A Miracle Home Remedy for Fibroids That Works Every Time!

by Jane
(New York)

Here's a natural remedy for fibroids that's guaranteed to work fast, along with other highly effective home remedies for reversing uterine fibroids...


Hi. Love what you guys are doing here. Very insightful and very helpful. However, I must say that I do not see anything concerning fibroids. Do have any information that you can share on how to get rid of fibroids with natural remedies?

Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.


Hi Jane, and thanks for your question regarding natural remedies for fibroids.

Firstly, for those who don't know, fibroids, or uterine leiomyomas are predominantly non cancerous (benign) tumors of the uterus. They are in fact extremely common with around 3 million women diagnosed in the U.S. every year and 80% of females actually developing them by the age of 50. Fibroids can cause symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, extended periods, pelvic and rectal pressure and pain, bladder weakening and lower back pain.

Thankfully, natural remedies can help tremendously with uterine fibroids and are definitely a much better and safer option than surgery.

Here's the top 6 you may want to consider...

Home Remedy for Fibroids #1... Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Black Strap Molasses: This should certainly be your first remedy of choice for shrinking fibroids. Uterine fibroids only occur and grow in an acidic environment. So if you have fibroids, your body's pH level will be low (acidic) which is definitely not what you want. Apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses boost your pH level and make the body alkaline (opposite to acidic). In an alkaline environment, fibroids begin shrinking immediately. As a side benefit, the ACV helps with brown fat metabolism, so if you're overweight or suffering from cellulite, this will help with these problems as well. In addition, the black strap molasses is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, boron, B6 and selenium, which are all vital nutrients for women's health.

So here's what you do...

Purchase some organic apple cider vinegar containing the "mother" apple. Make sure that what you buy still contains the mother as no other ACV's will work. Bragg's apple cider vinegar is the best for this. Also purchase some organic black strap molasses. Once again, this must be organic and it must be "unsulphured black strap molasses". No other molasses will work. Here's some reputable brands if you're interested... Organic Unsulphured Black Strap Molasses.

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of black strap molasses in a glass of warm filtered water (it needs to be warm enough to dissolve the molasses). Drink this concoction 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach. (First thing in the morning and last thing at night are two of the best times). Or if you like, you can have the ACV in a shooter glass and the molasses straight off the spoon. It doesn't really matter how you do it as long as you have them every day!

Now, the most important part to this remedy is the time frame you take it for because this is where many women get mixed up. This is not a "prescription" remedy, meaning you don't just take it for a few weeks or months then stop. You take it for the rest of your life! You don't just want to get rid of your fibroids right now, you want to keep them away for good. That's what this remedy will do! You can back off on the dosage once your fibroids have shrunk and your symptoms have disappeared if you like, but don't stop with it altogether or those fibroids will slowly start to grow again.

Natural Remedy for Fibroids #2... Baking Soda: Whereas
the first remedy listed here is a permanent (rest of your life) protocol, this one is only temporary. The baking soda is a very powerful pH booster, so it alkalizes the body very quickly. It basically gives you an "alkaline" shot (remember, fibroids shrink in an alkaline environment) which is important at the beginning when you're trying to reverse the growth of fibroids.

So what you do is mix a teaspoon of baking soda (Bob's Best is the best!) in a glass of filtered water and chug it down. Do this once daily before you've eaten. We do admit the baking soda doesn't taste the best, which is why you'll probably need to drink it in one hit. However, you only need to do this for two weeks so it's not so bad.

Natural Treatment for Fibroids #3... Lugol's Iodine: Both Dr David Brownstein and Dr Marcus Sircus recommend iodine for shrinking fibroids of the breast, uterus and ovaries. Iodine therapy (painting the uterus with iodine) was once the standard treatment in conventional medicine for reversing severe uterine fibroids. Studies have also shown that liquid iodine will shrink fibrocystic breast disease.

Lugol's liquid iodine is definitely the best and most effective iodine for reversing fibroids. In his book "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It," Dr David Brownstein recommends you slowly work up to taking 100mg's, or 16 drops of the 5% Lugol's iodine solution with water in divided amounts to reverse fibroids (eg, 4 drops taken 4 times throughout the day with water). This should be done for 8-10 weeks before backing off to a dosage of 25-50mg's (4-8 drops) per day. You then continue with this amount indefinitely (permanently). Just make sure you purchase the 5% solution and not the 2%. Here's what it looks like... Lugol's 5% liquid Iodine.

Natural Cure for Fibroids #4... Milk Thistle and Maca Root: The estrogen hormone contributes to fibroids by stimulating unwanted cell growth. But both milk thistle and maca root work to metabolize and get rid of excess estrogen, which in turn helps to shrink uterine fibroids.

You can buy both of these herbs from any good health food store or online. Just make sure the maca is genuine maca root that comes from the Peruvian mountains.

Home Remedy for Fibroids #5... Matcha Green Tea: Green tea contains some very powerful antioxidants, particularly the catachin antioxidants, which have been found to inhibit and even shrink fibroid cells. Green tea is also a great anti-inflammatory and studies have shown it helps to reduce fibroid symptoms. Matcha green tea is by far the best and contains 137 times more catachins than regular green tea. For best results, be sure to drink 3-4 cups a day.

Natural Remedy for Fibroids #6... Herbs: Certain herbs are also terrific for helping to shrink fibroids and reducing the symptoms. Garlic, gotu kola, cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon and dandelion are all powerful anti-inflammatories and contain some strong antioxidants. Ginger and cayenne pepper in particular help with excessive menstrual flow and menstrual cramps, so if you suffer with these make sure you include these two herbs and spices in your diet as much as you can.

And finally, don't forget to eat well. Plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are the key. And be sure to stay well clear of all refined and processed foods and drinks. These foods mess with your hormones something chronic and will do nothing to help with your fibroids or their accompanying symptoms.

So hopefully these tips and remedies help you out Jane.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)

Comments for A Miracle Home Remedy for Fibroids That Works Every Time!

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Aug 07, 2016
Large Fibroids in Uterus
by: Wendy

Thank you so much for the info you posted above on the top 6 things to do for Fibroids. I am going to buy all the stuff today and start this program. I have one Fibroid the size of a baseball and the other the size of a golf ball bleeding and giving me a lot pain, especially in the pelvis. I am taking high doses of DMG and have felt better and will continue to keep taking this. DMG shrinks cysts too. I have 2 cysts on my ovaries and I am prone to them on my feet too. The DMG shrunk the cysts on my feet and I am waiting to go back to my Gyno to see if it's shrunk the cysts on my ovaries too.
Thank you again for this information. I would love to hear from anyone else who has tried these top 6 and see how long before they saw results. I will write back with my results from my next ultrasound. Good luck everyone.

Aug 11, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Wendy. Yes DMG (dimethyl glycine) is also very good for reversing fibroids and cysts, so supplementing with this nutrient is a good idea. And don't forget that stress and coffee exacerbate fibroid and cyst growth too so try and keep both of these to a minimum as well!

All the best.

Aug 18, 2016
Cysts GONE! - Update
by: Wendy

Hi Troy.
Thanks for writing back. Appreciate the advice.
I went to my Gyno for an ultrasound on Monday and both cysts are gone from my ovaries!!!
The large fibroid also shrunk a bit (7.9 now 7.6).
So I am happy to report this!
I am going to start my iodine tomorrow along with all the great advice listed here. I've got Matcha green tea and baking soda too and apple cider vinegar and turmeric pills.
Do I just take the drops directly in the mouth or do I mix them with water?
16 drops to start right?
I'll keep updating. Thank you... wishing everyone healthy days.

Aug 19, 2016
by: Troy

That's great news Wendy! With the 5% liquid iodine, you should start with a dosage of 4 drops per day for a week then 8 drops per day for another week. After this, work up to the 16 drops each day for a period of 6-8 weeks before backing off to the 8 drops daily, and then the 4 drops per day. You should then stay on this amount permanently for overall good health. The best way to have the liquid iodine is mixed in a glass of water and the dosages split up throughout the day - 3 times per day on an empty stomach would be the ideal. And remember, with the baking soda you only have it for two weeks.

All the best!

Oct 02, 2016
by: Lilly

I have a huge fibroid subserosal that measures 16cm×9cm. I've had it for 6 years now and am trying to find a cure and way to shrink it. I went to a holistic doctor, which my insurance doesn't cover and is really expensive, and the herbs and supplements given to me are not working at all. I feel hopeless, but this cure seems cheap and hopefully comes with no side effects. I also have high blood pressure. Does anyone know if these remedies are contraindicated for HBP? Thanks.

Oct 03, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Lilly. If you have HBP then the only one you would need to precede with caution with would be the baking soda. However, as long as you take it in combination with the apple cider vinegar you'll be perfectly okay (ACV and baking soda actually help to lower blood pressure when taken together... Natural Remedy for High Blood Pressure). You also only take the baking soda for two weeks anyway just to boost your body's pH level so you'll be fine. All of the other herbs and supplements are 100% safe as long as you stick to using them as directed.

Good luck and all the best!

Oct 03, 2016
Dosage for kids
by: Xyz, California

Hi Troy
Thank you for the wonderful post! I have fibroids and am going to follow your instructions ASAP. I have heard fibroids are hereditary and I have 2 girls, one 11 and another one 13. Can you give me some useful suggestions on how to prevent fibroids for them and keep them healthy?
Is it okay for them to take the ACV at least once a week, or can you let me know the dosage for their age? Thanks a lot!
God bless you

Oct 04, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Xyz. Apple cider vinegar is excellent for young growing girls and will help immensely with their overall health, along with preventing fibroids. Black strap molasses or raw honey are also terrific and are both rich in essential nutrients. The ACV and black strap molasses/honey should be taken every day for best results. 1-2 tablespoons of the ACV and 1-2 tablespoons of molasses or honey is perfect. The hardest part can be getting them to drink it. Here's a few handy recipes that can make it much easier... 5 Recipes to Get Your Daily Dose of Apple Cider Vinegar.

I would also recommend lots of probiotics, particularly for young girls going through/about to go through puberty. Boosting their good gut bacteria will do wonders for balancing out all those hormonal changes that are going to occur. A good probiotic supplement, along with plenty of probiotic rich foods such as kombucha, yogurt, etc, will work a treat... Cultures for Health.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 10, 2016
by: Xyz

Hi Troy,
Thank you for your reply about the dosage for my kids. I am already giving ACV to My kids everyday!
This question is about me... when we take the baking soda for 2 weeks, do we still take the ACV everyday as usual? I am already taking it everyday!!!! My next concern is once the 2 weeks of baking soda intake is over, can I take it again if the fibroid is still there? Or just stop after 2 weeks? Please let me know. Thank you for helping out.

Oct 10, 2016
by: Troy

The ACV and molasses are taken every day indefinitely. Do not stop with these... ever!! The baking soda is taken for two weeks, however, you can continue with this for up to 4 weeks before dropping it. Don't go beyond 4 weeks or you may end up with alkalosis (too much alkalinity). If you find your fibroids have not shrunk after a further 6 weeks, you can go back on the baking soda for another 2-4 weeks. This will be all that you'll need and your fibriods should be much smaller or even gone by this time.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Oct 17, 2016
by: Xyz

Hi Troy,
Sorry to bother you again! This is again about the dosages. For balanced pH levels and formation of alkaline in body, ACV is the best solution... I clearly understand that! Also, I started giving my girls 1 tbsp of ACV and 1 tbsp of Black strap molasses everyday. I am having the same 2 times a day. Now my concern is if we are taking this on a daily basis for the rest of our life, will this lead to increased levels of alkalinity and cause any side effects? Or because I have fibroids, do I need to take this my entire life and do my kids need to stop at any point?
Thank you for all your help! God bless!

Oct 18, 2016
Using baking soda to treat my fibriods
by: Eve

I had a myomectomy but now my fibroids are coming back again. I still want to have children. I am happy to have come across this site and hope this is going to help me. I would also like to confirm whether bicarbonate of soda is the same as baking soda?

I've been highly stressed and I have learned that stress also contributes to the growth of fibriods. I have change my diet, though it wasn't easy. I am no longer eating meat, only fish. I would also like to know whether eating brown bread is good for me or not?

Oct 21, 2016
Reply for Eve
by: Troy

Yes, bi carb of soda is the same as baking soda. Just remember though, the baking soda is only one remedy. You must utilize all 6 recommendations to successfully shrink your fibroids (and shrink them for good). For the foods you need to be eating... fresh fruits, vegetables nuts and seeds are crucial. Breads of any sort are not good and should be avoided.

Oct 21, 2016
Reply for Xyz
by: Troy

Taking apple cider vinegar every day for the rest of your life will cause absolutely ZERO negative side effects, only positive effects! It would be no different to you eating, say, 6 organically grown apples every day. Organic ACV is just crushed fermented apple juice. And there is no danger of your body becoming too alkaline... none at all. The ACV and molasses will only keep your pH slightly alkaline, which is perfect. You should actually be more concerned (as should every person) with your body becoming acidic. This is a far more dangerous and deadly problem. I've been taking ACV for over 20 years now and would never be without it!

Remember also... ACV was Hippocrates all-time favorite food. :)

Oct 22, 2016
How do I know if its effective?
by: Richie

I am really happy for what is going on here. Kudos to the admin of this site. My question is can I use any other black strap molasses hence I was unable to see the recommended brands in the grocery stores around my area. What I saw was black treacle. Is this okay for use? Secondly, at what months do I need to go for an ultrasound to see if the remedy is effective. Thanks.

Oct 22, 2016
Turmeric and Green Tea
by: Amanda

Should I stop taking turmeric and green tea when I start using the apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses?

Oct 24, 2016
Reply for Richie
by: Troy

Hi Richie. No the black strap molasses MUST be organic black strap molasses. This is the only type you should take. You may have to order it online or find a health food store. Grocery stores do not normally stock it. As far as having an ultrasound? After 6 months of following this protocol your fibroids should either be completely gone or barely visible, so having an ultrasound after this period would be a good decision.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 24, 2016
Reply for Amanda
by: Troy

No! You should definitely continue with the tumeric and green tea. They all work extremely well together and in synergy with each other. :)

Oct 25, 2016
Ultrasound and cell phone usage
by: Eve

Hello, I just have a concern about having another ultrasound after six months? You said in one of the comments below that if you find your fibroids have not completely shrunk after a further 6 weeks, you can go back on the baking soda for another 2-4 weeks. This will be all that you'll need and your fibriods should be gone by this time?

I would also like to know whether using cell phones have any effects or contribute to this problem? Every time I use my cell phone I feel something in my womb. Can this cause a problem?

I fell so blessed to be part of this blog.
Thank you

Oct 28, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Eve. Firstly, you don't need to wait 6 months to have another ultrasound. This is only a guideline. However, waiting 6 months gives these remedies (and your body) plenty of time to shrink your fibroids. Of course, for peace of mind you can certainly go for an ultrasound earlier to see if your fibroids are shrinking.

In regards to cell phones causing fibroids or other female health problems? Don't know about that one. No studies so far have shown anything towards this, only in regards to the possible development of brain cancer.

Hope this helps.

All the best.

Nov 03, 2016
I can touch the fibroid?
by: Amanda

I am very glad to come across this blog. God bless the admin. Firstly, I am the type of person that cannot do without bread. I've stopped eating all other junk food as well as drinking soft drinks, but is there a type of bread that I can eat? Secondly, I've been taking tumeric for 6 months now and I've also added the ACV, Molasses & baking soda. I've been doing this for two weeks now but whenever I press on my stomach I feel the fibroid still hardened at my lower abdomen. My question is how do I know if it is actually shrinking? I'm scared of going to the hospital to hear the same news that it is still there. Help!

Nov 04, 2016
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

Hi Amanda. Firstly, you can use Ezekiel bread as a substitute for conventional bread... Ezekiel Bread Recipe - Dr Axe. Secondly, do you actually have a fibroid? Or is it a cyst or a tumor? EACH ARE DIFFERENT. You need to go back to your physician A.S.A.P and get a confirmed diagnosis. This is crucial so don't delay.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.

Nov 04, 2016
The scan confirms fibroids
by: Amanda

Still thanking you for the great job. Yes I was diagnosed in June this year and the result confirmed I had four multiple myoma measured in " mm". This prompted my research on how to get rid of it. This is my first time of hearing about Ezekiel bread. Is it the same thing as wheat bread?

More grace.

Nov 04, 2016
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

Yes, ezekiel bread is a form of wheat bread - a healthy form. With the above remedies, try and include the Lugol's iodine as well. It's very powerful for shrinking fibroids. It will usually take 4-6 weeks for your fibroids to shrink, sometimes longer depending on the size and how many you have (up to 6 months if you have multiple or large fibroids).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Nov 05, 2016
7 weeks taking ACV and black strap molasses
by: Cassie

Hi Troy. Thank you for your advice on this topic. I have several fibroids of different types, some on top of my uterus, others inside - largest about 5 cm as of August 2015. I've taken 2 tbs of black strap molasses and ACV everyday since September 10. My period in October was much lighter, but continued to spot for 8 days. I have been taking 4 oz of 5 percent iodine for one month. I'll up that to 16 oz. Also taking DIM, calcium d-glucarate, and Fibrovera AHS, and a tincture from my naturopath. Naturopath prescribed calcium and Fivrovera, but I started with the black strap molasses and ACV. I don't have heavy bleeding but feeling of pressure in uterine area. Question: Given I have several fibroids, some embedded in my uterus, how long might the ACV & BSM take to kick in? I realize this is a long process. Thanks so much!

Nov 07, 2016
Please help
by: Anonymous

Hi, my gyno told me on Friday that I have a fibroid on my womb and have endometriosis as well.
Can I do all these remedies at once. Kindly help.

Nov 08, 2016
I need help
by: Sandra

Hello! So happy to have come across this. I just got married and was diagnosed with fibroids and would like to know if the listed protocol has any side effects for someone that is trying to conceive. And if after shrinking the fibroid(s), would I still be able to get pregnant and continue taking it during my pregnancy? Does it have any side effects for a growing fetus? Thanks.

Nov 09, 2016
Reply to Sandra
by: Troy

All of these recommendations are safe to have when trying to conceive. In fact, the ACV, black strap molasses and Lugol's iodine will actually help with a healthier pregnancy! The baking soda is only taken for two weeks so this wont be a problem either. With the Lugol's iodine, drop the maintenance dose to two liquid drops per day instead of the 4-6 drops when you do become pregnant. A lower dosage is better in this scenario.

As always, you should consult your health care professional first before following any nutritional advice (we are required by law to put this in).

All the best to you Sandy and good luck with your pregnancy!

Nov 09, 2016
by: Troy

Yes! In fact, you should do all of these remedies at once to get rid of your fibriod - this is what's needed. Also, have a read of this recent Q&A on endometriosis remedies for some extra tips... What are the Best Natural Remedies for Endometriosis?

All the best.

Nov 09, 2016
Ultrasound when?
by: Xyz

Hi Troy,
Thank you so much for guiding us here. You are doing a noble job by helping us! I have/had a fibroid around 11 cm big. You earlier told me about baking soda, saying you can take this for 2 to 4 weeks, but no more than that. I took the baking soda for 3 weeks continuously and I won't take anymore, as per your advice. My question is... when will the fibroids shrink and when can I go for an ultrasound? I am also taking organic black strap molasses with ACV 2 times everyday. It's been 3 weeks and I can see lots of differences in myself. I am active and have even lost a few pounds!
Thank you 😊

Nov 09, 2016
Reply to Cassie
by: Troy

Hi Cassie. It may take up to 6 months for your fibroid(s) to completely disappear and your hormones to return to normal. What you are currently doing is good. Just remember that your diet and what you eat is extremely important as well. And don't forget to include lots of herbs and green tea!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

Nov 10, 2016
Reply to Xyz
by: Troy

You're very welcome Xyz. What you are doing is excellent. Don't forget about the other recommendations also.

Even though most fibriods will shrink within a 6 week period, it can, in some instances, take up to 6 months to fully shrink multiple fibriods. It can also take up to 6 months to completely re-balance your hormones (which is crucial). Having an ultrasound after 3 months would give you a very good indication on whether your fibriods have either shrunk or are shrinking. Most times you can even feel it in yourself that your body and hormones are beginning to return to normal. This is a good indication that the remedies are beginning to take effect.

Hope this helps you.

And keep doing what you're doing!

All the best. :)

Nov 12, 2016
by: Cassie

Troy, thanks for your reply. My concern is that the abdominal pressure and pain are more now than 2 months ago. So I'm wondering if the fibroids are growing or if my body is trying to eliminate them. I'm 51 years old and still have a period. I read somewhere that as menopause comes on, more estrogen is produced so maybe that's what is making them so difficult to deal with now.

Nov 18, 2016
by: Troy

Yes, more estrogen produced can certainly make fibroids grow. Have you read our article on hot flashes (flushes) and night sweats/menopause? Boron (borax), magnesium and Maca are vital for hormonal balance, especially if you're going through menopause. Have a read of that article here... Home Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats and this one on boron/borax for menopausal symptoms (be sure to pay particular attention to the osteoporosis and sex hormone section)... The Borax Conspiracy.

Hope this helps you Cassie.

All the best. :)

Nov 20, 2016
by: PC

Thank you for the wonderful recommendations in this blog and for the contributions made by the bloggers. I have uterine fibroids, five I was told by my Dr in fact. Recently at my six month follow up visit the ultrasound showed that (12) small ones had popped up. What a shocker that was for me. I was happy to read about the recommendations given, and I have started taking at least four of the six. I'm about three months in. I'm currently taking the blackstrap molasses, ginger turmeric, maca supplement, Lugol's iodine 2% and moringa. I'm hoping for positive results at the next ultrasound. What do u think contributed to the growth of the additional fibroids. Thank u for the info.

Nov 21, 2016
by: Troy

The growth of fibroids depends on many different factors. Your age and hormone levels is a big one. Just make sure you take the apple cider vinegar with the black strap molasses as the two work together. This is crucial. With the iodine, because you are taking the 2% solution you will need more so be sure to double the recommended dosages that are listed for the 5% solution.

All the best!

Nov 23, 2016
Stress and fibriods
by: Eve

I really want to thank you for this site and its wonderful tips. I have also learned that stress and depression also contribute to the growth and increase in size of fibriods. Whenever I am stressed out I always feel the fibriods hardening. I want to fall pregnant. This is challenging and it's putting pressure on me and my husband. I need help. I have two 6cm and 4cm large fibriods. Will these remedies shrink my fibriods regardless of the size and type. Mid November I would like to go back and have another scan to see what is happening. However, I am now positive that I will be healed.

Thank you.

Nov 24, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Eve. These remedies for shrinking fibroids definitely work, as long as you work them! (Stick with them and purchase good quality supplements). Yes, stress can make fibroids grow and make it difficult to fall pregnant so you must try and keep this under control.

Have a read of this article from our friends at Earth Clinic as well for some extra tips on how to shrink fibroids... Effective Natural Cures for Fibroids.

And for some extra belief, I recommend you have a read of one of my all-time favorite books... How the Secret Changed my Life.

Hope this helps you Eve.

All the best!

Nov 26, 2016
Maca root powder and fibroids
by: Sarah Jane

Hi there, I'm interested in taking maca as I love the taste and the increased energy it gives me, however, there is so much conflicting information on the internet about maca and fibroids. It's very confusing indeed. Can you please set the record straight? Thank you :)

Nov 29, 2016
Need to know pls
by: Jummybaby

Hi dear, I need to know if I take baking soda and apple cider vinegar together is this ok? One is alkaline and the other is acidic? I have fibroids and you said fibroids shrink in an alkaline environment. Also, the molasses is purely sugar and I am a diabetic, so isn't it harmful for my health. Pls your reply is needed urgently.
Thanks Jummybaby

Nov 30, 2016
Reply to Jummybaby
by: Troy

Hi Jummybaby. Firstly, the ACV and baking soda taken together are perfectly safe as they balance each other out and in turn balance your acid/alkaline base. Remember, the baking soda is only taken for two weeks. And while it's true that the apple cider vinegar is acidic, once it enters the body it actually becomes alkaline. A common misconception is that ACV stays acidic, even when in the gut. This is totally false, which is why when you just drink the ACV on its own, your pH level rises (not falls) and your body still becomes alkaline.

In regards to the black strap molasses, yes it contains sugar, but it has a low glycemic index so its slow releasing. It will actually help to stabilize your blood sugar levels. The truth is, black strap molasses is beneficial for diabetics, not harmful... Benefits of Black Strap Molasses - Dr Josh Axe.

I also recommend you have a read of our article on natural remedies and treatments for diabetes for more information on ways to control your diabetes naturally... Natural Diabetes Treatment.

Eating estrogen and phytoestrogen rich foods are very helpful when trying to conceive. The best ones are... dried fruits, flax seeds, sesame seeds, chickpeas, beans, peas, tempeh, alfalfa sprouts, brand cereals, tofu, soy milk and soya beans.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 30, 2016
Reply to Sarah Jane
by: Troy

Hi Sarah Jane. Fibroids are particularly prone to grow when hormone levels are high - especially when estrogen levels are elevated - which why they grow rapidly during pregnancy and shrink once a woman reaches menopause (and hormone levels drop). Maca is terrific for levelling out and normalizing hormone levels, including estrogen and progesterone levels. There is no harm in taking maca for fibroids. In fact, it's a common remedy prescribed by Naturopathic physicians for shrinking fibroids. Used in conjunction with green tea or Essiac tea, it's even more effective. One supplier of maca powder had this to say...

"In our 15 years of experience at whole world botanicals with supplying the finest quality of maca root powder and capsules to our customers in the U.S., we have never had a customer report that royal maca had made her fibroids grow larger. On the contrary, we often receive reports that the fibroids have shrunk or disappeared completely."

The websites that poo poo maca are usually the medical websites. The sad fact is most would recommend you take a harmful pharmaceutical for your "womanly problems" rather than use something natural that comes with no side effects.

Maca is perfectly okay for overall health AND for shrinking fibroids. Just make sure you purchase good quality maca and not the cheaper varieties and you'll be fine.

Hope this helps you Sarah Jane.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Dec 03, 2016
Trying to conceive/fibroids.
by: Fidodo

Hi Troy, thank you for your provided information - I have been reading up on them. I am taking the ACV and blackstrap molasses and Aloe Vera Juice to help in shrinking one large intramural fibroid. At the same time I'm trying to conceive. When diagnosed, my doctor told me the fibroid would not stop me from conceiving. This was over one year ago and yet still no sign of pregnancy?
Please, I really need your advice. I am so confused on what's best. Meanwhile I am taking a serrapeptase supplement first thing in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. I would appreciate your help.
Many thanks,

Dec 03, 2016
Thank you so much
by: Veronica

Thank God for your site - it's very good. Can't wait to try this. I've got some questions as I'm suffering from huge multiple Fibriods, Endometriosis and terrible serious candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome.

1. What can I replace Blackstrap Molasses with as I'm too sensitive with sugar?

2. I bought Lugols liquid 12%. What dosage would you recommend? My thyroid is enlarged. Can I take it with Iodoral?

3. I've read that Matcha Green Tea has loads of caffeine and read that it increases fibriods. Can I get decaffeinated Matcha and will it be as effective?

4. Maca root in the past seemed to have increased my fibroids. Can I replace it with Nattokinase or Serrapeptase or anything else?

Sorry for all these questions. Many thanks, Veronica

Dec 06, 2016
Reply to Veronica
by: Troy

Hi Veronica. Okay, lets go through your questions one by one...

Firstly, there is no substitute for the organic black strap molasses. And you don't need one anyway. Black strap molasses is low GI and the sugar it contains is a natural sugar (like what you find in fruit). It's easily absorbed by the body and wont cause any adverse effects. It's even safe for diabetics to take, and in fact, recommended for diabetics (read the comment reply to Jummybaby below for more information on this). It will also help tremendously with your other health problems.

Secondly, check that the 12% Lugol's iodine you have is for internal use as well as external. Some are only for external use. 4-5 vertical drops in half a glass of filtered water once daily for the first 6 months, then 2-3 drops per day after this permanently would be somewhere around the required dose. Do not take this with the Iodoral though. Personally, I don't like Iodoral as it can cause unwanted side effects. Lugol's liquid iodine is much safer, and more effective anyway. The liquid iodine will also help with your other health problems as well.

With the Matcha green tea, keep in mind that it only has about 1/3 of the caffeine of a cup of brewed coffee, which is not that high. However, if you're worried about the caffeine then by all means go with the decaffeinated variety. Matcha green tea DOES NOT increase fibroids though. According to a study published in the International Journal of Women’s Health and posted on the NCBI website, the ECGC's contained in green tea actually shrinks fibroids... Green Tea Extract - A Natural Approach to Treating Uterine Fibroids. Once again, the Matcha green tea will help with your other health problems also.

Finally, it's unlikely that the Maca increased your fibroids as it actually normalizes hormones in the body (read the reply below to Sarah Jane). It was more than likely some other trigger that caused the growth. However, if you're not comfortable taking it then leave it out. The Nattokinase is an excellent alternative and has been shown in studies to attach itself to uterine fibriods and stop their growth. This supplement would also help with your endometriosis.

So hopefully this helps you out Veronica.

All the best to you!

Dec 07, 2016
Reply to Fidodolicious
by: Troy

For best results, you should use ALL 5 remedies in conjunction with each other (together). This is how you get the most out of the protocol. Taking the serrapeptase every morning is good. Maca root is also very good for fertility, as well as for shrinking fibroids. Have a read of this handy article from Katie Wells at WellnessMama for more natural fertility tips... How to Get Pregnant Naturally.

Finally, when it comes to trying to conceive... don't stress! This only makes things worse. It will happen when it's meant to happen so relax. Have a read of my reply to Eve below and get the book I recommended to her. It's well worth it!

All the best to you. :)

Dec 26, 2016
How Long Before You See Results?
by: Lana

Hi, I'm currently doing baking soda daily, and adding iodine & Matcha tea, as well as doing the ACV & black strap molasses. I also ordered alkaline water to drink. Today is Day 5. I'm just beginning to see my pH strip turn a little darker green. I am definitely acidic.

I know everybody's body is different, but... when can I expect to see alkalinity & maybe fibroid shrinkage?

Dec 27, 2016
Thanks for your dedication
by: Bee

Hello, I have browsed all over the Internet and have found this site to be quite a blessing for me. Thank you for being so dedicated to helping women, like myself, who suffer with this condition. I am currently on Lupron and I don't know if these natural remedies will work as well with my medication. My fibroid was a whopping 18cm and has shrunk to 11 cm on Lupron. I am terrified of what will happen when I discontinue the Lupron, but I have already met the time limit from being on it. I am praying I can curtail the hemorrhaging and get to the root cause. I pray I can curb the rapid growth my fibroid exhibits, otherwise I will be having an emergency surgery. Every doctor I see says that my case is the worst they have seen. However, I have not given up hope.

Dec 28, 2016
Reply to Lana.
by: Troy

Your body should definitely be alkaline after 2-3 weeks. Make sure you test your pH level first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything for a true reading. Remember also, the baking soda is only taken for 2-4 weeks then you must rest from it for 6 weeks before going back on for another 2-4 weeks then resting again. Everything else is taken constantly every day. The fibroids should start to shrink within 4-6 weeks, however, it can take a full 6 months and possibly longer (up to 12 months depending on the size and how many) to fully shrink all fibriods.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Lana!

