2 Powerful (And Natural) Ways to Reverse POTS Syndrome...


What are some of the best natural remedies for POTS disease? Pharmaceuticals don't help and I hate the side effects.


Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS is a condition where the autonomic nervous system (the part of the nervous system responsible for controlling automated bodily functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and digestion) doesn't work properly. POTS sufferers may also have a heart muscle that's smaller than a non sufferers. This debilitating condition causes the heart to beat rapidly when standing up, however, this can usually be relieved quite quickly by the person lying down. Symptoms of POTS include... dizziness, light headedness, fatigue, inability to stand for extended periods of time and fainting.

POTS sufferers do not live a normal life and must always be careful of what day-to-day activities they perform. Fortunately, there are some excellent natural remedies for POTS that have been proven to reverse this condition. Here are the top 2 you might like to consider...

Natural Cure for POTS Syndrome #1... Regular Exercise: Yes I know, at first glance this seems to go against what you have probably been told you must avoid if you suffer from POTS. However, new research has been able to prove that the RIGHT type of exercise done in the RIGHT way can significantly relieve the symptoms of POTS and even "cure" this condition.

The study, published in "Hypertension: Journal of the American Medical Association" took 19 POTS sufferers (18 females and 1 male) and had them begin a 30 to 45 minute exercise session, two to four times per week, before gradually working them up to five to six hours of exercise each week.

Because POTS syndrome can cause dizziness and fatigue when standing upright, researchers had to work out a way to help sufferers exercise safely...

"The unique component is to start training in a recumbent (semi-reclining) position, which is important to those who can't tolerate standing. This strategy avoids the upright position that produces symptoms. We don't even let patients stand up to exercise for one or even two months," explained study organiser, Dr Benjamin Levine, who is also a professor of medicine and cardiology and distinguished professorship in exercise science at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. The exercises performed all involved recumbent or sitting exercises such as cycling on a recumbent bike, swimming and rowing. "To maintain the benefits these patients will need to incorporate the training program into their everyday lives
indefinitely" Dr Levine went on to say.

What was interesting about the study is that "every single POTS patient who completed the exercise regime showed an improvement in heart rate responses and over half - 53 percent - were actually cured of their POTS."

So if you suffer from POTS, simply follow the same exercise regimen as what was done in the study. You can read more about it here...

Natural Cure Discovered for Debilitating Heart Syndrome POTS.

Natural Remedy for POTS Syndrome #2... Raise Your Blood Pressure: Another cause of POTS syndrome is low blood pressure caused by blood vessels not being constricted enough (which causes a lack of blood flow to the brain when standing up). Certain foods and beverages are great for raising blood pressure and shrinking blood vessels. These include...

Coffee and Tea; Have a strong cup of tea or coffee every day to help raise your blood pressure.

Ginger; Ginger is excellent for constricting blood vessels. Make yourself a nice hot cup of ginger tea every day and use it in your cooking as much as possible.

Raisins; Raisins are a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for low blood pressure. Eat at least a handful each day.

Licorice Root; This herb is terrific for normalising low blood pressure and curing fatigue. Take 400-500 mg's of licorice root capsules every day for best results.

Salt; Salt is also extremely good for normalising blood pressure and shrinking blood vessels. The best (and healthiest) salt to use is Himalayan pink rock salt. This salt is not only high in sodium, it's also high in the other essential trace minerals that help to constrict blood vessels and increase blood flow to the brain. Mix one-half teaspoon of pink rock salt in a glass of warm water and drink down. Be sure to also use Himalayan pink rock salt to salt your food to taste and add to your cooking.

Drink Lots of Water; Dehydration definitely worsens the symptoms of POTS syndrome. So it's crucial that you keep yourself hydrated at all times. Aim to drink AT LEAST 2 liters of clean filtered water per day. And be sure to add a slice or two of fresh lemon to your water as well. Lemon juice is also extremely beneficial for POTS syndrome when caused by dehydration.

So hopefully these tips and home remedies help you out.

All the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)

Comments for 2 Powerful (And Natural) Ways to Reverse POTS Syndrome...

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Jul 27, 2017
I have a question?
by: Taylor

Hi! I love this article! It gives me so much hope. I just was curious... I struggle with stairs. Should I avoid them while trying to heal? Or will I still be able to heal doing this program. I go up the stairs all the time & I don't want it to affect the results. Also, with working out, I can work out standing. It's not as enjoyable but I can do it. If I can, does that mean I should? Is it still possible to cure this problem if I do standing workouts? I guess I don't understand how working out the way described heals and what additional protocols I should take. I tend to do everything wrong and need specifics for something to be effective, lol. Thanks so much for posting this article!!

Jul 27, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Taylor. Firstly, you're welcome. Hope the tips and remedies help you out. With climbing stairs, it's a good idea to try and avoid them if you can while healing, to give your body a break. If you can't then don't stress about this too much - your body will still heal (it's an amazingly resilient machine). If you can work out standing up then yes, certainly do this. The reason why researchers had study participants lie down to do their exercises is so that none passed out. Either way can be used and both are just as effective as each other.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Sep 25, 2017
Exercise Regimen
by: Pam

What exactly was the exercise regimen? We were told about rowing, but is there a specific amount of time or way of doing these exercises? The article does not give specifics.

