5 Astonishing Home Remedies That Remove Acne Scars for Good!

Want to remove those acne scars & pimple holes without the need for expensive laser surgery? Then here's 5 natural remedies & treatments you definitely must consider...


I have really bad acne scars and holes on my face. Is there a way to get rid of them, or at least improve them, without expensive laser surgery or temporary fillers? Thank you for your help.


When someone sufferers from severe acne for many years, the unfortunate result and after effect is acne scarring. Getting rid of and healing acne scars does take longer than simply getting rid of acne in general, but if you're willing to be patient and consistent with your efforts, you can greatly improve or even completely heal those scars.

Here's the top 5 natural ways to do this at home...

Home Remedy for Acne Scars #1... Aloe Vera: Aloe vera works a treat on all forms of scars, particularly acne scars. It's anti-bacterial, so it cleanses the skin of all bacteria and unwanted pathogens. Once this "cleansing" has occurred, the skin can then begin to heal itself. Aloe vera also contains some powerful enzymes, immune boosters and anti-inflammatory components that help to speed up the healing process and promote skin cell regeneration.

To use aloe vera on your acne scars, either slice off a small piece of aloe vera leaf (if you have one growing in your garden) and peel. Apply the gel to your acne scars and leave on for half an hour before washing off. Or, purchase some 100% organic aloe vera gel (such as this one) and apply to the affected area 2-3 times daily. You should start to see noticeable results within 3-4 weeks, however, it will take up to 12 months of consistent applying, and sometimes longer, before full healing will occur. It will be worth it though!

Natural Remedy for Acne Scars #2... Lemon Juice: The acids present in lemon juice are extremely effective for lightening red marks and discoloration of the skin. Lemon juice also helps to remove the top dead skin layer so the fresh new skin underneath can come through.

Take one or two fresh lemons or limes and squeeze out the juice into a bowel. Using a cotton ball, apply the juice directly to your acne scars. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the lemon juice with some clean filtered water at a 50/50 ratio. Leave on for 30 minutes before washing off. Do this once a day, preferably before bedtime. Use a natural moisturizer afterwards.

NOTE: You can also use a natural honey such as Manuka honey combined with the lemon juice. Honey is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and moisturizer so it goes well with lemon juice. Simply add a teaspoon of Manuka honey to your lemon juice for an extra potent mix!

Natural Cure for Acne Scars #3... Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Apple cider vinegar is instrumental for balancing your skins crucial pH level. The skins optimal pH should be between 4.7 and 5.5. At this level, it's able to heal and regenerate (and p. acne, the bacteria responsible for most skin acne, is also unable to survive at
this level). ACV works perfectly to keep your skin within this range. In addition to this, apple cider vinegar is a strong disinfectant and contains powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

So to use the ACV, first make sure you only purchase organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother" apple. Do not use any other type or it will not work. Mix 30 ml's of this with some lukewarm filtered water at a ratio of half and half. Using a cotton ball, apply the mixture to the affected area. Leave on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off. Do this once a day, preferably first thing in the morning.

In addition to this, make sure you drink apple cider every day for extra benefit. ACV works like a charm when taken internally (along with honey) - as well as when it's used externally. Add 30 ml's of organic apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of Manuka honey to a glass of warm filtered water and drink down. Do this twice daily, first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Natural Treatment for Acne Scars #4... Castor Oil: The omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E in castor oil penetrate through the epidermal layer of the skin to heal acne scar tissue and promote the growth of new skin cells. It also helps to draw out the dirt, bacteria, excess oil and dead skin cells, along with stimulating the lymphatic system. Castor oil effectively moisturizes the skin as well so it doesn't dry out.

Once again, make sure you buy a good quality organic castor oil and not one of the cheaper varieties. First steam your face for a couple of minutes to open up the pores of the skin. Apply a small amount of castor oil to the affected skin and gently massage in. Do this before bed and leave on overnight. Rinse off in the morning.

Home Remedy for Acne Scars #5... Rosehip Oil: We've actually saved the best one for last. Rosehip oil possess some stunning anti-scarring and tissue rebuilding abilities. It's potent antioxidant and antimicrobial properties limit the growth of bacteria and stimulate the production of new healthy skin cells. The truth is, if there's only one remedy for acne scarring you try, rosehip oil should definitely be it! But you MUST make sure you only use the pure oil though. This is the brand we recommend and one of the top sellers for removing acne and acne scars (be sure to read the testimonials)... Radha Beauty Rosehip Oil.

So all you do is apply the rosehip oil directly to your acne scars with a cotton ball. Before bed and first thing in the morning are the best times. Expect to see SIGNIFICANT results in 4-6 months, with most scars disappearing completely within 12 months.

So hopefully these tips and home remedies help you out.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

P.S. For more information and tips on acne/pimple remedies (if you're still suffering from these), be sure to check out our recent acne article here... Best Natural Remedies & Home Treatments for Acne & Pimples.

Comments for 5 Astonishing Home Remedies That Remove Acne Scars for Good!

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Jun 06, 2022
Rose Hip
by: Virginia

I started using the rose hip oil on my acne scars about 3 months ago. All I can say is WOW! What a huge difference this has made. If it takes 12 months for my scars to disappear then this will certainly be worth it. I can't wait! Thank you so so much for sharing this treatment. 🙏

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