Dec 28, 2016
Reply to Bee
by: Troy

You're very welcome Bee. You can start on these remedies as soon as your times up with the Lupron Bee. None of these remedies are harmful (only helpful) and all of them actually get to and remedy the underlying cause (real cause) of uterine fibroids. Just remember to follow the 2-4 weeks on 6 weeks off, 2-4 weeks on complete rest cycle with the baking soda though.

Good luck and all the best!

Dec 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hello. My reason that I had to stop using apple cider vinegar is I have problems with acid reflux. Certain foods cause problems for me and ACV is one of them. Is there any other way to use it so it doesn't cause any problems with my acid? Thank you.

Dec 30, 2016
by: Troy

Apple cider vinegar usually helps with acid reflux by settling down stomach acid rather than making it worse. Make sure your ACV is organic and still contains the "mother" apple. Maybe you could try the ACV capsules instead? Also make sure you are taking a good quality probiotic and fermenting your own foods so your gut receives plenty of beneficial bacteria. This practice will usually fix acid reflux completely within 6-8 weeks. In addition, have a read of our article on acid reflux remedies for some more handy tips and treatments... Home Remedies for Acid Reflux (GERD) and Heartburn.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 05, 2017
by: Cony

Hi. Can I substitute maca root for chasteberry?
Thank you for this website, it's really useful.

Jan 05, 2017
Best brand of DMG?
by: TD

Dear Troy,

Thank you for all the info you have stated. Now I have more hope for my situation. I have read in the comments that DMG can shrink fibroids. May I know what is the best brand of DMG?
I have 6 fibroids - the biggest is 8cm. My Dr suggested for me to undergo surgery but I am still hoping that there are other options since I am only 28 yrs old and want to have a baby. Please help me. Thank you very much and happy new year.

Jan 06, 2017
Reply to Cony
by: Troy

Yes you can Cony. In fact, combining maca with Vitex (chasteberry, chastetree) is even better if you can, however, either one on its own still works extremely well.

All the best!

Jan 06, 2017
Reply to TD
by: Troy

Hi TD. BulkSupplements sell a 100% pure form of DMG... BulkSupplements Pure DMG. It's the best in my opinion. Take 500 mg's twice daily placed under the tongue for best results - and only use a wooden spoon to measure out, not a metal spoon or the DMG will oxidize on the metal.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 06, 2017
Fibroids Protocol
by: Jazz

Thank you very much for this! When drinking the baking soda in filter water, how far "time wise" in between can I drink the apple cider vinegar with black strap mollasses? Can I start both protocols during my period? I love farm eggs too. I found they are fine for me. I cant tell if they contribute to the growth of fibroids or not. I actually started to eat more eggs after being diagnosed with fibroids. I heard protein is important for women for overall health. What about seaweed like dry kelp? Can I use a rich iodine whole food to substitute Lugol's 5% liquid Iodine?

Sometimes it's hard to tell if the fibroid is growing or discharging? My 4th day of my period was today. I have various sizes of blood clots and medium flow of my period (medium meaning changing 10hr pads 5-6 times a day). Every time I change a pad I expel blood clots. I'm really confused. Am I getting better or not? My blood iron level is very low but despite this I look less pale. I take many things during my period - parental supplements, iron, vitamin A, B, C, D complex and pau d'arco, cinnamon, tumeric and cummin.
My tummy was very bloated about one week before my period. Now I am less bloated. It seems all the blood was congested and stuck there before the 1st day of my period and is now expelling from my body. I understand hormonal balance is the key. Again everything in balance. Estrogen dominance or testosterone deficiency or both, I am not sure.
Are there any conventional meats I can eat? Without eating meat, I am afraid of missing out on nutrients. My health is getting better. My body temperature is higher, my hair is growing back, my overall stress level and overall health is better.
Thanks for reading this.

Jan 11, 2017
Reply to Jazz
by: Troy

Hi Jazz. Firstly, we are not doctors so if there's any health issue that you're concerned about then you should speak with your health care professional. With that said, there are a couple of the questions that you've asked that we can help you with...

The ACV and black strap molasses combo is taken 20 minutes before a meal (on an empty stomach) whereas the baking soda is taken after you've eaten. Remember, the baking soda is only consumed for two weeks. You can read more about these remedies for fibroids here... Effective Natural Cures for Fibroids - EarthClinic. It is also quite common for the black strap molasses to cause abnormal menstrual bleeding in the beginning.

With the iodine, kelp will not work as well as Lugol's liquid iodine. Lugol's iodine is an incredibly powerful cure for fibroids.

Eggs are fine to eat - 2 or 3 a day is perfectly okay and very healthy (they also help to balance out your hormones). A small amount meat is okay too (not processed meats) - chicken and red meat - but they should be grass fed and free range.

Hope this helps you Jazz.

All the best!

Jan 11, 2017
Lugol's iodine dosage
by: xyz

Hi Troy
Hope you are doing well. Thank you for helping all the women here! 👍
I am already taking ACV with organic black strap molasses everyday. I have already taken baking soda with water for 3 weeks then stopped. My fibroid is 11 to 12 cm and I haven't been for an ultrasound for the past year. I don't have heavy periods or serious cramps but I have urinary incontinence, a little pressure in my stomach when I am sleeping, and I can feel pressure when I am walking. Can I take lugols iodine liquid drops? Will this be helpful? Any side effects? I am confused about dosage too. Thank you for helping me. Take care.

Jan 12, 2017
by: Troy

Firstly, you must get a hold of the book "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It" by Dr David Brownstein. It tells you everything you need to know about using iodine to shrink fibroids... Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It.
Secondly, the dosage and protocol for taking Lugol's liquid iodine is listed in the above article - you take the liquid drops in a glass of filtered water. Iodine is safe and most people, particularly women, are chronically deficient in this crucial nutrient.

Here's a quote I also found on the benefits of iodine...

"Iodine is also critically important for maintaining estrogen balance within the body. Based on a controlled clinical trial with 1,365 women, 4mg daily of molecular iodine quickly "resolves" fibrocystic breast disease - it makes breast lumps and cysts disappear usually within only two months for most women. Iodine can similarly reduce uterine fibroids and one of the first conventional medical treatments for severe fibroids was to paint the uterus with iodine."

All the best to you!

Jan 12, 2017
by: Cony

Hi Troy,
Is it safe to take Vitalzym at the same time whilst following the 6 recommendations above.

Jan 12, 2017
by: Troy

Perfectly fine Cony. As long as you aren't pregnant or on blood thinning medications this supplement is okay. Just be aware that because Vitalzym does have a blood thinning effect, menstrual bleeding can increase, so this is something to be mindful of. :)

Jan 15, 2017
Breast Fibroids?
by: Nyeei

Great information. Will these remedies work for breast fibroids as well, with the same effect?

Jan 16, 2017
This is a blessing page
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy.
Should I take all of these while I'm on my period.
I'm tired of my fibroids. I cannot go to work. I'm so dizzy and my anemia is also killing me, and I'm always cold. I cannot stop waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I pee way too much and don't sleep.
Thank you so much.

Jan 17, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, these will work for fibrocystic breast disease as well, particularly the iodine and ACV, which are considered a standard natural treatment for this problem. You can read more about this here... Iodine and Breast Health: 6 Things You Need to Know.

Jan 17, 2017
by: Troy

Better to wait until after your period before starting on the protocol. The unsulphured black strap molasses is high in natural iron and magnesium so this will help with your anemia. You will need patience to recover and get your health back to normal - including getting rid of your fibriods. The perseverance will be worth it though.

All the best. :)

Jan 17, 2017
Breast fibroids
by: Nyeei

What about the other remedies you mention above... Baking Soda, Milk Thistle, Maca Root, Matcha Green Tea, etc. I have a very huge fibroid but without any pain in my breast.

Jan 18, 2017
Tranexamic acid 500gm
by: Freda

Hi Troy
Im taking around 4/6 tablets of Tranexamic acid everyday. Can I still start your programme? Also, I've got milk thistle capsules but not maca root. Do I have to use both? I have bought everything else.
Thank you for your help.

Jan 19, 2017
Raw organic honey in place of molasses
by: JJM

Hi Troy,
Would it still be effective to use raw honey in place of the molasses?
Thank you!

Jan 20, 2017
Reply to Nyeei
by: Troy

All of these remedies will help, along with these herbs...

Vitex (chaste berry): This herb helps to increase the levels of progesterone hormone and corrects the balance between estrogen and progesterone.

Evening primrose oil: This oil is a great source of essential fatty acids which have natural antiprostaglandin properties to reduce breast cysts. Prostaglandins are chemicals that your body produces and can cause breast inflammation and lead to breast cysts.

Butcher’s Broom: This herb contains chemicals that are related to diosgenin, which is a hormone like element of wild yam. It helps to reduce inflammatory of the breasts, which can cause cysts.

Saw Palmetto: Saw palmetto has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce breast inflammation also. It reduces the effect of estrogen on the breasts.

Gotu Kola: Also known as Centella asiatica, this powerful herb acts as a tonic or health booster and helps to shrink breast fibroids-cysts.

For dosages of these herbs, follow the directions listed on the bottle.

Diet tips to treat breast cysts include...

Stop drinking coffee and black tea (Matcha green tea is okay), which are higher in Methylxanthines. Methylxanthines can cause breast cysts. Methylxanthines can also be found in some chocolates and colas. Also, avoid drinking alcohol and decrease the consumption of animal meats and dairy products.

Lack of iodine in your diet can also lead to the formation of cysts. Lack of iodine makes your thyroid gland inactive and lead to the formation breast lumps and cysts. This why the Lugol's liquid iodine is so important.

Wearing brass that can restrict the circulation of lymph in the lymphatic vessels. Tight brass can block or slow the removal of wastes through the lymphatic system. Women who wear constricting types of brassieres such as under wire and throughout the night, are the most susceptible to breast cyst formation.

Consume soy based foods, which are have higher isoflavones. Fermented soy foods such as natto, misso, tempeh are the most beneficial. These help to reduce the effects of excess estrogen. Vegetables like Brussels, broccoli and cabbage contain chemicals called indoles, which help to protect the breasts from excess estrogen.

Hope this helps you Nyeei.

All the best!

Jan 20, 2017
Reply to JJM
by: Troy

Unfortunately no. Raw honey wont work as well as the unsulphured black strap molasses because it doesn't contain the same high amounts of key nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, boron, B6 and selenium. :)

Jan 20, 2017
Reply to Freda
by: Troy

Hi Freda. You will need to check with your health care professional first if you're taking Tranexamic acid. The maca is not essential but good to have if you can get it.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Jan 20, 2017
Organic black strap molasses
by: JJM

Thank you for your reply. I was asking about the raw honey because I bought the black strap molasses and didn't realize it had to be organic. I think I read in a previous post that it wouldn't be as effective if it wasn't organic black strap and unsulphured. Is that correct? Also, is it a waste to just drink regular green tea, or does it have to be matcha? Thank you!

Jan 20, 2017
Iodine and supplements
by: Jazz

I got everything except the iodine. Which one I should use... iodoral, pill form, liquid 2% or 5%, nascent liquid & kelp pill? I heard people say to take a lower dosage at the beginning.
Which maca do you recommend? They have different colors. The effect may be slightly different I think?
The baking soda you recommend is out of stock. Any other alternatives?

Thanks a lot. :)

Jan 23, 2017
Castor Oil Packs
by: Cony

Hi Troy,
I was reading somewhere about castor oil packs for the liver and fibroids. Can I add this to my regimen? Do castor oil packs affect fertility in any way or do they damage the uterus?


Jan 24, 2017
Reply to JJM
by: Troy

Yes it definitely needs to be unsulphured organic black strap molasses. This is crucial as "regular" molasses doesn't contain anywhere near the same amount of nutrients. With the green tea, no it doesn't have to be matcha green tea. Matcha green tea is higher in nutrients and antioxidants but normal green tea is still high so this is fine. Better than nothing!

All the best. :)

Jan 24, 2017
Reply to Jazz
by: Troy

The iodine should be the 5% Lugol's liquid iodine. The dosage recommendations are listed in our article and these are in accordance with iodine/fibroid expert, Dr David Brownstein's recommendations. As long as the maca root powder comes from the Peruvian mountains, this is fine. If you can't get Bob's Best baking soda then go for a USP grade such as this... Baking Soda USP Food Grade.

Hope this helps Jazz.

All the best!

Jan 24, 2017
Reply to Cony
by: Troy

Castor oil packs can certainly help with uterine fibroids Cony and adding this to your daily regimen would be fine. There are a few things you need to be mindful of if you're going to use them though. You can read about them here... How to Use Castor Oil Packs For Fibroid Tumors.

All the best. :)

Jan 24, 2017
Vitalzym and castor oil packs
by: Cony

Hi Troy,
Thanks for your response. The link you provided cautions the use of castor oil packs while on blood thinning medication. I am also currently taking Vitalzym together with the 6 recommendations and Vitalzym has blood thinning effects. So is it still safe to do the castor oil packs?


Jan 24, 2017
by: Troy

Vitalzym doesn't thin the blood like pharmaceuticals such as Warfarin, etc. The castor oil packs would be fine in my opinion. This video gives some helpful advice... Castor Oil Packs for Fibroid Tumors. :)

Jan 29, 2017
I need the one that will work best?
by: Jessica

Hi, pls I need the one that will work best for me. I can't take the 6 you recommended. Should I go for the bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) or the Lugol's iodine. I just need one of them to take. I don't want to take everything there. Thank u.

Jan 29, 2017
Hyperthyroidism and Lugol's iodine
by: Ann

Hi Troy. I have Hashimoto's but occasionally my thyroid goes to hyper condition. For the moment my thyroid is working normally. I am taking some sea vegetables like kombu/arame a few times per week as I heard these can help to stablize the thyroid and also shrink fibroids. I have concerns about taking lugol's iodine due to possible hyperthyroidism, so can you please give me your view? It makes sense to use it externally as the fibroid is intramural and I can feel the exact position of it?

Jan 30, 2017
by: Xyz

Hello Troy.
Thank you first of all for this wonderful site and helping us always!
I have been taking ACV + organic black strap molasses everyday, first thing in the morning for the past 3 months and I feel great already! I have fibroid problems and find this medicine works really good.
I have also started on the lugols iodine. I have been taking it with distilled drinking water but suddenly got an acidity problem. Thankfully, I somehow managed to get rid of it. My question is does the ACV + black strap molasses or lugols iodine cause acidity? If so, how do I stop this?
Thank you

Feb 01, 2017
Reply to Jessica
by: Troy

This is a tough question Jessica. If you did have to pick one then the apple cider vinegar/unsulphured black strap molasses would probably be number one. But the liquid iodine is also important. Don't forget also that you must eat healthy as well or nothing that you take will help. :)

Feb 01, 2017
Reply to Ann
by: Troy

Hi Ann. According to iodine experts, Dr David Brownstein and Dr Gabriel Cousens, iodine is CRUCIAL if you suffer from hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and/or Hashimoto's. You should take the time to read both of their important articles. Here's the links...

Busting the Iodine Myths.

Iodine – The Universal & Holistic Super Mineral.

Hope they help.

All the best to you Ann. :)

Feb 01, 2017
Reply to Xyz
by: Troy

It's not the ACV, black strap molasses or iodine that are causing your acidity (these actually help with this), it's the distilled water. Distilled water is acidic and should not be drank! As Dr Mercola says...

"Distilled water tends to be acidic and can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Once this is accomplished, the continued drinking of distilled water is a bad idea. Water filtered through reverse osmosis tends to be neutral and is acceptable for regular use provided minerals are supplemented". Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water

Only drink clean filtered water (not tap water). In addition to this, start taking a good quality probiotic supplement - this will help to stop any acidity... Top 10 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 02, 2017
Multiple fibroids
by: Mary

Hi Troy,
I am at pre-menopause and about eight years ago I have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids (currently a big intramural one of ~11/10 cm diameter and one of 4.5 cm, a pedunculated one, of 5/6 cm diameter and multiple smaller ones). I have had massive hemorrhages – two years ago I wasn hospitalized and last year again. Doctors indicated a hysterectomy. I refused, so I have been put on Esmya (ulipristal acetate) which stopped the menses for a few months and reduced the fibroids somewhat. But once off the treatment in 4-5 months they grew back and bleeding started again. I tried last spring apple cider vinegar with honey (no baking soda) and a tincture and plant mixture given by a naturopath, but it did not work and I got candida (I suspect it was related to vinegar intake) and again heavy bleeding. I am afraid to take the vinegar again because of this. Do you think that blackstrap molasses and baking soda, green tea and the iodine protocol would do it in my case? I took the Iodine loading test and it indicated 95% Iodine excretion and 4.53 mg Bromide. So it looks like I am "saturated" with Iodine. Do you think that taking Iodine in my case would help? Dr. Brownstein suggests taking vitamin C, magnesium, selenium and B vitamins with iodine. Do you think it would be helpful to take these supplements together with the other products? I have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and estrogen dominance. Would a progesterone cream (together with thyroid medication) be indicated/helpful in my case (to avoid heavy bleeding, PMS-bloating, swelling, etc.) in parallel to your recommended regimen and with serrapeptase/nattokinase?
Thank you for all your help.

Feb 03, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Mary. I cannot give you specific advice by law. What I will say though is in regards to the ACV that you tried, was it organic ACV with the mother apple? (Bragg's is the best brand). Apple cider vinegar doesn't give you yeast infections, it actually stops them, so that wasn't the cause. I would look to your diet (sugar/processed foods) for the real cause of your yeast infection. The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses (must be unsulphured) work extremely well for fibriods AND menopausal/female problems. Black strap molasses does contain natural sugar so if you're going to use this you should also take a good quality probiotic supplement (you should be taking one anyway just for overall good health).

In regards to iodine, I recommend you read this article by iodine expert, Dr Marcus Sircus... Sources and Uses for Iodine / Iodine to the Rescue. It tells you everything you need to know (and yes, taking selenium, vitamin C, magnesium and B vitamins with iodine is crucial).

A progesterone cream for menopause is also a good idea. Here's some other recommended tips you might want to look at as well... Home Remedies for Menopause hot flashes and Night Sweats. Green tea and the serrapeptase/nattokinase are also extremely effective.

Hope this helps you Mary.

All the best!

Feb 06, 2017
Re: multiple fibroids
by: Mary

Hi Troy,

Thank you very much for your response and links. No, the ACV was not Bragg's organic and doesn't say it contains the "mother". I'll look for the brand you mentioned. Does the combinations (ACV+molasses+baking soda), matcha tea and iodine work for regulating periods and reducing the menorrhagia (and large blood clots)? This is something I am very concerned about. What are the recommendations for iodine? In about how many days/weeks should it be increased from 50 mg/day to 100 mg/days? In case of large fibroids, if not resolved in 2 months, should one still decrease to 50 mg/day, or just stay on 100 mg/day for 4-6, or more months, until resolved?
Many thanks again.
Best wishes,

Feb 07, 2017
How to deal with fibroids and conception?
by: Joy

Good morning. I am new to this site and was introduce a few days ago. I have been trying to conceive and have fibroids. Will taking acv and baking soda be okay for a woman who is trying to get rid of her fibroid and still conceive. Where in Nigeria can I find acv and baking soda?

Feb 08, 2017
Want to make sure I'm doing this right?
by: Dana

Wonderful wonderful information!! I am looking forward to trying this, thank you!! Just to be clear, I take everything from 1-6 correct?

Feb 13, 2017
Green Tea Extract
by: Jenn

I read a study that suggested 800 mg of green tea extract may be more effective than drinking lots of matcha tea every day. What are your thoughts?

Feb 13, 2017
Trying to get pregnant
by: Sanah Brown Bowers

I just found out today that I have 5 small fibroids. The largest is 2 inches and not near my uterine line so the Dr said this is why I didn't have any symptoms or trouble. I have no side effects but do want to try to shrink and get rid of them for the babies sake . We are trying to have a baby now, just started a week ago, but I was reading that iodine isn't good for the baby and can cause retardation, etc, if taken in excess. Can you please tell me if I should take it or not? I'm not pregnant yet but don't want my body to have an iodine overload. Also is the other things you recommended safe if you are trying or do get pregnant like the baking soda apple cider and molasses?

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Mary
by: Troy

The ACV, molasses and baking soda are all very effective for treating heavy menstrual bleeding. Cayenne pepper is also extremely good (1-2 capsules per day)... Home Remedies for Menorrhagia.

With the iodine, you should follow the exact recommendations listed above and endorsed by Dr David Brownstein, regardless of your iodine levels. Remember also that you should supplement with liquid iodine for the rest of your life at a dosage between 25-50 mg's a day.

Hope this helps you Mary!

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Joy
by: Troy

Hi Joy. These remedies are safe to take while conceiving and will actually help in the process. For best results, you should use all six in combination with each other. Remember also, the baking soda is ONLY taken for two weeks to boost your body's alkalinity. Here's where you may be able to purchase these supplements in Africa and have them shipped to your location... Find Vitamins & Minerals.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Dana
by: Troy

Hi Dana. Yes you should follow all of the recommendations listed from 1 through to 6.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Jenn
by: Troy

Yes, green tea extract can be more effective than drinking the tea because the extract is more highly concentrated (more catachin antioxidants). So if you can get a hold of green tea extract in capsule form then by all means take it Jenn! :)

Feb 15, 2017
Reply to Sanah
by: Troy

All of these recommendations are safe to take when trying to conceive. Remember, the baking soda is only taken for a two week period to boost alkalinity. With the liquid iodine, pregnant and nursing women need between 220 to 290 micrograms a day according to the Institute of Medicine, so make sure you're at least getting this amount. Toxicity is impossible at this level. You can read more about iodine for pregnancy here... Iodine Helps Prevent Autism.

Hope this helps you. :)

Feb 15, 2017
How long does it take to see results from ACV & blackstrap molasses?
by: Sue

I have been taking ACV & Blackstrap Molasses for 2 weeks to help shrink my Fibroids & Cyst. How long will it be before I start to see results. The pain is not as bad as it used to be but I just need a round about figure before I go back to the Dr for another ultrasound. Thanks!

Feb 15, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Sue. It can take up to 6 months (at the most) to completely shrink ALL fibriods and cysts, however, 3 months is the usual time frame. Just remember, it does take time for the body to shrink any fibroids and cysts and get itself back to a healthy state. Having an ultrasound after 3 months will clearly tell you if the protocol is working. An ultrasound after 6 months should come back clear. DMG (dimethyl glycine) is also very good for shrinking cysts too.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 16, 2017
by: Ms. T

Hello. Really a great website. I've been taking ACV for almost 2 months now, just with water. I've started taking Blackstrap Molasses with water about a week or so ago. Will this still work to shrink my Fibroid?? Do I have to take the baking soda?? Please let me know.
Thanks so much.

Feb 16, 2017
Castor oil packs & fatty liver?
by: Rosie

Thank you for your fabulous website. I am already on the apple cider vinegar and will increase to follow all 6 protocols. I have a large fibroid that descends into vaginal cavity and puts pressure on my bladder plus makes intimacy impossible. The doctors want to do a hysterectomy, which I do not want.

I have 2 questions. Firstly, the website on castor oil packs says to avoid for any liver disease. Does this include non-alcohol fatty liver disease? Secondly is a green vegetable and green matcha tea only diet for 3 or 6 months a good way to go?

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to Ms. T
by: Troy

The fact that you've now started on the blackstrap molasses (be sure it's "unsulphured" BSM) with the ACV will help even more. It may still take a few weeks before you start to feel its positive effects though. The baking soda is definitely worth adding. Just remember, you only have the baking soda for two weeks to boost your body's pH level. The Lugol's liquid iodine is also very important, along with following a "clean eating" diet so that you get the most out of the supplements you're taking.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to Rosie
by: Troy

Hi Rosie. Castor oil packs can actually help if you are suffering from fatty liver disease (as well as fibriods)... Castor Oil Packs for Fatty Liver. It may be a good idea to work with a naturopathic physician in regards to this. As far as following a green vegetable and matcha green tea diet for 3-6 months, I wouldn't recommend it. You wouldn't be able to get all of your daily nutrients. It would be a much better idea to follow a clean eating, raw food (primarily plant based) diet in my opinion. Here's why... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It.

Hope this helps you Rosie.

All the best to you!

Feb 17, 2017
Exercise for Fibroids
by: Jazz

What is the role of exercising for shrinking fibroids?

Feb 17, 2017
by: Troy

It's all about balancing out your estrogen levels Jazz. Increased fat levels in the body also increases estrogen levels. This of course fuels fibroid growth. One woman's fibroids (and menstrual cramps) disappeared within three months of starting a vigorous exercise program. Exercise helps with regular ovulation, and irregular ovulation also seems to worsen fibroids. :)

Feb 17, 2017
by: Cony

Hi Troy,
When I do vigorous exercise like running, I have a yellowish discharge. I am following the 6 steps provided. Is this normal? Is it the fibroids dissolving?

Feb 19, 2017
by: LS

Hi Troy,
I have fibroids I take Ibuprofen for pain and I also take molasses with ACV. I have the combination of magnesium + Calcium + D3. Is that ok? I have the Lugol's solution also but should I eat Sardines or fish because I don't eat meat at all?
Thank you

Feb 20, 2017
61 y.o. With Abdomenal Fibroid
by: Memray

I am menopausal and recently developed a very large fibroid in my abdomen. I don't have insurance and a local free clinic helped me get an ultrasound and MRI for diagnosis. They recommended surgery but do not have a surgeon on staff (they will try to find one but I may have to wait). The fibroid is large - my abdomen is starting to bulge. I have awful cramps and this has affected me mentally - I am very depressed. I keep reading about ways to help shrink my fibroids but am getting confused.

One blog recommended DIM, green tea & mangosteen juice. Your blog recommends BSM, ACV, Iodine & baking soda, along with vitalzym & calcium d-glucarate & the DIM.

I don't know which is better - I just want to try and shrink this thing inside of me.

Please help.

Feb 20, 2017
Reply to Cony
by: Troy

Hi Cony. Vaginal discharge when exercising is quite common. The yellow discharge could very well be the fibriod breaking down and dissolving, along with your hormones balancing out. I'm not a gynecologist though. If you have any concerns you should get it checked out by your health care practitioner, just to be sure. :)

Feb 20, 2017
Reply to LS
by: Troy

With the magnesium + calcium + vitamin D, just make sure it's magnesium citrate and not one of the other forms. Fish is definitely okay to eat, especially EFA rich fish such as sardines, tuna salmon, herring and mackerel. :)

Feb 20, 2017
Reply to Memray
by: Troy

The DIM (diindolylmethane), green tea and mangosteen juice are all very powerful and certainly help with the shrinking of fibriods. Are they enough on their own though? Probably not. To shrink uterine fibriods you need to take a holistic approach and you need to hit them from different angles. That's why we suggest the remedies listed above (including green tea and DIM). You will find that the liquid iodine, ACV, unsulphured black strap molasses and baking soda, combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, are four of the best and most potent remedies for fibriods you'll come across. Try them for yourself and you'll see (remember, the baking soda is only taken for a two week period).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 25, 2017
I have fibroids and doctor's order is surgery.
by: Kay

I was doing some research and read somewhere that raw honey and beetroot works. Would you recommend these too?

Feb 26, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, raw honey or Manuka honey along with beetroot juice are also excellent for shrinking fibroids Kay. Because honey is high in natural sugar and so is the unsulphured black strap molasses, a teaspoon a day would be enough. With the beet juice, try and add it to a smoothie along with other healing vegetables/fruits and herbs/spices such as tumeric, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, fenugreek, cilantro, kale, cucumber, spinach, celery, carrot, cherries, mango, cranberries, lime and coconut.

All the best!

Mar 01, 2017
Dimethylglycine (DMG)
by: Anonymous

Is the dimethylglycine safe to take? Also, I have been taking the ACV & blackstrap molasses for a month as of today to help shrink my fiborids. I am still in pain though. When will the pain subside? Also can I take the mix 3 times a day instead of 2. Would this be harmful or helpful?

Mar 01, 2017
Iodoral for fibroids?
by: Angie

Hello Troy,

I came across this fabulous site while looking for natural ways to treat my (quite big) uterine fibroids. I've seen that you recommend Lugol's iodine. I have already purchased Iodoral and chelated magnesium glycinate/lysinate to try the iodine protocol before seeing your recommendations. Is there a problem (side effects) associated with taking Iodoral and magnesium glycinate/lysinate (at least until I get my Lugol's order?) Or is it bad/less effective? Also, is it allowable to eat whole wheat bread during the treatment?
Thanks. Angie

Mar 02, 2017
Reply to Angie
by: Troy

Hi Angie. Firstly, the Iodoral is still very good and definitely worth using. The chelated magnesium glycinate is also very good and is even recommended by Dr Mercola. So you have no problems there using these two supplements. Try eating plenty of dried pumpkin seeds and seaweed too as these are rich in magnesium, iodine & zinc. Also, it's better to avoid whole wheat bread if you can because of the gluten. Try and go with some of the better & healthier alternatives listed in this article... 10 Healthy Ways to Replace Conventional Wheat Bread.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 02, 2017
Reply to Anonymous
by: Troy

The DMG is perfectly safe to take. It's an amino acid that's found in many of our foods. Yes you can up the ACV/molasses mix to three times per day if you wish. This should help even more. Just make sure you are using organic ACV with the mother and the black strap molasses is unsulphured black strap molasses. This is crucial. Don't forget about the liquid iodine as well and eating correctly (#6) - plenty of green tea too. Remember, a holistic approach is needed to shrink fibriods so try and utilize all 6 recommendations if you can. If you have any concerns about any pain you are experiencing, you should see your health care professional. We cannot comment on this. Sorry.

All the best to you. :)

Mar 10, 2017
Which Maca Root Powder is best?
by: Chantel

Is it best to buy gelatinized or raw maca root powder?

Mar 12, 2017
Type O not recommended to take AVC?
by: Eve

I came across the article on eating right for your blood type and it was saying that people of type O should not take apple cider vinegar.. or any apple juice. I have been so confused about this. Please assist. I have recommended this remedy to many people and am worried about this blood group issue. Thank you

Mar 13, 2017
Reply to Eve
by: Troy

Hi Eve. The "Eat Right for Your Type" concept is based on a book by naturopath, Peter D'Adamo. He believes that your blood type is part of your "genetic heritage" and that certain foods, exercise, and a whole bunch of other things are tied to your particular blood type and "genetics". He even says that some blood types should exercise while other blood types should not. He also says that type "O's" should avoid organic coconut oil. I've yet to see the scientific studies to prove any of his theories?? If you can find them, I'd be interested in reading them. Organic apple cider vinegar (and organic coconut oil) is good for everyone. You have nothing to worry about.

This article about his blood type diet and what it's actually based on is worth reading... Blood Type Diet.

Mar 13, 2017
Reply to Chantel
by: Troy

The raw maca root powder is definitely the best Chantel. Make sure it comes from the Peruvian mountains as well. This is where the best quality maca is grown. :)

Mar 13, 2017
Good News!
by: LS

Hi Mr. Troy,
I thank God and I thank you for all of these remedies. I bleed less and also have less clots. My question is how am I gonna know if they're shrinking because I stay away from Doctors (I didn't want to have surgery)? I've been taking this protocol for 2 months and I feel really blessed.

Thank you Mr. Troy
God bless you.

Mar 14, 2017
by: Troy

Glad these remedies are helping you LS. If you want to know for sure if your fibroids have shrunk then an ultrasound is the one true way. Another 4 months would mean you've been on this protocol for 6 months. This would be an ideal time to have an ultrasound done to check. There is no harm in having an ultrasound either so don't worry. Be sure to continue doing what you're currently doing too LS.

All the best!