Sep 26, 2017
Reply to Pam
by: Troy

This abstract goes into the study more Pam...

Exercise in the Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.

This exercise program is also proving to be highly effective for POTS sufferers...

Instructions for POTS Exercise Program.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

ich versuche es mit dem Rosa Salz ,aber kann es sein dass es Übelkeit ervorbringt,wenn ich ein halbes Glas trinke, ich bin P.o.t.s. Patientin
und verzweifelt.

I try it with the pink salt, but may it be nauseating if I drink half a glass, I am P.o.t. patient and desperate.

Nov 08, 2017
by: Troy

Shouldn't be nauseating. Can certainly taste a bit salty though. You can always add a teaspoon of honey to make it more drinkable if you like. :)

Feb 08, 2018
Natural treatment for POTS
by: Paula Webb

There are lots of natural remedies and self help measures that can improve your life with POTS. There's a great new support/info group on Facebook called Natural Treatment for POTS, which is full of ideas and tips. Come over and say hello at: facebook.com/groups/NaturalTreatmentforPOTS/

Apr 18, 2018
Wow! This is great!
by: Rebecca

I was diagnosed with POTS in 2008 after having had spinal surgery in 2007. My problem was a mystery to the doctors until they finally put me on a tilt table and performed a tilt test. I didn't completely pass out but came awfully close. They were finally able to register my drastic drop in blood pressure. Anyway, my journey with POTS has been challenging to say the least. I am only on one med, a calcium blocker, but I still experience symptoms. Most recently, due to forgetting to take my BP pill, I found myself with sky high BP and blurry vision. It was like looking through a stain glass window. However, I have purchased a recumbent bike recently and realize after my most recent episode that I need to commit to riding the bike. I have experimented with a recumbent bike at the gym and I do feel better when I exercise verses not doing any exercise. I am active with daily activities, cleaning house, etc, but it's not enough. I remember back when yoga and Pilates was helping me feel much better too. So thank you for posting this article as it's given me determination and initiative to get back into a daily exercise program. Thank you so much!

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to Rebecca
by: Troy

You're very welcome Rebecca. Glad it's given you motivation to get back into your daily exercise regimen.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

May 05, 2018
Intolerance to exercise
by: Anonymous

So my POTS has given me an intolerance for exercise. I get extremely dizzy and nauseous, even from just doing normal things around the house. How do you cope with that?

May 08, 2018
by: Troy

Have you tried the specific exercises and regimen they used in the study? (See also the link above - reply to Pam September 26th for more information). :)

Apr 05, 2022
Ginger is a vasodilator
by: Anonymous

Ginger is not a vasoconstrictor; it dilates blood vessels and therefore could worsen POTS, not improve it, because vasodilation lowers blood pressure, leading to worse lightheadedness, syncope, etc.

May 02, 2022
by: Troy

This is a contentious issue. While ginger can be a vasodilator, it can also be a vasoconstrictor. Ginger inhibits the production of nitric oxide, which in turn results in vasoconstriction of the blood vessels. It's thought that ginger even has structural similarities to vasoconstrictor drugs and therefore produces similar receptor interactions. Most of the studies on this have been centered around migraine headache relief, however, the potential benefits for POTS sufferers cannot be ruled out. You can read more about this here... Exploration of Bioactive Compounds of Ginger as a Folk Remedy for Migraines .

May 27, 2022
Source attribution
by: Anonymous

Hi, would you be able provide the exact source reference for the study - Paper title, Authors, year of publishing and DOI number relating to this comment...

"Hypertension: Journal of the American Medical Association" took 19 POTS sufferers (18 females and 1 male)."

The article provided in the comments appears to be of a different study using exercise and shows an improvement in exercise performance but does not comment on the reversal of POTS through exercise. Hope that helps, just looking for a little more clarity.

Thanks guys.

Jun 01, 2022
by: Troy

Here's more information on the study from Science Daily...

Exercise training program improves outcomes in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome patients.

All the best! ☺

Apr 23, 2024
Still answering posts?
by: Anonymous

Does POTS act like PEM (Post Exertional Malaise)? I will do something like rake a small lawn- Feel sick to stomach, a bit weak, a little shaky, and have to stop- but then 1-2 days later, my body really crashes hard- very weak, shaky, brain fog gets much worse- body is exhausted like with a flu or something. This crash will for 2-3 days, sometimes up to a week- then I'm back to my usual crappy feeling self- I have almost all of the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue and PEM but none of the trigger points of CFS. I do nearly black out- to the point of needing to grab a hold of something when i stand up after sitting for awhile. I cant stand for long, and need to sit as i get weak, dizzy, brain fog worsens, shaky if i stand too long, and by that i mean about 10 minutes or more-

Anyway, that is my story- been suffering from something for 38 years now- no answers- Closest thing I've come across symptoms-wise are PEM with CFS and POTS.

Apr 28, 2024
by: Troy

You could very well be right. It's hard to know for sure without a proper diagnosis and tests. I would recommend visiting a good naturopathic physician in person to get the help you need. You need a thorough detox and parasite cleanse in my opinion, but like I said, a naturopath can help you with this. In the meantime, you use the recommendations listed above, along with taking a quality magnesium supplement (magnesium is crucial for healthy nerve fibers).

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

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