turning 6 years old, has been diagnosed with DIPG as well. I found your questions posted and answers from the team. I want to know if you could share what you have learned from the further contacts for using Homeopathy to treat your daughter?



May 31, 2017
by: Troy

I would recommend you get her to the Burzynski Alternative Cancer Clinic in Houston Texas... Burzynski Clinic - Advanced Alternative Cancer Treatment. When it comes to successfully treating and curing cancer, this guy is the real deal. Don't believe the lies about him either. Read this article and watch the video!! It's very powerful and highly informative.. Dr Joseph Mercola- The Great Cancer Hoax: The Brilliant Cure the FDA Tried Their Best to Shut Down.

Hope this manages to help you and your daughter Alex.

Best wishes. :)

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