Mar 14, 2017
Lugols and Kelp
by: Sella

This website is fantastic, thank you very much for the advice. I too have fibroids and suffer every month with heavy bleeding and pain.

Regarding the Lugols iodine, should I take Lugols iodine drops and Sea Kelp as well? I have read that taking this will add extra effect. Just wanted to ask your advice on this?

Also should I be taking selenium and magnesium together with the Iodine and Kelp?

Thank you

Mar 15, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Sella. It's not a prerequisite but yes you can take organic kelp along with the liquid iodine. However, I would recommend broken cell wall chlorella instead... Broken Cell Wall Chlorella. This miracle blue-green algae contains iodine, along with highly absorbable amounts of other essential nutrients, including selenium & magnesium (which you've asked about also). Chlorella is a powerful detox food and goes very well with the liquid iodine.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 19, 2017
Fibroids and iodine
by: Mary

Hi Troy,
I started the protocol recommended on your website for fibroids. I got to 7 Iodoral/day. I am also taking the ACV/molasses and I took the baking soda for 2 weeks. I also tried to take 2000-3000 vitamin C, Magnesium (100-400 mg), Selenium (200-400 iu) and B2/B3 (1-2 tablets) as recommended in the iodine protocol. The daily amounts vary, as I had digestive problems (probably vitamin C and maybe Mg?). I noticed that I am very tense since I raised the iodine to 5 or more tablets/day and have a sensation of a lump in my throat (contraction). I am agitated, can’t sleep. I am thinking of reducing the amount of iodine (and give up the B2/B3, maybe this causes nervousness and air hunger?) I do sometimes have these reactions when stressed, but not for so long. Do I have to reduce iodine gradually? What would you advise - take a break, or stop taking iodine altogether? Would the treatment (with ACV and molasses and green/matcha tea and maybe start maca/milk thistle) be effective in curing fibroids? What would be the minimum amount of iodine for the treatment to work?
Is it possible for the iodine to create hyperthyroidism, or to stress adrenals? Thank you for your help. Mary

Mar 20, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Mary. Firstly, yes iodine can cause insomnia & tenseness if you have too much. I prefer the Lugol's liquid or Nascent liquid iodine over the capsules, however, with the capsules, I suggest you drop back to only one a day. 5 or more capsules per day seems like a lot? Where did you see that 5 or more per day should be taken? 1 a day will work fine. Vitamin C and magnesium wont cause digestive problems. The magnesium can make you more regular in bowel movements, that's about it. Drop back on the iodine and you'll likely be fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Mar 21, 2017
Can I start protocol whilst on Esmya?
by: Tracy

I have been taking Esmya for a week. I have about 15 fibroids of different sizes, two of them are submucosal and I have heavy bleeding, although it's regular. I am keen to avoid surgery. Can I start your protocol while taking Esmya?

Mar 22, 2017
Will Alkaline water work?
by: Empress

I've recently found out I have fibroids. My main symptom is very heavy menstrual cycles. So knowing no disease can live in an alkaline environment I went and purchased a Kangen Alkaline water machine and have recently started drinking one gallon per day. With that being said, do I still need to add the ACV on top of my alkaline water?

Mar 23, 2017
Reply to Tracy
by: Troy

Unfortunately, we can't give you direct medical advice Tracy. You would need to speak with your health care professional. :)

Mar 23, 2017
Reply to Empress
by: Troy

While drinking a gallon a day of alkaline water is an excellent idea & strategy (& will help you immensely), on its own it wont be enough. Combine this with the other remedies listed & you'll see some terrific results quite quickly. :)

Mar 27, 2017
Milk Thistle
by: Tracy

Dear Troy,
I just found this on a website: "Milk thistle is not recommended for women diagnosed with ovarian, uterine or breast cancer, fibroid tumors or endometriosis. This is a general precaution due to a possible mild estrogenic effect from the herb."
I understood it to be good for fibroids. Can you please comment on this?

Mar 28, 2017
by: Troy

What website was this from Tracy? Most of these unsubstantiated claims and recommendations come from or are taken from medical websites, who, quite frankly, don't want you to take these herbs (they know they work). They would rather you take harmful pharmaceuticals or go under the knife - much worse options in my opinion. Even Dr Josh Axe and Dr Joseph Mercola recommend milk thistle if you have fibroids. The same goes for maca. Think about the wording they used... "due to it's possible mild estrogenic effect". The two key words are "possible" and "mild". These two herbs help to level out and equalize your estrogen levels (and cleanse the liver) in a natural way. They do not make your body produce excess estrogen. There is definitely nothing wrong with milk thistle or maca. They are completely safe. The final choice, however, is always yours.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Tracy!

Mar 28, 2017
Thanks Troy
by: Tracy

Hello Troy and thank you for your response. The quotes are from the WEbMD website. I am still taking Esmya but will start taking those natural remedies that don't interact such as green tea, molasses, etc. The way I see it, they can only make me feel better as they're good in general.

Apr 02, 2017
by: Dj

Thank you for this wonderful website. I was wondering, does the baking soda have to be taken with filtered water?

Apr 06, 2017
Reply to Tracy
by: Troy

Yes, that's exactly right Tracy. All the best!

Apr 06, 2017
Reply to Dj
by: Troy

Yes, absolutely! In fact, you should only drink clean filtered water at all times. Tap water is full of chemicals and heavy metals, particularly fluoride, which do nothing for your overall health (except make it worse). These toxins will also impair the effectiveness of the recommendations listed above.

Hope this helps.

Best of luck! :)

Apr 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

Which of the above listed remedies can I use while I am breastfeeding? I have a large fibroid.

Apr 27, 2017
by: Troy

None of these remedies are harmful for breast feeding mothers. They actually supply the body with essential nutrients, which it turn means healthier breast milk! :)

Apr 30, 2017
Eliminating Fibroids
by: Abigail

I am new to this site and I have been diagnosed this year with multiple fibroids (Submucosal & Subserosal) and I don't want surgery. Please, what's the measurement of ACV and Soda solution? Also, how long can I take the remedies for? Please, a quick response is required.

May 03, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Abigail. All of the dosage recommendations, along with the time frame that you need to take the ACV and baking soda for are listed in the above article. Don't forget also to utilize the other recommendations listed to give yourself the best possible chance of shrinking your fibroids.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you. :)

May 03, 2017
Fibroids/ Endometriosis
by: Harmony

Hi, my name is Harmony. I have endometriosis and fibroids and I want to conceive in the future. I have bought the blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar and Vitex. Haven't started using them yet though. Is there anything else you could recommend for endometriosis that could help me?

May 04, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Harmony. Along with following all of the recommendations listed in our fibriods article above, have a read of this recent Q&A we did on endometriosis cures... Best Natural Remedies for Endometriosis. There's some handy tips and remedies listed there.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 07, 2017
Trying to get pregnant?
by: Anonymous

I don't suffer from fibroids or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) but someone told me mixing aloe vera and molasses and drinking it the day before your period and before sexual intercourse then again 5 days after your period works.

May 10, 2017
by: Ruth

Hello Troy, am I able to get all of this in Nigeria? And is it necessary to take everything? For how long too cos I am trying to conceive. Thanks. Ruth from Nigeria.

May 13, 2017
Fibroid pressing on bladder
by: Anonymous

Hello, thank you so much for your article! I have a 5cm fibroid pressing on my bladder which is very uncomfortable. The gynacolagist suggested I either get pregnant now and the fibroid may die or have an operation. Neither of these choices are what I want at the minute and I want to try the natural way. Can I try everything on the list but the iodine? Or is the iodine very important? Also is this maca root ok to use?

Thank you!

May 17, 2017
by: Troy

You can leave the iodine out if you want to but you would be missing out big time if you did. Iodine is very powerful and an essential nutrient, and contrary to what you may have read (the scare tactic articles), iodine is extremely safe. Start off slow and gradually build up the dosage and you'll be fine.. Iodine Dosages and why you Need it. The maca powder you list comes from the Peruvian mountains so yes it's perfectly okay.

All the best! :)

May 17, 2017
Reply to Ruth
by: Troy

Hi Ruth. For best results we recommend that you follow each of the recommendations listed above. As to where you could purchase the supplements from in Nigeria? Amazon or Ebay are probably your best choices. You will probably have to get them shipped over to you though. Or you could try Googling "buy health supplements in Nigeria" and see what comes up. You may be able to find a local supplier this way. It will also take 6-9 months for your fibroids to shrink so you will need to be patient.

Hope this helps.

Best regards! :)

May 18, 2017
by: Trishia

Good morning. I want to ask because I feel pain in my lower back and sometimes around my pelvis. I'm scared because my mom died last October of stage 4 cervical cancer. I live in Doha Qatar and it's so expensive here to get a check up. My period is not regular. Most months I get two periods. It's not much and at first the color is brown. I don't know what to do. I'm scared so much. Can apple cider help me with this? Thank you so much.

May 19, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Trishia. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to give medical advice. If you're worried about this then it makes sense to see a health care professional about it if you possibly can. Doing this will at least put your mind at ease. With that said, ALL of the recommendations listed above, not just the apple cider vinegar (organic with the "mother" apple of course) help to normalize female hormones and bring monthly period cycles back into balance. The trace mineral boron, which you can get from borax, along with magnesium and zinc are also crucial for balancing both male and female hormones. You can read this article for more information on this... How Do You Cure Lichen Sclerosus Naturally? Here's How.

Hope this helps you out Trishia.

All the best to you. :)

May 19, 2017
Natural Cure... Gotu Kola
by: Marisella

Gotu Kola, look it up and you will find it's the best and natural way to get rid of a lot of things. Also known as Brahmi, Pennyworth, Cintella or Asiatica. A lot of people would have it in their garden. Eat fresh, about 3 leaves in the midday, or as a tea or taken in capsule form. Google it! I hope it will help you all. God bless.

May 20, 2017
by: Monique

Hi, I had key hole surgery 2 weeks ago. Removed uterine fibroid, a tube, drained pelvic cysts and cleaned blockage. I still have few fibroids roaming around and endometriosis. I am trying to get pregnant this year. My question is could I still use the 6 recommendations?

May 21, 2017
by: Ms Linda

Hello Troy, Thanks for the recommendations! I have been on ACV and BSM since late last year and I just ordered the other items now. I usually squeeze 1/2 a lemon in my ACV/BSM mix daily. Will this help or negate the ACV since both are acidic? Thanks.

May 23, 2017
Reply to Monique
by: Troy

Yes, you can certainly follow the recommendations listed above. Just be sure to follow them to the letter so you get the most out of this. You can also have a read of this recent Q&A on endometriosis remedies for some extra tips... What are the Best Natural Remedies for Endometriosis?.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Monique!

May 23, 2017
Reply to Ms Linda
by: Troy

Squeezing some lemon juice in your ACV is perfectly fine. Remember also, even though they are both acidic, once they enter the body they actually become alkaline (which is a good thing). You can never go wrong consuming apple cider vinegar and lemon juice! :)

Jun 03, 2017
Sore Throat
by: Wrose

I am taking 3-4 drops of iodine (5%) for my large fibroid. I keep getting a sore throat and it takes days for my throat to be back to normal. I would then take only 1-2 drops or leave it out for a few days. Am I not reacting good on the iodine? Should I reduce it even more or leave it out completely?

Jun 09, 2017
by: Troy

Better to go with reducing the amount then slowly build up the dosage over a period of weeks or even months. Make sure you drink lots of water and follow the other recommendations too for best results. :)

Jun 09, 2017
Dime to Nickel size fibroids (1.8 - 2.1cm)
by: TMG

First of all, thank you for this wonderful website. I'm 50 yrs old. I've been having heavy bleeding and my cycles last 7 to 14 days, sometimes longer. It started Dec 2013. Prior to this date I ran a 1/2 marathon April 2013, missed my period June 2013 (which my cycle has always been normal, if I missed a cycle it was because I was pregnant). I had a regular cycle until 12/13. My Gyno put me on birth control pills which I was on until 12/15. My cycle been crazy since. Fast forwarding to 02/17, I had my annual paps mere which he felt my uterus was slightly bigger than normal. I had a vaginal ultrasound which showed I have 3-4 nickel to dime size fibroids. I'm currently taking natural progesterone cream. I started doing the Black strap Molasses with ACV (Braggs), Baking soda and water (do I need to do the baking soda with ACV as well?) I just started the J Crow Lugol's 5% iodine, DIM and I'm also taking Chaste Tree, Maca, and Mild thistle tinctures. Will this help me? My issue is my cycle lasting forever and a day. It's annoying not being able to be intimate with my husband for so long, but I'm trusting in God.


Jun 09, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, these will all most definitely help. Remember too, the baking soda is only taken for a two week period to boost your pH level. Evening primrose oil, magnesium and boron are also extremely good for normalizing a woman's hormones and monthly cycles (see our "home remedies for hot flashes/menopause" article for more information on this).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jun 10, 2017
Trying remedies for the first time
by: Laura

Hi, I love the suggestions on this Web site. If it's a natural remedy I'm interested. I just found out last year (May 2016) I have a fibroid. Today is Saturday June 10 2017. I am on my period so starting next week (June 18) I will start the home remedies mentioned.

I will keep you posted on my progress.

Thank you

Jun 13, 2017
Dime to Nickel size fibroids (1.8 - 2.1cm)
by: TMG

Hi Troy,

Thanks for your quick response. I'm not experiencing hot flashes or any of the other symptoms. My menstrual cycle is the only problem I'm having. I just pretty much want my cycle to stop. It's not clotting heavy at this point, it's just there, lingering on. Sooooooo annoying.


Jun 21, 2017
by: Jesschel

Hi Troy!
I came to know a few days ago after a full abdomen scan that I have 7.3cm fibroid inside my uterus. I went to see the doctor because of urine frequency, and a little lower left back pain. I do not have bleeding and my monthly period is quite normal. I am feeling cramps which are tolerable. My question is can I use all the above recommendations to shrink the fibroid even if I am not bleeding? Which, from the suggestions above, can I use for cramps and frequent urination symptoms? Appreciate your immediate response. Thank you.

Jun 22, 2017
Fibroids and Pregnancy
by: Jessy from Wichita, KS

Hi Troy,
I am 7 weeks pregnant and found out this week that I have 2 fibroids the size of golf balls. I've just started the ACV and BSM combination today. Which of the remaining 5 steps are safe during pregnancy? Is there one step (of the remaining 5 steps) that you would absolutely recommend? My prenatals have 150 mcg of iodine in them. I also have bleeding inside the uterus (subchorionic hemorrhaging). Also suffered a miscarriage in March this year.

Thanks for your help.

Jun 24, 2017
Reply to Jesschel
by: Troy

You can certainly use all of the recommendations listed above even if you're not bleeding. The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses combo works extremely well and helps with frequent urination. For cramps, the maca helps tremendously, along with a supplement called vitex (chaste tree berry). Magnesium (magnesium citrate) is also crucial for relieving menstrual cramps and frequent urination, along with vitamin D. Don't forget, diet is important for shrinking fibroids and relieving PMS symptoms also.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jun 24, 2017
Reply to Jessy
by: Troy

The ACV and black strap molasses combo are perfectly safe to use when pregnant so you have no worries there. #6 (herbs and eating well) are extremely important also so make sure you eat healthy and avoid all refined and processed foods. Milk thistle (liver detox) and plenty of probiotics are crucial when pregnant as well and help with the shrinking of fibroids. I would leave the others out for the time being.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Jessy!

Jun 26, 2017
Dime to Nickel size fibroids (1.8 - 2.1cm)
by: TMG

Hi Troy, today will make almost 4 weeks I've been on my cycle. It did slow down a bit then started back. I think i'm not taking enough Progesterone cream. I will start taking at least 300mg today. I'm only doing Lugol's Iodine, Maca capsules 500mg, Vitamin D3 5000 UI, NAC, and Calcium D Glucorate. I'm also taking a multivitamin. I stopped taking the ACV and BSM because I started back with a real cycle. I'm really tired at this point and ready to throw in the towel. I'm in no pain at all just heavy to light flow. I just want to stop bleeding. Any other suggestions.

Jun 29, 2017
by: Troy

Have a read of this article and list of remedies from our friends at Earth Clinic... Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Home Remedies. :)

Jun 30, 2017
Yeast Infection
by: Jazz

Is there a link between yeast infections and fibroids? If so, how can I cure my yeast infection?

Jul 03, 2017
A month before my operation
by: Maya

Hi Troy, Thank you so much for the information. I feel like there is such a need for this kind of information among women.

I have a fibroid, I found out about 4 years ago. It's grown from 4cm to 6 cm. In the past 2 years I've been suffering from super heavy bleeding and had to take iron infusion after my periods.
My story of trying to heal the fibroid myself is about to come to an end since I have an operation appointment next month.
It breaks my heart. I've tried so many different things - from diets, reflexology, Chinese medicine, healing, and even urine therapy.

Right now I'm taking Esmya, and this helps to stop my bleeding, it allows me to live. Otherwise I'm in bed for a week each month, going to the toilet every 2 mins. My periods have made me a ghost of myself.

Every month after my period comes new hope - I can heal it myself, my body is sure about it, my mind as well. But then comes the next period and it takes me down - showing me there was no progress at all. This is why, after all these years of trying I decided to do the operation.

After this long introduction - do you know women doing the home remedy you listed above along with the use of Esmya? Do you think they can work together?

I'm up for trying EVERYTHING. I have one month and a half to go, to try, and if there will be the smallest change I'll cancel the operation.
Would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you so much for reading, for being here.

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to Jazz
by: Troy

Yes, there is a definite link between women getting regular yeast infections and the development of fibroids. This article has some excellent tips and remedies on treating and curing yeast infections... Best Natural Remedies for a Yeast Infection. :)

Jul 04, 2017
Reply to Maya
by: Troy

Hi Maya. Sorry, we haven't heard from anyone who's used the drug Esmya along with this protocol. The ACV and black strap molasses combo is very good for helping to normalize menstrual cycles AND shrink fibriods. Milk thistle, maca root, herbs and Matcha green tea are also very helpful. It may take longer than one month, however, before you start seeing measurable results.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jul 05, 2017
Any visible results?
by: Phlorense

Hi there. It was really nice to read this blog. I had a fibroid 2 years ago which grew from 6 cm in March to 14 cm in October when I had my surgery. During this time I took Esmya and tried to change my lifestyle, but too much stress from my job. In March this year I just found out that my fibroids have reappeared - 1.5 cm and 2 cm. And last week I just found out that I actually have 3 now. The doctor I visited has recommended surgery again, but I definitely don't want to go through this again.
I already bought most of the things you recommended (points 1,2,3), and am having Japanese green tea. I'm also taking Lady's Mantle tincture and doing Castor Oil packs. I will also get Maca root and Milk Thistle. I read all the comments starting from August last year. Have any of the readers here actually been cured from fibroids? Did they disappear for good?

Thank you for all your recommendations!

Jul 05, 2017
Iodine burns?
by: Maya

Dear Troy,
Thank you for your quick response. I started the protocol yesterday with everything on the list. I'm def giving it all a shot.
One question about the Iodine - is it supposed to burn? I started of with 2 drops, to try it and my tongue and mouth are both screaming for help. Can I mix it with water instead?
Big thanks again,

Jul 05, 2017
Non-estrogen dominant but Fibroids present
by: Elizabeth

Hi, I have multiple small fibroids, however, a hormone profile was done and I am non-estrogen dominance. All of my hormones are perfectly normal. Most of the herbal remedies I see out there talk about "balancing hormones" which I don't qualify for. I used to drink lots of soy milk in my coffee, cereals and even green tea latte at Starbucks. I have since stopped the soy after reading comments on the web with respect to its ability to fuel fibroid growth.

I take Green Tea capsules to get the EGCG effect and Burdock Root for it's anti-tumor properties. Aside from the Apple Cider (which I do take) what else can I had to my regimen.

Thanks a lot.

Jul 07, 2017
Spring Water
by: Kris

Hi there, is fresh from my local Spring Water ok? Thank you in advance Troy.

Jul 08, 2017
Results from trying the ACV and molasses
by: Laura

Hello. I commented on June 10 about trying this remedy for the first time. So I started taking the ACV and molasses on June 18 2017 two times a day. I also took the baking soda for two weeks. So today, July 8 2017, is my first period after using this remedy. I cannot believe it! It was my best period ever. I had no pain, which is a huge difference since my period pain is usually excruciating. And the bleeding is less also. Thank you so much for this Website, I was just browsing and came across it.

God bless.

Jul 09, 2017
How do you make castor oil packs?
by: Padma

This may be a stupid question but I noticed a few of you mentioning castor oil packs. I have no idea what that is and all I see in Google are guides about how to use it. I really want to try this method of treatment since it seems safe and effective. How do you make castor oil packs or can you buy them?

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Padma
by: Troy

Have a read of the two "reply to" comments back on 24th January 2017. There's links to a handy article and "how to" video for making and using castor oil packs. :)

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Laura
by: Troy

You're welcome Laura. Glad it's helping.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Maya
by: Troy

If it burns then yes, definitely take it with water to dilute. :)

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Kris
by: Troy

Filtered water is better Kris. Some spring water companies have been busted in the past for providing unclean water... Bottled water news, articles and information. If you do decide to go with bottled water, be sure the brand you buy provides the highest quality water. :)

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Elizabeth
by: Troy

The unsulphured black strap molasses should still be taken with the ACV so this is definitely worth considering. The liquid iodine would also be extremely beneficial. :)

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Padma
by: Antonella

I’m not sure you can buy castor oil packs but they're very easy to make. Grab a towel, soak it with castor oil, put it in a zip lock and press the pack using a bottle of hot water onto the affected area.

Jul 12, 2017
Reply to Antonella
by: Padma

That easy? Wow thanks.,! I hope I won't irritate my skin though. But can I use it without the ziplock or the plastic bag? I kinda don’t wanna waste plastic.

Jul 17, 2017
ACV and baking soda
by: Anonymous

Hi, is it safe to take both ACV and baking soda at the same time? I have 7 fibroids, 3.4cm is the biggest. I do not have problems with my period but I urinate a lot, especially at night.

Jul 17, 2017
Iodine and baking soda
by: Jules

Hi, thanks for your patience here. I can't get the Bobs Best baking soda online, neither the aluminium free. It says it doesn't deliver in the UK. Can I use any other baking soda?

Also with the iodine, do I mix it with a little water or take the drop raw.
Thank you

Jul 18, 2017
Fibroids and cyst
by: Phuti

Had pains, went to the doc yesterday and just found out that I have fibroids and a cyst. I was very stressed as my options were removing the womb completely or removing the fibroids, which doesn't guarantee that they will never come back. The pain was unbearable and the doc advised that he can only give me pain killers and nothing else in the meantime to kill the pain while I am deciding on my way forward. I decided to use Google and came across this page. I took the first glass of baking soda this morning, about 7 hours ago, and no pains as yet. I will be going back to the doc in two weeks time for ultrasound and hoping for the best results. I am hopeful. Thanks to admin for this page. I will definitely provide feedback so other women with the same issue can discover that the best medication is hidden in our kitchen cupboards.

Jul 18, 2017
Will the ACV wear down the tooth enamel?
by: Miss ling

Hi Troy,

I read some article that said the ACV might wear down tooth enamel. So any way to prevent it since I'm thinking of trying the ACV mix with black strap molasses.

Jul 18, 2017
by: Phlorense

Hello everyone. I posted a week ago asking if anyone had any results. Well, it seems that I have some positive results. I had an ultrasound on June 30 showing 3 fibroids of 2.6-3.1 cm. On 14th July I had a pelvic MRI. The scan showed that I have only one mass (one fibroid) of 4.1 cm's, which is showing signs of degeneration (so the 3 fibroids joined into one mass and have shrunk). Also, my last menstruation was a lot better, only 7 days long, with only 2 days of high bleeding.
I took 3 times a day the apple cider vinegar with black strap molasses, also green tea and turmeric supplements, but at the same time I started acupuncture (already did 3 sessions), took Lady's Mantle tincture 3 times a day for a week between my periods, did castor oil packs, did internal washing every evening with a mix of chamomile (2tbs), marigold (2tbs) and baking soda (1tbs) boiled in 1.5 liters of water until it reaches half. Also changed my eating habits as recommended by Troy and have been listening to healing music for women during sleep and while working at the office.
I have no idea which of these worked, but my doctor was amazed. We are postponing surgery.
Hope you will also get better!
Good luck!

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to "ACV and Baking Soda" Comment
by: Troy

It's perfectly fine to take the ACV and baking soda together. It can make you a little "gassy" so just be aware of this. :)

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to Miss Ling
by: Troy

The theory is that because ACV is acidic when it enters the mouth (it does actually become alkaline once in the body), it will rot your teeth. This is still yet to be "proven" though. So many other foods you eat every day (and are not even aware of) are acidic and DO rot your teeth!! I suggest you don't worry about this too much. Just make sure you have your ACV with plenty of water for dilution and you'll be fine. :)

Jul 20, 2017
Reply to Jules
by: Troy

If you can't get Bobs Best then the Arm & Hammer baking soda is still perfectly fine to use Jules... Best Baking Sodas. :)

Jul 21, 2017
by: Jules

Hi again, thanks. I finally got the baking soda. Want to know how to take the iodine please.

Jul 27, 2017
by: Maya

Hey Troy and everyone!
Have any of you heard about the Serrapeptase enzyme? I've read so much about this and want to order it. Any recommendations?

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to Jules
by: Troy

For the Lugols liquid iodine, be sure to follow the recommendations listed above Jules. I also recommend you purchase Dr David Brownstein's excellent book... Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It.

It's definitely worth the investment. :)

Jul 27, 2017
Reply to Maya
by: Troy

Yes, Serrapeptase is a virtual "cure all" and another supplement that works well for shrinking fibroids. Make sure you go with a high quality brand such as Doctors's Best for maximum absorption. This article explains how to use serrapeptase for reducing fibriods... How to Use Serrapeptase for Shrinking Fibroids.

Jul 29, 2017
by: Rita

Hi Troy, I was diagnosed with fibroids in 2016 - they are about 4cm to 5cm. So happy to come across this page. I will try these home remedies as I have one child and still want to have more kids. How long can I take the ACV and when can I go in for an ultrasound?

Jul 31, 2017
by: Jbee

Hi Troy,

After 9 years of unexplained infertility I was only 6 months ago diagnosed with a number of large fibroids, two of the largest being 12cm and 10cm. My fibroids are pushing my cervix completely to the right side and causing severe pain to the left side of my abdomen. Last month, a week before my period was due I started bleeding heavily and was admitted to hospital as my body was little short of going into shock. It followed with 5-6 days of palpitations. I am doing ok at the moment.

Due to a serious car accident that I had 7 years ago I couldn't walk for a year, which caused me to go from a size 10 to size 22. I am due to have a myomectomy but my gyno is not happy to do this until I lose at least 50lbs. I am working towards this. I have purchased all of your above recommendations & have started them today. I would like to know is there anything specific that should NOT be taken during periods?

Also, a friend advised to have mizan therapy, which is a form of fertility massage, to guide the cervix back to its original place. They say its beneficial for fibroid sufferers too. Is this something that you are aware of that would be okay to do? My gyno and Gp do not recommend any form of natural therapy/medication (for obvious reasons) whereas that is all I have grown up with.

Lastly, Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us and always taking the time to reply to each comment. For everyone that comments, there's many that don't, but we all appreciate the work you do so much.

Kind regards,


Aug 01, 2017
Dime to Nickel size fibroids (1.8 - 2.1cm) by: TMG
by: TMG

Good morning,
After taking all the remedies above for 2 months, the herbs I found that helped me the most was Yarrow and Lady Mantle Tea (I also took Lady mantle Tincture) and Shepard's Purse. After taking these for 3-4 days my cycle finally stopped. THANK YOU JESUS! I will continue to take Lady Mantle and Yarrow tea daily.


Aug 02, 2017
Thank you
by: Devonne

Hi, thank you for these tips. I can't wait to try them. I found out I have a 4cm fibroid this past May. It is causing heavy cycles and clots. I was sent to the hospital after learning my hemoglobin was a 6.6. My ob/gyn and primary are both recommending an iud. I'm kind of skeptical about that because I'm hearing so many horror stories and not enough success stories. I definitely will be trying the apple cider vinegar and the blackstrap molasses. I'm hoping that will this will help. My only question is can I only do the ACV and the BSM or do I have to do each of the 6 tips in order to shrink my fibroids?

Aug 03, 2017
Reply to Rita
by: Troy

The ACV can be taken 100% safely for the rest of your life Rita. In fact, we recommend you do exactly this just for overall good health. Don't forget to combine the ACV with the unsulphured black strap molasses as well so you get the most benefit out of it. Getting another ultrasound after 6 months is about the normal time. You will definitely know by then if your fibroids(s) have shrunk or are gone.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 03, 2017
Reply to Jbee
by: Troy

Firstly, you're very welcome J. I really enjoy helping people. Everything listed above can be taken during a woman's period with no problems. The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses actually help tremendously with heavy menstrual bleeding. Just remember that the baking soda is only taken for two weeks, no more. If you are on any medications, and because of the palpitations that you experienced, you would need to check with your health care professional first before beginning this protocol (we are required by law to tell you this). Mizan therapy is a terrific and beneficial form of massage. There is no harm in giving this a try.

Hope this helps you J.

All the best!

Aug 03, 2017
Reply to Devonne
by: Troy

You can certainly just take the ACV/unsulphured black strap molasses and still benefit tremendously from these. Just don't forget to eat well (#6 remedy) so that you get the most out of the ACV and BSM. This is extremely important. :)

Aug 03, 2017
by: Rita

Hi Troy, thank you for your respond this week. Is the second week I am taking the baking soda and I feel better. I use to have this pain on my right leg from my hip to my ankle but the pain is much better now. Should I stop taking the baking soda? Keep up with the good job.

Aug 10, 2017
Milk thistle and maca
by: Julie

Hi! How much milk thistle and maca do you take a day? The bottle of maca says to take one three times a day and milk thistle one a day. Am I suppose to also take one three times a day along with the maca or do what the bottle's recommended dosage says?

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to Rita
by: Troy

The baking soda should only be taken for two weeks at a time Rita. What you can do is go on a "two week on two week off" cycle. So after your two weeks is up rest for two weeks then go back on for two weeks, and so forth. Take the baking soda in conjunction with the acv for added benefit as well. :)

Aug 11, 2017
Reply to Julie
by: Troy

It's best to follow the recommended amounts listed on the bottle Julie. Be sure to go with the highest recommended amounts for maximum benefit and effect. :)

Aug 11, 2017
ACV & Baking Soda
by: Ali Shaw

I have been taking Black Strap Molasses from a spoon, followed by ACV mixed with Baking Soda and water. Should I be drinking them separately? Does it matter?

Aug 12, 2017
by: Julie

Hi! I started taking the iodine under my tongue and immediately it began burning and left me with sores, so I stopped. I was also concerned because I read that iodine can cause thyroid problems, but then I read your link from a previous post and it said that this was a myth. Can you tell me if it is safe to take iodine and do you suggest I put the drops in water to drink, instead of putting it directly under the tongue?

Aug 14, 2017
Reply to Ali
by: Troy

No, what you are doing is perfect Ali.

All the best!

Aug 14, 2017
Reply to Julie
by: Troy

Iodine is extremely safe to take. Make sure you have bought the correct type (Lugol's). If it burns when you place it under the tongue then add it to a glass of clean filtered water instead. I highly recommend you purchase Dr David Brownstein's book "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It". You can find it on Amazon or Ebay.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Julie!

