5 Powerful Detox and High Blood Pressure Remedies...

by Barry Neumann
(Humble, TX)


1. I have been seeing a naturopathic doctor for over 2 years for frequent urination and blood pressure. These problems have not improved and now I experience bloating and shortness of breath upon mild exertion. She claims I am experiencing health issues I had in my younger days when I had asthma as a youth and allergies. And she claims my body is still detoxing after over 2 years of treatment. She uses hair analysis to diagnose and treat. How long does it take YOUR BODY TO DETOX?

2. I am a male, 56 years old, 5'2" at 144 lbs. I exercise regularly, watch what I eat, and have never drank or smoked. I am fighting high blood pressure and was being treated by a medical doctor with Lotrel 5/10. It held my BP at 138/83 for 3 years, then I end up in the bathroom 7 times a night, every night. I quit the meds and it went to 3 times a night. I then went to a urologist and they found nothing wrong.

I am in search of a natural cure that has no side affects or damages my body. My doctor tried a few other meds but they all caused side affects that I refuse to accept.

Can you help? Please


Hi Barry, and thank you for your question.

You've said a lot there so I'll go through it all one by one.

Firstly, I obviously can't give you any direct advice as such. What I will do is give you my opinions and tell you what I would do. You can then make up your own mind and go from there. What I will definitely try and do is help you as much as I can. I can tell by your message that you're desperate and at your wits end.

Ok, lets start with this "still detoxing after 2 years" thing. Personally, I don't think so. If you're still detoxing after 2 years then what you're doing is clearly not working! A detox shouldn't last any longer than 6 months - 12 at the very most. As far as still experiencing health issues from your younger days (asthma and allergies), this could be true. But having said that, if you had of been boosting and building your immune system up properly for the last 2 years then you wouldn't have any of these symptoms!

The bloating and shortness of breath are only side effects of a bigger health problem. Bloating means your gut is not working properly (and is probably not assimilating the vital nutrients your body needs) and shortness of breath (if your lungs are healthy) is usually caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood (and lack of iron). Have you had your hemoglobin checked? I'd be willing to bet it's not good.

Now to the high blood pressure... Most people (and even most doctors) fail to understand that HBP is not actually a disease or an ailment, it's simply a warning sign! It's your body's way of saying "hey, there's a bigger problem going on in here so once you fix that, I'll bring your blood pressure back down". If you just treat the symptom (with blood pressure lowering drugs) you will do nothing to fix the underlying problem. You can in fact make things worse.

The only way to lower blood pressure permanently and fix any and all health problems within the body is by taking a holistic approach.

There is no single "cure" or magic pill for any health problem. It's a combination of multiple approaches that will give you the relief and "cure" you're looking for.

The one thing you don't mention is if you're taking any supplements? While it's important that you eat correctly, exercise, don't smoke, etc, it's even more important that you
take nutritional supplements every single day. It's now a proven fact that there are no longer enough of the nutrients our bodies need everyday in our foods anymore (this is a whole talk in itself but it's absolutely true). You can read our newsletter for more info on this... Soil Depletion is Now The Greatest Threat to Human Survival!.

So Barry, if it were me, here's what I would be doing and why...

1. Take a good quality colloidal mineral supplement: Our bodies need at least 60 macro and trace minerals everyday for perfect health. A deficiency in any one of these will result in a malfunction within the body. Trace minerals are now almost non existent in our food supply.

2. Take either wheat grass, spirulina or chlorella everyday: These green foods are powerful detoxifiers (yes real detoxifiers!) and blood builders. They will safely oxygenate your blood, as well as clean and purify it. This will fix the shortness of breath.

3. Take a good quality probiotic supplement and eat plenty of natural yogurt: Your gut is not functioning properly, so you need to fix it. Your intestinal flora is out of whack (too much bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria). Probiotics contained in "gut health" supplements and yogurt will rebalance the supply and get your digestion working properly again. If you're really keen, you can also culture your own foods for an extra powerful supply (your body can never have enough probiotics!). Checkout this great website on exactly how to do this... Cultures for Health.

4. Take olive leaf extract or colloidal silver for 6 months: I would also be willing to bet that you have a build up of parasites and pathogens in your body. In fact, if you haven't done an internal cleanse in the last 12 months then I guarantee it! These nasty little critters grow and thrive inside of you and contribute to all sorts of health problems (especially the ones you've described). Olive leaf extract and colloidal silver eradicate these pathogens quickly and safely.

5. Eat and use in your cooking as many immune boosting herbs and spices as you can: Your immunity is still very low, so you need to take the time to build it up strongly. Cayenne pepper is the ultimate immune booster so be sure to have this as much as you can. Tumeric, cinnamon, ginger and garlic are also excellent for boosting immunity.

The best place to buy any of these supplements from is probably Amazon or Ebay. They have them all and they're reasonably priced. You can also find most of them in your local health food store.

And one final thing. When you start taking these foods and supplements you'll start detoxing (for real) so you need to be aware of this. The important thing is to stick with it. The detox usually only lasts about a week. Start off slow and build up. That's the key.

In closing, I would also suggest you have a read of our "natural remedies for high blood pressure" article if you haven't already. And as far as being under the care of a naturopath, I will say this... When it comes to naturopaths, doctors, lawyers, mechanics, etc, there are definitely good ones and not so good ones. If you're not happy with your results (and after 2 years I wouldn't be) then don't be afraid to get a second opinion! Just make sure you go with someone who comes highly recommended.

So I hope this all helps. 18 years ago when I was chronically ill (and unable to get out of bed) I used this exact protocol and it saved my life! I mean that literally. I hope it helps you too.

Good luck to you and all the best!


(Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach/Specialist)

Comments for 5 Powerful Detox and High Blood Pressure Remedies...

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Jun 06, 2017
Hope this works
by: Vincent

I have been dealing with HBP for more than 10+ years now. I have had issues with my weight and I am slowly losing weight now. Hoping that these suggestions can help me with my high blood pressure.

Jun 10, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, these will definitely help Vincent. Just remember to be aware of the detoxing reaction (Herxheimer's reaction) that you may go through during the first week or two... Herxheimer's Reaction - What to Expect.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

What should I eat during this cleanse? So I still eat my normal breakfast lunch and dinner?

Jun 24, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

Yes you still eat normal meals. Of course, they must be healthy meals. Plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts and grains are what you should be having. Try and eliminate all refined and processed foods from your diet as well. These man-made disaster foods will raise your blood pressure like nothing else!

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 22, 2017
by: Lina

Troy, I'd like to compliment you on your advice as it took me forever to figure out Lyme. I like your input on building the immune system and trying a herbal approach. This person got an angel to answer his question. Bless your heart for sharing what you know.😇

Aug 27, 2017
by: Troy

Thank you for your kind words Lina. Hopefully he managed to find some relief and help with his condition.

All the best to you! :)

Jan 20, 2018
by: Anonymous

I also appreciate your advice as it was handy for me as well. I eat a vegan diet and exercise but I still developed HBP. I have started on a pharmaceutical medication (reluctantly) but have found that since then my BP has been increasing? I will follow your advice because it is good and makes sense.

May 12, 2018
by: DM

Thank you, Troy! I greatly appreciate the thorough feedback. Getting to work on this now.

Jul 27, 2018
A Second Opinion
by: Anonymous

Bloating and shortness of breath sounds like a heart issue to me, i.e. heart failure?

Click here to add your own comments

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