3 Powerful (And Natural) Way's to Boost Immunity...


I am a 35 year old woman looking for the best and fastest way to build and boost my immunity. I had shingles 3 months back and now I'm suffering from Rosacea. And I am aware this is all to do with my immunity. I have read your articles on both these conditions but I need a complete low down on building my immunity. Please help!



Hi Deepa. Thank you for your question regarding building up your immunity.

If I had to pick the #1 immunity booster it would surely be cayenne pepper. This spice turbo-boosts your immunity like nothing else! Of course, it's hot but if you can handle the heat, this is by far the best. Start off with 1/2 a teaspoon twice daily and build up to taking one full teaspoon three times a day. There are also tons of other health benefits associated with taking cayenne pepper every day and no negatives, so go nuts with it!

The second best immune booster is definitely olive leaf extract, as long as you take the super strength varieties. Normal OLE is not strong enough so don't bother with these. The one we recommend is the strongest you'll find... Olive Leaf Extract. OLE will also kill all of the pathogens and parasites you have lurking and breeding inside you (unless you've done a parasite cleanse in the last 12 months, you will definitely have them). Parasites and pathogens are energy sappers and immune destroyers so you need to get rid of them.

Finally, I would suggest you eat, supplement with and literally devour the immune boosting herbs and spices ginger, garlic, tumeric and cinnamon. Of course, eating a healthy diet and staying away from refined and processed foods and fatty foods will also help tremendously.

Hope this helps you Deepa.

Good luck and all the best,


Troy (Admin)

Comments for 3 Powerful (And Natural) Way's to Boost Immunity...

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Jun 08, 2015
Natural Way's to Boost Immunity
by: Troy

Hi Deepa,

The cayenne pepper will certainly help. In regards to any articles on low blood pressure remedies? It's definitely on our "to do" list. In the meantime, you may find this article useful... Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure. Hope it helps.

All the best,



Jun 08, 2015
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you Troy! This definitely helps. I will start with the pepper.

One more query, do you have any articles written on Low Blood Pressure? If so could you please send me a link.

Thank you

Jun 09, 2015

by: Troy

Thanks for the positive comment Deepa.

All the best to you.

Jun 09, 2015
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you Troy. Starting my home remedies as I write this.

Your website is very helpful. Keep up the good work.

God Bless!

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