Aug 14, 2017
How to and when to take all 6
by: Sylvia S

Hi, I have large uterine fibroid and multiple fibroids all over my womb (womb measures 15cm). I had a uterine fibroid embolisation in April last year. Before this treatment my womb measured 23cm. I still suffer every month with period pain, large blood clots and heavy bleeding. I was wondering if would be ok to take all 6 remedies after the UFE and if so how can I take them everyday, can I take them all together? Please, your help is much appreciated... (sorry for my English). God Bless!

Aug 15, 2017
Large fibroid
by: Marie

HI Troy,
Can I take the iodine and the ACV and black strap molasses together?

Aug 16, 2017
by: Devonne

Hello, I wanted to give an update... I posted about a week ago regarding taking apple cider vinegar and the blackstrap molasses. well, I started talking them together that same day twice a day... once in the morning and once before bed. I started my cycle on Sunday and was very nervous and anxious on how this cycle would go. Day one was normal, mild cramping and very light bleeding. Day 2 was a little heavier but not bad and more cramping, which went away once I took two Motrin pain pills. When I reached the third day I was expecting the usual, which is super heaving bleeding, flooding, blood clots, etc... but it never happened. The bleeding was heavy but it didn't last long and I only needed to change my pad three times that day (it's normally about 6 pads I would go through on the third day). Today, there's almost no bleeding, just spotting. I'm so amazed. This is the first period I've had IN MONTHS that was as normal as when I first started my period. So sorry for the TMI, but I wanted to share. The apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses really works!! I've also been eating clean. I totally changed my diet to minimize red meat, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, fast foods, etc. I'm going to continue doing this daily and hope that I have more great news! Thank you again for these steps. You are truly a blessing.

Aug 16, 2017
Reply to Devonne
by: Troy (Admin)

Glad you are seeing positive results Devonne. Keep doing what you're doing and the results will continue to be even better.

All the best to you!

Aug 16, 2017
Reply to Marie
by: Troy

Hi Marie. The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses should both be taken together at the same time, however, the Lugols liquid iodine should be taken at a separate time to these for best results. I also highly recommend you get a hold of Dr David Brownstein's iodine book. It's well worth the read. :)

Aug 16, 2017
Reply to Sylvia S
by: Troy

Hi Sylvia. Unfortunately, I cannot, by law, tell you exactly what you should do. What I will say is that the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses are perfectly safe to take and will help tremendously. You could start with these, along with the healthy eating and herbs (#6 remedy). The Matcha green tea (#5) is also perfectly safe to drink every day and is highly effective. Once again, I would also strongly recommend that you get a hold of Dr David Brownstein's excellent book "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It" for a full understanding on why this mineral is so crucial to your health and the shrinking of uterine fibroids.

Hope this helps you Sylvia.

All the best!

Aug 19, 2017
Baking soda won't mix with water?
by: Maya

Dear Troy,
After a while of drinking the ACV every day and taking iodine, it's time to start with the baking soda. I tried putting it in a glass of water/hot water but it won't dissolve. Am I supposed to take it all chunky?
How do I get it right?
Many thanks!!!

Aug 21, 2017
Reply to Maya
by: Troy

The baking soda should definitely dissolve completely in water. I take it myself and have never had a problem with it? It shouldn't be "chunky" either - it should be pure crystallized powder. Make sure that what you have isn't out of date. :)

Aug 21, 2017
Online purchase of molasses and baking soda .
by: Lizy

Thanks for the info. I have started using Apple cider vinegar but could not get molasses and Bob's baking soda from the store. Can you give me the link to purchase these online?

Aug 21, 2017
by: Troy

Try these links Lizy...

Organic Unsulphured Black Strap Molasses.

Bob's Best Baking Soda.

All the best!

Aug 22, 2017
Black strap molasses, acv and baking soda
by: Sylvia S

Hi, thank so much for your reply Troy. I've decided to start with acv, blackstrap molasses and baking soda. I was wondering if it's ok to mix all three in a glass of water and drinking it twice a day?

Aug 25, 2017
Home remedies and pregnancy
by: Rebecca

For a person trying to get pregnant, which of the above remedies would be most suitable.

Aug 25, 2017
Pregnant with huge fibroid
by: Laura

So I accidentally got pregnant before my 8cm fibroid could be removed. I am thirteen weeks and it is nearing 15cm. I am so confused about what is safe and what is not. Can you tell me the max dose of anything and everything I can throw at this? They are talking about second trimester surgery, and that sounds like a horrible plan. Thank you!

Aug 26, 2017
Reply to Sylvia
by: Troy

Yes, It's perfectly fine to mix all 3 together. Just remember, the baking soda is only taken for two weeks.

All the best!

Aug 26, 2017
Reply to Laura
by: Troy

Go with the ACV and organic unsulphured black strap molasses at the above recommendations, along with drinking Matcha green tea every day (and eating healthy of course). None of these are harmful whatsoever when pregnant and will still help to shrink your fibroids. Also get a hold of Dr Brownstein's Iodine book for specifics on how to take/use this crucial mineral.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Laura!

Aug 26, 2017
Reply to Rebecca
by: Troy

All are fine to take/consume when trying to conceive. :)

Aug 31, 2017
Remedy after fibroid surgery?
by: Grace

Thank you for this great information. pls I have two questions:
1. Can a woman who has undergone fibroid surgery still partake in these remedies?
2. Can these remedies also help to dissolve adhesion formed after fibroid surgery?
Thank you.

Aug 31, 2017
Which remedy is best?
by: Anonymous

Are you saying to do all of the remedies at the same time? I am interested... but really just want to do the most effective thing. I am post-menopausal, but have taken HRT for 5 years. I have reduced the estradiol by almost 75% but still do the progesterone and testosterone. I have had weird weight gain, pressure on my bladder, and so much want my body back.
I would very much appreciate your feedback!
Thank you!

Sep 04, 2017
Amazing results in one month!
by: Ali Shaw

I started the ACV & BSM & Baking soda on August 1st as a last resort to avoid a hysterectomy from fibroids and adenomyosis. I would flood every 30 mins for 24 hours, which would reduce down to an hour over the next 24 hours, along with clots and all the usual horrible things that go along with this problem.

Anyway, on day 5 I had a period. It was definitely lighter with flooding only every 2 hours! I wasn't expecting any difference after just 5 days of doing the ACV. I am now on day 35 and my stomach has reduced down incredibly. I wore jeans over the weekend that I haven't been able to do up for 2 years due to a 3-4 month pregnancy sized uterus. My heavy bleed day was due 2nd September and as yet I have not even had any spotting! I am feeling amazing, excited that this is working so quickly, relieved and very very thankful that I found this website... and I keep looking at my new flat tummy. :) Cant wait to tell my doctors and surgeons my good news LOL. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sep 04, 2017
Reply to Grace
by: Troy

Yes, this protocol can still be followed by someone who has had fibroid surgery in the past (which is many women), and yes, these recommendations will also help to heal the lesions/adhesion's - pretty much completely in fact.

Good luck and all the best to you Grace!

Sep 04, 2017
Reply to " Which Remedy is Best" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, the idea is to follow all 6 recommendations. However, if you had to pick the most important and crucial one then the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses combo would be it. :)

Sep 04, 2017
Reply to Ali
by: Troy (Admin)

You're very welcome Ali. Glad it's helping.

All the best to you!

Sep 13, 2017
Blackstrap Molasses and ACV works!
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much for all the remedies and information! I've been using the blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar and believe me it works! I had a massive fibroid the size of a 5 month fetus with a lot of pain and as soon as I started using the BSM and acv the pain went immediately. Due to my lack of patience, however, and doubt whether it would shrink my fibroid I had a myomectomy to have it and some smaller ones removed. Now they have grown back but not to the same size, but once again became painful. I started back on the BSM and ACV and again the pain immediately went away. This time I am definitely going to continue using it. I am not going to stop and I am going to try the other methods and make more of an effort with my diet.

Sep 14, 2017
by: Helena

Hello, I have fibroids and before I had periods on time but for a couple of days I had a lot of bleeding. I am regularly checking everything. For the last couple of months my periods are not even periods. I don't have a lot of bleeding, basically I have it for 18 days but if I wipe myself I can see blood. I have a lot of pressure and it really hurts down there. I feel like my uterus or ovaries are on fire. The pain is not a big pain but like when you cut yourself and then put salt on it. I am 40 years old. Sorry for my details. I had a pap smear, ultrasound, thyroid check, pregnancy check and everything came out fine except my fibroids they are still there. My doctor told me that I am not in premenopause. My question is does anyone have these symptoms and can I take all of the 6 together on one day?

Sep 17, 2017
by: Anonymous

I just read about the wonders of acv and bsm. Will
be sure try them out, and I hope to have a positive result soon.

Sep 19, 2017
Reply to Helena
by: Troy

Yes, the idea is to follow/take all 6 recommendations daily Helena. However, even just using the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses combo will improve your symptoms tremendously.

Give it a try.

All the best!

Sep 20, 2017
Matcha green tea
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

Thank you so much for your help. I started my journey to shrinking my fibroids as soon as I came across all you said. My question is how long do I take the Matcha green tea? You did not specify that.
Thank you once again for your prompt response.

Sep 25, 2017
Reply to "Matcha Green Tea" Comment
by: Troy

You drink the Matcha green tea for the rest of your life! It's health benefits go way beyond just shrinking fibroids so be sure to make it part of your daily regimen for the rest of your days.

All the best!

Sep 26, 2017
Can't get Unsulphured Molasses
by: Chelsea

Can I use organic crude molasses?

Sep 27, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, organic crude molasses is fine. It's essentially the same thing.

All the best Chelsea!

Sep 28, 2017
Uterine and ovarian cysts
by: Mary

Would the ACV and molasses be able to shrink eight fibroids measuring 11cm, 12 cm, and the rest at 8cm with cysts on ovaries?

Oct 02, 2017
Reply to Mary
by: Troy

Yes, the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses will shrink any sized fibroid, as well as ovarian cysts. This combo really does work that well. Try and incorporate the other remedies listed too so you get the most out of it.

All the best to you Mary!

Oct 02, 2017
Fibroids and anxiety
by: Michelle

Thankyou for this thread. It has been so helpful to me. I have large fibroids and look like I am pregnant. Recently l have been under stress and have lost a lot of weight due to anxiety. I have sickle cell trait and that plus the fibroids with heavy menstruation takes a toll on my body. You mentioned in a reply to someone that the ACV may cause loss of brown fat. I am concerned that I may lose more fat than I can afford to lose. Also, what would you recommend for the anxiety?

Thanks so much.

Oct 04, 2017
by: C in England

Good Afternoon. I have read the comments and suggestions I'm currently taking Esmya and would like to know if I can take turmeric and ACV with molasses? Please help as I am trying to avoid surgery. The thought of being put to sleep is a big no no for me. Can you also advise if I have to take all 6 remedies for it to shrink my fibroids?

Thank u

Oct 06, 2017
Reply to Michelle
by: Troy

While it's true that the ACV can help with brown fat metabolism, it certainly wont take all of your fat away or make you too skinny. The ACV (combined with the unsulphured black strap molasses of course) is a powerful hormonal neutralizer. Once your hormones level out, so will your metabolism. There's nothing to worry about with the ACV, it's benefits are all positive. For your anxiety, have read of our in-depth article on this for more help... Best Home Remedies for Anxiety and Stress.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Michelle!

Oct 06, 2017
Reply to C in England
by: Troy

Turmeric, combined with ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses is a powerful combo. Just make sure you have 10-12 black peppers with the turmeric for absorption, along with a healthy fat such as coconut oil or krill oil (tumeric is fat soluble). You don't need to follow all 6 remedies, the ACV and molasses on their own can often be enough, however, utilizing all 6 will give you the best chance possible of shrinking your fibroids and avoiding surgery (in my opinion).

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 08, 2017
Thank You
by: Michelle

Thank you Troy for your reply and the good work you are doing on this site.

Oct 10, 2017
Matcha Green Tea substitute
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

Thanks for all your help. You've been amazing. You said earlier that green tea extract can be taken in place of Matcha green tea? Can you recommend a good brand and dose to take each day?

Thanks a bunch!

Oct 11, 2017
Reply to "Matcha Green Tea Substitute" Comment
by: Troy

This is by far one of the best green tea extract supplements on the market.... Green Tea Extract with EGCG's. It technically isn't "Matcha" green tea, but it's very close (and still perfectly okay). Even though it's promoted as a weight loss supplement, it's polyphenol and EGCG antioxidant levels are exceedingly high, which is why it helps to shrink fibriods and benign tumors.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 14, 2017
Intramural fibroids and TTC
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
Your information has been very useful. I had a miscarriage December last year. Autopsy said it was due to infection but I still worry that my fibroids may be a problem. I didn't know I had fibroids until I had my 12 week scan. I've been trying to get pregnant for 6 months now. I've been to the doctors who have said to keep trying. Just had my bloods done and get results next week, which I'm sure will be fine. When I had my last scan this July the fibroids had grown to 5cm and 7cm due to the pregnancy I lost. I also put on 2.5 stone after the pregnancy. I"ve lost 1.5 stone so far and need to lose 1.5 more to get to my ideal weight. I'm sure my fibroids will be gone by the end of this year.

I bought everything you've listed and have been taking them everyday for about 3 weeks now. I'm feeling pain on my right pelvic region though. Could this be the fibroid degenerating? It's like something is moving. I definitely know my fibroids have shrunk since July as I don't get the horrible pain I use to get when I did my pelvic floor exercises and I've lost weight too.

Thanks for all your help again.

Oct 18, 2017
Cyst on right ovary-lower right abdomen
by: Joyce

Hi Troy,
Thank you for such an informative site you have here. I have been having painful periods lately and decided to go in for an ultrasound to find out what was happening to me... sadly my scan (7 months ago) showed that I have a cyst on my lower right abdomen--above my ovary. I have been scheduled for laprascopic surgery as the cyst is some 6 to 10cm. But I am nervous to go for that surgery. I am in the process of going in to seek a 2nd opinion from another doctor and would like to try out your natural combo mentioned here, but I am on a daily blood pressure medication (olmetec-20mg). Can I still do this? The last thing I want is surgery. Please help!

Oct 19, 2017
Interaction with drugs for breast cancer
by: Sally

I'm fighting ER+/PR+ breast cancer and have a 19cm fibroid. I understand you cannot give medical advise, but to your knowledge would any of these natural remedies interact or have a negative affect on the drugs Exemastene or Zoladex? I don't want to do anything to jeopardise my cancer treatment. Thank you.

Oct 20, 2017
ACV and Black strap Molasses
by: Elizabeth

Hi Troy, started taking the ACV and Black Strap molasses on September 25, 2017 (have it morning and evening). Had my period on October 13, 2017 and there was no change (it was heavy). Plan to take these for 3 months to see if there is any difference. I also plan to start taking the baking soda for 2 weeks in November and December in the evenings. Please advise if this is too much or if I should stick to just the ACV and the molasses.

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to "Intramural fibroids and TTC" Comment
by: Troy

Yes it could certainly be this, but unfortunately, I'm not allowed to give diagnoses. Sorry. I recommend you get it checked out with your doctor to be sure, especially if it continues to linger.

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Joyce
by: Troy

Hi Joyce. Numbers one, five and six remedies are perfectly safe and can all be followed without any problems - even if you're on BP medications. In fact, they help reduce HBP so there will be an added benefit for you!

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Sally
by: Troy

Hi Sally. The only one I would leave out is the maca root, everything else is perfectly fine and will actually help with your breast cancer recovery. Some of the herbs mentioned are in fact included in this cancer treatment protocol... Stunning Natural Cancer Treatment.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Elizabeth
by: Troy

Yes, you can definitely include the baking soda (for 2 weeks). This will give your body a nice alkaline boost. Don't forget about the herbs and healthy eating too (#6).

All the best! :)

Oct 25, 2017
Molasses and vinegar
by: Anonymous

Does the molasses and vinegar make you bleed alot during menstruation?

Nov 02, 2017
by: Troy

No, the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses help return your periods to normal. You will bleed less not more. :)

Nov 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, thank you for your amazing articles and consistent feedback. I have a question about the iodine. If I don't take magnesium and calcium with the iodine, will it not be effective or will I cause harm to myself?

Nov 08, 2017
by: Troy

You definitely wont do any harm to yourself. Magnesium and calcium (more so magnesium) do help with the absorption of iodine. The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses contain calcium and magnesium, so you can get what you need from these. :)

Nov 09, 2017
Fibroid and cyst
by: Sai

Hi! I am so glad that I found this site! I have one fibroid (4.7cm) which is a submicosal one and causes heavy bleeding during my monthly period. I get blood clots and heavy bleeding, which makes my blood pressure go very low. I have low iron levels too. I started using the acv and black strap molasses from today. Pls advise on how to take the remedy. I want to know after taking the acv and molasses how much time I need before I can eat my breakfast or morning tea.
God bless you.

Nov 09, 2017
Cervix Polyp
by: Anonymous

If I take the ACV + Black Strap Molasses twice daily, will it help to remove the polyp on my cervix as polyps are smaller in size as compared to fibroids?

Nov 10, 2017
Feeling Better
by: Anonymous

After constantly surfing the net, I came across this site. It has been helpful starting on the BSM and ACV. I feel more healthier.

Nov 14, 2017
Reply to Sai
by: Troy

Hi Sai. All the in's and out's on how to take the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses are listed above. You should always take both of these together and on an empty stomach - so 20 minutes before breakfast or morning tea is fine. The black strap molasses and ACV are also both high in iron (and magnesium and potassium) so this will help with your low iron levels and low blood pressure.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Nov 14, 2017
Reply to "Cervix Polyp" Comment
by: Troy

Yes the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses combo helps shrink polyps also - just make sure you get the correct forms (organic ACV with the "mother" and organic UNSULPHURED black strap molasses). Drink essiac tea as this is very good for shrinking polyps as well. In addition, look to do a parasite cleanse... Parasite Cleanse and Diet - Dr Axe as these nasty little critters are a major cause of polyps.

All the best to you!

Nov 14, 2017
Breast Cyst + Polyps
by: Nabeel

My wife has one small cyst on the upper left breast and two polyps - one on the cervical wall & the other in the uterus. Will these remedies help flush these cysts and polyps out of the body? Or are they only for larger fibroids?

Waiting your kind reply.

Nov 14, 2017
Reply to Nabeel
by: Troy

These remedies will shrink any type or size fibroids, along with polyps (numbers 1-3 in particular). Your wife has nothing to lose by trying them. They are safe and highly effective.

All the best!

Nov 16, 2017
Determined to dissolve fibroids
by: IK

Hi Troy,

Thank you for all the information. I have been researching a lot and there are so many recommendations. I would like to confirm that these are all safe for reproductive health and won't interfere with having a healthy pregnancy in the future?
I will try all of these. My naturopath has been recommending iodine for years, I wish I listened. What is your take on introducing yarrow and sheppards purse to help control the bleeding during menses? And I saw you mention evening primrose oil capsules, are they best taken during menses only, or daily? Also, what is your take on castor oil compress with a warm bottle?
I started drinking chase tree berry herb as tea. I do reflexology massage, ashtang yoga and yoga breathing, reiki energy healing, and I am vegetarian. Oh, and I am adding cod fish oil to my daily routine. Thank you!

Nov 18, 2017
Fibroids and Birth Control
by: Stephanie

First of all I want to thank God for blessing me to come across this website. Troy you're my blessing. I'm 37 and found out two years ago I have fibroids, 6 of them according to the ultrasound. I don't have pain (thank God), I have problems with my period it's heavy some days and lasts so long, like 7 to 14 days before the pill. Since I've been taking the pill it's still heavy but it only lasts like 6 to 7 days, but every time I check my BP it's always high so I'm thinking its coming from the pill. I want to come off the pill because I want to have a baby soon and I'm not going to have the surgery, so I've been trying to find something to shrink them naturally. So my question to you is do I have to stop taking the pill when doing the six steps you recommend or will it still shrink while taking it? And is it ok to use Safflower oil with the things you recommend cause I just started another drink for shrinking fibroids. It's fresh beets, fresh carrots, fresh cucumber and fresh parsley in safflower oil and water. Just want to know if that's going to still be ok while starting your 6 steps. I'm starting the ACV and BSM today cause I already have them at home and I'm going out later to try and find the rest of the things. Thanks again and I pray I hear from you soon. And to all the ladies on here, know that you are not alone and I'm praying for each and everyone of you. I will be keeping yall updated on how my journey goes. Thanks again Troy.

Nov 21, 2017
by: Chidinma

Want to thank the admin of this useful website. Just stumbled onto it now and I love the information given for fibroid remedies. Will try and find the necessary things to use and will definitely give this a go. Happy. Thanks again.

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to IK
by: Troy

None of these recommendations are harmful, nor will they negatively affect a pregnancy. On the contrary, they will actually help you to conceive much easier and have a much healthier pregnancy! Yes you can certainly take kelp in place of the Lugol's liquid iodine (or take both). Yarrow and Shepherds Purse, along with stinging nettle, are very good for stopping excessive period bleeding. I recommend them. With the maca and milk thistle, they are both best taken in either capsule or powdered form. With the other herbs and spices, if you can get them in powdered or natural form and use them in your cooking/smoothies, etc, this is ideal. If not then pill form is still a good option.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 22, 2017
Reply to Stephanie
by: Troy

Hi Stephanie. You do not have to go off the pill to follow the recommendations listed above. They will still work. Just be mindful though that some contraceptive pills can cause a rise in blood pressure (as you've discovered) due to the estrogen contained in them. HBP is not a good thing. In regards to safflower oil, do not have this oil or ANY type of polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oil. The manufacturing process of these oils make them highly toxic... Fast Facts About Safflower Oil. Go with a healthier oil such as organic coconut oil instead.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Nov 26, 2017
by: Nancy

Hey, is it advisable to take the ACV & molasses during my period?

Nov 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

The lugols burned underneath my tongue. Is there another way to take it effectively?

Nov 30, 2017
Reply to Nancy
by: Troy

Yes, the ACV and BSM should be taken every day on a permanent basis. :)

Nov 30, 2017
Reply to "Lugol's" Comment
by: Troy

Take your liquid iodine with water or 100% fruit juice instead. :)

Dec 07, 2017
AVC and black strap molasses
by: Adwoa

Greetings, I was diagnosed with fibroids it's about 6cm. I want to try the ACV and black strap molasses. Unfortunately I live in Ghana and they only have sweet molasses with no added sulphate. Can it still be used if not what could I use as a substitute?

Dec 08, 2017
by: Troy

It definitely must be organic unsulphured black strap molasses. Maybe try a health supplement supplier in South Africa and see if you can get it shipped up to you. :)

Dec 19, 2017
Life changing!
by: Jessie

Dear Troy,

I have a 10cm fibroid and have been taking the BSM/ACV combo with lemon juice, once a day for about a month. I also take Lugol's iodine. I'm also close to finishing my first month on Neprinol. Last month I used Vitalzym. I haven't had a scan yet to check if my fibroid has shrunk but I'm feeling a lot of benefits as a result of the BSM/ACV and iodine. My bowels are regular even before my periods and I feel less of a need to drink coffee as I feel less tired.

Thank you so much for the BSM/ACV and iodine advice. They are affordable and yet so effective.

Yours truly,

Dec 20, 2017
Reply to Jessie
by: Troy

You're very welcome Jessie. Glad they're helping.

All the best to you! :)

Dec 23, 2017
Vinegar Works!
by: Kelley C

I have found that bypassing the stomach and it’s neutralizing acids is the best course of treatment. I dissolved 2 ovarian cysts and am shrinking a fibroid with tampons soaked in vinegar with the mother (an eighth of a cup) and water. Leave the tampon inside of the applicator and let it soak in a cup with the mixture for a few minutes then insert. Leave it in for a couple of hours. It works. Use it maybe twice per week. More before your monthly as it dissolves the blood and the fluid will pass out with your period.

Dec 23, 2017
Should I stop other supplements?
by: Melanie

Hi Troy,

I have a fibroid 3.8-3.3cm. I don’t have any known symptoms but I’m wondering if it will shrink. Currently I’m taking Kyani products which contain a bunch of super fruits, noni and fish oil. I think they’ve helped reduce my fibrocystic pain and cramps. My question is should I stop taking these while I try out the regimen recommended here? Or can they be taken in the mean time? Thank you so much for your time!


Dec 29, 2017
Reply to Melanie
by: Troy

Yes, these supplements can be safely taken in conjunction with the recommendations listed above (and will actually help even more). Kyani make good quality products. :)

Jan 07, 2018
multiple intrauterine fibroids
by: Mary

Hi, I have multiple uterine fibroids, the biggest measuring 16cm by 24cm, which has shrunk from my previous check up. I am following the advice given on the ACV. The ACV I am using is De Nigris. Is this brand ok?

Jan 08, 2018
Which one is the most effective cure?
by: Anonymous

All of the cures sound effective, but if I chose one to start with, which is the most effective to address my fibroids the quickest?
Thank you.

Jan 08, 2018
by: Luks

I have a 12cm fibroid. Can someone please tell me if this regime works. I have tried most things. I am very keen to give it a go. Has it worked for anyone?

Jan 09, 2018
Reply to Mary
by: Troy

This brand of ACV is perfectly fine. Don't forget to include the unsulphured black strap molasses as well.

All the best to you Mary!

Jan 09, 2018
Reply to "Which One is the Most Effective Cure" Comment
by: Troy

If you're going to start with only one then the apple cider vinegar/unsulphured black strap molasses combo is definitely the pick of the bunch. Don't forget to eat healthy and use the herbs and spices listed above in your cooking as much as possible as well so you get the most out of both the ACV and molasses.

All the best!

Jan 10, 2018
Fibriods cure
by: Shauna

I'm going to try these natural remedies. I've had fibroids for over 2 years now and I definitely don't want surgery. I'll keep you posted on my outcome. Starting with these treatments from this morning.

Jan 15, 2018
by: Brown

Hi Troy. I have fibroids, 3 of them. They give me lots of problems, heavy bleeding with lots of clots. So painful that I can't even walk and don't eat for 3 days, even vomit when I eat anything. Trying the acv and baking soda but nothing yet?

Jan 22, 2018
Shrinking fibroids
by: Mary

I cant get black strap molasses. Am adding organic honey as a sweetener. Is this okay with my acv.

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to Brown
by: Troy

You need to take the ACV (must contain the "mother" remember) with the unsulphured black strap molasses. This combo is incredibly effective. The baking soda is only taken for two weeks then you stop. You may repeat the baking soda for another two weeks after a month if you like.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Mary
by: Troy

Organic honey is perfectly fine to add. Not sure if it will work as well as the black strap molasses though? :)

Jan 23, 2018
Journey to Healing These Fibroids
by: Stephanie

Hey Ladies, I'm back to give an update on my journey to shrinking these fibroids using the six steps above. Well honestly I've only done two. I did the baking soda for four weeks and I do the ACV and Blackstrap Molasses everyday, twice a day, sometimes three times a day on an empty stomach. Today was day 66 for me and the outcome I have noticed so far is my last two menstrual cycles were 3 days heavy and the 4th and 5th days there was really NOTHING. I used to bleed heavy for like 4 or 5 days and it would stay for about 10 days before I got on birth control. And while I was on birth control it helped the cramps but I still bled for like 7 DAYS. I haven't seen a period like the last two in I don't know how long and I stopped taking my birth control pills in Oct, which the Dr had put me on to control the bleeding because of the fibroids. Just to see that this happened I know something is going on in there. I'm going to do another 4 weeks of the baking soda starting the 28th. That will be six weeks from the last time I done it, and I'm going to try and start on the green tea. I brought some of the Lipton Matcha green tea. Troy, do you think that will help until I'm able to get the one you recommend? The ACV and the Blackstrap molasses have become a part of my lifestyle and I'm trying to eat as clean as possible. That's hard because I love food, but I'm getting better. If the fibroids are shrinking (I have FAITH that they are) I'm going to do this for a few more months and then schedule an ultrasound to see what's going on. I just wanted to give everyone an update on my journey and I will continue to keep you guys updated and yall do the same. We are in this together - just know you're not alone. Keep the faith ladies. Until next time!! Thanks Troy. You're a blessing from God!!!

Jan 23, 2018
Reply to Stephanie
by: Troy

You're very welcome Stephanie. You seem to be on the right path so yes, definitely keep us updated on your journey. I'm not a fan of the Lipton brand of teas to be honest, however, this would suffice until you can find a more quality brand. As long as the matcha green tea you find is organically grown (preferably USDA) you'll be fine. Thanks for taking the time to share your progress with us.

All the best!

Jan 23, 2018
by: Lola

I am a 46 year old female with a HUGE Fibroid coming off the back of my uterus causing major back and leg pain. I had a CT scan yesterday to rule out all other things and really zone in on what is pressing. I can feel it in the front as well. I am not giving up my uterus so I want to try this protocol. I am allergic to iodine so am going to have to skip that part. Is that ok? I just drank the molasses and ACV. I went for a long time drinking Baking Soda and taking Vitamin C and got rid of a painful cyst in my boob... like within a couple of days so I believe in the power of baking soda. I will drink that again shortly. How many times a day should I drink each concoction for the fastest results? Also, I like the idea of just combining the Baking Soda with ACV. Is that more powerful that the BSM/ACV combo? Thank you for all of this info!!

Jan 23, 2018
by: DK

Hi I have 3 uterine fibroids. I was told during my last ultrasound that I have one on my fundus 3 cm and 2 right above my cervix, 2.2 cm each. I really want to get rid of them badly. I don’t have any bleeding in between periods but when I get my period the bleeding is so heavy. I have started with the baking soda to help make my body more alkaline. Do you suggest I continue with the baking soda for 2 weeks and then start the ACV and BSM? Or should I be doing all 3 at once?

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to Lola
by: Troy

Leaving out the iodine is fine if you have to. You could try taking kelp. This contains iodine but doesn't cause any allergic reactions, so it's safe to use. Up to you? The ACV and blackstrap molasses should definitely be combined (consume 3 times daily). The baking soda can be taken on a two week on two week off cycle. So you take for two weeks (1/2 to one teaspoon mixed in a glass of water), with the ACV & BSM if you want, then you rest for two weeks, then take again for two weeks then rest, and so forth.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Lola!

Jan 25, 2018
Reply to DK
by: Troy

See my recent reply above to Lola on exactly how to take the ACV, BSM and baking soda. :)

Jan 26, 2018
Endometrial Polyp
by: Karen

Can I ask what is effective to shrink endometrial polyps?

Jan 28, 2018
Much Appreciated
by: Cebi

I have been praying for this solution for ten days. I knew that God had started working his miracle. Thank you for being a hand of God and touching so many souls. To Him be the glory and may he bless you.

Jan 29, 2018
Baking Soda
by: DK

Thanks for responding Troy! I do have another question. I’ve been taking the baking soda for about 1 week now and have been very gassy and bloated. Is this a normal effect when taking the baking soda?

Jan 30, 2018
Non stop bleeding, adenomyosis, fibroids and cysts
by: Kristin

Hi Troy!
The universe works in funny ways... I found this sight yesterday, while waiting to hear back about an authorization for a hysterectomy. I have tried everything from acupuncture and herbal tea to a 90 day juice cleanse. Visited naturopaths, energy healers, quantum physics healings and so forth. I have had 5 transfusions since 2015 due to bleeding and clots. I will be 51 in a couple of months and just want to make it to menopause. I do not want surgery! My doctors say I can't keep having transfusions... and I was finally ready to give in to surgery until I saw your website... I have hope again! I have been bleeding non stop heavy since Jan 6th. Today I took my first ACV and BSM as well as baking sofa, and I feel like it is already slowing down!! I take ioridal but want to start with Ludols 5%. How long should I wait after stopping ioridal to start taking Ludol's? I am also taking cool cayenne once a day. What is the best green matcha tea.. organic? I will keep you posted. Thank you for bringing all of us hope.

