5 Powerful Natural Remedies for Frozen Shoulder...

Want to cure that painful frozen shoulder fast and for good? Here's the top 5 home remedies and treatments you definitely should consider...


I have frozen shoulder and it's extremely painful! Are there any natural relief remedies or cures for this condition that work? Please help.


Frozen shoulder (also known as adhesive capsulitis) occurs when the fibers in the shoulder joint tighten up and restrict movement. It's a very common problem, but thankfully, quite an easy one to fix. Here's 5 of the best natural and home remedies you might want to consider trying...

Natural Remedy for Frozen Shoulder #1... Magnesium and Boron: Magnesium and boron are two of the most important nutrients for joint and muscle fiber health (yes, they're even more important than calcium). A deficiency of these essential minerals will result in joint and muscle stiffness and even a total "seizing" of the joint.

To get your daily supply of magnesium a transdermal magnesium spray will be required. These are relatively cheap to purchase and last for months. You can also easily make your own for even less cost. Here's what you do...

-What You’ll Need

1/2 cup of Magnesium Chloride Flakes (like these)

1/2 cup of Distilled Water

Glass Bowl

Spray Bottle to Store the Mixture


Boil the ½ cup of distilled water and tip into the glass bowl

Add the ½ cup of magnesium chloride flakes

Stir the mixture until the magnesium chloride flakes are dissolved.

Leave to cool completely then store in the spray bottle

-How to Use

Spray the oil on your arms, legs, and stomach once a day using 10-15 sprays per application. You’ll find that it may tingle on your skin, especially the first few times you use it. This is normal and means it’s doing its job. Gently massage the oil in and leave on for at least an hour before showering and using a natural skin moisturizer afterwards.

For your daily dose of boron, the simplest and cheapest way is to mix up a specially made batch of Borax and water, then drink this concoction throughout the day. Now, before you get put off by this (borax is actually extremely safe when used as directed in the article below), please take the time to read this incredible article in full... The Borax Conspiracy - How The Arthritis Cure Has Been Stopped. You'll also find the specific dosage recommendations, along with how to make up this powerful concoction. And here's one of the safe Borax brands that we recommend too if you're interested... Borax - Sodium

Home Remedy for Frozen Shoulder #2... Vitamin D and Vitamin K2: Both of these nutrients are crucial for keeping the calcium in your bones (and joints), so supplementing with vitamin D and K2 is definitely one of the standard "must do's" for successfully treating frozen shoulder. Vitamin D also regulates your hormones - and normalized hormones means better cell regeneration in the joints and tendons. Thankfully, vitamin D and vitamin K2 can easily be bought together. You need at least 5000 IU's of vitamin D (combined with at least 50 micrograms of K2) each day for optimum results, so be sure that you take in this amount daily.

Natural Treatment for Frozen Shoulder #3... Tumeric and Ginger. Tumeric and ginger are two of the best natural anti-inflammatories and pain relievers in existence! When you have frozen shoulder, you'll also have pain and chronic inflammation. And relieving the pain and inflammation is paramount for the healing process to occur. So be sure to make up a tasty tumeric milk tea and drink twice daily (morning and night are the best times). Here's an easy recipe you can follow that doesn't require a lot of prep time... Turmeric Tea Golden Milk Recipe.

Natural Cure for Frozen Shoulder #4... DMSO: Many sufferers of frozen shoulder have received excellent results by simply massaging/rubbing some DMSO on their shoulder morning and night. DMSO is especially good if you have nerve damage that's causing your frozen shoulder. Just make sure the DMSO you purchase is pharmaceutical grade (such as these ones) or it wont be as effective.

Natural Remedy for Frozen Shoulder #5... Acupuncture and Cold Showers: Acupuncture helps to eliminate the specific trigger points in the joint that cause frozen shoulder. Taking regular cold showers or using a nice cold compress on the shoulder joint also provides some terrific relief. For optimum results, be sure to use both in conjunction with each other.

In addition to these, don't forget to do some regular stretching. Just make sure you don't overdo it though. Pain is a warning sign that something isn't right, so if it begins to hurt excessively, back off and lighten the stretching.

So hopefully these tips and recommendations help you out with your frozen shoulder.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach/Specialist)

P.S. For some additional tips and remedies that can also help if you're frozen shoulder is related to nerve damage, be sure to have a read of our article on Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve damage). Here's the link... 7 Powerful Natural Remedies for Peripheral Neuropathy.

Comments for 5 Powerful Natural Remedies for Frozen Shoulder...

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Sep 07, 2017
DMSO is miraculous
by: Cindy

For the pain of frozen shoulder... nothing worked for me except DMSO. My frozen shoulder was SO painful. It melts the pain away so you can do your physical therapy stretching. You don't feel a thing for 4 hours, then it slowly wears off. If it doesn't burn really bad when you first apply it then it's probably expired, so get your money back. The good stuff burns but only burns for under a minute.

Sep 11, 2017
by: Troy

Nice one Cindy. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

All the best!

Nov 27, 2017
What is DMSO?
by: Jax

Hey, great information on your site. Could you tell me what DMSO is as your link isn't going to the page with them on?



Nov 29, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Jax. This article explains DMSO in a nutshell and what it's best used for... Miracle cure' controversy and why people should use DMSO for cancer, inflammation and more. You can easily buy DMSO from either Amazon or eBay. Some pharmacies/drug stores also stock it. The DMSO with aloe vera works the best for muscle strains and problems such as frozen shoulder... DMSO With Aloe.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Feb 11, 2020
Borax worked!
by: Anonymous

I started taking Borax to reap the benefits of boron and I noticed each time I tried to get the borax down, I would have a painful incidence with my frozen shoulder. I waited and tried again with the same results. So I tried sipping Borax for a whole day and had many incidences of hurting my arm. But after each painful experience I was able to move my arm more & more. So the Borax actually helped... even though it was painful.
This was my 2nd frozen shoulder. The 1st time it was the right side and when I could see it was getting better, I tried to do hand stands in the shallow end of a swimming pool and this cured it immediately! Now on my second frozen shoulder the hand stands didn't work because my muscles had atrophied too much. I've been working on the muscles around the shoulder and when they're strong enough... I am going to try those hand stands again!

Feb 13, 2020
by: Troy

Glad the borax is helping. Doing hand stands in a swimming pool is a great way to slowly strengthen the muscles and tendons in and around the shoulder without providing too much pressure. Well done for thinking of this! 👍

Sep 03, 2023
Mag, DMSO, Comfrey & Tissue Salts
by: Anonymous

My frozen shoulder followed a severe arm strain injury, so apart from shoulder pain, the pain in my arm was like repeated electric shocks, essentially rendering my arm and hand useless. Apart from DMSO, I found topical comfrey cream with DMSO added (ensure you use glass jar), plus a rub made with magnesium chloride, MSM and peppermint oil, alternated with DMSO, followed by castor oil, helped as well as homeopathic oral Ruta. I used oral Magnesium Phos, calcium phosphate and calcium fluoride tissue salts for my shoulder pain. After reading this article I’m starting on the borax, dissolving rounded teaspoon in 1 litre of water and taking 1 teaspoon of concentrate 3 times daily. I hope any or all of these suggestions help someone as the pain from frozen shoulder is very debilitating.

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