5 Awesome (& Fast Acting) Home Remedies for Chapped Lips...

by Mark
(Miami Fl)

Want to get rid of your awful dry chapped lips fast without having to resort to those commercial (alcohol infused) chapsticks? Here’s a simple home remedy that works like a charm, along with other natural remedies you can easily use to finally clear up those dry cracked lips that don't want to heal...


What’s a good chapped lips remedy that I can use that works quickly (in 5-10 minutes would be ideal)? My lips are disgustingly dry from working in the sun and my girlfriend says she’s not kissing me or giving me any lovin until I get them cleared up! lol. Any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated.


Chapped lips are definitely an unappealing and nasty problem to have. The worst side effect of having dry cracked lips is you can't stop licking them. The problem with this is when you continue to lick your lips (obviously to try and moisten them) you only make them more dry and chapped! It's a vicious cycle. Thankfully, getting rid of those chapped lips and clearing them up fast is easy to do.

Here's the top 5 ways and home remedies that give the best results...

Home Remedy for Chapped Lips #1... Lanolin: This should definitely be your first "go to" remedy for healing chapped lips. Most mothers who've breast fed would already be familiar with lanolin as it's an excellent cream/oil for treating dry, cracked nipples. Well, it not only works a treat for chapped nipples, it also works for chapped lips as well!

Simply find yourself a good quality 100% lanolin cream (such as these) and apply to your lips as needed. The great thing about lanolin is it stays on for a long time and feels very soothing on your lips. Even when it does wear off, you'll notice that your lips are more moist and plumper. It works like a charm!

Natural Remedy for Dry Cracked Lips #2... Honey & Coconut Oil: Rather than just using coconut oil or honey on their own, you'll get far better (and quicker) results if you use both together. Honey and coconut oil are both natural moisturizers and contain anti-bacterial agents that have been proven to help moisturize and heal the skin - this of course includes the healing of the lips (which are skin also). Honey and coconut oil are best applied together anyway as the coconut oil helps the honey to stay on the lips. Coconut oil is especially good if your chapped lips are due to exposure to dry or particularly cold weather.

So all you do is mix up some organic honey (Manuka honey is best if you can get it) with a small amount of organic virgin coconut oil and apply to the lips as many times as possible throughout the day. Continue to do this
until your lips are fully healed and moist again.

Getting Rid of Chapped Lips Remedy #3... Shea Butter: Shea butter is the pure fat that's extracted from the nuts of the shea plant. It's regularly used to soften and moisturize the skin and works equally well on chapped lips. Simply apply some raw shea butter to your cracked lips when required for some extra fast healing and relief.

Home Remedy for Dry Lips #4... Aloe Vera: There's virtually nothing that good old fashioned aloe vera can't help with - and chapped lips is certainly one of them. The natural moisturizing and anti-bacterial agents contained in aloe vera are powerful healers and soothers. Simply apply a small amount of aloe vera gel on your lips daily until your cracked lips are healed.

Natural Remedy for Chapped Lips #5... Sugar Scrub: This remedy is a handy lip exfoliator and will help restore their softness and plumpness much faster. Simply combine two teaspoons of raw sugar and one teaspoon of honey. Apply this mixture generously to your chapped lips and leave to sit for a couple of minutes. Then using your fingers, rub the paste around on your lips to loosen and remove the dead skin. Wash off with lukewarm water afterwards.

Other Do's and Don'ts for Getting Rid of Chapped Lips...

- DO drink lots of water: A major cause of dry cracked lips and their recurrence is dehydration. Make sure you drink plenty of clean filtered water throughout the day - and don't forget to add a slice of lemon to your water as well as this increases its beneficial effects.

- DO take a B vitamin supplement: Another major cause of chapped lips recurrence is a deficiency of B group vitamins, particularly vitamin B2 (riboflavin). B vitamins are essential supporters of healthy skin, and the skin on your lips is especially sensitive, which is why a deficiency of these nutrients will result in regular dry cracked lips. Find yourself a good quality B complex supplement to take every day.

- DO take fish oil or krill oil: Essential fatty acid deficiencies are yet another major cause of regular dry lips. If you find yourself getting cracked lips badly (and frequently) during the hot summer months and/or bitterly cold winter months then this is most certainly one of the reasons. Take a good quality "mercury free" fish oil supplement or krill oil daily.

- DON'T use Vaseline petroleum jelly: Vaseline is a derivative of oil refining (hence the name petroleum jelly) and is not a natural substance. It's not as harmless as you think so do not use it.

So hopefully these tips and remedies help you out Mark and get you back in the good lovin books with your girlfriend again!

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach).

Comments for 5 Awesome (& Fast Acting) Home Remedies for Chapped Lips...

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Aug 28, 2023
Clean eating
by: Cynthia

I kept getting cracked lips all the time. While the topical remedies such as the honey and coconut oil helped, what really made the biggest difference was me getting my crap together and cleaning up my eating habits. I did a 5 day fast followed by a clean eating regimen. Of course this included drinking lots of water (lemon water) but now my lips and my skin look and feel soooo much better! I thoroughly recommend doing a 5 day fast (just Google it). It isn't necessarily easy, but is well worth it. I look and feel a million bucks!

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