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Karen
by: Troy

This exact protocol Karen. It works just as well for shrinking endometrial/uterine polyps. :)

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Cebi
by: Troy

You're very welcome Cebi. Hope it helps.

All the best to you! :)

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to DK
by: Troy

Yes, the baking soda can make you gassy, particularly when combined with the ACV. Try halving the dose and you should be fine. :)

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Kristin
by: Troy

Hi Kristin. Glad to see the ACV, black strap molasses, baking soda combo is already helping. Don't forget, the baking soda is only taken for two weeks then you give it a rest. Organic Matcha green tea is the best if you can get it. If not, normal organic green tea will still work well. Waiting a week before starting on the Lugol's liquid iodine should suffice.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Kristin! :)

Feb 05, 2018
Fibroid and ovarian cyst
by: Juliet

Good day Troy, I am so glad I stumbled onto this site. I have always had dysmenorrhea, right from my teenage years, so I never thought that would lead to me having fibroids one day.
I had a miscarriage in Dec 2017 and was then told I have 3 uterine fibroids, two 3cm and one 4cm, plus an ovarian cyst. I didn't use to feel any form of pain ordinarily until this miscarriage. I have started taking the black strap molasses and ACV but am a little confused with how to take the baking soda. Am I suppose to take it before meals in the morning, before taking the ACV and Molasses because am scared of taking it after meals - I feel like it would react with the food. Please advise on the best way to take it.

Feb 06, 2018
Fibroid discharge
by: Alex

Hello everyone. I have been taking the remedies for a couple of months now, plus eating raw foods. But in my 4/5th day of my period I have been experiencing pain and eliminating clots with white tissue. Could this be a fibroid discharge, or degradation? Have any of you experienced this?

Feb 07, 2018
ACV+BSM and Lugol's Iodine
by: Evelyn

Hi, I want to thank you for sharing these natural remedies for fighting fibroids. Along with some other home remedies, I've been taking 2 tsp of Bragg's ACV with 1 tsp of baking soda every morning for about half a year. The recent ultrasound results were disappointing as they showed a growth of 1cm. I'm more determined than ever to get rid of my fibroid without surgery. Is ACV with black strap molasses more effective than ACV with baking soda? Also, when I was first diagnosed with a submucosal fibroid, my doctor ordered a thyroid test to rule out problems with my thyroid. My TSH was found to be in the normal range. From what I understand, iodine is needed for the production of the thyroid hormone. Is Lugol's iodine recommended for women with hypothyroidism and fibroids? Or is it safe for women who have normal functioning thyroids to take Lugol's Iodine? I want to try this remedy, but I'm afraid that it may cause hyperthyroidism where there is an excess of iodine. I wouldn't want to deal with two health problems! Thank you for your guidance!

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to Juliet
by: Troy

Hi Juliet. The baking soda is best taken on an empty stomach, 10-15 minutes before food - there is no set time of the day. Make sure the ACV and black strap molasses are taken at the same time (on an empty stomach also).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 09, 2018
Reply to Evelyn
by: Troy

Hi Evelyn. The ACV combined with the unsulphured black strap molasses (BSM) is definitely the most effective remedy. If you're not taking the BSM together with the ACV then you're really missing out to be honest. The baking soda should only be taken for a two week period also so your body doesn't become too alkaline. With the liquid iodine, there is no risk whatsoever with taking this essential nutrient and you cannot develop hyperthyroidism. Because the iodine is in a safe and easily absorbable form, the body simply uses what it needs and discards the rest. There is nothing to be concerned about.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Evelyn! :)

Feb 10, 2018
Liquid drops of milk thistle
by: Anonymous

Can you substitute liquid milk thistle and maca liquid instead of the powder?

Feb 12, 2018
by: DK

Hi Troy,

Is it normal for my first period after taking ACV and BSM to be heavy and consist of clots? My first period was heavy with nickel size clots for the first 3 days, then started to taper down by the 4th day. Could this be my uterus trying to clean and rid itself of the fibroids?

Feb 13, 2018
Working for me
by: Excited!

I was told at the end of November 2017 that I had three fibroids, 5.3, 6.3, and 5.2. I started this regimen in December without the iodine because it burned my tongue. I had another ultrasound in February, the 6.3 is now a 5, and the 5.2 is "almost 5". This makes me very excited for what my results will be in 6 months. I also cut out all meat and eat only salmon, shrimp, and cod. I also added a women's multivitamin that contains daily servings of vegetables. I also take turmeric and work out at least 30 mins a day. So far so good!

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to "Liquid Drops of Milk Thistle" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, certainly. Whatever is easiest for you to take. :)

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to DK
by: Troy

Yes this can certainly occur. You should find things starting to settle down and normalize within the next couple of months. :)

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to Excited
by: Troy

Nice one. You're definitely on the right track. Keep it up! :)

Feb 17, 2018
Baking soda - before or after a meal?
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

I am so happy to find your website to help shrink my large fibroid of 20 x 10 cm. I was diagnosed in December and started your regime the 10th January. My periods immediately got less and I feel great! However, I am a bit confused with your information about the baking soda. I have already been on a 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off and now started my second 2 weeks on. Up at the top you say to take it after a meal but recently you say to take it on an empty stomach. What is best? It makes sense to take it on an empty stomach, as I would think it would neutralise the stomach acid causing problems with digestion... Please advise.

I really hope that my fibroid shrinks. I have taken all your advice on board and will keep you posted.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes and thank you so much!

Feb 19, 2018
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

Yes, you definitely take the baking soda on an empty stomach - 15-20 minutes before a main meal is the ideal time.

And please be sure to keep us posted on your progress.

All the best!

Feb 20, 2018
ACV/BSM, iodine and baking soda
by: Beanolive

HI Troy,

Thank you so much for clarifying this for me.

As I feel that time is of the essence, can I take the Iodine, baking soda (for 2 weeks) and ACV/BSM mix at the same time or do I have to wait 20 minutes in between?

How do you feel about other supplements, such as vitamins and minerals? I eat now a fully organic veggie diet with the odd organic egg but no other animal protein. I do take extra vitamins such as magnesium and zinc, eat Brazil nuts for selenium, take B-vit with exta B12 (as I am not eating animal protein any more), enriched curcumin and Maca root, Matcha tea in capsule form (but have bought it now in fine powder form as it is cheaper) and Milk thistle. I use spices as you recommend in cooking and drink freshly squeezed veg/fruit juice (got a juicer) every day.

How long do you think it will take, before I see a shrinkage of my fibroid, considering it's so large? I have no other symptoms now and my periods are back to normal.

Please advise.

Best wishes and bless you for all you do for us.

Feb 21, 2018
by: DK

Awesome, thank you for responding! I was starting to get worried that my fibroids were acting up again.

Feb 22, 2018
Fibroadonema and menorrhagia
by: Tiur

Hello admins!

This such a great site! You guys are so attentive. Well, I have had menorrhagia since Dec 26, last year. It hasn't stopped until now. I have tried BSM and ACV for 3 weeks in huge doses. I also have taken BS for 2 weeks, cayenne pepper, cinnamon powder and VCO. But the blood flow is even heavier. I don't know whats wrong. I cant stand it anymore. Pls help. Thanks

Feb 25, 2018
Lugol's Iodine
by: Anonymous

I've been following your recommendations on ACV with BSM and Lugol's Iodine for the past two weeks. I'm very happy to say that my period flow and blood clotting has decreased! Currently, I'm only able to take Lugol's Iodine 3 times a day (4 drops at a time) with water, so I'm not getting the 100 mg as recommended. What would you suggest in this case? Is it ok to have 6 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the early evening and another 5 drops before bedtime? Thank you so much for your help!

Feb 26, 2018
Coffee, caffeine or acidity or both?
by: AdP

Hello there,
I am so grateful for all the information you are sharing about curing fibroids. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I have started with most of the recommendations, just need to add the iodine and I'm all set.

I have a question that pertains to coffee. I love coffee and I have been off it for about 3 weeks now (that was a challenge). I would like to know is it the caffeine, acidity or both in coffee that contribute to the growth of fibroids? I ask because its recommended to drink as much green tea as I like, which I believe has caffeine. So is it, stay away from coffee only, all or some drinks with caffeine (other teas, colas etc.)? Are there different kinds of caffeine? Are there different acidity levels in different coffee, teas, cola's? If you could help me understand more clearly that would be fantastic and greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for all you are doing,

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

If you're stretched for time then taking all of these together is okay. If you can even break up just two of them (not the ACV and BSM of course as these are always taken together) then that would even suffice. As far as taking extra vitamins and minerals, supplements, etc, this is definitely a good thing that you're doing. There are no longer enough nutrients left in our food soils today so supplementation is vital in my opinion. I'm also a big fan of taking plant based colloidal minerals and organic wheat grass powder (grown in mineral rich soils). As far as how long it will take for your fibroid to shrink? It's difficult to say. If your fibroid is large then it could take anywhere between 6-9 months. An ultrasound after 6 months would definitely tell you exactly where you're at and how much your fibriod has shrunk.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Tiur
by: Troy

Rather than taking high doses of the ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses, look to take moderate amounts over a long period of time. 3 weeks is not a very long time either. It can and usually will take at least 6-8 weeks for the effects to start to be felt. It can and will usually take another 8-12 weeks for the full benefits to really kick in and be felt. You will need to be a little patient with this. Don't forget to also eat healthy so you get the most out of the supplements/foods that you're consuming.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to "Lugols Iodine" Comment
by: Troy

Yes you could certainly do this. I would recommend maybe adding one drop every few days (slowly increasing the dosage) until you get up to the required 16 drops per day.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 27, 2018
Reply to Adp
by: Troy

It's mainly the acidity of the coffee. Coffee also leeches valuable nutrients from the body and virtually all coffee you buy is heavily contaminated with chemicals and pesticides anyway. Yes, it contains antioxidants, but unfortunately, the cons outweigh the pros. Green tea on the other hand is alkalizing to the body whereas coffee is acidic. Green tea also contains the very powerful EGCG (catechin) antioxidants. You also mentioned cola drinks, which are about the worst drinks you could have. Not only are these extremely acidic, they contain phosphoric acid, which pulls valuable minerals from your bones. Cola drinks also rot your insides.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Feb 27, 2018
by: Daphne

Thanks so much for giving us hope. In October 2015 I became pregnant and my doctor said I have fibroids, which was a new name to me. I have suffered a lot with my menstruation. Since January 2018 until now I've been using ACV and BSM, which is helping a lot. My menstruation is very light now, but my fibroid is still big. I want to know if the reason it hasn't shrunk is because I was using a cheap filtered ACV?

Mar 03, 2018
Fibroids after menopause
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Can I use Hydrogen Peroxide along with your recommendations to shrink fibroids? It's been more than one year since I have had a period due to menopause. I wrongly assumed they would go away after menopause but they have not. One of them is a very large fibroid that makes me look really bloated. Doctors believe my only option is surgery. Will your recommendations work even after menopause. Help!

Mar 04, 2018
Uterine fibroids and polysistic ovaries
by: Anonymous

I’m so grateful to have found this site and you are doing an excellent job. I’m planning to start with all the remedies mentioned here, however, I would like to know the dosage of the milk thistle and maca root. Also, please advice if I should be taking ginger and turmeric in the form of capsules and the dosage that you would recommend. Will these two herbs be sufficient or should I be taking any other herbs in addition to these two?
Thanks in advance.

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to Daphne
by: Troy

Using a cheap brand of ACV that isn't organic and doesn't contain the "mother" apple wont work, so yes, this would be the reason. Try and get a hold of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar... Bragg Organic Unfiltered Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. It definitely works the best. Also, make sure the BSM you have is organic UNSULPHURED black strap molasses as well.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to "Fibroids after menopause" Comment
by: Troy

You can certainly use the hydrogen peroxide in conjunction with the above recommendations, apart from the baking soda (don't combine these two together as this may result in too much alkalinity). We recommend you follow the H2O2 protocol as outlined in this terrific book... The One Minute Cure - H2O2 Therapy. And yes, these recommendations will definitely still work even after menopause.

All the best!

Mar 06, 2018
Reply to "Uterine fibroids & polysistic ovaries" comment
by: Troy

With the milk thistle and maca root, simply follow the directions listed on the side of the bottle for your dosages - be sure to take the highest recommended amount for best results. With the ginger and turmeric, you can certainly take these in capsule form OR in powdered form. Just make sure you have some black pepper and a healthy fat such as coconut oil or fish oil with the turmeric for absorbability. In addition to these, try and add as many of the other herbs and spices listed above (#6 remedy) to your daily regimen as well for extra benefit.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 06, 2018
Vitex and oestrogen
by: Beanolive

HI Troy,

Thank you so much for clarifying this for me - very helpful. What is your experiences with Vitex or Chasteberry? There is so much mixed information out there and some are directly discouraging the use due to possible oestrogen effect, which obviously is counter-productive. I am taking it at the moment but will obviously stop, if it is no good. Judging from other comments I think I have understood that you think it is a good supplement. But just to be sure...

What are your views?

Thank you so much for being there for us - it is amazing how much better I already feel.

Mar 06, 2018
Fibroid remedies and Pregnancy
by: Juliet

Hope you are good, I have been having the ACV and BSM for some time now, since the beginning of February 2018 on a daily basis. Also taking the ginger and garlic tea. I have not been able to lay my hands on the Lugols iodine here in Nigeria, still looking in Pharmacies. My issue is after my miscarriage in Dec 2017 I had my period on the 31st of December, while the next was on the 13th of February. On the 10th of February I tested positive to a PT even though I was seeing some brown spots. But I ignored it. Is there anyway these recommended treatments can affect early pregnancy, cos for me, I do not understand my cycle anymore since the December episode. Thank you very much.

Mar 06, 2018
by: Stephanie

Troy I have a few questions. I just bought maca root, milk thistle, and turmeric, the brand is (plnt). Is this a good and safe brand? I was looking at side affects and reviews and it said women shouldn't take milk thistle or maca root if they have uterine fibroids because of the estrogen. So now I'm confused. I also brought the Alive multivitamin for women to take too. I still do my bsm/ACV everyday twice a day, sometimes three times and have been doing this since Nov. I was waiting to start the milk thistle and maca root once I got the money to get them but I'm not go start them now til I hear from you. I was going to try it for three months and then schedule an ultrasound to see if the fibroids had shrunk. Can you tell me what should I do and the things to continue to do or the main things out of the six steps I need to do? Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.

Mar 07, 2018
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

Chasteberry is absolutely fine to take. If you're taking birth control, antipsychotics or estrogen supplements/pharmaceuticals then you would need to check with your doctor first though. My wife is currently taking Vitex for menopause and it's working a treat. Even well-known celebrity Dr Josh Axe recommends chasteberry... Vitex or Chasteberry, the Female-Friendly Fruit for PMS & More.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 07, 2018
Reply to Juliet
by: Troy

The ACV and black strap molasses can definitely upset your periods in the beginning as your hormones stabilize and level out, but so can a miscarriage. You should visit your doctor for another test and advice. Unfortunately, I cannot give you medical advice.

All the best to you Juliet! :)

Mar 07, 2018
Reply to Stephanie
by: Troy

Both maca root and milk thistle do not increase estrogen production, they DECREASE it. Here's what expert, Dr William Wong, ND, PhD., says about maca...

"Aside from helping to make testosterone and progesterone, maca has di indole methane an estrogen blocker and metabolizer (it gets rid of estrogen from the system). Unlike separate dim products made from cabbage, the maca does not slow down thyroid function as the cabbage based dim’s do. The dim of maca becomes indol 3 carbinol which actually blocks the estrogen and helps to get it out of the body."

Yes, there's a lot of conflicting reports about maca and milk thistle for fibroids. Most of the negatives come from medical websites. Here's another good article on this if you're interested (be sure to read the comments at the bottom)... Will maca root powder make fibroids bigger?. The brand you've bought is also good and reputable, so no problems there.

In addition to the milk thistle and maca, continue to do what you're doing. Don't forget about your diet as well. Plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and herbs.

All the best to you Stephanie! :)

Mar 07, 2018
by: Fufu

can I combine the ACV ,BSM and virgin coconut oil?

Mar 07, 2018
by: Stephanie

Thanks Troy, I feel better now. I will get started on them 1st thing tomorrow morning with my breakfast. One other question, do I take all the vitamins at one time? I've got the milk thistle, maca root, turmeric, and a multivitamin for women? Thanks again for all you have done and thanks for the fast response. You're amazing. God Bless You!! And I will continue to post any new results, progress, and change and read every new question and reply. Thanks again

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Fufu
by: Troy

Yes, this exactly what you should be doing.

All the best!

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Stephanie
by: Troy

It's much better if you can take your supplements separate from one another if possible Stephanie, rather than all in one hit. Your absorption rate will be higher. 20 minutes before food on an empty stomach is the optimal time.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Mar 12, 2018
by: Stephanie

Troy it's me again. Well I'm confused now after three months of having a 3 day heavy flow and the fourth barely nothing and the fifth day finished! To this month, bleeding for 13 days. I had my 3 days heavy flow which started on the 28th of February and I'm still seeing blood to this day... No pain, it's not heavy and I can't even tell I'm bleeding till I use the bathroom. I really haven't done anything different. I just added my vitamins. I was thinking maybe I still had birth control in my system and it's out now since I did stop taking them in Nov when I started doing the steps. I took three pregnancy tests to make sure I'm pregnant in my tube cause I've been through that before - they where negative. I been trying to ride it out hoping I would stop bleeding. I'm still doing the steps, trying to see how next month will be. I'm really not wanting to go back on birth control. Would you suggest I go to the Dr.? Hope to here from you soon.

Mar 16, 2018
Starting this protocol - have a few questions?
by: Anya

Hi Troy - thank you so much for this information. I have two small fibroids, the largest measuring 3.2 cm. Will be starting this protocol as a natural option and will see what happens. I will also update you on my progress 6 months down the line.

I wanted to know...

1. if I take the black strap molasses with the acv, but miss a day or two due to travel, will there be a huge impact and should I use travel bottles to keep an extra supply while travelling - or if I miss a day or two and continue once I get back will it be ok?

2. I did cut out white bread and I am not overweight but I don’t eat meat at all and can clean up my diet by removing white breads or all breads if necessary, however, I do eat grains. Would grains like quinoa, brown rice, muesli, etc, (which I have for breakfast with rice milk) need to be excluded or is this ok if I eat these foods with lots of fruits vegetables nuts and seeds?

3. Do you recommend yoga, swimming and Epsom salt baths as an additional self care method and are magnesium salt baths with Epsom salt ok or should they be avoided?

4. I will be starting the baking soda, ACV and BStrap (baking soda for first two weeks mornings only 1 teaspoon) tomorrow. Can I start iodine drops a week later or do you recommend starting it all at once? Also, can I mix baking soda one teaspoon with 4oz of water and chug it down.

For all the women struggling with this - you are not alone. Statistically 80% of women in the US will have this. That’s 8 out of 10 women. So stay strong girls!! And do all you can do to practice self care. Don’t lose hope!🌷

Mar 19, 2018
ACV and blackstrap molasses
by: Anonymous

So just to clarify, it's 1 tablespoon of each of the ACV and BSM?
Thank you.

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Stephanie
by: Troy

We always say and advise that if you're in any doubt, visit your doctor or health care professional. Finding a reputable naturopath in your local area would be the best option. They will definitely be able to help and advise you of your specific needs. :)

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Anya
by: Troy

Hi Anya. If you miss a day of the ACV and BSM it's not terribly detrimental, however, if you can take these with you when you travel and still get them into you, even if it's only once a day, this would be ideal. Cutting out all bread is definitely the best option. All of the grains and the eating regimen you list is perfectly fine, no problems there. With the baking soda, have it anyway you want - whatever is easiest to get it down. Yoga and swimming are excellent options, along with regular Epsom salt baths (magnesium is such an important nutrient for the body). Starting the iodine further down the track is also perfectly fine. You already have a really good handle on what you need to do Anya, so I see no problems with you shrinking those fibroids.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to "ACV and blackstrap molasses" comment
by: Troy

Yes, and you make up and drink this concoction 2-3 times a day. So that's a total of 2-3 tablespoons of both the ACV and BSM in one day. :)

Mar 21, 2018
Soy and pulces
by: Beanolive

Hello Troy,

I am a bit confused about the information out there on whether to eat soy products and pulces or not. Some say to stay away from them because they have plant oestrogen's in them. Others say eat them because the are a good protein source and they block the oestrogen receptors with a much weaker oestrogen effect.

I am currently eating soy products (yogurt), beans and pulces and would like to continue as I have cut out all animal protein for now.

Could you please advise on this one?

Best wishes and thank you so much.

Mar 21, 2018
by: DK

Hi Troy,

I’ve been doing the ACV and BSM regimen for 2 months now. I had an OB appointment this week and decided to get an ultrasound to check on them. I have a total of 3 fibroids. The good news is my 2 smaller ones went from 2.2 and 2.5 cm to 1.5 and 1.7cm! I’m excited about that!! How ever my largest one which is 3.7cm has a ring of calcification around it. My question is, will the ACV and BSM still help to shrink the calcified fibroid? What will work best or what should I add to my regimen?


Mar 26, 2018
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

The information and studies on soy in regards to estrogen is incredibly conflicting. It's hard to know what or who to believe to be honest. I do believe and agree with the experts who are saying that even if soy does increase estrogen levels, the increase is very low - probably too low to even cause any problems. I would suggest that you continue with your soy and monitor your progress. Soy is definitely a much better and healthier option than eating animal protein in my opinion.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to DK
by: Troy

Continuing to follow the recommendations listed above, particularly the ACV & BSM, should continue to shrink those fibroids, including the calcified fibriod. Also look at taking vitex (chasteberry herb) as this herb is renowned for helping to shrink calcified fibroids (by balancing hormones). Remember this... calcified uterine fibroids are simply fibroids that have grown so fast they've outgrown their own blood supply and have degenerated. As a result of this degeneration, calcium deposition takes place in/around the fibroid. This usually happens more during menopause. Shrinking calcified fibriods is basically the same as shrinking "normal" fibriods. Getting those hormones stable and "normalized" is crucial.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you DK!

Mar 28, 2018
RE: update
by: DK

Thank you for your response Troy. I will continue with my current regimen. I have Vitex/Chasteberry but I have not taken it because I am breastfeeding. I have read conflicting information on whether it is safe during lactation and breastfeeding.


Mar 29, 2018
Question about baking soda
by: Cay

Must I drink the baking soda in water? Or can I just swallow the baking soda straight?

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Cay
by: Troy

You MUST only have the baking soda after it's mixed and dissolved in water. Never have it straight. :)

Mar 30, 2018
11 cm fibroid
by: Sandy T

First of all, thank you so much for all your helpful input! You truly give us all hope. I have an 11 cm fibroid and at this moment I’ve been bleeding for 45 days. Went to the doctor and of course they recommend surgery. I started acupuncture recently. I take vitex, coq10, vit d, fish oil, prenatal (ttc) B complex. I started maca root over a month ago. Could that be the reason for the irregular bleeding? I also rub clary sage oil on my uterus everyday. I drink dandelion tea or green tea on a daily basis. Will start the acv with molasses today. As far as iodine, will that help with goiter? My thyroid levels are normal. Do you think I will be able to shrink my fibroid? I want to avoid surgery and I’m trying to get pregnant. I’ve been on this regime for about 2 months now... I do feel like my fibroid is shrinking as I see my stomach bulge getting smaller.

Apr 05, 2018
Reply to Sandy
by: Troy

Hi Sandy. Unfortunately, I cannot give you medical advice. What I will say is you're somewhat on the right track. The ACV and BSM make a BIG difference in regards to balancing out hormones and normalizing periods, so going on these will help. The iodine is also excellent and is renowned for helping reverse goiter. If you're unsure about the maca then maybe stop having it and see what happens. As always, don't forget to work in conjunction with your/a health care professional.

Good luck and all the best to you Sandy! :)

Apr 13, 2018
Does chocolate increase fibroids?
by: Anonymous

Hello. I was wondering if chocolate affects fibroid growth as I read from different sites that you should avoid it. I'm asking specifically about Orgain organic plant based chocolate protein powder. It lists ingredients such as sprouted brown rice protein, chia protein, hemp protein and organic alkalized cocoa. I would love to add this to my protein part of my diet. Please advise. Thanks in advance!

Apr 18, 2018
Reply to "Does chocolate increase fibroids" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, chocolate can increase fibroid growth. However, it's mainly commercial chocolate that's the culprit. Raw cacao is the ideal chocolate alternative and is rich in iron and magnesium and actually helps to balance out female hormones (which is a good thing). In regards to the protein powder you mention, this would be fine to have. Maybe don't go with the chocolate flavor though, just to be on the safe side.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 18, 2018
Can You Take Black Strap Molasses in Pill Form?
by: Anonymous

I tried taking the unsulphured BSM but I just can't stomach the taste. Can I take it as a pill with the apple cider vinegar in the morning? If I can this would make my life soooo much easier. Thank you!

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to "Can You Take Black Strap Molasses in Pill Form" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, you can certainly take the black strap molasses in capsule form (and the ACV too if you wish). Follow the directions on the bottle for dosage amounts.

All the best!

May 01, 2018
Baking Soda
by: EFH

Is Bobs Baking Soda the only baking soda allowed?

May 03, 2018
Reply to EFH
by: Troy

No, but it's by far the best. There are no chemical reactions, nothing added to or messed with during the extraction process. It’s just pure sodium bicarbonate, the way mother earth made it. Other baking soda brands aren't so pure. :)

May 03, 2018
Lugol's Iodine
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

I came across a solution of Lugol's iodine the other day, when I ordered it online. It is a 100 ml bottle instea of the 30ml bottle and it contains 5% iodine and 10% potassium iodide.

My question is: can I replace the 5% of each with this solution and will it have the same effect?

Or is this not good?

Thank you again for your commitment. Still battling my large fibroid into the 4th month and hoping to see some convincing results in the future.

Best wishes.

May 08, 2018
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

This is a good solution, however, I'm not sure what the dosage would be. I recommend you follow the directions listed on the bottle for this particular product.

All the best!

May 08, 2018
Remedy for endometriosis
by: Anonymous

I would like to know a home remedy for endometriosis if you have any?

Thank you in advance.

May 11, 2018
by: Troy

Have a read of this Q&A we did on endometriosis remedies... Best Natural Remedies for Endometriosis Revealed.

Hope it helps.

All the best to you!

May 18, 2018
Calcified Fibroids
by: Ebony

Hello Troy. Great job you are doing here. Do you know of any remedy for calcified fibroids? Seems I am the only one with this problem because I haven't come across anybody seeking a solution to calcified fibroids. I have used ACV and BSM in the past (for about 2 months). Yes it did help regulate my monthly flow but did not have any effect on the fibroids. What do you suggest I do. Thank you.

May 22, 2018
Organic Soy
by: DK

Hi Troy,

Are organic soy products bad for fibroids? I know it can be considered a phytoestrogen but will it make my fibroids grow? Or is organic soy safe to eat?

May 22, 2018
Reply to Ebony
by: Troy

Hi Ebony. Firstly, taking the ACV and black strap molasses combo for only a few months wouldn't have been long enough. You need to be taking these for at least 12 months, and realistically, you can and should even continue to take them indefinitely. So I recommend you get back on these as soon as possible. Now, to shrink calcified fibriods you still follow the same methods listed above. Balancing out those hormones (regulating estrogen levels) is crucial to reducing and ultimately curing uterine fibriods. Calcified fibriods have a calcium coating. This does make them harder to shrink and eliminate, but not impossible. It just takes longer in most cases. Also look to consume natural soy products (non GMO) to help regulate your estrogen levels.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Ebony!

May 23, 2018
Reply to DK
by: Troy

Soy has actually been found to help shrink fibriods. According to "The Encyclopedia of Natural Healing" soy helps to regulate estrogen levels due to the isoflavones and phytoestrogens it contains. High estrogen levels feed fibriod growth. Soy helps to level out estrogen production. Of course, make sure your soy products are organic and completely non GMO.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you DK!

May 23, 2018
Reply to Troy
by: Ebony

Thanks for your prompt response. Will do as you have suggested. Keep up the good work and God bless you.

May 24, 2018
Soy products
by: DK

Thank you for your response Troy! Yes the soy is non GMO and organic soy fiber in an organic cereal that I have. I just wanted to make sure it was safe to eat and wouldn’t ruin all the hard work I’ve been putting in to shrink my fibroids.

Thank you!

May 24, 2018
Making an attempt
by: Erin

I just found out yesterday I have a 14cm subserosal fibroid on top of my uterus. I am 37 years old with no children and getting married next month. We planned to immediately start trying to conceive due to our age. I went in for an annual checkup yesterday only to find out about this fibroid. Since its on top of my uterus its pushing up into my abdomen, not outward, so I didn't notice it. I am not overweight but it still wasn't showing and I have no symptoms. As we want to have children sooner than later I don' t think I can wait out the long time frame to shrink this fibroid naturally and will have it surgically removed instead, but I still wanted to do some research on natural remedies so that I can prevent future ones from occurring. I actually use many of the remedies here already. I am vegan and have been for 11 years, I only eat whole plant foods and only organic, so there is nothing I can change within my diet to improve it. I already take ACV 2x per day and I routinely test my PH levels and I am always in the balanced to slightly alkaline range due to my diet. I am not sure how a 14cm fibroid can grow to that size in an alkaline environment. I already take iodine due to a thyroid issue I've had my entire life. I already take turmeric, ginger and maca daily and I drink a lot of matcha green tea. But I am going to add the baking soda and I saw the mention of DIM in the comments so I will see if adding these two may help shrink my fibroid, even a cm or 2 before my surgery in July. At least then I'll know that adding these natural treatments may help prevent future fibroids from forming.

May 30, 2018
Reply to Erin
by: Troy

Hi Erin. Just make sure the ACV you have is organic and contains the mother. It also needs to be combined with the unsulphured black strap molasses, so don't forget about this as well. The iodine should also be Lugols and in liquid form rather than pill form (more absorbable). Don't forget about a healthy gut too. Probiotics are extremely crucial, particularly for the absorption of nutrients. A good quality probiotic supplement, along with culturing and fermenting your own foods will go a long way to helping you even more. Here's a handy website on how to culture and ferment your own foods at home if you're interested... Cultures for Health.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

May 30, 2018
Uterine fibroids
by: Viviana

Will the Apple cider vinegar and black-strap molasses make me have more pain and blood clots, because I started the treatment a week ago, now I'm on my period and the pain is strong and even on the first day I'm losing blood clots. Please, I need some advice . My doctor doesn't say anything about ACV and BSM he just says "I don't know anything about that". The fibroids are small but they make my periods a nightmare! Please reply, I'm desperate! Thank you... God bless.

May 30, 2018
Uterine fibroid + Pregnancy
by: SM

Hi Troy,

I recently found your great website after being told I have Uterine fibroids (larger 8.7cm and smaller 3.5cm) inside my uterus. We were about to stop trying to conceive then I fell pregnant (5 weeks now). I am very worried and anxious because my fibroids are inside my uterus.

I have been taking ACV+BSM, Lugol's Iodine (with Magnesium, selenium, Vit C, ATP co-factors), baking soda, Match tea (1 cup), and Vitex for almost 15 days.

