A Cure For Body Odor That Works Every Time!

Want to cure your body odor & reduce your sweating under the arms without the use of dangerous antiperspirants? Then here's 5 natural home remedies you might like to consider...


What is the best home remedy or natural treatment for very bad odour under the arms when sweating.


Hi Freddie, and thank you for your question regarding a natural remedy for body odor.

This is definitely a very common problem, but thankfully, and easily fixable one.

Firstly, make sure you never use an antiperspirant deodorant under your arms... ever! You are mean't to sweat from under the armpits. This is how your body removes toxins. But with an antiperspirant, the toxins are prevented from leaving, and instead, are recirculated back into the body. Very nasty and dangerous.

Anyway, there's 5 terrific natural remedies for armpit odor that you should consider using. Here are they are in order of importance...

Home Remedy for Body Odor #1... Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): This is definitely number one. ACV balances the pH level of your skin and is a powerful bacterial killer. Once the toxins have come out of your skin, you want to neutralize them straight away so they don't smell. ACV does this perfectly.

So all you do is soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it under your armpits. Follow this cure twice daily, using once in the morning and again before going to bed.

ACV is also a potent internal cleanser, so it's a good idea to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of Manuka honey to a glass of warm water. Drink this three times daily, 10 minutes before eating. Just make sure the ACV you buy is organic apple cider vinegar and still contains the "mother" apple. By giving your body an internal cleanse, it will have a reduced level of toxic build up (after around 2-3 weeks
of initial detoxing), which of course means less smelly odors!

Note: If you have sensitive skin and find the ACV too harsh, you can use lemon juice instead which works exactly the same.

Natural Remedy for Body Odor #2... Baking Soda: This is my personal favorite and the one I use myself. Baking soda is a natural deodorant that absorbs sweat and kills bacteria under the armpits. Many natural deodorants contain baking soda because it works so well. Just mix up equal parts of baking soda and cornstarch. Apply this directly onto your dry underarms to prevent sweating as well as bad odor. This remedy works a treat when you need protection for several hours (or even all day).

Natural Cure for Body Odor #3... Green Foods: Taking a green food supplement such as wheat grass, chlorella or spirulina every day is a great way to naturally prevent body odor. These foods are rich in chlorophyll, which is a natural body deodorizer.

Natural Treatment for Body Odor #4... Witch Hazel: This amazing stuff helps with so many things, including body odor. Witch hazel not only kills odor causing bacteria, it also helps to reduce the production of sweat (in a good way though). Simply soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply under the armpits when needed.

Home Remedy for Body Odor #5... Digestion and Gut Health: Having healthy digestion and lots of good bacteria in the gut are crucial for the prevention and treatment of body odor. When the gut is not working properly, food is not digested properly, which causes foul smelling gas (both internally and externally!). So eating a healthy diet loaded with fruits and vegetables, along with taking a good quality probiotic supplement will go a long way to stopping your underarms from smelling like something just died under there without your knowing!

Hope this helps you Freddie.

Good luck and all the best!


Troy (Admin)

Comments for A Cure For Body Odor That Works Every Time!

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Oct 12, 2015
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda Are the Best!
by: Cheryl

I use the apple cider vinegar at night by putting some on 20 minutes before I have a shower (then washing off in the shower). The baking soda I use in the morning just like I would a deodorant. Trust me, this works amazing! Even during the hot summer, I never get B.O. and I even perspire less.

Oh and by the way, love the great tips in these Q&A articles!

Dec 16, 2015
by: Troy

Glad it works for you Cheryl. And thanks for the positive comment!

All the best to you.

Aug 09, 2017
Odour under armpits
by: Kara

I have really bad odor under my armpits and have tried every deodorant there is.

Aug 11, 2017
by: Troy

Give these natural remedies a go instead Kara, particularly the ACV and baking soda. They work a treat! :)

Mar 02, 2018
B.O. From Menopause
by: Anne

I'm currently going through menopause and have an awful issue with b.o. I use Witch Hazel but it has to be reapplied a few times during the day. I will try the ACV as you have suggested. Never had a problem with body odour before. I pray it's only temporary.

Mar 15, 2018
Internal body odor
by: Jane

Hello, hope you can help me with my problem. I've had internal body odor for years. I guess more than 5 years. I always take a bath 2x a day, but it seems that other people can smell a bad scent from me... it is really so embarrassing. It gives me low self-confidence to do anything and to interact with other people. Sometimes I don't want to go out or to talk to other people. I don't want them to smell my bad scent. I've already tried the apple cider vinegar and baking soda but they just irritate my skin. I want to bring back my normal scent and to have a normal life. Hope you can help me to get rid of it.

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Jane
by: Troy

Bad body odor is an internal problem, not an external one. Once you understand this it becomes much easier to fix. Of course, you still need to shower and practice good hygiene, but once you get your internal organs right and healthy, your scent will not be as strong. Make sure you take the ACV internally every day as per our recommendations above, along with supplementing with a green food such as wheat grass powder. Also, getting your digestion and gut healthy is absolutely crucial (#5 remedy). Have you tried the lemon juice or witch hazel as a natural deodorant? You might find these do not irritate your skin.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Apr 13, 2018
Body Odor
by: Anonymous

Ever since 2014, I’ve been dealing with really bad gastritis. I’ve developed a very bad odor and the comments are just heartbreaking. I’ve tried probiotics, eating only fruits and vegetables, detoxing, but nothing helps. I’ve looked into hydro therapy but I’m kind of skeptical being that I’ve never done anything like that before. I really need help in trying to combat this really awful odor. Please help.

Apr 19, 2018
by: Troy

Have a read of my reply to Jane above. This is what you need to be doing also. You said you "tried" taking probiotics? Are you still taking a probiotic supplement? Gut probiotics have high turnover rate, which means you MUST continue to replenish your supply every single day for the rest of your life! This is crucial. In addition to this, start culturing and eating your own probiotic rich foods. Remember, you can NEVER have too many of these healthy little critters! Here's a really good website on how to culture and ferment your own foods at home... Cultures for Health.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

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