7 Home Remedies for Brittle Nails That Work Like a Charm!

by Charmaine
(Honolulu, Hawaii)

Want to make those nails stronger, thicker & healthier naturally & permanently? Here’s the top 7 natural treatments & home remedies for weak brittle nails you definitely should consider…


After having acrylics done I now have weak brittle nails that look and feel horrible. Are there any natural ways (vitamins, etc) that I can use to harden my nails and get them healthy again?
Thank you.


When you have weak brittle nails that chip and break easily, this is a sure-fire sign that your body is lacking certain essential nutrients and co-factors. Biotin (B7), along with vitamins A, C, E and B12, and the minerals calcium, zinc, iodine and silica, are all crucial for the production of keratin - the same protein that’s responsible for giving animal horns, hooves and claws their hardness and strength. This protein is also crucial for the strength and vitality of human nails, hair and skin, which is why when you have soft brittle nails, you’ll usually have damaged or dull hair and skin that looks older and dryer than it should (the outermost layer of your skin is mostly keratin). The main problem that we are faced with today is because of our radical farming methods and altered/induced food production, these essential nutrients are now severely lacking from our diets.

So, the first thing you should do is find yourself a good quality “nail health” supplement to take every day (such as this). Biotin, in particular, is especially important for healthy nails, hair and skin so make sure that the product you buy is high in biotin. A Swiss study published in the “Cutis” journal found that participants with soft brittle nails had a 25% increase in nail plate thickness after taking a biotin supplement daily for six months(1). Symptoms of a biotin deficiency include hair loss, dry scaly skin, rash around the mouth, eyes, and nose, and brittle fingernails.

Other Powerful Home Remedies and Treatments for Weak Brittle Nails…

Along with taking a good quality nail, hair and skin supplement, here’s some more internal and external remedies and home treatments you can use to get those nails strong and healthy once again…

Natural Remedy for Weak Brittle Nails #2… Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Apple cider vinegar works a treat on brittle and badly damaged nails. Used daily, it helps restore them to full and lustrous health due to the essential nail nutrients it contains. ACV is a good source of calcium, silica, zinc, magnesium, iron, biotin, iodine and B group vitamins. It also contains malic acid and acetic acid, both of which help to fight nail infections and nail fungus.

To use simply mix up equal parts of raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (do not use processed vinegars of any kind) and clean filtered water in a small bowl. Soak your nails in this solution for 10-15 minutes then gently push down on your cuticles straight after. Be sure to do this at least once a day and within a week you’ll notice your nails becoming much stronger and healthier looking. For extra benefit, it’s also a good idea to drink the raw organic ACV every day. Add a tablespoon (30 mls) to a glass of warm filtered water, along with a teaspoon of raw natural honey and drink down. Do this first thing in the morning and last thing at night on an empty stomach for a powerful health and healing elixir. If you happen to find the liquid difficult to take (some people actually gag on it) you can always opt for the easy-to-swallow ACV capsules instead.

Home Remedy to Strengthen Brittle Nails #3… Organic Coconut Oil: The saturated fats (MCT’s) contained in coconut oil are an excellent moisturizer for soft brittle nails. Coconut oil also contains potent antifungal and infection fighting properties, which further benefits anyone with nail diseases such as nail fungus, paronychia and pseudomonas. Coconut oil works best when applied straight after your apple cider vinegar treatment, so be sure to do this. To use, warm (slightly) some coconut oil and apply
directly on each nail. Massage in for 1-2 minutes to improve blood flow and keep the nails moisturized. Another option is to combine a ¼ cup of warm coconut oil and a squeeze of lemon juice (lemon juice is also a terrific cure for brittle nails) in a bowl and soak your nails in this mixture for 10-15 minutes before bed.

As with the ACV, coconut oil is also extremely good for you and highly effective when consumed internally as well as used externally. For internal benefit, take 1-2 tablespoons of raw organic virgin coconut oil daily mixed in a smoothie or added to your tea or coffee. In addition, try and use coconut oil in your cooking (stir fry’s, etc) and baking as much as possible for extra benefit.

Brittle Nails Treatment & Prevention Remedy #4… Horsetail: This herb is extremely high in silica (also known as “the beauty mineral”). Silica is essential for strong healthy hair, skin and nails, hence why you’ll find it in virtually all natural beauty products and supplements on the market. Horsetail is also great for removing those unsightly white flakes that form under the fingernails.

To use add two teaspoons of dried horsetail to a cup of hot water. Cover and leave for 10 minutes to cool then soak your nails in this solution for 15-20 minutes. Dry your nails then apply some olive oil or coconut oil to moisturize. Do this once daily. In addition to this, you can also drink one or two cups of horsetail tea each day or take a horsetail supplement for added benefit.

Natural Cure for Soft Brittle Nails #5… Fish Oil/Evening Primrose Oil: Both fish oil and evening primrose oil are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin D and vitamin E, all of which are vital for healthy hair, skin and nails. Virtually everyone who starts taking a fish oil or evening primrose oil supplement for weak brittle nails sees positive results – usually within the first week to 10 days. For maximum benefit and effect, take the highest recommended amount/dosage listed on the bottle or container.

Home Remedy for Weak Brittle Nails #6… Garlic: This is an old folk remedy for dry brittle nails that your great Grandma would have likely used. Garlic contains lots of the important nutrients your nails need for strength and healthy development. All you do is chop a garlic clove in half and rub it on your nails morning and night. Expect to see some exceptional results in as little as 1-2 weeks.

Brittle Nails Treatment & Prevention Remedy #7… Iodine: Painting your nails with decolorized liquid iodine also works a treat for damaged brittle nails. As I said at the beginning, iodine is crucial for the production of keratin, the protein that gives your nails their strength, shine and hardness. Find yourself a good quality brand of decolorized iodine (like this one) and simply paint your nails with it every day for a week. After this, you only need to do it once a week to maintain strong, healthy nails for the rest of your life!

More Tips and Remedies to Make Your Nails Stronger, Whiter and Thicker…

- Avoid harsh and toxic nail lacquers, polishes or adhesives that contain chemicals such as acetone and formaldehyde.
- Avoid getting false nails or acrylics as these severely damage your nails and cause nail fungus.
- Avoid cutting away your cuticles. Instead, gently push them back to help prevent infections. Use a natural cuticle cream or oil to avoid hangnails and dry skin.
- Take a break from wearing nail polish every once in a while and allow your nails to “breathe”.

So there you have it. Hopefully these 7 tips and remedies help you out Charmaine.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)

P.S. If you do happen to suffer from nail fungus in addition to your damaged/brittle nails, you might like to check out our informative article on this particular subject. You can view it here… Best Natural Cures & Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus.

Comments for 7 Home Remedies for Brittle Nails That Work Like a Charm!

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Apr 05, 2019
by: Sena

I never even heard of horsetail (except for the obvious trail of hair hanging down off the back of a horse) but decided to give this a go. It's been 4 months now and I've definitely noticed my nails have become much stronger and healthier looking. Even my nail gal commented the last time I had my nails done. Horsetail? Who would of thought?

Apr 08, 2019
by: Troy

Nice one Sena. Glad it's helping.

All the best to you! :)

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