I had also started Serrapeptase 4 days before I found I was pregnant. From what I found on internet, Serrapeptase is safe to take during pregnancy. There are conflicting reports on Vitex, but I plan to taper it off around 12 weeks.

I understand you recommend ACV+BSM and Matcha during pregnancy. What are your suggestions regarding Lugols (plus required supplements) and baking soda during pregnancy?

Eager to hear from you!

Thank you!

Jun 03, 2018
Swollen thyroid
by: Anne

Hi. I started your regime 10 days ago. I haven’t had the full amount of iodine every day because I wasn’t comfortable with all the conflicting info I’ve read, but I have had a little every day. My thyroid is now swollen. What are your thoughts on this? For now I’m stopping the iodine but continuing everything else. I’ve also heard green tea can impede iron absorption. What are your thoughts on that? Thanks in advance.

Jun 08, 2018
Reply to Viviana
by: Troy

It's quite common for the ACV and black strap molasses to cause blood clots to be released during a woman's period. What the ACV and BSM do is balance out your hormones, but this does take time. Initially, things may get worse before they get better. The body needs time to re-adjust. Don't forget about the other recommendations too, including eating healthy. Look into raw food eating and the ketogenic diet. These are both very good, particularly the ketogenic eating plan... A ketogenic diet for beginners.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Viviana! :)

Jun 08, 2018
Reply to SM
by: Troy

The baking soda is perfectly fine to take while pregnant. In fact, it's a commonly used home remedy for acid reflux and heartburn for pregnant women. Just remember, the baking soda should always be dissolved in water first and is only taken for a two week period to initially boost your body's pH level. Lugols iodine is also safe to have. Go with a low dosage though, what's recommended on the bottle. An iodine deficiency is very common amongst pregnant women.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jun 08, 2018
Reply to Anne
by: Troy

Make sure the iodine you have is Lugols or similar (not a cheap variety). It must be liquid also not the pills. In regards to green tea and iron absorption, as long as you have your green tea and iron supplement (if you're taking one) at separate times you'll be fine. It's only if you have them together that you may impede iron absorption.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Anne! :)

Jun 29, 2018
Thank you
by: Bells

I’m so happy to have found this website. I recently had a ruptured cyst and upon having an ultrasound found I gave 3 fibroids measuring 8cm each. I’ll be following your guide to the T and I’ll keep you posted on my development. Thanks so much! Anything to avoid surgery and get back to a happy life is right for me!!! 😊

Jul 04, 2018
Reply to Bells
by: Troy

You're very welcome. Hope it helps. And yes, do keep us informed of your progress.

All the best!

Jul 05, 2018
by: Adwoa

Greetings Troy I wanted to find out how to shrink fibroadenoma in the breast. I was told that they are actually fibroids in the breast. I had them for 4 years the doctors advised me not to have surgery. So how can I shrink them? Thank you

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to Adwoa (Fibroadenomas)
by: Troy

You follow the exact same protocol as you would for uterine fibriods (the protocol above). Fibroadenomas and uterine fibriods are basically the same things just located in a different part of the body. Fibroadenomas are essentially caused by a hormonal imbalance, the same as uterine fibriods. Also, keep in mind that stimulants such as coffee, chocolate, soft drinks/cola drinks and black tea (not Matcha green tea) can make fibroadenomas worse so definitely try and avoid these completely.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 19, 2018
by: Alison B

I have fibroids and adenomyosis. I started on the Apple cider and molasses regime last August. Within 3 months my periods were down to 4 days with only a few hours of heavy bleeding.
The next month I got blood clots in my leg and lungs, DVT & PE, and was put on blood thinners, which made me bleed horrendously for 4 months. Back to square one for me and threats of an emergency hysterectomy to stop the bleeding. I refused this. On 1st April I stopped the thinners and started taking Serrapeptase and Nattokinase for my blood heath, natto being the blood thinner and Serra being the fibrin eater. Of course, these also work for fibroids! I started the ACV again but this time I added Myomin - herbal estrogen blocker. My last 2 periods have been 5-6 days of spotting only - not even a real bleed. Its like magic!!

Jul 20, 2018
by: Kat

Hi! I just wanted to know if it is safe for me to take ACV for fibroids if I have PCOS as well?

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to Alison
by: Troy

Great news indeed Alison. Glad you found a combination that works for you.

Thanks for sharing your update with us.

All the best! :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to Kat
by: Troy

Absolutely Kat. Apple cider vinegar helps with PCOS as well... Miracle Home Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). :)

Jul 21, 2018
Maple syrup
by: Jackie

Hello, I am following all of the remedies you have outlined and am now on week 6. I just have a question on diet. I am following a super clean diet, lots of fruits, veggies, salad, nuts, etc... and having no alcohol, caffeine, sugar, dairy, meat, etc, but I am using a few recipes from a cool book which is for super healthy plant based recipes. They sometimes use healthy maple syrup in some of the recipes. Should I be avoiding this as it is still ‘sugar’ or would it be ok as it is a healthier alternative to sugar?
Many thanks.
Jackie. :)

Jul 21, 2018
by: Kat

Thank you!
One more question. Can some of the remedies for PCOS be counter productive for fibroids?
For instance, can drinking spearmint tea raise estrogen levels in my body which might cause the fibroids to grow?

Jul 22, 2018
Fibroid not shrinking?
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

Thank you so much for all your invaluable advice. I have now been on ACV/BSM/Lugol's since January. I've followed the other advice including switching to a vegetarian (nearly vegan) diet, taking Maca root, chasteberry, DMG, DIM, plus extra vitamins and minerals. My periods have improved dramatically, changing from very heavy bleeding to normal or less. My fibroid is big (20x9x10cm) but I have no pain or other discomfort with it other than a big belly! I do Zumba 5-6 days a week and drink plenty of fresh filtered water and Matcha green tea.

I have had 2 USS, one in December last year and one in March. It had only shrunk 1 cm (from 21 cm) but I could see a change in structure on the images (I am a vet) from the first scan to a more rippled appearance and I think I can feel that I can make an impression in it sometimes. But some days it feels really big and tense on the surface, mostly leading up to my period.

My question is, shouldn't it have shrunk more by now or am I just impatient? Should I carry on like I'm doing or do you have any other advice for me? My osteopath agrees with me on the consistency of the fibroid.

I appreciate any advice you can give me.

Have a great day.

Best wishes.

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to Jackie
by: Troy

If you're baking with grade A maple syrup, no problems. Honey and coconut sugar are also good alternatives. These are definitely much healthier alternatives to sugar, but of course, still try and keep your sugar intake down as much as you can.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Jackie! :)

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to Kat
by: Troy

I understand what you're saying Kat, but there's been no proven evidence so far to suggest that any forms of mint make fibriods grow. In actual fact, results show just the opposite, mint can help shrink fibroids. If you're concerned, however, simply substitute mint teas for chasteberry tea.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jul 22, 2018
Maple syrup
by: Jackie

Thank you Troy. This is really helpful. :)

Many thanks,

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

It probably should have shrunk more than it has in all honesty, but it's difficult to say. It's very large so it is going to take quite a bit of time to go down. Think about how long it took to grow? Many years. So it is going to take time for the reverse to happen. You are doing everything right and everything you can. I would stay with what you're doing. It does seem to be having an effect.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 22, 2018
Thank you!
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

Thank you so much for reassuring me. It is sometimes difficult to keep the faith but you have given me new energy and I will stick to my plan.

Best wishes and thank you again.

Jul 22, 2018
by: Troy

You're very welcome. :)

Jul 23, 2018
It works!
by: Anonymous

Hi, I would also like to add the benefits of beetroot juice, black strap molasses and lemon juice. About two years ago the doctor noticed some cysts on my ovaries. I never really had period pains and they were always regular, which was why I was able to realize something wasn't right so early when things started to change. I also limited my milk intake, don't eat meat and I use probiotics from time to time. Anyway, I used this mixture and I no longer have the pains I had been getting and my period is back to being regular. I've stopped the beet remedy and I'm now using the apple cider treatment. Next I will go onto the baking soda and return to the doctor hopefully to hear positive results!

Jul 24, 2018
How soon?
by: Juliet

Hi Troy,

Thanks a lot for all your advice. I have been following these advice of yours since February. If there is one thing am happy about is that my period is almost painless and lesser blot clot. I can even go through a cycle without pain. My job and daily activities are back on track. I will be going in for surgery soon because my doctor advised that I remove the submucosal fibroid since age is not on my side and I have been ttc for two years now. I want to know how soon can I resume taking the ACV and BSM after the surgery?

Jul 26, 2018
by: NOJA

Hi Troy,

Thank you for your advice. I have been following these remedies for 5 months now. I had a scan recently and discovered that my 41mm fibroid and 31mm fibroid have shrunk by 0.5mm respectively, and my period pain and clots has reduced drastically. I don't experience thigh and leg pain anymore. My concern is with my submucosal fibroid, I still get twinges and feel it move occasionally (51mm). I want to have it taken out because I am scared of having another miscarriage due to these fibroids. My question is how soon can I continue with my ACV and BSM post operation. I intend to continue with these for a very long time provided the company producing the BSM does not pack up.

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to Juliet & NOJA
by: Troy

You don't need to stop. Apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses are natural substances so there's no harm. Of course, you wont be able to have them when fasting before the operation, or even straight after as you will likely feel a bit "off" at this time, but you can certainly take them up until your fasting period and go back on them as soon as you return home.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Juliet!

Jul 31, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your advice. My doctor did an ultrasound and it showed I had uterine wall thickening and possible fibroid/polyp. I started the BSM, ACV, and cayenne in December. My periods have improved tremendously. However, a week or so after my period was finished, I spot a few times a day for 2 days. Is this normal with a fibroid or polyp? My doctor did a biopsy and it was negative but I just want to make sure I am doing everything. I feel like having done this since December I should not have the spotting still?
Thanks for any help!

Aug 01, 2018
by: Jackie

I am following the protocol but wanted to ask is it ok to eat hummus, eggs and prawns?

Many thanks,

Aug 02, 2018
Reply to "Spotting" Comment
by: Troy

It can take 12 months or more to shrink fibroids and reverse PCOS, so yes, this is not uncommon. Think about how long it took your fibriods to grow - many many years - so it is going to take some time for the reverse to happen.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 02, 2018
Reply to Jackie
by: Troy

Hummus (try and make your own if you can) and organic eggs are perfectly fine to have Jackie. Prawns, not so much. Prawns are a scavenger creature, which means they are usually full of heavy metals and toxins. Best to avoid all shell fish if you can. Regular fish such as wild caught salmon, on the other hand, are incredibly good for you so try and go for these instead.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 02, 2018
by: Jackie

Thank you Troy... really helpful!


Aug 02, 2018
by: Karsta Semedo

Hi guys,
Thank you for this website and for all you've been sharing. I just ordered the ACV and blackstrap molasses and they will be delivered tomorrow. I'm blessed my sister showed me this page and I can get the supplements. I live in Mozambique and it's not easy to find such organic products, so this page is definitely a God send. I'll start with the treatment tomorrow, and will try to avoid coffee (will be really hard). Will give it a few months before going back to the doctor and sharing my results.
Let's remember each other in our prayers. May God bless you all in Jesus's name.

Aug 02, 2018
Severely Anemic with Fibroids
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy, I just found out last Monday that I have 3 submucosal fibroids in my uterine cavity along with a simple cyst in my ovary. Doctor wants me to have surgery, but I don't since the biggest I have is 1.1cm. Problem is that I keep spotting. I've been spotting since last Tuesday and this usually happens right before my cycle begins, but only for a couple of days. It's gone on too long now and at one point I ended up in the ER for a few days because I became severely anemic. I've always been anemic on and off, but this time it got bad. I was feeling dizzy, had changes in temperatures that came and left suddenly, hands and feet were cold, brain fog and feeling of passing out from time to time. They said I needed to take iron supplements. They didn't get a chance to check my thyroid because something was wrong with their lab that night. I started with Hema-plex that contains 85mg of iron. I've been a pescatarian for a year, but now I feel like I have to go back to eating organic chicken because the symptoms I experience won't go away. I also can't get a good night's sleep and feel like I'm not getting the proper circulation through my arms and legs. I've been eating a lot of organic fruits and vegetables this week with my supplement but nothing seems to be working. I make sure I eat vitamin c veggies or fruits when taking it so it can absorb properly but nothing changes. I don't want to end up in the ER again. I want to know what can you recommend me to stop my spotting? I do put ACV in my salads and even black strap molasses in my smoothies. If I combine them together like you say, can this stop my spotting? I want the spotting to stop first and then focus on shrinking my fibroids. Would you recommend your protocol to someone who's severely anemic with these symptoms? I can't believe something this small can cause so much havoc and I'm scared to see what happens when my period does arrive.

Aug 08, 2018
Can I drink baking powder, blackstrap molasses and ACV together in the morning?
by: Amy

Thank you so much for making this blog. I have multiple fibroids which I discovered during my pregnancy. Post delivery, doctor told me to wait and watch because the final solution is a hysterectomy, which I don’t want. I am pleased that I have found this. I have ordered Iodine, blackstrap molasses and the ACV, apart from the other herbs. My question is can I drink apple cider, baking powder and BSM together in the morning for two weeks and then continue with the ACV and molasses. If not then how long should I wait to drink the ACV and molasses after taking the baking powder.
It would be greatly appreciated if you clarify.

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to Karsta
by: Troy

Substitute your daily coffee with the Matcha green tea. It will take a little getting used to but will be worth it.

All the best!

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to "Severely Anemic with Fibroids" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, the Hema-plex supplement you're taking is good. I would definitely continue with that. Keep in mind also that it takes time for it to work, so be patient. You'll need at least 3-4 months (taking it every day) before it really starts to have an effect. The ACV and black strap molasses taken together will also help big time, particularly with your spotting. BSM is rich in absorbable iron and essential trace minerals too. Make sure you have the ACV and BSM together and every day without fail. This is crucial. Finally, find yourself a good quality wheat grass powder and mix a scoop in a glass of filtered water or juice every day. Wheat grass is also rich in absorbable iron. Here's a good one if you're interested... Amazing Grass Wheatgrass Powder.

Do this and you'll find both your spotting and anemia gone with 4-6 months.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

Hi Amy. Firstly, it's BAKING SODA that you want not baking powder. Don't get the two mixed up. And yes, it's perfectly fine to have all three together and in the manner that you suggested.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Aug 11, 2018
Iodine dose?
by: Amy

Thank you so much for replying back. I have started to take Iodine but I find it hard to divide the recommended dose throughout the day due to my work commitments. Can I take two times (once in the morning and once at night)? Could Iodine cause a sore throat in the beginning?

Aug 11, 2018
Dairy products intake
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for this blog. I have multiple fibroids and I am going to start all these steps. I have been on a Keto diet for a while along with intermittent fasting. Is it ok to eat dairy products such as cheese, clarified butter, full fat milk, yogurt and eggs?

Aug 13, 2018
Spotting and Fibroids
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your response. Is spotting a common symptom of a polyp/fibroid? I have been doing the ACV, BSM, cayenne pepper, matcha green tea for several months but still continue to have very light spotting for 2-3 days a week after my period. Also, should I take the cayenne every day or is that only during my period? Is it more beneficial to do the ACV, BSM and cayenne 2 or 3 times per day? Does it make a significant difference?
Thank you!

Aug 15, 2018
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

Yes that would be perfectly fine Amy. Iodine can cause flu like symptoms in the beginning due to its detoxing effect. This usually only lasts for a few weeks at the most though and is quite normal. :)

Aug 15, 2018
Reply to "Dairy Products Intake" Comment
by: Troy

The Keto diet with intermittent fasting is very good, so definitely continue with this. Dairy foods, eggs, etc, are fine also when used as per the ketogenic diet. I'm a big fan of this diet and have seen some excellent results achieved by many people (including my wife).

All the best to you! :)

Aug 15, 2018
Reply to "Spotting and Fibroids" Comment
by: Troy

Both polyps and fibriods cause spotting and abnormal bleeding. This is the most common symptom in fact. The cayenne pepper definitely needs to be taken every day. If you can break up the dosages for the ACV, black strap molasses and cayenne pepper to 3 times a day, this would be perfect. However, if you can only take them twice daily, say morning and night, this would still suffice.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 21, 2018
Iodine and blackstrap molasses
by: Anonymous

As per your instructions, I have started to drink 8 drops of iodine in a glass of tap water followed by a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and a tablespoon of acv followed by the baking soda (I am mixing them together in the morning ). I have also been taking milk thistle, dandelion root and yellow dock root and vitex. I have also been drinking green tea a lot. In addition to these, I am taking a mix powder of turmeric, ginger, protein powder, black peppers, cayenne peppers and cinnamon with lemon water every morning.

So one tablespoon blackstrap molasses and two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar at night followed by 8 drops of iodine in a glass of water. Is it still necessary to take maca root when I am following the above remedies?
Can I mix everything together in the morning (blackstrap molasses, apple cider, baking soda and iodine) in the morning? Iodine, blackstrap molasses and apple cider at night?

Aug 24, 2018
Method of taking molasses?
by: Amy

Thank you for replying back.
Every morning I have been taking iodine (8 drops) as I awake followed by a mixture of baking soda (which I will stop after 7 days) + one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. After 5-10 mins I take lemon water with turmeric, cayenne pepper, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger powder and cumin seeds powder.
At night I have 8 drops of iodine followed by the blackstrap molasses and ACV plus supplements (milk thistle, dandelion root, yellow rock root, vitex, EPO & fish oil).
Taking green vegetables mix everyday in addition to green tea (3-4 cups) + ordinary green tea (Tetley or Clippers).
Do I still need to take the maca root powder to get an effective result as I am also doing intermittent fasting and am on the keto diet. As blackstrap molasses is not keto friendly and when I take blackstrap molasses in the morning it actually breaks my fast (fasting time from 9pm to next day 2pm) can I take Iodine and ACV with lemon in the morning (during my fasting time) and have a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses at 2pm when I break my fast? And at night I can have blackstrap molasses and ACV together.

Aug 26, 2018
Birth Control Pills
by: Kristen

Hi Troy,
My doctor put me on FE 1.5 years ago for irregular, heavy periods and cystic acne. It worked great for years but now I have three uterine fibroids plus super heavy bleeding with clotting that can last for weeks. Even on the pill I never know when the bleeding will start or end. Will this protocol help me while on the pill or is this counterproductive?

Sep 02, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I have been following your advices for shrinking fibroids. I still have a bigger one and am going for an MRI in a few days. I would just like to ask your suggestion about a fibroid shrinking supplement. It is Amazons best selling product and so many people are saying that thier fibroids are shrinking after consuming this. When I looked into the ingredients they are the same as what we are discussing here. I would like to get your opinion about this? Do you see any benefits? Thank you for the amazing job you are doing!
God bless.

Sep 04, 2018
Reply to "Iodine and blackstrap molasses" comment
by: Troy

Yes this is fine. If you can take the iodine separate, however, this would be even better. The blackstrap molasses, ACV and baking soda can all be taken at the same time. No problems there.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Sep 05, 2018
French green clay
by: Beanolive

Hello Troy,

Still marching on with your program and lots of vitamins and minerals, herbs, etc, on the side. I have no symptoms but still the fibroid doesn't seem to be shrinking significantly (it is big, around 20x10x9cm diagnosed in December last year). But I have no symptoms, pain, etc, and my periods are regular and normal bleeding (I am 54 in October).

I have arthritis in my left big toe joint, which is sometimes painful. I have started to take French green clay as per recommendations from my French masseuse. Just wondered if you know anything about this product and whether it would interfere with the other things in the program?

Best wishes and thank you again for all your help and advice.

Sep 07, 2018
Do I need all 6 remedies for it to work?
by: Tav

Hello, I have very heavy bleeding due to a couple of very large fibroids that were discovered during pregnancy. They were 10cm combined and now have grown even larger. Doc says they are now about 18cm across in total. I absolutely do not want a hysterectomy. I came across your page and have hope! I definitely will start with the baking soda, acv, bsm as my daily. Can I stick with these to maybe see if they will help or should I be doing all 6 remedies? If I am to do all 6, how should I go about taking them all daily? Thank you so much for your help. I am hoping that something works!

Sep 24, 2018
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

Hi Amy. With everything you're currently doing, I would say no, you don't need to worry about the maca powder. You can also wait and have the BSM after 2pm and again that night. No problems there. You are definitely on the right track with the protocol you're following. Keep it up!

All the best to you! :)

Sep 24, 2018
Reply to Kristen
by: Troy

Hi Kristen. All of the supplements listed above are natural and wont interfere with or be counterproductive to the medication you're currently taking. The ACV and black strap molasses in particular are excellent for regulating and "normalizing" female hormones. You should begin to see your periods return to normality with 3-4 months of following the recommendations above.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to "Capsules" Comment
by: Troy

Taking an "all in one" natural fibroid shrinking supplement can definitely be beneficial. And the big benefit is that they are usually much cheaper than if you purchase each supplement/herb on their own. If the brand you're looking at seems reputable, I would say go for it and give it a try. You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

French green clay (sea clay) is rich in essential nutrients, particularly minerals and trace elements. It is EXTREMELY good for you and will not only help with your gouty arthritis, it will also help with your fibroids and hormone balancing (and wont interfere with anything that you're currently taking).

There's absolutely no problems whatsoever taking this supplement.

Hope it helps!

All the best to you. :)

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to Tav
by: Troy

By only taking the ACV, unsulphured black strap molasses and baking soda (for two weeks only), you will still receive very good results. However, I would recommend you consider the other recommendations. The reason? You want to increase your chances of full success as much as possible, and committing to all 6 will definitely give you the best chance possible in my opinion. Even if you begin with the ACV, BSM and baking soda then bring the others in later on down the track this would be fine.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Sep 25, 2018
Black molasses still if we don't have heavy periods?
by: Aatria

In my previous post I asked about the best brand of blackstrap molasses to buy, do let me know? I saw good reviews about the Plantation brand, what do you suggest? Also, I have a intramural 7.2 cm fibroid but I don't go through heavy periods. In fact, my periods have become very irregular nowadays. They come very late and I bleed mainly for just the first 3 days. Is black strap molasses still suggested for me or only the apple cider vinegar?

Sep 26, 2018
Reply to Aatria
by: Troy

Yes, you definitely still need the BSM as well as the apple cider vinegar. The two go together and work in conjunction with each another. Plantation is one of the best brands of BSM if you can get it, however, any brand is okay as long as it clearly states that it's "organic unsulphured black strap molasses".

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Aatria! :)

Sep 27, 2018
Cayenne pepper works
by: Miz hopskotch

I read this from...
I tried it and it works!!!

I was watching a television special of a woman who was suffering with fibroid tumors. She was scheduled to have a hysterectomy when she returned from her vacation. But while she was on her vacation she found out about a natural way to dissolve the tumors. Can you believe cayenne pepper is what she used to dissolve the tumors? When she returned home, the doctor told her she no longer needed surgery. The tumors were gone. Praise God! I also had fibroid tumors, but when I heard of her success, that’s when God confirmed that cayenne pepper was the avenue to my healing as well. I drank the water/cayenne pepper solution and got the same results.

Sep 28, 2018
by: Sandy T

Hello Troy, I’m post Myomectomy for a fibroid the size of a melon. I was wondering are there any supplements I should be taking to prevent them from growing back and also for healing? I am currently taking vitamin d 5000 and turmeric 3 x a day and a prenatal vitamin. I was taking acv and bsm prior to surgery. Should I continue post surgery? Thank u.

Sep 28, 2018
Do I do all 6?
by: Sobia

So I have just been told that I have fibroids (many the biggest being 3cm). My doctor said that's not too big, but I want to have kids and I want nothing to get in the way! I was also told that I have a possible endometrial polyps (I think). Do I do all 6 remedies at the same time or I can do just one or two of them? Will the other diagnosis make a difference in the remedies?
Thank you in advance for the help!

Sep 29, 2018
Iodine and Hashimoto’s
by: Anonymous

I was told not to take iodine because I have elevated thyroid antibodies and it will only aggravate this. Yet I see this as a part of PCOS protocol. Any suggestions or alternatives?

Oct 01, 2018
Reply to Miz hopskotch
by: Troy

Yes, cayenne pepper is powerful (which is why I mention it above). 1/2 a teaspoon mixed in a glass of warm filtered water then chugged down twice a day on an empty stomach works like a charm.

Glad it helped you!

All the best!

Oct 01, 2018
Reply to Sandy T
by: Troy

Going back on the ACV and BSM would be an excellent idea in my opinion. There is no harm either. Lots of high antioxidant foods (particularly berries), along with matcha green tea and the herbs and spices mentioned above will also help a great deal.

All the best to you Sandy!

Oct 02, 2018
Reply to Sobia
by: Troy

Following all 6 remedies will give you the best chance possible of shrinking your fibroid Sobia. With that said, even if you only took the ACV and BSM (and ate healthy too of course), you would still get positive results. Having polyps does not matter. These remedies/protocol will shrink those as well.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 02, 2018
Reply to "Iodine and Hashimoto’s" Comment
by: Troy

You could still take iodine. I recommend you have a read of this interview with iodine expert and author, Dr David Brownstein, on the reasons why you may actually need iodine for treating Hashimoto’s (and fibroids too of course)... An Interview With Dr. David Brownstein On Iodine and Thyroid Health.

Hope it helps.

All the best!

Oct 02, 2018
Clary sage
by: DK

Hi Troy,

I am using a natural hair oil that has clary sage in it. Is clary sage good for fibroids or does it work against them? I’m asking because when I apply the oil to my scalp I cramp a bit and have had some spotting.


Oct 04, 2018
Reply to DK
by: Troy

Hi DK. Dr Josh Axe actually recommends clary sage essential oil for treating fibroids, so no, it's not detrimental. It helps to balance out your hormones, which is why you may have experienced the cramping and spotting. If these continue then maybe try stopping with the clary sage and see if there is any change. Check the other ingredients as well just to make sure it's not something else causing these?

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 04, 2018
Re: Clary sage
by: DK

Hello Troy,

Here are the other ingredients in the hair oil: Enhanced Coconut, Olive, Roman Chamomile, Evening Primrose and Safflower oils and see oils of Castor, Jojoba, Flax, Carrot, Pumpkin, Black and Grape.

Will any of these ingredients negatively affect fibroids?

Thank You.

Oct 05, 2018
by: Troy

No, they should actually help! :)

Oct 07, 2018
by: Stephanie

Hey Troy, I have a few questions... what are some vitamins you would recommend taking while trying to shrink these fibroids? And I've started going to the gym so I would like to know what kind of protein I can use that won't set me back? I've been doing the bsm and vinegar almost a year now. I do the baking soda from time to time and try and eat clean, but I have not eaten so clean during this year (I'm trying). I just started on the cayenne pepper last week. I think I'm gonna schedule an ultrasound sometime soon just to see if I've made any progress with the things that I'm doing. Thanks, hope to hear from u soon.
Ladies keep on pushing, we in this thing together. I know it gets ruff but we got this!

Oct 13, 2018
Reply to Stephanie
by: Troy

Hi Stephanie. Magnesium is extremely crucial for ALL bodily processes and is one of the most underrated nutrients of them all. I definitely recommend taking a good quality magnesium citrate supplement. Other than this, you are better off getting your vitamins and other nutrients from natural plant sources such as wheat grass powder or chlorella. These also contain powerful antioxidants and essential chlorophyll, which everyone needs. You'll get much more from these plant foods than you ever will from synthetic vitamins.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Nov 26, 2018
Black Strap Molases
by: EB

Hi Troy,
I am currently following the fibroid treatment. What is the benefit of the Molasses? Is it just to keep up your iron levels? How does it help in shrinking the fibroids?

Can I take the ACV and baking soda at the same time? I took them both together this morning and within the hour I felt them upset my stomach.

Nov 28, 2018
Reply to EB
by: Troy

The black strap molasses is not just essential because of it's high iron content, it also contains other strong alkalizing minerals. Creating an alkaline environment (internally) is crucial for shrinking fibroids. This is what the molasses, ACV and baking soda do. In regards to having the apple cider vinegar and baking soda together? They can produce carbon dioxide, which can cause stomach upsets if you're digestive system is sensitive. Better to have them separate if you can. The ACV and BSM together is fine though. Don't forget also to take a good quality probiotic supplement and eat plenty of probiotic rich foods (sauerkraut, kefir, natural yogurt, etc) to build up your good gut bacteria.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Nov 29, 2018
Blackstrap molasses and intermittent fasting?
by: Anonymous

I have 14 fibroids and a cyst and I want to start these remedies, but I am doing intermittent fasting and keto diet and blackstrap molasses is not keto friendly (contains sugar). I know blackstrap molasses is the key element to reducing fibroids. My question is can I take two doses of blackstrap molasses only once a day (in the evening) instead of taking one spoon in the morning and one at night? While taking once a day, it will not affect my intermittent fasting.

Dec 03, 2018
This really works!
by: Anonymous

I have 2 fibroids both at 7.3 cm. I have been taking the ACV, BSM & Bicarbonate of soda for a month and a half now. Today I went in for a scan. One has grown by 1 cm but the other has shrunk to 4.4 cm. I will continue with the combo and report back.

Dec 04, 2018
Reply to "Blackstrap molasses and intermittent fasting" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, perfectly fine to do. Intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet are extremely good so definitely continue to follow the rules for these.

All the best! :)

Dec 05, 2018
Stomch upset after baking soda?
by: EB

Hi Troy. I’m on day 10 of taking the baking soda and I’ve noticed within the hour of taking it, I have diarrhea. I am taking it on an empty stomach before dinner. Is this a normal reaction? Am I doing something wrong?

Dec 06, 2018
Blood pressure and baking Soda?
by: Cheryl

Thanks so much for providing this site. I have several fibroids with the largest being 9cm after having fertility treatment. I cold not continue the fertility treatment due to the size of the fibroid. I was asked to have surgery. I accidentally stumbled on this site and decided to follow the recommendations. I am happy to announce that less than 3 months in my fibroid shrank to 5cm. I intend to continue taking this recommendations, however, a few times I have taken the baking soda my blood pressure gone quite high. I suffer from high blood pressure and have been on medication to reduce it. I took the baking soda a few times with either ACV or lemon. I really want to take the baking soda, not just for the fibroid but to lose weight too. What is the best way to go about this without raising my blood pressure. Many thanks.

Dec 06, 2018
Question About Fibro Blend?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, have you heard of or what's you thought on the stuff called Fibro Blend?

Dec 07, 2018
Reply to EB
by: Troy

You do need to be mindful when taking the baking soda as it can cause this problem. The best way around this is either to have the baking soda with or directly after your meal OR halve the dosage you're currently taking and see if that helps. If this is okay then slowly increase the amount each few days.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Dec 07, 2018
Reply to Cheryl
by: Troy

Hi Cheryl. Good to hear that your fibriod is shrinking. With the baking soda, if you take it correctly, it can actually lower your blood pressure. Have read of our article on HBP remedies here for more information on this... Best Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally & Quickly. Look to using/taking magnesium as well to lower your blood pressure (covered in our article).

Hope this helps you Cheryl.

All the best!

Dec 07, 2018
Reply to "Question About Fibro Blend?" Comment
by: Troy

I haven't heard from anyone who's used Fibro Blend, however, it does contain some excellent ingredients and I have a lot of respect for Chinese medicine. Worth trying in my mind. :)

Dec 16, 2018
Question to Cheryl?
by: Anonymous

Hi Cheryl. I was wondering if you are also using the iodine? Thanks.

Dec 18, 2018
Iodine doses
by: Anonymous

I have been using these remedies for a while now but I am struggling to drink the iodine twice a day due to my work schedule. Is it ok to have 16 drops only at night ?

Dec 18, 2018
Reply to "Iodine Doses" Comment
by: Troy

Perfectly fine. Better to be taking this amount than no iodine at all. This will still be effective.

All the best! :)

Dec 18, 2018
Baking soda and iodine
by: Anonymous

Thank you for replying back. Can I take baking soda and Iodine together, like one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and add 16 drops iodine?

Dec 19, 2018
Fibroid has shrunk!
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

I went for my third scan last week. The second scan was in April, where the original size (more than 20 cm) had shrunk to 19 cm. Now it is between 11.8 and 13.8 cm! Result! The doctor was another one, as was the previous one, who was very rude. When I came in the second time, he was convinced that it had grown ("They always do" he said). This time I was lectured about the risk of "necrobiosis" and told that the degeneration of the fibroid could kill me. I know enough about these things (I am a vet) to know the symptoms and basically I think that he - as was the other one - was trying to scare me into having an op. Their "protocol" says that anything above 9 cm needs to be removed. But there we go.

Thank you again for all your support. I wouldn't have dared to do this without your knowledge and continuous support.

Next scan is planned in 6 months, so we shall see...

Best wishes and have a fabulous Christmas and New Year.

Dec 19, 2018
Question to Cheryl Reply
by: Cheryl

Yes I use the iodine every day. I take 4 to 8 drops daily. And I have seen good results. My period reduced from 1 week to 3 days. I don’t experience pains or blood clotting during my period. I feel so normal now, unlike before I started these remedies. Thanks.

Dec 21, 2018
Reply to "Baking soda and iodine" Comment
by: Troy

I wouldn't recommend this. Really, it's too much baking soda and iodine all in one hit. You'll probably end up with diarrhea. It's a tricky one. Breaking up/halving the amounts would be the best option if possible, so half a teaspoon of baking soda and 8 drops of iodine twice daily. :)

Dec 21, 2018
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

Nice one. You're definitely on the right track. Just keep doing what you're doing, it's as simple as that. Don't be upset with your doctor either. They're programmed from med school that drugs and surgery are the only options - they don't know any better (except for the ones such as my good friends, Dr Leigh Erin Connealy, Dr Carolyn Dean, Dr Bernie Siegel, and others who break away from the "medical" norm).

Anyway, keep up the great work.

All the best to you!

Dec 21, 2018
Great News Beanolive!
by: Anonymous

Beanolive that is great news. I'm so happy for you... Keep up the good work, it gives me hope. Waking up seeing this was a great way to start my day... HOPEFUL!! I want to ask you what exactly are you doing? I do some of the steps but not all of them. I do the BSM and ACV daily, been doing this for a year straight now. I go for an ultrasound Jan 10th. Praying for some good news. If there is any shrinkage I'm going to try and find all of the stuff I couldn't get before and really get to it. That's why I would love to know what you do daily so I can try it. Well, keep on keeping on. We've all got this. 🙌 Thank God for Troy. Hope to hear from you soon.

Jan 01, 2019
Diet for fibroids
by: Anonymous

I have been taking ACV and BSM every other day along with baking soda and iodine sometimes, but I am going to start regularly from tomorrow onward because my period has improved dramatically. However, I have a question regarding diet as I have been searching and there is much information out there and most of them are insisting to stop dairy and soy and meat as much as possible. I am doing intermittent fasting and keto diet and if I would follow these diets there would not be any food left to eat for me. Could you please confirm whether I really need to eliminate dairy foods such as cheese and milk.
Thank you in advance.

Jan 01, 2019
Iodine tablets by Miss Lizzy
by: Grateful

Hi Troy,

Thank you for this wonderful info.

I've been looking for 5% iodine solution and cannot find it on Amazon. I got Miss Lizzy tablets and was wondering if they would be as good as the liquid? Each little tablet has 12 mg's of iodine. I started on one tablet a day 3 times.

Would this be ok?

Thank you in advance!

Jan 02, 2019
Reply to "Diet for fibroids" comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, dairy is not good. The reason? Processing! Pasteurisation and homogenisation destroy the goodness in milk and actually turn it into toxic gunk. You must eliminate all dairy. A little soy is okay as long as it's organic and GMO free. Organic coconut milk or even rice milk are alternatives. Sounds like cutting out cheese may be difficult for you, but unfortunately, it must be done. Use the recipes from this website to make your own diary free yogurt, kefir milk and more...Cultures for Health. It's a terrific resource. Chicken and fish are also okay in moderation (around 100 grams of chicken and 150 grams of fish per day).

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 02, 2019
Reply to "Iodine tablets by Miss Lizzy" Comment
by: Troy

The tablets can be taken, yes. Don't forget to combine these with the other recommendations of course.

All the best to you!

Jan 02, 2019
Diet for fibroids
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for replying back. I can eliminate dairy but can I eat eggs or are they not allowed as well?
Thanks once again.

Jan 02, 2019
by: Troy

Eggs are perfectly fine. Of course, be sure to only consume organic eggs. :)

Jan 05, 2019
Shrinking fibroids to conceive
by: Anonymous

Hi. I have two, one big and one small. I'm 24 and desperately want a baby. I have been told by doctors that these are in the way of me conceiving. I fell pregnant quickly the last time after trying for 4 months, but I unfortunately lost the baby at 20 weeks. I have been trying ever since and no luck. It's been a full year now. I have tried doctors prescriptions and nothing helps. I would love to try herbs, etc. But something that I can maybe use during pregnancy as well so they don't keep growing like they did when I was pregnant.
I ordered turmeric, Vitex and maca powder but now that I know of apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses, I will order these too.

Jan 06, 2019
Reply to "Shrinking fibroids to conceive" comment
by: Troy

The ACV and unsulphured black strap molasses will definitely help and are perfectly safe to take during pregnancy and even after. Also, look to take a cassava root supplement to help with conception (cassava root fertility supplement). This herb works extremely well.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Jan 06, 2019
Diet for fibroids
by: Amy

Thank you so much for replying. I have 10 fibroids and was worried that I would not get pregnant but luckily I conceived and delivered my baby safely after many complications during pregnancy. My bleeding didn’t stop until nearly 20 weeks and I was so scared that I stayed in bed for 33 weeks as I was desperate and determined to deliver my baby safely. Even my doctor wasn’t sure that whether I wouldl be able to do it or not, but I did. I think pregnancy with fibroids can’t be the same without fibroids. For me, bed rest and extremely healthy diet was the key.

I have had a scan done and I still have 14 fibroids, but they are small in size and the doctor told me to wait until I finish my family and then they will remove them surgically but I am so determined to cure these naturally.
I started these remedies a couple of days ago and I am also concentrating on my diet as well. Can we drink coffee because I have heard that caffeine is not good for fibroids? Is this true? It would be greatly appreciated if you could also mention which foods we should eliminate from our diet.

Jan 08, 2019
Cassava root supplement
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy. Happy New Year! Thank you for what you are doing here. I saw your comment on the forever blessed Cassava root supplement and I liked the reviews I saw on Amazon, but on further searches on other sites, I saw negative reviews about this supplement. I am now double minded on whether to purchase it or not because I do not want to complicate issues for myself.
What do you advise? Thank you.

Jan 10, 2019
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

Caffeine, particularly from coffee is definitely no good. So yes, eliminating this is crucial. In regards to what foods to not eat it's quite simple... any food that has been man-made or man altered (refined and processed foods and drinks) should not be consumed. Obviously, there are some exceptions but if you stick with this rule you'll be safe. I recommend the Keto diet for women with fibroids. It works extremely well. If you have time, be sure to look into it.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 10, 2019
Reply to "Cassava root supplement" comment
by: Troy

Don't be scared off by the medical websites poo-pooing cassava. Cassava can only be (potentially) dangerous if eaten raw. Taking this in supplement form is perfectly safe and will not do harm. Have a read of Dr Mercola's article here on the benefits of cassava for more information... Health Benefits of Cassava.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jan 10, 2019
Cassava root supplement
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your response Troy. Good to also know that the Keto diet is good for fibroids. God bless you.

Jan 16, 2019
Fibroid growth
by: Fhuza

I eat cornstarch and clay. Would this contribute to my fibriod growing big. Please help.

Jan 18, 2019
Reply to Fhuza
by: Troy

The clay would not, however, the cornstarch certainly could. Cornstarch is not good for you. Most of it comes from GMO corn too which is even worse. I recommend you keep the clay but get rid of the cornstarch.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 18, 2019
Remedies doses
by: Anonymous

Thank you for replying. I am doing intermittent fasting and keto diet but gradually I am increasing my fasting window to reach one meal a day. In that case, can I take one dose of blackstrap and ACV at 7pm to break my fast and then the second dose at 8pm before my meal followed by my other supplements? Another thing is about dairy, as you mentioned I should avoid dairy all together but as being vegetarian, sometimes I don’t have many options for fat. Can I take about 10mls full fat milk everyday to make my milky tea and cottage cheese once a week (a few pieces)? or could these small qualities of dairy have an adverse affect? Since I have been following these remedies my fibroids symptoms have reduced dramatically.

Jan 22, 2019
by: Troy

I think this regimen would be fine for you. It's all quite close together but still enough time for each dose/supplement to be assimilated and do its job. With the milk, 10 ml's a day is not going to have that much of an effect so I think you're okay there. If you could get raw bath milk (which is unpasturized/non-homogenized milk), this can be used. It states on the bottle that it should only be used for bathing but everyone drinks it (even the manufacturers know this).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 25, 2019
Iodine drops
by: 50 with Fibroids

The drops burnt the heck out of my tongue. How do I take it and not get the burn?

Jan 29, 2019
by: Troy

Take the liquid iodine mixed in a glass of water or juice and it wont burn. :)

Apr 11, 2019
Will Iodoral work as well?
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,
I was wondering if I could take the tablet form of iodine and if it would work the same way. Thanks.

Apr 11, 2019
by: Troy

The tablets still work, yes, but not as well as the Lugols liquid. The liquid is much better absorbed. :)

Apr 19, 2019
Fibroids and green tea
by: Lea

I thought caffeine wasn't good for fibroids. Doesn't green tea have caffeine? I'm eating a diet to shrink my fibroids so I'm wondering about the green tea. No one addresses this online anywhere.

Apr 22, 2019
Reply to Lea
by: Troy

Yes, green tea does contain caffeine, but only a small amount. Green tea also contains some the strongest antioxidants yet discovered, which is why it helps with shrinking fibroids. The amount of caffeine in green tea will not hurt. On the contrary, the antioxidants in GT will really make big difference and help to get the size of that fibroid(s) down.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Lea! :)

May 20, 2019
Blackstrap molasses
by: Anonymous

Thank you for these remedies. Can I drink ACV and lemon in the morning on an empty stomach and have the blackstrap molasses in my porridge?

May 23, 2019
by: Troy

Although it is better to have the ACV and molasses together on an empty stomach, if this is the best way for you to have these then yes. Better to do it this way than not have them at all. :)

Jun 02, 2019
How many remedies to use to shrink fibroids?
by: Louis

Hi Troy,
Do you have to do all 6 remedies to shrink fibroids, or can you just choose one. All 6 at once seems like a lot. But please advise, I desperately want to shrink my fibroids naturally.

Jun 02, 2019
Reply to Louis
by: Troy

Yes, the idea is to follow all 6 recommendations Louis. Using only one will not be enough in most cases. To get rid of fibroids you need to attack them from different angles. Remember also that it's taken many years for your fibriod(s) to develop so it's going to take time to shrink them down. Patience is going to be a virtue. It might sound like a lot to do but once you get into the routine/habit of taking your supplements and eating the right foods, you'll find it all becomes a natural part of your daily life.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Louis! :)

Jun 15, 2019
Questions about 6 step regimen
by: Louis

Hi Troy,

First, I want to thank you for providing help to us fibroid sufferers, I am so grateful that I found this page!! I’ve began your recommendations but want to make sure I’m taking everything properly. Here are my questions:

1. Should I first begin with baking soda for 2 weeks alone and then begin with everything else (baking soda/water, ACV/blackstrap, herbs, and liquid iodine)?

2. Just would like a little clarity on the iodine instructions. I see 2 sets of instructions here for the liquid iodine. In the post towards the top which provides all of the 6 steps, you include instructions from Dr. David Brownstein recommending taking it under the tongue with 16 doses a day for 8-10 weeks then reducing to 4-8 drops permanently. But for the post response written to Wendy on Aug 19, 2016 you recommend working your way up to the 16 drops and mixing it in water. Then reducing back down to 4 drops per day, with 3 times per day being ideal. So questioning Dr. Brownstein’s instructions compared to yours, and then the 3 times per day. 3 times per day of how many drops, because that would make 12 drops per day if it’s 4 drops.

3. So before I saw your post response to Wendy, I followed Dr. Brownstein’s instruction with taking my first dosage of 4 drops of liquid iodine under my tongue for the first time last night, and I became a little concerned because it is SO very strong and burned my throat. So, we should definitely mix it with water, and assuming not to follow Dr. Brownstein’s instructions? Yours seem more sensible. I have fibroids, So is there one set of instructions better to follow?

4 And finally, I’m following the 5 steps you have provided from a post response you made to someone at the top. Is your 6 step plan actually located somewhere on the site?

Jun 16, 2019
Reply to Louis
by: Troy

Hi Louis. Firstly, you're most welcome. Glad I'm able to help. Now with your questions...

The baking soda can be taken either way. You can have it before starting on the other supplements or at the same time. The idea of the baking soda is to give your body (pH) an alkalinity boost for two weeks. So basically, there is no right or wrong way.

With the iodine, under the tongue is the superior method but yes, it can burn. Try it mixed with just a little water, hold the water/iodine in your mouth for 40 seconds or so then swallow it. This still allows for some absorption through the mucous membranes in the mouth. For the maintenance dose it's 4 drops (up to 8 drops) per day total. You can have these divided up throughout the day, but yes, it's only a total of 4 drops for the whole day. Hope this clarifies for you.

Finally, the 6 step plan is what is listed above, which has everything you need. We do not have another article on this.

Hope this helps you out Louis.

Good luck and all the best!

Jun 17, 2019
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

Thank you very much for all your time and help with this problem which so many women suffer from.

Just a question about iodine: 2-4 drops twice daily - how do you know what is best for the individual? And can the higher dose long-term provoke a goitre (swollen thyroid)?

Thanks again and all the best.

Jun 17, 2019
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

4-8 drops of liquid iodine per day is the minimum amount required to maintain normal iodine levels. Long term iodine supplementation DOES NOT invoke goitre or any other thyroid problems, in fact, just the contrary. An iodine deficiency will actually cause goitre. I urge you to read Dr Brownstein's terrific book "Iodine : Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It". Also, take the time to watch some of his highly informative video's here... Dr. David Brownstein on Iodine.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 18, 2019
by: XYZ

Dear Troy,
Thank you for the good work you are doing.

My question is can I mix the milk thistle, maca root, green tea, and other herbs in the same glass of water? What is the dosage of milk thistle and Maca root?

Jul 01, 2019
Reply to XYZ
by: Troy

It's always better to break up the dosages & times that you have each supplement if you can. Even if you break them up by having two or three together rather than taking the whole lot at once, this is still a good option. For the dosages of the maca & milk thistle, simply follow the directions listed on the bottle.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 03, 2019
Swollen Thyroid and supplements/food
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

Sorry for the long message, but I need to clear up something important, so bear with me, please.

Up until now I have been getting very good results from your plan and I am taking a lot of other supplements as well, eating a veggie diet with some soy (tofu and soy yoghurt) and lots of raw veg (and cooked as well) and drinking about 2 litres of filtered water every day (it is very hot here in South of France at them moment so not difficult! :-)).

However, not long ago I asked you about Iodide/iodide (I have read the book) and if there was a risk of overdosing on Iodine? I take now 4 drops in the morning and 2 drops in the evening (after doing the whole program earlier/last year) and lately I have noticed that my thyroid gland is swollen and I have built up some rather stubborn belly fat, which I cannot seem to shift.

So I went to the doctor/GP (homeopathic BTW :-)) and he referred me for an ultrasound scan. I went yesterday and they found an enlarged thyroid with several 'nodules' in both lobes, one of which sits low in the neck next to a lymph node, which have the same structure as thyroid tissue. Now, I am a vet and that to me is bad news! It could of course be present for all sorts of reasons but it has made me go through the food I eat and the supplements I take and I have found that the cruciferous veg, which of course are good for the fibroid, can be bad for the thyroid. Also I looked under iodine and thyroid and it seems mentioned several places that an overdose of iodine (especially long-term) could cause thyroiditis and even hypothyroidism/thyroid cancer ultimately and what they call "Iodine crash", where the thyroid stop producing hormones from one day to the next.

I also know that the conventional world is far behind RDI values on many vitamins and minerals, one example is Vitamin C, which is ridiculously low compared to other animals and what they produce to keep themselves healthy (we don't produce ANY ourselves of course). So I don't necessarily believe the RDI values of 90 mcgr per day for an adult but 50-100 mg per day recommended in the book is so much higher...

I have found that soy is a no-no as is cassava, cruciferous veg and apparently the catechins in green tea, which Matcha tea is so rich in (good for the fibroid of course). Apparently these antioxidants in green tea can be transformed into thyroid-damaging compounds in the gut…

I have another scan for the fibroid in a week’s time, so we shall see, if it is still shrinking, which I hope of course. But really, I don't know what to eat now, or what to take? Continue with what is good for combatting the fibroid and risking the health of my thyroid? Or cutting out all this and concentrate on the thyroid problem and if so, how? I have been to have a blood sample taken today and my TSH is sky high and free T4 is too low (but not 0). So there is really no doubt in my mind that I am hypothyroid for some reason or another and is likely to need some sort of medication…or...??

At the moment I don’t know what to do with supplements/diet/iodine etc but most of all, I am really sad and angry at myself, if I have caused this problem with my thyroid. There are so much information out there telling me that what I have been doing now to reduce my fibroid (with success!) might be the total opposite to what the thyroid want. Most of all I would like to know, if it could be iodine causing this and if so, should I stop it or reduce it? And then what will happen with my fibroid??

Please help!

Jul 03, 2019
Baking soda
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy
Thank you for remedies. I found your website a year ago and followed your remedies now and again. My period is much lighter now and less painful. I haven’t done the scan yet to check. I have a question... can I take the baking soda (half teaspoon) every other day or every 3-4 days to boost alkalinity in my body or it would be harmful?

Jul 05, 2019
Reply to "Baking Soda" Comment
by: Troy

Not at all. I actually do something similar to this. What I do is take a teaspoon of baking soda on an empty stomach 3 times a week - Monday, Wednesday & Friday - to keep my alkalinity up. It works a treat!

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 05, 2019
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

Have you actually had your iodine levels tested? Dr David Brownstein recommends the iodine loading test. Also, consider switching to nascent iodine, what Dr Marcus Sircus recommends... NASCENT IODINE. In addition, look at reading Dr Sircus's book on iodine also... Iodine - Bringing Back the Universal Medicine. Normally a swollen thyroid gland is actually indicative of an iodine deficiency. Remember also that inflammation in the body is another major cause of a swollen thyroid. This article may also be helpful for you... Woman shrinks thyroid nodules with pure nutrition, not meds.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 07, 2019
Iodine test
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

Thank you so much for your advice.

I am not sure that they do such a test here in France. But I have heard of another much easier test you can do at home to see, if you have enough iodine in your body and I actually did that this morning:

You smear Lugol's iodine (or any other iodine) on your forearm in a 5x5 cm (2 inch) square and see how fast the skin returns to normal colour (i'e' the iodine has reabsorbed). If you have enough iodine in your body, the colour should still be visible (more or less) after 24 hours. In my case it disappeared completely after 3 hours! So I guess I need more iodine!

Have you heard of this test? And if so, do you think that is it accurate? And do I need to start all over again with the loading?

Regarding my diet, I have decided to go to a nutritionist - there is one looking "alternative" in my area, so I have emailed her.

I'll keep you posted.

Best wishes and thank you again for your commitment to us.

Jul 11, 2019
My mom has myoma
by: Gail

Good day sir, my mom was diagnosed with moderately sized intraubterine solid mass to consider a bleeding leiomyoma with a total diameter of 12cm. She also has also atrophic ovaries. She is advised to undergo total removal of the uterus and ovaries (TAHBSO). We are hesitating to let her undergo the procedure because she is an insulin dependent diabetic. We know the slow healing process of DM patients. We worry about the possible complications post operation.

Is there a possibility we can still shrink this size of mass naturally?

Jul 17, 2019
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

The test you are referring to is the patch test. It's easy and relatively accurate. It does sound like you are still chronically deficient in iodine. If you see the dosages that Dr David Brownstein recommends in his book to get your iodine levels up you'll see that they are VERY high compared to what is regarded as "normal" dosages. But this is what's needed to rectify chronically low iodine levels. I would still recommend you look into getting an iodine loading test done. Maybe this nutritionist can help you out?

Good luck and all the best to you!

Jul 18, 2019
Reply to Gail
by: Troy

Absolutely. I recommend you find a good naturopath in your area and work in conjunction with them. They will be able to advise you on exactly what you need to do and subsequent protocol to follow. :)

Jul 26, 2019
I am confused!
by: Beanolive

Hi Troy,

Sorry, me again :-)!

I have now had my iodine levels checked after stopping iodine intake for 48 hours and then taking 50 mg (8 drops) of Lugols 5% before doing the urine test over 24 hours.

I had the results today: there was 10 mg in my urine. So that should mean that I am iodine deficient, right? Well, according to a blood test I had a couple of weeks ago, this is far from the case. According to the lab doing my test, my iodine levels in the blood were 394 micrograms/l (normal levels 40-80 micrograms/l)! and this is after i had taken 4 drops of Lugols 5% twice per day for months.

Another disappointing thing is that I had my fibroid MRI-scanned about a week ago and although i was told by a doctor, who did an ultrasound scan just before Christmas last year, that my fibroid was 13.8 cm (starting at 22 cm), the MRI clearly showed that it was the original 22 cm still. It was quite scary to see how all the organs are pushed aside and that this monster just sits there inside and have not shrunk one iota! I am not sure what the previous doctor was looking at, but the fact is that the fibroid is still humongous even after following your regime for over 18 months plus many more supplements than you are listing here.

So, with this information, what do you think now? Am I still iodine deficient and are the lab 'normal' values wrong? Remember as I told you some posts higher up that I have sky high thyroid antibodies and TSH too (plus a low free T4 but normal free T3), so is this because of the high iodine in the blood? Or are these values still normal and should I continue? I have a developing goitre as well, which i didn't have 18 months ago - not in a good state right now.

The doctors here and I presume anywhere else are clueless as we all know so I cannot ask them for advice. I am at my wits end and I just need to make some decisions here.

Next week I am going to have a fna on one of the nodules in my thyroid (I have 5 in total) as it is deemed 'suspect'. I have read several places that excessive iodine intake can cause nodules to form, autoimmune thyroid conditions to develop and even thyroid cancer with long-term excessive iodine intake.

So my question is: what would you do now in my place?

Thank you again for all your time spent on us fibroid-suffers :-)

Best wishes

Jul 28, 2019
Liquid iodine while pregnant
by: Louis

Hi Troy, is it okay to take liquid iodine while pregnant? And if so, what dosage would you recommend? Thanks!

Aug 06, 2019
Reply to Beanolive
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I cannot give you specific advice. And trying to even do this over a Q&A post is literally impossible. I don't remember all of your questions from before, but are you seeing and working in conjunction with a qualified naturopath? Or are you only working with your doctor? We always recommend and constantly advise people to work together with a naturopathic physician. A physical consultation and being under the care of a natural health professional is always far superior to anything else. They need to see your exact results/tests and so forth. I recommend finding yourself, by word of mouth preferably, a good naturopath if you haven't already.

Hope this helps you out.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Aug 06, 2019
Reply to Louis
by: Troy

Yes, you can take liquid iodine when pregnant. Dr David Brownstein talks about this in his book. I recommend you have a read of his book for specific dosages, do's and don'ts, etc.

All the best!

Sep 09, 2019
by: Stephanie

Hey Troy, for a minute I thought I had lost this site. I was wondering what's a good probiotic to take. I've been drinking the bsm and acv for almost 2 months now. I was also taking the milk thistle and maca and doing the green tea and trying to eat clean as possible. The bsm and acv has really became natural I do it everyday. I had an ultrasound in Jan with the Dr and my biggest one was 3cm and my last Dr the biggest one was 6cm, so that's a blessing that it has shrunk. My Dr wants to send my to a specialist cause I want to have a child so I'm going to make sure it's not blocking my tube. I've been going to the gym because my stomach has a lil pudge so I was wondering what's a good probiotic to take. I know having good gut health helps with everything. And to all the ladies that are suffering, we got this one day at a time! Know that you are not alone.. Hope to hear from you soon.

Oct 01, 2019
Reply to Stephanie
by: Troy

Hi Stephanie. Good to hear your fibroid(s) are shrinking. As far as a good quality probiotic supplement? You can't go past Dr Tobia's in my opinion... Dr Tobias Deep Immune Probiotic. Works like charm. Also, don't forget to ferment your own probiotic rich foods (sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, etc). You can NEVER have too many of these amazing foods! Search online or YouTube for Recipes.

All the best to you! 😊

Nov 02, 2019
Where to find recommend dose for fibroid in Dr. Brownstein ‘s book
by: Natalie

Hi Troy. I would like to thank you for sharing all this information and caring. I’ve been reading "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It". It has so much good information. My question is, where in the book do you find Dr David Brownstein’s recommendation for 5% Lugol's iodine solution. I would like to thank you again for what you do. I really appreciate it.

Dec 12, 2019
Reply to Natalie
by: Troy

Dr. Brownstein suggests 2 drops of 5% iodine in an 8 oz. glass of water or juice in the morning, then gradually increased to 50 mg a day. If you're severely deficient he suggests 8 drops of 5% iodine. Be sure to get tested Natalie as per Dr Brownstein's recommendation.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Apr 02, 2020
Pregnancy planning
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have a fibroid sized 7cm. But with that only I am trying to conceive right now. In this scenario, is it ok to take the baking soda, apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses?? Is it safe during pregnancy planning or during an active pregnancy??

May 01, 2020
Reply to "Pregnancy planning" comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I can't give out medical advice. You would need to speak with your doctor. What I will say, however, is the ACV and BSM are safe for everyone! The baking soda should be used with caution if pregnant though. 😊

Jun 20, 2020
Thanks Troy
by: J

Thanks Troy,
I have been taking apple cider vinegar and BSM for 3 months and it has reduced my bleeding, which is a good thing as I was bleeding alot before.
I want to ask you is there any relationship between non vegetarian food and fibroids? Whenever I start eating eggs and chicken the size of my fibroids increases and I start bleeding more... so should I eat eggs and chicken?

Jul 17, 2020
Reply to J
by: Troy

Glad the ACV and BSM is helping you J. Yes, what you eat can certainly have an effect on fibroid development. If you think chicken and eggs are having a detrimental effect then definitely cut them out. In fact, meat and dairy (especially processed) can cause fibroids to grow so it's worth restricting these from your diet if possible.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jul 17, 2020
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for sharing this. I used your remedies and it helped to minimise bleeding and period cramps. I stopped taking blackstrap molasses (only had ACV) for some time as I felt that the molasses will cause weight gain due to its sugary content. However, I want to start molasses again. Will it increase weight if I add molasses with the ACV?
I have another question as you mentioned that molasses has to be unsulphured organic blackstrap molasses but I can’t find anywhere, not even on amazon. The one I have found is Meridian organic blackstrap molasses (organic fairtrade- pure blackstrap ) but it is not written whether it’s unsulphured or not. Will it be effective ?
Thanks once again.

Oct 07, 2020
by: Troy

Unsulphured BSM is quite difficult to buy at the moment. There is a slight variation between the two, the most notable is that normal BSM is lower in sugar. Because you are concerned about weight gain from the higher sugar content in the unsulphured BSM, I would go with what you currently have. It will still work well.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Oct 11, 2020
Baking Soda x Serrapeptase
by: Alexsandra

Thanks Troy for all your advices to everyone on this platform. It is really tremendous to hear everyone’s experiences and it helps to feel one is not alone. I have fibroids and ovarian cysts. I have had a laparoscopic mymectomy 2 years ago which was successful. This year I noticed some spotting so I decided to start eating clean and naturally use supplements to care for myself because I’ve heard these fibroids ten to grow back over the years.
First, having taken baking soda acv for one week, I noticed some white particles in my urine, though my doctor had told me during a scan last 2 years ago that I’ve some gall bladder stones, she had said it’s nothing to worry about since they were not much. My question is, does baking soda dissolve gall bladder stones?

My second question is, I have heard a lot about serrapeptase, some people call it the fibroid eater. Is it okay if I start with this supplement for my fibroid and cyst?
Thanks in advance for your response.

Nov 05, 2020
Heart palpitations and Iodine
by: Anonymous

Is it true that some people can be sensitive to iodine. - heart palpitations

I had SVT years ago and a heart ablation surgery for it that was successful ... nervous about starting iodine BUT i know i NEED it badly.
Thank you for any help.

Nov 18, 2020
Reply to Alexsandra
by: Troy

Hi Alexsandra. Yes, baking soda definitely helps with dissolving gall bladder stones. Best way to have it is by mixing the juice of 1/2 lemon and 1/2 tsp of baking soda in water. Drink this morning and night on a week on, week off basis. With the serrapeptase? This supplement is fantastic, and yes, can help with shrinking fibroids. It's also perfectly safe so don't be afraid to try it.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Nov 18, 2020
Reply to "Heart palpitations and Iodine" comment
by: Troy

If you take the wrong form of iodine then yes, it can cause problems. Lugols liquid iodine is the safest. Best way to have it is start off slow with a low dosage (1-2 drops per day) and see how you find it. Slowly increase the amount over a period of weeks or even months.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 20, 2020
Another effective option...
by: Anonymous

There is a product that is doing wonders now for women's diseases as well as most other types of illness's. The product is called STC30 stem cell therapy (please look up this product). There are so many testimonies on how it's helped cure women of fibroids and cysts without surgery. I found out about this product after I had my surgery to remove a 4cm cyst. The worst part is the doctor who did my surgery removed more than what he was supposed to. I wish I knew about this product earlier. Just putting it out there for anyone who's interested to check it out.

Dec 16, 2020
Side effect of apple cider
by: Anonymous

Hi there,
Thank you for making this website. I have been using your remedies on and off for two years. I did use for a while but recently I began again and took one spoonful of apple cider vinegar, one spoon BSM, one teaspoon baking soda and 9 drops iodine (I hadn’t used any of these for 7-8 months ) and mixed everything together in a glass of warm water and drank with straw yesterday morning and again at night without the iodine and baking soda. But I have had a bad sore throat since last night. I am very disappointed because your remedies seemed to be working but this time, honestly, my throat is burning. I can’t even swallow my saliva. What would you suggest? Have I done anything wrong? Are these side effects common or is it serious?

Jan 03, 2021
Reply to "Side effect of apple cider" comment
by: Troy

What has likely occurred is you've taken too much at one time and all in one hit. Whenever you start taking supplements, or if you've had a break and begin again, ALWAYS start off slow with low dosages and then begin to slowly increase the amounts during the week. Also, try and take the ACV and baking soda together (they go well together) but take the other supplements at separate times during the day if you can. You'll find if you do this your throat will be fine. Give the ACV a rest until your throat has recovered and then start again.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Feb 07, 2021
Black strap molasses
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for creating this webside. I found it in 2018 and have been using your remedies now and again and I can say that my period has improved. I haven’t done the scan yet due to lockdown here in UK. I am also trying to loss weight and doing intermittent fasting. I have a question... if I take ACV, lemon, Baking soda and iodine on an empty stomach (fasting window), as they will not break my fast, and take Molasses one tablespoon mix in warm water and drink at anytime during my eating window, then again ACV, lemon and iodine at 7pm while closing my eating window, will I have the same benefits as if I take in that way or must the molasses and ACV be taken together?

Feb 10, 2021
ACV and bloating
by: Amy

Hi Troy
I have started taking ACV and molasses and baking soda in the morning and ACV and molasses before bed. I am also taking milk thistle and iodine sometimes straight after my morning drink of ACV, molasses and baking soda, along with green tea after each meal and the other herbs you mentioned. This has improved my period, it’s less painful and lasts only 5 days (previously 7-8 days) but the ACV makes me bloated/gassy a lot. Any suggestions please? In addition, I got organic Maca root powder. How much should I take daily... one spoon or more?

Mar 01, 2021
Green tea and flaxseeds
by: Anonymous

I have been following your 6 home remedies and feeling better but I have a question regarding the green tea. I am anaemic and I have heard that green tea interferes with iron absorption. Is it safe to take green tea? Additionally, I eat flaxseeds (1-2 tablespoons). Is it ok to take flaxseeds when I have fibroids?

Mar 15, 2021
Reply to "Black Strap Molasses" Comment
by: Troy

What you are proposing to do is perfectly fine. The ACV and BSM do not need to be taken together exclusively. If this what you need to do to follow your intermittent fasting rules then by all means do it. Better to take the ACV and BSM in this way than not at all!

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Mar 15, 2021
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

What you are taking is good Amy. With the ACV, if it's making you gassy then maybe try the capsules instead. With the macca, simply follow the directions on the container. Usually it's around one teaspoon per day for the dosage. 😊

Mar 15, 2021
Reply to "green tea & flaxseeds" comment
by: Troy

It's still fine to have green tea, just make sure you don't have it with any iron supplements you're taking (I'm assuming you're taking a high quality planet based iron supplement if you're anemic?). In regards to flaxseeds? Perfectly fine also. Flaxseeds contain so many essential nutrients and are incredibly good for you!

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Apr 21, 2021
Nascent Iodine dosage
by: Murri

Hi. I bought Nascent Iodine because I couldn’t find the Lugol’s 5% on Amazon. They seemed to only carry the 2% version. So when taking the Nascent Iodine the directions say take 3 drops under the tongue (this is equal to 1800mcg). Is this dose enough to take daily? What do you recommend? Thanks.

May 01, 2021
Reply to Murri
by: Troy

To achieve the 100mg dosage per day that Dr Brownstein recommends you would need 40 drops per day of the 2%, however, you don't need to go this high. We've found that even 3 up to 10 drops of the 2% liquid iodine yields very good results without causing any adverse effects. Start with 3 drops per day then build up to 6-10 drops per day. You can then safely stay on this amount indefinitely.

Hope this helps.

All the best! 😊

Jun 23, 2021
Sea Moss & fibroids?
by: Anonymous

I have read that taking seas moss also helps with shrinking fibroids. Do you recommend taking it alone with the remedies listed above?

Jul 15, 2021
by: Troy

Yes, Sea Moss is supposed to help with shrinking fibroids, however we haven't heard from anyone who's used it to verify if it really does work. The only way to really know is to try it for yourself. There is no harm in adding it to your daily regimen with the recommendations listed above.

Good luck!

Aug 21, 2021
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy
I used your remedies for a while and it helped to improve my symptoms. However, I am going to try intermittent fasting for health benefits. Since ACV is not gonna break my fast, I can take ACV during my fasting window. If I take ACV morning and night and BSM in the afternoon with iodine. Will this help?

Aug 24, 2021
Msm and fibroids
by: Mama2besoon

This is by far the best website on how to cure fibroids. Thanks a lot Troy for dedicating your time answering each of our questions, that is so amazing!!!!

My story goes like this. So I had a fibroid (1.5cm) prior to trying to conceive back in 2019. My doc said it’s not gonna affect anything. I conceived after four months but miscarried/pregnancy of unknown location. They gave me methotrexate to stop the pregnancy. (2020).

After this I started taking msm for my hair skin and nails. Had to have an ultrasound some three months later only to find that fibroid gone!
Not seen on an ultrasound and not seen on a ct scan.

I attributed this shrinkage to either the msm or methotrexate shot. Or maybe the castor oil packs I did a few times.

Lately I started trying to conceive (2021), May to be precise. Started supplementing with soy isoflavones and royal jelly amongst others. I started feeling some changes in my body and I had to do another ultrasound, only to find I have a fibroid again and a uterine polyp. I attribute this new development to the soy isoflavones.

My question is, do you have any resources or information to suggest that msm can indeed shrink fibroids or/and polyps? I am currently taking serrapeptase. Can I include msm and serrapeptase in your 6 protocols? I also take Chinese herbs, cinnamon and poria. Is their any contraindications with your 6 steps? I have a normal Thyroid function (based on test at the doctors), can I still supplement with the Lugol’s iodine? (I already started taking 2 tablespoons of acv with quarter teaspoon of of baking soda, I wait for the reaction to subside then I add quarter cup of water and drink it).

Also does your protocol work for uterine polyps? Thanks In advance, your help is beyond compare!

Aug 31, 2021
Reply to "BSM, Iodine and ACV" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, even just taking these 3 will make a big difference!

Aug 31, 2021
Reply to Mama2Bsoon
by: Troy

Firstly, you're very welcome. Hope our article and tips help you. Now in regards to MSM, there are no studies as such to prove the effectiveness of MSM for treating fibriods, polyps, and most inflammatory disorders. Here's a good Q&A article on MSN which has been used for shrinking fibroids from our friends at Earth Clinic... Wife Has Very Painful Fibroid. In regards to contradictions? There aren't any as these remedies are extremely safe and don't interact with each other. You can also add serrapeptase and MSM no problems. The MSM is a great anti-inflammatory, which would explain the results you got from taking it. With the iodine? Even if your levels are fine, supplementation is still recommended according to iodine expert Dr David Brownstein. Just take a maintenance dose.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Sep 08, 2021
by: Amy

Hi Troy
I have multiple fibroids and very heavy period. Most of the time I am on iron supplements. I did use your remedies for a month or so and it helped in my period. I have read the other articles which you have mentioned here. I am avoiding meat, dairy, junk food completely but can I have seeds such flaxseeds to get protein. I have searched and one website claims it increases the growth of fibroids. What would you suggest?

Oct 18, 2021
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

Hi Amy. Flaxseeds actually help tremendously with shrinking fibroids! Research by Dr Romana Nowak from the University of Illinois has repeatedly proven this. Flaxseeds contain many fibroid healing properties, particularly phytoestrogens, so we recommend consuming the seeds and oil every day.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Oct 18, 2021
Numerous fibroids
by: Amy

Thank you Troy for replying back.
I wanted to start these 6 steps religiously this time. I had my scan yesterday and they found numerous tiny fibroids in my uterus and recommended uttering devise inserted, which I rejected because I want to shrink my fibroids with the above mentioned steps. I would try to follow all remedies everyday but I forget to take everything due to work and childcare and household, etc. I drink BSM and ACV twice a day (1-1 spoon) with 3 drops iodine each time. This is my 4th day of taking baking soda. I drink green tea 2-3 cups a day. I have already ordered milk thistle capsules but I can’t drink Maca powder everyday as I don’t like the taste. I drink now and again. I use turmeric and black peppers cinnamon in cooking everyday. Would these remedies would be helpful or I should need to do extra efforts because I told my doctor to wait for 3 months - if it will not help coz I am severely anemic and tired all the time, I will go for uterine device.

Nov 02, 2021
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

What you're doing is fine Amy. Don't forget about your diet too. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to flush out those toxins.

Good luck! :)

Jan 14, 2022
Multiple fibroids
by: Anonymous

Thank you this information.
I've have multiple fibroids for nearly 10 years. Extremely heavy menstrual bleeding with cramps. I have been on and off on iron tablets (I am sick of taking them). My ferritin level is only 10 and I had my recent scan and they found numerous fibroids below 10mm. They said it’s not possible to count as they have so many but all are small and I have bulky uterus. If I follow all these steps everyday, how long will it take to get rid of the fibroids? Will these steps help me to increase my iron level as I don’t want to take more iron tablets ?
Thankyou so much in advance.

Jan 24, 2022
One or several treatments at the same time?
by: Mariana

Hi, thank you so much for posting this and for replying to all of the questions Troy. I have a really big fibroid (14cm) and have tried almost everything. I am scheduled for a surgery next month, but just found this. Can I try several of the treatments or just stick with one (which one)? Best regards, Mariana.

Jan 27, 2022
Reply to "Multiple Fibroids" Comment
by: Troy

It's very hard to give an exact timeframe for shrinking fibroids unfortunately. However, if you follow the directions listed in this article your fibroids will most definitely shrink - that is a certainty. The unsulphured black strap molasses will help with your iron deficiency as it's rich in natural absorbable iron. The problem with iron tablets is they are not absorbable, hence why they cause constipation in most cases. If you're going to take iron supplements make sure it's the heme form. I would recommend you have a read of this Q&A for the best tips on increasing your iron levels naturally... How to Cure Anemia Fast – 7 Home Remedies That Never Fail.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Jan 27, 2022
Reply to Mariana
by: Troy

It's definitely best to use as many of the recommendations listed as possible, particularly if you're wanting quick results. With that said, even if you were to only use the ACV and molasses's treatment, you would still do well - it would just take longer.

All the best to you Mariana! :)

Jan 27, 2022
Multiple fibroids
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy
Thank for replying back. I looked for 7 steps to cure anemia. Can I take raw Maca powder, wheatgrass powder and ashwganda powder together as a drink ? It’s hard to take everything separately.

Jan 27, 2022
by: Troy

Yes, perfectly fine. Sometimes it is difficult to have everything apart. Just do the best you can. You'll still get great results. :)

Jan 27, 2022
Thanks for quick response
by: Anonymous

Thanks, Troy!!! I have been taking the ACV for two weeks now (started with the molasses yesterday) and already feel better. I am certain this will really help me. Best to all.

Feb 10, 2022
Milk thistle
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for always replying back.
I have almost got everything that you have mentioned to take but I can’t find a good milk thistle supplement. You have mentioned what kind of Maca root we should take. Can you please give us any link to buy milk thistle as there are many brands with different strengths.

Feb 10, 2022
Reply to "Milk Thistle" Comment
by: Troy

There are lots of milk thistle supplements on the market. As long as the supplement you buy is organic, you really cant go wrong... Milk Thistle Supplements.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Feb 15, 2022
Unsulphured BSM
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I have read online that unsulphured BSM can expose one to chemicals which are known to cause cancer and birth defects. In fact it is clearly stated on the bottle. Can you confirm this please.

Mar 14, 2022
Reply to "Unsulphured BSM" Comment
by: Troy

Manufactures are required by law to put this on their labels, particularly due to California state law. It's a load of garbage quite frankly. There is nothing harmful in black strap molasses. Bottom line... Your government doesn't want you to be healthy, hence why they discourage you to take supplements but have no problem poisoning you with contaminated water and toxic food, not to mention harmful pharmaceuticals. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.

All the best! 😊

Mar 17, 2022
by: Tresa

I just looked at this site with such great information. Has anyone successfully gotten rid of fibroids? Mine are huge on my small frame and I so do not want surgery! I just purchased the iodine, acv, molasses and matcha tea. Does anyone have before and after pics? Help!

Mar 23, 2022
by: Anonymous

I saw you mention DMG as being good for ovarian cysts. I have not heard of that before. I have heard of DIM being good for cysts. Can you take them both at the same time and how much of each.

I read Diindolylmethane (DIM) is the compound in cruciferous vegetables that experts advise people at risk for breast cancer eat more (cabbage and broccoli) as a preventive measure.

I read Dimethylglycine (DMG) is an amino acid, a building block for protein. It is found in the body in very small amounts and for only seconds at a time. Used for ADHD, allergies, fatigue etc.

Thank you so much.

Apr 10, 2022
Feeling Despondent
by: Anna

Hi Troy,
I’ve was diagnosed with a huge 23cm fibroid about a year ago. Since then I have been on a very strict protocol of:
No meat
No dairy
No refined sugar
No gluten or refined carbs
Heaps of fresh juices and vegetables as well as vitamins and herbs, dim etc..
I also started taking vitalyzm enzymes about 6 months ago (15 a day), then came across your site and also implemented the bsm/acv protocol, iodine and baking soda. I had some movement at my last scan, Jan 2022 and fibroid had shrunk between 3-4cm and apparently showed cystic degeneration. But I feel disheartened lately as it feels bigger again. I am concerned the BSM has been feeding it and/or also reintroducing some soy as you suggested. I just feel very depressed as the only option they are giving me is a hysterectomy and I thought I was making progress. Can you please advise?

May 02, 2022
Reply to "DIM or DMG" comment
by: Troy

DIM (Diindolylmethane) helps to naturally adjust estrogen in the body, which can certainly benefit fibroids sufferers. DMG (Dimethylglycine) is an immune system modulator and helps regulate homocysteine levels in the body (high homocysteine levels cause vascular problems and fibroids are basically "vascular tumors"). Both can benefit fibroid sufferers. However, we would recommend going with the seven recommendations listed above first before looking at using DMG and DIM. If you do decide to add them to your daily regimen, simply follow the dosages recommended on the bottle.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

May 02, 2022
Reply to Anna
by: Troy

Hi Anna. The BSM would not be causing any problems. You need to make sure you only have the BSM and ACV together, nothing else at least 30 minutes before or after. I would also recommend that you take the time to have a read through some of the articles and Q&A's from our friends at Earth Clinic. I think you'll get a lot out of them. Here's a couple of the links...

Blackstrap Molasses for Fibroids.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda for Fibroids.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

May 18, 2022
Natural vs Surgery
by: Anonymous

I recently was diagnosed with having 4 fibroids... I am severely anemic had to get a blood transfusion of 3 units last week. The only solution offered is a hysterectomy. I am 50 years old, never been hospitalized, no sickness, don't take any medication and don't drink or smoke. I do not want a hysterectomy. Other than the fibroids, everything is well. I came across this blog and I really needed this. I feel very alone also and somewhat pressured in making the decision for surgery.

May 18, 2022
Reply to "Natural vs Surgery" Comment
by: Troy

Unless it's life threatening, I always advocate using a natural approach first. Once a body part is removed it can never be put back. If you can, find yourself a good Naturopath and consider going under their guidance. They will be able to help you.

All the best. ☺

Jul 07, 2022
Black Seed Oil
by: Elle

Hi, thank you for the wonderful site. I have learned a lot. I’m doing The Fibroid Elimination Diet and unfortunately on this diet you can’t have anything fermented. I would like to incorporate some of the remedies I have read here. Could I substitute black seed oil for apple cider vinegar and do a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and a tablespoon of black seed oil in water both morning and night?

Jul 19, 2022
Reply to Elle
by: Troy

Because black seed oil helps with balancing hormones and shrinking fibroids, you can certainly give this combination a go - there's absolutely no harm. The only recommendation I would make is to go with one teaspoon twice a day then move up to two teaspoons twice daily rather than a full tablespoon twice daily. This may be too high. Let us know how you go.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Jul 19, 2022
Black strap molasses
by: Anna

Hi Troy, in reference to the above comment regarding black seed oil vs black strap molasses, I am just concerned again that what if black strap molasses isn’t allowed in fibroid elimination diet. Why is it so effective at eliminating fibroids? Sorry I’m just confused.

Jul 19, 2022
Reply to Anna
by: Troy

If black strap molasses isn't recommended on the elimination diet then I would leave it out if this is the road you decide to take. In regards to the benefits of BSM for treating fibroids, I recommend you have a read of some of the success stories listed from our friends at Earth Clinic... Blackstrap Molasses for Fibroids.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jul 24, 2022
by: Cher


I am 47 and have fibroids which continue to grow inside and outside of my womb, the largest is 10 cm. My obgyn insists that I have a complete hysterectomy, I went for a second opinion and a third and the recommendations are the same. I really don't want to have surgery as I already had one to remove the appendix and another to remove ovarian cysts and also a dnc after a miscarriage (after which I had 1 child whose 15 and I was never able to conceive again). I am desperately trying to find a natural cure. I can feel the fibroids below my belly and the pain got worse last week, I could hardly walk. I can also feel much painful pressure in my tummy and I fear it could affect my nearby organs. Please advise. I'm desperate, Blessings.

Aug 03, 2022
Reply to Cher
by: Troy

Hi Cher. Unfortunately I cannot diagnose you. You've had 3 opinions, I'm guessing all were medical practioners? You could go and see a Naturopath for a one on one consultation. That would be a viable option as your condition sounds quite serious. Don't leave it too long though. Good luck. :)

Aug 09, 2022
by: Anonymous

I had a tablespoon of soda for my fibroids, misreading to have a teaspoon and have had diarrhea big time. What can I do to counteract this please as I read it can be quite dangerous. Thanks.

Aug 10, 2022
by: Troy

Yes, a tablespoon will give you diarrhea. Fortunately, it wont cause harm. Simply stop with the baking soda and drink lots of water and it will pass in a few days. Very important to read the directions. 😊

Sep 05, 2022
12cm fibroids
by: Twinkle

Hi, I recently started having pain on left side of my uterus. I did a CT scan and its a 12cm fibroid. One of my friend who cleared her cysts with blackstarp molasses recommended me to use it before operating it. As read in your site, am going to follow the 2-3 things for 3 months before doing ultrasound.

Can you please answer the following:
1. Plantation unsulphered blackstarp molasses is better? what other brands you recon pls? the link you gave has various options.
2. What brand baking soda can I drink? Amazon search on the link you provided says bobs red mill baking soda? can you just provide me a name pls or a link of that brand. Also does it have to be aluminum free? and safe to drink baking soda? I find it weird as its used to drain pipes.
3. The time - Is it ok to take 1tbsp ACV and BSM 20 mins in warm water before breakfast and 1/2 tsp baking soda with warm filter at 10th min..thats 10 mins to breakfast ? And iodine is taken on empty of full stomach? il do iodine in evening.

Am in India, many things arent available locally.
Thanks for so much support.

Sep 10, 2022
ACV and side effects
by: Anonymous

I have been taking ACV and molasses (1-1 tablespoon) twice a day along with Iodine drops and green tea (I have started Maca root yet) but ACV makes me severely constipated and bloated. I was so uncomfortable and I stopped drinking ACV and molasses for 2 days and am alright night. I really want to take ACV and molasses but how can I avoid bloating and constipation?. I am severely anemic due to fibroids.
Thank you in advance

Sep 27, 2022
Flaxseeds and fibroids
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy
I have a question about flaxseeds. I used to eat flaxseeds a lot but some websites claim that we should avoid flaxseeds when we have fibroids but other say it’s beneficial. Can I take a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds daily? I have cluster fibroids (mm in size but they are uncountable) and I have very heavy periods. I am following your remedies but I want to add flaxseeds in my diet if it’s beneficial.

Oct 04, 2022
Reply to Twinkle
by: Troy

Any brand of BSM is okay to be honest as long as it's unsulphured. The same goes for baking soda as all baking soda is technically "aluminium free". The ACV and BSM, along with the baking soda, the way you suggest taking it is perfectly fine. Iodine is best taken on an empty stomach. At night, particularly just before bed is the most optimal. 😊

Oct 05, 2022
Reply to "ACV and side effects" comment
by: Troy

Make sure it's definitely the ACV or the BSM? Try taking both at separate times and half the amount. If this is okay then you can slowly increase the amount again over a period of several weeks. :)

Oct 05, 2022
Reply to "flaxseeds and fibroids" comment
by: Troy

I'm definitely one of those who recommends flaxseeds for treating fibroids. Look up research by Dr Nowak on flaxseeds for shrinking fibroids. A tablespoon each day is perfect!

All the best to you! :)

Oct 25, 2022
Starting Healing
by: Veronica P

Hi, discovered fibroid one year ago…have multiple and uterus is enlarged. January 2023 will be one year plant based…got hung up on soy for a few months…lots of plant based chicken and burgers. Stopping the soy products. Heard of BSM /Beets on TikTok…googled and found this Heaven sent site! Thank you…started regimen 10/24/22. Also working out, omg but was drinking distilled water for about 6 months…saw a post here and stopped yesterday! TY! Now doing alkaline water and spring…baking soda, ginger/turmeric, beets and BSM, also made collard green juice. So excited to heal, and encourage others. Periods have been awful for years…my next cycle isn’t due for at least 3 weeks, so plenty of time to get the remedies in my system. Will report back in a few weeks. Hoping to have a scan in January 23, which gives me about 8 weeks of time to heal and release! I’ll be 44 in December, have a 9 & 11 year old and actually hoping to have another baby next year. I’m so grateful to have been guided here!

Oct 29, 2022
ACV alternative?
by: Kimber

Hi Troy, can I substitute lemon juice for the ACV in the recipe and experience the same high level of results? Thanks for your insight.

Oct 31, 2022
Systemic enzymes
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy
I have been using your remedies for a while but not regularly due to work schedule. I miss some days to follow these steps but I am anaemic all the time and doctor has recommended hysterectomy which is my last option. I have searched a lot and many people recommended serrapeptase systemic enzymes for fibroids. What’s your opinion about these because I don’t want to just take anything without knowing any side effects. Would you recommend this to take?

Nov 15, 2022
Reply to Kimber
by: Troy

Unfortunately no Kimber. The ACV combined with the BSM is what gives such powerful results. What is the issue with the ACV? If it's the liquid you could always substitute it for the ACV capsules. 😊

Nov 15, 2022
Reply to "Systemic enzymes" comment
by: Troy

Yes, I've been recommending this for a while. If you're anemic then I would recommend taking a good quality plant based iron supplement, preferably high in vitamin K, to rectify this. :)

Nov 21, 2022
Systematic enzymes
by: Anonymous

Thank you for replying back. Is there any specific dose should I take or any specific brand would you recommend for the systemic enzyme please?

Nov 22, 2022
by: Troy

It's actually becoming quite difficult to purchase systemic enzyme supplements as they are popular and sell out quickly. There may also be a supply issue somewhere I'm not sure? This brand is excellent... Fibrozym Systemic Protease Supplement. There are other very good ones as well but many are unavailable at the present time. For dosages simply follow the recommendations listed on the bottle. 😊

Dec 29, 2022
Systemic enzymes
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I have been searching systemic enzymes for a month now and it’s very hard to find in UK as you have already mentioned. All I can get is brand Doctor's Best High Potency Serrapeptase or Good Health Serraenzymes. Have you heard of these brands? As I have never bought system enzymes before I have no idea which one I should buy.
Thanks in advance.

Jan 31, 2023
by: Troy

Doctor's Best is definitely the pick. Very good quality. 😊

Feb 12, 2023
Thank you
by: Hopeful

I just came across your blog and it is very informative. I believe in natural healing. I am not claiming anything but healing and just wanted to Thank you! I am already taking flaxseed, nuts, raisins, berries, fruits vegetables and vitamins and trying to eat organic and healthy. I used to take ACV and had great results but didn't want to lose any more weight. I actually want to gain weight. I lost weight when I went Vegan but now I want to gain it back. I am going to start the ACV again with the blackstrap molasses and also keep a food diary to make sure my calories are up. And also continue praying and thanking God in advance for his healing and the knowledge that I come across daily.

I want to thank God for your knowledge and thank you so much for sharing this with us. I will give updates on my results. I plan to start next week.

Mar 23, 2023
Aloe vera juice
by: Slick Rick the Ruler

I've been reading the comments on this page off/on for a few yrs. I've never been consistent with the suggested protocol, but I have tried them all at some point.

I started taking essiac tea about a yr ago and noticed a significant change in the size of the fibroids. I recently added MSM, but not for fibroids per se. I used to take MSM many many years ago for hair growth and to keep the whites of my eyes clear. And I just recently added the supplement back into my regimen and I have noticed shrinkage from this as well.

Lastly, someone suggested that I drink aloe vera juice to cleanse my blood in order to clear my skin. I started drinking aloe back in September of last yr and my skin looks amazing and I also noticed the fibroids were shrinking again after no movement.

I am going to reincorporate the baking soda, BSM, and cayenne pepper immediately.

I know you suggest taking all 6 protocols but I am wondering if I need the iodine? I also mix cacao and maca root every morning as this has become my alternative to coffee --actually tastes like hot chocolate! I also take kallistia acne cleanse daily and it's loaded with about 17 difference herbs and vitamins, all designed to cleanse the blood and balance hormones.

Also, how do you feel about castor oil packs, and how often should this treatment be applied? I have two huge fibroids that sort of shift throughout the day, but they are at least manageable and getting flatter after each cycle. I also noticed that the most noticeable shrinkage occurs during/after my cycle. What are your thoughts on this?

Apr 05, 2023
by: Asia

Hi, I’m currently drinking the mixture of cider and molasses (1 tbsp of each diluted in half a cup of water). Is this a good proportion? Also wanted to ask, are there any herbs I could drink to help with fibroids? I’m 50 and my fibroids are about a few centimetres big.

Apr 06, 2023
Reply to Slick Rick the Ruler
by: Troy

I always say that if something is working then stick with it. You can certainly leave the iodine out and continue with what you're doing. If you find later down the track you're stagnating then you could consider adding the iodine. Castor oil packs are terrific. These can be applied at any time, especially before bedtime and first thing in the morning. There is no exact rule of thumb with how many times per day though. I would aim for 2-3. :)

Apr 06, 2023
Reply to Asia
by: Troy

Yes, the mix and amount you're taking is perfect. Just make sure you have it 2-3 times a day. A good herbal mix that's tasty to drink is a combination of turmeric, black pepper, ginger and cinnamon. You can search online for specific recipes. There are loads out there. 😊

Jun 11, 2023
Maca and Milk Thistle
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, can you take the maca and milk thistle at the same time or should they not be taken together?

Aug 28, 2023
Reply to "Maca and Milk Thistle" comment
by: Troy

For effectiveness, these two are best taken apart. Even if it's only an hour or so, this will still suffice. :)

Dec 09, 2023
Do I need you take all 6 remedies?
by: Meliyia

Hi Troy!

I have a huge fibroid and probably smaller ones. I had a UAE in September 2019 and it shrunk the largest fibroid that I had. It reduced but I feel it growing back. I don't eat meat and I minimize my cheese intake (it's the only dairy that I consume). It's not painful, but it's large as I'm a small 5'4 slim Roman. If I suck in my stomach you can't see the fibroid. But if I don't, my stomach is huge. Help!

Dec 13, 2023
Reply to Meliyia
by: Troy

Hi Meliyia. You certainly don't need to follow all 6 recommendations, however, doing this will give you the best possible chance of success. The only one which is a "temporary" treatment is the baking soda remedy. Just try and follow as many as you can. Continue to eat healthy too... lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Jan 17, 2024
Breast Cancer and Cyst
by: Sparkle

Hello, Thanks for your great site and great information. I had estrogen/progesterone positive breast cancer. Had a double mastectomy. Just finished a round of Tamoxifin. Have a cyst on my ovary. Is there anything about your protocol that I should avoid?

Jan 23, 2024
Reply to Sparkle
by: Troy

Everything listed in this protocol is natural. With that said, I recommend you still check with your health care practioner first as I don't know your history.

All the best. 😊

Jan 24, 2024
ACV and migraine
by: Amy

Hi Troy,
I have been following your remedies now and again for sometime now. I have to admit that I am not consistent with the routine. The main reason is my migraines. I have realised whenever I drink ACV and molasses, it triggers my migraine very badly. I have tested myself many times and it’s definitely ACV which triggers migraine. I even tried to dissolve molasses and once water is cold then I add ACV to avoid the smell but this does not work. I am severely anaemic due to heavy periods caused by my fibroids and I really want to try your remedies as I know it helped me to reduce period bleeding, but I am so helpless now. I am sick of having iron supplements. Now doctor has recommended the merina coil to stop my period or I have to had blood transfusions due to low iron and HB, but I am worried about coil insertion due to its side effects. I am using Tranxemic acid to control the bleeding during my period but it’s really hard for me to do anything as I have no energy at all. I would be greatly appreciated if you can advise me what to do in my situation.

Feb 16, 2024
Reply to Amy
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I cannot by law advise you on what to do Amy. Sorry. What I would suggest is if the ACV liquid is giving you a headache due to the smell, maybe try switching to the ACV capsules instead and see how these go. 😊

Feb 29, 2024
Dead Fibroid / Topical Iodine
by: Amber Nancy Darrin

Thank you Troy for all of your advice. I'm so happy God led me here and I'll now follow the ACV and black strap molasses routine, as I currently have these exact brands. I did want to ask two things:

1) I had UAE procedure in 2021 that shrunk my biggest fibroid by cutting off the blood supply. The thing is, the fibroid is still there but I believe it's dead. It's not as large but it still exist as I can feel it taunting me and moving around in my body. There's no pain as the UAE procedure helped greatly, but it's just annoying that it still exists. Will these 6 steps work for a dead fibroid? Can the fibroid come back to life? Or do I need to have a myomectomy (which I don't want as I want to have children naturally). I'm 39 btw.

2) And, I've seen the Lugols Iodine, but a topical version that goes directly on your wrist. You talked about the Iodine treatments, so is this topical version ok to use in conjunction with the oral iodine?

Thank you for answering.

Mar 06, 2024
Reply to Amber
by: Troy

Hi Amber. To be honest, I do not know if this protocol will shrink a fibroid after a UAE procedure. All you can do is try it and see. There are no risks associated with using this treatment so you have nothing to lose. With the Lugols iodine, you can use it both ways. So taking it orally and applying to the skin.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

May 02, 2024
Candida and Blackstrap Molasses
by: Kelly

Hi Troy,

I have candida and you're not supposed to have blackstrap molasses on a candida diet. Is there something I can substitute to help get rid of my fibroids?

I was already taking ACV and iodine before I found your website, but it looks like I wasn't taking enough iodine. I'm also taking some Chinese herbs under the care of my acupuncturist.

I'm post menopausal. I was having some problems with my liver and my acupuncturist explained how that can cause estrogen to build up. I appreciate any advice you can give me. Thanks!

May 04, 2024
Reply to Kelly
by: Troy

Yes the BSM can exacerbate candida due to its sugar content. Just leave it out and continue with the other recommendations. This is fine. I would also look for a good liver tonic, one that contains Milk Thistle, to help your liver along. The Liver Cleansing Diet book by Dr Sandra Cabot is also worth reading if you get the chance.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

May 05, 2024
Natural herbs
by: Anonymous

Thank you for this website.
I have started all the remedies but I have come across a few supplements which helps to reduce fibroids such as Vitex (chasterberry) Maca (as you mentioned) and DIM.
Which one is the most powerful to reduce fibroids as I can not take all of them? I am also taking Milk thistle.

May 06, 2024
Reply to "Natural Herbs" comment
by: Troy

This is a tricky question because they are all effective. Of course, what works for one person doesn't always necessarily work for another, so what I would recommend is first trying the maca for, say, 3 months, and see how this goes. If you don't notice a change, or enough of a change, then try the vitex for another 3 months. If you're not happy with the results then go with the DIM.

Hopefully, this helps you out.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

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